Pipiwharauroa - October 2013

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Pipiwharauroa Whiringa ā Nuku 2013

Pukapuka: Rua Te Kau

Panui: Te Kau


Back: Win Ruru, Riria Tansey, Tomairangi Duncan, Thelma Houia, Romia Whaanga, Rii Mita, Whaea Amai, Nellie Hokianga, Colleen Hawkins and Lena Riki Front: Tangi Tomoana, Cath Pohatu, John Ruru, Paora Whaanga, Ned Aupouri, Temple and Olive Isaacs

He Peka Tītoki

Whakanuia te manu! Te manu tioriori ki ngā tōpito o te ao Whakatutu puehu, whakatau whakaaro. Tōna reo te rangona nei He reo whakapā, he reo whakamōhio Nō te hokinga mai, kāore anō kia tau He karere ki te motu, ki te ao. Ki ngā hau e whā Tēra te wawata ka tīhau, ka peki tonu Ā ngā tau e tū mai nei. Kui, kui, kui whiti whiti ora Hui e taiki e! Ko Pīpīwharauroa Rua tekau tau.

Ko koe tēnei Meng. Te Mea ō te Kaunihera ō Tūranga. Ahakoa he aha te hui, kei reira koe. Te kanohi kitea ō Taihakoa. Tēnei te mihinui kua riro anō nei tēnei tūnga whakahirahira i a koe. Mā te heke ō te toto, te hūpē, me te mōtuhi. Kia kaha ki a koe. Tūranga ki uta Tūranga ki tai Tūranga ki ngā kokoru ō te Tairāwhiti E mihi atu nei ki te hunga i whai tūnga ki te kaunihera, ki te Poari ō te Hōhipera me ngā rohe huri noa. He mihinui tēnei ki a koutou i uru ki te whakataurite i ngā tūmanako me ngā tono ā ngā iwi i pooti mō koutou. He tika tonu kia whakanuia koutou. He maha ngā mahi taumaha kei mua i ō koutou aroaro mō te painga ō te taone me ngā rohe ō Tūranga. Tēna koutou.

He Hokinga Whakaaro Ka tuohu, ka whakakeke Ka puta te whakaaro Ka pā mai te rongo ō mamae Ki ngā puna ō te kii Ngaro,ngaro Nā whakanikonokinga kupu Kua kore te kitea Engari titi tonu ana Ki te whatumanawa. Waiho mā te mahara e whakaaraara ake anō Moe mai

Inside this month...

Page 3-5

He Tangata Hūmarie Hianga

Page 8

Te Rā Hākinakina TKR

Ki te hunga hoki kāre i whai wāhi, kaua e ngākaukore, he wā kei te haere mai mō koutou. Engari kia maumahara rātou i uru, kei te mātakihia rātou. ‘E hoki te tihe ki te ihu’ Kei a koutou Page 16

Pages 10-11

Ngarimu V.C.

Page 15

tŪranga health

tŪranga Ararau

Founded October 1898 Pukapuka: Rua Te Kau Pānui: Te Kau Te Marama: Whiringa ā Nuku Te Tau: 2013 ISSN: 1176 - 42288







Pipiwharauroa 'He Maungarongo - Atawhai Taiohi'

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Atawhai Taiohi: "Prep For Services": Where Are They Now?

Pīpīwharauroa recently caught up with some of our many graduates from our Atawhai Taiohi: Preparation for Services course who have joined a range of Services. We congratulate them on their massive achievements.

Pīpīwharauroa takes its name from ‘He Kupu Whakamārama Pīpīwharauroa’, which was printed in October, 1899 by Te Rau Print and edited by the late Reverend Reweti Kohere. Pīpīwharauroa was re launched on 20 October, 1993.

ASTD Aleisha MacGregor (pictured left) has recently been promoted to Able Stewart and is based at Philomel Navy Base. She is also a member of the NZDF kapa haka and has toured Korea. Having just retured from Rarotonga and Niue with the Govenor General she is waiting to be posted to a ship.

Produced and edited by: Te Rūnanga o Tūranganui-ā-Kiwa Tūranga Ararau Printed by: The Gisborne Herald Email: pipiwharauroa@ta-pte.org.nz Phone: (06) 868 1081

Aleisha had this to add when we spoke to her, "My time at Atawhai Tahohi played a major role in my potential future here in the Royal New Zealand Navy!"

OEW Taane Tapp is now serving as an Electronic Warfare Specialist in the Royal NZ Navy and is pictured here with his fiance Belinda Ryan and their beautiful baby girl, Atawhai Stevie Kururangi-Tapp


Rob Rutene Iwi Liaison Coordinator: Tairāwhiti Tēnā koutou katoa, This last week has been eventful. It began with a visit to the Police Vocational Course and the following day I went up to Te Araroa, the first time I had been past Ruatōria. I was amazed with the rugged beauty of the place and envious of the sole charge officer there Senior Constable Mike Howland. Mike has been working up there since March. His whānau have settled in and slowly becoming part of the community. He is keen to develop Prevention Strategies alongside of the community and I advised him that his Marae would be a good place to engage with the people in these discussions. On the Wednesday I made a visit to Mangaroa Prison in Hastings alongside representatives from Ngāti Porou Rūnanga and Corrections staff. We were invited to Te Whare Tirohanga Maori (Unit 5) where we were treated to a full haka Powhiri from the inmates and staff in this unit. The intention of the visit was for Ngāti Porou Rūnanga to develop a stronger relationship with those inmates and staff to ensure that when they were released back into the community they do not stumble and return. Excellent discussions centred around providing employment and appropriate accommodation ensuring as well that their whānau back home were considered in terms of their expectations of their men upon release. It was sobering to see so many men both young and old inside the wire caged fence of the unit however it was inspiring to hear that many had re linked into their identity via the unit through Te Reo me onaTikanga and cultural practises such as mau rakau and carving. The challenge is for them to hold onto their newly discovered identity and get busy with the education and training provided by the unit on the outside. That afternoon I played rugby for Tairāwhiti Police against Hawkes Bay Police in an annual celebration of the life of the late Senior Constable Len Snee

Naval Trainee Ashley Biddle is completing his basic core training, BCT in Devonport Auckland and will march out in December before starting his core training in communications. Photo taken at the Navy, Recruit Training Squadron, BCT 13/03 Family Church Service.

who was shot dead in Napier in 2009 by Jan Molennar. The rugby is always competitive and for the first time in four years Tairāwhiti brought home the shield. However, more importantly, we were able to touch base with our colleagues from the Bay, tell a few tall stories and lay down the challenge for next year when we will be hosting them. And lastly on the Friday I presented to Te Rūnanga o Tūranganui ā Kiwa Board the new Police Strategy “Turning of the Tide” and invited the Board to provide representation to sit on the Māori Focus Forum to the Police. I received a good hearing so this will be a major step forward in having three Māori Focus Forums of Ngāti Porou, Tūranganui ā Kiwa and further down in Wairoa to provide governorship and management of strategies and interventions for the well being of the people of Tairāwhiti. Nā Robert Rutene

AC Iraia Haywood has completed his logistics junior course with the Air Force and is now working in Auckland at the Whenuapai Air Force Base.

Cody Thompson is studying at Auckland University for a Bachelor of Health Science with a major in Paramedicine which will take him three years. When he finishes he will be at a paramedic level. Cody also is a St John volunteer.

Pipiwharauroa 'He Kōrero'

the smiles on the dials of the thousands of people who had come to see this ‘kotuku rerenga tahi’ take to the stage! When she appeared, I screamed like I’ve never screamed before and felt an uncontrollable desire to run up on stage and sing with her, luckily I managed to talk myself out of doing such a thing.

Kōrero Time with Mātai Smith

Well whānau, as I write my contribution for this month, there is only one thing on my mind, one person on my mind and one concert fully entrenched and concreted in my brain, even though it’s been seven days since I saw her live in concert, yes I’m talking about the one and only B E Y O N C E! Now I’ve actually already seen her in concert some seven years ago in Melbourne when my close friend Candy Stainton and I jetted it across to watch her at the Rod Laver Arena. Problem was we’d paid for the cheapest tickets and didn’t realise that we would be sitting on seats which were, well, if you can imagine it, like sitting on the top of Kaiti Hill and looking down at Gizzy town. Yes, that’s where our seats were but luckily there were huge screens which showed us what she actually looked like as opposed to the ‘ant’ like image that we could only see looking down at the stage. This time I was well prepared and decided that I would spend a little bit more, amount to remain confidential for fear of my Mother becoming alarmed at what it was, and went with a group of friends and whānau VIP style. So what did VIP involve? Well quite simply, it was obviously a ticket into the concert with a good seat, yes a seat, because this 36 year old couldn’t imagine standing the whole time up the front like the rest of the young groupies who’d paid triple the amount I did to get up close and personal with her and swing ‘to the left, to the left’ and shake their bootylicious nono’s throughout her concert. We had our own aisle or entrance as well, whereby you could bypass the other two thousand or so ‘general admission’ people in a line that stretched out to Eketahuna! Walking straight in and ushered into the venue to your own room was definitely

Tairāwhiti Community Law Centre

Nikorima Thatcher

EMPLOYMENT Holiday, Sick Leave, Bereavement Leave and other Employee Entitlements Annual Holiday: Employee holidays and leave entitlement are laid out in the Holidays Act 2003 which states that an employee is entitled to four weeks paid holiday at every 12 month anniversary of their employment. The employer and employee can come to an agreement about how the four weeks annual holiday will be met. An employer must give at least 14 days notice of the requirement to take annual holidays at a particular time that is usually taken during Christmas/New Year period. Holiday pay is to be paid before the holiday is taken. The amount of holiday pay is the greater of: • The employee’s ordinary weekly payment at the time of taking the holiday, or, • The employee’s average weekly earnings over the 12-month period If employment has ended before the employee has worked for 12 months, the holiday pay is 8% of their gross earnings.

Public Holidays: Employees are entitled to a paid day off on the following public holidays: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day, 2 January, Waitangi Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, ANZAC Day, the local anniversary day, Queen’s Birthday and

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Me before the concert

Instead I sat back and just watched the most amazing performer dazzle us all with her dulcet tones, sexy moves and just pure magical presence! Everywhere she walked, you were just drawn to her, every note she sang was pitch perfect, there wasn’t any lip syncing at this concert, heeeeellll no! And then there was her all female band and back up vocalists ‘The Mamas’ who wowed us not to mention that two male twin dancers ‘The Les Twins’ whose moves gave me whiplash, man can they move!

Okay so it’s all fine and dandy me writing about worth the $341.00 I forked out for the VIP ticket. Beyonce and believe me I could go on. Whilst it might sound like I’m bragging, well I kind of am whānau, but Sorry Mum, it was worth it I promise! I know that many of you who attended will back me up When we entered the room, there was wine, beer and when I say, there is no other performer on this earth orange juice, canapés and kai for Africa which you like her! Not only did she touch our hearts through could indulge to your heart’s content before entering her on stage performance but there’s something about the warm up act of Stan Walker. her that makes her one of us, it’s like she’s whānau. We’ve grown up with her, we’ve seen her in Destiny’s Now on the subject of this Mr Walker, can I just say how Child and onto her own solo career, then we’ve seen proud I was of my mate and his amazing composure her in movie roles like in Dreamgirls and Austin Powers on the night we saw him perform? He was so gracious and so she’s our Aunty. in the way he spoke to his fans and the acoustic set he performed that night was top class, in fact I reckon if Anyway if you ever get the chance to go and see Aunty he had all the bells and whistles as in a full band, he Beyonce in concert, be it here in NZ or abroad, YOU would of given Aunty Beyonce a run for her money! MUST GO! Don’t hesitate, just do it and I assure you, you will be ‘Crazy in Love’ with her, and she will be He warmed up the crowd with his own popular in your ‘Sweet Dreams’ forever more and it doesn’t numbers as well as a Māori version of the Crowded matter if you’re a ‘Baby Boy’ or whether you’re in the House hit “Don’t dream it’s over” but for me it was ‘Single Ladies’ category. Make sure you go and see his performance of his hit ‘Unbroken’ sung to the her and you will see the real performer that will one backing tune of ‘Halo’ which had me mesmerised that day ‘Run the World’. night. Before I knew it he’d left the stage and it was time for the world’s most popular female solo artist Okay Mātai that’s enough with the song titles already, to take to the stage. time for you to ‘Listen’ to your editor and wrap this up. So on behalf of ‘Me, Myself and I’ thanks for taking A quick dash back to the VIP room to refill the puku time to read my Beyonce review, I’m off to the gym and my plastic cup and then it was all on, the prelude now to go ‘Work it out.’ came on with images of Beyonce flashing before us and all of a sudden the Vector Arena was lit up with Mātai Labour Day. An employer and employee may agree in writing that a public holiday is to be observed by the employee on another calendar day. If a public holiday falls on a weekend, and an employee does not normally work on the weekend, the holiday is transferred to the following Monday or Tuesday. If the holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday and the employee normally works on that day, then the holiday is observed on that day and the employee is entitled to that day off on pay. An employee can be required to work on a public holiday if its falls on a day that the employee may ordinarily have worked. If the employee is required to work on a public holiday the employee will be entitled to an alternative paid day off in lieu of the public holiday worked.

Sick Leave: Sick leave can be taken if the employee, employee’s spouse, or the person who depends on the employee for care, is sick or injured. The employee must notify the employer of their intention to take leave as soon as possible. An employee is entitled to a minimum of five days paid sick leave a year after the first 6 months’ continuous employment or if they have worked for the employer for an average of 10 hours per week or 40 hours in every month over a period of 6 months. An employer may request proof of sickness or injury, usually a medical certificate, if the employee takes leave for sickness or injury that lasts 3 or more consecutive calendar days.

Bereavement Leave: An employee is entitled to bereavement leave after the first 6 months of continuous employment or if they have worked for the employer at least an average of 10 hours per week. The employer must allow an employee to take 3 days bereavement leave for the death of an immediate family member or one days bereavement leave for other accepted bereavements.

Parental Leave: Parental leave is covered by the Parental Leave and Employment Protection Act 1987. An employee is entitled to parental leave if: • The employee or his or her partner is pregnant, or the person is adopting a child under 6 years old, AND • The employee will have been employed by the same employer for at least 6 or 12 months at the expected date of delivery or the date he or she assumes the care of a child he or she intends to adopt.

Employee Unpaid Leave: The employee and adoptive mother is entitled to unpaid leave of up to 14 weeks over the time her baby is due.

Employee Paid Leave: Employee can receive paid maternity leave if they have worked for the same employer for an average of at least 10 hours a week or 40 hours in every month, in the 6 or 12 months before the baby is expected or adopted.

Spouse: For a spouse or partner to get parental leave, he or she must meet the employment criteria above and be married, in a civil union or de facto relationship, including same-sex partners, with the mother or primary carer of an adopted child. The spouse or partner does not need to be the natural parent of the child. Spouse/ Partner Unpaid Leave: The spouse or partner of a pregnant woman or adoptive parent is entitled to unpaid leave of up to 2 week at the time of birth/adoption. For further information visit: http://www.dol.govt.nz/ er/ or call: 0800 20 90 20

Pipiwharauroa Page 4

'He Tangata HŪmarie - Hianga'

Pēpuere Te Marama Pēpuere te Ingoa

Ko Pep - tuarua mai i te taha māui, rārangi o waenganui

Ono tekau - Tamariki tonu ana

I whānau mai a Pepuere Maynard i te tuaono o Pepuere 1938 i Manutuke ki a Tūkāwhena rāua ko Herewini Whaiora Tautau. Tokowhitu mātou,ā ko au te pōtiki. Ko Houpara, ko Hiro, ko Paku, ko Emily (Mel), ko Jack, ko George, ā, ko au hoki. Ō te tokowhitu ko au anake kei te ora tonu. I taua tau 1948 ka pakaru mai te waipuke nui, ka hiki ngā whānau ō Pāhou ki te marae ō Whakatō. E rua wiki pea, rātou e noho ana i reira ka mimiti te waipuke ka hoki mai anō rātou ki Pāhou. I a rātou e noho ana i te huarahi ō Tuaraki, ko te pā tuatahi tū kē ai i raro atu o te pā hou, arā nā te waipuke ka hikina mai ki runga ana ko te Pāhou (new pā) tēnei. Ko te mahi nui rawa atu ko te whakatō kai i te whenua i muri atu i te marae ō Pāhou. E ai ki ana kōrero he reporepo taua whenua. E maumahara ana ia ki tana kuia, i mua o te whitinga mai o te rā, ka maranga, ka horoi i tana kanohi, ka haere ki waho. Tae atu ana ki waho ka karakia ka whakatō i ana tipu. Whataretare mai ana te rā, ka mutu te rūmaki, ka karakia whakawātea ka kuhu ki te whare kātahi anō ka inu tii ka kai hoki. Tō ana te rā kua puta anō te kuia ki waho, ka karakia ka tāūwhiwhi i ana tipu ka hoki anō ki roto i te whare. Ao ake ko taua āhua anō. Ko Atareta (Aunty Addie) te tuahine ō taku matua. He wahine pukumahi, kaha ki te whakatō kai. Ahakoa he kuia komekome engari he tohutohu i roto i ana kōrero. I tana pakeketanga ka tukuna ki te kura o Manuke. Tekau mā whā pea tana pakeke ka panaia i te kura he meke i tētahi o ngā māhita.I taua wā hoki ko tana reo tuatahi ko te reo Māori. Korekore ana ia i mōhio ki te kōrero pākehā. Mai i reira ka tonoa e

Ko Nanny Mutu te māmā o Pep

tana pāpā kia haere ki te taraiwa tarakihana hei utu i tana noho (pay his way) I muri mai ka miraka i ngā kau ā tana pāpā me te kohikohi hēki. I taua wā hoki tino nui ngā pīkaokao ā tana pāpā. E kore hoki e wareware i a ia te whāngai i ngā kararehe. Ko tētahi o ngā mahi a Pep he miraka kau mā tana pāpā. Ko ngā pātiki kau, he āhua pōharuharu engari waimarie kotahi tō rātou hoiho he rone (roan) hei tiki i ngā kau. I tētahi wā, i whakakaha tana matua ki te hanga huarahi mō te tarakihana kia whakawhiti ai ki te tiki i ngā kau engari auare ake. Ka pakeke haere ahau, ana, ko te wawata a tōku tipuna kia huri au hei minita mo te hāhi Mihinare. E pai ana ki ahau i taua wā. Ka huri ahau ki te akoako i ngā karakia, me ngā hīmene. Tino hōhōnu ana aku whakaaro i taua wā. Ko taku hara nui, i kite ahau i te wahine, makere katoa ngā whakaaro mō te tūnga minita. E hika, he tino mate tēra te mate wahine. Ka tūtaki ahau ki te māmā ō aku tamariki tokowhitu. I nā tata tonu nei ka mate taku wahine, torutoru marama i muri ka mate tētahi ō ā māua tama. Kua tangata kē. Inā tokoono aku tamariki kei te ora tonu, engari kei ngā wāhi katoa e noho haere ana.

Ko Tūkāwena Maynard te pāpā ō Pep

Ko tētahi ō aku matua kēkē, tino kaha ki te whai i te taha pākehā. Mahi ai ia mā te whakakotahitanga mahi (union). Tino kore a ia i whakaae kia haere ana tamariki ki ngā marae, ki ngā mahi Māori. Koirā te rerekētanga ō taku whānau. He pākehā ētahi he Māori ētahi, ahakoa rā he Māori katoa engari e kaha ana te whai a tētahi taha i ngā āhuatanga katoa ā te pākehā. Ki ōku whakaaro he Māori ahau. Ko au tēra. Ko ngā akoranga hoki a tōku matua i mau tonu i au arā mo te tuku hīnaki. Haria ai au ki te rori ō Karaua ki te tuku hīnaki. I reira ka whakaakona ahau ki te rorerore i te mīti kātahi ka wero ki te wāea ka puru atu ki roto i te hīnaki. Me whakarite te herenga ō te mīti ki i roto i te hīnaki kia tāwēwē kia piupiu ai, kāre e maunu mai

Ko Pep me te Minita

Ko Harawira te mokopuna tuatahi a Pep

Ko George te tuakana o Pep

Pipiwharauroa 'He Tangata HŪmarie - Hianga'

Toko Riki, Lewis Moeau me Pep

Ko Nigel, kei Iraki me tana hoa

Page 5

Pep rāua ko Mariata

Ko Wenerei - te mātāmua, kua mate

ka kūmea ana e te tuna. Ā, moata tonu i te ata, ka haere ki te tango mai i te hīnaki i te wai kātahi ka hoki ki te kāinga ki te tango i ngā para, ka whakairi. Maroke ana, kātahi anō ka pāwhera, ka totetote, ka whakairi anō kia maroke anō kātahi ka tuku ai mā te auahi e tunu. Ko ētahi hei parai, ko ētahi ka tohaina ki te whānau. Koinei ngā mahi pai ki au, ko te mahi kai, ā, kia mōhio hoki ki te tunu, kia reka ai te kai. Kāre hoki i tino whakapau tāima ki te hii ika engari i te wā i haere ia, pārekareka ana ki a ia. Ehara ko te mau mai ō te ika engari ko te waru i ngā ūnahi me te poka te mahi pai ki a ia kātahi ka tunu, ka kai mmmm. Mahi kutikuti. I haere au i te taha ō Eru rāua ko Paku kutikuti haere ai i konei engari ka haere te wā ka heke ahau ki Heretaunga i te taha ō Dawson Jones. I taua wā ko ia tētahi ō ngā kānataraki (contractor) rongonui. Ka mahi mō te mate tonu atu, ka whiwhi moni, ka hoko motuka , ka piki ki Tāmaki Makaurau, ka mahi ki reira mō te wā, ka mutu, ka haere he taone kē. Koira taku ao ki taua wā. He maha ngā mahi i mahia e au. Ahakoa he aha te mahi ka mahia hei hoko hinu mō tō mātou motuka, ka ki wāhi kē. Ki te kitea he mahi ki reira, ka mahi mātou mō te rua wiki pea, kātahi ka neke anō. I ētahi wā, tino uaua ngā mahi engari ka kō tonu kia tutuki. I ētahi wā, e pai tonu ana te haere ō te mahi, ā kua mutu. Ko te mahi i kaingakautia e ahau ko te mahi taiepa. Āe, koira te mahi tino hiahia rawa atu ki te mōhio me pēhea ngā piki me ngā heke o te whakatū taiepa. He toki taku tuakana a Jack ki te mahi taiepa, engari ko ngā mahi hōmai e ia kia mahia e au arā ko te tangotango tēpara, ko te rōra waea me te tāke pōhi. Engari, i taua wā he āhua whakaputa mōhio ahau ā ki ōku whakaaro ehara ko ēra ngā mahi e tika ana māku. Ki au, e tika ana me tīmata kē mai

Ko Wenerei Babbington te tipuna ō Pep

ahau i te hanga taiepa. Ko te mahi pai ki ahau, arā ko te titiro ki te hora ō te whenua, ngā piki, ngā heke, ngā kokikoki arā atu arā atu. Kāre ahau i pīrangi hei tonotono ahau māna, ka rīriri māua, ka hīkoi ahau. Tino whakatakariri ahau ki taku tuakana, mutu tonu atu taku mahi māna. Ki ōku whakaaro, nā tōku hīkaka, kāre au i tatari, kāre aku taringa i whakarongo, ka kore i tutuki taku ako ki te mahi i kaingākaunuitia e au, arā, te hanga taiepa. Mēna pea i manawanui ahau ki te ata whakaaro, ki te āta whakarongo ka noho rongonui ahau mō te hanga taiepa. Koira toku āhua, he whakaputa mōhio . Me te aha kāre i tutuki taku wawata. Ūpoko māro. Koinei tana kōrero mōna anō, ūpoko maro, koira tana mate me tana kata ki a ia anō. E maumahara ana ahau ki te wā huihui mātou ko te whānau. He wā tino pai rawa atu ki ahau ēnei tāima. He whānau whakatangitangi taku whānau. Ka waiata, ka whakatangitangi i ngā momo kitā, piana. He wā whakangahau. Ko te nuinga ō mātou i ako noa mā te whakarongo, mā te mātaki hoki i tētahi e purei kātahi ka kape. Pārekareka ana. Kāre e whawhai, kāre e rīriri ka inu, ka waiata, ka haurangi ka moe. Kāre he ritenga o ēnei wā ki ēra wā. Tino pai ki ahau te hākinakina. Pēra anō hoki ngā kanikani i tēna, i tēna marae o te rohe. I muri i au e whakaakoako mai ana tana hoa wahine, “ He was a beautiful dancer”. Ahakoa kāre te kūmara e kōrero mō tōna anō reka, i tīmata ia ki te kōrero mō tēra taha ōna. Āhua roa tonu ia e whai haere ana i ngā kanikani whakataetae ō aua wā. Pai rawa atu ki a ia tēra tūmomo kanikani, arā te ‘Ballroom dancing” I haere ia ki Wairoa, ki Rotorua, ki Tāmaki Makaurau. E pai ana i taua wā, te mau kākahu ātaahua, hū piata, te whakapaipai i tō āhua, koira katoa ngā mahi pai ki ahau, ko te tū, ko te whakatautau me te āhua.

Paku te tuahine ō Pep

Ka noho tonu ēra whakaakoranga hei whakaatu i tō momo mate noa koe. I au ka pakeke haere ka noho tonu tēra āhua hei ārahi i au, te kore e whakahīhī, e takahi i te tangata, te kore e kanga mō te mate tonu atu, te kore e hāparangi arā atu. Ko te arohanui ki te hunga ō tōku reanga. Ko aku hoa inuinu, aku hoa piripono ki taku manawa- “Mai i te White House ki te Bridge”. He hokinga whakaaro tēnei ki ahau, aku hoa katoa. Kua matemate katoa te nuinga. Engari ko ētahi kei kōnei tonu e nohonoho haere ana. Ko tēnei te mihinui ki a koutou. On 13th & 14th November 2013 At Tūranga Ararau cnr Kahutia & Bright Streets, Gisborne Barry Brailsford, a visiting speaker from Te Wai Pounamu, talks about the first arrivals to Aotearoa on Wednesday 13th November 6:30pm ‘Exploring Where the Old Tides Meet’ . When did the first waka reach these shores? Our history books say 800 years ago but is that so? Some elders speak of ancient waka that arrived long before. Some scientists now agree and share new evidence for all to see. Barry’s talk on Thursday 14th November 6:30pm is about ‘Awakening the Fires of Remembrance’ We are far more than we see. We are the sum of all that’s ever been of our line… we are the ancestors. We have ancient families that still play a part in our lives. We are deeply affected by the rhythms of cosmic tides and uplifted by the power of place. We are stars in a remarkable story. Admission: $10 Tickets available from Marg Ph; 862 9450 or 027 722 9144. (or door sales on the night.)

Pipiwharauroa 'Kōrero With My Kuia'

Page 6


“Okay Nan, start telling me about all the things you got up to at high school, remember last time we talked about primary school.” “I don’t feel like talking about school days tonight Moko especially with that full moon up there, it reminds me of when I first met your Koroua,” was her response. “Is this going to be a love story Māori style, because I don’t know if I’m in the mood for that sort of romance?” I replied. “Not really Moko, just to let you know how things were in my time. You know it wasn’t just like girl meets boy, fall in love, get engaged, get married, end of story. There are a lot of little intricacies that have to be taken care of when we got into relationships and you need to know all about these so that you can be the most sought after, romantic man in Gisborne.” “I don’t know that I want that label Nan.” “Oh rubbish, I don’t know of any man who wouldn’t want to be like that. Now let’s get back to my yarn. I met your Koroua at a dance which was held in Tamatekapua meeting house at Ohinemutu. Yes, you may well raise your eyebrows Moko, but the locals allowed the use of their famous wharenui for dancing twice a week on Fridays and Saturdays. This helped with fundraising for the beautiful dining room and complex they have today. The band was an all Māori one and I knew two or three of the band players. Angus Douglas was one of the singers and when he sang you could dance to his sound all night. The floor was crowded with dancers and we always had a great time there. Anyway that’s where I met your Koroua, he and a friend had come to Rotorua with his Dad. I can’t quite remember why they came but they somehow found ‘Tama’ as it was called then. Anyway Moko, we’re on the dance floor and our four eyes meet, his two and mine, and next thing I know we are dancing together and that’s where it all started from. I haven’t a clue what happened to our other dance partners.” “You mean he picked you up on a first dance Nan, that’s pretty fast even for your time.” “No, no Moko, it wasn’t a ‘pickup’ job, we didn’t look at it like that. All we did was make contact and then I didn’t see him again for some weeks. I had no idea where he lived in Rotorua or what he did for a job but there was a certain something about him that I liked. It reminded me of that song ‘Throw me a kiss from across the room …” “Oh no, here we go, I can hear the violins playing Māori style.” “No Moko just listen, you might just learn something. You know Moko, it must have been written in the stars because about three to four weeks after our first contact, my girlfriend and I went to the pictures

at the Majestic theatre which was known in those days as the ‘flea pit’ and it had double seats that you could cuddle up on. It was a Friday night and, back then, you had girlfriends and boyfriends. That’s all they were, just friends.

"Anyway, back to the movies. We were sitting in a row towards the back of the theatre. The movie starred Debbie Reynolds and Pat Boone and he was singing ‘Writing love letters in the sand.’ It was so romantic for those who were in love and able to be together. Anyway, part way through this love song, these two noisy guys got shown to our row of seats. The first two seats were empty and we were seated in the next two. My girlfriend and I nudged each other whispering about how we would have to sit next to these two hooligans. Well, lo and behold, if it wasn’t your Koroua and his friend. He and I got into conversation straight away while our friends just glared at us and watched the movie.” “That was a coincidence, a Nan?” “I don’t know Moko, of all the seats for them to be shown to by the usherette and for me to be sitting there sounds like fate had a hand somewhere along the line. Anyway our conversation, which was ever so casual and non committal, went something like this. Him: “Fancy meeting you here.” Like we hadn’t missed each other. Me: “Yeah, what have you been doing?” This and that. Him: “I tried to ring you once but you were out.” Me: “I go out a lot.” Not even because we lived a long way out of town and I hated walking. Him: “Where are you staying?” As if it was just around the corner. Me: “My friend and I have a flat together.” We actually only rented one double bedroom and shared the other facilities. Him: “Who do you work for?” So and so. Me: “Where do you work?” Just here and there. Me: “Are you back for the weekend?” Obviously. Him: “How are you going home tonight?” Why, have you got a car? “It was anything but romantic and we had our two friends sitting on either side glaring at us for ignoring them. Anyway, after the movies we made tentative arrangements to contact each other by phone.

“Was it at the altar?”

“Now don’t get smart, there’s quite a bit more to this yarn.” “I don’t know if I have the time Nan as I’m going to meet up with someone I met last night.” “What, last night and already you’re going out with her, must be a tramp!” “What’s a tramp Nan?” “Look, let’s not get off the beaten track I want to tell you about all the important details you should know about women.” “Look Nan you and my Koroua finally get together, you get engaged and then you got married and had two kids and that’s it.” “Moko, fancy putting my whole life in one short paragraph like that. Firstly, before we got engaged there were heaps of lovers’ quarrels and making up was the fun part like kissing and hugging and not those kisses you see on TV now with mouths wide open and tongues so long it’s a wonder they don’t strangle their tonsils! “Then there were visits to camp fires on the beach and watching the moon go down, I mean the sun, and the stars come out with romantic music being played. When we got engaged Moko, now this is the most romantic bit, I bet no one else has experienced what I did. Well, your Koroua said to me, ‘now look I don’t have enough money for a ring but I will sell my rifle and together with what I have we will buy one.’ “How romantic and selfless was that Moko! I didn’t give it a second thought before agreeing to his wonderful idea. He got 300 Pounds for his treasured rifle which is about $600.” “I always thought a ‘shot gun job’ had some other dark, mysterious meaning Nan!” “Look, will you stop getting off track and just listen. Now when it came time to choosing a ring I kept thinking to myself, I hope he’s got enough money for this as I’d be ever so embarrassed if I had to put it back. Anyway I came out of that little jewellery shop beaming with my engagement ring. At that time engaged girls seemed to be the envy of all ‘single’ girls because you knew you were going to be married some day. It was all such a big hooha event.” “I can hear a car outside Nan, my friend has come to pick me up.”

So far the full sum of our being together since meeting was four dances at Tamatekapua four weeks previous and one and a half hours at the movies. This just wasn’t moving fast enough for either of us.”

“What! Women pick men up now, see that’s the difference Moko, no romance, that’s why I want you to hear how it used to be and bring back the mystery and romance of it all.”

“Well how fast did you want it to go Nan?”

“Tell me later Nan, you’re not going anywhere, but I am.”

“Well not like what we see on TV today, one night stands and all that, we just wanted to spend time together talking and get to know each other, that’s how it was done. Two weeks later I got a phone call but would you believe it, I wasn’t at home and the dumb person who took the message didn’t think to ask for a number for me to ring back. In fact they didn’t even bother to ask the caller where he would like to meet me or suggest he ring back shortly as I was bound not to be too long.”

Well readers I’m going to have the last say here. I don’t think this story line is going anywhere with my Moko so we’ll forget about the ‘to be continued next month’ bit and maybe go back to education. What do you reckon? Nā Nan

“Gee that’s a big ask Nan, no one else would be interested enough to ask all those questions.” “Well they should have been because everyone saw how I had been mooning about the place for ages.” “What’s mooning Nan?”

Fate was made one night at Tamatekapua meeting house at Ohinemutu

Photo from website: teara.govt.nz

“Acting like lovesick and all that. You know moko I can’t remember when we did meet again after all this.”

Another old favourite of Pat Boone’s “Just married this morning ...”



Pipiwharauroa 'Ngai Tāmanuhiri'

The Alan Wilson Centre and Ngai Tāmanuhiri have been hosting a series of community lectures over a six month period focused on Research Science and Technology relative to our region Te Tairāwhiti. The 2nd Lecture on Water Quality was presented by Professor Nigel French (above).


Page 7

During the October holidays the Muriwai Young Leaders Programme climbed to the top of Te Kuri!

Upcoming Events: Hura Kohatu - Hurae Dodo Tayloy

11am, Whakorekoretekai Urupa, 2nd November

Pakowhai me Maraetaha General Meetings


Muriwai School, 2nd November

Tutu Poroporo Trust and Ngai Tāmanuhiri Whanui Trust Hui ā Tau 10 am, 14 December 2014, Muriwai Marae

Bronson Maurirere showing examples of graffiti writing on the final day at the Holiday Programme.

Also at the Holiday Programme were lots of games and activities to do. Here the leaders are playing against the younger kids in a finals match of Connect-4.

During Holiday Programme the kitchen renovations carried on. Haven't heard from us recently?

The Muriwai office is in the process of moving locations. Here Temple Isaacs is about to start blessing our new office.

The quick removal of the nursery at the Muriwai office

If you haven't recieved panuis recently (either posted or emailed) we may not have your correct information or you may not be registered. We've been working and progressing on updating and confirming our registered iwi & friends of the iwi. If we hven't reached you yet, please take a moment and go to http://www.tamanuhiri.iwi.nz/ registrations/ and fill out the appropriate form. (If you already are registered, this will only update your details) Kia ora!

Ko Te Kōhanga Reo ō ngā uri whakakeke o te rohe.


'Te Rā Hākinakina - TKR'



Page 8

Te Hauora ō Tūranganui ā Kiwa

Mauri Ora Mokopuna Mā! Ko te reo kia tika! Ko te reo kia rere! Ko te reo kia Māori! I te wiki kua mahue ake, i paaho te reo ō Māhaki ki ngā Kōhanga Reo puta noa i te Tairāwhiti whānui mai i Wharekahika huri noa kia whakaeke mai ki te Papa Whakangahau ō Tūranganui kia huihui tahi ki te waiata, ki te kanikani, ki te mahi i ngā mahi ā Rēhia. Kapi katoa ngā tahataha o ngā pari i te rau neke atu o te mahi a te tangata. Ahakoa ngā kūrakuraku o te wā, e kore e tukua aua raru hai whakapōrearea i ngā whakahaere o te kaupapa. I konei, ka kitea te pono o ngā whānau ō tēnei rohe ki te kaupapa o Te Kōhanga Reo, arā ko te reo. Ko te reo kia tika, ko reo kia rere, ko te reo kia Māori. Nō tēnei rā ka rangonahia te pākaha o te reo e akongia ana i roto i ō rātou kōhanga. E ono ngā purapura whakahaere o tēnei rohe, mai i Wharekahika ki Te Aitanga ā Māhaki, ā i whakatakotoria ngā whakaritenga mā ia rohe hai kawe mō te painga o te mokopuna. Koinei te kaupapa i tau mai ki te aroaro o Māhaki ko te whakahaere rā whakangahau, ana me te aha, i kitea e te marea te kaha tautoko ā ngā whānau i te kaupapa. He rangi whakakotahi, he rangi whakawhanaungatanga. Ehara ko ngā Kōhanga anake i whakatū waewae, engari i puta mai ō rātou tūākana mai i ngā kura o Tūranganui me Hauiti. I tū rātou ki te whakangahau, ki te pārekareka, ki te whakaharikoa i te minenga i whakarauika. I whakamihia hoki Ngā Taiohi ā Hauiti, mō tō rātou haerenga mai ki te whakangahau. Nā tēnei huihuinga ka kitea, kei te ora tonu te whakaaronui i roto i tēna, i tēna mō te kaupapa o te Kōhanga Reo. Nā te aha, ko ngā mahi papai katoa i

He kohikohinga kōhanga - Waihirere, Pāhou, Rongowhakaata

kitea. Ei, kei te ora rawa atu te reo i tēnei moka o te whenua. I reira ngā pouā, ngā kuia, koroua, kōka, e whakanui ana i a rātou mokopuna me te kaupapa o Te Kōhanga Reo. Kei te mihi ki te katoa ō ngā roopu i haere mai ki te tautoko, ki te āwhina. Tēna koutou katoa. Kei te mihi hoki ki ngā toa hokomaha i tuku koha mai mā ngā mokopuna. Me huri ngā mihi ki a Louise Kingi me rātou i āwhina kia noho whakamaumahara tēnei rā ki te kaha, ki te pono ō ngā whānau ō Te Tairāwhiti ki te kaupapa ō Te Kōhanga Reo.

Ngā whānau tautoko

Kia kaha Tūranganui, hoea te waka kia ū ki uta! Kōrerotia te reo i ngā wā katoa! On behalf of Te Kōhanga Reo movement of Te Tairāwhiti, they would like to thank the Police, the Fire Department, the business of Gisborne for spending time and giving donations to make this a memorable and successful occasion for our children.

Photos courtesy of Shaan Te Kani Ko Te Kōhanga Reo ō Ngai Tāmanuhiri

Ko te kōhanga reo ō Te Pārekereke ō Te Reo

Pipiwharauroa ''Show Day - He Tūnga Rangatira!'

He wahine matatau!

He tipua, he taniwhā - Kei whea ngā māhanga?

Page 9

Whānau Day!

He Taniwhā anō ko wai te kōtiro ātaahua?

New Manager for Rongowhakaata Trust I was born to wonderful parents, Ihimaea and Paku (Maude) Brown and raised on a farm inland from the small rural village of Matawai. I started my schooling at Matawai and then went onto Gisborne Boys High school. After leaving school I worked in the Department of Māori Affairs in Gisborne before moving to Waikato in the late 1970s as part of my career journey where I spent a lot of my working life in different jobs with different organisations.

Ko wai kei runga i te tereina?

Ko Puketapu te maunga Ko Te Ārai te awa Ko Horouta te waka Ko Rongowhakaata, Te Aitanga ā Māhaki me Ngāi Tāmanuhiri ōku iwi Ko Ngāti Maru tōku hapū Ko Whakatō tōku marae Ko Ihimaea me Paku Jane Brown ōku mātua Ko George Brown taku ingoa

I returned to Gisborne in 1983 then left to work in Christchurch in 1989. In 1994 I moved back to the Waikato and worked for almost 15 years in the tertiary education sector. I have worked mainly in the Government sector and having the good fortune of working and focusing on the needs of Māori. My areas of knowledge and expertise are in tertiary and compulsory education. I returned to Gisborne in 2008 as manager of Tairāwhiti REAP and I am now employed as the Manager of Rongowhakaata Iwi Trust. I feel both humble and proud to be given the opportunity to work with and for my Iwi and all those whānau affiliated to Rongowhakaata. I am looking forward to the rewards and challenges ahead.



Pipiwharauroa 'Ngarimu V.C.'


Back L to R: Te Ururoa Flavell MP, Minister of Maori Affairs Hon. Dr Pita Sharples, Keita Walker, Bishop Brown Turei (C Coy, 28 MB), Professor Graham Smith, Sir Wira Gardiner (Vietnam Vet), Selwyn Parata, Matt Te Pou (Vietnam vet). Front: Te Puhi Patara (B Coy, 28 MB), Ben Hook (D Coy, 28 MB), Hinga Smith (C Coy, 28 MB), Noel Raihania (C Coy, 28 MB), Bob Gillies (B Coy, 28 MB), Ripeka (Peggy) Heeney. Keita and Peggy are Ngarimu's sisters.

Last month, on Sunday 6 October, the 70th Anniversary of the Ngarimu VC Investiture Hui was held at Whakarua Park, Ruatoria. It was part of the annual Sir Apirana Ngata Memorial Lectures, sponsored and run by Te Rūnanganui o Ngāti Porou. Over 200 people turned up, including six surviving members of the 28th Māori Battalion. Guest speakers included Noel Raihania, who spoke about the original hui which he attended before he went overseas on active service, Minister of Māori Affairs the Honourable Pita Sharples and myself. Minister Sharples delivered a paper on behalf of the Minister of Education, the Honourable Hekia Parata, who was overseas at the time. This included an announcement that an alumni association was being established for past recipients of the Ngarimu VC & 28th Māori Battalion Scholarships and that the scholarships board was supporting the compilation of Māori Battalion company histories to the tune of $200,000. Event organizer, Herewini Parata asked me to give the context for the 1943 hui in my presentation. This I did ending with an excerpt from an essay that was quoted in the book Nga Tama Toa. The audience was so moved by the excerpt I felt the full essay ought to be available to readers. It was written by Hussein, sometimes written Husayn, Rawlings and won the Katherine Mansfield Memoir Award in 2003 - New Zealand’s premier Short Story competition.

The Honourable Dr Pita Sharples

I recently contacted Hussein who is now manager of the Invercargill Airport to learn a little more about how he came to write the essay. Hussein went to school at Makarika then Ngata College and was about nine years old when he visited Maraea Ngarimu. In the story there is a reference to Hussein’s father, Rewi. His real name was Percy and he managed Makarika Station. Hussein’s mother was Margaret, a teacher who, in retirement in Gisborne, taught whakapapa to pupils at Gisborne Girls High. She was asked to do that for a class of troublesome or unruly girls, to help them create a sense of identity and connection with valued ancestors but ended up in teaching quite a few others as well.

Monty and his warriors

Hussein said, “We ourselves do not have any Māori whakapapa, but in the story I identify myself as Ngāti Porou “… hero of my own time, of my own people” because that was how we felt ourselves to be, taking part in the life of the community, and it is how we felt. We were not separate like some Pākehā. My sisters, who later had lead roles in musical stage shows, were back then regarded as very good at waiata and poi.” Nā manu tioriori, ketekete

Nolan Raihania addressing the hui

Photos are courtesy of Nori Parata

Hussein also told me that there are a couple of inaccuracies in the essay which he put in “to help provide a fuller ‘feel’ of the culture for foreign readers as he had a USA Publisher interested at the time. They are: • There was no tukutuku panel in Mrs Ngarimu’s house. This was added to give more atmosphere. • Likewise the detail about the poutama pattern which fascinated him as a child, and is used to convey something of the complexity and sacredness of some of the cultural aspects in weaving, etc.” Amsterdam in the story is Pera Reedy’s son and Egypt is Paki Johnson’s daughter. Both families lived in the Makarika Valley. So, here follows the essay (on page 11).

Nā manu tautoko

Kia ora Monty Soutar

Pipiwharauroa 'Ngarimu V.C.'

The Old Kuia with the VC

A few miles south of Ruatōria the gravel road leaves the flats and winds slowly back and forth to the top of a hill. From here one sees Mt Hikurangi, spiritual presence over the East Coast, presiding over an expansive natural basin which leads to Ruatoria on the opposite side. We lived nine miles south of Ruatōria, and whenever we went ‘into town,’ as country people say, we climbed the winding gravel road up this hill. To me, then about nine years old, this hill was special because on it we passed the house where Moana Ngarimu had grown up. The Ngarimu home was set back off the road where it was only partly visible up a long tree lined driveway. As one continued past, following the main road down the other side, the house was more fully visible from below. One could look back and see it watching over the township three miles beyond it, holding constant vigil from its secluded setting, its restrained solitude enhanced by the variety of native and fruit trees surrounding it. Moana Ngarimu was one of many young men from the district who had enlisted with the Māori Battalion to fight in the Second World War. Like many from this area he never returned. Tales of the bravery and battles of these men were oftentimes recalled, and when not openly spoken of were still present in the names of the locals. I knew people called Amsterdam and Egypt who had been born while their fathers were in those places, and others called Major and Sergeant, born around the time their fathers received these promotions. But in the Ngarimu family there were no such names. There was now just the one person living in the house, his mother. All the children in the district knew of this old lady, and her special memento of the war. It was a very rare, very valuable souvenir one that was imbued with such honor, so it was said, that only a King or Queen could bestow it. It was a medal, rarely given, called the Victoria Cross.

on the East Coast, except . . . except when visiting the Elders.

In those times, when one visited the Elders, the visit began when one set out, and the process of quiet decorum on the journey was somehow perceived as part of the visit. So I set out following the road. It was a still hot day as only the East Coast can provide, and because the roads were unsealed the occasional vehicle that passed caused the dust to fly into the air, billowing in the after-draught, then hang suspended, slowly fading until it finally settled. Fortunately there was little traffic for it was above an hour’s ride - a long time to ‘chew dust.’ My horse flattened his ears and turned his head from the road, sometimes shaking it and snorting in discomfort whenever a car sent dust billowing, but I wasn’t bothered by it. For me there existed only the expectancy and excitement that finally, today, this very day, I would see Ngarimu’s VC - that tangible emblem of his bravery and heroic action, made yet more precious and even ‘holy’ by having been earned at the cost of his life. When I arrived I tied my horse inside the gate, then walked the long driveway to the house. The trees, which I had seen so often from the road, were much bigger and more fully branched than appeared when driving past, and filled with bird noise competing with the sound of cicadas. At the house I knocked and waited. For a long time I heard no movement, then suddenly the door opened. An old lady in black, standing very erect, with fine boned features and white hair tied neatly to the back of her head, peered at me with uncomprehending eyes. “Yes what do you want?” she said in one unbroken sentence. “Mrs Ngarimu,” I replied in my best manners, “I’ve come to ask if I can see the Victoria Cross.” There was a long pause as she studied me. “Who are you?”

When I was young I fed off the tales of heroic adventures and conquering warriors. Stories from the Knights of King Arthur, the trials of Ulysses and other classical heroes, and tales of great Māori leaders such as Te Rauparaha, a chief who successfully and against all odds, established one of the great tribal fiefdoms of pre-European New Zealand. All these people belonged to a distant past. But here - right here on the way to Ruatōria - was the home of a hero of my own time, of my own people. I decided to visit the home of Mrs Ngarimu, the ‘Old Kuia’ as she was respectfully known, or as we kids used to say, wideeyed and nodding knowingly to each other, “the Old Kuia with the VC.” I would visit her and ask to see the Victoria Cross.

I stammered out my name, embarrassed at having left her to make that enquiry, but it did not seem to register with her, so using the local custom I mentioned my father’s name. “Oh, You’re Rewi’s boy,” she said suddenly being able to place me, and using not the name I had given for my father but the name local Māori had given him shortly after he arrived on the East Coast as a 17-year-old fresh from his native land. There were even less pākehā on the East Coast then, and my father having come into its heartland was given that name.

Weeks passed, and I did nothing about it, each day busied by school or friends, or chores of country living. Then one weekend when at a loss for something to do it suddenly occurred to me that today would be a good day to see the VC. I caught my horse and set out. The shortest route was across country, but this meant crossing The Mata, a river that claimed a victim every year and had not yet satisfied this year’s quota. It was summer, so the river was very low and quite safe, yet it was unthinkable that I appear to tempt fate by crossing this river when going to visit the ‘Old Kuia.’

“Who brought you here?” She walked past me, looking down the drive.

We kids were free to gallop about and yell like cowboys, scattering livestock in the paddocks. We could cull excess fruit from poorly fenced and unwatched orchards, and generally behave at the wide boundaries of tolerance granted to country kids

“Would you like a drink of water?” she called in recognition of the heat outside and the distance I had come.

“Yes” I replied, relieved that she had made some connection with me, and more hopeful now that I might achieve my goal.

“I came by horse.” “So I see. Come in,” she said, turning and walking slowly into the house. The inside of the house was dark and I found it difficult to see after the bright sunlight outside. “Sit here,” she said seating me at a table neatly covered with a lace cloth, while she went into an adjoining room.

“No, thank you.” I was thirsty, but too shy.

Page 11

While I waited my eyes adjusted to the relative darkness inside, and I could see various photos and family mementos arranged on surfaces around the room. Although it was a normal house some of the walls were lined with tukutuku panels, of dyed flax woven into various designs. I recognized the poutama pattern on one of the panels, a design so special and difficult that very few people would weave it because to make a mistake in the weaving of it was to court death. To have this design in her own house showed she was a person of standing, in addition to the mana derived from her son. On a ledge to my right, set in pride of place amongst other family members was a large framed photo of Moana Ngarimu, from the waist up and wearing his army uniform. She returned and sat at the end of the table on my left, facing the portrait of Moana, and set before me a small box, taking the lid off so that its content was displayed. There before me was the Victoria Cross. I sat looking at it for some time, then asked if I might take it from the box. She lifted it out and handed it to me. I examined it closely, struck by its plainness and simplicity. It was in the form of what I now know to be a Maltese Cross, made from bronze, (one of the least valuable of metals, providing an eloquent contrast with the fact that it is the Commonwealth’s highest military award for bravery). But at that time all I was aware of was that I held a Victoria Cross in my hand! Not just a Victoria Cross, but the Victoria Cross of Moana Ngarimu, first Maori to earn such an Honor. I sat at Mrs Ngarimu’s table inspecting the medal in reverential silence. On the front of it was engraved the words “For Valor,” set around the bottom of a coat of arms. On the back of it was inscribed his full name, Moananui A Kiwa Ngarimu, and the date of the action for which the medal was awarded. The medal hung from a short purple ribbon, bordered at each end by a strip of bronze metal. After I had been looking at it for some time, and sensing the great courtesy granted to me that I could actually handle the medal, I replaced it in its box, lined with purple velvet. I didn’t really know what to say, being shy and respectful, but felt that something needed to be said to acknowledge her son’s bravery and sacrifice. As I returned the box and medal to her hands I said, “You must be very proud of this Victoria Cross.” She smiled, and said very quietly and kindly, “Oh, no. I would much rather have my son.” And she raised her eyes to look lovingly at the photo of Moana. I lifted my head and looked with her at the photo of this handsome young man, so poised and confident in his pose, so steady and assured in his gaze, looking past us into the unspoken promise of the fullness of life. In those few seconds my world was shaken so gently, and so profoundly. After a while she turned and smiled at me again, but I, still reeling in the face of this simple expression of love and loss, could now think only of leaving. The ride home was long, the day had become even hotter, and the dust lingered for ages whenever a vehicle passed by. As soon as it settled enough for my horse to breathe more freely I galloped on, hurrying home, only slowing to a walk for each infrequent vehicle. I had no thoughts then about my visit - only a troubling sense of disquiet that possessed me. And the gentle, kindly spoken words, following softly behind me, “Oh no. I would much rather have my son.”


'Nga Tama Toa'


Pipiwharauroa Page 12

ko B Kamupene te tuki tuatahi. Ko ta C Kamupene mahi, he noho mai ki muri ki te manaaki i nga rua a te Battalion.

Ko tēnei kōrero e pā ana ki te pukapuka rongonui nei, ara Ngā Tama Toa: The Price of Citizenship. Kei te whakamāoritia ngā kōrero, ā, ko Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Porou kei te whakahaere i te kaupapa nei, i raro anō o te mana i tukua mai e ngā mōrehu o C Company o Ngā Taonga a Ngā Tama Toa Trust. Nā Wiremu and Jossie Kaa i whakamāori tēnei wāhanga. He wa wetiweti tēnei. I tētahi wa ka kotiti kē a Harold Kirk rāua ko Tau Rewharewha i to rāua Rōpū Tirotiro. I huna rāua i roto i tētahi waka taua (tank) kua wera. Ahakoa to rāua wera me to rāua matewai, ka tino nohopuku rāua i te tūnga mai o ētahi hoariri 16 Tiamana i waho tonu atu i to rāua waka taua. ‘E tama, wiriwiri.’ Engari i waimarie no te wehenga atu o te hoariri, ka hoki rāua ki to 18 ratou topuni i roto i te pouri. Ko nga Hoia Tāpiri, i hono mai i roto i te wha wiki ki muri, kua āhua taunga kē ki nga mahi tukituki matā mai a te hoariri. Kua āhua pai ratou ki te hopu atu mehemea kei te wetiweti tonu te karawhiu a te matā. Na to rāua rikarika ka whakawarea nga mahara tūpato. No te 18 o Akuhata, ka mau a Wiremu (Bill) Pahuru o Wharekahika, i a ia i waho o tana rua e haere ana ki te kite i tana hoa i a Frank Brooking o 14 Platoon. Kātahi ka whakarukea mai e te matā a te hoariri. I pakū mai ki tua atu i a ia. ‘Kaore noa au i rongo i tōku taotūtanga. I rongo kē au he wera haere i roto i au, ne. E ta, next minute torohī mai ana te toto, right here[upper chest] ... Na te werotanga i tōku finger ki roto i te puare, ka mutu te puta mai. Na, ka puta kē mai i te waha ... ka timata taku raoa haere. Ka kūmea toku finger ki waho. Ka mea mai tōna pona ki taku puku kia puta mai nga toto. Torotī ana nga toto ki runga i tōna kanohi.’ I kahakina a Pahuru ki te RAP. Kore rawa a ia i kite i a Brooking a tae rawa mai rāua ki te Tairawhiti. I te wiki whakamutunga o Akuhata, i pōnānā te hokinga mai o Freyberg ki te mura o te ahi ki te whakahaere i te New Zealand Division. I whai atu a ia kia whakatikangia te New Zealand Division, nga pū mīhini, me nga mīhini whawhai katoa. I tono atu a ia ki te Kāwanatanga o Aotearoa ki te whakatū he Brigade pū mīhini me nga waka taua, mo nga hoia o Aotearoa. Na nga whaakaro mo te tiaki i te wa kainga, i roto i te Moana nui a Kiwa, i tahuri nga whakaaro kia tū ko tētahi o nga Infantry Brigade mo roto i te Armoured Brigade. Na Freyberg tonu i whakarite kia tū ko te 4 Brigade mo tēnei rōpū i a ratou e whakatikatika ana i a ratou i Maadi. Na nga mohiotanga i whāki (ULTRA intelligence) kei te takiwa o te tonga nga hoia o Niu Tireni e whanga ana. Hei reira hoki ka timata te tuki mai a Rommel. Ko tana tukinga ka whati mai i te marama kī – i te 26 o Akuhata. E rua ra i mua atu ka inoi a Freyberg ki a Kippenberger kia tahuri a ia ki te tuki. E rua wiki kua hipa, kāre anō tētahi hoia kia mauherehere. Mehemea ka waimarie tēnei tukinga, tērā e puta ko wēhea o nga hoariri i rāwāhi o nga Kiwi. I whakaae a Kippenberger kia tonohia nga hoia ki roto ki te Whārua o El Mreir. I whakaae a Freyberg ka tae atu te 104 o nga field guns hei tautoko. Kātahi ka timata te whakatakoto he kaupapa mo tēnei pakanga. I whakataungia kia riro ma te Maori Battalion e timata te pakanga. 1 Na Baker i whakarite ma A rāua

Kātahi anō ka riro ma Kippenberger e whakahaere te Maori Battalion. Kāre te Brigadier i whakaae kia patupatungia nga Itariana katoa o taua whenua e te Artillery me nga Maori. Ka takoto tana korero ki nga Āpiha Maori, ko tana hiahia nui, kia riro mai ko nga mauhere tuatahi i mua i te tūpāpaku. E wha haora o te po o te 25th, ka karawhiua te hoariri e nga Royal Air Force Bombers. (R.A.F.) Ka whai atu hoki i muri mai, ko nga pū mīhini a te Battalion. I te rua karaka i te ata ka neke atu te Brigadier ki mua ki te mihi ki nga hoia Maori i mua i ta ratou tukinga whakamua. I inoitia atu kia korero a Kippenberger: 'He poto taku korero. I kī atu ahau, ehia nga pū kei te tautoko – ka ngunguru mai te whakaae – ka ora taku ngakau notemea ka tutuki pai tēnei tukinga. Ka mihi atu ahau ki a ratou me taku kī atu: “Te rongonui o to iwi me te hōnore o te Battalion kei roto i o koutou ringa i tēnei po.” ' Kāre i pau te waru mineti ka tae atu nga Kamupene e rua ki te takiwa 150 iari te tawhiti mai ki nga waea taiapa o nga hoariri. Pango katoa te whenua i te mahi a nga poma (bombs) a te Artillery i runga i te tapa o te whārua. Ka neke whakamua atu nga sappers ki te whakawātea i nga taiapa, ko te murara o nga poma ki te whakamārama i te mahi a nga hoia tuki taiapa. Kātahi ka maringi atu nga hoia o B Kamupene me te heke whakararo atu ki roto i te whārua. Ko A Kamupene hoki i huri haere ma te moka, a, ko rāua ngatahi kei te kurukuru grenade ki roto ki nga rua pū mīhini. Ko rāua ngatahi hoki kei te werowero nga hoariri tohetohe ki o ratou pēneti. Tokomaha nga Itariana i tere ki te whakaae kia mauheretia ratou. Kāre i pau te toru tekau mineti, kua hinga katoa nga hoariri o te whārua, kua tae atu hoki ratou ki rāwāhi o taua whārua. 41 nga mauhere - nga toenga ēnei o nga Kamupene Itariana e rua e pupuri ana i te whārua. Ko te parekura i pa mai ki a A rāua ko B Kamupene, e rua i hemo, e rua i mate i o rāua taotū, a, 16 katoa i taotū. Ono tekau paiheneti o nga taotū i mate kūare katoa, na o ratou matā tonu i turaki. Na te pōnānā o nga Maori ki te hopu i te hoariri i pēnei ai. I hoki mai te ngau a te hoariri ki a ratou i taua ahiahi. 2,000 nga matā i karawhiua mai ki runga ki a C Kamupene ma, i roto i te rua tekau mineti. Ko te waimarie to ratou poutokomanawa. Ko Second Lieutenant Tikao-Barrett na tana huna ki roto ki tētahi rua i ora ai – tekau iari tawhiti atu, ko Pera (Percy ko Manga ranei) Kemp no Muriwai, kāre i waimarie notemea i hinga a ia no te tukinga mai o tētahi matā ki roto i tana rua. I te kura o Gisborne High School a Moana Kemp, ka tae mai te rongo mo te matenga o tana tuakana: ‘Kua tipu kohi hiko i roto i te autaia nei.’ (It was like an electric shock that went through me.) Tekau ma waru ōna tau i taua wa, ka āhei hoki ki te tomo atu ki roto i te Air Force. Na tana korerotanga atu ki ana mātua kua hono atu a ia ki te whawhai, anei te patai a tana pāpā, ‘He aha te tikanga a tāua mahi?’ ‘He utu.’ Koira nga korero a nga mātua o mua. E kīngia nei e te Pakeha, revenge.’ Ka tere tonu te whakaae mai o taku pāpā. Ka tangi taku kōkā.’ Ko te aituā whakamutunga mo te Tairawhiti mo te marama o Akuhata i heipu mai i te ata o muri o te 27th. I hinga a Waka Pirini o Reporua. I rite a ia ki a

Wātea ana te whenua i waenga pārae hei kokiri ma nga hoia, hei kai ma te matā.

Kemp, no te ope tūturu o te Battalion. Ko ia tētahi o nga Despatch Riders o te Topuni Matua, a, e haere ana a ia i runga i tana motopaika i mua tonu atu o A Kamupene. I reira tonu ka taotū a ia. E rua ra i muri mai i te tukinga i El Mreir, ka tae mai a Pita Awatere me te D Kamupene. No to ratou taenga mai me nga hoia kei te rikarika katoa ki te whawhai, i wātea ai a B Kamupene ki te haere ki te whakatā. Tere tonu te tahuri a nga tamatāne o Mataatua -Te Arawa, ki te haere ki Maadi hei taua pakanga mo te Kamupene Battalion LOB. Ohorere ana te putanga mai o tetahi atu Āpiha o Ngati Porou ki te taha o Awatere. Kātahi tonu a Tautuhi Saddlier ka whakatūria hei āpiha i nga wiki e rima i mua atu. I urutomo mai a ia i tētahi o nga taraka, a, ka tau mai hoki ki te mura o te ahi. ‘Ka kite mai a Pita Awatere i au ka mea mai, ‘Na wai koe kī kia haere mai?’ Ka mea atu au, ‘Nāku, kāre au mo te noho atu ki reira. Haere ana au 1 ki te wāhi e haere na koe.’ Rūrū mai tana mahunga. ‘Oh well, kāre hoki i taea e ia te kī mai me 3 hoki au, ko tata kē atu matau.’ I nekehia a Tikao-Barrett ki te D Kamupene, ki te taha o nga hoia o tana iwi, kia wātea ai he tūranga mo Saddlier. Ko Saddlier hoki i whakatūria hei kaiwhakahaere mo te 14 Platoon o C Kamupene. I āhua pouri tonu tēnei āpiha o Ngai Tahu ki te whakarere i nga ‘Kaupoi’ o Ngati Porou. Anei āna tuhinga e whai ake nei, ‘Kei te aumahara tonu ahau mo te wa i ahau i roto i te C Kamupene, ahakoa e rua marama ahau i reira i roto i nga pakanga, ka whakahoihoi tonu ahau ki te whakarere i a ratou.’

Pipiwharauroa 'Barry Brailsford'

“Your Whakapapa lives within you. No matter who you are! You are the sum of all that’s ever been of your line!” Barry Brailsford Kia ora

We live in an amazing age. Moving ever further and faster, unravelling the inner workings of the brain while sending a space probe beyond the known universe. Yet, in the day-to-day world we all face it seems all too easy to become lost in space and time. Many years ago a friend said, “If you lose your story you lose your dream and if you lose your dream your spirit dies.” Those words have remained as I’ve journeyed in life. Holding a dream is about holding hope high; planning and shaping a future that sustains who you truly are. Years ago a six-year old girl drew a colourful picture of herself for me. While the bright picture was beautiful in itself, the words she wrote beneath it struck with even greater power… I am the best at being me. She somehow understood, at that young age, that we journey to answer the question… Who am I? And that living her story, not the story someone else pasted on her like a poster, was at the very essence of life. What is your story if you are Māori, Pākehā, Māori and Pākehā, Pacific Islander, Asian or whatever? It’s about the now of things and the yesterday of things and how they meet to open into your future. The elders once took me aside and said, “Today we want to talk about your family.” I was a bit startled by that, thinking my children were in trouble. However, as if reading my mind, they smiled and said, “Not your immediate family, but your ancient family.” Then they confused me further by saying, “If you take a spider’s eggs away from its nest and never let the hatched young see the web of their parents they will create the same web of their kind. And if you do the same with birds’ eggs, the hatched young will build the nest that is unique to their kind.” While I took this in they continued, saying, “It’s in the blood. Spiders and birds and many other creatures carry ancient memories, living designs, in their blood.” Then they asked, “Are we less than spiders and birds or do we also carry a storehouse of knowledge inside. It’s time to understand a newborn babe is the sum of all that has been of its line, that its blood holds a Knowing that has a place in its life. We are more than we see. We are all the holders of whakapapa, of ancient genealogies that gift wisdom forward in time.” Honouring our ancestors, looking deep inside to find the gifts passed forward means there are strengths available to us now. The past is forever with us to be of today and tomorrow. And what are our ancient families? They are many and wonderful. Are you of the Bird People, the Fire People, the Water People, Whale People, Tree People, Stone People, Star Walkers, Dolphin People or other Peoples? Finding your people is one aspect of the ancient lore I like to share and explore. It’s not hard to do once you have the clues that point the way. It’s at the core of the question, who am I? It’s an essential part of your truth and vital to your story. It’s all wrapped up in the sacred lore that is now

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being shared with all. And then there’s the Octopus that waits to challenge our journey. But that’s another matter.

Meanwhile here’s a little of my story. My journey into the Māori world really began when Hone Taumāunu arrived at Christchurch Teachers College and encouraged me to send my history graduates to Maori schools on the East Coast for their teaching practice. I am not Māori but in the Te Kaha pub in 1973, when I was visiting my students, an elder named Rusty fired a dart into my heart. We were holding the pool table and having heaps of laughs until he stood behind me when I was trying a difficult shot and suddenly cried loudly, “Now, Mister Bloody Professor, what are you doing for Māori children?” The pub went very quiet and I turned to find he had disappeared. Then a Māori youth put his hand on my shoulder and said, “He has paid you a compliment, stay.” I did and moments later Rusty returned with a jug and we sat at a table where he sat and wept. “I weep for my grandchildren and your grandchildren,” the old one said. We talked into the night and that was an amazing watershed in my life. The path that opened as we sat, and the whole East Coast experience; the children, the teachers, the people who helped me around the Cape, opened doors into a journey without end. And it was a clerk at the Teachers College who inadvertently put the icing on the cake by cancelling my rental car and saying I had to travel by bus. However, on reaching Ōpotiki, I discovered the buses ran oneway one day and the other the next. Everything was out of synch. So I hitch-hiked around the coast and into Gisborne with endless help. November sees me travelling that road again in my campervan. But what has happened in between? In the 1970’s my students worked in my History with Boots On project. We walked the South Island searching for evidence of Pā, gardens and villages. We surveyed them, took photographs, interviewed the kaumatua, researched the traditional stories relating to the sites and registered everything with the Historic Places Trust. From that moment they were protected. Eventually I published all that data in The Tattooed Land, which came out in 1981. That was then followed by my work on the ancient trails and that was published as Greenstone Trails: the Māori Search for Pounamu. This work protected the heritage embedded in the land by the ancestors.

Deciding to bring forth this old story in Song of Waitaha was an amazing moment in the relationship of Maori and the nation. It was highly significant on two counts. First the sacred knowledge they proposed to share had never before been revealed outside the closed doors of the Whare Wānanga. Secondly, they had asked a Pākehā, a white person, a teacher to become the custodian of their greatest treasure. When I asked why their amazing record of the past, which had been kept hidden and safe for so long, was now to be revealed, I was told the answer was written in the stars. The elders said a prophecy made some centuries ago would come to pass in 1990 because two stars gathered close for the first time in countless years. This momentous sign allowed two things to happen. It opened the way for the sacred lore of Waitaha to be shared with the world and it meant it was time for the people of peace to stand tall again. Barry is giving two talks in Gisborne at Tūranga Ararau, cnr Kahutia & Bright Streets on the 13th and 14th November at 6:30 pm. Admission $10 available from Marg Ph; 862 9450 or 027 722 9144. (or door sales on the night.)

At this time I felt I wrote from the outside looking in but in the late 1980s that changed. Ngāi Tahu asked me to be a witness for their land claim before the Waitangi Tribunal. As I prepared a man, who said he was Waitaha, arrived to underpin my research with old place names and deeper knowledge. What he offered was both exciting and confusing because my archaeological colleagues had decided all the Waitaha lines were dead and gone.

Talk one brings to the fore the controversy surrounding the arrival of the first people in Aotearoa. It challenges the mainstream view that this land was first settled only 800 years ago. Many whakapapa, held by iwi, go back at least 2,000 years. Some track back even further and emerging scientific data supports that. It’s an exciting time to view and review our story.

After the Waitangi hearings I was asked if I would write the story of the Nation of Waitaha by Te Pani Manawatu, a senior chief of Ngāi Tahu. In 1989 I was taken to the Rākaia Gorge in Canterbury, to tapu waters, where I was initiated by ritual of fire, water, stone and stars to the way to a storehouse of ancient knowledge known as Te Whare Wānanga ō Kahukura. This opened to me a vast library of lore held in over 3,000 chants.

Talk two is about the ways the sacred lore can help us from day-to-day. It shares the power of the cosmic tides that affect all of us: the influence of the moon and stars, the sun and the power of place in our lives. It reminds us we are more than we see, that gifts and knowledge is carried into this time through our ancestral lines no matter what our race. The past carries the promise of our future.

When setting forth the task, Te Pani Manawatu said… ‘You have been chosen to write the record of our ancestors and tell the story of Waitaha because of your skill and the awhi you gave the people of Ngāi Tahu during the Tribunal hearings. This is not the easiest of tasks because of the things that have been hidden away from the majority of the people. ‘People will ridicule all the things you say and do in the name of Waitaha… it is a dangerous journey, it is a hard journey, you must walk it as a student… Write what you learn and hear in peace and love…Carry your cross well for it is a heavy one that you bear.’

Barry’s writings and teachings were honoured by the Government in 1990 with the award of an MBE for his contribution to education and Maori scholarship. This award was conferred by Queen Elizabeth II and presented by the Governor General of New Zealand. Uniquely placed as a bridge between the peoples of the nation, the Maori world and the western one, after writing Song of Waitaha Barry was instructed to continue to write and share the ancient wisdom gifted to him. His work continues with fourteen books now available.




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