Tiba Magazin Jahresausgabe 2013

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Need for Integrated Change Management and Organizational Agility A change has high impact to a company. It could be managed successfully by applying “Integrated Change Management”. The most important success factor is the involvement of an active sponsor. A project manager of a change project should integrate the organizational and the people side of a change. He should integrate professional Change Management processes methods, tools and techniques to his professional Project Management: 1. Initiate change, 2. Plan, 3. Manage, 4. Reinforce & Sustain a change.

Tiba Magazin Das Tiba Magazin ist ein Informationsmedium für die Unternehmensführung sowie für Projektmanagement-Verantwortliche, Projektleiter und -mitarbeiter. Unabhängig von Branche oder Unternehmensgröße. Seit 2009 berichten Projektmanagement-Experten zu Strategien und Tools im Projektmanagement, zu erfolgreich bewältigten Herausforderungen sowie neuen Lösungsansätzen. Mit unserem Magazin möchten wir einen intensiven fachlichen Erfahrungsaustausch anregen und freuen uns auf Ihre Meinung zu den jeweiligen Themen. Mehr als 6000 registrierte Leser!

Low economic growth, changing global market conditions, innovation and cost pressure lead to a complex and dynamic company environment. To be competitive companies must live and manage the constant change. There are permanent changes within a company: implementation of new strategies, organizations, systems, culture and processes. In all of these endeavors Change Management is crucial for success and acceptance of the results. The probability to run successful strategic initiatives is in agile organizations two times higher as in companies with low agility.

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Impressum Jahrgang 5 Herausgeber I Verantwortlich für den Inhalt (V.i.S.d.P.) Redaktion I Margot Piasecka Leiterin Vertriebsservice Tiba Managementberatung GmbH Elsenheimerstraße 47a 80687 München

Creation und Realisation MB-Design I Maria Bonetti Kommunikation & Medien-Design Dortmund

Text Verbalis | Heike Steinmetz Dortmund

Fon: +49 (0)89 89 31 61 - 66 Fax: +49 (0)89 89 31 61 - 20 www.tibamagazin.de redaktion@tiba.de ISSN 2198-1655

© Bild-Umschlag: Shutterstock.com

The Project Management Institute (PMI®) is the world´s leading professional association for Project Management. Tiba as the only member in Germany of the PMI® Registered Consultant Program (RCP) has been invited to present the topic “Integrated Change Management” at the PMI® Global Congress EMEA in Istanbul, end of May 2013 with around 900 participants. PMI® selected the Tiba white paper due to the fact that Project and Change Management should be realized in an integrated approach. Based on the feedback given by the audience of the session in Istanbul Tiba was asked by PMI® to hold the presentation also at the PMI® Global Congress North America in New Orleans, end of October 2013 with 3,000 professionals in Project Management. This article is a short executive summary of this presentation.

Do you have any questions concerning this topic? Tiba Managementberatung GmbH Elsenheimerstraße 47a 80687 München Phone: +49 (0)89 89 31 61 - 44 E-Mail: markus.wanner@tiba.de www.tiba.de We look forward to receiving your feedback: editors-tiba-magazine@tiba.de


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