IPTouch Breakdown Techiques

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Meet IPTouch

I will NEVER stop Being With, Saving, Hugging or Believing in Animals. Thank you for helping ME spread the IPT word!! Amy Innovative Pet Therapy


What is IPTouch  IPTouch activation are permission patterns guided by ANIMALS: Neurological Bonding Mechanisms, Parasympathetic Nervous System, GATE Theory, Oxygenated Blood Flow.  IPTs non medical hands on animal communication techniques are a must for adopted & displaced animals, rescue sanctuaries, pet sitters, animal trainers, owners, groomers, canine & equine police, guide dogs & ponies, endurance & performing horses...  IPTouch techniques like Elephant Hug, Animal Vibes, Tail Power, Growler, Snaking, Petters Press & many more 'touch' ALL species (except Jellyfish).  Amy has spent over 30 years working with displaced dogs, feral cats, cows , goats, racing horses… as well as wildlife from Macaw parrots, Burmese pythons, monkeys, dolphins & more.  As she became more in tune with these creatures she became aware of very specific 'TOUCH' approaches that created animal permission, tension releasing wellbeing, communication & bonded mutual respect.  Innovative Pet Touch (IPTouch) was born. Innovative Pet Therapy


Young: Bonding is the FIRST step to 'training' cooperation. LOVE will create attention goals that LAST and your pet will readily respond to you and vice versa! Elderly: Healthy movement, balance, joint lubrication, bathroom habits and eating desires are NEEDED for animal health. IPT can help. Adopted: Oh Yes! By bonding & sharing new memories of affection & respect, adopted animals will know IPTouch and a human’s LOVE! Athletes: Research shows active pets have a higher probability of physical dis-ease & general discomfort as they age. IPT can comfort this natural process.

For Every Animal in the Universe

Displaced Pets & Wildlife: Activation of the bonding mechanism will allow rescuers to assess and handle these creatures as they prepare to send them back to their original homes if appropriate. If not, captivity will be a welcome venue with IPTouch. Rainbow Bridge preparation: IPTouch will share the continuation of your love & your connection together as your pet transitions over the RB...a part of life. Humans: Respecting other life forms through IPT Will make you a better person. I PROMISE!! Innovative Pet Therapy


The Mind: Animal & Human: Touch time together becomes longer and the animal sometimes even requests it. Animals close their eyes during IPTouch. You both begin to breathe together during IPTouch sessions. You can change the animal’s position comfortably because they resemble a “noodle.” You and the animal kingdom begin to communicate with “heart” instead of “command.”

IPTouch Will…

Outside: You can touch your animals everywhere. Joints move comfortably and are relaxed. Animal posture relaxes. Rounded backs straighten. Tails move more. Movement balances and strengthens. Inside: You are easily aware of animal vital signs such as pulse, breathing, skin temperature / tension, and capillary refill. Eating, sleeping, and “potty” habits become balanced and healthy. Sorry, did I mention flatulence? Yes, this can be a sign of relaxation. The Spirit: More running, playing, and smiling for both of you. Cooperation will become easier. The animal wants to grasp your language because you have begun to appreciate theirs. Animals become more peaceful during social activities and interactions. The Human: You have truly found your best friend and are on the human path to the art of Animal Communication.

Innovative Pet Therapy


IPTouch is composed of 4 theories

 'Permission' Approaches: The goal is to decrease tension patterns (either emotional or physical) by activation of the parasympathetic relaxation response. These are a must for rescued pets & wildlife that are unsure of 'touch' and close communication with strangers.  'Blocking' Approaches are for IPTouch consent activation. This is used to facilitate passive Positional Elongation (PE) & comfortable active body motion. These are for pets that are having postural tension patterns during both active & passive activities.  'Gentling' Nutrition Approaches are for the improvement of soft tissue nutrition for healthy ACTIVE motion. This is VERY important for walks, play time, in and out of the car toleration, grooming needs, sporting events, as well as potty and sleep comfort.  IPTouch 'Positional Elongation' Specials are GOALS within IPTouch recipes for active self stretching & physical elongation such as wing flapping, tail wagging, rolling...

Innovative Pet Therapy


Tension Patterns

 Tension from life such as sports, travel, fatigue, boredom…can cause skin tension, creating fascia (connective tissue) to stick. This is a natural tension pattern.  Fascial sticking causes poor muscular hydration. Oxygenated blood can’t reach muscles due to constricted blood vessels.  Muscles shorten and become ischemic due to lactic acid waste products and lack of oxygen. This hurts. Because the muscle cannot be used at its full capacity, a decrease in muscle power results.  Decreased joint movement follows next. Because of decreased active movement, joints are not lubricated enough.  The animal may become agitated or depressed and finds it difficult to pay attention or cooperate with humans. Dis-ease has set in.  IPTouch can unlock tension patterns and reverse this process preventing tension patterns from becoming too severe and causing disease. Use IPTouch for animal wellness.

Innovative Pet Therapy


Tension Pattern Observation Skin, lips, ears, BODIES…should move, feel soft & have a healthy warm temperature! What type of tension pattern may stress, emotional or nutritional, create??

Innovative Pet Therapy


SA: IPT Health Care Check Up (HCCU) Write in IPTouch, POI bones, joints (motion), soft tissue (muscles) anatomy, goals & IPTouch ideas on the front & back of cards before laminating.

Try to assess through feel & observational communication bilaterally, therefore finding a comparison of both muscular size & emotional or physical tension. Use this are for observational and tactile IPTouch RECIPES. DO NOT apply this information without direct use of course anatomy text books. Add to this basic information.

Innovative Pet Therapy


BODY COVERING: Think rainbow… light to dark colors. What do you see? This can also be an area that may show signs of dis-ease. Bald spots or dull coats can signal internal illness or stress. Fur Striping and Animal Vibes will do wonders for PNS goals and help you feel for new lumps and bumps. (Research fur, feather, scale anatomy & boney prominences). Problems here may indicate Dr. visit time. POI Bones: General prominences… Motion: Fluffing, appropriate seasonal shedding… Soft Tissue: Separate movement underneath. Goal: Equal, Colorized. Skin should move, feathers, hair, scales should be bright and aligned depending on age, health…hair vs. fur

Innovative Pet Therapy


HEAD: Should rotate and move with ease separate from the neck ( atlasaxis). POI Bones: Skull, Mandible, Atlas-Axis Motion: Chewing, Head rotation Soft Tissue: Temporalis, Masseter… carnivore or herbivore?? Goal: Tactile Tolerance Picture: Atlas of Animal Anatomy for Artists by Ellenberger

MIND: Joyous, Peaceful, Welcoming…Yes, animals have good and bad days. Know them. Maybe they need hugs, exercise, a vet visit, or IPTouch.

Innovative Pet Therapy


NOSE: How is the skin on the animal’s nose? Be careful of sunburn, but remember that animals will lick off sunscreens and balms. It is a myth that a wet nose signifies health. Are nostrils flaring, unequal…what do you see during breathing? POI Bones

Picture: Atlas of Animal Anatomy for Artists by Ellenberger

Motion Soft Tissue Goal: Clear

Innovative Pet Therapy


Rabbit Picture: Animal Anatomy: Elements of Form by Goldfinger

MOUTH: Oral care is VERY important. Bacteria in the gums can go into the blood stream, nervous system, and organs, causing illness and even death. A pet that licks, growls, and nips excessively can be relaxed and balanced with Growler IPTouch. Guiding pets to be tolerant when IPTouching mouths is a good precursor for dental health care. Mouths are also used as ‘fingers’, temperature testers & gentle ‘steering wheels”….and kissers! Think herbivore, carnivore, insectivore, omnivore. What color are your pet’s lips?? POI Bones: Skull bones, Mandible Motion: Temporal Mandibular joint (TMJ) Soft Tissue: Lips, Masseter Goal: Soft cheeks, elongated lips

Innovative Pet Therapy


EYES: The place of non conversational emotion for most. Pupil size, blinking or tearing, dull cloudy eyes, intolerance to light, and even fear of darkness can indicate an animal is having eye problems. Be aware of animal’s visual ability for safety and stress factors, as this will help them get along with others. POI Bones Motion Soft Tissue: eye lids Goal: Soft lids, clear, bright vision Picture: Painting Your Favorite Animals in pen, ink, & watercolor by Nice Innovative Pet Therapy


EARS: An animal’s balance and even personality can change with ear or hearing problems. Ears are attached to muscles that enable them to move and communicate. You can help animals “talk” to others of their kind more comfortably by using Pig Ear IPTouches. Notice odors or animal responses when seeing and touching inside and outside of their ears. Ear docking may be unnecessary amputation unless injury or infections are a problem. POI Bones: cartilage / skin attachment Motion Soft Tissue Goal: Tactile Tolerance

Picture: How to Draw Animals by Hamm Innovative Pet Therapy


NECK: Any swelling or bumps noted with FS? Healthy swallowing ability is important. Can the animal swallow hard food and thin liquids? Does it have the facial and tooth comfort to chew? POI Bones: Atlas, Axis motion Motion: Smooth rotation Soft Tissue Goal: Soft

Picture: Animal Anatomy: Elements of Form by Goldfinger

Innovative Pet Therapy


Picture: Atlas of Animal Anatomy for Artists by Ellenberger

CHEST: Muscle tension here may slow an animal down. Once animals are used to IPTouch, Acr will be requested and even insisted upon by ‘you know who’. POI Bones Motion Soft Tissue Goal: Mobile, Soft, Smooth

Innovative Pet Therapy


FRONT EXTREMITIES Shoulders, Elbows, Ankles, Paw Placement: Dis-ease with movement may indicate arthritis, a sprain, or not enough exercise. A high head position may also indicate front body tension, as in the neck and chest. If the animal’s hind end is achy, the front end will soon become fatigued. Walking Hooves and Pet Sandwich will reduce foot and body tension, just like a foot massage will do for humans. By the way, declawing is similar to removing the top finger bone of a human. POI Bones Motion Soft Tissue Goal: Aligned

Pictures: Animal Anatomy: Elements of Form by Goldfinger Innovative Pet Therapy


SHOULDERS: Athletes or the elderly can have signs of dis-ease in this area. Gentle FS, AV & PCL can help. Use a side lying or standing position, whatever the pet requests at the time. Armpit lumps may be signs of lymph node trouble needing medical attention. POI Bones: Scapula Motion: Scapular Rotation Soft Tissue Goal Apply this with Front Extremities & Trunk awareness.

Picture: Animal Anatomy: Elements of Form by Goldfinger

Innovative Pet Therapy


THORACIC / RIB AREA: Does this animal flinch when you touch its back? Animal Crossing and Rolling Fur Ball will relax intercostal muscles (small muscles between the ribs) and comfort breathing patterns. Are the mid-back and hind end areas symmetrical when standing or walking? Animal Crossing, Leash Remover & Elephant Hugs can help soften & balance trunk muscles. POI Bones Motion Soft Tissue Goal

Innovative Pet Therapy


STOMACH / ABDOMEN: Stress, gulping food, lack of exercise, age, genetics, and nutritional changes can affect an animal’s digestive system. The belly muscles help support the back. Using Elephant Hugs can activate this muscle group. Relaxed stomach muscles also help the groin region relax, thus opening the hips. If your pet has persistent bloat or a tense flinching stomach, see your vet. POI Bones Motion Soft Tissue Goal

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Inner Body Organs

Picture: Internet

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Inner Body Organs

Picture: Internet

Innovative Pet Therapy


SA: Using your anatomy texts add your own picture here.

LUMBAR / SACRUM Area of ‘Woody Tension’. Does this animal hide its hind end or have a droopy head position? This can be a sign of dis-ease fear, submissiveness, or aggression, all of which may be reduced with IPTouch. POI Bones Motion Soft Tissue Goal: Skin Motion

Innovative Pet Therapy


HIND EXTREMITIES: (Hips, Groin, Stifle, Ankles) Comfort in this area can aid an animal’s ability to sit, stand, and lie on its side comfortably. Just as in humans, when lying on the side with the legs crossing midline, the back rotates. This may aggravate a dis-ease back pattern. Lumps in the groin can indicate lymph node trouble possibly needing medical care. The muscular areas in the hip and gluteals (butt) may welcome Bear Squeezes. POI Bones Motion Soft Tissue Goal : Aligned Pictures: Animal Anatomy: Elements of Form by Goldfinger

Innovative Pet Therapy


Picture: Spurgeon’s Color Atlas Large Animal Anatomy The Essentials by McCracken

Picture: Painting Your Favorite Animals in pen, ink, & watercolor by Nice

Goat Foot Paws: Tactile Tolerance Reflexology can be used for paws too! Innovative Pet Therapy


TAIL: The tail is the end OR beginning of the spine. In most animals it is NOT cartilage, but small vertebral bones. Animal Vibes and Tail Power will relieve low back and full body tension. Tail docking is an unnecessary amputation unless an injury has occurred. Observe central positioning during walking standing & sitting. When a pet is lying down FS tail away from a tucked position. Tucking can increase postural changes in the pelvic, low back and hind legs. POI Bones

Picture: Animal Anatomy: Elements of Form by Goldfinger

Motion Soft Tissue Goal: Passive

Innovative Pet Therapy


Points of Importance

IPTouch should ‘soften’ Tension Patterns in these areas for FULL BODY pet well-being.

DO NOT apply this information without direct use of course anatomy text books. Create and add your own anatomy cards with your photos as you ‘ learn the language’.

Innovative Pet Therapy


POI Quadruped Labeling

Add IPTouch Technique, Attachment-Origin& Action (deep or superficial) to each. Add 3 more surrounding muscles, (joint & bones) with above information that will also be ‘included’ with each POI IPTouch session. (GOAL: Tension Pattern C.A.R.E.)

Now Create a full ‘IPTouch Session Recipe’!

• Lattisimus Dorsi • Thoraco Lumbar Fascia • Rhomboids • Brachiocephalicus • Subscapularis • Sartorius-Tensor Fascia Latae • Scapular Rotation • Femoral-Acetabular Rotation • Masseter-Temporalis • Thoraco-Lumbar Junction

• • • • • •

Abdominal Apneurosis Gluteal Medias Pectorals Sacrum Intercostals Cervical-Thoracic Serratus • Nuchal Ligament *Brachial Plexus *Lumbar-Sacral Plexus Innovative Pet Therapy


Innovative Pet Therapy


Head: Masseter, Temporalis, Brachiocephalicus , Atlas-Axis…

Tactile Tolerance

SA: Draw this picture & label IPTouch techniques & basic anatomy that may achieve these POI goals. Add 3 more anatomic terms to each of these areas/ Neck: Brachiocephalicus, Nuchal Ligament, Atlas, Axis, Rhomboids (Trapezius superficial)


Lumbar: Abdominal Apernuraosis, Iliopsasa, Serratus

Skin Motion Rotates Hind End: Gluteal Equal Medius, Sartorius, Stifle-Patella

Shoulder: Scapula, Subscapularis, Serratus cervical & thoracic


Soft Mobile, Soft, Smooth



Chest-Trunk: Rib attachments, Intercostal, Lattisimus Dorsi, Thoracolumbar Fascia, Abdominal Fascial Sheet


Upper Arm: Pectorals, Lattisimus Dorsi, Triceps, Brachialis, Wrist, PAWS

Tactile Tolerance

Picture: Animal Anatomy: Elements of Form by Goldfinger

Innovative Pet Therapy


Innovative Pet Therapy


SA: Draw this picture & label IPTouch techniques & basic anatomy that may achieve these POI goals. Tactile Tolerance


Skin Motion Rotates

Equal Passive

Mobile, Soft, Smooth

Soft Soft


Tactile Tolerance


Picture: Animal Anatomy: Elements of Form by Goldfinger

Innovative Pet Therapy


Ear Tension Tail & Sacral Skin Motion

Cutaneouse Trunci Flinching

Atlas-Axis Motion

Scapular Motion Abdominal Aponeurosis

Thoraci c Serratus

Mouth Tension

Pectoral Tension

Patella &Stifle Comfort

Paw Sensitivity

Innovative Pet Therapy


Croup - Tail Motion

Wither Flinching Patterns

Ear Tension Patterns

Nuchal Ligament

Scapular Motion Abdominal Aponeurosis

Serratu s

Lip Tension

Pectoral Tension ‘Knots’

Fetlock & Frog Innovative Pet Therapy


Flexor & Extensor Muscle Groups

Picture: Animal Anatomy: Elements of Form by Goldfinger

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Picture: Dog Anatomy A Coloring by Kainer InnovativeAtlas Pet Therapy


Picture: Spurgeon’s Color Atlas of Large Animal Anatomy; The Essentials by McCracken

Skin Should MOVE

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Picture: How to Draw Animals by Hamm Innovative Pet Therapy


Picture: How to Draw Animals by Hamm

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Picture: Animal Drawing Anatomy & Action for Artists by Knight

Picture: Animal Anatomy: Elements of Form by Goldfinger

Innovative Pet Therapy



The safest tools for IPTouch are your HANDS. Permission PNS Activation ‘Blocking’ Myofascial Permission ‘Gentling’ Nutrition IPTouch (PE) Specials Activate Ethical Hierarchy of Permission medical, nutritional, emotional, physical…

Innovative Pet Therapy


IPT Techniques Permission PNS Activation neurological for permission

‘Permission’ Approaches: The goal is to decrease tensions patterns (either emotional or physical) by activation of the Parasympathetic Nervous System relaxation response. These are a must for rescued pets & wildlife that are unsure of ‘touch’ and close communication with strangers.

Innovative Pet Therapy


How: Once human-animal touch begins, your hands must always remain in contact. This allows the pets to know where you are and will help them relax and begin to doze during your time together.

SNAKING (SNK) Snake never leaves the ground when moving

Used For: Throughout the entire IPT session for permission, PNS activation, animal awareness will improve safety for all. Be Aware: of the animal’s facial expressions, fascial tissue changes, ear positions, breathing patterns… Pay Attention: to your pressure and speed. If you relax and breathe, the animal will too. Start with short sessions and soon pets will be requesting certain body parts be IPTouched ALL DAY LONG!

Meet Eve , now retired from the Zumanity show. One of the gentlest, most inquisitive animals I have ever IPTouched.

Innovative Pet Therapy



Turtle & Gazelle How: Take time for each body part and allow fascial tissue to stretch , open and receive improved circulation.. …Yet be efficient ( Review concept of Plastic Tissue Elongation) Used For: IPTouch awareness, patience and FULL animal assessment, allows proper time for tension patterns to release and tissue to give hands-on permission. Pay Attention: to daily physical and emotional (personality) changes in the animal. • Full Body IPT sessions may not be in this animal’s schedule. • Sporting animals may need a warm up or cool down as well and these IPT sessions are short and right to the ‘body’ point.

Innovative Pet Therapy

This pup was VERY excited when IPT class began. AND we were also outside with 6 other pets…cats, ferrets…


How: Breathe together for a relaxing rhythm. Breathe with sound so the animal can hear you and begin to focus with you.


Used For: This will create a rhythm and relaxation response for you and animals you are close to. Be Aware: Breathe with the rhythm of your ‘IPTouch’. This will keep you, the human, aware of your pressure and speed for your IPTouch session. Extras Meowing (MW): Hum a sound slowly and relax with your breathing. This has the same affect as Dog Breathing out loud. Animals will focus and remain aware of you and your time together. Animal Stilling: Lightly blow towards the animal’s nostrils or facial–head area. This will create an improved focus on each other as well as share a learned bonded ‘smell’ together. Precautions: NOT to be used for reptiles/snakes or directly face to face.

Innovative Pet Therapy


How: You must ALL be in a comfortable position for the time together to be enjoyable and healthy. • Also, animals should tolerate different positions. Example: Like a baby in your lap. • Animals should be able to release their body and fully relax.


Be Aware: Maybe this animal needs a pillow or a towel leg support. • Smaller animals like bunnies, rats, and snakes may feel more relaxed if IPTouched in a small box or their own bedding. Territorial precautions with Snake, Bird, Gerbil… • Some, as Ferret, Cat… may want movement with IPT… holding and walking (Full Body IPTouch AV) for example. Extra: Toweling Lapdog may quiet pets such as Parrot during ‘Bath IPTouch’.

Innovative Pet Therapy


How: Place your full hand anywhere on the animal and DON’T MOVE.


Used For: Calming flight response, decreasing muscle tension, readying the animal for deeper IPTouches, for wild - feral animals, shock (Dr’s clearance), following surgery (Dr’s clearance). Be Aware: Moving touches may make the animal anxious. Be sure to Snake with both hands and Dog Breathe or Meow. IPTouch an area of discomfort or not. This touch can activate the Parasympathetic Nervous System (calming response) for dis-ease reduction and general relaxation. Extra IPT Squeeze: smaller animals such as Feral Cat or Ferret become quiet when wrapped in a towel and held snuggly. DB with AV and begin PPa for spinal PE.

Innovative Pet Therapy


How: Light, long feather-like stroking should remain with 'touch’.


Used For: Activating PNS, anxiety, muscle warm-up, body awareness, elderly, general discomfort, fear, defensiveness, beginning and finishing IPTouch after other IPTouches. This touch allows you to feel for areas of sensitivity that may need medical care. This touch readies the muscles and body systems for deeper IPTouches. The animal may be sensitive to your hands, attempting to nip or shy away. Be Aware: IPT FS groin, mouth, under tail, pad of paws, inside ear flaps…What reaction do you observe on your first, 2nd, 3rd….IPT session? You may need to use this as a homework touch for handlers so you as IPTouch can progress safer and quicker with a comfortable animal. Extra Growler: Fur Stripe in whisker direction. Touch lips, inside mouth, gums, teeth…This IPTouch helps with emotional calmness and readies animals for dental health. VERY important for Equus.

Innovative Pet Therapy

Use FS to brush & groom pets as well



Use the water buoyancy to find AV rhythm with water animals. She request AV GL!

How: By using your full palm, gently rock and vibrate tissue over bony or tense areas. Used For: This IPTouch can be done all by itself. This IPTouch readies the body for deeper IPTouches & activates the Parasympathetic Nervous System for a healthy relaxation response. This also decreases opposite side Tension Patterns of the pet without rolling them over. Changing an animal’s positions may re-activate the sympathetic response. Extra Greyhound Love (GL): Vibrate extremities in all anatomical directions, one at a time, and with joint support. You should feel a relaxing release of the animal’s legs.

Full body AV in this position breakup Tension Patterns in the belly are as well

GL with full leg support on a shelter kitty.

Innovative Pet Therapy


IPT Techniques ‘Blocking’ Myofascial Permission neurological tension pattern relaxation

'Blocking' Approaches are also for IPTouch permission. ‘Blocked’ fascia facilitates decreased active motion. This is used to facilitate passive & active Positional Elongation & comfortable body motion by facilitating skin to move! These are for pets that are having chronic (dis-ease) postural tension patterns during both active & passive activities.

Innovative Pet Therapy


PETTERS PRESS (PP) How: Sense skin and muscle moving separately. Use full hand contact to begin pushing the skin and underlying tissue including the rib thoracic region. Hold for 3-5+ seconds with a SLOW release…, slowly increasing the time. Mix this with the Leash Remover or Elephant Hug, RFB, ACr... Used For: This touch will enhance circulation and relieve deeper areas of tension for postural awareness, improved self stretching & positional changes during play time, sleeping, bathroom time and even snuggling with the pet owner! Be Aware: The depth will depend on this animal’s tolerance as well as the size of the area being IPTouched. DB,DB,DB…Connective tissue runs through and covers everything in the body—through-around-over muscles & around organs. For healthy movement, balance, and circulation, the fascia needs to move freely. Assist: Use a wall for large animal PP. This gives large animals a cue that this is not a movement request for them to DO but something for them to LEAN INTO and DB themselves. 4 PP IPT Approaches: Rolling Fur Ball, Finger Fur, Pet Sandwich, Animal Crossings… application of each depends on species and tension pattern permission.

Innovative Pet Therapy



ROLLING FUR BALL (RFB) This is done on muscle-tissue areas. Gently lift without pinching thick tissue areas. Slowly roll and PE the skin. Notice: Boggy skin, Hydration, Facial Expressions. Releases ‘Woody Tension’ (skin VERY tight and HARD without movement. Usually found over the sacral region). Goal: Active atlas-axis & scapular motion.

FINGER FUR ( FF) preening, mutual grooming… Slip fingers under ‘skin covering’ and gently pull in the direction of growth. Hold 3-5 seconds before Fur Striping to the next area. Goal: Improved tail / sacrum & full body segmental motion.

Innovative Pet Therapy




PET SANDWICH (PS) Gently twist the skin over bony areas with a 3-5 second hold. Extremities and TAIL! A GREAT time to ‘talk’ as well! Goal: Improved ligament nutrition.

Pass your hands back and forth in opposite directions around trunk and stomach areas. Create a tissue pulling – pushing motion through the entire rib and abdominal area. This enables breathing relaxation by improving fascial tissue mobility through rib and thoracic areas. Goal: Improved abdominal & trunk Aponeurosis movement.

Innovative Pet Therapy


IPT Techniques ‘Gentling’ Nutrition orthopedic for motion

'Gentling' Approaches are wonderful for improvement of soft tissue nutrients for improved ACTIVE motion. This is VERY important for walks, play time, in and out of the car toleration, grooming needs, as well as potty and sleep positional changes…& hugging comfort!

Innovative Pet Therapy


How: Use the fleshy portion of thumb/palm area of both hands with a rhythmic ‘rub’ along the muscles of the back on either side of the spine. Opposite to Opposite hand motion works best. For larger animals use a pile of hay bales to stand on, bare back instruction to handler, or one sided ACr. FULL BODY…include shoulders, hips, neck…


Used For: Great for trunk awareness and postural strengthening. Pre- sporting warm up for increasing circulation to tissue for improved active motion. Flushing Lactic Acid from the muscle tissue after hard exercise prevents next day body dis-ease. Be Aware: You should be able to gently lift and RFB skin along the back, shoulders, hips… Precautions: DO NOT push or work directly on the spine bones. Use LR during standing, seated or on belly.  Standing add Elephant Hug, Animal Crossings.  Side lying add FS, for facilitation to hind leg PE extension.  Full body AV! Thoraco-Lumbar fascial sheet should move. Innovative Pet Therapy


DRUMMERS HOWL (DH) How: Tap the tissue with cupped hands or finger tips. Dog Breathe and use a rhythm. Used For: Relaxation, stimulation by you creating an ‘internal’ vibration. Be Aware: Muscular areas are most comfortable with this technique. However for those with shells continue to think ‘anatomy & physiology’ Precautions: Over bony areas, injured or bruised areas, spine. Get ANIMAL PERMISSION…

Thoracic regions around rib areas should sound almost hollow. The shape of your hand will create a thump or a light slapping sound. The pet will tell you how to hold your hands. LISTEN.

Innovative Pet Therapy


How: Using the palm of the hands, or fingers to give gentle pulsing squeezes to tissue. Used For: Muscular areas, postural imbalance. (Minimal use) Be Aware: Pressure on soft tissue or over bones. Bruising will NOT occur as the animal will LET YOU KNOW!...Pay Attention & DB permission. Precautions: Cysts, tumors or hot spots that have not been cleared by the vet…use common sense and remain within your scope of training!


Extras Rump Itch(RI) Make slow “scratchy” movements with or against the fur growth slowly changing to pulsing BSQ. Pulsing Claw (PCL): Pulsing tissue ‘into’ body using the fleshy parts of your finger tips. Pre-IPT ‘Initiation Spots’ for muscular tension release.

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PIG EARS (PIG) How: Gently squeeze the ear base and make finger circles throughout the ear flap. Used For: This will relax the head, face, and neck muscles. Many acupressure points are believed to be in the ears. Be Aware: Ears should be soft and VERY mobile! This is one for the most neglected body areas for neck and jaw dis-ease. With Growler

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WALKING HOOVES (WH) How: Sandwich paws and begin to pulse or squeeze. GAZURTAL this one. PPa may be a good way to begin mixed with BSQ Used For: To desensitize “touch” hairs on paws and relax feet, walking and postural balance awareness to unload back – shoulder- neck… disease due to walking compensation patterns… Be Aware: Toe, paw, hoof, claw, fin anatomy, upper leg attachments, reaction changes as this is done consistently. Notice temperature changes, improved tissue movement and more…This may be one of the most important homework techniques for ‘owners’ so IPTouch can continue on with progressive goals.

WH for parrot claws can stop toe restriction chewing! IT WORKS!

Extra Walking Armor: Gentle pulsed pressure to shelled pets, side to side. This facilities shell mobility from body tension and facilities PNS permission. Be Aware: Ground surface comfort. DB,DB… Innovative Pet Therapy



 USED FOR: Improve Atlas-Axis rotation and Poll mobility, decrease head shyness and flight responses during head and ear tactility…  HOW: Mane Animal Vibes. Place hands on either side of the neck. Also “rock" your body to create a yes-no head movement pattern…  Review: Atlas–Axis anatomy…  Patience: This is something 'LAP' may need to get used to.. Remember as a prey herbivores “around the neck” is something she may feel threatened by…  Soon 'LAP' will rest her entire head weight on your shoulder!! This is an AMAZING moment together…

Innovative Pet Therapy


IPT Techniques IPTouch Positional Elongation Specials

PE is mixed within the IPTouch recipe for active self stretching & physical elongation such as wing flapping, tail wagging, head shaking… Innovative Pet Therapy


POSITIONAL ELONGATION (PE) How: Mix this with AV, FS, & other IPTouch recipes to achieve PE. As you feel extremities and body begin to rock with a relaxed rhythm, guide extremities, tail, trunk, head to elongate. Used For: Health and PNS activation, poor memory patterns, anxiety, tension, dis-ease, improves circulation, before, during and after other IPTouches. Be Aware: This is NOT ROM or stretching, as such technique concepts do not work well with Animal perspectives and IPTouch. Animal Vibes, Dog Breathing and Communication Rhythm are very important for this IPTouch PERMISSION.

Innovative Pet Therapy


NEWSPAPER (NSP) How: Place the animal over your lap with its extremities hanging over your legs on either side. Full body AV with trunk and extremity PE ALL at the same time. Begin to slowly separate your knees back and fourth. DB,DB,DB…Gentle hugging and continued Animal Vibes will help relax the animal’s body. Additions: use a pillow on your lap, keep knees apart to give a larger support, don’t separate knees quickly or too wide, remain close to the animal so it feels physically secure. Used For: Trunk elongation, full body relaxation, time together. Do not force an animal into this position. They may also guide you to help support their hind or front extremities during this IPTouch. Precautions: fear of position, animal too big…Use Elephant Hug for larger pets.

Innovative Pet Therapy


PIGGY PUDDLE (PPd) How: The animal can be on their back or side. DB both hands under gluteal region. Add bilateral hip Greyhound Love. AV the full body to release back tension and relax the entire body. BSQ with PP to gluteal and hip regions. Follow the animal’s body rhythm. Used For: This IPTouch also releases back fascia for muscular relaxation. This position allows the weight of their body to create the pressure. Be Aware: Wild life & poor memory pattern permission. Using a cushioned area is best to facilitate this position. Precautions: Neck, spine or hip dis-ease, vestibular dis-ease. Do not actively choose this position without permission.

Innovative Pet Therapy


How: You, the human lie on your back. Gently help the animal onto your stomach/chest, with the animal also on its back. With a supportive hug, rock yourself with the animal back and forth. Hugging, Lapdog, and Animal Vibes all in one.


Be Aware: This is an IPTouch that takes getting used to. Begin with short partial positioning and proceed as allowed. Used For: Back and abdominal muscle elongation, extremity relaxation, overly dominant, IPTouch time together. Precautions: Breathing difficulties, back and or neck problems, obesity, fear, animal too big?

Innovative Pet Therapy


TAIL POWER (TP) HOW: Place palm on the tail attachment (sacrum area) and Animal Vibe. At the same time begin to change and hold different tail positions. Up, down, in small circles. Gentle ‘elongation’ PNSs the back and hips. PAY ATTENTION to the animal’s ‘look’. This needs to be done gently and relaxed with a Dog Breath rhythm. USED FOR full body relaxation, low back ache, postural maintenance, feels good… Opens and releases the entire body. PRECAUTIONS: elderly, inflamed arthritis, injury, non-anatomical, loose joints, animal is not in the mood

ELEPHANT HUG (EH) How: Interlace your fingers or a widely folded towel around the animal’s upper rib cage and work your way rhythmically up and down the trunk area. Add a slow lifting and releasing weight shift. Dog Breathe and release SLOWLY. During the lift the animal’s legs remain in contact with the ground. Used For: Thoracic – Ribs and breathing mobility improvement and spinal motion. Be Aware: This is a GREAT way to integrate the handler to help with an IPT session or as homework. Animals will actively assist by rounding their backs and self release, as their back dis-ease patterns decrease.

Extras SHELLING: Holding turtle shell in an X position. Gentle upward lift (DB) with gravity comfort and claws on ground awareness. Maintain conversational and visual permission patterns. Used for improved oxygenated nutrients and mobility to area hands cannot reach. Precautions: trapping of fingers under shell near extremities

Innovative Pet Therapy


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