JCCAC Festival 2015 - Festival Guide

Page 1

節目指南 Festival Guide




Weekend Fairs


Docent Guided Tours


Rooftop Cinema


Arts Talks


Arts Jamming


Arts Workshops



當感官刺激與 心靈相遇

The encounters of external sensory stimulations and self-reflective emotions

目錄 Contents

出版日期 Publication Date:11/2015 初版 First Edition 印量 Printing Quantity:3,000 本 設計 Design:Tomorrow Design Office






Docent Guided Tours



Weekend Fairs


Food & Beverage / Shopping Coupons





Feature Exhibition


Exhibitions @ Common Spaces






版權所有 不得翻印 All Rights Reserved


©2015 賽馬會創意藝術中心 Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre

︻體驗︼工作坊 、即興藝術

represent the views of the Centre.




by the relevant artists/art groups, who are responsible for their content and accuracy, and do not


Workshops & Arts Jamming

expression. Artistic works and activities presented in the Centre and in this Festival Guide are provided


Disclaimer: Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre is an arts venue which supports the freedom of artistic



Programme Timetable

免責聲明:賽馬會創意藝術中心為一藝術場所 ,支持及尊重藝術表達自由。 本節目指南內展示的藝術作品/活動內容由有關藝術家/藝術團體提供及負責其內容準確性 , 概不代表本中心立場 ,敬請留意。






Rooftop Cinema



前言 Foreword

前言 Foreword




除了主題展覽外 , 10 個駐中心藝術單位亦將獨立

We have five senses. But in this world of speed and

There are other interesting exhibitions dotted around

在 五 感 之 中,都 市 人 的 生 活 似 乎 愈 來 愈 倚 重 視

策展不同主題的小型展覽 ,透過不同類型的藝術

information explosion, we are constantly bombarded

JCCAC’s common spaces organised by resident artists/

with visual images, making sight arguably the

art groups from 10 studios. They explore the tangible

singularly most relied upon cognitive sense for us

and intangible relationships and connections between

city dwellers – with eyes glued on mobile phones,

society, human beings and oneself through a variety of

emoji for expression shortcuts and food selfies

artworks in ceramics, sketching, drawing, installation,

becoming acceptable table manners! Senses of sight,

etc. In the exhibition “East South West North –

sound, taste and smell do not call for actual physical

blowing winds of change”, four local artists - Stella

contact between people. And while the world has

Tang, Grace Tang, Dick Lai and Monti Lai engage

metaphorically gotten smaller due to exponential

the public in self-reflection on issues like citizenship,

advancements in information technology, people have

localisation and globalisation through artworks with

出互動畫作。盧世強的「觸 - 感」,透過不同的雕塑

seemingly grown more self-indulged, radicalised and

cross-over and interactive elements. Peggy Lee’s work

形態 ,從不同層面反映現今人類社會的複雜感知。

alienated. Have we become afraid of physical touch?

“Outlet” not only encourages the audience to vent

覺̶​̶眼不離手機 、感情表達用 emoji、進餐時「相

(包括陶瓷 、素描 、繪畫 、藝術裝置等)展示人與這

!視覺、 機先吃」 聽覺、 嗅覺和味覺犯不著身體接觸,

城市 、人與人之間 ,以及人與自身的連繫觸碰。其

加上科技促進資訊流通 ,世界好像縮小了 ,但人卻

中包括由四位本地藝術家鄧凝姿 、鄧凝梅 、黎振寧

變得較自我、 極端和疏離。 我們是否在逃避觸覺?

和黎慧儀合力創作的「東南西北 ̶ 吹乜風」。他們

人不能亂摸 ,展品亦然。而為打破「眼看手勿動」 的展覽常規 ,今年 JCCAC 藝術節以《觸》為主題。 「觸」,意味著藝術觸動心靈的內在相遇 ,同時呼應 我們與駐中心藝團「社區文化發展中心」合辦的主 題展覽 ̶​̶「第三屆香港觸感藝術節」。此外 ,我 們亦希望透過藝術節這個平台 ,讓駐中心藝術家 和藝團以各類藝術形式 ,表達他們對觸覺 、觸感等 外在感官接觸的聯想。 設於兩層藝廊的主題展覽 ,將展示逾 40 位來自海 外 、本地及駐中心資深及新晉藝術家的觸感作品。 透過不同類型的觸感藝術 ,包括可觸摸的藝術品 、 藝術家與視障人士的共同創作 ,以及由平面轉化 成立體的觸感作品 ,展覽嘗試打破社會對視覺藝 術的固有框框和定型 ,為平日習慣「看」展覽的觀 眾帶來另類感官體驗。

以小遊戲和有趣互動元素 ,觸發觀眾思考 ,港人在 全球化下應如何自處。李碧琪的「出氣」,探討「觸 怒」這一瞬間的情感。觀眾在弄破「波波紙」氣泡的 一剎那 ,不但可以發洩心中不滿 ,更可以集體創作

何頴姿的展覽「青山不變」,則試圖留住一座青山。 她特意找來綿延山脈的圖片 ,重新接駁段段風景 , 並在被譽為永恆的石頭上 ,重新製造心中的風景 , 盼讓觀眾反思「土地是用來做甚麼的?」 為期約一個月的藝術節 ,還設有周末市集及多場 免費節目 ,如露天電影會 、音樂和繪畫互動的即興 藝術 、戲劇工作坊 、爵士樂表演等 ,讓公眾親身參 與 ,感受藝術氛圍與樂趣。如果想進一步接觸藝術

their anger by popping the plastic bubble wraps she The theme of JCCAC Festival this year is “Touch”.

provides, but in the process allowing these people to

The title echoes the theme of the feature exhibition

become unwitting co-creators of art. Other interesting

in the Galleries “The Third Hong Kong Touch Art

exhibitions include “Touch – Inner Sense” showcasing

Festival” co-presented with one of our resident arts

ceramic works by Louis Lo which explore the

organisations, Centre for Community Cultural

complicated nature of human feelings, and “Invariable

Development. We also hope that the chosen theme

Mountain” by Gigi Ho which invites the audience to

this year will inspire other resident artists and art

beg the question “what should land be used for?”

organisations to interpret it imaginatively, especially to explore the encounters of external sensory

To encourage public participation, the month-long

stimulations and self-reflective emotions through their

festival also features a weekend fair and various free


independently curated exhibitions and activities.

programmes, including open air film screenings,

今年的 JCCAC 藝術節 ,希望由觸覺出發 ,通過藝

Located on the two levels of Galleries, the feature

workshop, jazz performances, etc. For up close and


exhibition showcases the works of more than 40

personal encounters with artists in their creative lair,

experienced and budding artists from overseas, and


docent guided tours to their art studios are definitely

Hong Kong, including those from JCCAC. Through

not to be missed.


various types of touch art, this exhibition breaks

家 ,認識他們的創作天地和作品 ,導賞團更是不容

interactive jamming of music and sketch, drama

the mold of a stereotypical visual arts exhibition

We hope that JCCAC Festival 2015 will be an artistic

by offering an alternative sensory experience for

feast for the eyes and the senses, creating an exciting

audiences used to enjoying artworks with their eyes.

collective cultural vibe during and beyond it.

Included are artworks that can be touched, artworks


co-created by artists and the visually impaired, and

Lillian Hau

tactile interpretations of two-dimensional artworks.

Executive Director, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre


【觸目】 主題展覽 Feature Exhibition

【觸目】 主題展覽 Feature Exhibition

第三屆香港觸感藝術節 The Third Hong Kong Touch Art Festival JCCAC x L2-05-08 社區文化發展中心 Centre for Community Cultural Development

關於藝團 / 工作室 「 社 區 文 化 發 展 中 心 」(CCCD) 積 極 籌 組 不 同

About Art Organisation / Studio The goal and mission of “Centre for Community

類 型 的 文 化 藝 術 活 動 ,包 括 演 出 、工 作 坊 、出

Cultural Development” (CCCD) are to promote

版 、研 討 會 等 ,以 推 展 及 活 現 社 區 文 化 潛 能; 並期望透過各種支援 ,協助社區與社群面對因 社會變遷而出現的挑戰;致力拓展社區文化空 間 ,積極進行文化建設 ,締造全人藝術的社會。 ,繼 CCCD 於 2014 年設立「藝術治療服務中心」

and practise community cultural development, i.e. cultural activities that empower the underprivileged, in particular persons with disabilities, migrant workers and ethnic minorities, and to uphold diversity in cultural development in the face of the onslaught of the homogenising pressure of globalisation.

續以工作坊及研討會等形式 ,推廣藝術治療;並

CCCD established the “Creative Arts Therapy


Centre” in 2014 to promote arts therapy through workshops, conferences and symposiums. It also

莊心珍作品 Artwork by Chng Seok Tin

4/12 – 31/12

「觸」 , 以「角」為部首, 形容獸類用犄角抵

11:00 – 19:00 L0, L1 藝廊 Galleries

2891 8482 2891 8488 cccd@cccd.hk www.cccd.hk

# 設粵語口述影像 (部分展品) Partially with audio description in Cantonese

Participating artists: Artistry of Wind Box Community Development Association (Macau) /

「感」, 物。 以「心」為部首 , 本義:感動。

from our external senses to our internal

趙愛萍 / 莊心珍 / 范世康 / 奇想偶戲劇團 / 黃曼玲 /

“Creativity to Independence” Painting Workshop

藝術 ,本來就蘊藏著觸動人心的力量 ,

spirit, crossing physical and psychological

霍康琪 / HEADNepal / 何敏儀 / 李志豪 / 海潮 / 許

participants / Au Sze Wing, Harriet / Au Tin Ki /



婉汶 / 姜由美 / 賴恩慈 / 林漢堅 / 林可頤 / 林皮 /

birdintree creative studio / Brandon Chan / Ceci Chan /

劉志強 / 劉俊賢 / 李舜如 / 楊冠瑩 / 梁以瑚 / 廖東

Comma Chan / Chan Ka Hing / Yukko Chan /

動 ,或喜悅 、或感慨 ,並因而有所啟發。 「第三屆香港觸感藝術節」嘗試於這視 覺主導的年代 ,透過各種藝術形式 ,探 索視覺以外 、與生俱來的感官經驗與 本能。 是次展覽展出觸感豐富 、形態萬千的

We live in an era dominated by visual stimulus, but “The Third Hong Kong Touch Art Festival” challenges that by exciting our other sensations through

梅 / 廖家宜 / 新生精神康復會 / 吳惠儀 / 施援程 / 蕭耀翔 / 陳麗香 / 黃肖萍 / 黃詠楓 / 邱偉文 / 楊秀 卓 / 嚴美媚 / 葉鳳桃 / Youth Empowerment Service 及 陳俊明先生 / 茹海欣 / 翁志健

artistic media. Richly textured artworks

Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong

Chao Pou Leng, Pauline / Cheng Ming Fai, Reed / Teresa de Jesus Cheong / Chew Oi Ping, Olga / Chug Seok Tin / Fan Sai Hong / Fantasy Puppet Theatre / Irene Flanhardt / Ankie Fok / HEADNepal / Blanche Ho / Jansky / Hoi Chiu / Yanki Hui / Yumi Keung / Mo Lai / Lam Hon Kin

are generously showcased, including three-

Andrew / Keyee Lam / Lam Pei / Lau Chi Keung,

dimensional renditions of two-dimensional

Steve / Winston Lau / Alice Lee / Leong Kun Leng / Evelyna Liang / Liu Tung Mui / Liu Ka Yee / New

artworks, artworks co-created by artists

Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association /

化成立體的觸感作品 、藝術家與視障

and the visually impaired, interactive

人士共同創作的互動體驗作品 、觸感

installations, touch dance performance and

Tan Lay Heong / Veronique Wong / Wong Wing

舞蹈 ,以及觸感藝術工作坊參與者創

group artworks created by the community

Fung / Raymond Yau / Ricky Yeung / Mimi Yim /


during touch art workshops.

作觸感描述, 透過他們對作品的演繹, 啟 發公眾以嶄新的角度欣賞及認識藝術。 想更親身體驗觸感藝術 ,甚至進一步透 過觸感發現自我 ,不妨參加藝術節公眾 工作坊及導賞團 ,詳情請分別參閱 P.20 及 P.30。 4

區思穎 / 歐天祈 / 塗鴉創意間 / 陳百堅 / 思詩 / 陳 衍泓 / 陳嘉興 / 陳裕君 / 周寶玲 / 鄭明輝 / 張蘭芳 /

今年,大會更邀請視障人士為部分展品 L0

香港展能藝術會「創藝自强」繪畫工作坊參加者 /

provides clinical services for individuals and groups.

The arts touch our souls by reaching

作品 ,當中包括藝術家將平面藝術轉


霍康琪作品 Artwork by Ankie Fok

參展藝術家:風盒子社區藝術發展協會 ( 澳門 ) /

Winnie Ng / Si Wun Cheng / Reggae Siu /

Yip Fung To / Youth Empowerment Service & Chan Tsun Ming / Lesley Yu / Yung Chi Kin

For a fresh arts appreciation perspective, tactile description of the exhibits would be shared by select visually impaired exhibition guides. Touch art workshops and public guided

延伸活動 Extension activities 觸感藝術工作坊 Touch Art Workshops

tours are offered on selected weekends.

「觸動 、舞動」表演暨工作坊 Touch, Move and Dance Performance and Workshop

For details, please refer to P.20 and P.30

「觸感藝術−由創作開展、 從策展建立」講座 Talk Touch Art - Creation & Curatorship



大木偶示範暨工作坊 Puppet Sharing Session and Workshop

觸感藝術導賞團 Touch Art Guided Tours

P.24-25 P.30 5

【悅目】 公共空間展覽 Exhibitions @ Common Spaces

【觸目】主題展覽 Feature Exhibition

青山不變 Invariable Mountain L4-07 兩點塵工作室 Two Dust Studio

Gigi Ho believes that every little touch plays a role in shaping our personal development and level of satisfaction.

4/12 – 31/12 10:00 – 22:00

The glimpse of a faraway hill from her

L3 藍牆 Blue Wall

window is a sight that touches her deeply.

何頴姿 Gigi Ho

“The scattered bits of hill that I can see

6579 5246

from my window is diminishing and will

homegigi14@ hotmail.com

eventually be replaced by the cityscape.”


She predicts.

藉著是次展覽 , 何頴姿試圖留住一座山。 她認為 ,每個微小的觸動 ,都是生活重 「每天在房間內看到的 要的組成部分。 一小段遠山 ,它像是被強行截斷的風 景。未來這景觀還是會逐漸縮小 ,被窗 、 水泥 、高聳入雲的建築取代。」 回應今屆藝術節的主題「觸」,她特意找 來綿延山脈的圖片 ,重新接駁段段風 景 ,並在被譽為永恆的石頭上 ,重新製

In this exhibition, she would like to capture and reconstruct the hill as it should naturally appear to her, and invites the audience to beg the question “what should land be used for?” About Artist / Studio Gigi Ho graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong majoring in Fine Arts. With Chinese calligraphy and seal carving as her main art medium, Ho enjoys learning from nature and the old masters, and wants to archive the fleeting

「石頭的表面總是冰冷 造心中的風景。

emotions in life through her art, which she finds

的 ,人的觸碰卻為它帶來了溫度。」

empowering. She is fond of stones, for their store of

「土地是用來做 何頴姿想問大家一句︰


ancient secrets. “Two Dust Studio” is the creative space of Gigi and


Inkgo, where they leave their dust in creation.

關於藝術家 / 工作室

rising and falling with their ideas.

A deer trod by and two specks of dust soared,

何頴姿 ,畢業於香港中文大學藝術系。創作媒介 主要以中國書法及篆刻為主。何氏熱衷於向大自 然及古人學習 ,並希望透過創作抓住生活中每一 瞬微小的感動 ,成為情感與時刻的紀錄 ,而過程 中自身亦獲得內在的能量。她喜歡古老的石頭 , 認為每顆石都蘊藏著秘密 ,並永垂不朽。 「 兩 點 塵 工 作 室 」是 何 頴 姿(Gigi)及 林 嘉 裕 (Inkgo)的創作空間 , 在創作中留下自己的塵埃。 鹿走過 , 翻起泥土 , 揚起了兩點塵。 塵降落 、升空 、不斷前進 ,為了把心中的想法 , 一一實現。



【悅目】 公共空間展覽 Exhibitions @ Common Spaces

【悅目】 公共空間展覽 Exhibitions @ Common Spaces

「我們的石硤尾創意藝術中心」社區實踐計劃 2015 “Our Shek Kip Mei Creative Art Centre” Community Project 2015

那城憶記 II Somewhere Out There II L5-11 林皮工作室 Lam Pei Studio

L2-16 我們的石硤尾創意藝術中心 Our Shek Kip Mei Creative Art Centre

4/12 – 31/12 10:00 – 22:00 L3 公共空間 Common Space

黃玉蘭 、鄧妙玲 Alice Wong, Miu Tang

3617 9059 wya_hlc5@ yahoo.com.hk www.hkcfa.org.hk

「觸」 , 指觸覺, 包括自身對周遭環境的觀

每個年代都是盛開過的璀璨花朵 ,觸動

Touch is like a flower in blossom,

察, 以及人與人接觸的體驗。

人心。 然而 , 我們總是連回望一眼都來不

beautiful yet fleeting. The moment is


及 ,一瞬即逝。有時候 ,也許能夠找到一

gone before we realise it. We could only


些「存在過」的蛛絲馬跡 , 而我們還是不

find evidence of its existence, but could



土人情, 重新感受生活。

甚麼時候 ,我們才學會懷著欣賞的心 ,


去閱讀我們的城市 , 細味我們的人生? 是次展覽的四幅作品 ,均為林皮今年於

關於藝團 / 工作室


「我們的石硤尾創意藝術中心」由青暉婦女會主 辦及深水埗區議會關注貧窮問題及少數族裔工

關於藝術家 / 工作室

作小組贊助 ,結合民間創意和對不同藝術領域的 L3

「Flying Sofye」品牌創立人;現職自由工作 林皮 ,

研習和實踐 , 聯合深水埗區內 11 個組織和社團 , 推行不同的藝術實踐工作坊。

“Touch” refers to how we respond and connect to others and the surrounding environment. This exhibition reveals the community

者, 以漫畫 、 紙糊及收藏舊木為創作媒介。 喜歡塗 鴉以記錄生活 ,作品分享珍惜舊物之情。2014 年自家品牌「Flying Sofye」獲第三屆中華區插畫 獎「中華區最佳品牌插畫獎」季軍獎。

林皮 Lam Pei

When will we learn to appreciate the

2602 5718

city we live in and savour each moment

contact@ lampei.com

of our lives?


In this exhibition, we can see four pieces of artwork that were showcased in Lam Pei’s premiere exhibition in Taiwan earlier this year.


About Artist / Studio Lam Pei is a Hong Kong illustrator, visual artist and the brand founder of “Flying Sofye”. She mainly works in the media of comics, paper-mache and recycled wood. She likes to record her life by daily doodles, and to express and share with her

showcasing artworks created by children

audience her nostalgic indulgences. In 2014, her

About Art Organisation / Studio “Our Shek Kip Mei Creative Art Centre” is

10:00 – 22:00 L4 藍牆 Blue Wall

never capture and hold it in our hands.

life and culture of Sham Shui Po by who grew up in the district.

4/12 – 31/12

brand “Flying Sofye” won the second runner-up of “The 3rd Greater China Illustration Awards - The Best Illustration (Self – Initiation & For Sale)”.

operated by Ching Fai Women Association with sponsorship from the Sham Shui Po Working Group on Poverty Problems and Ethnic Minorities of Sham Shui Po District Council. In collaboration with 11 NGOs in the district, the organisation implements various arts workshops to showcase folk art and the traditions of people in the community. Ching Fai Women Association is devoted to drama and art creation.



【悅目】 公共空間展覽 Exhibitions @ Common Spaces

【悅目】 公共空間展覽 Exhibitions @ Common Spaces

夜光 Night of Light

東南西北—吹乜風 East South West North – blowing winds of change

L5-12 寂寞工作室 Lonely Studio

L5-05 鄧氏工作室 及 正 / 側畫廊 TANG's Studio & Front / Side Gallery

世界各地正在被全球化吞噬, 所謂的「本

Everywhere in the world is in the

4/12 – 31/12

土人」的著地點正遭受撼動。 香港亦不例

dramatic influence of globalisation.

10:00 – 22:00

外, 港人應如何自處?

Localisation has been rocked. The rules

四位香港藝術家̶​̶鄧凝姿 、鄧凝梅 、

are changing! The norms are changing!

黎振寧 、 黎慧儀 , 將如何回應時代? 是次展覽,藝術家致力觸發大眾思考安 身立命的方案。 為了鼓勵公眾積極參與其 滲入各種 中, 展覽特意設於 L5 公共空間, 互動元素, 讓公眾親身接觸玩味。 藝術家們想說的一句話是 :「請多參與及 」 支持本地藝術家。

The genders are changing! The food is changing! The environment is changing! There is no exception in Hong Kong. How are we going to adjust to the new

L5 公共空間 Common Space (A)

鄧凝梅 Grace Tang frontsidegallery@ yahoo.com.hk FrontSideGallery

world? What does it mean to be a citizen in Hong Kong? What does it mean to be an artist in Hong Kong? How these four


local Hong Kong artists – Stella Tang, Grace Tang, Dick Lai and Monti Lai

4/12 – 31/12 10:00 – 22:00 L5 藍牆 Blue Wall


A series of oil painting of midnight

線正是光的延伸 、光的觸手。是光線 ,觸

streets inspired by lights.


respond? How they deal with themselves? In this exhibition, artists try to engage the public in the arts and to invoke selfreflection. It is located on L5 Common


About Artist / Studio Lonely Lau is a young oil painter who recently

Lonely Lau

畫為媒介 ,創作一系列描繪午夜街道反

graduated from Hong Kong Baptist University

interactive elements are employed to

6704 3708


Academy of Visual Arts. Through his signature

encourage audiences to get into it.

lonelylau@ hotmail.com

藝術家的觸動由光而起 ,並付託著顏料


sites.google.com/ site/lonelylsc

的光影鋪排 ,延伸至觀眾的生命。

Space, a variety of art forms and

strong brush strokes and intense use of colour, his paintings depict his world and the cityscape

“Get involved in art more often and

around him.

support local artists.” The artists encourage.

關於藝術家 / 工作室

About Artists / Studio Having painting, printmaking, textile, installation

劉兆聰 ,以油畫作為創作媒介的香港新晉藝術 L5

家。2014 年畢業於香港浸會大學視覺藝術院。

and mixed media as their media, Stella Tang and

繪畫主題側重於自身與其生活環境 ,喜歡繪畫與

Grace Tang explore issues of culture and identity,

自己生活有關的城市景觀。畫作常帶有強烈的筆 觸及率性的色彩運用。

everyday life and social matters. The “Front/Side

關於藝術家 / 工作室 鄧凝姿及鄧凝梅從事繪畫 、 版畫 、 紡織 、 裝置及混

Gallery” is set up to promote outstanding works among local artists in Hong Kong.

合媒介等創作;以日常生活 、社會事件及文化身 , 以推 份等為探討方向;並特意設立「正 / 側畫廊」 薦香港本土出色藝術家作品。



【悅目】 公共空間展覽 Exhibitions @ Common Spaces

【悅目】 公共空間展覽 Exhibitions @ Common Spaces

人文 • 社區 Human Touch

觸動生命 In Touch with Life

L3-01 STUDIO301

L6-21 2A 工作室 2A studio

4/12 – 31/12 10:00 – 22:00

During the 1960s and 1970s, the

生命交替̶​̶生命自有定數周期 ,人與

government put in a lot of effort to


improve environmental hygiene in Hong

L5 公共空間 Common Space (B)

Kong by relocating hawkers to public

楊煒強 張海活 、

market stalls.

Hoiwood Chang

There are more than 70 government built

Gary Yeung

and operated public market complexes

jccac301@ gmail.com

in Hong Kong. However, they are not popular, being dull, wet, dark and


全港共有七十多個由政府興建及營運 的公共街市 ,遍布港九新界。然而 ,政府 的街市設計千篇一律 ,欠缺傳統市集的

我們須接受這種自然規律 ,不得違反。 區昌全近年的創作多以「花」為題,以花 的不同形態、 造型、 色彩及狀態(如凋謝、 , 枯萎、 垂死掙扎、 燦爛奪目等) 比喻不同

the traditional open market.

的人生階段與情操。 他在予以認同和表揚

This exhibition shares the findings of

的同時, 亦積極尋找情感的出口, 觸動觀

artists who had undertaken in-depth

眾的共鳴, 盡抒胸臆。

studies on the design of public markets


from the perspective of local users, so as


to explore possibilities for their future

昏暗 、空氣混濁 、布局混亂等問題。因此


事;藝術家一天在街上偶爾看到一朶開 得燦爛的玫瑰花 ,並將之連繫到人生命 歷程的轉化。

買餸購物 ,導致公營街市人流疏落 ,商

About Artists / Studio “STUDIO301” focuses on:


• Research on Preservation, Local Architecture

本展覽針對現今香港公共街市 ,探討其

• Teaching Pedagogy in Architectural Design


的定律。花開花落 ,人亦面對生老病死。

chaotic places. The public still favours

有機性;而且經常出現地方濕滑 、燈光 時至今日 ,市民大眾仍喜歡到露天市集

死玫瑰 ,以及背後燦爛綻放的花蕾 ,呈 現蓬勃的生命力 ,回應大自然生生不息

關於藝術家 / 工作室 「2A 工作室」是藝術家區昌全昔日在羅富國教育

and Art culture

學院美術與設計系學習時所得的激勵之延續 ,亦 是今天在藝術上努力發展所得的成果。工作室秉

例進行分析 ,梳理出當中的共同特質 ,

持愛好藝術的精神 ,發展藝術的宏願 ,延續藝術




The rose will wilt one day. Life will also end one day. Although death is inevitable for all of us, we should strive to live positively and zealously, devoting

品 ,探索營造富社區特色的街市的條件

what limited time we have in this life to


society, and use our experience to inspire and nurture other people's lives.

關於藝術家 / 工作室 「STUDIO301」工作室的主要工作包括:

About Artist / Studio “2A studio” culminates and extends Aaron

本土建築及藝術文化 • 保育研究 、 • 建築設計教育

Au's learning experience at Northcote College

4/12 – 31/12 10:00 – 22:00 L6 藍牆 Blue Wall

區昌全 Aaron Au 9492 2489 aaronccau@ yahoo.com.hk


of Education. The goal is to love, develop and

延伸活動 Extension activity 「社區營造 • 由人民出發(香港 、台灣 、日本奈良)」講座

continue art as a lifelong learning experience.


Talk The Formation of Community (Hong Kong, Taiwan, Nara Japan) 12


【悅目】 公共空間展覽 Exhibitions @ Common Spaces

【悅目】 公共空間展覽 Exhibitions @ Common Spaces

觸—感 Touch – Inner Sense

「以素描觸感石膏」素描作品展覽 When Pencil meets Plaster Sculpture L7-16 侯紹政繪畫工作室 Hau Siu Ching Art Studio

L8-03 Louis SK Art Studio

4/12 – 31/12 10:00 – 22:00 L6 公共空間 Common Space

盧世強 Louis Lo 9636 2329 louissaikeung@ gmail.com louissaikeung.com

心靈的觸感往往能夠改變人們的思維 ,

In this exhibition, Louis Lo intents to

甚至人生。是次展覽強調的 ,正是這種

remind us of our inner sense - an in-


depth level of touch which we might not

「科技的進步 、人口的膨漲 ,讓人類社會 充滿競爭。每天面對難題和壓力 ,人的 行為和思想亦愈趨複雜。」盧世強嘗試 透過陶土 ,從不同層面反映現今人類社 會的複雜感知。他認為 ,陶土可塑性高 , 最適合用於塑造複雜的形態 ,尤其是與 人有關的表現。


關於藝術家 / 工作室 盧世強 ,生於香港 ,畢業於澳洲皇家墨爾本理工

be aware but has great impact on our lives. Nowadays, with the advancements in technology and the increase in population, the human race is facing intense competition. Pressure drives complex and extreme human behaviour. Louis finds clay one of the best medium to explore sophisticated human love and hate. Through a series of ceramic works,

大學藝術文學士課程 ,主修陶藝。自小沉迷石灣

he unveils the complicated nature of

陶瓷人物創作;2006 年遠赴美國 , 於著名玻璃藝

human feelings in a complicated world

術工作室「Urban Glass, Brooklyn」和「The Studio,

from different angles.

Corning Museum of Glass, New York」專研暖玻璃

藝術。 盧氏積極發揮陶泥與玻璃的獨特個性 ,一方面 表現個人美學思想 ,另一方面反映現今人類社 會現象。

About Artist / Studio Born in Hong Kong, Louis Lo graduated from RMIT University, majoring in Ceramics. He is especially interested in “Shiwan" ceramic

, 通過「觸感」 我們認識客觀世界;

Through touches, we learn about the

, 透過「感觸」 我們表達自我內心。

external world;

「觸」 , 是藝術創作自由表達的路徑, 亦是 客觀世界與內心世界的橋樑。沒有「觸 , 覺」 就沒有藝術作品。 「觸」是多元的,它包含於各種形式的藝

figurative sculptures when he was young. In 2006,

。 術表達之中, 當中自然包括「素描」 本展

he practiced glass art in renowned studios in New


York, namely “Urban Glass” and “The Studio of Corning Museum of Glass”.


Lo specialises in ceramics and glass art as revelators

現, 為作品傾注情感, 創造出具欣賞價值

of social phenomenon in the modern world.

」 的藝術品。 就讓「觸」去圓人們的藝術夢! 關於藝術家 / 工作室


Through being touched, we learn about our inner self.

4/12 – 31/12 10:00 – 22:00 L7 藍牆 Blue Wall


“Touch” is the origin of all forms of

Hau Siu Ching

creations. It is a bridge between the

9622 9388

external world and inner self.

thriving_ artstudio@ yahoo.com.hk

This exhibition showcases pieces of pencil drawings and sketches. “During the creative process, artists capture their personal experiences and feelings about three-dimensional sculptures into two-


dimensional drawings.” Hau Siu Ching explains.


About Artist / Studio

藝術毋須說明。 畫者, 畫也。 度物象而寫其真, 心隨

Hau Siu Ching Art Studio focuses on pencil drawing

筆運, 取象不惑;筆隨念轉, 悠遊自得, 再造蒼生。

and sketching.


【悅目】 公共空間展覽 Exhibitions @ Common Spaces

【視聽】 表演 Performances

出氣 Outlet

悠・爵・樂 Sketch da Jazz Night

L2-14 藝吔 Art-oh

L2-04 香港藝術及設計聯會 Hong Kong Art & Design Community + Hong Kong Keyboard Art Centre

4/12 – 31/12 10:00 – 22:00 L8 藍牆 Blue Wall

李碧琪 Peggy Lee

Pop! Please feel free to show your anger!

“Hong Kong Art & Design Community”

“Anger” relieved in a split second. Pop the

brings you 2 local Jazz bands - La Petite

bubbles of bubble wrap to express anger

Jazzy Jam (LPJJ) and Zmooth-gen, for a

with a touch. No one will get hurt in this

relaxing and indulgent evening covering

expression of anger, instead, participants

a wide variety of jazz styles including

will co-create pieces of collaborative

9587 2323

artwork through the process.

pikleeki@ gmail.com

Peggy Lee’s recent experimentation with

leepikki. wordpress.com

bubble wrap found characteristics that match with the theme of the Festival


“Touch”. Touching brings out feelings and emotions. She gives the audience a chance to express their anger through her


touchable artworks.

啪!發洩你的怒氣! 觸怒,是一瞬間產生的情感。就在弄破 「波波紙」氣泡的一剎那,怒火隨著因觸 碰而生的微弱聲響而發洩出來。 過程中, 不但沒有「將自己的快樂建築在別人的 , 痛苦上」 而且更能集體創作出一幅幅互 動畫作。 李碧琪近來鍾情以波波紙作為創作媒

Lee believes that every creation originates from life’s inspirations and imaginations. She specialises in interdisciplinary arts across painting, mixed media to installation, exploring daily life in a

本地爵士樂隊 ̶​̶ La Petite Jazzy Jam (LPJJ)及 Zmooth-gen,為大家帶來爵士 樂驚喜與觸碰! 這個晚上 ,讓我們乘坐爵士節奏列車 , 遨遊於經典與現代爵士名曲之間 ,留連 在悠揚浪漫的音樂之中。 LPJJ 更 請 來 友 好 團 體 ̶​̶「Urban

,於表演當晚即席 Sketchers Hong Kong」 為音樂會進行速畫。有興趣參與速畫的 朋友 ,歡迎自備畫本和筆。 關於藝術家 / 工作室 「La Petite」是「小」的意思,LPJJ 正是一隊由八位

琪認為 ,每個藝術創作皆源於生活中的小意外 或忽發奇想的小意念。她擅長運用不同的創作媒 介, 包括繪畫 、 混合媒介及裝置 , 透過幽默和互動 的方式探討生活。 工作室舉行多元化藝術活動 ,包括展覽 、藝術教 育及藝術品展銷等 , 致力成為藝術交流平台。

sketching on the night of the concert. Those interested in sketching are more than welcome to bring along their own sketch books and pens.

Jam” is an original Jazz band in Hong Kong which brings together eight passionate musicians

tailor-made for each performance, making each one a unique experience. Vocal Kylie / Alto Saxophone Daniel / Trumpet King / Trombone Ming / Keyboard Bernard / Guitar John / Bass Hansun / Drums Ken Playing smooth Jazz is the signature style of "Zmooth-gen", integrating their voices and messages into musical notes and expressing their ideas through the pieces they perform. Vocal Jenice / Guitar Paul / Keyboards Bernard /

意念, 為聽眾送上嶄新的輕爵士體驗。

Bass Winson / Drums 牛牛

, 關於「香港藝術及設計聯會」 請參閱 P.32


jazz with modern jazz, funk, original compositions

透過音符言語表達 Zmooth-gen 以輕爵士的曲風,

結他 Winson / 打鼓 牛牛

Free of charge, online registration www.jccac.org.hk

soft intimate tunes. The band specialises in mixing


主唱 Jenice / 結他 Paul / 電子琴 Bernard / 低音


免費參加 , 請即報名

them to deliver strong and full sound as well as

在他們的選列之內。 每次演出, 他們都會度身訂造

輕爵士 ̶​̶ 混合傳統爵士樂和弦 、即興 ,以及

lapetitejazzyjam. weebly.com

signature sound range and flexibility, allowing

and even "jazzified" pop tunes. Arrangements are

號 Ming / 電子琴 Bernard / 結他 John / 低音結

info@ hkkeyboardart.com

section and a female vocalist, gives them their

還是現代爵士;是原創還是「爵士化」流行樂曲, 都

他 Hansun / 爵士鼓 Ken

Jockey Club Black Box Theatre

formation – with only three horns, a full rhythm

造專屬的音域, 演繹不同風格的音樂。 不論是經典

Collaborations are welcome.


with different musical backgrounds. This light

communication and interaction by organising a variety of exhibitions and educational events.

20:00 – 22:30

About Artists / Studio "La Petite", means "small", “La Petite Jazzy

管樂樂器, 配以節奏組合, 加上一把女聲編制, 塑

主音 Kylie / 中音薩克管 Daniel / 小號 King / 長

「藝吔工作室」成立於 2015 年 7 月。藝術家李碧

Sketchers Hong Kong” to present live

The studio aims to establish a platform for artistic


關於藝術家 / 工作室

LPJJ has also invited their friends “Urban

不同音樂背景的樂手組成的爵士樂團。 樂團以三支

重新編曲, 讓樂隊更別具一格。


modern, funk and smooth jazz.

humorous and interactive manner.

介,並發現波波紙的特性與是次展覽主 藝術作品,她為觀眾送上發洩心中不滿


About Artist / Studio “Art-oh” was founded in July 2015.Artist Peggy


6/12 星期日 Sun

About “Hong Kong Art & Design Community”, please refer to P.32 Music equipment sponsor: PercussionSpirit Music Centre

樂器 / 音響器材贊助:PercussionSpirit Music Centre


【視聽】 表演 Performances

【體驗】 工作坊 、即興藝術 Workshops & Arts Jamming

爵士鍊樂團・首鍊・音樂會 JazzforFunHK First Concert

戲劇創作工作坊 Creative Drama Workshop

L2-04 香港藝術及設計聯會 Hong Kong Art & Design Community +爵士鍊樂團 JazzforFunHK

L6-10 致群劇社 Amity Drama Club

最近, 成年人對於 TSA 的討論沸沸揚揚, 12/12 星期六 Sat


20:30 – 22:30

除了 TSA 之外,孩子還要應付來自四面



Jockey Club Black Box Theatre






免費參加 , 請即報名


Free of charge, online registration www.jccac.org.hk

機會。 讓孩子們走進一個沒有得失、 成敗 或對錯的環境之中,好好享受真正的童 年樂趣, 發揮想像, 大膽嘗試、 表達, 盡情 創作及交流。


關於藝團 / 工作室

「香港藝術及設計聯會」誠意推介,是次 音樂表演為「爵士鍊樂團」的首場演出。 樂團來自不同音樂背景的團員將使出渾 身解數,演繹不同風格的爵士樂經典曲 目,並借助爵士樂的即興、搖擺(Swing) 及巴薩諾瓦(Bossa Nova)等風格節奏, 觸

As recommended by “Hong Kong Art & Design Community”, this is the first concert of “JazzforFunHK”, where it will play different jazz style with improvisation by the performers. Liberate your senses and get into the groove with Swing music, Bossa Nova and so on!

致群劇社為香港最資深的劇社之一;成立於 1972 年。40 多年來 , 演出劇目近百齣。 劇社近年積極開拓「漫步歷史 、體味文學 、穿梭 舞台」的新路向 ,將戲劇 、文學和歷史實地學習 結合 ,配合社區劇場和「遊史跡 、尋舊踪」,配套 成一獨特的教學模式。演出的《風雨橫斜》、《戰


increasing competitiveness.

9330 3907

有關《風雨橫斜》一劇 ,劇社更與香港教育局合

This workshop aims to provide children with the opportunity for the carefree

amitydrama2013 @gmail.com

作編製教材 ,分發全港中學 ,為教師提供詳盡豐



請參閱 P.32 關於「香港藝術及設計聯會」,

Whether adults and parents are aware of

賽馬會黑盒劇場 Jockey Club Black Box Theatre


group of local musicians who want to explore Jazz

please refer to P.32

curriculum activities also play their part.

14:00 – 16:00

Mr. Chung

關於藝術家 / 工作室

About “Hong Kong Art & Design Community”,

causes, academic studies and extra-

13/12 星期日 Sun

it, children are growing up in a world of

About Artists / Studio “JazzforFunHK” was established in 2015 by a

人組成 , 以互相激勵練習及交流爵士樂。

pressure. While TSA may be one of the

火梨園》、《中環遇見林徽音》、《裊裊環音》等 ,


「爵士鍊樂團」成立於 2015 年 ,由一班本地音樂

Nowadays, children face increasing

金贊助 ,巡迴全港中學演出逾百場 ,深得學生和 老師欣賞。

enjoyment of imagination, creativity and childhood. About Art Organisation / Studio Established in 1972, Amity Drama Club combines arts and education to present drama productions with special focus on Chinese history, literature and social issues.


粵語 Cantonese 免費參加 , 請即報名 Free of charge, online registration www.jccac.org.hk * 適合小四至小六


Suitable for primary

4 to 6 students




【體驗】 工作坊、即興藝術 Workshops & Arts Jamming

【體驗】 工作坊 、即興藝術 Workshops & Arts Jamming

觸感藝術工作坊 Touch Art Workshops

大木偶示範暨工作坊 Puppet Sharing Session and Workshop

L2-05-08 社區文化發展中心 Centre for Community Cultural Development

L2-05-08 社區文化發展中心 Centre for Community Cultural Development

A chance to appreciate puppets though the


5, 13, 19 , # 20 , 26, 27/ 12 星期六及日

6 /12 星期日 Sun

sense of touch.

Sat & Sun

14:30 – 15:30 (所有日子 All dates) 12:30 – 13:30 (5/12) 12:00 – 13:00 (19, 26/12)

14:30 – 15:30

Members of the Fantasy Puppet Theatre

L0 藝廊 Gallery

will demonstrate how puppets work as they

粵語 Cantonese

bring them to life through this workshop.

免費參加 , 請即報名 Free of charge, online registration www.jccac.org.hk


L1 藝廊 Gallery

及示範操控戲偶, 更讓參加者觸摸、 感覺

粵語 Cantonese

戲偶, 並賦予它生命。

免費參加 , 請即報名


Free of charge, online registration www.jccac.org.hk

# 設香港手語 傳譯服務

「觸動、舞動」表演暨工作坊 Touch, Move and Dance Performance and Workshop

Hong Kong Sign interpretation service provided

L2-05-08 社區文化發展中心 Centre for Community Cultural Development

本工作坊讓公眾一嘗觸感藝術創作。 L1

This workshop provides the public with a chance to try and experience Touch Art Everyone should be able to enjoy the


12 / 12 星期六 Sat

delights of dance. With physical touch as

10:30 – 12:30 15:00 – 17:00

the starting point, participants are guided inclusive activity.

賽馬會黑盒劇場 Jockey Club Black Box Theatre

The programme is led by Symbiotic Dance

粵語 Cantonese

Troupe with members comprising the

免費參加 , 請即報名

to experience dance as a joyful and

舞蹈̶​̶透過身體擺動與飛揚, 將故事、

physically, mentally, visually and auditorily

畫面、 樂韻、 節奏與感情互相轉化。

challenged, as well as professional dancers.

每個人與生俱來皆有參與和享受舞蹈的 權利。 本節目以身體接觸為起點, 讓參加 者透過觸感, 體驗和欣賞共融舞蹈。

延伸活動 Extension activities 主題展覽「第三屆香港觸感藝術節」Feature Exhibition The Third Hong Kong Touch Art Festival 「觸感藝術̶由創作開展 、從策展建立」講座 Talk Touch Art – Creation & Curatorship 觸感藝術導賞團 Touch Art Guided Tours 20

P.4-6 P.24-25 P.30

Free of charge, online registration www.jccac.org.hk

About “Centre for Community Cultural Development”, please refer to P.5 L0

工作坊由共生舞團帶領,成員包括肢體 障礙、 聽障、 視障人士及專業舞者等。 , 關於「社區文化發展中心」 請參閱 P.5 21

【體驗】 工作坊、即興藝術 Workshops & Arts Jamming

【交流】 講座分享 Talks

即奏・即畫 Musical Big Draw

手作人分享《指尖間旅遊》 Artisan Sharing

L6-01 Spitting Gecko Studio / John McArthur



The Privateers and Spitting Gecko Studio

每 件 創 作,都 是 一 張 單 程 機 票,出 發

16:00 – 19:00

以借助音樂畫畫, 亦能夠利用畫筆奏樂。

are hosting this collaborative music and



駐中心藝術家 John McArthur 及其藝術界

drawing event. Anyone with a passion

寫……11 月份的 JCCAC 手作市集, 誠意


Roof Terrace

好友將在 The Privateers 樂隊的輕鬆演奏

for music or love of drawing (or both!) is


Roof Terrace

welcome. Just bring along your family and

於指尖之間, 分享經歷, 交換心情。


John McArthur spittinggecko@ gmail.com www.spitting gecko.com

英語 English

下, 與公眾集體即興寫生, 締造別具一格 的藝術體驗。 關於藝術家 / 工作室 Spitting Gecko Studio 是 John McArthur 的 工 作 室,

他希望提供一個個人創作、 教學及展覽的場地, 以 推廣藝術。 John 來自澳洲 ,自 1999 年起定居香港 ,以書法

friends, plus drawing brushes and colour pencils, to join in the fun – for free! About Artist / Studio Spitting Gecko Studio is the art space of John McArthur. The studio is a space for personal art

麟(手作品牌「The Polska Traveller」創辦

,創作出扣人 的藝術媒介(插畫和金工)


as common themes in his work. He regularly creates artwork at his studio with people who share a passion for art.

免費參加, 請即報名 Free of charge, online registration www.jccac.org.hk

, 人) 屆時將大方分享他們如何從城市觀 察(倫敦及波蘭)汲取靈感 , 並透過不同

has had a profound effect and is often represented

粵語 Cantonese


McArthur, an Australian artist, has been captivated by art. Calligraphy and Asian culture

13:00 – 14:00


projects and development.

和亞洲文化藝術為創作主題 ,不時舉辦人體素描

29 / 11 星期日Sun

心弦的作品。 關於藝術家 / 工作室 周曉慧熱愛倫敦 ,最大的心願是到倫敦讀書。她 透過鬼馬插畫與筆觸透視倫敦的人和事 ,並將插 圖印製成布袋 、筆記簿等手作品 ,打造手作品牌 。 「Marsmary」 一次波蘭旅居生活 ,深深影響楊修麟的創作理 念和方向。受到波蘭人尊重傳統手工藝的文化 所啟發 ,他四出搜集被淘汰的波蘭古錢幣 、古 董叉及湯匙 ,再以金工燒焊技巧賦予它們第二 生命 ,同時保存當中所蘊含的歷史意義。

Artisan Sharing will feature two young artisans who will share their stories, ideas and dreams. Artisans Belle Chow and Yeung Sau Lun are the respective founders of handicraft brands “Marsmary” and “The Polska Traveller”. While the two brands are different in style and media, they have one thing in common – the creative inspiration of both is driven by their creator’s fondness for a foreign location, namely London for Belle Chow and Poland for Yeung Sau Lun. About Artists / Studio Belle Chow is in love with London. She dreams of studying there one day. Through her illustrations, she captures her romance with London, which is transferred onto tote bags and other products under her handicraft brand “Marsmary”. Yeung Sau Lun’s creative imagination was fired when he set foot on Poland. Inspired by the Polish’s respect for traditional craft, he founded “The Polska Traveller” which features nostalgic products handmade by traditional metalworking skills with a thoughtful human touch.

Marsmary 插畫


Illustration by Marsmary


【交流】 講座分享 Talks

【交流】 講座分享 Talks

觸感藝術-由創作開展、從策展建立 Touch Art – Creation & Curatorship L2-05-08 社區文化發展中心 Centre for Community Cultural Development

講者:2005 年「新加坡最高榮譽文化獎」

Thoughts on the Learning and Practising of Art


從策展建立︰在 Gallery TOM 的策展經驗

Experience of Curatorship in Gallery TOM

Speaker: Ms Chng Seok Tin,

講 者:日 本 觸 感 藝 術 展 館 Gallery Tom

Speaker: Ms Yukimi Yamamoto, Curator of

Singapore Cultural Medallion

策展人 Yukimi Yamamoto 女士

Touch Art Museum, Gallery TOM


Yamamoto Yukimi has been operating


「每個人都是藝術家!」德國現代藝術大 5/12 星期六 Sat

Holder in 2005

師約瑟夫 • 波依斯如此宣稱。 莊心珍受波

11:00 – 12:00

依斯的薰陶, 亦擁抱這樣的相信。

"Everyone is an artist!" German

L1 藝廊 Gallery

莊心珍涉獵素描、 水彩、 雕塑和版畫創作

modern artist Joseph Beuys declared.

普通話為主 (輔以英語) Putonghua (supplemented with English)

免費參加, 請即報名 Free of charge, online registration www.jccac.org.hk


等創作媒介, 尤其對版畫藝術情有獨鍾。 但一次意外,將她帶到一個「看不見」的 世界……視力受損二十多年,她的藝術 成就並不比視力健全的藝術家遜色。她

Influenced by Beuys, Chng Seok Tin believes so. In the talk, she will share with audience the ups and downs of her career in the arts field.

(Gallery TOM)策展人 Yukimi Yamamoto,

16:00 – 17:00


is a small fine art museum where the

L1 藝廊 Gallery

得, 前瞻日本及香港美術館的未來發展。

visually impaired could experience and

日本觸感藝術展館,是一所專為視障人 士而設的小型美術館,讓他們亦能夠欣

Chng Seok Tin specialises in pencil

賞作品, 享受藝術。Yamamoto 女士營運

drawing, watercolor, sculpture and

該館達 26 年,致力為視障學生策展,對

is especially fond of printmaking.


用手去觸摸, 更重要是用心去體會。 講座

However, an unfortunate accident

講座上, 她將回顧 26 年來的工作點滴與

中, 她將大方分享藝術路上的心路歷程。

deprived her from sight. It has been

體會, 如觸感書創作和藝術講學等;亦會

twenty years since the accident. Not


深切體會到, 只要用心去生活、 用心去創 作,藝術不只局限於視覺欣賞,還可以

關於講者 莊心珍 , 曾舉辦個人展覽 28 次 , 參與各類型展覽 逾百個;獲愛荷華大學藝術專業碩士;曾擔任大 專院校版畫講師。1996 至 2008 年間 , 任新加坡 版畫會主席;01 年榮獲年度時尚雜誌《她的世界》 「傑出婦女獎」 ;05 年獲頒「新加坡最高榮譽文 ;07 年獲新加坡文藝協會頒發「新華文學 化獎」 。 獎」

only was her artistic achievements not impaired, it gave her new insight into the many different approaches to create and appreciate arts other than the visual. We see, we touch and we feel. About Speaker Chng Seok Tin has held 28 solo exhibitions

5/12 星期六 Sat

Gallery TOM for 26 years. Gallery TOM

視障人士作品的方式及其價值。 關於講者 生於 1964 年;87 年畢業於女 Yamamoto Yukimi, 子美術大學藝術部 ,2012 年起為該大學兼職講 師;90 年始效力 Gallery TOM;2002 年成立非 。 牟利組織「視障人士藝術活動推進委員會」

appreciate arts. In the talk, Yamamoto would present some of her current projects, including the tactile book project and art education programmes, as well as the evolution of TOM, appreciation of artworks by the visually impaired. She will share her experience and review the future

日語為主, (輔以即時粵語 傳譯) Japanese (with simultaneous interpretation in Cantonese)

免費參加, 請即報名 Free of charge, online registration www.jccac.org.hk

development of art museums in Japan and Hong Kong. About Speaker Born in 1964, Yamamoto Yukimi graduated from


the Department of Fine Arts at Joshibi University of Art and Design, and has been a part-time lecturer there since 2012. She has been working at Gallery TOM since 1990 and established the non-profit organisation “Committee of Artistic Activities for Visually Impaired Persons” in 2002.

and participated in more than 100 group exhibitions in Singapore and around the world; holds 2 master degrees, namely from New Mexico State University and The University of Iowa in the USA, majoring in printmaking. She was the President of Printmaking Society (Singapore) from 1996 to 2008; named “The Woman of the Year 2001” by “Her World

主題展覽「第三屆香港觸感藝術節」Feature Exhibition The Third Hong Kong Touch Art Festival

magazine” and was awarded the “Cultural

觸感藝術工作坊 Touch Art Workshops

Medallion” by the Government of Singapore in 2005. She is also an established writer and was was awarded the “Singapore Chinese Literary Award” in 2007 by the Singapore Literature Society.


延伸活動 Extension activities P.4-6 P.20-21

大木偶示範暨工作坊 Puppet Sharing Session and Workshop 「觸動 、舞動」表演暨工作坊 Touch, Move and Dance Performance and Workshop 觸感藝術導賞團 Touch Art Guided Tours

P.30 25

【交流】 講座分享 Talks

【視聽】 露天電影會 Rooftop Cinema

社區營造・由人民出發(香港、台灣、 日本奈良) The Formation of Community (Hong Kong, Taiwan, Nara Japan)

《追星少女》 Sepideh JCCAC


L3-01 STUDIO301

20/12 星期日 Sun 14:30 – 17:00 L4-03A 活動室 Activity Room

張海活 楊煒強 Hoiwood Chang Gary Yeung jccac301@ gmail.com

免費參加 , 請即報名 Free of charge, online registration www.jccac.org.hk

講者 : 張海活 、甘家偉 、楊煒強

Speakers: Hoiwood Chang,

伊朗少女施比黛是個天文狂迷 ,為了觀

主持人 : 林明翰

Brian Kam, Gary Yeung

星 ,不惜瞞著媽媽夜復夜摸黑偷偷跑到

Moderator: Chris Lim

荒山野嶺。她夢想做太空人 ,媽媽卻出

「社區營造」這詞彙,近年經常被香港媒 體提及, 而跨國界、 跨界別的相關研討會

In this talk, three speakers, namely

亦紛紛在港進行, 反映這課題已引起一定

a university lecturer, architect and

程度的關注。 究竟它背後的理念是甚麼? 是次講座的三位講者 ,分別擔任大學講 師 、建築師及測量師 ,均對社區營造 、 參與式規劃 、空間及資源共享等議題尤 其感興趣。


surveyor, join together to share their views and thoughts about community formation, participatory planning, as well as space and shared economy. By looking into the case studies from


of urban planning and development.


About Speakers / Studio Hoiwood Chang ̶ Master of Architecture of The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Senior Lecturer


楊煒強 ̶ 註冊建築師;香港中文大學建築學院

Gary Yeung ̶ Registered Architect; Adjunct


Assistant Professor of School of Architecture at

甘家偉 ̶「凝思文化」創辦人;專業工料測量師; 香港大學建築文物保護碩士

Brian Kam ̶ Founder of Contemplate Culture; Quantity Surveyor; Master of Science in

林明翰 ̶「凝思文化」創辦人;香港大學建築文 物保護碩士 , 請參閱 P.12 關於「STUDIO301」

Conservation of The University of Hong Kong

ground. The expectations for a young Iranian woman are very different from Sepideh’s ambitions, and her plans to go to university are in danger. But Sepideh holds on to her dreams, teaming up with the world's first female space tourist,


Anousheh Ansari, to fight to make them

關於 MOViE MOViE 道 MOViE MOViE(nowTV 頻 道 116) 由 香 港 電 影 業 翹 楚 為 香 港 觀 眾 度 身 訂 造 ,致 力 提 供 最 多 元 化 的 優 秀 電 影 ,獨 家 搜 羅 全 球 叫 好 叫 座 的 首 輪 人 氣 猛 片 ,更 精 挑 細 選 橫 掃 國 際 影展的得獎傑作 ,以至口碑載譽的不朽經典 ,

Master of Science in Conservation of The

24 小時無間斷送上世界各地的高質好戲。 www.moviemovie.com.hk

About “STUDIO301”, please refere to P.12

Free of charge, online registration www.jccac.org.hk

will do anything to keep her on the

小說作家 、 電影編劇及獨立 皮亞 ̶ 資深影評人 、

Chris Lim ̶ Founder of Contemplate Culture; University of Hong Kong

天台 Roof Terrace 免費參加, 請即報名

secrets of the universe, while her family


由 百 老 匯 中 心 全 力 打 造 ,全 新 國 際 電 影 頻

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

19:30 – 21:30

Documentary, Sundance Film Festival

She spends her nights exploring the

擊一個女孩如何衝擊保守社會樊籬 ,闖

Kong Polytechnic University

In competition of the World Cinema

一天 ,施比黛驚喜收到來自地球彼端的

imagine and explore future possibilities

of Hong Kong Community College of The Hong

︰ 入圍辛丹斯電影節國際紀錄片 競賽單元

Sepideh wants to become an astronaut.



(中英文字幕) 波斯語


銳女導貝莉麥德森追蹤施比黛四年 ,直

張海活 ̶ 香港中文大學建築學碩士;香港理工


28 / 11 星期六 Sat

想離經叛道, 升讀大學機會渺茫, 她的堅

they aim to encourage the public to

關於講者 / 工作室

獎項 Award


鼓勵 ,讓她的信念更堅定不移。丹麥新

活, 以及城市空間的各種可能。

貝莉麥德森 Berit Madsen 施比黛 Sepideh Hooshyar 88 分鐘 mins

Persian (Chinese and English subtitles)

夢 ,卻被親人潑盡冷水。

Hong Kong, Taiwan and Nara in Japan,

他們將透過田野考察及親身體驗,分享 L4

盡法寶要她腳踏實地 ,耕田養家做長

導演 Director ︰ 演員 Cast ︰ 片長 Duration ︰ 級數 Category︰ 語言 Language︰

come true. Post screening sharing session speaker: Pierre Lam About Speaker Pierre Lam ̶ A well-known film critic, novelist, screenwriter and an independent director. www.pierrelam.com

About MOViE MOViE Presented by Broadway Cinematheque, MOViE MOViE (now TV ch116) is a brand new international movie channel, exclusively offering the best movies from around the world. www.moviemovie.com.hk

延伸活動 Extension activity 「人文 • 社區」展覽


Human Touch Exhibition 26


【視聽】 露天電影會 Rooftop Cinema

【視聽】 露天電影會 Rooftop Cinema

《逆光飛翔》 Touch of the Light JCCAC

《熱血芭蕾》 First Position



逆著光 朝我自己的方向飛翔

Against the light, I fly in my own direction.


Every year, thousands of aspiring dancers

天生眼盲的裕翔(黃裕翔 飾),首次離家

Based on true events related to the life of


enter one of the world's most prestigious ballet

北上唸書。雖然彈得一手好琴 ,卻堅持

Taiwanese piano prodigy Huang Yu-Siang

年舞蹈大獎賽」一鳴驚人 ,每年有超過

competitions, the Youth America Grand Prix,

天台 Roof Terrace

不參加任何比賽 ,因為不想被同情 ,他

(Siang played by himself), this is a story of

五千名 9 至 19 歲的年輕人為芭蕾切齒

where lifelong dreams are at stake. In the final

血拼。 他們渴望被舉足輕重的評審選中 ,

round, with hundreds competing for only a

免費參加, 請即報名

只想過普通人一樣的生活。 此時 ,裕翔遇見小潔(張榕容 飾)。小潔 是一個熱愛跳舞的女孩 ,卻因事故而被 迫放棄學舞 ,反而交了一跳街舞就光芒 4 / 12 星期五 Fri 19:00 – 21:00 天台 Roof Terrace 免費參加, 請即報名 Free of charge, online registration www.jccac.org.hk

# 設粵語口述影像 , 歡迎視障人士 with audio description in Cantonese for the visually impaired


閃耀的男友。暖陽般的裕翔漸漸走進小 潔的世界 ,溶化她冰冷的心。他的勇氣 深深吸引著她;而她則帶領他經歷不曾

inspiration, discovery and love. Born to a rural family in Taiwan unprepared for the birth of a blind son, Yu-Siang was a curious and precocious child. Touch and sound was everything to him. With the love of his mother and support of his family, he grew up with no barriers; that is until he had to face

奪取知名藝術學院的巨額獎學金 ,或贏 得世界級舞蹈團的一紙聘書。 五分鐘 , 足 以定一個人的生死…… 來自哥倫比亞的祖安 ,獨自來到美國為 芭蕾夢打拼 ,不論多累都提醒自己要考

handful of elite scholarships and contracts, practice and discipline are paramount, and

“First Position”, follows seven young dancers as they prepare for a chance to enter the world


in order to attend university where he had

英日混血姊弟美子和朱爾得天獨厚 ,小

bloodied feet, near exhaustion and debilitating

力量 ,向遙不可及的夢想進發。

to compete on the same playing field as the


injuries, all while navigating the drama of

年輕的他們 ,大聲嘶吼 ,抱怨著……

sighted students and to find his own way.

練, 小弟弟則懶懶閒愛跳不跳。


現在的他們 ,願意放手一試 ,朝著最初

He soon crossed paths with Jie (Sandrine


A showcase of awe-inspiring talent, tenacity

眼中是完美舞者, 但她毫無野心, 只是在

and passion, The film paints a thrilling and


dancer, but whose struggles against

drinks vendor who dreams of being a the harsh realities of her life render her

導演 Director ︰ 張榮吉 Chang Jung-Chi 演員 Cast ︰ 黃裕翔、 張榕容、 李烈、 許芳宜、 林郁智 Huang Yu-Siang, Sandrine Pinna, Lee Lieh, Sheu Fang-Yi

片長 Duration ︰ 110 分鐘 mins 級數 Category︰ I (中英文字幕)Putonghua 語言 Language︰ 國語 (with Chinese & English subtitles)

獎項 Awards ︰ 代表台灣角逐奧斯卡最佳外語片; 台北電影獎最佳女主角、 觀眾票選獎 Taiwan's Official Entry to Oscar in

2013 - Best Foreign Language Film;

helpless. However, when she witnesses Yu-Siang’s fearless determination and

在西非戰禍中淪為孤兒的 14 歲蜜姬

Pierre Lam

還有 11 歲美國金髮少年艾雲和同齡以色

hold on to her dream.

列少女佳雅, 兩個言語不通的孩子在多次

Touch of the Light - a story of dreams,

比賽中結緣, 指手劃腳做了兩小無猜。

determination, love, and believing in

台上一分鐘 ,台下十年功 ,曾經習舞的


導演碧斯嘉敏 ,花了多年時間貼身記錄

Pierre Lam

ballet stars of tomorrow. Post screening sharing session speaker:

peace, she is inspired and determined to

Post screening sharing session speaker:

moving portrait of the most gifted young

芭蕾舞衣 ,但黝黑膚色為她設下意想不 到的障礙。

& Best Actress Award - 2012 Taipei

of professional ballet, struggling through

娜 ,被美國家庭領養後 ,夢想成真穿起

understood his optimism and inner

Winner of Audience Choice Award Film Festival


以上七位少年舞者的追夢血淚史 ,透過 電影向世界證明 ,追求完美境界背後 , 有汗水 、有痛苦 ,唯那份熱血足以震撼 人心。 映後座談嘉賓主持:皮亞

Free of charge, online registration www.jccac.org.hk

Bess Kargman's award-winning documentary,

入皇家舞蹈學院 , 養育家庭回報父母。

Pinna), a beautiful but frustrated cold

20:00 – 22:00

nothing short of perfection is expected.

the real world as he left his family behind

的夢想邁步向前 ,逆光而行。

19 / 12 星期六 Sat

導演 Director ︰ 碧斯嘉敏 Bess Kargman 片長 Duration ︰ 94 分鐘 mins 級數 Category︰ IIA 語言 Language︰ 英語、 西班牙語、 法語和希伯來語 (中、 英文字幕) English, Spanish, French and Hebrew (with Chinese & English subtitles)

獎項 Awards ︰ 三藩市紀錄片影展評審團獎「最佳影 片」;多倫多國際影展及紐約紀錄片 「觀眾之選」獎 影展 The first runner-up for Best Documentary at the Toronto International Film Festival where it premiered; winning the Jury Prize at the San Francisco Doc Fest, and audience awards for Best Documentaryat the Dallas International FilmFestival and at the Portland International Film Festival, where Bess Kargman also won Best New Director



【遊走】 導賞團 Docent Guided Tours

【擁有】 周末市集 Weekend Fairs

JCCAC 工作室導賞 Guided Tours of Open Studios

JCCAC 手作市集 Handicraft Fair



Want to know more about JCCAC arts village and our artists? Come join us for weekend guided tours of the common space exhibitions and selected art studios.

28, 29/11 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20/12 星期 六及日 Sat & Sun

15:00 – 16:00 17:00 – 18:00 (11月 Nov) 14:30 – 15:30 (12月 Dec) 粵語 Cantonese 免費參加, 請即報名 Free of charge, online registration www.jccac.org.hk

於 11 月 28 日 至 29 日 舉 行 的「JCCAC

“JCCAC Handicraft Fair” is held over

,將為「JCCAC 藝術節 2015」 手作市集」

a weekend once every three months,


providing a platform for the creative arts

JCCAC 每季舉行一次周末大型手作市

industry, attracting visitors to the JCCAC

集 ,作為手作人展示及銷售自家設計手

and offering free arts programmes to the

L0 – L1, L5 – L6, 天台 Roof Terrace

public. Visitors can see not only original


handicraft works on offer by over 100


artisans, but also……

jccacpage_ artsvillage



作人和手作愛好者的聚腳點 ,彼此交流

, 紗」 帶領公眾直接「潛入」藝術家的工作

分享精心創作的成果 ,為繁囂的都市注

室, 即席與藝術家面對面對話交流, 發掘

28 – 29 / 11 星期六及日 Sat & Sun

13:00 – 19:00


。 他們創作的「小秘密」

觸感導賞團 Touch Art Guided Tours L2-05-08 社區文化發展中心 Centre for Community Cultural Development


The guided tours are extension


5, 19 , 20 , 26 , 27 / 12

programmes for “The Third Hong Kong Touch Art Festival” to encourage public

13: 45 – 14 :30 (5/12) 15:30 – 16:15 (19, 20, 26, 27/12)

engagement and the enhancement of artistic appreciation. Sign interpretation

2891 8482 2891 8488

service is provided for selective programmes to make the enjoyment of

cccd@cccd.hk www.cccd.hk

粵語 Cantonese 免費參加, 請即報名 Free of charge, online registration www.jccac.org.hk

# 設香港手語 傳譯服務 Hong Kong Sign interpretation service provided

art appreciation an inclusive experience.


Group tours by appointment are

延伸活動, 專為公眾而設, 以加深大眾對


相關展覽及展品的了解,提升藝術欣賞 的樂趣。 部分場次更提供手語傳譯服務, 讓聽障人士亦可分享展覽導賞的趣味。 歡迎團體預約。 關於「社區文化發展中心」、主題展覽「第三屆香港觸 感藝術節」及延伸活動 ,請參閱 P.4


For details about “Centre for Community Cultural Development”, feature exhibition The Third Hong Kong Touch Art Festival and extension activities, please refer to P.4

延伸活動 Extension activities 手作人分享《指尖間旅遊》Artisan Sharing


露天電影會 Rooftop Cinema


工作室導賞 Guided Tours of Open Studios


天台免費市集及自由表演舞台 Hong Kong Really Really Free Market & Free Stage

P.32 31



【擁有】 周末市集 Weekend Fairs








天台免費市集及自由表演舞台 Hong Kong Really Really Free Market & Free Stage L2-04 香港藝術及設計聯會 Hong Kong Art & Design Community +


Hong Kong Really Really Free Market (HKRRFM) / KaHing Design & Visual Art

憑此券於喜居生活(L1-02 單位)購買任何飲品 , 即可享九折優惠。 Present this coupon at Lively Life (Unit L1-02) to enjoy a 10% discount on any purchase of beverage.

28 – 29 / 11 星期六及日 Sat & Sun

13:00 – 19:00


天台 Roof Terrace


hkrrfm@gmail.com info@hkadc.org

香港藝術及 設計聯會


Hong Kong Art & Design Community


Hong Kong Really Really Free Market (HKRRFM)

在 JCCAC 舉行的「天台免費市集」起源

The “Hong Kong Really Really Free

(HKRRFM)計 於「 真 係 免 費 嘅 市 場 」

Market” (HKRRFM) aims to counteract

劃。這是一個「任睇 、任擺 、任攞」的市

capitalism in a proactive way by building

集, 嘗試尋找現實中的「烏托邦經濟」空

a community based on sharing resources,

間̶​̶不計成本 、不求回報 、不牽涉任 何金錢或物質交易 ,純粹是人與人之間 。當中交換的並不限 的「給予」和「分享」 於物質 ,更歡迎大家分享一技之長和藝

collective lives of all. About Art Organisation / Studio “Hong Kong Art & Design Community” is

術表演等̶​̶人與人之間 ,實實在在的 第一身接觸。

disciplines, anyone who is interested in art and


design is welcome to join them. They believe

激發靈感的泉源……就留待大家為它下 定義。 關於藝團 / 工作室




caring for one another and improving the

dedicated to promoting all aspects of art and


(L1 - 03 - 4 單位)報讀 憑此券於 Beis Leather Workshop 皮革課程, 即可享九折優惠 及 於 Design Port 購物滿港 即可獲港幣 $20 折扣優惠。Present this coupon 幣 $500, at Beis Leather Workshop (Unit L1-03-4) to enjoy 10% discount on a Beis Leather course enrollment and HK$20 waiving from net purchase over HK$500 at Design Port.

design. Besides artists and designers of different

that “design is not just a work of production and services, but is also a mode of thinking and an attitude of living”.

憑此券於琉金穗月(Café Golden, L1-05 單位) 單點任何咖啡 ,即可獲九折優惠。 Present this coupon at Café Golden(Unit L1-05)to enjoy a 10% discount on a single purchase of coffee.




購 物 八 折 優 惠

憑 此 券 於 文 博 軒(L1-06 單 位 )購 買 茶 具 滿 港 幣 即可享九折優惠。 $200, Present this coupon at Heritage Tea House (Unit L 1 - 06 ) to enjoy a 10 % discount on a single purchase of tea ware over HK$200.




「香港藝術及設計聯會」致力推動香港藝術及設 計的整體發展 ,除不同專業範疇的藝術工作者及 設計師外 ,亦歡迎對藝術及設計有興趣的各界人 士參與。 相信「設計不單是一種生產服務的工作 , ,只有具備這 它也是一種思維方式與生活態度」 種視野 , 才可以充分發揮設計最大的效益。


憑此券於 BY Y.B. Expostore(L2-02 單位)購物 , 即可獲八折優惠。 Present this coupon at BY Y.B. Expostore (Unit L2-02) to enjoy a 20% discount on a single purchase.

憑此券於香港任何一間住好啲分店購物 ,即可獲九 折優惠。 Present this coupon at any G.O.D. store in Hong Kong to enjoy a 10% discount on a single purchase.

【述說】 內心獨白 Monologues 條款及細則:


1. 此券只可使用一次。本券若經塗改 、嚴重損毀及影印本一律無效。

本券若經塗改 、嚴重損毀及影印本一律無效。 1. 此券只可使用一次。

2. 此券不可與其他現金券或優惠同時使用。

2. 此券不可與其他現金券或優惠同時使用。

3. Beis Leather Workshop & Design Port 及賽馬會創意藝術中心保留

3. 此券只適用於 JCCAC L1-02 單位購物。

修訂優惠內容 、條款及細則的決定權而毋須另行通知。 4. Beis Leather Workshop & Design Port 保留此優惠的最終決定權。

4. 喜居生活及賽馬會創意藝術中心保留修訂優惠內容 、條款及細則的 決定權而毋須另行通知。

5. 此券有效期由 2015 年 12 月 1 日起至 2016 年 2 月 29 日。

5. 喜居生活保留此優惠的最終決定權。

Terms and Conditions︰

6. 此券有效期由 2015 年 12 月 1 日起至 31 日。

1. Each coupon may only be used once and is invalid if damaged, altered

Terms and Conditions︰

or determined to be a duplicate.

1. Each coupon may only be used once and is invalid if damaged, altered

2. This coupon cannot be used in conjuction with any other offers.

or determined to be a duplicate.

3. Beis Leather Workshop & Design Port and JCCAC reserve the right

2. This coupon cannot be used in conjuction with any other offers.

to amend the contents and all the terms and conditions contained in

3. This offer is ONLY applicable to purchase at JCCAC Unit L1-02.

this coupon at any time.

4. Lively Life and JCCAC reserve the right to amend the contents and all

4. Beis Leather Workshop & Design Port reserves the right of the final

the terms and conditions contained in this coupon at any time.

decision in case of dispute.

5. Lively Life reserves the right of the final decision in case of dispute.

5. This coupon is valid from 1 December 2015 to 29 February 2016.

6. This coupon is valid from 1 to 31 December 2015.

當我們與心靈相遇…… In touch with our soul……

條款及細則: 條款及細則:

本券若經塗改 、嚴重損毀及影印本一律無效。 1. 此券只可使用一次。

1. 此券只可使用一次。本券若經塗改 、嚴重損毀及影印本一律無效。

2. 此券不可與其他現金券或優惠同時使用。

2. 此券不可與其他現金券或優惠同時使用。

3. 此券不適用於「JCCAC 手作市集」期間。

3. 此券只適用於 JCCAC L1-06 單位購物。

4. 琉金穗月及賽馬會創意藝術中心保留修訂優惠內容 、條款及細則

4. 文博軒及賽馬會創意藝術中心保留修訂優惠內容 、條款及細則 的決定權而毋須另行通知。

的決定權而毋須另行通知。 5. 琉金穗月保留此優惠的最終決定權。

5. 文博軒保留此優惠的最終決定權。

6. 此券有效期由 2015 年 12 月 1 日起至 2016 年 3 月 31 日。

6. 此券有效期由 2015 年 12 月 1 日起至 2016 年 2 月 15 日。

Terms and Conditions︰

Terms and Conditions︰

1. Each coupon may only be used once and is invalid if damaged, altered

1. Each coupon may only be used once and is invalid if damaged, altered

or determined to be a duplicate.

or determined to be a duplicate.

2. This coupon cannot be used in conjuction with any other offers.

2. This coupon cannot be used in conjuction with any other offers.

3. This offer is NOT applicable to purchases during the period of “JCCAC

3. This offer is ONLY applicable to purchase at JCCAC Unit L1-06.

Handicraft Fair”.

4. Heritage Tea House and JCCAC reserve the right to amend the contents

4. Café Golden and JCCAC reserve the right to amend the contents and

and all the terms and conditions contained in this coupon at any time.

all the terms and conditions contained in this coupon at any time.

5. Heritage Tea House reserves the right of the final decision in case of dispute.

5. Café Golden reserves the right of the final decision in case of dispute.

6. This coupon is valid from 1 December 2015 to 15 February 2016.

6. This coupon is valid from 1 December 2015 to 31 March 2016.



1. 此券只可使用一次。本券若經塗改 、嚴重損毀及影印本一律無效。

本券若經塗改 、嚴重損毀及影印本一律無效。 1. 此券只可使用一次。

2. 此券不可與其他現金券或優惠同時使用。

2. 此券不可與其他現金券或優惠同時使用。

3. 此券只適用於住好啲貨品 ,並不適用於公價及寄賣貨品。

3. 此券並不適用於寄賣及「咖啡閣」之產品。

4. 住好啲及賽馬會創意藝術中心保留修訂優惠內容 、條款及細則的

4. BY Y.B. Expostore 及賽馬會創意藝術中心保留修訂優惠內容 、條款



5. 住好啲保留此優惠的最終決定權。

5. BY Y.B. Expostore 保留此優惠的最終決定權。

6. 此券有效期由 2015 年 12 月 1 日起至 2016 年 3 月 31 日。

6. 此券有效期由 2015 年 12 月 1 日起至 2016 年 3 月 31 日。

Terms and Conditions︰

Terms and Conditions︰

1. Each coupon may only be used once and is invalid if damaged, altered

1. Each coupon may only be used once and is invalid if damaged, altered

or determined to be a duplicate.

or determined to be a duplicate.

2. This coupon cannot be used in conjuction with any other offers.

2. This coupon cannot be used in conjuction with any other offers.

3. This offer is only applicable to G.O.D products, and NOT to fixed

3. This offer is NOT applicable to consignment products and Café Corner.

price and consignment products.

4. BY Y.B. Expostore and JCCAC reserve the right to amend the contents

4. G.O.D and JCCAC reserve the right to amend the contents and all the

and all the terms and conditions contained in this coupon at any time.

terms and conditions contained in this coupon at any time.

5. BY Y.B. Expostore reserves the right of the final decision in case

5. G.O.D reserves the right of the final decision in case of dispute.

of dispute.

6. This coupon is valid from 1 December 2015 to 31 March 2016.

6. This coupon is valid from 1 December 2015 to 31 March 2016.


關於 About JCCAC

關於 About JCCAC


Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre


JCCAC is the acronym of the Jockey Club

in a wide array of art forms, mainly

作為藝術村 ,JCCAC 是近 140 位不同

Creative Arts Centre. It is housed in an

in visual arts (including Chinese and


award winning architectural conversion

Western painting, photography, ceramics,

from the former Shek Kip Mei Factory

sculpture, printmaking, glass, multimedia

Estate, which was a stronghold for cottage

installation, etc.) but also in performing

industries half a century ago.

arts (e.g. music, dance, drama, etc.) and

中涵蓋多個藝術範疇 ,以視覺藝術為主 (包括中西畫 、攝影 、陶藝 、雕塑 、版畫 、 ,亦包含表演 玻璃藝術 、多媒體裝置等)

瀏覽 www.jccac.org.hk

免費取閱或下載 每月出版的節目表 訂閱 JCCAC 電子通訊

處建築物的前身是「山寨廠」(即上世 紀六 、七十年代本土家庭式輕工業)林 立的「石硤尾工廠大廈」。中心保留昔日 工廠大廈建築特色 ,是一項獲得香港建 築師學會「全年境內建築大獎」的改建 項目。

jccacpage jccac_artsvillage

JCCAC 於 2008 年開幕 ,以自負盈虧及

非牟利機構的模式運作;定位為一所多 元化及對外開放的藝術村兼藝術中心 , 致力為藝術家和藝術團體提供工作和 展示空間 ,同時歡迎公眾於開放時間內 自由參觀 ,近距離接觸藝術 ,親身發掘 和感受當中的文藝氣息。 抱負 藝術是推進社會文明和創意的重要動 力 ,我們希望透過回應及支援文化藝術 工作者對藝術工作室和展示場地的需 要 ,培育創意人才和推廣藝術文化 ,為 推動香港藝術發展出一分力。 36

the monthly published programme guide

applied arts (e.g. design, film, community Opened in 2008 and operating as a self-

subscribing to JCCAC e-news

。 應用藝術(如設計 、 電影 、 社區藝術等)

art, etc.). The units at JCCAC mostly serve

financed, registered charity, JCCAC is


as arts studios and/or offices, where at the

positioned as a multi-disciplinary arts

door visitors can often find programmes

village and arts centre, providing studio

and contact information about the resident

facilities for the arts community and a

提供藝術展覽 、節目或課程(更多資訊

artist or arts organisation. Many artists are

relaxed environment for the public to

或詳情 ,可參閱放置於工作室單位外的

self-employed and have to juggle multiple

experience arts and culture. Visitors are

宣傳品)。大部分藝術家均身兼多職 ,既

demands on their time split between their

welcome to stroll around freely during

studios at JCCAC and outside projects.

要在基地埋首創作 ,亦要分配時間於中

opening hours to discover for themselves

Visitors interested to visit art studios may

the creative spirit of the place. JCCAC

directly contact the artist for appointment,

strives to support arts development in Hong

or may register to join in one of the regular

Kong by helping to nurture young talents

public guided tours organised by JCCAC.

為工作室及 / 或辦公室之外 ,亦會積極 賽馬會創意藝術中心(簡稱 JCCAC)所


藝術(包括音樂 、舞蹈 、戲劇等)和其他


緊貼最新活動資訊 , 歡迎︰

Visitors may gain an overview of current programmes from:

心以外工作。有興趣參觀藝術工作室的 公眾 ,可直接聯絡有關藝術家或藝團預 約 ,或報名參加 JCCAC 定期舉辦的公 眾導賞活動。 藝術中心 咖 作為藝術中心 ,JCCAC 內有茶藝館 、

and generally promote arts and culture through the provision of space (arts studios

Arts Centre

and display venues) for creative work.

As an arts centre, JCCAC houses a tea house, café and craft shops. The main venues for

Our Aspiration

exhibitions and performances are namely

We believe in the importance of the arts

the Jockey Club Black Box Theatre, two

in helping to build a creative and civilised

廳和中央庭園 ,多於周末舉行各色獨立

levels of exhibition Galleries and the Central

society. Through our work in helping to

藝團活動 ,例如實驗性舞台演出 、主題

Courtyard. Independent arts programmes

answer arts practitioners’ needs for arts

(such as experimental stage performances,

展覽 、藝術興趣班等;各樓層分設「共用

studio and display facilities, we hope to play

themed exhibitions and art workshops) are

, 空間」 舉行特色小型展覽。

an active part in supporting the nurture of

usually held on weekends. Artworks can be

young talents and the general development

包括 JCCAC 還會定期主辦大型公開活動,

found dotted around the common spaces.

of the arts in Hong Kong.

啡室 、創意工藝店等;並設正規場地 ,包 、 括「賽馬會黑盒劇場」 兩層「藝廊」展覽

、 每年 12 月的「JCCAC 藝術節」 季度「手作 、 市集」 露天電影會和工作室導賞等。


Regular public events presented by JCCAC Arts Village

include the annual “JCCAC Festival” in

As an arts village, JCCAC is the

December, quarterly “JCCAC Handicraft

operation base for nearly 140 artists and

Fair”, rooftop film screening and public

art organisations pursuing their work

guided tours. 37

展覽地圖 Navigator

展覽地圖 Navigator


「出氣」Outlet 李碧琪 Peggy Lee


藍牆 Blue Wall

P. 16

「以素描觸感石膏」素描作品展覽 When Pencil meets Plaster Sculpture 侯紹政 Hau Siu Ching


藍牆 Blue Wall

P. 15

「觸 ̶ 感」Touch ̶ Inner Sense 盧世強 Louis Lo

公共空間 Common Space

P. 14

「觸動生命」In Touch with Life 區昌全 Aaron Au


藍牆 Blue Wall

P. 13

「人文 • 社區」Human Touch 張海活 、楊煒強 Hoiwood Chang and Gary Yeung 公共空間 Common Space (B)

P. 12

「東南西北 ̶ 吹乜風」 East South West North – blowing winds of change 鄧凝姿 、鄧凝梅 、黎振寧 、黎慧儀 Stella Tang, Grace Tang, Dick Lai and Monti Lai

公共空間 Common Space (A)

P. 11

「夜光」Night of Light 劉兆聰 Lonley Lau


P. 10

「那城憶記 II 」Somewhere Out There II 林皮 Lam Pei


藍牆 Blue Wall

藍牆 Blue Wall

P. 9

「社區實踐計劃 2015」Community Project 我們的石硤尾創意藝術中心 Our Shek Kip Mei Creative Art Centre

公共空間 Common Space

P. 8

「青山不變」Invariable Mountain 何頴姿 Gigi Ho


藍牆 Blue Wall

P. 7

主題展覽「第三屆香港觸感藝術節」 Feature Exhibition

The Third Hong Kong Touch Art Festival JCCAC 及社區文化發展中心合辦

香港藝術發展局資助 Co-presented by JCCAC & Centre for Community Cultural Development Supported by Hong Kong Arts Development Council

藝廊 Galleries


P. 4


節目時間表 Programme Timetable



JCCAC 手作市集 Handicraft Fair

13:00 – 19:00

節目時間表 Programme Timetable


L0 – L1,L5 – L6, RT



Hong Kong Really Really Free Market & Free Stage

13:00 – 19:00

19:30 – 21:30

講座「觸感藝術−由創作開展」 Talk Touch Art – Creation 11:00 – 12:00


觸感藝術工作坊 Touch Art Workshops

JCCAC 手作市集 Handicraft Fair

13:00 – 19:00


L0 – L1,L5 – L6, RT


手作人分享《指尖間旅遊》 Artisan Sharing

13:00 – 14:00

JCCAC 工作室導賞 Guided Tours of Open Studios


15:00 – 16:00 / 17:00 – 18:00




Puppet Sharing Session and Workshop

JCCAC 工作室導賞 Guided Tours of Open Studios

14:30 – 15:30

即奏 • 即畫 Musical Big Draw 16:00 – 19:00


RT P.18


開幕禮 Opening Ceremony 18:00 – 18:45

露天電影會《逆光飛翔》 Rooftop Cinema Touch of the Light 19:00 – 21:00



14:30 – 15:30

15:30 – 16:15




Creative Drama Workshop

14:00 – 16:00



14:30 – 15:30




觸感藝術工作坊 Touch Art Workshops 12:00 – 13:00 / 14:30 – 15:30




觸感導賞團 Touch Art Guided Tours P.20


15:30 – 16:15


JCCAC 工作室導賞 Guided Tours of Open Studios



14:30 – 15:30


觸感藝術工作坊 Touch Art Workshops 14:30 – 15:30






觸感導賞團 Touch Art Guided Tours


15:30 – 16:15



JCCAC 工作室導賞 Guided Tours of Open Studios


檢索 Keys ︰


15:30 – 16:15

露天電影會《熱血芭蕾》 Rooftop Cinema First Position 20:00 – 22:00


JCCAC 工作室導賞 Guided Tours of Open Studios

觸感導賞團 Touch Art Guided Tours

觸感導賞團 Touch Art Guided Tours P.28



JazzforFunHK First Concert




20:30 – 22:30

14:30 – 15:30



講座「社區營造・由人民出發 (香港 、台灣 、日本奈良)」 Talk The Formation of Community (Hong Kong, Taiwan, Nara Japan) 14:30 – 17:00

12:00 – 13:00 / 14:30 – 15:30 正式開幕 Official Opening

觸感藝術工作坊 Touch Art Workshops


觸感藝術工作坊 Touch Art Workshops




觸感藝術工作坊 Touch Art Workshops


14:30 – 15:30

20:00 – 22:30

10:30 – 12:30 / 15:00 – 17:00



表演「悠・爵・樂」 Performance Sketch da Jazz Night


20/12 14:30 – 15:30


JCCAC 工作室導賞 Guided Tours of Open Studios P.23

「觸動 、舞動」表演暨工作坊 Touch, Move and Dance



6/12 14:30 – 15:30



14:30 – 15:30

大木偶示範暨工作坊 P.32

Hong Kong Really Really Free Market & Free Stage

13:00 – 19:00


講座「觸感藝術−從策展建立」 Talk Touch Art – Curatorship



13:45 – 14:30

16:00 – 17:00

12/12 Performance and Workshop


JCCAC 工作室導賞 Guided Tours of Open Studios




觸感導賞團 Touch Art Guided Tours P.30

15:00 – 16:00 / 17:00 – 18:00

露天電影會《追星少女》 Rooftop Cinema Sepideh


12:30 – 13:30 / 14:30-15:30


JCCAC 工作室導賞 Guided Tours of Open Studios



JCBBT - 賽馬會黑盒劇場 Jockey Club Black Box Theatre L0 - L0 藝廊 Gallery L1 - L1 藝廊 Gallery


L1 CA - L1 有蓋位置 covered area L4-03A - L4-03A 活動室 Activity Room RT - 天台 Roof Terrace


主題展覽 Feature Exhibition 合辦 Co-presented by

資助 Supported by

媒體合作夥伴 Media Partners

電影夥伴 Movie Partners

通達夥伴 Accessibility Partners

節目贊助 Programme Sponsors

支持機構 Supporting Organisations


Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC)

香港九龍石硤尾白田街 30號

30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon, Hong Kong

港鐵石硤尾站 C 出口

MTR Shek Kip Mei Station Exit C

www.jccac.org.hk 42



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