Inside Torfaen Magazine [May 2020]

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INSIDE TORFAEN Your community magazine

MAY 2020


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INSIDE TORFAEN We're bringing you a brand new monthly magazine in Torfaen, for Torfaen. Each month we'll bring you the highlights of the news from across Torfaen, exclusive interviews and more. Hopefully you'll join us on our Facebook page too, just search "Inside Torfaen" to find us.

Get to know us! Dan Williams Hi! I'm Dan, the creator of the Inside Torfaen magazine.

Inside Torfaen is an idea that I had whilst at home isolating due to the COVID-19 pandemic to keep the community up to date.

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COUNCILLORS CORNER The following is a joint message from Councillors Alan Slade and David Thomas from Llantarnam ward: Since the lockdown began we have all suffered from being cut off from friends and family and all of us have experienced problems trying to do the simple things that we had previously taken for granted, like shopping. Some of us will have suffered tragic personal loss and most of us will probably be anxious about what the future will look like.Whilst most of our efforts have obviously been directed at supporting our residents by helping them with shopping and getting much needed medical supplies and prescriptions delivered to our most vulnerable as well as helping serve our children with free school meals. Through this crisis we have remained dedicated to continually trying to deliver projects that will benefit our community in the future. We have been in contact with Council officers about: · The floodlit sports facility proposed for the site of the old Llantarnam Comprehensive school rugby pitches. · The play areas that were proposed for the Grayson Way development. · A site off Brecon Walk in Southville where we have put forward a proposal to replace the park that was removed some years ago. · An upgrade to the play park in the Oakfield flower gardens. · We are also in talks with Bron Afon to try and redevelop/ install a new play park at the Brangwyn Avenue field. As you all might remember adding more play parks to our ward was something we had promised we would work hard to try and achieve for our community

We have also received news that after many years of discussions, the Council have agreed to improve the access onto Cwmbran Drive from Fields Road in Oakfield by removing the steps and replacing them with a ramp. This will make it easier for everyone, particularly those with mobility scooters or impaired mobility to access facilities such as the Doctors surgeries and chemist in Old Cwmbran. Now that the end of the lockdown is in sight everyone will want to get back to ‘normal’ as soon as possible but I think we all know that things won’t be quite the same as before. We would like our residents to get in touch with us and let us know how they see the future for our community. For example, during this crisis, people seem to have become have more aware of nature and their environment as well as this, communities have been coming together and supporting each other. We wouldn’t want to see those things go back the way they were and will be happy to get involved with any community based projects that could benefit from our support. If you are a resident within the Llantarnam ward and would like to or need to contact us, here is how you can get in touch: Councillor Alan Slade: Councillor David Thomas: Take care and stay safe.

Councillor Alan Slade

Councillor David Thomas

CHANGES TO CORONAVIRUS REGULATIONS ON 1 JUNE From today, you can meet up outside with friends or family from another local household. We all have a responsibility to stop coronavirus spreading – so please, keep 2metres apart and wash your hands regularly. What are the main changes to the rules in Wales on 1 June? Allowing members of two separate households to meet outdoors at any one time as long as they stay local and maintain social distancing. There is a low risk of infection if the 2 metre physical distancing rule is maintained while outdoors. This does not need to be the same people from the same household every time. The two households can meet in private outdoor spaces, such as gardens and on balconies, but this comes with a higher risk of infection as people may have to pass through someone’s private home to reach a garden. The Welsh Government has provided guidance about the precautions which can be taken to minimise these risks; Allowing weddings and civil partnerships to take place if one of the two parties is terminally ill. Why do the rules say I must stay in my local area? The key reason for having the rules in place is to stop the spread of the virus between people and communities in Wales. The purpose of people staying within their local area and not travelling long distances is to limit the potential spread of the virus between communities. As people can be infectious without showing symptoms, it is important that we minimise the risk that they could carry the virus beyond from their local area and cause a potential chain of infection in another area of Wales.

Are there any exceptions to the stay local rule? You should not leave your local area to do anything that you could reasonably be expected to do locally. However, there are certain activities which are considered to be important enough that if you cannot reasonably be expected to do them locally, you are allowed to leave your local area. These are as follows: to obtain supplies and services for you or your household, for example food, medicine, veterinary care and essential household maintenance to visit health services that are not available locally to provide care for or to help someone who needs it, such as an older person, a child or a vulnerable adult, though you should consider whether there are alternative sources of support available to help the NHS by donating blood to avoid injury or illness, or escape a risk of harm How many people am I allowed to see at any one time? As long as it is only two households who are meeting, there is no restriction on the number of people at any one time. Gathering with members of more than one other household, however, is still illegal. Why do the rules say meetings can be outdoors but not indoors? We are learning more about this virus every day and we know the risk of transmission is lower outdoors than indoors. That’s why, if they remain 2 metres apart, two households will be able to meet outdoors, including in private gardens or on balconies and outdoor walkways if you live in a flat. However, a lower risk doesn’t mean no risk. Even in these circumstances it is vital we all maintain social distancing so we can continue to tackle the spread of this virus. Do you have a question that wasn't answered here? Head online to the Welsh Government website for further information:

THE GRANGE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL There are now 384 extra beds available and ready for patients, should they be needed during the Coronavirus outbreak. Contractors building the new Grange University Hospital at Llanfrechfa, Cwmbran, handed over a number of finished ward areas on Monday 27th April. The 384 beds have been opened months ahead of schedule where the planned opening of the hospital is 2021. Chief Executive, Judith Paget, thanked residents of Gwent for their support and said she hopes the extra beds at The Grange University Hospital will not need to be opened early.

“At the beginning of the Coronavirus outbreak we needed to plan for the worst case scenario,” she said. “I would like to thank Laing O’Rourke and Gleeds for the great amount of effort and skill they have shown to get these areas of the hospital ready for us to use. “Thankfully, the general public have observed the advice on staying at home and social distancing, so we don’t need to open the extra beds just yet. “I would urge people to keep following the government guidance to protect themselves, to ease the pressure on our NHS services, and to save lives.”

Mike Lewis, Laing O’Rourke Project Director, said: “Aneurin Bevan University Hospital Board had the foresight to ask us to bring our construction programme forward, creating 384 bed spaces as part of their preparations to tackle coronavirus in Wales. “I am humbled by the tremendous effort shown by all in our project team and I thank them for their commitment. Our motivation to deliver key parts of The Grange University Hospital for use a year ahead of schedule has been driven by our determination to provide vital NHS facilities and to support all those working in the NHS, to whom we owe so much.”

(L-R): Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Chief Executive, Judith Paget, Laing O'Rourke Project Director, Mike Lewis, and Aneurin Bevan University Health Board's Executive Director of Planning, Digital and IT, Nicola Prygodzicz.

Victoria Head, Project Director at Gleeds, said: “Since its inception, The Grange University Hospital project has always had a true collaborative ethos at its heart – working together for a shared goal, and we’ve stuck to that, proudly tackling every challenge to complete the hospital in record time by adopting a solution- based approach. “With the best will in the world, fundamentally, had this been a traditional build with the same start date, we would not have been in a position to offer support to this national pandemic and the NHS. We’ve always been proud of the modern methods of construction (MMC) involved at The Grange University Hospital and the programme savings that it offered compared to a traditional build but never have the benefits been more apparent than during this crisis.”

SUPPORTING THE TOURISM INDUSTRY AS VISITORS ARE ASKED TO VISIT WALES. LATER. Minister for the Economy, Transport and North Wales, Ken Skates has been urging people to stay home and stay local. He said: "Although it goes against our normal welcoming nature, we’ve been asking people to please stay home. We want nothing more than to welcome visitors to enjoy our wonderful scenery and attractions but to protect our NHS and keep people safe – stay home. "We are all acutely aware of the impact Coronavirus is having on the tourism and hospitality sector. As the industry remains closed to help stop the spread of the virus, we are also doing all we can to help the industry at this difficult time.

The minister has recently announced that the Economic Resilience Fund eligibility checker will be available for new applications by the middle of June, allowing companies time to prepare their applications. This will enable access to the remaining £100 million of the £300 million already approved and allocated to support micro businesses, small and medium enterprises and large businesses.

Phase 2 of the fund will operate in the same way as Phase 1 but with an update to the micro scheme. This will enable limited companies who are not VAT registered to access the fund, something which many small businesses, especially those in the hospitality sector, have been calling for. "Our tourism industry is at the very foundation of our economy and plays such an important part in many communities across Wales. Many businesses have adapted to help their communities and the NHS – by accommodating key workers and vulnerable people or running food delivery schemes for local hospitals. "Although the sector has been hit hard by this crisis, it’s brilliant to see the welcome and caring nature of the industry still shining through – even these difficult times. The minister has recently outlined that the package of support offered by the Welsh Government is the most generous for businesses anywhere in the UK including: £100 million in loans to more than 1,000 businesses through the Development Bank of Wales a £400 million Economic Resilience Fund grant scheme – which for phase 1 has received more than 9,500 applications, with over 6,000 offers already made to date worth over £100 million non-domestic rates based grant support for small businesses and businesses operating in the retail, leisure and hospitality sectors, awarding to date 51,100 grants worth more than £626 million a total package of £1.7 billion worth 2.7% of GDP. Further information is available online at

Vitalize Radio is Torfaens ONLY Community Radio Station. Vitalize Radio operates 24-7 providing news and music onair and online at Vitalize Radio is run by volunteers and continuously offers voluntary training opportunities within the Media industry. Whether its Radio Presenting, Blogging, Social Media Support, Photography, Video or anything else - Vitalize Radio has the opportunity for you!

School Radio Torfaen offers a number of opportunities to young people that have an interest in joining the media industry. Run in partnership with Vitalize Radio, the project looks to provide opportunities to school leavers, and young people not in Education, Employment, or Training. Find out more online at

HOUSEHOLD WASTE RECYCLING CENTRE REOPENS Following the latest Welsh Government announcement, and the subsequent change in the regulations allowing residents to visit recycling and waste sites, Torfaen Council announced plans to re-open its Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) at New Inn on Tuesday 26th May. A detailed plan was put in place prior to reopening to ensure that residents’ visits to the HWRC are managed in a safe and structured way, complying with all current advice on social distancing. In this initial period of reopening visits to the centre should only take place if classed as essential, if the council can’t collect the waste you are bringing to the site using their normal kerbside collection, and you can’t store it safely at home. A booking system has been introduced and booking before visiting will be the only way to gain entry to the site. Councillor Mandy Owen, executive member for the environment said: “We appreciate the importance of opening the HWRC and thank residents for their patience while it has been closed. In order to reopen we’ve had to consider the safety of everyone concerned. “A visit to the HWRC will be different when reopened as we are taking measures to manage the number of daily visitors and keep staff and visitors safe. “Restrictions will be in place and all visits will be via a strict booking system. You will not be able to turn up at site without an official booking or outside your time slot – you will not gain entry if you do.

“As a result, we ask that if you or anyone in your household has symptoms of COVID19 or is currently shielding, please do not visit the centres. Please observe social distancing when you visit, and take your own gloves or hand sanitiser with you as it will not be provided on site. “It’s important to reduce your time at the recycling centre, and this is why we are asking for everyone to pre-sort their recycling before they leave home. “If we all work together, and stick to the guidelines, those who need to use the centres will be able to do so safely.”

Councillor Mandy Owen, executive member for the environment

Initially, only 7 vehicles are allowed on site at any one time, with the site split into 2 zones controlled by staff. Vans and trailers will not be permitted to enter the site during this period. Dynamic daily reviews will take place at the end of each day and a weekly review will consider capacity on site and any scaling up or down depending on how successful the operation of the site is. The site will currently open 7 days a week and will operate on hourly slots, Monday to Saturday 7:30am until 4:30pm, and Sunday 9am-5pm Full details of operation and site rules have been released. The booking system can also be found online by visiting Due to staff in customer care undertaking priority contact work connected to the council’s covid response, calls to 01495 762200 should only be made to book where a resident has no online access.

CORONAVIRUS SUPPORT AVAILABLE FOR PRIMARY AND SECONDARY CHILDREN Eligible parents/carers will be able to take their primary aged children to one of the following schools: Blaenavon Heritage Primary School, Middle Coed Cae Road, Blaenavon, NP4 9AW George Street Primary School, Wainfelin Road, Pontypool, NP4 6BX Llantarnam Primary School, Llantarnam Road, Cwmbran, NP44 3XB Blenheim Primary School, Blenheim Road, St Dials, Cwmbran, NP44 4SZ Eligible parents of mainstream school children who are currently in Reception to Year 6, can go to whichever one of these schools is nearest their home in Torfaen. You should not take any child children who, based on government advice, should be self-isolating or socially distancing. Eligible parents/carers will be able to take their secondary aged children (pupils currently in year 7, 8, 9 and 10) to: Croesyceiliog Secondary School, Woodland Road, Croesyceiliog, NP44 2YB Further information about the support available is listen online at:

Volunteers' Week takes place between 1st - 7th June every year. It's a chance to celebrate and say thank you for the contribution millions of volunteers make across the UK. During the coronavirus pandemic, many are focusing on supporting volunteers to take on coronavirus-related volunteering roles to help communities cope with the many consequences of coronavirus. In the voluntary response to coronavirus, communities, neighbours and individuals stepped up in informal and formal ways to shop and deliver food parcels, to collect and deliver items from pharmacies, Â to provide dog walking services and being there, providing welfare check ins and wellbeing chats to those that need them. Volunteers have raised vital funds for voluntary organisations, through a range of fundraising activities and helped share messages of public health information across social media sites. Before coronavirus, volunteers supported people affected by the severe flooding, rescuing people from their homes, providing emergency support packages and as part of the clean-up operation. Volunteers have come together in Wales, and across the UK in compassionate, creative and meaningful ways when individuals and communities have needed them most. Whether you know someone that is volunteering right now or someone that has volunteered previously, why not take to social media to say THANK YOU. Remember to use the hashtag #VolunteersWeek to connect with others across the UK.

AN UPDATE ON FUNERAL ATTENDANCE On 23rd May, partners of the Gwent Local Resilience Forum agreed to increase the number of mourners permitted to attend funerals, memorial services and gatherings at Gwent Crematorium and cemeteries within the five local authority areas of Gwent, to ten (10). This came into effect on Tuesday 26 May. Due to the ongoing Covid-19 Coronavirus outbreak and in line with government restrictions, it is still necessary to limit the number of people in any public space and ensure necessary social distancing. However, all councils fully recognise and understand how difficult these restrictions can be for the family and friends of the deceased. The level of demand and related risk at these sites has been under constant review and restrictions have been eased as soon as it has been deemed safe and appropriate to do so for both the public and staff. The decision follows a review of risk assessments and took into account a number of factors, including the ability to safely maintain and enforce the two-metre social distancing requirements, and the impact an increase in attendance would have on the continued health, safety and welfare of all those attending, managing and officiating the funeral. The new number supports the continued protection of the public, the ongoing effort to slow the spread of the virus, and ensures bereavement services can continue to manage a safe and dignified funeral.

The original decision to limit the numbers of mourners was one that was not taken lightly. Respect for the deceased and compassion for the bereaved is an important part of our decision making, but protecting the health and wellbeing of the public, funeral and cemetery staff has to be the foremost concern during this ongoing public health emergency. Partners of the Gwent Resilience Forum will keep this matter under continual review while the Covid-19 pandemic continues to impact the Gwent area.

NOMINATE A COMMUNITY HERO IN TORFAEN Here at Inside Torfaen, we know there are many individuals and groups that are going above and beyond all expectations during these difficult times which is why we would like to say thank you on behalf of the community on our social media accounts and in next months edition of Inside Torfaen. If you would like to nominate a person or group, send an email to with the name of the person or group, and a little bit about what they have done to support others within the community over the previous few weeks.

HOW WALES CREATED 19 NEW FIELD HOSPITALS IN LESS THAN 8 WEEKS‌ Across Wales the Welsh Government has supported the NHS to create new field hospitals and rapidly increase bed capacity. Health boards have repurposed existing buildings, including the Principality Stadium, a holiday park and even a television studio to provide an additional 6,000 beds. Field hospitals are designed to support the NHS during the coronavirus pandemic by providing extra bed capacity but they will also help normal hospital services be restarted and support social care services. Last month, the first patients were admitted to Ysbyty Calon y Ddraig at the Principality Stadium, in Cardiff. Here is how Wales almost doubled its bed capacity in less than eight weeks... Four to six weeks The time it has taken to nearly double hospital bed capacity in Wales, creating field hospitals across the nation. 19 field hospitals in Wales This includes the repurposing of Bluestone Holiday Park and Parc y Scarlets in west Wales and Venue Cymru in north Wales. 1,500 beds at the Ysbyty Calon y Ddraig Making it one of the largest field hospitals in the UK. Five days The length of time it took to plan Ysbyty Calon y Ddraig, which overlapped with the build phase.

3,000 The number of planning hours, involving more than 20 different disciplines, it took to plan Ysbyty Calon y Ddraig. £166m Welsh Government funding for the set up, construction and equipment for field hospitals in Wales. 138,000 The number of pieces of equipment have been provided to help support field hospitals, including beds, imaging equipment, syringe drivers and medicines. Ten North Wales field hospitals have the name Enfys Meaning rainbow – the symbol of hope and thank you to the NHS during the pandemic.

Temporary prohibition of fishing at Cwmbran Boating Lake Fishing is prohibited at this lake during the closed fishing season (15th March – 15th June) Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation the site may remain temporarily closed for fishing beyond this period under Regulation 7 (3) Public Health Wales The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (Wales) Regulations 2020. For all enquiries please contact the Streetscene Team on 01495 766720

Torfaen Leisure Facilities are managed by Torfaen Leisure Trust Limited. The Trust manages 5 centres: Cwmbran Stadium, Pontypool Ski Slope, Fairwater Leisure Centre, Pontypool Active Leisure Centre and Bowden Active Living Centre. The Trust aims to get more local people active and they carefully balance their social ethos and commercial aspirations to maintain, invest and develop a wide range of quality sport and leisure services for their customers. Torfaen Leisure Trust operates with a number of core values, these are: Be Open and Honest Do what we say we will Be unrelenting in our drive to be the best Make every effort to get it right first time Be Customer focused in all areas A number of customers have decided to donate their membership fee during the closure of the Centre, as a not for profit organisation the income generated from Customers, Clubs and Groups is reinvested back into the facilities. A page has been set up by Torfaen Leisure Trust CEO Angharad Collins where donations can be made:

COMMUNITY RALLIES TOGETHER FOLLOWING CHURCH THEFT Following a recent break-in at Noddfa Church, the local community has rallied together to show their support. Equipment that was stolen included keyboards and guitars which was purchased to give youngsters music lessons. Local residents came together to raise funds to cover the replacement of the stolen equipment, where some local residents also donated old instruments and equipment. A fundraising page was set up by a local resident which has raised more than ÂŁ1,100 by 57 donors. Local postal workers from Pontypools Royal Mail depot also took part in raising funds for Noddfa Church where staff decided to dress up during their shifts. Many photos were shared across social media as postal workers travelled across Torfaen dressed for the occassion. The fundraising page can be found here where further donations can be made to support Noddfa Church:

DELAYS POSSIBLE FOR NEW TORFAEN LEARNING ZONE OPENING Coleg Gwent, Torfaen Council and the contractor Interserve Construction are developing thorough contingency plans should the opening of the Torfaen Learning Zone be delayed due to the ongoing outbreak of Covid-19. Although progress had been ahead of schedule, Interserve Construction, who have continued working throughout the outbreak have had to deal with several issues, including social distancing guidelines that have restricted numbers on site and changed working practices as well as the reduced delivery of materials due to the furloughing of staff in the supply chain. Coleg Gwent’s Principal, Guy Lacey said: “We monitor daily the ongoing construction of the Torfaen Learning Zone. Work continues to take place but due to social distancing measures, contractors are working at a reduced capacity and it is possible that deadline for the new academic year will not be met. Given the circumstances, it is unfortunate but understandable, that progress has slowed and we recognise the disruption this is having on our plans and the potential worry this may cause learners. “I want to assure our future learners that should we need to delay the opening of the TLZ, we are prepared. We have been working hard with partners over the past few weeks to develop a contingency plan that will ensure our learners and staff can start the new academic year on time. “Our Pontypool Campus remains fully operational and can be kept open as long as necessary. While Pontypool may not have all of the wonderful resources that the new learning zone will provide, we are continuing to plan for this eventuality and we will keep prospective students and staff informed of how construction and the plans for Pontypool develop.”

Councillor Anthony Hunt, the Leader of Torfaen Council said: “COVID-19 is having a significant impact on all aspects of our daily operations. As yet, we're not entirely sure what the impact of lockdown and the timescales for recovery from Covid will have on the Torfaen Learning Zone. The site is still making progress and Interserve Construction is pressing on and working flat out with the resources they have while complying with social distancing, but we will monitor the situation closely and keep everyone informed on progress.” Carl Read, Divisional Director for Interserve South Wales, said: “Interserve Construction continue to work with all stakeholders to ensure the successful delivery of this prestigious Project, ensuring the health, safety and welfare of its employees and supply chain are paramount at all times under the current COVID 19 pandemic. Whilst it was inevitable that Covid 19 would affect programme, we continue to manage the Project as efficiently as possible under the current circumstances and will look to mitigate delays wherever possible.” For further information on the Torfaen Learning Zone and some frequently asked question visit

FURTHER CORONAVIRUS TESTING IS NOW AVAILABLE Members of the public: Before requesting a test you must have at least one of the following symptoms: a new continuous cough a fever a loss of smell or taste You need to take the test in the first 5 days of having symptoms. The test does not tell you if you have already had coronavirus. You an apply for a test online to receive a home testing kit (on NHS) by visiting You can also apply for a test for someone in your household with symptoms. Alternatively, members of the public can apply for a home testing kit by phoning the free number 119. People with hearing or speech difficulties can call 18001 119. Test Results The system and process used to notify the results of tests varies according to the method chosen, and on booking the test you will be given further information on how the result will be provided. If you have received a test result and need further information on what to do next, please visit Public Health Wales online at

MORE THAN 470 VULNERABLE TORFAEN RESIDENTS SUPPORTED DURING LOCKDOWN Since the start of the Coronavirus lockdown back in March, more than 470 vulnerable residents across the borough have received vital support from the Council, which has enabled them to stay safe at home. Central to the Council’s response to the crisis has been the establishment of a central Community Support Hub team, which has received many requests for help. The Hub, which comprises a central team of Torfaen officers and community volunteers, has been able to offer many types of support to residents, some of which have included: help to access essential food supplies through the provision of food parcel deliveries advice on accessing online shopping services arranging for the collection of medication arranging welfare calls advice and information on services running in the community and, perhaps most importantly, providing re-assurance to people at this time. Vulnerable residents who have no support from either family, friends or neighbours are encouraged to get in touch with the Torfaen Community Support Hub, either by downloading the newly launched community support app here: or by calling 01495 762200.

PHONE NUMBERS FOR GPS ACROSS TORFAEN *Please note: Whilst we try to update the following as often as possible, there may be times where the contact details listed are incorrect.

Cwmbran: Cae Teg Health Centre, Fairwater - 01633 869544 Thornhill Surgery - 01633 869544 Greenmeadow Surgery - 01633 864110 Clark Avenue Surgery, Pontnewydd - 01633 482733 Cwmbran Village Surgery - 01633 872027 Llanyravon Surgery - 01633 833770 New Chapel Street Surgery, Pontnewydd - 01633 485155 Oak Street Surgery - 01633 866719 The Clinic, West Pontnewydd, Cwmbran - 01633 484419 Pontypool: Churchwood Surgery, Pontypool Medical Centre - 01495 752444 Goytre Surgery - 01873 880220 Panteg Health Centre - 01495 763608 The Mount Surgery, Pontypool Medical Centre - 01495 763141 New Inn Medical Centre - 01495 763141 The Surgery, Abersychan - 01495 772239 Stanley Road Surgery, Garndiffaith - 01495 772239 Trosnant Lodge - 01495 762709 North Road Surgery, Croesyceiliog - 01633 483226 Blaenavon: Blaenavon Medical Practice - 01495 360663

PHONE NUMBERS FOR CHEMISTS ACROSS TORFAEN *Please note: Whilst we try to update the following as often as possible, there may be times where the contact details listed are incorrect.

Cwmbran: Boots (Cwmbran Centre) - 01633 483281 Lloyds Pharmacy (Croesyceiliog) - 01633 482897 Lloyds Pharmacy (Pontnewydd Village) - 01633 482471 Lloyds Pharmacy (Maendy Way) - 01633 483309 Lloyds Pharmacy (Fairwater) - 01633 484873 Lloyds Pharmacy (Llanyravon) - 01633 483446 Pontnewydd Pharmacy - 01633 482663 Shil Pharmacy (Thornhill) - 01633 483318 Boots (Old Cwmbran) - 01633 860915 Pontypool: Abersychan Pharmacy - 01495 774012 Boots the Chemists - 01495 762727 Health Plus Pharmary (Pontnewynydd) - 01495 762291 Lloyds Pharmacy (Osbourne Rd) - 01495 762502 Lloyds Pharmacy (Griffithstown) - 01495 763960 Mayberry Pharmacy (Crane Street) - 01495 750095 Mayberry Pharmacy (Trevethin) - 01495 763431 New Inn Pharmacy - 01495 763504 Well Pharmacy (Garndiffaith) - 01495 772711 Blaenavon: Dudley Taylor Pharmacies Limited - 01495 790594 Well Pharmacy - 01495 790293

PHONE NUMBERS FOR DENTAL SURGERIES ACROSS TORFAEN *Please note: Whilst we try to update the following as often as possible, there may be times where the contact details listed are incorrect.

Cwmbran: Cwmbran Dental Spa, 2 Ashford Close, The Highway, Croesyceiliog, Cwmbran, NP44 2AZ - 01633 483029 Edwards Family Dental Centre, 12 New Street, Pontnewydd, Cwmbran, NP44 1EE - 01633 484984 Goodwin Partnership DBS Ltd, The Dental Surgery, Fairwater Square, Fairwater , Cwmbran, NP44 4TA - 01633 482884 Llanyravon Dental Practice, 4 Llanyravon Square, Llanyravon, Cwmbran, NP44 8HS - 01633 870889 Melin Limited, Llantarnam Dental Practice, Llantarnam Road, Cwmbran, NP44 3BH - 01633 483151 N D Solutions Ltd, 26 Commercial Street, Pontnewydd, Cwmbran, NP44 1DZ - 01633 483679 Wyesome, Parry & Associates, 36 The Parade, Cwmbran, NP44 1PT 01633 483040 Pontypool: Abersychan Dental Surgery, 10 Broad Street, Abersychan, Pontypool, NP4 7BQ - 01495 775252 Dental Clinic, Blaenavon Resource Centre, Middle Coed Cae Raod, Blaenavon, Pontypool, NP4 9AW - 01495 796317 M J Dental Services Limited, 4 Mervyn Terrace, Osborne Road, Pontypool, NP4 6NW - 01495 753773 Rowancrown Limited, Abersychan Dental Surgery, 10 Broad Street, Abersychan, Pontypool, NP4 7BQ - 01495 775252 S Lodge, New Inn Surgery, 111 The Highway, New Inn, Pontypool, NP4 0PJ - 01495 752344 Wyecliffe Dental Surgery, St James Field, Pontypool, NP4 6JT - 01495 764192/ 762874

PHONE NUMBERS FOR OPTICIANS ACROSS TORFAEN *Please note: Whilst we try to update the following as often as possible, there may be times where the contact details listed are incorrect.

Cwmbran: Boots Opticians Professional Service Ltd, 29 Gwent Square, Cwmbran - 01633 876006 RJD Jenkins Opticians, 13 New Street, Pontnewydd, Cwmbran, NP44 1EF - 01633 869777 Specsavers Opticians, 9 Llewellyn Walk, Cwmbran, NP44 1YN - 01633 877006 The Optic Shop, 1 The Parade, Cwmbran Shopping Centre, Cwmbran, Cwmbran, NP44 1QR - 01633 866846 Vision Centre, Asda Stores Ltd, Llewellyn Road, Cwmbran, NP44 1UL 01633 645312 Vision Express, 17 The Mall, Cwmbran, NP44 1PX - 01633 866399 Pontypool: Phillips Opticians, Lyon House, 5 Crane Street, Pontypool, NP4 6LY 01495 763084 Specsavers Opticians, 17 George Street, Pontypool, NP4 6LR - 01495 760536 Wyman Opticians, 127 Osborne Road, Pontypool, NP4 6LT - 01495 762072 Blaenavon: Phillips Opticians Ltd t/a Phillips Opticians, Blaenavon Primary Care Resource Centre, Middle Coedcae Road, Blaenavon, NP4 9AW 01495 791639

COUNCILLOR DIRECTORY Find out who the councillors are for your area: Abersychan: Giles Davies - Chris Tew - Raymond Williams - Blaenavon: Stuart Evans - Alan Jones - Janet Jones - Brynwern: Leonard Constance - Coed Eva: Fiona Cross - Croesyceiliog North: Richard Clark - Joanne Gauden - Croesyceiliog South: Veronica Crick JP - Cwmynyscoy: Neil Waite - Fairwater: Kelly Preston - Rose Seabourne - Greenmeadow: Jason O'Connell - Jason.O' Mandy Owen -


COUNCILLOR DIRECTORY Find out who the councillors are for your area: Llantarnam: Alan Slade - Dave Thomas - Llanyrafon East & Ponthir: Huw Bevan - Llanyrafon West: Glyn Caron - New Inn: Nicholas Jones - Raymond Mills - Richard Overton - Panteg: Anthony Hunt (Leader) - Norma Parrish - David Yeowell - Pontnewydd: Stuart Ashley - David Daniels - Jessica Powell - Pontnewynydd: Jon Horlor - Pontypool: Gaynor James - Snatchwood: Gwyn Jenkins -


COUNCILLOR DIRECTORY Find out who the councillors are for your area: St Cadocs/ Penygarn: Sue Malson - St Dials: Elizabeth Haynes - Fay Jones - Trevethin: Emma Rapier - Louise Shepphard - Two Locks and Henllys: Ron Burnett - Peter Jones - Colette Thomas - Upper Cwmbran: Kathy Evans - Steven Evans - Robert Kemp - Wainfelin: Mike Jeremiah -

SCHOOLS DIRECTORY Find out the phone number for each school in the Torfaen catchment area: Abersychan School - 01495 773068 Blaenavon Heritage VC Primary School - 01495 766500 Blenheim Road Community Primary - 01633 484655 Caerleon Comprehensive - 01633 420106 Coed Eva Primary -Â 01633 484131 Croesyceiliog Primary - 01633 624114 Croesyceiliog School - 01633 645900 Crownbridge School - 01633 624201 Cwmbran High - 01633 643950 Cwmffrwdoer Primary - 01495 742761 Garnteg Primary - 01495 742934 George Street Primary - 01495 756436 Greenmeadow Primary - 01633 484320 Griffithstown Primary School - 01495 759679 Henllys Church in Wales Primary - 01633 877796 Llantarnam Community Primary School - 01633 480039 Llanyravon Primary - 01633 867130 Maendy Primary - 01633 483168 Nant Celyn Primary - 01633 624170 New Inn Primary - 01495 757649 Our Lady of the Angels RC Primary - 01633 484673 Padre Pio RC Primary - 01495 742074 Penygarn Community Primary - 01495 742090 Ponthir Church in Wales Primary - 01633 421651 Pontnewydd Primary - 01633 483307 St Albans R.C. High School - 01495 765800 St Davids R.C. Primary - 01633 482580 West Monmouth School - 01495 762080 Woodlands Community Primary School - 01633 647488 Ysgol Bryn Onnen - 01495 772284 Ysgol Gyfun Gwynllyw - 01495 750405 Ysgol Gymraeg Cwmbran - 01633 483383 Ysgol Panteg - 01495 762581 / 742109

PUZZLE PRINTOUTS Summer is one of the four seasons and comes after Spring and before Autumn. It is the hottest season of the year. The Eiffel Tower grows in summer. On a hot day the iron from which it is constructed expands so much that the tower can rise by 17cm!!

See if you can find the Summer related words in our word search. Beach - Bikini - Fan - Flowers - Grass - Ice cream - Muggy - Sandcastle Seashore - Sightseeing - Summer - Sunflower - Sunny - Sunscreen - Surf - Swim - Swimsuit - Thunder - Trunks - Warm

SUMMER WORD SCRAMBLE Summer is one of the four seasons and comes after Spring and before Autumn. It is the hottest season of the year. The Eiffel Tower grows in summer. On a hot day the iron from which it is constructed expands so much that the tower can rise by 17cm!!

srsunesd lxngaier novatcia ngivid tunisgo musrme enutrhd ntdcealass furs ase

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

This Summer themed Word Scramble features 10 Summer themed words which have been scambled. See if you can unscramble them to see what they are.

(1) sundress (2) relaxing (3) vacation (4) diving (5) outings (6) summer (7) thunder (8) sandcastle (9) surf (10) sea

INSIDE TORFAEN Your community magazine

Thank you for reading this first edition of Inside Torfaen, and a special thank you to everyone that participated and contributed too. I am looking for Volunteer Writers to join Inside Torfaen to share local news stories and promote local businesses/ causes. This is a great opportunity as no experience is required. If you are interested in joining the team, send me a message on Facebook by searching for Inside Torfaen, or by emailing Thanks again for reading!

Dan Williams


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