JCCAC Festival Guide 2014 - New Generation

Page 1

ⴀ晝傈劍 Publication Date11/2014 ⴲ晝 First Edition

⽫ꆀ Printing Quantity3,000 劥

鏤鎙 DesignTomorrow Design Office

⯝顑耫僈 : 飓꼛剚ⶾ䠑谁遯⚥䗱僽♧䨾谁遯㜥㖒⚛佅䭰⿻㼤ꅾ谁遯邍麨荈歋劥眏湡䭸⽂Ⰹ㾝爚涸谁遯暟ㅷ崞⹛ Ⰹ㺂歋剤ꡠ谁遯㹻谁遯㕰넓䲿⣘⿻頾顑ⰦⰉ㺂彋焷䚍嚌♶➿邍劥⚥䗱用㜥侣锞殆䠑

Disclaimer: Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre is an arts venue which supports the freedom of artistic expression. Artistic works and activities presented in the Centre and in this Festival Guide are provided by the relevant artists/ art groups, who are responsible for their content and accuracy, and do not represent the views of the Centre. ©2014 飓꼛剚ⶾ䠑谁遯⚥䗱 Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre

晝奚䨾剤 ♶䖤缺⽫

All Right Reserved





Б⠼ Foreword

Ơア਴⠔ Feature Exhibition

਴⠔ Exhibitions




Ҷ⊦║✢ Arts Jamming

⯜ᅕସ⾤ Weekend Fairs

⿵ࠦ⿌ఢᄺ ROoftop Cinema




║✢ϧǐ Arts Talks

਋⧤‫ۯ‬ Docent Guided Tours

Ⴠ⻼✮ Calendar




涸䟝岁〳腋剤䨾♶ず⡎殹⚥籏剚剤Ⱏ鸒⛓贖〭䕹姽腋佞♴䊹鋅㼟♧❉ꅾ銴涸⭆⧩ㄤ鎝 䜂䪭⫄♴⿡⚛㼟爢剚♳♶ず涸➃㕰穡饱⢵

➛䎃 JCCAC 谁遯眏涸⚺겗僽չ倞♧➿պ♧倰꬗僽ㄎ䥰➛㾂谁遯眏劥⚥䗱껷妄ㄤ꽏⚥䗱

谁㕰ざ⡲涸⚺겗㾝錒չ倞♧➿㕜ꥹ㣐㷸欰❜崩㾝պ〥♧倰꬗䋞劆鷴麕谁遯眏鸏⦐䎂〵 雊꽏⚥䗱谁遯㹻谁㕰⟃♶ず涸谁遯䕎䒭邍麨➮⦛㼩չ倞♧➿պ涸耢䟝

捀劍秉♧⦐剢涸谁遯眏ざⰟ剤 20 㢵⦐꽏㜥谁遯㋲⡙㢵麨 30 ⡙꽏㜥谁遯㹻⿮莅捀Ⱇ滞

㸞䱖✫馄麕 40 갪礶䕙涸⯝顥眏湡蔕蔕滞㢵眏湡⚥ꤑ✫剤鋕錏谁遯㾝爚⺫䭍晝殥稇

䲾粭殥ꤲ谁伢䕧梯槵鏤鎙瘞⛳剤邍怵谁遯怵ⴀ⺫䭍갉坿㢹ꨶ䕧剚㢵㯯 넓谁遯怵ⴀ爚眕瘞ⶾ⡲겗勞倰꬗❠⼧ⴕ䑞岌䖰䬄韍䠑䙂ⵌ㻨㻜邍麨⦐➃䞕䠮䫉涮ⵌ 爢剚陾겗ꡠ岤ⴕ❧欰崞럊忹ⵌ鷆宠⥌䙂繡㷸涸㛚䭰瘞搂♶溏ⵌ谁遯㹻㼩չ倞♧

Б⠼ Foreword


⚺겗㾝錒չ倞♧➿㕜ꥹ㣐㷸欰❜崩㾝պ㾝ⴀ✫⢵荈⚆歲ぐ㖒 20 㕜㣐㷸涸晝殥⡲ㅷ㾝

ㅷ侸ꆀ麨 160 ⟝嫦♧⟝⡲ㅷ㥪⫹♧꬗ꖏ㶩雊䧮⦛溏ⵌ䎃ꫭ♧➿涸㗞桧ㄤ溫䧮歋伢䕧䌌 Ⱟ瘼㾝➃闒荛䗞ㄤ坿倷剚ざ鳵涸չ溏䥢溏♶䥢պ伢䕧㾝傂㾝ⴀ껻度㼱侸停酓涸㷛㶩㷸绢

剅㻨⚥俒ㄤ㾀度欰崞涸葾ꨈず儘⛳捀鸏纈剤㣆䟝ㄤ荈䓽涸倞欰➿涮耫倞儢谁遯㹻绀䘋⨴ 乲Ꟁ⟃堥唒➃鸤㘗捀㛇燊幋ざꧨ㝖⿻莻〵䪮遯涮㾝ⴀ㢵⯋繡㷸谁遯㹻Ⱟ瘼㾝➃卌恎㛚

瘼㾝涸遳걧谁遯鎹ꏗ㾝⟃⚥用錬䏞邍麨㼩爢剚陾겗涸ꡠ岤ず儘雊錚滞〳⟃ꅾ倞㻤鋕鵜劍 鑨겗涸չꨎ⪑麌⹛պ䙼罌䧮⦛莅鸏㙹䋑涸ꡠ⤚

䋞劆➛䎃 JCCAC 谁遯眏腋㉬涮ⶾ䠑䙼罌鸒麕谁遯⸈幀㣐㹻㼩倞欰➿涸欰崞䙼䟝ㄤ⭆ ⧩錚涸ꡠ岤ㄤ椚鍑

飓꼛剚ⶾ䠑谁遯⚥䗱遤佟籏鄪 ⣶㮐楑



Mention the new generation, what comes to your

to pursuit of faith and aesthetics, lending depth and

and commitment young people. Despite inevitable

Generation theme.

mind? Probably the motivation, ambition, innovation

differences in point of views between the young and older generations, there will always be shared interests from a wider perspective which makes people put

profoundness in the artists interpretation of the New

The feature exhibition XinYiDai – An International

University Students Exchange Exhibition showcases

aside their personal agenda to achieve altruistic

160 works of print, animated print and book art by

goals, bridging the gap between different people and

emerging artists from around the world; each work is

generations in the society through their common values.

like a mirror which reflects the inner voice of the young

The theme of JCCAC Festival this year is New

Generation. The title echoes the theme of the feature exhibition in the Galleries XinYiDai – An International

generation. Another interesting exhibition is the photo

exhibition Do You Read Me? co-presented by the

photographer-cum-curator Ducky Tse and Oxfam, which

spotlights the plights of children of ethnic minorities in Hong Kong whose prospects in society is limited

with one of our resident arts organisations. It is the

by the difficulties they experience with learning to

first time that we have collaborated with a resident

write Chinese, but who nonetheless dare to dream and

arts organisation on such a scale during JCCAC Festival

strive for self-reliance. The exhibition by artist C.K.

and we happily anticipate the positive synergy it may

Yung presents robots he has created by using stage

create. We also hope that the chosen theme this year

and sculptural techniques to express the complexity of

will inspire other resident artists and art organisations

human nature and the multiple levels of aesthetics. The

to interpret it imaginatively through their independently

documentary exhibition presented by the artist-cum-

curated exhibitions and activities, creating an exciting

curator Andrew Lam on a topical social issue provides

collective vibe during the Festival and beyond.

an open platform for the public to ponder on the recent

The month-long Festival features the works of 30

the individual and the city that we call home.

Umbrella Movement and the relationship in between

participating resident artists/art organisations from over 20 studios. There are more than 40 free programmes to

We hope that the JCCAC Festival this year will

encourage public participation, covering a wide array

inspire creativity and reflection, and help deepen our

of visual arts media (including prints, sketch drawing,

understanding of the actions, thoughts and values of

painting, ceramics, photography, glass, design, etc.)

the new generation.

and performing arts (including music nights, open air film screenings, multi-media art demonstrations, etc.). They present a wide range of focus and expression,

Lillian Hau

from abstract to documentary, from issues of personal

Executive Director,

feelings to social awareness, from lifestyle aspirations

Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre

Б⠼ Foreword

University Students Exchange Exhibition co-presented

ၟƁǰ㘱ۨ⾉ࠥপ᪤njᕦ਴ XinYiDai: An International University Students Exchange Exhibition


JCCAC ⿻껻度晝殥䊨⡲㹔ざ⡲㣎⠶鎙ⷔ A Partnership Project of JCCAC and Hong Kong Open Printshop L8-05 껻度晝殥䊨⡲㹔⚺鳵 Presented by L8-05 Hong Kong Open Printshop

倞♧➿ꫭ惯涸耫갉籏僽雊➃暶ⴽ劍䖊ㆭ盘僽䠮䧃㼱䎃⛓䟶䧴僽㼩植➿爢剚儘㽷涸䱾鏰 ➮⦛籏腋鷴麕晝殥鸏珏꫙崞㢵隶涸㯯➝怵糋隶ꬠꅼⴀ溫䧮僽妄㾝錒㼟剚㾝ⴀⴕⴽ⢵荈 慍崎䊼銯⚥㕜㙪⿻껻度⽫䏞岚貽薊㕜⿻繡㕜瘞 24 ⦐㖒⼦ꤎ吥涸晝殥⡲ㅷ

4/12/2014 - 4/1/2015

㾝ㅷ侸ꆀ麨 150 ⟝ꤑ秶劥⡲ㅷ鼩剤剅硃ⰳ遯ㄤ儘䢀⹛殥倞♧➿⹅倴邍䢀⡲ㅷ㺢䠮

12:00 – 19:00


L0 L1 谁䐤

L0 L1 Galleries

Hong Kong Open Printshop (HKOP) celebrates the fifth anniversary of its highlight annual event Hong Kong Graphic Art Fiesta this December with an exhibition named XinYiDai: An International University Students Exchange Exhibition featuring over 150 works of print, animated print and book art by emerging artists from around

2319 1660 / contactus@ open-printshop.org.hk

the world. In addition to this exhibition, there are a series of other programmes


including guided tours, live printmaking demonstrations and sharing session.

org.hk/en/ HongKongOpenPrintshop

Ơア਴⠔ Feature Exhibition

୨ ⻴ G NIN OP E

19:00 ⚥㣜䏭㕨

Central Courtyard

껻度晝殥䊨⡲㹔飑询栁 HKOP Purchase Award 鄄怔涯 Bleached

梖㹻 Players


Country: South Korea


Medium: Digital Print


㽯㼄748 x 500 嬗碜

Artist: YOO Su-ho Size: 748 x 500 mm


Country: Poland


Medium: Intaglio

⡲罏Kamil KOCUREK 㽯㼄 700 x 1000 嬗碜

Artist: Kamil KOCUREK Size: 700 x 1000 mm


ၟƁǰ㘱ۨ⾉ࠥপ᪤njᕦ਴ XinYiDai: An International University Students Exchange Exhibition L8-05 껻度晝殥䊨⡲㹔

Hong Kong Open Printshop







瘼㾝➃铃㕮⫹谁遯莅 晝殥谁遯

Louiza Ho Yuen Yu

Curator's Talk: Graphic Art and The Art of Printmaking

6/12 16:00ˋ16:45 ⚥㣜䏭㕨

Ơア਴⠔ Feature Exhibition

Central Courtyard 鹋Ⱉ晝殥爚眕鸮㼬颣


Saturday Printmaking Demonstration & Exhibition Guided Tour

15:00ˋ16:30 


Sunday Exhibition Guided Tour


Group Guided Tour

7,14,21/12 15:00ˋ15:45 鸫僤劍✳㔋 www.jccac.org.hk 


㥶妝갸秉㼬颣㕰䧴剤⟤⡦叆鑉锞荞ꨶ 껻度晝殥䊨⡲㹔 (+852) 2319 1660

䧴ꨶ鿟荛 contactus@open-printshop.org.hk


谁遯㹻 Artist / 䊨⡲㹔 Studio

껻度晝殥䊨⡲㹔♴珖䊨⡲㹔䧭用倴 2000 䎃僽껻度껷⦐歋晝殥㹻ⶾ鳵⿻盘椚涸㼠噠谁

遯㕰넓⚛倴 2012 䎃姻䒭䧭捀ꬌ暑ⵄ䡹㊥㕰넓䊨⡲㹔荞⸂䲀䑞ㄤ兜⿻殹➿晝殥㕮⫹谁遯

䧮⦛ꤑ䖰✲⦐➃ⶾ⡲㢫鼩䋞劆殜湈䊹腋㔐꺈爢剚䲿⼮爢纈谁遯宐䎂䋞劆♶ず䎃룲 ♶ずꥣ㾵涸➃鿪〳❧「ㄤ妇颣谁遯 격兞莅⢪ㄐ

• ⤛鹎㕜ꥹ䚍晝殥㕮⫹谁遯ㄤ俒⻋❜崩

• ➝稲⿻䲀䑞劥㖒晝殥㕮⫹谁遯ⵌ⚆歲ぐ㖒 • 捀劥㖒谁遯歲⿻ⶾ䠑俒⻋欴噠㛆肬➃䩞

• 렽⺑䋑字⿮莅兜⿻谁遯䲿⼮➃俒欰崞颶稇 Founded in 2000, Hong Kong Open Printshop is Hong Kongs first non-profit open charitable organisation. Our main aim is to promote visual arts with emphasis on image making, and to give back to the community by providing art programmes that people of all ages and from all walks of life can enjoy. Vision and Mission • To promote graphic art and encourage international cultural exchange • To bring Hong Kong printmaking to an international audience • To nurture young talents in the field of printmaking and generally for the arts and cultural industry in Hong Kong • To share the joy of printmaking with the public

Ơア਴⠔ Feature Exhibition

printshop run by artists. In 2012, Hong Kong Open Printshop registered as a


ļᯝනĵᯝƊනĽ਎္ၴ❴প᪤ᮆƘ၄প℺᪤ᕠ ࿽ఢ਴ Do you read me? A photo exhibition on how ethnic minorities learn Chinese

਴⠔ Exhibitions

L7-22 㣟搋䊨⡲㹔 / 闒荛䗞 X 坿倷剚 L7-22 Outfocus Workshop / Ducky Tse X Oxfam

伢䕧㾝歋坿倷剚莅伢䕧䌌闒荛䗞ざ鳵㾝爚劥㖒㼱侸停酓剦⿼㷸绢⚥俒涸欰崞⟃⿻㕠粕 22/11 - 31/12 10:00 – 22:00

⚥俒罜欰涸ꤥꫂЭЭ㖈緄⛘黠ⴗ涸佟瘼佅䴂♴㼱侸停酓䱍䳣♶ⵌ껻度爢剚涸Ⱏず铃鎊 嫦㣔ꤴⰅ㣐㣐㼭㼭涸㔮環❠鄄ⶒ㤾✫爢剚崩⹛涸堥剚

L2 话晘 ⿻

Jointly organized by Oxfam Hong Kong and photojournalist Tse Chi-tak, this

L2-05 – L2-08

exhibition reveals the childrens daily tribulations of learning Chinese and the stress

L2 Blue Wall &

they are under. Without adequate policy support, many ethnic minority children

L2-05 – L2-08

simply cannot master the native language of the city they live in, thus hampering

ny.wong@oxfam.org.hk abbiel@oxfam.org.hk www.oxfam.org.hk/ doyoureadme


their social mobility. 谁遯㹻 Artist / 䊨⡲㹔 Studio

♧纈伢䕧䊨⡲罏㖈䕧⫹秼꤫涸䎃➿䕱䖁㣟⿡ⶾ⡲涸搋럊չ㣟搋պ涸䧭用僽䋞劆䖰鶵 㣟⚥ⱄⴀ涮㔔姽䧮⦛琎噲⿮莅⚛瘼ⷔ♶ず伢䕧㾝錒來肬⿻俒⻋灇瑖瘞崞⹛

A group of photography enthusiasts finding their direction in the outfocus space. The studio organises exhibitions, educational activities and cultural researches.

୨ ⻴ FF K-O KIC



L2 ஀Ӱ L2 Terrace

਴⠔ Exhibitions

伢䕧䌌闒荛䗞 X 㼱侸停酓 ꫭ䎃伢䕧ⴕ❧

Ducky Tse X EM Youths Sharing on Photography 㢵⯋俒⻋傈

Cross–Cultural Day



14:00 – 17:00

鏪䪭䛸罉䌌 X 啥睛疮ザ V ––


Seminar on Ethnic Minority

13/12 13:00 – 15:00 L7-19


Issues in Hong Kong

鋷㶩粭劥ꠗ隡䊨⡲㖷 Reading Workshop


Indian Macrame

15:00 – 16:00 L7-19


Jockey Club Black

29/11; 6, 13/12 10:30 – 12:30 L7-19

14/12 

15:00 – 17:00

Box Theatre

Parent-child Inter-cultural

Handicraft Workshop –



Educational Guided Tour



Available on weekdays upon reservation


⢟᪤⊥α᪤㙊·ᵟ ȱ㘽ℬ౧˯፯ቒȺջ਴ Born to Reborn: Pneumas Carrier – CK Yung Robotics Solo Exhibition L4-14 ⯋牟載⡤ @ ⶾ谁ず遤 - 绀䘋⨴堥唒➃㻜뀿㹔

Pneumas Carrier @ artwalker - CK YUNG Robotics Laboratory 堥䨼㻜뀿莻荩 - 鹎⻋ 5/12 – 31/12

Machine Room Experiment Theatre - Evolution

10:00 – 22:00

䕎넓敚⯕耫갉⿻ꏗ⫹ⵄ欽堥唒猰䪮䱳鎣➃欰涸劥颶ㄤ欰ㄐ铭겗 [ 鹎⻋ ] 雊錚遛ꅾ

L2 䎂〵

L2 Terrace artwalker.contact@ gmail.com (CK Yung)

[ 堥䨼㻜뀿莻荩 ] 僽⟃չ⯋牟鲿⡤պꅾ럊灇涮涸ꨶ舡管玑堥唒➃捀怵㿧㯯➝穡ざ堥唒酤縨 倞䙼罌荈歋䠑䘋 ( 鮿⟝ ) 莅過聘⛓鮒 ( 炽⟝ ) 涸ꡠ⤚䖰♶ず錬䏞ⱄ溏荈䊺ㄤ⚆歲 嫦㜥鏤怵䖕Ⱇ滞❜崩橇眏

Machine Room Experiment Theatre – Through computer programming, the robots

perform combining mechanical devices, acting, lighting, sound and video. Through mechanical technology, it explores the nature of human beings and the introspective relationship between the body (hardware) and the mind (software), reflecting ourselves and the material world from different angles.

There will be Meet-the-Artist sharing session after each performance

਴⠔ Exhibitions


Robot Making Demonstration


♧⦐嚌䙂㻜넓⻋涸爚眕⟃㝖芣傈欽ㅷ捀⟬欰⯋稇鷴麕䎑䟝ㄤꅾ穉㝖鸤暟⟝剓㣐涸〳 遤䚍鱲⻋捀䚍呔⻋涸➃㘗稇넓

Matter cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed

A demonstration of conceptual entity by making use of plastic items as bionic elements of creation. The restructuring process exploits the flexibility of everyday objects to transform into human figma. 谁遯㹻 Artist / 䊨⡲㹔 Studio

չ⯋牟鲿⡤պ捀 爢⼦谁遯䊨㜥չⶾ谁ず遤պ涸ⶾ⡲ⴕ佅歋绀䘋⨴ⶾ用绀孒嶍駈鏤鎙

䊨玑⿻ⶾ䠑걆㚖갪湡㢵䎃鵜䎃琎噲㼟竤뀿輑ざ鹎遤谁遯ⶾ⡲չ堥唒➃㻜뀿㹔պ㼟♶㹁 劍莊鳵䊨⡲㖷⿻㾝錒姹鵔Ⱇ滞⿮錚❜崩



Pneumas Carrier was founded by CK Yung, a creative branch of artwalker

community art studio. CK has participated in various areas of engineering and creative fields for many years. Currently, he activelyfocuses on merging past experience in his artistic creations. The Robotics Laboratory holds workshops and exhibitions periodically. Visitors are welcome for sharing.

Pneumas Carrier uses robots as a foundation to explore the interrelationship between

technology and civilisation. The creation uses techniques in sculpture and stage to materialise the complexity of human nature and develop multiple levels of aesthetics.


堥䨼㻜뀿莻荩 - 鹎⻋

Machine Room Experiment Theatre - Evolution 6, 21/12 17:00 – 19:00 www.jccac.org.hk 


Robot Making

Demonstration 7/12 14:00 – 18:00 ⚥㣜䏭㕨

Central Courtyard

਴⠔ Exhibitions



ᵄҙ║✢਴⠔ Community Arts Exhibition L2-16 䧮⦛涸瀖炲㽵ⶾ䠑谁遯⚥䗱 Our Shek Kip Mei Creative Art Centre


爢⼦须⸔鎙ⷔ – 鋕ꥻ⯥留㹻

Ꟁ须彂⚥䗱 -չ鍸պ䠮谁遯㾝 24 – 30/11

僽妄㾝錒歋չ䧮⦛涸瀖炲㽵ⶾ䠑谁遯⚥䗱պ莅 4 ꟦⼦Ⰹꬌ暑ⵄ㕰넓ざ鳵㾝ⴀⰦ⡲ㅷ⺫䭍

⽂倰字⚺ず湅껻度湨➃鰊㼬剚껻度飓꼛剚爢⼦须⸔鎙ⷔ – 鋕ꥻ⯥留㹻Ꟁ须彂⚥䗱껻度

㛇漛來ꫭ䎃剚Ꟁ尪抓⚥䗱껻度㕜ꥹ爢剚剪⹡爢幀宐㚋 ( ⽂ ) 竸ざ㹻䏭剪⹡⚥䗱㾝ㅷ⺫䭍


This exhibition is co-organised by Our Shek Kip Mei Creative Art Centre and 4

NGOs in Sham Shui Po. They include Southern Democratic Alliance, The Hong Kong

⽂倰字⚺ず湅 – ⯥留用넓

Society for the Blind, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant: Parents


Resource Centre for Visually Impaired Children, YMCA of Hong Kong (Cheung Sha Wan

1 – 8/12

Integrated Family Service Centre. Exhibition includes sensational arts, 3D photo

Centre) and the International Social Service Hong Kong Branch Sham Shui Po (South) display, paper folding and drawing, etc.


਴⠔ Exhibitions

( ⽂ ) 竸ざ㹻䏭剪⹡⚥䗱 –


9 – 16/12 껻度㛇漛來ꫭ䎃剚Ꟁ尪抓

⚥䗱 – 䧮涸佦✲禺⴪⡲ㅷ

㾝錒 + ꫭ冇㮓㥏剚 – ⶾ䠑 殥㾝錒

谁遯㹻 Artist / 䊨⡲㹔 Studio

17 – 31/12 10:00 – 22:00 L3 ⰗⰟ瑠꟦

L3 Common Space

ꫭ冇㮓㥏剚䲀⹛字꟦䨡ⷜㄤ字꟦谁遯ⶾ⡲怵ⴀ⯥留ⷜ剤[ 殆♴♶僒㾀 ] [ 䠦㹻♲俒屛 ] 莻〵ⷜ剤[ ㄐ麌♶⦝绀 ][ 雊㣆䟝굳绥 ]2014 䎃涸莻〵醢⡲[ 坿罏넞姐 ]㖈字꟦䊨谁 ⶾ⡲♳㛆鎯㮓㥏ⶾ⡲ [ 銂㶩㪳㪳 ]䧭籑⼾馊

wya_hlc5@ yahoo.com.hk

Ching Fai Women Association

(Miu Tang)

Ching Fai Women Association is devoted to drama and art creation. Our past

achievement includes different children dramas like Environmental Home& Love our Family. Stage play includes Dream comes true, Dream Big, Fly High & the newest Sing Together Elderly Art creation includes prominent sockswawa.

⇠⇖ᾎϳ 㘽 ⊥᪤ʝɞ… Embryo series – Born to be«


L4-09 瘘⸈䙼程 / ꁀ㾝俒 Brush Castle de Studio / Cheng Chin Man

28/11 – 31/12 10:00 – 22:00 L3-L4 话晘

L3-L4 Blue Wall chengchinmanhk@ yahoo.com.hk

胼胣倴嫢넓䧭Ꟁ涸ず儘➮涸ㄐ麌❠Ꟛ㨥䕎䧭殹➮佞耫㑿ㆰꨆꟚ嫢넓涸♧ⵠ➮Ꟛ㨥㷸 绢鼇乵ㄐ麌ㄤ鼇乵圓䧭✫♧欰

殥⚥涸錬蒀僽铪僽麕⿡✫涸僽崞满涸鼩僽㼟剚ⴀ欰涸僽⡹僽䧮僽➮ The embryos exist in different time and space. Their respective roles reveal their fate and experience. When the embryo grows in its mother, its fate is also forming. When it emerges into the world with a cry, he begins to learn to make choices. Fate and choice constitute his life. Who is the character in the painting? Is he the one in the past? Alive? To be born in the future? Is he you or me? Or someone else? 谁遯㹻 Artist / 䊨⡲㹔 Studio

ꁀ㾝俒涸ⶾ⡲眕毑⺫䭍⚥銯粭殥ㄤ殹➿갉坿麉饥倴植㻜⚆歲鋕谁⚆歲莅갉坿⚆歲⛓꟦ ꨆ♶Ꟛ鸏❉䎑錏


剤⫄窡莅植➿桧溫莅礶篊鋷ⴗ莅毝ꨆ⛓Ⰽ噲䚍➮倴 2012 䎃饱荛➛ⶾ⡲չ胼胣禺⴪պ Cheng Chin Mans works include Western painting, Chinese painting and contemporary music. He lives in the illusionary world between reality, visual art and music which he is impossible to escape. He is interested in exploring the Chinese and Western elements in his artworks and the possibilities of sound in his musical composition. His inspiration is drawn from the duality between the tradition and the contemporary, naivety and sophistication, intimacy and distance. He has been developing the Embryo series since 2012.

਴⠔ Exhibitions



᪲⿇ϾƁ㙋⊑෦ৱ㇀ 0¤1 - An experiment - Be yourself L1-03 BEIS Leather Workshop and Design Port

歋ꨫⵌ♧䩛䊨醢⡲ From 0 to 1: Leather Goods Production 28/11–31/12 10:00 – 22:00 L5 ⰗⰟ瑠꟦

L5 Common Space info@d-port.co / beis.workshop@ gmail.com


An exhibition of the making of leather crafts. Charlene䳄殥㹻⿻䎂꬗鏤鎙䌌涸荈䧮㻜뀿 An experiment by Charlene Tsang, an Illustrator and Graphic Designer


⦛꨾銴涸僽♧⟨荈䧮钢ず , 雊植㖈涸荈䊹⿡湱⥌荈䊹㶸㖈涸⭆⧩ 僽⚓䱈そ㶶騈䚍ⴽ⟃䖕


We, the new generation, are experiencing the process of exploration, lost and selfaffirmation. The belief in our own value is far beyond our name and our gender. cup clay 涸荈䧮㻜뀿 An experiment by cup clay 梯槵莅ꤲ櫙涸輑ㄤ莅穡ざ

਴⠔ Exhibitions

A new way of presentation of ceramics with glass

谁遯㹻 Artist / 䊨⡲㹔 Studio

鷎ⵌ㙹䋑璝䜂眕㕠⟃㢫涸栬用㼭䏅顋颪乩剤影䏞ㄤ㣆䟝涸劥㖒⿻嵳㢫䩛⡲鏤鎙⾲ⶾㅷ 晦ㄤ欰崞㼭暟BEIS Leather ꤑ䲿⣘淼ꬠㅷ鎎⨞剪⹡❠⟃䊨⡲㖷涸䕎䒭ⴕ❧醢⡲竤뀿

䭸㼬㷸㆞鋷䩛醢鸤淼ꬠ䧴Ⱖ➮䊨谁ㅷꤑ⦐ⴽ來䱇㢫❠ㄤ爢⼦⚥䗱㷸吥䡹㊥堥圓ㄤ Ⱖ➮⟱噠ざ⡲莊鳵♧❉㕰넓䊨⡲㖷

Founded by Ryan and Catherine in 2011, BEIS Leather Workshop is one of the best and

fastest growing local handmade leather brands in Hong Kong. B.E.I.Ss concept is to Be

Elegantly Insane. It is dedicated to designing and producing unique leather crafts products for people to last a life time. Design Port acts as an international port for designs, a platform for designers from

all over the world to share their concepts and passions about their products, as well as a promoter for their best products to admirers on a global level.

ਇⴌ ! Respect !


L6-05 Art-ism Studio

搂ㅓ䟝闍搂ㅓꦡ潽 〫䟝莅⡹ⴕ❧

Nothing to say! Nothing to hide! Just wanted to share all about us with you!

28/11–31/12 10:00 – 22:00 L5 ⰗⰟ瑠꟦

L5 Common Space artismstudio@ gmail.com

谁遯㹻 Artist / 䊨⡲㹔 Studio

ⵄ䢵梥2013 䎃殗噠倴껻度來肬㷸ꤎ俒㷸焚㡦殹➿谁遯ⶾ⡲莅鐱锸來肬⿻ 2012 䎃䎃

慍崎涽㹻㟯晋劥椚䊨㣐㷸谁遯俒㷸㡦粭殥⟃谁遯ⶾ⡲⿻鐱锸捀⚺㼬植倴䎓玬㕨⚥ 谁遯坿馱涸奚ⵄArt-ism Studio ⚺銴⟃ⶾ⡲谁遯䲀⹛谁遯來肬⿻鸒麕谁遯㔐꺈爢剚捀

湡垦♲⡙㼩谁遯剤攨铇涸䊨⡲罏鷴麕姽䊨⡲㹔⡲捀ⶾ⡲㛇㖒ⶾ⡲ⴀ♶ず涸谁遯⡲ㅷ ず♧儘꟦Art-ism 荞⸂ぢ㢫歲㾝爚♶ず涸⡲ㅷⴕ❧栬♧搂✳涸ⶾ⡲姽䊨⡲㹔❠僽♧

⦐Ⱇ滞䎂〵㹁劍莊鳵♶ず⚺겗涸崞⹛䲀⹛谁遯來肬⛓긅⛳腋莅㣐滞ⴕ❧谁遯 Emily Lee graduated from the Hong Kong Institute of Education with Master of Arts (Contemporary Studio Art and Criticism in Education) in 2013 and RMIT University with Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) in 2012. She focuses on art creation and criticism and has worked with kindergartens, primary and secondary schools to organise various art activities. She believes that regardless of social status or wealth, everyone has the right to find happiness in arts. Art-ism Studio was established with the mission to promote artistic creativity, arts edcation and to contribute towards society

through arts. The studio is the creative base of three enthusiastic artists, and a platform for the sharing of unique artworks and educational activities with the public.

਴⠔ Exhibitions

㼭㷸⿻剚䨾瘞莊鳵♶ず겳㘗涸谁遯崞⹛ 䋞劆嫦⦐➃搂锸欰Ꟁ倴顇瓛䧴㺢酕鿪〳⟃❧「


Blue on Blue

L5-08 uncommon PROJECT Ⲉ鎙ⷔ

谁遯㹻 Artist

28/11–31/12 10:00 – 22:00 L5 话晘

L5 Blue Wall gavinau.art@ gmail.com

⼦㹻罇1982 䎃欰倴껻度2006 䎃栽涽㹻㟯晋劥椚䊨㣐㷸谁遯禺㷸㡦㷸⡙ず䎃Ⰵ鼇㢚

ⵄ韝㛇ꆄ剚谁遯嫲飓⿻繡㕜 Serbin 㕜ꥹ伢䕧嫲飓2007 䎃栽껻度㼠噠伢䕧䌌Ⱇ剚❏崎伢

䕧䎃栁ꆄ栁ず䎃⡲ㅷ涬♳⚥㕜衽そ伢䕧꧹钟շ⚥㕜伢䕧ո涸㼓꬗2010 䎃鄄껻度

晝殥䊨⡲㹔鼇捀⡞殆谁遯㹻鵜䎃琎噲⿮莅㢵⦐劥㖒⿻嵳㢫㾝錒⺫䭍 껻度㕜ꥹ谁遯㾝

2011&2012껻度㕜ꥹ〢梖⿻谁遯ㅷ⽈錒剚 (Fine Art Asia) 2011 瘞2012 䎃鄄շ鷴鋕꧹钟ո


Gavin Au Ka Yiu is a Hong Kong-based artist born in 1982. He received his Bachelor of Fine Arts from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Hong Kong in 2006. In 2007, he received the gold winner in Asia Photo Awards 2007 of Hong Kong Institute of Professional Photographers Ltd. His works have been chosen to grace the cover of the well-known photography magazine in China Chinese Photography, and have entered Philippe Charriol Foundation Art Competition 2006 and Serbin International

਴⠔ Exhibitions

Photography Contest 2006 respectively. In 2010, he was awarded with Artist –In–

Residency by Hong Kong Open Printshop. In 2012, he was selected to receive the 40

under 40 creative talents award from Perspective Magazine. His works are collected by Hong Kong Heritage Museum and private collectors. In recent years, his works Cyanotype on wood

have been presented in various local and international exhibitions and events, including Hong Kong International Art Fair 2011 & 2012 and Fine Art Asia 2011. 䊨⡲㹔 Studio


Ⲉ鎙ⷔⶾ用倴 2014 䎃僽♧⦐䬪㾝㢵垺䚍涸谁遯瑠꟦荞⸂䲀⹛谁遯ⶾ⡲⿻俒⻋❜崩  鷴麕♶ず㯯➝涸㾝錒❜崩崞⹛闍䏠ㄤ來肬⢪瑠꟦䧭捀♧⦐Ⳗ翹谁遯涸䱺鍸럊

Uncommon PROJECT - Our lives are filled with various aspects of arts which we rarely pay notice.

Established in 2014, Uncommon PROJECT is a space for the promotion of art creation and sharing. We aim to create an open platform for interaction between artist and art lovers through various kinds of exhibition, art event and workshop.

ஆ⦄ᣕ Animatation (Animal-Mutation)


L4-06 Fourniture

28/11–31/12 10:00 – 22:00 L6 ⰗⰟ瑠꟦

L6 Common Space fourniture406@ gmail.com


䧮⦛剚鷴麕用넓ꧨ㝖粭殥⿻俒㶶瘞㯯➝䎑䟝ⴀ倞♧➿涸⹛暟䋞劆诔姽䒸饱㣐㹻涸鎣锸 ㄤꡠ岤

Wild animals have always suffered from the inconsiderate and damaging actions of human beings. If only the fittest of all can survive, how would the animals fight back by mutating into a totally new generation? We hope to encourage public discussion through a series of artwork which ranges from sculptures, to paintings and texts. 谁遯㹻 Artist / 䊨⡲㹔 Studio

Fourniture 倴 2014 䎃䧭用⟃Ꟛ佞醢⡲麕玑ⴕ❧㘏㖣涸〳腋䚍⟃植剤ⵖ㹁涸暟⟝ⶾ鸤

ⴀⰨ暶蒀罜⚂嚌䙂䚍ꬌ⚺崩涸㹻Ⱘㄤ仗鏤酤귇䧮⦛❠麌欽㢵⯋⻋涸暟俲⟃⿻䪮䊫⿡醢⡲ ꧨ㝖ㄤ殥⡲瘞瘞

Founded in 2014, Fourniture explores the endless possibilities in giving junk a second chance - unique, conceptual and unconventional furniture and decoration created by mixed material, new or old. We also work with a variety of materials to create artworks in different forms such as sculpture and painting.

਴⠔ Exhibitions



Our Day-to-day L2-15 Carmen Ng Illustration & VW Jewellery

⟃礶篊涸箁哭⿻厬ㄤ涸겝蒀㾝植傈䌢涸姹坿 28/11–31/12 10:00 – 22:00

Our Day-to-Day produced in fine lines and soft colors, as an uplifting portrayal of

everyday life that is intended to induce laughter and happiness

L6 涯晘

L6 White Wall carmenng70@

਴⠔ Exhibitions


谁遯㹻 Artist / 䊨⡲㹔 Studio


䒭麌⡲㈒颪ㄤ㾝爚Ⰽ⡙ⶾ⡲➃涸谁遯⡲ㅷㄤ㉂ㅷ秶ㅷ껷귇Carmen 涸䳄殥⟃㺢䟝 ⫹⸂ㄤ礶篊涸圓㕮捀⚺Victor ⴕⴽ剚⟃⦐➃ㄤ VW Jewellery そ纏涮邍⡲ㅷ괐呔矦秉 椚䙂㢵隶

The room is shared by two artists (Carmen Ng and Victor Wong) as a studio and shop. Carmen works as an illustrator and loves to create detailed drawings with very fine lines and soft colors. Victor is a contemporary jewellery artist who founded VW Jewellery in 2012. Minimal and playful is the signature style of his works. Their art works and products can now be found in this studio which they share.

⾿̎⯬љ㙊✥ゑ║✢⡍ⷥ਴ӚΤ ӗ⊥ Umbrella Movement: Documentary Exhibition of Street Art and Public Participation


L7-12A 橇㞯谁遯긭 / 卌恎㛚 Museum of Site (MOST) / Lam Hon Kin

鸏僽鿪䋑笪窄 MOSTշ䋑字墂呪ոꟚ㾝涸♧⦐㾝錒鎙ⷔ僽爢麌⚥鋕錏ㄤⶾ䠑㼠呪㖈谁遯勠




10:00 – 22:00


L6 Blue Wall

涸꧌넓鎹䥊ㄤ劢⢵鋕錬չꨎ⪑麌⹛պ䲀⹛度䋑字⟃չ溫兜鼇պ鼇莊遤佟Ꟁ㸽ㄤ用岁陾 睨鼇պ涸礶牟꬗⥃殆չ䑞㜥ⶾ䠑俒⻋պ䧮⦛湈ꆀ佐꧌尝剤睨鼇㖒㾝爚遳걧谁遯涸 괐オꨎ䩧➃捀灶㡏⛳湈雊俒暟⿻չꨎ⪑麌⹛պ⥃䭰㸤侮姽鎙ⷔ剤⸔椚鍑⿻灇瑖麌⹛

涸用㜥俒劥䨞殜䙼䟝莅俒㶶㔐䥊鋕錏鎹ꏗ㥶⫄㋲鸒デ⟃⿻ぐ䒭ぐ垺涸稇䲾殥⡲ 伢䕧嵳㜡T 䛯⽓鸒粭劥⿻䳄㕮瘞鿪湈ꆀ䬝撑私ꏗ㾝錒㼠呪⛳Ꟛ䬪Ⱇ滞⿮莅

L6 话晘

artopia_net@ yahoo.com

✽⹛㷸绢幀Ⰵ㼩鑨涸刿㣐〳腋剓ꅾ銴涸僽㸐雊劢腋鹎Ⰵ⡥걆⼦涸Ⱇ遛颭奚➮⦛⟃ 騗歲錬䏞䠑陏ぐ倰涸㉏겗⿻ⵄ渤涸䨾㖈

㼩鎙ⷔ䠮莇馱涸剦⿼〳ꨶ鿟⡹涸䎂꬗⡲ㅷ✮ MOST artopia_net@yahoo.com 䧴

荞ꨶ 9802-9440 ⡲鹎♧姿㾝ⴀ耢粯

This is an activist project of "People Archive" developed by MOST, with an objective the Umbrella Movement (also known as Occupy Central), which longs for "Genuine Universal Suffrage" of the Chief Executive and Legislative Council in Hong Kong. The exhibition mechanism also aims to reflect on emerging manifestos, platforms, developments in Hong Kong, set within a Chinese context. "People Archive" selects and displays physical and primary materials of street art created during the Movement, including visual record, writing remembrance, strategy idea, position paper in the form of sketch, drawing, leaflet, flyer, notice, photography, poster, T-shirt, cartoon and graphic illustration. The project opens up possibilities for public involvement, interactive learning and critical dialogue. Most importantly, it ignites an empowering tool for visitors who are unable to enter the occupied areas for cross-sector awareness. Interested people may email their visual contribution to curator Andrew Lam of MOST. Enquiries: 9802-9440 谁遯㹻 Artist / 䊨⡲㹔 Studio

卌恎㛚剎㖈ⷧ堀⧍侚⿻껻度⥜隡谁遯⿻䒊眡〷Ⱖ MOST 剎⿮莅䑞䊝♲䎃㾝껻度谁遯

꧱䎃㾝⯕䊝♲䎃㾝幀㖕䒊眡꧱䎃㾝捦桥ⴽ⯘꧱䎃㾝ARCO Expo碜貽꧱䎃㾝뛩 暶⚸꧱䎃㾝瘞⡲ㅷ剤 AIG 谁遯㛇ꆄ剚瘞佐询

Lam studied art in Cambridge, London and HK. Participated projects of MOST included Guangzhou Art Triennial, Hong Kong Biennale of Art, Gwangju Biennale, Shenzhen Biennale of Architecture, Uzbekistan Biennale, ARCO Madrid, Tashkent Biennale, Milan Biennale, and Rotterdam Biennale etc. His paintings were collected by AIG Art Foundation, etc.

਴⠔ Exhibitions

to create memory and perspective for visual and creative projects launched during


෦ᮆヤਥᅀӛ My Friends Around the Dining Table L5-11 卌淼䊨⡲㹔 + MaiArt Lam Pei Studio + MaiArt

➛䎃涸剓䖕♧⦐㾝錒 28/11–31/12


10:00 – 22:00


L7 笃蒀瑠꟦

ꁀ 综 ⭑ 姘 菕 ꁀ 併 螠 悮㼂棇㣖娔勛⨀颩

L7 Green Space lampui@gmail.com

The last exhibition of the year, with my friends at

਴⠔ Exhibitions

the dining table.

谁遯㹻 Artist / 䊨⡲㹔 Studio

卌淼荈歋䊨⡲罏Flying Sofyeㅷ晦ⶾ用➃植耷荈歋䊨⡲罏⟃恠殥秶祎⿻佐询莍

加捀ⶾ⡲㯯➝㋐姹㝤뒪䪾欰崞鎹ꏗ⡲ㅷⴕ❧棇䞼莍暟⛓䞕2014 䎃荈㹻ㅷ晦 Flying Sofye 栽痧♲㾂⚥螠⼦䳄殥栁չ⚥螠⼦剓⢕ㅷ晦䳄殥栁պ㷎鮪栁2013 䎃栽鼝倴㨥ⶾ⚥䗱

㉂㜥㾝ⴀչ豤굳⚥猨僤ꥹ麉坿㕨պ2012 䎃倴 APM ㉂㜥㾝ⴀչ䗂崞眏豤굳㣆䎑坿㕨պ 2008 䎃䊨⡲㹔鏤倴瀖炲㽵涸飓꼛剚ⶾ䠑谁遯⚥䗱

Lam Pei is a Hong Kong illustrator, visual artist and the brand founder of Flying

Sofye. She mainly works in the media of comics, paper-mache and recycled wood. She likes to record her life by daily doodles, and to express and share with her audience her cherishing of old things. In 2014, her brand Flying Sofye won the second runner-up of The 3rd Greater China Illustration Awards - The Best Illustration

(Self – Initiation & For Sale). Between 2012 and 2013, Lam Pei has participated in various shopping mall events, including The Autumn Star Playground of Flying

Sofye at Pioneer Centre, Mongkok and The Easter Paradise of Flying Sofyeat APM

Mall, Kwun Tong.

Ϊ⦄Ǘ㇫ᾱ༕ৱ⪍Ⱥջ਴⠔ Realistic Figure Drawing


L7-16 ⣶稲佟粭殥䊨⡲㹔 Hau Siu Ching Art Studio

Ⱘ韍㻨㻜➃暟鸤㘗谁遯꨾銴䩟㻜涸稇䲾粭殥㛇燊罜➃넓谁遯繡㷸僽粭殥谁遯涸♧⦐ꅾ銴 穉䧭鿈⟨䨾⟃➃넓稇䲾僽⧩䖤㷸绢灇瑖ㄤ妇颣


A good understanding of the human anatomy and a well disciplined foundation in sketching form the basic skills needed for realistic figure drawing. The more we try to learn how the human figure is constructed, the more we appreciate the art of figure drawing.

10:00 – 22:00 L7 话晘

L7 Blue Wall thriving_artstudio@ yahoo.com.hk

਴⠔ Exhibitions

谁遯㹻 Artist / 䊨⡲㹔 Studio


谁遯搂꨾铞僈殥罏殥⛳䏞暟韍罜㻨Ⱖ溫䗱ꦑ瘘麌《韍♶䞨瘘ꦑ䙂鱲䝑麉荈䖤 ⱄ鸤襟欰⥌搭

Provides pencil drawing and sketching courses.


⼭ၧ₟᫐ᮆᇄᷡഃഹΐ Something cannot be explained about painting L8-13 303 Unlimited Art Workshop

䖎㢵儘⦬ , ⡲罏㼩倴谁遯ⶾ⡲⛳剤暶㹁涸 28/11–31/12 10:00 – 22:00 L8 话晘

L8 Blue Wall clarieko@gmail.com

⨋㥪鸏❉⨋㥪䧴僽㖈ⶾ⡲嚌䙂♳䧴僽 㖈⚺겗♳䧴僽㖈ⶾ⡲䕎䒭䧴僽㋲秫㖒 㖈겤蒀♳鸏❉⨋㥪 , 㽠㥪⫹♧珏⨋㛂涸 䠮䞕 , 僽搂岁鍑ꅼ涸

넞㎗蛂㼩ꐫ竸醳꧹涸綒哭剤♧珏暶ⴽ涸䞕 䠑穡㥠♶⨢涸⢵㔐殥满ず♧穉綒哭湬 荛圓䧭♧珏鋕錏♳涸繡鸏㽠⡂僽♧䌴穡




湱麂菛舡郍♧晚瑠涯尝欩랃㺕劆䖕⢵涮植♶僽齡랃矦㋲㔔捀ⶾ⡲麕玑ꨈ⯝麂♳ꨈ겗 ⨢忲♶⵹剤㥶湱贖䖕䩞涮植䚍呔♶ざ僽厥♧倰眏㤉麕䘰䧴麕䢩剓䖕鿪搂氭罜穅պ

਴⠔ Exhibitions

Artists usually have some special preferences towards their artworks. These preferences could be seen from the concept of the work, methodology, style, material or even the use of particular colours. Sometimes, it is hard to explain why artists are interested in the particular type of creation. Maybe it is just like some kind of addiction which cannot be written in words. Clarie Ko draws loops of lines repeatedly, over and over, until a visual algorithm is formed. This is a cloud atlas, a consequence of the summation of order and chaos, system and randomness. Chan Nga Sze loves the rose, although she professes that it actually does not hold any special meaning for her. It all began with a cup of rose tea and just simply evolved. 谁遯㹻 Artist / 䊨⡲㹔 Studio

谁遯ⶾ䠑搂瓛搂湈✽湱❜崩䠮「欰崞涸蒀䕙仍ꡀ崞衽涸㾵妄䊨⡲㹔莊鳵♶ず겳 㘗涸粭殥铭玑ㄤ谁遯䩛⡲棵姹鵔㋐䠦谁遯涸剦⿼♧饱㼦䪪搂ꣳ涸〳腋䚍



Do not limit your imaginations. In this space of 303 sq. ft., you can see behind the walls with no limit. Come and meet other people and draw closer together. Our workshop offers a variety of painting classes, art jamming and handicraft workshops. There are unlimited possibilities˘

『ᯏ 㘽 ㏺ۨ౬Ӛԝ῁ᡋᮆ『ΪƑᫀ਴⠔ Physiognomy - KC Wong and Larry Ng Mask World Exhibition


L0-04 껻度梯槵䊨⡲㹔 X 랿㺕랿ⷜ㕰 Studio Glass Hong Kong X Mime Touch Theatre

9/12–15/12 11:00 – 20:00 L0-04 9259 1093

⡦㼭㨱 Miss Ho

2371 2723 /

info@mime.hk Ꟛ䍌 Opening 13/12 16:00

Mask Making Demonstration 13/12 16:30 – 18:00

谁遯㹻 Artist / 䊨⡲㹔 Studio


ゟ稲擳殗噠倴 London International School of Performing Arts (LISPA) ⿻ International

School of Corporeal Mime

KC Wong is a famous mime artist, mask maker, puppeteer and glass artist in Hong Kong. Larry Ng is graduated from London International School of Performing Arts (LISPA) and International School of Corporeal Mime.

਴⠔ Exhibitions



ļ᦯ՂĽ㏺਎Ԋ⽯║਴⠔ "Savour the Flavour" Siu Kwan Wong's Ceramic Bowl Show L5-23 Unit Gallery

欰倴껻度㾀倴薊㕜⧍侚涸ꤲ谁㹻랔㼱ば倴➛䎃⼧✳剢ⱄ䏞栽껻度 Unit Gallery 鼝锞莊鳵

21/12 – 27/12

⦐➃㾝錒そ捀չ梖㄂  Savour the Flavourպ㥠㼟䌟ず倞禺⴪涸ꤲ烾⡲ㅷ莅껻度錚

13:00 – 18:00


L5-23 9453 1626




涸䱳程❠鼝锞錚滞뢶⢵梖㄂烾繡䋞劆植➿➃㖈鷆鷷⮛颶ꨶ㶩欴ㅷ涸ず儘腋⟃ず垺䢀 䏞⿡㛆귢剤颶稇涸欰崞䞕馱✫鍑♧♴㼭㼭梖䠑渿鯺衽䙦랃垺涸糔秼⚆歲嫝雊堥ꨶ希寧 䱈䪭⫄✫⼪猨涸䊨谁兰䢵

Following her successful exhibition Unearth at Unit Gallery in 2011, the London

based ceramic artist Siu Kwan Wong (Kwan) is returning this December, showing a

selection of her hand thrown bowls, an exciting and completely different collection from both her earthen, unglazed brick clay pots and her precise, well-recognized

਴⠔ Exhibitions

Treasure Boxes. Bowls have always been fundamental to the Chinese. Even as a joke, we say that a beggar will have a bowl as their last piece of property. Children from the age of two will learn the correct way of holding their bowls for meals. For us bowls are synonymous with sustenance, both food and drink. However, in todays world, we relish designer brands and the latest smart phones yet we have relegated sustenance to disposable utensils and microwave meals. We rarely sit down properly with our families to enjoy a normal dinner, either being too busy or too casual.

Kwans exhibition demands a re-evaluation of our priorities to pay more attention to

the detail in our daily lives; to relish the good times and all that accompanies them. 崞⹛ Activity

㾝錒劍꟦ꤲ谁㹻랔㼱ば暶鏤捀Ⱖ⡲ⴀ枤そ⿻ㄐそ麉䨡렽⺑錚滞⿮莅✽⹛⚛倴⼧✳剢 䒒♬傈䬄栁栁겙Ⰽそ䖤栁罏㼟栽䖤歋랔㼱ば鷑ⴀ♧⟝⡲ㅷ

ㄴᒽ⌜ᄽࠠ - ᕷᚲ࣫ᾨ༗᫐਴ Hong Kong Nocturne - Wedding Gown Illustration


L7-13 ㎗䠑鏤鎙 Graphics Plus


ⴀ歋殹䎃涸㭶秲鏤鎙暶蒀⿻荛➛剓惐⿻剓儘㼿佪䥰涸㭶秲鏤鎙䳄殥殆♴繡뜩罜嵠恠涸㔐䥊 A collection of fashion illustrations showing beautiful wedding gowns inspired by

Hong Kong stylistic influences since the 1960s. It reflects a trendy creative mixture of East and West, and shares a romantic nostalgia for the local culture. 谁遯㹻 Artist / 䊨⡲㹔 Studio

勭䧭狲 (Janson To) 殗噠倴慍崎ꨔ唅䊨噠㷸ꤎ儘酤醢⡲俒䤊铭玑植捀儘酤䳄殥䌌ず儘「

30/11, 7, 14, 21, 28/12 14:00 – 20:00 L7-13 9453 1626

勭䧭狲 Janson To

鼝ⴀ⟤鏤鎙ꤎ吥涸ⶾ䠑鏤鎙㼬䌌䊨⡲08 䎃䧭捀 JCCAC 꽏⚥䗱谁遯㹻⡲ㅷⰅ鼇껻度谁遯

꧱䎃㾝⿻껻度鏤鎙䌌⼿剚 (HKDA) 䎃㾝栽⽓㖒❏儘酤ꆄꆚ㥂傈劥そ〢㾋儘酤眏ꆄ㥂❠


Janson To graduated from Fashion Production Apparel of Sydney Institute of Technology. Formerly a fashion illustrator and art teacher for various design institutes in Hong Kong, Janson enjoys fashion illustration, art creation and body art painting, Painting Award 2010, Gold Award in Japan Nagoya Fashion Week and Winner of the Mobile Fashion Design. His works have been selected for the Contemporary Hong Kong Biennial Exhibition and Hong Kong Design Association Annual Exhibitions. His art pieces have been collected by Hong Kong Art Museum and Hong Kong Culture Museum

਴⠔ Exhibitions

Past achievement and awards include 1st Runner up Award of Eileen Chang – Inaugural


Σᯆ਒⧤㙊║✢ԁӗ⊥ By ALL Means: Arts are for Everyone L8-02 껻度㾝腋谁遯剚飓꼛剚谁遯鸒麨剪⹡⚥䗱

Jockey Club Arts Accessibility Service Centre,

Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong (JCAASC) 谁遯〳⟃♶ず涸䠮㸽⢵䱺 13, 14 / 12


12:00 – 18:00


麨涸剪⹡⿻鏤倷⟤⡦➃鿪 麕㼭㾝錒⿻㾝腋谁遯㹻涸植


㜥 ⴕ ❧ ⡹ 㼟 剚 竤 뀿 ♧ 妄




The arts can be enjoyed with different senses and by different means. Barriers to the arts could be removed if accessibility services and facilities are provided. Through a mini exhibition and sharing sessions of artists with disabilities, you will experience an accessible journey in art appreciation.

਴⠔ Exhibitions

谁遯㹻 Artist / 䊨⡲㹔 Studio

捀ぐ겳谁㕰硁鳵搂ꥻ燘谁遯眏湡䬪㾝錚滞㾵꬗荛婫氭➃㡦剪⹡⺫䭍〡鶤䕧⫹ⷜ㜥 鋕䕎⫄陼鸒麨㼬颣瘞

We help build a broader audience base by including specific needs of people with disabilities during their participation in various arts events. Arts organisations are welcome to contact us regarding implementation of audio description, theatrical interpretation, accessible guided tours or other arts accessibility service.

᠇ՂὫ⨜ֺでጱ Non Monosodium Run Away Group – Music Night


L5-10 呔鑅话锅 The Fighting Blues

ꡠ倴 䠦ㄤ䎂Ⱏㄤ .......

About lovepeacerepublic....... 谁遯㹻 Artist / 䊨⡲㹔 Studio

㔔չ翹伄պ罜穉䧭鄄䫏鏰䷽렽嵠耫㣖㣐⛇㹻䌢⤑궤 걃ꨈ歲㹁劥穉籽䖰✲ㆭ겳怵谁崞⹛ˌꧪ搭⟃騗㯯넓 遳걧邍怵鯱㢵

It is hard to define which arts genre our group works in, although we do focus more on open-aircross-medium-performances. Indeed, receiving complaints about the intolerable racket of our big

12, 13 / 12 / 2014 19:30 – 22:00 飓꼛剚랱渱ⷜ㜥

Jockey Club Black Box Theatre man_lee_hk@yahoo.com www.jccac.org.hk 


drum practice is just a part of our lives.

Ҷ⊦║✢ Arts Jamming


Ҷ㘾᫐ Public Draw L6-01 Spitting Gecko Studio / John McArthur

⽰ · 殥 㾝錒

Public Draw Exhibitionխ 15 – 19/12 10:00 - 12:00

➃⫹㻨欰⿻ The Privateers 植㜥怵㤉

Public Draw and The Privateers

Ҷ⊦║✢ Arts Jamming

13 / 12 16:00 – 19:00

뢶⢵莅갉坿殥殥鹋Ⱉ涸♴⼯荛랔僊剤 The Privateers 植㜥怵㤉⿻⟃嵳湁⚺겗涸㻨欰垸暶

⯥雊㣐㹻㖈鰋논䠅䘰涸孵孨♴殥殥鹋傈姹鵔㣐㹻⢵⽰莇殥殥ꦑ䗱ꦑ䠑⟤䠑涮䳸㖈㣐㣐 䓹涸⽷鯥♳鹋劣䨾佐꧌涸殥⡲㼟倴 12 剢 15 荛 19 傈倴⚥㣜䏭㕨㾝ⴀ

On Saturday, drawing and music will become one with a special performance by "The Privateers" and drawing event hosted by Spitting Gecko Studio. A 5-piece band will perform and present standards in their own unique foot tapping style. Everyone is invited to draw the band, as they inspire with a rollicking good time! Spitting Gecko Sudio will also present some sea salty pirate models! Grab your drawing materials a n d h o i s t y o u r d ra w i n g p a pe r, it w i l l b e a f u n drawing and music evening. On Sunday, we will provide big papers for free style public draw. Drawings will be collected to showcase from 15-19 December at the Central Courtyard.


谁遯㹻 Artist / 䊨⡲㹔 Studio

Spitting Gecko Studio 僽 John McArthur ⦐➃ⶾ⡲涸䊨⡲㹔䋞劆䲿⣘♧⦐來㷸⿻㾝錒涸

㜥㖒⟃䲀䑞谁遯John ⢵荈慍崎荈 1999 䎃饱㹁㾀껻度⟃剅岁ㄤ❏崎俒⻋谁遯捀ⶾ⡲


Spitting Gecko Studio is the art space of John McArthur. The studio is a space for personal art projects and development. Its mission is to provide a teaching and exhibition space to promote Art in Hong Kong. It is a space for learning, collaborating and expressing unique and creative statements. John McArthur has been captivated by art. Calligraphy and Asian culture has had a


Public Drawխ 14 / 12 15:00 – 18:00 ⚥㣜䏭㕨

Central Courtyard jmcarthur@gmail.com

profound effect and is often represented as common themes in his work. He often uses the human body and portraits as an inspiration for his own visual images. McArthur is an Australian artist, who has been a resident of Hong Kong since 1999. He has held solo exhibitions and participated in group shows. McArthur regularly

Ҷ⊦║✢ Arts Jamming

creates artwork at his studio with people who share a passion for art.


JCCAC ญȺସ⾤ JCCAC Handicraft Fair

⯜ᅕସ⾤ Weekend Fairs


JCCAC 嫦㷎䮋鼇♧⦐鹋劣莊遤㣐㘗ⶾ䠑䋑꧌嫦妄剤涰㢵⡙䩛⡲➃ꌼ㈒荈㹻鏤鎙䩛⡲欴ㅷ 29 - 30 / 11


13:00 – 19:00


L0,L1, L2

JCCAC Handicraft Fair is held over a weekend once every three months, providing a


platform for the creative arts industry, attracting visitors to the Centre and offering free arts programmes to the public. Visitors can see original handicraft works on offer by over 100 artisans and can also register to see the rooftop film screening or join in the guided tour of open studios. 剓倞嶋䜂⿻ㅷ晦➝稲 Updates and information about Participating Brands https://www.facebook.com/jccacpage

Super HKRRFM ļᯧɿΐ⧋ ସ‫ޔ‬Ľ


L2-04 껻度谁遯⿻鏤鎙耢剚 Hong Kong Art & Design Community

⯜ᅕସ⾤ Weekend Fairs

⺫繏蠝剤♧⦐չ⯝顥պ㼦㼂㖒 ...... 㖈⯏倊衽须劥⚺纏

嶋顥俒⻋涸爢剚酆㎲鑑鷴麕չHong Kong Really Really Free Market (HKRRFM) 鎙ⷔպ㼦䪪剤ⴽ倴植㻜涸չ捦䩯齦

竤憘պ瑠꟦♶宠⟤⡦➿⭆縨魨倴չ窍✮պㄤչⴕ❧պ⚥ The Hong Kong Really Really Free Market aims to

HKRRFM, KaHing Design & Visual Art ざ鳵 29 - 30/11 13:00 – 19:00

community based on sharing resources, caring for one

㣔〵 Roof Terrace

another and improving the collective lives of all.


counteract capitalism in a proactive way by building a



⿵ࠦ⿌ఢᄺļϚƽւĽ Rooftop Cinema§Frances Ha¨ JCCAC

僦䖕䏠锓剚㎗频⚺䭰 须幀䕧鐱➃ 䓹⨀꧆ Guest speaker of post-screening sharing session: Chang Wai Hung

怵㆞ Cast:

開❏늄⠭ Noah Baumbach 㩷裦㎗㚖 Greta Gerwig

晚Ꟁ Duration: 85 ⴕꗻ mins 秹侸 Category: IIB

铃鎊 Language: 薊铃 ( ⚥俒㶶䍌 ) 栁갪 Award:

English (Chinese subtitles)


Official selection for the

29 / 11

Panorama section at Berlin

19:30 – 22:00

International Film Festival

㣔〵 Roof Terrace

⿵ࠦ⿌ఢᄺ ROoftop Cinema

㼬怵 Director:


䕧 剚 歋 JCCAC ㄤ MOViE

Frances 皿僽⡞㖈秣秉⡎Ⱖ㻜搂ꐏ❜獆Ꟁ劍㺕➃碌 ♴Frances 皿僽衽そ蓺謠莻㕰䧭㆞⡎럊鰶鿪鰶♶ⵌ

㥠♳〵怵ⴀFrances ㄤ豤螩皿僽罉娦⡎㼩倰鱲⦐魨

䵸ⵌ歑⿼㽠鑨♶ⱄ僽濼䊹Frances 皿僽꬀㥏皿僽㥪㥏➫搂㣾籏僽佐ꐫꨶ岚䵩ꐫ箁鄄ⴼ չundateableպ䟅そ⭽盘㥶姽Frances ➠搭ⳝ✲ㆁ♧疮縨⛓滚鋅魨鼹㥪⿼♧⦐⦐饥

MOViE (now TV 132 걽 麥 )



랱涯䬝伢ぢ崞㖒꣚⧍շ剋⯘갾ո荞侣繡㕜䚍呔䕧た㩷裦㎗㚖➛妄荈管荈怵䪾 Frances


锓剚莅须幀䕧鐱➃❜崩 ⴽ剤괐㄂⿮⸈罏刿剤堥 剚栽䖤 G.O.D. 飑暟⮛䟃ⵚ


怵開❏늄⠭ⱄ䏞⟃栬暶涸䎖랿䩛岁⸈♳礶陪㼩涯䩧鸤殹♴ 80 䖕涸㻨㻜鰋㋐ⷜ⚛晚


Frances (Greta Gerwig) lives in New York, but she doesnt really have an apartment. Frances is an apprentice for a dance company, but shes not really a dancer. Frances has a best friend named Sophie, but they arent really speaking anymore. Frances

Free screening of films

throws possible reality dwindles. Frances wants so much more than she has, but

on the Roof Terrace is

lives her life with unaccountable joy and lightness. Filmed in black-and-white,

co-organised by JCCAC

FRANCES HA is a modern comic fable in which Noah Baumbach explores New York,

and MOViE MOViE.

friendship, class, ambition, failure, and redemption.

Movie buffs should not miss the chance to see a ward - w i n n i n g f i l m s and participate in post-screening sharing sessions with film critics, all held under the stars! Participants may also have the chance to obtain a G.O.D. shopping discount coupon.

⿵ࠦ⿌ఢᄺļ஀஀঵঵ƇপӖĽ Rooftop Cinema§On the Way to School¨


JCCAC 㼬怵 Director: 怵㆞ Cast:

厣倛넞兜ⵄ呺 Pascal Plisson


Samuel, Carlito, Zahira, Jackson

晚Ꟁ Duration: 77 ⴕꗻ mins

秹侸 Category: I

铃鎊 Language: 岁铃⚥薊俒㶶䍌 French

栁갪 Award:

僦䖕䏠锓剚㎗频⚺䭰 须幀䕧鐱➃ 䓹⨀꧆ Guest speaker of post-screening sharing session: Chang Wai Hung

(with Chinese & English Subtitles)


Cesar Awards – Best Documentary Film


ㄐ䴪瑭馊ꅿ欰㣐痝韍Ꟁ걸뛩⛓꟦嫦㣔⢵㔐姿遤 30 Ⱇ ䷒峫ㆥ幀㿋涸讍䋞䬘秉㙵剦⿼➫郍⡞崞ꧽ昮麕鸮鸮㿋腠鵦㷸갫⤑顠깕⽫䏞涸喀㨗晋ꧪ搭 〫ꨆ㷸吥 4 Ⱇꅽ⡎遤⹛♶⤑㗂㖈荈醢鰶喱 – 芣ⳳ⸈Ⰽ⦐鱭 – ꬒⰍ⦐䓍䓍嫦㣔䭨ㄐ䲀㔐㷸

吥䧮⦛涮㣆鷗㷸⡎⚆歲♳⾲⢵鼩剤䖎㢵㼭剦⿼涸㣆䟝僽♳㷸♶䙲騟鸁剤㢵葾鳟劍 劆濼陏佖隶ㄐ麌⽰⢪植㻜籏僽婫ꃏ⡎㼩➮⦛⢵铞鸒䖃濼陏涸麥騟⛳劢⯝剤㣖㢵ꦖ꣖

These children live in the four corners of the earth, but share the same thirst for learning. They understand that only education will allow them a better future and that is why, every day, they must set out on the long and perilous journey that will lead them to knowledge.Jackson and his younger sister from Kenya walk 15 kilometres each way through a savannah populated by wild animals; Carlito rides more than 18 kilometres twice a day with his younger sister, across the plains of Argentina; Zahira lives in the Moroccan Atlas Mountains who has an exhausting 22 kilometres walk along punishing mountain paths before she reaches her boarding school; Samuel from India sits in a clumsy DIY wheelchair and the 4 kilometres journey is an ordeal each day, as his two younger brothers have to push him all the way to school˘ON THE WAY TO SCHOOL immerses us in the extraordinary routines of these children, whose sheer will to accomplish their dream leads them onto a path we have all walked but never like this.

19:30 – 22:00 㣔〵 Roof Terrace www.jccac.org.hk 


⿵ࠦ⿌ఢᄺ ROoftop Cinema


20 / 12


᧞ࠨۨ৑Τ۫ĵᕅᴓੇ⇿Ӛ҃ዕ΍࿽ఢਅア⤅஡ L6-12 㢵⯋兰腋䊨⡲㹔

Locus Studio

⚊㶩⛖ Anthony Yau 䑞匌鑨 Cantonese 29/11 L4-03A 30/11 L6-12 6/12 14:00 – 16:00 ⚥㣜䏭㕨

Central Courtyard

║✢ϧǐ Arts Talks

anthony4999@ yahoo.com.hk www.jccac.org.hk 갭갸⯓笪♳㜡そ


〥㢫♧⦐㕜㹻Ⱇ㕨 --- 顼倛⠭㕜㹻Ⱇ㕨鼹㞯Ⱇ㕨涸⚥㣜鿈鄄衆㛇㿋腠涸兞錚㣐麥 - ⱺ⾲

㣐麥顐瑭㖈鸏哭Ꟁ 4,800 Ⱇꅽ涸㣖䎂峕꘮騟⚥ , 歋棵㣗鸒䖃⪂㡦⠭㕜㹻Ⱇ㕨涸繡뜩麥

騟♳屡鸁竤麕衽そ涸騟僒倛廪Lake Louise㣆角廪Moraine Lake殹⡹滗劆孵 ⹴煈爐涸懶䋒ㄤⱺ屎溏衽 3000 碜넞涸䒂筅㡭錚涸㿋䂾괐兞儘䩞濼麥鸏酭僽衆㛇錚⯕剓 礶䕙涸鿈ⴕ

㼠겗闍䏠ⴕ❧괐兞ㄤ⻍噲⯕伢䕧䪮䊫 

⯕箁涸麌欽⨋⯕ꖏ⿻懏ꖏ麌欽蒀䕙⿻涯䎂邂麌欽ꖏ걧⿻圓㕮麌欽㼩搋䪮䊫庠⯕ 䪮䊫⻍噲⯕䬝伢䪮䊫

谁遯㹻 Artist / 䊨⡲㹔 Studio

㢵⯋兰腋䊨⡲㹔歋⚊㶩⛖ (Anthony) ⶾ鳵⚊㶩⛖捀㼠噠伢䕧䌌侸焺㢵㯯넓鏤鎙䌌⿻谁遯

䊨⡲罏⚛乲Ꟁ倴侸焺伢䕧㢵㯯넓笪갤ꏗ⫹⿻贡亼瑠꟦涸谁遯ⶾ⡲⿻灇瑖⚊㶩⛖ 荈 90 䎃➿ⴲ䊺䖰✲侸焺谁遯ⶾ⡲⿻來肬瘞䊨⡲⚊㶩⛖❠僽伢䕧來㹔ⶾ鳵➃SONY 侸焺

㛆鎯⚥䗱껷䌏闍䌌椚䊨㣐㷸鏤鎙禺Ⱟ耷闍䌌⿻⚥㷸꽏吥谁遯㹻麕䖃⚊㶩⛖莊鳵麕㢵妄 ⦐➃⿻耢ざ伢䕧ㄤ谁遯㾝錒❠剎醢⡲⿻䬝伢㢵鿈栬用䕧晚

Locus Studio is founded by Anthony Yau. Yau is a photographer, digital media designer and artist specialising in photography, video and web productions. He has over 18 years of experience in digital art, design and education. He is currently the founder of Photoclassroom, Creative Director of Locus Studio, Course Director of Sony Hong Kong Style Studio, Visiting Lecturer of Polytechnic University and resident artist at JCCAC. Yau also contributes articles to various magazines including DiGi and DC Fever, and was adjudicator for various photography competitions.

20/12 ᧧ǰ║✢Ⴖǘ㏶㙏 21/12 ⟽║⡘⡁㘾Ɓ⇿ᯏา


L2-04 껻度谁遯⿻鏤鎙耢剚 Hong Kong Art & Design Community

植➿谁遯僽➊랃 溏♶䥢捀➊랃


遳㖷⿼➃䌢㉏➮⦛谁遯㹻㖈䵆➊랃谁㾝麕䖕⿼➃荈㎒♶㖈遤♶䥢妇颣❠ 剤➃铞尝剤谁遯〫剤谁遯㹻⡦鍑


遯桡㤹ꨈ僈Ⱖ㻜植➿谁遯⯏怏䟝韍馱㄂闍罏欽幏涯铃鎊〥겳錬䏞闍鶤植➿谁遯涸涮 㾝⿻妇颣捀⡹Ꟛ鳵谁遯鸒陏痧♧铭搂锸⡹僽遳㖷遳ꅽ㷸欰㢫遤鿪姹鵔⡹涸⿮莅 鋕谁鏤鎙♧腠湱䪭

鋕錏⫄䠑鏤鎙 (Visual Communication Design) ♧鑂䑞捀➃濼殹⚥涸欽鑂㽠僽ⶾ⡲罏鷴

꤫㎗莇 (20/12)

卌䌏颩 ꤫뜩喀 (21/12) 䑞匌鑨 Cantonese 20, 21/12 14:00 – 16:00 ⚥㣜䏭㕨

Central Courtyard






鎙姻姻㽠僽鸏⦐䞕屣雊䧮⦛♧ず倴鸏⦐걆㚖溏溏欩랃僽谁遯⿻ⶾ䠑涸չ穉ざպչ넓植պ 莅չ鍑ꅼպ

谁遯㹻 Artist / 䊨⡲㹔 Studio

껻度谁遯⿻鏤鎙耢剚荞⸂䲀⹛껻度谁遯⿻鏤鎙涸侮넓涮㾝崞⹛ꤑ莅噠歲剤ꡠ㢫❠䲀 㾝ⵌ噠歲⟃㢫涸湱ꡠ眕毑䕎䒭♶ꣳ倴♧菛耢铿翹剚⛳⺫䭍灇鎣剚㾝錒灇瑖ㄤⴀ晝 瘞崞⹛

Hong Kong Art & Design Community is dedicated to promoting all aspects of art and design. Our activities are not bound by, and extend beyond to related areas of, the art field and design industry. Not limited to just hosting social gatherings, our regular functions and projects include seminar, exhibition, research and publishing.


║✢ϧǐ Arts Talks




ļ℺൰ X ⊑᠒Ľ⻴နႁ §Daily Practices with Nature¨ Open Day L5-07 Ancha Vista X L6-18 Dodo Animation

չ绢䢫 X 荈搭պ僽♧⦐ꡠ倴굺暟⢵彂欰欴倰岁荈置荈くㄤ宕糵欰崞涸鎙ⷔ㖈㙹䋑欰崞 29 – 30 / 11 13:00 – 19:00 㣔〵 Roof Terrace

Ҷ⊦║✢ Arts Jamming



Daily Practices with Nature is a project about food resources, food production,

self-sustainability and sustainable lifestyle. Through the daily practising of observation, interaction, education and action, we re-establish the relationship between our lives in the city and mother nature.

JCCAC ନȺ৅਋⧤ JCCAC Guided Tour of Open Studios





䑞匌鑨 Cantonese


29/11 – 30/11

钢陏 JCCAC 鸏⦐歋莍䊨䐠


15:00 / 17:00 www.jccac.org.hk 



歋 㼬 颣 ㆞ ➝ 稲չJCCAC 谁

遯眏պ劍꟦涸㾝錒⿻剤 堥剚⿮錚谁遯㹻䊨⡲㹔 莅꽏⚥䗱谁遯㹻❜崩

䑞匌鑨 Cantonese

12 剢鸫僤劍Ⱉ傈 14:00 www.jccac.org.hk 


਋⧤‫ ۯ‬Docent Guided Tours

JCCAC ║✢Ị਋⧤ JCCAC Festival Guided Tour




JCCAC䨾贖䒊眡暟⵹魨僽 չ㿋㻡䑖պ⽰♳⚆私Ⱉ ♬⼧䎃➿劥㕼㹻䏭䒭鰋䊨

噠卌用涸չ瀖炲㽵䊨䑖㣐 䐠պⰉ酭⥃殆✫僓傈涸䊨 䑖㣐䐠䒊眡暶蒀僽♧갪栽 䖤껻度䒊眡䌌㷸剚չ䎃㞯 Ⰹ䒊眡㣐栁պ涸佖䒊갪湡 JCCAC 倴 2008 䎃Ꟛ䍌⟃荈


麌⡲JCCAC 㹁⡙僽♧䨾㢵⯋⻋⿻㼩㢫Ꟛ佞涸谁遯勠Ⱟ谁遯⚥䗱䧭用湡涸捀䲿⣘俒⻋谁遯

⧽ㄿᄺШഹ║✢Ƙ౛ JCCAC


JCCAC 䲿⣘♧⦐窍谁遯㹻谁遯㕰넓䊨⡲ㄤ雊Ⱇ滞〳鵜騅ꨆ䱺鍸谁遯涸橇㞯姹鵔Ⱇ滞倴 Ꟛ佞儘꟦Ⰹ荈歋⿮錚鋷魨涮䱡ㄤ䠮「谁遯ⶾ䠑涸孵孨 谁遯勠

⡲捀谁遯勠JCCAC 僽鵜 140 ⦐ぐ겳㘗谁遯㹻ㄤ谁遯㕰넓涸麌⡲㛇㖒殹⚥⟃鋕錏谁遯捀⚺



魨Ⱟ㢵耷涸⦐넓䨩⢪欽㋲⡙捀ⶾ⡲㛇㖒⛓긅❠銴ⴕꂂ儘꟦㖈 JCCAC ⟃㢫䊨⡲JCCAC ㋲

⡙涸⢪欽䚍颶⟃谁遯䊨⡲㹔䧴谁㕰鳵Ⱇ㹔捀⚺剤崞鬪䲿⣘㾝錒眏湡䧴铭玑涸꽏㜥谁遯㹻 ㄤ谁㕰鸒䌢剚㖈㋲⡙㢫佞縨须俲窍鏞㹐⿮罌⟃⤑耢窄剤莇馱⿮錚谁遯䊨⡲㹔涸Ⱇ滞〳 湬䱺갸秉剤ꡠ谁遯㹻䧴谁㕰䧴㜡そ⿮⸈ JCCAC 㹁劍莊鳵涸Ⱇ滞㼬颣崞⹛ 谁遯⚥䗱

JCCAC Ⰹ剤蘢谁긭ㄳ㉱㹔ⶾ䠑䊨谁䏅瘞〥剤暶蒀㼭㘗㾝錒ⴕ⡑ぐ垜㾵瑠꟦罜姻鋊㜥


ⴀ⚺겗㾝錒谁遯莇馱棵瘞♧菛剚㖈鹋劣莊遤〥 JCCAC 剚㹁劍⚺鳵㣐㘗ⰗꟚ崞⹛

⺫䭍嫦㷎涸䩛⡲䋑꧌嫦䎃 12 剢涸չJCCAC 谁遯眏պꪫ㣔ꨶ䕧剚䊨⡲㹔㼬颣瘞Ⱇ滞

〳鷴麕 JCCAC 笪畀嫦剢ⴀ晝涸眏湡邍䧴鎎ꠗ JCCAC ꨶ㶩鸒鎝栽䖤剓倞涸崞⹛须鎝 䫵頾


罏㼩谁遯䊨⡲㹔ㄤ㾝爚㜥㖒涸꨾銴䖰罜涮䳸㛆肬ⶾ䠑➃䩞ㄤ䲀䑞谁遯俒⻋涸⡲欽捀䲀⹛ 껻度谁遯涮㾝ⴀ♧ⴕ⸂

Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre


Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (aka JCCAC) is an award winning architectural conversion from the former Shek Kip Mei Factory Estate, which was a stronghold for cottage industries half a century ago. Opened in 2008 and operating as a selffinanced, registered charity, JCCAC is positioned as a multi-disciplinary arts village and arts centre. It was established with the objective of playing a part to support arts development in Hong Kong through the provision of space for creative work (arts studios and display venues), to help nurture young talents and to promote arts and culture in general. JCCAC provides studio facilities for the arts community and a relaxed environment for the public to experience arts and culture. Visitors are welcome to stroll around freely during opening hours to discover for themselves the creative spirit of the place. Arts Village pursuing their work in a wide array of art forms, mainly in visual arts (including Chinese and Western painting, photography, ceramics, sculpture, printmaking, glass, multimedia installation, etc) but also in performing arts (e.g. music, dance, drama, etc) and applied arts (e.g. design, film, community art, etc). Many artists are selfemployed and have to juggle multiple demands on their time split between their studios at JCCAC and outside projects. The units at JCCAC mostly serve as arts studios and/or offices, where at the door visitors can often find programme and contact information about the resident artist or arts organisation. Visitors interested to visit art studios may directly contact the artist for appointment, or may register to join in one of the regular public guided tours organised by JCCAC. Arts Centre JCCAC includes a tea house, café and craft shops. Artworks can be found dotted around the common areas, and there are two major venues, namely the Jockey Club Black Box Theatre and two levels of exhibition Galleries. Independent arts programmes (such as experimental stage performances, themed exhibitions and art workshops) are usually held on weekends. Regular public events presented by JCCAC include the annual JCCAC Festival in December, quarterly Handicraft Fair, rooftop film screening and public guided tours. Visitors may gain an overview of current programmes from the JCCAC website, the monthly published programme guide or by subscribing to JCCAC e-news. Our Aspiration We believe in the importance of the arts in helping to build a creative and civilised society. Through our work in helping to answer arts practitioners needs for arts studio and display facilities, we hope to play an active part in supporting the nurture of young talents and the general development of the arts in Hong Kong.

⧽ㄿᄺШഹ║✢Ƙ౛ JCCAC

As an arts village, JCCAC is the operation base for nearly 140 artists/art organisations




չ溏䥢溏♶䥢պ㼱侸停酓㷸欰 涸⚥俒㷸绢欰崞 伢䕧㾝




Common Space Exhibitions P12-22

Do You Read Me? A photo

荛 31/12

exhibition on how ethnic minorities learn Chinese P8-9

荛 31/12




Weekend Fairs P30-31


fri JCCAC 谁遯眏Ꟛ䍌

Daily Practices with Nature Open Day P36

JCCAC 䊨⡲㹔㼬颣


Studio P37


JCCAC Guided Tour for Open


չ绢䢫 X 荈搭պꟚ佞傈


Ducky Tse X EM Youths Sharing on Photography P8-9





Born to Reborn:

Printmaking Demonstration

伢䕧䌌闒荛䗞 X 㼱侸停酓ꫭ䎃




Pneumas Carrier – CK Yung

Festival Opening

Robotics Solo Exhibition

Ⴠ⻼✮ Calendar


荛 31/12



꬗湱  랔㕜䘞⿻ゟ稲擳涸꬗Ⱘ ⚆歲꬗Ⱘ㾝錒



Physiognomy - KC Wong and


Non Monosodium Run Away Group –Music Night P29

Larry Ng Mask World Mask Exhibition P23

荛 15/12






Everyone P26

JCCAC 谁遯眏㼬颣




Public Draw

JCCAC Festival Guided Tour

By ALL Means: Arts are for



Handicraft Workshop – Indian P8-9



堥䨼㻜뀿莻荩  鹎⻋

Machine Room Experiment Theatre – Evolution P10-11

鋕谁鏤鎙♧腠湱䪭 P35


"Savour the Flavour" Siu Kwan Wong's Ceramic Bowl Show


荛 27/12









Rooftop Cinema Frances Ha

Weekend Fairs

JCCAC 䊨⡲㹔㼬颣


Studio P37


JCCAC Guided Tour for Open

껻寐蔅剢㢹 - 嵠恠㭶秲䳄殥㾝

Hong Kong Nocturne - Wedding


չ绢䢫 X 荈搭պꟚ佞傈

Daily Practices with Nature Open Day P36




XinYiDai: An International University Students Exchange

Gown Illustration P25

荛 28/12 鸫僤劍傈

Exhibition P4-7

荛 4/1

JCCAC 谁遯眏㼬颣

JCCAC 谁遯眏㼬颣

堥䨼㻜뀿莻荩  鹎⻋


Theatre – Evolution P10-11






The Art of Printmaking


JCCAC Festival Guided Tour

Machine Room Experiment



JCCAC Festival Guided Tour

Robot Making Demonstration

Curator's Talk: Graphic Art and P4-7





JCCAC 谁遯眏㼬颣

–Music Night P27



➃⫹㻨欰⿻ The Privateers 植㜥怵㤉


Non Monosodium Run Away Group

Public Draw and The Privateers

Cross–Cultural Day

JCCAC Festival Guided Tour

By ALL Means: Arts are for Everyone P26


⽰ · 殥 㾝錒

Public Draw Exhibitionխ




JCCAC 谁遯眏㼬颣 P37



荛 19/12

JCCAC Festival Guided Tour


Seminar on Ethnic Minority




Rooftop Cinema On the Way to

School P33

JCCAC 谁遯眏㼬颣

Issues in Hong Kong

JCCAC Festival Guided Tour



JCCAC 谁遯眏㼬颣

JCCAC Festival Guided Tour P37

Ⴠ⻼✮ Calendar



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