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committee updates


Hello! The Events & Planning Committee has been working hard on the District Leadership Convention (DLC) tasks! We want to make sure that we cover every detail, ranging from small to large, to make sure that your experience will be great! Currently, we are organizing workshops, guests, service projects, presentations, prizes, and more! The Events & Planning Committee has a lot of workshops planned that you will be able to attend. These workshops can help you learn more about specific positions, plan your future, a tip to relax, and more! You will be able to meet new people and have fun! There is a lot of planning that goes into weekend events, like the District Leadership Convention, and it is important that each and every topic is gone through. In addition, the Events & Planning Committee has been prepping decorations and t-shirts, so that they will be ready to order. We hope that when the District Leadership Convention comes, it will be a great, enjoyable experience for you! Along with helping you be inspired and learn a lot of new things that you can take with you for the rest of your life! Prepare to shine a spotlight on service for DLC 2023!


Yours Truly, Nicole


Johnny Appleseed Lt. Governor l Events and Planning Committee Chair
