Animal Observation with IPTouch

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Animal Communication Begins With What You SEE.

Not a steering wheel! Horse Lip Tension tells the story. • Tongue • Facial Nerve • Airway • Temporal Mandibular Joint • Atlas-Axis- POLL Pain response creates an increase in the sympathetic nervous system’s flight response.

Tension Pattern Observation

Emotional Stress becomes physical and emotional.

What type of tension pattern may stress, emotional or nutritional create?

Skin should move!

Restful and emotionally safe

BODIES: Skin, lips, ears… should move, and feel soft. Have a healthy warm temperature!


Geriatric Spinal Alignment. Weight management if possible

Innovative Pet Therapy


Innovative Pet Therapy

Tension from life such as sports, travel, fatigue, and boredom…can cause skin tension, creating fascia (connective tissue) to stick. This is a natural tension pattern.

Fascial sticking causes poor muscular hydration. Oxygenated blood can’t reach muscles due to constricted blood vessels.

Tension Patterns

Muscles shorten and become ischemic due to lactic acid waste products and lack of oxygen. This hurts. A decrease in muscle power results because the muscle cannot be used at its full capacity.

Decreased joint movement follows next. Because of decreased active movement, joints are not lubricated enough.

The animal may become agitated or depressed and find it difficult to pay attention or cooperate with humans. Dis-ease has set in.


IPTouch can unlock tension patterns and reverse this process preventing tension patterns from becoming too severe and causing disease. Use IPTouch for animal wellness.

Innovative Pet Therapy


Tendon Reflex Response: Tight ligaments, dis-ease, and rapid movements will cause this reflex to jerk the extremity back to a perceived safe position. IPTouch does not use “range of motion” or “stretching” with animals. Through certain PE techniques, IPTouch will achieve Positional Elongation of limbs and skin with the animal’s comfort and permission.

Functional Terminology

Proprioceptors: These are sensors located in tendons and muscles that help prevent injury. The Golgi Apparatus monitors tendon lengthening speed and tolerance, and the Muscle Spindle senses movement in the muscle belly, protecting tissues from over-elongating.

Soft Tissue PNS Activation: Relaxation and softening of soft tissue may facilitate oxygenated blood flow nutrition.

Atrophy: Direct tissue trauma, decreased circulation, lack of use, and poor nerve supply will all make muscles lose size and strength.

Study Activity

Add definitions to this physiology to prevent dis-ease.

Neurological Bonding Mechanism

Parasympathetic Nervous System

GATE Theory

Oxygenated Blood Flow

Innovative Pet Therapy


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