I Love This Rock February 2017

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events | music | BARS | food | Life february/march 2017 | Issue 11


kirk brown & nadia holmes tips & Tricks DJ puffy in our cyar, buggy's stepping stones

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five star service. would highly recommend!”

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February/March 2017


stepping stones February/March 2017 | Issue 11

Editor’s Note editor@ilovethisrock.com

Contents 4 Eat this. Go here.

Our two favourite picks of the month that we think everyone should know about.

7 3 hotel restaurants

We know that you know all of the hotels and we know that they're not all very welcoming... But there are always gems and we found the best.

8 Do this

The best things to discover in February and March. Don't miss any of them. Or we'll come get your first born.

12 Valentines

Do what we tell you and you can't go wrong. Tips and tricks, food, drink. Now book!

17 Tweets we love

We had a spare page and trolled the net for you. You're welcome.

18 Star in Our Cyar

DJ Puffy comes for a spin in our X1 whilst we grill him on life and love... And DJing.

20 St Patrick's Circuit 22 Stepping Stones

The Buggy story that proves how everything in life leads to everything in life.

Happy Love Month! As February kicks off you are going to start getting nervous about what to do on Valentines day... And even... Who to do it with. We teamed up with Radio-DJ-Superstar and-all-round-entertainer-with-no-bounds-Kirk-Brown and made sure that our Banks 2017 Calendar Girl, Nadia Holmes, straightened him up and showed him what's right. We picked the best restaurants for that date so make sure you book yourself in early because everybody is reading this and you don't want to be the last sucker getting yourself sorted. We broke it down into several factors. The first and foremost was that the restaurant had to be recognised for its reputation. If you take a girl to a restaurant she doesn't know she will be already wondering what your game is like. We then worked out menus, service, music, drinks, snacks, atmosphere and... Of course... Service. They are all unique in their own right and you we made sure you can't lose. In fact, give yourself a step up in life and prep a surprise. No Valentines is complete without a surprise. Hint: Not turning up isn't an appropriate surprise. On the other side of life you could be alone or in the most horrific emotional limbo ever... In which case Valentines day is going suck. Big time. Get together with all of your other single friends and have a massive dinner in the same restaurants we picked so that the romantic couples look over realising how you're all having more fun than them. It's mean but totally worth it. Then when you come out on the other side of your emotional hoo-haa you will eventually find someone who's worth your time and realise that the entire sad experience you had was a waste of perfectly good party-time. We're not telling you to mourn a relationship by hoisting the flag on the Jolly Roger and setting sail for an STD but there is nothing stopping you from being the person you should have always been... Even before that tit broke your heart. Each and every person will always teach you a new lesson and with that new lesson you will come closer every day to finding your true calling in life. If you have to be in a cold country under the rain so that you can convince yourself that you have to fight for what you want in life then no one is going to stop you. But if you believe that you can live under the sunshine and spend every spare moment with the fish in the sea then everyone will be there with you making sure you never forget where you belong. Convert that same example to a love story and you can choose to be in a grey relationship where you insist to yourself that this is what is expected of you... Or be the person you want to be with other people who want you to be that way.

proudly printed in Barbados All rights reserved. Nothing from this publication may be reproduced, even in part, without prior written approval from I Love This Rock. All the information provided is correct to our best knowledge at the time of print.

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Special thanks to you, the public, for reading and for your feedback. Thank you Joelle for your endless support and encouragement because without you this would have never happened. Mum & Dad, brothers and sisters whom I love very much, our pet Labrador who is dead but would have loved Barbados, Mr G for teaching me everything I know, Jason & Sarah from Paddle Barbados for your invaluable advice and encouragement, David Lewis for all those creams and ointments, Dr Batford for sewing my hand back up, Pub Quiz Master Terry for letting us play at the Golden Anchor with a 4-person team of 12-people for months, the girls at Raw Juice who make my day every day, that guy who told me that double glazing made him a millionaire, that couple who gave me a lift to Moontown one evening when I was really late, the really tall angry security guard at Accra who patrols at night wearing sunglasses to look extra cool even though it means he can’t see anything, Stephen Clarke for writing 1000 Years of Annoying the French, Alexandra for the silicon side-boob that I carry around in my rucksack, Mr Delicious Bar for scaring the cr*p out of me by tapping me on the shoulder in Sugar one night saying “Hey, it’s me, Mr Delicious”, the pilot on Caribbean Airlines who wouldn’t let me out when we made an emergency landing in Barbados but instead flew me to TnT so I could catch a connection back to Barbados again and laughed about it to the whole plane on the PA system and finally all my closest friends in Barbados... Especially all those people who added me on Facebook and then confronted me the next day for not having accepted their friend-request fast enough. I am positive I’ve forgotten someone so you too. Thank you.

February/March 2017

eat this

We visit and review all of these places anonymously. We pay for our own meals, don't accept favours and don't get paid for this.

scarlet It's the reddest place on Earth. For some reason Scarlet's reputation is super strong but not necessarily very wide and that's a shame because more people should know that they do well. Very well. Normally we’re not big fans of loitering at a bar before dinner but this is one of those places where it’s worth factoring-in your pre-meal bar-time because it’s as good as the food. The drinks are spot-on and make sure you have the truffle popcorn even if it’s the only thing you do. Ok, so they have no windows, the inside is painted completely red and

February/March 2017

if you stay there long enough you’ll start to wonder if you can remember the other colours of the rainbow. It's smart, colourful and cosmopolitan; there are Andy Warhol prints lining the walls and even a quote of his: The world fascinates me. Wow. Deep, Andy. Deep.

isn't an exception so you could order anything from sesame prawn toast to arancini but their nod to Bajan cuisine is damn strong. If you get the chance, order the Baxter's Road Fried Chicken. In fact, there is very little on the menu that isn't pretty damn strong.

No matter how well you know Scarlet it's impossible to remember how good it is. The result is that every time we go back we're surprised again! Bonus! Most restaurants on the rock will try to cater for everyone by cooking everything from everywhere. Scarlet

Did we mention it was red?


West Coast Main Road, St James ilovethisrock.com/scarlet

Go here Animal Flower Cave Things at the Animal Flower Cave are changing at breakneck speed and it’s stunning. What was once a hole in the ground is now a growing attraction worth any island-crossing. If you haven’t been in a few years, go. In fact if you haven’t been in 45 minutes, turn back because things just changed again. Today you pull up in the car park and walk your way round to the bar, playground and outdoor coffee tables. If you turn the other way you head straight to the cliffs. There is nothing in Barbados more breathtaking than the fifteen-foot waves crashing into the rock faces below your feet. A path follows the cliff edge with little wooden bridges and rails so you can see, from every possible angle, the majestic feat that nature has provided. There are even freshly painted benches pretty much everywhere so the smartest thing you can do is sit back and let it sink in. Staring out to sea with the incredible winds scruffing up your hairstyle has to be one of the best feelings Barbados has to offer. And that’s not even the Animal Flower Cave yet!

You’re Bajan but did you know Ah, February, the love month! Yet, love, as we all know, can be a complicated business. Bajans are not at all coy about discussing personal relationships and sexual matters. Just listen to the highly suggestive words of calypsos like ‘The Big Bamboo’. It tells the tale of a man who loves his lady and will do anything to make her happy. He brings her two coconuts only to be told that nuts are no good without a tree. A banana plant doesn’t work either – too soft – and she likes the taste of sugar cane but not the size.

The popular ‘Dear Christine’ column in the ‘Daily Nation’ regularly offers advice about how to deal with extra-marital affairs and often refers to ‘outside women’ and ‘visiting relationships’. Common law marriage is widespread on our island but there are numerous grey areas such as ‘living wid’, the state of sharing a home with a ‘partner’ but with no commitment to spend every night there.

‘The oldest profession’ is as much in evidence in Barbados as anywhere else and there is never a shortage of ‘ladies of the night’ on Bridgetown’s Bay Street and around the Historic Garrison Area. One escort girl caused great amusement in a local court when she appeared on a prostitution charge. ‘State your whole name’, demanded the clerk. ‘Pokey,’ she replied. ‘No, Miss Williams, state your WHOLE name,’ pressed the official. ‘I already told you sir,’ she responded, ‘My hole name is Pokey’!

“A dazzling reminder of why we all love Barbados!” BBC broadcaster Julian Armfield came to Barbados for ten days and stayed forever. Absolutely Barbados follows the author around the island as he explores and embraces every aspect of Barbados’ lifestyle, culture, heritage and people. In bookshops and Best of Barbados now!


if you really want to be creative about Valentines you know exactly where to go. North Point, St Lucy animalflowercave.com

r the One man’s mission to discove paradise heart and soul of a Caribbean

Most of the guides are really enthusiastic but every now and again you can land on Captain Dragmyfeet. Either way they will stay with you as long as you need so definitely bring your swim-wear and paddle around a little. Don’t forget what wondrous natural beauty surrounds you.


What has stayed the same is the cave. It’s a staircase cut into the rock that leads down to a massive mouth-of-a-cave and you’re starting in the throat under that dangling thing that appears in most cartoons. Your first steps are towards the teeth and you can see out to sea as you step through fresh pools of seawater that were brought in by the ferocious waves. You can swim in some of the pools and it’s a very exciting feeling of freshness.

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Octopus Carpaccio at Cobbler's Cove

Hotel Restaurants you need to know All hotels can be same-same because the truth is that niche cuisine isn't for everyone. That's pretty much entirely why it's niche. That said, there are a few sweet spots that we love.

Camelot One of our favourites is Camelot, the restaurant at Cobbler's Cove. It's one of the best kept secrets, but it's also the one that isn't afraid to push the buck. If only we had more of these. Over the past few years they've brought in star-chefs from Michel Roux to Dhruv Baker, put them up in the hotel and had them cook ridiculously creative meals over several days. Their resident chef, Jason Joseph, is outstanding and everything he touches just works. Fridays is their seafood night where they serve it every which way; caviar, ceviche, sushi, sashimi, carpaccio, ravioli and on and on. Sundays they serve a lobster lunch and we forbid you to leave before tasting their cold lobster salad. Freshest thing on the island.

Asian Spice One of our favourite secluded spots is the Indian restaurant at the All Seasons Resort (what used to be the Europa). Asian Spice has some of the best Indian food money can buy. We'll take that a step further, some of the best Mughlai food that money can buy. Asian Spice was our cover story for the first ever issue of I Love This Rock because of how they pulled things together. The owner, Soni, brought the chefs from her favourite restaurant in India and they've since settled here and make nothing short of magic in the kitchen. There was also the story of an Indian guest who told Soni how the food reminded her of a particular restaurant in Mumbai... Funnily enough, can you guess where the chefs were poached from? Amazing. Their tandoor oven is where you're headed because that is where they redefine tender. Have your usual indian as you do... But if you get the chance to try something new you want something from the tandoor oven. Most of their produce as is home-grown here on the rock but a lot of their spices fly 14,000km to be sprinkled over your dinner. That, is pretty cool. -7-

UMI SUSHI Hotel sushi is possibly one of the biggest disappointments but one place got it right. Sugar Bay on the South Coast is an all-inclusive so they secure the area better than an airbase in Kandahar. When you arrive they essentially escort you the whole way through so that you don't accidentally get stuck at the bar. Upstairs they have Umi Sushi and it's awesome. Not only is the sushi as good as it gets for Barbados but they've gone creative and mixed things up. Everything has a twist and that's what makes it interesting... And the service is hilariously over-zealous. February/March 2017

do This

Barbados National Trust Hike Programme Most people plan to get into the best shape of their life for their new year’s resolutions. There is good news in 2017. From January, you can join the Hike Barbados Programme every single Sunday for the entire year. Don’t be shy and don’t think you aren’t fit enough. They have groups for each level. You can start with a 6 mile hike which they call the “Stop ‘n’ Stare” and for the big dogs, the highest level is “Grin ‘n’ Bear”... It's 12 miles! Yikes! The locations vary so call the National Trust directly to organize yourselves. The hikes are about 3 hours long so you definitely need to come prepared for some hard work. It’s a great way to get some exercise and trigger those muscles you didn’t know you had. You can also see parts of Barbados that you have probably never seen before as the hikes will take you through gullies, forests and cane fields. This group touches every corner of the rock. So no more boring walks on a treadmill facing a wall or going nowhere fast on a static bike. Join the BNT on a hike on these Sunday for a change! Every Sunday Barbados National Trust Head Office Free, but donations are welcome February/March 2017

Fustic House All year round the Barbados National Trust works an Open House schedule. Fustic House in St Lucy is this month's Open House. It was completely transformed by the English theatrical designer Oliver Messel. There are 11 acres of land around the two-part house so make sure you bring some comfortable shoes because it would be a massive shame to go without exploring the grounds.

Adults $35.00 Children (5-12) Half Price Children under 5 Free No pre-booking is needed. Just follow the directions and look for the signs. Call the Barbados National Trust at 4262421 just in case they chooses to cancel it accidentally. 19th February, Fustic House, St. Lucy 2:30pm - 5:30pm

Eye-Catcher 2 Betty West is a queen in the land of Kadooment costumes and when a Betty West fashion show comes, it isn't one to be missed. If Betty West were in the dictionary, three words next to her name would be eccentric, pizazz and flavour. Eye Catcher 2 will have 21 models showcasing local and regional designers with the main focus being fresh, young talent. One of the featured designers is Shanna Boyce who is only 15 years old. She is one to look out for as she has already had showcases at BMEX, Barbados Fashion Week and the Prime Minister’s Gala. Some of the other designers include Kadburry Designs (Krystal Cobham), Morella and Jan Phillips. In addition to the fashion show, there will also be dancing and singing performances. Hilton Hotel $45 at the door March 5th, 6.30pm. Show starts at 8pm Tickets: +1(246)249 8926


try this

Sandy Lane Gold Cup

School Musical Festival

If there’s any doubt in your mind that this is the crown jewel of the Barbadian sports calendar, we dare you to try finding a parking spot within a kilometre of the Savannah on race day. The atmosphere will be electric, the bets astronomical and the fascinators ridiculous: what’s not to love?!

The Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (we're not even making that up, that's a real thing) brings schools together to showcase primary and secondary school talent. They say it's everything from choirs, solos and pop acts to orchestral performances.

As always there will be lots of pomp and circumstance but also the endless parades that make you forget you came to see the races.

The irony is that their website contains more spelling and grammar mistakes than anything we have ever come across. But if you get to watch their promo video they make it look like the opening sequence to the Independence Day movie (that incidentally had a sequel released recently that nobody liked).

The Gold Cup has become a staple in the local calendar since its inception in 1982 and continues to attract international talent (both equine and human) every year. So come early to catch the famous parade and warm-up races before the main event. Above all come early to ensure a good view of the track!

But do we want to let the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology, Innovation and Star Wars ruin this for us? No. These kids are awesome and watching them open up their hearts and lungs is something we encourage. Go and cheer them on and if you meet anyone from the MOESTIASW find out who writes their material. Then send them to detention Friday after school.

4th March, Garrison Savannah Grand Stand: $75 adults, $25 children Field & Chandler Stand: $50 adults, $25 children

March 19th, The Finals Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre


February/March 2017

do this Chattel House Audio Tours / Bajan Audio Tours You may think you know Barbados in and out but after going on the walking tour of Bridgetown you will start to doubt yourself heavily. You get a blast from the past, right back to your school days – literally – because one of the tour guide is Mr Trevor Marshall. Many of you probably know him from teaching history at BCC. Our tour started in Independence Square and we were taken all over Bridgetown. We stopped at many places that we pass every day without ever taking notice of the history. The very first stop, for example, was Blackwoods Screwdock – this is not just for fetes people! This is the oldest existing dry docks in the world! The world! It dates back until 1887. Mind blowing.

shoes and protection from the sun. It may get a little tiring with the walking because can last over 2 hours and even run a little longer if you’re in that group. However, you will not be bored and you will have questions. Around every corner is brand.new.information. Trust us. By the way, a bottled water and a couple snacks are provided. Yay.


Along the way Mr Marshall takes out a few of his books to corroborate his stories and you can come in close and look at actual pictures from back in the day... “In case you don’t believe me” in his words. What was unique about this tour was that they provided audio equipment; a little device called Orpheo Tour Guide with headphones so that we could hear the guide even when we drifted off taking pictures or daydreaming. Mr Marshall had a mic attached to his headpiece the whole time so we never lost him. We cannot give away all the little nuggets of Bajan history in this article so go and take the tour. Challenge yourself with how much you really know about this rock. Kids are welcome as well. Just make sure you wear comfortable

Agrofest Other than Christmas day, this is probably the only other time that Queens Park is this packed. Agrofest is an exhibition put on by the Barbados Agricultural Society and The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. There isn't just a series of exhibits for farmers and agricultural enthusiasts but the livestock competitions are awesome and everyone should watch. While the livestock is mostly there to be judged, families can go right up to the fencing to see black belly sheep, cows and pigs etc. They also have chicks that have been dyed in different colours and both adults and kids line up for this. There will be tons of food left, right and centre, cooking demos, discussions on renewable energy, clothing stalls, locally-made shoes and even jewellery. There will be a separate section for kids with rides and live performances. Last year Gabby and Grynner performed so we are keen to find out who is performing this time around. There is definitely something there for everyone and definitely something to be learned. They usually have over 250 exhibits and last year’s numbers showed that over the three-day event, there were over 60,000 visitors - 60,000 people can’t be wrong.

Holetown Festival If you’re going to talk about the Holetown Festival you’re going to have to talk about Alfred Pragnell. There are infinite references to AP around Barbados and all of them boil down to the fact that he was a great guy. From singing calypso to TV commercials and broadcasting, AP was everywhere. The Holetown Festival was his way of commemorating the Holetown settlement… And look at it now! Thse days it’s a week of events and cultural exposés for all the family. From 6pm onwards on virtually every day there is a lime with music, food and drink. Invariably there will be karaoke because constitutionally Barbados is obliged to make every musical event a karaoke night. It’s not, don’t get too excited… But there will definitely be karaoke. The very first Sunday opens with the Queen of the Festival and the following Sunday concludes with The Queen of the Festival Pageant. Throughout the entire week

February 24th – 26th Queens Park, Bridgetown February/March 2017

- 10 -

you can find local arts and crafts, plants, toys, food and mini parties. What we look forward to the most is the Barbados Defence Force tattoo (drill display) and the music. The bulk of the human traffic is seen on Saturday and usually spills over into the road. Full musical performances start at 7.30pm. There’s a steel pan show, there’s a Bajan night and, our favourite, the gospel celebrations. Friday is sponsored by Chefette… There used to be a Chefette in Holetown but it was bought out to build villas that haven’t been built. Maybe that’s a good thing. Saturday and Sunday are full of madness so check out the full listings on their website and do yourself a favour, don’t miss it. February 12th - 19th holetownfestivalbarbados.org

do this

Champions Cup We're over the moon that DJ Puffy came home winner of the Red Bull Thre3style World finals. He went on a wild card and came off a champion. The reason he went on as a wild card was because Barbados never had its own DJ championship. For the first time ever all of this rock's DJs are going to be compete. The mix is wide - everything from radio to bashment and Mole and Scrilla are lined up. If you're a DJ make sure you sign up yesterday. 4th March, 8pm-4am Pirates Cove

If the tradition is still on, there will be a lineup of women at the end of the match for a big polo hat competition. Fuh true! The ladies will be compared scrupulously so that once you've picked the hat you think is best (and

Support Local and spread the love! Farmer's markets are becoming a thing all over the world. This rock is, by no means, an exception. We have Brighton's, Hastings, Holders, Graeme Hall and a bunch of others but now we also have the Barbados Country Fair! Instead of turning up at 6am so that you can get a tomato, they open at 9am... Can you feel the relaxation in that sentence? Breakfast and brunch is on and all of their milk and eggs are fresh and from local vendors.

Cheshire Polo Cup The reason the Cheshire Cup is a little more special is the massive buzz that comes with it. Bring in the red-topped Brits and the drinks and party come too. Every year some of the best parties in polo just come out of nowhere.

Barbados Country Fair

you do it without questioning the fact that you suddenly have a strong opinion and insightful knowledge about hats) they end up picking someone else anyway. It's impossible to guess what they're doing. 26th February (Holders) 28th February (Holders) 2nd March (Apes Hill)

Invariably there are some arts and crafts too and every week they're getting bigger and better. Then you have the jumping tent, face painting and activities for kids because... Let's face it... It's Sunday morning. Google Maps White Hill to find it. It's where the mini golf is. Sundays

5th March (Holders)

St Thomas - 11 -

February/March 2017

Valentines Day Don't mess it up

If she says yes she already likes you. You just have to not-screw up.

February/March 2017

- 12 -

top West-Side Story


Every year our Italian vanguard puts its back into making sure you close that deal. It's one of the only fine-dining restaurants that continues to do well out-of-season and they work their bar like pros. There are several elements to getting Daphnes right. The first is scheduling in time at the bar. Get in early enough so that you're not both starving and don't waste your time with champagne and prosecco. You want to order an i-love-this-rock-tail-cocktail... Ok that's an ego boost. Order your champagne... But the signature cocktail that they made for us is awesome. Fact. We couldn't possibly tell you what to order from their Valentines menu... So we're going to tell you what to order from their Valentines menu anyway. From their starters go with the Burrata. If you're not familiar with it, think of it as mozzarella on crack. It's thicker, chewier and a little stronger. Olive oil and tomatoes and you're done. Perfection; and you've tried something new. As a main course the exciting option is their heavy option. It's their Ossobuco, veal stew with saffron risotto. Too heavy? Seafood soup then. Dessert is sacred so we're not going to tell you what to have for dessert. Have the crème brûlée. ilovethisrock.com/daphnes

The Gap

Apsara I like Indian food and she likes Thai: Apsara. First up, the key is to ask for one of two tables. Either the ones closest to the sea (and sit at a corner angle, not face-to-face) or the table with the swinging bench... And you both want to sit on the same side so you can hang your arm over her shoulder. There is nothing worse than trying to kiss someone over two glasses of wine, two more glasses of water and a precariously balanced bottle. You're both in that half-up-half-down position (that even yoga fanatics can't hold for long) then one of you shakes so the other one sits down and then realises you weren't sitting down but just shaking so they get back up again by which time you're on your way back down again... It's just not worth it! Sit on the same side! We were allowed a sneak preview of the Valentines menu and it's good. How do you make it better? Order the one thing they make here that you will never eat anywhere else: The Peshwari Naan. We deliberately capitalised those letters. They deserve it. ilovethisrock.com/apsara-samudra


Valentines dinners


13/59 at Port Ferdinand When you look at all the Valentines menus at the upper-end of the restaurant scale you quickly realise that they are all priced $5-10 apart. So what you're aiming for isn't how luxurious but how much of an experience it can be and what 13/59 has done this year is an experience. It's a six-course menu where the first three are classic ideas with a bang, the forth is a palette cleanser, the fifth is your main course and the sixth is dessert. When we say the first three are classic with a bang, here is what we mean. First is a beet and vodka cured kingfish with pickled christophines - welcome to Barbados. Second is a mushroom

soup with black wild rice, truffle oil and egg yolk - bang. Third is oysters two ways; one baked with cognac and gruyère whilst the other is raw with pickled jalapeños and champagne vinegar dressing - big bang. It's still one of the most under-explored restaurants on the island and the atmosphere couldn't be better. If you can get a table outside you're winning, they have a singing guitarist. If you can sit in the bar area for a while before dinner then even better. Best of both worlds. ilovethisrock.com/1359-port-ferdinand



This is your chance to shine. You've been to Tapas since you were a twinkle in your father's eyes and you've ordered the Fettuccine Alfredo like it's never coming back. For Valentine's you're on a mission to look like you know what you're talking about. If you want a pasta dish you have to try the baked rigatoni now. Reason number one: it's phenomenal. Reason number two: it's phenomenal. Reason number three: Have you ever heard of Benjai? It's a beef-ragout pasta with a three-cheese bechamel sauce that they then grill so all the cheese on the top goes crispy-brown. When she questions your choice, look at her deadpan and say "Did you exect me to order the Alfredo like everyone else?"

Option 2. You don't go with a pasta... You try work the meat and fish section. Barracuda is your best option because it's the softest fish and comes with the best sides so you can talk about for hours. Did you know that Abraham Lincoln only ate barracuda at night because it helped his digestion? Or even did you know that barracuda is served as a Christmas speciality in New Zealand? Or even that barracuda is the most nutritious form of protein after steak? None of those are true... But it's barracuda so you can say anything you want! Then dessert. One word: Napoleon. And get the table on the top floor in the corner closest to the entrance! ilovethisrock.com/tapas

On the sand

Lobster Alive So what do you do when you want a Valentines that's cut away from the overdressed and the flashy? The atmosphere here is consistently good, the people are relaxed and yet you're in the sand so you have to feel good. By law. Doublewhammy: Their jazz band has been there since the dawn of time and are perfect. Their menu is obviously lobster-based and if you want to stay clean you have to order the lobster thermidor. It's the most ridiculous mix of lobster - 13 -

and bechamel and cheese and Lord knows what else. The alternative is clamping away at different parts of the lobster hoping that none of it flies... Far. Don't panic if you can't do the lobster thing. The fish is excellent and their ribeye is so much better than anyone expects for a lobster restaurant. Oh! And their fries are insane. Always order fries. ilovethisrock.com/lobster-alive

February/March 2017

Radio Superstar Kirk Brown & Banks Calendar Girl 2017 Nadia Holmes battle out what the perfect Valentines should be like. They agreed to disagree. F i r s t

s t e p s

Nadia Don't use anything that starts with PSSSSSST Don't use words like sexy darky Don't say anything about her butt. Bae is the most overused term. Don't use the most overused term. Kirk Ok so don't be disrespectful. The checklist in ladies mind, how does it go? Introduces himself, he's respectful so what throws you off? What do you need for a guy to get your number? Nadia I'm very picky about giving out my

February/March 2017

number. Girls are hesitant and if guys approach me I would prefer them to give me their number and let me decide if I would want to contact them. Kirk Ahhhh yeah but that's a dirty trick! Listen up guys, they say that so they don't have to give you their number. Don't be fooled! Nadia What if a girl approached you, Kirk? How would you want her to approach you? Kirk I like that a girl approaches me

because it means she's bold. But you know I've had people approach me and not let me get a word in. Hey-Kirk -Brown-I-wouldlove-to-talk-to-you-chat-with-youmaybe-go-to-a-movie-but-ofcourse-you're-Kirk-Brown-so-youhave-so-many-options-youprobably-don't-want-to-go-withme-but-I'm-really-interested-inyou-not-because-you-have-moneyor-because... I'm just a normal guy! Talk to me like a normal guy! Nadia What if a girl approached you and asked for a hookup?

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Kirk Nooooo! I have to care, I have to feel something! Contrary to popular belief I wouldn't just say, Oh nice... Good looking, [clap] gone! So Nadia what about the way someone talks to you... Nadia Personal space. Don't be so close, it's uncomfortable. There's a way to be close to somebody when you're into them. But too close is just creepy. I like a guy that can be funny and witty even if he's a serious person. Serious people can be fun too.

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February/March 2017

Valentines T h e

d a t e M o n e y Nadia What if it's out of his budget? Should he be upfront and open about it? Kirk Women like stability... You should be intelligent enough to say, let me take her for lunch. Let the budget be internal rather than embarrassing. You don't want to start insisting that you don't order a bottle but instead should both have a glass each. If you're going to be a man, if you want to treat her right, you have to ensure that you can afford anything you do.

Kirk Is there such a thing as too much time together? Do you really want to have breakfast together, a massage together, lunch together, shopping, nap, movie, dinner... Nadia It's not a bad plan if you're someone who works very hard and especially if you don't get to spend a lot of time together. Setting all of that time aside for her makes her feel extra special for that one day. That works. That would be romantic; the entire day. Kirk Where you would love to be taken on valentines? Nadia My ideal date would be a guy to wine and dine me away from people - somewhere intimate. Yeah, a home cooked meal. If he makes that extra effort. Kirk So what does he get in return? Nadia I believe in giving back. I would do breakfast and the massage... I'm a masseuse... I do massage therapy. Kirk And if it's too soon in the relationship?

Nadia I would want to do something a little more public so I can see if I can trust the person. Kirk Yeah but people can change... Even after 6 months.

You should be honest and know your pocket. God forbid you take her to somewhere fancy... And then you don't get paid for another month... And she says I liked what we did let's do it again... It puts you into a frame of mind of fear and a cycle of worrying about trying to make enough money to keep up appearances.

Nadia I would always tell someone where I was going and get an emergency getaway. I always have somebody on standby. Kirk If I took a fresh girl on valentines, I think duality is important. Valentines day is an impactful day. I would cook. I would make pasta because it's super fast and easy to make and everyone loves pasta. Not to do a demonstration, I'm not doing a cooking show... I would prepare my ingredients and at the last minute we can whip it up. That said I'm not a dessert person but I'm not selfish so even if I wouldn't cook up a dessert I would purchase that. If it's super intimate then it's dinner AND DESSERT! So listen up guys, girls like guys that can listen. Don't go somewhere distracting.

F i n a l l y Nadia Do you believe in a kiss on your first date? If the chemistry is there it comes with standards. You have to get to know a person. It's not just the hormones etc. Then you get to know them after a week. We all experience that feeling. Kirk Pick her up in a nice car, get chatting. We don't get to really chat. Make it about you and her. Not her friends and family. If you meet the friends then be respectful... It does help not to piss them off. After your two or three hours they're going to spend the next two or three weeks talking about you. Don't drink like crazy, don't drink too much, makes it a fantastic night making her yearning for more! Nadia Girls, hair laid, not too much makeup. Perfect.

February/March 2017

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Tweets we love @LeahTiscione Heart Breaking News: news

@jsam1126 DEAR 2016 WE'RE SORRY FOR ALL THE THINGS WE SAID ABOUT YOU WE WERE YOUNG AND NAIIVE PLZ TAKE US BACK @Karnythia When the Williams sisters play each other how do we decide who to root for though? Black Girl Magic already won, so what now? @bea_ker America sure is having some bad luck. It's almost like it was built on an ancient Indian burial ground. @TheBoydP Ninety percent of being a dog is not realizing your own tail is your own tail.

@GashleyMadison Honestly, my biggest fear about becoming a zombie is all the walking.

@iwearaonesie [movie theater] *reaches into wife's purse* *pulls out lasagna* me: Told you it'd work

@AbbyHasIssues Start each day with a positive thought like, "I can go back to bed in 16 or 17 short hours." @JohnLyonTweets Me: Hey, don't assume I'm dying alone. I might find someone, you don't know. Waiter: I asked if you were dining alone. Me: Oh, sorry. Yes. @_troyjohnson You: "I'm only 35, I have my whole life ahead of me." Sports Broadcaster: "Here comes the oldest player in the league. He's 32. A miracle." @IamEveryDayPpl The real miracle is that the human race still exists after being stupid enough to kill the guy who could turn water into wine... Idiots. @JohnLyonTweets [nearing end of first date] Me: I'll give you a call later, OK? Her: *throws phone in river* I lost my phone.

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@OtherDanOBrien An F wouldn’t be such bad grade if the scale went from A to Z. That'd be like a...whatever percent. Sorry, I got a W in math.

@AmishPornStar1 Sweet potatoes are just regular potatoes that remember birthdays and anniversaries. @FeverFlave: Sorry that I passed you vapor rub instead of lip balm but your lips do look as robust as fortified wine now...Does that sting?

@PaymanBenz Saying "I'm not politically correct" is a very politically correct way of saying "I'm racist."

@_mo_lee_ Daughter: You're invading my personal space Mom: You cam out of my personal space

February/March 2017

Star in Our Cyar What kind of person do you have to be to enter the international Thr3style DJ competition as a wild card and win? A DJ Puffy kind of person. When we called around BMW started telling us how much he loved the X1 and that we had to do the interview in the X1... And so that's what we did. Standing tall at 25 years old, Puffy doesn't drive but Momma Puff does. She spent years taking him to every single one of his gigs before passing out in the car park whilst he completed his set. That. Is faith. Imagine what your mother would say if you told her you wanted to be a DJ and that you needed her to drop you off at 2am and then also pick you up again with all your equipment. You would either receive the wrath of God or a lot of silence followed by licks. Nothing in between. The Red Bull Thr3style story is actually much cooler than we thought... And we thought it was pretty cool. Red Bull runs Thr3style in a lot of countries around the world and the winners of the nationals move on to the international competition - the one that Puffy just won. Except that there was never a Barbados or even a Caribbean Thr3style competition for Puffy to win... So he entered as a wild card. For the first time, Red Bull allowed DJs from anywhere to apply to be a wild card and represent their nation. He sent his video in 10 months ago... YouTube DJ Puffy and you'll see his entry video. They took five wild cards to be part of the 24 finalists. Puffy was one of them. For four days DJs would compete and on each day one person would make it through to the finals. DJ Puffy got into the final. At this stage Barbados was already buzzing with the news and they were broadcasting the finals live.

But once I past the semi-finals I realised that the energy I got from the semi-finals wasn't going to be what I needed for the finals. There was a lot more reggae in my final set and so, the night before, I redid the whole set.

King Bubba did a plate with Mashup for me. Rupee and his Tempted to Touch plate? I got that the morning of the finals. I got Hypasounds Wednesday night. I had messaged him Tuesday and asked him to call all the DJs names I was up against... At 110bpm... And acapella and I threw that over Scrilla. If you haven't already listened to Puffy's winning mix from the final, you can find it here: ilovethisrock.com/dj-puffy or scan this:

I have to practise all the time. I was practising just before I got in the cyar. I try to practice every time I'm at home. If I have access to turntables I try to come up with something. Between last night and an hour ago, (and remember I just got in last night and I'm going to Belize tomorrow), I made 5 new routines. New music comes out every day! What inspires me? Everything. I'm an artist. If I see someone doing something in an unconventional way that inspires me. I'm inspired by doing things that people haven't done before.

For the final I had been practicing a set for six months...

Actually, my family is a huge inspiration. My mum is my best friend. Being able to provide as a young person... Having that role at an early age... I didn't ask for it but it fell into my lap and I stepped up to the plate. I

February/March 2017

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wasn't always able to succeed you know. It's a blessing to be a role model. To feel like other people made me feel. To be able to even think about me doing that for other people... You don't understand the power you hold. Watching a Ryan Leslie video touches me. Puffy has exploded onto the music international music scene but even with this newfound glory running into Rupee in Trinidad is something that doesn't ever carry any less value. Rupee is still a massive inspiration to Puffy and like many others he's going to have to inspire a whole generation after him. Right now Puffy is working on two massive projects. The first is a DJ workshop where Pioneer and Serato come to Barbados and showcase what they've got. It's definitely not easy to get DJ equipment here so by having a full, hands-on workshop everyone can get a taste for it. And it's not just for DJs. The second thing is that he wants to bring Thr3style to the Caribbean. So when we opened this article with the fact that Puffy had to apply as a wild card, this is the solution to exactly that. Make sure that there's a Caribbean entry every year to the international Thr3style competition and we are golden. Before we wrap up. How did he get his name? He grew up Andre, went to Combermere for his sixth-form and at a costume party he went as Puff Daddy - now P Diddy... Or Diddy... Or just Sean. Anyway! There was that one kid at school, Springs, who came up to young Andre and said "From now on we gonna call you Puffy."

Combermere is one of the coolest schools and we have that rapport with the teachers so any teacher that came in and called me Andre would get corrected. "Sir his name ain't Andre, you gotta call him Puffy." So every teacher in the school called me Puffy. Andre is almost permanently on tour around the world and it was a pleasure and privilege to interview him as our Star in Our Cyar. As he continues his travels, he's always in touch with his girlfriend and keeps one foot at home with his family.

Star in our cyar

the camera could see Tracy, Puffy and Patrick. tracy, puffy and patrick could see the inside of the bmw x1.

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February/March 2017

st patrick's day

February/March 2017

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St PAtrick's Day Circuit 2017 Let's not overcomplicate things. There has always been one place to do St Patrick's Day and it hasn't changed since the day a guy named Patrick drove the rats out of Ireland and then went for a beer:

The Gap.

Step 1 Castaways This year they will be serving more than just green beer (yeah that's their party trick). This year there are two new kids on the block. The first is beer from Barbados's own microbrewery The Brew House. If you want to really try some homemade magic there is only one place you'll get them in abundance this St Patrick's. The Brew House actually makes seven different types at the moment and they circulate through Castaways depending on what was made. It doesn't get much fresher than that.

Step 2

Cafe Sol The entire day at Cafe Sol is 2-for-1. All. Day. They're serving a ridiculous Paddy Punch that invariably takes you down pretty damn fast. Now let's all take a step back and remember that St Patrick's Day is a Tuesday this year so if you have plans to get any work done it's maybe a good idea to wait until the evening. Once you've ploughed through your St Patrick's magic green cocktail at Castaways you move onto Cafe Sol. By 6.30 it would have started to fill up and their Happy Hour, as we now know, is pretty long. Now go get some food!

The next magic drink is (and we quote!) a green cocktail with loads of crazy alcohols inside. There you have it. Utter magic.


Happy Hour 5pm-6.30

Step 3 Old Jamm Inn Where does every night in The Gap end up? It's a no brainer. If you're still standing, slalom your way around the Cocktail kitchen and aim for a solid straight until you hear a familiar voice telling you to come inside. If you're standing in front of The Old Jamm Inn, go in. If you're not... Tell them to take you to that place where there is an entire wall of Jagermeister. 10pm Onwards

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February/March 2017

Special thanks to Bobby Walters, BobWal Photography for this perfect shot

step ping

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February/March 2017

the Buggy story

Who are you today and who are you going to be in your final stretch? It's not a bad question when we spend so much time creating an identity for ourselves. There's the job that defines so much of us and then the way we look and what we do but then there are the decisions we make that define us as well. I'm going to do this and this is who I will become. Then add Facebook and Instagram and your curated version of yourself is complete. It's a nice idea and there is a lot to be said for setting a long term direction in your life. The truth, especially in today's day and age, is that we can't hold on to a single course for life. From having a baby to changing jobs or even moving house, these things just happen to all of us. Life, happens to all of us.

We're also spoilt because we want everything all of the time. When something changes we are so ready to see it as a loss. It's not... It's finally the time for you to discover something new. And you know very well a few years down the line you'll use the sentence "Otherwise I would have never met you!" If anybody asks you what your fiveyear plan is, think back to what you were doing five years ago. Life was a very different place back then. What are we going to call this? Stepping stones. Everything is always a stepping stone. Everything. That ridiculous pizza you ordered? That's a stepping stone. To what? Who knows? Being a little too big to fit into those horrific jeans that would have stopped you from meeting the woman of your dreams? What about that amazing guy who just made you feel like you've never felt before? Stepping stone. You

The buggy story want to sit back and cry about it? That's also a stepping stone. You just can't escape stepping stones! Even if you stop reading this it's also as much a stepping stone as it is if you continue reading!

When we sat down with reggae superstar Buggy Nhakente, we thought we were going to write a biography... And we kind of did. Except everything about his life has been a stepping stone. Today he's a 38-year old accomplished artist who performs for hours-on-end with a massive smile and a soft gaze. When he's not in Barbados he spends about eight months of the year in Qatar with his lovely lady and five members of Fully Loaded. Buggy is the eldest of five kids that grew up in Parish Land. He's the only musical one in his family and never learnt how to sing or play instruments but as he got older he found himself dedicating himself to life, one stepping-stone after another.

When I was fifteen I wanted to be a musician. I couldn't play any instruments and could hardly sing but I could put rhythms together. There were people who thought I could sing but I didn't know anything about breathing, notes, pitches. There was a teacher at secondary school, Mr Spencer, and he saw something in me. All I knew was that I wanted to perform for people. I wanted to do what Shabba or Buju could do. Mr Spencer asked me to be the emperor in the school play, The emperor's nightingale. It was operatic. Now we've all had that teacher that we hated like we have all had that teacher who made us feel invincible. So did Buggy sing two songs to Mr Spencer and become the legend he is today? Very much no.

He would make me sing opera and would I think, I wonder if Shabba ever had to do anything opera-like but it taught me the instrument of the voice.

That's what made me want to learn music, everything from instruments to singing.

never stopped learning and the importance of stage performance became the headline.

This is coming from a student who wanted to study Civil Engineering, maybe continue with some Electrical Engineering and get what we all call a respectable job. Buggy did well at school and passed his exams, pulling off everything that was expected of him. He got into engineering school and that was the next stepping stone that took him closer to music.

The education I got from this wasn't something you could pay for. You meet people who inspire you and I met a lot of people who were like that. To me it was Twin Man, Daddy Plume, Soldier, Fat Man... Icons of Barbados. They set the level for Barbados. People don't understand how motivational these musicians are. You can't understand what things they said to me that inspire me. I keep recording, I keep going.

It was his foundation year. He was hardly eighteen and another engineering friend of his had a studio. The truth is that he just really liked a girl who knew the guy but ended up grouping up with them all and going to his house to record some stuff. Turned out to be KB Sharp from Hit Island Studios. This is as much a stepping stone as studying engineering. Stepping stone? Definitely. Buggy worked with KB Sharp for several years developing key, intensity and expression. Had you heard of Buggy at this stage? Of course not. He was busy building himself - becoming something. When they got to a point where they were both developing in different directions they parted ways. They had helped each other and grown together for several years and now he needed another... Don't make us say it again.

I used to go to Temple Yard. At the time it was even more interesting than it is now. It's fun when you go to Temple Yard at first because you don't know anybody... But when they start to recognise you they don't respect you as much if you still don't perform. One night I bought a few things and I saw this Haile Selassie shirt. I check my pocket and didn't have the money to buy it. So I went in the back, warmed up, got on stage and sing a Barbadian version of Fire Power. People cheered me so much, it was really special. Even the t-shirt man pushed through the crowd and stretched his arm out. He said, have the shirt. Everything fell into place after that. Dylan chow recruited Buggy and seven others to develop them even more. It was an era that lasted seven years, during which time he

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But even seven years of Dylan Chow had to come to an end. Buggy had leaped enough times to be nearer his dream than ever.

I realised it was my turn to start inspiring people myself. And, by teaching, you learn. By giving back to other people, you learn. You go to a fruit tree and there are other people there. You're the only one who has been taught to pick fruit. You don't take fruit and walk away down the street. You pick fruit for the others too. So what do we do with these kids who want to be instant celebrities? What kind of advice do you give the next generation?

Take your time. Don't do something only because your parents or friends approve. If you're not happy, if you're hitting walls etc. you shouldn't stick with it. But if you're enjoying it and can be creative and express yourself so much, the flow just keeps going and falls into place. There's no limit to what you can do. What if you went to a younger version of yourself and you could give yourself some advice, what would you tell yourself?

Follow your heart, never give up on believing what you believe in. Be yourself. Continue to do what you're doing. From the very beginning, Buggy had the foresight and wisdom to understand that every step of the way was a step closer to his goal. Even today he knows that his life is leading him to another stepping stone. February/March 2017

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