Pros of having social recommendations of a business

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Pros of having social recommendations of a business

Businesses these days are not limited to offline but online world too. Infact saying it online doesn't seem enough. Earlier businesses used to get more sales on word of mouth marketing. These days the term word of mouth marketing has been broadened and entered in online social media as well. People love to share and recommend what they like.

There are few ways using which users give their recommendation online on social media. 1.

Social sharing: It’s very common to see social sharing buttons on many websites and blogs these days. Having these buttons encourages users to share the content which turns into recommendations.

Using social sharing, one can share any kind of content like Article, image, video or news letters. There are a few things to keep in mind for encouraging users to share their content.


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Create content which is share worthy. A good piece of content gets enormous shares without much effort. As said “content is king” online, it’s very important to keep a check on the quality of content your share with your user base. Make sure that sharing is easy. Place the buttons just below the content ends and make sure that they are big enough so that users can see it clearly. you can also add a static skyscraper or bar on a page.

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Friend invites: This includes inviting a friend who is using the the same social network as you are. The inviter in return gets some discounts or commision. As 82% online users prefer buying a product recommended by their friends, having a friend invite functionality can be of great benefit.

To know more about importance of social recommendations, read the complete article here : Top benefits of Social recommendations

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