FY24 at a Glance
8,500 households served each month $989,490 financial assistance distributed 2.4 million pounds of food distributed
39,282 phone calls answered from people seeking help
205,343 miles driven by volunteers to help seniors and disabled adults
A young volunteer helps give out food at an ICS Produce Giveaway.
60,336 volunteer hours donated 943 clients received Emergency Financial Assistance
430 people participated in Sefl-Sufficiency program
Dear Friends of ICS,
As we reflect on the 2023-2024 fiscal year, we are filled with immense gratitude for your unwavering support and dedication. you have been instrumental in helping us navigate through challenging times and successfully fulfill our mission of creating pathways leading to stable and self-sufficient lives.
Sometimes a little help makes a big difference:
“ICS has made it possible for us to live in a safe environment with electricity. If it were not for the help that is donated to ICS to help families in need like mine, I do not know where we would be. You are such a blessing!” - LaTrina H.
The number of people we are able serve each year is impressive, and it is volunteers and donors who make the difference with their service and kindness. In Fy2024 volunteers drove 205,343 miles to help seniors and disabled adults get to medical appointments and other necessary services, donated 60,336 hours, and helped answer 39,282 phone calls from people seeking help.
“It’s not just about the financial assistance they were able to provide, it was much more and deeper than that, it was knowing that they were there for us, they truly cared about us and our circumstances, it was about the HOPE they gave us. I do not know how many people or families Interfaith Community Services has provided assistance for, but I do know what they did for my family and me, for the 5 of us, they changed our lives.”
- Martin S. (single father of four boys)
Because of you, ICS lifts people up and helps them move forward. Together, we are creating pathways that lead from crisis to stability, removing barriers from people’s lives and walking the journey alongside them.
Thank you for your thoughtful support and concern for others. We look forward to another year of making a positive impact on our community with you.
With heartfelt gratitude, tom mckinney, Ceo
Bob Hendricks, president Interfaith Community Services ICS Board of Directors
selfSufficiency Programs Giving
a Hand Up! 430 participants in FY24
Through Self-Sufficiency programs, ICS works with clients to build long-range solutions that take individuals and families from crisis to sustainability. BriDGEs FinAnciAl
A 10-week course in which participants work with mentors and financial experts to create their financial future story.
A 16-week, 50 hour program to explore solutions for navigating out of poverty, and building resources for a brighter future story.
A program to help navigate people from poverty to self-sufficiency with guidance, life skills, and support for 12-24 months.
Miriam started the RESET program in February 2022. After spending most of her life caring for her family and raising children, she had little confidence in herself and struggled to take steps to achieve her goals. She first completed the Getting Ahead workshop series, then took the Bridges Financial Management course and completed the Grief Recovery program. Working with ICS staff, she entered the workforce with a full-time position working in a daycare center. With newfound confidence, she and her daughter started the process of opening their own daycare.
Miriam is grateful to the RESET Program for giving her the tools and accountability to work toward her goals, which she now feels are achievable. “RESET has given me the strength to envision my future story. It has given me the strength to start my own business. It has also
given me the resources to take control of my family’s finances. It allowed me to emotionally conquer things that have held me back.”
sinGlE mOm scHOlArs
A long-term support program providing financial assistance, practical services, and a peer community for scholars and their children as the women earn college degrees leading to better jobs and brighter futures.
a SINgle mom SCHolar’S Story ________________________________________________________
rie Hongo – received funding for her daughter to attend music classes in may 2024
“I am doing nursing school and was not able to work as much as I wanted. However, I didn’t want my daughter to stop her music class only due to financial issues. I just wanted to provide my children with the possible best as my parents did for me. They were middle class, nowhere close to being rich but they worked hard, and compensated for a lot of things for our education and activities. I really appreciate getting help from you all.
I was able to continue providing music lessons to my daughter. She also understood that her tuition was paid by somebody who is generous and tries to help those who are in need. She practiced every day, and she was doing great. She ended up switching to Piano where she is receiving free lessons. Although, through violin class, she was able to learn not only to play violin but also how to communicate with other adults; her teacher and staff there.
It has been making a big difference. First of all, I don’t have any family members in the US so
feeling that somebody is trying to help me and my children is such a big relief. I didn’t expect to be a single mother after immigrating to the States from Japan with my ex-husband. Thanks to you and other organizations. My life has been beyond amazing, and my children are very blessed! I strongly believe younger children who are exposed to some sort of music do fairly well at school as well. I am sure it is not only because of music but my children are doing very well at school and have a good balance of sports, music and school.
I am finishing up my last semester of nursing school, and I will graduate in December 2024. Thanks to your help, I was able to stay parttime at work and obtain time for studying and spending time with my kids. I am also doing BSN concurrently. The big reason I am where I am right now is generous people/organizations like you all. I cannot express how appreciative I am. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart! “
selfSufficiency Programs
Expert staff and volunteers work one-on-one with clients through every step of the job search process.
VitA tAX AssistAncE
ICS hosts this United Way program providing free tax preparation for people with low to moderate incomes.
Hope aND optImISm pay oFF!
YOutH EnricHmEnt suPPOrt
Support for families enrolled in other ICS programs, allowing children to participate in after-school sports or clubs, fine arts activities, tutoring, and more.
Angela Logan started working with Workforce Development in November of 2023 after moving to Tucson from California. She needed assistance with housing, utilities, and basic living expenses because of her divorce in addition to struggling with self-esteem and confidence issues. She worked with our volunteer staff and Evelyn to update her resume, recover her personal information (birth certificates, Social Security Card, passports, etc.) and find temporary housing. Our Friday volunteer, Fredericka, invited Angela to her church and helped her expand her social network and net of spiritual support. She just completed 6 months of training with the Arizona Department of Corrections and is scheduled to start her job as a Dispatch Officer.
“I was a mess mentally and physically and Ms. Pam kept pulling me in and encouraging me to not give up,” said Angela. She reminded me of who I am and what I can do, and that I’m good enough.”
“Thank you for all the help. I was in a state all by myself without anyone to help. I was scared to trust anyone. It was really bad, but it could have been worse without the help of ICS and Workforce Development. For anyone coming through, don’t give up and be open to their help and suggestions. Trust them!” because of her divorce in addition to struggling with self-esteem and confidence bad, suggestions. Trust them!”
Emergency Assistance
EmErGEncY FinAnciAl
ICS assists individuals and families in crisis with Emergency Financial Assistance (EFA) to meet acute basic needs. These include:
• Rent and mortgage payments to prevent eviction
• Utility payments to prevent loss of service
• Help replacing a state-issued ID or birth certificate
• Gas vouchers or minor car repairs to get to work
• Back-to-work expenses; permits and uniforms
$989,490 financial assistance distributed to 943 households
39,282 calls for help answered
2,576 people referred to external agencies
These supports, along with short-term case management, help individuals and families get back on their feet and take steps toward stability and independence.
Support programS Help FatHer Break tHe CyCle oF poverty
William was raised by a single mother after his father was sentenced to prison. The young family struggled to get by with few resources, and theft had seemed like a solution for the desperate situation.
Now William is a single father, and he is determined to choose a different relationship with his 3-year-old son than the one he had with his own father. He is a self-employed rideshare driver. After experiencing some health challenges, he fell behind on his utility bills and car insurance, which threatened his source of income.
He came to an ICS food bank to get food and learned about the other services available, including Emergency Financial Assistance.
After completing the client intake process, he got a gas card and money for his utility bills.
“After receiving help earlier this week from [case manager] Rebekah at ICS, I was able to pay my past due car insurance and apply a portion of money toward my car loan,” wrote William. “Services such as ICS make a huge impact on the choices I have available to myself and my son.”
William gratefully shared his story and a family photo with ICS. “I would never jeopardize my opportunity to raise my son... Thank you so much for allowing me to safely raise my son without fear or worry.”
Emergency Assistance
ICS distributed food to approximately 8,500 households each month — nearly 30,000 individuals. No one who comes to an ICS food bank walks away empty handed.
Where It Comes From
the eMerGency Food assistance proGraM (TEFAP)
A federal program that helps supplement the diets of people with low incomes.
the coMMunity Food bank oF southern arizona
Grocery rescue
Every morning, ICS volunteers visit grocery stores and bakeries to pick up food that is donated because it is unlikely to sell before its expiration date. Instead of going into a landfill, this food is diverted to people in need.
2.4 million pounds of food distributed to 8,500 households served each month
Many clients visit ICS food banks multiple times each month.
550 miles driven by mobile food bank each month
Food drives and individual donations by faith communities, partner organizations, and other friends of ICS.
ics purchase
A portion of each year’s budget is allocated for bulk purchases of staple foods that have not been collected in sufficient quantities through grocery rescue or food drives.
cody’s Friends
This Tucson-area nonprofit donates dog and cat food so furry family members can be fed as well.
How It is Distributed
northWest Food bank
our brick-and-mortar food bank is open six days a week, with morning, evening, and weekend hours to accommodate various schedules.
Mobile Food bank
This custom-built refrigerated truck visits twelve sites around Tucson to distribute food to clients living in food deserts or with no means to travel to a traditional food bank. It provides a full food bank experience.
Free produce GiveaWays
From November through May, ICS coordinates six Free Produce Giveaways each month at sites around Tucson. These events ensure that rescued produce and other food items get to those who can use them.
mFB stops
connection pointe church
4314 N. Romero Rd., 85705
Mt. calvary Missionary baptist church 210 E. Lester Street, 85705
unleashed christian church
265 W. Valencia Rd., 85706
vida nueva church oF God 330 W. Nebraska Street, 85706
neW spirit lutheran church (iCs eastside LoCation) 8701 E. old Spanish Trail, 85710
rincon conGreGational ucc (iCs CentRaL oFFiCe) 122 N. Craycroft Rd., 85711
GoodWill oF southern az corporate oFFice 1920 E. Silverlake Rd., 85713
Grace teMple Missionary baptist church 1019 E. 31st Street, 85713
Greater eMManuel Grace apostolic church 1850 W. San Marcos Blvd., 85713
yWca house oF neiGhborly service 243 W. 33rd Street, 85713
GoodWill thriFt store 2907 N 1st Ave, 85719
iGlesia de centro sanidad 2233 E. Summit St., 85756
senior services
Senior Services help older and disabled adults live independently in their own homes, without the need for institutional care. ICS volunteers provide essential support services while also offering social contact that helps keep recipients healthy and connected.
Mobile Meals
Volunteers deliver fresh, nutritious meals at lunchtime every weekday, along with a second meal to eat for dinner.
Frozen Meals
A week’s worth of frozen meals are delivered once a week to the recipient’s home or to the Marana Senior Center for pick up.
Food box delivery
Boxes of fresh groceries and pantry staples from the Food Bank delivered once a month.
Grocery shoppinG
Transportation volunteers shop using a list and method of payment provided by the recipient. Groceries are delivered to the recipient’s home.
With ICS Support
630 seniors and disabled adults served with one or more services
28,215 volunteer hours devoted to Senior Services
17,681 Mobile Meals delivered
4,189 rides given to medical appointments or the grocery store
2,051 Help at Home services performed to help people remain safely in their homes
Rides to medical appointments, pharmacy, bank, post office, grocery store, and other essential errands.
A few years ago, David’s beloved wife passed away after repeated battles with cancer. During her illness, he worked every angle he could find to have the funds needed for her continued treatment. He was deeply grateful to spend several more
years with his wife than originally predicted, but it left him deep in debt. David is a gifted landscaper and upholsterer but is losing his vision and cannot work so he now receives ICS services such as transportation and food box delivery. He also attends ICS Coffee and Conversations where he enjoys socializing with other senior program participants, volunteers and staff making him feel less alone in life. David utilizes ICS Help at Home services for friendly phoning, friendly visiting and business help to combat feeling isolated. Since his wife’s passing his life hasn’t been the same, ICS’s senior program volunteers bring him hope and joy.
ics Help at Home
Wellness checks Regular morning phone calls to check on recipients’ welfare.
Friendly phoninG Weekly 30-minute phone calls providing conversation and social interaction.
Friendly visitinG Weekly inperson visits for conversation and social interaction. Visits might include activities like reading aloud or playing cards or other games.
Minor hoMe repair Volunteers do minor home repairs. Labor is free; recipients pay only for materials.
liGht yard Work Volunteers perform light yard work like pulling weeds and clearing small debris.
business help Help to sort and read mail, pay bills, balance a checkbook, or organize personal papers.
Community Health Outreach Knowledge is Empowering 411
workshop participants
Mental and emotional well-being are important components of self-sufficiency.
ICS offers a suite of learning opportunities that address difficult subjects like mental illness, the strain of caregiving, and the end of life. Courses and workshops are offered online, in ICS offices, and in partner locations throughout the community.
Health Education Outreach
Mental health First aid An 8-hour course that teaches participants how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use.
a Mental health discussion Facts and recommendations for seeking and providing help for those who are suffering from mental unwellness.
coMpassionate care With healthy boundaries How to give care while setting secure, healthy boundaries.
Compassion Fatigue –carinG on eMpty Helping participants to take care of themselves when they are responsible for the care of others.
depression & anxiety in the elderly
Identifies the signs and symptoms of depression and anxiety that might be exhibited by older adults.
Let’s taLk – eFFeCtive CommuniCation
Various communication and listening styles, overcoming communication barriers, and body language and nonverbal communication.
coMMunicatinG With diFFicult people and de-esCaLating diFFiCuLt situations
How to calm an angry person and remain calm yourself.
Volunteers A Collective Heart:
Since the beginning, volunteers have been the heart of ICS. our programs and services would not be possible without the skills, dedication, and service of hundreds of incredible volunteers.
Volunteers come from diverse backgrounds, traditions, and life experiences, all with a commitment to our community and a desire to share kindness and compassion with others.
Currently at ICS there are 49 different job descriptions for volunteers. They take advantage of the vast experience and varied skills of the volunteer corps to meet the needs of tens of thousands of our neighbors in Southern Arizona.
AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers are a large part of the volunteer efforts at ICS, meeting essential needs for older and disabled adults in transportation, food delivery, and ICS Help at Home.
From The Heart
556 volunteers
60,336 volunteer hours donated
205,343 miles driven by transportation volunteers
When volunteers and donors coMe toGether to serve
Here’s a beautiful reminder of how vital ICS donations are when paired with the important work our ICS volunteers do. We invite you to take a moment to read this touching story from our dedicated volunteer, Seri B. It’s sure to warm your heart!
“I just want to share with you an experience I had this morning as a runner at the Food Bank. A few weeks ago, someone made up “birthday boxes” with a cake mix, frosting, candles, and a card in a tin container to bake the cake. We have been passing these out as participants with birthdays in the near term would come in.
This morning there were only TWo of these left. I waited on a gentleman whose birthday is next week so I brought a birthday box out to him. He was shocked. He said “Do you know what this means to me? I was just on the phone with my sister in Puerto Rico complaining that no one in my family, except her, ever remembers my birthday. your giving me this box means someone DoES care, even if it isn’t my family. Thank you.” I think we were both about in tears.
Thank you to everyone who wholeheartedly dedicates themselves to creating pathways to stability in so many impactful ways!
Faith Community Partners Faith Community Support
$238,312 donated
Working side by side we are able to do more than any one individual congregation can do.
Interfaith Community Services was founded in 1985 by six faith communities who realized they could accomplish more good working together than separately.
66,617 pounds of food
>36% of volunteers identify with a faith community
In fiscal year 2023 we were honored to work with 119 partnering faith communities. They play an essential role in ICS: donating funds and food, making their facilities and grounds available for ICS activities, adopting families during the holidays for Gifts of Love, and organizing special drives and service projects to meet specific needs.
* Indicates an ICS Founding Member.
Abiding in Christ Fellowship
Abiding Savior Free Lutheran
Agape Christian Church International
Aldea Spiritual Community
Alive Church
Alive in Christ Lutheran Church
Apostolic Deliverance Ministry
Arizona yage Spiritual Assembly
Ascension Lutheran Church
Baha’i Faith of oro Valley
Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church
Canyon del oro Bible Church
Casas Adobes Congregational UCC *
Casas Church
Catalina United Methodist Church
Christ Church United Methodist
Christ Presbyterian Church
Christ the King Episcopal Church
Church of the Apostles Episcopal
Church of the Painted Hills United Church of Christ
Community Christian Church Marana
Congregation Anshei Israel
Congregation Bet Shalom
Congregation Chaverim
Congregation M’kor Hayim
ConnectionPointe Church
Connections Vineyard Church
Cortaro Vista Community Church *
Desert Dove Christian Church
Desert Skies United Methodist Church
Desert Valley Seventh Day Adventist Church
Dove of Peace Lutheran Church
Ebenezer All Nations Seventh Day Adventist Church
St. Matthew’s Episcopal
Episcopal Church of St. Matthew
Faith Christian Fellowship of Tucson
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
First United Methodist Church
Fountain of Life Lutheran Church
Good News Community Church
Grace Community Church
Grace St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Grace Temple Missionary Baptist Church
Grace to the Nations Church
Greater Emanuel Grace Apostolic Church
Greater Faith Word Church International
Hesed Iglesia Apostolica de la Fe en Christo Jesus
Holy Way Presbyterian Church
Hope City Church
Iglesia Centro de Sanidad
Immanuel Presbyterian Church
Islamic Center of Tucson
Kol Ami
LifeBridge Baptist Church
Living Grace Ekklesia
Lord of Grace Lutheran
Lutheran Church of the Foothills
Maranatha Seventh Day Adventist
Ministerios Manantial De Amor
Mount Calvary Missionary Baptist Church
Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church
Mountain View Baptist Church
Mountain Vista Unitarian Universalist Congregation
New Hope United Methodist Church
New Life Bible Fellowship
New Life Community Church of the Nazarene
New Spirit Lutheran Church
Northminster Presbyterian Church
Northwest Community Friends Church
St. Francis in the Foothills Methodist
St. James United Methodist Church *
St. John on the Desert Presbyterian
St. John’s United Methodist Church
St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church
St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church
St. Mark’s United Methodist Church
St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal
St. Michael the Archangel Ecumenical Catholic Church
St. odilia Catholic Church
St. Paul’s United Methodist
St. Philip’s In The Hills Episcopal Streams in the Desert Lutheran Church
Summit Ridge Community Church
Tanque Verde Lutheran
Templo La Uncion
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The Journey Church
The Village Church
The Voyager Chapel (contributing informal partner)
*Third Church of Christ, Scientist
Tortolita Presbyterian
Tree of Life Baptist
Trinity Presbyterian
Tucson Central Church of the Nazarene
Tucson Church International
Tucson First Brethren Church
Tucson Community of Christ
Tucson Midvale Park Seventh Day Adventist Church
Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson
Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson
oro Valley Church of the Nazarene
oro Valley Church of the Nazarene
oro Valley United Church of Christ
our Lady of the Desert Catholic Church
our Saviour’s Lutheran Church
Pantano Christian Church
Resurrection Lutheran Church
Rincon Congregational Church UCC
Rising Star Baptist Church
Saguaro Christian Church
Santa Catalina Catholic Parish
Santa Catalina Catholic Parish
Shalom Mennonite Fellowship
Southside Presbyterian Church
St. Alban’s Episcopal Church
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church
St. Christopher Catholic Parish
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
United Christian Fellowship
United Christian Fellowship
Unity of Tucson
Unleashed Christian Church
Unleashed Christian Church
Vida Nueva Church of God
Vida Nueva Church of God
Water of Life Metroplitan Community
Water of Life Metroplitan Community
Faith Community Partners Emeritus
Faith Community Partners Emeritus
ICS recognizes the legacy of these congregations:
Capilla del Sol Christian Church
Capilla del Sol Christian Church
Church of the Everlasting Gospel Congregation or Chadash
CoRE Life Ministries
Temple Emanu-el
Unity Spiritual Center of Peace
Sanctuary United
Sanctuary United Methodist Church
Financial stewardship
Tom McKinney with ICS volunteer Fredericka Hill, and ICS staff
Tori Carlson, Terry Alexander and Maria Brown at the Southern Arizona Volunteer Management Association
Legacy Society
Anonymous (4)
Helen acker & the estate of robert acker
Joel & lidia allen
Nancy Atherton
estate of Hazel Battiste
karen & Bruce Bittmann
michael & lori Block
ralph & marliyn Boeker
Francis & Barbara Boyle
marilyn Brandenburg
Walter & lillian Caroll
george & toni Chardukian
Jack & peggy Comp
Wayne & Carol Dawson
Diamond Foundation
lee & Jean Farmer
mcNeil S. and ruth v. Fiske Family trust
Estate of Bonnie Fortunato
Janet Frichtl Trust
Carol Goeman
marjorie & Bert gustafson
ana Harris
estate of Dora Hartwell
Bob & anne Hendricks
William Horst & the estate of ann Horst
estate of Jay & Betty Huitsing
kathleen Jenkins & the estate of edmund Jenkins
Bonnie Kampa
robert & patricia kittrell
Beth koch & the estate of kevin koch
Susan lane & the estate of larry lane
Estate of Dwight Lang
Charles & laura lentner
Lucille E. Williams Foundation
Estate of Edwin Z. Malacha
James marvel & the estate of Judy marvel
richard & Julianne mclean
Stuart Meinke
greg J. milward & Bruce a. pitz
alex & karen mlawsky
James & Dolly moran
estate of elizabeth groty Newton
Sharon & John olbert
Estate of April Peck
Nancy peterson & Dave Becker
greg & lynn pivirotto
Steve & ruth pollyea
paul & pamela raikunen
Estate of Theodore Reynolds
Barry & patti robinson
larry & linda Schloss
youth groups are welcome to volunteer at ICS.
This special group of donors have made a gift to ICS in their will or estate plans, or a current or planned gift of $10,000 or more to the ICS Permanent Endowment Fund. It is named in honor of Ed and Kay Jenkins, who gave of their time and means for nearly two decades to help solve issues like hunger and homelessness in the Tucson community.
gertrude Schwab
estate of Nancy Schwarzwalder
Bob & Sheri Siesennop
Maude Shingler
Estate of Betty June Simonson
Bill & mary anne Springer
Diane Stowell
Estate of Allen Stults
Scott & Diana Summerford
The David and Lura Lovell Foundation
Estate of Myrtle Thorne
estate of William & marcene thousand
Wendell & rose tyson
estate of Dorothy Dyer vanek
David & ellen vellenga
Estate of Loraine Weldon
tim Wernette & Carolyn Brown
estate of John & leile Wickland
Judith K. Wright
individual Donors
$10,000 and above
Anonymous (7)
Jean & lynn Badeau
Bruce & lu Bittmann
Martha Brasher
pamela & David Brunk
katherine & Frank griffith
philip & Carol lyons Family Fund
Steve & ruth pollyea
paul & pamela raikunen
William & karen Schumacher
gayle & thomas Sette
thomas & Susan Silverio
Richard Teugh
Wendell & rose tyson
David & Beth vonk
Judy Weill
Douglas J. Wylie
Lisa Bacus
Debbie Boggs
robert & Judith Bolt
erik & kristin Brandstaetter
Carol T. Des Cognets
Joe & arrah Dial
linda Drake & David van Wyck
michael & pattie Feder
richard & Wendy gilman
robert & Betsy Holland
Arline Jeschke
elaine a & edwin H Jones
Barbara kelly
Sherwin & karen koopmans
ruby ludwig
Julianne McLean
roberta miller
John & Sandra mitchel
paul & Nancy montgomery
David & marlys Nelson
Dennis H Noonan &
Judith L Peters
Mike Schoff
gregg & kimberly Sciabica
Bill & mary anne Springer
Jane Sterritt
Christine Weiler
Anonymous (17)
David ahmad & kris Hornback
Pam Cooper Alexander
Joel & lidia allen
ron & Betty allen
Clarence & phala andressen
Nancy Atherton
Richard Backus
Jane & ray Baldwin
Kathleen Barrett
Susan Basso
Karen Bauer
Barry & Susan Bedrick
robert & marilyn Benjamin
thomas & alison Betts
Sanford W. Bigelow
Cherri Block & Beatrice yeager
kenn & kathy Boelte
Seri E. Boettcher
timothy & karen Bondy
Steve Boyer
Francis & Barbara Boyle
Nancy Bushroe
Walter & lillian Caroll
David & Docia Casillas
Barbara Chadwick
george & toni Chardukian
David Chojnacky
Jeff & Deborah Christensen
Andrea Cohn
Shirley Coleman
Susan Comstock & marc rolfes
Ryan Conti
Steve & lisa Cooke
James & Charlotte Cordes
Bill & Sandra Cross
alan & Helen Dankwerth
Dennis & Barbara Davidson
James & retha Davis
Dr. Charles A. Davis
Philanthropic Fund
george & Joanne Deakin
Janet M. DeKeyser
Jose r. Diaz
andrea Dillenburg
Arlene M. Douglas
David Dresher
Carol A. Duncan
George Duncan
Frank & Sarah earnest
James & Janet elkan
John Engel
thomas J & erika ennen
John & rebecca Fenn
Heidi Fisher
Stephen Fiske
Barbara m. Flori
Linda Floyd
Jenny Flynn
patrick & lynn Ford
William & Nancy Fox
Tina Frey
Bruce Friedman
Jerry & Barbara Frislie
Douglas & Sharlene gardner
Wendell & pauline gardner
theodore & Judy gayok
gabriele gidion
Suzanne gross
marjorie & Bert gustafson
philip & martha Hall
Brian & misty Hansen
ana Harris
patricia Harrison-monroe
patricia Havens & Joseph assenzo
lester & Suzanne Hayt
Joanne Healy
David Hedgepeth
Jill & Joe Heerboth
Bob & anne Hendricks
gloria l. Hirsch
William Hoeft
richard & gloria Hoffman
Douglas & elizabeth Holland
Judith & michael Holser
martin & linda Horowitz
James & kathleen Howard
John & rhoda Hubbard
Bob & Joanne Hungate
Benjamin Jenkins
tom & ellen Jenkins
everett & anne Johnson
Kent Johnson
Bonnie Kampa
Jacqueline Karpen
Steve Kellermeyer
Diane & rodger kemp
robert & patricia kittrell
richard & lois klein
Wallace & amy kleindienst
John & kimberly klippstein
John & Carol knapp
george knecht & maria ortiz
Barbara knight
Dennis & linda korger
Steve & Debi kromer
Natalie Kujawa
robert laFramenta
Daryl & Betty lamfers
Darryl & Sarah landau
Susan Lane
Nick & Denise lapins
thomas & Francy lee
David & margaret likness
Craig & Jan littlefield
Janet & Charles lynn
Martha Joanne Lyons
Linda Maholland
Dave & Norma martin
James Marvel
Dean & laura marvin
Catherine & Frank mcginty
mark & Barbara mcInnis
tom mckinney & Dee Dee Connel
lloyd & Judith mclaughlin
ken & margaret mcNealy
Rollin Medcalf
tom & rose mary meyer
Douglas A. Meyer
Dr. Beth meyerson & Jill german
Ulrich F. Michael
Joyce Butcher & Joanne Michaelsen
Geraldine Moisant
William & Deborah montgomery
Clayton Moore
Julie & Don morton
michael & martha moses
alan murray & C.J. amspaugh
July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024
paul & Jane Nakazato
Jim & gail Nicewander
William Nicoletti
trygve & leah Noreng
Del Norton
Steven & rebecca Nuckolls
martha & Bill owen
Gwen Parr
gil & kathy parrish
gerard & grace pedata
Roger Phelps
tom & ardis pitello
Susan Pomeroy
Martha Prince
John L. Pugh
Carrie Rednour Johnson
Julie Reichman
Randall Richardson
James & Natalie riley
Jamie S. Roach
James Roach
aimee roberts
Dan & Jan robertson
Barry & patti robinson
Nizar & alba rojas-Sukkar
Steven Rowe
aubrey & rosa Scarbrough
timothy Schaffner & anne maley-Schaffner
april & Barry Schiller
Randy Schuler
gerald Schwartz
elizabeth Segerstrom
Jeffrey & Caitlin Sklar
Byron & patricia Snyder
phil & Janelle Southard
roger & Deborah Spring
Howard Steele
Steven & leanne Steuer
robin & James Stout
mary Streb
Jeanne Sturgis
Scott Summerford
John Thames
Bettina Thompson
Sandra Thompson
Anne Thwaits
Leigh Tiedemann
robert & Barbara tomlin
kay & Scott turner
Bruce & Catherine uhl
Betsy van de Beuken
robert & Susan vos
Frank & linda Williams
leon & Fannie Wilson
Darrell & Sandra Wotta
Barbara Wrobleski-mullis
John & Carla yost
C. David & lucia young
Alexander Zwart
corporate and in-Kind Donors
CoRpoRATe, CiviC, GoveRNmeNT AGeNCieS & FouNdATioN pARTNeRS
July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024
$10,000 and above
Arizona Complete Health
Arizona Multihousing Charitable Foundation
Association of Arizona Food Banks
B & D Brady Foundation
Bank of America
Banner University Health Plan
City of Tucson Housing and Community Development
Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona
Connie Hillman Family Foundation
Community Investment Corporation
Corp. for National and Community Services--AmeriCorps-Seniors
David S. and Norma R. Lewis Foundation held at the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona
ECMC Foundation
Federal Emergency Management System (FEMA)
Jewish Community Foundation of Southern Arizona
Kautz Family Foundation
Lester & Millie Rosen Foundation
Mueller Living Trust
Pima Council on Aging
Pima Co. Grants Management and Innovation
Pima Co. Community and Workforce Development Department
Pima Co. Community Development and Neighborhood Conservation Department
In-Kind Donations Feed Thousands
$3.43 million of in-kind food, goods and services!
Pima Co. Community Services— outside Agency
Regional Transit Authority (RTA)
Social Venture Partners
Stone Canyon Community Foundation held at the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona
Sundt Foundation
Tucson Electric Power Co.
United Way of Tucson & Southern Arizona
Archwell Health
BeachFleischman PLLC
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona Foundation for Community and Health Advancement
Franklin Family Fund held at Communiy Foundation for Southern Arizona
Fred and Christina Armstrong Foundation
Grapevine Giving Foundation
J. William and Helen D. Stuart Foundation
JNR Networks, LLC
Northwest Medical Center
Pacific Premier Bank
Southwest Gas Corporation
Sun City Vistoso Community Foundation
The Gordon Foundation
Tucson Medical Center Healthcare
Tucson Pima Collaboration to End Homelessness - Continuum of Care
Wildfire (Arizona Community Action Agency)
United Healthcare Services, Inc
Witthoft Apprill Family Foundation
2LU Consultants LLC
Able Nutrition & Fitness LLC
AmerisourceBergen DBA Cencora
Association of Arizona Food Banks
Assured Partners of Arizona, LLC
BNI Arizona South
Carlos Chavez Photography LLC
Commerce Bank of Arizona
Desert Skies United Methodist Women
Elizabeth Read Taylor Foundation
Foothills Club of Tucson
GEICo Philanthropic Foundation
Haugh Foundation
Hubele Consulting and Accounting
Kai Family Foundation
oak Park-River Forest Community Foundation
oro Valley Rotary
Pella Rolscreen Foundation
PICoR Charitable Foundation
Raytheon Matching Gifts Program
Social Venture Partners
Sonoran Desert Corvettes of Tucson (SDCT)
Spaces to Learn
Eliot Spalding Foundation
Splendido at Rancho Vistoso
Sundt Foundation
Suvida Healthcare LLC
Texas Instruments Foundation
The Carl & Mabel Shurtz Foundation
The David & Lura Lovell Foundation
The Lewis Hertz Foundation
Thomas & Jeanne Elmezzi Private Foundation
Tucson Apple Tree Church
Unity Church of Peace
Wells Fargo Foundation
William & Ruth Pendleton Memorial Fund
WM of Arizona - Tucson Team
WyR Foundation
in-KinD doNoRS
July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024
$10,000 and above
St. Alban’s Episcopal Church
St. Mark’s United Methodist Church
$5,000 to $9,999
Casas Church
Lutheran Church of the Foothills
Mountain Shadows Presbyterian
New Spirit Lutheran Church
oro Valley Church of the Nazarene
Rincon Congregational United Church of Christ
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church
St. odilia Catholic Church
$1,000 to $4,999
Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church
Katherine Boeser
Carlos Chavez Photography LLC
Casas Adobes Congregational Church
Christ Presbyterian Church
Christ the King Episcopal Church
Church of the Painted Hills
Desert Dove Christian Church
Dove of Peace Lutheran Church
Grace Community Church
Bob and JoAnne Hungate
John Hardin John
Robert McMullen
Rikki Mioduski
Laurence Lof Financial Advisors, LLC
New Life Community Church of the Nazarene
oro Valley United Church of Christ our Saviour’s Lutheran Church
Resurrection Lutheran Church
Billie Lee Rein
Sandy Ricker
Jamie S Roach
Spaces to Learn
St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church
St. Paul’s United Methodist Church
Nizar Sukkar and Alba Rojas-Sukkar
Tanque Verde Lutheran Church
The Gallery Golf Club
The Lodge at Ventana Canyon Golf and Racquet Club
Westward Look Wyndham
Grand Resort and Spa
Alexis N. Wilson
Board of Directors
J. Robert (Bob) Hendricks
Steve Cooke Vice President
Misty Hansen
Vice President, Treasurer
Leah Noreng Vice President
Shaila Silverio Vice President, Secretary
Krista Brayer
Patty Clymer
Pattie Feder
Joan Hubele
Pastor Marvin Hugley
Pastor Tony Johnson
Natalie Kujawa
Darryl Landau
Kimberly o’Hagan
Carrie Rednour
Celia Valenzuela
ics staff
Chief Executive Officer
Tom McKinney
Chief Operations Officer
April Schiller
People and Culture Manager
Terry Alexander
Executive Assistant
Renee Lewis
Director of Finance
Aimee Roberts
Accounting Senior Coordinator
Carla Guyton
Accounting Coordinator
Beverly Schlosser
Data and Technology Manager
Bonnie Galaska
Technology Coordinator
Armando Pacho
deveLopmeNT ANd CommuNiCATioNS
Senior Director of Development and Communications
Andrea Dillenburg
Communications Manager
Anne Thwaits
Communications Coordinator
Jennifer Humphries
Development Coordinator
Alexis Wilson
Development Assistant
Kimberly Castro
Food opeRATioNS
Senior Program Manager –
Food Distribution
Joshua Hennings
Eastside Office Coordinator
Val Clewley
Food Distribution Coordinator
Steven Chacon
Mobile Food Bank Coordinator
Brandon Miller
Mobile Food Distribution
Program Assistant
Steven Cisneros
Rev. Anita Slovak Ex-Officio
Steve Pollyea Director Emeritus
Barry Robinson Director Emeritus
Scott Summerford Director Emeritus
Director of Self-Sufficiency
Lauryn Valladarez
Workforce Development Manager
Evelyn Wright
Workforce Development Program Coordinators
Pam Asghar
Juliet Torrejas
Self-Sufficiency Manager
Maryann Moulinet
Single Mom Scholars Program Coordinator
Rachel Riggs
Christina St. Charles
RESET Program Coordinator
Audrea Mendivil
ICS partners with Cody’s Friends to provide dog and cat food to pet parents in need.
Outreach and Partnerships
Senior Manager
Phil Lynn
Volunteer Engagement Manager
Tori Carlson-Foscz
Volunteer Engagement Assistant
Maria Brown
Community Outreach Coordinator
Jorge Ruiz
Community Outreach
Administrative Coordinator
Becky Lococo
Health and Education Manager
Tandala Kidd
Senior Director of Social Services
Cynthia Galas
Resource & Intake Senior Coordinator
Kaela Nobert
Resource & Intake Coordinator
Jalena Norzagaray
Resource & Intake Specialist
DeAnna Echeverria
Elizabeth Guzman
Front Office Coordinator, Central/ Eastside/Southside
Vicky Buelna
Front Office Coordinator, Northwest
Maureen Freeman
Financial Assistance Manager
Amanda Stanley
Senior Case Managers
Rebekah Hawes
Danitza Vargas
Case Manager
Monique Johnson
SeNioR SeRviCeS
Senior Services Manager
Vivian Escobar
ICS Help at Home Program
Jessica Cortez
Mobile Meals Coordinator
Jennie Lane
Mobile Meals Assistant
Sally Saunders
Transportation Assistant
Erika Sosa
2820 W. Ina Road
Tucson, AZ 85741-2502
On the campus of Christ the King Episcopal Church
265 W. Valencia Road Tucson, AZ 85706
On the campus of Unleashed Christian Church
8701 E. old Spanish Trail Tucson, AZ 85710
On the campus of New Spirit Lutheran Church
122 N. Craycroft Road Tucson, AZ 85711
On the campus of Rincon Congregational UCC
ICS is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization: Tax ID #86-0520997