Separation of church and state Means...

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VOLUME 3:3 1/21/2009 - 2/18/2009



Separation of church and state Means.... Separating students from GOD


Our kids have HELL to


Cont’d on page 6



Religious Freedom is to tell your children about their religious freedom in their classroom and school. Religious Freedom is not “celebrate-our-diversity.” You can avoid the potential problem of any particular religious group feeling left out by keeping your focus on the issue of civil liberty instead of religious diversity.

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January 16th is declared “Religious Freedom Day”. What does this mean for students in Oregon? Recent studies indicate that Oregon has the highest number of unchurched individuals and families within the nation. One contributing factor is that our children aren’t being taught the basics values based on Christian principals – simply put, our children are being under educated. So why are we shocked about events like the massacre at Columbine, or any of the other numerous plagues that threaten our children at school? It should frighten us as citizens that these are our next generation of leaders within our

community and nation. Without this basic compass, how do we expect them to stay on track? Religious freedom is threatened in our current culture by those who misinterpret the phrase "separation of church and state." Unfortunately, "separation of church and state" has evolved into more of a "separation of Christianity and state," while other worldviews and religions are welcomed. This trend is particularly apparent in public schools. Many teachers and administrators do not understand the U.S. Department of Education's guidelines on the appropriate and lawful place religious expression can have at school. One of the best ways to commemorate


By D. Shawn Hussey


Religious Freedom Day – Why Not 365 Days a Year?

Grow Closer To God At Work? You’ve Got To Be Kidding! What if your workplace environment brought you closer to God everyday? do you want to make a difference and serve people for a living? Are you looking for a career that is personally rewarding and pays well? Then consider a career in the exciting field of media advertising. The JC Media Group exists to educate, encourage, con nect and unite the local body of Christ. Our print division has a circulation of 20,000 throughout the mid-Willamette Valley. Our radio broadcasts (AM 1220 - KPJC) are heard from Portland to Albany and our internet marketing puts advertisers in touch locally and throughout the world. We serve small and medium size businesses by designing marketing plans and creating advertising strategies in for print, radio and internet; a true “multi-media” approach to marketing We are currently hiring a team of sale professionals who want to help us realize our vision of becoming the preeminent, kingdom-driven media organization in the world. Full time sales positions in our Salem location are now available, so if you love God and have a heart for people, send a resume to Sales experience preferred, but not required. Act now. Join our team. Discover the fascinating world of marketing and advertising through print, radio, and the internet. Here’s to all that God will do in us, with us, for us and through us.

The JC Media Group Help Shape the Future of Your City Government The City of Salem is facing an estimated $5 million in General Fund budget reductions for this coming fiscal year, beginning July 1, 2009. Despite layoffs, a hiring freeze, and last year’s service cuts, the City cannot continue to provide all current services with anticipated revenues.

Be a part of the solution! Join us in conversation: • • • • •

Monday, February 16 at 7 PM, West Salem Roth’s Wednesday, February 18 at 6 PM, North Salem High School Auditorium Saturday, February 21 at 10 AM, South Salem High School Library Tuesday, February 24 at 6 PM, McKay High School Commons (Spanish speaking forum) Complete the survey on funding priorities at any time

The City is asking for your help as we consider service reductions. To be a part of the solution, tell us what you think before February 25, 2009. Take the funding priorities survey on line today.

Help Shape the Future of Your City Government The City of Salem is facing an estimated $5 million in General Fund budget reductions for this coming fiscal year, beginning July 1, 2009. Despite layoffs, a hiring freeze, and last year’s service cuts, the City cannot continue to provide all current services with anticipated revenues.

Be a part of the solution! Join us in conversation: • • • • •

Monday, February 16 at 7 PM, West Salem Roth’s Wednesday, February 18 at 6 PM, North Salem High School Auditorium Saturday, February 21 at 10 AM, South Salem High School Library Tuesday, February 24 at 6 PM, McKay High School Commons (Spanish speaking forum) Complete the survey on funding priorities at any time

The City is asking for your help as we consider service reductions. To be a part of the solution, tell us what you think before February 25, 2009. Take the funding priorities survey on line today.

Feb. 22, 2009


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neighborhood news

Oregon’s Sacred Heritage

By Craig Myers 2009 is the 150th anniversary of Oregon statehood. All true American patriots have much to celebrate, as the expansion of the United States to the Pacific coast brought with it the blessings of God. The Constitution of Oregon included and expanded upon the rights and freedoms described in our Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution. These biblical notions of the rights of man and his relationship with his government and his fellow man, acknowledge that all of creation is subordinate to a sovereign creator God, who is the author of our inalienable rights. This was demonstrated in the first Independence Day celebration held in North America, west of the Rocky Mountains. It was inaugurated by an American naval Captain named Wilkes and the missionaries sent by Jason Lee from Salem mission. Oregon Territory was then under the 1812 joint occupancy agreement of USA and Great Britain. The celebration was held July 5th, 1841 at Nisqually. They revered the Lord’s Day as more important than the 4th, therefore moved the celebration to the 5th. Captain Wilkes described it as follows: “There were present on this notable occasion over five hundred people, viz.: About sixty persons embracing naval officers, missionaries, and men from the Hudson Bay Co. trading post; one hundred Marines, and about four hundred Indians. Captain Wilkes was the officer of the day. Prayer was offered by Dr. Richmond. The Declaration of Independence was read by the sergeant of marines. The Scriptures were read by Captain Wilkes. Two songs were sung, viz., “The Star-Spangled Banner” and “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee”,...” The following oration was delivered by Dr. Richmond: “...We entertain the belief that the whole of this magnificent region of county so rich in the bounties of nature is destined to become a part of the American Republic... The time will come when these hills and valleys will be peopled by our enterprising countrymen, and when they will contain cities and farms and manufacturing establishments, and when the benefits of home and civil life will be enjoyed by the people...

They will assemble on the 4th of July as we have done to-day and renew their fidelity to the principles of liberty embodied in the “Declaration of Independence,” that we have heard read to-day... The future years will witness wonderful things in the settlement, the growth, and development of the United States, and especially of this coast... In this new world there is sure to arise one of the greatest nations of the earth... The illustrious founders of the American Republic declared against the union of the Church (any specific denomination) and State; in this they did well, yet it is undeniably true that the world’s civilization of to-day is inseparably connected with the religion of Christ, and it could not survive if the Christlife and Spirit were eliminated from it... Our mission to these children of the forest (Indians) is to so teach them the truth of the gospel that they shall be fitted for the responsibilities of intelligent Christian citizenship... We are here also to assist in laying the foundation stones of a great American commonwealth on these Pacific shores.” In his 1907 book, “The Conquerors” Rev. A. Atwood goes on to point out that this frontier christening was significant because it recognized that our country came into existence because it put God first. It further acknowledged that the Oregon Territory was first established for the Gospel, and that as long as it continued to do so this land would be “fitted for the responsibilities of intelligent Christian citizenship”. With this statement, Mr. Atwood reiterates the overwhelming theme of God centered government found in quotes from the great majority of the 250 founding fathers of our nation. The more we study the history of our state and nation, the more we discover the providential emergence of a nation based on biblical ideas of equality, freedom, and divinely appointed rights of man. Thomas Jefferson asked, “Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are a gift from God?” No government is perfect, due to man’s sin nature. A government founded upon the

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acknowledgment of that fallen nature recognizes the need for the rule of law and the balance of power between different branches of government, to protect man’s inalienable rights. The United States was the first national government to acknowledge these realities and implement constitutional protections based on government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Our founding fathers often said, our constitutional protections are only as solid as our individual and collective commitment to Christian moral principles and civic virtue. “The virtue which is necessary to preserve a just administration and render a government stable, is Christian virtue, which consists in the uniform practice of moral and religious duties, in conformity with the laws of both God and man. This virtue must be based on a reverence for the authority of God, which shall counteract and control ambition and selfish views, and subject them to the precepts of divine authority. The effect of such a virtue would be, to bring the citizens of a state to vote and act for the good of the state,

whether that should coincide with their private interests or not.” Noah Webster Without these restraints on our selfserving impulses, our Constitution is subtly perverted into a “living document” open to contemporary reinterpretation by ‘progressives”, resulting in the inevitable loss of our rights and liberties, as we are now experiencing. This is the process through which God is replaced by government and tyrants ascend to power. William Penn declared, “YOU MAY BE GOVERNED BY GOD OR RULED BY TYRANTS. “… choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…” Joshua 24:15 In honor of Oregon’s sacred history, a series of sesquicentennial celebrations are being planned throughout the state as a ministry of R.O.A.R, Prepare the Way, and Concerned Oregonians. Please check the website under “timely topics” for more details, and register to help us with one of these celebrations.

Recovery Center Church “A place for people who have been broken by life, to be mended by God.” Contributions and prayers are welcome

Call 503-559-9305 or email The Intentional Life can be defined as deliberately and daily thinking and acting with the goal of solving problems, choosing wisely, strengthening relationships and growing in your faith in Christ. Every day, whether consciously or not, we’re making choices. Some choices, like which cereal we’ll eat for breakfast or what color socks to put on don’t seem to have paramount significance in the grand scheme of things. But other choices – like how close our walk with Jesus is, how we’ll respond to tough life circumstances, what values we’ll teach our kids, how we’ll relate to a spouse, or where we’ll invest our time and resources – these are choices that will have major consequences for both the present and the future. Like pebbles dropped in a pond, the effects of our significant life choices will have a ripple effect in the lives of those we’ve touched long after you’re gone. And how will our choices stack up in the light of Eternity? Will our choices advance the love and

witness of Christ – or set it back? We want to have confidence and clarity about our choices – from the thoughts we allow to inhabit our minds to the way we approach solving life’s problems. But too often, we struggle with confusion and muddy thinking. We get bogged down in mental, spiritual and emotional “clutter” that keeps us from living our best life in Christ. The Intentional Life is a practical way of living as God would have you live, designed to help you solve common problems you encounter in your personal and family relationships. It will help you make better decisions in every area of your life. But more than that, Intentional Living can empower you to move beyond mere problem solving to achieve your greatest hopes for the future. The Intentional Life is not a quest for perfection, but for personal and spiritual growth, and increased intimacy in your family and other significant relationships. Practiced daily, Intentional living will free you to live a better, more fulfilled life in Christ.


neighborhood news Corban hires new Director of Development: The school’s mission and White’s passion are a great fit By Jenny Hirschfelder Corban College and Graduate School announces the hire of Darrel White as its Director of Development. The position has been vacant since March 2008 while administrators sought a candidate with significant fundraising experience and a background in Christian education. Joining the Office of Advancement, White assumes his role this month. White joins Corban following eleven years in administrative and advancement roles at Western Mennonite School. Most recently as Western’s Superintendent, he was a leader in helping propel their “Vision for Excellence” strategic plan and campaign. This plan helped transform Western, adding a new academic center, athletic practice facility and greatly enhancing technology. As a result of this strategic endeavor, the quality of the school improved, its purpose became focused, and enrollment nearly doubled. At Corban, White will help lead all aspects of the College’s fundraising efforts, with specific responsibility for the Annual Fund. As part of the advancement team, he will work closely with Vice President for Advancement Mike Bates and Alumni Director Deleen Wills. Vice President Bates described White as the perfect fit for Corban. “Darrel is re-

lational, is a man of integrity, and he has a long and successful track record in a Christian educational setting. As an added bonus, he is from the Salem area and has established relationships in the region.” “Fundraising is a people-to-people connection where we share the mission and vision of the College with those who have a heart for values-integrated higher education,” Bates continues. “Darrel is passionate about our mission. Having another voice advancing this message is essential for growing Corban. We are delighted to have him as part of our team.” White says God’s call in his life has been youth ministries, and he sees no greater privilege than to work for young people who are discovering their own unique calling from God. “While parents are the most significant spiritual influence in the life of a young person,” declares the director, “students spend most of their time in school and extracurricular activities—and that’s where Corban’s role is so important.” According to Bates, Corban has already benefited from White’s initiative and knowhow. “Even in his first week here, Darrel has jumped into some very practical fundraising efforts. He understands Christian education and how the College mission is part of Kingdom impact.”

Win $10,000

For K-12 education: Enter the Oregon School Choice Video Contest

Poets Corner God’s Light By Debbi Kupris

Reach for God’s light and He’ll set you free! Climb out of the darkness for it’s satan you’ll see.

Open your eyes and your heart and your mind; God’s been waiting so long for your heart to decide. For every man and woman temptation will lure; But God wants you to trust Him and not the things of this world. The world cannot give you what you truly desire; It can never fill the emptiness that your soul requires. Don’t be fooled by the evil one, He only brings pain. He’s glad when you’re defeated, your loss is his gain. There’s more to life than temporary pleasures; For God is so willing to give you His treasure. So climb out of the darkness for it’s satan you’ll see. Reach for God’s light and He’ll set you free!


By Steve Buckstein - Cascade Policy Institute Do you or your children attend private, among finalists attending the awards cerecharter, virtual, non-local public or home mony will determine the grand prize winner, school? Would you like to if you could? who will receive up to $10,000 for qualified How has "school choice" changed your educational expenses. life, or how could it? Tell us! Visit www.OregonSchoolChoiceContest. Oregon K-12 students and their parents com for complete details. Entries will be acare invited to submit videos up to two min- cepted January 28-March 25, 2009. utes long explaining what school choice Make your school choice dreams come has done, or can do, to change their lives. true! The Oregon School Choice Video ConTwenty finalists will win $250 each, based test is a project of Cascade Policy Institute, a on how persuasively their videos make the non-profit think tank in Portland. case for school choice. A random drawing

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neighborhood news

The 7 Mountains: Business, Education, Entertainment, Government, Family, Media, and Religion Have you noticed a pattern yet — 7 mountains, 7 parts of land, and 7 enemies that needed to be displaced? 7 is the perfect number in scripture. It is the number for completion. He made the world in six days and rested on the 7th.

Lance and Annabelle live in Dallas/Fort-Worth Texas along with their 3 children, Lance Jr,, Carl Alex and Joy Chrysta. Deep inside every one of us is a longing to live a life of greatness and to leave a legacy – to genuinely matter, make a difference, to contribute to something unique, in essence, to express your God given sound- your authentic voice. The Lance Learning Group believes that people who find their God given voice can come together and create access to new levels of innovation, problem solving and


What does best selling author John Maxwell, have in common with CEO’s of multi billion dollar corporations such as China Petro’s John Porter and heavy metal rock stars like Brian Welch of Korn or GA State Senator Michael Crotts? They all testify to the lasting impact of their encounter with Lance Wallnau as a teacher, consultant or executive coach. Lance Wallnau is a recognized leader in the field of personal and organizational transformation. He directs the Lancelearning Group, a company dedicated to helping believers impact secular spheres by fully actualizing their gifts talents and skills within the sphere of their professional life. Lance, blends his background as an Executive and Entrepreneur with experience as a former Pastor to coach believers in how they expand the kingdom by unleashing their capacity to solve world problems. Lances background is in the energy and Oil Industry where he was hired to help lead companies through the period of oil embargos and long gas lines of the late 70’s. His training in a field he calls “applied innovation” exploded growth opportunities for his company as it grew to become the second largest retail oil company in the US. Lance later shared how God revealed to him the way Christians can access realms of innovation and leadership through the anointing that can transform or-

ganizational culture and convert problems the most daunting global challenge into opportunities. Lance became convinced that followers of Jesus are the real solution to broken families, economies and nations. Learning from and consulting with international teams involved on the front lines of transformation Lance has worked to create solutions to problems that touch every realm of society, repeatedly seeing how innovative and spiritually qualified leaders working together can heal what is out of alignment in their city or nation With the goal of touching 100 nations and raising up 10,000 trained associates, Lances company, The Lance Learning Group, is one of the leading catalysts in Identifying, studying, empowering and networking these leaders around the world to make a massive difference in the nations. There are 7 areas of focus for Lance Learning: Family, Religion, Education, Business, Government, Media and Arts. Lance teaches that these spheres shape the culture of nations. He refers to these spheres as mountains, and has made the 7 Mountain or ‘7M’ message his trademark teaching as many people attest to his unique catalytic grasp of this subject. The anointing and authority with which he imparts the message penetrate all who hear with truth, conviction


and a passion to find their role in bringing the Kingdom to the culture. Lance and his team provide both corporate training programs and personalized one-on-one assistance to help you find the resources and connections you need to bring your calling and career into clarity so that you can TAKE YOUR MOUNTAIN. These resources include executive coaching, leadership retreats and consulting for organizations, ministries and companies, advanced assessment tools, audio and video teaching series, live on-line training opportunities, as well as workshops and seminars customized to meet your needs. In addition, Lance has developed curriculum for Mega Church home group application, Colleges and Universities, teaching annually as an adjunct professor to the Graduate School at Southwest Christian University.

Thursday, January 22 7 to 8:30 a.m., Vancouver Breakfast for Christian Chamber of Commerce of the Northwest, Billygan’s, 13200 N.E. Hwy 99, Vancouver, Wash. 503-691-2266 or www. Noon to 2 p.m. Women of Worth Luncheon: “Strong Women, Godly Hearts,” Rolling Hills Community Church, 3550 SW Borland Rd, Tualatin. Ticket: Advance, $10, at the door, $13. 503-635-5639. 6 to 7 p.m., Pro-life candlelight vigil, outside Salem Planned Parenthood Clinic, 3825 Wolverine N.E., Salem. 503-585-6756. Friday, January 23 4 p.m. Women’s retreat, first of three consecutive days, Christian Renewal Center, 22444 North Fork Rd S.E, Silverton. Featured speaker is pastor Barb Green of Corvallis Foursuare Church. Suggested donation: $70 per person. 503-873-6743. Tuesday, January 27 7 to 8:30 a.m., Yamhill County Breakfast for Christian Chamber of Commerce of the Northwest, Newberg or McMinnville location to be announced. 503-691-2266 or Wednesday, January 28 7 to 8:30 a.m., Salem Breakfast for Christian Chamber of Commerce of the Northwest, Almost Home restaurant, 3310 Market St. N.E., Salem. 503-691-2266 or Friday, January 30 Worship Northwest conference, first of two consecutive days, Dayspring Fellowship, 1755 Lockhaven Drive N.E., Keizer. www. Saturday, January 31 Oregon Bluegrass Association’s Gospel Show featuring Corral Creek Connection, Dewgrass, Small Town, Central Bible Church, 8825 S.E. Glisan St, Portland. Members, $12, non-members, $15. www. or 503-221-5077. Thursday, February 5 7:30 to 9 a.m., Westside Breakfast for Christian Chamber of Commerce of the Northwest, Paradise Bakery & Cafe, Bridgeport Village, Tigard. 503-691-2266 or www. Saturday, February 7 Upward Trails ministry hike or bike ride to Champoeg State Park near Newberg. Threemiles of paved trail for hikers, or a 10-mile loop out to Butteville and back to join the hikers for a hot dog feed. 503-971-9027 or 503-668-8950. 8:45 a.m. to 8:45 p.m. Northwest Creation Conference, Portland Holiday Inn Conference Center, 8439 N.E. Columbia Blvd. Speakers are Dennis Petersen, founder of Creation Resource Foundation; Eric Hovind, president of Creation Science Evangelism; Paul Veit, a paleontologist and creation evangelist, and Dennis Swift, conference host and author. 503-590-8327 Tuesday, February 10 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Salem Luncheon for Christian Chamber of Commerce of the Northwest, Almost Home restaurant, 3310 Market St. N.E., Salem. 503-691-2266 or Friday, February 13 7 to 8:30 a.m., Eastside Breakfast for Christian Chamber of Commerce of the Northwest, location to be announced. 503-6912266 or www.christianchambernorthwest. com


neighborhood news Saturday, February 14 Sesquicentennial (150th) anniversary of Oregon statehood. Free tour of the Oregon State Capitol grounds in Salem sponsored by Christian Heritage Ministries of the Northwest. Also a presentation on the Christian foundations of Oregon. Time to be announced. 503-709-0779 or Friday, February 20 Morning, Pastor’s Workshop with Rev. H.B. London of Focus on the Family, Salem Evangelical Church, 455 Locust St. N.E., Salem. Free breakfast for pastors. This is held in conjunction with the Mid-Valley Men’s Conference that runs Friday evening and Saturday at the church. 503-581-0102 or office@salemec. com. CB (Conservative Baptist) Northwest’s YooDooHooDoo retreat for high schoolers, first of three consecutive days, Camp Tadmor near Lebanon and at Hoo Doo Mountain. www. 7 to 9 p.m., 2009 Mid-Valley Men’s Conference, first of two consecutive days, Salem Evangelical Church, 455 Locust Ave. N.E., Salem. Speaker is Rev. HB London, vice president of ministry outreach for Focus on the Family. Continues from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday, starting with full breakfast. $25 by Feb. 9, $30 after . $15 for youth ages 12 to 16. 503-581-0102. Saturday, February 21 Kutless, Disciple, Stellar Hart and Esterlyn in concert, Rolling Hills Community Church, 3550 S.W. Borland Road, Tualatin. 1-800745-3000 or Sunday, February 22 Kutless, Disciple, Stellar Hart and Esterlyn in concert, First Baptist Church of Eugene, 3550 Fox Meadow Road, Eugene. 1-800-745-3000 or Wednesday, February 25 7 to 8:30 a.m., Salem Breakfast for Christian Chamber of Commerce of the Northwest, Almost Home restaurant, 3310 Market St. N.E., Salem. 503-691-2266 or Thursday, February 26 7 to 8:30 a.m., Vancouver Breakfast for Christian Chamber of Commerce of the Northwest, Billygan’s, 13200 N.E. Hwy 99, Vancouver, Wash. 503-691-2266 or Friday, February 27 Assemblies of God Marriage Encounter Weekend, first of three consecutive days, Hood River location to be announced. 541-476-1280 or FamilyLife Weekend to Remember conference, first of three consecutive days, Sunriver Resort in Central Oregon. www.familylife. com Saturday, February 28 Elder’s Retreat at the Oregon Christian Convention grounds, turner. Keynote speakers: Tom Burgess, senior pastor, Crossroads Church, Portland; Stan Peterson, senior pastor, Monmouth Christian Church. 503-743-2101 or $20 includes lunch. 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Oregon Christian Writers’ Winter One Day Conference with featured speaker William Paul Young of Gresham, author of “The Shack,” Red Lion Hotel, 3301 Market St. N.E., Salem. $30 for non-members; $8 for OCW members and full-time students if paid by Feb. 21. $5 late fee after that date. Lunch available for $12 for those who register in advance. 503-393-3356 or www.


Pray Up Your Immune System!


By Howard Rubinow 1 Corinthians 14:4 He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself. Many Charismatics believe that when you speak in tongues, you edify or build up your spirit man. Well, that is only one-third true. The Bible does not say that the speaker edifies his spirit. No, it says that the speaker “edifies himself”. This means his entire self - spirit, soul and body. So he who speaks in tongues builds up his spirit, soul and body. Does this include building up your immune system? Yes, it does! Brain specialists at Oral Roberts University’s hospital found out through research and testing that when a person prays in tongues, his brain releases two chemicals that are directed to his immune system, giving it a 35 to 40 per cent boost. Interestingly, these secretions are triggered by a part of our brain that has no other apparent activity and which is activated only when we pray in tongues. Now, your immune system is your first line of defense against diseases. During the SARS outbreak in Singapore in 2003, not everyone who had the disease died. Only those whose immune systems were weak succumbed to the disease and died. There-

The JC Town

fore, many people resorted to vitamins and herbs to boost their immune systems. A 74-year-old church member decided to build up his immune system against more heart problems. Two of his arteries were 70 per cent blocked and five smaller vessels were 80 per cent blocked. So during a church service, when I asked those who wanted to be healed of heart problems to stand up, he stood up, placed his hand over his heart and prayed in tongues. He shared that at that moment, he believed that the Holy Spirit touched him and he became a different person. When he went for his medical check-up, his surgeon found that all the blockages in his blood vessels were gone! Even a scheduled heart-related operation was cancelled as there was no longer any necessity for it. Indeed, he was a different person. He literally had a change of heart, a new heart from God! Beloved, you may not have a heart condition, but you can still pray in tongues and pray up your immune system!

Religious Freedom: Continued from Front Page Let’s encourage our children, who are press your family's religious faith.” believers, to take a bold step within their 4. Talk about countries where schools. Why be limited to one day because freedom of religion is not al the government sanctioned it? Instead, let’s lowed. For research on this, visit celebrate religious freedom 365 days a year – that is true religious freedom. Here are ideas you can use to recognize Students’ Liberties Religious Freedom: 1. Read the Presidential Proclama The information below comes from the tion. The proclamation is U.S. Department of Education’s document on the White House Website at “Guidance on Constitutionally Protected . At the Prayer in Public Elementary and Secondary White House Web site, enter a Schools” (February 7, 2003) Here is a sum search for “Religious Freedom mary: Day.” If this year’s proclamation is 1. Students can pray, read their Bibles, not posted in time for you to use it and talk about their faith at school in class, consider using last year’s during school hours. proclamation. 2. Students can organize prayer groups 2. Have students write a paper and Bible studies and announce on “What religious freedom their meetings. means to me.” 3. Students can express their faith in 3. Distribute to students copies their class work and homework. of the U.S. Department of Educa 4. Teachers can organize prayer groups tion's guidelines on students' reli and Bible studies with their col gious libeties. If teachers do leagues. nothing else to commemorate Reli 5. Students may be able to go off gious Freedom Day, this alone will campus to have a Bible study dur do more to promote real freedom ing school hours. at your school. The teacher can 6. Students can express their faith at a also write a letter to parents and school event. staple it to the guidelines. The 7. Students can express their faith at letter can introduce Religious Free their graduation ceremony. dom Day and covey, “Our school is a safe place for your child to ex

A member of the JC Media Group That includes www.TheJCTown. com, The JC Town Reporter and JC Talk Christian AM 1220-KPJC. Main office at: 3190 Lancaster Drive NE Salem, OR 97305 Please send all mail to: P.O. Box 17008, Salem, OR 97305 Phone: 503-316-1220 FAX: 503-585-7228 Email: For advertising, contact: Vision Multimedia, Inc. 503-5852228




Next Issue: February 17, 2009 Circulation: 20,000

Constance Hammond author booksigning at Lancaster Mall Christian Supply Sat/Sun Jan 24-25 and Jan 31-Feb 1. Noon to 4pm


view point

WAL,MART WISDOM By Darold Edwards I had just received the February 11, 2006 issue of World magazine and was taken by an article by Joel Belz entitled Wal-Mart Wisdom. He stated that this event came about as one of his “occasional opinion surveys” at a Wal-Mart. I go to a Wal-Mart store occasionally Joel; lets pretend that you surveyed me and this is my opinion: and I am deeply concerned about what’s happening to and within our beloved nation by “our own countrymen” plus our own occasional shameful contributions, [2 Corinthians 11:26]. This is concerning a sign held by some protesters in front of a Wal-Mart store some time ago that had Ben Franklin’s name on it stating that, “THOSE WHO WOULD SACRIFICE LIBERTY FOR SECURITY DESERVE NEITHER”. I couldn’t help but wonder if these people ever considered the difference between the “liberty” that Franklin was referring to and the selfish liberty of personally claimed rights they demand, which when exercised tends to the demise and destruction of their societies, culture, communities and ultimately their nation, and destroys their own security as well as that of others. The liberty Ben Franklin was campaigning for was a nation free from the oppression of England instead of the bondage of servitude that would have certainly been America’s lot had our forefathers not resisted unto death the intentions of the King of England. As subjects of England, America would have had neither liberty nor security of any kind and all the trials and tribulations of the immigration and attempts to establish this nation as a free nation would have melted away as an exercise of futility. Considering the reprehensible condition America is in

today, it seems as though she ended up in a sinful bondage of her own making anyhow, and we didn’t need England’s help to do it. No, America is not in bondage to England, but to something much more sinister, deceptive, and deadly than England could ever be; the same iniquity that England itself is in bondage to: the iniquity that is found and flourishing within the hearts of men of both nations as well as the rest of the world. May protesters everywhere realize, know, and understand, that under this bondage they have neither liberty nor security; the sin and abominations of their own making plus that of their own “countrymen” have robbed them of both, plus a great many other things God intended for them to have and enjoy. [John 10:10], “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I, Jesus, am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly”. [Hosea 4: 6-7], “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law “Word” of thy God, I will also forget thy children. As they were increased, so they sinned against me: therefore will I change their glory into shame”. What liberty or freedom is there in the exercising of selfish “rights” by which a person tends to the destruction of themselves and their fellows? What profit is there in this ignorant senselessness? Rights exercised under the control, influence, and coercion of sin unto more sin are no rights at all, but servitude to Satan himself. The business of the thief is to steal, kill, and destroy: he is good at his business, and you are definitely his target.

WHAT EDUCATION??? By; Darold Edwards What we need is more education; or so we’ve heard experts claim from time to time. I will have to agree, but without an intelligent determination as to what kind of education is needed, the statement itself shows a terrible lack of intelligence and educational expertise. We have every type, size, and kind of educational facility imaginable in our nation teaching everything from A to Z, and still turning out graduates who lack the skills to add that which is needed to their societies, culture, nation, and themselves to maintain America’s greatness. Here we are today at the beginning of 2009, a nation in chaos and confusion, having lost its sense of direction and purpose because of inept education, so let’s discuss the kind and quality of education not only our children, but the rest of America is in such desperate need of. [3 John: 2], “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in good health, even as thy soul prospereth”. This small scripture will introduce the subject needed for discussion that is essential for the development of all American’s young and old to rebuild our nation, if it is possible at this late date. [Psalms 127: 1], “Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain”. Just in case you missed it, God is the master architect and builder, the house can be anything that is developed, designed and constructed, including an individual such as a young child depending on the older ones to teach and train him or her in the essentials of life and life more abundantly. If the preceding generations have not been taught and trained, rooted and grounded in this, the succeeding generations will flounder in vain for purpose of being, never even

From the Desk of the By the time a child is 14 years old 97% of their life pattern choices are set. The public classroom offers academics only, neglecting to provide students the opportunity to develop life pattern choices that are healthy and conducive to becoming productive members of society. We have for too long allowed our children to spend the greater portion of their waking hours in an ungodly environment and the results are what we see today, i.e. Columbine tragedies, teen suicide, drug use and pregnancies as well as violence growing at alarming rates. While many of us transferred our students to private Christian schools and/or home


schooled, that may not be an option for all Christian families. For those families and students and our Christian brothers and sisters who are public school teachers that must work within the public schools system, we must stand with them, encourage them, pray for them and educate them as to the religious freedom that we have. We have for decades bought the lie that God has no place in the public school room. That simply is not true and we must be willing to enter the front line battle and demand the end to this. Martin Luther King, Jr. said “Do not allow your children anywhere that the gospel of Jesus Christ is not preached. If you do,


you have ushered your children into the great gates of hell.” There are many places you can plug in to lend your assistance to those on the front line. Call your legislator, join a PTA group, get familiar with the laws that protect religious freedom and then spread that. Whatever you do, do something! Don’t stand by and allow another generation of children to be lead to slaughter.

realizing what their purpose is. [Hosea 4: 6-7], “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law “Word” of thy God, I will also forget thy children. As they were increased, so they sinned against me: therefore will I change their glory into shame”. Even the basic academics have suffered terribly with the erroneous introduction of character destroying idiocies designed to alter the minds and necessary focus of our young unto viable successful adults. At this point in time it seems as though our leaders, and the majority of the older generation, have lost the wherewithal to reverse this tragic abomination and re-introduce God and His Word back into America’s classrooms. I would like to challenge America’s youth to quit wasting time and energy in running to and fro in useless protests and channel your efforts toward correcting the spiritual deficiencies caused by the “rejection and neglect” of Biblical knowledge and direction. [Isaiah 5: 24], “Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the Lord of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel”. Because America, by her leader’s governmental decree, has initiated and allowed the excommunication of God’s Word and despised it, America’s spiritual roots have rotted away and there is no Biblical sustenance for her “blossoms, the children”. As a consequence, they are blown away in the winds and storms of iniquity we have allowed to permeate our nation, our society, our educational institutions, our culture, and yes, even our churches. It is difficult for me to even say “God Bless America” when we have spit in his face with our overwhelming abominations and rebellion against his love, forgiveness, compassion, and a multitude of other qualities that describe his divine nature he desires to share with us because of His love, [John 3: 16], “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”. We do need more education, but it must be of Biblical orientated quality, replacing the worldly stuff and junk that adds nothing to us but wastes time, minds, and life.



The Golden Handcuffs Success and prosperity can quickly turn into bondage.


one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth” (Matthew 6:24)”

Joseph died, and all his brothers and all that generation. (Exodus 1:6) When Jacob first went down to Egypt, he went only to sojourn there until the fam-

ine had passed. It was supposed to be temporary. But the temporary stay turned into what looked like permanent residence. They settled, and they prospered. They might have remained in Egypt, happy and well fed. Life in Egypt was good. Perhaps it was too good. Happy, well-fed and prosperous, the children of Israel could have easily forgotten about their great spiritual heritage. Content with the comforts and luxuries of Egypt, they might have abandoned their aspirations of inheriting Canaan. Who would want Canaan when he already had Egypt? The children of Israel found their situation in Egypt suddenly reversed when the Egyptian government forced the Hebrews into servitude. A person becomes accustomed to privileges and luxuries and begins to think of those things as necessities. Things that, at one time, he could not afford, and therefore did not worry about, become indispensable needs as he prospers. His own wealth and

INTENTIONAL LIVING with Dr. Randy Carlson

Weekdays at 1:00 p.m. on A.M. 1220 KPJC

success become "golden handcuffs" from which he cannot escape. While we are in the service of materialism, our spiritual health inevitably suffers. Yeshua warned us, saying, "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth" (Matthew 6:24). While in Egypt, Israel was lured by the attractions of Egyptian society. They began to assimilate into the larger culture. Assimilation poses a greater danger to the people of God than persecution. When we are persecuted, we band closely together and firm up our convictions. We remember that we are not part of the greater culture. When we are received into the culture, though, we lose those distinctions, and we begin to lose our identity. We fall sway under the powerful spell of social allure. The rabbis speculated that something like this was happening in Egypt. One Jewish collection of commentary on the book of Exodus suggests that the Israelites went so far as to quit circumcising their sons so that their children would fit in better with Egyptians: When Joseph died, the Children of Israel abrogated the ritual of circumcision. They said, "Let's be like the Egyptians." Because they quit circumcising themselves, the Holy One, Blessed be He, reversed the Egyptians' friendly attitude toward them. (Shemot Rabbah 1:8)

Carrots In Your Oats?

By Sylvia W. Zook, MS, PhD Looking for a quick and delicious way to significantly enhance your level of nutrients while adding flavor to that morning bowl of oats? Simply grate one-half a medium size sweet, raw carrot over the cooked oats and mix. Instantly you have all this and more! It gets much better, but first let’s finish with the carrot. A high amount of the provitamin betacarotene, a precursor for vitamin A (retinol), is not the only plus in this orange food (especially if you eat organic); its potassium helps with normal kidney, cardiac, and muscle function. Studies link low dietary potassium with high blood pressure. Besides more of what your body needs for growth and healing, with this addition you include a living food with nutrients not found in cooked ones. Raw carrots have many vitamins and minerals together with phytonutrients such as lutein and zeaxanthin important for the eye's macula and retina. Vital vitamin C complex, not to

be confused with ascorbic acid, the antioxidant outer shell of the vitamin, is also found in raw carrot. Take the time to chew this food well so that amylase for carb digestion can be mixed with it before it leaves the mouth. The added sweetness from the raw vegetable is enjoyable as well. For those of you who like your oats even sweeter, try a tiny pinch of stevia powder from the natural foods store. Oatmeal has good fiber yet it is a high carbohydrate dish. The other macronutrients, dietary complete protein and fat are very important, especially at breakfast. For the former add a scoop of protein powder that has no sugar or soy. To round out the macronutrient needs and to further slow the uptake of carbs as sugar, add a spoonful of butter or unrefined coconut butter to the cooked oats before grating the carrot. You may find the complete protein and healthy fat allows you to reduce the amount of oatmeal; and that this breakfast "sticks to your ribs" so that


you don't feel a need for mid-morning, sugary snacks. If weight loss is appropriate, it might just happen! Enjoy! Did you know the Creator provided a specific plan for eating for the end time in which we live? Dr. Zook’s new book, Eatin’ After Eden – The Meat Of The Word, explains why the nutritional needs for our day are unique, and how to fulfill them for optimum health. For information about this one-of-akind, easily understood work of knowledge, log on to "Regarding your wonderful book, the science is very solid. We have incorporated a number of your suggestions into our everyday diet...It makes good common sense to do so. And you can quote me on that!" Mary Newport, MD, FL “This is one of the most important books ever written for this end time! You have given us essential truths from God's Word and nutrition science.” J. Rothacker, DDS, OH

Instead of settling down and trying to fit into Egyptian culture, the children of Israel ought to have been looking toward the return to Canaan. By remaining in Egypt, they made themselves (and especially their children) vulnerable to Egyptian culture. They were already entering spiritual enslavement long before their physical enslavement began. Whether it is the trappings of wealth or the pressures of socialization, we must beware of allowing ourselves to become spiritually enslaved. The children of Israel may have fallen victim to both. Real, physical enslavement followed quickly. In today’s world, we need to watch for the same.

“When we are persecut-

ed, we band closely together and firm up our convictions. We remember that we are not part of the greater culture. When we are received into the culture, though, we lose those distinctions, and we begin to lose our identity. We fall sway under the powerful spell of social allure.

The Holy Alphabet Although things are not perfect Because of trial or pain Continue in thanksgiving Do not begin to blame Even when the times are hard Fierce winds are bound to blow God is forever able Hold on to what you know Imagine life without His love Joy would cease to be Keep thanking Him for all the things Love imparts to thee Move out of "Camp Complaining" No weapon that is known On earth can yield the power Praise can do alone Quit looking at the future Redeem the time at hand Start every day with worship To "thank" is a command Until we see Him coming Victorious in the sky We'll run the race with gratitude Xalting God most high Yes, there'll be good times and yes some will be bad, but... Zion waits in glory...where none are ever sad!


kingdom generation

Exodus Mandate Challenges Churches and Ministries

to Confront Education Catastrophe

"The Call to Dunkirk" Urges Churches and Ministries to Help Parents Rescue Children from the Corrupt and Decaying Government Education System COLUMBIA, SC, Jan. 13 /Christian Newswire/ -- Because of the comprehensive and accelerating failure of the government school system, Exodus Mandate has launched "The Call to Dunkirk", a new initiative calling upon churches and ministries to reorder their priorities so that they can assist parents in rescuing their children from the public schools. A key stumbling block preventing some Christian leaders from openly calling for the long overdue exodus of Christian families from government education has been the mistaken belief that traditional Christian schools and homeschooling are the only alternatives to government schools. Consequently, a central focus of "The Call to Dunkirk" message is helping parents and pastors understand that, in addition to the excellent choices of Christian schools and homeschooling, technology now makes inexpensive Christian education alternatives readily available. Theses options are spiritually, morally, and academically superior to

government schools and any church, large or small, can easily implement them. Exodus Mandate recently launched "The Call to Dunkirk" with a short video now available on YouTube that already has received tens of thousands of viewings. In addition, "The Call to Dunkirk" has begun to generate media interest through numerous stories, including headline stories on One News Now and in World Net Daily, and radio appearances on network programs such as Moody Broadcasting Network's popular "Prime Time America" broadcast. Many small Christian ministries and organizations support the K-12 Christian education or home schooling agenda for renewal of family, church and culture. In the past, however, some of the larger Christian organizations, denominations, and pro- family ministries have mistakenly supported public school reform rather than calling for an exodus of Christian families from the rapidly disintegrating public school system. Fortunately, these ministries are beginning to see that school reform efforts are futile given the manifest failure of school reform and the continued cultural deterioration. Dr. Bruce Shortt commented saying, "A

Introducing the National Bible Bee MEDIA ADVISORY, Jan. 5 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Shelby Kennedy Foundation is excited to introduce the first-of-itskind annual National Bible Bee, a motivating Bible memory competition for children and youth from 7 to 18. The goal of the Bible Bee is to build godly character in young people by calling them back to the lost discipline of Scripture memorization. Most people are familiar with the Scripps National Spelling Bee, where youth compete annually in the Nation's longest- running educational contest. While it is certainly beneficial for our children to commit the spelling of words to memory, imagine how much more lifechanging it will be for them to memorize the Word of God. Local Bible Bee Contests will be conducted throughout the United States on Saturday, September 12, 2009. One hundred finalists from each of three age categories will then advance to the National Bible Bee for a two-day, world-class competition which will be held in Washington D.C. on November 5-6, 2009.

The Shelby Kennedy Foundation is the home of Bible Bee Headquarters. The Bible Bee Staff is currently assisting parents, teachers, pastors and Christian leaders across the country who are planning and coordinating Local Bible Bees. The deadline for registering to hold a Local Bible Bee is January 31, 2009. Those interested in hosting Local Bible Bees in their communities are encouraged to call 1-888-3- BIBLE-B (1-888-3242532) for introductory information. The Bible Bee Competition will distribute more than $260,000 in prize money with $100,000 being awarded to the first-place winner of the top age category. The long-term vision of Bible Bee Competition is to equip children and youth to be bold ambassadors for Jesus Christ to the next generation. If you would like more information about the Bible Bee or would like to schedule an interview, please call Kit Rasche at (619) 401-0385, ext. 101, or e-mail Kit at


lot of time has been wasted on school reform. You can no more reform the government school system than you could reform the Soviet collective farm system. The model is a mistake. Conservative school reformers are a lot like Civil War re-enactors who specialize in Pickett's Charge. They never take the high ground; they never really win. What we need today is new leadership." Dr. Voddie Baucham challenges AfricanAmerican families saying, "Black families ask me, 'Why should we leave the public schools after our forefathers fought, marched and sometimes died for us to have the right to attend.' My response is simple, our forefathers fought, marched and died so we wouldn't have to settle for the kind of education inflicted on minority children today. We need to march some more. And the first place is out of the front door of these Christ-dishonoring, academically inferior, soul- killing government indoctrination centers." Dr. Bruce Shortt added, "The Left has always understood that whoever controls the children owns the future. This is why so many of the 60's radicals like Bill Ayers went into education. Now they effectively control the government school system. But worse,

we give them our children." Chaplain E. Ray Moore points out that the 2008 elections conclusively show the failure of the "lobbying, voting and legislative model" most of the pro-family movement have relied on to slow down and reverse the cultural and spiritual slide in the US. Moore further notes, "Christian and profamily organizations are fighting in the right war but often use the wrong weapons and misdiagnose the real problems. We believe "The Call to Dunkirk" will help large Christian ministries, denominations, pro-family organizations, and families bring the true problem into focus and better understand the many available, practical solutions. E. Ray Moore, Chaplain (Lt.Col.) USAR Ret., Director of the Exodus Mandate Project; Dr. Bruce Shortt, lawyer and author of THE HARSH TRUTH ABOUT PUBLIC SCHOOLS; Dr. Voddie Baucham, Southern Baptist pastor, conference speaker on family and home education and author of FAMILY DRIVEN FAITH will serve as the principal spokesmen for this special one year emergency rescue plan.

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CALL TO PRAYER AND FASTING By Stuart Dick America is presently facing the gravest danger ever to the rights and liberty of the free men of the Republic. America survived the first great peril of the Revolutionary War because God blessed America in answer to prayer. America’s founding President George Washington, through a prophetic vision warned our nation that a second and a third great peril would threaten the liberty and blessings of the Republic. Before the second great peril, the grim reaper of the Civil War, which shed the blood of over half a million Americans Charles Finney warned: “God can not sustain this free and blessed country, which we love and pray for unless the Church will take the right ground…God will bless or curse this nation according to the course Christians take in politics.” America now stands directly before the third great peril of Washington’s vision for America. The third peril would be far more dangerous and ominous than the first two. One of the great Christian soldiers of the present age, Dr. James Dobson, lamented the Christian character of America at the turn of the 21st century. “Can there be any doubt…that a great Civil War of Values is being waged in the Western nations, or that radical anti-family forces are making dramatic alterations in the way we think and act…The pattern of events reveals a society in dramatic decline. Indeed the value system that has served us so well for 217 years may not survive the next decade.” The gravest threat to the liberty of American citizens has arrived. America has lost its moral compass and based on the current secular humanist direction, forgotten its God. Wickedness reigns in America and God curses are being manifest across the Republic. The prophet Hosea spoke to the present age of American when he warned, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6) Most Americans do not know or appreciate their Christian heritage and as George Washington warned have failed to “consider the omnipotence of that God who alone is able to protect them.”

God is calling for Christian soldiers to rise up and defend the faith of our Fathers that has given all Americans our present rights and liberties. One of the reasons America is being ravaged by spiritual, moral and physical destruction is because our people have not been taught the truth about our Christian heritage. A good example in the Pacific Northwest is ministry of Marcus Whitman. In 1923 President Warren G. Harding commemorated the Oregon Trail at Meacham Oregon by extolling the courage and faith of one of the greatest Christian soldiers of the American West, Dr. Marcus Whitman. “Such was Marcus Whitman, the missionary hero of the vast unsettled, unexplored Oregon country, who had come out of the West to plead that the state should acquire for civilization the Empire that the churches were gaining for Christianity.” Whitman had pleaded with President Tyler to “not barter away Oregon or allow English interference until I can lead a band of stalwart American settlers across the plains.” Whitman’s life and ministry has been twisted by enemies of God’s purpose for America to render his witness empty for future generations of citizens that need to be inspired and motivated to become Christian soldiers for God and country because of his shed blood (and the blood of other Christian missionaries at Walla Walla). The purpose of this call is: 1) Uphold America’s founding docu ments, proclamations, and stan dards which acknowledge God as the author of our liberty and free dom. 2) Uphold morality and marital faith fulness as the foundation of a healthy marriage. 3) Uphold marriage as the foundation of a healthy family. 4) Uphold family as the foundation of a healthy nation. 5) Uphold children as our legacy to America. This exhortation is to call Christian believers to fast and pray for revival and restoration of our Christian faith and heritage. A number of Christian organizations under the leadership of ‘Concerned Oregonians’ are joining together to restore our Christian heritage in Oregon with a ‘Line in the Sand’ tour

JC Talk Christian


in June of 2009 celebrating the 150th anniversary of the statehood of Oregon. I have been called to organize prayer cells throughout Oregon under the ministry of ‘Concerned Oregonians’ and direction of Craig Myers. The leadership of Concerned Oregonians will be communicating with the leaders of ROAR, Prepare the Way, Salem House of Prayer, Jackson County Prayer, National Day of Prayer and any other Christian group that support our purpose and cause to identify prayer needs. Concerned Citizens hub leaders will be contacted to help establish prayer cells in every community the Line in the Sand Tour visits. The first action step is to establish a leader for the prayer team in all twenty-one cities the Tour visits. Prayer team leader responsibilities: 1. Communicate and coordinate with lo cal churches, ministerial associa tions, para church organizations (Knights of Columbus, Right to Life, etc) to develop a prayer team for the National Day of Prayer May 7 and the twenty one city “Line in the Sand Tour” June 4 to July 4, 09. 2 Organize a prayer team and develop a plan to a) meet in one accord (Acts 1:46), b) develop a plan to communicate prayer needs (phone

prayer chain, e-mail, meetings, etc), develop a plan to reach out to surrounding cities. 3. Communicate prayer needs and prog ress to Concerned Oregonians prayer team leader Stuart Dick (js_ 541-377-5451) 4. Work with National Day of Prayer and “Line in the Sand” leaders to implement a well-organized, posi tive and inspired community out reach for both events. “The fervent, effectual prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” (James 5:16) The objective of this call to prayer is to demonstrate to God a body of believers that are: 1) fervent in their commitment to restore righteousness and obedi ence to the precepts and standards of our Holy God who has authored our present lib erty and rights 2) effectual in our united prayer to move God to intercede on our behalf in our battle for our common faith, our families, our beloved state and our country 3) united to join ranks with kindred hearts and ministries that support the common cause to bring a Chris tian revival to Oregon, the Pacific Northwest, and America.



Oregons 150th anniversary

In honor of Oregon’s 150th anniversary, Corban College & Graduate School cordially invites the public to “Reflections on Oregon History: The Sesquicentennial and Corban College.” This free program will feature a lecture by John Scott, Assistant Professor of History at Corban. Professor Scott will give a look back at Oregon settlement and, more specifically, settlement in Marion County, Salem, and the land homesteaded where Corban College & Graduate School currently sits. His presentation will recognize the lives and labors of the Kalapuya Indians and also the American settlers who lived in this area and then farmed

it under the Oregon Donation Land Act of 1850. This area 150 years later will also be highlighted, with a reflection on the changes that have taken place. The historically curious, including children, are welcome to participate in “Reflections on Oregon’s History.” The program also provides an opportunity to pay tribute to Oregon with the singing of the Oregon State Song, “Oregon My Oregon.” Come to the Emitte Center on Corban’s campus at 7 p.m. on Friday, February 13. For information, please call 503-375-7005 or go to


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New Trio Leagues Begining Soon!

Hey Everyone, we want your ideas for developing new and different leagues. Call Mardi @ 503-390-2221 or

Need help planning a holiday or special event?? Call Mardi @ 503-

390-2221 or email



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Is it the End of Britain, as we know it?

By John A. Pinkston According to the Christian Science Monitor, March 24, 2008, they believe the Lisbon Treaty, as part of the development of the European Union, will spell the end of British sovereignty. This winter, 27 nations of the European Union signed the Treaty of Lisbon. However, the Treaty of Lisbon is not in Britain's best interest. That is because, when ratified, it will become the decisive act in the creation of a federal European super state with its capital in Brussels, Belgium. Britain would become a province of its "Mother of Parliaments," a regional assembly. The Eurocrate elites in Brussels won't admit it, but the Treaty of Lisbon is essentially a constitution for a "country" called Europe. Bluntly, it is a repackaging of the European Union constitution rejected by the French and Dutch voters in 2005. Former Prime Minister Tony Blair promised to put the EU constitution to the British people in a referendum. His successor, Gordon Brown, has reneged on that promise. He insists that the Treaty of Lisbon is shorn of all constitutional content and that it preserves key aspects of British sovereignty. On March 11th, the bill to ratify the treaty cleared the House of Commons and now the Brown government is poised to win passage in the House of Lords also. If all 27 nations ratify the treaty this year, it will begin to go into effect on January 1, 2009. The British will then be expected to transfer loyalty and affection to

the European Union and devote themselves increasingly to its well being. Now with its flag, anthem, currency, institutions, regulations, directives, the EU has long been indistinguishable from a nation state in waiting. Now, the Lisbon Treaty gives it those requisites of nationhood it has always lacked: a President, Foreign Minister (and diplomatic corps), a powerful new Interior Dept., a public prosecutor and full treaty-making powers. Add to those its common system of Criminal Justice and embryonic Federal Police Force, and the faintly sinister European gendarmerie force, and what this Union becomes is a monolithic state with great state pretensions. Most alarming is that the Lisbon Treaty can be extended indefinitely without recourse to other treaties or referendums. The 27 European nations are on the verge of being reconstituted as a Federal European Super-state and is substantially the achievement of the fanatical French integrationist Jean Monnet, for whom the nation state was uppermost. When British Prime Minister Edward Heath took Britain into the Common Market in 1973, the country thought it was opening a "free trade" agreement. It hoped membership would sprinkle some European stardust on Britain's shipwrecked economy. Mr. Heath, a passionate Europhile, assured the country that membership would not entail any specific or any "independence and sovereignty." Like Europe's fervent integrationist, whose plans for political union have always been disguised as an increasingly beneficial eco-

Homeschooling Grows Rapidly PURCELLVILLE, Virginia, Jan. 6 / Christian Newswire/ -- The National Center for Education Statistics, which is part of the Department of Education estimates that homeschooling grew 36% between 2003 and 2007. "Homeschoolers can now be found in all walks of life," said Michael Smith, HSLDA President. The NCES estimates 1.5 million homeschooled children, or 2.9% of the school age population in 2007. This is a significant increase from 1.1 million in 2003, or 2.2% of the school aged population. The NCES survey also considered the reasons parents are turning to homeschooling. Parents continued to cite the negative peer influences of public school, the desire to provide religious or moral instruction as well as concern about the academic quality

of public school as their reasons for homeschooling. The greatest change from 2003 was an 11 point increase in the desire to provide religious and moral instruction which went from 72% in 2003 to 83% in 2007. Concerns about the school environment, however, remained the top reason with 88%. "Homeschooling is a mainstream educational alternative. It will continue to flourish as parents and children continue to experience the social and academic benefits of a home based education," said Smith. Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) is a 25 year old, 85,000 member non-profit organization and the preeminent national association advocating the legal right of parents to homeschool their children. Christian Newswire


nomic integration, Heath maintained that he had simply joined a trading bloc. The United States, Canada and Mexico are following in exactly the same footsteps as did Britain in 1973. NAFTA was sold to the American people and continues to be sold to the American people as a "free trade bloc of nations in the Western Hemisphere." Currently, the President is seeking congressional approval which will change the import/export status between the United States and Columbia. Editor's Comment: The promoters of NAFTA, and ultimately what some call the North American Union, are "hiding in plain view" and moving the country in that direction just as we have witnessed in Europe. WATCH AMERICA, with author and teacher John A. Pinkston. Archived programs can be heard on JC Talk, a.m. 1220 KPJC every week night at 8 p.m. and new programs are aired at noon on Saturdays.

Three Christians Sentenced to One Year of Re-education Through Labor HENAN, China, Jan. 6 /Christian Newswire/ -- ChinaAid just received additional information regarding the 50 house church Christians arrested on December 3, 2008 in Zhoukou township of Taikang county. Three leaders were sentenced to one year of re-education through labor: Mr. Tang Houyong, Mr. Shu Wenxiang and Mr. Xie Zhenqi. On December 3, Taikang county, Henan province, more than 50 house church Christians gathered in the home of Xie Ruming. Officials from the Taikang County Domestic Defense Protection Squad suddenly broke into the home. All of the Christians were arrested and officials seized the following items: 22 copies of the textbook "Training in Ministering the Gospel to Children" designed for proselytizing children, seven optical discs, 15 pages of proselytizing series lessons and other items. ChinaAid confirmed that about 20 Christians were sentenced to 15 days of administrative detention and a 1,000 yuan fine. They were accused of being a "Shouter evil cult." However, all of the arrested are members of a mainstream house church group called China Gospel Fellowship. Tang Houyong, Shu Wenxiang and Xie Zhenqi each received a one-year sentence of re-education through labor for "illegal proselytizing" and attending an "illegal gathering."

Watch America

with John Pinkston

Monday - Friday 8pm on KPJC AM 1220



Warns of Iran’s “nightmare scenario”

(Jerusalem, Israel, January 12, 2009) -- Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in a 25 minute conference call today with conservative bloggers in which I had the opportunity to participate, made it clear that he sees Israel's current war against Hamas in Gaza as a "just war," as a proxy war with Radical Muslim leaders in Iran, and very possibly as a prelude to a future war to stop Radicals in Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, an event he described as a "nightmare scenario." Israel is pursuing a "just war," Netanyahu said early in the discussion. He noted that "Hamas is pursuing an illegitimate goal to accomplish the annihilation of the Jewish State" and is using "illegitimate means," including the "firing rockets on innocent civilians." "This is a classic case of justice pitted against injustice" and "against the forces of darkness," said the Likud leader who when the war began suspended his party's campaign for the February 10th elections. "Everyone has to choose which side of the battle he is on?" Is this really an isolated local skirmish, asked one blogger, or is there a larger story at work here? "Our fight with Hamas," he replied, is with terrorists who have "backers in Iran" and have shown the "willingness to use any methods including firing rockets on innocent civilians….Israel is now the front line in the battle between militant Islam and the rest of the world - witness what has happened [in terms of terrorist attacks in recent years] in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Mumbai, New York, Washington….and there are enormous global consequences. Does Iran have a victory in one of its two for-

ward outposts [the other being Hezbollah]?" "Israel cannot tolerate an Iranian forward position [in Gaza]," he continued, saying that Israel's long-term goal needs to be blocking Iran from becoming the dominant regional power. He also noted that Israel's "immediate goal should be…removing the threat by stopping the firing and preventing the resupply of rockets and other weaponry by Hamas." The call was organized by One Jerusalem, an organization founded in the fall of 2000 by former Israeli deputy prime minister Natan Sharansky. One Jerusalem's executive director, Allen Roth, moderated the discussion. I had emailed in a question asking what can Jews, evangelical Christians and others can do to help Israel in the current conflict. Undoubtedly other bloggers emailed in similar questions. This was the second question posed to the former Prime Minister by Allen Roth. "The most important thing [friends of Israel can do] is to tell the truth," Netanyahu said. "There is a campaign of lies against us," including that Israel started this conflict [they didn't], that Israel is targeting innocent Palestinian civilians [they aren't], that Israel isn't allowing humanitarian aid to enter Gaza to care for innocents who are suffering [they are]. "Get the facts straight….the facts do count….the sequence counts." Hamas, he noted, has been "firing these rockets for eight years - eight years! Can you imagine what the U.S. would do if 6,000 rockets were fired from Mexico at San Diego? Would the U.S. wait eight years? Would they wait eight months? I don't think they would wait eight minutes to fight back." Netanyahu pointed out that Hamas is launching rockets out of mosques, hospitals, elementary schools, universities -- putting

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innocent Palestinians in harm's way when Israel seeks to retaliate. "We don't deliberately target civilians, though we regret when civilians are injured or killed," he said. Regarding the immediate future of the Arab-Israeli peace process, Netanyahu said "the idea that you can have a final settlement….I think that is just not realistic." Before there is anymore international talk of Israel ceding territory to the Palestinians, Israel needs to pursue four strategies: 1. Fight Islamic radicals 2. Strengthen Islamic moderates 3. Reestablish security on all of Israel's borders 4. Begin rapid economic development for Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza He was asked if he thought Hamas was holding out for the new administration of Barack Obama, hoping that Obama would put new pressure on Israel to stop fighting and accepting a potentially premature cease fire. "I do remember Mr. Obama visited Sderot

not long ago and said something to the effect that, 'If my two girls lived in a home that was rocketed by terrorists, I would do everything in my power to stop it.'" He added, "I think the U.S. has an interest in stopping terrorists wherever they are." Netanyahu said the biggest threat Israel faces is not from Hamas, or even from Hezbollah, but from Radical Islamic terrorists or states possessing nuclear weapons. He described Iran acquiring such weapons of mass destruction as a "nightmare scenario," along with militant Islamists seizing control of Pakistan. Though he did not lay out how he would approach the Iran crisis should he be elected Prime Minister, he strongly hinted that time is running out and that the West had to take decisive action before it is too late. Netanyahu concluded by insisting that Israel "should do everything can to return Gilad Shalit, the IDF soldier kidnapped by Hamas on June 25, 2006, though he declined to criticize the current Olmert government when asked if Olmert and his team were doing enough to bring Shalit home and to make his return a precondition of a cease fire.

FOR THE RECORD Israel & U.S. fightwars too gently?

“Let us note that if supposedly all-powerful Israel is dedicated to exterminating the Palestinian people, it is doing a bad job. The Palestinian population has only grown since 1948. There are more Arab citizens living in Israel proper today than there were in all of Palestine the year Israel was founded. Perhaps one reason Israel fails at genocide is that it isn’t interested in genocide? That would explain why Israel warned thousands of Gazans by cell phone to leave homes near Hamas rocket stockpiles. It would clarify why, even amid all-out war, it offers aid to enemy civilians. It would even illuminate the otherwise mysterious clamor from Israelis for a viable ‘peace partner.’ But no. For millions of Israel haters, the more plausible explanation is that the ‘defiant’ Palestinians have miraculously survived Israel’s determination to wipe them out. Meanwhile, calls for the complete extermination of Israel are routine. ... A sick mixture of Holocaust envy and Holocaust denial is the defining spirit of Hamas. ... It’s Palestinian Islamists who have ideological and political ties to Nazism stretching back to the days of ‘Hitler’s Mufti,’ Haj Amin al-Husseini, a happy warrior for the Nazi cause. So why the obsession with casting the Israelis as the new Hitlerites? One answer is surely that critics know such charges are painful to a country largely born of the Holocaust and marked by its scars. It also grabs attention, galvanizes radi-

cals, vents legitimate frustrations and anger, and helps demonize the enemy and, hence, justify the murder of ‘Zionists everywhere,’ as Hamas often declares in its communiqués. But I think the desire to cast the Israelis as Nazis is fueled, deep down, by the haters’ need to see their own hatreds and ambitions mirrored in their enemy’s actions. Hamas has an avowedly Hitlerite agenda. The only way to make such an agenda defensible is to convince yourself and others that the Israelis deserve it. ...[W]ith Hamas, Hitlerism comes to the Middle East wearing the mask of antiHitlerism.” --National Review editor Jonah Goldberg OPINION IN BRIEF “[T]he only acceptable outcome of this war, both for Israel and for the civilized world, is ... the disintegration of Hamas rule. It is already underway. ... The one-stepfrom-madness gangster theocracy in Gaza -just four days before the fighting, the Hamas parliament passed a sharia criminal code, legalizing, among other niceties, crucifixion -- is teetering on the brink. It can be brought down, but only if Israel is prepared -- and allowed -- to complete the real mission of this war. For the Bush State Department, in its last significant act, to prevent that with the premature imposition of a cease-fire would be not just self-defeating but shameful.” --columnist Charles Krauthammer The Patriot Post (PatriotPost.US)


national and world news Christian Defense Coalition Calls Extravagant Inauguration

Obscene and a Slap Inaugural Warning: in the Face to the Rated P for Perverse Poor and Struggling By Christian Newswire

“ We pray that President-elect Obama, who

professes a deep faith in Christ, will embrace the teachings of Christianity during his Administration and that he will follow the teachings of Jesus when He says, ‘when you have done it unto the least of these you did it unto me.

The Christian Defense Coalition says to spend $150 million on the Inauguration while people are trying to keep a roof over their head and food on the table shows a profound lack of respect for the needy by President- elect Obama. The group coalition on to point out that while President Obama and his guests are dining on expensive food and drinks, millions are wondering if they will have a job next week or be able to feed their families, and others will be sleeping on the streets just hundreds of feet away from the Inaugural Balls. The excessive amount spent on the Inauguration shows an established pattern by President-elect Obama of disregard for the poor, needy and struggling. The Christian Defense Coalition says at the very least all the left over food from the Inaugural Balls should be donated to charity. They ask, "Is this the kind of Inauguration President Lincoln would have held?" Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense and a long time activist for the struggling and needy, states, "It is a slap in the face to America's struggling and poor for President-elect Obama to stage a $150 million celebration during the worst economic crisis in a generation. While President Obama and his guests are eating

The inauguration of Barack Obama as sad thing is they will also be encouraged to the President of the United States is going do so by the likes of Rev. Joseph Lowery, to be historic for many reasons, not all of another liberal minister from the United Methodist Church who advocates homothe finest gourmet foods, millions will be them good. Obama's inauguration may help sexuality. fighting to keep a roof over their heads and move race relations forward in America, but To ensure no one misses the perversion, Obama's inaugural events are a major step pay their heating bills. the Inaugural parade will include a homo"The obscene price tag for this Inaugura- backwards for historic Christian values. sexual marching band with their rainbow tion shatters the myth that this President is CADC must issue this WARNING message: flags flying proud with millions of our nadeeply concerned about the poor and broken. Don't let your children watch! tion's children watching. This is the same Dr. Gary Cass remarks, "National events The question must be asked, 'why couldn't band that proudly advertises that it will the Inauguration in these bleak economic ought to unify and elevate the nation by celmarch in the homosexual Southern Decatimes scale back and use the donations to ebrating what is virtuous, such as God and dence parade, known for its vulgarity and patriotism. Obama is making a terrible mishelp Washington, D.C.'s poor?' lewd acts in public. "Sadly, this extravagant Inauguration take by polluting his inaugural events with Celebrating a person's sin sends a mesreflects a life long lack of personal commit- sexual sin. Some one ought to remind him sage of approval. ment by President-elect Obama to the poor that he wasn't elected mayor of Sodom." "In order to be consistent in using this The Flamboyant Homosexual Inaugural and needy. Some examples include: kind of reasoning, Obama ought to have a Barack Obama's inauguration will have • President-elect Obama, turned stripper lead off the inaugural parade folthe dubious distinction of being the most down public funds, and raised lowed by the Hell's Angel's Motorcycle perverted in our nation's history. Obama is nearly one billion dollars during Drill Team followed by the Crips Precision not being subtle about either. One of Ameri his campaign while million of Handgun Corp. and the Transvestite Fash Americans were struggling in this ca's most radical and destructive homosexual ion Police. Just because something exists in activists, "Bishop" Vickie Eugene Robinson terrible economic crisis. society does not mean it is good and is to of New Hampshire, in official inaugural ac• President-elect Obama never be paraded in front of everyone, especially tivities will be offering the invocation at the personally visiting the victims of children," said Dr. Cass. Lincoln Memorial. Hurricanes Ike and Gustav while The Christian Anti-Defamation Robinson will be appearing with the Gay criticizing President Bush for not Commission is a non- profit organiza being compassionate enough with Men's Chorus of Washington D. C. which tion devoted to protecting the rights of forces all Christians around the world to Katrina victims. Christians to confidently live their faith. compromise their character if they want to • Immediately after Hurricane Dr. Gary Cass has degrees from Westwatch the inauguration. Gustav President- elect Obama minster Theological Seminary. He preObama Is Sending A Very Clear Mes flew to Beverly Hills for a $28 viously served as Executive Director of million fundraiser while thousands sage the Center for Reclaiming America for The homosexual community is encour lost homes and businesses. Christ, an outreach of Coral Ridge Min• President-elect Obama's tax returns aged to celebrate their sin against God, nature and themselves at his inaugural. The istries founded by the late Dr. D. James show that for years he gave less Kennedy. than one percent of his income to charity -- even after becoming a millionaire he gave less than five percent. (By comparison, the Clintons gave over ten percent.) • President-elect Obama failed to reach out to help his own family members who were deeply struggling. His aunt lives in a run- down housing project in Boston and his step-brother lives in deep poverty in Kenya with no help from Mr. Obama. "We pray that President-elect Obama, who professes a deep faith in Christ, will embrace the teachings of Christianity during his Administration and that he will follow the teachings of Jesus when He says, 'when you have done it unto the least of these you did it unto me.'" INSIGHT FOR LIVING with CHUCK SWINDOLL


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words of wisdom

The Last Days Assignment Against the Elect Part V By Wendy Allec * DISCOURAGEMENT AND STRONG DELUSION * “Even in the generation that preceded this present Church Age, some of my greatest servants succumbed to discouragement, and this led in turn to strong delusion. The enemy will do his utmost at this time to discourage and impede and roadblock my purposes and My plans. And to those whose limbs grow too weary, whose hearts grow faint with weariness, he will start to cloud their vision.” Jesus’ tone was urgent. “And visions that were birthed in power and in clarity and in the vigor of the Holy Spirit will seem to become clouded. Legions of satanic voices have been unleashed, and the voice of the enemy will whisper doubt and confusion and unbelief to the weary soul. If seriously entertained, these satanic whisperings shall gain a foothold in the hearts and minds of some of my servants, and they shall think to themselves: I have sowed and there is no reaping. There is no harvest. I have labored for naught, for the fruit is so little. “So know, my child, to warn my servants that when they hear these voices, to immediately discard them, not even to entertain such a train of thought, for it is a train of thought carefully strategized by the legions of the damned with intent to discourage and to delude even the elect. For these voices will question My faithfulness. These voices will question My Word. These voices have one intent, to seduce My children away from My Father. “When Elijah ran from Jezebel in the wilderness, he had just slain all the prophets of Baal with the sword. He had seen my mighty hand of deliverance. But on receiving Jezebel’s message, he ran for

his life. And in these times, many of My servants who are mightily called and anointed by Me for the work in My End-Time moves have received a message from this same spirit of Jezebel that was at work against My prophet Elijah. And that message is the same today as it was then: ‘So let the gods do to me, and more also if I make not your life as the life of one of them by tomorrow.’ “And so My servants who have become weary of the battle and of standing against the darkness and warring in the high places of the Earth have become afraid and arisen and have run for their lives and cried out to Me as Elijah did: ‘It is enough; now, O Lord, take away my life.’” Jesus sighed, but His sigh was not of exasperation, but filled with a deep concern and compassion “My Father and I have heard the cry of our servants. My body has not understood the depth of discouragement which has gripped their souls.” He hesitated. “I have watched from Heaven as some of my servants became weary in well-doing, and because of the tremendous opposition and discouragements of the soul, they fell to discouragement, pride and eventually to strong delusions.” I could feel the Lord’s hurt. “I have loved these men. They loved me for many, many years with a pure heart, but they fell into Jezebel’s snare and were deceived. “Many of My servants today face the same pitfalls. Many have served Us day by day in the hidden places of service, unseen by man but known of Me. Many of them have poured out their lives and their substance for the sake of the Gospel and for My Kingdom, but they have seen little fruit. Some have done mighty exploits; some have faithfully served day by day. But many, so many, have become weary and are ready to faint. “For Jezebel has sent her message to

them saying: ‘I will make your life as one of them (slain by the sword tomorrow).’ And so the Father of Lies has sown seeds of deception in My servants’ souls-questioning their faithfulness, questioning My protection-that My servants have began to doubt My very hand upon their lives. And they have become depressed and dismayed and lost their purpose that once was so clear, and like Elijah, they cry out: ‘And I only, I am left, and the enemy seeks my life to take it away.’ “Many of these ones in the past years have given themselves to activity rather than to intimate fellowship with Me. It is essential that in this season that they take time out and draw aside to Me in intimacy in My presence so that they can find refreshing. “This assignment is far more deadly to those who are called to do as Martha than those who sit like Mary. Many of these have great administrative gifts; they are ably equipped to do, they are equipped to run ministries, equipped to run churches, equipped to run businesses. Others have become so caught up in the activity of ministering to others that they have been caught up in the activity of serving and have lost intimacy with me and have become depleted. “The more intensely discouraged that my servants become, the more they have leaned on natural, carnal methods to change their

circumstance and have become spiritually depleted. This discouragement in turn has kept them away from my face and my presence where they would find My supernatural encouragement, strength, fortitude and divine strategy to unlock their circumstances. “Tell them they must draw unto me. I am their life giver. I am their encourager. I am their anchor. I am their sustenance. That I would allure these my children to Myself and gently, as My angel spoke to Elijah, say: Child, arise and eat. Draw aside and replenish yourself. Guard your minds and hearts from the father of all lies and deceiver of your souls.” The woman was robed in purple and scarlet and bedecked with gold, precious stones, and pearls, [and she was] holding in her hand a golden cup full of the accursed offenses and the filth of her lewdness and vice. And on her forehead there was inscribed a name of mystery [with a secret symbolic meaning]: Babylon the great, the mother of prostitutes (idolatresses) and of the filth and atrocities and abominations of the earth. I also saw that the woman was drunk, [drunk] with the blood of the saints (God’s people) and the blood of the martyrs [who witnessed] for Jesus. And when I saw her, I was utterly amazed and wondered greatly. Revelation 17:4-6, amp

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words of wisdom

The Last Days Assignment Against the

Elect Part VI By Wendy Allec

SEDUCTION, LUST AND JEZEBEL "This assignment is more easily discerned but far more lethal in its outward consequences, for it devours its prey. The intense seduction lures My children into the enticement of sin but eventually leaves them stripped of their ministry, calling, reputation and sometimes even their relationship with Myself and the Father and their eternal salvation." He sighed deeply. "The Father knows that these very ones were drawn to Him because they knew the very weakness of their own souls-like the woman whose story I promised would be told eternally." I spoke. "The woman who washed your feet?" Jesus smiled tenderly. "Those who have been forgiven much love much. In this last generation many came to Us from the greatest ensnarements and bondages. Once they saw Our great love for them, they became Our greatest champions and bondservants, for their gratitude for receiving such a redemption was unfathomable. "These are the ones who have become close and tender with Me-who would follow Me unto death." "But if they would follow you unto death, Lord Jesus-and they hear your voice-then how could they fall to seducing spirits?" I asked, that chill gripping me again, sensing the answer. "Every weakness that these ones experienced in their lives..." His expression was so grave, "...every fissure, each wound, each broken place that lies unhealed-these satanic powers and principalities and demons shall now target. "Many, many of My children did not receive healing of their minds, emotions and souls in this last generation. And because they have lived in the household of God for years, many do not even realize that these scarred places exist. "These last days' assignments have been meticulously strategized, and that is the very strength of their evil-they have been tailormade to each of My champions. They know the urgent, driving, unmet needs of the soul: the generational bondages of each individual called by Me to impact this generation; the lack of nurturing; the deep unhealed rejections and hurts of the emotions; the fatherlessness; the need for affirmation; the desire to belong; the deep isolations-all of which when not met in Me-now have laid the perfect snare for the assignments of the enemy. "Some of My champions have experienced a violent, satanic assailing against their minds. Any thought not taken captive shall be a thought that can take violent root in their soul to lead to ensnarement. Anything from their past that has been dealt with

by their own strength and not by My Spirit shall become a snare to them and can leave them vulnerable to the enemy of their souls. Any habit not ruthlessly dealt with and put to the cross, when assigned with the searing heat of temptation, will breed and rapidly multiply." Jesus continued, "In this past age Jezebel has translated itself into many different forms, but one of her primary rules in this present age is her amalgamation with Babylon, the spirit of the world and lust. Lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life. Jezebel rules electronic media-film, television, advertising-she is the epitome of seduction in this last age. She was Delilah, Salome, Herodias. She rules pornography, adultery, lasciviousness, homosexuality, pride, power, separation, divorce, ambition and every perversion and sin of the flesh known to mankind. She tantalizes, packages sin, sells it and then debases and exposes her victims before killing. Her primary targets in this last Church Age are My ministers, both men and women." I felt the icy chill once more. Well I knew the depth of hatred Jezebel holds for God's bondservants. "Multitudes of My ministers today struggle with pornography. Multitudes of My ministers struggle now with lust on a daily basis. Multitudes are struggling against a terrible coldness of heart within their marriages and families. "Many came out of a deeply sinful lifestyle or out of deep-rooted rejections, and as was the way in this past generation, far too many of My children were not discipled effectively and did not receive effective healing in the areas that propelled them into that habitual sin. Also, especially among My leaders in this past generation, My Church has been so embroiled in self-righteousness that if one of My children has cried for help in an area of failure, many times they have been ostracized, isolated and had their confidence betrayed. This has led to My ministers leading double lives, having a public face for their congregations whilst crying out to Me in their bedchambers because they hate what they have become. Yet they know that many will deal treacherously with them if they admit their need for help. Jezebel knows this full well, and it is one of her most effective strategies. For once the champion is isolated from real help, the seducing spirits are unleashed, and time after time, My child falls into adultery, fornication, homosexuality, pornography, separation and divorce. And how I and My Father grieve. For well Lucifer knows that it is often those who love us and who have hungered for Our presence who have often been the most damaged


in their past-and now Satan targets the damaged places. Warn them. Warn them to guard against the great deceiver of their souls. For as Satan came to Me in the wilderness, he intends to do now to those who follow Me, who lead others-to tempt-to lure-for in this most violent of testings, even My most elect shall fall." He hesitated, and a great pain seemed to cloud His countenance. And I sensed that He was thinking about one whom I knew that He loved greatly who had been caught even that month in a prevailing sin. And I thought of the ones in this past year who had fallen in ways that were still politically acceptable to us in the household of God-but my thoughts were not with those‚ but rather with those, so many of late, who had fallen morally-not acceptable-and who had lost or taken time out from their ministries. And as I looked into Jesus' eyes, I knew that these were the ones He grieved for. For well He knew how they loved Him. In fact, some loved Him more, much more than any others. And well He knew how they must have wrestled in the still, quiet hours of the early morning against sin. But because the assignments of hell had been so meticulously crafted and because Lucifer knew so well that the politics of the Church so often ensured isolation and silence in struggling with sin, one by one they had fallen to the brokenness and fissures in their own souls. And as He looked at me, I felt that suddenly I knew how He had looked upon that rich young man. And so I prayed for all of us who had been targeted by the enemy, to be assailed in this last End Time, that even in the tumult and the fierce heat of the testings and trials and temptations, we would draw on His strength that would take us through the eye of the needle to that last lap of the narrow way that we may be counted as conquerors. "Lord Jesus, how can we stand?" I whispered. "There is only one way to survive the onslaught, My child." His voice was so soft. "Firstly, to repent of any and of all lukewarmness and backsliding in your heart and to reignite and maintain zealously your first love for Me. Secondly, to keep yourself from all idols and remain fervent in the Spirit, which is the result of true fellowship in Spirit and in truth with Myself and the Father and of feeding on My Word until My Words are Spirit and Life to you." He hesitated, "And finally, the cross. The deception in every temptation is that which caused Adam to lead billions of souls into sin-that of selfishness. Temptation promises that which self desires. When My children desire the promises of sin more than they desire Me-they will fall. "The greatest weapon to survive the on-

slaught is for My children to take up their cross and to follow Me. To take up the cross daily and to die to everything in their souls and their mind that opposes My truth. To let go of that lower life that is the flesh and continually mortify their minds and bodies and to put to death the deeds of the flesh. My children have forgotten the power of the cross. They have thought that to die once is sufficient, but the spirit of the world, with its carnality and selfishness, loosed upon this present generation is so strong in these evil days-that it is only in a continual, daily crucifying of their flesh that they will indeed be able to withstand temptation. "Remember it is written, ‘For we do not have a High Priest Who is unable to understand and sympathize and have a shared feeling with our weaknesses and infirmities and liability to the assaults of temptation, but One Who has been tempted in every respect as we are, yet without sinning.' Let us then fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace... that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find grace to help in good time for every need, [appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when we need it]. Hebrews 4:16, amp "Even when you feel you are falling into the very pit of hell itself, even when it seems as if you are clinging to Me and to My Father and to My Word and its principles by a thread-when you feel that hell is sucking you in-it is then that you must cry out to Me. Cry out to My Father. Cry out Our name, and in that very second, We will come to you and rescue you. We will draw you in and protect you from every wile of the Evil One. "I said I will never forsake you, and this is true. Even when you are in the heat of temptation-still if you cry out to Me-I will hear you. "Speak My Word, and I, the Living Word, will come to your aid and accomplish that which I have promised. "Now, warn My children. My Father's heart is grieved with a terrible grieving. Warn My beloved-that many would be saved out of the fowler's snare-that even those in the deepest mire might cry out to Me and Continued on page 22

AM 1220



Transforming Culture: Christian Truth By R. Albert Mohler Jr.

Confronts Post-Christian America

Peggy Noonan is right. At some point, in some moment, all of us must admit that something remarkable has happened to American culture. Mrs Noonan, a former presidential speechwriter, recalls that this moment came for her during a high school graduation in the early 1970s. A young girl walked across the stage to received her diploma. The girl was obviously pregnant. Noonan recalls that her first impulse was admiration for the girl's grit and determination against social disapproval. "But," recognized Noonan, "society wasn't disapproving. It was applauding." As she reflected, "Applause is a right and generous response for a young girl with grit and heart. And yet, in the sound of that applause I heard a wall falling, a thousand-year wall, a wall of sanctions that said: We as a society do not approve of teenaged unwed motherhood because it is not good for the child, not good for the mother, not good for us." To this the Christian Church would say far more, but the great danger today is that many Christians are seeing the same evidence, and saying far less. A remarkable culture-shift has taken place around us. The most basic contours of American culture have been radically altered. The so-called Judeo-Christian consensus of the last millennium has given way to a post-modern, post-Christian, post-Western cultural crisis which threatens the very heart of our culture. Reflecting on the changes experienced by America over just the last half-century, John Howard of the Rockford Institute described the end of World War II as "a half century and a whole civilization ago." We know how he feels. Looking back on the America of 1945, it does look like a whole civilization has passed. The evidence is overwhelming. Moral relativism has so shaped the culture that the vast majority of Americans now see themselves as their own moral arbiter. Truth has been internalized, privatized, and subjectivized. Absolute or objective truth is denied outright. Research indi-

cates that most Americans believe that truth is internal and relative. No one, the culture shouts, has a right to impose truth, morality, or cultural standards. In the courts, revisionist legal theories and psycho-therapeutic issues have replaced concern for right and wrong. Justice has become a political argument, not a societal standard. Righteousness is rejected as a concept, a relic of an older age of a common morality, nuclear families, and Victorian dreams. The discourse of a revealed morality commanding right and forbidding wrong is as out of place in contemporary America as a log cabin on Wall Street. The most influential sectors of society are allied in furthering the process of social disintegration. Television and mass culture have so shaped the American consciousness that many citizens are now intellectually unable to sustain a serious moral conversation. Those who attempt to engage the American people in a serious moral conversation are met with immediate dismissal or--more worrisome still--blank stares. The arts are increasingly decadent, portraying violence, pornography, and banality as high culture. In the academy, deconstructionism and other purportedly post-modern theories have largely destroyed some disciplines and thrown others into incoherence. The search for truth has been abandoned in favor of political arguments over rights and privileges. Looking within, Americans have adopted a therapeutic worldview which has transformed all issues of right and wrong into newly created categories of authenticity, self esteem, codependencies, and various psychological fads which basically tell us that we are victims, not responsible moral agents. A cult of self-worship has developed, substituting a search for the inner child in place of the worship of the transcendent God. The Church has constantly been perplexed concerning its proper relation to culture. H. Richard Niebuhr traced five different patterns of cultural response in his famous work, Christ and Culture. The book over-simplified the issues and now looks

Albert Mohler Monday - Friday 2 pm on KPJC AM 1220


awkwardly optimistic, but some of the pat- of this cultural crisis is to proclaim the truth terns Niebuhr described are still evident. The and reach out to the casualties. In the face Church as at times withdrawn from culture of rampant relativisms, the believing Church and sought refuge in attempted cultural iso- must proclaim the truth of God's Word, the lation. At other times and in other contexts permanence of His commands, and the realthe Church has simply abdicated to the cul- ity of His judgment. Given the cultural conture, thus reflecting the culture rather than text, this task is one of the most important proclaiming the cross. A myriad of patterns tests of Christian faithfulness. To proclaim and be traced between these two extremes. biblical truth to this culture is to risk social The fact is that the Church has often exhib- isolation, outright rejection, and, in some ited several patterns at once, capitulating to cases, potent attacks. culture on the one hand and seeking isolation The Church which proclaims that adulon the other. tery, premarital sex, and homosexuality are In candor, we must admit that the Church inherently and unquestionably sinful will has been displaced. Once an authoritative quickly discover what it means to be cut off voice in the culture, the Church is often dis- from the cultural mainstream. The preacher missed, and even more often ignored. At one who takes on the divorce culture and takes time, the influence of the Church was suf- his stand for the enduring covenant of marficient to restrain cultural rebellion against riage will run into direct confrontation with God's moral commandments, but no longer. society's attraction to "open marriage" and The dynamic of the culture-shift marches what some now describe as "serial monogonward. On the Protestant left, leaders have amy." The Christian who stands in defense simply capitulated to the revisionist ideolo- of the unborn will be told that her voice is gies and surrendered revealed morality. On unwanted, unheeded, and unwelcome--and the evangelical wing, however, the greater in no uncertain terms. temptation is to affirm biblical morality in To contend for Christian truth in the face principle, and wink at infractions as matters of this culture is to discover what it means of merely individual interest. to be a member of a cognitive minority; that The displacement of the Church is char- is, a minority which quite evidently thinks acteristic of the process of secularization, and lives differently than the larger culture. which has now so thoroughly altered the To confess the truths of God's Word in late landscape of American culture. Though so- twentieth-century America is to take on a ciologists point to continuing high levels of counter-cultural posture; to stand against the religious activity and statements of belief-- stream and to press against the grain. both of these in sharp contrast to other westAt the same time, we must reach out and ern nations--the truth is that very little of this minister to the casualties of our cultural reactivity translates into authentic disciple- bellion. The Church of Jesus Christ is comship, active church membership, and bold prised of sinners saved by grace. With the Christian witness. message of grace, we must reach out to those The worldview of most Americans is now whose lives have been ruined and warped in thoroughly secularized, revolving around the the course of our cultural decay. Only the self and its concerns, and based on relativism Church has the honest and truthful answers as an axiom. We Americans have become our concerning the most basic issues facing our own best friend, our own therapist, our own society. Our challenge is to match truth to priest, and our own lawgiver. The old order compassion, and mercy to confrontation. is shattered, the new order is upon us. This was true in the first century, it is true What, then, is the Church to do? At the now, and it may well be true until the Lord onset, we must disallow both optimism and returns. In our depravity, human beings natudespair. We have no right to expect, as did rally rebell against the truth of God's Word, a previous generation, that "every day in but it reveals the only means of salvation. every way things are getting better and bet- Our charge is to bear witness. ter." The same culture that has developed the The truths of God's Word reveal the microwave oven, the CAT-scan, and the vac- Gospel of spiritual transformation, and the cine for polio has also produced social pa- proclamation of the truths of God's Word thologies which threaten the very existence is the only means available to us of cultural of the culture. The operating room and the transformation. From beginning to end, it is abortionist's table are both symbols of our all in God's hands. We are called to faithful culture. Though claiming to be concerned witness and compassionate ministry. In the with the quality of life, America is increas- context of post-Christian America, our task ingly characterized by a culture of death. At is to preach the Gospel and to proclaim the the same time, though the direction of the truths of God's Word. As the Apostle Paul culture may be dramatically downward, we wrote to the Corinthian church, the Gospel have no right to assume that this slide cannot is foolishness to those seeking wisdom and be corrected. a scandal to those looking for power. To the We must understand that, in the Christian redeemed, however, the Gospel is the power worldview, culture is important, but never of God unto salvation. Here is found the only ultimate. Beyond this, we acknowledge that genuine transformation. Therein is found our God is sovereign, and His providence rules charge. over all. The mission of the Church in the midst THE JC TOWN REPORTER 20

kingdom generation

Borrowing for education

By Crown Financial Ministries

Rising education costs In 2006, the average cost of a 4-year private college education broke the $30,000 mark. This is the first time the average education costs have reached that point. For the past 11 years, costs of college education have increased faster than inflation.1 If this trend continues, and if parents intend to pay the entire cost for their children to attend a state institution, a family should begin to save as soon as possible. Almost any family can set aside some amount of money, no matter how small. Whether a prospective student is in preschool or high school, it's never too early or too late to start saving for college. Setting a savings goal and breaking it down into manageable installments is a good way to get started. Paying for college expenses The most economical way to attend college is also one of the most popular: have the children live at home, attend an inexpensive community college one or two years, and work part time to save money until they can transfer to a four-year school. Although a proven method for funding college education is for the parent to pay half

and the child to pay half, there are five other methods for financing college education that are common with American families: 1. Children work and earn as they go. The majority of students who at tend college or university work at least part time. 2. Parents and family help. Many par ents pass along a portion of their inheritance by helping their children with education expenses. 3. Grants and scholarships. These are funds that do not have to be repaid. 4. GI Bill. The military offers substan tial funding for education in exchange for military service. 5. Student loans. These should be the very last resort. Every other avenue of financing should be thoroughly explored before loans are considered. It's good for children to work and to help pay for their education. Proverbs 16:26 says, “A worker's appetite works for him.” If children are helping to earn their way, the education they are seeking often means a great deal more to them.

Feb. 22, 2008

Working part time is a great way to assist with paying tuition and to have extra spending money. Many offices on a college campus hire students during the school year. In some cases the work requires that the student is awarded Federal Work Study (FWS). FWS is a federal student financial aid program that promotes part-time employment for qualified students. One of the best places to start searching for a part-time job is at the school's student employment office. The next place to search would be the classified sections of local and campus newspapers. Finally, asking friends and classmates if they are aware of job openings is often successful. Grants and scholarships are the best type of college money, because they are usually tax free and do not have to be repaid. Both are offered by colleges, for-profit organizations, nonprofit organizations, private and personal resources, and government agencies. Federal and state grants usually are restricted to students who can prove that they have a great financial need. Successfully locating, applying for, and receiving a scholarship requires time, energy, persistence, and patience. Beginning a search early will enable a student to learn about a variety of different scholarships well in advance of any application deadlines. When beginning a scholarship and grant search, the student should begin at the local level. Check with school counselors' offices, community organizations (Lions Club, Rotary Club), religious organizations, parents' employers, labor organizations, or civic group organizations (scouting, YMCA). Next, investigate campus-based scholarships and grants before moving on into state and national offerings. A thorough search of scholarship and grant opportunities includes research at a public or campus library, local and campus bookstores, and free Internet scholarship search sites.

Although fee-based scholarship search organizations should be avoided if at all possible, if all other efforts have been completely unsuccessful, the student might want to investigate one of the fee-based organizations. A loan should be considered as an option only after all other financing possibilities have been exhausted and parents and children agree that a loan is necessary in order for them to attend college. They also should be certain that attending college will maximize their investment in the future and their growth intellectually, personally, and spiritually. Even at that, they need to (1) borrow only what is absolutely needed for education expenses; (2) borrow for a short period of time; (3) pay back what was borrowed as quickly as possible; and (4) sacrifice as needed to get out of debt. Conclusion If it is truly God's will for children to attend school, He will supply the funds—many times without having to borrow. The principle of borrowing does not depend on how or where the money is used. If money is borrowed, it must be repaid— usually with interest. Borrowing to attend school is certainly not a sin, but by borrowing, God's plan for provision can very well be circumvented. Many Christians finished school only to find that they are shackled with enormous debt that they incurred while getting their education. Sometimes it takes many years for them to get out of debt before they are able to go where God wants them to go and do what God wants them to do. If attending a seminary or college is a need in your children's lives, then God is able to provide the funds needed without having to borrow. “My God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).

MONEY MATTERS Monday - Friday on JC Talk Christian



kingdom families

Mentoring Our Children By Eddy Shigley I used to work at Pine Cove Christian Camps in Tyler, Texas. Part of my job was to interview hundreds of college students to fill our staff positions for our summer camping program. One of the questions that intrigued me was the following, “When you are a parent, what will you do different than your parents?” The number one answer by far was something like this, “My dad was a deacon or board member at the church and my mom was a Sunday School teacher, but we never talked about Jesus at home. I want to talk about Jesus in the home. I want to have some sort of family devotions.” Realizing that more is often caught than taught, we started inviting 7-8 college students in our home at a time to model before them what it was like to have family devotions. Many of these college students would be in tears by the time it was over. Why? These students so desperately wanted to have Jesus as a central focus in their homes, but it did not happen. Now, they are determined to be different – determined to accept the challenge to mentor their own children! If we really desire to mentor our children, there are five important principles to implement. First, we must teach our children the ways of the Lord. Psalm 78:5-7 says, “He decreed statutes for Jacob and established the law in Israel, which he commanded our forefathers to teach their children, so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children. Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds but would keep his commands.” We must tell of the awesome things the Lord has done for us. We must be intentional about this sort of training. We cannot rely on the church, a youth pastor, a coach, a teacher, or some other adult to mentor our children; we must make it a priority to mentor them ourselves. I think it is important to partner with others in the process, but we cannot afford to wait idly by hoping someone else will take up the

mantle. Our children and their souls are too precious. We need to have family devotions that include reading the Word of God, praying together, memorizing Scripture and talking about spiritual principles and God’s love. This in turn will help our kids to understand what it is to have their own time with the Lord. We need to read books to them that we can draw spiritual analogies. We can teach their Sunday School class, lead their small group, disciple them one on one. My wife meets with our 13-year-old daughter and goes through discipleship curriculum and I do the same with our 15-year-old son. We need to teach them in non-conflict moments and repetition is necessary. It should be a part of who we are as Christians. We need to help our children discover a very clear purpose in life and mission God has for them. Steve Farrar believes a child needs a purpose, a plan, patience, and a path. Help your children discover their gifts, which will help them define their purpose. Second, we need to do things with our children that we want implemented in their lives. We must model for them what we want them to learn. My experience in youth and college ministry for over twenty years tells me that the kids that usually turn away from God and rebel are those who grow up in Religious homes, yet hypocritical homes. In other words, the kids hear what is taught, but they do not see it implemented in the lives of their parents. As parents, we need to not only read the Word, but also do what it says (James 1:22). We need to be a man or woman of our word. If we say we are going to do something, we need to do it. Go on a mission’s trip with your teenager, work in the nursery together, serve in the church, go to the Salvation Army and serve the homeless. We need to spend quality time with our kids doing what they like to do. I am amazed at the conversations I have with my children when I invest in what they like to do! Kids desperately want quality time with their parents. Men, when you are at home, you need to be there mentally. Be there

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at bedtime. Some of the greatest talks and discussions are when I am tucking the kids in bed. Sure, they might be talking so they do not have to go to sleep, but the key is they are talking – with me! III John verse four states, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” My wife and I are privileged to lead all seven of our children to Christ. I believe it is because we talk about Jesus and our need for Him all the time! There is nothing better than introducing your child to Jesus Christ! Third, we need to spend quantity time with our children to mentor effectively. Teaching moments are not always planned. Kids want and need quantity time. Kids often spell love = TIME. Andy Stanley in his sermon, “Choose To Cheat” challenges parents to quit their jobs if their job is becoming too demanding and taking them away from the family. I agree. What is the message of Deuteronomy 6:4-9? I believe part of the message is quality and quantity time intentional and life discipleship. Talking about Jesus in the home should be as natural as breathing. Part of the training process is learning how to handle disappointments and failures in life. How our children learn to handle failures can make or break their inner character. Do we model a healthy response to failure before our children? Fourth, we need to make memories together as a family. Go on camping trips, have game and movies nights together, coach their sports, play sports together, take a walk, ride bikes, play video games, make a list of things they want to do each summer (bowling, hiking, putt putt golf, water park, amusement park, reading a series of books together, laser tag, paint ball, etc). Go on great vacations as a family. Spend time with each child to hear their heart, their passions, dreams, and frustrations. Children are so different, we need to treat them as special and unique and awesome. Fifth, as parents we need to discipline with love. The word discipline comes from the root word disciple. Proverbs 19:18, “Discipline your son, for in that there is hope.” I challenge all of us to read Proverbs and to take note at the instructions for us to discipline our children. Discipline and training is necessary to drive sin and foolishness away. God disciplines those he loves (Proverbs 3:12), so it is with our children. Not only do they need discipline and boundaries but they also desire it. Healthy discipline is an expression of our love. A disciplined child is a happy child. However, rules without relationship leads to rebellion. We are instructed to not exasperate our children (Ephesians 6:4). We cannot afford to be harsh, but we must be firm. Pray that God gives you just the right amount of discipline balanced by a loving relationship with your children. Robert Lewis in his book, “Raising A Modern Day Knight”, outlines three major

problems in our culture in developing men. 1. We have failed to deliver to our sons a clear, inspiring, biblically grounded definition of manhood. In other words, what is a Godly man? 2. Most fathers lack a directional process that calls their sons to em brace the manhood they should be able to define. In other words, how do I train m son to become a man? 3. We have lost the art of ceremonies. How do our sons know when they have arrived at being a man? Lewis believes we must set the stage for helping our sons to become men by giving them a vision of manhood, expectations on a Code of Conduct and providing a mission, or transcendent cause for their lives. I got very excited about these principles in Lewis’ book, expanded on them to include my daughters, and added our own personal touch to the principles. We have come up with five ceremonies to celebrate pivotal times in the lives of our children and use it as a vehicle to teach life lessons, manhood, womanhood, and to build memories. For each one we have a cause to celebrate, a ceremony/trip, a topic to discuss, and a symbol or gift to remember the times together. The idea is in the mentoring process the parent and child have shared experiences, life discussions, creative memories, and a foundation in which to draw from to go and be a man or woman of God and to lead their own families. Mentoring your children is about passing the baton of the Christian faith from one generation to another. We cannot afford to hope this happens by osmosis or by happenchance, we must be intentional to mentor and disciple our own children to love, fear, and serve Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior! Go ahead and get started, it is not too late! Eddy Shigley is President of Doulos Leadership Group - A speaking and consulting business for Christian organizations. He and his wife, Esther, have seven children. They live in Bartlesville, OK where they enjoy teaching and mentoring their children to follow Jesus.

The Elect:VI Continued from page 19 find their way home. "Beloved children"-Jesus' voice was so tender, and somehow I knew that He was speaking to all who had been ensnared who eventually would read these words-"there is forgiveness, beloved. There is deliverance. There is restoration." And then He turned and smiled-the smile of heaven that seemed to light up the whole world in its wake. "THERE IS HOPE."




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