Pipiwharauroa - April 2018

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Pipiwharauroa Paengawhāwhā 2018

Pukapuka: Rua Te Kau Ma Rima

Panui: Whā

Te Whakamanatanga Te Whakapīhopatanga I te rāhoroi kua taha ake i ūhia te mana Pīhopatanga ki a Don Tamihere. Ko ia te uru atu nei ki te whakakii i te tūnga i mahue tāhanga nei i Te Pīhopa rongonui a Brown Turei.

He Whakamaumaharatanga ki a Rātou

Ehara mō tēnei rohe anake engari mo te motu whānui, nō reira ka noho Pīhopa Tikanga Māori, Te Pīhopa Mātaamua, me Te Pīhopatanga.


I heke mai i ngā kāwai rangatira o Tūranganui me Porurangi. I whānau ki konei i te tau 1972, ka pakeke i te rāwhiti. Nō te tau 1997, ka tīmata te ako hei Pirihi i te Kāreti o Hato Hoani. 2001 ka riro mai tana tohu Paerua Whakapono, ka noho hei kaiako tāpapa i Te Tairāwhiti, i muri mai hei Tumuaki mo Te Kāreti o Te Rau. I noho rīcona i te whare karakia o Hato Meri i Tikitiki i te 23 o Maehe 2003, he Pirihi i Te Tokotoru Tapu o Tūranga i te 5 o Hakihea 2004. Ko ia hoki I whakaingoatia mot e tūnga o Brown Turei hei Pīhopa mo Te Tairāwhiti, ka whakaurua atu hei Pīhopa tuarua mo Te Tairāwhiti i te marae o Waiomatatini i te 11 o Maehe 2017.

Kaikinikini tonu ana Te ngau a mahara Te taunga ki Karipori Te tini, te mano o te toa I haere rātou ki te mura o te ahi. I hinga atu. I hoki hauā mai A wairua, ā hinengaro, ā tinana. Mo te aha ... ? Mo tātou, mo ngā whakatipuranga. Mo tēnei whenua Nā rātou, mo tātou E kore e warewaretia Te mutunga

He mihi nui ki a koe i ō mahi katoa E kore e hapa Ko tō Atua, ko koe Ko koe, ko tō Atua Tūranga Ararau

He tōtara haemata! He rākau nō te wao nui a Tānemahuta, he tōtara whakahirahira hei tohu whakamaumahara ki te whakaaetangatia o te piriona rākau te whakatō puta noa i te motu engari koinei te tīmatanga, te tuatahi i whakanuia i te pōwhiritangatia o Te Minita Shane Jones. Nāna tonu i whakatō engari nā ngā tauira o te kura Manutuke ia i tautoko, e whai ake nei ngā tauira, ko Wyllie me Sam Hiko, ko Puati Wyllie me Te Minita Shane Jones, Te Minita Meka Whaitiri, Cindy Willis me te Mea Meng Foon. Kei te takutaku a Te Minata Shane Jones i tētahi wāhanga o te Karakia Whakatō i ahu mau i te Pīpīwharauroa: Pukoukou mai te uru puriri, ko Hina noa te matakitaki Tangi amiomio te karoro, ko Hinemoana te akauroa, te papaki, te papaki E kui, e kui, kei taku Pīpīwharauroa, koko turoa, kei hea koe Ko tēnei taau, ko te karere a Mahuru, Tu mai ra a Maunganui, Whakaeke mai te toi, Tio mai ai, koo, koo, kokoia...

Inside this month...

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He PĀnui

Pages 4-6

He Hokinga Whakaaro

He tōtara haemata!

Page 7

Kapi Katoa i Te RĀkau!

Pages 8-9

Te Pihopatanga

Photo courtesy of Gisborne Herald

Page 10 ANZAC



Pipiwharauroa Pipiwharauroa He PĀnui

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Founded October 1898 Pukapuka: Rua Te Kau Ma Rima Pānui: Whā Te Marama: Paengawhāwhā Te Tau: 2018 ISSN: 1176-4228 (Print) ISSN: 2357-187X (Online)

Pīpīwharauroa takes its name from ‘He Kupu Whakamārama Pīpīwharauroa’, which was printed in October, 1899 by Te Rau Print and edited by the late Reverend Reweti Kohere. Pīpīwharauroa was re-launched on 20 October, 1993. Produced and edited by: Te Rūnanga o Tūranganui-ā-Kiwa Tūranga Ararau Printed by: The Gisborne Herald Email: pipiwharauroa@ta.org.nz Phone: (06) 868 1081


Mere Pōhatu ADDICTED Tuta Ngarimu told us that there are P inflicted

kids who stay awake for days walking our streets in Tūranganui ā Kiwa. Can you imagine that? We all need sleep. To rest our minds, keep our blood healthy and let our brains and other vital organs charge up to be ready for the next day’s work. Now that’s the thing, te mea nui, I know there is a lot of talent sitting idle today on our front steps. Sitting in the sun, probably smoking. Probably young. Probably bored. Possibly can’t read properly. Maybe they haven’t got a real home. There might not be a significant adult, Aunty or Uncle or grandparent or parent or cousin who can encourage or challenge them to deal to their at-risk behaviours and habits. We all need people to believe in us. This connection is best managed in a whānau, but often found in the community when the whānau finds themselves in self-doubt and low on social and cultural best-practices. I’m looking for connection wisdom. I watched a young guy in a business this morning. He was trying to present a suitable identity reference so he could open a bank account. He was all

Meka Whaitiri

It's decision time This year Māori people will be able to make the choice of going on the general roll or the Māori roll. It’s your big chance to make a decision about the choices that face our democracy. Remember that there are seven Māori electorates in Aotearoa and they are held by Labour. This makes the Māori voice in our Coalition Government very powerful. Here in Ikaroa Rāwhiti the maths of this choice over rolls is interesting as there are over 26,000 people at present on the European roll who are of Māori descent. In 2013 when we last had a chance to make the call to go to the General or Māori roll over 17,000 of our people across the country switched to the Māori roll but that wasn’t enough to swing another seat. Looking at the figures closely last time around it was young people who led the charge to switch to the Māori roll but in the end 45 per cent of Māori opted to stay on the General Roll. It has been a hard road for Māori to get the vote and to get Māori seats. In the first ever election in 1853 only males who had individual titles to land had the right to vote.

Just 100 Māori men would vote as most Māori owned land on a collective basis. In the following decade some of the Pākehā politicians argued that it was vital to assimilate Māori into the political process to ensure a lasting peace. So in 1867 after a lot of jawboning Parliament agreed to set up four electorates for our people. To get round the problem of land ownership all Māori men over 21 were eligible to vote. At the time, if again you do the numbers, we were entitled to 14 or 16 seats but we got just 4. That number of Māori seats remained static until 1993 when after MMP the number of Māori seats in Parliament was increased to five and then seven. It gets worse, while Pākehā voters were given the secret ballot in 1870, we had to wait until 1938 before the old system of standing in front of a polling officer and declaring loudly who you were going to vote for was finally abandoned. So it has been a long torturous road to get to the system we now have and we have to defend it and make it work. Making a call on whether you go on the Māori or General roll is important. There is no point moaning about things if you can’t vote because you are not registered. The good news is that getting on the Māori roll is easy. All you need to do is pick up a form from your local post office or text your name and address to 3676 or call 0800 36 76 56. So it’s up to you to make that decision. Nā, Meka Whaitiri

labelled up. He was standing tightly coiled ready to uncoil and pounce. Looked worked up as hell. I thought. Inside this guy is whakamā, turned to anger, turned to frustration and turning into a disagreeable soon to be disrespectful young man. The scene playing out before me is one that is all too common. Young talent with lots of courage in anger, but next to no social and cultural tools to mix and mingle and get basics in place to live their lives. I think he was on P. But how would I know? I’m just guessing. His back was straight, his hands in a fist and his back straight and taut. He was tapping the counter. Looking nervously or angrily around. Mood swinging, fast talking them listening nicely, then actually pacing. I don’t know if he was on P. But I do know he had no ID of any sorts to satisfy the bank. What I did see and hear was great empathy from the person in the bank. Solution-based, quietly spoken, active listening, offering solutions. I thought that employee has talent. She was wise. She was kindly. She was confident. She surely must be the best person for the job. She was disciplined. She knew her job. She empathised with her customer. She was exercising a complex set of interpersonal and technical skills with an ability to respond deftly to the guy’s changing moods but specific needs. Tūranganui ā Kiwa, get ready. We need more talent and empathy and technical competency

on our streets and in our homes, businesses and services. It’s not good enough. Sorry everyone, our community is in a high needs phase. We need everyone on the kaupapa to help other people who for various reasons are in the business of risk to themselves and others. Tuta Ngarimu is one of those wise community commentators and doers who keeps us well informed about stuff we should all be concerned with. He sees the "disconnects" between all this latent talent and our regional development. He would tell us you can’t have economic well-being if half the people aren’t on the same planet as all of us who know best. All of us who have nice warm houses and healthy kai and do exercise and have massive life plans. We are the lot who must rise to this moment in time, and be aware not all of us have the skills and tools to do better for ourselves and others. Connecting our sleeping young talent, who are actually awake for days in human everyday life is our Tūranganui ā Kiwa, Tairāwhiti top of the list urgent to do immediately task. Getting the best out of our young people requires a disciplined look at ourselves as a community. If we need addiction services and help, let’s get it. Sitting idly on our front doorsteps or spending days frying our brains and waking without a purpose is not for this wise, exciting and brave community.

Pipiwharauroa He PĀnui

Tairāwhiti Community Law Centre

Tax Refunds- Keeping it all for yourself In Aotearoa the financial year runs from 1 April to 31 March. If you have paid more tax than you were supposed to in the year, or if you have made donations that qualify for a tax rebate, then you may be due for a refund. At this time of year many advertisements appear on the radio, TV and other media inviting you to make contact with a tax agent to help you get a refund back from IRD. SO WHAT IS A TAX AGENT? A tax agent is a person who prepares the returns of income required to be filed for 10 or more taxpayers and is one of the following: • a practitioner carrying on a professional public practice • a person carrying on a business or occupation in which returns of income are prepared, or • the Māori Trustee. A tax agent can be an individual, partnership or company that meets the definition of a “tax agent” under section 34B(2) of the Tax Administration Act 1994”. (www.ird.govt.nz/taxagents/role/who/who-is-taxagent-index.html)

REASONS TO CHECK IF YOU’RE OWED A TAX REFUND (IE IF YOU’RE NOT USING A TAX AGENT): • IRD do not pursue people who have overpaid their tax. So if you do not check if you are due a refund, you won’t get one. • Certain categories of taxpayers are more likely to get a refund than others such as those who have started a new job, received a lump sum of money, undertaken contract work, have expenses to claim, changed jobs during the year, had periods in the year without work, arrived in or left the country and so on. • It is a simple thing to check if you are owed a tax refund and everyone who earns a wage or salary in NZ should do so. • Doing it yourself means not having to pay fees to a tax agent and keeping all of your refund. MYTHS THAT TAX REFUND COMPANIES PERPETUATE: • Refund companies say they shield you if you owe tax but they don’t. The IRD online calculator that you can use to check if you are owed a refund or not does not go on IRD records. If you discover in the process of using the calculator that you owe IRD tax for a particular year there will be no consequences. IRD will not suddenly start pursuing you for unpaid tax. • Refund companies will get you a bigger refund but they won’t. The refund will be the same whether you or the tax agent requests it. In fact, you’ll get less if an agent does it because they take their fees off before releasing it to you!


• Once a taxpayer registers with a tax agent, that agent becomes listed with IRD as the taxpayer’s agent until that agency is cancelled. This is important to know because, if a taxpayer decides to file directly for a refund with IRD and a tax agent is still on IRD’s records as their agent, the refund will go to the tax agent’s bank account, not the taxpayer’s. Worse, in this situation, some tax agents will charge a handling fee as well to return the refund to IRD. • Refund companies vary hugely in the fees they charge, the types of fees they charge for and the practices they adopt. For instance fees can include things like cheque fees, ID verification fees, cancellation fees and so on. • The Commerce Commission has warned that tax refund agencies who approach consumers uninvited at their homes, workplaces or over the phone to offer tax return services are bound by the requirements of the Fair Trading Act in regard to any agreements they enter into. These are known as Uninvited Direct Sales (UDS) agreements. For instance, they must provide customers with a written agreement at the time the agreement is entered into whether the customer asks for one or not. HOW TO EASILY CHECK IF YOU’RE ELIGIBLE AND GET YOUR REFUND (IE THE “DIY” TAX REFUND): Step 1: Tick the boxes that apply to you on - www.ird.govt.nz/peak-tax-refund/ How’s it looking? Step 2: If it’s looking good, in mid-May register or log in to myIR. Use their calculator to figure out how much of a refund you are owed then request your 2017/18 Personal Tax Summary (PTS) that confirms your refund and account details.

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Te Haahi Ringatū

Anei nga whakamarama mo ngĀ mahi o Te Haahi Ringatū ki aua ra MANE 9 HURAE, 2018 KI MURIWAI PĀ 10am Tairāwhiti Peka mo ngā Pariha o Te Tairāwhiti 3pm Powhiri ki nga Peka o Te Haahi Ringatū 5 pm Kai o te Pō 7pm Karakia Whakamoemiti - ngā Peka o Te Haahi Ringatū

TUREI 10 HURAE 2018 - KI MURIWAI PĀ 7.30 am

Karakia Moata Parakuihi

10 am


Ngā Kaupapa Karakia Whakatapua i te Kohatu Whakamaumahara mo Ngā Whakarau Whakarewanga o te pukapuka ‘Tēnei te Tira Hou’ Ngā Kaikauhau 1pm 3pm 5 pm 7pm

Hakari Karakia Tuku Kai o te pō - ki Muriwai Pā Karakia Whakamoemiti - ngā Peka o Te Haahi Ringatū

WENEREI 11 HURAE 2018 - MURIWAI PĀ 7.30am 9am 1pm 3pm 5pm 7pm

Parakuihi He Haerenga (tbc) Kai o te Ra nui Ka tangi te pere, Ka noho ki te Tapu o Te Kaumarua Kai o te Pō Karakia Whakamoemiti - ngā Peka o Te Haahi Ringatū

TAITE 12 HURAE, 2018 - MURIWAI PĀ 7.30am 9am 1pm 3pm

Step 3: In mid-June, confirm that your PTS is correct in myIR. Once you do, your refund will be paid out within five working days! But will it go to you, or your tax refund company? Read on if you’ve already signed up or have done so anytime in the past. You need to disentangle yourself from the refund company. HOW TO REMOVE A TAX REFUND COMPANY FROM YOUR ACCOUNT: You can check on myIR whether your account is linked to a tax agent. If you’ve already given authority over your account to a tax refund company, allowing them to act on your behalf, and you want to handle the refund yourself, here’s how to remove them: Step 1: Notify the company that you want to de-link. (There can be terms and conditions you’ve signed that lock you in – so you’ll need to check that).

Te Hakari mo te Kapenga Karakia mo te Hakari Kai o te Ranui Karakia o Te Haahi Karakia Tuku

Step 2: Contact IRD and request to be “de-linked” from your PTSI (your Personal Tax Summary Intermediary). Step 3: Check that the bank account IRD have for you is correct, so that you receive your refund. If you have need further information or assistance you can visit the IRD website https://www.ird. govt.nz/ or you can call in to your local Inland Revenue Office. Sources: Inland Revenue Department website,www.ird.govt.nz/ taxagents/role/who/who-is-taxagent-index.html Consumer article, dated 30 March, 2014, titled “Tax Refund Companies” Stuff article, dated 27 November, 2015, titled “Taxpayers urged to take refunds into own hands” NZ Herald article by Aimee Shaw, dated 11 April, 2017 NZ Herald article by Tom Hartmann, dated 10 April, 2017 Stuff article, dated 13 June, 2017, titled “Customers caught out by tax firms automatically taking refunds”

Gillian Creach General Manager Tairāwhiti Community Law Centre

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Pipiwharauroa He Hokinga Whakaaro

Gaylene Taitapanui

I ēnei rā ka kiia he pō whakawhanaunga. Ehara, ehara.

I te kura, Te Kura Mīhana o Tanatana, rite tonu. Ko te reo te reo tuatahi. Ko te nuinga o ō mātou māhita, puta tonu mai i Kōtirana, Ingarangi ki tō mātou Pāriha. Ka noho rātou mo te toru tau, ka ako ki te kōrero i te reo me ōna tikanga,,ā taunga ana ka neke ki tētahi atu Pāriha. I a rātou e mahi minita ana, ko rātou ō mātou kaiako. Ana, mau tonu ō mātou reo.

Whānau mai ana ahau riro ana ahau i taku kuia me taku koroua. i taua wā i te whanau tamariki tonu taku kuia. Tekau mā rua ā rāua tamariki, ana i puta mai ahau i waenganui i a Helen rāua ko Pare, ā rāua tamariki whakamutunga. Ahakoa ko ahau te mokopuna tuatahi, ehara ahau i te mokopuna i whakawhiwhia ki ngā mea katoa, engari he mokopuna i pakeke mai i waenga i ngā kuia me ngā koroua katoa o te awa.

Ko Au

I pakeke mai ahau i waenga i ngā huihuinga, i ngā tangihanga, i ngā haerenga ki ngā tākaro, ā, i taua wā hoki he pāhi anake te waka kawe ki ngā wāhi katoa, nō reira ka haere a roopu te katoa. Kāre ahau e whakarērea e taku kuia rāua ko taku koroua ki te kāinga kei patua ahau i muri ki te mahue ahau. He maha ngā āhuatanga i kite ahau e mahia ana, he maha ngā tikanga i mau i ahau pakeke noa. I taua wā hoki e kore koe e pātai, ‘He aha ai?’ Ko te whakautu, “Turituri, titiro, whakarongo ”. Tino kaha ahau ki te titiro engari kāre ahau i whakarongo. Ko taku reo tuatahi ko te reo Mēori engari me mihi ki ngā Minita o te hāhi Perehipitiriana i uru mai ki te awa o Tauranga. Koinei hoki te reo o te kāinga, kāre i tua atu. E maumahara ana ahau ki te tangi o te waea i te ata hāpara, kua rongo ahau i taku kuia e kii ana,”Ko wai hoki tēnei?” Ara, ka tangi moata ana te waea, he tangata kua mate. Koinei te āhua o taku kāinga. Ka oho taku kuia me taku koro ka whakareri ki te haere, me ahau anō hoki te tōia haere. Koinei te akoranga o te noho wahangū. I te nuinga o te wā ka moe anō ahau. He maha ngā tūroro whakahemohemo i mauria ahau e rāua ki te noho kia mate rā nō, engari nā tōku kaha tamariki rawa, kāre i aro i ahau e aha ana, ā , nō nāianei tonu ka āta whakaaro ki aua tūāhuatanga, ka mōhio. I au hoki e pākeke haere ana, ko te hāhi ko te Hāhi Perehipitiriana engari ki ōku whakaaro i te noho tāwewe, i te noho taiepa taku kuia me taku koroua. Ko ō rāua hāhi i a rāua e noho ana i Maungapōhatu ko te hāhi Iharaira me te hāhi Ringatū. Tino taumaha ngā tikanga ā ēnei hāhi ana nā whai anō ka hurihia e rāua ā rāua tamariki, mokopuna ki te Perehipitiriana. Engari ahakoa i ngā tau 30-80 i te kaha tonu te whakauru mai o ngā tikanga ki te whakararu haere i o mātou whakaaro. Ahakoa te whai mana o aua hāhi, pono tonu taku kuia ki te hāhi Perehipitiriana. Ia rā tapu ka haere mātou ki te akoranga tamariki i te whare karakia, i muri ko te karakia nui. Pārekareka rawa atu ki ahau te haere ki ngā akoranga i ata. Koinei taku ao i āhau e tamariki ana. Ka pakeke haere ahau ko ngā akoranga pakeke i ngā pō o te Paraire, engari he rerekē anō ngā mahi i ēra pō. He mahi whakangahau, he purei ping pong, he kapa haka, he mahi nanakia, nā mahi katoa a ngā tamariki e tamariki ana.

I āhau e pakeke haere ana i haria ahau e taku kuia me taku koroua ki tētahi hui i Heretaunga, ā, ka tae atu mātou, ka mātirohia e ngā tamariki o reira, ka whai haere i a māua ko taku kuia, ka pātai atu ahau ki taku kuia,” He aha ngā tamariki e mātiro nei ki ahau.” Ka kii mai taku kuia,” Kei te whakarongo rātou ki a koe e korero ana. He tauhou ki a rātou tō reo”. Ka aroha hoki. E mahara ana ahau nā tōku ātaahua. Kore rawa mātou i ‘bored’ i a mātou e pakeke haere ana. I ngā raumati, ko te mahi he huhuti paihana i ngā hiwi. He moni pikitia te utu. He kaukau, he whakarapu, he hao mārearea, he haere ki te puihi, he whānako hua rākau i ō mātou anō. Ko te eke hoiho te mahi tino pārekareka ki ahau. Piki ai mātou i ngā awa tūhono mai ki te awa o Tauranga ki te whaiwhai taraute. Kāre he wā whakatarunga. Whakaomaoma hoiho ai mātou i te rori. Ki te taka tētahi, ka tū ake ka piki anō ki runga i tana hoiho. Ka kāhaki ana te hoiho, ka whakaomahia ki te pou hiko, ki te taiepa rānei kia tū ai engari ko koe te utu nā te mea, tū ohorere ana te hoiho ka rere whakamua koe. Haere katoa ai mātou ki te kaukau i uta mā runga i ō mātou hoiho, ahakoa he tata noa ngā hōpua o te kāinga ka haere rā nō mātou ki uta, Matahi. Ana he whakaomaoma hoiho te mahi. Kia hoki mai te kāinga ka rīria ai e taku koroua. I tētahi wā ka kii mai ia ki ahau,” Kaua koe e eke I ngā hoiho kit e mate wāhine koe”. Ka pātai atu ahau,”He aha ai?”. Ka kii mai ia,”Ka pahore ngā tuara o ngā hoiho”. Taku whakaaro, e kii, e kii. Kei runga kē ahau i te tera, me pēhea e pahore ai te tuara o te hoiho. Ana ka whakatete tonu ahau ana ko te mutunga ka pahore ngā tuara o ngā hoiho.

tahataha o te awa ka kōhiti. Ka tukuna ngā tuna paku, ka pīhukatia ngā tuna nunui. Anō ko mātou ngā kaikohikohi haere i ngā tuna. I ētahi wā kua makere, kua horeti anō ki te wai, ana kua riria koe he koretake ki te hopu. Ki te kore e mau i a koe he tuna kāre koe e haria anō. Pēra anō te toitoi tuna. Haere ai mātou ki te puihi ki te kimi noke whiti. He nunui ēnei noke. Kotahi noa iho kua rahi mo te tuitui, ana kotahi noa te tuitui ka here ki te pou ka tuku ki te wai hei hopu tuna. Ko te muka harakeke hei tuitui. He uaua te muka ka motu. Ka ngau ana te tuna kāre e tukuna. Koinei hoki te wā mahi pīkara, rārihi, pītiti mo te Hōtoke. He wahine kakama taku kuia ki ēnei mahi. Koinei hoki ngā mahi pai ki ahau. Ka noho ki te āwhina i a ai. Ko te nuinga o ana huarākau, me ngā huarākau nāna i whakatipu. Tino ātaahua ana māra kai, nunui, matomato rawa atu. He hamuti kau ana maniua mo ana māra. Pēra anō ia ki tahu miiti mō ngā tahā. He toa hoki aku pāpara ki te whai tia, poaka, manu hoki. Ko ia katoa i te tahu mo te hōtoke. Koinei ā mātou rare. Ka tīkaro mai i ngā tahā, ka hīkoi haere me te mitimiti i te hinu poaka ka kai pakapaka. Tino kino rawa atu taku kuia ki te mahi. Ko ia te kaimiraka kau, te kaiahuwhenua, te kaiwhatu kākahu te kaitiaki mokopuna mate noa. Ka pakeke haere ahau ka tīmata taku whakatete ki taku kuia. (Ā tēra marama).

Where do I begin? Never a dull moment, as my Aunty reminds me loudly, “For a spoilt brat, you turned out alright.” Well I didn’t think I was spoilt, not with material things anyway. What I do know is that I spent most of my childhood with my Nannies and Koros up the river and they spoilt me. I did not have just one set of grandparents but all of these Nannies and Koro up there who loved me. After I was born I was given to my grandparents, Hena and Te Mamae Tuwairua to raise along with their own children. In age I was in-between my Aunty Helen who is about two years older than me

Haria ai mātou ki te awa ki te hao mārearea. He pārekareka tēnei mahi. Ko te taputapu hopu, he pouaka. Ko te pouaka hei hao. E rua ngā rākau e rua mita te roa, ko te pouaka e toru mita te roa, rua mita te whānui. Ka herea ngā pito o te pouaka ki runga, ki raro o ngā rākau ka tītia tētahi pito ki te whaiawa (riverbed) ka whakawhitia i te awa, katahi ka rere mātou ki runga atu o te awa ka tīmata ki te ā mai i ngā ika, mārearea, kōkopu, taraute ki te pouaka. Mā te tokorua e pupuri ana i ngā pou e hii te pouaka ka tata atu mātou. He pārekareka te mahi ā. Mai i reira ki te whakarapu. Ko taku kōka, he wahine tino piikiwhara te hanga, te tohunga mo tēnei mahi. Ka noho ia ki roto i te kōawa ka whāwhā haere, mau ana he tuna ka whiu e ia ki rahaki, ana ko mātou ngā tamariki hei hopu ka rau ki te pēke huka. Tata tonu te pā o ana taha ki te taha o te kōawa. Kāre e hipa he tuna i a ia. I ētahi wā, ka haere matou ki te wheketere tīhi o te Waimana. He awa rere atu ai mai i te wheketere ki te awa nui. I ngā pō ka piki ngā tuna ki te wheketere ki te kai i ngā maramara tīhi puta mai i te wheketere, ana i te ata hāpara ka heke ki te awa nui. Ana moata tonu aku pāpara ki te tū ki ngā

Nan Rato Takao

Pipiwharauroa He Hokinga Whakaaro

and Aunty Polly who is a few months younger. My Nan had three of us in nappies at the same time but there were many hands to help. There were two families in our house. My grandmother’s brother moved in after his wife died and he had two adopted children from his brother and sister as well as his daughter, Aunty Hato.

I still can’t believe that we all managed to live in such a small house. My grandparents had twelve children but by the time I had arrived most of them were grown up and working except for Tairongo, Charlie, Helen and Polly. Even though there were many of us, I don’t ever remember our house being over crowded, we always had somewhere to sleep and were never hungry. I slept at the feet of my grandparents unless of course I decided to sleepover at one of my many other Nannies’ homes. It annoyed my grandparents but they always let my Koro know where I was. Sometimes my Nan and Koro locked me out and I’d sit at the door and cry and cry until they opened it. I used to wonder why it was locked and one night I was so annoyed I unscrewed the handle to get in. But the strategy that really worked for me was crying. I didn’t leave their bed until I was ten. Whenever my Nan and Koro went away I’d get a hiding from my teenage uncles. I wouldn’t listen to them as I was so used to doing whatever I wanted to and when my Koro asked me what they had been up to I thought nothing of telling tales on them. I didn’t even realise I was. But I knew how to fix them up, I’d hold off until my Nan and Koro came home then start to cry then sit back and see my uncles get the same punishment they dished out on me. Eventually Nan and Koro found it easier just to take me with them and I travelled all over the place. I remember going to Hastings to a tangi when I was about four. All of these children kept following us around and staring. When I asked my Nan why she explained that is was because I was speaking Māori and there was me thinking it was because I was gorgeous looking. From a very young age Ōmuriwaka was my favourite Marae, the Te Pairi whānau were really close relations of my Koro, and whenever anything happened we went there. I remember when the old man Te Pairi died, my Nan took me into the wharenui and sat me down in a corner then she and others started to prepare his body at the Tūrongo of the whare. First they washed him then they rubbed something into places in his body which I think was salt before wrapping him in white sheets and laying him in the front of the wharenui to wait for his home made coffin to arrive. Whenever manuhiri arrived they parked their vehicles and buses at the bottom of the hill before advancing upwards to the forecourt of the Marae. Our people set off dynamite to forewarn of the

arrival of an ope to those up at the Whare. There were many trees, including fruit trees on both sides of the road where we sat and ate watching the manuhiri walk past up the steep road. When they reached the top of the hill they had to cross a stream that was fed from a waterfall encompassed by trees and obscured from view. This waterfall provided drinking water and further down people bathed in the stream which the manuhiri had to manoeuvre their way across. However most came prepared as they knew the layout of the Marae and were usually barefooted anyway. It’s a long walk but then all the ātea in our area are really long. Karanga and poroporoaki were an art performed only by the best. I grew up hearing sentences like, “If not performed properly someone will die.” That, I know now, is a fallacy. I believe in logic. Some of our manuhiri would challenge the ownership and mana of our Marae and hapū but in the end the tangata whenua always reclaimed both. While the formalities were going on, we carried on swimming in the pool just across the road. Swimming without swim suits was common place even for the adults back then. But coming out to dress was another matter. Knickers were swapped and I think intentionally by those who left the water first. Some of the swimmers used to flick the girls’ skirts and dresses up to see who was wearing their knickers, these days their actions would probably be called harassment. When the Marae ran out of water the older boys were sent with containers to the waterfall to fill them, at night that was scary. Well it was then but now it’s a beautiful experience. Being nosey I followed them but they would scare the hell out of me. The waterfall used to come alive with shimmering lights, glowing and as if there was an on and off switch. The boys thought it was a big joke to tell me that there were mythical creatures coming to eat me. I didn’t find it funny at all. I’d run off screaming back to the whare which was one big room with a huge fire, the men would be inside drinking and gambling. My Nan never smoked or drank, but sometimes she used to gamble especially if it was a fundraising event for a good cause. Gambling was the most common form of fundraising and took place at every Marae. There was drinking too, but nobody got hurt except only in their pockets. The wharenui of Te Pairi was like a museum. The walls were lined with the best greenstone adze, weapons of every kind, greenstone mere, whale bone patu and the finest of cloaks he created himself. Being afraid of others weaving ‘black magic’ into his garments he sent the men out to gather feathers and used these among other materials to make his own clothes that women never touched. He had hats for every occasion. Top hats, bowler hats and really fine looking European walking sticks. We wore the hats when we were kids as we danced around the wharenui.

My Nan was a Christian with a capital ‘C’. I was christened and confirmed Presbyterian. Going to Sunday School was the highlight of my childhood. I enjoyed the stories, the singing and my favourite Aunt Cissie was our teacher. She was also our teacher at Tanatana Native School. I remember English being spoken at Sunday School but Māori during church. I never missed a day of Sunday School. We had these booklets and were given stamps to paste into them whenever we attended with little scriptures that I tried to remember. When I was nine or ten I started Bible Class. Whatever! It was ping pong night so not a lot of bible study got done. But haka kapa practices did happen in preparation for the competitions held every May holidays. Parishes from all over

My koro Hena, Nan Hena Tuwairua Hao Rakuraku meTe Maniae Tuwairua

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Te Rana Tuwairua-Clay

Te Kahurangi o Te Awa o Tauranga. Waru tekau mā waru. Wahine ringa raupā moe noa. Wahine tipihaere ahakoa te rūha Tō kii,“Kua ngenge au”. Tarāwhare tō mate Nāu tō haere, kāre he aha. Te mamae kua kore Te ngenge, korekore ana. Taha tangata, kaiponu Kia ora koe mo ake. E rere wairua, e rere. Arohanui Tūranganui

New Zealand headed to the Presbyterian Marae, Te Maungarongo at Ōhope to compete, performing the usual brackets. What I loved most was the choral and the verse recitals but not the plays. They were all in Te Reo Māori and of course Waimana came first most times, we had a professional music tutor in Mene Turuwhenua who taught at Wesley College for years. Yes, it was Māori for breakfast, lunch and tea and in-between. Aunty Cissie was also our cultural tutor, when need be she had her moments but I was never naughty with her. On our Sunday School break ups we were loaded up on to the back of a cattle truck and headed off to the beach. It was a once a year trip so we made the most of it, playing in the sand, swimming and eating pipi cooked on a sheet of corrugated iron then wrapped in bread and butter. Those trips were something we always looked forward to. Seems a hundred years ago now. So close yet so far. I think my Nan worshipped the bell, may have even been possessed by it. Whenever the bell rang it echoed through the valley and could be heard a mile away. Nan would turn around and say, “Put your smokes out and be quiet, the voice of God is calling.” One Saturday night I went to a party at a house next to the church that went on into Sunday morning. I did hear the bell but choose to ignore it, in my heart I knew something was going to happen and sure enough it did. My Nan rang Nan Hao’s house where the party was asking to speak to me. One sentence said it all, “Didn’t you hear God’s voice?” Now, whenever I hear a bell ring my mind goes to God’s time. Most times anyway. Nanny Mama and Nanny Hao were two of my closest Nannies but there were many

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Pipiwharauroa He Hokinga Whakaaro

more who played a big part in my life. Most of my Nannies were non-drinkers although there were some who used to become quite inebriated but did not go over the top. Really!

all ways; curried, smoked, fried and boiled and then Nan would dry some for later, much later and hoard them in the stinky place.

Nanny Rato and Nanny Mei were the happiest Nannies I knew. Every New Year’s Eve, right on midnight, they’d get a tractor and trailer and ‘do’ the valley in style. My Nan joined them too and off they went doing the traditional tin canning along the road banging their cans. They would call into every house on the way, have a drink and take on more passengers. Come New Year’s Day they’d be out of it. The singing was hilarious, Nanny Rato was an exceptional dancer from the forties and Nanny Mei would be singing and crying at the same time, but happy. No men ever intruded on their ride, I don’t remember seeing any anyway, that was strictly Nanny time.

We gathered birds eggs from the bushes and an uncle of mine, Sam fashioned a shanghai out of an old tyre tube to shoot Waxeyes for us. He was a real gun at it and my Nan loved him because he took her the birds he shot for her to barbeque on her wood range. The way she went on about it you would think he had taken her Peking Duck to feast upon. Actually she was lovely to watch eat, made you want take the food out of her mouth which we often did, even a dry toast looked good when she was chewing it.

Pictures and dances were highlights for me starting off when I was only five years old. That was me at my worst I suppose, if I decided I wanted to go somewhere that’s what I did. Those teenage aunties and uncles hated taking me with them but were made to. They all thought I was a spoilt brat, but I really wasn’t. I just knew how to work my Koro and get what I wanted. In the end they’d take me to the pictures knowing full well that they could dump me with our Nanny Rato. I didn’t mind because I knew after the pictures she would go dancing and take me with her. Us kids spent a lot of time at the river, we have the best river in the world and practically lived there over the summer. No one taught us how to swim, we just watched out for each other. We lived out of the river gathering cocker bullies, eels and small trout and gathered wild apples that we cooked by throwing them into the fire. No matter how burnt they were, we enjoyed every morsel. Water was my favourite place. I was a very good swimmer. As kids we were thrown in and left to sink or swim, I swam, bobbing up and down like an apple. We especially loved going eeling with Aunty Ngahuia. Sitting in the creek she pretty much managed to block the flow of the water then she felt around for eels. As she grabbed them she threw them to us to catch and put into a sugar bag. Sometimes an odd eel would fall back into the water and she’d swear at us but it was okay because she swore in Māori. She also took us white baiting up the Raroa River using a net she had fashioned out of scrim tied between two poles which was wide enough to spread across the width of the river. While two people held the net down in the water we children were sent five metres up the river to chase the fish into the net by walking slowly forward beating and churning the water as we went. Sometimes trout or little fries as we called them swam in but mostly we caught mature white bait called mārearea. The other place I loved going to was ‘The Whey’ which was a run off from the Waimana Cheese Factory, years ago Waimana was third in the world for its cheese. Late at night the eels came to feed on the curds and whey that were discharged into the creek. As they headed back towards the river in the early hours of the morning, around 4 o’ clock, we would be waiting. Although we could easily jump over the creek as it was only a metre or so across it was deep. My uncles lined along the creek to gaff the eels and yelled out if they missed one for the next gaffer to get. The little ones were returned to the water for the next time. As for us kids we scurried around in the dark catching and bagging. We lived on eels prepared

Tanatana Mission School. There's me in the fourth row, sixth from the left

I really admired Nan’s ability to grow things. Our gardens weren’t little plots, they were paddocks just like the Leaderbrand ones you see on the back Awapuni Road but planted with much more varieties of vegetables like corn, potatoes, kūmara, kamokamo, pumpkins, marrows and melons. Although my Koro did things on the farm it was my Nan who was the farmer. She had such green fingers that she could just pluck a bud or a branch, stick it into the ground and just ignore it and still it would grow into a healthy plant. Her tomatoes were huge and come pickling time I was right there helping. One day I found her ranting which was not normal for her. Apparently, on their way home from school, two naughty uncles had snuck into her garden and cut triangles into her melons causing them to rot. She was so disappointed with her nephews because she would have given them some once they were ready. Those two were clowns at school as well. Still Nan forgave them, that was so her and her Christian values. Years after, whenever I saw them, I reminded them of how bad they were and they laughed but they loved Nan. The school bus stop was outside of our house and all the school kids from the nearby houses waited there for the bus. One morning I noticed one of the boys had a huge lump on his forehead and I ran inside to tell my Nan who took one look and knew instinctively what had happened. Being a no nonsense sort of person straight away she was on the phone to our local constabulary, Te Uaua Turuwhenua who was the most important person in the community and our church. He rode a big white horse and was really lean. He may have looked mean but he wasn’t, he was actually unique. Anyway he wasted no time in going to see the person who he knew had delivered the blow. For weeks after that same person was delivering innuendoes about Nan within her hearing. Being a person who never backed off and knowing she had done the right thing Nan faced up to the accusations.

I never heard my Nan swear in English but she was pretty good at it in Māori. Māori was always the first language in our home and all the other homes around us. Although I talk about my Nans a lot my numerous Koro played a big part in my life. I would have been only about six years old when I saw these two Koro from Matahi coming out of Koro Tom’s house just up from our place. Koro Tom had been socialising with a couple of his old cronies and they were wobbling all over the place and nearly falling over as they tried to make it home. I decided to help them to our place to sleep it off, dragged them into the sitting room and put a blanket over them. All the while Nan was yelling at me to let the drunks alone, let them go home but I wouldn’t listen. When they woke I fed them with my Nan still mumbling away in the background about them being two useless drunks and so on and so on. I knew in her Christian heart she would have done the same. About a couple of weeks after, it could have been benefit day, they showed up with a little tea set and chocolate. These two would yarn and imitate my Nan for years after but they never forgot me. One of them gave his grandson to Waka and me because he needed to go to school and he knew I would care for him. Two years later, just before he died, he asked for his grandson so we sent him back. I recently met up with the young fellow and his wife at a tangi, he was still the same cocky and confident self and very well. Then there was Koro Rehua, Nan Hao’s husband. He was one of my favourites, a beautiful man. I loved him and his home was my home. When I was attending Tanatana Mission School he told his children to check if I had any lunch. If I didn’t they knew to take me home to have some of Nan Hao’s fry bread that that she cooked over an open fire. Their wharenui Rāhiri was our sleeping quarters. It was also our play house and years later when we were at home my own children walked the night to Rāhiri for the same purpose. The name Rāhiri was from Ngā Puhi, well actually it was from home because Puhi was the younger brother of Toroa, it was he who took the waka Mataatua up north and begat Rāhiri and so the name of the whare. Rāhiri was another place where I lived, ate and played and I followed Koro Rehua and Nan Hao’s daughter Elsie around for a long time until we moved away from Waimana. To be continued next month

Tom, Takao, Clarke (recently deceased) and Geo


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Kapi Katoa i Te RĀkau!

Kapi Katoa i Te RĀkau!

the location of jails, lack of drug and addiction and support and mental health services in Tairāwhiti.

Whakahōnore Kelvin Davis Minita o te Karauna/Take Māori I tōna tūranga te Minita o te Karauna/Take Māori, ka huri haere te Whakahōnore Kelvin Davis i te motu ki ngā whanau, hapu, iwi, ki ētahi roopu Māori o te motu me rātou hoki e aro mai ana. Nō tēnei marama i pōwhirihia ia ki te marae o Manutuke ki te whakarongo ki ngā whakahokinga whakaaro nui mo ngā Māori o Te Tairāwhiti. I whakamaumaharatia atu hoki ia i te pōwhiri, ara, ko te iwi Māori te tuatahi ki tēnei whenua ana e tika ana me huri tana ingoa ki te Minita Māori/ Karauna, ā kawea ana ki te whare whakamutu ai te tono kia whakauruhia ki te kopa mārō. Nā te kore o Te Pirimia Jacinta Ardern, Te Kairīwhi o Te Pirimia Winston Peters ka whakarewahia te tūranga o Kelvin ki te Pirimia o Aotearoa. I tāwāhi kē ngā tokorua nei. He maha ngā kaupapa whakaputanga kē, ana e pā ana ki Te Hauora o te Māori, te maha kore mahi, te whakahokinga mai o Te Hau ki Tūranga, te rapu hinu, ngā whakatau o ngā kerēme, ngā whakaritenga a Te Iwi ki te Kaunihera o Tūranga i whakaaetia i ngā Whakataunga a Te Tiriti i te Marautanga o Aotearoa me te whakapūmau i te reo Māori. Ko ētahi kaupapa, ko te wāhanga Whakatikatika, te Ture me te nuinga o ngā whareherehere, te pāngia e te mate tarukino me te tautoko i ngā mate wairangi i Te Tairāwhiti. Ka puta ngā kōrero ki te katoa kia kite ai i ngā korero i rangohia e Te Minita Davis. Hei whakatau, i rongo ia i ngā whakaaro me ngā āwangawanga me te tau hoki o te whakaputa.

Honourable Kelvin Davis Minister of Crown/Māori Relations In his capacity as Minister of Crown/Māori Relations the Honourable Kelvin Davis is holding public hui around the Motū for whānau, hapū and Iwi and other Māori national organisations and interest groups. This month he was welcomed at Te Marae o Manutuke for a hui to receive feedback on their priorities for Māori from Te Tairāwhiti. At the powhiri he was reminded that Māori were here first and he should be called the Minister of Māori /Crown Relations with this kōrero extended once inside to the request the portfolio be the Ministry of Iwi Māori / Crown Relations. With Prime Minister Jacinta Ardern and Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters out of the country Kelvin was elevated from Acting Prime Minister in the whaikōrero to the first Māori Prime Minister of Aotearoa. Issues and ideas raised at the hui were quite diverse and included among others, Māori health, employment and education, the repatriation of Te Hau Ki Tūranga, oil exploration, post treaty settlement issues, Iwi representation on Gisborne District Council as agreed through the Tūranga Treaty Settlements, Māori/New Zealand history not being compulsory in the New Zealand Curriculum, preservation and support for the promotion of Te Reo Māori, the Corrections and Justice system including

Minister Davis greets Huia Pihema

Records of each hui will be public knowledge so all can see what Minister Davis is hearing. In summing up he noted the range of concerns and suggestions and the positive manner in which they were raised.

Te Whakahōnoretanga Shane Jones, Te Whakanaketanga Ōhanga ā Rohe, Te Minita o Te Ngahere

The pōwhiri was followed by a ceremonial planting of native trees at Te Kura o Manutuke then all returned to the Marae to plant more. A magnificent totara was planted by the Minister at the Kura as a symbol of the first of the billion trees the Government plans to plant over the next ten years. He was joined in the ceremony by Rongowhakaata Iwi and Rongowhakaata Ikaroa Rawhiti MP in her capacity as Associate Minister of Agriculture, Mayor Meng Foon, interim head of Forestry at MPI Julie Collins and Cindy Wills chair of Te Kura o Manutuke Board of Trustees. Five symbolic variety of natives were planted including kowhai, totara, kahikatea, puriri and matai. “I committed to kick off the billion dollar tree planting project here in Manutuke including exotic as well as native plantings,” said Shane. “Although some will not be commercial they can be carbon forest plantings and basically for the public good. Increased native trees will address the woeful report from the Ministry of Environment on the state of our land and major issues with erosion.” He noted the strong desire particularly among young people for the native trees and estimated that these will make up around a third of the total plantings. He also spoke of the need to work with the National Roads Board to address roading issues Te Tairāwhiti is facing with the increasing volume of wood being transported around the region.

He wā i whakapaungia i te marae o Manutuke ki te pōwhiri i Te Minita Whakahōnoretanga Shane Jones, Te Whakanaketanga Ōhanga ā Rohe, Te Minita hoki o Te Ngahere. He hokinga whakaaro i te tūnga atu o Taharākau ki te mihi atu ki a ia, nā te mea, kapo ana te mahara ki tōna pāpā a Joss Stewart i te marae o Pipitea i Whanganui ā Tara hiatau ki muri, ana ko tana tama tēnei e mihi atu nei ki a ia. I whakaputa hoki ia i Whakahōnore Pene Henare Minita mo te kaha hōhonu o te kaupapa e pā ana ki Pīpīwhākao. Te Whānau Ora, Te Rangatahi, Te Hapori Whai muri mai ka whakatōngia ngā rākau Māori i te me Te Wāhanga Kaimahi Kore Utu me kura o Manutuke. Nā te Minita i rumaki te tōtara tuatahi hei tohu mo te piriona tāra i whakaaetia e te Te Minita Tuarua mo te Whanaketanga Kāwana mo te tekau tau kei mua. Katahi ka hoki anō Pāpori ki te marae ki te whakatō anō i ētahi atu. I reira te Associate Minister of Agriculture, Mayor Meng Foon, I hui tahi te Whakahōnore Pene Henare ki ētahi interim head of Forestry at MPI Julie Collins and Cindy roopu i a ia i Tūranganui ā Kiwa i tēnei marama, ā, Wills chair of Te Kura o Manutuke Board of Trustees. i peka atu hoki ki Tūranga Ararau me Te Hauora o Tūranga. Ki tāna ka kaha tonu rātou ko te Pāti Reipa E rima ngā momo rākau Māori I whakatōngia, ara, ki te whakapūmau i te kaupapa Whānau Ora engari ko te kowhai, tōtara, kahikatea, pūriri me te matai. mā te āta tirotiro e whakarite he āhua tautoko me “Ū tonu ahau ki te whakamana, ki te whakatinana i te tuku ā ngā rā e heke mai nei. te kaupapa rumaki i te piriona tāra rākau me ētahi atu rākau whakapaipai. Ahakaoa ehara ētahi hei I kōrero hoki ia mo te iti hoki o ngā rauemi a Te Minita whakapiki i te taha ōhanga, he pai tonu mo te taiao. mo Te Rangatahi hei whakahaere I ngā kaupapa Mā tēnei hoki e whakatau te horo o te whenua. Kite me te tiro hāngai ki ngā hauā Māori, ngā uri o ngā tonu ia I te kaingākau o te hunga pākeke kit e rumaki Moutere, me ngā wāhine taiohi. rākau Māori ā mā rātou hoki ka eke kit e paiheneti o te rumaki. I puta hoki ngā whakaaro mo ngā rori o te E ai ki a ia me āta tirotiro te taha mo Te Hapori me rohe, ara ko ngā waka kawe ēra puta noa I te motu. Te Wāhanga Kaimahi Kore Utu, me tana kite hoki

Honourable Shane Jones Regional Economic Development and Forestry Minister A most poignant time was spent on Sunday 23 April commencing with a powhiri at Te Marae o Manutuke during which time Shane Jones, the Regional Economic Development and Forestry Minister in his reply to the welcome from tangata whenua acknowledged the late Joss Stewart and his kōrero many years ago at Pipitea Marae in Wellington. He spoke about how significant it was that his son Taharakau was now welcoming him onto the Marae. He also spoke about the significance of Pīpīwhakao.

Ko Shane Jones rāua ko Meka Whaitiri

Photo courtesy of Gisborne Herald

he nui rawa atu ngā roopu mahi atawhai kei Aotearoa nei, ana, koinei te pūtake ko te me te arotake hoki ngā Komiti Arohaina.

Honourable Pene Henare Minister for Whānau Ora, Youth, Community and Voluntary Sector The Honourable Pene Henare met with a number of groups while he was in Tūranganui ā Kiwa this month including Te Rūnanga o Tūranganui ā Kiwa, Tūranga Ararau and Tūranga Health. He advised that he and his Labour Party colleagues are committed to the retention of Whānau Ora but a review will determine how it will be supported and delivered in the future.

He noted the limited resources the Ministry of Youth have on which to operate and how it will focus on Māori, Pacifica, disabled and women taiohi. In respect of the Community and voluntary sector he noted the large number of registered charitable organisations there are in New Zealand and how this needs to be looked at as well as a review of the Charities Commission. Ngā kaimahi and trustee Moera Brown of Te Rūnanga o Tūranganui ā Kiwa with Minister Peeni Henare on his recent visit to Tūranganui ā Kiwa


Pipiwharauroa Te Pihopatanga


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Pipiwharauroa Te Pihopatanga

More photos from the day can be found on our facebook page: Facebook.com/Pipi.Wharauroa

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Pipiwharauroa ANZAC 2018

Māori Battalion and at the gates of Toko Toru Tapu Church

Muriwai Marae

Muriwai WWI Memorial Hall

Tamariki bringing on the wreaths at Muriwai Marae

Whānau having a catch up at Muriwai Marae

ANZAC Service at Te Karaka War Memorial - Photos by Tama Brown

Ray Patterson and Albert Hunt at the Iluka ANZAC Day

ANZAC at Mangatū Marae, Whatatutu - Photos Rene Babbington

Keita Morgan

Pipiwharauroa He Kitenga, He Hokinga Whakaaro

He Raumahara He whakamārama:

Kei te mihi ki ngā āhuatanga o te wā, ki ngā kokona kāinga kōrero, ki te hunga nā rātou tēnei taonga i whakarere mai hei whakamaumaharatanga ki a rātou mā. Kei te Ahorangi, Taiarahia Black, te rangatira, te tohunga o te kōrero, ko tēnei te mihi nui mo tō whakaaetanga mai kia whakarewatia tēnei waiata me ōna whakamāramatanga katoa ki ōna uri arā a Rongowhakaata, me kii, ki Tūranganui a Kiwa i te Pīpīwharauroa. Aku mihi nui ki a koe.

Inā tēnei waiata a Pinepine te kura



Nā Gaylene Taitapanui

Pinepine te kura

(He waiata matakite, he waiata tangi)


nā Te Kooti Ārikirangi Te Tūruki

45. Ē hika mā, ē! Ko te kupu 'E hika ma' no rota i te Tairawhiti tenei kupu 'E hika, he kupu hei ui atu ki te tangata. Inā ia te kai. Kua Ci mai nei te whakarau mauherehere a Te Kooti, ko tana whakaarr kua puta, kua takoto te reo whakahT o te kawanatanga kia patua ratau. 46. Tōia ki uta rā haehaetia ai. Kia tōia mai rātau i tō rātau kaipuke te Rifleman ka haehae rawatia kia mate 47. Tunu ai i te manawo, ka kainga. Kaia tēnei ko te āhua o ngā pakanga ō mua. Ka mate he rangatira, ka tunua, ka kainga tōna manawa hei mau i te mana ki tētahi atu, kia haere, kia mau tonu ai te mana o te rangatira whakaheke tonu. 48. Ka pau mō Koro-timutimu, mō Tauranga koāu. Ko te putake ake o te waiata nei nā Te Umurangi i tuhi kei kona e kī ana a Paraire Tōmoana ko Karo Timutimu, he tipua tēnei kei te ākau i Ahuriri mā reira te waka whakaeke ai, ka kai i te kirikiri. (Ngata & Jones: 90, 66). Ko Tauranga-koau he kopanga kei Te Matau-ā-Maui (Cape Kidnappers). Kei te hoki ngā mahara o Te Kooti i a ia i kawea hetia nei ki Wharekauri mai i Ahuriri. 49. Koia te riri pokanoa, kā kai ki te waipiro. Ko te hiahia tonu o Te Kooti ki te hoki atu ki Tūranganui-ā-Kiwa, ēngari i te mau tonu te kino ki a ia mai i ētahi o Rongowhakaata, o Ngāti Porou me te hunga Pākehā takawaenga. (Tirohia rārangi 5 o tenei waiata). Atu i ngā tikanga Pākehā i tāmi i te iwi Māori, ko te waipiro anō tētahi mea kikino e whakaanuanu nei i te noho a te hāpori Māori, tae mai hoki taua āhuatanga anuanu (waipiro) ki ēnei rā. 50. Ka kai ki te whakamā, ki te mauāhara. I rota i ērā rau tau ka pōraruraru ā-wairua, ā-tinana te iwi i tēnei kai te waipiro. Arā atu anō ngā hara ko ngā ture e maukino nei i te whenua, kā riro te mana, kā noho puhore te iwi. Ko te whakamā e korerotia nei he tohu mamae, he tohu pouri i te nui o nga mauahara i whakawhiua ki runga i a Te Kooti. 51. Me whakarere atu ēnā mahi kino. Wai ho atu, tukua atu ena mahi te waipiro kia hoki atu ki tōna anō nohanga. E anipā ana te ngākau o Te Kooti mo te ngaro, tukino o te mana Māori. Ka murua hētia ngā whenua ka ngaro te ōranga tonutanga o tāua te Māori. 52. Ē hika mā e! Ko tana ui atu, tā Te Kooti tonu ki ngā iwi, ko te 'rongopai me te rangimarie' ē hika ma hei kawe i a tatau. He tohu whakaaroha nona i rota i nga aruaru nui e pehi mai nei. I tangi ai tana ngākau i ngā aituā, i ngā muru whenua.

Page 11








Pinepine te kura, hau te kura, whanake te kura i raro i Awarua, Ko te kura nui, ko te kura roa, ko te kura nā Tūhae-pō, Tēnei te tira hou, tēnei haramai nei, Nā te rongopai, nā te rangimarie, Naumai! Ka haere tāua ki roto ō Tūranga, Kia whakangungua koe ki te mīni, Ki te hōari, ki te pū hurihuri; Ngā rākau kōhuru a te Pākehā e takoto nei! Piki ake, kake ake i te toi huarewa; Te arā ō Ēnoka i piki ai ki runga, I rokohinga atu rā Maikuku-Makākā, Hapainga te aroha, he waha i pā mai, Taku wahine purotū, taku tāne purotū, Kōrua ko te tau e! Whakakake e te ture i te kīnga tō waha, Nō runga rawa koe, nō te mana o Kūini e tū nei, Nā Rangi-tū koe, nā te Kotahitanga, nā Tāne rawa koe, nā Pūre-tawhiti, Na kaunati hikahika, te kaunati o tō tīpuna ō Rāwiri, I haere ai i te rei nui ao, kā hika i tana ahi, Kimihia e te iwi te arā ō te tikanga, I pai ai te noho i te ao nei! Kai Tūranga-nui he mata pū, he patu i te tangata kia mate, Mate maungarongo hoki rā i haere ai i te ara, Ko koutou anake e titikaha mai nā! E kai ō koutou mata i te kohu e tatao, I waho i te moana o Toka-āhuru, Ko te kopae o te whare, te arā tōtara, Te hua wai parae, e koia te korari, Tēnei, e te iwi te wā ki to koutou whanaunga, Te wa ua mai nei ki te hua i te kai, E kai ō koutou mata ki runga o Paparatū Karokaro i te tai turi ō koutou taringa kia areare ai; Me te whakarongo atu ki ngā kī atu Kaua ahau e patua, Mōku anake te ārai ō Tūranga, Te matenga ō Māhaki i mau ai te rongo patipati, I mātakitakina ai, koia hika mātakitaki, Whiti, kē mai koe i rainahi nei! Te ai ō mahara ka mate au i Waerenga-ā-hika, Te kī mai koe me whakawā marire, Hopu ana koe i ahau, kawe ana ki Wharekauri, Ka manene mai ou i rō te wai, Ka ū ana ko Whareongaonga, Ka pā ko te waha o te Kāwana Ē hika mā, ē! Inā ia te kai, Tōia ki uta rā haehaetia ai, Tunu ai i te manawo, ka kainga Ka pau mō Koro-timutimu, mō Tauranga koāu Koia te riri pokanoa, kā kai ki te waipiro Ka kai ki te whakamā, ki te mauāhara Me whakarere atu ēnā mahi kino, Ē hika mā e! Ko ngā whakataetae: • • • • •

1868-2018 Tēna koutou ngā Puna Ako o Te Tairāwhiti, Ā te 10 o Hongongoi 2018 ka whakanuia te 150 tau o te hokinga mai o Te Kooti me te Whakarau i Wharekauri me te tīmatanga o te Hāhi Ringatū. Kei te whakahaeretia e Te Hāhi Ringatū o Te Tairāwhiti he whakataetae mā ngā kura Tuatahi, Tuarua o te rohe o te Rāwhiti hei tautoko i te kaupapa. Ko te pūtake o aua whakataetae hei arotake i te whānuitanga o tō rātou mātauranga e pā ana ki Te Hāhi Ringatū i waenga hoki i te hapori.

Toi Haki Waiata Pao Rotarota Tito Waiata Hou Tuhi Pūrākau

Te Pakeke Mai i te Kōhanga ki te Kura Tuarua Whakaaronuitia he āhuatanga hei tautoko, hei āwhina i tēnei kaupapa whakahirahira e pā ana ki ngā hītori o te rohe, o te motu. He kaupapa ahurei tēnei e taea ai e ngā rangatahi, ngā kōhanga ki ngā Kura Tuarua te whakatairanga i ngā pākihi. He tono tēnei mo ētahi koha hei tuku ki a rātou ka eke panuku! Ki te hiahia mōhio koe-waea mai ki ahau. Tui Vazey 021 1552446 Te Hāhi Ringatū o Te Tairāwhiti



Pipiwharauroa NZ Māori (Pioneer) Battalion

Page 12

Māori in the First World War 100 YEARS AGO: WAR IN FRANCE 1918


MAORI (PIONEER) BATTALION, APRIL 1918 There was a gradual increase in enemy shelling until on 5 April the Hamel–Hébuterne line was bombarded in depth and enemy infantry attacked towards the high ground east of Colincamps. The Germans were trying to reach Doullens in the hope of encircling the British in Arras. The only major set-piece attack the New Zealand Division experienced on the Western Front was easily repulsed. Enemy guns harassed all roads and communication trenches, paying particular attention to the valley running south from Colincamps towards MaillyMaillet. When some 60-pounders beside C Company’s billets were targeted, Private Taha Kara took the full blast of one shell. He ‘was killed instantaneously and another boy wounded.’ The company moved quickly into nearby fields. C Company suffered further losses later that morning while out wiring in the vicinity of the line. Privates Godfrey Fairlie, Papara Tamaauahi and Pera Te Hau were killed, while Second Lieutenants Jimmy Thompson and Rehe Amohanga (slightly) and seven ORs were wounded. Thompson’s wounds to the hip, buttock, shoulder and wrist caused by HE fragments were serious, and according to oral accounts LanceCorporal Tamati Taiapa saved his life. The young NCO crawled out to where the officer lay, stitched him up with a bootlace and carried him back to safety. For his bravery Taiapa was awarded the Military Medal, the citation for which read: L-Cpl Taiapa was one of a party engaged in wiring in the forward area near Colincamps. The enemy put down a very heavy barrage and L-Cpl Taiapa’s platoon commander was seriously wounded. At great personal risk Taiapa went through the barrage to obtain assistance from the aid post and … later on went back a second time to bring a stretcher. He showed great courage and coolness. After a funeral for those killed was held in a British cemetery behind Bertrancourt, C Company and two platoons of D Company went out to work again that afternoon. They dug platoon posts which would command the Hedauville valley if the right flank of the Division gave way. For the next fortnight, A, B and C Companies concentrated on wiring this area. The Pioneers were often short of materials and had to salvage much of what they needed. The idea was to establish a defensive system in depth – line after line of prepared and wired defences, with hidden machine guns covering every avenue of approach. ‘We are awfully busy now’, wrote Sergeant Brooking. ‘We have so far stopped the enemy’s on rush, consolidating & getting ready for him again. It has been raining most of the time and of course the mud is awful…. We are now only sleeping in our great coats as blankets etc have been taken away.’ On 25 April the Division handed over the MaillyMaillet sector and took on the Hébuterne sector. A Company was detailed to work at Hébuterne, so its four platoons moved up to the valley below Saillyau-Bois to be closer to the job.

Pioneers constructing a barbed-wire entanglement on open ground near Colincamps, 21 April 1918. Photo ref: Henry Armytage Sanders, 1/2-013134-G, ATL

The month of April had been spent digging new trenches, erecting strongpoints, wiring, and on many other tasks which would help the Division resist another enemy onslaught. The labour was carried out in showery weather, on reverse slopes free from enemy observation. The Germans had penetrated as much as 40 miles on Fifth Army’s front, and while this was remarkable in the context of the war, this was territory of little strategic value. Much of it had been relinquished voluntarily by the Germans in February 1917. The Maori Pioneers lamented when they heard that the Germans had recaptured Messines, Hill 63 and Passchendaele during Operation Georgette (9-29 April). The casualties for 1–30 April were: WOUNDED DOW 41 2


Many of the sick men were suffering from what was officially known as pyrexia of unknown origin (PUO), the easily contracted and difficult to eradicate trench fever. PUO was generally identified by a fever with no discernible cause. In most cases the sick men were only away from the unit for a few days. During April, many of the men who had been evacuated from Ypres rejoined the unit. Two officers and 124 ORs returned from hospital, while 91 men and four officers had arrived as reinforcements. Seven NCOs had graduated as officers: 16/858 16/262 16/1233 16/268 16/1306 16/870 16/856

CSM Mema Wickham (Wikamu) CQMS William Davis Sgt Edgar Butt Sgt Harry Jacob Sgt C. McManus, MM Sgt Pani Paora-Chamberlin Sgt Whetu Werohia

WAIATA IRIRANGI Radio Jingle/Pao Write and sing a short radio jingle to celebrate 150 years of Te Haahi Ringatu. A jingle is a short slogan, verse or tune. There are six sections: Under 5 Māori Under 5 English Years 1-4 Māori Years 1-4 English Years 5-8 Māori Years 5-8 English (Each composition can be entered into one category only)

Criteria: • • • • • •

Be the students own ORIGINAL creation Solo, duo or groups Be performed by students attending the school that entered the composition Be 15-20 seconds in length To be emailed in mp3 format to kupuwhakaari@ gmail.com Write a short explanation (200 words or less) about your Original Song and how it links to the theme – 150 years of Te Haahi Ringatu

Closing date: All entries need to be submitted to Te Runanga o Turanga nui a Kiwa, Reception, Nga Wai e rua Building, Level 3, Cnr of Reads Quay and Lowe Street, Gisborne No later than Wednesday 30 of May, 2018, 3pm Winners entries will be contacted no later than the Wednesday 20th June, 2018 The winning entries will be played on Tūranga FM during the 150th Commemoration of Te Haahi Ringatu. Contact Tui Vazey for more information – 0211552446 or email kupuwhakaari@gmail.com

Win Prizes for your Kōhanga/School!!!


Page 13

NgĀ Tama Toa

Ko tēnei kōrero e pā ana ki te pukapuka rongonui nei, ara Ngā Tama Toa: The Price of Citizenship. Kei te whakamāoritia ngā kōrero, ā, ko Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Porou kei te whakahaere i te kaupapa nei, i raro anō o te mana i tukua mai e ngā mōrehu o C Company o Ngā Taonga a Ngā Tama Toa Trust. Nā Wiremu and Jossie Kaa i whakamāori tēnei wāhanga.

MA ENEI E WHAKATUTUKI TE MAHI KI UTA KI ITARIA (Continued from last month) Ahakoa nga kaupapa aukati a Wirepa mo te haere a Gage i te taha o te C Company, kare katoa he painga o ana mahi aukati i te tangata. Ko te mutunga iho i wikitiria te poi upoko _ maro o Te Whanau-a-Apanui. Ka haere tahi me C. Company, a, na kone1 pea e wehe atu a1 te mate i tana tinana. I hikoitia e Te Maori Battalion te kotahi rau maero i roto i te ono ra. Ka hikoi i te po, a, ka whakata i te awatea. I tenei wa, ko nga apiha o C. Company ko wenei: Ko Capt Tutu Wirepa te Commanding Officer, (O.C.); Ko Capt Bully Jackson (2.I.C.); Ko Lt Everard Jackson (13 Platoon); Ko 2nd Lt George Tamahori (14 Platoon); Ko 2nd Lt Wi Reedy (15 Platoon); He tuakana-taina te karangatanga o Wirepa me Everard Jackson, me Bully Jackson, a, he toa katoa nga


Tuhituhi he kōrero hei whakanui i te 150 tau o Te Haahi Ringatū. Write an essay celebrating 150 years of Te Haahi Ringatū.

Open to all students from Year 5 to Year 13 There are three sections: 250 Words 500 words 1000 words Criteria: • Tuhi Kōrero need to be single spaced with a word count provided at the bottom right hand corner • Entries must show no name, address or identifying marks other than the Title • Entries are anonymous, therefore all entries need to have a Title. Entries are not returned so keep a copy • Amendments cannot be made once an entry has been submitted • Entries must not have been published on any online forum nor placed in any other competition • 10 entries per section (250, 500, 1000) are permitted from each KKM, Wharekura, Kura Reo Māori

tokotoru nei mo nga mahi takaro. Ko Everard, ko to ratau tuakana, i purei mo Niu Tireni i mua i tana urunga atu ki te army. I whakaritea kia rua, kia toru ranei nga hoia tawhito, no nga Reinforcements o mua noa atu, ki ia platoon, ki ia platoon, ko te nuinga hoki o nga hoia nei i whawhai ki te pakanga o Alamein. Inaianei kei te whakakiki ratau i nga tunga kei te Headquarters Company, ara, ki nga tunga kei tawhiti mai o te mura o te ahi, a, ki te kore mai tena, kua whakarerea atu ratau ki Maadi, hei tereina i nga Reinforcements hou.

HE AITUA NA NGA PU OTE HAU KAENGA I whakahaeretia ki Al Burg el Arab, nga momo kaupapa katoa e kitea ana i te mura o te ahi, mo nga roopu hoia katoa. Ko te ngako o te kaupapa nei, he whakamohio atu ki nga hoia hou nga ahuatanga ka pa ki a ratau i te pae o te pakanga. No nga ra whakamutunga 0 Hepetema, ka whakarite he kokiri mo tetahi po. I te kokiri nei, ka ahei te Maori Battalion ki te whakamahi i nga artillery, tae atu hoki ki te parakatihi i nga momo whakahaere i wikitoria ai ratau i Alamein. Ko te mahi ma C me D Company ko te anga whakamua me te whakaeke atu i te hoariri i raro i te kaupapa e kiia nei ko te 'Creeping Barrage.

Ko 13 Platoon kei mua rawa e haere ana, i mua i to ratau hoki whakamuritanga mai. I whai a Petera Kaa i te tauira a tetahi o nga hoia tawhito o tana tekihana.' He hoia tawhito, a Sam Wanoa, ka mea mai ki au 'Aue! Whakamutua atu! E huke taua!' Ana, ka oma maua'. Maro tonu te haere whakamua a Tamahori me tana roopu, a, ka tae mai te karere ki a ia e kii atu ana kei te pirangi a Tutu Wirepa te O.C., kia haere atu te apiha Ngati Porou nei kia kite i a ia. Ana ka whakarerea e Tamahori tana Platoon ki tana haihana ki a Frank Tibble. Ka tae atu ki a Wirepa, ka mea mai tera 'mahau e whakahaere te roopu headquarters: Ka mea noa atu a Wirepa ki a Tamahori, 'kua roa ke awau e tarai ana ki te whakapa atu ki a Everard ma runga waea, engari kare he whakautu mai. Kei te haere awau ki te rapu i a ia'. Katahi ka tonoa atu e Tamahori he karere ki a Capt Matehaere, te apiha o D Company, engari me te mea nei kua hoki whakamuri ano a ia me wana tangata.

Ana'ko nga pu kei muri i nga roopu hoia nei e puhipuhi mata atu ana kia tau ki te kotahi rau iari i mua tonu atu o nga roopu hoia nei. Ka pau te rima meneti e puhipuhitia atu ana, ka anga whakamua atu ano te 'barrage' mo tetahi kotahi rau iari ano, a, ko te artillery e anga whakamua atu ana ki te whakawatea i te rohe i nga morehu o te hoariri. Ka whakapuaki George Tamahori, i ana mauharatanga mo tenei wa. Ko ia hoki te apiha o nga tangata toru tekau o 14 Platoon: Timata ana te paku o nga pu, kare i te tika te rere a nga mata. Ka porepore haere ... Fortunately 'JK' Reid was in my platoon. I haere mai, ka ki mai ki au, 'E hoa, kare i te tika te rere o nga mea ra'. Ki mai ki au, 'E haere, pull out'. Ka ki atu au, 'Kare e taea e au te pull out'. 'Oh well, kei te haere au. Akuni ka drop short nga mata'.


Design and make a flag that represents your school or classroom Judging: • The judges decision is final and no individual correspondence can be entered into • Judges are unable to comment on individual entries • Judging is fair and unbiased. Experienced readers assist the named judges in selecting the shortlisted entries and winning entries Closing date: All entries need to be submitted to Te Rūnanga o Tūranganui a Kiwa, Reception, Nga Wai e rua Building, Level 3, Cnr of Reads Quay and Lowe Street, Gisborne, No later than Wednesday 30 of May, 2018, 3pm Entries: • Postal entries must be typed single sided, securely fastened with a staple. Each entry to be on a new sheet, and contained in one envelope • Email, Online entries, the file name must be the title of the entry and it must either be a .doc, .docx, .pdf, and confirmed in an email that entry has been received • Receipt If you require a Receipt, enclose a stamped addressed postcard marked Acknowledgement • Winners: Winning entries will be contacted no later than the Wednesday 20 June, 2018, For more information contact Morehu Pewhairangi, 0211019060 or email kupuwhakaari@gmail.com

Criteria • Your Flag needs to be 1-1.5 metre in length and no more than 1m wide. • Write a short explanation (200 words or less) that shows how symbolism is used to represent your classroom or school AND contrasts to the symbols used by Te Haahi Ringatū Competition is open to all Kōhanga, ECE centres, Y1-4, Y5-8, Y9-13 students Closing date: All entries need to be submitted to Te Rūnanga o Tūranganui a Kiwa, Reception, Ngā Wai e Rua Building, Level 3, Cnr of Reads Quay and Lowe Street, Gisborne No later than Wednesday 30 of May, 2018, 3pm Winners: Winners will be contacted no later than the Wednesday 20 June 2018 Winning entries will be displayed at Te Whare Taonga o Tūranga during the 150th Celebration For more information contact Karen Pewhairangi 02123451933 or email kupuwhakaari@gmail.com




Pipiwha'rauroa Page 14

Pipiwharauroa Tūranga Health

Page 15

April 2018

Eke Tū empowers whānau

to go for big wins!

Eke Tū is a wrap-around Tūranga Health programme run by kaiāwhina Bernie Semau. It uses exercise and healthy lifestyle education to help whānau manage and improve chronic conditions like obesity and diabetes. Read on whānau! IT'S a sunny autumn morning and at Tūranga Health's city-centre gym questions about medication are coming thick and fast. “What do I do if I have side effects?” How do I manage my medication when I go overseas?” Why am I getting nose bleeds?” Nurse Kimi Biddle is up front fielding the questions triggered by her presentation, but this – along with talks on issues like nutrition – is just the first part of the Eke Tū sessions run by Tūranga Health. Kaiāwhina Bernie Semau has a part to play, too, talking about diet and leading whānau through specially-tailored exercise programmes to help those with chronic conditions manage their health. Participants are referred by their GPs and to make sure everyone can get along there’s a choice of location, timing, and settings in Gisborne and Te Karaka. And while up to 30 people are gathered in the gym for this particular session, not all of them have health issues like diabetes or heart disease: some are whānau there in support. Tūranga Health chief executive Reweti Ropiha says that's as it should be. “There needs to be a certain amount of compliance around things like diet and medication, how involved the whānau is, it’s the litmus test for us,” he says.

“Traditionally, the process of supporting those with chronic conditions has only involved the individual but with Eke Tū we say ‘why not widen that approach to make sure the whānau are at the centre of it’.” Mr Rophia likens the programme to Green Prescription “but on steroids”. “We had to come up with a really rigorous programme that provides tools for individuals and whānau to achieve better health outcomes,” he says. “And that's something that is usually easy to measure. For example, if someone has been averaging 10 nights in hospital a month and we can help them get that down to six, then that's a big win.” For Bernie, the programme's strength is how it gives people the tools to manage their own health. “Eke Tū gives patients an opportunity to increase fitness, lose weight and improve their overall health,” he says. “By giving our patients the knowledge, skills and motivation to make good decisions in daily life we’re empowering them to take a leading role in their own care.” Nan Morrison-Rowe (main picture), Wawata Rogers (centre) and Dawn Wihongi, Annette Ransley, and Matewa Kaa enjoy taking part in Eke Tū. Images: Kevin Weatherley.

Pipiwharauroa Tūranga Ararau

Page 16

Tairāwhiti Waka Hourua

Page 16

Forestry Diploma Students Graduate

Tūranga Ararau staff had the opportunity this month to take a short trip on the locally based Tairāwhiti Voyaging Waka. Pictured here (right) are Pete Ruha and Nigel Te Aho keeping the waka on course. Below right are Kiri Hawea, Kapene Kuki, Joelene Takai, Margey Moeke and Adam Maynard navigating the waka safely back into the harbour.

Two of our Tūranga Ararau 2016 Forestry Management students completed their second year at Toi Ohomai and have now graduated with The New Zealand Diploma in Forestry Management Level 6. Pictured are Wiliam Hollis (far left) who is contracting to the forest industry and Shideen Nathan-Ngaranoa (3rd from left) who is on contract work with SCION in Rotorua as a Field Technician with its scientific research department.

Forestry Logging - Levels 2 & 3

• • • • • • •

Supportive learning environment Real industry skills Experience in the industry Plenty of employment opportunities Ongoing support in work No fees No student debt


Ruapani Forestry Training Centre 385 Childers Road or Corner of Kahutia & Bright Streets PO Box 1342 GISBORNE - TŪRANGA Freephone 0508 38 38 38 Ph: +64-6-868 1081 Fax: +64-6-868 1061 Email: enquiries@ta.org.nz Website: www.ta.org.nz

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