IU 2024 Licensing Academy Summit Workbook

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César Idrovo Inventor, FOT58
© Influential U
MAP, MAP2, IUC, IUBC Founder @ MBA 3 0 San Francisco

The Influential U Consulting Group

Amy Davis

Anna Stover

Barry Anderson

Brian Donovan

Catherine Beagley

César Idrovo

Darryl Anderle

Doug Robertson

Gary Ward

Hari Simaguen

James Button

Jasmine Platt

John Baigent

Josh Damigo

Julian Bergquist

Karina Christensen

Kim Corbett

Laurel McLay

Laren Robertson

Leslie Williams

Marne Power

Explore the Possibilities

Michael Thomas

Nicole Briones

Orlga Kipnis

Paul Adams

Ross Clennett

Sarah E Shepherd

Simon Chesney

Susan Hardaway

Tim Nicklas

Trisha Tyler

Become an independent consultant

Partner with other IU consultants

Add our IP to your existing offers

Offer our courses in your company ' s human resources catalog

Augment your specialized knowledge with our intellectual property

Implement Transactional Competence™ enterprise-wide

Acquire a Master License and build a profitable associate organization

Next Certification is June 17-20, 2024

Zoom 7 am-1 pm Pacific

Recordings available for other Time Zones

© Influential U 2

Practice 2024 THE YEAR OF

As we step into the 2024 Year of Practice, we are filled with anticipation for the opportunities to deepen our skills and expand our knowledge at the IUC Licensing Academy Summit. This event is designed to unite us, fostering collaboration and setting the stage for a year of remarkable achievements. We eagerly invite your participation, as your perspectives and insights are crucial in shaping the summit and enhancing our collective impact.

However, as we approach this pivotal event, we acknowledge the importance of flexibility and responsiveness to the dynamics of our gathering. Therefore, the cofounders reserve the right to alter the agenda as the summit unfolds. Facilitating a co-constitutive event means that we must be prepared to dance with our audience, adapting our focus to meet the evolving needs and energies of the consultants rather than strictly adhering to a predefined agenda.

To ensure we all move forward together, the summit sessions will concentrate on facilitation development, closing business, and maximizing impact. These sessions are integral to our strategy to support and empower every IUC consultant to reach their full potential. Let's embark on this "Year of Practice" as a transformative phase in our professional journeys, marked by growth, collaboration, and success.

© Influential U


Welcome + Aims

Land a Gig

11:00am12:00pm 12:00-1:30pm

Facilitation Practice

Collaboration Lunch

1:30-3:00pm 3:30-5:00pm

Facilitation Training

New Content Tailored Agreements

There are no evening plans, so this time is set aside for those who need to plan a strategic dinner or private coaching.

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Facilitation Introduction

Write your introduction:

What must I practice? Practice

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Collaborate Notes

What help do I need?

Who’ s expertise might I need?

Who might I partner with?

What personality might help me?

What ecology do I seek to engage?

Who is that ecology’ s Center/s of Influence?

How might I transact for their help?

What might I practice?

U Licensing Academy
Licensing Academy
© Influential U 6


Fitter, Faster

Our Voice

The fitness to speak our program principles accurately 1. The fitness to read the room/hear what is not being said 2. The fitness to validate and modify while delivering 3. The fitness to show respect and gratitude for the person, the team, and the environment 4. The fitness to speak in our character, our voice (see below) 5. The fitness to demonstrate ownership for the program fulfillment and satisfaction metrics 6. The fitness to move as an ambitious adult (for both your and their aims) 7.
IU Character – How we act; our voice Exclusive earned advancement 1. Smart, authoritative, studied, factual 2. Committed straight talk, consequential, rigorous, deliberate 3. Game afoot, competitive, here to win, fun 4. Warm/likable, in this together, here to help 5. © Influential U 7

Expand Your Business Selling Transactional Competence Producing Breakdowns Marketing Authority

Collaboration Lunch

Executive Coaching

IP Integration

IU Courses

Land a Gig Sharing and Feedback Completion Dinner

8 9:00-10:30am 11:00am12:00pm 12:00-1:30pm 1:30-3:00pm 3:30-5:00pm 6:30-8:00pm
© Influential U

Business Development

Land a Gig

Building a Personal Brand:

Strategies to establish and communicate your unique value proposition.

Guidance on online presence management, including LinkedIn and personal websites.

Strategic Networking:

Workshops on effective networking strategies to build valuable connections with Centers of Influence (COI).

Opportunities for peer networking and mentorship within the summit.

Creating and Selling Courses:

Steps for developing engaging courses that showcase expertise.

Marketing strategies for promoting courses to potential clients.

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Sales Skills

Land a Gig

Consultative Selling (Customer Intimacy):

Understanding client needs and crafting tailored solutions.

Role-playing sessions to practice consultative selling scenarios.

Advanced Communication Skills:

Practice effective listening and questioning techniques.

Practice producing breakdowns and offering solutions.

Practice levers of influence and handling consideration.

Relationship Management for Consultants:

Understand how to leverage Centers of Influence.

Understand ways to engage and retain clients.

Sales Management:

Asking for and managing referrals.

Managing and nurturing prospects.

© Influential U
© Influential U
Los Angeles Reserved for IU Consultants and those enrolled in Licensing Training. © Influential U
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