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Innovative Pet Therapy

IPTouch small pet ‘ANIMA’ YOGA-Fusion the true inner self For Small Pets & Their human Bunny, Cat, Ferret, Bird, Goat…will ALL benefit from ‘ANIMA’

Pet Responsibilities • • •

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I understand the IPT’s pet wellness programs are NOT for medical personnel with the interest of “treating” animals. This program is specifically designed for pet owners and their bonding time with their pets. I understand that learning the basics of ‘ANIMA” Yoga is not for diagnostic purposes, but for the general comfort and well-being of my pet. I understand that IPT training is not a replacement for my pet’s medical care & this information is for my own personal learning experience. I understand IPT programs are designed specifically for pet owners. This program is NOT for those interested in beginning an animal based business or animal “treatment” agendas. I understand the IPTouch and other IPT programs created by IPT management are NOT available for veterinarian use unless authorized by IPT. IPT programs are copyrighted. I take full responsibility over my pet’s social skills. I take full responsibility for mine and other pet’s safety and reactions during IPTouch class time. I take full responsibility for the health and well-being of my pet during IPT class time. I do not hold IPT responsible in any way for injury to my pet, myself or others during IPT classes. I understand the instructor may ask my pet & I to leave the teaching area if an unsafe situation should arise. Food, water are prohibited from inside the sanctuary. It is strongly suggested a walk or playtime be done before ‘ANIMA’. My pet is healthy and free of any communicable dis-eases. My pet is up to date with their vaccinations.

Introduction •

You yourself should be physically fit and aware of your own body’s tolerance to motion.

Be aware of your pet’s body language & fascial expression.

All poses can be passive or active, static or dynamic. Ask your pet

Your pet is the modification guide & Human is the translation guide.

Space Needs: your pet may be social however body language of another may create a misunderstood reaction.

Bathroom Requests: Diapers are always welcome & NOT a punishment.

DIS-EASE will facilitate patterns of modification, permission & needs

Medical Awareness: Diabetes, Obesity, Arthritis, Respiratory…


No Sad Pet or Breeding Stories Allowed.


‘ANIMA’ Salutation Chant The goal of IPT ‘ANIMA’ is to create the optimal health and strengthen the human-animal bond for overall happier, healthier pets through bonding-touch & motion as one. IPT ‘ANIMA’ is Straight from my heart, Through my dreams, To my thoughts, Through my hands, To my physical studies, Shared through my actions & words…For animals all over the universe. Aromatherapy Harmony for a calming effect yet still allowing focus. (recommendations by Dr. Kim Henneman) Music Suggestions Enya, Clanad, Yanni


Totem Dog All Animal Totem Guides are welcome

Dog Totem is a cherished symbol representing protective loyalty. Those that have Canine, follow as their Power Guide, will prove to serve and believe in humanity. Power Dog guides strong spirit that is difficult to weaken. Dog & Human have found the need for life as one to survive, thus domestication of BOTH has been achieved. By not LISTENING to Dog conversation, sadness & mental agitation will occur. Dog Medicine encompasses unwavering friendship with unbridled protective energy Dog Totem guides us towards compassionate patience and acceptance of life's journeys.

‘ANIMA’ LANGUAGE Suggested Props Thick Large Blanket, Round Sticky Mat, Medium Bolster, Large Ball, Folding Exercise Pen… Guardian Poses, Your Pranayama Foundation Poses, Permission Poses, Bonding Poses Activation Poses, Standing Poses Seated Poses, Twisting Poses Restorative Poses

’ANIMA’ Language

1.’ANIMA’ Language Neurological PNS Activation GUARDIAN

Begin with your own Sun Salutation with Pet in the same mat area.


Dog Breathe: Ujjhia: Breathe with a rhythm as one. Meowing: Hum a sound for Animals to remain aware of you. Animal Stilling: Lightly blow towards animal nostrils for focus.


Snaking: Hands-on contact at all times. Gazurtal: Take time for each body part to soften. Lapdog: YOU must be a comfortable a translator.

’ANIMA’ Language

2.’ANIMA’ Language Neurological PNS Activation PERMISSION Fur Striping: Full body feather-like stroking. Animal Vibes: Rock and vibrate your pets body. Chakral Phantom Paw: Static touch for permission facilitation Leash Remover: Physical, physiological & spiritual warming BONDING Hugging Howl: Howl together & Dog Breathe as one. Puppy Pillow: Child Pose by laying over pet Down ‘over’ Dog: Eye to eye contact. CORE ‘ANIMA” Activation Poses, Standing, Seated, Twisting, RESTORATIVE Newspaper, Lying Lizard

‘ANIMA’ TRANSLATION ‘ANIMA’ represents True Inner Self. Possessing life & spirit creating a link to all life forms

‘ANIMA’ Translation Yoga is Sanskrit translated as union, integration, join, unite… Yogis know wisdom lives within nature. Observing animals guide the path toward postural awareness within ones practices.

Yogi Animal Wisdom

Using animal postures helps achieve physical and spiritual strength. Down Dog and Cobra poses enhance spinal awareness in flexion & extension movements. Breathing ‘ANIMA’: static or flowing balance & motion. Power ‘ANIMA’: dynamic strength Animals have physical and spiritual balance that flows through everything.

FS will activate a holding response

‘ANIMA’ Translation

'IPT ANIMA' • 'IPT ANIMA' will improve Dog's Physical, Spiritual, Emotional & Physiological well-being & inner calm.

• Improves oxygenated blood flow to tissue for nutritional joint motion & comfort.

• By experiencing 'IPT ANIMA' your Dog-Human bond & shared awareness will triple.

• Excellent for puppy to geriatric. Great for ALL shapes, sizes & sporting specialties.

• The friendship & comradery that both will experience goes beyond words. • Verbal conversation is not needed as 'IPT ANIMA' IS DogHuman communication through movement as one.

‘ANIMA’ Translation

Animal Bonding ‘mutual feelings of trust and affection’

IPT ‘ ANIMA” for adopted, wildlife, feral…is a MUST!

• Tolerance, Patience • Acceptance, Belief • Forgiveness, Exoneration • Loyalty, Devotion • Faithfulness, Fidelity • Steadfastness, Dedication • Commitment, Friendship • Guidance, Protection • Union • Connection • Link • Blend • Unification • Companionship

‘ANIMA’ ACCEPTANCE Dog will guide ‘ANIMA’ modification needs, while human translates ‘ANIMA’ conversation. Modification awareness is VERY important…LISTEN Animal Anatomical Position is Pet’s Position of Comfort.

Improve Observational Own Pet Awareness Digital Camera Doga Yoga for Dogs by Brilliant Bow Wow Yoga by Greengrass

Natural Dog Yogi

‘ANIMA’ Acceptance

Meditative • Pranayama: Ujjhia, breath awareness, Dog Breath or Meow. • Niyama: Self fortification, insight & realization facilitating respect & awareness of surrounding life. • Dhyana: Thoughtfulness, realize, take in, appreciate. • Tadasana: Mountain Pose of thought and consideration. • Passive Savasana: Corpse Pose with pillows. Emotional • Pratyahara: sense of coping • Samadhi: truthful contemplation • Dharana: Focus with attentiveness Physical • Asana: Pose, position, stance, posture.


Look Of Love Visual anatomy is the first contact between animals & humans.

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Hair-Fur sheen, dull, bald areas, etc. Eye distance apart determines visual awareness as well as age tolerances. Nostril & Rostrum size for breathing & activity tolerance. Ear position & pets age for hearing ability can cause agitated or relaxed behavior. Back sway vs. muscular with abdominal size. Standing Weight Shift Consistency Fascial expressions may seem a smile but may be stress. They may look similar! Sigh, Eyes soften, Skin moves, Assists & guides ‘ANIMA’ .

‘ANIMA’ Acceptance Center Of Gravity: for • Postural unloading. • Biomechanical alignment • Healthy anatomical use of joints • Healthy supportive tissue pumping. • Facilitation of healthy neuromuscular responses. • This supports a decreases in dis-ease and injury. • • • • • •

Stability Equilibrium Steadiness Control Evenness Neuromuscular Alignment

What is Balance


60% front weight bearing

‘ANIMA’ Acceptance

Positional Elongation Self Positional Elongation (PE) is goal the Of ‘ANIMA’.

Everything on your pet that can move should! Motion WITHOUT dis-ease is life.

• PE decreases extremity tension patterns & pacifies overly dominant personalities. • Awareness of spinal flexion, extension & rotational motions with extremity Elongation. • Facilitates balance & weight shifting control with activation of abdominal support. • Feel extremities and body begin to move & soften with permission. • PE ears, lips, tail, toes, head, neck Legs. ‘ANIMA” can be static or dynamic balance. • PE is through modified comfort with pet’s permission.

‘ANIMA’ Acceptance

Joints-Ligament, Muscle-Tendon Dog should move & self position with ease, NOT dis-ease Spine = Back Bursa, Neck, Shoulder Atlas, Axis, Neck Scapula, Shoulder, Elbow Ribs = Stomach Hips, Stifle, Sesmoid Bone Lumbar Spine, Tail Paws, Sesmoid Bones DOES SKIN MOVE?! Healthy spinal motion, nutritional & medical guidance by Dr Goldman (Pet Island Hospital Las Vegas Nevada) 702.646.7387.

‘ANIMA’ Acceptance

SA: Label ANIMA Body Observational Analysis Tail Hind Legs H Paws (toes) Pelvis Top Line Abdominal Scapular Angle Front Legs F Paws (toes) Neck Head Mouth Ears EYES!

SA: Label ANIMA Body POI/HCCU • • • • • • • • •

Masseter Latissimus Dorsi Temporalis Thoracolumbar Fascia Atlas-Axis Abdominal Apinerosis Sartorius Nuchal Ligament Gluteal Medius Brachialcephalicus Tail Depressors Rhomboids Cervical / Thoracic Serratus Subscapularis Infra. / Supr. Spinatus

‘ANIMA’ Acceptance

How &When to ‘ANIMA’

5 ‘ANIMA’ sessions for communication & body awareness • A non-trauma injury is usually a long tem compensation pattern. • Consider full body motion and COG. Not JUST the are of disease. • Improve your observational skills with your digital camera & watch you pet move EVERY day. • Stifle dis-ease will create compensation patterns in the spine & or front extremities. • Low back pain can cause shoulder dis-ease due to increased weight shifting patterns. • If your Dog is FAT YOU are killing them! Management of this begins with your veterinarian. • A stiff tail can be a message of back dis-ease. Tight neck skin and low head can be cervical dis-ease. • Use ‘ANIMA’ on walks, intertwined within your own practice, instead of a pet on the head, 2 poses before leaving for work, hire a petsitter or AMCP that has IPTouch ‘ANIMA’ training… • Handicapped is not an illness!

‘ANIMA’ POSES Your Pranayama Foundation Poses Permission Poses Bonding Poses Activation Poses Standing Poses Seated Poses Twisting Poses Restorative Poses

‘ANIMA’ Poses


A low sitting stool is best for the beginner ‘ANIMA’ team • Begin with your own Sun Salutation with Pet in the same mat area. • Human ‘ANIMA’-YOGA interaction for rhythmic breath, bonding & nourishment. GP is found AFTER ‘ANIMA” modification & balance has been obtained. • Human Yoga for your own wellbeing & spinal softening & with breath (Pranayama) activation. • Standing: Verasana: Forward Bend. • Seated: Dadasnana: Long Sitting, Janu Sirasansa: One leg bent to thigh with forward bend. • Twisting • Restorative

‘ANIMA’ Poses

YOUR PRANAYAMA Dog Breathe (The PAIgNT): Ujjhia: Breathe with a rhythm as one. This will create a rhythm and relaxation response for you and your animal client. Breathe with the rhythm of your pet’s dynamic or static ‘motion’. This will keep you, the human, aware of your own tension patterns, and guide you to LISTEN Meowing: Hum a sound. This has the same affect as Dog Breathing out loud. Animals will focus and remain aware of you and your time together. Animal Stilling: Lightly blow towards the animal’s nostrils or onto facial– head area. This will create an improved focus on each other.

‘ANIMA’ Poses

FOUNDATION POSES Facilitates bonded focused permission patterns Snaking: Hands-on contact at all times. Notice facial expressions, fascial tissue changes, ear positions, breathing patterns… If you relax and Dog Breathe, the animal will too. Gazurtal: Take time for each body part to soften. Patience allows proper time for tension patterns to release and modification clarity to be shared. Daily physical and emotional (personality) changes in your animal will guide ‘ANIMA’ practice as well. Lapdog: YOU must be a comfortable translator. Animals should also tolerate different positions. Example: Like a baby in your lap. Animals should be able to release their body and fully relax.

‘ANIMA’ Poses

PERMISSION POSES Creates permission for improved Positional Elongation

Fur Striping Animal Vibes Chakral Phantom Paw Leash Remover

Fur Striping


Pay attention to flinching, hot spots, over skin that does NOT move…LISTEN

Light, long feather-like stroking, always remaining in touch. This touch allows you to feel for areas of sensitivity that may need medical care. This touch readies the muscles and body systems for ‘ANIMA”. FS groin, mouth, under tail, ALL paws, inside ear flaps…


Animal Vibes Rock and vibrate your pets body and extremities to facilitate motion in the direction desire & for tension dissipation.


Chakral ‘Phantom Paw’ Begin with: Dog Breathe Add static IPTouch for • permission facilitation • Temperature & tension awareness. • Improve bonding communication Used for: All ‘anima’ poses as this facilitates: • Proprioceptive Balance • Coupling awareness • Abdominal activation


Permission Pre Activation

DO NOT push or work directly on the spine bones. • Physical, physiological & spiritual warming before & after ‘ANIMA’. • Helps flush Lactic Acid from the muscle tissue & prevents next day body dis-ease. • Great for trunk awareness and postural strengthening. • For increasing circulation to tissue for improved joint movement patterns. • Use the palms of both hands with a rhythmic ‘rub’ along the muscles of the back on either side of the spine. • Opposite to Opposite hand motion works best. FULL BODY…include shoulders, hips, neck… • Skin should move!

‘ANIMA’ Poses

BONDING POSES Creates connected attention

Hugging Howl Puppy Pillow Down ‘over’ Dog


• Pranayama with core strengthening: Howl together with head, face and breathe as one. Great for simultaneous bonding. • This ‘ANIMA’ bonding pose will also improve cervical extension & Activates abdominal musculature strength. • A great ambulance siren game together. Used for stimulation

Hugging Howl

Chakral Phantom Paw

Best with Dog. Rabbit does not understand this pose.


Puppy Pillow

• Child Pose by laying over pet. • Share abdominal (DB) breathing. • Used for full body and emotional ‘softening’.


Down ‘over’ Dog

• Down ‘over’ Dog: Asana for path of Dhyana. • Eye to eye contact over pet’s 3rd eye charka with a body part ‘Snaking’

‘ANIMA’ Poses

ACTIVATION POSES Pre Standing Activation Asana warming for body flexion, extension & circulation

Elephant Hug Spinal Embrace Walking Hooves

Pre Standing Activation

Elephant Hug Prop: Elephant Hug Towel • • • • •

Rounding of the FULL back and softening of rib cage attachments. Facilitate spinal flexion with interlocked fingers around pets chest while they are standing. Keep all paws in touch with the ground. Lift and release SLOWLY 5 times changing rib abdominal regions. Feel the body, rib cage, stomach & breath & ‘soften.

Pre Standing Activation

Spinal Embrace • Spinal extension warming with full support as pet’s front legs are lifted from the ground. • Stretches abdominal musculature for improved facial. • Elongation. Improves hind end gluteal & low back strength, & stifle. • Stability. Best for bonding tactile tolerance. • Use short pulsed positioning, allowing x4 paws to touch the ground with touching intervals. • While standing behind pet, guide them onto their hind legs elongating pet towards your chest and hug with slow weight shift movements.

Asana path to full body Niyama: open sincerity

Pre Standing Activation

Walking Hooves Think Feet… • This facilitates balance with weight shift & weight bearing awareness. • Desensitizes “touch” hairs on paws and improves small joint and sesmoid bone motion, • Improves postural awareness for unload back, shoulder 7 neck disease due to compensation patterns… • While standing lift and gently pulsating 3-5 squeezes on each paw, 5 times. • Notice temperature changes, improved tissue movement & more.

‘ANIMA’ Poses

STANDING POSES COG Balance…the importance of preventing compensation dis-ease.

Standing Bush Dancing Beg Carry All

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Balancing for core stability & mental awareness of ones full body. Decreases compensation of postural issues. Improves coordinated physical strength. Decreases risk of joint & soft tissue injury. Enhances abdominal wall activation for spinal support. Can be static or dynamic. Add two leg lifts as well with front & back extremities.

Human Triangle Pose


Standing Bush

5 pose option. Each Font, Hind or X crossover…

• Guide stillness with a slight swaying weight shift modified by your pet. • Elongation for abdominal fascia, hind end gluteal strengthening, weight shift awareness. • Activate this pose with modifications for hip, stifle and shoulder ‘permission’.


Dancing Beg

Begin Chair Pose (Utkatasana) moving towards Tree Pose


Hind lift and front weight bearing for strengthening shoulder & bilateral neck structures. Static improves endurance, dynamic improves shoulder joint nutritional blood flow.

Carry All

‘ANIMA’ Poses

SEATED POSES Quieting PNS & Bonding Activation

Seated Fetch Long Stifle Seated Spinal Alignment


Seated Fetch

• One leg at a time. • Howl or Dog Breathe together. • Shoulder flexibility, • Spinal Alignment, Neck motion and comfort.


Long Stifle Add Seated Fetch & facilitate with Fur Striping


Seated Spinal Alignment Facilitate Permission Warming with Leash Remover

Twisting ‘ANIMA’

TWISTING POSES Postural Activation

Standing Crossover Sideling Crossover Rolling Poop

Twisting ‘ANIMA’

Standing Crossover • Manipulates top line fascia & muscular elongation for improved spinal motion. • Pet stands with low gentle supportive Standing Bush. • Guide ‘ANIMA’ leg to opposite side and allow paw to touch the ground. • Observe pelvic-tail tuck & head – ear position. • DB, DB… • Great for pacing gaiters.

‘ANIMA’ leg crosses to opposite side placing paw on ground. Goal is pet to hold this pose with active - static focus. Proceed with all four legs.

Sidelying Crossover

Twisting ‘ANIMA’ • • • •

Finish with Dog Breath & Savasana Corpse Pose…

For improved full body motion and joint circulatory nutrition. This is NOT a pull…This is a light weight shift. You should not have anything but a relaxed shifting animal reaction. DO NOT use this for surgical, painful, loose, or hot joints…

Twisting • Facilitates spinal rotation, &shoulder and hip joint motion. • Softens and improves oxygenated blood flow to soft tissue of the back. • Improve nutritional fluid to main joints due to passiveactive motion. • Neck, back and hip disease may prevent this for now.

Active Crossover Goals

Rolling Poop

‘ANIMA’ Poses

RESTORATIVE POSES Facilitates physical & emotional ‘ANIMA’ holding patterns. You are thy bolster. Look for the SIGH

Newspaper Lying Lizard


NEWSPAPER Be Careful: joint pain, fear of position, animal too big? • Trunk flexion elongation, joint relaxation, full body relaxation, time together. • Place the animal over your lap with its extremities hanging over your legs on either side. • Animal Vibe trunk and extremity with Positional Elongation ALL at the same time. • Begin to slowly separate your knees back and fourth with a static hold. • Prop: pillow or thick towel on your lap.

Smaller pet Elephant Hug


LYING LIZARD Be careful with breathing difficulties, back &/or neck problems, visual tolerance, obesity, fear, animal too big?

• For back and abdominal muscle extension elongation. • You, the human lie on your back. • Gently with permission Guide your pet onto your stomach chest, with the animal also on its back. • With a supportive hug, Animal Vibe & Rolling Poop yourself with the animal Back and forth. • Begin with short partial positioning and begin to complete as allowed.

SA: Create your ‘ANIMA’ ASANA Recipe All ‘ANIMA’ Poses as one for Flexion, Extension, Rotation, Breath…

End with Tadasana or Savasana Corpse Pose

SA: Natural IPT Dog Yoga 3 Standing Leg Intervals Static Dynamic Hind Stand Levels Gate patterns Sleeping Pattersn Observing Barkgin-verbsal communication

‘ANIMA’ Devotion Mantra Animals we bring home become full fledged family members; our confidants, comrades, exercise and meditation partners. In turn we want a healthy, peaceful life for them just as we want for our human children and ourselves. May ANIMAL light shine and guide Human towards a place of respect and acceptance. Walk with light & color, paw to hand, hoof to hand, wing to hand, flipper to hand, & thank the universe for ANIMAL guidance. ‘ANIMA’ to ALL!

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