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committee updates


The Service Committee has been up to many different things lately! Be on the lookout for a new Canva for a Non-profit video. This allows your club to get all the features of Canva for your Key Club, or other non-profit organization you work with! Canva is good for making recruitment posters for your club and presentations for different service projects you may be doing! Along with this, there are more service project ideas available for your clubs. They range from summer to winter, and even service projects you can do on your own, or with a group. You can find all of this on the Indiana Key Club website. Along with this, our Service Project Directory submission form is still open for submissions. This is where you can look for service projects for your own club, as well as get highlighted for your own submissions! Be on the lookout for your club to be highlighted on the Indiana Key Club Instagram :) Third, (maybe the most exciting), are posts about DLC! Our committee members have been hard at work making posts for you to learn about different service project opportunities at DLC! Make sure to register for DLC ASAP to do different service projects, and most importantly, have fun!.


Yours in Service, Grace Hansen

Cedar Lt. Governor l Service Committee Chair
