Pipiwharauroa - April 2022

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Pipiwharauroa Paengawhāwhā 2022

Pukapuka: Tekau Mā Iwa

Panui: Whā

He Tīmatanga Hōu

Whakanuia. Toitū Tairāwhiti

He Whakamaumaharatanga ki a Rātou 1915-2022

Photo: Rebecca Grunwell

Nō tēnei marama i whakatuwheratia ai ngā whare hōu e toru ki Whatatutu. Neke atu i te rau ngā tāngata i whakarauika ki te whakanui i tēnei rangi whakahirahira.

E mihi ana ki a Toitū Tairāwhiti.

E whā ngā iwi Ngāti Porou, Rongowhakaata, Ngāi Tāmanuhiri me Te Aitanga a Māhaki. Nā rātou ko Toitū Tairāwhiti. I tūhono i te putanga o Arā ko Peeni Henare Te Minita Covid 19, ā, noho ngātahi tonu ki te Whakatū whare me Meka Whaitiri wā raru, arā te kore whare. Te Ikaroa-Rawhiti MP tau mai ki te whakarite tikanga, waitohu Ko Te Kaiwhakahaere o Toitū Tairāwhiti ki te tutuki pai o te hōtaka. He ko Annette Wehi. E ai ki a ia, rima whakaaturanga kei te aro mai te tekau mā tahi ngā whare kua tīmatahia kāwanatanga ki ngā raru o te kore engari ngā te poto o ngā rauemi nōhanga o ngā whānau, ana me hanga whare mai i tāwāhi ka tōmuri whakaaae ki te whakatū whare ki ngā mahi. He rau e rima tekau whare runga whenua Māori. kua whakaaetia kia whakatūria ki te whenua tata ki te hōhipera. E hiaroa a Tahi Hiroki me tana hoa rangatira a Irene e noho ana i tō E whakapono ana a Minita Henare arā, rāua whare pākarukaru, e rua ngā nā te mahi tahi o Te Tairāwhiti kua rūma moe, tokorima ā rāua tamariki, puta ngā hua, ā tēra pea ka kite mai tokotoru ngā mokopuna. Hei aha, ētahi atu iwi, ka tau te ira. kua whiwhi whare hou, e toru ngā rūma moe, he wāhi nohonoho, he Kei te mahitahi a Toitū Tairāwhiti me wāhi haumaru. te kamupene Built Smart kia tere oti ai

Inside this month...

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He Kōrero

Pages 4-6

He Hokinga Whakaaro

Pages 7-10

ANZAC 2022

Kaikinikini tonu ana Te ngau a mahara Te taunga ki Karipori Te tini, te mano o te toa I haere rātou ki te mura o te ahi. I hinga atu. I hoki hauā mai A wairua, ā hinengaro, ā tinana. Mo te aha ... ? Mo tātou, mo ngā whakatipuranga. Mo tēnei whenua Nā rātou, mo tātou E kore e warewaretia Te mutunga

ngā mahi. I tēnei wā kei Rāhui Pōkeka e hangaia ana ngā whare engari ā te marama o Hereturikōka ka nuku mai ki te Whenua Pakihi i Te Taunga Rererangi o Tūranganui. E ai ki, e ono ngā whare ka oti i te ono ki, te whitu wiki. Ka mahi ata ki te ata, whitu rā o te wiki, kāre he mutunga mai Ngā mihi Toitū Tairāwhiti mo ā koutou mahi papai. Ka mihi tonu.

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Tūranga Health

Tairāwhiti Community Law Centre

Wild Weather and Natural Disasters – Property Damage – Where to go for help

Pīpīwharauroa takes its name from ‘He Kupu Whakamārama Pīpīwharauroa’, which was printed in October, 1899 by Te Rau Print and edited by the late Reverend Reweti Kohere. The recent floodings throughout the Gisborne Pīpīwharauroa was re-launched on 20 October, and Wairoa Districts are devastating for 1993. many. It also comes not long after the Produced and edited by: previous damage caused by the last severe Te Rūnanga o Tūranganui-ā-Kiwa weather event. I understand some whānau Tūranga Ararau had not yet settled insurance claims or had Printed by: The Gisborne Herald the repair work completed since the last Email: pipiwharauroa@ta.org.nz event occurred. Phone: (06) 868 1081 As I write this article, I note that many rural roads are still closed, some only have 4-wheel drive access, while others are limited to residents use only. Not only were roads, bridges and waterways impacted severely, http://www.facebook.com/pipi.wharauroa land, buildings, and whānau possessions also suffered major damage and, in some cases, the damage is irreparable and irreplaceable.

Mere Pōhatu

Decisive Moments Tūranga Health and the Toitū Iwi collective are creating the most decisive moments for us in Tairāwhiti. They have taken their own resources, married them up to help the government level up on vaccination rates – and invested in a shared prosperity outcome for Tairāwhiti. There is no doubt, they have added at least another six years of life to a whole host of whānau. That’s a kind of magic. It means we might catch up and live longer. They, iwi, are on a journey to empower the whānau to steward our own health and well-being. The iwi policies are bursting through to be great for the whānau. They are setting in train a whole new potency about organised prevention in matters of health and well-being. It can’t be easy being an Iwi I have to say. Everyone wants you to be everything. They are pivoting all the time in response to so much going on in our communities. Quite remarkable innovations and behaviour changes are happening and quickly when intense focus can be combined with resources and collaboration to make the impacts. Ka pai te iwi katoa. The next giant Kaupapa has got to be our collective concerns and sighs about our

communities falling interests in education. It can’t be good for the extra six years I reckon each of us is going to live and enjoy, if our kids are struggling to find education engaging, fulfilling and useful.




Founded October 1898 Pukapuka: Tekau Mā Iwa Pānui: Whā Te Marama: Paengawhāwhā Te Tau: 2022 ISSN: 1176-4228 (Print) ISSN: 2357-187X (Online)


Pipiwharauroa Pipiwharauroa HE KŌRERO

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The wild weather did not selectively seek out landowners who have house and contents insurance and therefore may qualify for a Natural Disaster Insurance claim through the Earthquake Commission (EQC). It also affected whānau with no private insurance cover and unfortunately without insurance, claims cannot be made to EQC even if you have suffered major irreparable damage or loss. So, what is EQCover? “EQCover covers the first $150,000 (+GST) towards the loss or damage to your home or land caused by disasters such as earthquakes, landslips, volcanic eruptions, hydrothermal activity, and tsunami. It also insures residential land against storm and flood damage, within limits, as well as damage caused by fire as a result of those natural disasters mentioned earlier. What you’re covered for – explains how EQCover works for you regarding damage to your home and land. How much does EQCover cost? EQCover costs 20 cents for every $100, up to a maximum annual cost of $345 If we ignore what is happening right outside our homes, offices, and marae right now, we run the risk of Tairāwhiti having long term economic damage. It’s like we need the iwi to action pack us again creating a movement of back-toschool awareness, positive school climates, mobile learning as well as on-line, community events, whānau incentives.

Pīpīwharauroa readers, as you are reading this month’s edition, there are on any given day 1,200 of our mokopuna not in school. In fact, less than 50% of our mokopuna in Tairāwhiti are regular in attendance. Goodness gracious. It’s going to take the Otherwise, what’s the point? whole Tairāwhiti village to get the other 50% in school and loving themselves and their The world travellers bought us viruses. We learning. weren’t quite ready, and we played catchup to get our bodies well enough to rage I’m told there are 4 main things we all must battles. Now we have another invader, think about to get a change. Change can apathy to learning and schooling. happen if we bring our thinking together. Let’s think about having high community We must commence this challenge with expectations, whānau who are educationally speed and precision. It’s the right time to engaged, high quality teachers in entities start this war. Right after ANZAC. We must. with strong professional leadership. Its all about our Citizenship. We all want to live longer and enjoy and appreciate our Transforming education is the next best thing mokopuna. to do. It truly is. This ANZAC at C Company House, our guest We have a learning crisis people of Tairāwhiti. speaker was our Sir Derek Lardelli. What We have a lot of “re-ing” to do. Resilience, a treasure. He had us falling about with Re-Enrolments, Re-Engagements, Re- laughter talking big ideas about education, Coveries, Re-Imagining. design and clearly describing what it means to be still working the Price of Citizenship. I’m thinking we need lots of time and dedicated attention, heaps of focused Tūranga Health and the iwi virtually gave content, high dosage tutoring, maybe us all another 1200 or so days to live. How acceleration catch-up academies, neat is that koha? foundational learning to excite a love of learning again. Lest we forget.

Pipiwharauroa Tairāwhiti Community Law Centre

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including GST. You pay this levy as part of • the rent should reduce accordingly, the house can be lived in again. your insurance premiums to your private • either the landlord or tenant can apply to insurer and your private insurer passes the the Tenancy Tribunal for an order to end Temporary accommodation after levy onto EQC. the tenancy. an emergency or natural disaster If you do not have private insurance but have suffered major damage to or loss of essential items such as food, clothing and bedding. you can contact Work and Income in the first instance to see if you qualify for emergency assistance.

The Tenancy Tribunal will decide if it is unreasonable to: • require the landlord to reinstate the property, or • require the tenant to continue with the tenancy at a reduced rent.

If you have to move out of your property due to a personal emergency and have nowhere to stay, you can apply for emergency housing through the Ministry of Social Development website.

If you need immediate, emergency accommodation following a natural disaster or state of emergency, contact If the property is destroyed totally, or is so your local Civil Defence Centre. seriously damaged that it cannot be lived in at all: The Temporary Accommodation Service • the rent should be reduced accordingly, also provides ongoing temporary I have done some research and I have found and some interesting information to share • either party may give notice to end the accommodation assistance in the wake of an emergency for households displaced below which the Tenancy Services put out tenancy. from their home. You can register for the following the latest severe weather event: service following an incident. Please see This applies to both periodic and fixed-term the Temporary Accommodation website • Landlords are responsible for tenancies. In this situation, landlords need for more information. maintaining the property in a to give 7 days' notice and tenants need to reasonable condition. This includes give 2 days' notice. There is normally a cost for all temporary fixing any damage caused by severe accommodation options, but financial weather or a natural disaster. If the damage can be repaired: assistance may be available. • If the rental property is damaged by flooding, the landlord is responsible If you are the landlord, ask a professional From 12 August 2020, accommodation for drying the property – this might when they can make the repairs and if it is supplied by transitional and emergency also include paying the tenants for safe for your tenants to stay in the property housing providers that is funded by the electricity charges to run a fan, while it's being repaired. In the case of government or part of a Special Needs dehumidifier or heater in the process. an earthquake, check with the Earthquake Grant programme, like the accommodation The landlord shall further pay for the Commission. provided by the Temporary Accommodation cost of repair and damage. Service, is exempt from the Residential If the tenant can stay: Tenancies Act. If you are a tenant: Let them know how long the repairs will References: • Talk to your landlord as soon as you can, take, especially if they will take a longer Civil Defence to let them know about any damage time than you thought. Remember to give https://www.civildefence.govt.nz/find-your-civilor need for repairs. If you do not tell a 24-hour notice if you want to go inside to defence-group/ your landlord about the damage within inspect the work. Earthquake Commission (EQC) a reasonable time, you may be liable https://www.eqc.govt.nz/insurance-and-claims/ for it. Consider offering the tenant a rent reduction natural-disaster-insurance/eqcover/New • There may be things you can do if to compensate them for any inconvenience. Emergency Benefit – Work and Income it is safe and practical to do to help In some cases, you may agree that ending the https://www.workandincome.govt.nz/products/aprevent further damage. For example, tenancy early is best for both of you. Record z-benefits/emergency covering a broken window to keep rain any agreements the parties have made in Emergency Housing out of the house until repairs can be writing. If you are a tenant, what about the damage caused at the property that you are renting? Who pays for repairs that are required following an extreme weather or natural disaster?

made. Talk to your landlord about this.

• If you have tried talking to your landlord about the damage and they ignore the necessary repairs, you can send your landlord a notice to remedy. This notice tells the landlord that you believe what they have done is a breach of their obligations under the Residential Tenancies Act 1986, what you would like them to do to fix it and give them a reasonable timeframe to complete it normally being a minimum of 14 days. If the property has serious damage:

If the property is destroyed:

If the tenant must move out: If you are the landlord, negotiate with your tenants to leave the property while the work is being done. If you and the tenant cannot come to an agreement, you can apply to the Tenancy Tribunal. Let your tenant know how long the repairs are expected to take and when they will be able to move back into the property. You do not have to provide somewhere else for them to stay but you may be able to help them find another property to move into. Remember to record any agreements the parties have reached in writing.

If the property is partially destroyed, or part of it is so seriously damaged that it Tenants that move out while repairs are cannot be lived in: being done should not have to pay rent until

https://www.workandincome.govt.nz/housing/ nowhere-to-stay/emergency-housing.hotmail Tenancy Services http://www.tenancy.govt.nz

Temporary Accommodation https://www.temporaryaccommodation.mbie. govt./how-we-can-help/

Ngā mihi Gillian Creach General Manager Tairāwhiti Community Law Centre

He Whakapaaha

In last month’s Pīpīwharauroa we misspelt the surname of Panapa Tuhoe as Tuhou. Panapa is the brother of the paramount chief, Hetekia Te Kani Te Ua. Our apologies to the whānau.

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Pipiwharauroa He Hokinga Whakaaro

and even out on the Greenhouse at Mawhai Point, Tokomaru Bay that could only be reached at low tide. He remembers being transported around tucked into a sugar bag attached to a saddle.

Kevin’s favourite past time was riding and hunting, there were no trips to the movies. He has always held a passion for horses, as a 14 year old he easily lead a team of 10 horses over the hills to the next horse sports and was a keen and competent rodeo rider. He also represented Poverty Bay in boxing and played for Tokomaru Bay United. Donna reckons he was born in the wrong era and would have been better suited for the days of Wild Bill Hickok. He was the epitome Arrive at Kevin and Donna William’s place of the term ‘wild and woolly.’ and you feel you have just stepped into a shearing shed. That’s no wonder as both Unless travelling by horse getting around their lives revolve around their passion the district could be challenging. It was for the industry and all of the people either catch a ride with neighbours or the involved in it. Recently they hosted the mail truck. His parents bought a car however Minister of Māori Affairs, Honourable Willie neither learnt to drive so would commandeer Jackson who had expressed a desire to visit their neighbours or youngest boy, once old them on the job in a local woolshed but enough to look over the steering wheel, to circumstances did not allow so the next drive them around. He would drive them best thing was a visit to their home where from the farm all of 40 kilometres to the he experienced true Tairāwhiti hospitality. Tokomaru Bay Four Square He was accompanied by Mike Tutaki, the shop. While living in Waihi Minister’s Senior Private Secretary, Mere for 18 years George ‘went Pohatu Te Puni Kōkiri Regional Manager and over the cattle stop’ only Kemara Keelan, Te Puni Kōkiri Cadetship once a year to travel into Wairoa and that was just to Team Leader buy a new pair of hob nail Kevin comes from a whānau of seven, four boots and a year’s supply of boys and three girls born to Te Rau Tangata tobacco. His father was quite (George) and Yvonne Williams nee Oliver, content to stay home as long their mother hailed from Hawke’s Bay. It was as he had a sufficient supply a natural progression for the boys to follow of tobacco. His mother was their father and their paternal grandfather, a bit more adventurous and Ahita Williams of Ngāti Maru from Manutuke, travelled to Wairoa at least into the agriculture industry. Collectively monthly.

Kevin Williams

Kevin’s father George carrying an exhausted lamb while herding sheep to the old Maungahauini woolshed at the foot of Marotiri maunga

mustered wild cattle around Ruatōria then returned to Waipare Station. All that, and still only seventeen years, he found work on Paparatū Station under the guidance of the then manager, Kupa Renata. Starting work at 3am was not out of the ordinary. The shepherds used to joke that they never knew the colour of the cookhouse roof as it was dark when they headed out in the mornings and dark when they returned home. Sometimes they were so tired at nights they just slept in their clothes. Waiting to share the one communal bath between them all was not a consideration. On top of that the sleeping whare did not have lights and well used fadges served as curtains on the windows so what else was there to do? The station ran numerous horses and it was here that Kevin really got into hunting.

Hitting 18 years the wanderlust hit Kevin again and he headed back to Tokomaru Bay where he hit brothers George (Plonky), Bill, Trevor and up Ben Pewhairangi for a Kevin have contributed over 200 years to Kevin left school at 15, he job with his shearing gang. Kevin with daughter Jess had only gone to school if he our local agriculture industry. Ben was the husband of felt like it. During his high the renowned composer, In their younger years the family lived on a school years he had to travel Ngoi Pewhairangi and, in his own right, a number of farms on the east coast as their from Tokomaru Bay to Tolaga Bay Area School. competent shearer and successful shearing father found work on local stations including Colin Fairlie, the school bus driver would pull contractor. On being asked by Ben if he Waipare, Mangahauini and Waihi Stations up, open the door and say in the form of a had shorn previously Kevin was able to question, “Not coming today? To which truthfully answer he had, he had shorn his Kevin would reply quite emphatically, first sheep just the day before, not that it “No.” One day his father turned up was a particularly a great effort. When TY with Jack Farmer from Manutuke who and Connie Pewhairangi took over the run stayed with them for years finding work Kevin stayed on for a while. Shearing was with George on the station. back then, a five am to five pm job every day. He reckons the industry has gone soft In contrast to his brothers who rarely with its now eight hour day, no early starts changed jobs, Kevin is the restless one or late finishes. of them. He started fulltime work at Waipare Station then moved to Tuirua Not all shearer’s quarters were of an at the back of Tolaga Bay where Bill acceptable standard. One Kevin remembers Hooper was the manager. From there was riddled with holes in the walls, no he moved to Owetia Station at the back covers on the floors, just bare boards and of Tokomaru Bay followed by a stint rats running rampant. The atmosphere was From a very young age Kevin was a strong competitor in on Paroa Station. Taking time out he rodeos

Pipiwharauroa He Hokinga Whakaaro

Kevin and his huntaway Gay with the trophies they won at the 1993 Tukemikihi dog trials

much better camping out. A good shearer could make reasonable money but had to go hard to reach $100 a day. Rousies wore tidy aprons and handled the straw brooms with ease.

not unusual to run seven heats for the one event, there was also some crafting cheating going on at times. The ‘Saddle’ was the coveted trophy awarded to the rider accumulating the most points on the day. One time Kevin missed out by one point while riding his horse Rawhide, the closest he ever got to winning it. And it was not only horse riding on the agenda, other events included wood chopping, nail driving, sheep riding and the ever popular ‘tug of war.’ At a local horse Sports with Kevin on the far left are Rangi Just like a mini Show. They were real Haraki, Karl Mullaney and brother Plonky with wife Donna in whānau affairs. In 2006 Kevin decided it was time to return to the shearing industry so joined Jamie Fleming’s gang setting himself a goal to save enough money to buy his and Donna’s first home. To achieve this he decided to try free lancing and ended up contracting to Butch Pardoe. Butch had been let down by his shearers at the last minute and asked Kevin if he could pull a team together which he managed to do by calling on some of his mates who were running their own small number of open sheds. Daphne Stone was the head rousie. It was while they were working at Kaikoura Station that Butch approached Kevin and told him if he wanted his shearing run then it was his. Butch had originally taken over the Muriwai based run of Dave Ngarangione.

At 20 years he met up with Donna Gordon and eventually they headed off to Australia where they worked in the shearing industry for four years. He reckons sheep are tougher here in New Zealand compared to the mainly Merino sheep in Australia and there is a difference between shearing South Island sheep to North Island sheep. Between shepherding and shearing, both here and in Australia, they had started a family so decided it was time to return home where Kevin found work on Tukemikihi Station out of Wairoa under Dan and Peggy Hauiti. From there they At the time they had no moved to Waitangi Terrace money and no idea about Station which was owned by Fishing off the old swing bridge how to manage a business the Bloomfield family and at Paparatū with Norm Broughton and decided to go for an and Bill Nicholls managed by Ross Gaukrodger. overdraft facility with the He returned to Paparatū, by bank so they could pay their then Shane (Dollar) Fergusson workers. They arranged with Butch to pay off was the manager, Kevin was the head his shearing van over a period of time. shepherd and Donna the cook. Horse sports were a very popular sport in Tūranga and up the coast. Events were held at almost every rural settlement throughout the rohe. It was nothing for the competitors to ride from Tolaga to Tokomaru leading their extra horses with some having as many as ten to suit the differing events. With so many riders and horses turning out it was

With Frosty Adams downing a few in Australia

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They started up with a gang of 15 including a cook, the van and a tucker trailer for campouts and the 12-15 sheds Butch previously had on his books. They remember looking at each other and saying, ‘Do you think we can do this?’ Kevin and Donna consistently acknowledge Butch for his generosity and continue to include him in all of their major events. Over the past 14 years they have built K Williams Shearing up to a very economical run within an area of some 5,000 square kilometres. Most of their sheds are six-stand operations, some have eight and a few have three or four and one actually has ten. Frequently one crew stays at quarters on the farm and two crews travel daily. Shearing was then, and still is, a very rewarding but cut throat industry. Both acknowledge that shearing did not have a good reputation when they started off with

the behaviour of some of the men and the rousies leaving a lot to be desired. The pecking order was very strong and the young were reluctant to speak out. These days such behaviour is no longer tolerated with the shearing being seen as a respected industry and a competitive sport. Kevin is quick to acknowledge what he considers local legends, unsung heroes from the East Coast including Larry Lewis, Frank Wharehinga, Hoppy Matahiki and Jamie Fleming. Starting out, Kevin knew nothing about running a business. However he already had fundamental business skills being a very good organiser and communicator and incredibly passionate about the shearing industry. A big part of his role is communicating with the farmers, the wool buyers, the stock agents and the stock and freight truck drivers who all sit along the same grape vine. He doesn’t mince words especially when one of his shearers dares to ring him at 3 in the morning to say he can’t come to work and the farmer had a full night pen and relying on a full team arriving on time. Kevin learnt quickly that you can be friendly with your crew but not familiar. His stubbornness has stood him well over time. Although Kevin is a damn good shearer he is just too busy to shear anymore. He has his hands full looking after the farmers and making sure the gangs do a good job. He knows he is in an industry that certainly does not go without its challenges. Having been a head shepherd he has a huge respect for farmers and a good understanding of the work and effort involved in getting the sheep to the point of shearing. He is adamant that when you shear a sheep, you shear it all the way to the hoof and will not tolerate shearers who stop at the knee and let the sheep leave the shed looking like they have woolly leg warmers on. The reputation of their business relies on Kevin making sure the sheep are in the best clean condition possible. If a sheep comes out looking pink, that’s a clean sheep and that’s what he constantly strives for. A quality job is more important to him than the numbers,

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The result of a good days hunting at Mangatawa Station

He Hokinga Whakaaro

A keen hunter with his pig dogs and prized catch of the day Kevin, Joe Carlson, Jack Farmer and brother Plonky after a day’s hunting

quality first then quantity will follow. In fact Donna reckons he sees a well-shorn sheep as a thing of beauty. Asked what he would prefer, managing the shearing gang or being on the board he reckons the latter, much less stressful. However he doesn’t miss the wet weather that plays havoc with shearing and meeting targets. Finding the right staff is challenging. He recalls a time during a shortage of pressman when working for Jamie Fleming, the driver had picked up a chap walking along the road still dressed in a hospital gown, the type with an open back, and took him on as a pressman. Unsurprisingly he didn’t even get a full day’s work out of him. On the way Kevin and Donna have been helped by many although not all of their associates have been beneficial. They both readily acknowledge those who have helped and supported them on the way including Debbie Blakeman of Jason & Blakeman Ltd, Ross Buscke and Peter Taylor, who had been a very successful shearing contractor back in the day from Palmerston North as well as Neil Smoker, previously a business bank manager and now their banking adviser. Their key goal is to take away the negativity that clings to the industry and in doing so ensure their own workers are surrounded by manaaki and feel valued. They are not your average shearing employer, they take a holistic approach to their staff based on the premise that if your staff can be helped to sort out their personal problems they can work to their full potential. Through Donna Tūranga Health provide on-site

Taken while shearing at Ranganui Station, Waingake

health checks. In earlier days she organised presentations from IRD, Gisborne Budgeting Services, Work and Income, PGG Wrightson and Carrfields Primary Wool (formerly Elders) and now finds supporting their staff privately one on one is more effective. Their wool classer / trainer, Ross Buscke runs regular workshops to educate their staff on what the wool buyers are looking for and wool in general. They are told that the wool handler’s job is ‘to remove to improve’ the farmer’s clip so he gets the best possible price. They also arrange first aid and driving courses and provide accommodation for their team in the quarters they built on their premises for those who have nowhere to live. The key is to pay them well, feed them well and care about them.

would rather put on his gumboots and go to the shed than get dressed up, go on stage and talk about our business.” It was alright on the night though as she, being used to being an upfront person, entertained the crowd at the awards night with a highlyamusing and informative presentation about their business. She was so proud but all Kevin wanted to do was to hide. K Williams Shearing also won the Māori Business Excellence Awards in 2021.

Kevin and Donna’s lives revolve around their family and work, they work so well together. They have had more than their fair share of tragedy, losing a daughter in a car accident at the age of 28 leaving behind 3 beautiful children. The couple have two other children, Bob and Jess and ten grandchildren who have their very own For those who want it, Kevin and Donna find well-kept dedicated swimming pool at their work for their staff between seasons to help grandparents’ place. retain them. Opportunities include breaking horses, docking and building yards. More As a side-line K.Williams Shearing run a recently they developed a good working clothing line with their own label called relationship with Kaiaponi Farms where their “SHUT THE GATE” selling high-end quality staff can earn money picking apples during work wear including: singlets, hoodies, down times in the shearing industry. track pants, sweatshirts, pants, bags, beanies and cooking aprons with their In 2016 K Williams Shearing won the Māori crest on them. They pass on the profits to Owned Business Excellence Award at the a variety of rural activities they sponsor Westpac Business Excellence Awards and such as horse sports, speed shearing, dog were runners up in the Farm, Forestry and trials, hunting comps and the “take a kid Food Excellence awards. hunting” initiative. Both look to the future with much optimism for business, their Kevin was not particularly impressed when training and development programme and Donna entered their partnership as he avoids the wider shearing and wool industry. the limelight every way he can. As Donna says, “He doesn’t like the limelight and

Kevin’s real passion is to be on the board shearing

"Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini"

Pipiwharauroa ANZAC MEMORIAL 2022

Te Karaka Rohe

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Mangatū Marae


Pipiwharauroa ANZAC MEMORIAL 2022


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Pipiwharauroa ANZAC MEMORIAL 2022

Manutuke - Toko Toru Tapu Church

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Muriwai Marae


Pipiwharauroa ANZAC MEMORIAL 2022

Pipiwharauroa `

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Maude (Paku) Brown (nee Kapene)

‘E kore te aroha e maroke i te rā. Mākuku tonu i aku roimata e’ Hāere te uri o Hinepūkohurangi Te Kotahi ngā Tūhoe ka kata te pō’ Ahakoa tūturu whakapae – Rongowhakaata wahine Hei aha te Kahurangi, te Arikinui, te rangatira Haere i tō haere, Mā muri a muri e whai atu. Haere ki tō rahi, ki tō hoa rangatira e tatari mai rā ki a koe. Haere e whae, haere okioki


E Tipu e Rea! Nō tēnei wiki i tīmatahia ai ngā whakahaeretanga o tētahi āhuatanga whānui hei āwhina i ngā kōhinehine kua hapū me ō rātou whānau o Te Tairāwhiti nei. Ko Te Tamariki Ora – E Tipu E Rea ngā kaiārahi, āwhina i te kaupapa me Well Child Tamariki Ora he ratonga tuku e Tūranga Health me Ngāti Porou Hauora, hāngai pū ki te poari hauora a-rohe arā nā te kaitakawaenga te Hauora Tairāwhiti ka whiwhi pūtea mai i te Ministry of Health. Kua whakaritea e, E Tipu E Rea he kaiwhakarato hei āwhina i ngā kōhine hapū, raro i te 25 tau te pakeke whiwhi tamariki rānei, rua tau te pakeke o te Tairāwhiti, hei āwhina hoki i te whānau. He tirohanga whānui tēnei ki te āhua o te hauora, o te haumaru o ngā whānau

kia māmā ai te huarahi tōtika ki ngā kaiwhakarato ki te hiahiatia. E ai ki Te Tumuaki o Te Hauora Ngāti Porou a Rose Kahaki, “Nau te rourou, Naku te rourou, Ka ora ai te iwi,” “Whānau, kaimahi e mahi tahi ana ki te hanga ao mo te painga o ngā pēpi me ngā tamariki.” Ki ā Reweti Ropiha Te Tumuaki o Tūranga Health, pai ana ki te whakauru i tēnei āhuatanga whānui ki ngā ratonga e whakahaeretia ana. “Pai ana tēnei hōtaka hei whakapau ki te whānau me te toha rauemi hei tautoko i ngā whānau”. Tūhonohono Tūranga Health me Ngāti Porou Hauora ka tāea te torotoro atu ki ngā whārua, ki ngā kokona ahakoa tawhiti, ahakoa tata ō Te Tairāwhiti. Ka taea te tautoko, ka taea te āwhina.

Ariel Schwencke recently joined Mātai as an intern. Ariel was born and raised in America and descends from Ngāpuhi and Te Rarawa. She is passionate about reconnecting with her whakapapa. Ariel is a fifth year medical student at the University of Auckland. Before starting medical school, she worked in the mental health sector as an occupational therapist supporting rangatahi. While at Mātai, she hopes to make meaningful connections and develop the skills needed in order to be a future leader in the Māori community as a doctor and researcher. Ariel aspires to become a radiologist with an interest in preventative models of care to uplift the health and wellbeing of Māori. Ngā mihi, Jeanette Lepper

The harakeke was harvested and replanted in Manutuke. While harvesting, it became apparent that the full collection of 50 cultivars was not present. Rongowhakaata Iwi Trust then approached Manaaki Whenua TAIAO TEAM COMPLETES Landcare Research, who have acted as kaitieki of the collection HARAKEKE COLLECTION since 1992, and established a relationship with the organisation. In early April, Rongowhakaata Iwi Trust The missing cultivars were (RIT) Taiao Lead, Soraya Pohatu and a identified and an ope was delegation of local weavers and kai tautoko organised to go and collect them. travelled to Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research (MWLR) in Christchurch to collect Katarina Tawiri of Manaaki harakeke cultivars from the Rene Orchiston Whenua Landcare Research said collection. Rongowhakaata was the first iwi group to have taken up the collection and welcomed In the 1950s Rene Orchiston witnessed the propagation of the precious resource in local weavers using inferior material for other rohe. their weaving and travelled the motu to collect harakeke samples favourable Soraya Pohatu said the trip had helped her to mahi raranga. Rene documented to better understand the dynamics of a information about the cultivars collected successful large-scale pā harakeke which, and established a pā harakeke at her she acknowledges, is a big task. Ormond home. This nursery became a valuable resource for weavers and in 1987 “We’ve got this taonga back and, to nurture Rene donated samples of the collection our relationship with that living taonga, [it] the Department of Scientific and Industrial requires a full-time commitment.” Research to form the cultural basis of a national collection of New Zealand flax. With guidance from the local weavers in attendance, who also found the trip Three years ago, when the Orchiston home enlightening, the roopu have brought back went up for sale, the whānau contacted lots of whakaaro that they will use to help Rongowhakaata Iwi Trust to offer them the create and maintain local nurseries. collection.

Sorting the cultivars

Checking the whakaaro

The long-term aim of the project, in line with the Rongowhakaata Iwi Trust vitality framework designed to uplift and enrich whānau, hapū, iwi, whenua, as well as Rongowhakaata tikanga and ngā taonga tuku iho o Rongowhakaata, is to establish pā harakeke around the rohe to provide resources to local weavers, for marae restorations, whāriki and other projects as well as supporting the establishment of further nurseries in other areas.


Rongowhakaata Iwi Trust



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Local weavers at the pā harakeke

RONGOWHAKAATA TAONGA COMES HOME Last month saw the return of Rongowhakaata taonga to Whakatō Marae in Manutuke. The Ko Rongowhakaata – The Story of Light and Shadow exhibition was hosted by Te Papa Tongarewa in Wellington and featured Rongowhakaata taonga from ngā hau e whā. Following the successful event held at Whakatō marae, many taonga continued their journey to whānau lenders from outside of the rohe and to regional and national museums around the motu. The Rongowhakaata Iwi Trust would like to extend their gratitude to whānau, marae, kaimahi, partners, collaborators and the institutions who helped make both the exhibition and return event a success.

Bringing the taonga onto Whakatō Marae atea

Pi p a h w i rauroa Pipiwha'rauroa TAKATŪ AKE TĀMANUHIRI

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Te Whare Kōrero o Tāmanuhiri

Te Whare Kōrero o Tāmanuhiri

side Annabelle Ngamoki. Ngāi Tāmanuhiri will receive pūtea for the construction of our 10 kāenga in Te Muriwai and we will work with Ngā Parekura Brown e rua! beneficaries looking to develop papakāenga or additional dwelling on their whenua. If you are interested in submitting a profile for this staff and our whānau. You will also be the kaupapa, please contact our kaitakawaenga Board secretary and manage the needs of on natalie@tamanuhiri.iwi.nz. the Board, and the sub-committees of the Board.

I te wīkena kua taha ake nei, i tōpū ngā pia o Te Whare Kōrero o Tāmanuhiri ki Te Muriwai Marae ki te hopu i ētahi rauemi mā Ngāi Tāmanuhiri whānui. E whā ngā karakia, waiata i hopukina hai rauemi ako. He momo karakia, waiata nā ngā pia o Te Whare Kōrero o Tāmanuhiri i tito, ko He Wai Murimuri, ko He Hauwaho ngā ingoa. Current Vacancies at Tāmanuhiri Waihoki ko Te Haka Pōhiri o Tāmanuhiri Tūtū Poroporo Trust me Te Haki – E Rere Nei, he waiata ēnei nā Pāpā Wi Pohatu i tito i roto i ngā tau. Taihoa kia kite i ngā hua o te kaupapa nei, Mana Whenua, Mana Moana, Mana Tangata, Mana Tipuna hoi anō hai te marama e whai ake nei ka Environmental, Cultural, Education, tuku i ngā rauemi nei, ngā kupu, me ōna Housing and Whānau Oranga whakamārama ki tā mātau pae tukutuku, “Kei tūtū, kei poroporo te oranga” pukamata hoki. E whakamānawa atu ki Te Mātāwai i te pūtea tautoko, waihoki ki ō “Ngāi Tāmanuhiri prosperity is in our land, our sea and our people” tātau puna mātauranga, pou tikanga hoki e ārahi ana i te kaupapa, kia Tāmanuhiri ai te We have four exciting roles available to play tū. Kei te haraki! an integral part in achieving key strategic goals of Ngāi Tāmanuhiri. All roles will Whai Kāinga Whai Oranga continue to grow the reputation of Ngāi Kawenata Tāmanuhiri as a credible partner, as well as maximising opportunities for the future of This week is significant for ngā iwi o Te our registered iwi members. Tairāwhiti with the signing of a kawenata We are looking for; between Whai Kāinga Whai Oranga agencies and Toitū Tairāwhiti, for the investment of Manager – Hinenui $55 million into Māori housing across our This new position reports to the Kaihautū and rohe. This is the largest investment ever works closely with the Business Development committed by the crown, housing for Māori and Finance Manager to form the leadership by Māori through a rent to own model. This team. You will have a strong background will see 150 new kāinga for Te Tairāwhiti in Government relationships, proven over the next 15 months. It was an honour experience in applying for and managing for Ngāi Tāmanuhiri chair Pauline Hill to contracts, and proven experience in represent us and in her role as a director of managing people and capability. The role will Toitū Tairāwhiti, signing the kawenata along focus on Environmental, Cultural, Education,

Senior Finance Officer Responsible for the day-to-day management of TTPT group financial transactions, procedures, and payroll systems to ensure efficient financial operations and compliance with policy and legislative requirements. You will also contribute to the continuous improvement of finance policies, processes, and practices to ensure efficient and effective finance operations. Office Administrator Are you a highly motivated individual who presents strong leadership skills, service development and networking skills? This role is to provide a high standard of administrative support to the operations of Tāmanuhiri Tūtū Poroporo Trust, working across multiple areas to ensure coordination, compliance with policy and efficient operations. This is an entry level position. For further information including a Job Description please email: trust@tamanuhiri. iwi.nz Applications close Friday 27 May 2022.

Housing, and Whānau Oranga. We have ambitious plans for our uri and are looking for someone to shape and lead this into reality.

Tāmanuhiri Tūtū Poroporo Trust Chair Pauline Hill signing the kawenata

Executive Assistant The EA reports and works closely with the Kaihautū and supports the Board and leadership team. You will be well organised with excellent communication and planning skills, and able to liaise with

Whai Kāinga Whai Oranga agencies and Toitū Tairāwhiti





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Kōrero mai ki a mātou ki te kite koe kua pā te mate wareware ki tētahi o ōu ake Kei a mātou ngā āhuatanga āwhina, tautoko, kore utu, matatapu hoki.

Ka tere mōhio, ka taea te āwhina Te Wāea: 06 867 0752 Imeera: GISBORNE.ALZHEIMERS@XTRA.CO.NZ

Pi p a h w i rauroa INFLUENZA VACCINE FOR AGE 9-AND-UP Tūranga Health

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MAY 2022

AT RURAL DRIVE-THROUGH CLINICS RURAL residents aged nine and older will be able to get their influenza vaccination this month at a Tūranga Health drive-through clinic. COVID-19 vaccinations, boosters, and COVID-19 paediatric vaccinations will also be available at the rural drive-through clinics.

This year Māori health organisation Tūranga Health in te Tairāwhiti has opted to make the vaccination available to people aged nine and older in rural settings. Chief executive Reweti Ropiha says in an ordinary year anyone can become seriously ill from the influenza virus. “But this is not an ordinary year which is why we have Drive-through vaccination teams are giving away winter care packages to everyone coming through Tūranga Health’s rural vaccination clinics. Vanessa Lowndes Centre manager Laura Biddle says the packs include a hot water bottle, a wheat bag, soothing chest rub, and a draft stopper – all of which may offer some relief during the winter months.

decided to deliver the vaccine to rural whānau aged nine and older.” “Influenza rates have been very low in the past two years due to lockdowns and border closures. While we cannot predict how mild or severe a winter flu season will be, with the international borders now reopened Aotearoa is again connected to the rest of the world.” “With more Kiwis returning home and tourism increasing, rates of flu are expected to rise.” Tūranga Health’s rural influenza drive-through vaccination clinics have been modelled on the successful COVID-19 drive-through vaccination clinics held across the rohe for the past two years. Mr Ropiha says the drive-through model makes sense for a number of reasons. “In the drive-through model members of the public go through the end-to-end vaccination process while in their vehicles. It’s a safe and efficient way to deliver the influenza vaccination without putting everyone at risk of infection from any of the respiratory illnesses circulating in the community right now.” Mr Ropiha says anyone who wants to be protected from influenza this year can come through a rural clinic. Tūranga Health’s Dr Patrick McHugh says the influenza vaccine can be safely administered at the same time as the COVID-19 vaccine - whether that be a booster shot or paediatric vaccine. “You can have a COVID-19 vaccine or booster at the same time as your flu vaccine. There’s no need to leave a gap between these vaccines.” Dr McHugh says COVID-19 is still prevalent in Tairāwhiti with multiple cases being reported daily. He warns that the local prevalence of respiratory disease, along with international borders opening, means “we’ll see new and re-occurring strains of flu spreading in our community.” “The flu can be serious and make people very unwell. It affects the whole body and can last up to a week or more. For best protection it's best to get the flu jab before winter.” In some cases, the flu can put people in hospital – particularly if you are 65 or older or are Māori or Pacific. In severe cases, the flu can be fatal. The rural influenza drive-through vaccination clinics will be in Te Karaka, Waihirere, Manutuke, Patutahi, Muriwai, Matawai and Waerenga-o-Kuri. Keep an eye on the turangahealth.co.nz home page for locations and times.

Tūranga Health’s Dr Patrick McHugh answers your questions Q: What’s the difference between influenza and COVID-19? A: Flu and COVID-19 are both contagious respiratory illnesses, but they are caused by different viruses. COVID-19 is caused by infection with a coronavirus, and seasonal flu is caused by infection with one of many influenza viruses that spread annually among people. Because some symptoms of flu and COVID-19 are similar, people will need to be tested to tell what virus is causing their illness. Q: Is it possible to have influenza and COVID-19 at the same time? A: Yes. This is called co-infection. Q: Will a flu vaccine protect me against COVID-19? A: No. The flu vaccine does not protect against COVID-19.

Q: Should I get a flu vaccine if I have suspected or confirmed COVID-19? A: No. Flu vaccination should be deferred until you are symptom-free and out of isolation. Q: I have COVID-19, can I get my influenza vaccination? A: Once you have recovered from COVID-19 and are out of isolation, you can have your influenza vaccination. Q: If COVID-19 is spreading in my community should I still go out to get a flu vaccine? A: Yes. Getting a flu vaccine is an essential part of protecting your own health and that of your whānau. Take precautions to protect yourself from getting COVID-19 while getting your flu vaccine. Going through a Tūranga Health rural drivethrough vaccination clinic is a good idea.

Q: Can I have an influenza vaccination at the same time as a COVID-19 vaccination or booster? A: Yes. There’s no need to leave a gap between influenza and COVID-19 vaccination. Q: I don’t live in one of the rural areas above. Where can I get my influenza vaccination? A: Influenza vaccination is free elsewhere in the district for those most likely to get very sick: people over 65, Māori and Pacific people over 55, pregnant people, and anyone with an underlying health condition. Contact your GP or local pharmacy today. If you’re not eligible for a free flu jab, and not covered by an employer-funded programme, there may be a cost depending on the vaccine and provider.  REDPATH COMMUNICATIONS LTD

Pipiwharauroa Pipiwharauroa He Pānui

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F o N

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2022 COURSES Tūranganui ā Kiwa | Gisborne

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