“EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON HEAT TREATMENT 2015” & “22ND IFHTSE CONGRESS HEAT TREATMENT AND SURFACE ENGINEERING” “European Conference on Heat Treatment 2015” e “22nd IFHTSE Congress Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering” he joint event combining the “European Conference on Heat Treatment 2015” and the “22nd IFHTSE Congress”, organized by AIM on behalf of the IFHTSE - International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering, will take place from 20 to 22 May 2015, at the Congress center of NH Laguna Palace in Venezia Mestre (Italy) and it is expected to be a vibrant and successful meeting. The Conference will be a unique opportunity for a technical exchange at an international level among the numerous experts involved in innovation, trends and developments of the broad world of heat treatment and surface engineering of metals, and it will bring together managers, engineers and researchers from heat treatment shops, tool makers and users, suppliers of heat treatment and surface engineering plant and equipment, as well as material scientists.
rande attesa per l’edizione congiunta della “European Conference on Heat Treatment 2015” e del “22nd IFHTSE Congress”, organizzata da AIM per conto dell’IFHTSE (International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering), che si terrà dal 20 al 22 maggio 2015, presso il Centro Congressi Laguna Palace di Venezia Mestre. L’evento costituirà un’imperdibile occasione di incontro e di confronto su innovazione, tendenze e sviluppi del vasto mondo del trattamento termico dei metalli e delle leghe metalliche, e sarà rivolta a imprenditori, tecnici e operatori delle aziende di trattamento termico e di trattamento superficiale, agli accademici e ai ricercatori di scienza dei materiali e ingegneria metallurgica, ai metallurgisti dei laboratori, ai produttori, ai trasformatori e ai fornitori di metalli, leghe metalliche e semilavorati, fino agli utilizzatori.
Over 160 presentations will give life to a rich program and give grounds to hope for a great success of the 2015 meeting. The plenary session will be opened by a lecture of the world renowned metallography expert, George Vander Voort.
Le oltre 160 presentazioni messe in programma dagli organizzatori lasciano ben sperare per una partecipazione consistente e per il successo dell’edizione 2015 di questo importante appuntamento. Parteciperà alla sessione plenaria della Conferenza, con una lettura su invito, il metallografista di fama mondiale George Vander Voort.
The 90 oral presentations will be structured into parallel sessions covering the following subject areas: Massive Heat Treatments: Microstructural Properties and Transformations; Massive Heat Treatments: Relationship Between Process and Final Properties; Nitriding and Nitrocarburizing – Application and Combined Processes; Quenching and Heat Transfer; Quenching Media and Process; Massive Heat Treatments of Special Components; Industrial Heat Treatment Equipment and Process Innovation; Quality and Accreditation; Carburizing Processes and Properties; Industrial Heat Treatment Equipment and Process Innovation; Applications; Stainless Steels; Tool Steels; Non Ferrous Processes and Properties; Coatings Properties and Characterization; Coatings Processes and Applications; Industrial Heat Treatment Process and Simulation.
Le 90 memorie orali daranno vita alle sessioni parallele nelle seguenti aree: Massive Heat Treatments: Microstructural Properties and Transformations; Massive Heat Treatments: Relationship Between Process and Final Properties; Nitriding and Nitrocarburizing – Application and Combined Processes; Quenching and Heat Transfer; Quenching Media and Process; Massive Heat Treatments of Special Components; Industrial Heat Treatment Equipment and Process Innovation; Quality and Accreditation; Carburizing Processes and Properties; Industrial Heat Treatment Equipment and Process Innovation; Applications; Stainless Steels; Tool Steels; Non Ferrous Processes and Properties; Coatings Properties and Characterization; Coatings Processes and Applications; Industrial Heat Treatment Process and Simulation.
The poster session – with more than 70 presentations - will avail of a wide display area within the exhibition space. During the Congress there will also be the awarding of the three best posters price, as well as of the IFHTSE’s Tom Bell Young Author Award. For further information: ‹
La sessione poster - con più di 70 presentazioni - avrà a disposizione un ampio spazio nella sala dedicata alla mostra. Nel corso della conferenza verranno assegnati premi per i migliori poster, fra cui l’IFHTSE Tom Bell Young Author Award. Per maggiori informazioni: ‹
N. 13 - 2015 APRIL - ipcm® Protective Coatings