JLC Summer 2021 Newsletter

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The Junior League of Charleston enjoyed a restful summer and has been gearing up for some exciting fall activities During a time typically reserved for welldeserved vacations and breaks, many members still found time to contribute and give back to our community Details on specific projects can be found inside!

05 02 03 04 WHAT'S INSIDE S U M M E R 2 0 2 1 MOUNTAIN MESSAGES 18 CALIFORNIA AVE • JLCHARLESTONWV ORG Letter from Our President Volunteer Update Fall Fundraiser Update Placement Spotlight Member Spotlight Membership Update


Former First Lady Michelle Obama once said, "You should never view your challenges as a disadvantage " The past 18 months have been full of challenges for everyone with the ongoing pandemic I am happy to say our members have all risen to the challenge

Our member engagement over the past year has met or surpassed levels prior to going completely digital Our communication with our members has never been better and has allowed us to change the focus of our general membership meetings We now can dedicate more time to our personal development and cultivating community leaders

Last year, our members completed over 675 volunteer hours despite our limitations with in-person volunteer opportunities Over the summer, we have continued this hard work and have already completed over 50 volunteer hours - and we have some exciting plans for more opportunities for the year

Our Backpack Buddies program has already gotten off to a great start Back in May, we decided to expand our program to include a middle or high school and include more hygiene products for our older students This year we will be giving snacks and hygiene supplies to students at Mary C Snow West Side Elementary, Grandview Elementary, and West Side Middle School During the month of July, the employees of the Charleston branch of Arnett Carbis Toothman LLP hosted a drive of snacks for our first packing, and the Rotary Club of Charleston has plans to host a hygiene drive during November This past July and August, we had three incredibly successful provisional recruitment events All of the ladies we talked to were interested in learning more about us and excited to meet new people I am happy to say invitations were given to 10 ladies to join our Fall Provisional Class Despite the cancellation of our joint Fall Festival with our local Ronald McDonald House, we were able to fundraise over $2,500 All proceeds will help the families that stay at the house and will help us meet our $50,000 commitment to the RMH


We have already begun plans for our next fundraiser with Chef Paul Smith and the wonderful staff at 1010 Bridge Restaurant to host a dinner based on our two cookbooks, Mountain Measures and Mountain Measures, A Second Serving We hope this will be a great opportunity for all of us to reconnect after such a long time over delicious food and benefit the JLC!

With the ongoing pandemic, there is very little of which I am sure, but I am sure that whatever challenges we face, we will all rise to the challenge

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Community Service Chair

We have completed over 50 volunteer hours so far this year! Thanks to everyone for stepping up to serve our community, even during the midst of a pandemic

Email your hours to

Ongoing volunteer opportunities:

Blood donation: 1 hr per donation

RMHC dinners: 1 hr for $15 food or monetary donation

Girl Scouts: 1 hr for $15 donation

Manna Meal: 1 hr for $15 food or monetary donation

Any questions or volunteer suggestions, feel free to reach out.


Of note - our Present Taylor Bailey has completed 29 volunteer hours this year! Thanks Taylor for embodying our values, living our mission, and inspiring us all.



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Active members were finally able to help prepare a meal for the Ronald McDonald House residents after a long break due to Taylor Bailey prepares August RMH Dinner


Our members managed to participate in so many wonderful and meaningful ways around Charleston over the summer Active Member Adrienne Kastan volunteered at the Capitol Market with Chef Paul for his "Let's Get Cooking" demonstration Members donated school supplies to NECCO for children starting the school year while in foster care, assembled bags for GNI at B'nai Jacob Synagogue, and donated to the Daymark Hygiene Drive #JLbettertogether


Thank you to everyone that secured a sponsorship, wrote thank you notes, and helped with the Fall Festival in any way We were all sad to not be able to have the event this year, but the safety of our community is paramount! Despite not being able to have an in-person event, we were able to raise $2,500 towards our commitment to Ronald McDonald House Playroom! An initiative for the 2021-22 league year is to provide more information about our placements. When the time comes to enter the placement tool you should have an idea of what role you can see yourself in for the upcoming league year.


As the President you oversee all aspects of the League, run board meetings and GMMs Key skills for this placement are PLANNING and troubleshooting In this placement, you should anticipate spending about 2 hours a week in some type of JLC business The placement of President is an all year job Look to past presidents as mentors.


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Last year was a great testing ground of trying to adapt to our changing landscapce
scan code. tell us about your placement.


We have been busy getting out in the community to recruit new provisional members for the Fall 2021 class Our two August events - Sips and Sandwiches and a Happy Hour at Hale House - were delightful ways to engage with young women in the community that may be interested in joining our organization! If you know of anyone interested in joining, be sure to direct them to our website to fill out a new member application


The JLC book club met on September 1st at Books and Brews to discuss Fredrik Backman's book Anxious People.

Be our next Member Spotlight! Scan the QR code to share your spotlight information.

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