Pipiwharauroa - June 2017

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Pipiwharauroa Pipiri 2017

Pukapuka: Rua Te Kau Ma Whā


Ko Rongowhakaata! I te wiki kua taha ake i takahia te mata o te whenua e te tini o Rongowhakaata ki Whanganui a Tara ki te mau i a rātou taonga ki Te Papa Tongarewa. Tata ko te katoa o Rongowhakaata i haere. Tau ana ki te kite i ngā uri e whai pānga, te huinga tahi, rātou e marara ana ki te whenua i tūtakitaki ki Te Papa Tongarewa. He huinga harikoa, he huinga hokinga whakaaro ki te hunga kua ngaro a tinana engari i reira a wairua.

Panui: Ono

Rongomaraeroa. Rere ana te roimata, te hūpē i te kare a roto. Ko ētahi o ngā taonga te taumaha mārika, tino uaua engari nā te wairua me te heke o te werawera ka tau. I muri i te whakatau i te marae o Rongomaraeroa ka hikina anō, ka hīkoitia kia hipa i te whare o Te Hau ki Tūranga ki ētahi atu wāhanga o te whare taonga. I reira ka whakarerihia ki te whakaatu anō ki te katoa o te motu, o te whenua, o te ao!

Ngahoro noa ngā takutaku, rere kau ana ngā reo whakakotahi i te marea ki te marae o

E Rere te Manutukutuku

Ko te tohu o te tīmatanga o te tau hou a te iwi Māori. He purapura whetu e whitu ka puta i te marama o Pipiri. Ka tukuna ngā manutukutuku kia rere hei whakanui. E mōhiotia ana e tauiwi ko Pleiades. Kua kukuti te whenua, kua mātao. Ngā Uri o Rongowhakaata i Te Papa Tongarewa

He Hōnore kua Ūhia nō Whenua Kē! Te Kaiwhakawā Heemi Taumaunu

Ki te kore e kitea ngā whetu, he tohu o te tino mātao mo te Takurua, Hōtoke rānei. Ko te wā e maumahara ana ki te hunga kua ngaro ki te pō. Ka puta ngā whetū i te atapō, i te atatū.

Kei te whakatāhuna o te ngaru Kei te whakaaio o te whenua Te hītau o te taura tangata. Ko Te Tairāwhiti te mihi nui nei Kua ūhia nei tēnei tohu ki a koe Te Tohu Veillard-Cybulski Kei te kitea Kei te rangona Ō mahi papai e te ao. Ki te hunga rangatahi Nō reira e tautoko ana E mihi ana

Ko te wā huripoki i te whenua, ngā maara kai hoki kia reri ai mō te whakatō a te Koanga. Ko te wā o te maremare me te makariri me te ihu hūpē.

Whakamaua ngā kākahu mahana. Whakanuia te tau hōu

Ko Judge Heemi Taumaunu

Inside this month...

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He KŌrero o Te Wā

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Womens Health League

Pages 10&11

NgĀ Kura Tuatahi Tamararo 2017

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Tūranga Health

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Tūranga Ararau Courses 2017



Pipiwharauroa Pipiwharauroa Riiki

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Founded October 1898 Pukapuka: Rua Te Kau Ma Whā Pānui: Ono Te Marama: Pipiri Te Tau: 2017 ISSN: 1176-4228 (Print) ISSN: 2357-187X (Online)

Pīpīwharauroa takes its name from ‘He Kupu Whakamārama Pīpīwharauroa’, which was printed in October, 1899 by Te Rau Print and edited by the late Reverend Reweti Kohere. Pīpīwharauroa was re-launched on 20 October, 1993. Produced and edited by: Te Rūnanga o Tūranganui-ā-Kiwa Tūranga Ararau Printed by: The Gisborne Herald Email: pipiwharauroa@ta.org.nz Phone: (06) 868 1081


Rugby League Reinvigorated in Te Tairāwhiti

Three months ago a cohort of rugby league enthusiasts started a journey to reinvigorate rugby league in this region. To create opportunities in rugby league for rangatahi was the main purpose. "Other than the odd annual tournament in primary schools there wasn't much rugby league for rangatahi to aspire toward," says Wanita Tuwairua-Brown coordinator of TRRL activities. ‘Since our son Rylan made the WaiCoaBay (Waikato Coastlines Bay of Plenty) regional team last year my husband Chris Brown, ‘Under 15s’ coach and I saw huge potential for more tamariki from here to be selected for teams such as this. “We firmly believe that all our rangatahi need is such an opportunity. Accompanied with support and interested guidance, they can be as good if not better than any other player out there.”. Gisborne Laundry Services Tairāwhiti Rangatahi Rugby League (TRRL) ‘Under 15s’ and ‘Under 17s’ teams attended the NZ Māori Rangatahi Rugby League Tournament for the first time on 3 and 4 June and came away with some unexpectedly positive results. With only five weeks preparation both teams played some impressive rugby league particularly as most play rugby union and are new to the game, they all did our rohe proud. The ‘Under 15’ team won an exciting final against Tuhoe 38-20 in front of a large crowd after losing to them in the pool round 30-18. “We lost Noah Totoro who is solid runner of the ball early in our first game which set us back to 16 players for the remainder of the tournament,” says Daniel Taituha (co-coach). “Although our team was clearly one of the smallest, the boys showed a lot of tika and tackled like giants.”

efforts and thanked the boys for putting their hands up to play. “There were many outstanding players,” said Rangi. “However, Te Hiwaroa Paenga aka Tee and Tyrin Wylie displayed both speed and strength which saw them break the line on many occasions. The engine room of Darius Nepe and Tawhai Tanirau kept the team steady and delivered good ball for the TK Reihana, Keanu Wainohu Kemp, Jakob Kingi and Russell Whata to finish off.” Players Wainohu-Kemp (second row) and Kingi (centre) were noticed by Caine O’Shea, an accredited scout for Pacific Sports Management who is based in Auckland and has contacts to National Rugby League clubs. Caine and business owner Gavin Orr were impressed with the size, shape, speed and skill of both these players and how competitive they were against players who have been playing rugby league a lot longer than them. Having been identified as players with raw talent there is a pathway now open for both boys to attend high performance camps in the near future. “It is a very exciting opportunity for Keanu and Jakob and the future of TRRL and certainly for up and coming rugby league players,” says Tuwairua-Brown. “We were stoked that we got two teams to the tournament but we couldn’t have done it without the support of our community and whānau, so a big thanks goes out to all our sponsors. We are looking forward to the next opportunity!” Under 17s results were against Dannevirke Tigers (lost 16-20), Tuhoe (won 32-24) and Whanganui (lost 28-18)

They boys played to their strengths which were speed and agility, generally from the back end of some good yardage from the front rowers, Isaiah Ogilvy, Inia Hailey and Reef Roberts. Dynamo hooker, Roy Horo played and tackled exceptionally well. So did composed and steadfast halves, Tyrese TuwairuaBrown and Jordan Christie, who both articulated plays that either assisted or self-produced inspiring tries. Moko Ogilvy shrugging off a Taitokerau player

“Just to get there was a success but to come away with the overall taonga was the icing on the cake,” says Chris Brown. Pool results were Te Taitokerau 2618, Kirikiriroa Tigers 20-4 and Takutai Akau by default, but lost 30-18 to Tuhoe. The ‘Under 17s’ captained by Tyrin Wylie did extremely well finishing 3rd in the development grade considering most had never played league before. Coach Herewini Rangi was very pleased with their

Jakob Kingi and Keanu Wainohu-Kemp with Caine O'Shea

Tyrin Wyllie charging through the Tuhoe players

Group photo after the final with Tuhoe

Both the Under 15s and Under 17s Tairāwhiti Rangatahi Rugby League teams in front of the Wharenui

Pipiwharauroa He KŌrero o Te Wā

Meka Whaitiri

Treasury puts Māori Land Service on red alert Treasury’s Interim Major Projects Monitoring Document was released to the public in midJune and reveals major issues with the Māori Land Service (MLS), the cornerstone of Te Ururoa Flavell’s Te Ture Whenua Māori Bill. Treasury has given the MLS a ‘red’ rating, which has previously been defined as meaning ‘the project requires changes to budget, schedule, scope or benefits’, and ‘major issues with project definition, schedule, budget, quality and/or benefits delivery, which don’t appear to be manageable or resolvable without such changes being made.’ The report reveals Treasury concerns about implementation, transition planning, new technology design and timeframes. Treasury also say there was no investment proposal or suitable business case ready to support Budget 2017 decisions. Te Ururoa Flavell’s unpopular Māori land reforms hinge on the success of the proposed MLS and yet the lack of detail about the MLS in Flavell’s Te Ture Whenua Māori Bill has been a huge concern for many submitters to the select committee. Sadly, Treasury’s assessment of the MLS totally backs up all the fears and concerns of Māori landowners out there. This report was released internally in April, so Te Ururoa Flavell has known about these fundamental issues for months, but has kept these issues hidden from Māori. This highly critical assessment by Treasury will leave Māori landowners in even more doubt about the future of their whenua and the leadership capability of the Māori Development Minister.

Minister, are you a Shark or a minnow? Speaking of the Minister’s leadership style, a few weeks ago on Te Kaea, Te Ururoa Flavell admitted that landowners were confused about his Te Ture Whenua Māori Bill. He didn’t attribute this to his complex and constantly changing bill, or his own poor consultation, but to ‘lies’ he has alleged I have told about the reforms. This didn’t surprise me as only a few weeks earlier I wrote an opinion piece on the Minister’s nasty habit of calling people liars. He recently accused his own so-called political ally Hone Harawira of telling lies about the reforms. Rather than accusing critics of his Te Ture Whenua Māori Bill of telling ‘lies’, Te Ururoa Flavell should show some backbone and front up to a debate on the issue.

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If Te Ururoa Flavell actually thought I was a liar, and believed in his own bill, don’t you think he would jump at the chance to debate me on it? I’ll leave you to draw your own conclusions.

Queen’s Birthday Honours Congratulations to our three very deserving Tairāwhiti recipients of the 2017 Queen’s Birthday honours. Lyn Provost was born and raised in Gisborne and received a Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit for her service to the state. Lyn was the first woman civilian to be appointed to the role of Deputy Commissioner of New Zealand Police and this year completed her term as Auditor-General of New Zealand. Tolaga Bay’s Padre Wiremu Gray received a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for service to Māori and community. This was just the latest in an extensive list of achievements that include being a trustee for Te Aitanga ā-Hauiti, Tolaga Bay Area School and Kahukuranui, being chairman of Te Rawheoro Marae and sitting on the Te Aitangi ā-Hauiti iwi forum of six local marae. This is Padre Gray’s second time in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list as he was awarded the Queen’s Service Medal (QSM) for community service thirty years ago in 1987. I was also thrilled to see Tūranga Ararau manager and the editor of Pīpīwharauroa herself, Sharon Maynard, named as a recipient of a QSM award for her many services to Māori and education. Sharon is known for her humility and was the only person surprised by her recognition in the awards. Congratulations to all of you for your outstanding record of serving your communities and showing once again what talented and driven people we produce in Tairāwhiti!

He Tohu Whakahōnore He mihinui ki te tokotoru ō Tūranganui ā Kiwa i whakanuia i te Rā Whānau o te Kuini. He Tohu Whakahōnore ā te Kuini, he taitara whakahīhī i whakaaronuitia e Te Tairāwhiti kia ūhia ki ēnei tokotoru

Tūteari Te Rauna – Lamont He tamaiti, he mokopuna tino ngākaunui ki ngā tūmomo hākinakina katoa. Ko tana wawata kia uru atu ki te Tīma Whutupaoro Ō Pango, heoi anō, ko tēra tēra. I tēnei wā e tū toa ana i ngā mahi whakatikatika tinana engari he tūmomo anō e whai kahatia ana e te mahi a te pakeke, tamariki hoki. Rua tau kua taha ake ka tīmata tana whakauru atu ki ngā whakataetae “Crossfit”. Mai i te tīmatanga ka whakarite a ia i te poutama e eke ai ia ki te taumata o te Crossfit. Ko tana wawata kia uru atu a ia ki ngā whakataetae o te ao. Ana kua eke ki tāna i wawata ai. E Te Tairāwhiti, kei te haere ia ki Wisconsin whakataetae ai. He toki, i tipu mai i ngā ngahere, o Te Tairāwhiti, nō reira he tono tēnei mō tahi paku āwhina hei hoe i tana waka. E mōhio ana koutou peipei ana ngā moni ka whakapaua hei tuku i tēnei mokopuna ki Wisconsin. Mai anō a Tūteari e toa ana i ngā hākinakina me ngā mahi ā te Māori. Ko te maurākau, ko te kapa haka tana tino matenui, katahi ka tū hei kaitātaki hoki engari i tētahi taha ko te whutupaoro, katahi ka puta mai te “Crossfit” ā koinei mō tēnei wā. Ko tana hiahia ko te hoki anō ki te whutupaoro ā tōna wā. • 2015 - I uru ki ngā whakataetae o te ao i Ramona, California. • 2016 - Kāpene o te tīma whutupaoro ō Tūranganui a Kiwa raro i te 14 tau • 2016 - Te Tamaiti Toa o Te Tau mō te Hākinakina. Kāre ia e purei whutupaoro, kei whara a ia mo ngā whakataetae o te ao.

Me mihi ka tika engari ko te mihi nui ki te hunga nā rātou i tautoko, nā rātou i whakaaronui he tāngata ēnei e tika ana kia whiwhi i ēnei taitara. Nā koutou mo te iwi.

Nō reira he tono tēnei ki te wairua tuku ō Te Tairāwhiti, kia āwhinatia tēnei tamaiti kia tae pai ki Wisconsin!

Tau kē Tūranganui ā Kiwa

Ehara tana toa nā te takitahi engari nā Te Tairāwhiti.

I don’t appreciate being called a liar so I challenged the Minister to cut out the gutter politics, show some leadership and front up to a debate with me on Te Ture Whenua Māori Bill. When the challenge was put to the Minister his response was: “I don’t see anything coming from us doing this.” Padre William Gray (QSM) – Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit (MNZM)

Lyn Provost - Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit (CNZM)

Sharon Maynard - Queens Service Medal (QSM)

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Women’s Health League to Celebrate 80 Years

Nurse Ruby Cameron

September will be an exciting time for our local Women’s Health League here in Tūranganui ā Kiwa when they will host 80 Years of the movement at the Emerald Hotel. Manuhiri will be coming from Rotorua and beyond for the occasion. The Women’s Health League, Te Roopu o te Ora, was founded by Nurse Robina (Ruby) Thomson Cameron who started as a Native District Health Nurse in Rotorua in the early 1930s. Previously trained as a nurse at Cook Hospital, Gisborne, she travelled the East Coast from Waimana to Cape Runaway in her Model T Ford and, where it could not go, on foot or on horseback treating the sick and providing medical advice. From this work she came to understand the needs of the local Māori people. She is also known for her campaigning for free milk in the Native Schools, free hospital services and the teaching of reo Māori in schools and was awarded an M.B.E. for her services to Māori in 1938.

Womens health League

homemaking skills. As a result of her initiative, committees were formed in settlements around the district. They proved so successful that the first branch of the Women’s Health League was launched at a large hui on 2 September 1937 at Tunohopu Marae.

Whakanuia te 80 tau Ngā Wāhine o te Hauora

From there the movement spread Kei te harikoa, kei te ānipā Te Roopu out to help improve health and living Wāhine o te Hauora o konei, nā te conditions in predominantly Māori mea a te Mahuru ka whakaekea a communities through to the Taupo, Tūranganui e te marea whakanui Opotiki and Te Tairāwhiti districts. The i te waru tekau tau o tēnei roopu Pūha and Te Karaka Branches were the first to be established in Tūranganui Nurse Cameron in her later years kaha ki te whakatairanga i te hauora ki ngā whānau. ā Kiwa in 1948 followed by Ngātapa, Patutahi and Waituhi in 1949 then Manutuke and Tāmanuhiri in the early 1950s. In the Mai i te tīmatanga, ahakoa e kiia ana, ‘ngā wāhine early days there had been some talk around the Health o te hauora,’ e kāo, tino kaha anō hoki te mahi o te League going under the Māori Welfare League in Te tāne ki te tautoko i ngā mahi katoa e pā ana. Tairāwhiti but after discussion with their kaumātua Kei te whakanuia i te hōtera o Emeralds. Kei te the proposal was taken no further. haere mai ngā manuhiri i Rotorua me kō atu. It was the men who formed most of the Women’s Health League branches locally with the members He wā whakamaumahara hoki ki te hunga nā rātou fully supporting the work of the Marae and tribal i tīmata i te rau tau kua taha ake. Nā Nēhi Robina committees. Charlotte Hitaua wrote in ‘The Thomson Cameron i tīmata i a ia e mahi ana i Unfolding Years 1937-1987’ that the first meeting of Rotorua, engari i akongia atu i te Hōhipera o Kuki. the Tairāwhiti District Council of the Women’s Health Ko tana mahi he huri haere ki ngā kura taketake i League held in 1949 was chaired by Mrs Heni Sherrat runga i tana “Model T Ford”. of Ngatapa, the secretary was Mrs Tawai Kingi of Te Karaka and it was fully supported by Mrs Maora Ki te kore he rori mo tana motuka, ana kua hīkoi, Tamihana, Welfare Officers and the Department of kua eke hoiho rānei. Nāna hoki te tono he miraka kore utu ki ngā kura i taua wā. I ūhia te tohu MBE ki Māori Affairs. Mark Nepia held the role of patron. a ia te tau 1938 mo ana mahi ki ngā Māori. Nā tana A number of people from Tairāwhiti will recall the kaha ki te āwhina i te rohe, ka tīmata tēnei roopu i Janet Fraser Memorial Guest House where they could te tau 1937 i te marae o Tunohopu. I te tau 1948-50 stay when visiting relatives at the Rotorua Hospital, ka tīmata tēnei rohe. it was opened in 1948. Mrs Fraser was the wife of New Zealand Prime Minister, Mr Peter Fraser and a Tēra pea e maumahara ana ētahi ki te Janet foundation member and Patroness of the League with Fraser Memorial Guest House. He whare tēnei Mrs Ana Waaka until she passed away in 1945. Nurse kei Rotorua mo ngā whanau kāre he wāhi noho. Cameron believed that the League was obliged to I whakatuwheratia i te tau 1948. Rua tekau tau i raise money itself before others could be asked to muri mai ka hurihia hei wāhi noho mo ngā tauira. contribute to the project which they did, particularly the local Iwi, Maori Trust Boards and the people. After Nō reira Tūranganui, tautokohia te kaupapa e heke some 20 years as a guest house the League made it mai nei. into a hostel for young apprentices. To be continued next month

Nurse Cameron was a woman with as large district to cover and an even larger vision. She realised that the best way to provide adequate health services for the people in her area was to establish clinics within their own communities. They would enable a closer eye to be kept on child health and that of the wider whānau and to provide educational programmes in health, hygiene and

Janet Fraser Memorial House

Ko Nan Polly, Raurito Haronga, me to rāua hoa

Nanny Polly Haami and daughter Girlie Bartlett

Admring the kitchen and the electric cookers at the opening of theJanet Fraiser Memorial House

Mrs Janet Fraser

Pipiwharauroa NgĀ Manu Kōrero

Ngā Manu Ketekete, Kūkū o Te Tairāwhiti 2017

Ko te huinga reo, ko te huinga whakaaro, ko te huinga whanau me ngā moemoea katoa e pā ana ki te oranga o tō tātou reo. Mā wai atu hoki e whakatinana tō tātou reo. Ki te kore e whakaakona ā tātou tamariki, ki te kore rātou e pārekareka ki te ako ka rite tō tātou reo ki te moa, ka ngaro. Heoi anō mei kore ake koutou hei whakatairanga i tō tātou reo rangatira. Ka nui te mihi. Rerekohu, te mana whakahaere i Ngā Manu Kōrero o tēnei tau, kei runga noa atu. Nā koutou i tautoko, nā koutou i manaaki te kaupapa tae noa ki te mutunga. Me huri ki ngā Manu tioriori, ngā kaka waha nui, ka kino kē! Ahakoa kāre ētahi i toa, kāre i eke ki te taumata i tēnei tau, kaua e māharahara, he tau anō kei te heke mai. Kia kaha, kia manawanui, kia māia. Ki a koutou i toa i ngā wāhanga o Te Man Kōrero 2017. He tīmatanga tēnei ki te ao, kia mau, kia ita k, kia Māori tō reo. E whai ake nei ngā whakataunga whakamutunga: Pei Te Hurinui - Senior Māori: Maumahara Lewis Kātene Horsfall, Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngā Uri a Maui

Ngā Kaitiaki o

Te Maungārongo Kia orana whānau, Last month my pānui included talk around what I was doing with a young mum in Gisborne who I had previously stopped for a driving offence. We managed to get her onto Ngā Ara Pai driver mentoring programme and I am very proud to announce that she passed her has now passed her driver’s licence. We also featured on Seven Sharp to show Aotearoa that we can support each other to achieve positive outcomes for whānau. Well done Cosette, your whānau and I are all very proud of you. On another important matter, I got an email from Aunty Tui Takarangi last week regarding five phone calls she received from someone with a foreign accent. They told her that they needed to give her assistance with her computer, undertake a survey with her then asked her for her bank details to deposit a supposed New Zealand government grant into her account.

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Aunty Tui’s concern was that these callers have and will continue to prey on vulnerable whānau who may give their account details only to be drained of their funds or something similar. My advice is to absolutely never give out any personal details over the phone or by email unless you know who you are talking to and you can trust them and then you should only do this face to face. We will get this important message out through TūrangaFM and Radio Ngāti Porou as well. I am currently working with some of our employers focused on getting employment for some of our whānau we are supporting. I hope to have some awesome stories to share next month. Finally, we have had a number of tragedies on our roads this year. Alcohol has been a factor in some of these deaths, there is no place for alcohol and driving, period. Also it is important to drive to the conditions whānau, speed is a huge factor as is fatigue. If you are tired, stop and walk around the car until you freshen up or, even better, swap drivers. Our lives and those of our loved ones are too precious to endanger. Nā Inspector Sam Aberahama Area Commander: Tairāwhiti Police

Korimako - Senior English: Materoa Rewiri, Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Horouta Wānanga

Manutuke Community Workshop

Ta Turi Kara - Junior English: Hewa Ruha, Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Kawakawa mai Tawhiti Rāwhiti Ihaka - Junior Māori: Tyrone Bird, Te Kura Kaupapa o Ngā Uri a Maui

Our first community hui was held on 31 May - the attendance, knowledge and kōrero was great! We heard from your Community Committee and discussed the vision statements and priorities you created in 2010/2011. We reintroduced the township planning process and you heard what we have recently achieved with other communities.

He mihi whakamutunga ki ngā mātua, ki ngā kaiwhakaako, kaitautoko, te hapū, te iwi.

Kia ū, kia mau, kia ita! Tairāwhiti whānui

Minutes from this meeting are available online now. Now it’s time to have our first township planning workshop for 2017! Community attendees chose the following venue, date and time as the best fit for Manutuke:

Maumahara Lewis Kātene Horsfall - Ngāti Ruapani, Ngāti Toa, Rongowhakaata, Te Whānau ā Kai

Date: Wednesday 28 June Venue: The Fire Station Time: 6pm

Workshop Kaupapa: Part 1: Items raised at the community meeting What are our Key Places and Destinations?

Tyrone Bird - Te Aitanga ā Hauiti, Ngāti Tuwharetoa

Part 2: Have our priorities changed since 2011? What are our top priorities / goals for today, and the next 10 years? If you have any questions, ideas or want to know more, you can visit our website or contact us via township@gdc.govt.nz. To access the most recent Manutuke Township Plan (2011), you can download it from our website, or contact us and we can send you one. Visit: http:// www.gdc.govt.nz/manutuke-township-plan/

Materoa Rewiri - Ngāti Oneone Rongowhakaata Te Aitanga ā Māhaki Te Aitanga ā Hauiti Ngāti Porou Whakatohea Ngāti Whatua ki Orakei Ngā Puhi Waikato Ngāti Maniopoto

Hewa Ruha - Ngāti Porou Te Whānau ā Apanui with one of the judges, April Papuni

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Pipiwharauroa Discovery Doctrine

Discovery Doctrine

- the Canadian government are forcing them to celebrate 150 years of colonisation. The banners of "truth and reconciliation" fly strong and high in the era of Trudeau.

Nā Tina Ngata Continued from last month

Yet still indigenous communities are robbed of their lands, and literally poisoned, by the Alberta Tar Sands giga-project - and we bear witness to instances where treaty promises are consistently broken every single day - all the while indigenous communities are asked to stand and smile for the cameras in the name of truth and resilience.

And that is how we find ourselves in the contemporary context of the Discovery Doctrine. For if we accept that Aotearoa is, in fact, indigenous land – then the questions, very soon, begin to mount up: • Why, on indigenous land, does our government get to ignore our voices? • Why, on indigenous land, do we find ourselves pleading our cases to the likes of Maggie Barry? • Why, on indigenous land, do we get such little say about what happens to our land? • Why, on indigenous land, do so many indigenous people die so soon, so often, and so tragically? • Why, on indigenous land, can we not protect and effectively promote our own indigenous language? Again – some may well say “well this is because the treaty gets violated” – but then the question remains “so how do they get to remain in power, after they violate their own treaty?” The answer is the Discovery Doctrine. The very legislation that established the settler government, and paved the way for countless unjust legislations from then, until now, and onwards into the future, are reiterations of the Discovery Doctrine again, and again, and again. And because Discovery Doctrine reaffirms the power structure of the “discovering” people, and the subjugation of the indigenous people, it is, of course, something that the discovering nation likes to reaffirm through celebrations, commemorations, and the creation and support of “hero’s tales” that, in totality, aim to “move past unsavoury pasts” in order to cement one’s place in the colonised country. Cue Columbus Day in the Americas; cue Magellan celebrations; cue the Cook commemorations. In fact, the social licencing of the Discovery Doctrine grows more difficult for governments to carry out every year. In the 1969 Cook Celebrations, Maori validation and support was inconsequential – pre-Waitangi Tribunal, pre-Maori Language Claim, pre-indigenous rights – the sixties were a time when indigenous erasure was commonplace. Indeed it's only in recent years, thanks to much work from the likes of Moana Jackson, Linda and Graham Smith, Leonie Pihema and Aroha Mead, that colonial history has been exposed for its fallacy, and damage. Thanks to this groundwork, any history that marginalises indigenous peoples can be viewed as racist, and archaic. Can you see, now, why it is so vital for our government to court indigenous approval for their festivities? Now that we see what they stand to gain - let us now consider what we have to lose. Of course we have heard of various benefits being channeled through these commemorations - the return of overseas taonga, the funding of voyaging events... and perhaps most interesting are the "opportunities to tell our version of the story". Implicit in this statement are a number of assumptions – firstly that we cannot tell our truths in other ways, which of course is patently absurd. Second is the assumption that through telling our truths, we will find healing and reconciliation. Certainly this is lauded as a pathway to bicultural

Indigenous journalist Steve Newcombe writes: Painting deplicting Cook's death in Hawaii

harmony - the languaging around the celebrations is deliberate in its continued reference to the event as a celebration of "dual heritage" and a way of "coming together". Yet given the disproportionate power system set up by Cook's arrival and maintained by the celebration of that event, just how realistic is it to expect actual reconciliation? While it may "feel good" to have our versions placed alongside other versions that heroicise Cook - is it still relevant, in this day and age, to be thankful for allowing that to happen, when this is now the minimum standard anyway? Again, I must return to the concept of ground - for another position of the Cook promoters is that, in presenting 2 different versions of history, we reach a "middle ground". This is reminiscent of the suggestion that Treaty principles are a fair middle ground between the differing versions of the Treaty and Te Tiriti. But they're not - because we did not sign the Treaty we signed Te Tiriti. This tactic is known as creating a "false middle ground". There is no middle ground here. There is only indigenous ground. The pakeha version of events has been repeatedly embedded in the nation's consciousness for 200 years. It has dominated history. It is the default position for most of Aotearoa. Setting it alongside the marginalised indigenous version does not create a middle ground. There are also aspects of this version that have been challenged and disproven throughout much of the Pacific. Placing falsehood next to the truth does not make the falsehood any more truthful. Actual reconciliation cannot be said to occur without fundamentally challenging the power systems which drive the continued oppression of our people in our own lands. This much will not happen as a result of these commemorations - we know that because this much is not even able to happen WITHIN these celebrations. Just look at who is holding the purse strings, who dominates the decision making, and (of course) whose anniversary we are basing everything around. In Canada, our indigenous brothers and sisters face the same struggle

Reconciliation is a false-word that makes it appear as if something positive is being done without once addressing the persistent and ongoing process that is causing the problems experienced by Original Nations of Great Turtle Island in the place now commonly called “Canada.” This brings me to the next context within which we may consider this event - the global indigenous context. For as much as we must consider the benefits for our own haūu and iwi – we also enjoy membership of a global indigenous community. We regularly celebrate our indigenous relationships, we gather together and stand by each other by virtue of our many shared experiences – and in many spaces, we share a strong bond of solidarity and even alliances. When we consider what Cook meant to us – it makes sense to also at least consider what he meant for our indigenous brothers and sisters who encountered him after he left our shores. As I mentioned earlier, Cook’s three voyages around the Pacific, Captain Cook managed to leave a significant legacy and impact with indigenous peoples - and not a good one. To be continued next month

Pipiwharauroa Discovery Doctrine

Whakanuia te Taunga Mai ō Kuki?

Nā Tina Ngata (Hei whai ake i te marama kua mahue ake) Nā reira ka kite tātou e noho tonu ana tātou i raro te horopaki nō taua wā nā te Discovery Doctrine. E whakaae ana tātou, tūturu ake-he whenua taketake tēnei nō te Māori- ana, katahi ā te wā ka tīmata te whānui atu o ngā urupounamu. • He aha te kāwanatanga e kore nei e whakarongo ki a tātou i runga i ō tātou whenua taketake? • Heaha tātou e inoi nei ki te Manatū Tikanga ā Iwi kia whakarongo mai ki ngā take e pā ana ki ō tātou whenua taketake? • He aha tātou i kore ai e whai wāhi ki te whakapuaki whakaaro hei whakatau tikanga ki te āhuatanga o ō tātou whenua taketake ? • He aha tātou, te iwi, te kaha matemate nei, te matemate tamariki tonu ana, te matekino nei i runga i ō tātou whenua taketake? • He aha tātou i runga i ō tātou whenua i kore ai e kaha ki te whakahaumaru i a tātou kia kaha ai tātou ki te whakatairanga i tō tātou reo taketake. Tēra pea ka kii ētahi,”Kāti rā, nā te takahia ō te tiriti’- engari kei reira tonu te urupounamu,” he aha rātou i whai mana tonu ai, ahakoa tūkinotia e rātou tā rātou tiriti. Ko te whakautu, “Nā te Discovery Doctrine” Nā te Ture Paremata ake, nāna nei i whakatau te kāwana whakanohonoho whenua, me te whakatakoto i te maha o ngā ture tikanga kore mai i taua wā ki tēnei. Ana, kei te haere tonu. I whakaūngia te mana whakarite i te “kitenga” tangata me te taurekarekatangatia o te tangata whenua, ahakoa rā, ka kitea i ngā rā whakanui, whakamaumahara, ka aaraara ake anō tā rātou i hanga, hei whakanui hoki i ngā “pūrākau” a te toa, arā kia wareware ai ngā wāhanga kino o ā rātou mahi i ngā tau kua hipa, kia pūmau ai tā rātou noho i konei. Arā ko te whakanui i te rā ō Columbus i Āmerika, te rā o Magellan, me te whakamaumaharatanga hoki i a Kuki. Ināianei kua uaua haere ia tau mā te kāwanatanga te whakamana i ngā whakaritenga o te “Discovery Doctrine”. Kāre noa ngā Māori i aro ake i te whakanuiatanga o Kuki i te tau 1969 - i mua i te Taraipiunara ō Waitangi, i mua i ngā Kēreme mo te Reo Māori, i mua i ngā Tikanga mo te Iwi Taketake.

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Ko ngā tau o te ono tekau te tau korekore mo te iwi taketake.

Ehara ehara, nō nā tata tonu nei, nā te kaha o te hunga pēnei i a Moana Jackson, Linda rāua ko Graham Smith, Leonie Pīhema me Aroha Meads te mihinui ki a rātou. Nā rātou i whakaputa, i whakaatu te kaha hanariki, te rūkahu me te mahi kino a tauiwi i kitea ai i ā rātou tuhinga i ō rātou hītori. Nā rātou hoki i para te huarahi i kitea ai ngā hītori whakaiti, te kaikiri i te tangata taketake me ngā tikanga tino tawhito. Ana kua kite koe i te take i ngākaunui ai te kāwanatanga ki te patipati kia whakaae atu te iwi taketake ki tā rātou kaupapa whakanui? Ana kua kite hoki tātou i ngā huanga ka puta! Āta whakaaro , e ngaro ana he aha i ā tātou?

Ahakoa rā, kua rongo tātou i ngā painga ka puta i aua whakamaumaharatanga-te hokinga mai o ngā taonga , ngā pūtea i whakapaua mo te rerenga o ngā waka, ā, tēra pea ko te mea nui,” ka puta ā tātou ake korero mō taua wā” Kei roto i ētahi pānui , ētahi kupu whakataruna-tuatahi, kāre he āhuatanga hei whakaputa i a tātou korero pono. Tuarua, ki ō rātou whakaaro, ki te whakaputa tātou i ngā whakaaro e whakapono ana tātou he pono-he oranga ngākau, he maungarongo. Āe, ka whakanuia tēnei āhuatanga i runga i te whakapono, he ara ki te nohotahi ā ngā iwi e rua i runga i te rangimarie- Ko te whakatakoto i ngā pānui, ā nō nei he whakanui nā ngā taha e rua me te whakaaro, he āhuatanga “whakakotahi”. Anō, ki te āta titiro tātou ki te kehe o te mana whakahaere a Kuki me te whakanui i te rā, he aha ake ngā whakataunga ka puta ki ō whakaaro? I te wā,”e pai ana ōu whakaaro” ki tā tātou whakatauranga i whakaritea ki ētahi atu e whakanui ana i a Kuki, kei te hāngai tonu i tēnei rā, i tēnei wā kia whakanuia tēra i tukuna e tātou kia whakawhiūa tātou, ahakoa he wāhanga iti noa. Anō me hoki ake ahau ki te whakaaro ake-arā ki te whakaaro ā rātou e tautoko ana i a Kuki, arā hoki e taha rua ana ngā korero e pā ana ki te tiriti, ā kua noho “pōteretere”. He hokinga whakaaro hoki ki te pōhēhē mā nā Mātāpono o te Tiriti e āhua whakatata ngā rerekētanga o te Treaty me te Tiriti. Engari kāre tonu-nā te mea, i haina kē tātou i te Tiriti, kāre i te Treaty. Ko ēnei mahi e mōhiotia ana he hanga,”para ara horihori”. Kāre he ara horihori i konei. He whenua taketake anake. Mai anō, mai anō , e 200 tau tātou e pēhia ana, e tāmia ana, e whakaakonga ana ki ngā tikanga a iwi kē. Kāre he mutunga mai. Kore rawa nei i whai tikanga mō Aotearoa whānui. Ahakoa ki te whakarārangitia te taha pākehā ki te whakamāoritanga, kāre tonu i te hangai, kāre tonu i tata. He wāhanga anō hoki o taua whakaaturanga e tautohetohe tonutia ana, e kitea ana he rūkahu puta noa i ngā moutere. Kāre he take o te rūkahu ā nō nei he pono. Kāre hoki e tika ake aua rūkahu. E kore e tau ki te kore tātou e tū ki te manawhakahaere e kaha nei ki te tāmi, ki te pēhi i ō tātou iwi i runga i ō rātou ake whenua.

Anniversary of Cook's Landing in Tūranganui ā Kiwa 1919

Anniversary of Cook's Landing in Tūranganui ā Kiwa 1919

E kore e puta i nā te rā whakamaumahara- e mōhio ana tātou kāre he raru, engari e tika ana kia kaua kē e pēnei te rā whakamaumahara. Titiro ko wai kei te pupuri i ngā pūtea? Kei a wai te manawhakahaere? Anō hoki, huri noa, a te mutunga, nō wai te whakamaumaharatanga, ko wai e whakanuia nei? I Kānāta, kei te pēra anō ngā iwi taketake o tēra whenua. Kei te whakamanahia, kei te whakanuia e te Kāwana te 150 tau o te taenga mai o iwi kē ki ō rātou whenua. Ko ngā haki te rere teitei ki te rangi e whakaatu ana i te “pono me te rangimarie” mō ngā tau e noho ana ko Trudeau te Manawhakahaere o taua whenua. Otira kei te whānako tonutia ngā whenua, kei te paitini tonutia te iwi taketake e ngā mahi ā Alberta Tar Sands gig-project- arā e kite ana tātou i ngā oati kāre i eke, kāre i whakapūmautia. Ia rā, ia rā ka kaha kitea ngā whakatauranga o te tiriti e whati ana- otira ka whakaahua tonutia ngā iwi taketake e menemene ana i mua i ngā kāmera i runga i te pono me te ngāwari. E ai ki a Steve Newcombe:” He kupu tino hē rawa atu te kupu ‘maungarongo’ nā te āhua nei kei te mahia tika engari kāre i te āta tirohia, kāre hoki i te whakataungia ngā raruraru e pēhi nei, e pākahatia nei e ngā Iwi Taketake ō Te Honu Nui, te whenua e mōhiotia nei ko Kānāta”. Tae noa mai tātou ki te horopaki e whakaarotia ai te rā whakanui- te horopaki e whai pānga ki ngā iwi taketake o te ao. Ahakoa rā, ka whakaaro ake tātou ki ngā painga ka puta ki te hapu, ki te iwi, ā, e parekareka ana hoki tātou ki te whai mematanga ki ō tātou momo o te ao. Ia wā ka whakanuia e tātou ngā hononga ki ō tātou iwi taketake, ka hui tahi, ka tū tahi ka kōrerorero- i ngā wāhi e tau ana, te kaha, te whakahoahoa hoki. Me whakaaro ake tātou, he aha ake te tikanga o Kuki ki a tātou, ka tika tonu kia whakaaronuitia tana tūtakinga ki ētahi iwi taketake i muri i tana wehenga atu i konei. I kōrerotia ake nei, e toru taima a Kuki e huri haere ana i ēnei moutere o te Moananui ā Kiwa, mahue iho ana waihotanga engari ehara i te waihotanga pai.


Pipiwharauroa Rongowhakaata


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E te tini e te mano, rarau mai ki ngā pitopito kōrero o te Rongowhakaata Iwi Trust mo te marama o Pipiri 2017. An incredibly moving occasion to mark the beginning of our time as Iwi in Residence was celebrated by Ngā Uri o Rongowhakaata at Te Papa Tongarewa in Poneke earlier this month. This journey began with our Marae exhibitions in 2016 paving the way to our exhibition ‘Ko Rongowhakaata’ at Tairāwhiti Museum. As an Iwi we expressed and shared whanaungtanga, kotahitanga and manaakitanga during our hikoi to Poneke. The sheer strength of our Iwi to ensure the mauri of our taonga was kept safe from the time they were uplifted from Tairāwhiti Museum to the time they were received at Te Papa Tongarewa was heart-warming. Our aspiration, whilst seen by some as a little ambitious, to carry all our taonga from the entrance of Te Papa Tongarewa up the flights of stairs to the marae ātea of Rongomaraeroa was amazing. To be part of the continuous chain of kaumātua, mātua, tamariki and mokopuna taking our taonga to the top level was a proud moment for Rongowhakaata.

Karanga Wānanga Anō nei te mihi atu ki a tātou katoa, ngā uri o Rongowhakaata On behalf of the Committee of Te Rautaki Reo mo Rongowhakaata, we will be holding our first reo wānanga which is the Wānanga Kaikaranga o Rongowhakaata on the 7-8 July at Manutuke Marae. The two-fold purpose of this Wānanga developed from the need to: (i) Support our kuia e kawe nei i ngā tikanga o te wahanga karanga at the Opening of the ‘Ko Rongowhakaata’ Iwi Exhibition at Te Papatongarewa, Wellington in September this year, and (ii) to grow and strengthen our own pāharakeke of potential kaikaranga for Rongowhakaata. This is the first of three Kaikaranga Wānanga planned before September. I have pleasure in inviting all wahine of Rongowhakaata Iwi keen to learn ki te karanga me ngā tikanga o te karanga. Nā reira wahine mā, nau mai haere mai. At this early stage our team is still organising the Wānanga including sourcing funding, marae organisation, wānanga programme and contacting renowned Kaikaranga. If you are keen, please register your interest by emailing me at ceska@xtra.co.nz or Chrissy Moetara, our haukainga contact, at chrissy-lowgs@hotmail. co.nz and we will keep you informed. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our current funders for this wānanga, Te Taura Whiri i Te Reo Māori and Tūranga Ararau through their Adult Community Education (ACE) programme. Tēnā anō tātou katoa Mā te reo e Rongo, Mā te reo e Whakaata Naku noa Bub Te Kurapa Chairperson of the Committee of Te Rautaki Reo mō Rongowhakaata

Te kai karakia me te minenga

He Kawenga taonga Ki Rongomaraeroa

Nā kaumātua a Fred Maynard, Derek Lardelli me Awhi Wyllie

Te taumaha mārika

Kia ora tātou The taonga that were brought together for the forthcoming exhibition, “Ko Rongowhakaata – The Story of Light and Shadow” at Te Papa is the culmination of many hours of dedicated effort by whānau of our five Marae, Manutūke, Ōhako, Pāhou, Te Kuri ā Tuatai and Whakatō, each held Marae exhibitions in 2016. In December 2016 our Rongowhakaata taonga from the Marae exhibits, together with other taonga, were displayed at the Tairāwhiti Museum, Gisborne. Our thanks go to the Tairāwhiti Museum for allowing their employee, our Rongowhakaata “tamaiti,” Tapunga Nepe, who, along with many of our artists, gave willingly of their expertise during both our exhibitions here at Tairāwhiti. As one of the few Kaumātua in the tribe today, I am confident that there are many younger men and women, well versed and practiced in reo and tikanga Māori, toi Māori, and hītori Rongowhakaata to maintain the “Ko Rongowhakaata” kaupapa. This “Rongowhakaata relationship” of Iwi in Residence with Te Papa Tongarewa is not a new relationship but an opportunity for closer continuation of that long standing whanaungatanga that commenced in the early 1990s. In was, in fact, 150 years ago, on 12 June 1867, that the so called “relationship” commenced. The kaupapa in the 1990s was Te Papa seeking Rongowhakaata approval to relocate our Te Hau ki Tūranga whare from the Dominion Museum in Buckle Street to the new Te Papa Tongarewa building for exhibition. I acknowledge the many Rongowhakaata iwi, mokopuna, rangatahi, wāhine, tāne, kuia, koroua, most of whom agreed to the relocation. The many stages of the relocation took place with full knowledge and involvement of Rongowhakaata and I still recall the clear message given by the Kaumātua and Kuia to Te Papa, as follows: “Te Papa! Rongowhakaata has never relinquished ownership of Te Hau ki Tūranga, your forebears took the Whare from us but we leave the whare in your caretakership to install in your building as an exhibit for all the world to see.”

Wahine toa

Ko Rongomaraeroa te karanga nei

I also acknowledge my whanaunga and colleague, the late Rota Walter “Baloo” Waipara, who, along with other Rongowhakaata staff, worked fulltime on the deinstallation and installation of Te Hau ki Tūranga to Te Papa. So, our Iwi ‘Rongowhakaata’ now has two tasks to complete over the next three years in collaboration with Te Papa – (i) To hold our “Ko Rongowhakaata: The Story of Light and Shadow” exhibition; and (ii) To complete the construction and arts works required to restore our Whare, Te Hau ki Tūranga, to its original condition, and to determine when the Whare will return home. Nā Kaumātua Lewis Moeau

British Museums’ International Training Programme Congratulations to Tapunga Nepe for being the first New Zealander to be invited to participate in the British Museums’ International Training Programme. Tapunga will travel to the United Kingdom for a six week period. The programme is designed to provide an insight into the workings of museums and cultural heritage institutions in the United Kingdom. Me mihi ka tikā kia koe e te māngai whare taonga o Tairāwhiti o Rongowhakaata Iwi hoki, mō tenei ekengia mīharo rawa atu. Haere ora pai, hoki ora mai.

Events coming up Manutuke Community Workshop

6.00pm on Wed 28 June 2017 at Manutuke Fire Station

Rongowhakaata Takutai Moana Hui

1.00pm on Sun 2 July 2017 at Manutuke Marae

Karanga Wānanga

Fri 7 July to Sat 8 July 2017 at Manutuke Marae


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Muriwai Community Hui

Our first community hui was held on 1 June and the feedback and turnout was awesome! We heard your community vision and discussed the aspirations and priorities you created since our Council Cuppa earlier this year. We reintroduced the township planning process and discussed what we have recently achieved with other communities. Minutes from this meeting are available online now.

Ko te Oranga o te Iwi, Kei Tutu, Kei Poroporo, The prosperity of Tāmanuhiri is in our whenua, moana and whānau

Kōrero o Te Wā We have had a busy couple of months. We have moved into our new digs with Te Puni Kōkiri at 299 Gladstone Road (ex-Export Meat Warehouse). The Right Honourable Te Ururoa Flavell together with our pakeke Apotoro Reihita Temepara Isaacs QSM and Michelle Hippolite (Chief Executive for Te Puni Kōkiri) will open our new offices on Tuesday 18 July 2017 at 11am. It a bright modern space that is easily accessible at ground level. We are enjoying our work space and the collegial relationships being formed with Mere Pohatu and the Te Puni Kōkiri team.

GNS Science – Hikurangi Subduction Earthquakes & Slip Behaviour Research Project Last week we were fortunate to host a group of scientists at Muriwai Marae who are undertaking research on the Hikurangi Subduction zone. Led by Dr Laura Wallace a large team of national and international scientists between 2016-2021, will be studying the Hikurangi plate boundary to find out what risk it poses to New Zealand. The Hikurangi plate boundary is where the Pacific tectonic plate subducts, or dives underneath, the Australian tectonic plate and is what scientists call a subduction zone. Subduction zones are a type of fault and are responsible for the largest and most powerful earthquakes and tsunamis in the world, such as Sumatra 2004, Chile 2010, and Japan 2011. The scientists did a series of presentations to two kura about their research – Horouta Wānanga and Muriwai School. Students had the opportunity to engage with scientists and I believe many of them found it very interesting and stimulating. One of the students told the scientists that they wanted to

Taha Brown and Keni Kara

be paleotologist when they grow up, another said he wanted to be a marine biologist. Later that night at the Marae there was a public consultation hui where people could come and find out more infomation about the research. Most of the questions related to people querying the impact that there is on sea life whilst the research is underway. While this was the very first time for our people to hear about the research it is enviaged that there will be further opportunities for people to be updated.

Treaty Settlement Narratives & Tāmanuhiri Te Reo Matai Smith recently interviewed 88 year old Keni Kara and 86 year old Taha Brown. This was a part of a Ministry of Culture & Heritage Project that we are progressing where a Tāmanuhiri settlement story can be developed. We were very lucky to be able to bring these two pakeke together in Wellington and, in te reo Māori, record their insights and experiences as children growing up in Muriwai. We plan to do more interviews in the next month.

E Tū Whānau Song Competition Matai Smith recently interviewed 88 year old Keni Kara and 86 year old Taha Brown. This was a part of a Ministry of Culture & Heritage Project that we are progressing where a Tāmanuhiri settlement story can be developed. We were very lucky to be able to bring these two pakeke together in Wellington and, in te reo Māori, record their insights and experiences as children growing up in Muriwai. We plan to do more interviews in the next month.http://etuwhanau.org. nz/maioha-panapa-3rd-prize-winner/

Now it’s time to have our second Muriwai Township upgrade hui for 2017! Date: Thursday 6 July Venue: The Muriwai Marae Memorial Hall Time: 6pm

Kaupapa: Part 1: Items raised at the community meeting Part 2: What are our top priorities? What are our Key Places and Destinations? If you have any questions, ideas or want to know more, you can visit the GDC Muriwai Township Plan page: http://www.gdc.govt.nz/muriwai-townshipplan/ or email us via township@gdc.govt.nz.

Welcome to New Staff We are lucky to have three new staff join us. Romnyi Harrison is covering Lissa Mia’s position while she is on maternity leave. Romnyi is Te Aitanga ā Māhaki, Rongowhakaata and Whakatohea. She recently moved home to Gisborne from Ireland with her husband Rick and their children. Candice Pardy has recently moved home to Gisborne from Auckland. She is of the Downes whānau of Ngāi Tāmanuhiri and Ngāti Porou. Candice will be undertaking feasibility work for us on economic development projects. Justine Pivac-Solomon is Croatian and Pākehā. She has moved to Tolaga Bay with her husband Quentin and their whānau. Justine is a design thinking whizz and, together with Candice, will scope Tāmanuhiri economic development opportunities.

Dr Laura Wallace

Sharing and Caring

Scientists and students from Horouta Wānanga and Te Kura o Muriwai pose in front of Muriwai Marae

Ngā Uri a Māui - Ōhu Pakeke

Ngā Mokopuna o Te Hokowhitu a Tū

Te Roopu Kapahaka o Puhi Kaiti


Te Kapahaka o Waikirikiri


Pipiwharauroa NgĀ Kura Tuatahi - Tamararo 2017

Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Kawakawa Mai Tawhiti

Te Kura Waenga o Tūranga

Te Kura o Manutuke

Te Kura o Makaraka

Pipiwharauroa NgĀ Kura Tuatahi - Tamararo 2017

Page 11

Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Horouta Wānanga

Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Horouta Wānanga

Te Roopu Kapahaka o Te Puna Reo o Puhi Kaiti

Māui Kokiri me Māui Te Pūkenga

Te Kura o Makarika

Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Waiū o Ngāti-Porou

Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Māngātuna

Māui Tikitiki me Māui Pōtiki

Te Kura o Riverdale

Māori in the First World War

this evening after being exposed to gas (tear & the other deadly kind) from 10 pm last night till 8.30 tonight. This gas attack was not sent in wave[s] but thrown over in shells mixed with high explosives, which made matters worse, as the men could not stand still, for they are supposed to keep very quiet when there is an attack on. The place where we were working was heavily shelled and also our way back to this tunnel through the farm ‘Ploegsteert’ bush. The enemy was sending gas right about three miles behind the supports, trying to stop reinforcements going up to the front line. Just imagine one wearing his gas helmet all this time and I can assure you that it was not very pleasant.


JUNE 1917 The attack on Messines had been a success. The Pioneers spent the next two days consolidating the ground won by the infantry. They dug trenches, laid duck-walks throughout the new position, worked in shifts to keep the Divisional trams running in order to feed more ammunition to the batteries, put new tram lines through the trench extensions, and constructed a light railway line over new country near Messines. Their work was continually blown in by enemy shell-fire, so trench and tram line maintenance was a daily pre-occupation for them. Captain Twistleton admired their commitment: I have 4 gangs of six men each who are responsible for repairs and have to mend all shell holes, sometimes they are going nearly night and day and they are always there on the job if a place is badly shelled and the line knocked about, they never hesitate but get right at it. I have seen one gang mend 6 blow outs in half a day. They live in small dugouts close up to the front and they never wait to be told off for the job.

DIGGING AND RE-DIGGING “The Pioneer Battalion spent a merry fortnight trying to dig a communication trench forward to the front and support lines in this area. As sure as a section of trench was completed just as surely would the Bosch flatten it out with his artillery— and to hear the language of those Maoris when they returned the next morning to find nothing but a series of muddy shell holes where the night before they had left a well-dug trench was educative as well as amusing.”

Lt-Col. P. Harvey Bell, D.S.O, NZ Rifle Brigade

When the Pioneers first arrived in this sector Messines appeared to them to be a fairly big town and practically untouched by shell-fire, but when they went over it after the advance “there were hardly two whole bricks standing.” Lance-Corporal Fromm: Half our platoon was on salvage work, and we got quite a big collection of Fritz’s rifles, bombs, flares, equipment, ammunition, equipment, ammunition, machine gun belts, etc. We also had a grand opportunity of having a look around Fritz’s work. The ground between his old front and second line bore ample testimony to our artillery preparation, the whole place being absolutely linked up with huge shell holes, his saps and trenches being blown clean off the map.

The Pioneers had been unaware that the MessinesWytschaete ridges had been fortified by bunkers and blockhouses. Fromm continues:


Māori in the First World War



Page 12

PLOEGSTEERT WOOD Members of the New Zealand Pioneer Battalion laying a road in Messines, Belgium, 1917, shortly after the advance of 7-9 June.

Ref: 1/2-012772-G, ATL

second line was almost as bad. Here and there were pieces a few yards long not quite blown in. These were full of dead.” On June 10, news came that the New Zealand Division had been relieved by the 4th Australian Division so the Pioneers were to hand over to the 4th Australian Pioneers. Everyone was very tired and the Pioneers were all heartily glad to get out for a rest after their most strenuous toil under shell-fire. Red Lodge and Hill 63 had been heavily shelled every day since the 7 June, and pelted with gas shells every night, so that no one had much sleep. “A rest in a military sense is just about the worst thing that can happen,” explained Captain Twistleton, “and all of us are dreading it.” The whole Battalion will be there and regimental nonsense will start again - in fact orders are already out, big guards, can’t leave a 2 acre paddock without a pass, drill and polish. ... Personally I would much rather be in the front line trenches than the rest camps where men are always treated like little schoolboys.

On 12 June, the Battalion struck tents, marched two miles down the road and then a mile back to the chateau at Nieppe. Here the Pioneers took over from the 3rd Australian Pioneers who had left their billets in a filthy state. Headquarters and A Company moved into the chateau, while the other companies settled on the neighboring farms. Orders came to start work in the Ploegsteert Wood area next day, the men to be carted to Hyde Park Corner by train. UNAPPRECIATED EFFORT The Pioneer Battalion is a bad unit to be in. You never get any spell like all other units, and we never get any credit for the work we have done and no support, and a division like the 25th puts all the obstacles they can in our way. The Corp gives no assistance, it sends round all manner of red taped men full of little bits of fault finding. Of course we take no notice of them. If we did, nothing would be done, and for any assistance they have ever given us they might as well be sacked and their wages saved. A Corps H.Q. is hard to beat for dead heads. CAPT. F. M. TWISTLETON

They say the Germans are starving. Well if one dugout I went through is a criterion all I can say they must have been awfully well-fed before the war. We found boxes of fresh eggs (very nice, too). German sausages, ham, bully-beef and plenty of bread (but it looked of a very inferior quality), and their water bottles held some very good beer.

During the evening of 17 June, the Battalion moved back to its old quarters at Red Lodge and were welcomed with a bout of heavy shelling. Twelve men were wounded and nine were gassed. Inhaling gas was a terrible experience as can be seem from Sergeant Brooking’s letter to his fiancé written from the catacombs under Hill 63:

The Pioneers also came across a number of German soldiers lying dead in their beds in the bunkers, evidently killed asleep. “No Man’s land was very little damaged, our side not much, but how anyone could have lived in the German positions is beyond belief,” wrote Captain Twistleton the day after the advance began. “I never realised such destruction was possible. His front line was obliterated ... his

Today [23 June] has been one of the most awful day[s] I experienced in my life ... as I write now I am safely underground in one of the tunnels which the Canadians made ... It is now 11 pm and my platoon is safely asleep, but I could not, as I wanted to write to you, as this may be the only chance I get for tomorrow may be worse than today, and we do not know what is in the dark beyond. Brought the platoon in by 9

Captain Twistleton, writing two days later, said the gas attacks only got worse: This is a most uncomfortable sector, most of it is low lying and wooded. The last 2 days have been the worst. Gas shells have been poured around us by the thousands and many men have been gassed. The weather has been mild and muggy and the infernal stuff just hangs in the undergrowth. One has to be alert every hour out of the 24. Men are tired and must sleep and have to be continually awakened to put on their masks. So far we [B. Company] have only had one really gassed. Very many of us have been frightfully sick, sore throats and thick heads and all of us have wept freely. The man gassed as a Coy. Cook and got it whilst making breakfast at 3 a.m., probably could not smell it for the smell of bacon. A gassed man is an awful sight and the sight of one makes the others most careful. The only good thing about it is that it has thinned the rats!

Every day and night until the end of the month all of the companies were out working and consequently there was a steady trickle of casualties filtering back to the Advanced Dressing Stations. More often than not these wounded men had incurred shrapnel wounds from exploding shells. Despite not being an infantry battalion, explained Lance-Corporal Fromm, “our casualties were fairly heavy.” In his platoon alone nine men out of about 36 had been wounded in as many days since the advance began. Tere Kape (of Wairoa) was gassed, but while on his way to a dressing station was twice wounded and died of wounds shortly after. Jack Green was gassed and is now in hospital in B[allieul]. Albert Forrester (of Tolaga Bay) was wounded in the shoulder before Messines, and is now in England. Rungarunga (of Tokomaru Bay) caught a bullet in the thigh, but joined up a few weeks later, but he’s since been sent back to hospital sick. Hautapu (also of Tokomaru) stopped a piece of shell in his arm but is back again. George Whakataka (Tokomaru Bay) was wounded in the leg the day of the advance; [Tori] Mulligan got it in the head; and also Mason Lockwood, who is now in England and ought to be thankful he was wearing a steel helmet. Sergeant Ngahiwi Petiha joined up again just before Messines, after a long spell in B[allieul], but a few nights after the advance got rather badly knocked about, shell fragments getting him in four places.

On the night of 27 June, the Battalion, less B Company, moved to De Seule. B Company remained at Underhill Farm until the following night to hand over to the 4th Australian Pioneers, who were taking over the trams but not tackling the communication trenches. Thus, an exhausting month came to an end. The battle for Messines ridge was hailed as a triumph in strategy, but despite the II Anzac Corps’ success the New Zealand Division had over 3600 casualties of which 700 were killed. The Pioneer Battalion's casualties from 7 to 28 June totaled 155:—killed 17, wounded 88, gassed 45, not yet determined 5. The work that the Pioneers completed in the fortnight since 14 June included 5,000 yards of trench digging (i.e. Anton’s Farm Communication Trench 3500 yards, Ultra Lane 1300 yards, Umbria Street 200 yards) and the construction of 750 yards of tram lines.

Continued next month


Page 13

Haere Ra

Hinepua (Hinepo) Henare

6 February 1939 – 22 May 2017

Ko tēnei kōrero e pā ana ki te pukapuka rongonui nei, ara Ngā Tama Toa: The Price of Citizenship. Kei te whakamāoritia ngā kōrero, ā, ko Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Porou kei te whakahaere i te kaupapa nei, i raro anō o te mana i tukua mai e ngā mōrehu o C Company o Ngā Taonga a Ngā Tama Toa Trust. Nā Wiremu and Jossie Kaa i whakamāori tēnei wāhanga.

TE PŌTI NUI (Continued from last month) E whakarite ana ano hoki a Ngata mo nga pōti. I roto o nga whakahaere, kua ara ake nga whakahaere nanakia i waenganui i te Reipa me te Nāhinara, arā kia whakatārewatia te pōti nui kia mutu ra ano te pakanga, engari i tukitukia tēra oati. Ko nga Maori i haere ki nga pōti i te 24 o Hepetema, ko nga Pakeha i te ra o muri mai. Kaore a Ngata i hiahia nui rawa ki te tū. E rua marama o mua atu, kua puta kē ki tētahi hoa tana kōrero: Ko te kupu a Ngati Porou kia mate tonu au i te mutunga ki te mahi nei. Ko toku whakaaro hei whakamutunga tēnei, ka tae ai pea ki te mutunga o te whawhai, ka waiho ma nga tamariki ki te mahi mo rātau. Ahakoa i neke atu nga tūru o Nāhinara, e ārahitia ana e Sid Holland, i tau ki te Reipa te 48 paihēneti, a, i mau ngāwari noa te mana whakahaere. Ko te mea nui kē i wini katoa nga tūru Maori e wha i a Reipa, a ko te whakamutunga tēna o te 38 tau o te tūnga o Ngata ki te whare pāremata. Ka puta nga kupu whakanui a nga niupepa mo nga mahi rangatira i tutuki i tēnei o nga tino kaiārahi Maori, otia ki te taha hāpai ōna i te pakanga. Kaore he kaituhi hītori o te Maori, e tuku kia kore he kupu whakamaharatanga ki Te Mema Maori o Te Tairāwhiti mo tana ākinga nui kia tū te Maori Battalion — kua rangona tōna toa ki te pārae o te riri. E kore ano hoki e taea e te kaituhi mārama nga whakaaro te whakakore te āhua o Ngata, arā, he tangata e tino pono, e tino tautoko ana i te herenga atu ki Ingarangi me te Karauna.

Hinepo was the daughter of Haami Tikitiki Henare and Rehia Wharehinga, and the sister and sister in law of Eliza (Faggy) and Rangi (Tit) Walker, Gilbert (Lundy) and Charlotte Henare, Nga Tungane (Tunny) and Carolyn FranklinHenare, George (Hori) Tamihana and Mereana and Tom Herangi. She was the proud mother and mother in law of Len (deceased), Nan and Brian Moloney (deceased), Myles and Leslie, Eru and Gwenda (Gwen), Andre (deceased), Fraser and Kate and Phillip (Piripi). She was also the much loved Grandmother of Jarrod, Tessa, Edward (Eru), Caleb, Delys, Scarlet, Kahukura, Eru and Te Atawhai. Hinepo’s college years were spent at the Tolaga Bay District High School, and from there, she worked as a house maid at the Gisborne Boys High School Rectory, a Nurse’s Aide at Te Puia Hospital Maternity, a ‘rousie’ for her father’s shearing gang, and a waitress/housekeeper at The Tolaga Bay Inn, where she met and fell in love with her partner Edward (Kit) Findlay.

Education was a key factor for both Kit and Hine, and the highlight for Kit especially, was sending their boys to Wesley College in Auckland. Eru is currently a PhD student at Massey University, and in line with his Master’s thesis will continue his study on the positive health benefits of Te Kōti Rangatahi on taiohi. His mother was instrumental during the developing stages of the Tūranga Ararau Youth Justice programmes. Fraser, an Art Teacher at Taumarunui High School is completing his second Master’s Degree with Massey University. Piripi who graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree from Waikato University, is a kaiako at Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngā Uri a Maui. He is currently completing Post-graduate studies.

Nan has recently completed her studies through Literacy Aotearoa in Auckland, graduating as an Adult Literacy Tutor. Myles has been based at Toyota Headquarters in Palmerston North for many years and has also completed undergraduate studies. Coincidently, Myles, Eru and Fraser have all married school teachers. Nan described her mum as being a generous person who had an open door policy to everyone in need or just visiting. She had a jovial disposition and cheered everyone up that crossed paths with her, she had a gift of karakia and healing. Her legacy shall live on through her children and mokopuna.

Moe mai e te taonga, i moenga roa

aku whakaaro ehara na te mihi aroha o te ngākau ki aku mahi tēnei tono. Engari, ko te hunga i tautoko i aku mahi, i tū pakari, a na rātau me te Maori Battalion au i āwhina ki te whakahoki mai te hāwhe o nga pōti i ngaro atu i nga pōti o te 1938. Heoi, kua mate te nuinga o aku hoa, a, ko te whakatipuranga hou e pōraruraru ana, a kua rongo i te reka hoki ki te penihana. Ko te nuinga o nga kaumātua e mataku ana kei ngaro nga penihana. Ko ētahi o nga tino hoa i tautoko i a Ngata, ko Pare Keiha, te kaikorero mo Tūranga, ko ia nei te matua o Reta Keiha. I mate a Pare i te marama o Hune, 1943. A, ko Henare Ruru o Te Aitanga a Māhaki i mate i te marama o mua ake.

I pānuitia nga whakatau o te pōti i te reo irirangi i te po o Hepetema 24. I te ata, ka puta ake tētahi rōpu o nga rangatira o Ngati Porou ki te kōrero ki a Ngata i Ruatorea. E noho mamae ana rātau, e mahara ana a Ngata, a, i haere mai rātau ki te kōrero ki a ia kia whakakorea te hui whakahōnore. Inā, tekau ma tahi noa nga ra ki te hui, kaore ‘te koroua’ i pirangi ki te aro atu ki ēnei tumomo kōrero. Ko Ngati Porou tae atu ki Te Whānau-a-Apanui i tino anea rawa . . . Ka pāmamae, ka mea ki te tuku i te hui ki raro. Ka ki atu au, e hara tēnā i ta te toa hanga, engari ko te wa tēnei hei whakaputanga i tou mamaoa ki waho, kia kite mai o hoa i roto i nga iwi kaore koe i te taui, a, kia kite mai nga hoariri kāre a Horouta i waiho kia pae noa ana, engari i haumitia ki te whakatutuki i tōna tira. Ko ta Ngata, he whakaritenga ki te waka o Horouta — i whakaoraina tōna pakarutanga — na te tū ngātahitanga o nga kaihautu o Horouta. I roto o tēnei whakaritenga, ka puta i a Ngata tōna manawanui kia ū tēnei hui ki uta. ‘He wiki noa iho ki au hei rārangi i a rātau ki te whakapau i o rātau kaha ki te kawe i tēnei tūmomo hui me ōna āhuatanga katoa.’

Otira, kua puta kē nga tohu, ka hinga te tūru o Te Tairāwhiti ki te tuhonotanga o Rātana me Reipa, engari kaore a Ngata i whakaaro ka hinga ia. I te tau 1938 i hoki atu ia, i te mea i wāhia nga pōti o tēra taha i waenga i a Reweti Kōhere me Tiaki Omana. I te tau 1943 ko Omana anake i tū ki a Ngata, a ka wikitoria te tangata o Ngati Kahungunu i runga i nga pōti, 250 — tōna nuinga. I kī a Ngata i mahue ia e ōna kaitautoko no te mea kua puta te poapoa o te moni penihana, hei tauwhāingatanga ki tāna ake kaupapa kia tū te ao Maori i runga i tōna ake kaha ki te whakahaere moni mōna ake. Ka tau mai te oranga ngākau ki au i te pō o te pōtitanga. Ka puta tētahi pekanga nui tonu o nga kaipōti o Te Tairāwhiti me ta rātau whakahau, me unu mai i te kahanga o aku mahi. Ki

I nga ra e wha i mua o te hui nui i takatū te iwi kāinga mo nga manuhiri e taetae mai ana. Anei i Hiruharma Pa ko nga tumau e whakatakoto ana i nga hāngi ma ta rātau manuhiri. Mai i te taha maui ki te matau: Watene Moeke, Wiremu Hiroki, Bill Hongara, Charlie Ferris, Jack Stone, Wi Hunia, Whaiora Moeke [arā Summers Apuwai], Shadow Waru, Wiremu Moeke. E noho ana ko: Ngaropi White, Naera Waimotu, Ben Pohatu, Tom Kupenga, Wi Maraki. I mate te tuakana o Hongara i tāwāhi, a, i mate hoki nga tama a Ferris rāua ko Hunia.




Pipiwha'rauroa Page 14

Pipiwharauroa Tūranga Health

Page 15

June 2017 June 2017

Marae protocol protocol hasn’t Marae broken with broken with the hasn’t past for the past hunhundreds of for years, of years, but but dreds the same cannot same be be the said forcannot modern for modern maraesaidkai, says kai, says HealthymaraeFamilies Families East Healthy Cape manager East Cape manager Albie Stewart. Albie Stewart.

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The Healthy Families East Cape Ko Runga Matariki Road Show attracted children The Healthy Families East Cape Ko Runga Matariki Road Show attracted children from around the district to learn about making change on marae. from around the district to learn about making change on marae.

Ko Runga Road Show Ko Maraekai, harvest, and preparation were on the stories from an ancestor on top of the meeting house, kai, in harvest, and preparation werethe on main ment) is the objective.” menu for MARAE two weeks June during the Healthy source of tikanga. Supporting pa communities Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Nga Taonga Tuturu the menu for Runga two weeks in June Ko and Runga local champions from Omarumutu Families East Cape Ko Matariki Roadduring Show.theto reclaim retain knowledge (matauranga) and to ki Tokomaru principal Tumanako Kururangi Healthy Families East Cape Ko Runga Matariki near Opotoki, round East Coast, and down eat healthier kai from atuathe (the environment) is the says the road show was well received. Kaupapa Māori schools o Ngaand as far south as Muriwai, passed on ko mua, The road Road showShow. encouraged pa communities to objective.” OverTe100Kura students from nearby Taonga Tuturu ki Tokomaru Theabout road show encouraged pa communities knowledge, and passion to whānau at five learn more healthy food preparation, kohanga reo, friends, and whānau attended Kururangi saysand to learn more and aboutfishing healthy food preparation, marae and champions 14 school settings during the road maramataka (planting calendar),and Ko Runga local from Omarumutu near the principal event at Tumanako the Tokomaru Bay school, maramataka (planting and fishing calendar), show. road show was well received. Matariki (mid-winter cluster of stars that herald Opotoki, round the East Coast, and down as far south the the entire day was conducted in te reo Māori. and Matariki (mid-winter cluster of stars that The passed different were experts in passion readOver 100 students from nearby a new year). as Muriwai, onspeakers ko mua, knowledge, and herald a new year). ing the stars, maramataka, marine environschools reo,thefriends, to whānau at five marae and 14 school settings during “Starting withand the kohanga kōrero about stars and Mr Stewart says Ko Runga was fun and infor- ments, and traditional Māori food. Speakers Mr Stewart says Ko Runga was fun and informative, the road show. howand theywhānau align toattended planting the andevent navigation at mative, but also featured a cautionary tale brought in to support the road show were PWO but also featured a cautionary tale around healthy the Tokomaru Bay school, and the right the way through to the marine study around healthy food on marae. navigator* Jack Thatcher, maramataka expert food on marae. The different speakers were experts in reading - the speakers reignited the passion entire day was conducted in te in reoour “While front of marae protocol (ko mua) has Lilliana Clarke, marine scientist Georgia Moana the stars, maramataka, marine environments, people for tikanga Māori,” says Mr Ku-rurangi. Māori. remained relatively unchanged for hundreds of -Bell, and Tairāwhiti-based traditional kai ex-and “While front ofwhat marae protocol (ko mua) hasmarae traditional “Starting with the korero about the years, happens at the back of the perts.Māori food. Speakers brought in to support remained (ko relatively unchanged for hundreds of the road PWO navigator* Jackdome Thatcher, “Ourstars knowledge hasthey always been there, just muri), in the kitchens, has evolved with the A show pop-upwere planetarium portable star care and how align to planting years, what happens at food the back of the marae maramataka expert of Lilliana marine scientist lyingand dormant, but now it has been boosted world’s modern practices – and evolution of the Society Māori Clarke, Astronomy Research navigation right the way through (ko muri),isn’t in the kitchens, evolved with the Georgia Moana-Bell, traditional for the good and the kids will treasure the always good,”has he says. and Traditions and was Tairāwhiti-based one of the highlights providto the marine study - the speakers world’s modern food practices andbeevolution kai experts. A pop-up planetarium portable star memory.” “How is it that whānau –can at a tangihana ing a unique visual and in-depth look at andome unreignited the passion in our people isn’t always he who says.has died too young from care the Society of Māori Astronomy Research and for good,” someone the ofspoiled night sky. for tikanga Māori,” says Mr Kuone of thethe highlights providing a unique complications of obesity and diabetes, yet Traditions fizzy Mrwas Stewart says roadshow supported rurangi. “How is it that and whānau canare beon atthe a tangihana in-depth look at an unspoiled night sky. drinks pavlova hakari (feast)visual and ways to address obesity based on tikanga. “Our knowledge has always been table? Is that tikanga or custom that our “Māori were and still are expert hunters and for someone who has really died too young from the there, just lying ancestors expected?” fishermen. fished, cultivatedways land to complications of obesity and diabetes, yet fizzy Mr Stewart says We thehunted, roadshow supported Families grew introduced vegetables from Polynedormant, but now drinks andHealthy pavlova are onencourages the hakarifamilies (feast)to make addressand obesity based on tikanga. “Māori were and healthy choices where live,that learn, work sia,expert including the kumara. We ate native vegetable? Is that really tikanga or they custom our still are hunters and fishermen. We hunted, it has been play. Healthy Families East Cape wants to tables, rootsland andand berries. Modern commercial ancestors and expected?” fished, cultivated grew introduced vegetables boosted for the create marae environments where healthy from Polynesia, grade kitchens are fine, let’s make sure the including the but kumara. We ate native good and the choices based on tikanga are promoted. aromasroots coming that kitchen redolent Healthy Families encourages families to make vegetables, andfrom berries. Modernarecommercial kids will treasure “Ko Runga about thelearn, storieswork fromand an ancesthat bygone healthy choices whereisthey live, grade of kitchens are era.” fine, but let’s make sure the the memory.” tor on top of the meeting house, main aromas coming from that kitchen are redolent of that play. Healthy Families East Cape wants tothe create source of tikanga. Supporting pa communities marae environments where healthy choices based bygone*initiated era.” as a navigator to reclaim and retain knowledge (matauranga) on tikanga are promoted. “Ko Runga is about the and to eat healthier kai from atua (the environ*initiated as a navigator redpathcommunication.com | strikephotography.co.nz redpathcommunication.com | strikephotography.co.nz


Page 16

Tūranga Ararau

Page 16

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