JCCAC Festival 2019 - On Earth

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目錄 Contents

2 ——— 3

27 ——— 28

前言 Foreword

藝術示範 Art Demonstrations

4 ——— 6

29 ——— 32

主題展覽「在地陶藝節」 Feature Exhibition “On Earth Ceramics Festival”

藝術工作坊 Art Workshops

7 ——— 19

33 ——— 35

公共空間展覽 Exhibitions @ Common Spaces

藝術分享 Art Talks

20 ——— 23

36 ——— 37

藝術工作室展覽 Exhibitions @ Art Studios

展覽地圖 Exhibition Navigator

24 ——— 25

38 ——— 39

手作市集 Handicraft Fair

節目時間表 Programme Schedule



工作室導賞 Studio Guided Tours


前言 Foreword

一方水土養一方人,萬物皆由泥土孕育而生,所在地的環境卻造就獨特的人與 文化。何地有方,因地制宜,就 地 取 材。今 年 JCCAC 藝 術 節以「在地」為主 題,從不同角度和媒介探討香港現今的「人」、「地」、「物」與「城鄉」之間的 關係。藉著藝術創作連繫不同社區,以藝術進駐、走進在地的方式,重新發掘 本土文化與鄉郊風貌,了解彼此對城鄉的想法與期望。 為 期 五 星 期 的 JCCAC 藝 術 節 2019 將 帶 來 一 系 列 精 彩 節 目, 包 括 與 Unit Gallery (L5-23) 合 辦,由知名陶藝家張 煒詩 策 展的主 題 展 覽「在地陶藝節」, 其中的當代陶藝展將展出 10 位陶藝家的作品,他們的靈感來自與大地共生的 關係; 「尋田.探土」荔枝窩藝 術計劃展則緊貼永續鄉郊的課題,透過藝 術去 記錄及延續荔枝窩村落的文化;而「JCCAC 陶藝家」工作室開放 暨展覽將引 「人」入室,讓公眾「零距離」欣賞陶瓷藝術,更可走訪 15 位駐村陶藝家的工 作室,開門見山與他們對話交流。 藝術節期間,駐村藝術家及藝術團體亦會獨立策展多個展覽,於中心各樓層的 公共空間展示,題材觸及日常生活、人倫關係和社會狀況,以至現代園林和城 市空間的變奏。 週末藝文節目更是每週不同,除了為人熟識的手作市集將繼續邀請及凝聚來自 香港及亞洲不同地方的百多位手作藝術職人參與外,亦有多個免費藝文活動, 包括藝 術示範、工作坊、現場音樂 表演、藝 術表演、露天電影會、分享會、講 座等。內容包羅萬有,涵蓋水墨、攝影、雕塑、陶瓷、玻璃、編織、音樂、戲劇、 電影等不同藝術範疇。歡迎公眾踴躍參與,體現 JCCAC 的藝術氛圍。如果想 進一步了解 JCCAC,並親 身接 觸更多藝術家及認識他們的作品,逢週六舉辦 的公眾導賞團更是重點推介。 JCCAC 藝術節 2019 節目饒富趣味,在在讓大家「貼地」感受本土藝術和文化。 JCCAC 可是那麼一個地方能令你好好地、靜靜地、慢慢地享受生活和這片土 地?多謝大家的參與,也希望來年繼續為大家帶來無數精彩紛呈、具意義的藝 文項目。 侯婥琪 行政總裁 賽馬會創意藝術中心


On earth, we live. All things come from earth,

During the Festival, fellow tenant artists will also

but different soil cultivates different characters

curate a series of independent exhibitions around

and unique cultures. JCCAC Festival 2019 takes

JCCAC’s premises. Each of them explores different

on the theme, “On Earth”, and examines the

earthly matters, from human relationships to

relationships between “self”, “earth”, “matter” and

social conditions, from modern gardens to the

“urban and rural” in Hong Kong via different

transformation of urban spaces.

artistic perspectives and mediums. Connecting communities through artistic creations, this

An epitome of arts, culture and city life, the

Festival brings visitors on a trip away from the

celebrated JCCAC Handicraft Fair will continue to

familiar urban context, and invite them to engage

gather over a hundred artisans and crafters from

in an honest dialogue with the local cultural

Hong Kong and other Asian cities. An enriching

landscape; further on to understand and accentuate

visit for arts and craft lovers, Festival-affiliated

the importance of the symbiosis between

programmes include art demonstrations, workshops,

countryside and city, nature and modernisation.

live music performances, art performances, rooftop screening, talks, etc., covering a wide array of arts

The five-week Festival shines a spotlight on

mediums from ink painting, photography, sculpture,

ceramics. Co-presenting with Unit Gallery (L5-23)

ceramics, glass, knitting to music, drama and

and curated by renowned ceramicist Rachel Cheung,

film. Public guided tours are hosted on Saturdays

the feature exhibition “On Earth Ceramics Festival”

for those who prefer a more customised visit.

consists of three parts: a contemporary ceramics

All Festival programmes are free of charge and

exhibition, featuring works by 10 ceramicists,

accessible to all.

who take inspiration from our relationship with the earth; Lai Chi Wo Art Project Exhibition,

We hope the wide-ranging and fun-filled

which focuses on rural sustainability, preserving

programmes of JCCAC Festival 2019 can provide

and revitalising this ancient Hakka village and

you with a down-to-earth arts and culture

its unique culture through arts; and JCCAC

experience. May JCCAC be the rendezvous for city

Ceramicists Open Studio cum Exhibition, which

dwellers to soak in arts while seeking to enjoy and

invites visitors to venture into 15 tenant ceramic

savour the everyday life. Thank you for being part of

artists’ studios and to unearth hidden art gems.

it and we look forward to presenting more signature events in the years to come. Lillian Hau Executive Director Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre


「 在地」 陶藝節 “ On Ear th” Ceramics Festival L0, L1 藝廊 Galleries |合辦 Co-presented by JCCAC, Unit Gallery

活動詳情 Event Details 7/12/2019 – 5/1/2020 12:00 – 20:00 L0, L1 藝廊 Galleries JCCAC, Unit Gallery

城 市與 鄉 郊雖 彼 此 共 生 於 大 地, 但 兩 者 發 展 步 伐 不一, 以 至 漸 漸 匱 乏 溝通語言而越見疏離。 「在地陶藝節」 希望以 最 貼 近 大 地的藝 術 媒 介 —— 陶 藝 為主軸, 邀 請 陶 藝 家 和 不同 媒 介 的 藝 術 家 走 進 鄉 郊, 攜 手 從 多角 度 探 討 香 港 現 今 的「 人 」、「 地 」、

聯絡方法 Contact Details 張煒詩 Rachel CHEUNG

「 物」 與「 城 鄉」 之間的關係, 藉 藝 術 連 繫不同 社 區 推 動 永 續 鄉 郊、 城 鄉共存的概念。

9453 1626 onearthartproject@ gmail.com

While both can be seen in modern societies, urban and rural areas develop at different paces, and lack of common discourse results in gradual alienation. “On Earth Ceramics Festival” invites ceramicists and artists of other genres to examine the relationships between “self”, “earth”, “matter” and “urban and rural” in Hong Kong via different artistic perspectives and mediums, to connect communities through artistic creations, and promote the concept of urbanrural symbiosis and rural sustainability.

feature exhibition 主 題 展 覽


「 在 地 陶 藝 節 」 是 JCCAC 藝 術 節 2019 的主 題 展 覽, 由知名陶 藝 家 兼 Unit Gallery 創辦人張煒詩策展。當 中包 括 三個 展 覽: 「 尋田. 探 土」 荔 枝窩藝 術計劃展、「在地」當代陶藝 展 及「JCCAC 陶 藝 家」 工作 室 開 放 暨展覽;另設有藝術講座、藝術示範 及展覽導賞。

“On Earth Ceramics Festival” is the feature exhibition of JCCAC Festival 2019, curated by renowned ceramicist and founder of Unit Gallery, Rachel Cheung. The feature exhibition consists of a contemporary ceramics exhibition, Lai Chi Wo Art Project Exhibition, and JCCAC Ceramicists Open Studio cum Exhibition. Affiliated programmes include art talks, art demonstrations and guided tours.

「在地陶藝節」參與藝術家 / 工作室 “On Earth Ceramics Festival”Participating Artists/ Art Studios —— 當代陶藝展覽 Contemporary Ceramics Exhibition 區灝藍 Suzanne AU 陳建業 Scott CHAN

「JCCAC 陶藝家」工作室開放暨展覽 JCCAC Ceramicists Studio Open cum Exhibition

曾章成再創造工作室 Johnson Tsang Re-creation Workshop 鄭明輝 Reed CHENG L2-12 Tranceramics 何敏儀 Blanche HO L3-03 自得窰工作室 李慧嫻 Rosanna LI I-Kiln Studio 盧世強 Louis LO L3-05A 許開嬌工作室 曾章成 Johnson TSANG Angel HUI Hoi Kiu Studio 尹麗娟 Annie WAN L3-05C Louis SK Art Studio 黃美嫻 Yokky WONG L4-15 紅鼻子工作室 REDnose 姚俊樺 YIU Chun Wa L5-01 Clayground L5-22 私畫廊 Gallery Z 尋田.探土 L5-23 Unit Gallery 荔枝窩藝術計劃展覽 L5-24 安之自在 An Gee’s Studio Exhibition of L6-03 譚淑瑜 Christina TAM Lai Chi Wo Art Project L6-24 Artisens Studio L6-29 影.陶工作室 區灝藍 Suzanne AU Earthen Light Studio 陳建業 Scott CHAN L7-08 Cozy Workshop 朱東然 CHU Tung Yin L7-09 細勢力空間 郝立仁 Benjamin HAO small power space 何濼聰 Dave HO Lok Chung 江振邦 Quentin KONG 黎振寧 LAI Chun Ling 林喜兒 Venus LAM 李彥錚 Dexter LEE 尹麗娟 Annie WAN 楊建邦 Bong YEUNG 黃美嫻 Yokky WONG 姚俊樺 YIU Chun Wa


延伸活動 Extended Programmes ——

P. 28

村有一老如有一寶 — 陶泥雕塑示範 Elders, Treasures in Every Village – Ceramics Sculpturing Demonstration

P. 28

鄉村動物老友記 — 陶泥雕塑示範 Village Animal Buddies – Ceramics Sculpting Demonstration

P. 31

陶土升級再生創意工作坊 Clay-Upcycling Creative Workshop

P. 34

藝術家分享:尋田探土 — 鄉郊永續 Artist Sharing:On Earth Art Project – Rural Sustainability

P. 35

藝術家分享:當代陶瓷 — 實現自我 Artist Sharing:Self-realization in Contemporary Ceramics


feature exhibition 主 題 展 覽

溫 室計劃 ― 綠室 Greenhouse Project ̶ Green-House Gases L3-05A 許開嬌工作室 Angel HUI Hoi Kiu Studio

活動詳情 Event Details

Hey Hey Lab 由香 港藝 術家 許開嬌 和陳洛 鈞於 2019 年成立。兩位藝 術家均

6/12/2019 – 5/1/2020

對中港兩地各種異同和相互影響的課題深感興趣,遂決定回港成立 Hey Hey

10:00 – 22:00


L2 平台 Terrace Hey Hey Lab

聯絡方法 Contact Details 許開嬌 HUI Hoi Kiu, Angel

是次公共空間展覽,Hey Hey Lab 嘗 試以溫室裝 置場景及易碎的陶瓷去描述 香港現今處境,探討香港該以何種方式去面對逐漸加劇的巨變。

Hey Hey Lab was founded by Hong Kong artists Hui Hoi Kiu Angel and Chan Lok Kwan in 2019. Both artists are deeply interested in mutual influential issues between China and Hong Kong. By setting up Hey Hey Lab, they hope

6252 1525

to explore these issues through different art practices.

angel_kiu_kiu@ hotmail.com

In this exhibition, Hey Hey Lab makes use of a greenhouse installation and fragile ceramics to describe the current situation of Hong Kong and explore possible ways or solutions towards the gradual change in Hong Kong.

延伸活動 Extended Programme ——

P. 33 「溫室計劃 — 綠室」分享會 “Greenhouse Project — Green-House Gases” Sharing


exhibitions@common spaces 公 共 空 間 展 覽

這裡的名物 Meibutsu L6-22 豆腐膶工作室 Studio de Dimension de Tofu

活動詳情 Event Details 30/11/2019 – 5/1/2020 10:00 – 22:00 L2 藍牆 Blue Wall 豆腐膶工作室 Studio de Dimension de Tofu

日語「名物」的意思是該地的著名特產;有名、著名的事物。 但這裡的名物豈真是名副其實?

Meibutsu ( 名物 ), also known as meisan ( 名產 ), is a Japanese word that means “specialty”. It refers to a product by a person or from a region and is known for their good artisanship. Are these meibutsu as good in name as they are in reality?

聯絡方法 Contact Details 伍先生 Stanley NG

5528 9813 tofu.studio622@ gmail.com www.jccac.org.hk/ ?a=group&id=d&cat_ id=24&doc_id=584

exhibitions@common spaces 公 共 空 間 展 覽


城中留白 Blanks in the City L4-09-10 筆加思索的工作室 Brush Castle de Studio

活動詳情 Event Details

一眾藝 術家及 盆 景園藝家透 過 此 展

30/11/2019 – 5/1/2020

覽合辦一個以文人美學為題材的「現 代園林」,以園林 概念去展現身處城

10:00 – 22:00


L3 & L5 公共空間 Common Spaces

人合 一 的 情 操;並 且 締 造 出一 個 恬 靜、悠 然自得的空間,與這城中人 產


生對話。園林就像城市中的「留白」, 生活在空間壓迫的城市當中,園林是 一處可供呼吸的地方。

聯絡方法 Contact Details 曹小姐 Ms CHO


2697 9747

瓶、古玩、文物、魚池、流 水等為題


材, 再 配 以「 園 林」 中真實 的 盆 景,

www.facebook.com/ soon.coming.96387

與 畫 作互 相 輝 映。 藝 術 家 運 用的 物 料及 創 作 概 念 結 合了 古今、 中西 元 素,體現出本地文化與面貌,以及對 文化的思考。

A group of artists and bonsai horticulturists create a “modern garden” with literati aesthetics in mind. This garden shows literati’s pursuit of arts, nature, and the unity of man and universe in the city. It also forms a tranquil leisure space for dialogue, and a blank space for people to take a break and breathe in this suffocating city. Based on the setting of a garden with rocks, vases, antiques, relics, fish ponds and flowing water, the paintings and bonsai complement each other seamlessly. The materials and concepts employed by the artists comprise both ancient and modern Chinese and Western elements, which reflect the artists’ thoughts on local culture and its characters.

延伸活動 Extended Programmes ——

P. 29

盆景紙模型工作坊 Bonsai Paper Model Workshop

開放工作室 Open Studio | 日期 Dates ︰ 1, 15/12/2019 | 時間 Time ︰ 14:00 – 18:00


exhibitions@common spaces 公 共 空 間 展 覽

9 0 ’ s 展覽 Exhibition L8-11 我的工作室 My Studio

活動詳情 Event Details 30/11/2019 – 5/1/2020 10:00 – 22:00 L3 藍牆 Blue Wall 吳其珈 NG Ki Ka

展 出 於 香 港 土 生 土 長 的 90 後 畫 家 重 整自身經 歷所發展的一系列作品, 反 映 其成長 環 境 與思 想。 主 題包 括 對生命價值的反思、身份認同、文化 探索等。

This exhibition showcases a series of 聯絡方法 Contact Details 吳其珈 NG Ki Ka

5930 0793

works by a local millennial painter. Through reflecting upon personal experience, Ng’s works depict the background and thoughts of the


painter, covering issues such as the

www.jccac.org.hk/ www.ngkika.com

meaning of life, personal identity and cultural exploration.

exhibitions@common spaces 公 共 空 間 展 覽


Transformation L7-14 Alisa’s Corner

活動詳情 Event Details 30/11/2019 – 5/1/2020 10:00 – 22:00 L4 藍牆 Blue Wall 文沛莎 MAN Pui Sho, Alisa

轉 化 是 指 改 變 事 物 的 組 合 或 結 構。 許 多富創 造力的天 才 都會 通 過 藝 術 來 表 達 他 們內 在 的 情 感, 而他 們 創 作的風格、技巧和作品都會隨著成長 而 變 化。 欣 賞 藝 術品美 妙之 處 為的 不僅是要深入 探索他們的個人生活, 還 有他 們 在不同 年 齡 階段 的心理 及 視野。

聯絡方法 Contact Details 文沛莎 MAN Pui Sho, Alisa

Transformation is a change in

9873 3505

creative geniuses express their inner world through their artistic creations.

aalisascorner@ gmail.com

With every experience they have, their creative styles, techniques and works

composition or structure. Many

change and grow. Art appreciation enables the audience to deeply explore artists’ precious creative journeys, not only their personal life but also their creative vision at different ages.


exhibitions@common spaces 公 共 空 間 展 覽

城市印記:畫 作及印章作品展 City Impression L6-16 奧奧工作室 Oo Huen Studio

活動詳情 Event Details


30/11/2019 – 5/1/2020

複 的 元 素所 組 成, 例 如 與當 地 人 關 係深厚的建築、物品、店鋪等等。從

10:00 – 22:00

大 街小 巷 中 發 現 這 些印 記, 猶 如無

L5 藍牆 Blue Wall

意 聽 到 一首 經 典金曲及 流 行曲般令

禤紀君 HUEN Kei Kwan


From my impression of the city, the 聯絡方法 Contact Details 禤紀君 HUEN Kei Kwan

9206 1501

paintings and rubber stamps feature repeated motifs like buildings and shops that are deeply connected with the city dwellers. These elements as seen in alleys and streets resonate with us like classic pop songs do.

oohuen@gmail.com www.oohuenstudio.com

延伸活動 Extended Programme —— 開放工作室 Open Studio | 日期 Dates ︰ 1 – 2, 9, 15 – 16, 23, 29 – 30/12/2019 | 時間 Time ︰ 14:00 – 18:00 印章展出及試印及少量印刷作品、文具等供購買。 More rubber stamps, paintings, prints and stationery

exhibitions@common spaces 公 共 空 間 展 覽


「縫補生命」鋦瓷藝術展 Mending Life Juci A r t Exhibition L6-24 Artisens Studio

活動詳情 Event Details

修復器 物是 一 個自我 尋找 及 療 癒的

6/12/2019 – 5/1/2020

過 程。 在 修 復 的 過 程中, 動 作 是 不

10:00 – 22:00 L6 公共空間 Common Space

停 重 覆 的。 而 在 創 作 的 過 程, 內 在 的傷口會慢慢浮現,唯 有接 受現實, 再慢慢地去修復。

陸珊 Shan LUK

近 期, 香 港 正 經 歷 政 治 動 盪, 舊 傷 還未復原,又再添無數的新傷,過程 聯絡方法 Contact Details


陸珊 Shan LUK

6896 9289 +86 18219526689

The process of mending an object is also a process of self-discovery and


healing. When making this series,

FB: shanlukart FB: artisens.studio IG: artisens.studio www.artisens.com

I dug out my wounds, accepted and started mending them. Recently, Hong Kong is experiencing political turmoil, which created many new wounds, before the old ones can properly heal. The situation is like having condensed cycles of healing and breaking. Damages are made instantly but the healing takes much longer.

延伸活動 Extended Programme ——

P. 22


物料兩極.玻璃陶瓷 Glass and Clay Material Polarities

exhibitions@common spaces 公 共 空 間 展 覽

大 地 Ear th L6-29 影.陶工作室 Earthen Light Studio

活動詳情 Event Details


30/11/2019 – 5/1/2020

始。 展 覽以 攝 影 和陶 藝 兩 種 創 作 媒 介向大眾展示大地的張力。

10:00 – 22:00 L6 藍牆 Blue Wall

We love nature and appreciate our

馬麗華 , 馬秀娟 Mary MAR, Esther MAR

earth, which was formed from unique stones. Through photography and ceramics, the exhibition shows the power and tension of the earth.

聯絡方法 Contact Details 馬秀娟 Esther MA

9381 9436 earthen.light@ hotmail.com

exhibitions@common spaces 公 共 空 間 展 覽


後樂園 · 一齊 遊 Backyard Paradise L7-17 717 Collective

活動詳情 Event Details 30/11/2019 – 5/1/2020 10:00 – 22:00 L7 綠色空間 Green Space Cho Chan x 瑪朱森林 717 策展 Cho Chan x mori22 curated by 717 Collective

藍染和繩結藝術,兩者都離不開文化、手藝和生活。瑪朱森林和 Cho Chan 都 相信,有一個地方,絕對快樂。於是,用藍染和繩結,在地上造了一個後樂園, 感受光和風,可坐可臥,隨意發夢,邀請大家一齊遊。

Backyard Paradise is a crossover project by mori22 and Cho Chan. They both love indigo dye and rope art. And so with these, they present a space on earth where we can explore happiness, feel the light and wind, and wander together, no matter one is awake or asleep.

聯絡方法 Contact Details Cho Chan Rachel CHAN 9121 8346 chocolatebleeding@ gmail.com www.chochan garden.com 瑪朱森林 mori22 Makie CHANG

9837 1144 makie921@gmail.com www.facebook.com/ makie.mori22


exhibitions@common spaces 公 共 空 間 展 覽

Four Corners of the Ear th L6-01 Spitting Gecko Studio

活動詳情 Event Details 30/11/2019 – 5/1/2020 10:00 – 22:00 L7 藍牆 Blue Walll John MCARTHUR

聯絡方法 Contact Details John MCARTHUR 9614 4658 spittinggecko@ gmail.com

展 覽以一系列 畫 作 探 討人 類 與大 地 之間的關係。 靈 感 源自這世界的美, 以及多元的社會與文化。 秩序與模式,混亂與危害,描繪了我 們與世界複雜的平衡。

This exhibition is a series of drawings that explores the physical planet we live on, and the relationship between humans and the earth. The drawings are inspired by the aesthetic beauty of the world and the diverse cultures of different societies. Order and pattern, chaos and degradation illustrate the complex balance we have with the world that we reside upon.

延伸活動 Extended Programme —— 開放工作室 Open Studio | 日期 Dates ︰ 8, 15/12/2019 | 時間 Time ︰ 12:00 – 15:00

exhibitions@common spaces 公 共 空 間 展 覽


侯紹政「童趣」靜物素描藝術作品展覽 Hau Siu Ching ’s Child-like Still Life Sketching Exhibition L7-16 侯紹政繪畫工作室 Hau Siu Ching Art Studio

活動詳情 Event Details

展覽展 示的都是青少年素描班 上所作的示範畫,素描是一種最 基本認識 形體

30/11/2019 – 5/1/2020


10:00 – 22:00 L7 藍牆 Blue Walll 侯紹政 HAU Siu Ching

知,是訓練繪畫表現能力的有效方法。長期素描更可增強眼、腦、手的靈敏度 和協調性,令藝術創作事半功倍。

This exhibition displays the sketches I made during demonstrations at teens drawing classes. Sketching is the key to understanding physical art. It also allows

聯絡方法 Contact Details 侯紹政 HAU Siu Ching

9622 9388

us to establish a more professional or scientific observation and cognition in the art of modeling, while enhancing the abilities in drawing and presentation. Sketching as a long-term habit can strengthen the sensitivity and coordination of the eyes, brain and hands, which are important for arts creation.

thriving _ ar tstudio@ yahoo.com.hk


exhibitions@common spaces 公 共 空 間 展 覽

香港 6/6/2019 – 31/8/2019(畫展) HONG KONG 6/6/2019 – 31/8/2019(exhibition) L6-27 肥娃藝術工作室 Miss FAT studio

以畫記錄香港人如何走過 2019 年的

活動詳情 Event Details

6 月 6 日至 8 月 31 日。

30/11/2019 – 5/1/2020 10:00 – 22:00


L8 藍牆 Blue Wall 廖家宜 Miss FAT

Through paintings, Hong Kongers’ struggles from 6 June to 31 August 2019 are recorded.

聯絡方法 Contact Details 廖家宜 Miss FAT

“There are no rioters, only...”

9527 7070 iloveukiwi2@ yahoo.com.hk iloveukiwi2.wixsite.com /missfatstudio

exhibitions@common spaces 公 共 空 間 展 覽


2019 香港警察系列 Hong Kong Police Series 2019 L8-07 海潮藝術工作室 Hoichiu Production

活動詳情 Event Details 30/11/2019 – 5/1/2020 10:00 – 22:00 L8 藍牆 Blue Wall 海潮 Hoichiu

612 香港警察在記者會上譴責示威者,並定性當日運動為暴動,後來卻指只有五個 人涉及暴動,荒謬的解說令我思考:警察將示威者當成小丑般,迫使他們在鋼 線上表演。

The Hong Kong Police condemned the protestors at the press conference and categorised the movement as riot. However, they rectified that only five people were involved in the riot. This absurd explanation had left me in doubt – the

聯絡方法 Contact Details 海潮 Hoichiu

9521 6964 hoichiusandart@ gmail.com

police treated protestors as clowns, forcing them to tread on thin wire. 616 二百萬人走上街,和平示威,而同日堅尼地城有一隻野豬闖進地鐵,一班殘忍 的警察將牠殺死,土生土長的野豬為自由而抗爭到最後一刻。

Two million people took to the streets and demonstrated peacefully. On the same day, a wild boar broke into the subway station in Kennedy Town. The cruel police went for the kill, while the wild boar fought for its freedom till the end. 701, 721, 805, 831 …… 政府如鴕鳥一樣逃避人民的訴求,更把香港警察 變 成只是維護國家安全的機 器,試圖造成一個太平盛世的平衡時空。

Like an ostrich, the government buried its head in the sand in the face of the people’s demands, while turning the police into a machine to enforce national security, in an attempt to establish a parallel universe of peace.


exhibitions@common spaces 公 共 空 間 展 覽

曾章成作品展 Artworks by Johnson Tsang

空之曰 The Dialogue of the Senses

L2-01 曾章成再創造工作室 Johnson Tsang Re-creation Workshop

L2-12 Tranceramics

活動詳情 Event Details

活動詳情 Event Details

7, 21/12/2019

7 – 22/12/2019 逢星期六及日 Every Sat & Sun

14:00 – 18:00

12:00 – 18:00



曾章成 Johnson TSANG

區灝藍 Suzanne AU, Elina TITANE

自然之杯 Cup and Nature

日常物品̶紙巾 Daily Objects̶Tissue Paper

L3-03 自得窰工作室 I-Kiln Studio

L3-05A 許開嬌工作室 Angel HUI Hoi Kiu Studio

活動詳情 Event Details

活動詳情 Event Details

8, 15/12/2019

7 – 8/12/2019

14:30 – 17:30

13:00 – 19:00



鄭明輝 Reed CHENG

許開嬌 HUI Hoi Kiu, Angel

exhibitions@ar t studios 藝 術 工 作 室 展 覽


The Joy of Sculpting with Clay

小人物 The Little

L3-05C Louis SK Art Studio

L4-15 紅鼻子工作室 REDnose

活動詳情 Event Details

活動詳情 Event Details

7 – 29/12/2019 逢星期六及日 Every Sat & Sun

7 – 8, 21/12/2019 & 5/1/2020

14:00 – 18:00

14:00 – 18:00



盧世強 Louis LO

李潔茹 LI Kit Yu, Noel

柴鹽之間 Wood+Salt

冷萃 Cold Brew

L5-01 Clayground

L5-22 私畫廊 Gallery Z

活動詳情 Event Details

活動詳情 Event Details


7/12/2019 – 5/1/2020 逢星期六及日 Every Sat & Sun

6 – 21/12/2019 星期二至六 Tues to Sats

13:00 – 19:00

14:00 – 19:00



何敏儀 Blanche HO

劉清平 LAU Ching Ping

exhibitions@ar t studios 藝 術 工 作 室 展 覽

自 2015 年,他讓我愛上陶土 Since 2015, He Makes Me Love Clay

(我 在日本的學陶過程 My ceramic study in Japan)

L5-23 Unit Gallery

活動詳情 Event Details

生活點滴 Stories Along the Way L5-24 安之自在 An Gee’s Studio

活動詳情 Event Details

7 – 28/12/2019 逢星期六及日 Every Sat & Sun

7 – 8/12/2019, 4 – 5/1/2020

14:00 – 18:00

12:00 – 19:00



蕭文潔 SIU Man Kit, Kate

陳安之 CHAN An Gee

終有一日什麼都會消逝 ..... One Day We All Will Disappear...

物料兩極 ・ 玻璃陶瓷 Glass and Clay Material Polarities

L6-03 Visual Arts Studio

L6-24 Artisens Studio

活動詳情 Event Details

活動詳情 Event Details

6/12/2019 – 5/1/2020

6/12/2019 – 5/1/2020

10:00 – 22:00

10:00 – 22:00



譚淑瑜 TAM Shuk Yu, Christina

陸珊 Shan LUK

exhibitions@ar t studios 藝 術 工 作 室 展 覽


感受人民在嘉年華會的歡樂 A Way of People to Get Joy and Happiness

以陶會友 Connecting Friends with Ceramics

L6-29 影.陶工作室 Earthen Light Studio

L7-08 Cozy Workshop

活動詳情 Event Details

活動詳情 Event Details

7/12/2019 – 4/1/2020 逢星期六 Every Sat

14 – 15/12/2019

15:00 - 18:00

14:00 – 18:00



馬麗華、馬秀娟 Mary MAR, Esther MAR

李善琨 Anna LI

脆弱的城市生活 The Fragility of City Living

重回伊甸樂園 Back to Eden

L7-09 細勢力空間 small power space

L7-13 Graphics Plus

活動詳情 Event Details

活動詳情 Event Details

7/12/2019 13:00 – 18:00 L7-09 程詩賢 CHING Sze Yin, Cicy


7/12/2019 – 5/1/2020 逢星期六及日 Every Sat & Sun Except 21 – 22/12/2019 除外 14:00 – 19:00 L7-13 杜成禮 Janson TO

exhibitions@ar t studios 藝 術 工 作 室 展 覽

JCCAC 手 作市集 Handicraft Fair

活動詳情 Event Details

為 JCCAC 藝術節的頭炮活動,手作市集將繼續雲集來自亞洲各地百多位手作藝

30/11 – 1/12/2019


13:00 – 19:00


L0 & L1 藝廊 Galleries; 賽馬會黑盒劇場 Jockey Club Black Box Theatre; 中央庭園 Central Courtyard

開放工作室及藝術家即席示範。市集舉行期間並設露天電影放映會、獨立音樂表 演、導賞團、公共空間展覽及文化交流活動等。

Kicking off the JCCAC Festival is the quarterly-held weekend fair, which amasses over a hundred arts and craft gurus from all over Asia to join us in bringing two days of cultural dose to art lovers in Hong Kong. All is invited to come, pocket the latest original homemade items and visit our fellow tenant

聯絡方法 Contact Details

artists at open studios, participate in live art demonstrations, rooftop screening, independent music performances, docent guided tours, as well as exhibitions

2353 1311

dotted around common spaces and other cultural exchange activities as you


explore the building.


* 費用全免,請預先登記。名額有限,先到先得。 Free of charge and online pre-registration required. Places are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.

handicraf t fair 手 作 市 集


露天電影會 Rooftop Cinema*

獨立音樂放 送 Indie Music Express



《戀上春樹》Wood Job!

JCCAC 與本地獨立音樂平台 HITA 為公眾送上

導演 Director : 矢口史靖 Shinobu Yaguchi


片長 Duration : 116 分鐘 mins


級數 Category : IIA

Discover and enjoy Hong Kong’s indie sound

語言 Language : 日語 ( 中英文字幕 )

Japanese (with English

for free at JCCAC, brought to you by our music

& Chinese subtitles)

partner, HITA.

設有映後座談會 With Post-screening talk 活動詳情 Event Details




16:30 – 18:00


L2 平台 Terrace



時候,他偶然看到「林業見習班」招生,傳單上 的宣傳大使更竟然是女神級!勇氣決定離開大城 市,走入深山學斬樹,從一無所有到愛上了古靈 精怪的村民,發現人與大自然的連繫,還找到傳 統林業的真正意義。

After Waterboys, Shinobu Yaguchi turns his camera on modern-day lumberjacks in Wood Job!, from the best-selling novel by Shion Miura. Wrapped inside this classic screwball comedy is a tale of growing up – a city boy just out of high-school ends up working in the woods with a lumber company. From wanting to escape the wilderness to finding love in the village, he learnt to respect nature and continue the tradition. 活動詳情 Event Details 30/11/2019 16:30 – 19:00 L7-19


handicraf t fair 手 作 市 集

JCCAC 工作室導賞 Studio Guided Tours

活動詳情 Event Details 15:00 – 16:00 L1 中央庭園 Central Courtyard




私畫廊 Gallery Z


Playback Concept



L 4-15

紅鼻子工作室 REDnose

粵語 Cantonese 費用全免,請預先登記。 名額有限,先到先得。 Free of charge and online pre-registration required. Places are limited and available on a first-come, firstserved basis.

1/12/2019 L 6-21 L3-03



L 8-12

Ho Lok Studio

L3 & L5 「城中留白」



I -Kiln Studio


Mary “Blanks in the City”


7/12/2019* L 8-10 聯絡方法 Contact Details


2353 1311



Below Shelter

L 6-16

細勢力空間 small power space

L 6-29

info@jccac.org.hk www.jccac.org.hk

影.陶工作室 Earthen Light Studio

14/12/2019* L7-08

奧奧工作室 Oo Huen Studio

Cozy Workshop

L3 & L5 「城中留白」 公共空間

“Blanks in the City”

Common Spaces

* 包含主題展覽「在地陶藝節」藝術家導賞 Include feature exhibition“On Earth Ceramics Festival”artist-led tour

studio g uided tours 工 作 室 導 賞 團


藝術示範 A r t Demonstrations

活動詳情 Event Details


L2 平台 Terrace


粵語 Cantonese

Get up close and personal with our tenant artists in action – join us in the two afternoons where tenant artists share their daily workings behind closed doors out in the open. Be the first to see and listen to artists share as they create.

聯絡方法 Contact Details

Everyone is welcome!

2353 1311 info@jccac.org.hk www.jccac.org.hk

「圖章佬的日常」— 篆刻示範 A Seal Carver’s Life – Chinese Seal Carving Demonstration 日期 Date︰


時間 Time︰

14:30 – 15:30

藝術家 Artist: 江凱勤 KONG Hoi Kan, Thomas (L5-17 話事齋 Kong’s Studio)

手造碗示範及工作坊 Bowl Molding Demonstration & Workshop 日期 Date︰


時間 Time︰

16:00 – 17:00

藝術家 Artist: 何敏儀 HO Man Yee, Blanche (L5-01 Clayground)

浮雕版畫示範及工作坊 Relief Printmaking Demonstration & Workshop 日期 Date︰


時間 Time︰

14:00 – 15:30

藝術家 Artist: 梁曉然 LEUNG Hiu Yin, Terence (L6-06 活著工作室 Alive Studio)


ar t demonstrations 藝 術 示 範

陶泥雕塑示範 Ceramics Sculpting Demonstrations L3-05C Louis SK Art Studio

活動詳情 Event Details

盧世強擅長以陶塑創作描寫人物。他將藉著是次的兩個示範 表達 對鄉村的回

L1 中央庭園 Central Courtyard

憶以及回應他到荔枝窩的探訪,主題圍繞鄉村的長輩與他們的動物朋友狗隻, 並以陶泥揑出生動的人物和跳脫的動物。

盧世強 Louis LO 粵語 Cantonese

Louis Lo specialises in ceramic portrait sculpting. At these two demonstrations, Lo will share his memories of the countryside and respond to his Lai Chi Wo visit. Through vivid ceramic character and animal sculptures, Lo remembers

聯絡方法 Contact Details

the elderly from rural areas and their animal friends.

盧世強 Louis LO

9636 2329 louissaikeung@ gmail.com www.louissaikeung.com

村有一老如有一寶 Elders, Treasures in Every Village 日期 Dates︰ 14/12/2019 時間 Time︰ 16:30 – 18:00

鄉村動物老友記 Village Animal Buddies 日期 Dates︰ 15/12/2019 時間 Time︰ 15:00 – 16:30

ar t demonstrations 藝 術 示 範


盆景紙模型工作坊 Bonsai Paper Model Workshop L4-09-10 筆加思索的工作室 Brush Castle de Studio

活動詳情 Event Details 1, 15/12/2019 14:00 – 15:00 16:00 – 17:00 每天兩節 2 sessions per day L7-19 粵語 Cantonese 適合 4 歲或以上人士 參加。費用全 免;名額 有限,請預先登記 Suitable for aged 4 or above. Free of charge, please register online in advance. www.jccac.org.hk

參加者會先到展覽「城 中留白」 中觀 賞 盆 景 並作描繪,再隨着自己 的 想 像 剪 裁 拼 砌, 創 作出一 個 稱 心的 盆 景 紙模型擺設。

Participants will visit the “Blanks in the city” exhibition to appreciate and depict the bonsai, then create a tailor made bonsai paper model with their imagination.

聯絡方法 Contact Details 曹小姐 Ms CHO

2697 9747 coming.art@gmail.com www.facebook.com/ soon.coming.96387


ar t workshops 藝 術 工 作 坊

移印布袋工作坊 Bag Printing Workshop L6-27 肥娃藝術工作室 Miss FAT studio

活動詳情 Event Details 1/12/2019 16:00 - 17:00 (A 班 Class A ) 17:00 - 18:00 (B 班 Class B) L6-27 粵語 Cantonese 適合 6 歲或以上人士 參加。費用全 免;名額 有限,請預先登記 Suitable for aged 6 or above. Free of charge, please register online in advance. www.jccac.org.hk

學習把文宣印到布袋上,以不同的技 巧、 顏 色 製 作成 獨 特 的圖 像 移印 布 袋。工作坊會提供圖片、工具及每人 一個布袋。

This workshop will teach the concepts and techniques of image-printing art. Photos, tools and a tote bag will be provided for each participant.

聯絡方法 Contact Details 廖家宜 Miss FAT

9527 7070 iloveukiwi2@ yahoo.com.hk iloveukiwi2.wixsite.com /missfatstudio

ar t workshops 藝 術 工 作 坊


陶土升級再生創意工作坊 Clay-Upcycling Creative Workshop L5-23 Unit Gallery


活動詳情 Event Details



作。 工作 坊將 利用 破 爛 屋瓦 片 升 級再 生,

16:30 - 18:00


中央庭園 Central Courtyard 粵語 Cantonese

Yiu loves to create with natural clay, and

姚俊樺 YIU Chun Wa

cherishes used pottery clay to apply them into his artworks. This workshop employs

適合 12 歲 或以 上 人 士 參加。費用全 免;名額 有限,請預先登記 Suitable for aged 12 or above. Free of charge, please register online in advance. www.jccac.org.hk

broken roofing tiles for participants to create their own ceramic works.

聯絡方法 Contact Details 張煒詩 Rachel CHEUNG

9453 1626 onearthartproject@ gmail.com


ar t workshops 藝 術 工 作 坊

自己繩 結自己 綁 ̶ 瓶子 繩 結裝 飾工作 坊 Macramé Bottle DI Y Workshop

自己藍 染自己染 ̶ 藍 染風呂包包工作 坊 Indigo Dye Furoshiki DI Y Workshop

L7-17 717 Collective

L7-17 717 Collective



為她 編織 一件繩 結外 套,給 予 新開始。無論名

球, 快 點來參加 藍 染 風呂包包 工作 坊, 帶 佢 地



Want to keep the used bottle with you? Bring it

Indigo dye gives each bag unique pattern in a

to the workshop, DIY your very own Macramé

natural way. Love yourself, love the earth, come

bottle, and give it a new life through Macramé

join the DIY Workshop, and bring your own

knots and weaving skills. We welcome all bottle

Indigo Dye Furoshiki bag home.

shapes whether it’s a precious perfume bottle or a soy sauce bottle. 活動詳情 Event Details

活動詳情 Event Details



14:00 – 15:30

16:00 – 17:00



粵語 / 英語 Cantonese / English

粵語 Cantonese 適合 6 歲或以上人士 參加。費用全 免;名額 有限,請預先登記 Suitable for aged 6 or above. Free of charge, please register online in advance. www.jccac.org.hk

適合 12 歲 或以 上 人 士 參加。費用全 免;名額 有限,請預先登記 Suitable for aged 12 or above. Free of charge, please register online in advance. www.jccac.org.hk

聯絡方法 Contact Details 聯絡方法 Contact Details

瑪朱森林 mori22 Makie CHANG

Cho Chan Rachel CHAN

9837 1144

9121 8346


chocolatebleeding@ gmail.com

www.facebook.com/ makie.mori22/

www.chochangarden. com

ar t workshops 藝 術 工 作 坊


「 溫 室計劃 ― 綠室」 分享會 Greenhouse Project ̶ Green-House Gases Sharing L3-05A 許開嬌工作室 Angel HUI Hoi Kiu Studio

活動詳情 Event Details 7/12/2019

Hey Hey Lab 將邀請內地和香港師生一同探討及分享中港兩地學習交流的諸 般見解,談談香港社會之驟變。

13:00 – 14:00 L2 平台 Terrace 粵語 Cantonese

Hey Hey Lab

Hey Hey Lab will facilitate an exchange between Mainland China and Hong Kong teachers and students, to explore their views and perspectives towards the gradual change in the Hong Kong society.

聯絡方法 Contact Details 許開嬌 HUI Hoi Kiu, Angel

6252 1525 angel_kiu_kiu@ hotmail.com


art talks 藝 術 分 享

2019 藝術節主題展 ― 藝術家分享 JCCAC Festival 2019 A r tist Sharing L5-23 Unit Gallery

活動詳情 Event Details 7/12/2019 14:30 – 16:00 中央庭園 Central Courtyard 粵語 Cantonese

尋田探土 — 鄉郊永續 On Earth Art Project – Rural Sustainability 近年來,不同團體和人士開始透過不同藝術媒介去討論和推動城鄉共生、鄉郊 永續這備受關注的議題。講者們將分享他們籌辦或參與相關項目的理念、體會 和得著,探討加強計劃持續性的可行方法。

In recent years, different groups and people are dedicated to promoting 聯絡方法 Contact Details 張煒詩 Rachel CHEUNG

rural sustainability and urban-rural symbiosis through various art forms. Speakers will share their ideas, experience and achievements in organising and participating in the related projects, to further explore ways to enhance the

9453 1626

sustainability of their programmes.

onearthartproject@ gmail.com

講者 Speakers 游慧瑜,項目經理,香港大學公民社會與治理研究中心 Anna YAU, Project Manager, Centre for Civil Society and Governance, The University of Hong Kong 區灝藍,陶藝家 Suzanne AU, Ceramic artist 李彥錚,視覺藝術家 Dexter LEE, Visual artist

art talks 藝 術 分 享


活動詳情 Event Details 14/12/2019 14:30 – 16:00 中央庭園 Central Courtyard 粵語 Cantonese

當代陶瓷 — 實現自我 Self-realization in Contemporary Ceramics 創作者透過藝 術 創造 呈現自我獨特性 並作個人化的表達。講 者們的創作皆帶 有人物角色的元素,各施各法以不同形式帶出社會上的人和事。他們將分享人 物創作的概念和想法,讓大家了解這些人物背後的故事。

Artists express uniqueness and personal ideas in their artistic creations. Speakers 聯絡方法 Contact Details 張煒詩 Rachel CHEUNG

9453 1626

of this sharing session all like to incorporate human elements in their works, and will discuss their ideas, concepts and stories behind their inspirations. 講者 Speakers

onearthartproject@ gmail.com

李慧嫻,陶藝家 Rosanna LI, Ceramic artist

陳建業,陶藝家 Scott CHAN, Ceramic artist


art talks 藝 術 分 享

曾章成,陶藝家 Johnson TSANG, Ceramic artist

11 1


L0 1


8 9


在地陶藝節 On Earth Ceramics Festival Unit Gallery 藝廊 Galleries

P.10 藍牆 Blue Wall

自然之杯 Cup and Nature 自得窰工作室 I-Kiln Studio

P.20 L3-03

日常物品 — 紙巾 Daily Objects – Tissue Paper 許開嬌工作室 Angel HUI Hoi Kiu Studio L3-05A



The Joy of Sculpting with Clay Louis SK Art Studio L3-05C


L1 3

90’s 展覽 Exhibition 我的工作室 My Studio



JCCAC 藝術節開幕禮 JCCAC Festival 2019 Opening Ceremony 中央庭園 Central Courtyard



在地陶藝節 On Earth Ceramics Festival Unit Gallery 藝廊 Galleries




13 7 5





溫室計劃 — 綠室 Greenhouse Project – Green-House Gases 許開嬌工作室 Angel HUI Hoi Kiu Studio 平台 Terrace



這裡的名物 Meibutsu 豆腐膶工作室 Studio de Dimension de Tofu 藍牆 Blue Wall



曾章成作品展 Artworks by Johnson Tsang 曾章成再創造工作室 Johnson Tsang Re-creation Workshop L2-01



空之曰 The Dialogue of the Senses Tranceramics L2-12



L4 12 13

Transformation Alisa’s Corner

小人物 The Little 紅鼻子工作室 REDnose L4-15

exhibition navigator 展 覽 地 圖

P.11 藍牆 Blue Wall






28 27



25 26 24





城市印記:畫作及印章作品展 City Impression 奧奧工作室 Oo Huen Studio 藍牆 Blue Wall



柴鹽之間 Wood+Salt Clayground L5-01



冷萃 Cold Brew 私畫廊 Gallery Z





Four Corners of the Earth Spitting Gecko Studio 藍牆 Blue Wall



侯紹政「童趣」靜物素描藝術作品展覽 Hau Siu Ching’s “Child-like” Still Life Sketching Exhibition 侯紹政繪畫工作室 Hau Siu Ching Art Studio 藍牆 Blue Wall



以陶會友 Connecting Friends with Ceramics Cozy Workshop L7-08




脆弱的城市生活 The Fragility of City Living L7-09 細勢力空間 small power space



重回伊甸樂園 Back to Eden 嘉意設計 Graphics Plus

P.23 L7-13



30 31



19 「縫補生命」鋦瓷藝術展 “Mending Life”Juci Art Exhibition Artisens Studio 公共空間 Common Space


大地 Earth 影.陶工作室 Earthen Light Studio 藍牆 Blue Wall



終有一日什麼都會消逝 ... One Day We All Will Disappear... TAM Shuk Yu, Christina L6-03



物料兩極.玻璃陶瓷 Glass and Clay Material Polarities Artisens Studio L6-24



P.23 感受人民在嘉年華會的歡樂 A Way of People to Get Joy and Happiness L6-29 影.陶工作室 Earthen Light Studio




生活點滴 Stories Along the Way L5-24 安之自在 An Gee’s Studio



後樂園 .一齊遊 Backyard Paradise 717 Collective 綠色空間 Green Space


自 2015 年,他讓我愛上陶土 (我在日本的學陶過程) Since 2015, He Makes Me Love Clay (My ceramic study in Japan) Unit Gallery L5-23



L8 30


香港 6/6/2019 – 31/8/2019(畫展) HONG KONG 6/6/2019 – 31/8/2019 (exhibition) 肥娃藝術工作室 Miss FAT Studio 藍牆 Blue Wall

2019 香港警察系列 Hong Kong Police Series 2019 海潮藝術工作室 Hoichiu Production 藍牆 Blue Wall

exhibition navigator 展 覽 地 圖




30.11 六 Sat 13:00


1.12 日 Sun

7.12 六 Sat







2 15:00

14.12 六 Sat

13 3





17 14












1.12.2019 日 Sun

30.11.2019 六 Sat 1

JCCAC 手作市集 Handicraft Fair JCCAC 13:00-19:00



JCCAC 手作市集 Handicraft Fair JCCAC 13:00-19:00


「圖章佬的日常」— 篆刻示範 A Seal Carver’s Life - Chinese Seal Carving Demonstration L2 平台 Terrace 14:30-15:30



盆景紙模型工作坊 Bonsai Paper Model Workshop P.29 L7-19 14:00-15:00 / 16:00-17:00


浮雕版畫示範及工作坊 Relief Printmaking Demonstration & Workshop L2 平台 Terrace 14:00-15:30


P.26 工作室導賞 Studio Guided Tours L1 中央庭園集合 Assembly in Central Courtyard 15:00-16:00


移印布袋工作坊 Bag Printing Workshop L6-27 16:00-17:00 / 17:00-18:00



獨立音樂放送 Indie Music Express L2 平台 Terrace 16:30-18:00





P.26 工作室導賞 Studio Guided Tours L1 中央庭園集合 Assembly in Central Courtyard 15:00-16:00 手造碗示範及工作坊 Bowl Molding Demonstration & Workshop L2 平台 Terrace 16:00-17:00


露天電影會 Rooftop Cinema L7-19 16:30-19:00


15.12.2019 日 Sun



21.12.2019 六 Sat


盆景紙模型工作坊 Bonsai Paper Model Workshop L7-19 14:00-15:00 / 16:00-17:00



鄉村動物老友記 — 陶泥雕塑示範 Village Animal Buddies – Ceramics Sculpting Demonstration L1 中央庭園 Central Courtyard



P.26 工作室導賞 Studio Guided Tours L1 中央庭園集合 Assembly in Central Courtyard 15:00-16:00


programme schedule 節 目 時 間 表



15.12 日 Sun

21.12 六 Sat

28.12 六 Sat

4.1 六 Sat







7.12.2019 六 Sat

14.12.2019 六 Sat

12 「溫室計劃 — 綠室」分享會 P.33 “Greenhouse Project – Green-House Gases” Sharing L2 平台 Terrace 13:00-14:00


自己繩結自己綁 — 瓶子繩結裝飾工作坊 Macrame Bottle DIY Workshop L7-19 14:00-15:30


P.34 2019 藝術節主題展藝術家分享 JCCAC Festival 2019 Artist Sharing 尋田探土 — 鄉郊永續 On Earth Art Project – Rural Sustainability L1 中央庭園 Central Courtyard 14:30-16:00


P.35 2019 藝術節主題展藝術家分享 JCCAC Festival 2019 Artist Sharing 當代陶瓷 — 實現自我 Self-realization in Contemporary Ceramics L1 中央庭園 Central Courtyard 14:30-16:00


P.26 工作室導賞 Studio Guided Tours L1 中央庭園集合 Assembly in Central Courtyard 15:00-16:00


P.26 工作室導賞 Studio Guided Tours L1 中央庭園集合 Assembly in Central Courtyard 15:00-16:00


陶土升級再生創意工作坊 Clay-Upcycling Creative Workshop L1 中央庭園 Central Courtyard


自己藍染自己染 — 藍染風呂包包工作坊 Indigo Dye Furoshiki DIY Workshop L7-19 16:00-17:00


P.28 村有一老如有一寶 — 陶泥雕塑示範 Elders, Treasures in Every Village – Ceramics Sculpturing Demonstration L1 中央庭園 Central Courtyard 16:30-18:00

P.31 16:30-18:00

28.12.2019 六 Sat 24




4.1.2020 六 Sat

P.26 工作室導賞 Studio Guided Tours L1 中央庭園集合 Assembly in Central Courtyard 15:00-16:00


P.26 工作室導賞 Studio Guided Tours L1 中央庭園集合 Assembly in Central Courtyard 15:00-16:00

programme schedule 節 目 時 間 表


於 2008 年開幕的賽馬會創意藝術中心(JCCAC),是香港首間由整幢 廠廈活 化而成的藝術村兼藝術中心。JCCAC 為自負盈虧非牟利慈善團體及香港 浸會 大學附屬機構,作為一所多元化及 對外開放的藝文場地,JCCAC 既 為藝 術家 及藝文團體提供價格實惠的工作室及設施,也為公眾營造親切的環境,體驗藝 術文化活動和感受創意氛圍,讓藝術更靠近社區,並走得更遠。佔地約二十萬 平方呎的 JCCAC 是近 140 個各類型藝術家和文化團體的運作基地,當中更特 別預留近四份之一的工作室以支持具潛質的新晉藝術家。

Opened in 2008, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC) is the first factory-turned artist village and arts centre in Hong Kong. JCCAC is a selffinanced registered charity and Hong Kong Baptist University’s subsidiary. The multidisciplinary arts and cultural venue is open to the public and is dedicated to meet the arts community’s need for affordable arts studio and display facilities, nurture young creative talents for Hong Kong and provide a relaxed environment for the public to experience arts and culture. Spread over 200,000 square feet, JCCAC is the operation base for around 140 artists and cultural organisations of a wide array of art forms, of which around a quarter of its studios are dedicated specifically to support development of promising emerging artists.

開放時間 Opening Hours JCCAC 每日上午 10 時至晚上 10 時開放,農曆新年假期除外。 公眾可自由參觀而毋須預約,但請留意個別展覽及藝術活動會 有不同的開放日期和時間,為免向隅,請向主辦單位直接查詢 確定。我們亦提供預約的團體導賞服務,如有興趣,歡迎查詢。

JCCAC is open to the public from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily except Chinese New Year holidays. While no appointment is required for general visits,visitors should check the date and time of specific exhibitions or art activities to avoid disappointment. JCCAC also offers group guided tours; interested parties may contact us for details.

about jccac 關 於 jccac


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