May 2014 Pīpīwharauroa

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Pipiwharauroa Haratua 2014

Pukapuka: Rua Te Kau Ma Tahi

International Federation Muaythai Amateur World Championships

Ashlay Grant, Ihipera Mackey, Braedyn Grant

Ahakoa i uru ēnei tokotoru ki roto i te Ao Hākinakina i tutuki hoki te manawanuitanga ō tūkāweri, ō tūkāniwha ō tū kāriri o ō tātou tīpuna. I tū kaha, i tū māia, i tū manawanui hoki rātou ahakoa te mamae o te tinana, te roa hoki o ngā whakaharatau, i tū te ihi, i tū te wehi, i tū hoki te wana. He rangatira te tokotoru nei ki roto i te Ao Hākinakina mo Aotearoa. Mā te taunakitanga o te whānau o te hapū, o te iwi hoki, ka tū rangatira ēnei rangatira ki te ao whānui. Nō reira, tautokohia, karawhiua, arohaina. Our local Rangataua O Aotearoa Martial arts club (ROA) had three members selected for the New Zealand Muay Thai team that competed at the International Federation Muaythai Amateur (IFMA) World Championships held on Langkawi Island, Malaysia. Included were Ihipera Mackey and Bradyn and Ashlay Grant who were part of a 20 strong NZ team that returned with 13 medals in total. The competition was held over 10 days with the IFMA senior A & B, Junior World Muay Thai championships taking centre stage in Langkawi. There were three rings running ten hours a day. Between the three of them our loacls returned home with two bronze and one silver medal. Muay (boxing) Thai (Thailand) which is also referred to as kickboxing is one of the oldest Martial Arts practiced today and its popularity is growing. A full contact sport, Muay Thai boxing is termed “the science of eight limbs” because blows originate from the elbows, hands, shins, feet as well as numerous clinching techniques. Our representatives’ goals were

Inside this month...

Panui: Rima

2014 Eastland Wood Council Forestry Awards

to win their respective divisions, which they were not far off doing, and to have an educational and truly international experience. For Braedyn and Ash it was the first time out of the country and therefore on a plane. Their first experience of another country was to live and train in Bangkok with the Sasiprapa Muay Thai Gym. A typical 24 hour period for the trio was sleep, train, eat, rest, train, eat, sleep. This was the daily routine living onsite with the Thai family. Luckily there were four other Thai kids aged 10 to 14 years living and training at the gym as well who had already accumulated fight records in the hundreds. The youngsters soon learnt to communicate with our reps, picking up key sentences and good old kiwi laughter and cheekiness created an instant bond. After training there for just under a week the trio attended a weekly Muay Thai competition held at the Channel 7 TV studios which was televised live. Again this was an eye opening experience to the level of mana and enthusiasm in which the sport is held in that country. After leaving Thailand they headed to Kuala Lumpar and over to Langkawi which is a beautiful island similar to Rarotonga but about four times the size and twelve times the population and two rather large townships. A new language to learn but again key phrases were picked up in a short time. The first day was used to settle in which meant hiding away in the aircon rooms and only venturing out to hire scooters and get the lay of the land. The opening ceremony was more than what they could have ever imagined, an extravaganza of the culture and history of Malaysia and the fighting links to their neighbouring countries including Malaysia, Thailand, Burma, Cambodia, Laos and Singapore.



Photo courtesy of Eastland Wood Council website

Tūranga Ararau Ruapani Forestry Centre acknowledges all recipients of the 2014 Eastland Wood Council Awards and in particular the success of two recipients who have both been students of ours. They were John Wyllie of Forestree One Limited who was awarded the Eastland Wood Council’s Skilled Forestry Professional of the Year Award and the Forestry Excellence Award and Mere McCabe of Harvestpro Log 7 who received the Trainee of the Year (FITEC Category). Both John and Mere, who had different journeys into the forest industry, have exceptional qualities that were recognised by their peers at the awards held this month. John has been in the forestry industry for a number of years starting in 1990. In 2003 he established Forestree One Limited which provides silviculture and data collection services. Since 2008 he has been involved with training and assessment services provided through Tūranga Ararau on a regular basis and in 2010 successfully completed our level 3 Certificate in Forestry Management. Last year he returned to complete unit standards required for National Certificates in Forestry Level 3 through our industry programmes. John was acknowledged for his professional and innovative approach to operating his business. “To be acknowledged in this way after being in the industry for so many years is just awesome,” he says. In accepting his own success John also acknowledged the importance of the quality of training he received and the workforce he employs adding, “The company is only as good as the employees.” Mere started with Tūranga Ararau on our Straight to Work Forestry programme in 2010 which was delivered in collaboration between Tūranga Ararau and Harvestpro Limited under the guidance of Alan Paulson - Operations Manager and was funded through the Ministry of Social Development Industry Partnership Fund.

From the outset of her programme Mere displayed a work ethic and attitude that belied her diminutive stature. She was the only female in the intake and set the example for her class mates to follow. She was the first to be placed into work experience as a logmaker for Harvestpro Log 21 based in the Wharerata Forest and subsequently gained employment with Harvestpro, now with Log 7. It is no surprise to Tūranga Ararau that Mere has continued on to be Amateur a success in the industry.

The poster depicts respect which our young people emulate during their daily lives as well as during competitive bouts.

Pages 4-5

Ringa Rere

Using International Full Contact fighting rules, all Junior and B class Senior fighters with less than 25 fights wore protective equipment, A class fighters had head gear only and this class attracted 101 countries and over 2000 competitors with our three locals competing in the junior section (17 and under) of the competition.

Pages 7-9

Tūranga Ararau congratulates both John and Mere on their outstanding achievements within the forestry industry. We look forward to seeing continuing successes from our graduates including the many already employed in the industry, those currently in training and those who will start their forestry career through joining our forestry programmes in the future. The judges panel included Julian Kohn (Kohntrol Forests Limited), Jeremy Christmas (Head of Department- Forestry and Resource Management of Waiariki School of Forestry), and Eastland Port Manager Andrew Gaddum.

To be continued on page 11

Ngai Tāmanuhiri Annual Report

‘Iti te matakahi, paoa atu anō, nā, potapota noa’

Page 12

Māori in WW1

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tranga health



28 Māori Battalion


Pipiwharauroa Pipiwharauroa Page 2



Founded October 1898 Pukapuka: Rua Te Kau Ma Tahi Pānui: Rima Te Marama: Haratua Te Tau: 2014 ISSN: 1176-4228 (Print) ISSN: 2357-187X (Online)

Tolaga Bay Area School & Kahukuranui 28 Māori Battalion 70th Anniversary Legacy Tour 2014

Pīpīwharauroa takes its name from ‘He Kupu Whakamārama Pīpīwharauroa’, which was printed in October, 1899 by Te Rau Print and edited by the late Reverend Reweti Kohere. Pīpīwharauroa was re-launched on 20 October, 1993. Produced and edited by: Te Rūnanga o Tūranganui-ā-Kiwa Tūranga Ararau Printed by: The Gisborne Herald Email: Phone: (06) 868 1081

Tolaga Bay Area School students Zaley TeAo, Tangata Pele, Nori Parata, Rawinia Kutia and Teina Maleke

This is a ‘once in a life time’ opportunity for our students to participate in an extraordinary historic, cultural and educational expedition to traverse the footsteps of our tipuna from the 28 Māori Battalion. It is a legacy tour to enhance the education of our young people and further secure this important part of our history for future generations. Students entered a competition to be selected consisting of delivering a speech, producing a short documentary, performing an item relating to Te Hokowhitu-ā-Tumatauenga and delivering a presentation relating to the 28 Māori Battalion. Five students were selected through this process from

Tolaga Bay Area School and Whānau

Photos provided by Margaret Kapene

Tolaga Bay Area School and Kahukuranui. They are Teina Kirikiri, Tangata Patrick, Malik Priestley, Zaley Tamihana-Brown and Te Aotaihi Kutia-Ngata. Pele Takurua and Nori Parata will also accompany our students. They are very grateful for the support from Te Aitanga ā Hauiti Hauora, Te Rawheoro Marae, Te Aitanga ā Hauiti Centre of Excellence, Te Puni Kōkiri, Ngarimu VC and 28th(Māori) Battalion Memorial Scholarship Fund Board and the Tolaga Bay Area School and Kahukuranui Board of Trustees. Nā Sue McCosh

Photos from Anzac Day 2014

Despite repairs the Cenotaph was the focal point in town

Tamariki carrying wreaths at Muriwai

Some of the turn out at Muriwau Marae 

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Proudly marching

Least we forget


Remembering their comrades

A large number of all ages took part in the parafe

    

Pipiwharauroa He Kōrero

Mere Pōhatu

Love from Lowe Street You can get a park in Lowe Street river end now. There are no people doing wees in the garden at Ngā Wai e Rua. The Wī Pere Monument is free of hostilities. The band rotunda appears to be freely available for a band. There’s no kids waiting in their cars for their Mums or Dads to do the one minute transaction to get toasted that costs more than their weekly kai bill. Yes the Paris end of Lowe Street is back as that. Where all the customers have gone I don’t know. I hope they are okay. Maybe they’ve reconnected with the illegal shops in our neighbourhoods. Maybe their good times and their money is going to the other big fat dark cloud in our community, alcohol. Maybe they have got help and don’t do stuff to their minds anymore with chemicals. I hope they are all good wherever they are. And we all know they are somewhere in our neighbourhoods. Beyond Lowe Street is a whole new world. Currently we have relatives travelling all over that world. From the 2nd May to the 28th May 2014, Monty

Tairāwhiti Community Law Centre Enduring Powers of Attorney

Soutar is with a group covering off 70th Anniversary Legacies of the C Company of the 28 Māori Battalion in Tunisia, Italy, Crete, Greece and Turkey. It’s the 73rd Anniversary of the Battle of Crete. Companion and central to the legacy tour is Uncle Nolan Raihania. He and about 21 secondary students and 10 teachers from the Kura Kaupapa in Whangaparao, Kawakawa mai Tawhiti, Te Waiū, the Kuranui plus Te Waha o Rerekohu, Ngata College, and Tolaga Bay Area School and one from Gisborne Boys High are all on a trip of a lifetime.

Uncle Noel is the star. Prince Harry, His Excellency Lt General the Rt Hon Jerry Mateparae, GNZM, QSO Governor-General of New Zealand, I think were both honoured to meet Uncle on the old battlefield at Cassino in Italy. Interesting, all the tour group are recording their photos and thoughts on a dedicated Facebook page. Old soldiers will say the reality of war is months of boredom interspersed with brief moments of terror. For the young travellers it’s the exact opposite. It's four weeks of anything but boredom. It’s discovery of secrets and making sense of nonsense. Why all these young men who lived in our valleys, streets and neighbourhoods; some in Lowe Street actually, not much older than them, went all the way around the world to fight soldiers in strange valleys, streets and neighbourhoods. Early in June the Governor-General will be back in Without an enduring power of attorney, no one else can deal with your property or financial affairs on your behalf without a court order. This could leave your family, and even your partner or spouse, needing to go to court to get such power that will not only cause your loved ones unnecessary stress but comes at a considerable cost.

Your personal care and welfare

This article provides you with a brief introduction to Enduring Power of Attorney that our lawyers here at at Tairāwhiti Community Law Centre can advise and assist you through. It includes information about the legal processes and rights and responsibilities of both the attorney and the donor.

You can only have one attorney for your personal care and welfare and this enduring power of attorney is only activated once you are assessed as not having the mental capacity to make decisions for yourself about your care.

An Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA) is a legal document giving someone the power to act for you if you lose the ability to make decisions yourself. This is something we all need to think about as we get older and the chances of having strokes, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and other serious health issues become more likely. It is a good idea to set up your EPA at the same time you make, or update, your will.

Welfare attorneys can make decisions about your health and well-being such as your medical treatment, where you live and how you are taken care of. You can, however, place limits on what they can do and require them to consult with someone else or a specified person before making any such decisions. You need to select someone who has the skills to do the job and act in your best interest, If you are elderly it may be unwise to appoint your friend or partner as they could well lose capacity to act on your behalf or die before you.

There are two types of Enduring Power of Attorney, one for your money and property and the other for your personal care and welfare.

Your money and property You can appoint more than one 'attorney' who will have the authority to do everything that you would normally in administering your money and property although you can apply restrictions on what they can and cannot do. As the donor you can also require your attorney to inform and/or consult with someone else before making any decisions. You may activate this enduring power of attorney straight away and if you do, your attorney(s) can act for you on your instructions. There may come a time when you are assessed by a qualified health practitioner as not being able to make these decisions yourself, from that point on your attorney will then have the power to act for you. They can, among other things, manage your bank accounts, pay your bills, or buy and sell property on your behalf.

Choosing your attorney Your attorney should be someone you trust. You can appoint different people to be attorneys for the two different areas but you need to make sure they are people who can work well together and have the skills and knowledge to do what is required. For a property Enduring Power of Attorney, your attorney can be one or more people or a professional trustee company. For your personal care and welfare the attorney can be a family member, friend, or anyone who you believe has your best interests at heart. It can only be one person and it cannot be a trustee company.

Creating an enduring power of attorney You are required to get independent legal advice before creating an enduring power of attorney, and you have to have any documents witnessed by a

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Tairāwhiti meeting up with the young people who went on the tour. I think he will be very impressed with what they have discovered when he de-briefs with them in Tolaga Bay on June 12th. That C Company Trust has done heaps when you think about it. Completed a big as oral research project with old soldiers, their families and the wider community; exhibited all the photos around the place and at the Museum. And you know it all started with Selwyn Parata and Aunty Kate asking Monty to put some photos together for the 50th Anniversary of the Awarding of the VC to Moana Ngarimu’s parents at Whakarua Park. They’ve written a book. They’re building a whare. And now just about every whānau in C Company is represented overseas at the 70th Anniversary. That’s why we have to do more to keep all our C Company descendants off the chemicals and off anything else that’s mindless and soul destroying. Too many of our men the same age as the most addicted in our community went off to War in strange lands on someone else’s kaupapa only to be destroyed and killed. The efforts and reputation of the 28 Māori Battalion was a source of great pride for all of us in New Zealand. Apirana Ngata argued the World War 1 contributions were the basis of the Price of Citizenship and the Second World War was payment in full. Lest we forget everyone. lawyer, qualified legal executive or representative of a trustee corporation. Even married couples need separate legal advisers. Before an attorney can act on your behalf they must show a medical certificate confirming that the person they are acting for has lost the capacity to make decisions about their money and property or affairs and they must provide a certificate stating the power of attorney has not been revoked. For more information talk to a lawyer or contact Tairāwhiti Community Law Centre for an appointment. Phone: 06 868 3392 and we have also recently opened our free call 0800 service from mobile phones on 0800 452 956. Nā Nikorima Thatcher - Taiāwhiti Community Law Centre Kia ora koutou, RE: VOTE TINA KARAITIANA – COUNCIL BY-ELECTION Due to the resignation of a City Councillor recently a By-Election is being held in the city and I have once again put my hand up to fill this council vacancy. Some may say that I’m an idiot, but for those close to me they know that I’ve never shied away from hard-work, commitment or disappointment. Someone even suggested that I’m not the right gender? Interesting observation and while they’re entitled to their opinion I would have thought that an increase in female Councillors would be viewed as a positive as there are only four currently of the 13 Councillor positions (including Mayor). However, this was not a motivating factor for me standing it was simply because people asked me to reconsider. I believe I have a proven track record in working for and in our community and possess the skills and competencies to be an active and valuable Councillor if elected. Ngā mihi Tina Karaitiana Advertisement Authorised by Ingrid Collins, 75 Customhouse Street Gisborne 4010

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Harakeke or flax has always been an important resource for Māori. Weavers all over the rohe have encouraged whānau and others to keep this cultural art form alive and well.

From Takipu Marae: Handcrafts came naturally to the late Gladys Aati Ruru. With a family of eight she was always knitting and sewing. Her knitted garments were beautifully finished with intricate patterns requiring expert fingers to produce the perfect garment. During her lifetime some of her craftwork involved embroidery, mainly for the Marae pillowslips, tapestry for kapa haka bodices for the local primary school and the Waihirere Māori Clubs, flower making with wire and old nylon stockings and shellwork that she used to decorate vases and containers. Gladys also enjoyed working in her flower garden so floral arrangements naturally followed and these would adorn the dining room at Takipū Marae for special hui and weddings in the whare tipuna. At one time Gladys was the longest serving member of the Women’s Health League since 1947, she took part in all of the Branch competitions held locally and elsewhere. Although all age groups were involved in the League it encouraged and supported younger women to work with all types of handcrafts with Gladys winning many trophies for her work.

Ringa Rere

evenness of plaiting, the way the pattern ran and the start and finish areas which could not be seen by the naked eye. There was always a huge demand for her kete that she wove for Marae fundraising events. They seldom made it to the sales table as they were frequently snapped up while in the making. Gladys would never put a price on her work; she left that to the marketing team.

I remember a time when the women in the community met at Takipū Marae to learn to make piupiu right from the gathering of the flax, stripping it to form the pattern to the rolling and shaping of the muka strands before putting it together and immersing in the ‘paru’ to set the dye in the pattern. The well known weaver from Te Arawa, Emily Schuster and her team from the Arts & Crafts centre at Whakarewarewa came over to share their knowledge. After a whole week of learning followed up by more visits everyone was very pleased with the end results. The first piupiu completed by the group was hung in the whare tipuna Te Poho-ōPikihoro. Some years later Gladys made another piupiu with very fine strands requiring three times as many strands as is needed for a normal piupiu. It is a very beautiful, delicate work of art. When the Mangatū Blocks Inc. building was completed, Gladys and other Māhaki women were responsible for the tukutuku work. It was a huge task that involved gathering the kiekie to studying the patterns and the colour. The late Peggy Kaua helped supervise much of the mahi. Gladys enjoyed meeting other weavers at Muriwai and Rongowhakaata where she often visited to share knowledge, expertise and whakapapa with them. When Gladys moved on to korowai weaving, the finished article remains proof of her ability and knowledge to complete such a beautiful garment. Her korowai was on display with those of Wiremu Kingi Kerekere and Hetekia Te Kani Te Ua during the 50th celebrations of Te Poho ō Pikihoro in 2008.

Gladys sitting amongst the harakeke in her garden surrounded by kete made from this wonderful resource

Gladys was taught the art of flax weaving when only ten years old by her grandmother Pikihoro Jones using leaves from the kōuka or cabbage tree. By the time she was 70, Gladys had been making kete, whāriki, korowai, piupiu and tukutuku for many years. She was also an exponent of poi and action songs and, with her whānau, had been a performing member of the Waihirere Māori club. Gladys kept herself busy, even when relaxing she would reach out for her weaving or whatever it was she was working on at the time. Her flax kete were perfectly finished. She believed the quality of weaving was in the detailing of the finished article such as tying off of flax ends, the

Gladys was also a member of the Nukutere Weaving Group formed in 1986 where she worked alongside fellow weaver Whaipooti Hitchener who passed away recently. This group spread from Raupunga and Tūai to Hicks Bay and members attended national conferences of Ngā Puna Waihanga and Moana-nuiā-Kiwa Aotearoa Weavers where they observed and learned new techniques that they brought home to share locally. Two of Gladys’ daughters took up weaving and became adept at kete and piupiu but unfortunately both passed away through illness. Nevertheless she has mokopuna interested in fine kete work, korowai and tukututku. Through the many wānanga and activities held at Takipū Marae and elsewhere throughout Māhaki, there are many who are keeping our cultural crafts alive and well. In order to continue this mahi, a source of harakeke is needed. Some whānau are making their blocks of land available to grow the valuable resource especially the particular varieties weavers require.

Gladys with Mrs Bruce White. The korowai in foreground was being woven by Gladys.

Following is a list of varieties and a description of flaxes found amongst Gladys’ records.

Varieties and Description of Flax – Phormium Tenax 1.

Aohanga Ate mango 2. Ate raukawa 3. Ate wheke 4. Awanga 5. 6. 7. 8.

Huiroa Huruhuruhika Hurutaka Kakaka



10. 11. 12. 13.

Karuamoa Karumani Katiraukawa Kauhangamoa

14. 15. 16. 17.

Kauhangaroa Kohuinga Kohunga Kararituauru Maomao

Motuoruhi 18. Ngutuparera 19. Oue 20. Parekawariki 21. Parekoritawa 22. Paritaniwha Peha Pikikoko Potango Rataroa Raumoa Rauopapoua 27. Ruatepu 23. 24. 25. 26.

28. Rerehape Rukutia

Gladys in the shade and mokopuna Kiri Tait working on a tukutuku panel in 1981

(photo left) The late Hana Williams nee Ruru wearing the korowai made by her mother following her graduation from Te Wānanga ō Raukawa

Rongotainui 29. Tamure Taneawai

Striped variety

Variegated, ko te wharanui, ko te awanga, tona ingoa he TAROA Fine species Superior quality Brown, he puwhero nga tapao te uwha, he kakaka te toa (two Varieties of one) Brown, rusty leaves spoilt by the tips turning brown or reddish Kua kakarawera katoa take paharakeke ite mahi ate wahine ra

A highly prized variety of flax Leaved sub-variety of tihore Fine variety Superior variety A variety of flax (6) Koritawa, a variety of flax Variety with very dark edges Superior type Superior type Leaves of brown colour (refer to Aakaka) Superior type Variegated Superior sub variety of tihore A variety of tihore Brown, brown edges Brown, brown edges Superior type Fine variety Fine variety Choice variety used for making bands for dressing the hair Sub variety Variety of tihore (check with number 14) A long-leafed variety of tihore A long leafed variety of tihore A long leafed variety of tihore

Pipiwharauroa Ringa Rere

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Nō koutou te kaha! Te Kura Kaupapa Māori ō Whatatutu

I te pūaotanga ka toro mai ngā hihi o Tamanui te rā ki te hiki i te mātaotao whāriki i a papatūānuku, ka tatari te whānau ki a Eru (Buddy) Smith, te Pou o te iwi, te Pou o te Wairua Tapu o te Hāhi Ringatū kia puta hai tīmata i ngā karakia moata, ara, te whakarite karakia whakamoemiti mō tēnei kaupapa whakahirahira, te huringa o te kura mai i te auraki ki te kura kaupapa. Ko te mīharo ko te mahana a te noho tahi a ngā tāina me ngā tūākana ki te whakanui i tēnei rā. Gladys holding on to a treasured whāriki sometime prior to 1990

30. Taroa

Not one of the finest quality. Ko te wharanui, ko te awanga, tona ingoa he TAORA Variety of flax with light green leaf with a wide dark edge The best varieties of flax of which the fibre can be stripped from the refuse without use of a (illegible) Ordinary swamp flax A variety of tihore

Taiore 31. Tihore

32. 33. 34. 35.

photo taken

Tika Tipareonui Toitoi Wini

Dark purple edge to the leaf A variety usually scraped with a shell to obtain the fibre, also called TAROA An inferior kind. Tatae mau – an inferior type

36. Whararahi 37. Wharariki

Tatae wheke – a variety of flax Takarikau - A term applied to fine varieties Tapoto - Superior type


Taroa group. Fibre obtained by scraping with a shell Wharanui


Tihore group. Fibre obtained without scraping Rukutia

Tipareonui Rongotainui Highly prized variety Kauhangamoa Hurutaka Kohunga Motuoriki Parekawariki Superior variety Tapoto Rataroa Huiroa Fine variety Kohuinga Raumoa Rauopapoua Kakaka, male Kakaka, uha female Taiore Maomao Oue Wini Awanga Parekoritawa Aohanga

Ko te āhuatanga ātaahua i puta i taua huihuinga ko te hokinga whakaaro ki te tīmatanga o te hoe i te waka kia ū ki uta. Nō tēnei rā ka puta ngā tohu o te hekenga o te werawera, o te manawanui o te whānau ki te hāpai i tē kaupapa kia rewa ki runga, ana koinei te rā tino whakahirahira ki te iwi, hapū mo te painga o ngā tamariki, mokopuna. Ko te Poua o te kura ko Buddy Smith, ā, ko te pēpi ko tana tuarua ko Waimaria Gray Brown. I tīmata te haere a Waimaria ki te kura i te rā tuatahi o te tīmatanga o Te Kura Kaupapa ō Whatatutu. He tika tonu kia whakanuia tēnei rā e te Koroua me te Tuarua. Nō muri mai ka whakanuia e te hakari i takainga e te whānau. Kakarawera

Te Whānau Smith me Brown

Nā te whānau, Nau mai haramai ki Te Kura Kaupapa Māori ō Whatatutu i raro i te maru o Te Aho Matua. Anei mātou e hoe nei i te waka hei hiki i te reo rangatira. Koinei te wawata o tēnei kuraa-hapori.

Rutene Irwin - MNZM

Nō reira e hoa mā, i roto i ngā kupu a te koroua tipuna, a Te Kooti Arikirangi Turuki, “Whakahautia te rongopai, i runga i te aroha, me te ngāwari”. Go and spread our good news. He kura kaupapa Māori mātou. Tūi, tūi, tui tuia.

Precaution and maintenance of a paharakeke.

Leaves turn brown and rusty by a person who burns the refuse in a fire. The following may be of interest to readers from notes taken by Gladys from “Māori Art” by Augustus Hamilton published in 1901 regarding Māori Plait names. Gladys also practised the art of plaiting to perfection. Topiki Whiri-Rino Whiri-Papa Whiri-Kawe Whiri-Tuapuku Iwi-Tuna Whiri-Tarikarika Whiri-Taurakeke Whiri-Puku Tu

2 strand plait 3 strand flat plait 3 strand flat plait 5 or 6 strand round plait 4 strand round plait 9 strand flat plait 10 strand square plait 4 strand plait This was a fine cord, like a violin string.

The korowai in foreground was woven by Gladys. The middle korowai belonged to Te Kani Te Ua and the far korowai belonged to the Wiremu Kerekere whānau

Food Kit: TOIKI or TUKOHU, used for food steeped in water. These were long and round. Large ones of supplejack were used to store kumara seed. Totara Bark Kit: PATUA or PAPAHUAHUA. Made from a sheet of totara bark folded into shape and carried by means of a stick placed across the centre.

NGA INGOA O NGA KETE From “Māori Art” Hamilton, Gladys had a great interest in the variety and use of 1901 Food Kit: Roughly woven broad strips. Used only to serve food. Several names including kete koi, puro, konae taparua, rourou.

Small Fine Kit: Several kinds includes: Group piupiu hanging in Te Poho O Pikihoro • KOPA had a flap secured by cord. Also had a shoulder cord. • PATEA ornamented with taniko. Small patea was filled with fragrant moss or gum and worn as a neck pendant. ---Brownish edges of the leaf ---Reddish edges of the leaf Seed Kumara Kit: or PU-KIRIKIRI, used when the kumara was being planted. Light green leaf having a wide dark Tutu Strainer Kit: or PU-TUTU, used for straining edge the tutu fruit but first filled with the heads of Dark edges of the leaf Brown colour of the leaf. Toetoe (Arundo) which retained the poisonous Whararahi, a variety property huirau. Dark purple colour of the leaf Oil Crushing Kit: or NGEHI – NGEHI, used for Variegated squeezing crushed titoki berries to express the Variegated Striped variety oil. It was long shaped.

kete knowing that our people were fastidious about having a kete for almost every activity they carried out. We hope this information will remind you of those times and where weaving has come from way back then to where it is now.

A team of weavers sitting on whāriki at Whakatō Marae. The late Gladys Ruru and the late Heni Sunderland included

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Pipiwharauroa Te Hau Ki Tūranga


‘Ko te inoi o o koutou Tangata pono, o o koutou tino hoa, o etahi o ngā Tangata o Tūranga e mea ana, kia tirohia e koutou e te Rūnanga Rangatira tetahi o o matou pouritanga, ko to matou taonga nui ko to matou whare whakairo kia mauria huhua koretia, e te Kawanatanga, kihai matou i whakae’ – Petition of Raharuhi Rukupo

Jossy Te Ohorere Toroa

and others, Tūranga, 8 July 1867.

TE HAU KI TŪRANGA ‘The petition of your true and faithful friends, some of the people of Tūranga, prays that you will look into one of our troubles. Our very valued carved house has been taken away, without pretext, by the Government; we did not consent to its removal.’ – Petition of Raharuhi Rukupo and others, Tūranga, 8 July 1867. Continued from last month

The payment of compensation was of course preferred by the committee to the return of Rongowhakaata’s property, and it eventually recommended the payment of £300 to the, “native owners, when they have been ascertained by the Government.” (AJHR, 1878, I-3, p.23) Fairchild’s evidence appeared to be the key to the Committee’s finding in favour of the petition, and his evidence contradicted much of what Richmond had earlier claimed in Parliament. Fairchild told of how Richmond had instructed him to go back to get the Whare, saying that, “he had arranged with the natives [that] I was to get it.” The very few Māori then at Orakaiapu told him, “I should not have the house,” but he, “was not willing to come away without it.” He then told them that they must either pay him for the coal he had burned in bringing his steamer to Orakaiapu to fetch the house, or give him the house. “At last,” he continued, “they told me I could have the house for an amount. I offered £80, and they laughed at the offer at first; then I offered them £100, thinking it would be as well to try and get the house.” He claimed they agreed to this price, even though he also said he had, when attempting a private purchase, offered Rongowhakaata £300 for Te Hau Ki Tūranga in 1864. Biggs arrived towards the end of this haggling and “took the management of the matter.” Fairchild said he gave Biggs the £100, his own funds, “which I happened to have on board the steamer.” This was after Richmond had advised him that Te Hau Ki Tūranga was to be, “a gift to the government,” a suggestion denied by Orakaiapu Māori who, according to Fairchild, did admit to having discussed the matter with Richmond, “but never told him he could have it for nothing.” He confirmed that he had no authority to make the payment but felt that, “if I could get it for £100, the government would be satisfied, and so they were.” (Native Affairs Committee, Petition 1878/291) His claim that he just happened to have the £100 of his own funds on board the steamer is curious to say the least, given that this was a huge sum for a private individual to have on his person at the time. He may have had his own plans for Te Hau Ki Tūranga, having admitted that he had himself offered Orakaiapu Māori £300 for it three years earlier. (Native Affairs Committee, Petition 1878/291) To be continued…

Tuatoru, ko te kaiārahi me te kaitanu pea i ngā kaipetihana, ara ko Wī Pere ahakoa kāre i tino whaipānga ki Te Hau ki Tūranga me Ngāti Kaipoho hoki, me te whakaaro anō hoki, rite tonu ki tētahi kaipetihana ki a Keita Wylie. Ko rāua hoki ka noho minamina kia utua. Ko ētahi o ngā kaipetihana pēra i a Paora Kate i te nama ki a Wī Pere, ka hii ake te hiahia kia utua rātou. E pai ake ana ki te komiti te utu i te moni, ki te whakahoki i te taonga ā Rongowhakaata, ā i te mutunga ka utu te moni toru rau taara ($300) ki ngā “tangata nō rātou ake te whare, i te wā ka mōhio te kawana ko wai ake rātou”. Nā te taunaki a Fairchild ki te Komiti ka kitea ka whakaae ki te petihana me tana whāki, ka whakahē katoatia ngā kereme a Richmond i te Paremata. Ko te whāki ā Fairchild, i whakahautia a ia e Richmond kia hoki ki te tiki i te whare, me te kii a Richmond,’kua whakatau kētia e ia ki ngā tangata whenua arā i te haere atu ia ki te tiki ‘ Engari ko te kōrero ā ngā Māori i Orakaiapu i kii atu rātou ki a ia ,’ kāre te whare i te riro i a koe” engari i kii mai ia,” kāre ia e whakaae kia wehe atu au kāre te whare i au” Katahi ka kii mai ia me utu ia mō ngā waro i whakapaungia kia tae ai tana waka ki Orakaiapu ki te tiki i te whare, me hoatu noa rānei te whare. Ka kii anō ia ,’I kii mai rātou ki au ka riro i ahau te whare mo te utu ka whakataungia. Ka kii mai ia, waru tekau taara ($80) ka kataina mai ia katahi ka kii atu ahau kotahi rau taara ($100) Ki ōku whakaaro, he pai ake te tarai kia riro mai te whare. I kii a ia i whakaae rātou ki tēnei utu, ahakoa rā i kii anō ia i tana taraitanga ki te hoko tūmataiti, e hoatu ana ia i te toru rau taara ($300) ki a Rongowhakaata mō Te Hau ki Tūranga i te tau 1864. Nō te taenga atu o Biggs i te whakamutunga o ngā taukumekume ka riro māna e whakahaere ngā take.

Haere rā te mōrehu o te ao Māori Te ruahine ō Tāmanuhiri I mahia e koe ngā mahi I runga i te ngākau māhaki I te ngāwaritanga Mō te painga o te iwi, o te hapū I tahuri koe ki te poipoi i ngā whakatupuranga Mahue mai ana āu akoranga hai poutokomanawa Hai tauawhi i a rātou. Pākatokato ana te aroha. Haere, whakatā mai i roto i ngā ringa ō tō Atua Ko koe te tau pūmau ā tō hapori Whānau hoki. Moe mai.

tā Fairchild i kii a ia i kōrero atu ia ki a Richmond mō tēnei take,” engari kāre i whakaae kia riro i a ia mō te kore noa iho”. I whakatūturutia e ia kāre ana mana hei whakatau utu engari ki ōna whakaaro,”ki te riro i a ia mō te rau taara ($100) ka pai ki te kawana, āe tika tonu.” Ko tana kereme he rau taara tāna i runga i tana waka tīma, kāre i whakaponotia, nā te mea he nui rawa atu tēra moni ki te tangata o aua wā. Tēra pea i a ia anō ōna whakaaro mō Te Hau ki Tūranga arā i kii rā ia i hoatu e ia e toru rau taara ($300) ki ngā Māori i Orakaiapu toru tau i mua atu. (Anō a tēra marama)

I kii a Fairchild nāna i hoatu he rau taara o āna ake moni ki a Bigg. Nō muri mai i tēra ka kii atu a Richmond ki a ia arā ko Te Hau ki Tūranga “he koha ki te kawana” he kōrero i whakahē ngā Māori i Orakaiapu engari ki

Some of the Rongowhakaata Iwi who attended a hui at Te Papa whis month taken in front of Te Hau ki Tūranga

Photo provided by Robyn Rauna



Pipiwharauroa Ngai Tāmanuhiri 2014


From Your Trustees: Tēnā koutou ngā uri o Tāmanuhiri e noho mai nā i a koutou kāinga ki tēnā pito o te motu. Ki a rātau mā kua ngaro ki te pō, haere rā i te tira mokemoke ki ō tātau tini mate e noho kau ana i te ara a Tāwhaki. He ketekete rau tonu kei te haere. Huri noa ki te hunga ora. Piki te kaha, piki te māramatanga. Tēnā koutou.

Steve Gibbs is our representative on Tairāwhiti Museum Trust Board. He was re-appointed by Tāmanuhiri Trustees for a further 3-year term in 2013 following a recommendation by the Museum Board. There is no limit to the number of times a Museum Trust Board member is appointed, nonetheless we will review that role in 2016.

Recently Minister Chris Finlayson requested a meeting with Ngai Tāmanuhiri and Rongowhakaata, in his capacity as the Attorney General, so he could follow up our post settlement progress. We talked about the positives of course, but we used the time to emphasise unresolved and emerging matters since we signed our Treaty Settlement almost two years ago.


This is the first iwi report for 2014. The months since Hui-a-Tau have been as busy afterwards as the months before. The year is moving past quickly.

The Trust has been involved in helping settle the children of the Kōhanga temporarily across the road until more permanent premises are sorted. For over two years staff have been navigating between the Marae Trustees, Marae Committee, Landowners, the Kōhanga whānau and your Iwi Governance Board. It has been a long and at times, tense road, to get this far.

We welcomed new board members Wi Pohatu and Matene Blandford to our first meeting this year. They have specific expertise to add to the existing capacity at our governance table and we look forward to their contribution. Trustees have a particular focus on strategic planning over the year. Our primary objective for the past two years has been on decision making to transition our structure to meet our long-term vision. The timing is right to provide clearer strategic direction, so we have organised our time differently as a governance board to achieve that end. We have welcomed Eileen Cronin for much needed board support, for which she has specific experience. Her advice and direction in drafting the governance work programme, preparing meetings and organizing policy documents to bridge the gap between governance and operations, is proving invaluable.



If you have any feedback about the way things can be improved please phone the Trust office. Even better, send us an email or a letter. Please make sure you are clear about what you want and be realistic, because we have over 2000 iwi members who do not necessarily agree on the same things. Don’t let that stop you from talking to us though. We field lots of enquiries and we get lots of good ideas.

If you have not yet been to Muriwai recently and if you do not have access to Facebook or Ngai Tāmanuhiri website, you probably have not seen the changes occurring at the marae over recent months. The Kōhanga Reo building has been shifted next to Waiari to allow for marae development.


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Tāmanuhiri, Rongowhakaata and Te Aitanga ā Māhaki. By way of the Rūnanga Trust Deed each iwi appoints three representatives to the governance board. In previous years Ngai Tāmanuhiri Trustees have decided amongst themselves who will represent the iwi on the Rūnanga . Under the new arrangements, Trustees have opted to select one board member to the Rūnanga for the purpose of continuity, reporting and information sharing. Angus Ngarangioue is the board’s representative on the Rūnanga for 2014. Shane Bradbrook and I have offered to be interim representatives until the additional two the Rūnanga board members are appointed from the EOI process.

He karere tēnei i tā koutou poari me te kaiwhakahaere kei te Pouhere a Tāmanuhiri Tutu Poroporo. He whakarāpopoto mo ngā mahi kua mahia e mātau e whai ake nei. Kei te hau kāinga te nuinga o ngā āhuatanga e puta ana. Heoi, he moemoea te katoa mo te iwi ki te pupuri.

We are pleased to give you an update on the activities that have taken place. Winter is soon upon us. Keep well, don’t forget your flu shots, stay warm and keep safe.


Our funding success last year covers the work to Te Poho o Tāmanuhiri. Trust management have been focused on external funding opportunities two steps ahead of the actual development on the ground. Those of you who attended the wānanga some time ago to discuss the kitchen at Muriwai can be rest assured, planning has been in the pipeline since that time. Concurrently staff are working with Rangiwaho Marae Trustees to further development at Tawatapu.

TOI TĀMANUHIRI It was a major exercise to stage our iwi exhibition simultaneously at Tairāwhiti museum, Verve café, and Muriwai, but it achieved some key objectives. It helped to identify art forms being practised by our uri; it was a chance to showcase up-and-coming talent and to simply celebrate Tāmanuhiri. Congratulations to Steve Gibbs and Melanie Tahata for balancing multiple interests. They put in some long hours with help from our staff. To all our people who contributed their work, Tairāwhiti Museum, Ray Teutenberg at Verve and everyone who visited the exhibition – thank you all for the support.


We spoke of the effect of Te Aitanga a Mahaki not being a settled iwi, on our collective Tūranga redress. We conveyed the view from our experience, it would be difficult for our whanaunga to contemplate Post settlement matters with the same level of preparedness or enthusiasm unless they are actually there. In his role as Minister for Treaty negotiations, Minister Finlayson has the power to determine the Crown’s part in advancing negotiations for historical Tūranga Treaty grievances. Until all Settlements are realised, parts of our own are at risk of not being activated and therefore, of use to us. Hope - on behalf of Trustees

GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT TĀMANUHIRI TRUST OPERATIONS 2014 The Christmas/New Year period through to the closure of our Toi Tāmanuhiri exhibitions was a very busy time for Trust Staff. The Trust is in the process of revitalising our community, we have vision, a committed group of Trustees and unwavering support from our elders. Our small team in the Trust office give their all for their normal work and then back up the many volunteers that are needed for the various hui that are an integral part of our life at home. The challenges across the social, cultural, economic and environmental spectrum faced by smaller Iwi are daunting. The complexity and range of issues faced require specialist expertise and generally teams to address them. Smaller Iwi like Tāmanuhiri struggle to participate in some of the larger issues

As explained at Iwi hui and in the last Iwi report, Trustees are approaching iwi representation on external entities differently from previous years. We have listed all the positions that currently engage representatives of Ngai Tāmanuhiri. Eileen is preparing a draft Baseline Person Specifications (BPS) which will include Terms of Appointment and accountability processes. Once the BPS is agreed to by Trustees we will seek Expressions of Interest (EOI) to fill the positions. Included in the list of external reps are two positions on the board of Rūnanga o Tūranganui-āKiwa which was established in 1985 and is owned collectively by our three Tūranga iwi being Ngai

Development of our new whare manaaki & ablutions has commenced. The Kohanga building now sits as a new kitchen & ablution whare.


Pipiwharauroa Ngai Tāmanuhiri 2014


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The newTāmanuhiri website logo

Dean Whiting and Scott Riki conserving the whare in Muriwai

that arise from time to time because resources are generally deployed meeting more mundane demands. So coat tailing and supporting issues that are being addressed by the larger, better off Iwi, is a strategy often used because it is relatively cost free. Focusing on the things that we can control to make a difference is proving to be effective for our community. The Marae rebuild / renovation projects that are currently underway demonstrate in a practical manner the commitment that we have to the revitalisation process. Working collaboratively with the farms that belong to our people through the Reanga Hou strategy is also a demonstration of this resurgence in rangatiratanga. Beautification of the Muriwai Marae and environs, assistance to Ohako Marae and their Urupa is evidence of a commitment to our tipuna.

BIODIVERSITY On the environmental front work is underway on a number of projects that will improve the biodiversity of our rohe at Te Kopua for future generations. This includes relationship building and joint efforts at Te Wherowhero, Te Kuri, Te Kopua and an evolving project in the Waingake area with DOC, GDC, QEII and other landowners. The sanctuary development at Te Kopua will see 8,000 native trees being planted.

We have held numerous Pakeke hui during the past 2 years and recently we have introduced a needs analysis process. The feedback from our Pakeke through this process will inform an ongoing development programme for them on a monthly basis. It will also provide guidance and support for the Trusts ongoing work programme which this year includes Kaumatua housing, Muriwai water supply and the Marae development process.

ALLAN WILSON CENTRE LECTURES We recently hosted the international genographic project and were filmed as part of a documentary that the National Geographic channel will screen later this year. The project mapped the human journey Out of Africa through Southern Asia across the Pacific and finally arriving in Aotearoa 800 years ago. The Genographic project traced the DNA of 600,000 people globally and this included members of Ngai Tāmanuhiri. New Zealand Maori have the distinction of being at the end of this 60,000 year human journey. This project came about through our relationship with the Allan Wilson Centre who facilitated the process through one of their scientists Dr. Lisa Matisoo-Smith a specialists in DNA mapping.

The Trust has been using the following communication platforms; • • • •

www.Tāāmanuhiri The Pipiwharauroa publication Presentations at various hui and the occasional mail out of Iwi reports.

The Trust is currently developing the annual plan for the 2014/ 15 year. Though our income is reasonably predictable, costs associated with post settlement legal and accounting matters are not. We will do our best to predict bottom line results but until we are beyond post settlement this will remain problematic. In spite of this we are very much looking forward to another stellar year of growth and development in all facets of our operation.

OPERATIONS: Human Resource Management Policies and procedures will continue to be developed and in particular the Health & Safety policies and procedures.

Financial Performance Xero financial management systems are now fully operational and will be strengthened to ensure optimal performance is being achieved.

Application has been made to the Ministry of Health to support the first stage of the water reticulation project for the Muriwai Community. Now that approval has been given to the contractor we are using for the feasibility and planning will be monitored to ensure we achieve this initial goal.




Water Reticulation

In collaboration with DOC we have initiated an Iwi trapper position to manage and monitor a pest control plan for Te Wherowhero.

In the commercial area we have maintained a significant passive investment portfolio in Craigs, the trading banks as well as our more active investment in forestry and farming. Potential investments are examined by the Trustees and they will no doubt look to diversifying the investment portfolio as their confidence grows and appetite for risk increases.

Trust will continue to provide support for as long as it is required.

Management Reporting Kaa Keefe and Kay Robin listen to Professor Lisa Matisoo-Smith about her research

TRUST SUPPORT The Trust team have also been assisting the Whareongaonga management committee to address a number of governance and operational concerns. Support was provided at the AGM and following a request from the management committee with the clarification of a number of critical issues. A report was generated and a further ‘Special meeting’ was held to complete the delayed election process. The

The Trust will report on key achievements that are critical to Ngai Tāmanuhiri at regular management meetings and to the bi-monthly Trustees meetings. This will include updates on operations, financial activity and other reports whenever these are required by the board.

DEVELOPMENTAL PROJECTS: Marae Current activity in the Marae development area is progressing because our application for the matching grant from Lotteries Marae Heritage Fund has been

Planning is underway to utilise contacts in Australian cities to distribute copies of Iwi reports and Pipiwharauroa.

PAKEKE Monthly Pakeke hui continue to provide Trust management with input for our forward planning. We are developing a programme specifically aimed to meet the needs of Pakeke to ensure that their health and vitality is being maintained.

Some of our Pakeke take time out of their busy schedule for a photo shoot


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Ngai Tāmanuhiri 2014

Construction underway of our new ablution blocks at Muriwai Marae

successful. The Muriwai ablution facilities will be completed by December 2014 much to the relief of everyone concerned. Additional work to renovate and develop the building currently at Waiari will proceed as funding becomes available. Conservation works for our Whare Taonga; Te Poho o Tāmanuhiri, The Hall and Maungarongo with the assistance of Historic Places Trust and Te Papa conservators will continue this year. An application for the next stage of the Rangiwaho development will be initiated on completion of Muriwai developments. Preliminary planning for Maungarongo will also be developed in anticipation of the work needed to renovate this whare as well.

One of the art pieces exhibited at Toi Tāmanuhiri. Created by Matt Randall

Participants in the fashion show during Toi Tāmanuhiri at Muriwai

Manuka Honey

Te Aranui

Watson & Son, a leading medicinal manuka honey development company, has been using a local whanau member to assist them secure hive sites in our rohe. The role has included visiting our farms and land blocks to identify sites in close proximity to manuka bush areas.

Our Te Aranui registration is growing as more and more Iwi and friends join us. Registration is free and the online registration process makes it easier for people who live overseas or away from the Tairawhiti region.

Toi Tāmanuhiri Following the very successful Toi Tāmanuhiri exhibitions the Trust will support the publication of a catalogue, launch of a Toi Tāmanuhiri webpage and support an Artist Wananga in early 2015.

Rangatahi Leadership Programme The Trust will continue to support the Leadership programme facilitated every school holidays by Whanau educationalists. The objective of this programme is to grow and nurture our young leaders to ensure the Iwi will have trained leaders for the future.

Discussions are underway with the Social Housing Unit (SHU) to advance our plans for community housing in Tāmanuhiri. The SHU, a division of the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment, has funding available for the provision of affordable community housing. We are aiming to put in place plans to develop some new houses for our people in Muriwai, Rangiwaho and Te Kopua. Pakeke Housing has moved past the conceptual phase with a request from SHAZ (TPK Special Housing Action Zone) to provide a Pakeke Housing Plan. Discussions with the architectural school at Victoria University mean that we will have access to the latest thinking in both building and landscape design for this kaupapa.

Ongoing meetings between the Trust and JNL have strengthened the working relationship between the two parties. Wharerata Forest Limited (WFL) is the owner of the land, 50% is owned by Tāmanuhiri and (eventually) the other 50% will be owned by Te Tira Whakaemi. Discussions about business opportunities will continue through this year with the aim of securing a couple of partnerships that may involve logistics and manufacturing businesses.

Whānau and friends wishing to support the fantastic work around our village, nga urupa, nga Marae, the Kura, Church and Beach, can make contributions to the following bank account.

Reanga Hou


Juken New Zealand Ltd. (JNL)


Rangi Te Kanawa presented a whariki preservation wānanga, and worked with the weavers. Here she is showing Nanny Kui how to stabilize the straightened whariki

Several land blocks in the Tāmanuhiri rohe are working together to look at opportunities for collaboration and growth. Work is underway with the Pakowhai Land block committee to maximise the use of their land with the assistance of a coopted team. The initial planning stage is underway and utilisation of the land will roll out over the next 12 months. Discussions with the Whareongaonga Land block committee is also underway and a plan forward utilising co-opted members may eventuate from this. The Te Kopua farm operation may be integrated with both Pakowhai and Whareongaonga farm blocks to gain maximum benefit from the farming operations.

We have been waiting for the Te Aranui App. (application) to be developed by our partner Fronde and in the meantime have marketed our product to a number of Iwi. A privacy manual will accompany the App. as it is on-sold to other Iwi. Fronde will take care of any technical support while Ngai Tāmanuhiri and Tonu (our other partner) will take care of operational training and support.

Trust Bank Details: Account Name: Ngai Tāmanuhiri Whanui Trust Branch: ASB Account No. 12-3170-0145994-00 The Rangatahi Leadership Programme visited Toi Tāmanuhiri at the Tairawhiti Museum and met Chinese delegates who were also visiting with Mayor Meng Foon.

Nga mihi ki to tautoko manaaki tatou taonga. General Manager Richard Brooking

Education Discussions are ongoing about a Tāmanuhiri matauranga strategy which will include the Kōhanga Reo, Kura and Wananga activity. Recently discussions about a secondary school development in the Te Kowhai area has generated increased interest in the development of this strategy.

BUSINESS ACTIVITY: Fishing The crayfish quota increased in the previous year and provided a 30% lift in our financial return. Opportunities to aggregate our quota with other Iwi will remain as an option and Trustees will be informed of any of these opportunities as they come to hand. Our inshore and deep sea fish quota has performed consistently over the past few years and this is not expected to change. Positive feedback from Ngai Tahu on handing our Southern Blue Whiting quota back to them continues to resonate positively.

Richard Brooking carrying the waka hoe onto Muriwai Marae before te hoe was returned to Te Papa

thoroughly enjoyed this day.

Be the change

During the National Youth Week, Tūranga Ararau Youth Courses had a day to demonstrate their programme and show off the skills they have all learnt throughout the first half of the year. Preps for Services – Atawhai Taiohi showcased their course through military drills, training skills, obstacle activities and most importantly working as a team. Everyone learnt something new and

Pia Tauawhi


Farming Fear Factor was run by Farming Students at Greenlake/Tairawhiti Farm Cadets, Tinitoro. Everyone participated in orienteering, completing a large scale farming puzzle that was scattered around the farm. This involved using a compass for the first time for some of the Youth who said the day was challenging and exciting with breathtaking views. Te Hamua Nikora was the guest judge for Te Ao Maori’s talent show. Entertainment was enjoyed by all and the atmosphere was filled with an awesome vibe and laughter.

Hospitality students created a challenge which involved decorating cup cakes, creativity, displaying cupcakes on a stand and presentation. All teams had their competitive streak on with a touch of humour, laughter, singing and then eating. Afterwards Tūranga Ararau staff enjoyed the hard job of judging the cupcakes, all had great reviews. Sport and Rec students had the task of wrapping up Youth Week for Tūranga Ararau. Water Activities and Lifesaving techniques were done at the Olympic Pools and students enjoyed a day of fun and laughter in the sun.

Working on their tikanga units

Jacqui Lee Kora and Chanaye McNeil bonding

Tug of war

Fear Factor at Greenlakes

Team work on orienteering


Tūranga Ararau Youth Week

Team work on orienteering

Te Hokawhitu - Military Drills

Bill's Young Farmer Students Master Fences

Janeia Kemp showing the boys how to do it

Digging to China


Pipiwharauroa Tūranga Ararau Youth Week

Proud of their team effort

Pipiwharauroa Te Tahua


For today’s article, I was asked to discuss the Budget released in Parliament less than two weeks ago. As this is an Election year budget, there is expectation of dangling carrots for some, and crumbs for others. As always, there is interest, excitement and scepticism. Last month, I touched on three critical issues that Tairāwhiti whānau continue to raise: Jobs, Homes and Kids. In these three key areas, this Budget provided little hope. I was looking for a commitment to the regions and job creation in places like Gisborne and the East Coast. I was very disappointed. Whānau Ora $15 million over five years, Iwi Radio $12 million over four years and the raising of free health care to include 7-13 year olds effective from July 2015 are the winners. However Māori Wardens were not so fortunate. There is $8 million over four years to the Māori Innovation Fund, a small fund which missed the opportunity to unlock Māori potential that sits with the $30 billion Māori Economy.

Te Kura O Manutuke at Parliment with Ikaroa Rāwhiti MP

Poverty remains a huge issue across Ikaroa-Rāwhitii. The New Zealand Deprivation index was recently released. It was not news to many. Communities like Elgin, Kaiti, Te Karaka, Tolaga and nearly all of the East Coast are amongst the most deprived/ pohara in New Zealand. Deprived in monetary terms but rich in te reo, tikanga and landscape. This Government must acknowledge poverty and develop a specific strategy focussed on this area. The growing gap between rich and poor, child

IFM Amateur Wolrd Championships

poverty and the impact of poverty in regional/provincial New Zealand. Jobs

I was recently in Tokomaru Bay and Ruatoria, thank you to the communities for your manaakitanga. They shared the struggle to find work and to meet the basic needs of their whānau. Our whānau on the East Coast are seeking sustainable job opportunities. Local solutions to local problems, recognises and empowers communities just like these. It is a solution based model that is community driven, I have seen work successfully around the country. The national Māori unemployment rate has risen from 8.6% in 2008 to 13.2 percent. Ngā tamariki o te Kura o Manutuke sharing their aspirations with whanaunga Meka Furthermore 21.9% of rangatahi Māori are not in employment or tertiary education: Māori in Te Tairāwhiti are suffering disproportionately Kids higher rates. These rates are unacceptable! Our rangatahi all deserve a bright future to look forward One in four tamariki in New Zealand live in poverty, to. this figure is even higher for tamariki Māori living in the Tairāwhiti. Labour has made a commitment to reduce the National unemployment rate to 4% in our first term The Budget extended free doctors' visits and in Government. Sustainable prescriptions to all children under 13. But for poor employment is a huge issue for whānau living in rural communities out of Gisborne Te Tairāwhiti which requires and up the East Coast, there are still access issues a big commitment. Regional because of the distance to the closest doctor and Development opportunities the inability to afford to get there. This will make in Te Tairāwhiti could include little difference to reducing child poverty without investment towards opening sustainable jobs, an increase in wages and an and operating the Gisborne improvement of housing conditions. Napier rail line, community based business units, Labour wants to ensure all pepi have the best apprenticeships and training start so they can go on to lead happy, healthy and opportunities for rangatahi. prosperous lives. There will be an extension to 26 weeks paid parental leave, 25 hours of free Early Homes Childhood Education per week and a $60 per week child allowance. Under Labour a more equitable There is a housing crisis, and health system will be introduced, tailored to meet the Budget totally missed this the needs of remote communities throughout the fact. Home ownership rates Tairāwhiti rohe. are at their lowest in 50 years. One of the clearest signs that there is an increasing gap between the rich HEI WHAKAKAPI and poor. The dream of owning a home is slipping out of reach for more and more of our whānau. With At the end of the day, the Budget should be about interest rates rising and wages stagnant, the ability people. Our people want to see housing more to own a home is proving more difficult than ever. affordable, secure and well paid jobs, and our Homes should be warm, dry and secure, this is not so whānau able to get their pepi off to a great start in for many whānau across Te Tairāwhiti. life. Reducing inequalities and poverty are serious issues that were sorely missed by this Budget. I am Labour will make a commitment to this crisis by looking forward to the incoming Labour government building affordable homes and ensuring every rental bringing Innovative, progressive and inclusive policies home is warm and dry. to address these issues. On another note: I joined our whānau at Te Hau ki Tūranga hui a iwi at Te Papa Tongarewa in Wellington. The organisation and facilitation by Moera Brown and Robyn Rauna was outstanding. The setting was appropriate and a timely reminder of how important the repatriation of this taonga can be in creating opportunities for whānau at home.

Continued from the front page

Our three competitors had been training six days a week for the last seven months including two national training camps held in Auckland. Although they had been aiming for gold the trio were not disappointed with their placing as the standard was high and all their losses were to the eventual winners. Aside from the competition the cultural diversity was in itself a huge learning curve, the way competitors from other countries conducted themselves which was good and not so good, their focus and the way they handled pressures was a true eye opener. The fighting was, as expected, very high throughout all age groups. Over the ten days the IFMA community ran workshops on fitness courses, weight loss, detox and youth and sport forums that were hosted by leading international speakers and trainers prior to the commencement of the fights at 1300hr.

Page 11

Without the support and dedication from families, friends, acquaintances these opportunities could never be realized. So a huge thanks go to you all. Their sights are now firmly fixed on gold and the short term goal is the World Youth games in February 2015, then the IFMA World Champs the following year in 2016.

Another highlight of the day was hanging out with akonga from Te Kura o Manutuke. I was able to give them a tour around Parliament, listen to their aspirations, and enjoy their singing particularly as they paused in front of the picture of Papa Parekura Horomia to pay tribute. I encourage any kura or roopu who are in Wellington to contact my Gisborne office, and we can make arrangements for a tour. We’ll be opening a new Gisborne Office soon, watch this space! Ngā manaakitanga o te wa Meka Whaitiri

...Continued from last month One of a dozen burly North Aucklanders explained to a reporter, while leaning over the railing of the hospital ship that had just berthed in Auckland: "I am looking for one of our officers who came back before. Captain Dansey; he was a great fighter. The chaps who knew him at home said he used to fight the way he played football. One day a big Turk jumps up ahead of him and levels a rifle at his head, but Dansey just ducks and goes for that Turk low down, and the bullet goes over his head 1 and the Turk goes to heaven."

Those who understand the historical relationship of the Northern tribes with Te Arawa and Ngāti Tuwharetoa can appreciate the deeper compliment in this soldier’s acknowledgment. All of the officers concerned were well-educated men who had influence in their communities and among their peers, and from the Māori Contingent Committee’s perspective had leadership in their pedigrees. While the Committee had recommended some of them for command positions, they still had to prove to the military officers and instructors at Avondale that they were capable and suitable in every way to be commissioned. It was Colonel Robin who eventually approved their appointments with their ranks. 2

What really happened? So what was the officers’ apparent misconduct that had brought about the ire of their commanding officer? Could it have been, as Pitt’s daughter had told me, that they had disobeyed an order? And was this the straw that broke the camel’s back in terms of the strained relationship between Herbert and his company commanders? During the assault on Chunuk Bair there were accounts of orders being deliberately disobeyed, the best-known being LieutenantColonel Malone’s refusal to attack Chunuk Bair with his Wellington Battalion on 7 August because he believed a daylight assault was suicidal: ‘In the

crowded conditions at the Apex there was no privacy and Malone’s discussion with his Brigadier and Brigade Major 3 took place among the men.’

If disobeying an order brought about Herbert’s wrath, it seems ironic that when Pitt was back in New Zealand he should emphasise the vital importance of carrying out orders. When addressing senior cadets in Gisborne he reminded the young men that ‘to be a

good soldier, one must be disciplined and obedient. Orders 4 should be obeyed without question.’

Whatever the reason, the incident occurred sometime towards the end of the Battle of Sari Bair. The day after the contingent was withdrawn from the Farm, Dansey petitioned Russell through Herbert, requesting a Court of Inquiry into the C.O.’s conduct.5 Dansey listed the allegations Herbert had made: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

That I ran away from my post without orders. Uttering the following - Do you know you Māoris were withdrawn because you were no good and that the officers had no control over the men. Using language unbecoming in a senior officer to a junior. Using said language in the presence of my junior officer and in the hearing of officers of B. Coy and men of the Māori Contingent. Generally using words in such a way that would lead those who heard it to believe we were cowards. And generally to enquire into the conduct of the Commanding Officer to his junior officers both on and off parade.

The petition gives the impression that Herbert had flown into a tirade and that he had dressed

Māori in WW1

down Dansey in front of the officers and men of the contingent. The most likely time and place that this could have happened was when the contingentmanned positions were alongside the Ghurkas (8-9 August) where privacy was not possible, or on 10 August after the contingent was withdrawn and the remnant arrived back at No.1 Outpost. As to the alleged accusation of the officers’ lack of control over their men, there was some suggestion of this when Pitt, after his return to New Zealand, said: “Their

ancient pride of race and general spirit of independence does not make them ideal barrack room soldiers, and they may lack the rigid discipline of regular troops, but when 6 practical work is wanted they are there every time.”

One of the most curious suggestions about what lay at the heart of the matter came not from the front but via a letter to the editor of a New Zealand regional newspaper written by, what appeared to be, an informed individual using the pseudonym ‘Māori’. If the letter is based on fact, then racial intolerance seems to have been at the root of the allegations: “It is an open secret that three officers were sent back from the front for some alleged misdemeanour. They have appeared before the Minister of Defence at Wellington and apparently have not been dismissed from the service; on the contrary, it is whispered Mr Allen is sending them back to their regiment. And now comes Captain Pitt, who it seems is to be invalided out of his regiment and out of [missing word? the] service when by all appearance he is perfectly well. It was Captains Pitt and Dansey who led the Māoris in those memorable attacks on Sari Bair - feats which brought the Māoris unstinted praise from the highest authority and these are the men, by whose orders I don't know, to be dismissed from their regiment. One would expect the powers that be to be naturally loathe to lose the services of a tried soldier like Captain Pitt - aye, the most tried soldier in the whole of the Māori Contingent. The Māori people, I feel sure, would like to see their boys under the care of Māori officers who would naturally take more kindly interest in them than would pakehā officers. There is always the chance of a snobbish white officer regarding and treating a Māori as a ‘nigger’. The Māori is a proud man, and, would resent being treated as a nigger. ... Another thing, that strikes me as curious is the fact that not one word of praise of his men from the officer commanding the Māoris has found its way to the Māori people or press; on the other hand General Hamilton, General Russell, Brigadier Johnstone, Colonel Hughes, Captain Twistleton, and many others have spontaneously given the Māori boys unstinted praise. Yet not a word of praise or encouragement has been sent to the Māori people 7 [by their C.O.].

Captain Pitt’s Medical Discharge As to Pitt’s health, in hindsight it appears that Godley had used this to remove the captain from his unit but at the same time to avoid bringing Pitt’s reputation into disrepute or, as he put it, ‘to let these officers 8 down as easy as possible’. Two months after the assault on Chunuk Bair, Godley told Allen that Pitt had been the problem and that the other three officers; ‘were led away by Pitt, who proved himself in no way fit for service in the field. On the night that the Māoris were most heavily engaged [9 August], and fought most gallantly and admirably, he left them and walked back to the beach, and was found in his dug-out in the morning. He said he was 9 sick, and we must hope that he was.’

This last comment was unfair and not accurate, given that the contingent’s medical officer, Captain Buck, recorded in his diary that he had examined Pitt below the Farm, found him to be very sick and ‘sent him away 10 with one of the men in the early evening’. Before any question of the state of Pitt’s health was raised, however, Godley had already intimated to Allen in a private letter that he would probably have both Pitt and Dansey relieved of their commands. 12 Ten days later, Pitt was ordered before a medical board. He later wrote that his C.O. claimed he knew nothing of it nor did the regimental doctor ask for or order a medical board. Pitt said that the order to report came when he was on duty at No.1 Outpost


Māori in the First World War 1914-1918



Page 12

Captain Wiremu Tutepuaki Pitt b. 30 May 1877

Bill Pitt’s father was born in Bristol and in New Zealand was a professional soldier. His mother was from Ngāti Porou with affiliations to the Tūranga tribes. Pitt was one of the few Māori who served in the South African War where he was commissioned as a lieutenant. When he joined the Māori Contingent, he was 38 years of age stood 5ft 8½ and weighed 203lbs and was an employee of the Native Department in Wellington. Originally from Gisborne, he was also well known in the sporting arena, having captained the Poverty Bay representative side for several years. Pitt was promoted to captain when he was appointed to command B Company. The Māori Contingent Committee had initially recommended him 11 for the rank of major.

where he had been on continuous duty for eight days and nights or 192 hours (i.e. since 16 August). He had not had more than 12 hours sleep during that period. ‘For five nights out of eight,’ he said, ‘[I] had

to remain awake and superintend the digging of trenches, 13 labour for which was supplied in reliefs.’ The Board,

consisting of three members from the New Zealand Medical Corps, convened at the New Zealand Field Ambulance Dressing Station at Chalik Dere. They found that Pitt was suffering from tachycardia and constant breathlessness on exertion. The board reported that he appeared to have suffered heart failure on 9 August and considered he was unfit for further service. They recommended he be given his discharge in New Zealand. Pitt later claimed that Brigadier Russell had told him that it did not matter what the medical board found, as it had already been arranged to send him back to Cairo.14

The next day General Godley sought and received approval from the Corps Commander for Pitt to be invalided home. Six days later (30 August), Pitt left Gallipoli for Alexandria and, after a further eight weeks in Egypt, boarded the troopship Tahiti bound for New Zealand on 23 November.15 Another medical board was assembled during the voyage. While Pitt did not need treatment, this board gave him medical leave until New Year’s Day. Allen told Godley that Pitt made a good job as the ship’s adjutant and that the ship’s captain had reported very favourably about him. He told Godley that ‘the Māoris seem to have a great opinion about him’ and they wanted him sent back with the next Māori reinforcements to look after them.16 Godley was quick to dismiss any approval of the Māori officer: "Pitt may be alright as adjutant of a ship, but I am

perfectly certain that he is not qualified, or competent to command in the field, and it would be nothing short of a great misfortune for him to return to this Force in any 17 shape or form." ...To be continued Nā Monty Satour References:

Poverty Bay Herald, 16 Oct 1915, p. 9. New Zealand Herald, 27 Oct 1915, p.9. 3 - Robin to Allen, 4 Jan 1915, & Robin to Headquarters NZ Military Forces, 8 Jan 1915, AD1 707 9/32/1, ANZ. 4 - Pugsley, p. 279. 5 - Poverty Bay Herald, 5 July 1916, p.5. 6 - Pomare, Carroll, Ngata to Allen, 8 Dec 1915, AD1 707 9/32/1, ANZ. 7 - New Zealand Herald , 27 Dec 1915, p. 9. 8 - Poverty Bay Herald, 25 Jan 1916, p. 5. 9 - Godley to Allen, 15 Nov 1915, AD 10 20, 42/4, copy in Pitt Personnel File, ANZ. 10 - Allen to Godley, 10 Oct 1915, Allen1 1 please check], M1/15 Pt 2, ANZ. Its Allen1 1, 10 - Cowan, p. 60. 11 - Pitt Personnel File, ANZ; Robin to Allen, 4 Jan 1915 & Pomare to Robin, 12 Oct 1914, AD1 707 9/32/8, ANZ; Evening Post, 1 June 1937. 12 - Godley to Allen, 14 Aug 1915, Allen1 2, M1/15, Pt 5, ANZ. 13 - Petition of Capt. W.T. Pitt, 1916, in Pitt Personnel File, ANZ. 14 - The president of the Board was Maj. Eugene O’Neill and the two other members were Capt. R. H. Walton and Capt. John Connor. Capt. Thoms to O.C. NZ Base Depot, Alexandria, 28 Aug 1914, copy in Pitt Personnel File, ANZ. Godley to HQ, ANZAC, 25 Aug 1915 and Brig-Gen. R. A. Carruthers to Godley, 28 Aug 1915, and, Pitt Petition in Pitt Personnel File, ANZ. 15 - Thoms to O.C. NZ Base Depot, Alexandria, 28 Aug 1914, & cablegram from Lt-Col A. B. Charters, 25 Nov 1915, AD 10 20, 42/4, copy in Pitt Personnel File, ANZ. 16 - Allen to Godley, 4 Jan 1916, Allen1 1, M1/15 Pt 2, ANZ. 17 - Godley to Allen, 19 Feb 1916, Allen1 1, M1/15 Pt 2, ANZ. 12-

Pipiwharauroa Ngā Tama Toa

Page 13

Ko tēnei kōrero e pā ana ki te pukapuka rongonui nei, ara Ngā Tama Toa: The Price of Citizenship. Kei te whakamāoritia ngā kōrero, ā, ko Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Porou kei te whakahaere i te kaupapa nei, i raro anō o te mana i tukua mai e ngā mōrehu o C Company o Ngā Taonga a Ngā Tama Toa Trust. Nā Wiremu and Jossie Kaa i whakamāori tēnei wāhanga. I mua i to ratou wehenga atu i taua takiwa, ka hoki te Māori Battalion ki te urupa hou ki te poroporoāki ki o ratou hoa. I mihi Māori a Pita Awatere mo te pārekareka o te whawhai o nga hoa i hinga. Mo nga mea i reira i taua wa, i tuhituhi a Colonel Bennett i āna ‘kupu miharo mo te poroporoāki’ a Pita Awatere. I te 22 o Hanuere ka whakarerea e ratou te koraha, a, ka haere tika atu ma te huarahi matua ki Azizia, ko te Māori Battalion hoki kei mua o te 5 Brigade. Natemea kāre e taea e ratou te eke te taone nui, (i reira tonu hoki te 15 Panza Division e pupuri ana i tērā wāhi), ka hoki whakamuri te Battalion. I paheke hoki nga Tiamana i waenganui po. Ao ake i te ata, na te rōpū Bren Carrier Māori i ārahi atu nga hoia o Aotearoa ki roto ki te taone nui. No to ratou taenga atu ki reira, ka kite ratou kua tae kē nga hoia British me nga hoia Kotimana. I topa mai hoki ratou ma te taha moana ki reira. Kotahi marama te Battalion e noho ana i to ratou topuni i waho atu o Tripoli. I tahuri hoki nga Kamupene ki te wetewete mai i nga taonga ma te Ope Hoia Tuawaru (Eighth Army) ki runga i te waapu o te taone nui. ‘Anō nei kei te poka noa iho ta matou tāhae mai i a ratou.’ Ko te korero tēnei a tētahi tamatāne o te C Kamupene. ‘Ka mutu mai ta matou mahi mo tēnā wa, ka tari mai matou i nga koti nui kī tonu ki te tīni whurutu.’

TE OPE TĀPIRI TUAWARU Kua tae mai te Ope Tāpiri Tuawaru ki Maadi. Tokorua nga āpiha me te 56 o ērā atu o nga hoia. Kua whakapakari kē nga Māori o te Rōpū Tuawaru mo te whawhai i te koraha i te hōtoke. Ko Second Lieutenant Tom Keelan te āpiha nui o te tekau ma toru hoia o te Tairawhiti i roto i taua rōpū tāpiri. Na Captain Awarau i rarau atu a Keelan kia kuhu mai ki raro i ana parirau, natemea he whanaunga tata rāua no Te Whanau-a-Iritekura. Ko tana korero atu ki a Keelan, natemea he whanaunga rāua, māna a ia e tiaki. Ahakoa i wawata a Keelan kia whakatūngia a ia ki roto ki te Transport Platoon, i hono atu a ia i a Awarau i roto i te C Kamupene inā pohiritia ratou e te Battalion. Ko te nuinga o nga Hoia Māori, i kite ratou i te topuni kua whakatē kē ki te taha o te Battalion, kei te whakangā ranei kia ora mai o ratou taotū i mua o ta ratou hokinga atu ki to ratou ope hoia. Anei nga whakamārama a Sergeant John J. B. Walker no Waiomatatini mo ta ratou tūtakitanga i o ratou hoa o mua: Kua tae nei matou ki ēnei o matou, ki ēnei o nga tamariki na ratou nei i hanga tētahi ingoa ataahua mo tāua mo te iwi Māori. Ahakoa ra, kaore matou i tangi – i runga i nga kaupapa pakeha o tēnei mahi o te whakatūtū hoia, kei roto i te ngakau o tēnā o tēna o matou e hahae ana te mamae me te pouri mo

I tomo atu a J.B. Walker ki te hopuni ki te taha o nga Hoia Tāpiri Tuawhitu . Kei konei kei te (Papakura Camp 1941) Engari kāre a ia i rere atu i o ratou taha, notemea i whakatūngia a ia hei NCO hei kaiako mo ētahi atu Hoia Tāpiri. Mauī ki te matau kei te tū: ? ko Rodney Pitt, ko Sam Paniora, ko Bill Waihi, ko Tom Campbell, ko Maaku Turei, ko John Henderson, ? ko J.B. Walker, ko Darkie Walsh. Kei te tūturu: ko Claude Ehau, ko George Pahau, ko Jim (Sulo) Reid, ko Len Walker. Kei mua: ko Mark Mackey, ko Wi (Bill) Reedy, ko Rangi Tutaki, ko Henare Kaiwai.

nga mea o ratou i tū tinana mai 16 i o matou aroaro, ko te nui o te mamae mo nga mea i tū wairua mai. I kuraina a Sergeant Walker i Te Aute, a, no muri mai ka haere ki te Kāreti o Hawkesbury i Ahitereiria. Kei roto i tana reta ki tana hoa wahine, ka puta ōna whakaaro mo te kamakama a nga mahi a nga hoia Māori ki te kotiti haere i roto i nga hoariri ki te whānako kai me nga kākahu. Engari ko āna kupu miharo he whāki i te āhua o te whakamahi i nga hoia Māori. I tahuri a ia ki te tuhi ōna whakaaro i roto i te reo Māori. Ko nga rongo toa e tika ana kia pānuitia. Kaore i pānuitia e te Pakeha, kei te mārama noa atu te take i kore ai i pānuitia. Inā tonu te take na, ka rongo iti ko te Pakeha. Ko ētahi noiho ēnei: 1) Ko nga Māori hei kokiri i nga wāhi iho pakari te hoariri. 2) Ma nga Māori e kokiri i nga wāhi iho kaore e taea e te Pakeha. 3) E wha rau nga Māori na ratou i tango mai i te pa o te hoariri kaore i riro mai i nga Pakeha kotahi mano e ono rau. He nui noa atu, kaore e taea te pānui atu. Kua roa kē nga tāngata i Tripoli i te mura o te ahi, a he mahi uaua te whakatūtū mai i a ratou ki nga tūranga tōtika mo te hoia i te Topuni Matua. I tahuri a Colonel Bennett ki te whakahoki mai i te tūranga tōtika o nga hoia. Na ōna ota i panuitia i te mutunga o Hanuera i whakaputa tana riri ki nga tāngata mo te āhua ngoikore me te āhua hakurara o a ratou rōpū. I whakatakototia e ia nga kaupapa tōtika hei whakakotahi, hei whakahoki mai i te pai me te tika o te whakahaere o nga Kamupene. Ahakoa noa i āhua whakahoihoi te whai atu a nga hoia i tana whakahau.

Whakatakariri katoa a Bennett. Ka whakataungia te Battalion, kātahi ka whakatū tōtikangia mai ratou. Natemea kātahi anō a Rangi Logan ka tae mai, ka whakarongo atu a ia ki te Kānara e kohukohu ana i nga hoia. ‘Ae, ki te tere kē tanga o ta tatou hoki ki te whawhai, ko te painga tēnā. Kia mate atu ētahi o koutou. I rongo a Epiniha (Pine) Ratapu o te 13 Platoon, i te ngau o te riri a te Kānara e mohiotia nei kei te hāngai tana riri ki a C Kamupene me tana korero atu, ‘Ko koutou no C Kamupene, māku tonu e ārahi atu ki te mura o te ahi kia mate atu koutou. He pēnei tonu te tū a Man Mukta [Awatere], kātahi ka mihi hoia atu, kātahi ka huri me tana korero, ‘Koutou o C Kamupene, wehe atu.’ Ka neke atu matou ka piki ki runga i o matou taraka. He tapu tenei mahi a te wehe atu i te papa huihui hoia i mua o te whakaetanga a te Regimental Sergeant-Major o nga Ope Hoia katoa. Na konei i whakaatu kei te matakawa katoa a Awatere i nga kupu whakahokihoki a nga hoia. No muri rawa mai, ka haere te riri ki a Awatere mo tana mahi, a, i mahue taua take ki reira takoto ai. Natemea he Maori a ia i tino mātau a Bennett ki te take i ngaungau ai te puku o Awatere. Ko āna wawata, tērā pea ma nga ra o mua kei te heke mai e whakaputa te hua pai o āna mahi.

Ka puta mai te kino i te ngaronga o C Kamupene i te whakatūtū (parade) hei whakapai i te neke whakamua o te Battalion ki Medenine. I te wa i te huitahi nga kaiwhakahaere, ki te taha o Bennett, kei te tatari hoki nga Kamupene kia hoki mai o ratou kaiwhakahaere. No te karangatanga o Captain Pine Taiapa, i te rārangi hoia, ka kitea i te ngaro a Wiwi Teneti rāua ko Keepa (Skipper) Rangi, no te 14 Platoon rāua tahi. I tae mai rāua me a rāua kawenga Jerry Cans kī tonu i te waina. I te tūtū katoa matou i runga i te papa huihui, i te hokinga mai o Awatere. He hokinga mahara tenei no Parkinson mo taua wa: Ka kite atu a Awatere i a Teneti, ‘Ah yeah, he aha to mahi? Pokokohua!’ Ka wetehia e ia tana koti me tana korero atu, ‘Whakatūngia mai o ringa moto.’ He tangata nui a Teneti. Kua tū he whawhai. Ka pakaru mai nga hoia. I reira nga Pakeha ... me ta ratou korero, ‘E Hika ma, he aha tenei momo ope hoia?’ Ka mea anō ratou, ‘He āpiha tenei e whawhai nei i te corporal?’

No te 28 o Pepuere 1943, i tohua ētahi 2mema o te Battalion ki te tuku panui ki te wa kainga. Kei konei a Lt. Col Bennett e hui ana ki te taha o Arch Curry o te Broadcasting Unit.




Pipiwha'rauroa Page 14

Pipiwharauroa "T的RANGA HEALTH"

Page 15

Pipiwharauroa 'Tūranga Ararau'

Page 16


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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.