IMAGE: ICS CEO Tom McKinney (inset) accepted the Outstanding Nonprofit Award on behalf of ICS from the Greater Oro Valley Chamber of Commerce
Interfaith Community Services was recently recognized by two local organizations for contributions to Tucson and Southern Arizona.
In August, ICS received the Outstanding Nonprofit Award from the Greater Oro Valley Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber works to cultivate a vibrant economic region by empowering and uniting the Greater Oro Valley business community. Through
participation in the Chamber, ICS maintains partnerships with local businesses that provide volunteer service, donated food for the food banks, financial contributions, and opportunities to collaborate. At the same time, ICS provides services supporting the workers and customers local businesses rely on.
On October 24, ICS received the 2024 Frances McClelland Spirit Organizational Award from the University of Arizona's Frances McClelland Institute for Children, Youth & Families. The Frances McClelland Vision Awards honor those who have made significant contributions to the well-being of children, youth, families, and communities, reflecting the legacy of Frances McClelland and Richard Elías.
ICS staff and volunteers are immensely grateful for these honors, which recognize our commitment to strengthening individuals and families to build a stronger community.
Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise specified. Register online at icstucson.org/events.
Monday, November 11–Monday, December 2
Gifts of Love: adopt a child or senior for the holidays icstucson.org/giftsoflove
Thursday, November 28–Saturday, November 30
ICS offices and food banks closed for Thanksgiving
Monday–Thursday, December 2–5
Gifts of Love: drop off donated gifts & gift wrap supplies
Northwest Office (2820 W. Ina Road) or Central Office (122 N. Craycroft Road). icstucson.org/giftsoflove
Friday, December 6, 3:30–5:30 p.m. Holiday Open House
ICS Northwest Office, 2820 W. Ina Road
Thursday, December 12, 1–2 p.m. Volunteer Orientation
ICS Northwest Office, 2820 W. Ina Road
Mon., December 23–Wed., January 1
Mobile Food bank closed
Tue, December 24 & Wed., December 25
ICS Offices and Northwest Food Bank closed
Tuesday, December 31
ICS offices close at 12 noon. Northwest Food Bank hours not affected.
Wednesday, January 1
All ICS offices and food banks closed. Happy New Year!
ICS is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) 520-297-6049 info@icstucson.org icstucson.org
2 | icstucson.org
This experience was shared by an ICS volunteer who works as a runner at the Northwest Food Bank:
"'Someone' a few weeks ago made up 'birthday boxes' with a cake mix, frosting, candles, and a card in [an aluminum pan] to bake the cake. We have been passing these out as participants with birthdays in the near term would come in.
"This morning...I waited on a gentleman whose birthday is next week so I brought a birthday box out to him. He was shocked. He said 'Do you know what this means to me? I was just on the phone with my sister in Puerto Rico complaining that no one in my family, except her, ever remembers my birthday. Your giving me this box means someone DOES care, even if it isn't my family. Thank you.' I think we were both about in tears.
"I pray before I go to ICS to be 'God's hands and feet' and that He would bring the right people for me to take care of. I definitely witnessed that this morning and I just want to say thank you for letting me be part of an organization that does touch people where they need it."
you are
"Recently I found myself in a position of not being able to make ends meet. I got entrapped in the predatory lending process, maxed out all my credit cards and had to humble myself to ask for help from others. It's an overwhelming and defeating burden to carry. A wonderful worker with ICS recommended the Bridges Financial Management Class and I was more than willing to try it.
"This class has so much information and resources! The speakers are incredibly helpful and want you to succeed. After Lisa Atkinson from Tucson Federal Credit Union spoke to the class, I immediately set up an appointment with her for free budgeting. Her input saved me hundreds of dollars and let me breathe again.
My goal is set to get finances back in order, to get an emergency savings, and take advantage of the information given to eventually buy a home. Everyone should take advantage of this class. There is something for everyone: tax information and help, how to read credit statements and credit reports, home buying, budgeting and a wealth of resources. Class members made it so interesting and fun."
IMAGE: Bridges Facilitator Audrea Mendivil welcomes participants.
This testimonial came from a client who has worked with the Workforce Development Center on and off for the last 3 years:
"I am happy to report I have achieved independence again after a series of bad decisions that led me to needing any and all services for the last five years. My personal journey has been one of Faith, Hope and Love. None of those in any particular order and it took every bit of my inner strength to be successful.
"My advice to others: embrace your faith and put one foot in front of the other. It’s a long and tough road but with God's help he will send you the helpers that are needed to help you get your life in order again.
"Keeping off drugs and booze and getting off the streets should be your first goal. Second should be getting the training and advice that will be needed to enter back into the workforce... from the financial counselors, to the food bank truck manager, to the various types of assistance helpers like resume writers, job searching specialists and interviewing counsellors, ICS hits it out of the park!"
"Thank you [ICS] for your kindness. I must say it took a lot longer than I thought to get back on my feet, (5 years) and there was tons of sacrifice and emotional pain, but with God’s help and ICS’s I am now self sufficient—off all services—debt free and owe all the good people who believed in me a big thank you."
From November through May, ICS coordinates Free Produce Giveaways at six sites around Tucson. Staffed by volunteers from local businesses and faith communities, giveaways ensure that rescued produce and other food items get to people who can use them.
Produce is provided by the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona.
• Everyone is welcome! NO documentation (ID or proof of residence in Pima County) is required.
Distribution is a drive-through model—you remain in your vehicle. Walk-up clients are also welcome.
Food received is separate from the monthly allotment of emergency food and will not affect food bank eligibility.
Distribution dates are subject to change. Please visit icstucson.org/freeproduce to confirm a date prior to visit.
El Pueblo Community Center
101 W. Irvington Rd. (west of 6th Ave.)
Fridays 8–10 a.m.
Nov. 22, Dec. 20, Jan. 24, Feb. 21, Mar. 21, Apr. 25, May 23
ICS Northwest Food Bank
2820 W. Ina Rd. (east of Shannon Rd.)
Saturdays 5:30–7:30 a.m.
Nov. 9, Dec. 7, Jan. 4, Feb. 1, Mar. 8, Apr. 5, May 3
Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church
210 E. Lester St. (near 6th Ave. & Grant Rd.)
Saturdays 8–10 a.m.
Nov. 16, Dec. 14, Jan. 18, Feb. 15, Mar. 15, Apr. 12
Northminster Presbyterian Church
2450 E. Ft. Lowell Rd. (at Tucson Blvd.)
Thursdays 8–10 a.m.
Nov. 13, Dec. 19, Jan. 16, Feb. 13, Mar. 13, Apr. 17, May 15
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
601 E. Ft. Lowell Rd. (west of 1st Ave.)
Fridays 8–10 a.m.
Nov. 8, Dec. 13, Jan. NONE, Feb. 7, Mar. 7, Apr. 11, May 9
Unleashed Christian Church
265 W. Valencia Rd. (west of 6th Ave.)
Fridays 8–10 a.m.
Nov. 15, Dec. 6, Jan. 17, Feb. 14, Mar. 14, Apr. 18, May 16
Free Produce GIveaways provide a wonderful one-time service opportunity for groups. No advance traning is required, and these volunteers don't need to attend Volunteer Orientation or be registered with ICS.
Learn more about volunteer opportunities: icstucson.org/volunteer
Nelle, a Mobile Meals participant, recently celebrated her 100th birthday! Senior Services Manager Vivian Escobar (pictured, right) and Mobile Meals Coordinator Jennie Lane (at left) stopped by to commemorate this special birthday with her.
Nelle, who radiates joy to everyone around her, is a passionate quilter and continues to create stunning, awardwinning masterpieces. The volunteers who deliver her meals support her ability to be independent and pursue her hobbies.
This thank-you note sent to the ICS Northwest Office demonstrates the difference volunteers make in the lives of Senior Services clients:
"God bless all of you for your generous and kind service to the community. I am so grateful for the rides you provide for seniors like myself who no longer drive—especially when I have doctor appointments.
"This past month of July I needed transportation to the dentist on 2 occasions which were longer than I anticipated.
"You sent me Joni for the first one and Scott for the second one. They were both fantastic; good drivers, good listeners, patient and courteous besides so dependable and gracious.
"May you continue your self sacrifice and service. Thank you!"
Gifts of Love is a need-based annual drive to provide holiday gifts for children, teens, and older adults living alone. It brings joy to families living below the poverty line, and to older adults who might not receive any other gifts this year.
A great way to honor or remember a family member, friend, or someone else who has been special in your life, is to make a tribute donation to Interfaith Community Services.
With each tribute gift, Interfaith Community Services sends a personalized card to the individual(s) or family that you designate, letting them know about your thoughtful gift. We also list donations made in memory or honor in our the annual report and Heart at Work newsletters.
Provide gifts using provided wish lists that include preferences like size and favorite color. The online adoption portal will be open November 11–December 2.
Gift wrap supplies will be collected December 9–13 between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Bring gift wrap, tape, large gift bags, or tissue paper to an ICS location:
Central Office 122 N. Craycroft Road on the campus of Rincon Congregational UCC
Northwest Office 2820 W. Ina Road on the campus of Christ the King Episcopal Church
No time to shop? Monetary donations can be used to buy presents for clients not adopted through the portal before the Dec. 2 deadline. ICS volunteers do the shopping.
The Arizona Department of Revenue has increased tax credit limits for tax year 2024. Donations to Qualifying Charitable Organizations (QCOs) can reduce dollar-for-dollar what you’ll pay later in AZ state income tax for 2024.
• Married couples filing jointly can claim a QCO tax credit of up to $938.
• Head of household/single filers can claim a QCO tax credit up to $470.
Qualifying donations can be made through April 15, 2025. Find more information at azdor.gov/tax-credits.
ICS is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) Tax ID #86-0520997 QCO Code #20438
On July 1, ICS welcomed three new members to our Board of Directors. We are grateful for their service in providing overall governance of the organization.
Thank you to all of our Fall Food Drive partners! IMAGE: The Mobile Food Bank crew picks up donated food from Roche Tissue Diagnostics in Oro Valley.
ICS is now accepting applications for several positions. Find a list of job descriptions and application instructions online: icstucson.org/jobs
Pima County residents can now get free food at a site in the 85719 ZIP code. The Mobile Food Bank brings a full food bank experience directly to clients in the areas where they live or work.
Goodwill Thrift Store
2907 N. 1st Avenue
(between Fort Lowell Rd. and Glenn St.) 4th Wednesday of each month 9:00—10:00 a.m.
The full schedule for all 12 distribution sites is available online: icstucson.org/mobile-food-bank
Registration is required for the first visit to a food bank. Bring photo ID and proof of residence in Pima County.
ICS office hours adopted for summer 2024 have been permanently extended. The Northwest and Central offices are open these hours:
Monday 9 a.m.–4p.m.
Tuesday 9 a.m.–4 p.m.
Wednesday 9 a.m.–4 p.m.
Thursday 9 a.m.–4 p.m.
Friday 9 a.m.–12 p.m.
Food Bank and Mobile Food Bank hours are not affected by this change.
Tucson, AZ 85741
Tucson, AZ 85710
Thanksgiving Holiday
ICS offices and food banks will be closed Thu., Nov. 28 through Sun., Dec. 1.
Winter Holidays
Mobile Food Bank will be closed Mon., Dec. 23 through Wed., Jan. 1.
Northwest Food Bank will be closed Tue., Dec. 24–Wed., Dec. 25 and Wed., Jan. 1.
ICS Offices closed Tue., Dec. 24–Wed., Dec. 25 close at 12 noon on Tue., Dec. 31 closed Wed., Jan. 1, 2025