Insight: The Art of Living Spring 2018

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24 The Pairing Game Heritage brands stay in touch with today’s world by evolving and collaborating with the new kids on the block while staying true to their roots.

26 Detroit Rising Detroit, a cornerstone of music, architecture and mass industrialization in North America, is having another moment. Just don’t call it a comeback.

30 Peak Moss Two-time Golden Globe winner Elisabeth Moss talks feminism and the future.



8 Agenda

Where to go and when — this season’s best urban events and experiences.

10 Uncommon Threads Miriam Zittel and John Honeyman of rug boutique Mellah share where they source the treasures they sell, as well as the gems in their own collection.

12 We Are Family In the world of culinary celebrities, pedigree means more now than ever before. Follow the family trees of some of Canada’s best and brightest in the restaurant scene.

16 Living Large As a way of life, hotel residences offer the benefits of a hotel along with the privacy and permanence of home.

20 In with the Old There’s something to be said for heritage when it comes to condo living — more square feet, less cost and plenty of traditional luxury.


32 Cold Comfort Keeping their fashion empire all in the family, the Lundströms — mom Linda and daughters Mosha and Sophie — team up to offer stylish, smart outerwear customized to Canada’s seasons.

LIFESTYLE 36 Trend Report Browse the season’s must-haves in fashion looks and accessories.

38 Décor Report Get “reddy” — the hottest trend for spring is on fire.

40 Vision Seeker Innovator. Thinker. Change maker. Bruce Mau’s design career is larger than life — just like the man himself.

46 Rebels with a Cause More than a rock ’n’ roll icon, musician Lenny Kravitz lends his talents to the world of design. His latest venture? An entire floor at Toronto’s new Bisha Hotel.

48 The Art of Less Is More Divest yourself of your collection responsibly. It will pay off in dividends in enhanced art appreciation.


44 58 T R AV E L 52 Belle Allure The bounty of design and architecture in Belgium transcends eras, keeping refinement and timeless style ever present.


58 Perfectly Private Unplug, rewind and get in touch with all that is good on the small, exclusive Caribbean island of Petit St. Vincent.

62 Great White North


Explore Nunavut with its stunning vast landscapes and wildlife and discover the secrets of Canada’s ancient cultural past.

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65 Property listings

A collection of extraordinary properties for sale across the country.

END NOTE 98 Down to Earth Six environmental artists get their hands dirty to celebrate the beauty of nature.


2018-02-22 12:01 PM


C OV E R The Foundation Issue Vroenhoven Bridge, an architectural and historical landmark in Reimst, in the Flanders region of Belgium. Photo: Martin FĂźhrt



A M BE R D OW L I N G Amber Dowling is a freelance lifestyle and entertainment writer in Toronto, whose work has appeared in newspapers, magazines and websites across Canada and in the U.S. A previous president of the Television Critics Association and editor-in-chief of the former weekly TV Guide in Canada, Dowling covered all aspects of the Golden Age of television. Apart from watching a whole lot on the boob tube, she’s a world traveller and mom with a serious penchant for bold reds and stinky cheese. For Insight: The Art of Living, Dowling had a chat with Elisabeth Moss on the actor’s most recent role and newfound feminism (page 30).

M A R G O T AU S T I N After spending more than two decades at Canadian design and décor magazines, including Canadian Living, Style at Home and Canadian House & Home, Margo Austin launched her own communications consulting firm. She is editor-in-chief of The Design Edit blog, which covers design, personal style and travel, and is a décor expert on CTV’s The Marilyn Denis Show. Alongside her antiques dealer husband, Kevin, she is often off on vacation/buying forays to unearth treasures in far-flung locations. One such trip took them to Belgium, which led her to share with us in this issue (page 52) her preferred design hot spots there.

A N D REW B RUD Z This Toronto-based writer has written about travel, food and various goings-on for Toronto Life and Bold magazines, as well as Tourism Toronto. When Brudz is not working away on his laptop, you can find him at the movies or in an antiques shop. Perhaps because he grew up in relatively dull Windsor, he sought adventure, fun and a wee bit of danger across the border, exploring Detroit’s notorious streets and its opulent historic architecture. Brudz’s love for that city and his hopes for its future influenced his feature for Insight: The Art of Living (page 26).

MICHAEL GILLETTE Michael Gillette uses the energy of rock ‘n’ roll to inspire his work as an artist and designer. Born and raised in Swansea, in Wales, he began his career in London, generating art for emerging Britpop musicians, including video and sleeve work for Elastica and Saint Etienne. After a move to San Francisco in 2001, Gillette collaborated on projects with the Beastie Boys, My Morning Jacket, Beck and Paul McCartney. This year, he’s mounting a solo art exhibition, titled “Year of the Dog.” For Insight: The Art of Living, his high-intensity designs document Canada’s ever-evolving food scene (page 12).















WELCOME/BIENVENUE Growth and renewal emerge from deep roots and a solid foundation. La croissance et la nouveauté naissent de profondes racines et d’une base solide.


s winter turns to spring, the landscape — and the real-estate market — re-emerges and blooms again. Though not visible to the eye, solid root systems — just like a home’s foundation — are fundamental to growth and endurance. At Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, we appreciate that the value of a home lies not only in the beauty of its architecture, but also in the strength of its foundation in order to withstand the test of time and become a solid investment integral to your financial future, as well as a place for you and your family to plant roots and f lourish. Within these pages of our Spring 2018 issue of Insight: The Art of Living, as well as online at, we invite you to discover homes with solid foundations for growth. You will learn too how some of the world’s well-established luxury brands — such as paint and wallpaper purveyors Farrow & Ball and interior décor wholesalers Pierre Frey — continue to blossom and thrive, thanks to their deep-rooted values and a discerning eye to the future. Find out how the contemporary lifestyle experiences offered by Four Seasons Private Residences, one of Canada’s esteemed luxury marques, are anchored in time-honoured traditions of excellence in service. You will also read about condominiums with sterling historical legacies in major Canadian urban realestate markets, which are proving to be enduring investment opportunities. On that celebratory note, we invite you to live life luxuriously. Alors que l’hiver fait place au printemps, le paysage (et le marché immobilier) renait et fleurit. Elles sont invisibles, mais les solides racines, tout comme les fondations d’une maison, sont indispensables à la croissance et la solidité. Chez Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, nous reconnaissons que la valeur d’une propriété ne réside pas que dans la beauté de son architecture, mais aussi dans la solidité de ses fondations qui lui permettront de résister dans le temps, d’être un investissement dans votre avenir financier et un endroit où votre famille peut s’implanter et s’épanouir. Dans les pages de notre édition du Printemps 2018 d’Insight : The Art of Living et en ligne sur, nous vous invitons à découvrir des maisons aux fondations solides pour vous développer. Vous apprendrez également comment certaines marques de luxe mondiales bien établies, par exemple les fournisseurs de peinture et de papier peint Farrow & Ball et les grossistes en décoration intérieure Pierre Frey, continuent de fleurir grâce à leurs valeurs enracinées et leur regard averti sur l’avenir. Découvrez comment les expériences de vie contemporaines offertes par Four Seasons Private Residences, une des marques de luxe canadiennes les plus prestigieuses, sont ancrées dans d’anciennes traditions d’excellence du service. Vous découvrirez aussi des appartements dont les héritages historiques exceptionnels sur le marché immobilier canadien s’avèrent être de solides investissements. Sur cette note festive, nous vous invitons à vivre une vie de luxe.

Brad J. Henderson President & CEO / Président et directeur Sotheby’s International Realty Canada Please connect with an email at, or on Twitter @sothebysrltycan #artofliving. Veuillez nous contacter par courriel à l’adresse insight@, ou sur Twitter à @sothebysrltycan #artofliving.




Brighten your spring with these can’t-miss events celebrating the arts, music and social change. By Andrea Janus


A meeting of the minds on the speakers’ roster of the Ted2018 Conference in Vancouver promises ticketholders curated events that will inspire and engage. Photo: Bret Hartman

Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher greets fashion designer Katharine Hamnett at a reception during London Fashion Week in 1984. Hamnett was wearing a T-shirt with a nuclear missle protest message. Photo: Press Association



April 10–14

February 9–May 6

Experience the TED2018 conference, themed “The Age of Amazement,” taking place at the Vancouver Convention Centre. On the roster are movers and shakers who generate global change and the tools they use to do so, from low-art radical movements to hightech solutions that incite our rapidly shifting worldviews. This five-day event offers more than enough speakers and workshops to inspire you, and as a ticketholder, you can also tack on a few suggested “bucket-list experiences,” including curated dinners, marvellous parties and a glamorous welcome gala.

The T-shirt has become a staple of contemporary fashion — a blank canvas for designers, musicians and activists to take their ideas to the streets. “T-Shirt: Cult | Culture | Subversion,” an exhibit at the Fashion and Textile Museum in London, celebrates the history of this humble (under) garment as wearable art, representing movements from punk to populist to political. On display are tees from the private collection of Vivienne Westwood — from the early designs that made her a punk rock icon to her hardcore imagery that challenged obscenity laws and her current projects that promote active resistance.


View Picasso’s perspective on various themes, including the human form, at the MMFA. Above: Women at Their Toilette, 1956. Paris, Musée Picasso. ©Estate of Picasso / SODRAC (2017). ©RMN-Grand Palais/Art Resource, N.Y. Photo: Mathieu Rabeau

The National Ballet of Canada teams up with the National Film Board of Canada for a visually brilliant production that interweaves dance, music, animation and cinematic techniques. Photo: David Leclerc

Spring Turning, 1936, by Grant Wood. Oil on composition board. Reynolda House, Museum of American Art, Winston-Salem, N.C. Gift of Barbara B. Millhouse, 1991. ©Figge Art Museum, successors to the estate of Nan Wood Graham. Licensed by VAGA, New York, N.Y.




May 12–September 16

June 1–10

To June 10

This summer, the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MMFA) will showcase Pablo Picasso’s body of work along with some of the artworks that inspired him the most to expand his creative scope beyond traditional Western art. The exhibition — “Through the Eyes of Picasso: Face to Face with African and Oceanic Art” — juxtaposes his art with works from other cultures that approached similar themes, such as sexuality, and love and loss, through expressive techniques including abstraction, metamorphosis and the deconstruction of the human form.

One of the most highly anticipated events on Toronto’s arts calendar this spring is the world premiere of Frame by Frame. This monumental multidisciplinary collaboration partners The National Ballet of Canada with the National Film Board of Canada, alongside acclaimed playwright and film director Robert Lepage and Guillaume Côté, serving as both principal dancer and choreographer. To create this work, Lepage employs a broad range of talents from his company, Ex Machina. Frame by Frame pays tribute to the work of Canadian filmmaker and animator Norman McLaren, who won an Academy Award in 1952 for his documentary Neighbours.

Even the most casual arts fan knows Grant Wood’s American Gothic, the painting of a sombre farmer holding a pitchfork alongside a woman believed to be his wife. There is, however, much more to the work of this major exponent of Midwestern Regionalism than just that iconic image, as revealed in an ongoing exhibition at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York. “Grant Wood: American Gothic and Other Fables” is a retrospective of his work that documents Wood’s attempt to find harmony in the Great Depression and his struggles as an artist and gay man living in the U.S. Midwest.



UNCOMMON THREADS Mellah’s rug-hunting husband-and-wife team, John and Miriam, share their favourite stylish hotspots. By Wing Sze Tang


hen considering the leap to start up a new venture, most people would begin with the staid task of plotting a business plan. Not so for former catering director John Honeyman and fashion designer Miriam Zittel. When the Canadian couple decided to move back home to Toronto after about a decade in NYC, they took a far more adventurous route — a five-month, multi-country sabbatical. As they zipped around Europe with their baby, Zelda, now three years old, they flirted with the idea of perhaps opening a rug shop. Their interest in rugs had been sparked in their Brooklyn condo, where rigid rules required them to carpet 80 percent of their floors for soundproofing. “We had the hardest time finding cool rugs that weren’t a fortune,” says Zittel. With her elevated sense of chic, she wasn’t wowed by Etsy and eBay finds. “So, we thought this was a niche thing we could potentially get into, but it wasn’t set in stone.” When the duo landed in Morocco, they still weren’t sure; they considered cutting the trip short and looking for new jobs. But as soon as they saw the local textiles, they couldn’t resist buying up rugs — 100 in fact, and their business was officially born. They found their current College Street storefront on Craigslist while still in Morocco. “That’s the way we operate,” says Zittel. “We’re a little impulsive.” Since then, their gorgeous and highly covetable rugs have adorned fashionable homes all over Toronto, New York and beyond.

Miriam and John bring back unique treasures to fill their College Street storefront. Photo: Jenna Marie Wakani

01 MELLAH A destination for décor enthusiasts hunting for handmade one-of-a-kind Moroccan textiles, Mellah is also a favoured go-to for its own proprietors. Their store stocks everything, from boho Boucherouite rugs (hand-knotted from upcycled fabric scraps and reminiscent of colourful abstract art) to vintage Beni Ourain rugs (a Berber style characterized by geometric designs and undyed sheep’s wool). “We pick them one by one personally,” notes Honeyman. Those who can’t visit their Dufferin Grove shop can order online. 1090 College Street, Toronto; 416-580-7122;



02 B E L D I C O U N T RY C LU B “People who know Morocco know Beldi,” says Zittel. “It’s the most beautiful Zen little oasis built on a farm, about 10km from the medina [in Marrakech], but you feel like you’re a million miles away.” Find solace on scorching days under the shade of olive trees, by the pool or in the spa (services include argan oil massages). Or shop the peaceful on-site souk for handcrafted wares, including hand-blown recycled-glass dishware and vases from Morocco’s last remaining Beldi glass-making company (now based within the country club). Km 6, Route de Barrage, Souk Cherifia, Marrakech, Morocco; +212-524-383950;





NYC-based fashion designer Rachel Comey began her career making menswear, but she quickly drew a cult following of women who would scoop up her pieces for themselves. Today, her SoHo boutique is the cool girl’s go-to for eclectic vintage-inspired clothing. “It’s a beautiful store and she’s an incredible designer who really designs for women — even if you’re pregnant or have just had a baby,” says Zittel. “Her clothes are so forgiving and empowering.” 95 Crosby Street, New York City; 212-334-0455;

A boutique hotel isn’t what you’d expect to find amid the hamlets in Portugal’s mountainous region, but that’s exactly what Honeyman and Zittel stumbled upon while driving across Serra da Estrela for a day of hiking. Perched at an altitude of 1,500 metres (4,900 feet) in a national park, Penhas Douradas is, says Zittel, “a Scandinavian minimalist dream” with a charming restaurant that uses local, seasonal ingredients. The sleek modern architecture is tempered by pleasing nods to nature, such as wood panelling and bedspreads made with burel (a tightly woven traditional local wool fabric). “It looks [like] a Bond villain would live there,” adds Honeyman. 6260-200 Manteigas, Portugal; +351-963-384-026;

04 THE SMILE The quintessential intimate Manhattan restaurant, The Smile is “the main place we always go to,” says Honeyman. “Full disclosure: it’s owned by our friends, but it’s been super-popular since forever.” (Once it opened, it became “an instant haunt for the local art and fashion cognoscenti,” according to The New York Times.) Tucked in the candlelit basement of an 1830s Federal-style townhouse, The Smile serves seasonal fare with Mediterranean verve. “Their meatballs are incredible,” Zittel enthuses. 26 Bond Street, New York City; 646-329-5836;



WE ARE FAMILY A look at the culinary lineage of two of the most prolific food legacies in Toronto and Montreal. By Dick Snyder


he state of the restaurant scene has never been more exciting in Canada than it is right now. There are currently 98,000plus restaurants across the country offering an incredible range of global f lavours — an especially impressive number when you consider how notoriously tough it is to run a successful restaurant. In such a competitive business, it takes more than just great food to thrive. The best chef-owners share their hard-earned knowledge — learned through navigating the ups and downs of owning a restaurant — by nurturing young talent and setting the next round of chefs free to spread their gastronomic love. Chef David McMillan, co-owner with Fred Morin of three wildly popular Quebec restaurants (Joe Beef, Liverpool House and Le Vin Papillon), sees it as his duty to foster young talent and is fiercely proud of his fledglings. Grant van Gameren, perhaps Toronto’s most revered young restaurateur — with interests in seven (and counting) immensely successful restaurants, including his first and most famous solo project, Bar Isabel — actively encourages his protégés to pursue their dreams, often partnering with them to help open their first restaurants. Quetzal, for example, which opened early in 2018, is a partnership between van Gameren and two young chefs that he’d originally brought from Montreal to work at his Mexican restaurant El Rey. >


DAVID MCMILLAN & FRED MORIN CO-OWNERS Joe Beef (opened in 2005) Liverpool House (opened in 2007) Le Vin Papillon (opened in 2013) Montreal

1. David McMillan and Fred Morin have been featured on Anthony Bourdain’s last two television series — The Layover and Parts Unknown. 2. In 2016, Chef Leigh Roper participated in Omnivore Montreal — which is part of the global Ominivore food festival that is focused on “jeune cuisine” — where she taught a master class. 3. Arthur’s Nosh Bar is owned by Alexander Cohen and Raegan Steinberg, native Montrealers committed to offering Jewish classics, including matzoh




LEIGH ROPER CHEF Foxy (opened in 2016) Montreal


ALEXANDER COHEN & RAEGAN STEINBERG CO-OWNERS Arthur’s Nosh Bar (opened in 2016) Montreal



CO-OWNER Honest Weight (opened in 2015) Toronto


EMMA CARDARELLI & RYAN GRAY CO-OWNERS Nora Gray (opened in 2011) Montreal



CO-OWNER Restaurant L’Impérial (opened in 2011) Granby, Quebec

ball soup and blintzes. 4. John Bil met David McMillan and Fred Morin in 2000 and 2005 and helped them open Joe Beef. The restaurant industry mourned Bil’s passing in January of this year. 5. Ryan Gray, half of the Nora Gray duo (the other being chef Emma Cardarelli) was the sommelier at Liverpool House before starting his own venture 6. Chef François Côté studied music at the Université de Montréal before shifting his talents to the kitchen.



A strong family is watching it grow — some move on to open their own establishments, while others hone their skills as head chef at some of the most successful boîtes in cities big and small from coast to coast. Bar Kismet is run by Annie Brace-Lavoie and Jenner Cornier (who fell in love while tiling the floor at Bar Isabel before it opened in 2012) — one of the next-generation restaurateur duos to take their learning and run with it. “I gave them advice on how to get Kismet up and running, and it’s satisfying to see elements of Isabel on their menu but with their own unique twist,” says van Gameren fondly. “I look forward to eating there. It looks beautiful.” A love story forged over food and a brandnew restaurant to carry the tradition forward… This is surely the purest expression of what hospitality is all about — the recognition and celebration of culinary prowess passed along to be shared in kind.


CO-OWNER Grand Electric (opened in 2011) Toronto





GRANT VAN GAMEREN OWNER Bar Isabel (opened in 2013) Bar Raval (opened in 2015) Toronto

CO-OWNERS The Black Hoof (opened in 2008) Toronto



CO-OWNER Amano (opened in 2017) Toronto

7. Black Hoof was one of the first “nose-to- tail” restaurants in Canada. Jen Agg has gone on to open Grey Gardens and most recently, Agrokil in Montreal with indie rock band's (Arcade Fire) Win Butler and Régine Chassagne. 8. Grant van Gameren is connected to several restaurants in Toronto, including Harry’s Charbroiled, Tennessee, El Rey and, new in 2018, Quetzal, in collaboration with Kate Chomyshyn and Julio Guajardo (who worked with van Gameren at El Rey). 9. Colin Tooke and his business partner, Ian McGrenaghan, run Grand Electric, Electric Mud BBQ (in Parkdale) and Grand Electric Muskoka (in Port Carling).



11 10


ANNIE BRACE-LAVOIE & JENNER CORMIER CO-OWNERS Bar Kismet (opened in 2017) Halifax

CO-OWNER Montgomery’s (opened in 2016) Toronto



CO-OWNER La Banane (opened in 2016) Toronto

10.The first five hires at Montgomery’s, co-owned by chef Guy Rawlngs, were women — which is unique in today’s industry. 11. Annie Brace-Lavoie (who worked at Montreal’s Liverpool House and Nora Gray) and Jenner Cormier brought their kitchen and bar skills back to Cormier’s hometown, Halifax. 12. La Banane co-owners Brandon Olsen and Sarah Keenlyside also own CXBO, a gourmet chocolate shop in Toronto’s Kensington Market. 13. Michael Angeloni worked with Tooke at his family of restaurants, and Toronto institution Splendido.



LIVING LARGE From an early-1900s artist seeking an oasis for inspiration to today’s global citizen in search of a pied-à-terre, hotel residences remain top of the list for a chic luxury lifestyle. By Paul Gallant


n 1954, Ernest Hemingway took up residence in Venice’s famed Gritti Palace, the hotel where, several years earlier, he had written parts of his novel Across the River and into the Trees. This time, Hemingway was recovering from a plane crash that occurred while he was on safari in Africa. According to legend, the writer’s convalescence involved copious champagne and indoor baseball, played with a tightly rolled woollen sock in his much-coveted corner suite. When a window was smashed in the room, Gritti Palace management gave Hemingway a 10-percent discount on his bill, on the basis that no one had ever before played baseball in the 300-year-old hotel. Hemingway’s Gritti residency is just one story in the long, sometimes glamorous history of living large at landmark hotels. A hotel residence can offer an oasis for creativity in the midst of a bustling urban hub, like when Claude Monet painted the Thames from his suite’s window as the artist-in-residence at The Savoy in London. Irish actor Richard Harris also kept a suite at The Savoy for many years until his death, at age 72. “If you’re paying the mortgage on a home, you can’t ask the bank manager to fetch you a pint,” Harris purportedly once declared.


A hotel residence can also provide a refuge, as it did for the reclusive Howard Hughes, who hid out at The Beverly Hills Hotel’s Bungalow 4 after he was in a near-fatal plane crash in 1946. Or it can provide a high-profile perch for holding court, as was the case for Coco Chanel, who moved into the Ritz Paris in 1937, in a suite designed to her specific tastes for the better part of three decades. Having an address at an ideal location and eliminating many of the quotidian cares of conventional home ownership are both central to the allure of establishing oneself in a fine hotel. Though hotel living goes back centuries, starting in the early 20th century, a new generation of “palace hotels” helped turned the practice into an art. “At palace hotels, the truly wealthy enjoyed perfected personal service, superior dining, sociability as well as privacy, physical luxury and instant status — all at a >

Coco Chanel moved into the Ritz Paris permanently in 1937, furnishing her suite with artwork, lacquered screeens and chinoiserie. Photo: Granger Historical Picture Archive/Alamy




ABOVE: Ernest Hemingway penned parts of a novel while at the Gritti Palace in Venice in 1954. Photo: World History Archive/Alamy. LEFT: A rendering of soon-to-open Four Seasons Private Residences Montreal. Sales and marketing by Sotheby’s International Realty Canada. Photo: courtesy of Four Seasons

cost lower than keeping a mansion or large house,” writes Paul Groth in Living Downtown: The History of Residential Hotels in the United States, published in 1999. Hotel life, he says, “eliminated the routine responsibilities of managing a large house and garden, devising details for the constant round of dinner parties and elaborate family meals, and supervising an often unruly staff of servants.” The allure continues — a new generation of purpose-built hotel-style residences has been blurring the line between conventional home ownership and hotel living. At Four Seasons Private Residences Montreal, scheduled to open in late 2018, 18 private residences will occupy the top four floors of the 18-storey, 163-room five-star hotel development, offering residential owners the best aspects of hospitality and home ownership. “Residents could stay in a hotel but choose


a condominium because they can furnish it [the way] they [want to], and it is more permanent,” says J. Allen Smith, president and chief executive officer of Four Seasons, a Canadian-based company with some 60 years of experience in hospitality — 30 in residential property management — and with properties all over the world. “For many people, it’s the amenities that are compelling — the opportunity to access the same services associated with the hotel.” That said, residential owners often want access on their own terms, separate and more private than what’s available to hotel guests. Those who buy into the Four Seasons Private Residences Montreal will have their own entrance, managers, and concierge and valet services and can enjoy hotel amenities like the fitness centre and spa, the ballroom and an

open-concept dining and entertainment space, replete with a 2,000-square-foot terrace. The building itself sets out to be a Montreal landmark, developed by Carbonleo and designed jointly by Montreal firms Lemay and Sid Lee Architecture. The grey-tinted glass exterior evokes timeless elegance that complements the buildings around it — with views Monet would appreciate. The residences themselves, designed by Montreal’s Philip Hazan, are spacious and open-concept, proffering dramatic floor-toceiling windows and either a private terrace or a classic-style loggia. The hotel and amenity spaces have been created by design firm Gilles & Boissier in Paris. But perhaps it’s the location within Montreal’s famed Golden Square Mile that will earn the property a place in the pantheon of illustrious residential hotels. Right next door to a newly renovated Holt Renfrew Ogilvy, the Four Seasons Montreal is walking distance from the Museum of Fine Arts and the Bell Centre, and Sainte-Catherine and Crescent streets, all in the heart of what remains to be one of North America’s most chic cities. Smith notes that residential owners often come from diverse backgrounds and lifestyles. For example, at the Four Seasons Private Residences in London’s Mayfair, Twenty Grosvenor Square — scheduled to open in mid2018 — many of the owners would consider themselves global citizens, with pieds-à-terre in several countries. At the Four Seasons Hotel New York Downtown, also known as


The allure continues — a new generation of purpose-built hotelstyle residences has been blurring the line between conventional home ownership and hotel living. 30 Park Place, which opened in 2016, owners are more likely to use their home as a permanent residence. Most of them are attracted to the Four Seasons brand and its track record of delivering top-quality luxury experiences. “Often, these are people who associate themselves as our very best customers. They have already developed a relationship as hotel guests,” says Smith. “Our Montreal property is being built to the same level of sophistication and finish [at] any of our properties. I travel all over the world, and the standards for excellence are remarkable.” No wonder that Eloise, the exuberant title character in the series of books by Kay Thompson, about a girl who lives with her nanny on the “tippy-top floor” of New York City’s Plaza Hotel, was so adept at finding adventure. A top hotel provides the breathing room to explore and discover new things — and to be yourself. Of course, the adventures that residential owners might pursue from their enviable address are entirely in their own hands.

TOP: The Savoy in London was home to Impressionist Claude Monet and Irish actor Richard Harris. Photo: Georgios/Istock ABOVE: The Beverly Hills Hotel was Howard Hughes’ refuge of choice after he was in a plane crash in 1946. Photo: LPettet/Istock



ABOVE: Toronto, ON | MLS : C3991566 OPPOSITE: Ville Marie, QC | MLS : 26161595

IN WITH THE OLD Insight: The Art of Living consults expert real-estate brokers on what value an older condo can bring versus a new unit. By Tracey Ho Lung


Thanks to the competitive real-estate market, it’s harder than ever to get a foot in the door of home ownership. While a million-dollar-plus semi may not be in the cards for some, condo ownership is still within reach if you’re willing to trade going out for going up. “The majority of condo buyers today are young professionals who prefer to be within walking distance to work, fitness, social life, and [who] plan to start their families later,” says Paul Maranger, a broker and senior vice-president of sales at Sotheby’s International Realty Canada. And they like buying new. “Modern amenities, like media and yoga rooms, are more desirable than parking — common in older condos but no longer a deal breaker.” But this doesn’t mean newer is better; in fact, many older buildings have benefits that outweigh their age.


WHAT YOU’LL GET Some older condominiums in prestigious buildings boast substantial square footage. Those condos were developed to attract buyers looking to downsize or wanting to purchase a second property. “People moving from elegant houses in Forest Hill, Rosedale and North Toronto could accommodate their larger dining and living room sets, plus every unit had one or two parking spots,” notes Maranger. And larger units usually mean fewer residents, so more privacy as well as reduced wait time for elevators. Upscale amenities, such as concierges (versus security guards) and a pool, are also common and often not available in newer buildings. These early condos, built in the 1970s up to the 1980s — such as Granite Place, 70 Rosehill and York Mills Place — were considered rare.

“Since they were the first kids on the block, so to speak,” says Maranger, “their locations tend to be in favourable neighbourhoods like Yorkville, Rosedale, Avenue Road and Forest Hill, and downtown areas such as St. Lawrence Market and the Financial District.” Most units in the buildings are also owned, as opposed to rented, which means the common areas are often maintained, and the condos have better resale value. THE TRADE-OFF While offering more space for your dollar (lower dollar per square foot compared to new builds), most older condos require renovations to meet modern-day life and style preferences. Buyers may have to shell out to update the bathroom, kitchen or flooring, and there are limitations. Kitchens may not have access to natural gas, balconies may be rare, and new

T H E C I T YR AV E DI E LT owners could be prohibited from installing their own washer and dryer (prior to 1980, waste plumbing systems and electrical may not have been designed to handle it). In addition, monthly maintenance fees are typically higher. “There are fewer suites to amortize the buildings’ operating costs, and the level of services tends to be higher,” Maranger explains. “[And] in some cases, electricity is included in the monthly condo fee, [which is] unheard of in newer buildings.”


This city has a renowned selection of older condos. The most notable are The Linton, Le Château and The Arcadia, all located in the Golden Square Mile on Sherbrooke Street — home to posh retailers, Victorian mansions and landmarks such as the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. Most of these older buildings were built as rentals but later converted into condominiums. WHAT YOU’LL GET Anticipate a prime location and stunning architecture. “Le Château, for example, is built like a castle,” says Sacha Brosseau, vice-president of brokerage for Sotheby’s International Realty Canada. “Each tower has its own designation and is located on Sherbrooke Street, between Crescent and de La Montagne.” You’re buying into a building that, for the most part, is [sturdy], but due to its age, can be subject to additional repairs. THE TRADE-OFF Newer condos have a modern design with straight-line finishes and updated amenities, but they usually cost more ($1,000 versus $650 per square foot). Older condos may feature outdated layouts similar to older homes where, for

BUYER’S TIP: Before you invest in a condo, do your research. The quality of a building is based on the reputation of the developer and what the company is known to prioritize, from décor to amenities.

example, a wall separates the kitchen and living room. There’s not much competition between the old and new, according to Brosseau. “It’s all a question of taste. Older condos still appeal to an older clientele.” However, he warns about older units that are now recognized as undivided co-ownerships — meaning they operate as companies with owners having shares in the building. “Few banks will mortgage these as you’re only buying shares, so when it comes time to sell, you’ll need to find someone to purchase [it] mortgage-free.”


The older condos in Vancouver may not have the same classic architecture as those in Montreal, but they make up for it in location and potential. “A number of older condo buildings boast close proximity to the beaches, downtown, transit [and] Stanley Park and have amazing views,” says Ruth Hanson, a managing broker at Sotheby’s International Realty. Due to the high local demand for city living, several of these condominiums are being snapped up by developers interested in replacing the old with new, higher-density buildings, which means that owners could double — even triple — their original investment when it comes time to sell. WHAT YOU’LL GET You can count on a larger living space, and some older buildings offer unique features like oak hardwood parquet flooring, charming arched doorways or an outdoor pool. All this extra space and character even come at a lower cost. “Older condos sell in the downtown core for approximately 600 to 650 dollars a square foot, compared to one thousand five hundred for a new build in the same neighbourhood,” says Hanson. “[And] if that wasn’t enough, these units [also] have access to one-to-two parking stalls and a storage locker. Today, these ‘extras’ can cost an additional fee and may even require a separate title to purchase a parking stall.” THE TRADE-OFF Often, older units have just one bathroom, no in-suite laundry or may have design elements

that are considered outdated. Before purchasing an older condo, buyers are recommended to do a review of the condo’s strata funds, which condo owners must pay into for the maintenance of the building. Look at these reports as they help indicate the overall health of the condo’s strata and the building’s current state, as well as anticipated updates and repairs. “People want proximity to amenities, transit and work, and strata condo ownership can be less expensive than owning a detached [home] or townhouse,” says Hanson. “There is also the opportunity to ‘lock and leave’ if people want to travel.”


The city’s landscape was transformed, thanks to the oil boom in the ’70s, which initiated the first wave of condos. These buildings offered luxury amenities like swimming pools, a rare find in today’s local condo market. As well, they were built in coveted neighbourhoods, such as Eau Claire, Mission and Rideau Park, and are close to downtown, the mountains or Bow River. WHAT YOU’LL GET “Older condos in Calgary have the kinks worked out,” says Julie Dempsey, a real estate associate at Sotheby’s International Realty. She also notes that in older units, there are often residents who have time to oversee maintenance of the building and who participate in condo matters. “For example, at 500 Eau Claire, the building has [its] own machine to clean the parking garage,” says Dempsey. “These buildings are older, but [they] are well taken care of.” Your dollar also goes further. “A 4,300-square foot [two storey unit] in Eau Claire Estates is listed at four million,” she notes. “If you want something comparable in a new development, like The River, you’re looking at a potential cost of 10 million — a substantial increase.” THE TRADE-OFF As prices for new condos rise, units are becoming smaller. Quality top units in newer condos are generally larger and more costly, and appeal to affluent older buyers who may be downsizing or own multiple properties. “They have a house in Kelowna and Canmore but want a 1,500-to-2,000-square-foot city or work pad,” says Dempsey. And while newer condos are more expensive upfront, maintenance fees are generally half of what you’d pay in an older condo. Another difference is construction style. Older buildings commonly used post-tension cables, which allow an unobstructed sightline but require ongoing maintenance to ensure they don’t rust or snap. Older units also have small windows and rarely have a balcony. In new condos, that aesthetic has been replaced with higher ceilings, large concrete supporting pillars, floor-to-ceiling expanses of glass and balconies — a must-have for today’s developers who want to sell their units quickly.




ABOVE (from left): As Above, So Below. Oil on wood, 51 in x 41 in x 14 in. Explorations. Oil on wood, 48 in x 36 in x 12 in.

BUILDING CONNECTIONS The art of Heather Kocsis invites us to engage more deeply with the spaces that surround us and experience architecture in a whole new way. By Lisa Mesbur

THE STUDIO OF CAMBRIDGE, ONT.-BASED ARTIST HEATHER KOCSIS is white-walled and sparse, punctuated by a circular saw, boxes of art supplies and neatly stacked plywood which Kocsis uses to create her hybrid 2D/3D wood assemblages. But its tidiness belies the intense creative process and painstaking labour behind each work. Upon entering the studio, visitors are greeted by As Above, So Below, an intricate, wall-mounted piece depicting a long, high-ceilinged hallway in the Metropolitan Museum of Art; the work manages to be beautifully composed, tactile and painterly all at once. Against another wall rests Passageways, a 4x4 foot square piece of work that close up reads as abstract, but from afar resolves into a dilapidated platform criss-crossed with wooden beams and industrial ductwork. “I hear from clients who’ve owned my pieces that every day they still discover something new in them,” Kocsis says. “I’m very proud of that.” To say that Kocsis is fascinated by the artistic possibilities of architecture would be an understatement. “Whether I’m creating a piece for my collection or a commissioned work, architecture will always be my metaphor to connect with people,” she says. Past works depict derelict buildings, that hint at the long shadow of industrialization. Kocsis has tackled The Sony Centre for the Preforming Arts, a Red Hook sugar refinery slated for demolition in Brooklyn, New York, a downtown LA streetscape and a subway —100 feet below the streets of Toronto. This year, she travels to Europe to pursue the lure of architecture. Kocsis’ work is no straightforward architectural homage. “I take many photographs to physically capture the essence of the building,” she says.

“Once I decide on the viewpoint, I’m halfway there.” The construction process that follows — which has evolved over years of practise — includes adhering layers of cut and hand-torn plywood into a frame to echo the photograph’s composition, then adding additional depth using oil paints and mixed media, which can sometimes include steel and custom-machined and laser cut elements. It’s a technique that requires singular focus: Kocsis estimates that each assemblage takes four weeks to several months to complete. You could dismiss such meticulously wrought, trompe l’oeil as mere technical showmanship if the final assemblages were not so visually rich and emotionally resonant. In Spiraling Blue, a spiral staircase is half projected out of the frame — as if it’s ready to be ascended — and half rendered as background in shadowy oil paint. In The Places Where We Live, a tiny door is left ajar, hinting at warm-blooded life within a cold industrial space and coaxing the viewer to consider more deeply the relationship between humans and our built environment. “I’m definitely fascinated by the connection that people make to the buildings in my work,” Kocsis reflects. “Honestly, I’ve always been compelled to foster this connection and attempt to create profound work…and that’s what I strive to do.” Kocsis’s work is displayed throughout North America and Europe. Notable acquisitions include: 5 Penn Plaza, NY, NY; The Castle, Fraternity Chapter House of the University of Pennsylvania; Langdon Hall, Cambridge, ON. For more information on her work, please visit




Insight: The Art of Living wants to know more about you! Visit by April 25, 2018 to let us know more about you and what you’d like to see in the magazine. You could win an original artwork by Heather Kocsis, valued at $2,500.

“The Journey”, oil on wood, 16 in x 12.5 in x 5 in.

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THE PAIRING GAME To stay relevant in today’s evolving design world, heritage brands are looking to artists for new ideas to spark future success. By Caitlin Kelly


n the world of design, even established brands must work tirelessly to keep their hard-won success, especially in a society that’s always looking for the next big thing. To maintain their tastemaker and innovator status, heritage brands are turning to collaborations with up-and-coming or esteemed artists to spark new ideas and to encourage consumers to view them in a new light. Lladró knows the value of welcoming outside talent. In 2005, Spain’s 65-year-old porcelain maker launched the Re-Cyclos project, inviting designers to develop new objects inspired by Lladró’s classical pieces. In response, renowned design studio CuldeSac in Valencia re-envisioned Lladro’s traditional Christmas balls and bells as crowns and geodes. The following year, Lladró enlisted Londonbased German ceramist Bodo Sperlein to come up with a collection of pieces inspired by nature. Out of this partnership grew vases, a jewellery collection and the Niagara, an elegant chandelier comprised of a cloud of suspended porcelain butterflies. Since then, the Spanish company has worked with more than five outside designers, according to Cristina Egido, head of marketing and communications at Lladró USA. “The collaboration with external designers has been a way to bring a fresh look, mixing external innovative and creative minds with the deep know-how of the company,” she explains. For a collaboration to be successful, both parties must have compatible visions, notes Charlotte Cosby, head of creative for 72-yearold paint and wallpaper manufacturer Farrow

TOP: Louise Bourgoin’s Le Couple fabric/wallpaper design for Maison Pierre Frey. Photo: Anne-Emmanuelle Thion. RIGHT: Farrow & Ball’s Hegemone wallpaper with a flower-covered lamb figurine from Lewis Miller Design. Photo: courtesy of Lewis Miller Design



& Ball. “We collaborate with brands that have the same values that [we stand] for — design, prestige, craftsmanship, color and quality.” Last fall, Dorset, England–based Farrow & Ball teamed up with premier florist Lewis Miller Design in New York City, whose client roster includes MoMA, Chanel and Vogue. To coincide with New York Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2018, the partnering brands launched an eye-catching series of floral installations at intersections and construction sites in Manhattan. “The goal was to build on the energy of a city like New York, especially during Fashion Week, and inspire people to find a moment of escapism in the everyday, ” says Cosby. “[We] were able to bring an unexpected sense of beauty and escapism to ordinary street corners.” The “flower flash” sites displayed prints from the new Farrow & Ball wallpaper collection, a maximalist celebration of texture and natural forms. While every collaboration offers an element of risk, this one was a coup de foudre (“thunderbolt,” in idiomatic French), according to Crosby. “We approached [Lewis Miller] and found that there was mutual admiration. Together we created something truly spectacular and whimsical that celebrated the best of both of our brands.” There are also times when like minds can come together in the most unlikely of places. Pierre Frey SA, a French fabric company founded in 1935, partnered with Bronx-born graffiti artist Torrick Ablack, a.k.a. Toxic, in 2014 to produce a collection of wallpaper and fabric. “When I came back from living in New York, I told my father we had to do some street art,” recalls Pierre Frey, co-owner of the firm bearing his grandfather’s name and the family’s namesake grandson. He took his father, Patrick, to see some street art exhibitions for inspiration. This merging of talents proved to be a savvy decision, says Frey. “It was really fresh and vibrant. There was a decorative aspect to it and I could see it right away as curtains or on a sofa. Boom! This is who I need.” The wallpaper has done especially well. “One Paris hotel used it in all six floors of its stairwell,” he notes. Collaborating with outsiders is nothing new for them, Frey adds. “It’s what we’ve always done since the house was created. We try to find artists that are bold and strong.” The company even produced an erotic print created by French artist Louise Bourgoin in 2014. “It did really well, and still does,” he reports. Closer to home, there are Canadian brands looking to make matches made in design heaven. Even young brands are on the hunt for great ideas and fresh ways to capture attention.

For Montreal-based CDI Furniture, this means moving into decorative accessories and lighting. “We’re finding the right collaborators, whether they come from the world of interior design, art or fashion, to inject their artistic vision into our brand,” says Jonathan Malka, CDI’s director of product development and marketing. One such new partner is L.A. fashion designer David Levy, who, notes Malka, has “never put a nail to wood” but whose work will add “a kind of Malibu, bohemian chic” to CDI’s offerings. Expect puffed, upholstered sofas and dining and occassional pieces — mostly sized to fit condos — to to be launched later this year. Another collaborator on CDI’s roster is Hudson Bay retail veteran Arren Williams, who, along with his husband, David Pimentel, owns the décor company Casa Cubista. Williams describes his project with CDI — Arcade by Arren Williams — as “a little Art Deco, a little ’70s rock and roll, and a lot of glam.” Tentatively set to launch this spring or summer, the collection will feature a palette of leather, brass, marble and tropical wood. For any brand, investing in fresh ideas inspires creativity at its highest form. “Our job is to support the artist or collaborator to create something that makes sense in the market,” says Malka. “We look to our collaborators for different ideas, colour boards and inspiration, but it’s the contribution of both parties that makes [the partnership] interesting.”

TOP: Bodo Speriein designed the Niagara chandelier for porcelain maker Lladró. Photo: courtesy of Lladró. BELOW: The Art Deco-inspired Arch table lamp is part of the Arcade collection created by Arren Williams for CDI Furniture. Photo: courtesy of CDI Furniture



DETROIT RISING After decades of decay, a generation of mobilized, social media–savvy locals are breathing new life into the Motor City. By Andrew Brudz


peramus meliora. Resurget cineribus. “We hope for better things. It will rise from the ashes.” Etched on buildings and sculptures across the city, these mottos have been Detroit’s for more than 200 years. The second refers to the fire that razed the city in 1805, but it has never been more relevant than now. On July 18, 2013, Detroit filed for bankruptcy, and many across the country proclaimed that the beleaguered city had hit rock bottom. Actually, rock bottom for Detroit was decades earlier, when its oncebustling streets were rife with gang violence, a crack epidemic, a growing list of abandoned buildings, and a solidifying reputation as America’s “Murder City.” A formerly hefty population that outnumbered Chicago’s has dwindled to fewer than 700,000. But even as Detroit filed for bankruptcy, a movement was already underway, with new businesses sprouting up and neighbourhoods showing signs of change. Historic Corktown, where an iconic urban ruin — the skeletal Michigan Central Station — is located, was already home to a few hip new cafés and bars. Michigan State University in midtown Detroit was an oasis


of student culture. The resilient Eastern Market commercial district was attracting new businesses, like letterpress print shop Signal-Return. The long-shuttered BookCadillac Hotel underwent a restoration in 2008 for approximately $200 million (U.S.) and is now a Westin property. Shinola, on West Canfield, was both a sign of progress (the store’s products are assembled in Detroit) and a target for derision (the company uses parts from Asia, fuelling debate on whether Shinola can truly be considered local or not). No, the bankruptcy didn’t signal the end. Rather, it offered the city the chance at a bright new future. As Detroit native and local advocate Mark Hall explains, “Once the city got rid of its debt, it was able to reallocate some of its money to >

The Book-Cadillac Hotel’s grand Italian Garden Room boasts elegant glass chandeliers and sconces, marble floors and soaring arched ceilings. Photo: courtesy of Detroit’s Statler and Book-Cadillac Hotels: The Anchors of Washington Boulevard (Images of America series) by David Kohrman




“The city is planning for the future — a first in a long time. There are master plans for every neighbourhood.” — Mark Hall, local advocate resources that have helped [it] improve — more police officers, public transit and restoring some of its most famous buildings.” Hall is extremely positive about what’s coming next. “The city is planning for the future — a first in a long time,” he adds. “There are master plans for every neighbourhood. Street lights are running for the first time in my life.” Having grown up in the downtown neighbourhood of Brush Park, a once-thriving community that is now majestic ruins and manicured mansions in equal measure, Hall showed his exuberance for the city’s revival when he interned for architecture firm Kraemer Design Group on its restoration of one of downtown Detroit’s original skyscrapers, The David Whitney Building. He then used his interior design know-how to restore his own home, built in 1905 and located in Boston-Edison, a historic neighbourhood in the city core. Hall, just 22 years old and now a student at the College for Creative Studies, has amassed an encyclopedic knowledge of Detroit architecture, history and politics. His passion for his hometown has fuelled a micro-movement aimed at protecting Detroit’s prized buildings. His efforts — which include submitting recommendations to the municipal office for new street signs; promoting new public-transit infrastructure; and rallying people to protect historic structures scheduled for demolition — all have one unifying thread: preserving the city’s irreplaceable heritage. Criticism has been wielded at those who have come to buy up Detroit’s buildings like an architectural yard sale — millionaire investors looking to cash in or outsiders looking for a $500 house. Detroit’s revitalization is, at the heart, a local grassroots effort. Margarita Myers Barry, a Detroit native who returned home after studying design at Bowling Green State University in neighbouring Ohio, has made it her mission and career to promote the success of small Detroit businesses and local artists, using her skills in art, design, retail and social entrepreneurship. In 2009 Myers Barry founded I Am Young Detroit (which is still going strong as, a digital social venture


promoting youth entrepreneurship. The impetus for her, she says, was “seeing all these cool, innovative millennials doing great work that wasn’t getting any attention.” The following year, she opened 71 POP, Detroit’s first pop-up retail shop showcasing local creativity — and keeping the city up to speed with major urban centres across the country. Her latest endeavour, BLOCK x BLOCK (, celebrated its launch this past December. Through this online platform that connects local artists with shoppers looking for artisan works, original art is delivered in a box, or “block” (the “surprise” artwork itself is entirely up to the artist). By selecting specific local ventures to support with their “building blocks,” shoppers contribute to neighbourhood improvement efforts. Between 5 and 10 per cent of profits from each block supports a local project in Detroit. Next up on this overachiever’s list — Bohomodern. A small-business DIY café scheduled to launch this spring, Bohomodern invites guests to create — anything, from textiles to succulents in terrariums — in a common space that will also showcase the company’s own line of clothing, accessories and housewares. Its home will be at 71 Garfield, a 1922 building in the recently transformed historic Sugar Hill Arts District, which now features artists’ studios. It seems that for Detroit, there’s no better acronym than DIY. If you want your city to improve, sometimes you have to do it yourself. And the committed residents who have done just that have a lot to be proud of. Their passion appears to be contagious, attracting businesses such as Google, sports apparel manufacturer Under Armour and retail giant Meijer, whose grocery-retail-residential project in Detroit is slated to open in 2019. Meanwhile, Detroit’s mayor, Mike Duggan, has promised $125 million (U.S.) in bonds to spruce up local neighbourhoods, and the David Stott Building, an Art Deco favourite, is getting a much-needed exterior cleaning and renovation. “The economy flourishes when we protect these buildings,” Hall points out. “We cannot lose anymore. We have already lost so much.”

Hungarian artist, Géza R. Maróti designed the handpainted ceilings in the Fisher Building, featuring a floraand-fauna theme alongside cherubs and muses. Photo: Mike Boening/Flickr


3 ARCHITECTURAL GEM LANDMARKS IN DETROIT EXPLORE THE CITY’S ICONIC SKYLINE HIGHLIGHTING THESE ARCHITECTURAL WONDERS. Guardian Building, 500 Griswold Street The telltale orange bricks of this Art Deco masterpiece were customized for designer Wirt Rowland in 1928. Inside, the threestorey-high lobby is crowned with a semi-dome of custom tiles from Pewabic Pottery, a ceramic studio in Detroit, and laid out in a Native American– inspired Art Moderne pattern. The David Whitney Building, 1 Park Avenue This wedge-shaped NeoRenaissance marvel completed in 1915 is one of the few remaining structures designed by renowned architect Daniel H. Burnham. The David Whitney was shuttered in 2000, but after a $94.5-million (U.S.) restoration, its gleaming white and gold lobby has returned to its former glory. Fisher Building, 3011 West Grand Boulevard Architect Albert Kahn is often credited with creating Detroit’s “look” — dozens of buildings bear his name. And there is no finer example of his work than the Art Deco Fisher, built in 1928. This architectural gem’s exterior and interior were finished in more than 40 kinds of marble from all over the world, and its hallways feature towering light fixtures and ornate murals, which earned the Fisher the title “Detroit’s largest art object.”



PEAK MOSS With back-to-back television successes, Elisabeth Moss is helping lay the foundation for the next generation of female actors and producers. By Amber Dowling


he Handmaid’s Tale may be set in a not-sodistant future, but step through the doors of the sound stages in Toronto, where the TV series was shot secretly, and you’re instantly transported to a puritan past where a rigid caste system and loosely translated biblical values reign supreme. Dimly lit sets and a thick haze comprise the nowsignature backdrop of the show, which garnered two Golden Globes and 13 Emmy nominations, as the camera pans in — capturing, an intimate expression on Elisabeth Moss’s solemn face. But the moment episodic director Mike Barker yells, “Cut!” on that shot — affectionately dubbed “the Lizzie lens” by the crew — the energy immediately shifts. Moss bounds over to Barker to inspect the replays and confers with him. Figuratively swapping the character Offred’s face-concealing bonnet (inspired by the 1940s packaging for Dutch Cleanser) for an executive producer’s cap is an ongoing act for Moss. It’s an intricate tango that this 35-year-old has been dancing well before her first table read of novelist Margaret Atwood’s prophetic dystopian tale came to life. Everyone on set — from her co-stars and the crew to her fellow executive producers — responds to Moss’s enthusiasm and team spirit. During an outdoor shoot on a blustery day, she sends out for rounds of Tim Hortons coffee and doughnuts. And on another day, for a fun break — and to lighten the mood, given the show’s dismal material — she arranges for food trucks on-site. Moss also spends long hours dissecting musical choices, potential directors and other “producery things,” as she puts it, proving that her off-screen role isn’t a vanity title but instead something she takes just as seriously as being number 1 on the call sheet.


“I realized how dedicated Lizzie is as a producer when she was in Australia shooting [TV mystery drama series] Top of the Lake, season 2,” recalls fellow executive producer Warren Littlefield, who ran NBC in the mid’90s during the Friends and Seinfeld era. “We’d just begun prep for Handmaid’s and I would send her a list of films to look at for various concepts. She was starring in a big-event miniseries on the other side of the planet, but within days, I would get back this complete analysis on everything I’d sent.” That work ethic was instilled in Moss from an early age. She spent her teens cutting her teeth on meaty Aaron Sorkin material on The West Wing and later went toe-to-toe with Winona Ryder and Angelina Jolie in the haunting 1999 psychological drama, Girl, Interrupted. Still, Moss recalls spending her early 20s, living off “tiny residual cheques” and wondering about her next gig. It wasn’t until she won over producer-director Matthew Weiner for the revolutionary role of secretaryturned-ad-woman Peggy Olson in Mad Men that viewers began to see Moss as all grown up. The 2007 period piece is often cited as a frontrunner of the Golden Age of television, and Peggy was one of the reasons why. “[Peggy didn’t do] anything that extraordinary,” Moss says of the inherent sexism the character battled for seven seasons while climbing the corporate ladder under Don Draper (Jon Hamm). “It’s just our perception of what she is. In the 1960s it was expected that’s what a secretary did…. Women are allowed to speak out against it now, whereas then, that was just the way it was. It was an accomplishment to be admired by your boss and to be liked by him. That meant you were doing well in the workforce.”

The “Queen of Peak TV” — a Moss moniker, given her subsequent pioneering roles in Top of the Lake and The Handmaid’s Tale — has proven that her own ongoing success is more complex than her on-camera roles. Her penchant for dark motherhood roles and challenging the status quo factors into it all. “What’s interesting is all the different ways somebody can be a mother,” Moss says. “By virtue of my age, that’s going to be prevalent because for women in their 20s and 30s, that is a prevalent issue. I’m not a mother yet myself, but I’ve had to explore it in many different ways. What is on purpose is picking things I haven’t seen before or that seem complicated to me.… I don’t think there is a ‘too dark’ — it’s not about that for us [with Handmaid’s]. It’s about reality and honesty and reflecting the truth back at the audience.” Moss has raked in eight Emmy nominations (and celebrated her first win last fall for Handmaid’s) and won two Golden Globes, but beyond the hardware and accolades, it’s her transformation into a face of feminism that has spilled the most ink. Myriad Internet memes with her face, some of which she’ll pull up on her phone as favourites, are proof. “Feminism is better than it’s ever been,” Moss notes. “Women and men are really embracing it in a way they never have before. It obviously needs to be ref lected more in our politics and government. But as a people, we’re pretty much on the same page. Art often ref lects what’s going on in the world and we’re seeing stories that are very diverse and made and led by women because that’s what we have. That’s what’s in our world.” Now, if only everyone got that memo.


Her tale of success: Elisabeth Moss, “Queen of Peak TV” actor/producer. Photo: Maarten de Boer/Contour by Getty Images



COLD COMFORT Two generations of Lundström women prove that creating Canadian-made outerwear with style — and strong values — is a talent that runs in the family. By Carlene Higgins


inda Lundström first learned to sew in her mother’s tailor shop in Red Lake, in Northern Ontario, before earning a scholarship to study under the tutelage of a couturier in France. In 1974 she started her namesake company and soon made her mark in the Canadian fashion industry with her iconic winter coat, dubbed Laparka (this was long before Canada Goose came along). But unlike Donna Karan’s trademark bodysuit and Diane Von Furstenberg’s signature wrap dress, Lundström’s design was already ethically minded. Inspired by the traditional parka worn by First Nations people and those worn in Lundström’s ancestral Iceland, Laparka incorporated locally trapped fur around the hood to block out the wind. The quintessentially Canadian animal emblems on the back of each coat were sourced and sewn by First Nations communities where the designer helped champion local economic growth. Then, fashions changed and Lundström sold the company in 2008, but the style maven is now enjoying a renaissance with a new outerwear line called Therma Kota (which translates from Nordic as “providing warmth”). The designer co-founded this new venture just over a year ago with her daughters — Mosha, 31, and Sophie Lundström Halbert, 27 — who have helped inject some contemporary cool (think pink shearling and leopard prints) into the family brand, plus a heap of socialmedia savvy, quickly garnering celebrity fans such as Kate Hudson and Emma Roberts. In the late ’90s, Linda Lundström Inc.


was worth more than $12 million and its 60,000-square-foot manufacturing facility housed 150-plus employees. Her daughters recall the family mudroom, lined with coats of every colour, and how their mom would stand out in the playground, dressed in head-to-toe red with lipstick and shoes to match. “We grew up surrounded by fashion,” notes Sophie. “I remember running through and hiding in piles of beautiful fabrics and, at home, always playing dress-up.” Mosha was first to follow her mother into fashion, as an editor at Flare magazine, then as the fashion director at Footwear News in New York, which is owned by Women’s Wear Daily. She interviewed the likes of designer J.W. Anderson, Manolo Blahnik and Carine Roitfeld, and was often spotted in street-style roundups that praised her signature blunt bangs (not unlike Mom’s) and killer shoes. In 2016, Mosha’s fairytale wedding to British-born entrepreneur Aidan Butler, which took place in the Lundström family’s homeland, in the city of Reykjavík, got coverage in a 43-image gallery on More than 100 guests, including actress-turned-royal Meghan Markle, attended the five-day event, replete with a Viking-themed rehearsal dinner and, for the bride, Game of Thrones-style braids and thigh-high ivory suede boots. But most remarkable were the custom-created pieces crafted by Linda herself, including her daughter’s winter-white parka adorned with a sequin appliqué on the back and complemented by crystal fox fur cuffs and hood. It was even detachable at the waist, to be worn cropped at >


The Silja shearling jacket is a warmer — and decidedly more upscale — take on your typical motorcycle jacket.



ABOVE: Functional and luxe, the Helga long bomber jacket is reversible — moss velvet with water-repellent lining in black; fashion dynasty family throwback with Linda and daughters Mosha (middle) and Sophie.


a later date. For Sophie’s wedding dress, Linda dyed lace, using cedar picked in the vicinity of the family’s property in Caledon, Ontario. Once the wedding images hit the Internet, Mosha was flooded with queries from women who wanted to know how they could get their hands on a special-occasion coat just like hers. “That’s really what inspired Therma Kota because there isn’t anything else out there that’s glamorous and warm,” explains Sophie, who had studied graphic design at Emily Carr University of Art + Design in Vancouver. At first, Therma Kota was a passion project conceptualized in Mosha’s spare time. “Then one weekend, we were sitting around the fire in Long Island, talking about what makes me happy, and it was like a lightbulb switched on,” she recalls. “Okay, that’s it. I’m going to resign from my job, hop onto a plane to Iceland, and we’re going to shoot a campaign — no looking back.” The mother-daughters trio officially launched Therma Kota in November 2016 with just one style, which they called the Sigrún — a lightweight, water-resistant coat designed to be worn in between-seasons. To help retain body heat, a reflective silver lining resides in between the outer fabrics of the reversible garment —

metallic damask-like on one side, black on the other. Adjustable sleeves borrow from Linda’s long-standing penchant for stylish versatility. Their business model is quite distinct from that of Laparka, which sold at more than 500 stores across North America. “Instagram is our favourite department store, so our business model [now] is direct-to-consumer, online,” Mosha points out. “And [it’s] also [about] creating live events — parties where you can meet us, try everything on and have a Nordic experience. And the cocktail is very important.” At an event in Dublin, bartenders served up the “Kotapolitan” — Reyka vodka, cassis liqueur and a splash of cranberry soda, shaken with fresh blackberries and a sprig of thyme. Therma Kota will continue to eke out one or two coats at a time rather than building out whole collections, which is reflective of a growing slow fashion movement that’s bucking fashion industry norms (British luxury footwear brand Dear Frances has also found success with this scaled-back business model). Once the pre-order window closes, each coat is made and delivered to the customer’s door within two weeks. “We’re not into this idea that we have to make a bunch of things for a store where someone has


“Okay, that’s it. I’m going to resign from my job, hop onto a plane to Iceland, and we’re going to shoot a campaign — no looking back.” — Mosha Lundström Halbert

decided that maybe they’ll like these styles — and then who knows if they will, who knows if it’s their size, who knows what will happen with the weather,” says Mosha. This approach means the team can remain nimble, catering to custom sizes with personalized phone assistance or surprising customers with, say, shearling mittens made from extra fabric. “We don’t want to waste anything,” she notes. “We want to make coats for people who want them in the colour and size that they want.” While Therma Kota is building new ways of doing business, it retains Linda Lundström’s foundation, sourcing from Canadian fur companies that support local trappers, many of whom are indigenous. “Everyone has their own belief system and we think it’s about making an informed decision,” says Mosha, referencing the fur issue and pointing out that Canada’s regulations are among the strictest in the world. “The thing that we cherish about fur is that it’s like fine jewellery and it stays in your family. And that’s what we want. We’re trying to make things that people [will] have forever.” Already, the label is spanning generations in its fan base. Twenty-year-old Icelandic pop star Glowie, for one, owns a Helga cropped bomber jacket in snow leopard and, to the creators’ collective pride, Therma Kota has also outfitted a former first lady of Canada, Margaret Trudeau. But the brand’s broad appeal isn’t so surprising when you consider that its creators have merged the past with the present so seamlessly. “Throughout my career, I have always embraced the latest technology in product design and manufacturing,” says Linda. “Now, my daughters are introducing me to the newest ways to communicate and engage with the world through technology, so we are all savvy in our areas of responsibility and there’s fun [in] sharing this knowledge.” Sometimes, mothers and daughters, together, know best.

The classic trench coat, presented with a sexy, yet practical twist — it features a chic, realistic snow leopard print and is reversible.



NEUTRAL TERRITORY A smart, new twist on the classics lends dramatic flair as you stride into spring. By Ingrie Williams


03 04


06 07 01 CÉLINE Photo: Gil-Gonzalez Alain/Sipa USA/Newscom






01 Making a trench connection at CÊline 02 Monica Rich Kosann 18k gold bracelet, $14,450;, 03 COS cotton trench, $275; at COS stores 04 MICHAEL Michael Kors leather bag, $458; 05 Max Mara Lucite sunglasses, $355;, 06 Marc Cain leather slingbacks, $600; at Marc Cain stores 07 Judith & Charles silk blouse, $325; 08 Tiger of Sweden leather skirt, $499; 09 Coach leather brief bag, $585; 10 A dapper start at Fendi 11 COS cotton trousers, $135; at COS stores 12 Lacoste leather belt, $90; 13 Breitling Chronoliner watch, $8,775; 14 Tiger of Sweden cotton shirt, $179; 15 Tod’s suede driving shoes, $498; 16 Fumagalli wool ties, $145 each; 17 Ermenegildo Zegna leather jacket, $8,895;

12 14

11 13 Photo: PIXELFORMULA/SIPA/Newscom



15 37


RED ALERT Keep the home style burning with the season’s hottest shade. By Arren Williams

01 L I P SE RV IC E Neon is definitely having a moment and this elegantly witty lamp is sure to be a conversation piece. It’s part of an ongoing collab between design firm Studio Job, based in Antwerp and Amsterdam, and Italian style icon Seletti. Their collection includes other quirky flights of fancy, such as a hotdog-in-a-bun sofa and a fried-egg rug. Neon Lamp Mouth, $240 (U.S.).

02 RU S T IC M I N I M A L I S T British designer Sebastian Wrong took to the farm to create this pert little perch. Think along the lines of tractor seats and three-legged milking stools, albeit minimalist modern. The Heidi Stool is available in three heights and, in addition to red, two other colours (black and white). The lacquered sheen of the moulded seat contrasts nicely with rustic legs in oiled European oak, a wood favoured for its fine grain and durability. Heidi Stool, from $878.

03 O N TA P Now celebrating its 50th anniversary, the Vola HV1 faucet design by Arne Jacobsen is showing no signs of losing its appeal. Clean, sleek Scandinavian lines plus four metal finishes and 14 colour options all make it a timeless kitchen essential. Vola HV1 faucet (shown in Bright Red), from $1,005.


04 R I PE A N D RE A DY No green thumb needed to serve this big red beauty at your table. Modelled after the Brandywine heirloom tomato, this collectible French enamel-and-cast-iron cocotte adds a little whimsy to your next casserole or one-pot wonder. Staub Tomato Cocotte, 3-quart (2.8-litre), $350.


06 B R I G H T I DE A


A playful version of a classic lantern makes a distinctive statement when hung singly or as a pair above your kitchen island, especially in this peppy colour, aptly named Lollipop Red. As a sweet twist on trendy black or gold light fixtures, this pendant lamp is the perfect pop counterpoint to a monochromatic-hued kitchen. Carousel Lantern by Currey & Company, approximately $740 (U.S.).

A BOLD BLEND The Italian firm Smeg, famous for its iconic ’50s streamlined refrigerators, stayed ahead of the style curve with its line of small appliances in the company’s signature candy colours. Smeg is now upping its game. Collaborating with fashion design duo Dolce & Gabbana, it recently launched a cool, kooky collection of kitchen essentials wrapped from stem to stern in bright southern Italian folkloric patterns, elevating the everyday to something truly special. This espresso machine is sure to be a collector’s item, but you’ll have to get on the waiting list to snag one. Sicily Is My Love Smeg Espresso Machine, price upon request.





Move over, grey. Storied paint manufacturer Benjamin Moore has dubbed Caliente its Colour of the Year. Inspired by red showing up everywhere, from fashion (worn head-to-toe on the runways, from Givenchy to Derek Lam) to politics (think Republican Party), this vibrant, energetic red with a brownish undertone takes a confident stand with its calming, yet seductive, shade. Caliente, Benjamin Moore.

Originally designed in the 17th century to guard against drafts in old homes and retain the heat of the hearth, today’s version of the wingback is thankfully more about looks than function. The Micro, British designer Tom Dixon’s most recent take on the wingback, scales down the height and depth of his original grand design by 20 percent, so it fits into a modern interior more easily. Tom Dixon Micro Wingback Chair, from $3,145.



Pulsating LED lights and suspended tree seedlings reference wood sustainability at Expo for Design, Innovation & Technology (EDIT), held last fall in Toronto. Photo: courtesy of Design Exchange



VISION SEEKER Fuelled by a desire to change the world, Bruce Mau leads the charge through dynamic, brilliantly creative design. By Shawna Cohen


hile scanning the headlines in today’s political climate makes most people want to curl up into a ball, Bruce Mau believes there’s no better time to be alive. “I’m what I call a fact-based optimist,” says the world-renowned Canadian designer and innovator. “It wasn’t that long ago that women were property, that people were property, that the likelihood of having [an] education, wealth or longevity was really low. Most people today have better access to education. They have better health and greater mobility and possibility than any other time in human history.” Mau is excited by the sentiment. That’s because this Sudbury native has devoted a career spanning three-and-a-half decades to creating positive change in the world through design. For many people, the word itself conjures up images of things like cool graphics or luxury sofas. And though he has produced his share of conventional fare — everything from books and libraries to museums and concert halls — Mau’s definition of “design” takes on a deeper meaning. “Design is leadership. It’s the ability to envision a future and systemically execute that vision,” he explains. (Mau once went so far as to develop a speculative layout for the holy city of Mecca.) “The quality of design is the quality of life.” While it may sound extreme, Mau, 58, certainly has the experience to back up his bold design-is-life philosophy. Together with wife Bisi Williams, he runs Massive Change Network (MCN), a global design consultancy

based in Chicago, where the couple live with their three daughters, ages 22, 19 and 17. Their clients run the gamut, from big corporations like Coca-Cola (MCN created a campaign in which empty plastic bottles were upcycled into designer chairs) to Arizona State University (the MCN team conceived an entirely new style of curriculum) to FreemanXP, an experiential marketing agency for which Mau serves as chief design officer. Recently, Mau curated and spoke at the inaugural Expo for Design, Innovation & Technology (EDIT), held in fall of last year in Toronto — a 10-day immersive event showcasing the latest innovations in health care, housing, education and food. The headline exhibit, “Prosperity for All,” featured projects offering solutions to world issues such as pollution and gender equality; for context, Mau presented a contrasting selection of photographs portraying global conflict and struggle. It was an ideal post for Mau, whose M.O. has always been about changing the world for the better. In the early ’80s, he co-founded Public Good Design, an agency deemed controversial at the time. “Remember, this was before NGOs were big. We said we’d only work on projects that make the world a better place. All these designers said, ‘Who do you think you are? What makes you think you can choose to do only the things you want?’ And I said, ‘Why wouldn’t I?’” recalls Mau with a laugh. He went on to launch Bruce Mau Design in 1985, where he took the creative helm until co-founding MCN in 2010. >



FROM TOP RIGHT: Bruce Mau and his team at MSN. Photo: courtesy of Massive Change Network (MCN). The design book S, M, L, XL, by Rem Koolhaas and Mau. Portrait of Mau at EDIT. Photo: Michael Buckner/Getty Images. OPPOSITE PAGE: Visitors at one of eight Mau-designed permanent exhibition galleries at the Biomuseo in Panama City. Photos: courtesy of MCN


Mau’s bold approach and steadfast belief in the power of design not only garnered him fame, it also opened up opportunities to collaborate with some of the most celebrated architects around the globe — Rem Koolhaas and Frank Gehry among them. One such alliance is a restoration project for the Los Angeles River, which flows 51 miles through urban L.A. To stop floods that had destroyed homes and property, the city initially opted for extreme measures — fill in the river with concrete, a solution in opposition to one of Mau’s guiding principles that reminds us that humans are not above nature. He believes we have a responsibility to design an ecosystem that sustains us. “We worked with the [LA] River Corporation on redesigning the river as a functioning ecology and infrastructure. We helped them define a vision. Now they’re working with Frank Gehry to implement it.” In addition to his myriad design projects and leadership roles, Mau has written or designed more than 200 books, including the celebrated architectural title S, M, L, XL. His 1998 book, An Incomplete Manifesto for Growth, still, to this day, has people talking and sharing its content. Comprised of 43 statements about Mau’s creative process, the book went viral. The theories it espoused — such as: “Think with your mind. Forget technology. Creativity is not device-dependent.” — are just as relevant today, 20 years post-publication. “The Manifesto was really done in an intimate way, where I was looking at patterns in my own life,” says Mau. “It’s easy to be a hot designer for a few years. It’s a different thing to manage a sustainable life over the long haul. “The free mind is so powerful, so rich with possibility. I’ve had such an incredible life working with creative people. I worked with [famed sculptor] Claes Oldenburg — one of the most inventive minds you could ever imagine — who showed us that with a pencil and a piece of paper, you can change the world. That’s the message, ultimately, that a free mind is what changes the world.” >


“Think with your mind. Forget technology. Creativity is not device-dependent.” — Mau’s An Incomplete Manifesto for Growth (1988) is just as relevant today.



ABOVE: The “Worlds Collide” exhibit at the Biomuseo. BELOW: Emeco chairs, upcycled from Coca-Cola bottles by MCN for The Coca-Cola Company.



“I just love problems.... Failure is a measure of creating new things. If you’re always succeeding, [then] you’re not innovating but just producing.”

Mau is once again working to inspire others with a new book — MC24, in which he shares 24 design principles — scheduled for release this year in the fall. “The book will give anyone access to design thinking,” he says. “Especially for non-designers, it gives them a way of thinking that will accelerate their work. [The principles] can be applied to any problem in life — work, community, government. In one example — “First inspire…lead by design.” — Mau points out that a designer’s principal job is to inspire. “It’s not a side effect,” he notes. “As a designer, you must move people to a new place. You can’t make them do anything. You can’t order or scold them. So much of the discussion about sustainability is about scolding. You’re a bad person if you don’t do this. Instead, follow the lead of [California automaker] Tesla, for example, who said, ‘I’m going to give you an experience that’s so awesome you’ll never want to drive anything else.’ That is [leading] by design.” Helping others define their vision, or essentially problem-solve, is what provides Mau with the major rush he so often seeks. “I just love problems,” he says excitedly, adding that he’s not afraid to make mistakes. “Failure is a measure of creating new things. If you’re always succeeding, [then] you’re not innovating but just producing.” He jokes, “Stress is the only thing that keeps me vertical. I’m careful not to unwind.” In reality, however, Mau swims in his Chicago home’s heated pool multiple times each day as a way to decompress (“It’s even more fun to do on a crisp, cold day!”). He also loves exploring new cities, though he loathes the experience of flying. “No matter how much we charge people, we cannot deliver a beautiful travel experience. It has been so degraded [and] the design quality cannot get any worse,” he laments, harking back to a time in the ’50s when KLM provided fliers with a small booklet describing the journey. “It had a little envelope made of water paper for placing your fountain pen because it might leak. It is from an era of elegance and dignity.” Perhaps solving travel woes should be his next big project? “I’d do it for free!” Mau exclaims. “I’d love to do the airlines — it would be super-cool.”

FROM TOP: Inspirational messages on MCN-designed buttons; MCN’s transitthemed exhibit at EDIT. Photos: courtesy of MCN



REBELS WITH A CAUSE Rock and roll is alive and well at Toronto’s Bisha hotel and its glamorous rooms, designed by musical artiste Lenny Kravitz. By Jeremy Freed


waddled in a black fur coat against the chilly night air, an opera singer is standing on the sidewalk, belting out the Etta James classic “At Last.” Spotlights behind her illuminate the sky, while a crowd of expensively dressed people gathers around the velvet ropes, vying to get into one of the biggest parties of the season. This isn’t a gala or a movie premiere, however; it is the opening of Bisha, the newest addition to the growing roster of luxury hotels in downtown Toronto. The grand scene continues in the packed lobby, whose decorating scheme could be described as “more is more.” Resembling a Russian oligarch’s townhouse, it features


blown-glass sculptures suspended from the ceiling, walls sheathed in black velvet, and flooring in a dizzying optical-illusion pattern of black, white and grey marble tiles. A model in gold body paint beckons visitors into a bar, done up in more marble and velvet, the walls hung with framed Alexander McQueen silk scarves. While its neighbours — The Ritz-Carlton, Shangri-La Hotel and the forthcoming Nobu condos — attract guests with their established reputations, Bisha is a newcomer committed to try twice as hard. From its maximalist aesthetics to some 3,000 pieces of artwork on display (including some by Andy Warhol and L.A.-based conceptual artist John Baldessari), it’s clear that this hotel intends to stand out by

virtue of its bold design choices. The boldest of those is located seven stories up — an entire floor designed by four-time Grammy winner Lenny Kravitz. Though primarily known for chart-topping ’90s hits like “Are You Gonna Go My Way” and “It Ain’t Over ’til It’s Over,” Kravitz has spent the past 15 years establishing himself as a respected interior designer. Since its founding in 2003, New York–based Kravitz Design Inc. (KDI) has lent the rocker’s signature aesthetic to a wide range of projects, including a 47-storey condo building in Miami and product collaborations with Rolex, Leica and CB2. The company’s aesthetic, Kravitz explains via email, is soulful, elegant, glamorous and organic


RIGHT: Musician and designer Lenny Kravitz. Photo: Mathieu Bitton. BELOW: Luxe interiors from Kravitz Design Inc. at Stanley House in L.A., enhance stunning views of Sunset Strip. Photo: Simon Berlin. OPPOSITE PAGE: Bisha hotel in downtown Toronto boasts a showstopper brick-and-glass exterior. Photo: courtesy of Bisha

— not unlike the artist himself. “Every project Kravitz Design does is different. We have been very fortunate to do so many projects in various locations using different styles,” he writes. “Toronto is a first for us and we were inspired by the spirit of the city and its cultural diversity.” To Charles Khabouth, a co-owner of Bisha, Kravitz was an ideal candidate for collaboration. “I like his aesthetic. I like who he is as a person and what he stands for as an artist and tastemaker,” says the nightclub impresario and CEO of hospitality company INK Entertainment, who spent nearly a decade developing Bisha. “The whole concept behind this brand is not to feel like you’re in this super-high-end stuffy environment — it’s hip and cool, but it still has the fine elements of a luxurious hotel.” Kravitz states that he was interested in the idea of Bisha after his very first meeting with Khabouth. “There were many similarities in our aesthetic vocabulary and influences.” Together, they landed on the starting concept that Kravitz describes as “warmth, intimacy and glamour,” — specifically ’70s glamour featuring a mix of masculine organic materials and feminine accents. His favourite touches are the custom wallpaper and bespoke built-in furniture. KDI has worked on hotels in the past, but Bisha marks the first time the firm has had creative control over an entire floor. One of the 14 rooms and suites on the so-called Kravitz floor is a 2,000-square-foot condo with a 1,000-square-foot terrace plus views of the CN Tower through massive two-storey windows. The rooms embody both the Kravitz and Bisha brands to a tee — black lacquered wood, oversized brass table lamps and orangeupholstered settees and headboards. While stars of his stature can be unpredictable, the “American Woman” singer was nothing but professional throughout the process, Khabouth insists. “Honestly, I thought he was going to be a lot more difficult, but he turned out to be very accommodating, understanding and, at the same time, super-creative. He has a completely different look on design.” With the merging of these two industry rebels on Bisha, anyone looking to party like a rock star need look no further.



When divesting of one’s art, an option is to sell it through a reputable gallery or auction house. RIGHT: Painting by Damien Hirst. Estimate, £250,000–£350,000. Photo: Kate Green/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images



THE ART OF LESS IS MORE When there’s no more room in-house for your art collection, here’s how to divest of it wisely. By Rhonda Riche


lizabeth Brandeis-Morrison and Craig Morrison have always surrounded themselves with art. From their salad days in San Francisco in the 1990s and through multiple moves that led them from California to Canada, the couple, now Toronto residents, have pulled together an impressive collection of works by contemporary pop artists such as Toronto-based Fiona Smyth and Gary Basemen in L.A., who recently completed a collaboration with rebel-shoe brand Doc Martens. Along with portraits that Brandeis-Morrison inherited from her family, the couple’s art collection has always played a prominent role in their lives. “It’s more than an investment. Each piece marks a time in our [lives],” notes Morrison, an educator and founder of the highschool program Oasis Skateboard Factory, which is geared to at-risk youth in Toronto as a way to earn academic credits by running business enterprises focused on skateboards and street art. The couple have established lasting relationships with many artists including Smyth and Ness Lee over the years, and most of their drawings and paintings document personal memories and the childhood of Mollie, their now-adult daughter. When Mollie moved out on >



Consider consulting with a gallery or an auction house, as they are well qualified to match your artworks with purchasers who will be good stewards of your treasures.

TOP: A painting by J.M.W. Turner being prepared for auction. Estimated at £15,000,000–£25,000,000, it’s one of the most valuable offerings to come to market. Photo: Bettina Strenske/Avalon/ Newscom. Hugh Hildesley, executive vicepresident of Sotheby’s. Photo: courtesy of Sotheby’s


her own, they sold their large, cozy house and purchased an open-concept loft with soaring ceilings but much less wall space. The couple’s attention shifted from acquiring their next big art purchase to downsizing their collection. They then faced a dilemma. What do you do when you have too much of a good thing? Moving to a new home or a change in life phase could trigger the decision to pare down possessions, including beloved artworks. Firstgeneration collectors may be looking to divest themselves of some art pieces or may wish to trade up, while second- or third-generation owners inheriting an estate may not have the means or the interest to take on someone else’s passion for art. Much time, effort and emotion are involved in acquiring artworks, so when the time comes to divest, the collections deserve the same care and attention. There are four options available to those faced with culling their art pieces — sell, give to family and friends, donate to an institution, or storage. The first step is to catalogue and document the provenance of each painting, drawing and sculpture. Jot down as much information as possible about the artwork — its title, the medium (watercolour versus acrylic paint, for

example), its dimensions and the artist’s name. Include a description or a photo, as well any artist’s notes and receipts from galleries. C. Hugh Hildesley, executive vice-president of Sotheby’s, warns collectors to be prepared to face some hard truths when culling their art pieces. First, very few people who seek to sell are able keep their collection together. As an auctioneer, Hildesley has conducted some of Sotheby’s most prestigious sales, including the estate of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, the property of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor and the baseball memorabilia of Barry Halper. For a grouping of artworks to remain intact, the collection must be “exceptionally focused,” says Hildesley, such as the Picasso ceramics of Lord and Lady Attenborough. Or if your collection is more eclectic, like David Bowie’s, it helps to be a “legendary influence,” he notes. Second, should you choose to sell, it’s best to not go it alone. Consider consulting with a gallery or an auction house, as they are well qualified to match your artworks with purchasers who will be good stewards of your treasures. You’ll also get a better return compared to what you’ll receive if you try to sell the pieces yourself. If you need to divest quickly, an auction is probably your best option. If you want to make more profit and you have time to find the right buyer, a gallery is a safer bet, but there is a downside to consigning art — if it fails to sell, you will earn nothing. Distributing your collection among friends and family is another popular solution that would also allow you to visit your favourite works. But keep in mind that something you love may not spark joy in other people, so finding the right home for various art pieces could involve a lot of time, effort and, possibly, disappointment. Donating your archive to an institution, say, a museum or public gallery, is another alternative. In the past, patrons tended to leave gifts to galleries in their last will and testaments, but nowadays, donors frequently opt to bequeath their art collection while they’re still alive and well. In fact, thanks to the modern lifestyle trend to simplify and declutter, a good number of GenXers and baby boomers are downsizing. As a result, many institutions simply don’t have room to accept every artwork or collection, and if they do, the divesting process can be time-consuming. For example, at the University of Toronto’s Art Museum, the time involved in taking in an


ABOVE: Handlers carry Two Paintings with Dado by Roy Lichtenstein. Estimate, £2.4 million–£3 million. In the background, 1-Heptene by Damien Hirst. Estimate, £500,000-£7,000,000. Photo: Philip Toscano/PA Images/ Getty Images. RIGHT: Terre de faïence (glazed and painted pottery) pitcher by Pablo Picasso, 1951; numbered 26/50. Estimate, £40,000 – £60,000. Lot sold for £50,000. Photo: courtesy of Sotheby’s

art piece or collection can be anywhere from two to six months or even longer. Each artwork must pass the condition examination, curatorial consideration, adjudication of an acquisitions committee, the university’s protocols and stages of acceptance, and the signing of agreements. And even then, your art pieces may end up in storage rather than being on display to the public. If it’s important to you that the collection be appreciated by a broader audience, consider donating to a hospital, school or charity. The donation may qualify as a charitable deduction on your taxes. And if you simply can’t part with your art collection, storage is your best option, albeit likely an expensive one. Hildesley points out

that personal tastes and the reasons for paring down are constantly changing, and storage gives you time to re-evaluate these factors. While the secondary market is flooded with 1970s-era artwork, most fine art by listed artists is worth hanging on to. Landscapes are especially popular now, he notes, and you can always rotate stored art with pieces in your home. Just remember that paper, paint and other materials are sensitive to light, temperature and humidity, so pick a storage facility with expertise in handling art. In the end, collectors Elizabeth BrandeisMorrison and Craig Morrison decided to break down their artworks into two parts — “the ‘A’ collection, things we couldn’t live without seeing every day; and the ‘B’ collection, pieces that I’ve had forever and couldn’t imagine selling or giving away,” Morrison says. Some artworks went to live with their daughter, family favourites went to the cottage, and a few pieces went to a storage unit. Now with less art on display in their home, the couple can showcase more important works. “It was an opportunity to not have as much stuff,” he says, “and to be able to appreciate more what we have.”



BELLE ALLURE Discover the real depth of design in Belgium. By Margot Austin

Belgium is a treasure trove of modern and medieval architecture, evidenced in the port city of Antwerp, with its stunning collection of buildings along the Scheidt River. Photo: courtesy of the City of Antwerp




visit to Belgium is akin to taking a masterclass in the aesthetics of the last thousand years. Architecture buffs will be awestruck by massive medieval structures (Belgium has more castles per kilometre than any other country) that share streetscapes with Baroque, Art Nouveau and Atomic Age buildings, alongside glass-and-steel marvels by modern starchitects. Meanwhile, design hounds can comb premium shops for wares crafted by emerging artisans and troll the flea markets and antiques stores for finds from the past that are very now. Also worth exploring are the gallery spaces and interiors by trend-setters Axel Vervoordt and Vincent Van Duysen. To all of these, tack on centuries of expertise, be it in diamonds, chocolate and beer, or lace and linen — and you’ve got Belgium, a magnet for discerning travellers who appreciate the finer things in life. >




With a population of just 500,000-plus, Antwerp boasts some of the world’s most influential names in the creative sector, among them fashion designers Dries Van Noten and Raf Simons, architect-designer Vincent Van Duysen and interior designer Axel Verfoordt, who is also an antiquarian and gallerist. Explore this charming Flemish port city for its uber-cool, lively fashion, entertainment and design scene. WHAT TO SEE Plan to arrive here by train because Antwerp Central is one of the most beautiful railway stations in the world. Make sure to visit the Museum aan de Stroom (MAS), with its compelling contemporary-art exhibits as well as a rooftop deck with superb views of the city, the port and the stunning, recently completed Port House building designed by the late architect Zaha Hadid. Fashion enthusiasts will want to make a pilgrimage to the ModeMuseum (MoMu) in the Nationalestraat fashion district for a


refresher on the groundbreaking collections by the Antwerp Six (Van Noten, Ann Demeulemeester et al.). WHERE TO SHOP A mere 10-minute stroll from the MoMu is the chic address Graanmarkt 13, home to a tightly curated shop, plus a restaurant and rental apartment downstairs, both designed by Van Duysen in his signature moody, minimalist style. Walk another 10 minutes to check out Helder, an intimate design shop and the working studio of Diana Keller and Brecht Baert. The duo create their own products (furniture, home accessories, set props and more) and also purvey contemporary jewellery, ceramics and paper goods by local and international designers. For the ultimate Belgian design experience, make the trek to Kanaal in Wijnegem and immerse yourself in the world of Axel Vervoordt. The recently renovated complex, located in a massive malting distillery built in 1857, features a 98-suite apartment tower, workshops, a restaurant and a gallery displaying select Vervoordt furniture and artworks.

TOP: Fashionophiles at the ModeMuseum. ABOVE: Antwerp Central, one of the world’s most beautiful railway stations. Photos: courtesy of the City of Antwerp



The nation’s capital, Brussels, is an international centre for politics, business and finance, but it’s not all about buttoned-down bureaucracy. The main square, for one, is among the prettiest in Europe. Brussels is also the birthplace of Art Nouveau architecture, thanks to Victor Horta, the first designer to employ its characteristic natural motifs in his architectural endeavours. The city is also a hub for the vintage and antique decorative arts sector, with major dealers based here, which makes them geographically well positioned to source from France, Italy, Scandinavia and beyond. And affordable local real estate means overhead costs don’t trigger inflated final selling prices, making Brussels an attractive resource for domestic and foreign design buyers. WHAT TO SEE Make your first stop the Grand Place. This iconic cobblestone public square is bordered by ornate public buildings in Flamboyant Gothic, Neo-Gothic and Baroque styles — a spectacular architectural blend that UNESCO recognized in 1998, declaring the Grand Place a World Heritage Site. After dark, when the

square is fully lit, the scene is breathtaking. The surrounding area is touristy but worth exploring if only to sample the exquisite offerings of local chocolatiers. Next, head across the city to visit the Horta Museum, comprised of a pair of townhomes designed by Horta to serve as his home and studio. Completed in 1902, the buildings reflect the renowned Art Noveau architect’s penchant to integrate natural forms throughout and his attention to detail, down to the doorknobs. Another landmark architectural gem is the Atomium, which is located on the outskirts of Brussels and was built for the 1958 World’s Fair. Ride to the top of the steel-clad structure of tubes and spheres and then make your descent, checking out the views and displays on the way down. WHERE TO SHOP If antiquing is on your agenda, be sure your visit falls on a weekend. Aim to arrive at the bustling Place du Jeu de Balle flea market by 5:30 am if you want first pick of the goods set out by some 450 dealers. The vibe here is lowkey and low-cost. But keep your eyes sharp (and bring a flashlight) to sift through the gems from the junk scattered on blankets on the ground.

A 10-minute walk away is the antiques market at the Place du Grand Sablon, which operates on Saturdays and Sundays. Vendors set up underneath canopies to sell small luxury goods such as linen bedsheets, silverware, crystal, mirrors and art glass. Scour too the Sablon and Marolles neighbourhoods close by, stopping in at Michel Lambrecht Art & Deco (a favourite of American designer Steven Gambrel) to browse Rough Luxe furniture, lighting and accessories. As well, drop by Via Antica Antiques & Design, Vintage Items, Haute Antiques 207 Gallery and Ampersand House, all of which specialize in European 20th-century designs presented in gallery-like surroundings. Shipping services are often available on-site, so you can buy at will without worrying if your purchase will fit in your carry-on. >

BELOW (from left): Brussels’ snapworthy Grand Place public square. Photo: Jean-Paul Remy. Collectible furnishings and décor items at a boutique shop in the Marolles district. Photo: Margot Austin



Belgium, a magnet for discerning travellers who appreciate the finer things in life.


There’s a pervasive youthful energy in Ghent, thanks to this university town’s large student population, which contributes to a thriving arts festival scene and café culture that contrast nicely with the medieval setting. Situated on a network of picturesque canals, Ghent is sometimes referred to as a Venice of the North. WHAT TO SEE Start off with a tour of the historical city centre, anchored by Gravensteen Castle, a stone fortress that dates back to the year 1180 and is still standing and welcoming visitors. Then, pop into the Design Museum Ghent, housed in a beautifully restored 18th-century mansion with a light-drenched modern wing. View the rotating exhibits and a small curated display of items from the museum’s 22,000-object permanent collection. Weather permitting, take a canal boat tour to enjoy the city from a different vantage point. WHERE TO SHOP Head to the top floor of HuisZwaluw Home, the elegant townhouse-style interiors shop, stopping by each room to browse as you descend the pretty spiral staircase. Here, you’ll find plenty of conveniently packable products by Ferm Living, Fest Amsterdam and Norm Architects. Ten minutes away is Koperhuis, a lifestyle-and-design boutique in a loft-like setting along one of Ghent’s central canals. It proffers high-end furniture, lighting fixtures and home accessories by top European manufacturers as well as emerging designers.

RIGHT (from top): HuisZwaluw Home, a chic interiors store in Ghent. Photo: Margot Austin. The scene-stealer Graslei quay in the city’s historic centre. Photo: iStock




Take the train for a short ride to Bruges, a charming medieval city of cobblestone laneways and picturesque market squares that contribute to the feeling that you’re in a time capsule. Ancient crooked buildings on crooked streets along winding canals make it also seem like you’re walking through a movie set — great fodder for moody architectural travel photography.

given the tools of the time. Bump up your step counter with a visit to the Belfry of Bruges to climb the 366 steps to the top. The magnificent Bruges City Hall anchoring Burg Square was completed in 1421, when the city’s population would have been only about 45,000. Escape the tourist traffic and head to the historic Hansa Quarter to view the homes of wealthy Spanish, French and Italian merchants, which were built in the 12th to late-15th centuries.

WHAT TO SEE The historic centre of Bruges is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, so everywhere you turn, there are important historical buildings and glorious architectural treasures. The Church of Our Lady, which dates from the 13th to 15th centuries, is among the tallest brick structures in the world — an amazing feat of construction,

WHERE TO SHOP Though scoring somewhat lower in the design-boutique area, Bruges does have a large outpost of the Dutch discount chain Hema. Here, insiders shop original designs — with a Muji-meets-Ikea vibe — in Hema’s amply stocked stationery and homeaccessories departments.

Boat tours on the scenic canals of Bruges offer a delightful way to explore this fairytale-like medieval city. Photo: iStock



Pristine secluded beaches are the order of the day at Petit St.Vincent — an ideal getaway for visitors seeking privacy. Photo: Mike Toy



PERFECTLY PRIVATE Petit St. Vincent in the Lower Grenadines gives visitors a healthy, lo-fi dose of old-school island charm. By Doug Wallace


or those searching for off-the-grid relaxation, the beguiling island of Petit St. Vincent (PSV) offers peaceful, phonefree indulgence in spades. Tranquil, timeless, romantic and rustic, this beach resort is a member of Small Luxury Hotels of the World and offers 115 acres of private space for me time, which, with today’s constant barrage of technology, is becoming increasingly difficult to find. Opened in 1968, PSV takes you back to the simpler days of the Caribbean, to a time before chain hotels and swim-up bars, when getting back to nature was the only order of the day. Since then, PSV has changed hands only once. The first owners kept it for 40 years, during which this then-still-hidden gem remained relatively unchanged. The resort’s second — and current — owners took over in 2011 with the intention to renovate much of what was on the island. But after spending a few weeks

experiencing the rustic, almost camp-like atmosphere, they decided to keep the resort as it is, with just a few restorations and upgrades. Now celebrating its 50th anniversary and a member of National Geographic Society’s collection of boutique hotels focused on sustainability and excellence — Unique Lodges of the World — Petit St. Vincent maintains its charming original vibe. Guests can anticipate traditional rum punches, secluded beach alcoves and contemporary varnished-teak furnishings, as well as all the requisite creature comforts. Before you book, commit to the idea of unplugging and be ready to leave your work at home. There are no TVs, with only a few phones on-site and minimal Wi-Fi available, all of which suit the resort’s typically well-travelled but sensibly low-maintenance guests just fine. You’ll soon forget the lure of the laptop as you settle into one of 22 cottages (your choice of

one- or two-bedroom), each with breathtaking ocean views, and some situated mere steps from the shoreline. All feature locally quarried stone walls, exposed-wood ceilings and wooden shutters. Echoing the resort’s retro vibe, the décor urges you to slip into the mode of less harried times — low-slung furniture, white canvas drapery, lamps with driftwood bases and large round shades, and wood-and-leather director’s chairs. Numerous sliding glass doors frame stunning vistas, offering a seamless transition from indoors to out. Each patio is kitted out with loungers, a tree-hung hammock and an alfresco dining area. Order in breakfast and the little yellow-bellied bananaquit birds will come and keep you company in exchange for a few crumbs. In keeping with its old-school sensibilities, the island continues to use a signature flag system for room service — a quirk still in place after 50 years. To order lunch or a bottle of wine, >



ABOVE: Fresh seafood is front and centre at the Pavilion restaurant. BELOW: The resort’s staff are solicitous but mindful of your privacy. OPPOSITE PAGE (from top): The lines are blurred between indoors and out to showcase the beach setting to advantage. Premium snorkelling and diving amenities abound at Petit St. Vincent. All photos: Mike Toy


you fill out a little card, roll it up, slip it into a wooden tube by your cottage gate and raise the attached yellow flag. Roving butlers driving Mini Mokes, the island’s powder-blue utility vehicles, cruise by every 15 minutes or so to collect and carry out your request. Don’t wish to be disturbed? Just raise the red flag instead. Head to the Pavilion — the resort’s main restaurant, surrounded by multilevel wooden terraces overlooking frangipani and hibiscus trees in bloom — for exquisitely prepared seafood dishes and island-grown fruits and vegetables. Or opt for something more casual — candlelit dinner at the Beach Restaurant, nestled right on the sand and adjacent to Goatie’s Bar at the water’s edge. And don’t miss the wine cellar, housed in what used to be a water tank. It holds 4,500 bottles, including a discriminative collection of Champagne. When you tire of the lounge chair and book, participate in a yoga session, play a few games of tennis or engage a personal trainer to take you through the island’s outdoor fitness circuit, comprised of 20 calisthenics stations scattered along a shaded trail near the beach. A 20-minute hike up Marni Hill will net you picture-perfect panoramas of the island and the surrounding Grenadines. You can even join the staff soccer team when the players practise for the local interisland tournaments. And once you’ve worked up a sweat, reward yourself with a deep-tissue massage at the Hillside Spa, which offers Balinese body treatments and a wide range of aesthetics services. To make the most of the glorious Caribbean coastline, water is the focal point here for activity and adventure. PSV doesn’t even bother with a swimming pool. Instead, you can slip into the sun-warmed surf or listen to the waves as you lounge on great swathes of white-sand beach. Avail yourself of the resort’s windsurfing, kayaking, paddleboarding and sailing amenities. Plus, there are plenty of great spots for snorkelling, particularly on the Atlantic side of the island, where the reef is more extensive. Charter a boat and take a spin around the nearby islands — PSV’s wooden sailboat, Beauty, routinely travels the hour-and-a-half journey to Tobago Cays Marine Park, a cluster of five little islands where you can snorkel the reef and swim with sea turtles. The five-star Jean-Michel Cousteau Dive Center, which opened at PSV in 2014, is a main draw for serious underwater explorers. Its team of pros can take you to your choice of 20 dive sites, home to incredible coral formations and plenty of ocean life, including manta rays wafting past, giant lobsters and crabs, prehistoric-looking scorpion fish and sleepy reef sharks. You might even catch a glimpse of the elusive eel or spot a school of squid drifting by in tidy rows.


Soon, you’ll find yourself at PSV floating along, too — in the shallow waters and on the winding pathways on land, right through the carefree afternoons — ensconced in the moment and free of digital distractions. Expect to be so smitten by this magical getaway that you’ll probably be planning your next visit before you even say goodbye.


Guests typically fly first to Barbados with either Air Canada or WestJet, then take a puddle-jumper flight to Union Island, followed by a 20-minute boat ride to PSV’s main pier. Note that peak season is from December to April, so if you visit in May, June, July and November, you’ll encounter fewer co-travellers and more attractive rates. And no need to fret about hurricane season, as the resort is located outside the hurricane belt — another factor in its favour. Room rates start at $1,395 per night (based on double occupancy), including meals.



GREAT WHITE NORTH The history of Canada lies above the tree line. By Maryam Siddiqi


here are only two ways into Iqaluit, the capital of Nunavut — by boat or by plane. By sea, you can experience the cityscape in profile — buildings on stilts suspended above the permafrost; candycoloured exteriors contrasted against the monotone tundra. But it’s the aerial view that’s truly a sight to see. The small city is dwarfed by the immense Arctic landscape, which is 20 percent of Canada’s land mass — an intimidating welcome to the vast land of the still relatively unknown. While there may be only two ways to get to this land, the ways in which it can get to you are countless. As you fly over Baffin Island, the land is wildly enchanting — a rocky mass with peaks


and valleys, surrounded by water and covered, for most seasons, with snow. The North is a place many of us see only on a map. It’s a study in extremes when it comes to both weather and wildlife, and days of unflinching sun or 24-hour nights, depending on the time of year. Upon your landing in Iqaluit, the Arctic air is brisk even in summer, and the capital, with its population of 7,700, seems both familiar and foreign. There is the Tim Hortons, a ubiquitous sight in any northern Canadian town, but also Nunavut Country Food, which stocks Inuit culinary staples, like Arctic char, caribou and muktuk (whale skin and blubber) that would be hard to find anywhere else. The Nunatta Sunakkutaangit Museum, a gallery

space for contemporary Inuit art and culture, is housed in a modest one-storey building that would look at home anywhere across the country. And yet, a short walk from there, at the centre of town, you’ll find Saint Jude’s Anglican Cathedral, shaped like an igloo, the visual icon of true north. Though it’s Canada’s newest territory — it separated from the Northwest Territories in 1999 — Nunavut is the site of the country’s richest history and wildest terrain. Indigenous peoples have lived off this land for 4,000 years, and it wasn’t until 1576 that English explorer Martin Frobisher chronicled Nunavut for the first time in written history. The region has acted as a gateway to the north, greeting


O N YO U R V I S I T LEFT: Iqaluit showcases Canada’s wildest terrain and the rich culture of the indigenous peoples who have lived off this land for 4,000 years. Photos: (left) Lee Narraway/ Nunavut Tourism; (below, right) Christian Kimber/Nunavut Tourism

WHERE TO STAY AND DINE The Discovery An intimate boutique hotel with well-appointed suites that once provided lodging for the crew of Pan Am (Pan American World Airways), The Discovery is also home to The Granite Room, one of the city’s top restaurants and well known for its weekend brunch. Its menu proffers French cuisine with a northern influence — think eggs Benedict with Arctic char. WHERE TO GO Nunatta Sunakkutaangit Museum Inuit fine art and artifacts are showcased in this quaint museum, housed in what used to be a Hudson’s Bay Company warehouse. Adjacent to the main gallery is a room devoted to temporary exhibits, such as the annual showcase of prints by Cape Dorset artists, whose works are coveted by international collectors. 212 Sinaa Street, Iqaluit Unikkaarvik Visitor Centre This small museum highlights Arctic geographic conditions, along with Inuit history and heritage. 220 Sinaa Street, Iqaluit WHAT TO DO Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park Drive or hike to this picturesque park (a mere kilometre from town) to picnic by the scenic waterfalls or to go fishing for Arctic char. Or lace up your boots and hike the numerous trails to view the region’s wildlife and Arctic flora. Inukpak Outfitting A full-service, all-season tour operator, Inukpak Outfitting can plan any itinerary for you, from historical and cultural city tours to ice fishing, sea kayaking and igloo building. Arctic Kingdom This upscale operator offers the ultimate in Arctic wildlife encounters. Catch a glimpse of caribou near Baker Lake and Kimmirut or charter a boat to photograph narwhals in Arctic Bay and Resolute Bay. And you won’t want to miss the magnificent polar bears — the largest land carnivores on Earth — in Arviat and Pond Inlet.

explorers with the challenging (and sometimes fatal) Northwest Passage, and it’s where the English gained an economic foothold on the continent with the establishment of the Hudson’s Bay Company in 1670. Today, the territory’s 25 communities stretch out across a huge swath of the country, from Kugluktuk, located high above Alberta, on the coast of Coronation Gulf, to Pangnirtung, which is almost right above Labrador, at the edge of Pangnirtung Fjord. As you explore, expect to be awed by nature as well as the culture — from the wildlife that ekes out an existence in this starkly beautiful landscape to the world-famous Cape Dorset prints that tell stories of Inuit life.


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2018-02-14 5:50 PM 2018-02-28 12:15 PM



MONTRÉAL - GOLDEN SQUARE MILE (DOWNTOWN) 1430 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montréal, Quebec, H3G 1K4 Phone 514.287.7434 Fax 514.287.8983

TORONTO 1867 Yonge Street, Suite 100, Toronto, Ontario, M4S 1Y5 Phone 416.960.9995 Toll Free 1.877.960.9995 Fax 416.960.3222

MONTRÉAL - WEST ISLAND 620, boul. St-Jean, Suite 202, Pointe-Claire, Quebec, H9R 3K2 Phone 514.287.7434 Fax 514.287.8983

MISSISSAUGA 31 Lakeshore Road E, Suite 202, Mississauga, Ontario, L5G 4V5 Phone 289.334.3431 Toll Free 1.888.413.0184 Fax 289.334.3430

MONTRÉAL - WESTMOUNT C-430 - 1 Westmount Square, Westmount, Quebec, H3Z 2P9 Phone 514.933.4777 Fax 514.933.4737 MONT-TREMBLANT 1944-2 Chemin du Village, MontTremblant, Quebec, J8E 1K4 Phone 819.681.0166 Fax 514.287.8983 KNOWLTON 299 chemin Knowlton, Lac-Brome, Quebec, J0E 1V0 Phone 450.243.0808 Fax 450.243.1818 VILLE DE QUÉBEC 465, Grande Allée Est, Bureau 100, Québec, G1R 2J5 Phone 418.977.9980 Fax 581.742.7414 NORTH HATLEY 47, rue Main, North Hatley, Quebec, J0B 2C0 Phone 418.977.9980 Fax 581.742.7414 LAVAL 3265 Autoroute Jean Noel Lavoie, Laval, QC H7P 5P2 Phone 579.640.4030


OAKVILLE 125 Lakeshore Road East, Suite 200, Oakville, Ontario, L6J 1H3 Phone 905.845.0024 Toll Free 1.888.413.0184 Fax 905.844.1747 NIAGARA-ON-THE-LAKE 14 Queen Street, Niagara on the Lake, Ontario, L0S 1J0 Phone 905.468.0001 Toll Free 1.888.468.0151 Fax 905.468.7653 COLLINGWOOD 243 Hurontario Street, Collingwood, Ontario, L9Y 2M1 Phone 705.416.1499 Fax 705.416.1495 GANANOQUE 49 King Street East, Suite 100, Gananoque, Ontario, K7G 1E8 Phone 877.960.9995 Fax 416.960.3222 MUSKOKA 113 Medora Street, Port Carling, Ontario, P0B 1J0 Phone 1.877.960.9995 Fax 1.416.960.3222 CREEMORE 180 Mill Street, Creemore, Ontario, L0M 1G0 Phone 705.466.2683 Toll Free 1.877.960.9995 Fax 866.805.8452

PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY 377 Main Street, Wellington, Ontario, K0K 3L0 Phone 613.969.2044 Toll Free 800.303.1044 Fax 416.960.3222

NORTH VANCOUVER 3164 Edgemont Boulevard, North Vancouver, British Columbia, V7R 2N9 Phone 604.998.1623 Fax 604.980.4123

FOOT’S BAY 1007 McDonald Road, P.O. Box 6, Mactier, Ontario, P0C 1H0 Phone 705.375.2333 Toll Free 800.615.2537 Fax 705.375.2332

WEST VANCOUVER 235 15th Street, Suite 200, West Vancouver, British Columbia, V7T 2X1 Phone 604.922.6995 Fax 04.922.6289

OWEN SOUND 250 10th Street West, Owen Sound Ontario, N4K 3R3 Toll Free 877.960.9995 Fax 416.960.3222

LION’S BAY 350 Centre Road, Lion’s Bay, British Columbia, V0N 2E0 Phone 604.922.6995

A L B E R TA CALGARY 290, 815-17th Ave SW, Calgary, Alberta, T2T 0A1 Phone 403.254.5315 Fax 403.244.5315 CANMORE 100-140 Railway Avenue, Canmore, Alberta, T1W 2B7 Phone 403.707.8048 Toll Free 1.855.254.5315 Fax 403.476.5443

BRITISH C O LU M BI A VANCOUVER - DOWNTOWN / YALETOWN Suite 210 - 858 Beatty Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6B 1C1 Phone 604.632.3300 Toll Free 1.877.236.8800 Fax 604.608.0330 VANCOUVER WESTSIDE 5660 Yew Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6M 3Y3 Phone 604.632.3300 Fax 604.608.0330

WHISTLER 2 - 4433 Sundial Place, Whistler, British Columbia, V0N 1B4 Phone 604.932.3388 Toll Free 1.888.932.3389 Fax 604.932.3778 WHITE ROCK / SOUTH SURREY 103 - 12894 16th Avenue, Surrey, British Columbia, V4A 1N7 Phone 604.385.1840 Fax 604.385.1841 VICTORIA 752 Douglas Street, Victoria, British Columbia, V8W 3M6 Phone 250.380.3933 Toll Free 1.877.530.3933 Fax 250.380.3939 SALT SPRING ISLAND 120 Lower Ganges Road, Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, V8K 2S8 Phone 250.537.1778 Toll Free 1.877.530.3933 Fax 250.380.3939 SUN PEAKS #9 - 3250 Village Way, Sun Peaks, British Columbia, V0E 5N0 Phone 250.578.7773 Toll Free 1.877.578.5774 Fax 250.578.7753 KELOWNA 108-1289 Ellis Street, Kelowna, British Columbia, V1Y 9X6 Phone 250.469.9547 Toll Free 877.530.3933 Fax 250.870.9097

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R E A L E S TAT E Take a look at the most extraordinary properties for sale across Canada


WATERFRONT MANSION 9277 BOUL. GOUIN O. AHUNTSIC-CARTIERVILLE, QC | MLS 19339304 $6,499,000 Sprawling waterfront mansion located on 87,953 sq. ft. of land. Rare opportunity to own a massive piece of waterfront property located in the Ahuntsic-Cartierville area. Manoir bord-de-l’eau situé sur 87 953 pi. ca. de terrain. Opportunité rare à acheter une immense pièce de terrain sur l’eau dans le prestigieux quartier d’Ahuntsic-Cartierville. STEFANO BIZZOTTO+ 1.514.962.3539 | SBIZZOTTO@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

EXCLUSIVE AGRICULTURAL ESTATE 10 CH. WHITE ARUNDEL, QC | MLS 10305240 $3,400,000 300 acre agricultural farm featuring a magnificent timber frame home, accessory buildings, cultivated organic gardens and a 10-acre lake. 20 minutes from Tremblant & 100 minutes from Montréal. Domaine agricole de 300 acres comprenant une maison « timber frame », bâtiments accessoires, jardins biologiques cultivés et un lac de 10 acres. 20 min. de Tremblant, 100 minutes de Montréal. MELANIE CLARKE* 450.694.0678 | MCLARKE@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

LONG ISLAND OF MONTRÉAL 20038 CH. LAKESHORE BAIE-D’URFÉ, QC | MLS SIRC220991 $3,475,000 Exceptional private waterfront estate. Rare 56,000 sq. ft. property in Baie d’Urfe, Lake St. Louis. East coast style home with 4 bedrooms. Country life on the island of Montréal. Demeure riveraine de Baie-d’Urfé située sur l’un des très rares terrains de 56 000 pi. ca. en bordure du lac St-Louis. La résidence est inspirée des domaines de villégiature de la côte est américaine. BARBARA BAUDINET** 1.514.825.9890 | BBAUDINET@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

SPECTACULAR WATERFRONT RESIDENCE 10 BOUL. MARIE-VICTORIN CANDIAC, QC | MLS 9959855 $2,975,000 Breathtaking views define this beautiful treasure on the banks of the St. Lawrence River. Set on a 20,288 sq. ft. lot, this residence affords spectacular views. Impressionnante résidence sise sur les rives du fleuve St-Laurent. Cette luxueuse résidence offre une qualité de vie agréable, une ambiance tranquille et des vues spectaculaires. CARLO PAOLUCCI** 1.514.802.4004 | CPAOLUCCI@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA


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LUXE WATERFRONT LIVING ∙ VIVRE SANS COMPROMIS 1947 RUE DES ROSES CARIGNAN, QC | MLS 22369344 $2,950,000 Stunning contemporary design property created by Mario Adornetto, built using high-quality materials backing the Richelieu River. Incroyable propriété au design contemporain signée Mario Adornetto construite de matériaux d’exception adossée à la rivière Richelieu. KEVIN PERREAULT*, 1.514.287.7434 | KPERREAULT@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA VINCENT G. BUSSIÈRE+, 1.514.816.3231 | VBUSSIÈRE@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

LUXURIOUS & TIMELESS RESIDENCE 6300 PLACE NORTHCREST, APT. 6D CÔTE-DES-NEIGES, QC | MLS 24907483 $1,425,000 The Sanctuaire : Spacious corner unit offers 2,121 sq. ft. Open concept with 2 bathrooms, 2 bedrooms, ash wood and marble floors and wrap-around terrace. Oversized windows offer a panoramic city view. Le Sanctuaire : spacieuse unité de coin, 2 121 pi. ca. Concept à aire ouverte, 2 càc, 2 sdb, planchers en frêne et marbre. Fenêtres surdimensionnées, vue panoramique et grande terrasse. MARIE-JOSÉE ROULEAU* 1.514.660.6682 | MJROULEAU@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

STUNNING ARCHITECTURAL GEM 1240 RUE ROBERGE DUVERNAY, QC | MLS 11067607 $995,000 Situated in the highly coveted Val-des-Arbres region of Duvernay, on an exclusive round-about, this luxurious property greets you with its nearly 14 foot high grand entrance. Située dans la région de Val-des-Arbres à Duvernay, sur un rond-point exclusif, cette luxueuse propriété vous accueille avec son entrée ayant un plafond de 14 pieds de haut. GABRIELE DI IORIO** 1.514.267.8596 | GDI@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

ELEGANT COUNTRY HOME 133 CROIS. STANISLAS MAGOG, QC | MLS 19319376 $2,995,000 Unique property with distinctive features. Guest house, inground pool, large terraces and lakes offer the perfect setting for entertaining. Exclusive and peaceful environment. Vaste et élégante résidence aux caractéristiques distinctives. La maison d’invité, la piscine creusée, les nombreuses terrasses et lacs en font l’endroit idéal pour recevoir. MARIE-PIERS BARSALOU**, 1.450.577.0272 | MPBARSALOU@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA JOHANNE MEUNIER*, 1.514.925.5626 | JMEUNIER@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

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CONCEPTION MARIO ARDONETTO 37 CH. DE L’INTRÈPIDE SAINT-SAUVEUR, QC | MLS 14267187 $1,950,000 Splendid property with breathtaking views and over 6,000 sq. ft. of living space, geothermal system and home automation. Splendide propriété possédant une vue à couper le souffle avec plus de 6 000 pi. ca. habitables, système de géothermie et de domotique. JENNIFER VIENNEAU* 1.514.265.3669| JVIENNEAU@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

PARADIS RIVERAIN «PRÊT-À-HABITER» 368 RUE DU BARON-LOUIS-EMPAIN SAINTE-MARGUERITE-DU-LAC-MASSON, QC | MLS 28405219 $1,350,000 A chic and cosmopolitan lifestyle with the amenities of a first-class penthouse. Quality finishings, design cues by Armani/Casa, a private elevator in each residence, all in the midst of the action in such a vibrant city. Un savant mélange entre un style de vie luxueux avec les équipements d’un penthouse de première classe. Chacune des propriétés offre des finitions de qualité, un design réalisé par Armani/Casa ainsi qu’un ascenseur privé. À deux pas de tout. CHANTALE TARDIF* 1.514.808.9991 | CTARDIF@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

ARTFULLY TOM ∙ ARTISTIQUEMENT TOM 1188 AV. UNION, APT. PH3803 MONTRÉAL, QC | MLS 28364581 $1,256,950 + TAXES Breathtaking design and contemporary luxury are artfully reflected in TOM condos. Le design à couper le souffle et le luxe contemporain reflétent artistiquement les condos TOM. MARTIN BILODEAU* 1.438.871.1030 | MBILODEAU@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

FOUR SEASONS PRIVATE RESIDENCES MONTRÉAL 1430 RUE DE LA MONTAGNE MONTRÉAL, QC | EXCLUSIVE $4,590,000 - $7,290,000 + TAXES 2 PENTHOUSES (PRICE UPON DEMAND) Luxury contemporary residences, elegant layouts, large loggias. Living areas ranging between 3,336 and 4,419 sq. ft. Concierge, reception & valet services. Unique luxury ecosystem. Delivery December 2018. Luxueuses habitations contemporaines, grandes loggias. Surfaces habitables de 3 336 à 4 419 pi. ca.. Services de conciergerie, de réception et de voiturier. Écosystème de grand luxe unique. Livraison décembre 2018. CYRILLE GIRARD*, 1.514.582.2810 | CGIRARD@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA SALES GALLERY: 1421 CRESCENT STREET, THURSDAY - SUNDAY, NOON - 6 PM


E&O.E: This information is from sources which we deem reliable, but must be verified by prospective purchasers and may be subject to change or withdrawal. *Real Estate Broker, **Certified Real Estate Broker, +Residential Real Estate Broker, †Sales Representative, ‡Broker, PREC Personal Real Estate Coorporation. Real estate agency. Sotheby’s International Realty Québec. Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, Brokerage. Independently Owned & Operated.

SPLENDID PROPERTY ∙ 3 CONDOMINIUMS 207 RUE DE LA COMMUNE O., APT. RDC, 2,3 MONTRÉAL, QC | MLS 19442234 $2,140,000 Splendid property of 3 condominiums in Old Montréal. Joe Beef Building listed as a historic monument. View of the St.Lawrence River and The Old Port. A unique and rare opportunity! Unique propriété de 3 condos sise sur l’une des rues les plus prisées du Vieux-Montréal. Édifice Joe Beef classé monument historique. Vue sur le St. Laurent, rare opportunité ! GÉRALDINE LIBRATY* 1.514.962.5563 | GLIBRATY@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

PENTHOUSE ∙ TOUR DES CANADIENS 1288 AV. DES CANADIENS-DE-MONTRÈAL, APT. PH-4801 MONTRÉAL, QC | MLS 27224949 $979,000 What a pied-à-terre! This penthouse has 2 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms and distinguished finishings, plus exclusive access to a 46th floor terrace with leisure space. Can be rented furnished for $4,000/mo. Vous voulez être distinctif et vivre dans les hauteurs voici un magnifique penthouse situé au 48e étage avec 2 chambres, une finition moderne bien choisie et une vue époustouflante. Peut se louer meublé à 4 000 $/mo. LOUISE LATREILLE* 1.514.577.2009 | LLATREILLE@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

TRADITIONAL & POST-MODERN MIX HOME 216 BALLANTYNE NORTH MONTRÉAL-WEST, QC | MLS 10206610 $849,900 Mid-century home redesigned in 1969 by Thomas Blood, known for his contribution to Montréal’s Expo 67. Its remodeling resulted in a colonial and post-modern mix of elements. Maison moderne dans une peau du 19e siécle reconçue en 1969 par Thomas Blood renommé pour sa contribution à l’Expo 67 de Montréal. Ici, le contemporain se mêle à l’ancien. KARINE DOCHE*, 1.514.677.6244 | KDOCHE@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA NAYLA SALEH*, 1.514.941.6244 | NSALEH@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

SPECTACULARLY DESIGNED CONDO 1225 BOUL. ROBERT-BOURASSA, APT. 2105 MONTRÉAL, QC | MLS 16429762 $950,000 Nestled on the 21st floor of an ultra-luxurious building, this spectacular condo has been designed to take advantage of Montréal’s finest views and location. Features 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. A must-see. Niché au 21e étage du Altitude, immeuble prestigieux du centre-ville, ce spectaculaire condo à tout pour faire rêver. Équipé de 2 chambres, 2 salles de bain. À voir. SOPHIE LE GUERRIER* 1.514.655.0773 | SLEGUERRIER@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

E&O.E: This information is from sources which we deem reliable, but must be verified by prospective purchasers and may be subject to change or withdrawal. *Real Estate Broker, **Certified Real Estate Broker, +Residential Real Estate Broker, †Sales Representative, ‡Broker, PREC Personal Real Estate Coorporation. Real estate agency. Sotheby’s International Realty Québec. Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, Brokerage. Independently Owned & Operated.



$798,000 A refined property in a building with extraordinary architecture. Condo with an exclusive layout, a split-level style that allows using the space to its fullest. Fully renovated plus tandem parking space for 2 vehicles. Propriété d’un raffinement dans un bâtiment à l’architecture extraordinaire. Condo avec un aménagement qui lui est exclusif. De style split-level qui lui donne un espace habitable utilisé à son maximum. Tout rénové. Garage pour deux voitures en tandem. PATRICIA LALLIER** 1.514.239.1898 | PLALLIER@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA


$2,398,000 Terrace Summerhill - Stunning 4-storey Georgian-style townhouse in the heart of Montréal’s Golden Square Mile. Boasting 4 bedrooms, 3+1 bathrooms, 5 fireplaces, garage, garden and so much more. Terrasse Summerhill est une enclave privée de 5 maisons au cœur du prestigieux Mille carré doré du centre-ville de Montréal. Cette maison de ville de style Georgien très rafinée et élégante vous enchantera. Un bijou au centre-ville de Montréal à ne pas manquer. MAUREEN BROSSEAU* 1.514.995.4597 | MBROSSEAU@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

TRADITIONAL RESIDENCE 623 AV. SYDENHAM WESTMOUNT, QC | MLS 17539028 $3,100,000 A unique and rare opportunity to acquire an impressive detached home on one of Westmount’s most sought after streets. Beautiful architectural details throughout. Opportunité unique d’acquérir une impressionnante et élégante maison isolée sur une des rues les plus prisées à Westmount. Maison familiale idéale. LIZA KAUFMAN** & ALFEE KAUFMAN* 1.514.379.1333 | LKGROUP@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

WATERFRONT CONDOS~PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY 411 MAIN STREET WELLINGTON, ON | EXCLUSIVE Prince Edward County’s ultimate waterfront address, 411 Main Street Wellington. A unique collection of 30 sophisticated boutique condo suites and 6 savvy condo town homes with luxury appointments on Lake Ontario brought to you by Royalcliff Homes. Small urban living on a grand scale. Come home to your new and exciting lifestyle! IRIS ANDREWS‡, 1.613.969.2044 | IANDREWS@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA BRIAN ANDREWS‡, 1.613.969.2044 | BANDREWS@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA


E&O.E: This information is from sources which we deem reliable, but must be verified by prospective purchasers and may be subject to change or withdrawal. *Real Estate Broker, **Certified Real Estate Broker, +Residential Real Estate Broker, †Sales Representative, ‡Broker, PREC Personal Real Estate Coorporation. Real estate agency. Sotheby’s International Realty Québec (LK). Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, Brokerage. Independently Owned & Operated.

EYE’S WIDE OPEN 2392 HOWE ISLAND ROAD 1000 ISLANDS, ON | EXCLUSIVE SIRC186490 $1,600,000 Howe Island is an island community serviced by two ferries with easy access to Gananoque and Kingston. It’s home to those who appreciate an exceptional quality of life. Very few places come close to the feeling you will have when you live here. TODD BICKERTON†, 1.613.217.8683 | TBICKERTON@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA TONY CHARD‡, 1.613.540.2280 | TCHARD@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

NATURALLY BEAUTIFUL 520 SPITHEAD ROAD 1000 ISLANDS, ON | EXCLUSIVE $1,700,000 If you’ve ever dreamed of owning an ultra private point of land, look no further. 6.5 acres of pristine abundant waterfront on the western tip of Howe Island bordered on the north by the Bateau Channel and the south by Cassidy’s Bay. Featuring a large custom built open concept stone/cedar home with stunning views out every window. TODD BICKERTON†, 1.613.217.8683 | TBICKERTON@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA TONY CHARD‡, 1.613.540.2280 | TCHARD@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

1857 ICONIC LIMESTONE MANOR 59 GREEN STREET GUELPH, ON | EXCLUSIVE SIRC263928 PRICE UPON REQUEST Hidden on a downtown cul-de-sac, this statuesque, neo-classic home is loaded with character. View tall, double casements and an impressive gas fireplace from the expansive main hall. A stone outbuilding (a perfect potting shed) and a stone wall define the significance of this property, now ready for care and respect from a new owner. JULIE ASHLEY†, 1.519.841.1924 | JASHLEY@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA IRENE SZABO†, 1.905.845.0024 | ISZABO@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

IF THESE WALLS COULD TALK... 157 QUEEN STREET NORTH KITCHENER-WATERLOO, ON | EXCLUSIVE SIRC263929 PRICE UPON REQUEST Originally built in 1923 for the Windsor Hotel owner, there’s over 3,700 sq. ft. of rich history including a sweeping staircase, secret rooms, extensive woodwork and ornate ceilings, suggesting a rich and colourful past. Located in an established neighbourhood of equally significant homes, this grand, historic home is ready for a deserving new future. JULIE ASHLEY†, 1.519.841.1924 | JASHLEY@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA IRENE SZABO†, 1.905.845.0024 | ISZABO@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

E&O.E: This information is from sources which we deem reliable, but must be verified by prospective purchasers and may be subject to change or withdrawal. *Real Estate Broker, **Certified Real Estate Broker, +Residential Real Estate Broker, †Sales Representative, ‡Broker, PREC Personal Real Estate Coorporation. Real estate agency. Sotheby’s International Realty Québec. Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, Brokerage. Independently Owned & Operated.


LAKE MUSKOKA LONG LAKE VIEWS 1086 PENNWOOD ROAD MUSKOKA, ON | MLS X3961748 $3,595,O00 Wonderful 5+ bedroom, 3+ bathroom cottage and 2-storey boathouse with lake vistas. One of Muskoka’s finest deep water and sand beaches. Lovely wooded level land that is child-friendly. Cottage footprint is ‘grandfathered’. Close to over 315ft. of Southern exposure shoreline. Only 5 minutes from Port Carling locks. ROSS HALLORAN†, 1.416.856.6666 | RHALLORAN@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA ROGER KOLBUC‡, 1.705.746.0088 | RKOLBUC@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

KAWARTHA LAKES CHATEAU 299 BEAR CREEK ROAD BUCKHORN, ON | MLS X3726811 $3,395,000 6,300 sq. ft. stone and timber lakefront chateau boasts 7 bedrooms and 8 bathrooms on 3 acre level lot with 230 ft. of west shoreline and a small island offshore. Majestic timber 18 ft. living room ceiling and a soaring 22 ft. Vivoir ceiling by Confederation Log. Main house floors are solid ash, maple, butternut and hickory. 3 bay workshop with upper loft. ROSS HALLORAN†, 1.416.856.6666 | RHALLORAN@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA ROGER KOLBUC‡, 1.705.746.0088 | RKOLBUC@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

QUIET EAST BAY, MUSKOKA 1316 EAST BAY ROAD MUSKOKA LAKES, ON | MLS X3913057 $2,595,O00 This fabulous Lake Muskoka cottage is located on quiet East Bay with over 400 ft. of lakefront, walking trails throughout and a sand beach. 7 bedrooms and 3.5 bathrooms in the main cottage, large Muskoka room seats 20, great room has a massive floor to ceiling stone fireplace. Large boathouse, upper level sleeps up to 5. ROSS HALLORAN†, 1.416.856.6666 | RHALLORAN@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA ROGER KOLBUC‡, 1.705.746.0088 | RKOLBUC@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

GEORGIAN BAY MUSKOKA AREA 1 SOUNDVIEW COURT PARRY SOUND, ON | MLS X3742661 $2,200,000 Outstanding panoramic south vista view. 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, 5,000+ sq. ft. of superbly crafted custom built home. Grand open concept kitchen, dining room, great room with granite fireplace, spacious private guest suite. Master suite offers 5-piece ensuite and attached sitting room/office. Large sunroom with an extraordinary sundeck. ROSS HALLORAN†, 1.416.856.6666 | RHALLORAN@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA ROGER KOLBUC‡, 1.705.746.0088 | RKOLBUC@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA


E&O.E: This information is from sources which we deem reliable, but must be verified by prospective purchasers and may be subject to change or withdrawal. *Real Estate Broker, **Certified Real Estate Broker, +Residential Real Estate Broker, †Sales Representative, ‡Broker, PREC Personal Real Estate Coorporation. Real estate agency. Sotheby’s International Realty Québec. Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, Brokerage. Independently Owned & Operated.

LAKE OF BAYS FAMILY RETREAT 1040 CHANNEL ROAD LAKE OF BAYS, ON | MLS X3927961 $1,695,000 Meticulously maintained 4 bedroom cottage with 175 ft. frontage and rock outcroppings. Floor-to-ceiling fireplace, hardwood flooring, open concept, built-in appliances and granite countertops. New interior design with upgraded furnishings, extensive landscaping with exterior lighting, new furnace and A/C systems with remote monitoring and security cameras. ROSS HALLORAN†, 1.416.856.6666 | RHALLORAN@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA ROGER KOLBUC‡, 1.705.746.0088 | RKOLBUC@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

TINY TOWNSHIP 471 TINY BEACHES ROAD SOUTH TINY TOWNSHIP, ON | EXCLUSIVE $1,495,000 This 2.5 storey, 7 bedroom, 3.5 bathroom executive home is only a 5 minute walk from family-friendly Wimbolwood Beach. Extremely private 100 ft. landscaped lot on 1.25 acres with a separate 2 car garage. The home also features cutting-edge smart home monitoring technology and is fully furnished. ROSS HALLORAN†, 1.416.856.6666 | RHALLORAN@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA ROGER KOLBUC‡, 1.705.746.0088 | RKOLBUC@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

KAWARTHA VICEROY LAKEHOUSE 250 FIRE ROUTE 36 KAWARTHA LAKES, ON | MLS X3697320 $1,329,O00 Big Cedar Lake. Viceroy four season home with 3+ bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, high end quality with hardwood flooring, open concept, gourmet kitchen and appliances. Stone fireplace with natural wood mantel. Main floor media room office. A full basement untouched for your design. Picturesque views with 223 ft. water frontage on 4+ acres. ROSS HALLORAN†, 1.416.856.6666 | RHALLORAN@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA ROGER KOLBUC‡, 1.705.746.0088 | RKOLBUC@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

DREAM LAKEHOUSE IN KAWARTHAS 261 FIRE ROUTE 36 KAWARTHA LAKES, ON | MLS X3697324 $1,196,000 Custom built 3+ bedroom, 2.5 bathroom home with attached double garage on Big Cedar Lake. 427 ft. of sheltered, frontage-facing lake, plus an adjacent creek situated on 4+ acres of beautifully landscaped and mature forest to ensure ultimate privacy. You will enjoy unspoiled, panoramic views of sunsets and be surrounded by wildlife. Enjoy unspoiled sunsets with panoramic views of Big Cedar Lake. ROSS HALLORAN†, 1.416.856.6666 | RHALLORAN@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA ROGER KOLBUC‡, 1.705.746.0088 | RKOLBUC@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

E&O.E: This information is from sources which we deem reliable, but must be verified by prospective purchasers and may be subject to change or withdrawal. *Real Estate Broker, **Certified Real Estate Broker, +Residential Real Estate Broker, †Sales Representative, ‡Broker, PREC Personal Real Estate Coorporation. Real estate agency. Sotheby’s International Realty Québec. Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, Brokerage. Independently Owned & Operated.


KAMENNI BAY ROAD 220-70 KAMENNI BAY ROAD SOUTH GEORGIAN BAY, ON | EXCLUSIVE PRICE UPON REQUEST Gorgeous 5 bedroom/4.5 bathroom Noramerica Lakehouse on 9 acres with 460 ft. of breathtaking west shoreline near prestigious Moore Point/Honey Harbour. Comes fully furnished plus a 23 Mastercraft wakeboard boat, 40 Hp 15 foot aluminium boat, sea-doo, tractor and 2 kayaks for turn-key family fun. ROSS HALLORAN†, 1.416.856.6666 | RHALLORAN@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA KEVIN GILCHRIST‡, 1.705.443.2880 | KGILCHRIST@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

CONFEDERATION ERA MILL 7816 GRIST MILL ROAD WASHAGO, ON | MLS S3857642 $1,188,800 Own a piece of history. Authentic 1873 Grist Mill on the Green River in Washago, Ontario. The main living area features a great room with views of the Green River, 4 bedrooms upstairs with a full bathroom and spectacular river view off the master bedroom private balcony. Extras include in-law studio and 2 bedroom apartment. ROSS HALLORAN† 1.416.856.6666 | RHALLORAN@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

SOUTH LAKE CUSTOM BUILT 1214 HAMILTON ROAD HALIBURTON, ON | MLS X3805966 $649,000 The Auburn. This executive home is located in an exclusive, 12-cottage development on beautiful South Lake and features an open concept design, large bright rooms, wood floors, and a wall of windows affording an outstanding view over the lake. South Lake is located a short 5-minute drive from downtown Minden and 2 hours from the GTA. ROSS HALLORAN†, 1.416.856.6666 | RHALLORAN@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA ROGER KOLBUC‡, 1.705.746.0088 | RKOLBUC@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

22 ACRES, COACH HOUSE AND TENNIS 50 PRICES POINT ROAD LAKE OF BAYS, ON | MLS X3927966 $549,000 22-acre property close to Lake of Bays and Huntsville, complete with 3-bay coach house with solid, concrete foundation. One bay has been newly converted to a lower-level full kitchen with upper living quarters. Includes 2 bedrooms and a full bathroom with laminate flooring throughout. Complete with full-size tennis court and basketball court. New furnishings included with sale. ROSS HALLORAN† 1.416.856.6666 | RHALLORAN@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA


E&O.E: This information is from sources which we deem reliable, but must be verified by prospective purchasers and may be subject to change or withdrawal. *Real Estate Broker, **Certified Real Estate Broker, +Residential Real Estate Broker, †Sales Representative, ‡Broker, PREC Personal Real Estate Coorporation. Real estate agency. Sotheby’s International Realty Québec. Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, Brokerage. Independently Owned & Operated.

PERFECT FAMILY LIFESTYLE 180 CAVENDISH COURT OAKVILLE, ON | MLS 30630960 $2,788,000 Nestled on quiet street in Southeast Oakville, your ravine home is waiting. This address offers an easy stroll to fantastic schools and is a delight for the fortunate family that will call it home. 3-car garage with ample storage space, should you need it. A favourite spot come spring, a huge deck leads out from your kitchen/family room to views of the sparkling pool and ravine below. Inside, there are 4 bedrooms with the master retreat overlooking the ravine. The sunny, walkout basement feels like it could be above-grade and flows out to your backyard, making for easy entertaining. It also features a huge family space and additional bedroom with separate bathroom facilities as well as a den/office that has been wired for surround sound. The whole home has been freshly painted in light colours. This is the one you’ve been waiting for. PETRUS ENGELBRECHT† 1.905.467.2651 | PENGELBRECHT@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

THE START OF YOUR LEGACY 135 ABERDEEN AVENUE HAMILTON, ON | MLS X4019018 $2,500,000 Surround yourself with architectural significance and do not miss out on this once in a lifetime chance to own a historic mansion. This home has the capacity to house a combined family, or 2 families living together side by side. Only two families have lived in this magnificant home since 1905 and yours could be the third. Think of the possibilities! Known as a royal home and suitable for visiting royalty, Gateside House was built in 1905 for William Hendrie Jr. by famed architect John Lyle, who also designed Union Station. Rich in character and provenance at its finest, this home has 8 bedrooms, sitting rooms galore, 2 kitchens, 9 fireplaces, original restored hardwood and exquisite cathedral doors throughout. Beamed 11 ft. ceilings in the grand ballroom and countless original crystal chandeliers set the scene. The Durand neighbourhood has the largest concentration of early 20th century mansions in all of Canada. You have to see this 10,897 sq. ft. home to appreciate it. PETRUS ENGELBRECHT† 1.905.467.2651 | PENGELBRECHT@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

E&O.E: This information is from sources which we deem reliable, but must be verified by prospective purchasers and may be subject to change or withdrawal. *Real Estate Broker, **Certified Real Estate Broker, +Residential Real Estate Broker, †Sales Representative, ‡Broker, PREC Personal Real Estate Coorporation. Real estate agency. Sotheby’s International Realty Québec. Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, Brokerage. Independently Owned & Operated.


ENGLISH COUNTRY GARDEN 200 CHARTWELL ROAD OAKVILLE, ON | EXCLUSIVE $3,525,000 Situated on one of Old Oakville’s most desirable streets sits this charming 6-bedroom family home. With unparalleled privacy, the property’s wall-towall french windows overlook immaculately manicured west-facing gardens. The substantial lot boasts 100 x 225 ft. all within a short walk to the lake, shops and restaurants of downtown. MARYANN KENFELJA†, 1.905.302.5667 | MKENFELJA@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA MICHELLE BAILEY†, 1.905.845.0024 | MBAILEY@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA DANIELLA QUATTROCIOCCHI†, 1.416.716.4850 | DQUATTRO@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

SOPHISTICATED OAKVILLE LIFESTYLE 79 RAYMAR PLACE OAKVILLE, ON | EXCLUSIVE $3,100,000 A short walk to Downtown Oakville, this sophisticated south of Lakeshore property features an ideal executive lifestyle or intimate family living. This timeless beauty features attention to detail and fine craftsmanship situated in a thoughtfully landscaped setting. MARYANN KENFELJA†, 1.905.302.5667 | MKENFELJA@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA MICHELLE BAILEY†, 1.905.845.0024 | MBAILEY@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA DANIELLA QUATTROCIOCCHI†, 1.416.716.4850 | DQUATTRO@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

ELEGANT FAMILY LIVING 3319 PRINGLE PLACE MISSISSAUGA, ON | EXCLUSIVE PRICE UPON REQUEST Exquisite luxury family home on a professionally landscaped premium lot backing onto Mississauga Meadowvale Rotary Park. Located in the heart of Churchill Meadows, this fully upgraded 4 + 1 bedroom, 4.5 bathroom home features unparalleled style, elegance and comfort. A must see and truly one of a kind. MARYANN KENFELJA†, 1.905.302.5667 | MKENFELJA@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA MICHELLE BAILEY†, 1.905.845.0024 | MBAILEY@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA DANIELLA QUATTROCIOCCHI†, 1.416.716.4850 | DQUATTRO@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

FABULOUS FALGARWOOD FAMILY HOME 1396 HASTINGS ROAD OAKVILLE, ON | EXCLUSIVE East Oakville’s community of Falgarwood is enveloped in forested land, characterized by winding tree lined roads, close proximity to major highways, public transit, highly desirable schools and countless amenities. Enjoy life in this lovely and spacious multi-level home nestled on a quiet street and backing onto greenspace. MARYANN KENFELJA†, 1.905.302.5667 | MKENFELJA@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA MICHELLE BAILEY†, 1.905.845.0024 | MBAILEY@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA DANIELLA QUATTROCIOCCHI†, 1.416.716.4850 | DQUATTRO@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA


E&O.E: This information is from sources which we deem reliable, but must be verified by prospective purchasers and may be subject to change or withdrawal. *Real Estate Broker, **Certified Real Estate Broker, +Residential Real Estate Broker, †Sales Representative, ‡Broker, PREC Personal Real Estate Coorporation. Real estate agency. Sotheby’s International Realty Québec. Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, Brokerage. Independently Owned & Operated.

CASUAL UPSCALE LIVING 216 EASTCOURT ROAD OAKVILLE, ON | MLS 30632272 $4,399,000 For the connoisseur of fine living this custom build Rockcliff Homes contemporary design offers over 7,200 sq. ft. of exquisitely finished living space on 3 levels. Superior workmanship exemplified by the extensive millwork. Entertain in the formal living and dining rooms or relax in the Great Room. The fully finished lower level with home theatre room is the ultimate retreat. ALEX IRISH† 1.905.808.1054 | AIRISH@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA ALEXIRISH.COM

LUXURIOUS MODERN ESTATE HOME 32 LAMBERT COMMON OAKVILLE, ON | MLS SIRC241627 $6,290,000 Situated on a premium half acre, pie-shaped lot. The classical exterior of brick and limestone features extensive architectural details. Clean lines define the contemporary interior of 10,000 sq. ft. of unparalleled quality finishes on 3 levels. Lake Ontario and prestigious Appleby College are a 2 minute stroll away. ALEX IRISH† 1.905.808.1054 | AIRISH@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA ALEXIRISH.COM

LUXURY LIVING - THORNCREST VILLAGE 76 RATHBURN ROAD TORONTO, ON | MLS W4023484 $2,220,000 Location, location, location. This beautifully kept south facing family home was renovated with permits in 2010. This 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom house has beautiful hardwood floors as well as a designer kitchen. New lighting, blinds, drapes and millwork. 2 bedroom suite with separate entrance with private walk out, garden patio. Entertainers backyard with a view. JULIE MARTIN†, ALEX IRISH & ASSOCIATES 1.416.458.9420 | JMARTIN@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA ALEXIRISH.COM

SPECTACULAR NEW BUILD IN ETOBICOKE 3 CUSTEAD COURT TORONTO, ON | MLS SIRC264263 $1,899,000 Located near the bottom of a quiet cul-de-sac in Etobicoke, this spectacular property is a work of art inside and out featuring the finest finishings and materials. 4 bedroom newly built by Great Gulf includes 10 ft. ceilings on main floor, an extraordinary gourmet kitchen and a magnificent master with a luxurious 5 piece ensuite. ASHLEY SHAW‡ 1.416.828.6236 | ASHAW@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

E&O.E: This information is from sources which we deem reliable, but must be verified by prospective purchasers and may be subject to change or withdrawal. *Real Estate Broker, **Certified Real Estate Broker, +Residential Real Estate Broker, †Sales Representative, ‡Broker, PREC Personal Real Estate Coorporation. Real estate agency. Sotheby’s International Realty Québec. Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, Brokerage. Independently Owned & Operated.


BEAUTIFUL CONTEMPORARY HOME 379 STRATHCONA DRIVE BURLINGTON, ON | EXCLUSIVE PRICE UPON REQUEST Highly desirable Shoreacres neighbourhood. Stunning 5 bedroom, 4 bathroom rebuilt by Urban Elements in 2012 to the highest quality standards. This home’s features are endless: including modern kitchen with top of the line appliances, 2 gas fireplaces with floor to ceiling stone facade, 2nd floor master retreat with spa-like ensuite and heated floors, professionally finished basement, in-ground swimming pool, 6 seater soaker hot tub, EMTEK door and keyless lock, and much more. MARK BOOT‡, 1.416.300.4669 | MBOOT@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA DIANNE BOOT†, 1.905.339.7045 | DBOOT@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

UNIQUE ARCHITECTURAL GEM 1038 BEACH BOULEVARD HAMILTON, ON | SOLD The overarching theme of this custom built home is light, graceful space and rich visual pleasure. A successful experiment into residential design, this beach house with a little New Orleans, a little antebellum, a little South Asia sprinkled here and there, beautifully executed and ready to take on the next owners in its sought-after locale. Sold over asking. NINA MANDEVILLE† 1.905.321.1087 | NMANDEVILLE@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

GEORGIAN INSPIRED SOUTH EAST OAKVILLE 404 ASPEN FOREST DRIVE OAKVILLE, ON | SOLD Welcome to this bright executive home in a desirable Southeast Oakville neighbourhood. Classic curb appeal with red brick exterior and Georgian inspired design details. Lush, private backyard with multiple walkouts, inground pool and lounging areas for living and dining. Large mature trees and perennial gardens complete the private outdoor space. JUDITH HANLEY† 1.416.346.8780 | JHANLEY@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

WATERFRONT ESTATE MISSISSAUGA, ON | EXCLUSIVE PRICE UPON REQUEST Live inspired! Extraordinary gated estate backing onto Credit River is a piece of Muskoka in the heart of Mississauga’s most exclusive neighbourhood. This spectacular property is a work of art inside and out featuring only the finest finishings and materials. The ultimate private paradise retreat with backyard oasis reminiscent of the world’s most luxurious resorts. JUDITH HANLEY† 1.416.346.8780 | JHANLEY@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA


E&O.E: This information is from sources which we deem reliable, but must be verified by prospective purchasers and may be subject to change or withdrawal. *Real Estate Broker, **Certified Real Estate Broker, +Residential Real Estate Broker, †Sales Representative, ‡Broker, PREC Personal Real Estate Coorporation. Real estate agency. Sotheby’s International Realty Québec. Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, Brokerage. Independently Owned & Operated.

THE PERFECT FAMILY HOME 1482 OAKHILL DRIVE OAKVILLE, ON | MLS 30632694 $2,895,000 Beautifully renovated, this traditional Southeast Oakville home perfectly blends family needs and wants. Open concept living. Four bedrooms. Swimming pool and large garden. Excellent schools nearby, an easy commute and a vibrant downtown. You cannot ask for more. Welcome home. NANCY ROBERTSON† 1.905.334.9422 | NROBERTSON@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA NANCYROBERTSONHOMES.COM

DREAMING OF SUMMER SUNSHINE 108 PARKWOOD COURT OAKVILLE, ON | MLS 30632718 $3,245,000 With over 6,000 sq. ft. of luxury living space, this Southeast Oakville home boasts quality finishes, a superb layout and a back garden that will be the envy of all. The open-concept kitchen/great room overlooks your summer oasis with its saltwater pool, patios and garden. NANCY ROBERTSON† 1.905.334.9422 | NROBERTSON@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA NANCYROBERTSONHOMES.COM

AWARD WINNING BURLINGTON ESTATE 5043 MOUNT NEMO CRESCENT BURLINGTON, ON | MLS W3983555 $2,900,000 Built in 1874, beautifully restored while maintaining its uniqueness. This 4 bedroom and 3 + 1 bathroom home boasts intricate crown mouldings, stone walls, high baseboards and ceilings. A 10,000 sq. ft. barn which has potential to be an entertainers delight. 4-car detached garage, 24 x 20 ft. Betz heated saltwater pool with waterfall, cabana, hot tub and basketball court. AYESHA MAWAZ-KHAN† 1.905 616 9672 | AMAWAZKHAN@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

EXECUTIVE HOME IN JOSHUA CREEK 2357 HERTFORDSHIRE WAY OAKVILLE, ON | EXCLUSIVE $1,800,000 Located in coveted Joshua Creek, this large family home checks all the boxes: beautiful wood floors, eat-in kitchen, 4+1 bedrooms, formal living room with fireplace, formal dining room, and main floor den with double door entry. Bright walk-out basement features a huge wet bar, bedroom, and full washroom, which could function as an in-law suite. CHRISTO LOURANTOS†, 1.416.508.3644 | CLOURANTOS@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA JANETTE LOURANTOS†, 1.416.505.7975 | JLOURANTOS@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA THELOURANTOSGROUP.COM

E&O.E: This information is from sources which we deem reliable, but must be verified by prospective purchasers and may be subject to change or withdrawal. *Real Estate Broker, **Certified Real Estate Broker, +Residential Real Estate Broker, †Sales Representative, ‡Broker, PREC Personal Real Estate Coorporation. Real estate agency. Sotheby’s International Realty Québec. Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, Brokerage. Independently Owned & Operated.


PRIVATE ISLAND ON STONEY LAKE ISLAND 33 STONEY LAKE, ON | EXCLUSIVE SIRC225982 $3,500,000 1.6 acre, private island transformed by owner, architect and interior designer Dee Dee Eustace, Principal of Taylor Hannah Architect Inc. Boasting 1,450 ft. of frontage, housing 3 beautifully-appointed cedar shake buildings, each with a unique approach to the lake and land. Retreat in laid-back elegance with every comfort imaginable in this ultimate summer sanctuary with expansive west views on sought-after Stoney Lake, just 2 hours east from Toronto. ANDY TAYLOR‡, 1.416.960.9995 | ANDYTAYLOR@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA SHAWN WOOF†, 1.705.774.0029 | SWOOF@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA ALEX PINO‡, 1.416.825.9748 | APINO@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

STONEY LAKE 2820 & 2824 FIRE ROUTE 47 BURLEIGH FALLS, ON | EXCLUSIVE $4,975,000 Ideal family estate on Stoney Lake with fantastic privacy, incredible cottage including guest cottage, deep water and special 270 degree views. House your watercraft in the double boathouse with recreation room above. The main cottage is uniquely appointed to entertain guests with 5 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms including a very large beautiful master suite with fireplace. The great room offers exceptional views and soaring ceilings along with a screened in porch. Enjoy sun all day on Stoney Lake. ANDY TAYLOR‡, 1.416.960.9995 | ANDYTAYLOR@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA SHAWN WOOF†, 1.705.774.0029 | SWOOF@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

FRIDAY HARBOUR ISLAND TOWNHOUSE LAKE SIMCOE, ON | EXCLSUIVE $1,595,000 Architect and premier North-American luxury interior designer Dee Dee Eustace, owner of Taylor Hannah Architect Inc., has brought the coastal style of The Hamptons in New York to Friday Harbour Resort on Lake Simcoe, only 45 minutes from Toronto. This Island Townhome, situated on a 600-acre private gated island, features 2-car indoor parking, private dock and boat slip. The interior spans 2,320 sq. ft. with 195 sq. ft. of double height space and a 625 sq. ft. terrace. ANDY TAYLOR‡, 1.416.960.9995 | ANDYTAYLOR@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA SHAWN WOOF†, 1.705.774.0029 | SWOOF@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA ALEX PINO‡, 1.416.825.9748 | APINO@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

LAKE MUSKOKA 1023 HEATHER LODGE ROAD PORT CARLING, ON | MLS 481560073 $3,795,000 Exquisitely crafted and perfectly located on Lake Muskoka near Port Carling. This property offers the full compliment of cottage desires. Spending time at the lake will never be the same after experiencing a fun and sun-filled afternoon at the water’s edge utilizing the triple boathouse with living quarters above, covered outdoor lounge and well planned built in bar. The main building’s spacious great room with stone wood burning fireplace, large dining area and custom kitchen leaves nothing left to be desired. SHAWN WOOF†, 1.705.774.0029 | SWOOF@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA PETRUS ENGELBRECHT†, 1.905.467.2651 | PENGELBRECHT@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA


E&O.E: This information is from sources which we deem reliable, but must be verified by prospective purchasers and may be subject to change or withdrawal. *Real Estate Broker, **Certified Real Estate Broker, +Residential Real Estate Broker, †Sales Representative, ‡Broker, PREC Personal Real Estate Coorporation. Real estate agency. Sotheby’s International Realty Québec. Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, Brokerage. Independently Owned & Operated.

COUNTRY SETTING CLOSE TO AMENITIES 22 CENTRE STREET NORTH BEETON, ON | MLS N3986719 $1,295,000 This superbly renovated 4 bedroom home resides on over ½ an acre on Beeton’s finest tree lined street. The spectacularly landscaped garden oasis includes a large outdoor covered entertaining area, pool and original carriage house. A peaceful lifestyle, just a short commute to Toronto. SUSAN TOYNE†, 1.416.960.9995 | STOYNE@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA SAMANTHA THOMSON†, 1.416.960.9995 | STHOMSON@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

LAWRENCE PARK BEAUTY 122 ROCHESTER AVENUE TORONTO, ON | MLS C4023593 $3,795,000 Warm and elegant family home in coveted Lawrence Park. Charm and sophistication fill every corner of this classic Georgian beauty. 5+1 bedrooms, 4+1 bathrooms, gas and wood burning fireplaces, stunning wine cellar, sauna, fully equipped gym,and beautiful terraced garden. Walk to public transit and Toronto’s finest schools. A truly special urban retreat. KATIE AEBY† 1.416.960.9995 | KAEBY@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

CHARMING HISTORIC ANNEX 59 TRANBY AVENUE TORONTO, ON | EXCLUSIVE $2,580,000 Very pretty detached house in the heart of the city. Located where the Annex meets Yorkville. Walking distance to the subway, Bloor Street’s designer shops, University of Toronto, ROM and flower market. A gardener’s dream with landscaped courtyard and roof top terrace. 3 fireplaces, stained/leaded glass windows, interior exposed brick wall, 4 bedrooms, finished basement. Elegant, peaceful living on a coveted Victorian era tree-lined street. WENDY SPENCER†, 1.647.299.2077 | WSPENCER@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA LISA-MARIE DOOREY‡, 1.416.960.9995 | LDOOREY@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA LINDA CHU‡, 1.416.716.1218 | LCHU@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA DOWNTOWNTORONTOHOMES.COM

KING WEST CLASSIC VICTORIAN 50 STEWART STREET TORONTO, ON | MLS C3974460 $2,795,000 A perfect alternative to condo living in the heart of King West, completely renovated from top to bottom using the finest materials and finishes. 4 bedrooms plus upscale recreation room, state of the art kitchen, sumptuous 3rd-floor master retreat with spa-inspired master ensuite bathroom. Urban oasis rear garden with IPE deck and your very own in-ground heated pool. ALEX PINO‡, 1.416.825.9748 | APINO@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA ANDY TAYLOR‡, 1.416.960.9995 | ANDYTAYLOR@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

E&O.E: This information is from sources which we deem reliable, but must be verified by prospective purchasers and may be subject to change or withdrawal. *Real Estate Broker, **Certified Real Estate Broker, +Residential Real Estate Broker, †Sales Representative, ‡Broker, PREC Personal Real Estate Coorporation. Real estate agency. Sotheby’s International Realty Québec. Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, Brokerage. Independently Owned & Operated.


CRICKET CLUB 131 YONGE BOULEVARD TORONTO, ON | MLS C4017952 $3,649,000 Landmark home crafted by architect, Richard Wengle. The impressive facade with its classic lines and striking features makes it one of the most admired houses in the Cricket Club. This centrally located neighbourhood is just 15 minutes to Toronto’s Financial District, Downtown and Pearson International Airport. ROBERT NELSON†, 1.416.960.9995 | RNELSON@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA NIGEL DENHAM†, 1.416.960.9995 | NDENHAM@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA NELSONANDDENHAM.COM

LUXURY LIVING AT THE U CONDOS 1080 BAY STREET, SUITE 4701 TORONTO, ON | SOLD $1,899,000 Spectacular upgraded split 2 bedroom plus den corner suite with panoramic views of Downtown Toronto. Open concept living and dining area with walk-outs to extra large south facing balconies. Chef’s kitchen with quartz waterfall island. Bright master with walk-in closet and 5 piece ensuite. 5 star amenities and 2 car parking. CHERYL THOMPSON†, 1.416.960.9995 | CTHOMPSON@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA LINDA MCEWAN†, 1.416.960.9995 | LMCEWAN@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA TORONTOSFINESTHOMES.COM

WATERFRONT LIVING AT ITS FINEST 500 QUEENS QUAY, PH 02 TORONTO, ON | MLS C3972203 $4,250,000 2 storey luxury penthouse with 17ft. ceilings, 3 bedrooms and 3.5 bathrooms. Lake views from every room. Professionally designed 500 sq. ft. terrace with hot tub and gas line for BBQ. One of the jewels of Queens Quay with 3 gas fireplaces. Close to everything in Downtown Toronto. 2 parking spots. 1 locker. Top of the line building amenities. TAMMY MASOUMI† 416.817.3629 | TMASOUMI@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

RESIDENCES AT THE RITZ-CARLTON 183 WELLINGTON STREET, SUITE 2705 TORONTO, ON | MLS C4002526 $1,550,000 Features soaring 10 ft. ceilings, incredible finishes and stunning attention to detail - gleaming engineered wood floors, granite counter-tops in the custom kitchen. Offers sweeping unobstructed south facing panoramic views of Lake Ontario. MARCO CHIAPPETTA† 1.416.806.6133 | MCHIAPPETTA@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA RESIDENCESTORONTO.COM


E&O.E: This information is from sources which we deem reliable, but must be verified by prospective purchasers and may be subject to change or withdrawal. *Real Estate Broker, **Certified Real Estate Broker, +Residential Real Estate Broker, †Sales Representative, ‡Broker, PREC Personal Real Estate Coorporation. Real estate agency. Sotheby’s International Realty Québec. Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, Brokerage. Independently Owned & Operated.

HISTORIC AND PRESTIGIOUS SOUTH ROSEDALE 99 ELM AVENUE TORONTO, ON | MLS C4031697 $4,495,000 The very name ‘Rosedale’ creates visions of leafy residential streets. True to form in every regard, this stately family residence sits proudly on a bright and sunny corner lot. Grand rooms for entertaining with family friendly spaces for children to play. The cupola topped cabana is the ideal space for summer dining after a swim in the in-ground pool. CHRISTIAN VERMAST†, 1.416.960.9995 | CVERMAST@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA PAUL MARANGER‡, 1.416.960.9995 | PMARANGER@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA FRAN BENNETT†, 1.416.960.9995 | FBENNETT@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA TRILOGYAGENTS.COM

DOWNTOWN LIVING AT ITS BEST 12 SULLIVAN STREET TORONTO, ON | MLS C4025716 $1,795,000 Cool and modern retreat for young urbanites just steps to Queen Street, the AGO and the Financial District. The space is all about brightness and minimalist elegance. Open-concept main floor with modern kitchen is ideal for entertaining and casual family living. Fully fenced low maintenance back yard along with a spacious and newly built garage. Sensational. CHRISTIAN VERMAST†, 1.416.960.9995 | CVERMAST@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA PAUL MARANGER‡, 1.416.960.9995 | PMARANGER@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA FRAN BENNETT†, 1.416.960.9995 | FBENNETT@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA TRILOGYAGENTS.COM

MAJESTIC ESTATE IN HISTORIC OLD TOWN 456 QUEEN STREET NIAGARA-ON-THE-LAKE, ON | MLS X3983171 $9,899,000 The world-renowned Shaw Festival theatres are within walking distance. Wineries and dining in abundance. Every square inch of this property has been designed for exquisite family and business entertaining. Elaborate pavilion with gourmet kitchen. Guest suite above the coach house. Perfection set on 2 acres of land with elegant dipping pool. CHRISTIAN VERMAST†, 1.416.960.9995 | CVERMAST@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA PAUL MARANGER‡, 1.416.960.9995 | PMARANGER@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA FRAN BENNETT†, 1.416.960.9995 | FBENNETT@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA TRILOGYAGENTS.COM

ENCHANTING MCGIBBON LAKE 292 MCGIBBON LAKE ROAD BANCROFT, ON | MLS X3930753 $2,250,000 Crystal clear spring fed approximately 30 acre private lake stands in the middle of this unbelievable back-to-nature 306 acre secluded utopia. The only noise comes from the ducks and loons. Complete privacy and seclusion is the name of the game with the guest residence set over 500 metres away from the main home. Picture postcard perfect. CHRISTIAN VERMAST†, 1.416.960.9995 | CVERMAST@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA PAUL MARANGER‡, 1.416.960.9995 | PMARANGER@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA FRAN BENNETT†, 1.416.960.9995 | FBENNETT@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA TRILOGYAGENTS.COM

E&O.E: This information is from sources which we deem reliable, but must be verified by prospective purchasers and may be subject to change or withdrawal. *Real Estate Broker, **Certified Real Estate Broker, +Residential Real Estate Broker, †Sales Representative, ‡Broker, PREC Personal Real Estate Coorporation. Real estate agency. Sotheby’s International Realty Québec. Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, Brokerage. Independently Owned & Operated.


SPIRE IN THE ST. LAWRENCE MARKET 33 LOMBARD STREET TORONTO, ON $545,000 Spectacular spire corner suite with wrap around wall of windows with views of the city lights. Huge balcony. Minutes to the financial core, restaurants cafes, fine dining and St. Lawrence Market. The building offers 24 hour concierge, gym, party/meeting room, roof top with BBQs, guest suites, visitor parking. Life in the city at its best. GRAHAM CONNAUGHTON‡, 1.647.500.3798 | GCONNAUGHTON@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA BRENT PARK†, 1.416.725.6770 | BPARK@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

CENTURY EDWARDIAN IN HIGH PARK 316 INDIAN ROAD TORONTO, ON | EXCLUSIVE $3,388,000 Classic Century Edwardian exterior with an art-deco vibe interior designed by world-renowned architect Edward Jones. Spacious 3 bedroom home featuring 2nd floor library/music room, unique 3rd floor master bedroom with walk-out to covered loggia and private entrance to lower level granny/ teen suite. Extraordinary dining room with 17 ft. ceilings, double height windows and walkout to deck. Beautiful brick garage with 2 car tandem parking plus parking for 5 in private drive. Steps to Bloor subway and shops. GRAHAM CONNAUGHTON‡, 1.647.500.3798 | GCONNAUGHTON@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA BRENT PARK†, 1.416.725.6770 | BPARK@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

THE RIVER, LUXURY WATERFRONT LIVING 135 – 26 AVENUE SW CALGARY, AB $1,350,000-$7,000,000 The River redefines quality in thought, design and execution. Calgary’s only boutique waterfront development is intimate, secure and private. Timeless top-quality finishes throughout. Full-time concierge/security, guest suite, fitness centre, entertainment room, boardroom, car and pet wash. Located in the sought after and historic neighbourhood of Mission. Walk to top restaurants, shopping, river pathway and only minutes to downtown. ANNE CLARKE, 1.403.803.5578 | ACLARKE@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA LESLIE SCHROEDER, 1.403.703.9111 | LSCHROEDER@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA

SPECTACULAR DESIGN, INCREDIBLE VALUE 1204 BEVERLEY BOULEVARD SW CALGARY, AB | MLS C4164315 $3,995,000 This stunning modern Bel-Aire home offers an outstanding bright and open floor plan enhanced by an abundance of natural light. Sleek Poggenpohl kitchen, 3 pantries, gym, wine room and 5 fireplaces. Seamless indoor-outdoor living with private backyard, outdoor fireplace, built-in BBQ, pool and entertainment area. Bel-Aire is one of Calgary’s most exclusive neighbourhoods, close to The Calgary Golf and Country Club, shops and restaurants. ANNE CLARKE, 1.403.803.5578 | ACLARKE@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA LESLIE SCHROEDER, 1.403.703.9111 | LSCHROEDER@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA


E&O.E: This information is from sources which we deem reliable, but must be verified by prospective purchasers and may be subject to change or withdrawal. *Real Estate Broker, **Certified Real Estate Broker, +Residential Real Estate Broker, †Sales Representative, ‡Broker, PREC Personal Real Estate Coorporation. Real estate agency. Sotheby’s International Realty Québec. Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, Brokerage. Independently Owned & Operated.

EVERGREEN ON THE BOW 11370 VALLEY RIDGE PARK NW CALGARY, AB | MLS C4123651 $3,499,000 Stunning timber frame home with a daring design that blends inspiration from Canmore & West Coast architecture. The Arts & Crafts style matches the presence of the 1 acre lot surrounded by a 50 acre mature environmental reserve forests and edged by the Bow River and Valley Ridge golf course. Guest house on 2 acres also available. Learn more: DENNIS PLINTZ 1.403.608.1112 | DPLINTZ@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA DENNISPLINTZ.COM

BEL-AIRE RETREAT 1216 BELAVISTA CRESCENT SW CALGARY, AB | MLS C4147839 $2,850,000 Extraordinary home in Bel-Aire backing onto the Calgary Golf & Country Club. Inside, a 2-storey vaulted foyer with beautiful hardwood flooring and grand curved staircase set the tone. The open living space has floor-toceiling windows and open design to backyard. 5 bedrooms, 4,400 sq. ft. living space all beautifully situated on .34 acres. DENNIS PLINTZ 1.403.608.1112 | DPLINTZ@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA DENNISPLINTZ.COM

BUILT TO LAST 2408 28 AVENUE SW CALGARY, ALBERTA | MLS C4149766 $1,148,000 Made and designed to last — from ICF construction to top-of-the-line insulation and exterior membrane products — this home was built right. 4 bedrooms in 2,292 sq.ft. of living space, this house is ready for the discerning long-term owner. Walking distance to the desirable amenities of Marda Loop. This home is ready for the discerning long term home owner. DENNIS PLINTZ 1.403.608.1112 | DPLINTZ@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA DENNISPLINTZ.COM

STUNNING ESTATE HOME & COACH HOUSE 717 ROYAL AVENUE SW CALGARY, ALBERTA | MLS C4161593 $5,250,000 Perched on a full acre estate in Mount Royal, this home has been extensively upgraded and still maintains its historical character. Offering a beautiful brick exterior the colonial style porch leads to the gorgeous, arched wooden doors. It boasts 7,000 sq. ft. of total living space with 6 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms. Intricate craftsmanship throughout. DENNIS PLINTZ 1.403.608.1112 | DPLINTZ@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA DENNISPLINTZ.COM

E&O.E: This information is from sources which we deem reliable, but must be verified by prospective purchasers and may be subject to change or withdrawal. *Real Estate Broker, **Certified Real Estate Broker, +Residential Real Estate Broker, †Sales Representative, ‡Broker, PREC Personal Real Estate Coorporation. Real estate agency. Sotheby’s International Realty Québec. Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, Brokerage. Independently Owned & Operated.


REMARKABLE 2 ACRE FAMILY ESTATE 31143 GRANDARCHES DRIVE CALGARY, AB | MLS C4163279 $2,895,000 Casually elegant 2 storey estate epitomizes ‘New Traditional’ decor. Stunning architecture on a premium 2 acre lot in south Springbank. Panoramic mountain views and a plethora of space for entertaining, play and adventure. Offers 6,165 sq.ft. of interior space with 1,840 sq.ft. of outdoor living space. LISA TOMALIN-REEVES, 1.403.650.4353 | LTREEVES@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA BARB RICHARDSON, 1.403.613.8737 | BRICHARDSON@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA JACQUELINE THOROGOOD, 1.403.909.8766 | JTHOROGOOD@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA CALGARYWESTREALESTATE.CA

PRISTINE BRAGG CREEK GETAWAY 118 TWO PINE DRIVE BRAGG CREEK, AB | MLS C4141921 $2,995,000 This jewel box 6 acre estate offers the discerning buyer ultimate refinement in location, privacy and quality. Custom built 3,800+ sq. ft. developed walk-out bungalow featuring thoughtful design and fine quality finishing materials. 3 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms, open main floor with amazing views from every room. Outdoor areas blend natural & manicured elements. LISA TOMALIN-REEVES, 1.403.650.4353 | LTREEVES@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA BARB RICHARDSON, 1.403.613.8737 | BRICHARDSON@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA JACQUELINE THOROGOOD, 1.403.909.8766 | JTHOROGOOD@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA CALGARYWESTREALESTATE.CA

STRIKING CUSTOM BUILT ACREAGE 108 SWIFT CREEK COVE CALGARY, AB | MLS C4160763 $2,495,000 Stunning custom built ‘Grandscape Homes’ masterpice located on a premium 2 acre lot in the prestigious community of Swift Creek Estates. Featuring almost 5,400 sq. ft. of developed living space, this 2 storey home offers superb quality. 5 bedrooms, 4 full bathrooms, 2 ½ bathrooms and 1,500 sq.ft. of garage space (dual doubles attached). LISA TOMALIN-REEVES, 1.403.650.4353 | LTREEVES@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA BARB RICHARDSON, 1.403.613.8737 | BRICHARDSON@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA JACQUELINE THOROGOOD, 1.403.909.8766 | JTHOROGOOD@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA CALGARYWESTREALESTATE.CA

PRIVATE 6 ACRE ESTATE CLOSE TO CALGARY 240062 LOTT CREEK DRIVE CALGARY, AB | MLS C4162665 $1,750,000 Spectacular custom built walk out bungalow on 6 acres. First time on the market, this unique property features luxury living and privacy on an exclusive parcel of land right at the city’s western edge. Gourmet kitchen, 10 and 12 ft ceilings on main, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, 4,500+ sq. ft. developed. Meticulously landscaped; 500+ mature trees and creek.



E&O.E: This information is from sources which we deem reliable, but must be verified by prospective purchasers and may be subject to change or withdrawal. *Real Estate Broker, **Certified Real Estate Broker, +Residential Real Estate Broker, †Sales Representative, ‡Broker, PREC Personal Real Estate Coorporation. Real estate agency. Sotheby’s International Realty Québec. Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, Brokerage. Independently Owned & Operated.

CARRAIG RIDGE A HUB OF CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURE GHOST LAKE FOOTHILLS, AB Imagine living in your own private park. With just 44 homesites on 650 acres of secluded Canadian landscape, Carraig Ridge is becoming a new centre of innovative contemporary residential design in the foothills of Alberta’s Ghost Lake; conveniently located between the outdoor amenities of Canmore and Banff National Park and Calgary. Only 44 unique houses will be built on the lots between one and five acres, preserving the remaining 500 acres of this beautiful wilderness. Architects work to ensure the homes have minimal impact on their surroundings of rolling hills, lakes, ponds, woodlands, and grasslands and frame vistas of the Rocky Mountains to the west and south. Carraig Ridge combines innovation with conservation: design, craft, materials and technology ensure the landscape is given prominence, providing a retreat for today and a legacy for future generations.


E&O.E: This information is from sources which we deem reliable, but must be verified by prospective purchasers and may be subject to change or withdrawal. *Real Estate Broker, **Certified Real Estate Broker, +Residential Real Estate Broker, †Sales Representative, ‡Broker, PREC Personal Real Estate Coorporation. Real estate agency. Sotheby’s International Realty Québec. Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, Brokerage. Independently Owned & Operated.


A SOPHISTICATED MOUNTAIN LIFESTYLE CANMORE, BANFF AND THE CANADIAN ROCKIES Imagine living in one of Canada’s most beautiful and iconic locales. Canmore, Banff and the Bow Valley offer an unparalleled lifestyle with world class skiing, golf, biking, hiking and scenery at your door step. These vibrant communities are home to the arts, top restaurants, festivals and dynamic and engaging people. An hour’s drive to Calgary and the international airport the world is at your fingertips while surrounded by Canada’s first National Park. The opportunities for you and your family are endless with an enviable selection of homes and developments to choose from. Whether you are looking for a contemporary mountain home, golf course estate, ski chalet, weekend retreat or community to retire to; the mountains provide an inviting and majestic place to call home. A truly enviable lifestyle comes with living in the Bow Valley and it is no wonder that Canmore is consistently rated one of the top places in Canada to call home. CHRISTIAN DUBOIS, CHRISTOPHER VINCENT & LAURA WRIGHT 1. 403.707.8048 | CVINCENT@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA CANMOREBANFFREALESTATE.COM


CANMORE, BANFF AND THE CANADIAN ROCKIES: An Enviable Mountain Lifestyle Four World Class Ski Resorts Four Iconic Golf Courses Surrounded by National and Provincial Parks Thousands Of Trails For Hiking, Biking and Skiing 100+ Restaurants, Microbreweries, Pubs and Distilleries Dynamic Arts and Culture Full Service Communities with Two Hospitals An Hour to Calgary International Airport

E&O.E: This information is from sources which we deem reliable, but must be verified by prospective purchasers and may be subject to change or withdrawal. *Real Estate Broker, **Certified Real Estate Broker, +Residential Real Estate Broker, †Sales Representative, ‡Broker, PREC Personal Real Estate Coorporation. Real estate agency. Sotheby’s International Realty Québec. Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, Brokerage. Independently Owned & Operated.


VALHALLA RANCH 94079 RANGE ROAD 170 CALGARY, AB | MLS C4107393 $3,500,000 Sprawling 7,000 sq. ft., the main residence evokes grandeur with its dramatic staircase entry and soaring ceilings. Nestled at the edge of Taber, showcased on 10.5 acres, this bespoke home is encompassed by gardens, a vineyard with a guard tower, an orchard, greenhouse, oversized heated shop, 3 horse corrals and a remodelled century-old barn guest house. MIRANDA PEARSON 1.403.988.6699 | MPEARSON@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA MIRANDAPEARSON.COM

FABULOUS CONTEMPORARY HOME 4750 GRANVILLE STREET VANCOUVER, BC | MLS R2232156 $6,998,000 A beautifully renovated mid-century modern home on an extremely large and private lot in Shaughnessy. The renovation was completed in 2011. All interior spaces as well as exterior landscaping was included in the plan. Spacious principal rooms, beautiful finishings & a fabulous rear garden with wrap around deck, pool, fire pits, hot tub and more. KIM CRAIG, MONIQUE BADUN, SARAH WARREN 1.604.764.7213 | KCRAIG@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA VANCOUVERWESTSIDEHOME.COM

UPSCALE LIVING AT OLYMPIC VILLAGE 806 181 W 1ST AVENUE VANCOUVER, BC | SOLD $1,398,000 The Brook at the Olympic Village, luxury LEED-certified building. A large open floor plan with 2 bedrooms and den unit, Northwest facing balcony, featuring 9 ft. high ceilings and a great layout. 200 sq. ft. patio, facing the water. This unit offers luxury living at its best. One of the landmark buildings for the 2010 athletes at the Winter Olympics. JACKY LEVI, JACOB KRAUSE 1.604.780.5677 | JLEVI@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA VANCOUVERSPACES.COM

TOWNHOME ON MOUNT PLEASANT PARK 85 W 15TH AVENUE VANCOUVER, BC | MLS R2232079 $1,198,000 Mt. Pleasant living at its finest! Gorgeous craftsman-inspired 2 bedroom and 2.5 bathroom townhome in a quiet, boutique 4-unit complex. Bright and modern open plan with 9 ft. ceilings and a cozy gas fireplace. The gourmet kitchen features stainless steel appliances. Both bedrooms are located upstairs and provide a spacious feeling with vaulted ceilings. CHRISTINE KOPR 1.604.992.1831 | CKOPR@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA CHRISTINEKOPR.COM


E&O.E: This information is from sources which we deem reliable, but must be verified by prospective purchasers and may be subject to change or withdrawal. *Real Estate Broker, **Certified Real Estate Broker, ±Residential Real Estate Broker, †Sales Representative, ‡Broker, PREC Personal Real Estate Coorporation. Real estate agency. Sotheby’s International Realty Québec. Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, Brokerage. Independently Owned & Operated.

BELLEVUE BY THE SEA 2309 BELLEVUE AVENUE WEST VANCOUVER, BC | MLS R2231729 $3,298,000 Spectacular, unobstructed views. Fully renovated duplex, perched high on the quiet end of the street. Gourmet kitchen with bbq deck. Top of the line appliances, in floor heat, hot water on demand, central air, motorized blinds, Sonos sound system and 5 fireplaces. Dundarave lifestyle, seawall, rec centres, library, restaurants, pub and shops. JOANNE RENFER 1.604.836.5412 | JRENFER@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA


$36,200,000 What if you could acquire the most incredibly private sanctuary, within 20 minutes of downtown Vancouver? This one-of-a-kind 14 acre property has currently 3 legal lots, (RS3 Zone for future subdivision). Spectacular custom built West Coast main house. Fabulous self-contained guest house, incredible landscaping and 12 stall stable plus greenhouse. CLIVE BENJAFIELD, STEVE MITCHELL, PAUL BOENISCH 1.604.803.5050 | CBENJAFIELD@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA CLIVESTEVEPAUL.COM

A RARE ACREAGE IN NATURES’ BEAUTY BLOCK A DL 1513 SQUAMISH VALLEY ROAD SQUAMISH, BC | MLS R2233320 $1,488,000 60 acres in the coveted Squamish Valley is available for the first time in decades. This untouched natural wonderland is in the outdoor recreation capital of Canada and is ready for your vision. Only 1 hour away from Vancouver and 45 minutes from Whistler. Nature is at its finest with mountain views, old growth cedars and exceptional wildlife. KYLE CUPIDO 1.778.378.9779 | KCUPIDO@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA KYLECUPIDO.COM

ELEGANCE ON THE OCEAN 711 MANSELL ROAD SALT SPRING ISLAND, BC | MLS 35270 $2,200,000 Set on 1.5 south-facing acres, style and comfort pervade the interior with a floor plan that is as conducive to parties as it is to intimate conversation. A short distance from the house, a nautically inspired coach house provides exceptional garaging with luxurious studio loft above. This stunning beach house is one of the finest on the market today! CHRIS HOBBS, DARLENE HOBBS 1.250.537.1778 | CHOBBS@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA THEHOBBS.COM

E&O.E: This information is from sources which we deem reliable, but must be verified by prospective purchasers and may be subject to change or withdrawal. *Real Estate Broker, **Certified Real Estate Broker, ±Residential Real Estate Broker, †Sales Representative, ‡Broker, PREC Personal Real Estate Coorporation. Real estate agency. Sotheby’s International Realty Québec. Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, Brokerage. Independently Owned & Operated.


SIMPLY SENSATIONAL 529 SWANWICK ROAD VICTORIA, BC | MLS 383711 $12,888,000 Award-winning contemporary oceanfront home with 10,700 sq. ft. sited close to its 1,400 ft. of shoreline on 67 stunning acres with a private beach and Olympic Mountain backdrop. Cantilevered either side of an outdoor man-made canyon river to power the home with attached automated boat house with ramp, swimming pool, tennis court and caretaker’s cottage. GLYNIS MACLEOD 1.250.661.7232 | GMACLEOD@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA GLYNISMACLEOD.COM

URBAN MASTERPIECE 1851 CRESCENT ROAD VICTORIA, BC | MLS SIRC263897 $6,380,000 Exquisite 4,810 sq. ft. beach home offering 3 levels of astounding steel and concrete commercial construction. A tactile home with exceptional finishes and elevator for ease of access. Indoor/outdoor living par excellence with walls of glass and retractable doors to bring the outdoors in. Sunny south facing with 360° vistas, infinity swimming and spa pool. GLYNIS MACLEOD 1.250.661.7232 | GMACLEOD@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA GLYNISMACLEOD.COM

ELEGANT WATERFRONT 1829 MARINA WAY SIDNEY, BC | EXCLUSIVE $3,676,600 Classy and elegant sea side home. Views from almost every room. Gourmet kitchen, hardwood floors, heated floors, high end appliances, media room, plenty of storage, and a fantastic wine room are a few of the features you will find. Located adjacent to the North Saanich Marina and situated on a quiet cul-de-sac. This home has a wonderful ocean side appeal. Relax & enjoy. ANDREW MAXWELL | AMAXWELL@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA ANDREWMAXWELL.CA

STUNNING CUSTOM HOME 3220 EXETER ROAD VICTORIA, BC | MLS 3737373 $3,555,000 This palatial and stunning custom home is located in the private Uplands borough of Greater Victoria. This home has been meticulously thought out and planned, attention to detail is paramount. The original owner has kept the home like new. For the discerning buyer the home has a west facing completely private backyard. MELISSA KURTZ 1.250.508.5325 | MKURTZ@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA WELCOMEHOMEVICTORIA.COM


E&O.E: This information is from sources which we deem reliable, but must be verified by prospective purchasers and may be subject to change or withdrawal. *Real Estate Broker, **Certified Real Estate Broker, ±Residential Real Estate Broker, †Sales Representative, ‡Broker, PREC Personal Real Estate Coorporation. Real estate agency. Sotheby’s International Realty Québec. Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, Brokerage. Independently Owned & Operated.

MIRAMONTE ESTATE 1030 ST CHARLES STREET VICTORIA, BC | MLS 384593 $3,180,000 An iconic multi-generational estate nestled along one of Rockland’s most historic blocks, this commanding Tudor Revival stands out in a neighbourhood known for its opulent homes. Built in 1908 by H.S. Griffith, tasteful restorations have brought modern luxury to the timeless appeal of the heritage details found throughout the immense living space. ANDY STEPHENSON 1.250.532.0888 | ASTEPHENSON@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA ANDYSTEPHENSON.COM

PRISTINE COUNTRY ACREAGE 6205 OLD EAST ROAD VICTORIA, BC | MLS 385658 $2,498,000 A modern take on the countryside rancher, this alluring acreage rises above the pastoral valley offering views out to the San Juan Islands. Inside, the open layout is highlighted by showcase windows, oak floors and lavish details. Completed by a detached office space and state-of-the-art greenhouse, this home affords unrestrained West Coast living. ANDY STEPHENSON 1.250.532.0888 | ASTEPHENSON@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA ANDYSTEPHENSON.COM

CONTEMPORARY CLASSIC 4026 RAINBOW HILL LANE VICTORIA, BC | MLS 387146 $1,298,000 Elevated above the city in Victoria’s most contemporary townhouse development, this marquee end unit boasts stunning panoramic views and dawn ‘til dusk natural light that fills the exquisite living space. Featuring a full offering of luxury amenities and finishing throughout the artistic design, this modern masterpiece is a cut above the rest. ANDY STEPHENSON 1.250.532.0888 | ASTEPHENSON@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA ANDYSTEPHENSON.COM

WEDGEWOOD ESTATES 5403 - 2829 ARBUTUS ROAD VICTORIA, BC | MLS 382686 $1,298,000 Set atop the hill of Victoria’s pristine Ten Mile Point, this condo offers all the luxuries of gated community living from the picturesque surroundings of its forested landscape. With one of the largest 2 bedroom floor plans in the city and sweeping southwest facing balconies, this unit puts comfort at a premium the moment you enter the gates. ANDY STEPHENSON 1.250.532.0888 | ASTEPHENSON@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA ANDYSTEPHENSON.COM

E&O.E: This information is from sources which we deem reliable, but must be verified by prospective purchasers and may be subject to change or withdrawal. *Real Estate Broker, **Certified Real Estate Broker, ±Residential Real Estate Broker, †Sales Representative, ‡Broker, PREC Personal Real Estate Coorporation. Real estate agency. Sotheby’s International Realty Québec. Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, Brokerage. Independently Owned & Operated.


BEACHFRONT MAGIC 456 TSAWWASSEN BEACH ROAD, TSAWWASSEN, BC | MLS R2232544 $4,388,000 Just 45 minutes from Vancouver this stunning rancher, completely renovated, captures the essence of beach side living. The unique open concept floor plan allows for seamless indoor/outdoor entertaining. Enjoy the ever changing seascape with endless ocean views from over 555 sq. ft. of deck space. Private road access. Available boat moorage. PHILIP DUMOULIN, SANDRA MILLER 604.787.2114 | PDUMOULIN@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA DUMOULIN-MILLER.COM

CUSTOM BUILT OCEAN VIEW HOME 12932 13TH AVENUE SOUTH SURREY, BC | MLS R2216055 $4,198,000 Stunning, brand new custom built three level ocean view home situated in arguably the most pristine location in the Semiahmoo Peninsula. Open concept main level features gourmet kitchen, formal dining room and family room which opens to a 230 sq. ft. deck. Over-sized 2 car garage. Basement features independent/access self contained suite. PHILIP DUMOULIN, SANDRA MILLER 1.604.787.2114 | PDUMOULIN@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA DUMOULIN-MILLER.COM

WATERFRONT OASIS 1626 BEACH GROVE ROAD TSAWWASSEN, BC | MLS R2234501 $3,688,000 Custom built, stunning ocean front craftsman residence. Generous sized patio just steps away from the beachfront. Gourmet kitchen features Wolf and Sub Zero appliances, custom cabinetry and granite countertops. Detached outbuilding has parking for 3 cars, full bathroom, a ‘prep’ bar and a second story flex space. Just 45 minutes from Vancouver. PHILIP DUMOULIN, SANDRA MILLER 1.604.787.2114 | PDUMOULIN@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA DUMOULIN-MILLER.COM

OCEAN BEACH VIEW HOME 2904 O’HARA LANE SOUTH SURREY, BC | MLS R2219643 $3,478,000 For the first time in 30 years this remarkable ocean/beach front view property is available for sale. Nestled in Crescent Beach Village, this charming home can only be defined as perfection. Incredible unobstructed south-west ocean views of Boundary Bay and the Strait of Georgia. Fantastic beach house for the family to share for generations to come. PHILIP DUMOULIN, SANDRA MILLER 1.778.833.1169 | SMILLER@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA DUMOULIN-MILLER.COM


E&O.E: This information is from sources which we deem reliable, but must be verified by prospective purchasers and may be subject to change or withdrawal. *Real Estate Broker, **Certified Real Estate Broker, ±Residential Real Estate Broker, †Sales Representative, ‡Broker, PREC Personal Real Estate Coorporation. Real estate agency. Sotheby’s International Realty Québec. Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, Brokerage. Independently Owned & Operated.

SUN PEAKS MOUNTAIN RESORT MUNICIPALITY SUN PEAKS, BC Sun Peaks, Canada’s second largest ski area and a year-round holiday destination is only 45 minutes northeast of Kamloops, in the Thompson Okanagan Region of BC’s sunny interior. Winter offers deep steeps, long cruisers, gladed areas, powder stashes and corduroy groomers all within 4,270 acres of skiable terrain. 3 mountains surround a European style, ski-through village filled with hotels, quaint shops, and eateries. Sun Peaks has an abundance of activities and events both on and off the snow such as groomer rides, snowmobiling, ice fishing, dog sled tours & NHL sized skating rink. Spring, summer and fall offer guests a wide range of leisure activities, featuring an 18-hole, par 72 Graham Cooke-designed golf course, a lift-access downhill mountain bike park, cross country mountain biking, alpine hiking trails, and a year-round line up of concerts, events and festivals. Quarter ownership: Experience 4 season luxury living in ‘The Residences at Sun Peaks Grand’ located in the heart of the Sun Peaks village. Elegant 1 & 2 bedroom ski-in/out suites offering full kitchen, granite countertops, cozy living room & in-suite laundry. Full use of all hotel amenities such as pool, hot tubs, gym, sauna, room service, heated parking and much more. Prices start from $65,900 GST Applicable. MLS 143821. LIZ FORSTER, 1.250.682.2289 | LFORSTER@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA SUNPEAKSCOLLECTION.COM

E&O.E: This information is from sources which we deem reliable, but must be verified by prospective purchasers and may be subject to change or withdrawal. *Real Estate Broker, **Certified Real Estate Broker, ±Residential Real Estate Broker, †Sales Representative, ‡Broker, PREC Personal Real Estate Coorporation. Real estate agency. Sotheby’s International Realty Québec. Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, Brokerage. Independently Owned & Operated.


EXCEPTIONAL RIVERFRONT ESTATE 3418 SHUSWAP ROAD E KAMLOOPS, BC | MLS 139723 $3,100,000 Only 15 minutes from downtown Kamloops, this exceptional 11.5 acre riverfront estate beckons. This unique, chemical-free, fully fenced and landscaped property includes 4 acres in grapes, 3 acres of cultivated perennial trees, bushes and gardens, a natural pond, two designed ponds and a variety of healthy fruit trees. At the end of a long, private drive, the beautiful custom designed home welcomes you with a large circular driveway of interlocking patio stones and stately ‘Port Cortier’ at the main entrance. Built in 2011 the elegant 2-storey home is surrounded by covered decks, verandas and patios to take full advantage of its tranquil, natural setting. With efficient geothermal heating and cooling and comfortable radiant in-floor heating, as well as solar panels for energy conservation, this very special home, featuring a bright art studio, wood panelled library, hidden wine room, butler’s pantry and much more, is designed to provide the ultimate in luxury with low maintenance and efficiency in mind. DARLA MILLER, 1.250.371.1251 | DMILLER@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA LIZ FORSTER, 1.250.682.2289 | LFORSTER@SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA


E&O.E: This information is from sources which we deem reliable, but must be verified by prospective purchasers and may be subject to change or withdrawal. *Real Estate Broker, **Certified Real Estate Broker, ±Residential Real Estate Broker, †Sales Representative, ‡Broker, PREC Personal Real Estate Coorporation. Real estate agency. Sotheby’s International Realty Québec. Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, Brokerage. Independently Owned & Operated.

ALBANY W-18 ALBANY, BAHAMAS SIRBAHAMAS.COM MY993S $4,950,000 Sophisticated 3-storey 6,706 sq. ft., 4 bedroom oceanview villa set within the exclusive resort community, Albany. This elegant townhouse is complete with luxury finishes, designer furnishings and is located just steps from a beautiful beach. Residents enjoy access to Albany’s world-class amenities, Hotel Rental Program and the option to apply for permanent residency. LANA RADEMAKER 1.242.457.0406 | LANA.RADEMAKER@SIR.COM SIRBAHAMAS.COM

BAYROC #206 CABLE BEACH, BAHAMAS SIRBAHAMAS.COM EMVE4H $1,695,000 One of the finest oceanfront condo residences available in this 7-acre 55 unit gated community of Bayroc Cable Beach, Nassau, Bahamas. Located on the second floor in the north-western oceanfront building, this condo has unparalleled views of the ocean and access to a private, white sandy beach. This classic yet contemporary and spacious, one-level condo features 3 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms, and has recently been updated with paint, tile throughout and new furnishings. MARK HUSSEY 1.242.424.9193 | MARK.HUSSEY@SIR.COM SIRBAHAMAS.COM

SAYLE POINT RAINBOW BAY, BAHAMAS SIRBAHAMAS.COM WHDDQJ $1,750,000 A new 2-story Bahamian home situated on a prime waterfront location with inspiring sea views and sunsets at Paradise Cove, Rainbow Bay. Original with both design and positioning, comprising 2,000 sq. ft., this 3-bedroom, 3-bathroom home has 200 ft. of waterfront, 1 acre of land, plunge pool and an adjoining private beach with brilliant blue waters for the pleasure of residents. JOAN BRAITHWAITE 1.242.376.1288 | JOAN.BRAITHWAITE@SIR.COM SIRBAHAMAS.COM

PROVIDENCE HOUSE HARBOUR ISLAND, BAHAMAS SIRBAHAMAS.COM YBEQNG $1,495,000 Providence House is the newest villa offering at the iconic Pink Sands Resort. Situated on a dazzling 3-mile stretch of powdery pink beach that has been named one of ‘The Best Beaches on Earth’ by Travel + Leisure Magazine. Featuring 1,844sq. ft. of covered living space, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, hardwood floors, generous windows, indoor/outdoor showers and a plunge pool. NICK DAMIANOS 1.242.376.1841 | NICK.DAMIANOS@SIR.COM SIRBAHAMAS.COM

E&O.E: This information is from sources which we deem reliable, but must be verified by prospective purchasers and may be subject to change or withdrawal. *Real Estate Broker, **Certified Real Estate Broker, ±Residential Real Estate Broker, †Sales Representative, ‡Broker, PREC Personal Real Estate Coorporation. Real estate agency. Sotheby’s International Realty Québec. Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, Brokerage. Independently Owned & Operated.





British artist/environmentalist Andy Goldsworthy meticulously transforms natural materials — stones stacked into arches; icicles melted together into shapes that defy gravity; crimson leaves patterned into mandalas frozen in ice. To create a permanent record, Goldsworthy photographs each of his temporary installations.

Danish land artist Mikael Hansen’s outdoor installations feel so seamlessly integrated into their sites that it’s as though they’ve always been there (an “organic highway” fashioned from carefully laid logs; a series of white dots spanning the horizontal plane of a large grove of trees) — a subtle imposition of order in the natural world.

Bavarian-born Nils-Udo made the permanent switch from traditional painting to environmental art in the 1960s, when many of his peers were exploring how art informs and transforms the spaces we occupy. His work ranges from the monumental to delicate, barely noticeable pieces that subtly manipulate natural space.



Six environmental artists pay homage to the landscape and provide poignant commentary on our complex relationship to the natural world. By Lisa Mesbur




Cleveland-based artist Olga Ziemska explores the connections between “physical forces, biological structures and [the] mystical underpinnings of existence.” Her work combines organic and man-made materials that draw attention to the complex and profound interrelationship between humans and nature.

Sticks may seem a pedestrian material for creating large-scale artworks. But over the course of three decades, award-winning artist Patrick Dougherty from North Carolina has used switches and saplings to sculpt 300-plus thought-provoking, undulating architectural structures in four continents.

The environmental interventions of Oakland, Calif.–based Sonja Hinrichsen range from the intimately charming (embroidering text onto the leaves of a fig tree) to the breathtaking — namely, the Snow Drawings projects. She uses snowshoes and patience, to create her scrolling, spiralling designs that are visible only from above.


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