ipcm® n. 62 - March/April 2020

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Brexit: What Effects Will It Have on our Relations with the USA? Marcello Zinno UCIF – Italian Surface Treatment Equipment Manufacturers’ Association, Milan, Italy


2020 is the crucial year of Brexit

significant effects, such as those

British trade to and from non-EU

but, at the same time, it is a year

about unskilled workforce, for

countries accounts for 50.9%.

of transition. It is crucial because


Moreover, their common language

Britain’s exit from the European

However, the Brexit issue is

and history will facilitate a further

Union has been formalised earlier

often treated as a theatre whose

rapprochement between these

this year – a decision that will go

stage lies within the borders of

two economic forces. In fact, both

down in history – although many

the European Union: everyone

of them have shown interest in

of the constraints imposed will

is wondering about the balance

signing an agreement that could

be valid as of January 1, 2021.

to be created between the UK

reduce tariffs, remove barriers,

This is a “soft” decision to help all

and the EU in the near future.

and increase market access

interested parties, from individuals

However, we should not forget

possibilities for the two nations.

to companies, to better handle

that Brexit will generate particular

Finally, Prime Minister Johnson’s

its effects. Markets, imports and

consequences worldwide. The

focus is precisely on distancing

exports, movements of people

United States are certainly not

his country from Europe as much

(British and non-British citizens),

a passive player: America is

as possible in terms of regulatory

labour market, European financial

already the UK’s largest trading

standards and legal frameworks:

flows, and so on: many aspects

partner after the EU, with annual

this could be a further push

will change profoundly starting

exchanges totalling over 230

towards creating new economical

from 2021. Already this year, they

billion dollars. Currently, the

and industrial ties with the USA.

are witnessing the integration of

United Kingdom exports 13% of

We should therefore keep our

transition rules that are producing

its production to the USA, whereas

eyes open, even overseas.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62


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