Pipiwharauroa - November 2014

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Pipiwharauroa Whiringa ā Rangi 2014

Pukapuka: Rua Te Kau Ma Tahi

Panui: Te Kau Ma Tahi


Tūranganui Schools' Māori Cultural Festival Whakanuia ngā Tamariki! Whakanuia ā tātou tamariki e kaha nei ki te tū a Tānerore me ngā kōtiro e haka nei i te haka ā Hineruhi. Āhakoa urukehu ngā makawe, kikorangi, waitai ngā whatu, anō te ātaahua, te pūkana o ngā whatu, te whētero o te arero, te ihi, te wehi, te mataku, eii mā wai mai ki tēna. E mahi ana i runga i te wairua whakakotahi, ō Te Taiopenga ā Tūranganui i te taiwhanga ō Mākaraka. He mihi nui ki ngā kura katoa i whai wāhi. Tau kē. “Ehara i te tamariki wāwāhi tahā”

Photos courtesy of Gisborne Herald

Nā Rātou mo tātou - Nā tātou mo Rātou Kua Araara mai anō

I moemoeatia, i whakaaronuitia, inā kua whakatinanatia, kua whakanuia te whare whakamaumahara ki a rātou te, “Kamupene C”. Rātou i haere ki te mura o te ahi oti atu, me rātou hoki ngā mōrehu kei waenga tonu i a tātou. He rangi whakahirahira mo rātou kua ngaro i te kitenga kanohi. Ahakoa kua tipua e te otaota, nō tēnei rā kua arāara mai anō. He nui ngā tūmomo whakaaro i puta i te tata ki te whā mano tāngata i whakaeke mai ki kōnei mo tēnei huinga. Ko te hōhonutanga o te whakaaro ki a rātou mā i pakanga, i mate atu, i ngaro atu. Ki te kore rātou, ko wai ka mōhio. Me te whakaaro anō hoki i runga i te whakanui ki a rātou, arā ki te kore rātou ko wai ka mōhio. Ka hoki ngā whakaaro ki ngā whāea, ki ngā wāhine i whakamomori, i te wehenga atu o ā rātou tama, tāne hoki me te pouri nui i te matenga atu ki rāwāhi, mō te kore he hokinga mai engari e kore e wareware i a tātou. Te Whare Whakamaumahara ki a Rātou

Tēra te rangi tino whakahirahira

Inside this month...

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Pages 4-5

The Talented Kutia Siblings

Pages 7-10

C Company House Opening

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tŪranga health




Pipiwharauroa Pipiwharauroa Ngai Tāmanuhiri

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Founded October 1898 Pukapuka: Rua Te Kau Ma Tahi Pānui: Tekau Ma Tahi Te Marama: Whiringa ā rangi Te Tau: 2014 ISSN: 1176-4228 (Print) ISSN: 2357-187X (Online)

Pīpīwharauroa takes its name from ‘He Kupu Whakamārama Pīpīwharauroa’, which was printed in October, 1899 by Te Rau Print and edited by the late Reverend Reweti Kohere. Pīpīwharauroa was re-launched on 20 October, 1993.

Muriwai kids celebrating Guy Fawkes with a bonfire and fireworks at Muriwai Beach

Produced and edited by: Te Rūnanga o Tūranganui-ā-Kiwa Tūranga Ararau Printed by: The Gisborne Herald Email: pipiwharauroa@ta-pte.org.nz Phone: (06) 868 1081


Restoration mahi continues at Muriwai, with the wharenui having the side walls reattached

Trustee Hope Tupara, Chair Shane Bradbrook and GM Richard Brooking at the Ngai Tāmanuhiri Hui ā Tau

Members of the whānau at the Ngai Tāmanuhiri Hui ā Tau

Offical results from the Ngai Tāmanuhiri Trustee election will be posted by the voting team

Dean Whiting and Scott Riki working on the wharenui conservation Uncle Joe Toroa working hard on the wharenui

Progress continues on the reparing the tukutuku panels

Whānau taking a lunch break during thier 'tiki tour' in the Wharerata Forest, courtesy of Juken NZ

Mark Brown from Juken NZ provided the whānau with an explanation and examples of wood species and cuts during the tour

The Wharerata Forest Limited AGM was also held this month. Directors leading a strategic planning session Judith Stanway, Matene Blanford, Brigid McArthur, Richard Brooking (Chair) and Pania Ruakere (secretary)

Pipiwharauroa Kōrero-Ā-Hapori

Tairāwhiti Community Law Centre

Police powers of arrest When can the Police arrest a person? A person can be arrested by the Police, either: • Under a warrant, or • Without a warrant. Arrest under a warrant Bail Act 2000, s 37

A warrant to arrest a person may be issued by the court for a number of reasons. For example, the court can issue an arrest warrant if the person has breached a bail condition or if the person has absconded (or is about to) for the purpose of avoiding court. Arrest without a warrant Crimes Act 1961, s 315

A Police officer can arrest a person without a warrant if: • The power to do so is given by statute, or • A person is committing an offence punishable by imprisonment (or there is good cause to suspect that the person has done so), or • A person is found disturbing the peace (or there is good cause to suspect that the person has done so). Bill of Rights Act 1990 Note: Most arrests happen without a warrant. Some statutes that create particular offences may restrict Police powers to arrest without a warrant for those offences. A failure by the Police to consider their discretion to arrest is unlawful and arbitrary. Specific powers under statute Some of the more specific powers of arrest under various statutes include the following: Summary Offences Act 1981 ss 39(1), 39(2)

• A Police officer has the power to arrest where they have “good cause to suspect” that a person has committed an offence against provisions of the Summary Offences Act. Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992, s 109

• A Police officer has the power to apprehend any person in a public place where there are reasonable grounds to believe that they are mentally disordered, and it would be in the public interest to do so. The officer can take that person to a Police station, hospital, or other appropriate place, and arrange for a medical practitioner to examine them as soon as practicable. Policing Act 2008, s 36

• An officer who finds a person intoxicated in a public place, or intoxicated while trespassing on private property, can in certain situations detain and take that person into custody.

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• The officer must release that person once they have sobered up. They cannot be in custody for more than 12 hours.

Ngā Kaitiaki o

Domestic Violence Act 1995

Te Maungārongo

ss 50, 124E

• Police officers may arrest, without warrant, any person they have good cause to suspect has contravened a protection order, or has failed to comply with any condition of a protection order. The Domestic Violence Act also contains Police Safety Orders. Such an order enforces many conditions against the person in question (for more information, see the chapter “Domestic Violence”). Use of force in making an arrest Can the Police use force in making an arrest? Crimes Act 1961, ss 39, 40 Police can use reasonable force to overcome force used by a person resisting arrest. The Police should use the least amount of force required in the circumstances. Police may also use reasonable force to prevent someone trying to avoid arrest or to escape after arrest. What happens if the Police use excessive force? Crimes Act 1961, s 62 If the Police use excessive force, this may mean that the arrest was unreasonable and that there has been a breach of the person's rights. This applies even if the Police are exercising power under a warrant (for information see “Rights of a person when the Police exercise their powers”). The court may rule that any evidence obtained as a consequence of the arrest is inadmissible. If a person believes the Police have used inappropriate or excessive force against them, they can: • Make a criminal complaint to the Police – this may result in the officer concerned being charged with assault or some other criminal offence • Bring a civil action for damages (compensation) • Make a complaint to the Police requesting an internal Police investigation. This may result in disciplinary charges being laid against the Police officer concerned • Make a complaint to the Independent Police Conduct Authority Duties of Police when making an arrest

Crimes Act 1961, s 316, Bill of Rights Act 1990, s 23

When the Police arrest a person they must: • Treat a person with humanity and respect • Let the person know, at the time of the arrest, the reason for the arrest (unless this is impracticable or the reason is obvious in the circumstances) • If the arrest is under a warrant, produce the authority for the arrest as soon as practicable after the arrest if the arrested person asks to see it • Bring the arrested person before a court as soon as possible. Failing to perform these duties may be taken into account when determining whether the arrest was reasonable or not. Reference: http://www.communitylaw.org.nz/ community-law-manual/chapter-28-police-powers/ police-powers-of-arrest/ Nā Nikorima Thatcher (Tairāwhiti Community Law Centre)

Kia Orana whānau, It was awesome to attend the opening of the community garden in Ranfurly Street last month which is a fine example of an initiative making a difference from a neighbourhood perspective and supported by a number of parties that want to see our people succeed. Local women, led by Lee, are developing bare land into amazing vegetable gardens that are then being shared and enjoyed by the locals. The gardens are developed with pride and the training these ladies received has been really impressive. I learnt a whole lot about tending gardens and organic vegetable growing. A second garden has been started in Tyndall Road and a number of others are being considered throughout Kaiti. This is great for Tairāwhiti whānau, as communities owning projects like this has a huge positive impact on our people. Constable Whiti Timutimu is commended for her support to the project. Ngā Ara Pai ki te Tairāwhiti is a community project focused on achieving good pathways to a full drivers license for our tamariki. Approximately 34% of ‘fatals’ and serious crashes involve 1624 year olds so here, in Tairāwhiti, we are very fortunate to have this programme supported and funded by NZTA, Chevron, AA, GDC, NZ Police and facilitated by Passrite in Childers Road. We have a number of trained mentor drivers, twenty of whom are my police staff. Our Mayor is also a mentor and we are looking to develop more volunteers to sit alongside our tamariki supporting them towards their restricted license. Selected students are aged between 16-24 years of age and those who may not have a vehicle at home or someone who could mentor them towards obtaining their restricted license. Our first group of 15 students graduated with 100% pass and we are now close to completing our second course and of 15 students booking their restricted test. We will continue these courses into 2015, from a Nga Pirihimana perspective I am really proud that my staff and other mentors volunteering their time to be a part of it all. This is another example of police interacting with our communities to break down the barriers that exist. My rural staff are now also looking at opportunities to get some of their communities involved. Everyone has the right to feel safe and be safe on our roads and it is great to see that Tairāwhiti fatal and serious crashes have steadily decreased in the past few years. Your police are on our highways, at our intersections targeting speed, seat belts, failing to stop at stop signs, drivers using cellphones when driving and drivers under the influence of alcohol, as most of these are the causes of our fatal and serious crashes. My staff cannot do this alone, everyone has a responsibility to do their part. If you see something whānau, say something. Wearing a seatbelt will save your life and your children's lives. If we drink alcohol, we don't drive. Let's all take responsibility for our safety and that of our whānau and we will all have a happy safe Christmas together. Kia Manuia Nā Sam Aberahama Area Commander: Tairāwhiti Police

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Pipiwharauroa Waiwai Ana Ngā Whatu

Waiwai Ana Ngā Whatu

Things in the Kutia household are starting to quieten down, well for now anyway. The Kutia siblings nō Ngāti Porou, Te Aitanga ā Māhaki, Te Aitanga ā Hauiti include Chapman 18 years, Parearau 15 years and 11 year old Ariata. They have enjoyed a roller coaster of success over recent years. Here we highlight a bit of a timeline since the naming of Chapman in the 2014 World Junior Boys Squad back in November 2012. Following the 2012 NZ Junior Age Group Champs held in Palmerston North, Chapman was invited to be a part of an eight man squad identified as having the potential to be selected for the NZ Junior Men’s team to represent the country at the 2014 World Junior Squash Championships. Whilst he had always had a bit of a goal to perhaps represent his country one day, this would be the beginning of being serious with making his ultimate goal happen and he was determined to one day represent his country. He was prepared to accept the challenge and it was going to be an uphill one as he ranked around 7 or 8 of the 8 boys chosen. This number would increase to 9 in later months, thus making his chances of making the 4 man squad even more difficult and he had a window of 18 months to do so. It was the end of 2012, enter Nick Mita, High Performance Squash Coach, based in Tawa, Wellington. The whānau chose Nick to support Chapman with his 18 month campaign to improve the technical aspects of his game and learn from one of NZ’s most respected coaches amongst the squash fraternity. Parearau too would also be involved in brushing up her skills through Nick Mita. Both brother and sister spent many school holidays and several weekends making the journey to Wellington to improve their technical squash capabilities. On occasion Mita would make the trip to Gisborne.


In May 2013, Mita accompanied both Chapman and Parearau to their first international tournament outside of the Pacific and Australasia. This was the Malaysian Junior Open in Kuala Lumpur and the Penang Open. This event would whet their appetite for further international exposure and gave them both a taste of the standard of play one can expect to see on the international stage. The events highlighted for the Kutia siblings that they needed to develop many facets of their squash games in order to challenge the top players in the world. The year would continue with both Chapman and Parearau juggling school commitments around study, assignments and their rigorous strength, conditioning and squash tournament programme that involved training up to 12 hours per week with

tournaments consuming three of four weekends in each month from February through to October. In August 2013 both Chapman and Parearau were named in their first NZ representative side, as Chapman made the NZ Secondary Schools Senior Boys team and Parearau made the NZ Secondary Schools Junior Girls team to compete in the Trans-Tasman Secondary Schools challenge. The NZ Secondary school teams had convincing wins over their Trans-Tasman counterparts. After the first year of being in the World Junior Boys squad, Chapman would once again be named in the squad of 9, still ranking around the bottom 3. At the same time Parearau was again named in the National Development Squad of which she has been a part of for three years. There would not be much of a rest following the National Age group champs in October 2013 and upcoming training camps were in the pipeline. The first for Chapman a three day intensive high performance camp at the Auckland based Unitec courts which has become a familiar training ground for these Kutia siblings. The announcement of both Chapman and Parearau for their next NZ team representation came in November 2013 when they were both named in the NZ Junior team to compete against Australia in a test series and also the Oceania Junior Championships being hosted in Australia in January 2014. This announcement basically put summer holidays on hold for the Kutia kids as it meant they needed to have had refreshed themselves following our winter season, and put in place a plan in which they could prepare to play top squash in the middle of January in the Australian heat. It was at this point when younger sibling Ariata comes on to the scene to make her debut outside of NZ. She had just come off the back of winning the 2013 North Island Junior Age Group and 2013 National Junior Age Group titles for the under 11 girls and she met the eligibility to compete in the 2014 Oceania Junior Age group champs and walked away quite comfortably with that title to her impressive little profile of achievements. Chapman and Parearau had somewhat mediocre results at the Oceania Junior Age Groups and during the Trans Tasman test series. Chapman would finish with disappointing results and knew on his return to NZ he would have to reassess where to from here. In addition was the added challenge of leaving his home in Gisborne to move to Wellington to be on the pulse of the expertise his coach Nick Mita could provide. Through Nick and his wife Donna, together with their two boys Byrin and Jay Jay they took Chapman in to their home, just like he was their own and from there on in, Chapman got to live and breathe the life of a professional squash player. It was not all squash training though as Chapman’s whānau also wanted him to have a balance to meet his academic learning and prepare himself in the event he would not meet his squash goals. The University of Victoria Tohu Māoritanga has been the perfect balance for Chapman. A full time course where he has been able to acquire foundation skills in academic study and get a general taste of University study while not being too intense that he was not able to cope, he has been able to balance study and squash training commitments.

Parearau showing great skill

Parearau in action

The year would commence under the watchful eye of national high performance coach Paul Hornsby, Assistant Support Coach Robbie Wyatt and Strength and Conditioning Trainer Tony Marsh, and the NZ Squash National Selectors. There was pretty much 6 months remaining in the 18 month campaign until the naming of the 4 man squad. Juggling study, injury niggles, adjusting to being away from home, financial challenges, Chapman appeared to be taking everything in his stride, Mum and Dad always checking in on him lol!! The 2014 February training camp of the World Junior Boys Squad had been and gone with Nick Mita happy with the feedback he had received on Chapman’s fitness, technical adjustments and general progress. The next challenges for Chapman would be the selection tournaments. Chapman noticed the pool of high level squash competition he was now amongst in Wellington. He immersed himself in local interclub and weekend tournaments would ensure he was amongst decent “A” grade players week after week. One of his goals was to achieve his A grade as a 17 year old and he did so in early 2014 through his regular involvement in the Wellington area tournament and interclub scene. The first of the four selection tournaments was the NZ Junior Open held 17 April in Auckland. By now one of the 9 squad members would withdraw leaving 8 still vying for the 4 spots. Some of the boys had been hounded by injury but the majority stood strong. Chapman would make the quarter finals where he would meet the favourite Max Trimble. Despite a fiery battle, Chapman lost this match in 4, really disappointed in his effort, his crew hoping he would recover emotionally enough to have a respectable finish for 5th or 6th place. This was not to be as the nuggety Sion Wiggin, from Auckland, a strong contender for the World Junior Boys squad virtually tuned Chapman up. There was to be a lot of soul searching, post mortems and reviewing of where Chapman was at with his game. Clearly Chapman’s thought patterns and ability to cope with aspects of his game required work and from here much effort was put in to addressing his needs in this area. It was time to move on, the next selection tournament would be two weeks later, the Wellington Junior Open at the Mana Club, Wellington. Chapman’s whānau made this journey from Tūranga as they did to all his selection tournaments, and were always optimistic that the quality of the squad was so close that regardless of where Chapman was positioning himself, the whānau were always going to be there to provide that physical, emotional and whānau support. Chapman had risen above his disappointing results from the Auckland Junior Open. He had had a couple of good weeks training and seemed well prepared for this event. He would get off to a great

Pipiwharauroa He Toki Toa

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start and amazed most of the spectators when he had a surprise win against the number one seed, his training buddy Scotty Galloway from Wellington. This win set up a semi final round once again with Max Trimble. Chapman lost to Max and got to the playoffs for 3rd and 4th where he had a convincing win over Luke Cooper (Mt Maunganui). This was a very satisfying 3rd placing for Chapman.

Two weeks later, the whānau again hit the road from Turanga, and met Chapman who had flown to Auckland with coach Nick Mita. Chapman appeared pretty composed and relaxed about entering the 3rd of the selection tournaments. The best thing, he was keen and ready to do battle. He would again meet his nemesis, Sion Wiggin (Auckland). This time in the quarter finals. The match was yet another encounter of blow by blow shot taking, lunging, volleying and pure guts and determination. This time Chapman would beat Wiggins in a 4 game match. This win escalated Chapman’s confidence to a new level, the Mita coaching crew and the Kutia whānau totally enthralled with the victory. Chapman had set up another semi-final, this time against his mate Luke Jones (Palmerston North). Both Chapman and Luke have a see-saw record of wins and losses against each other, actually so many, one can easily lose count. The Kutia corner wondered if Chapman would have the legs and stamina to put up another effort such as that he had just displayed with Wiggins. Chapman would put to rest any concerns in that department as on this occasion he was able to dispose of Luke Jones in 3 sets. The next game would be a final with his mate Scotty Galloway. Galloway won this match in 4, and it was a display of exhilarating thrill with the two players very well known for their array of shots and exciting flare. Chapman finished in 2nd place, another very satisfying result!

I'll take this one

Chapman would have a couple weeks rest before the 4th and final event. The North Island Senior Champs in Palmerston North. Chapman was placed in a division in which he would meet a fine artillery of some of NZ Squash’s best up and coming juniors and then two of his World Junior Squad team mates. First and second rounds saw Chapman dispatch Corbin Faint and Jamie Oakley, next would be a semi final match up with Luke Cooper again from Mt Maunganui. Chapman again won against Cooper in 3 and a finals showdown against Josh Oakley was sure to be a showstopper. Oakley can be described as one of the gutsiest players on the Junior circuit, very talented and extremely fit. All of these attributes he would leave on the court, but Chapman would do the same and one better, would take the win, in a closely fought 5 setter. Chapman would win this division of the North Island Senior Camps in Palmerston North, the 4th and final selection tournament.

At the Nicol David International Squash Centre

It was at this event, High Performance coach Paul Hornsby named his 4 man side to compete at the 2014 World Junior Squash Championships in Namibia. The team included Scott Galloway (Wellington), Max Trimble (Whangarei), Luke Jones (Palmerston North), Chapman Kutia (Gisborne). The announcement would be one of the proudest moments in the lives of the Kutia whānau. They always believed Chapman had done enough to be selected, despite a couple of road bumps along the way. The next challenge for the whānau was to make sure Chapman was able to attend this event in Namibia. He had some success along the way when at the end of 2013 was the recipient of the Skills Active Te Tohu Taakaro o Aotearoa Sports Scholarship presented at the NZ Māori Sports Awards held in Auckland. This scholarship was made available to support Chapman with his university study or sporting endeavours. Te Tari Māori of Victoria University have also played a significant role in supporting Chapman in allowing him to pursue his sporting goals this year. He has had caring and supportive tutors and class mates and a learning environment which has allowed him to juggle his academic and sporting goals without too much stress and worry. Victoria University acknowledged Chapman recently when they presented him with a Blues Award for Squash and he was named as the Māori Sportsperson of the Year. A Blue Award is the highest recognition Victoria can present to a student who has, by their sporting achievements, brought credit to the institution. The Māori Sportsperson of the Year award is presented to the person who is judged to have best represented Māoridom through his or her performances in top level sport.

pivotal to Chapman being able to develop his squash playing ability and having the best opportunities he could in making the team selection. To end the year off, Chapman has a new NZ Squash ranking of #3 in the Under 19 age group and he will graduate with his Diploma Māoritanga in December. Parearau was named as a Tairāwhiti Rising Legend for 2014 and once again she was selected for the 2014 NZ Secondary Schools Squash team, this time as a Senior. They thrashed the Australian team in the Trans-Tasman test series in August. Pare is on the Gisborne Girls High School Sports council and enjoys kapa haka, she is grateful for the support she has received from the Tairāwhiti Rising Legends programme and Te Whānau ā Taupara Trust. Ariata has her Oceania Age Groups title as her claim to fame this year. A quiet but competitive soul, Ariata promises to display the talent she possesses in the coming years. So for now, the Kutia whānau get a bit of a rest, for how long, one cannot be so sure!! The parents of these talented children firmly believe their children are the creators of their own destiny, whilst the parents provide the road maps and support them with the relevant tools and directions, at the end of the day, they themselves will choose the paths they want to take and the kids just have to know what to do when they get there.

Key supporters throughout Chapman’s selection and fundraising have also included Tūranga Health, Te Puni Kōkiri, Squash Eastern, Gisborne HSOB Squash, Te Whānau ā Taupara Trust, Proprietors of Rotokautuku XIC and Hinemaurea ki Mangatuna Marae, plus Nanny and Papa. The whānau also acknowledge those who contributed to Chapman’s fundraising extravaganza of raffles, batons up, a squash tournament and a hangi. As many names are unknown, please accept this as a personal acknowledgement of your contributions of which the whānau are most grateful. The Mita whānau are also to be acknowledged for providing Chapman with his Wellington base during 2013/2014. Welcoming Chapman in to their home was

Rightfully celebrating another brilliant win

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Pipiwharauroa Tū Tauira


Leaders of the Future

Tū Tauira is a Māori Boys Leadership programme that was started at Gisborne Intermediate this year by Kaiako Puri Hauiti and Waata Shepherd to enhance the leadership potential of Māori boys within their kura, it is based on Tikanga Māori Principles, Morals and Values. The boys were selected by their teachers to be a part of this new initiative and they meet every Friday at which time they are taken through a range of activity that help them develop as young Māori Leaders. When the boys arrive they know they do karakia first and foremost and follow up with waiata then our haka which we have also titled “Tū Tauira.” It embraces our culture and the prominent Māori leaders who have left a legacy for us to follow. We discuss and breakdown the kupu of our teachings so the boys know that it is more than standing up and throwing their body around. This is important to us as Māori. Learn the kupu and the actions will follow with more impetus. We talk about leaders like Sir Apirana Ngata, Willie Apiata, Moana nui ā Kiwa Ngarimu and our Uncle Parekura Horomia. However the most important aspect of our roopu is knowing who we are first and foremost. It is important within our culture that we have an identity. Once you have a strong understanding of who you are, where you come from and know you have a purpose in this world, then things will improve for the better. A lot of these boys already have this, so it’s about them being the Tuakana and helping out the rest of the boys. It is so much more powerful when the boys take on that responsibility. A highlight of our Roopu is the creation of a new Traditional Māori game that we have created and also titled “Tū Tauira.” This game has a whakapapa to it as well. That is why our Culture is awesome because we can add and create stories about our kaupapa. The boys have also designed a Movie Trailer based on this game. A range of activities are offered through Tū Tauira and the cool thing is, they all want to be a part of it. Everyone wants to be a part of something, when it looks as though it provides a lot of fun. However the boys have worked hard within their classrooms and earned their place. The teachers tell us they are doing really well in class and we pass this onto the boys as it is really important that they hear these cool messages about them from their teachers. It makes them feel great. It’s all positive, hence the rewards. Our boys need as much encouragement as possible to help keep them focused. Other activities we do evolve around team building and team work. We also take the boys fishing, eeling and other outdoor excursions. It’s all about giving them an opportunity to learn different life skills. Eeling was a big buzz for some of the boys as they had never known the experience before. Just being out in the dark and shining a torch along a stream is a buzz for any young man. The banter and the laughter between them is the most rewarding thing. When we hear the boys laughing, that means they

Tū Tauira boys in touch with Papatuanuku

Ko Ko Ko Ko

Hikurangi te maunga Waiapu te awa Ngāti Porou te iwi Ririwai Fox ahau

Ko Ko Ko Ko

I like learning about things “Māori”. I am proud to be “Māori.”I really enjoyed going eeling because it was mean as.

Ko Ko Ko Ko

Moumoukai te maunga Nūhaka te awa Rākaipaaka te Iwi Joseph Ormond ahau

I enjoy Tū Tauira because we can have a good laugh, but we still use “Kotahitanga” to work together. Tū Tauira has helped me settle in to School Life at Gisborne Intermediate.

Ko Ko Ko Ko Ko Ko

Maungahaumi te maunga Waipāoa te awa Te Aitanga ā Māhaki te iwi Moko Kiwara ahau

Tū Tauira is a great leadership programme and we learn about all the great things around Te Tairāwhiti.

Puketapu te maunga Te Ārai te Uru te awa Pāhou te marae Ngāti Maru te hapū Rongowhakaata te iwi Puka Moeau ahau

Tū Tauira has been fun for me because I like hanging out and learning about the old times. My favorite time was our camp up the coast. It was mean.

Ko Ko Ko Ko Ko

Puketapu te maunga Te Ārai te awa Ōhako te marae Rongowhakaata te iwi Troy Hunter Paratene ahau

I enjoy learning about my culture and all the Māori Heroes that we have. I also like the outdoor excursions because we may not get to do those things all the time and we learn from doing them.

Ko Hikurangi te maunga Ko Waiapu te awa Ko Ngāti Porou te iwi Ko Kahn Te Manawa Grayson ahau I have basically loved everything that Matua Waata and Matua Puri have taught us. They also let us do the things we love to do.

Ko Ko Ko Ko

Hikurangi te maunga Waiapu te awa Ngāti Porou te iwi DJ Fonoti ahau

The thing I like about Tū Tauira is the Outdoor Excursions because they let you bond and get to know the boys from the other syndicates.

are enjoying the moment. Again it is all positive. We do have strong support from Tūranga Ararau and we cannot thank people like Sharon Maynard and Kehu Beauchamp highly enough. We say to the boys that you never forget people who have helped you out because one day, they may need a hand and you have to be there for them when and if needed. Those are life skills that everyone should have. The boys are all very grateful to Sharon and Kehu for their support.

Tū Tauira Boys preparing to welcome whānau to Gisborne Intermediate's open night

We believe “Tū Tauira” can get bigger and better and are open to anyone who wants to lend a hand. There are some talented people in our community who can share their knowledge, skills and expertise with

these boys to help them grow. Waata and I are the first to say we don’t know everything so are happy for others to help paddle this Waka. It’s all about community involvement as well. We are happy to talk with anyone who would like to help make a positive difference for these boys and boys who will join our programme in the future. At the end of the day, we all want what’s best for our upcoming generations.

Caleb “BB” Lewis with younger brother Wyatt preparing to set the Hinaki



Pipiwharauroa Kamupene C


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reflection on the huge losses sustained by Māori during the Second World War. The C Company veterans on the Nga Taonga a Nga Tama Toa Trust gave their approval for the exhibition to be dismantled on the promise of a permanent repository to house C Company’s memorabilia. The trustees considered a number of options, including buying a vacant section to build on, purchasing a section with buildings already on the property, adding an extension to the present museum and leasing land next to the museum.

Photo courtesy of Cynthia Sidney

On the parade route to the C Company House Photo courtesy of Ali Maynard

He ra tino nui te whakapuaretanga me te whakatapunga o te whare whakamaharatanga ki ngā hoia o Kamupene C, 28th Māori Battalion. I te 15 o Noema, i te tau 2014 ka emi katoa te hui mai rano o Ngāi Tai me te Whanau-a-Apanui, apiti atu ki a Porou o Waiapu me ona karangatanga maha, Ruataupare o Tokomaru, Hauiti o Uawa, Whangārā a tae noa ki ngā iwi taketake o Tūranga.

Discussions with C Company communities revealed Gisborne as the logical location for the house because of population, and also it was the place where C Company was brought together and disbanded during the war. In the end, the Trust agreed to build alongside the Tairawhiti Museum. Building next to the museum also made sense because the museum has staff and expertise to assist with exhibitions.

Kihai i tu te hui i taua rā, nō te Pararire ka u mai te tini me te mano i haere mai i ngā topito katoa o te motu. No te ahiahi o taua ra ka tae mai te hui o te Kamupene C ki te marae o te Poho-o-Rawiri. I te 5 o ngā haora, ka tu te korero o te iwi nui tonu. He mea whiriwhiri ngā tangata mo te kōrero, kia tu ai ki runga i te marae atea. I reira ano ngā morehu o te Rua Tekau ma Waru, me te Pihopa o Aotearoa, ngā rangatira me te tokomaha o nga rangatahi. He rawe te ahua o ngā mihi me ngā whakatau mo ngā ope whakaeke. Ko aua ope ra no Ngapuhi, no Kahungunu, nō Tuhoe, nō te Waipounamu, nō Akarana, nō Poneke, nō Ahitereiria nō wai ake ranei.

Seed funding from government, as well as contributions from C Company whanau, marae, land trusts, farm incorporations, a radiothon, and grants from local charities, were soon forthcoming. The building could not have been completed, however, without the substantial financial contributions that came from the iwi in the region.

Ehara ano hoki tēnei i te mahi hou ki to tātou takiwa te kawanga i ngā whare hou, ara, te whakapuaretanga, me te whakarewa pukapuka i te ra o te whakapuaretanga. He ra tino nui whakaharahara tēnei nō te hui, a, i nuku atu i te 4,000 ngā tangata i emi mai i te taone o Tūranga i taua rangi. I kati ngā tiriti katoa e pokai ana i te whare hou i muri o te parakuihi kia tae mai ai ngā tāngata nunui katoa o te takiwa me ngā rōpu nunui.


Otira e mahara ake ana mātou o te Tarati tēnei nupepa o Tūranga e awhina i a mātou a koia tēnei ka waiho atu e mātou mana a mātou mihi e titaritari haere ki nga marae katoa o te Tairāwhiti. He mihi atu ra tēnei nā mātou ki a koutou, ehara i te mea ki te karangatanga kotahi, engari ki nga karangatanga katoa, ki te iti, ki te rahi, ki te rawakore, ki te tangata whai rawa, ki te hunga katoa e tautoko ana i te kaupapa o te Kamupene C. Tēnā koutou mo o koutou painga ki a matau mai i ngā ra kua pahure ake nei i whakatokia e ngā morehu o Kamupene C te whakaaro mō te whare ki roto i a matou, tae noa mai ki tēnei wā.

Alan Haronga, representing the Wi Pere Trust, opened with a brief address about the role that his tipuna played in raising the sixty volunteers in 1914 and the fact that the naming of the Māori Contingent as Te Hokowhitu-ā-Tū was attributed to the Hon. Wi Pere.

The C Company Memorial House is the culmination of a huge amount of work and goodwill. It stands as an amazing testimony of cultural success in our modern post-colonial world. It commemorates our service personnel, but it also acknowledges that success.

The proceedings on the day of the opening started at Te Poho-o-Rawiri Marae when at 6.45am 1000 people gathered to take part in the military / civilian parade. Three horsemen, several cars and WWII military vehicles waited on the road while a 30man Defence Force guard, territorial force soldiers bearing the 28th Māori Battalion colours, navy personnel, returned servicemen, cadets, secondary school service academies, marae representatives and whanau carrying photos of loved ones filled the tennis court area. It was a grand sight.

Background It had been six years in the planning. 2008 was the year in which the iconic C Company exhibition in the Tairāwhiti Museum was dismantled. The exhibition, named from an essay by Sir Apirana Ngata, was a moving

tennis courts, their cadence cut the chilly silence. Their appearance was made more significant, when it was learnt that the drill sergeant, Staff-Sgt Lloyd Donnelly, like a number of the lads was the greatgrandson of one of the original sixty.

Wero a powhiri, Te Poho-o-Rawiri Marae Photo courtesy of Cynthia Sidney

At 7.15 am, however, it was the sixty young men dressed in period WW1 uniforms that stole the show. Marching in unison from Cambridge Terrace, each strike of their hobnail boots upon the tar seal was heard before the troop was seen, and when they did come into view there was hardly a dry eye among the observers as the youthful faces brought home the reality that it was the plume of our youth who marched off to war 100 years ago.

Parade Marshall, Harawira Pearless, calls the parade to attention Photo courtesy of Ali Maynard

The City of Gisborne Highland Pipe Band then set the rhythm and the 500metre long parade stepped off following Crawford Road to Hirini Street, then into Wainui Road. Members of the public lined both sides of the road to get a glimpse of something that had not been seen in a 100 years and was not likely to occur again for another 100.

Onlookers were thrust back in time and for a moment each experienced the feeling that every parent, wife and sibling must have felt. As the sixty did a circuit of the Capt. Matt Clark & City of Gisborne Cadet Unit during the parade Photo courtesy of Ali Maynard

The route was along Reads Quay so that a stop could be made at the Wi Pere Memorial. Approximately 50 of Wi Pere’s descendants, as well as hundreds more onlookers, watched as the sixty came to a halt in front of the memorial. Two of the lads from the sixty, direct descendants of the Hon. Wi Pere, fell out and laid wreaths to the memory of their tipuna, before the company, all armed with Lee Enfield rifles, gave a general salute. They followed with the haka “Ka mate” to commemorate the haka performed at Gallipoli by Te Hokowhitu-ā-Tū. It was extremely moving and this set the tone for the day.

Mura Love in the uniform of the Mounted Rifles

It was a tremendous sight for Photo courtesy of Ali Maynard the thousands gathered around Kelvin Park, to see Mura Love, dressed in the uniform of the Wellington East Coast Mounted Rifles, astride a beautiful horse, leading the parade across the Peel Street Bridge towards the Army Hall car park. Flanked by two other horsemen, Reihana Tipoki (with his dog alongside) and John Manuel (his horse fitted out in the sky blue colour of the East Coast representative rugby side) gave way to the beaming smiles of 28th Māori Battalion veterans arriving in chauffeur-driven convertibles.

Hirini Reedy, an ex-army captain, holds the banner he carried from Torere to Paritu and back to Gisborne in the weeks before the opening Photo courtesy of Ali Maynard

opportunity to dismiss the parade. By now there were some 4,000 people in the Kelvin Park precinct and many more across the river at the Wi Pere Memorial. Visitors had come from all over the country for this long awaited day.


As the parade pulled onto the Army Hall car park in what seemed an endless stream of military units that lasted several minutes the Returned Servicemen waiting to receive them stood to attention, clearly overcome by what appeared before them.

The proceedings were running slightly ahead of time as the crowd converged at the front of the C Company Memorial House. Karanga rang out as the Battalion flag was marched to the front of the memorial house. Space was at a premium so the sixty gave a brief but powerful performance of Sir Apirana Ngata’s WW1 composition “Te Ope Tuatahi” and the haka “Ka mate” before retiring.

The parade marshall, Harawira Pearless, brought everyone to attention to allow Owen Lloyd the

Four ministers of the crown were accorded special seating among the official party while the veterans

Te Hokowhitu-a-Tu cultural party from Tokomaru Bay Photo courtesy of Ali Maynard

and widows took pride of place in the porch of the house. Seated with them was Dr Apirana Mahuika, who had played a significant role in making the house a reality. The Bishop of Aotearoa - the Most Reverend Brown Turei, the poutikanga for the Ringatū Church Wirangi Charlie Pera and Derek Lardelli led the karakia that consecrated the house before entering its threshold. Hundreds followed them, all struck by the photographic display that awaited them inside the building. For a short period the rhythm of the consecration was broken as the huge crowd filed out of the house and around the six carved pou in the park. The master of ceremonies, Selwyn Parata, called the hui back to order and soon haka and waiata sounded as speaker followed speaker in addressing the large crowd gathered for the occasion.

Veterans and others: ? , Eru Paenga, Alec Reedy, Tate Pewhairangi, Bill Whaitiri, ?, Mayor Meng Foon, Toti Tuhaka, and Selwyn Parata. Judy Waititi (behind). Photo courtesy of Ali Maynard

The original 60 members of the Maori Contingent from Te Tairāwhiti plus 10 more from Hastings. Taken at Napier 19 October 1914. Photo courtesy of Tairāwhiti Museum


Pipiwharauroa Kamupene C


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Kamupene C

A proud representative of one of "the 60" Photo courtesy of Ali Maynard

Derek Lardelli leads the haka in front of the house Photo courtesy of Ali Maynard

Danny Poihipi of Te Whanau-a-Apanui, one of the speakers for C Company Photo courtesy of Ali Maynard

NGA TAMA TOA The launching of the Māori edition of Nga Tama Toa brought to a close the official programme for the morning. The book outlines the story of the 28th Māori Battalion’s C Company and is one of the largest Māori language publications in the last century, on a similar scale to the Māori Language dictionary and the Bible. It took a group of Māori language experts from Torere to Muriwai, convened by the book’s author Dr Monty Soutar, five years to translate the work. The book intends to be both an example of quality Māori language based on the iwi dialect of the region and a resource for language learners.

Hon. Te Ururoa Flavell speaks on behalf of the official party Photo courtesy of Ali Maynard

“The Company’s history is a strong unifying concept in the Tairāwhiti, bringing together the iwi of the region, so it was not difficult to persuade the translators to take part,” said Dr Soutar. “They were all related to men in C Company and all volunteered their time.” The 14 translators were supported by a wider panel of reo experts including some of the remaining C Company veterans. Those involved were Sir Tāmati & Lady Te Koingo Reedy, Dr Apirana Mahuika, Jossie and Willie Kaa, Bill Maxwell, Muriwai Jones, Tussie Butler-Gamble, Kahu Stirling, Lewis Moeau, Whairiri Ngata, Ethel MacPherson, Rutene Irwin, Wi Pohatu, Nolan Raihania and the late Dr Koro Dewes and the late Sir Henare Ngata. Copies of Nga Tama Toa are being sold for $69.99, on the Trust’s behalf, at the Tairāwhiti Museum. In the early afternoon a hakari took place at Te Pohoo-Rawiri Marae while a concert was held in Kelvin Park.

Dolly Kapa proceedings




Photo courtesy of Ali Maynard

Representing the 60 Tairāwhiti members of the Māori Contingent in front of the Memorial House on Kelvin Park side Photo courtesy of Haka Boy Films


INFORMATION ABOUT THE BUILDING The house was built as a memorial to C Company of the 28th Māori Battalion, but includes exhibitions about other servicemen and servicewomen (Māori & Pākehā) from the Tairāwhiti region who have been involved in overseas theatres of war. It will eventually house film, audio, photographic and paper archives of the district’s war efforts since the Anglo-Boer War in 1899. Four Māori architects based in Auckland, whose roots trace back to the Tairāwhiti, first volunteered to design the building. They provided two sets of plans at no cost to the Trust and iwi of C Company. The Trust found the building too expensive to construct so opted for a Landmark Homes model and had it redesigned to meet its requirements. Ms Tere Insley was brought in to assist with the redesign in the lead up to the resource consent process. The design concepts, themselves, came from Dr Api Mahuika and Derek Lardelli.


Left: Pom Walker of Te Kaha, one of three C Coy veterans who attended. Photo courtesy of Cynthia Sidney

Photo courtesy of Ali Maynard


C Coy veteran Nolan Raihania


Pipiwharauroa Kamupene C

Concert in the park

Photo courtesy of Cynthia Sidney

From the outset there was a real sense of people wanting to contribute to this memorial building. It was as if they wanted to acknowledge their forefathers who gave so much that we might live free lives. Ngāi Tai, the smallest of the C Company iwi, started the ball rolling when they gave the first cheque. The Trust itself made over $40,000 from royalties gained from Nga Tama Toa book sales. It was paid for from money raised on behalf of C Company. The only cost to the city of Gisborne or the Gisborne District Council was the leased land upon which the building is situated. The building has been designed so that it fits within the Kelvin Park environment. In particular, its deck doubles as a performance space to audiences in the park.

DESIGN The building is based on a Landmark Homes model, but has been designed to reflect the cruciform shape. Constructing the house in the shape of a cross is appropriate for several reasons: • the Māori Battalion’s marching song “For God, for King and for Country” • the graves of the young men who were killed overseas being marked by a wooden cross • the soldiers’ belief that God was always with them Romans 8:31

The cross and its green roof, which reflects the pare raukawakawa or greenery worn around the head at tangihanga, signals the commemorative purpose behind the building. The wood for the pou was donated. The pou symbolise: • the tauihu (prow) of waka, coming ashore, carrying the myriad of memories of the war years, • the iwi whose young men signed themselves as belonging to C Company, • they stand as sentinels of the past guarding the building, • they are set out in a circumference creating an arena for performance, • the waka imagery is appropriate given the significance of the three rivers near the building ― Waimatā, Taruheru and Tūranganui-ā-Kiwa, • wmbedded in each pou are symbols of Tū, guardian and protector of the Battalion. The wall colour inside the building is desert sand, while the C Company centre-piece reflects the red of blood. The centre-piece has dual imagery attached. It embodies a stylised whatu-manawa (in this case the eye of Tūmatauenga) and the connecting of two film strips interwoven with the images of the 28th Māori Battalion. The carpet or whariki design incorporates kaokao with niho taniwha embedded. This depicts the sacred chevron mat of the Battalion and the teeth of the serpent of death, which our servicemen and servicewomen faced daily when at war. The design on the windows incorporates a stylised poppy with the poutama pattern. Poutama symbolises striving for the highest in the journey of life. The landscaping outside the building was designed to fit with the building and its environs. This too was carried out by volunteers.

One of the pou representing the tauihu of a waka Photo courtesy of Cynthia Sidney

Te Titirere o Tu was a gift to the Trust. It appears in the building and throughout the book Nga Tama Toa. Te Titirere o Tu is based on an interpretation of the traditional moko pattern on the forehead of a warrior, in this case Tūmatauenga. It incorporates multiple elements from ancient cosmology, theology, history and modern influences and ties together the accomplishments of the Māori Battalion with their distant ancestors and the generations to come. For the aficionado, these components include: toropapa, manaia, manawa, kahukura, uenuku, rongomai, te taura tangata, tuhi mareikura, tuhi whatukura, titirere, mangopare, iro, te potae hoia. The C Company Memorial House is open each week from 12 midday to 3 pm from Tuesday to Saturday (excluding public holidays). Admission is free, although visitors are welcome to leave a koha. Nā Mātou NGA TAONGA A NGA TAMA TOA TRUST

Ministers blessing the house and pou. L to R: Rev. Don Tamihere, ?, Rev Gray (obscured), Bishop Brown Turei, Danny Poihipi, Derek Lardelli, Charlie Pera Photo courtesy of Ali Maynard

Wall of C Company soldiers photos inside the whare

Pipiwharauroa He Kōrero

Mere Pōhatu

Meka Whaitiri

The recent opening of the 28 Māori Battalion C Company Memorial Museum was a pleasure and honour to attend, and I was pleased to be joined by my newly elected Labour Party colleagues from the Tamaki Makaurau and Te Tai Hauauru electorates. Peeni Henare (Tamaki Makaurau) is the grandson of Sir James Henare, a Commanding Officer of the 28th Māori Battalion (A Company) and former Member of Parliament for Northern Maori. Adrian Rurawhe (Te Tai Hauauru) is the grandson of Iriaka Ratana, the first Māori woman elected to Parliament. Rawiri Waititi, Labour candidate for Waititi and grandson of Te Whānau ā Apanui hoia, was also with us. It was a pleasure to have them alongside, who, with these notable connections further uplifting such an auspicious occasion. I, like all present, was particularly moved by the 60 young men who marched dressed in replica World War One uniforms. At times this march was haunting and a return to the past of 100 years ago, when 60 men left the region for war. The building is an outstanding complex, which will ensure the historic importance of the C Company is retained and upheld, to be remembered by future generations. #GIGATOWNGIS - Although Gisborne did not win, it has been a fantastic competition and rallied the whole community including those living in Te Tairāwhiti and afar. The competition encouraged us all to consider the benefits of ultrafast broadband, and the possibilities have excited many. A special thanks must go out to the Gigatown Gisborne army who have worked passionately to create a strong community, here and across Social Media. As we head toward the Christmas New Year season, I was recently reminded of the saying, "We don't remember what we received, but we remember how we felt". This is a great reminder to us about the true spirit of the festive season.

I thought of You I thought of you last Saturday. All 3,000 of us were thinking of you. I thought of you when I saw Charlotte and her team at Te Poho o Rawiri putting so much love into their preparation. Then I saw all your mokopuna setting up to sell your stories in the book, I thought of you again, I watched Makere giving out refreshing drinks to the people, there you were again in my thoughts. I looked at the beautiful flowers Kath had done for your House and I thought again. You were with us all week as Bubbie and Win so lovingly prepared the House. I saw you again when Jolene, Dudley and Monty hung your pictures. I looked across Kelvin Park and saw the poppies the Downer people had planted especially for you. I saw the Pou who represent all of us and I thought of the love for you all that Derek and his crew have embedded in the wood. I saw you again when the Ngāi Tāmanuhiri world famous baking arrived at Te Poho o Rawiri, Yet again when your Apanui, Ngāi Tai mokopuna arrived with their helping resources. When I saw your four Cabinet Ministers Hekia, Te Ururoa, Anne and Chris sitting before your House I thought again of Parekura who loved you all as his own. I saw the MPs Henare and Paraone from the North and Whaitiri from you and again I thought of you. I saw your living comrades, few in number now, and many widows deep in thought, happy knowing you will always be remembered, I looked across and saw Ingrid Searancke and I saw you all in her thoughts. I heard Charlie and Brown sitting by Api bless your House – I saw forgiveness and humility. I heard your footsteps when the 60 came across the bridge. I cried when I saw Mura Love and his horse represent you with pride. The haunting sound of the bagpipes behind the horses and the footsteps brought out tears. Then all your mokopuna followed behind you as we honoured Wi Pere.

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You were with us at Parade dismissal. You looked at your sons who went off to Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia. They are older now. You want their actions to be remembered and you have called them into the House. You looked at Reweti and Norm and their crew shifting and lifting chairs and books, ferrying people here and there and I know you were proud of them. You watched as your mokopuna Selwyn broke into Haka – you worried for his aching parts, but you carried him through. I thought of you when I saw your Korowai gracing the plaque and the book. You brought together the best Māori speaking pakeke we have to translate the Price of Citizenship. I saw your wonder when you realised your mokopuna Fred and Erana were broadcasting everything across the Iwi radio waves to your whānau in their homes across your nation. Then, I felt your amazement that your mokopuna Hera and Hat were sending the action for the world – and that so many of your mokopuna were watching us all honour you all as it happened from around the world. You sat with us as the Whiz gathered up the best talent we have in concert in the park. You marvelled at their talent. You sat with us in prayer at Te Poho o Rawiri in the Sunday. You have been every day with us In the House. I know you will be with us as the people who think we have compromised the Resource Management conditions consider yours and our Pou. You won’t have realised that after all these years you have brought us all back together again. We will honour your commitment to our nation from here on. We will vote in elections, pay our taxes and seek better health and education outcomes for our tamariki. We will remember you always. Everyone got involved and helped on the day. As Aunty Ingrid said after the poignant and sensational opening – “you kids made us all proud.” You made us all realise what The Price of Citizenship truly means. www.ngatamatoa.com

Te Ara Kupenga

Our whānau have created and continued memorable festive traditions throughout the years. The common threads of faith, love and coming together underpin them all. We also celebrate our tamariki and mokopuna and dream of a future for them of opportunity and aspiration.

Takiri mai te awatea, kōrihi mai te manu, “He taonga te whakaeke ki Ngā Wai e Toru”. He taonga i takea mai i te waonui ā Tāne. I poroa, i tāreia, i whakairotia e Matthew Thornton nō Te Kura Tuarua ō Tūranga Tāne.

Nā Meka

Tēra pea hei oranga wairua, hei oranga He wheku te whakairo o runga rawa. He tohu tinana, hei oranga hinengaro. nō te tāne. I whakairohia i runga i te momo Tau mai ana te tira kawe mai i te taonga whakairo a Tūranganui. Ko te wāhanga tuarua, nei arā ko te whaea o te tamaiti nei, he kōruru i whakairohia ki te momo whakairo ko Maewa Jones Thornton, ko Craig ki Taranaki ki tōku na kāinga tūturu. Callaghan, ko te Tumuaki o te kura ko Ko te tuatoru e whai pānga ki ngā kawai Greg Mackle hoki. whakaheke, ki ngā uri, ki ngā kai mannaki, He taonga i kapohia e te whatu ō Tākuta kaitautoko, kaiāwhina i a tātou i te wā o te Fergus i a ia e akoako waiata ana i te mate, o te pūhore me te rawakore i te wā e kura, ka minaia ka hokona mai mō te hiki ake ai te oranga tonutanga. Whare Tūroro ō Ngā Wai e Toru.

Nau mai, haere mai te taonga whakahirahira kia whakawhatatia koe ki runga i ngā pakitara o Te Whare Tūroro ō Ngā Wai e Toru hei tirohanga ma te hunga e pānia ana e te mate.

PS: IronMāori is less than two weeks away, on Saturday 6th December. I am competing in the Individual section, wish me luck! Look forward to catching up with the competitors from Te Tairāwhiti. Ko Tākuta Fergus rāua ko Matthew Thorton kaiwhakairo


Ko ngā whakamārama mo te pou e whai ake nei: He whakaaturanga i ngā mate ā tinana me te pāngia o te tangata e ngā

L-R Ko Ingrid Collins, Craig Callaghan, Matthew Thornton me Tākuta Fergus

tūmomo mate ka taea te tiaki, te poipoi kia mahu, i runga anō i te whakaaro kotahi a te whānau me te hapori.


Kiriata Whakahirahia



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DEADLANDS Debbie Te Hau Kei te mahi ahau i Cedenco Foods Kei te Am I? Ko Nukutere waka Ko Te Kuri ā Paoa te maunga Ko Waipaoa te awa Ko Ngāi Tāmanuhiri te iwi Ko Paoa te rangatira Ko Te Poho o Tāmanuhiri to Wharenui Ko Debbie Te Hau ahau I’m a local, not quite born but certainly bred here. My parents moved back to Gisborne soon after my birth in Wellington. My grandparents are Kahutia Te Hau and Ripora Huka. My father is from Muriwai, David Ti Kahutia Te Hau and my mum, Pam Johnson, is from Hawkes Bay. I come from a large family being the eldest of seven and I have six brothers. Career wise, I am IQF Operations Manager at Cedenco Foods. While my title indicates a production related role, I also have the opportunity to coordinate Cedenco’s seasonal employment activities and, at a high level, manage the company’s Health and Safety programme. All of these activities make for a very interesting job. Prior to joining Cedenco, like many Gisbornites, I started my career with Watties and it was there that I started to work my way into management positions. I took every opportunity for further learning and education within the industry to enable me to be promoted into areas of higher responsibilities. Like most production roles there are plenty of challenges and responsibilities and food safety is an important and inherent component of the job. Along with making safe food, we need to do it competitively and within a safe working environment. We cannot

Kia mōhio mai ai koutou ki ōku whakaaro mō tēnei kiriata. Kāre i tua atu, me haere ki te mātaki. Te mutunga kē mai o te pai. Tuatahi me mihi ki taku mokopuna. Nāna ahau i aki kia haere ki te mātaki i tēnei whakaaturanga. Ko taku whakaaro, he nui rawa te utu, ka hoko pata kānga, aihikirimi, inu, kua pau te toru tekau taara, neke atu. Eiii, peipei ana te pau o aku taara. Mai i te tīmatanga ki te mutunga, mau tonu ana. Ki te whai wā, kāo, whakawāteatia he wā kia haere koutou ki te mātakitaki i tēnei kiriata. Tau ana te reo kīwaha, tau ana te reo whakatauki, te reo kanga, te reo Māori i tōna tūturutanga. Riro katoa aku whakaaro i a Te Kohe Tūhaka rāua ko Lawrence Makoare, mai i te tīmatanga ki te mutunga. Ā hāunga hoki te mokopuna ā Ngāi te Rangi, Te Arawa, Ngāti Porou me Whakatōhea a James Rolleston, nōna te ao. He kanohi kitea i te pouaka, i ngā kiriata katoa. Me whakanui ka tika.

mihi whakanui tēnei ki a ia te uri ō te Ngāti Porou me Tūhoe. Ko taku mīharo, ko te whiu ō te reo, ko te whiu i te kanga, te aki ō te kupu. Kua ngaro tēra āhuatanga i te reo o naianei. Kua ngaro te tikanga ake o ngā kupu, kua memeha noa te tangi o te reo. Me mihi ki ngā Kaiwhakahaere, nā koutou ka ora mai anō te reo tūturu ake ki taku taringa, ki taku wairua Māori. Me haere ka tika, he aha hoki i kore ai. Tautokohia rātou, ō tātou kua eke ki te Mangoroa. Kei runga noa atu! E rima ngā whetū.

Ahakoa i pakeke atu a Te Kohe (TK) i konei kua roa kē a ia e whai ana i ngā mahi whakaata, pēra i a Shortland Street, moe atu hoki i tana wahine i a rāua e mahi tahi ana. I haere ki Ahitereiria ki te whai i tāna i wawata ai ka whai hua. Ehara nō Deadlands noa iho i rongonuitia ai engari pea nā te mea he kiriata Māori i tino puta ai tōna tohungatanga ki te whakaata. He do this alone and rely heavily on our staff to make sure it all happens. I have a passion for people’s wellbeing and personal development so HR and health and safety is a perfect fit for my work preferences. Over the years Cedenco has supported a number of our staff to achieve NZQA Level 2 qualification for Food Manufacturing and Core Manufacturing which encompasses equipment care, basic engineering, health and safety and food safety. For some, this has been their first formal qualification and we are proud to be part of such a great outcome. It is a joy to watch many of these people develop and grow when given responsibility.

Debbie and two of her team members discussing production outcome and improvements

As a company we came to realize that a number of applicants, including a number of our people, present themselves for work opportunities with little work readiness so we decided we needed to do something. Aware this is a problem that cannot necessarily be positively influenced on our own, we engaged with local education agencies including Tūranga Ararau to raise the awareness of what local employers are looking

for and how they can influence these requirements. Why Tūranga Ararua? Simply their mission statement which is, “Ka whai mana te Iwi mā te matatau i roto i ngā akoranga – Empowering Iwi through responsive learning.” We are working together to try and give our local people employment opportunities and to prepare them for work. Such a progression is critical as employers are looking for a point of difference and it all starts with who we employ. My job and experience in the food industry also has a number of flow on benefits that include the opportunity to travel for work. I have spent time working for a NZ Meat company in the USA where I gained exposure to the USDA food safety standards and met some really good people along the way. I also spent 10 days travelling the USA Mid West looking at corn processing companies and viewing new equipment that will enhance our local operation and make us more competitive internationally. I recently attended a two day conference on health and safety in Wellington to get an insight into the up and coming legislative changes that will impact on our business and support Cedenco to continue to provide a safe work environment. I am so pleased to have a great job, work for a responsible and good employer and live in a district where we can support and influence our rangatahi to take up the range of worthwhile employment opportunities we can offer.

Pipiwharauroa Wahine Toa - Te Whanake


the Rangitaiki River for long distance finally coming together in the last week before the event as a solid and fit team well ready for the worlds.

DALE THOMAS - 2014 SENIOR SPORTSWOMAN & TEAM OF THE YEAR: 23 years of age Dale Thomas – Named Senior Sportswoman of the Year and leading her team Wahine Toa – Team of the Year at the 2014 Te Arawa Awards on Friday 26 September 2014. Dale is the mokopuna of Moana and Hine Kemp of Muriwai and daughter of Sandra and George Thomas of Rotorua. Dale always wanted to be like her sporting idols, brother Tyrin who is five times Waka Ama New Zealand National Sprint Champion, and her father four times Waka Ama World Sprint Champion, now she can say she is up there with her brother and father. A past graduate of Waiariki Institute of Technology and current photographer with a local Rafting Company, Dale is always there to help anyone and that is why she is highly respected by her peers and younger age groups alike.

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Dale with her parents and the Te Arawa sports award

The women knew each other through Waka Ama and rafting and, with such outstanding successes at the Worlds, they are now recognised at an international level capping a massive three days of racing by winning all of their respective categories. They secured an undefeated score of a maximum 1,000 points and the overall winner title for the U23 Women’s Worlds Rafting Team “Wahine Toa” for 2013 collecting 5 Gold Medals in total. They earned Gold in the Sprint, Head to Head, Slalom, Downriver and in Overall.

It became the first New Zealand under 23 Women’s Raft Team to compete in a Worlds Championship Competition held in New Zealand from 13th – 17th Nov 2013. Having this event held here, with over 67 countries and 71 teams from all over Europe participating, onsite spectators reaching over 5,000 or more per day and international media exposure, has promoted the sport at all levels from youth through to masters.

Rafting holds worlds championships yearly and Waka Ama every two years but participating in both codes can be very costly and it is very humbling for Dale to receive financial assistance and to have such strong whānau support all the way. She has put the trip to Brazil for the (R4) four womens crew Worlds Rafting aside this year due to finances and work commitments but has set her sights for the Waka Ama Worlds Sprints that are to be held in Australia 2016.

Being national and world champion for waka ama, and a New Zealand National Champion for an (R4) Open Womens Rafting Team, Dale qualified for the Under 23 Junior Women’s (R6) crew for the 2013 Worlds Rafting Championship. With her history of paddling and rafting, she was asked by senior world rafters if she would help form an Under 23 Junior Women’s crew which she did.

Dale’s Wahine Toa Team of six were a crew of mainly Waka Ama athletes who had never rafted before. She knew they had water experience and power as paddlers so all she needed to do was to tweak them here and there making it easier for her to assist the coach. They trained through the winter months facing unforgiveable weather conditions rafting up and down the icy cold rapids on the Tarawera and Kaituna River, the Ohau Channel for endurance and

In all of her activities the most challenging world sporting event for Dale to date has been the 2013 Worlds Rafting Championship and helping to put a team of women coming from different regions and codes together in ten months. She says that their amazing journey has come from determination, commitment, communication respect and overall whānau support with these has come success, she thanks everyone for making it happen.

Te Whanaketanga ō Hineākua

me te takahi ā Pāoa i te whenua. Ko ētahi wāhanga e whai pānga ki te tohunga nei ki a Kiwa, me te ruahine nei a Hinehākirirangi. He whakaaturanga i a rātou mahi i te taunga mai ō Horouta ki tēnei whenua.

Over the past year Te Rūnanga o Tūranganui ā Kiwa has been developing a pilot resource to help Tūranganui-a-Kiwa mokopuna learn about their tūrangawaewae. This resource is now finished and it comprises of a story book for young readers called Horouta and units to help them learn more about the origins of this rohe.

Ka whai wāhi anō hoki tēnei rauemi ki ngā Marautanga o te Motu e pā ana ki te mahi toi, hangarau, tuhituhi, pānui arā atu. I tautokohia tēnei e Te Kāhui Kaumātua ō Tūranganui ā Kiwa. E tiro whakamua ana Te Rūnanga ō Tūranganui ā Kiwa kia tuhia ngā kōrero mō Māia. Koinei te whakaaronui ko te whai i ngā tapuwae o Maia me ana mahi i noho ai i runga i te karangatanga ō te rangatira. Ka tohainga ēnei rauemi ki ngā kura ō Cobham, Muriwai, Whatatutu, Manutuke, Awapuni, Pātutahi, Te Kura ā Rohe ō Te Karaka, Mākaraka me Te Kura Kaupapa ō ngā Uri ā Maui.

I te tau kua pahemo ake i tīmatatia e Te Rūnanga ō Tūranganui ā Kiwa he āhuatanga whakaemi rauemi hei tākoha ki ngā mokopuna. Nā tēnei, ka whakaritea he kairangahau i aua rauemi, ana ka tū ko Te Whanaketanga ō Hineākua. Kei raro te roopu nei i te kirimana i waenga i Te Rūnanga ō Tūranganui ā Kiwa me te Tari Mātauranga hei rapu āhuatanga hei whakapakari ake i ngā mokopuna kia eke ai ki te tihi o te mātauranga me ō rātou wawata. He hōtaka hoki tēnei e whai wāhi ai te whānau, te hapū me te iwi ki te whakatakoto whakaaro kia whai hua ai mō te painga ō ngā mokopuna. E whai ake ana tēnei hōtaka i Te Hau ā Tū, te Rautaki o te Mātauranga ā Te Rūnanga o Tūranganui ā Kiwa. Kua tutuki ngā mahi i whakaritea mā Te Whanaketanga ō Hineākua. Kua oti te rauemi pakiwaitara, pūrākau mā ngā mokopuna, tamariki hei pānui mā rātou hei ako i a rātou i te orokohanga mai o tēnei rohe. I tuhia tēnei rauemi mā ngā hunga tamariki e whāki ana i te hekenganui ō Horouta

This resource will be distributed to nine different primary schools throughout Tūranga at present and, after initial kōrero with different staff members from these schools, all have shown interest in it. Schools include Cobham, Muriwai, Mākaraka, Whatatutu, Manutuke, Awapuni Patutahi, Te Karaka Area School and Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngā Uri a Māui. The book is a retelling of the Horouta voyage to Tūranganui and the ventures of Paoa in his quest to find a haumi. It has been written at a primary school level and has been approved by Te Kāhui Kaumātua o Tūranganui-a-Kiwa. There are a variety of units within the resource that will help learners to learn more about tipuna like Paoa, Kiwa and Hinehākirirangi, their voyage on the Horouta waka and what they did when they arrived in Aotearoa. These units include reading, writing, science, art and IT activities to fit in with the National Curriculum.

He kōrero tuku iho nō Te Tairāwhiti Nā Joseph Huatahi Barber ngā pikitia

Te Whanaketanga o Hineakua is a contract that Te Rūnanga o Tūranganui-a-Kiwa has with the Ministry of Education to develop opportunities that allow whānau, hapū and iwi to participate in education initiatives that will help mokopuna achieve their education aspirations. This aligns with the Education Strategy of Te Rūnanga o Tūranganui ā Kiwa known as Te Hau Tū.

With this resource in its completed stage, Te Rūnanga o Tūranganui ā Kiwa is now starting a new resource with Maia as the focus. Maia was chosen as he has many adventures, like bringing hue to Tūranga, which will become units for our tamariki to learn about. If you would like to know more about the project please contact us on 06 867 8109.




Pipiwha'rauroa Page 14

Pipiwharauroa "TŪRANGA HEALTH"

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Monday 1 December 2014

Paddock Warm-Ups for Harvest Staff

WATCHED by crisp lettuce and the swirling morning mist LeaderBrand harvesting staff have a new way of starting work – a paddock warm-up preparing their bodies for the day ahead.

Right: Turanga Health Project Coordinator Dallas Poi and LeaderBrand Lettuce Crop Manager Andrew Rosso. Words: Redpath Communications. Images: Strike Photography

The 15 minute set of exercises and stretches increases blood flow to the working muscles and gives the heart advance notice there’s about to be an increase in activity. Crew members gently start to move major muscle groups and lightly stretch tendons and nerves. “It’s about looking after our staff” says Lettuce Crop Manager Andrew Rosso who oversees harvest crews picking five days a week year round. “The team is working hard with plenty of lifting and bending all day, so the exercises are a proactive approach for keeping our staff injury free.” “It’s something different we can offer in addition to the health checks; an ice breaker for the morning where we can have a laugh while prepping for the day.” Harvester Shayne Biddle (below right) says the warm-ups are a welcome addition and a way to reduce the chance of injury. “It’s an opportunity to get our crew fitter and that’s got to be good because then we can work faster,” says the 24-year-old. Fellow harvester Kim Stafford (above right) says she’s always built stretches into her morning routine at home so doesn’t mind doing the work warm-ups “I feel good after doing the exercise so I think it’s a really good idea.” Crews learned the paddock-based workouts from Turanga Health fitness instructor Stephanie Broughton who has led exercise programs in some unusual places but never amongst lettuce. “Warming up before physical work should be as normal as warming up before playing sport or exercising. It reduces the chance of soft tissue injuries to things like your ligaments, tendons, and muscles.” Stephanie joined the crew for the early morning work-outs over a number of days making sure each exercise was performed correctly. Armed with enough information the crew now does the exercises themselves.

“New staff won’t know any difference. It will be standard before-work and after-work practice,” says Mr Rosso.” The early morning exercise routines follow LeaderBrand’s adoption of Turanga Health’s Workplace Wellness Tū Mahi programme.

Latest News!

Tena Koutou, Turanga Health, with the exception of the Rural Nursing Service, is unable to accept any new referrals between Friday 12 December 2014 and Friday 2 January 2015 inclusive. If a referral is received during this period it will be actioned after 5 January 2015. Any other enquiries during the normal working days of the Christmas period can be forwarded to Turanga Health, 145 Derby Street, (06) 869 0457. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your referrals to our services throughout the year, and wish you all a safe and Meri Kirihimete. Naku noa na. Reweti Ropiha

Pipiwharauroa 'T큰ranga Ararau'

Page 16

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