Inside Torfaen Magazine [August 2020]

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INSIDE TORFAEN Your community magazine



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INSIDE TORFAEN We're bringing you a monthly magazine made in Torfaen, for Torfaen. Each month we'll bring you local news from across Torfaen, exclusive interviews and more. Hopefully you'll join us on our Facebook page too, just search "Inside Torfaen" to find us.

Get to know us! Dan Williams - Editor of Inside Torfaen Inside Torfaen is an idea that I had whilst at home isolating due to the COVID-19 pandemic to keep the community up to date. I am also the Volunteer Founder of Vitalize UK - providing voluntary training opportunities within the media industry across Torfaen.

Vitalize UK is a constituted group set up by individuals from Torfaen to provide a series of voluntary training opportunities to individuals within the media industry. In November 2015, Vitalize UK launched Vitalize Radio as Torfaens only Community Radio Station. Vitalize Radio operates 24-7 providing news and music on-air and online at, via the FREE mobile app and on the Vitalize Radio Alexa skill.

Also run in partnership with Vitalize Radio, Vitalize UKs School Radio Torfaen project looks to provide opportunities to school leavers, and young people not in Education, Employment, or Training. Find out more online at

OUTDOOR EVENTS TO BE TRIALLED IN WALES IN LATEST EASING OF LOCKDOWN RESTRICTIONS A limited number of small scale outdoor performances and sporting events are set to be trialled in Wales in an effort to begin a phased approach to the safe reopening of the events industry, as part of further changes to coronavirus regulations announced today by First Minister Mark Drakeford. Indoor visits to care homes will also be allowed from Saturday 29 August, subject to the strict controls set out in the guidance and conditions remaining favourable. However, the First Minister is emphasising that the return of pupils to schools and colleges from 1 September is the top priority during this 21 day regulation cycle. The Welsh Government recognises the value of the events sector to Wales and how cultural, sports and business events are a vital part of the visitor economy and one of the last sectors left to re-open. Initially three small events, with limits of up to 100 people, and subject to strict risk assessments, will be held across Wales later this month. Outdoor events are being prioritised in this review period, while the weather is mild, due to evidence of lower transmission of coronavirus outdoors. If these small events can be carried out safely, and transmission of the virus remains low, it is hoped the next stage will be increased numbers of participants, allowing a limited number of spectators to attend sporting events and potentially considering trialling small scale business events. In the coming weeks three small scale events will be trialled to inform future review processes. CONTINUES...

Outdoor events of up to 100 people: Theatr Clwyd’s proposals for a number of live outdoor performances from 27 August Welsh Triathlon’s planned ‘Return to Racing’ competition at Pembrey Country Park which will be a closed venue and without spectators a car rally at Anglesey Circuit/Trac Mon Race track In addition we will continue to work closely with the UK Government to monitor the outcomes from the trials that have taken place recently. The First Minister also confirmed that from Saturday August 22, extended households could expand to include up to four households in an exclusive, extended arrangement. From the same day, weddings and funerals were able to include a meal for up to 30 people, in suitably socially distant settings. Subject to the successful resumption of weddings and funerals, it is hoped to further increase the range of indoor ceremonies allowed in the next review period, including christenings, baptisms and bar mitzvahs. Casinos will be allowed to reopen from Saturday 29 August, provided they follow the guidance available to them. First Minister Mark Drakeford said: While coronavirus remains effectively suppressed in Wales and cases continue to fall, the situation in the rest of the UK and further afield is still problematic. Coronavirus has not gone away and so, as we move out of lockdown and look to the future, it is important we do this in a careful and cautious way. We appreciate how hard it has been for families not seeing their loved ones and the impact restrictions on visiting care homes is having on people’s emotional, mental and even physical health. CONTINUES...

In an effort to address this we have been working closely with partners and intend to allow indoor visits to care homes to recommence from Saturday 29 August, subject to the strict controls set out in the guidance and conditions remaining favourable. In addition we will trial three small scale events, in partnership with the events organisers, local authorities and other stakeholders, to see if they can be carried out in a safe way, with a view to supporting the sector and making the most of the remaining summer months where we can spend time outdoors. We will also learn from pilots being conducted across the UK, in reopening professional sport and indoor theatre to supporters and audiences, so we base our decisions on the best possible evidence available. We will continue to talk with event organisers about the possible resumption of some other activities later in the autumn. But, for the time being, we need to learn from how we can safely hold outdoor events while maintaining social distancing. We will use the next three weeks to continue to engage with those remaining sectors of our economy that remain affected by coronavirus restrictions. I would like to thank the sector representatives for the way they continue to engage, coming out of lockdown will always be harder than going into it - but, together, we will do it in the safest possible way. From 1 September, schools and further education colleges will return from the summer break, and will teach pupils through a variety of ways, either in the classroom or remotely. The First Minister added: The return of pupils is the most significant important activity which will take place in Wales during the next 21 days and most of the headroom we have is being devoted to making this a success. It is critical that we get children back into schools in the safest possible way. All children in Wales have had the opportunity to ‘check in, catch up and prepare’ before the summer holidays, and we hope this will stand them in good stead for the changes they are due to encounter in the upcoming months.

Vitalize Radio is Torfaens Community Radio Station. Vitalize Radio operates 24-7 providing news and music on-air and online at, via the FREE mobile app and on the Vitalize Radio Alexa skill.

BLAENAVON'S HERITAGE RAILWAY TO REOPEN Blaenavon's Heritage Railway have recently announced that they are reopening following temporary closure from the Coronavirus outbreak. In a post on the Facebook page for Blaenavon's Heritage Railway, the company said:

After two successful crew refresher days we're Good to Go for our reopening this weekend! Tickets for the first train on Saturday have now sold out, but we still have good availability for the remaining services. Book yours now at

THE GROWING COMMUNITY OF TORFAEN ROCKS BY MEGAN DESMOND Torfaen Rocks!! A Facebook group set up back in 2018 by admin Judith Jenkins who was inspired by the ‘Forest of dean rocks’ and decided to set up the group for the Torfaen area, to inspire people to get out and gain fresh air in hunting these decorative rocks. Many members of the group have praised group creator, Judith, for setting up the page which has inspired them with this activity, which has grown the members to over seven thousand! One member on the group commented: ‘I loved joining in with it...encouraging my daughter with multiple disabilities/ health problems to get out and about in the fresh air looking for hidden rocks and persuading her to re-hide them. I have also enjoyed painting some of our own to promote PWSA UK’. Although many of the rocks are hidden or stay within the Torfaen community, residence of the area have ventured some of the rocks further afield with some making their way to pen-y-fan, Newquay and even Germany! It is clear to see from the many different pictures posted each week on the group, the rock painters who have made time to decorate these rocks and hide them for others to find have put in a lot of effort and have created some really inspiring designs. The many pictures of smiling children at their delight of discovering these rocks has given them the excitement to re-hide them for others to discover with clues posted on the group. After getting in touch with some of the members in the group, I have been sent some incredible and heartfelt stories. CONTINUES...

STORIES OF THE MEMBERS: Katie H Kate was first inspired by Isla Stones, a social media trend that started back in 2018 for a terminally ill girl whose wish it was to make others smile by these stones. More on Isla’s story can be found on BBC news. Kate felt inspired to leave decorative stones for others to find and give them smiles. Photos by Kate Hewitt

For Kate it was a way to inspire other with time outside through a relaxing hobby. Kate is a part of another rock group who create designed rocks and send them over to hospitals and hospices for patients who cannot have visitors. The group is called ‘comfort pebbles’, Kate sent some of her rocks down to Cornwall for patients to enjoy.

Mrs H of the Rock Community The second story I have to share is of a woman who is known in the Torfaen rock community as the famous ‘Mrs H’. Torfaen resident, Paula Harris, has been given this name for her work on the rocks. Photos by Paula Harris (Mrs H)

Admin Judith and Paula have known each other since they went to school together..

Judith asked Paula to 'create' some rocks after setting up the page and now it has become a passionate hobby for Mrs H


When speaking to Paula, she commented that back in February this year, her and her husband were on a trip and hid one the rocks in Calgary airport. Then once found, the finder was inspired to set up their own rock page in Canada!

The Llantarnam snake The final story to share is one that has become well known to the Torfaen Rocks community. Back in May, a Torfaen resident started a rock snake down by Llantarnam School. The creator, Stacey Lewis came up with the idea from another Facebook group sharing ideas for families during the lockdown. Stacey and her daughters were already members of Torfaen rocks and commented ‘It seemed a fun idea to start a snake for the community to enjoy.’

Photo by Stacey Lewis

The family have been visiting their rock snake at various times during lockdown to see how much it increases. During their last count, the snake had grown to an impressive 380 rocks. From famous characters, nature pictures to rock band logos and many more talented designs by young artists in the making, the rock hunting trend continues to grow in the mix of this trying year. The Torfaen Rocks community continues to grow through all their thousands of members, who are still creating their works of art on the rocks and hiding them within the community of future hunters to find. In the mist of all this tragedy 2020 has given us, the Torfaen Rocks community has inspired many to go out and bring smiles to many others, either in the local community or complete strangers in a different country. This calm past time hobby has inspired so many to join and without a doubt will most likely continue on.


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LLANTARNAM GRANGE ARTS CENTRE TO REOPEN Llantarnam Grange Arts Centre has announced that it is reopening from 1st September. In a post on the social media accounts for Llantarnam Grange Arts Centre, the details on the reopening said: "Your support over the past few months has been incredible, and we're delighted to welcome you back, safely to Llantarnam Grange Arts Centre from 1 September, 9.30am - 3.30pm, Monday - Saturday, can't wait to see you again soon."

Source: Llantarnam Grange Arts Centre Facebook page (

Carer Friendly currently have opportunities for unpaid carers to be part of their Gwent Carer Friendly review panels. Are you interested in creating Carer Friendly Communities that are better able to understand, support and advise fellow unpaid carers? To find out more get in touch

TEAM KOTECHA DANCE FITNESS TO RESUME INDOOR CLASSES Team Kotecha Dance Fitness has today announced that bookings for indoor classes will reopen shortly. A post on the Team Kotecha - Dance Fitness Facebook page said: "So excited to be opening bookings for our INDOOR classes! I will release the tickets for Sunday 6th September this Friday at 9am !!! They will sell out super quickly so make sure you book in ASAP! 2 classes and only 20 per class 5:55 - 6:40pm £5 6:45 - 7:30pm £5 Woodlands Sports & Social Club, Cwmbran Payments must be made on booking via PayPal/bank transfer or you will not be booked in."

Find out more on the Team Kotecha - Dance Fitness Facebook page here:




TORFAEN COUNCILLOR LAUNCHES INITIATIVE FOR SCHOOL PUPILS Giles Davies, Councillor of Abersychan ward in Torfaen has launched a new initiative for school pupils. An article released by Councillor Davies says: Councillor Giles Davies is pleased to again partner with Pastor John Funnell and Noddfa Church to launch a new ward initiative to help provide stationary items for Comprehensive aged children attending local schools. Councillor Davies added: ‘As far back as 2014, to kit out an average child cost roughly £240 with essentials for a new school term in September, adding up to £2.5bn across the UK. ’‘This is a tremendous cost at normal times, but during a Pandemic factoring in furlough, redundancies along with a shortage of earnings, we are entering a perfect storm between food on the table verses essentials for schooling’.‘ Through this project, we are hoping to take some pressure off the parent(s) or carer.’ The ‘Ready for School’ Project officially launched on Monday 24th August and will link in with the other successful schemes at Noddfa Church, such as Food Share, Uniform Donation and Home Work Club. CONTINUES...

Donations of items, which must be new and in packaging, can be dropped off at Food Share at Noddfa 10am – Noon, Friday – Tuesday. The scheme is also looking for local drop off points, if any organisations or businesses would like to come forward or donate to the scheme, please get in touch with Councillor Davies.

One of the donations received

A poster for the new initiative

DWR CYMRU WELSH WATER Did you know that Dwr Cymru Welsh Water look after 91 stunning reservoirs, taking care of the wildlife that thrives there, keeping the sites beautiful, and patrolling to keep the general public safe. Dwr Cymru Welsh Water is serious about safety too. To find out more about safety at Dwr Cymru Welsh Water reservoirs visit Dwr Cymru Welsh Water runs a One Last Breath campaign, the message behind the campaign is simply... Reservoirs are beautiful. But deadly. A message on the website for Dwr Cymru Welsh Water says:

Entering the water at a reservoir can be fatal. The water is deceptively cold and deep, and hidden currents can take even the strongest swimmer by surprise. You should never enter the water – if you do, you’re risking your life. The dangers lurking beneath the surface include: Hidden equipment which is operational and could pull you under Very cold water which can cause your body to go into shock Lower chance of rescue Swimming in reservoirs can kill. No matter how strong a swimmer you are, please never enter the water.

STATEMENT ON FACE COVERINGS IN SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES It is vital children and young people, parents and the education workforce feel confident that all measures are being taken to protect them as they return to schools and colleges. Welsh Government has already issued operational guidance to schools and colleges, and schools have worked hard to implement safety measures. On 26th August, Welsh Government published the additional advice from the Technical Advisory Group following its review of the use of face coverings in schools. It builds on recent publications from the UK Chief Medical Officers and Deputy Chief Medical Officers and the World Health Organisation. Welsh Government are advised that while face coverings are likely to be of little value in children under the age of 11 years, the rates of infection and transmission increase after from the age of 11 onwards and could have a role in risk mitigation. The current advice from the Chief Medical Officer for Wales is that face coverings are recommended for all members of the public over 11 years in indoor settings in which social distancing cannot be maintained, including schools and school transport.

Welsh Government will amend their operational guidance for schools and FE to require settings and local authorities to undertake risk assessments of their estates to determine if face coverings should be recommended for their staff and young people in communal areas. This will also include school and college transport. As part of the risk assessment, Welsh Government recommend that staff, students, families and unions are engaged. Social distancing is still required in the class room, so face to face teaching without coverings can continue. The overall interests of the young person must be given priority in these assessments and there must be no risk of exclusion from transport to school. Face coverings may need to be provided to young people who don’t have them, if they are recommended locally. At present, the incidence of coronavirus in the community is low, but Welsh Government expect to see clusters of cases, which may require additional local control measures. In addition to the support provided and advice by the Test Trace Protect service these should be taken in accordance with the recently published Coronavirus Control Plan. This guidance will remain under review as the pandemic continues and may change if community prevalence changes across Wales in the future. More info is available here:

THE GRANGE HOSPITAL TO OPEN FOUR MONTHS EARLY The Grange Hospital will officially open mid-November this year, instead of the original planned date in March 2021. The new facility based in Cwmbran, which has received over £360m Welsh Government funding will provide emergency and urgent care, brings together services previously provided at the Royal Gwent Hospital in Newport and Nevill Hall Hospital in Abergavenny. Parts of the hospital were made available to the NHS early as a field hospital to assist with the Coronavirus pandemic. The 60 acre site will have a 471 bed capacity and feature a 24 hour specialist assessment facility, intensive care facilities, and comprehensive diagnostic facilities, inpatient beds for major emergencies and complex surgery, and theatres. A consolidated list of services will remain at the Royal Gwent and Nevill Hall Hospitals with inpatient and outpatient care including diagnostic tests, therapies, minor injuries treatment, and midwifery-led birthing services. The aim is that these will join Ysbyty Ystrad Fawr, Ysbyty Aneurin Bevan, Chepstow and County Hospitals to provide a network of hospitals able to provide the majority of care for their local communities. Alongside the hospital providing state of the art facilities the build of the hospital has helped to create over 600 jobs during its build. The hospital will employ over 3,000 people when it opens, with circa 600 on shift at any one time. CONTINUES...

Minister for Health, Vaughan Gething, said: It’s with great pleasure that I am able to announce the Grange will open ahead of schedule. It’s testament to the hard work of everyone involved that this has been achieved, and even more so during these challenging times. The new date gives us the opportunity to now include the facility in winter preparations and provide more capacity and resilience. It can also assist with any possible future waves of the coronavirus. The new facility is another example of key investments being made into the NHS here in Wales, which benefit both patients and staff. I’m positive that this fantastic new facility will also help us attract more people to working in the birthplace of the NHS. Judith Paget, Chief Executive of Aneurin Bevan University Health Board said: We are delighted that our new hospital will open four months earlier than planned to help us respond to winter pressures and a potential second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. The centralisation of our specialist and critical care services at the Grange University Hospital will provide increased resilience for our services, extra flexibility of having 75% single rooms to treat seriously ill or infectious patients, additional capacity to ventilate patients requiring critical care and make better use of our staff resources to deliver the highest quality of care to our patients. We are very grateful for the support we have received from Welsh Government, our staff, partners and the public as we work towards the opening of the Hospital and implement significant changes to the way we deliver our NHS services in Gwent according to our longstanding Clinical Futures plan.

THE PHASED RE-OPENING OF THE BLAENAVON WORLD HERITAGE CENTRE The facilities at the Blaenavon World Heritage Centre will be gradually reopening from the beginning of September. The Heritage Café will reopen to customers on Tuesday 1st September, whilst the World Heritage Centre exhibition, gift shop and Tourist Information Centre will be re-opening Tuesday 8th September. Councillor Joanne Gauden, executive member for economy, skills and regeneration, said: “We are looking forward to welcoming visitors back to the Heritage Centre so they can enjoy the facilities on offer, including the ‘Blaenavon Story’ Exhibition, gift shop, well-stocked tourist information centre, and the Heritage Café with spectacular views over the Coity Mountain. “Staff want to make your visit as safe and enjoyable as possible, therefore social distancing measures have been put in place including a one-way system, and hand sanitizer is available throughout the building. There will also be a toilet available for customers to use.”


Councillor Alan Jones, Blaenavon World Heritage Champion, said: “The phased re-opening of the Heritage Centre is fantastic news. The Blaenavon World Heritage Site has so much to offer visitors, and the history of the area is fascinating. “Take a look at the Visit Blaenavon website to plan your day in the World Heritage Site. We look forward to welcoming you to the area.” The Victorian School Room and Film Room will remain closed for time being, but visitors can enjoy the ‘Blaenavon Story’ which tells the story of the Blaenavon World Heritage Site and its importance, which led to it being given World Heritage Site Status. For further information about the Blaenavon World Heritage Centre visit, phone 01495 742333 or email


School Radio Torfaen offers a number of opportunities to young people that have an interest in joining the media industry. Run in partnership with Vitalize Radio, the project looks to provide opportunities to school leavers, and young people not in Education, Employment, or Training. Find out more online at

AUGUST BANK HOLIDAY WASTE AND RECYCLING COLLECTIONS FOR TORFAEN There will be no waste and recycling collections in Torfaen on the Bank Holiday 31st August, and all collections that week will take place a day later than scheduled. The revised collection dates are as follows: Normal day of collection

Day of collection

Monday 31st August 2020

Tuesday 1st September 2020

Tuesday 1st September 2020

Wednesday 2nd September 2020

Wednesday 2nd September 2020

Thursday 3rd September 2020

Thursday 3rd September 2020

Friday 4th September 2020

Friday 4th September 2020

Saturday 5th September 2020

Residents are asked to have their waste and recycling at the kerbside or collection point ready for 6am.






PHONE NUMBERS FOR GPS ACROSS TORFAEN *Please note: Whilst we try to update the following as often as possible, there may be times where the contact details listed are incorrect.

Cwmbran: Nant Dowlais Health Centre - 01633 869544 Clark Avenue Surgery, Pontnewydd - 01633 482733 Cwmbran Village Surgery - 01633 872027 Llanyravon Surgery - 01633 833770 New Chapel Street Surgery, Pontnewydd - 01633 485155 Oak Street Surgery - 01633 866719 The Clinic, West Pontnewydd, Cwmbran - 01633 484419 Pontypool: Churchwood Surgery, Pontypool Medical Centre - 01495 752444 Goytre Surgery - 01873 880220 Panteg Health Centre - 01495 763608 The Mount Surgery, Pontypool Medical Centre - 01495 763141 New Inn Medical Centre - 01495 763141 The Surgery, Abersychan - 01495 772239 Stanley Road Surgery, Garndiffaith - 01495 772239 Trosnant Lodge - 01495 762709 North Road Surgery, Croesyceiliog - 01633 483226 Blaenavon: Blaenavon Medical Practice - 01495 360663

PHONE NUMBERS FOR CHEMISTS ACROSS TORFAEN *Please note: Whilst we try to update the following as often as possible, there may be times where the contact details listed are incorrect.

Cwmbran: Boots (Cwmbran Centre) - 01633 483281 Lloyds Pharmacy (Croesyceiliog) - 01633 482897 Lloyds Pharmacy (Pontnewydd Village) - 01633 482471 Lloyds Pharmacy (Maendy Way) - 01633 483309 Lloyds Pharmacy (Fairwater) - 01633 484873 Lloyds Pharmacy (Llanyravon) - 01633 483446 Pontnewydd Pharmacy - 01633 482663 Shil Pharmacy (Thornhill) - 01633 483318 Boots (Old Cwmbran) - 01633 860915 Pontypool: Abersychan Pharmacy - 01495 774012 Boots the Chemists - 01495 762727 Health Plus Pharmary (Pontnewynydd) - 01495 762291 Lloyds Pharmacy (Osbourne Rd) - 01495 762502 Lloyds Pharmacy (Griffithstown) - 01495 763960 Mayberry Pharmacy (Crane Street) - 01495 750095 Mayberry Pharmacy (Trevethin) - 01495 763431 New Inn Pharmacy - 01495 763504 Well Pharmacy (Garndiffaith) - 01495 772711 Blaenavon: Dudley Taylor Pharmacies Limited - 01495 790594 Well Pharmacy - 01495 790293

PHONE NUMBERS FOR DENTAL SURGERIES ACROSS TORFAEN *Please note: Whilst we try to update the following as often as possible, there may be times where the contact details listed are incorrect.

Cwmbran: Cwmbran Dental Spa, 2 Ashford Close, The Highway, Croesyceiliog, Cwmbran, NP44 2AZ - 01633 483029 Edwards Family Dental Centre, 12 New Street, Pontnewydd, Cwmbran, NP44 1EE - 01633 484984 Goodwin Partnership DBS Ltd, The Dental Surgery, Fairwater Square, Fairwater , Cwmbran, NP44 4TA - 01633 482884 Llanyravon Dental Practice, 4 Llanyravon Square, Llanyravon, Cwmbran, NP44 8HS - 01633 870889 Melin Limited, Llantarnam Dental Practice, Llantarnam Road, Cwmbran, NP44 3BH - 01633 483151 N D Solutions Ltd, 26 Commercial Street, Pontnewydd, Cwmbran, NP44 1DZ - 01633 483679 Wyesome, Parry & Associates, 36 The Parade, Cwmbran, NP44 1PT 01633 483040 Pontypool: Abersychan Dental Surgery, 10 Broad Street, Abersychan, Pontypool, NP4 7BQ - 01495 775252 Dental Clinic, Blaenavon Resource Centre, Middle Coed Cae Raod, Blaenavon, Pontypool, NP4 9AW - 01495 796317 M J Dental Services Limited, 4 Mervyn Terrace, Osborne Road, Pontypool, NP4 6NW - 01495 753773 Rowancrown Limited, Abersychan Dental Surgery, 10 Broad Street, Abersychan, Pontypool, NP4 7BQ - 01495 775252 S Lodge, New Inn Surgery, 111 The Highway, New Inn, Pontypool, NP4 0PJ - 01495 752344 Wyecliffe Dental Surgery, St James Field, Pontypool, NP4 6JT - 01495 764192/ 762874

PHONE NUMBERS FOR OPTICIANS ACROSS TORFAEN *Please note: Whilst we try to update the following as often as possible, there may be times where the contact details listed are incorrect.

Cwmbran: Boots Opticians Professional Service Ltd, 29 Gwent Square, Cwmbran - 01633 876006 RJD Jenkins Opticians, 13 New Street, Pontnewydd, Cwmbran, NP44 1EF - 01633 869777 Specsavers Opticians, 9 Llewellyn Walk, Cwmbran, NP44 1YN - 01633 877006 The Optic Shop, 1 The Parade, Cwmbran Shopping Centre, Cwmbran, Cwmbran, NP44 1QR - 01633 866846 Vision Centre, Asda Stores Ltd, Llewellyn Road, Cwmbran, NP44 1UL 01633 645312 Vision Express, 17 The Mall, Cwmbran, NP44 1PX - 01633 866399 Pontypool: Phillips Opticians, Lyon House, 5 Crane Street, Pontypool, NP4 6LY 01495 763084 Specsavers Opticians, 17 George Street, Pontypool, NP4 6LR - 01495 760536 Wyman Opticians, 127 Osborne Road, Pontypool, NP4 6LT - 01495 762072 Blaenavon: Phillips Opticians Ltd t/a Phillips Opticians, Blaenavon Primary Care Resource Centre, Middle Coedcae Road, Blaenavon, NP4 9AW 01495 791639

COUNCILLOR DIRECTORY Find out who the councillors are for your area: Abersychan: Giles Davies - Chris Tew - Raymond Williams - Blaenavon: Stuart Evans - Alan Jones - Janet Jones - Brynwern: Leonard Constance - Coed Eva: Fiona Cross - Croesyceiliog North: Richard Clark - Joanne Gauden - Croesyceiliog South: Veronica Crick JP - Cwmynyscoy: Neil Waite - Fairwater: Kelly Preston - Rose Seabourne - Greenmeadow: Jason O'Connell - Jason.O' Mandy Owen -


COUNCILLOR DIRECTORY Find out who the councillors are for your area: Llantarnam: Alan Slade - Dave Thomas - Llanyrafon East & Ponthir: Huw Bevan - Llanyrafon West: Glyn Caron - New Inn: Nicholas Jones - Raymond Mills - Richard Overton - Panteg: Anthony Hunt (Leader) - Norma Parrish - David Yeowell - Pontnewydd: Stuart Ashley - David Daniels - Jessica Powell - Pontnewynydd: Jon Horlor - Pontypool: Gaynor James - Snatchwood: Gwyn Jenkins -


COUNCILLOR DIRECTORY Find out who the councillors are for your area: St Cadocs/ Penygarn: Sue Malson - St Dials: Elizabeth Haynes - Fay Jones - Trevethin: Emma Rapier - Louise Shepphard - Two Locks and Henllys: Ron Burnett - Peter Jones - Colette Thomas - Upper Cwmbran: Kathy Evans - Steven Evans - Robert Kemp - Wainfelin: Mike Jeremiah -

SCHOOLS DIRECTORY Find out the phone number for each school in the Torfaen catchment area: Abersychan School - 01495 773068 Blaenavon Heritage VC Primary School - 01495 766500 Blenheim Road Community Primary - 01633 484655 Caerleon Comprehensive - 01633 420106 Coed Eva Primary -Â 01633 484131 Croesyceiliog Primary - 01633 624114 Croesyceiliog School - 01633 645900 Crownbridge School - 01633 624201 Cwmbran High - 01633 643950 Cwmffrwdoer Primary - 01495 742761 Garnteg Primary - 01495 742934 George Street Primary - 01495 756436 Greenmeadow Primary - 01633 484320 Griffithstown Primary School - 01495 759679 Henllys Church in Wales Primary - 01633 877796 Llantarnam Community Primary School - 01633 480039 Llanyravon Primary - 01633 867130 Maendy Primary - 01633 483168 Nant Celyn Primary - 01633 624170 New Inn Primary - 01495 757649 Our Lady of the Angels RC Primary - 01633 484673 Padre Pio RC Primary - 01495 742074 Penygarn Community Primary - 01495 742090 Ponthir Church in Wales Primary - 01633 421651 Pontnewydd Primary - 01633 483307 St Albans R.C. High School - 01495 765800 St Davids R.C. Primary - 01633 482580 West Monmouth School - 01495 762080 Woodlands Community Primary School - 01633 647488 Ysgol Bryn Onnen - 01495 772284 Ysgol Gyfun Gwynllyw - 01495 750405 Ysgol Gymraeg Cwmbran - 01633 483383 Ysgol Panteg - 01495 762581 / 742109

INSIDE TORFAEN Your community magazine

Thank you for reading this months edition of Inside Torfaen Magazine. I am always on the lookout for more Volunteer/ Guest Writers to join the Inside Torfaen team to share local news stories and promote local businesses/ causes. This is a great opportunity as no experience is required. If you are interested in joining the team, send me a message on Facebook by searching for Inside Torfaen, or by emailing Thanks again for reading!

Dan Williams


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