Junior League of Charleston Newsletter - Summer 2023

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99 GOING ON 100

We wrapped up our 99th league year with our second annual trivia fundraiser and a bevy of social events. Now, it's time to get ready for our 100th year celebration, which is right around the corner!

4 4 Spring Fundraiser WHAT'S INSIDE S U M M E R 2 0 2 3 MOUNTAIN MESSAGES 18 CALIFORNIA AVE • JLCHARLESTONWV.ORG 2 Letter from the President 3 Volunteer Updates Membership Updates 4
Looking Ahead....


As our 99th year comes to a close and we head into our centennial year, there is much to reflect upon!

This past year, we built teddy bears for children at CAMC Pediatrics, we enjoyed a delicious meal at 1010 Bridge from James Beard nominated Chef Paul Smith, we sampled wines at the Capitol Market Wine Shop and volunteered for many events there. Crafted with children, organized supplies at the United Way, and tested our knowledge of the 1980’s to the 2010’s at our successful trivia event!

We volunteered over 475 hours in the past League year and fundraised $11,000, which directly goes back into the community

At our May picnic we honored our Member of the Year, Taylor Bailey, for her numerous hours of volunteer service and her commitment to making the Junior League of Charleston the best it can be. We also recognized our top volunteers, Beth Belcher, Candace Nelson and Jessica Silber, and our top fundraisers Kara Boehm, Laura Suppa Sammons, and Ryanne Ball. We also awarded Kelsey Stapler as Provisional of the Year for her extraordinary service and contributions as a new member I passed the Presidential gavel on to Lindsay

Silbernagel, who will be leading the Junior League of Charleston in our 100th year!

I have been honored to serve as President of the Junior League of Charleston and I am thankful for each and every one of our active and sustaining members I am greatly looking forward to year 100 and our Centennial Celebration on September 14, and I cannot wait to welcome new members in the fall!

If you know of someone who may be interested in joining the Junior League of Charleston in this exciting year, please send us an email at jlcwv1923@gmail com Cheers to 100 years!

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Volunteer opportunities may slow down in the summer, but it's a great chance to reflect on how your skills, interests, and schedule can best serve the league's key missions during the upcoming year!

Email your hours to volunteerjlcwv@gmail.com

Upcoming volunteer opportunities:

Ronald McDonald House dinners will be June 27th, July 25th, and August 29th - contact Summer if you'd like to sign up!


Ongoing volunteer opportunities:

Blood donation: 1 hr per donation

RMHC dinners: 1 hr for $20 food or monetary donation

Girl Scouts: 1 hr for $20 donation

Manna Meal: 1 hr for $20 food or monetary donation


Since these dinners are always on a Tuesday, why not make it a Taco Tuesday? League members prepared all the ingredients for make-your-own nachos and tacos in April and May


At Working Women's Wednesday at the Red Carpet Lounge in May, we shared our mission with the community, recruited likeminded women, and won over $200 as the beneficiaries of the 50/50 raffle! Plus, we got roses!

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We celebrated the end of the league year with a May picnic at Coonskin Park and a June brunch at Edgewood Country Club, where we were joined by many sustaining members of the league!!


Our trivia night was another resounding success, raising approximately $3,500! Thanks to everyone who volunteered and participated!


September 14, 5-8 pm

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100th anniversary celebration!
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