Unstoppable Multi-Metal Corrosion Protection Even in Aggressive Outdoor Conditions Cortec® launched Powerfull VpCI®-126 HP UV Shrink Film that provides multi-metal protection for parts and equipment for up to three years even in most aggressive outdoor conditions.
hrink film market is expected to rise at a compound annual growth
Corrosion Inhibitor (VpCI®) technology. This shrink film provides multi-
rate of more than 6% for the forecast period of 2021-2029. This
metal protection for parts and equipment for up to three years even
rise is mostly attributable to increasing packaged goods consumption
in most aggressive outdoor conditions. Unlike some preservation
as a result of lifestyle changes. Best seller from EcoCortec plant,
films that rely on white pigments to reflect UV light, VpCI®-126 HP UV
Cortec’s patented, VpCI®-126 HP UV Shrink film, combines high
is transparent; containing unique inhibitors that protects the polymer
strength resins with ultraviolet light stabilizers (UV) and Vapor phase
from UV exposure and prevents degradation. © Cortec
Shrink film market is expected to rise at a compound annual growth rate of more than 6% for the forecast period of 2021-2029.