Health & Wellness - April 2024

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Wellness Health & GOA


dr. deepti pinto rosario

Dr. Deepti Pinto Rosario, a gold medalist in gynaecology, offers advanced, empathetic women's healthcare at Goa's Pinto Rosario Hospital.

Dr. supriya shetye

Dr. Supriya Shetye's Vision Dental Clinic in Goa offers innovative, community-focused, patient-first dental care.

dr. shrish kamat

Experience personalized, innovative dental care with Dr. Shrish Kamat in Panjim, rooted in Goa's vibrant community spirit.

dr. kathleen barreto

Dr. Kathleen Barreto provides innovative, holistic physiotherapy at Life Care in Margao, embodying Goa's health ethos.

1 Issue 1


Dear Readers,

Welcome to the inaugural issue of Health & Wellness Goa, our latest venture at ItsGoa, where we delve into the vibrant health sector of our beloved state. As we blossom into April 2024, we bring to you stories of dedicated healthcare professionals who are the backbone of Goa's medical landscape.

Gracing our cover is the esteemed Dr. Deepti Pinto Rosario, who, with her exemplary expertise in obstetrics, is not just upholding her family's legacy but also spearheading medical innovation and patient-centred care at Pinto Rosario Hospital.

We spotlight Dr. Supriya Shetye, whose Vision Dental Clinic is a testament to dental ingenuity and patient-first practices. Her clinic is not just treating smiles but also weaving success stories and fortifying the community spirit amidst the evolving healthcare scenery.

Joining the ranks of excellence, Dr. Shrish Kamat offers a blend of personalised dental care and avant-garde treatments, adding to Goa's charm and fostering a future of communal wellness.

In the realm of physiotherapy, Dr. Kathleen Barreto's Life Care Physiotherapy exemplifies the merging of innovative care

with compassionate community engagement, confronting health challenges head-on to ensure the holistic well-being of Goans.

Dr. Anushree Khanvte, through Resilience Clinic, stands out for her commitment to patient-centred approaches, innovative treatments, and aesthetic finesse, all aimed at delivering early and optimal health outcomes.

Highlighting our focus on specialised care, Dr. Vikram Dukle is pioneering the niche field of Cosmetic Gynaecology and 3D Laparoscopy, offering women groundbreaking and transformative health solutions.

Last but not least, Dr. Manjita Chari, a name synonymous with dermatological excellence in Goa, shares her journey of providing personalized care, navigating challenges to enhance skin health and promote overall well-being.

This edition, while a mere snapshot of the vast capabilities within Goa's health and wellness domain, is an ode to the tireless efforts of our medical professionals. They stand as guardians of health, committed to the betterment of each life they touch.

As we embark on this journey to highlight the confluence of health, innovation, and care, we invite you to engage with us. Let's celebrate those who dedicate their lives to our well-being and inspire a healthier, more informed Goa.

Well, that's all I have for you from my desk this month. I hope you enjoy reading this month's issue of Health & Wellness Goa. Do share it with your friends all across the globe.

Until next month, cheers!

Warm regards,

Index Introduction

Goa, the tiniest state on the western coast of India, boasts golden pristine beaches, palmfringed avenues, flavourful food, delicious Portuguese-influenced sweets, and warm, hospitable people. Also known as the Ibiza of India for its partying. A tropical paradise of flora and fauna, from the very famous 'almi' (mushrooms) endemic to its forests, that grow only on the red mud anthills, to the solar prawns that are fished immediately after the monsoons, Goa is unique. Tourists are also attracted to Goa for its cultural heritage - from the famous old Portuguese churches like Se Cathedral in Old Goa, the 16th Century Safa Masjid in Ponda and Shree Mangesha Temple in Mardol, the legendary Arvalem or Pandava Caves where the Pandavas of the Mahabharat fame lived, to its two unique festivalsCarnival and Shigmo. Goa plays host to many festivals - the International Film Festival of India that promotes cinema, the Serendipity Art Festival, Sunburn Music Festival, to name a few. To showcase this varied heritage of culture, art, tradition, food, and people, in 2015 ItsGoa was born. The main aim was to make it the premier portal for all things Goa. We were able to showcase Goa like never before. Soon our blog-based website transcended the virtual space, with the ItsGoa magazine – a sought-after resource for visitors to Goa from countries like Norway, UK, USA, etc.

Editorial Team

Chief Editor

Jessyl Fernandez


Donald Fernandez

Content & Social Media

Saviola Dias

Fay De Souza

Renata Fernandes

Graphics & Layout

Shashank Parab

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Nordic Intent HQ - Floor 3, PDA

Colony, Porvorim, Goa 403521



01 Dr. Deepti Pinto Rosario 02 Dr. Supriya Shetye 03 Dr. Shrish Kamat 04 Dr. Kathleen Barreto 05 Dr. Anushree Khanvte 06 Dr. Vikram Dukle 07 Dr. Manjita Chari itsgoa_ Itsgoa

dr. deepti pinto rosario cover feature

Dr. Deepti Pinto Rosario upholds her family's legacy in Goa with excellence in obstetrics, emphasising patient-centred care and medical innovation.

Article by: Team ItsGoa

Images by: Dr. Deepti Pinto Rosario

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Pinto Rosario Hospital - A Testament to Excellence

Nestled amidst the picturesque landscape of Porvorim, Goa, Pinto Rosario Hospital stands tall as a beacon of excellence in women's healthcare. Established in 1938 by the eminent Dr. Antonio Pinto do Rosario, this institution has remained steadfast in its commitment to providing safe, compassionate, and comprehensive care to generations of women. Today, Dr. Deepti Pinto Rosario, a third-generation Obstetrician Gynaecologist, carries forward this esteemed legacy, guided by a profound dedication to patient well-being and a spirit of innovation.

The Journey Begins: A Visionary's Dream

In an era when home births were the norm, Dr. Antonio Pinto do Rosario dared to envision a sanctuary for childbirth where women could experience safety and comfort. Fuelled by his passion for ensuring the well-being of expectant mothers, he founded Pinto Rosario Hospital, laying the cornerstone of what would become a legacy of excellence in obstetrics. Though his life was tragically cut

short while serving a patient, his vision endured, passed on to his son, Dr. Sidney Pinto Rosario, who dedicated over five decades to nurturing and expanding the hospital's services.

A Modern Legacy: Dr. Deepti Pinto's Journey

Stepping into her family's footsteps, Dr. Deepti embarked on a journey marked by a relentless pursuit of medical excellence. After completing her MBBS at Goa Medical College and post graduation at CMC Vellore, Dr. Deepti also secured a university gold medal in post graduation at Vellore. She further honed her skills in gynaecological laparoscopy in Porto, Portugal. Dr. Pinto Rosario’'s return to her roots heralded a new era for Pinto Rosario Hospital, as she, alongside her husband Dr. Neeraj Kulkarni, continues to uphold the tradition of compassionate care and pioneering innovation.

Foundational Principles: Patient-Centred Care

At the heart of Pinto Rosario Hospital's ethos lies a deep-rooted commitment to patientcentred care. Dr. Deepti firmly believes that pregnancy and childbirth are natural processes deserving of celebration rather than medical intervention. Partners and families are integral to this journey, actively involved in prenatal classes and birthing experiences. The itsgoa_ Itsgoa
Dr. Neeraj & Dr. Deepti Dr. Deepti Pinto Rosario itsgoa_ Itsgoa
Dr. Neeraj & Dr. Deepti attending a patient

Innovations in Care: Setting New Standards

hospital's nurturing and homely environment fosters trust and connectivity, ensuring that every patient feels valued and supported throughout their pregnancy journey.

Innovations in Care: Setting New Standards

Pinto Rosario Hospital stands as a vanguard of healthcare innovation, offering a comprehensive suite of services under one roof. From conventional vaginal deliveries to high-risk obstetrics, the hospital prioritises the well-being of both mothers and newborns. The best practices to ensure an optimum outcome for mum and the baby are immediate skin-to-skin contact, delayed cord clamping, and comprehensive breastfeeding support during maternity care. Advanced laparoscopic surgeries and natural orifice procedures provide patients with minimally invasive treatment options, ensuring optimal outcomes with minimal discomfort.

Success Stories: Triumphs of Compassion and Expertise

Pinto Rosario Hospital stands as a vanguard of healthcare innovation, offering a comprehensive suite of services under one roof. From conventional vaginal deliveries to high-risk obstetrics, the hospital prioritises the well-being of both mothers and newborns. The best practices to ensure an optimum outcome for mum and the baby are immediate skin-to-skin contact, delayed cord clamping, and comprehensive breastfeeding support during maternity care. Advanced laparoscopic surgeries and natural orifice procedures provide patients with minimally invasive treatment options, ensuring optimal outcomes with minimal discomfort.

Success Stories: Triumphs of Compassion and Expertise

The success stories emerging from Pinto Rosario Hospital bear eloquent testimony to its unwavering dedication to patient care. From diagnosing and treating rare conditions

The success stories emerging from Pinto

to fulfilling a mother's fervent desire for a vaginal birth after a previous caesarean section, each narrative underscores the hospital's commitment to excellence and compassion. Dr. Deepti’s personalised approach and clinical acumen ensure that every patient receives bespoke, holistic care tailored to their unique needs and circumstances.

Rosario Hospital bear eloquent testimony to its unwavering dedication to patient care. From diagnosing and treating rare conditions to fulfilling a mother's fervent desire for a vaginal birth after a previous caesarean section, each narrative underscores the hospital's commitment to excellence and compassion. Dr. Deepti’s personalised approach and clinical acumen ensure that every patient receives bespoke, holistic care tailored to their unique needs and circumstances.

Community Engagement: Advocating for Wellness

Community Engagement: Advocating for Wellness

Beyond the confines of clinical care, Pinto Rosario Hospital actively engages with the Goa community through a plethora of educational initiatives and awareness campaigns. Dr. Deepti’s proactive outreach efforts, spanning social media platforms and community seminars, seek to empower individuals with knowledge about women's health issues. By shedding light on topics such as menstrual hygiene, pregnancy, and cancer prevention, the hospital serves as a catalyst for positive change within the community, fostering a culture of health and well-being.

Beyond the confines of clinical care, Pinto Rosario Hospital actively engages with the Goa community through a plethora of educational initiatives and awareness campaigns. Dr. Deepti’s proactive outreach efforts, spanning social media platforms and community seminars, seek to empower individuals with knowledge about women's health issues. By shedding light on topics such as menstrual hygiene, pregnancy, and cancer prevention, the hospital serves as a catalyst itsgoa_ Itsgoa
Dr. Deepti & Dr. Neeraj along with the team at Pinto Rosario Hospital

for positive change within the community, fostering a culture of health and well-being.

Challenges and Opportunities: Navigating the Healthcare Landscape

Despite its storied legacy, Pinto Rosario Hospital faces myriad challenges in an everevolving healthcare landscape. Dr. Deepti acknowledges the erosion of public trust in the medical profession and the pervasive commercialisation of healthcare services. However, she remains resolute in her commitment to prioritising patient well-being above all else. Through transparent communication, empathetic care, and a relentless pursuit of excellence, the hospital endeavours to rebuild trust and redefine the narrative of healthcare delivery in Goa.

Future of Healthcare: Embracing Innovation

Looking towards the horizon, Dr. Deepti envisions a future where preventive care and early intervention reign supreme. Emerging technologies and methodologies hold immense promise in revolutionising women's healthcare, offering novel avenues for diagnosis and treatment. Pinto Rosario Hospital remains steadfast in its commitment to embracing these advancements, ensuring that patients continue to receive the highest standard of care amidst a rapidly evolving

healthcare landscape.

Guiding Wellness: Advice for Residents and Visitors

As custodians of health in Goa, Pinto Rosario Hospital offers invaluable advice for residents and visitors alike, aimed at nurturing and preserving well-being. Emphasising the importance of self-awareness, regular checkups, and healthy lifestyle choices, Dr. Deepti underscores the pivotal role of proactive health management in fostering long-term wellness. Whether residents or visitors, responsible holidaying and mindful indulgence are essential for safeguarding oneself. itsgoa_ Itsgoa
Dr. Neeraj performing an Ultrasound Dr. Neeraj in the Laboratory

dr. supriya shetye dentist

Vision Dental Clinic in Goa, led by Dr. Supriya Shetye, BDS, MDS, embodies patient-centric care, pioneering dental innovations, celebrates success stories, and empowers the community while navigating healthcare challenges.

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Article by: Team ItsGoa Images by: Dr. Supriya Shetye

Dr. Supriya attending a patient’s queries about Dental Health

Unlocking Smiles: The Art and Science of Vision Dental Clinic

Nestled within Mapusa, Goa, lies Vision Dental Clinic, a haven of dental excellence housed within Vision Multi-speciality Hospital. Under the visionary leadership of Dr. Supriya Shetye, BDS, MDS (Prosthodontist & Implantologist), this clinic represents a pinnacle of personalised care and cuttingedge innovation in dentistry. Offering comprehensive services in a single location, Vision Dental Clinic sets itself apart as a beacon of holistic dental care. Now, let's embark on a journey to uncover the essence of this distinguished practice, delving into its patient-centric ethos, technological advancements, inspiring success stories, community engagement initiatives, and the future trajectory of healthcare in Goa.

Pioneering Dental Innovations

Innovation is the cornerstone of Vision Dental Clinic. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies like digital dentistry and intra-oral scanners, the clinic offers a seamless and comfortable dental experience. From 3D scanning for precise diagnostics to electronically controlled anaesthesia delivery systems for painless procedures, every aspect of patient care is meticulously crafted for excellence.

Embracing Patient-Centric Care

At Vision Dental Clinic, every smile tells a unique story. Dr. Supriya Shetye believes in the power of personalised attention, where understanding each patient's needs is paramount. Through open communication and active listening, the clinic fosters an environment of trust and empathy. Patients are not merely recipients of treatment but active participants in their dental journey.

Celebrating Success Stories

A testament to Vision Dental Clinic's prowess is its portfolio of success stories. One such remarkable tale involves a patient from the USA who sought restoration akin to her youthful days. Through comprehensive fullmouth rehabilitation, Dr. Supriya Shetye and her team transformed her smile, igniting a newfound confidence. These moments of transformation underscore the clinic's unwavering dedication to exceeding patient expectations.

Dr. Supriya in her Dental Clinic itsgoa_ Itsgoa

Dr. Supriya, nominated by Famdent Excellence in Dentistry Awards - Category of Prosthodontist of the Year, receiving it along with her husband Dr. Abhijit Parab MCH Neurosurgeon

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Dr. Supriya using intra-oral cameras that help dentists to educate patients by providing clear visuals of their oral cavities

Harnessing Goa's Vibrant Aura

Nestled in the picturesque locale of Goa, Vision Dental Clinic benefits from its strategic position as a dental tourism hub. The amalgamation of top-notch dental care and the allure of a vacation destination makes Goa an irresistible choice for patients seeking quality treatment at affordable prices. The clinic capitalises on this synergy, providing a holistic dental experience amidst Goa's serene beaches and vibrant culture.

Charting the Future of Healthcare

The healthcare landscape in Goa is evolving, driven by a commitment to accessibility, affordability, and innovation. With the advent of digital health solutions like tele-dentistry and electronic health records, healthcare delivery is becoming more efficient and patient-centric. Moreover, initiatives promoting preventive care and technological advancements herald a promising future for dental healthcare in Goa.

Empowering the Community

Vision Dental Clinic extends its impact beyond its walls, engaging with the local community through various initiatives. From organising dental screenings and oral hygiene programs in schools to participating in health camps and leveraging social media for educational outreach, the clinic strives to raise awareness about oral health and empower individuals to prioritise their well-being.

Navigating Healthcare Challenges

Despite its strides, the healthcare sector grapples with challenges such as rising costs, insurance limitations, and patient education gaps. Vision Dental Clinic confronts these hurdles with resilience, striving to make quality dental care accessible to all. Through advocacy, education, and strategic partnerships, the clinic endeavours to address systemic issues and pave the way for a healthier tomorrow.

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Dr. Supriya receiving a certificate of a Master Course in Professional Surgery Master Soft & Hard Tissue Management from OSSTEM OIC in April 2023 itsgoa_ Itsgoa

Embracing Wellness Dentistry

The paradigm of dentistry is shifting towards a holistic and patient-centred approach. From recognising the oral-systemic connection to embracing tele-dentistry and minimally invasive techniques, wellness dentistry prioritises preventive care and personalised treatment. Vision Dental Clinic stands at the forefront of this evolution, championing holistic wellness and empowering individuals to embrace a proactive approach to oral health.

Crafting Healthy Smiles: Expert Advice

As residents and visitors of Goa, maintaining optimal oral health is essential for a vibrant and ful lling life. Dr. Supriya Shetye offers valuable tips to nurture healthy smiles

Maintain a balanced diet, limiting sugary foods and beverages.

Prioritise regular brushing and flossing to keep plaque at bay

Schedule routine dental checkups and cleanings for preventive care

Stay hydrated with plenty of water to promote saliva production

Avoid tobacco use and refrain from using teeth for unintended purposes.

Unlocking Smiles: The Gateway to Wellness

Vision Dental Clinic epitomises the fusion of artistry and science in modern dentistry. Guided by Dr. Supriya Shetye's vision, the clinic transcends conventional boundaries, offering a transformative dental experience rooted in compassion, innovation, and community engagement. As Goa's premier destination for dental excellence, Vision Dental Clinic continues to rede ne the landscape of oral healthcare, one smile at a time. itsgoa_ Itsgoa
A patient happy & satisfied with her dental treatments provided by Dr. Supriya


Dr. Shrish Kamat is a consulting Aesthetic Dentist at Dr. Vallabh Kamat’s clinic, and offers personalised dental care, innovative treatments, and embraces Goa's charm and wellness trends while engaging with the community for a healthier future.

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Article by: Team ItsGoa Images by: Dr. Shrish Kamat

Embracing Excellence in Dental Care: Dr. Shrish Kamat's Practice in Goa

In the vibrant heart of Panjim, Goa, stands a beacon of oral healthcare excellence - Dr. Vallabh Kamat's clinic with a team of doctors specialised in various fields of dentistry and Dr. Vallabh Kamat has a clinical experience of 39 years himself. Spearheading this legacy is Dr. Shrish Kamat, a specialist in Restorative Aesthetic Dentistry and Smile Designing, committed to delivering personalised care and innovative solutions.

Personalised Patient Care: A Philosophy of Compassion

Dr. Kamat's practice revolves around personalised and compassionate attention. Each patient is treated with the utmost care, guided by a philosophy that emphasises understanding unique needs and fostering trust through open communication and empathy. The mantra, "treat everyone equally, treat everyone the way you’d treat your own family," epitomises their commitment to patient-centric care.

Transitioning smoothly into innovations in care, Dr. Kamat's clinic stands out through a fusion of specialist expertise and cutting-edge technology. Meticulous record-keeping coupled with the latest advancements ensures unparalleled treatments, placing the practice at the forefront of dental care in Goa.

Crafting Success Stories Through Advanced Techniques

Recent success stories showcase the transformative power of Dr. Kamat's approach. Leveraging expertise in aesthetic dentistry and utilising advanced cosmetic techniques, including veneers and teeth whitening, patients experience enhanced smiles and newfound confidence. These stories reaffirm the dedication to excellence and the positive impact on patients' lives.

Location Impact: Blending Care with Goa's Charm

Nestled amidst Goa's laid-back charm, Dr. Kamat's clinic adapts to the coastal lifestyle seamlessly. Challenges like monsoon humidity

Dr. Shrish working on a patient - achieving precision & crafting perfect smiles through a magnified lens using dental loupes

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Dr. Shrish Kamat in his clinic with his Dental Chair itsgoa_ Itsgoa
Dr. Shrish explaining dental health through OPG X-rays for better understanding of teeth and jaw relation

are met with creative solutions, ensuring topnotch care even in the stickiest situations. The wellness approach aligns with Goa's carefree spirit, leaving patients with brighter smiles and a sense of well-being.

Embracing Wellness Trends: Mindfulness and Healthy Living

In tune with Goa's wellness trends, Dr. Kamat's clinic introduces easy-to-follow wellness routines tailored for busy lives. From stress-busting techniques to nutrition tips, the focus is on making health accessible and enjoyable. It's a beach day for well-beingrelaxed, refreshing, and essential for a vibrant life.

Community Engagement: Fostering a Healthier Goa

Beyond checkups, Dr. Kamat's clinic actively engages in public health initiatives, spreading smiles through free dental checkup camps and awareness campaigns. The practice isn't just a clinic but a friendly health companion on the Goan journey to well-being, contributing to a healthier community.

Challenges in Healthcare: Flexibility Amidst Adversity

Facing challenges like monsoon humidity, the clinic remains resilient, streamlining processes to ensure comfort and top-notch care. Flexibility is key, ensuring patients receive optimal care regardless of weather or logistical hurdles. Dr. Kamat's team remains steadfast in their commitment to excellence, rain or shine.

Future of Healthcare in Goa: Tradition Meets Technology

Looking ahead, Dr. Kamat envisions a future where tradition meets technology. Embracing tele-health for convenient consultations and blending traditional practices with modern innovations, the clinic promises to keep healthcare in Goa refreshing and cutting-edge.

Advice for Readers: Wellness Fiesta in Goa

To residents and visitors alike, Dr. Kamat offers a secret to a wellness fiesta in Goahydrate, bask in sunshine, and remember to floss as often as you dance. It's about living smiles, staying joyous, and letting Goa be the guide to a sun-soaked, sand-between-yourtoes kind of well-being.

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Dr. Shrish attending a patient in his consulting room at his clinic

Dr. Kathleen Barreto's Life Care Physiotherapy in Margao, Goa, prioritises patient-centric care, innovative treatments, community engagement, and confronts healthcare challenges for holistic wellness in Goa.

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dr. kathleen barreto physiotherapist Article by: Team ItsGoa Images by: Dr. Kathleen Barreto

Inside the Practice of Dr. Kathleen Barreto

In the heart of Margao, amidst the vibrant pulse of Goa, lies a beacon of holistic healthcare: Life Care Physiotherapy, spearheaded by the seasoned practitioner Dr. Kathleen Barreto. With over a decade of experience, Dr. Kathleen Barreto's clinic offers a comprehensive range of services catering to Orthopaedic, Neurological, Paediatric, geriatric, and Gynaecological cases. Specialising in antenatal and postnatal physiotherapy, her practice embodies a commitment to personalised care and patient well-being.

Patient-Centric Care: A Promise Upheld

At Life Care Physiotherapy, the cornerstone of. Dr. Kathleen’s  philosophy lies in patientcentric care. Honesty and transparency permeate every interaction, fostering a sense of security and confidence in patients embarking on their journey to recovery. Dr. Kathleen's dedication to compassionate care ensures that each individual receives

tailored treatment, empowering them to reclaim their health and vitality.

Innovative Approaches to Wellness

Distinguished by her certifications in noninvasive pelvic floor rehab and as an antenatal and postnatal Pilates specialist, Dr. Kathleen Barreto  pioneers innovative treatments that set her practice apart. These advanced modalities not only address physical ailments but also promote overall well-being, offering patients a holistic approach to health restoration.

Celebrating Triumphs: Stories of Healing

Among the many success stories at Life Care Physiotherapy, one stands out vividly. A patient, gravely injured in a road accident, found solace and support under Dr. Kathleen’s care. Through empathy and expertise, the patient not only recovered physically but also triumphed over mental trauma, embracing life anew with a restored sense of hope and resilience.

Interferential Therapy for back related issues

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Kathleen doing Cervical Traction for Spondylitis

Navigating Unique Challenges

Located in the dynamic landscape of Goa, Life Care Physiotherapy navigates both challenges and opportunities inherent to its surroundings. While the community's awareness of physiotherapy is evolving, traditional beliefs regarding pregnancy and postpartum care persist. Dr. Kathleen Barreto remains steadfast in her mission to foster change, advocating for the importance of holistic well-being in every stage of life.

Embracing Emerging Trends

As wellness trends evolve in Goa, Dr. Dr. Kathleen remains attuned to the shifting currents of health consciousness. With a discerning eye on the burgeoning interest in diet and fitness among the younger generation, her practice adapts to meet the evolving needs of the community, ensuring accessible and relevant healthcare solutions for all.


Engaging the Community: A Call to Action

Beyond the confines of her clinic, Dr. Kathleen Barreto actively engages with the broader Goa community, advocating for public health initiatives and awareness campaigns. While progress may be gradual, her unwavering commitment to community empowerment lays the foundation for a healthier, more informed society.

Confronting Healthcare Challenges

In the pursuit of holistic wellness, Dr. Kathleen confronts pervasive challenges, chief among them being the lack of awareness surrounding physiotherapy. Dispelling misconceptions and advocating for early intervention, she endeavours to shift perceptions, highlighting the integral role of physiotherapy in holistic healthcare.

The Future of Wellness in Goa

Looking ahead, Dr. Kathleen envisions a landscape where wellness takes centre stage, intertwined with the fabric of everyday life in Goa. As awareness grows and attitudes evolve, she anticipates a future where physiotherapy emerges as a cornerstone of preventive healthcare, enhancing quality of life for all.

Expert Advice for Optimal Well-Being

In closing, Dr. Dr. Kathleen offers invaluable advice to residents and visitors alike: prioritise your well-being. Whether expecting or seeking pain relief, embrace the journey to wellness with proactive care and professional guidance. At Life Care Physiotherapy, the path to a healthier, more vibrant life begins today.

Reach out to Dr. Kathleen Barreto on: +91 75071 89432

Or find her on her Instagram at: @life_care.physiotherapy

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performing Ultrasound Therapy for knee related conditions

dr. Anushree Khanvte

Resilience Clinic, co-founded by Dr. Anushree Khanvte, offers patient-centred care, innovative treatments, community engagement, and combats health challenges in Goa, emphasising aesthetic excellence and early intervention for optimal outcomes.

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Article by: Team ItsGoa Images by: Dr. Anushree Khanvte


The Resilience Clinic Journey

Nestled in the serene village of Goa-velha (Pilar), Resilience Clinic stands as a beacon of hope and healing. Founded in 2022 by Dr. Anushree Khanvte , a renowned Dermatologist, and Dr. Prajoth Kankonkar, a seasoned General Physician, this multispecialty clinic embodies its name by promoting resilience in the face of health challenges.

Dedication to Patient-Centred Care

At Resilience Clinic, every patient is more than just a medical case; they are individuals with unique needs and concerns. Dr. Khanvte and Dr. Kankonkar prioritise listening to their patients, ensuring that their voices are heard and their preferences respected. This patientcentred approach fosters trust and cultivates a positive mindset towards healthcare.

Innovative Treatments for Holistic Wellness

Embracing innovation, Resilience Clinic offers cutting-edge treatments to address a wide range of dermatological and general health issues. From botox for wrinkles to PRP therapy for hair loss and face rejuvenation, the clinic stays abreast of the latest advancements in medical science. Additionally, procedures like chemical peels and radio frequency ablation provide effective solutions for various skin concerns.

Case Study: Triumph Over Fungal Infection

Illustrating the clinic's commitment to transformative care, a young woman sought help for a stubborn fungal infection that had taken a toll on her confidence. Despite previous unsuccessful treatments, Resilience Clinic provided the right intervention, leading to a complete recovery within a month. This itsgoa_ Itsgoa
Anushree Khanvte’s Clinic called Resilience Clinic in Pilar, Goa

success story highlights the clinic's efficacy in restoring not just physical health but also selfesteem.

Navigating Health Challenges in Goa

Situated in a humid coastal region, Resilience Clinic faces prevalent health issues unique to Goa's environment. Fungal infections, exacerbated by excessive sweating and sun allergies due to sun exposure, are a common occurrence. Moreover, acne, hair loss, and sun allergies are frequent concerns among the population. However, the clinic benefits from the health literacy of Goan patients, facilitating effective communication and treatment adherence.

Catering to Youthful Aspirations

Recognising the evolving beauty standards and aspirations of Goan youth, Resilience Clinic offers a spectrum of services beyond traditional healthcare. In addition to addressing acne and hair loss, the clinic caters to the growing demand for anti-aging and cosmetology procedures such as botox, chemical peels, hydra-facial and laser treatments.

Community Engagement for Health Promotion

Resilience Clinic goes beyond its walls to engage with the community and promote better health practices. Regular health camps, both within the clinic premises and in collaboration with organisations like IMA Goa, serve to reach a wider audience. Furthermore, plans to conduct educational talks in schools and colleges reflect the clinic's commitment to holistic health education.

Combatting Medical Quackery

One of the challenges faced by Resilience Clinic is the prevalence of medical quackery, where non-allopathic practitioners prescribe

allopathic medicines without proper qualifications. To address this issue, the clinic emphasises patient awareness and advocates for legitimate prescriptions bearing the doctor's credentials.

Towards Aesthetic Excellence

Anticipating the growing demand for aesthetic solutions, Resilience Clinic plans to establish an aesthetic and cosmetology centre equipped with state-of-the-art technologies. From advanced lasers to Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy, the centre aims to address cosmetic concerns effectively, ranging from unwanted hair to signs of aging.

Embracing Early Intervention

As a parting message, Dr. Khanvte urges readers not to delay seeking treatment and to engage actively with their healthcare providers. By fostering open communication and trust, Resilience Clinic endeavours to build enduring partnerships with its patients, ensuring optimal health outcomes.

Dr. Anushree attending a patient

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Dr. Vikram pioneers Cosmetic Gynaecology and 3D Laparoscopy, offering transformative solutions for women's intimate concerns, empowering selfconfidence, and embracing advancements for holistic well-being.

Article by: Team ItsGoa Images by: Akhil Kenkre itsgoa_ Itsgoa
dr. Vikram Dukle gynaecologist

The Transformative Journey of Cosmetic Gynaecology

In the realm of women's health, the realm of cosmetic gynaecology has emerged as a pivotal force, offering transformative solutions to intimate concerns. Dr. Vikram Dukle, a trailblazer in this field, sheds light on the expanding horizons of cosmetic gynaecology and its profound impact on women's empowerment and well-being.

Shifting Perceptions: A New Era of Intimate Wellness

Gone are the days when discussions about intimate health were shrouded in taboo. Today, there's a palpable shift in societal attitudes, with women increasingly embracing the idea of enhancing their intimate wellness. Dr. Dukle's pioneering work in cosmetic gynaecology has been recognised on a national stage, signalling a sea change in how we perceive and prioritise women's intimate health.

Innovations in Care: Redefining Aesthetics and Functionality

Cosmetic gynaecology offers a spectrum of non-invasive and minimally invasive procedures designed to address a myriad of concerns, from vaginal laxity to labial asymmetry. These innovative treatments not only enhance aesthetics but also improve functionality and comfort, empowering women to reclaim control over their bodies and their lives.

Surgical Interventions: Empowering Transformations

For those seeking more profound transformations, surgical interventions in cosmetic gynaecology provide enduring solutions. Procedures like vaginoplasty and labiaplasty can significantly enhance selfconfidence and sexual satisfaction, marking a pivotal moment in a woman's journey towards reclaiming her body and her sense of self.

Dr. Vikram at his desk in his clinic - Anamiva

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Dr, Vikram in the Operation Room in DHRC, Candolim

Impact on Well-being: Nurturing Body and Mind

Beyond the physical enhancements, cosmetic gynaecology has a profound impact on women's mental and emotional well-being. By addressing intimate concerns and restoring confidence, these treatments foster a sense of empowerment and liberation, allowing women to embrace their femininity with pride and self-assurance.

Postpartum Rehabilitation: A Journey to SelfRenewal

The postpartum period can be fraught with physical changes that may impact a woman's confidence and comfort. Cosmetic gynaecology plays a pivotal role in postpartum rehabilitation, offering treatments like vaginal rejuvenation and Kegel chair therapy to

restore vaginal tone and address aesthetic concerns, empowering women to embrace motherhood with renewed confidence and vitality.

Advancements in Technology: Pioneering the Future of Healthcare

The landscape of cosmetic gynaecology is continually evolving, propelled by advancements in medical technology. Dr. Dukle's pioneering efforts in introducing laser and electromagnetic technologies have revolutionised non-invasive and minimally invasive treatments, making them safer, more effective, and accessible to women from all walks of life.

Embracing a New Era of Empowerment

As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of women's health, cosmetic gynaecology stands as a beacon of empowerment and selfdiscovery. By fostering open discussions and embracing technological innovations, we can pave the way for a future where every woman feels empowered to prioritise her intimate wellness and embrace her inherent beauty and strength.

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Dr. Vikram at DHRC, Candolim with Goa's First 3D Laparoscopy System Counselling Space at Dr. Vikram's Clinic

Dr. Manjita Chari Dermatologist

Dr. Manjita Chari, a leading dermatologist in Goa, offers personalized care, innovative solutions, and community engagement, navigating challenges to promote skin health and well-being.

Article by: Team ItsGoa

Images by: Dr. Manjita Chari

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Introduction to the Practice

In the picturesque locales of Goa, where the sun kisses the skin with warmth, resides Dr. Manjita Chari, a beacon of dermatological expertise. With consulting clinics in Mapusa and Bicholim, Dr. Chari's journey in dermatology spans across renowned healthcare establishments, including Tars Polyclinic, Redkar Hospital, and Community Care Clinic Aldona. Armed with a wealth of experience from North Goa District Hospital, Dr. Chari specializes in addressing a myriad of skin, hair, and nail concerns.

Philosophy of Patient Care

At the heart of Dr. Chari's practice lies a steadfast commitment to personalized and compassionate care. Accessible round-theclock, she ensures patients receive comprehensive follow-ups, leaving no room for uncertainty post-consultation. Even in emergencies, Dr. Chari extends her care through online consultations, reaffirming her dedication to patient well-being.

Innovations in Care

While Dr. Chari's repertoire of procedures may echo those of her peers, it is her expertise and holistic approach that set her apart. Beyond treatments, she delves deep into understanding the individual and their ailments, exemplifying a nuanced approach to dermatological care.

Success Stories

Amidst the challenges of dermatological diagnosis, Dr. Chari has unearthed moments of triumph. From identifying rare cases of carcinoma breast through skin manifestations to alleviating the distress of psoriasis during pregnancy, her success stories resonate with resilience and compassion.

Impact of Location

Set against the backdrop of Goa's humid climate, Dr. Chari navigates prevalent challenges such as fungal infections with

Dr. Manjita performing a clinical examination with hand lens

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Dr. Manjita Chari - Dermatologist

adeptness. Embracing a clinical focus over cosmetology aligns with the local ethos, albeit amidst rising concerns of quackery that warrant vigilant oversight.

Wellness Trends

In a region where wellness intertwines with leisure, Dr. Chari recognizes the repercussions of lifestyle choices on dermatological health. As gyms flourish, so do cases of fungal infections and acne, prompting her practice to address these emerging trends proactively.

Community Engagement

Beyond the confines of her clinic, Dr. Chari extends her expertise to the community through educational talks, camps, and social media outreach. By fostering awareness, she endeavors to empower individuals in their journey towards skin health.

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy for hair loss and hair thinning

Electrocautery for skin tag removal

Challenges in Healthcare

Navigating the labyrinth of patient education remains a paramount challenge for Dr. Chari. Combating misinformation propagated through informal channels underscores the importance of seeking professional dermatological guidance.

Future of Healthcare in Goa

With an optimistic outlook, Dr. Chari foresees a landscape where heightened awareness translates into proactive healthcare seeking behaviors. As more individuals prioritize skin health, the trajectory of dermatological care in Goa appears promising.

Advice for Our Readers

In parting wisdom, Dr. Chari urges residents and visitors alike to prioritize skin health akin to any other medical concern. Advocating for professional consultation over self-medication, she emphasizes the significance of nurturing the body's largest organ with diligence and care.

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