I Love This Rock November 2016

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King Bubba Lauren Simm Red Star Lion David Kirton Kirk Brown Philip forester Alex cummins Jomo Lord Rhyminster Dorsie Christian Mcdonald Ronnie Morris Boyce Miles Kevan sahai Joaquin FAS Ent Terry Roberstson Adaze Rhesa Daniel Tamara Mexican Arthur Alison Hinds Lil Rick Marshall Sunrokk Kashi Lord Mark Mac Blood Mikey Rupee Admiral Anthony Nelson Shanta Fingall Coalishun Edwin Yearwood Philip Tejay Stiffy Wesley Honeyjam Mista Sherwin King Jacob 7 Toby Armstrong TC Dale Adrian Layson Max Taylor Rudy Eyan Peter Ram Cover green DJ Boys Psilos Drive Rihanna Simmons Marius Richard Biggie Irie C Joseph Stoute Rico Buggy Arturo Callander Love Red Tappin Eddy Freddy Hill Rene Alarm Adrian Grant Garvie Ayana John Clarke Two Mile Hill Stabby Pong George Jones Masala RPB Ziggy W alcott DJ Double R Teff Jae Blue Wave Ice Emile Straker Johannsen Records Platta Axis Darian Kite Red Boyz Minim Tabitha Bailey Alvin Krosfyah Vince Soka Toppin Peter Square One Kartel Billy Coppin Azman Iron Kincaid CRS Bubbles & Pipe John Music Zion Stan Rameses Roett Spice & Roots Music Sean Franklyn Co Alan NIFCA Sir Don Grass Skirt Shepherd Joh King Adrian Posse Timmy Mootown Clarke Ian Vic Fernandes Damian Webster Nicholas Marvay Shane Adonijah Brancker Free Steven Nahtalee Fantom Trevaughn Lubin Simon Dundeal Imani Cyrus Pipe Ch'an Don Trent Michael Mahalia Yannik Hooper Agard Shontelle Statement Rubytech Jaicko Hal Verseewild Trezay Tony Linton Vita B-Roca Xcel Ray Rebel Bailey Chambers Danja Alix Cage Boo Husbands Mighty Gabby HypaFaith Callen- David Jordan Richard Stoute sounds Threads of Scarlet dar Khiomal 1359 Wendy Alleyne Wayne Indrani Livvi Franc Elton Cool SimmonsRay Wharton Grynner DJ Puffy Miguel Sir Ruel Sanctuary Armstrong Jackie Opel DJ Eddy Jus Jay Nikita Kris Irie Fadda Fox Salt Splashband 2nd Avenue Young D Gorg Leadpipe & Mole Cici Wayne Saddis Jackman DJ XRAY Alex Jordan Driftwould Strategy 4 D People Toni Norville Phil Archter Scotty Z Ivory Merrymen The Troubadors November 2016 | Issue 8 Sandpebbles Brassoul Emile Straker


Read more reviews and find out what’s on this month at ilovethisrock.com

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ilovethisrock November 2016

The Music Issue November 2016 | Issue 8

Editor’s Note editor@ilovethisrock.com

Contents 3 Taste this

Strongfoods, Terasu Kafe, Tiki Pies, Atlantis Foraging.

6 Live Music

HoneyJam, We Ting, Iron Sharpen Iron, The Old Jamm Inn.

8 Barbados is Music

Remember why this country's musical history is so great. And a collage.

11 Karaoke Seriosly.

There is karaoke and there is karaoke. We talk about karaoke.

12 Stars in our KIA(R)

We take the Kia Soul for a spin with Iron Pipe all seat-belted up.

14 Global Entrepreneurship Week.

Fully participative and open to all. Go and discover your inner bread-maker and change this rock.

Barbados Is Music Barbados is celebrating its fifty years of independence and as everyone rushes to blue-andyellow everything (even the curb in the Lanterns Mall car park has been painted) we stepped back and asked what really lies at the heart of our independence. At the heart of our nation is our people, but what is at the heart of our people? Only by answering this can we truly understand everything else and so here we are with our first music issue. The Content Monster searched far and wide for the best live music in November and it led her to some very obvious signals that might answer where we're going in our next fifty. There are some obvious changes that we need to lobby for so that we can create a fertile environment for musicians. There are so many hurdles to any kind of business these days but when you understand modern musicians' revenue model it becomes clear that our legal system is, in fact, working against them. As if entrepreneurship wasn't tough enough. Then there is the export model - how international are our Bajan musicians? How international should they be? So what's stopping them? We want to be at the forefront of music and we have interviewed artists one after another on their childhoods, families, school days and the progression of their careers. Every month we will focus on a different musician and we will highlight live music so that the real values of being Bajan take flight. We also noticed that everyone is working on spouge. Very little is more Bajan than spouge and artists from every background have started talking about bringing it back. It had its peak in the 60s and it died with Jackie Opel in 1970. There are genres around the world that have gained and lost appeal but spouge actually died. It stopped and disappeared so just imagine what it means for the most Bajan musical genre to come back to life as we fly over our 50th year. This truly is a celebration.

Happy 50th Everybody

The Team at I Love This Rock

16 Do This

Ninja Showdown, Pole Fitness, Water Warriors, Human Chain, Lionfish Derby, Shrek the Christmas Play.

proudly printed in Barbados All rights reserved. Nothing from this publication may be reproduced, even in part, without prior written approval from I Love This Rock. All the information provided is correct to our best knowledge at the time of print.

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Special thanks to you, the public, for reading and for your feedback. Thank you Joelle for your endless support and encouragement because without you this would have never happened. Mum & Dad, brothers and sisters whom I love very much, our pet Labrador who is dead but would have loved Barbados, Mr G for teaching me everything I know, Jason & Sarah from Paddle Barbados for your invaluable advice and encouragement, David Lewis for all those creams and ointments, Dr Batford for sewing my hand back up, Pub Quiz Master Terry for letting us play at the Golden Anchor with a 4-person team of 12-people for months, the girls at Raw Juice who make my day every day, that guy who told me that double glazing made him a millionaire, that couple who gave me a lift to Moontown one evening when I was really late, the really tall angry security guard at Accra who patrols at night wearing sunglasses to look extra cool even though it means he can’t see anything, Stephen Clarke for writing 1000 Years of Annoying the French, Alexandra for the silicon side-boob that I carry around in my rucksack, Mr Delicious Bar for scaring the cr*p out of me by tapping me on the shoulder in Sugar one night saying “Hey, it’s me, Mr Delicious”, the pilot on Caribbean Airlines who wouldn’t let me out when we made an emergency landing in Barbados but instead flew me to TnT so I could catch a connection back to Barbados again and laughed about it to the whole plane on the PA system and finally all my closest friends in Barbados... Especially all those people who added me on Facebook and then confronted me the next day for not having accepted their friend-request fast enough. I am positive I’ve forgotten someone so you too. Thank you.

November 2016 ilovethisrock

Taste this Strong Foods Inc On the last Friday of every month, Strong Foods have the most protein-packed after-work lime on Earth. They roast breadfruit then crack it open and serve you heaping amounts of magic in the breadfruit itself. Yep, the bowl is the roasted breadfruit skin. Now we're talking. The breadfruit bowls get filled with anything from corned beef to pickled pigtail, buljol, red herring or pulled pork... And they even made space in their menu for your in-house vegetarian. Lentil veg-stew or soya chunks. The best bit, they let us go half and half so we could taste more. We tried the 8-hour oven roasted pulled pork with char sui sauce and it was spectacular. There was so much pork in that bowl that we thought we were eating breadfruit out of a pig. Massive bonus. The breadfruit was so soft and the butter just tied everything together nicely. Next time we want to try the garlic butter or mango pepper sauces. Just brilliant. It just so happens that they're not just serving once a month.... Every single Wednesday it's their lunch menu. Perfect work-day lunch but pre-order or you will have to wait. They haven't been open for even a year yet but

they've worked Q In The Community, Black Rock Folk Festival, UV Frames, Awaken Barbados Festival of Speed and Redbull Global Rally Cross. Read between the lines - they turn up at events regularly. Win. Welcome to the industry Strong

Foods. We wish you the best of luck.

partnership we can get pizzas every day from the Terasu Kafe. They've rebranded it and put up new signs but being Bajans we can stare at those new signs all day every day and never notice any change.

Bajan diet. We will use food as our gastronomic guide as we explore the underpinning stories of the areas we visit. So yes, this is a Historic Food Tour where you lunch and learn.

Abberfoyle Black Rock Main Road Contact +1(246)850-7664

Terasu Pizza Tera who? Exactly. On the south coast by Quayside mall there's a Wine World and next to Wine World is the most underrated place in Barbados. The menu is awesome, the quality of the produce is excellent and the whole thing is headed up by chef Michael Hinds. He worked at the Sandy Lane in his youth and brought home four gold medals from the Taste of the Caribbean competitions. Michael is also the brains behind the East Point Grill and his flair is obvious everywhere you go. There isn't a tomato sandwich of his that doesn't carry his standards. Not exciting enough? Michael has teamed up with Ryan Hill. No ounce of a lie, Ryan came from six years at the Sandy Lane where Sous-Chef just wasn't big enough and decided to go solo. We wrote about his Fire Brick Oven pizza do. Ryan found himself a combination of elements to build the best pizza oven and then worked on the dough and the toppings to make the best pizza in Barbados. He packed everything in a shipping container on the side of the highway in Warrens and every Friday and Saturday night he would be lit up by flood lights with his team of pizza makers. No one knew where he had come from or just how dedicated he was to detailing his pizzas and now the inevitable has happened; they've formed a ilovethisrock November 2016

Pizza. Go. Now. Terasu Kafe, Wine World Complex

In fact, it's tribute to the late Austin Clarke, who penned a Culinary memoir entitled Pigtails n Breadfruit highlighting stories throughout his childhood about the important role of food in the our society. Contact +1(246)427-0201 E-mail: info@barbadosmuseum.org

Pigtails & Breadfruit Around the world Bajan cuisine is synonymous with food excellence, vibrant and tantalizing fare guaranteed to satisfy the most discerning of palettes. But often we forget that the foods we consume in some of our best fine dining establishments come from very humble beginnings telling the stories of a people who simply used what was available and finding ways to make consumption palatable. This tour is an insight into the foods that we enjoy, some forgotten and many still staples on the

If you think we need to talk about an awesome place that you loved, send us an email magazine@ilovethisrock.com We thrive on new, different, freshness to play with.


You’re Bajan but did you know

The very first live music enjoyed by the early settlers in Barbados, some 350 years ago, was, almost certainly, played by a Tuk Band. While researching his best-selling book Absolutely Barbados, author Julian Armfield discovered that Tuk Bands still play a leading part in the rich musical culture of our island and are particularly popular at cricket matches at the Kensington Oval. A Tuk Band comprises four colourfully dressed musicians whose instruments are a bass drum, a triangle, a kettle drum and a penny whistle. They are accompanied by four costumed figures led by ‘Shaggy Bear’, who represents an African witch doctor. Next come ‘Donkey Man’, standing for the old form of island transportation, and ‘Stiltman’, who illustrates how hard times can be survived and whose agility atop 5-foot poles is jaw dropping. Last but not least is ‘Mother Sally’, a masked man dressed as a woman with a wellpadded bosom and rear end, representing female fertility.

Tiki Pies Honestly, the highest-quality, nail-on-the-head-hitting food stand to appear in a long time. Tiki pies have had a mini history selling from cafes and restaurants but now they have their own little stand... And an outstanding product. A pie is a pie is a pie is a pie. Sure, but when you wake up in the middle of the night with a craving so strong you're competing with your pregnant wife you know something is going on. The chicken one is what they always have in abundance but the deal breaker is the potato top shepherd's pie. They don't serve it until lunch time and when you go at lunch time they've sold out. Breakfast is kind of the same. They have amazing breakfast pies with eggs and bacon or even cheese and tomato... Sold out. Long story short, build a cabin in a tree not too far out and keep a strategic lookout for the delivery truck. One day, you too, can taste outstanding pastry.

Drum music came to Barbados from Africa with the slaves in the mid-1600s. The slaves were not allowed to bring their instruments with them so they made their own on the island. The wood from mahogany trees was perfect for the drum base while the skin came from sheep, goats and cattle. The sound of the drums beating all over the island must have been magnificent but the English plantation owners were afraid that the slaves were talking to each other with the instruments to organise rebellions. So they passed a law forbidding the playing of drums with one of the penalties being death. Not to be undone, the slaves introduced a flute-like instrument and changed their beat so that it sounded like an English fife and drum band.


Narrated in an infectious upbeat rhythm, Absolutely Barbados follows Eat Raw at Atlantis the fiercely curious author around the island as he explores and

lives in Barbados, Bajans abroad and all those who come to visit There's a lot of hoohaa surrounding rawwho food and we're yet to see someone either on holiday or to work on this gem of the Caribbean Sea. get a heart attack from eating like we used to in the good old days (millions of years ago). That's not everything though! No ounce of a lie, they're also Also showcasing The Magnificent Seven of Barbados – going to take food foraging! Attractions, Views, Wonders, Beaches and scrumptious Bajan Recipes. Recommended restaurants and watering

On the other side of things they've scheduled inholesyoga, paddleboard are featured throughout. yoga, hiking and... Well... Foraging for food! Your body will be detoxed, rejuvenated, energized and stimulated (we're using their words). Your souls will also be stimulated and you will reconnect with nature. Did we mention that they're going to take you foraging for your food? 28th November - 3rd December 5 Nights: USD 1,800 pp

One man’s mission to discover the heart and soul of a Caribbean paradise

It's rare that we talk about something as obviously touristic aslifestyle, the Atlantis embraces every aspect of Barbados’ culture and heritage, meeting a host of beguiling charactersorganised along the way. a Hotel but the truth is that they're on to something. They've cleanse camp where chef Manuela Scalini is working up raw-food menus. Julian’s compelling story will enchant, amuse and enlighten anyone


Author and BBC broadcaster Julian Armfield came to Barbados for ten days, met and married a Bajan beauty, and stayed forever. He quickly discovered that life on a vibrant Caribbean island was going to be hugely different to that in a sleepy English village.

JULIAN ARMFIELD One man’s mission to discover the heart and soul of a Caribbean paradise

Top Ranking Barbados eBook in Caribbean Travel on Amazon In bookshops and Best of Barbados outlets for $45 Also available as an ebook on Kindle, iBooks and Nook!


Livemusic Iron Sharpen Iron Operation Triple Threat is a massively influential initiative in Barbados. The three threats are acting, singing and dancing for students aged 7-21. They teach, nurture and expose the talents of Barbados's future. It's an incredible organisation and if you have ever been to anything they have worked on you would agree that they have the touch of Midas. They're holding a fundraising open mic night that gives everyone the opportunity to take stage. It's a partnership with Iron Sharpen Iron so expect spoken word to be the plat du jour. You will leave your shoes at reception and it's a very sit on the floor vibe so bring pillows, cushions or throws and make

HoneyJam 2016 The relentless organisation that guides young ladies through the music industry puts on a show that no one should ever miss. It gives you the goosebumps instantly and as the night goes on you get stunned and stunned again as artist after artist comes out to fill the room with talent. It's a mesmerising spectacle and there's no way you can go once and never go again. We have been waiting a full year for this magic to come back and if there's one place we're going to be on Saturday it's Frank Collymore Hall. The organisation was started to protect girls and young ladies as they make their way through the music industry. Too often have we heard the stories of abuse and deception but what we can't deny is that, no matter how good you are, you still need to make your break. The original organisation started in Canada and the second branch was opened in Barbados. Last month there was an event where all the performers came on and competed for the spots on Saturday. These girls have been trained and taught and given opportunities to grow so they can reach that stage and take the audience by storm. There are a handful of annual events that you should never miss. This is one of them. 5th November, 7pm Frank Collymore Hall Tickets $50 and take the time to donate

ilovethisrock November 2016

yourself a little nest for the night. To answer the next question, yes, there is food and drink on sale. To perform during the open mic email with your details to info.operationtriplethreat@gmail.com General Admission $20. Under 21s pay $10 November 4th, Rockley operationtriplethreat.com

Read more reviews and find out what’s on this month at ilovethisrock.com


We Ting We Ting is almost a year old now. Independence 2015 was their first jouvert event and it had such a positive response that they came back again July 17th. There was no time for revelers to wait an entire year to party again. In celebration of Barbados’s 50th Independence celebration, We Ting is back again with their signature private jump. It’s like Caesars Army but you actually have a chance of getting on the list. People familiar with Caesars army know that if don't know a committee member you will be added onto a waiting list... But there is a possibility that you can be told you didn’t make the cut three days before the jump. We Ting have the same concept except that they also have the option to register online. Who said there was no silver lining?! Their first event was near Coral Ridge and the one in July was at Paragon Base. The venue is always kept a secret until the last minute. Nobody knows. So the November event could be anywhere on this island of ours. The total number of revelers is also a secret. While they could not reveal the total figures, we were told they are a limited number of tickets available. In fact most of these tickets have already been sold so start Facebooking for some early.

When it comes to the actual jump, there is one big music truck and two more trucks just for drinks – all inclusive drinks. The paint and powder is in abundance and it is unavoidable because there really are no safe zones #justsaying. There is no shoving and no security yelling at you to get back in the ropes because the entire location is for all of the revelers to be free to wine, one two step, twerk, bubble – whatever you have to do to get down the road. There are also a few “Wuk Up” bus stops and also “Squat and Guh Down” bus stops along the way just in case you forget what you're supposed to be doing. Towards the end of the jump, you will see an oasis of food tents and neverending food. Not sure if that was the intention but it sure feels that way. There were chicken cutters, ham cutters, cheese cutters, samosas, tuna paste, chicken paste, cornbeef AND soup. November 27th 2am-8am $160 for T-Shirt and Free Drinks

The Old Jamm Inn Booze, Beats, Burgers (and then some) As this month’s issue is the music issue the Old Jamm Inn is a no brainer. It has live music seven days a week. The artists perform outside on the deck in the cool(ish) night air and the music is good. If you happen to be walking by you will probably find yourself lured in. They are famous for their 2-for1 rum and cokes and their Gummy Bear Mojito which carry you away very easily before you realise you were supposed to be picking up your mate Dave from the airport #truestory. Once you've picked your mate Dave up and you manage to climb back up the balcony you'll find the live DJ has started and it just keeps on going to the early hours. The resident lineup is an awesome mix. The NJ30 is a high-energy jazz band that covers absolutely every genre. A huge favourite. Then there is (no lie) Bashment Jazz! (Who knew?!); Tabitha, one of Barbados's best kept reggae secrets; Too & Fro ft Jae Johannsen with reggae, rock and contemporary party covers; Elton & Jomo are acoustic and super eclectic. They could play anything from Outkast to Sam Smith, Vybz Kartel or even Frank Sinatra; Vince Unplugged often leads to an impromptu late night jam session with some of the islands best artists passing through to join in the jammin; The M Trio ft Philip 7 (need we say more?); The Alix Cage Trio, accompanied by veteran guitarist and musician Toby Armstrong, are the perfect laid back Sunday evening. No one is pretentious there. It's super friendly and the bartenders get to you fast and they've been building a Jagermeister wall/bar which is insane. As long as everything is on schedule they are launching a new Burger Club menu. They did this once before but Barbados wasn't ready for the beef revolution just yet. If you've heard of London's MeatLiquor you will be delighted to know that they were involved in the burgers. Final word. When you're on the dancefloor, look up. It's awesome.

November 2016 ilovethisrock


Read more reviews and find out what’s on this month at ilovethisrock.com

ilovethisrock November 2016

Read more reviews and find out what’s on this month at ilovethisrock.com

Kensington Oval November 29th


For the first time in twenty years, Square One, krosfyah and Coalishun are coming back in their original form for Barbados Is Music.

It will be the first time in history that all three play the same stage and they are going to fill the Kensington Oval to the brim.

Ticketpal.com or +1(246)832-0246

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What do they think? Khiomal (Mally) from Krosfyah started performing in his first band aged 17 until he was spotted by Edwin Yearwood at the Reggae Lounge. He got that magical phone call and in his words was like "Mummy! Mummmmmmy!" That's a break if ever there was one. The tours started in Trinidad where his nerves had him up to his neck. He couldn't believe the international presence they had. In Suriname the fans were screamers and threw flowers at them. At a festival in Belgium they turned an empty tent into 20,000 peoples cheering Krosfyah! Krosfyah! They knew all the words even though it was all in English and the gratitude he had for moments like that show a level of appreciation that is so hard to replicate. It's moments like these that were lifedefining. Then there were shows in the Bahamas where he got pulled off stage by women who then pulled his clothes off... Including his shoes. The poor man had to perform barefoot and on the way home he had to fly wearing ladies slippers. But that's not all because the next time they came to the Bahamas he learned an important outfit lesson... Coordinate your boxershorts with the outfit. Let's also admit that tracksuits were never that cool. Since then, haven't times changed. He's gone solo and takes every opportunity to go nuts with Party Monarch but when he's not performing, he has himself a baking business called Yumz n' Crumz. Barbados is Music is going to be immense and he can't wait to see how all the bands come together with such high calibre. Bring. It. On. Tony Bailey from Krosfyah started in 1989 with Edwin, Felix and Michael in hotels doing gigs as High Level. Business was good but they wanted to set themselves up properly. Because that wasn't enough Tony was in a gospel group called Vision and that's where Mikey had seen him. It was a pretty quick link up and they ended up doing Old Year's Night at Discovery Bay Hotel. He remembers being blown away by Edwin straight away and together they wanted to merge with dancehall. Being part of a band is an amazing feeling because you're always propping each other up so no matter how much of a musician you are and no matter how much you want your writing to be accepted without a bump, together they were so much more creative. There is also a lot to be said for continuing the way they did with a family. The time they could spend at home would be so limited that holding that band bond was definitely not easy. Let's not forget where we live. Getting home taught like in the US isn't an easy option. Favourite Krosfyah Song: Something Greater Favourite Old-Skool Venues: Afterdark & The Festival Village in Spring Garden. This year Tony is really looking forward to seeing everything come together. "We were rehearsing even last night and as long as everyone at the show has a good time we can rest content. If this is something we put on again it would be great fun." On behalf of the members of the band, even ex players, thanks to the public for harbouring and supporting us. We were really supported in the region.

TC From Coalishun started at Richard Stoute Teen Talent (as did MOST of the people in this show) because it really was the foundation for talent at the time. She was in a girl-band called Sylkk which she left to join Coalishun in the early 90s and became the little sister. Travel was a major part of being in Coalishun which is actually how Maximum Skin Out started... It was all from the back of a bus between Toronto and NY. TC is really looking forward to hearing the stories from the others as the industry changed throughout the years. ilovethisrock November 2016


K R oKe Seriously. Palm Grill and Bar Nikitaaa Nikittaaaa! How can you talk about Nikita without singing her name out loud? Palm Grill and Bar has a cozy set up in Bank Hall and every single Thursday Nikita sings there live! Calling all Sushi fanatics! While you are serenaded by her singing old-skool baby-making songs and modern R&B, you can indulge in Carl Newsam’s sushi menu. They also have set dinner menu for this night if sushi is not your thing. We dabbled in both menus. Smoked salmon sushi arrived at our table and from the set dinner menu, the palm pasta and chicken was selected. The palm pasta is must have if you visit this bar. It’s a stir fry vegetable pasta loaded with flavour. Palm Grill and Bar is closed on Mondays but every other day of the week they are open and back to their regular menu which includes ribs, pig tails, chicken, fish, pasta dishes… The list goes on. During the week they offer a lunch time special where you can get up to two starches, one meat and choose a side of garlic bread or a salad for $15. We also tried the pie on another occasion it was reminiscent of “granny’s cooking”. Not many businesses out there can recreate homemade bajan macaroni pie but Palm Grill and Bar nailed it. They are not stingy with the cheese by any means! We asked about the pie and it turns out, the owner’s granny didn’t make the pie but their uncle did! Close enough? The bar is advertised to close at 9pm but if the vibe is still cranking they can close as late as 3am! So what does that tell you? It’s a great place to hang out. On Sunday nights they also have “live” music… But it’s you singing karaoke! Palm Grill & Bar, St Michael Thursday Nights

Ocean 15 takes their Karaoke nights very seriously. Karaoke at Ocean 15 is on Friday and Sunday nights. Winners walk away with prizes like a fridge, a fan or kitchenware like blenders because they take it so seriously that there are semi-finals and finals. Prizes are awarded for best singer – of course – best dressed and best effort. So get your hairbrush and start practicing in that echoy shower of yours! Close your eyes and channel your inner Rihanna. Ocean 15 is in Dover, a stone’s throw away from Sandals and Turtle Beach so expect to be surrounded by an additional dose of tourists. The fact that those guests leave their resort to come here is a good sign. Saturday is a Bajan day for them so they do souse, fishcakes, fried-fish and fried pork. We tried the souse and there was absolutely nothing to fault. There was just a hint of heat and we would even say it's comparable to Lemon Arbour’s... Just

without the crowd... Or the speakers. One tip, make sure you get there early because the orders can run out quickly. That said they will let you pre-order. Live Jazz on Thursdays Karaoke 7pm - midnight

Golden Sands How does all-day karaoke sound? It starts around 1pm on Saturdays at Golden Sands Hotel and they keep it going until night 9pm. You can warm up over your first twelve renditions of Whitney Houston. Big groups should call ahead because de place burst. Parking is limited on the property, so most people end up parking in the housing development behind the hotel or in the open lot next to the property but this is full of rocks! Heels aren't a smart idea!

It’s a fairly mature crowd so they are definitely more forgiving yet most of the singers are quite good. The reason it's ok, though, is that even when you sing really badly you will get a large round of applause (speaking from experience. Lots of experience). When it comes to the food, the your choices are typical – pie, rice chicken, fish but it's not advised to go on an empty stomach because the wait for food can be frustratingly long. The entire restaurant and the annexed-tent on the grass are both packed and so we understand why food can take long but that doesn't make it any easier. Their souse is awesome but, be warned, they use ghost peppers... Blow-your-nose-regularly peppers. Go for the karaoke, the atmosphere and the drinks. The wait staff is certainly prompt when it comes to drinks. Saturday afternoon, evening or night, you know where you're supposed to be.

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Stars in our Kia(r)

We love a good interview and now that we're interviewing so many awesome people we thought that the only way to make things better would be to do it as we rolled through the parishes. We needed to find a kia(r) wid soul bruddah. we look high and low until we find de black beauty dey is calling de kia(r) soul. We took Iron Pipe for a spin with Andrew as our designated driver and it was awesome.

ilovethisrock November 2016

Read more reviews and find out what’s on this month at ilovethisrock.com


Why the Kia(r) Soul? We needed something funky and different. We needed something that could fit loads of people in it. We needed a Kia(r) that would allow us to stick an interviewer in the trunk (not to say that we would ever do such a thing officer) and one with enough visibility to stick cameras and microphones everywhere. We needed a car where our driver would make The Stig look talkative. We were looking for something with soul.

... And something we could afford.

Iron Pipe Who are they? Adrian Green, DJ Simmons, Simon Pipe. What are they? Iron Pipe is a mixture of Iron Sharpen Iron, the spoken wordists, (we've made that word up... We're running with it) and Simon Pipe the musician producer. It's a combination that has come together to make them all stronger together. In last month's issue we focused on making it in a career that isn't run of the mill and discussed the difficulties in sustaining a living whilst perusing your dreams. They are our perfect example. When Adrian isn't performing spoken word he is teacher and writes the Get Real column for The Nation and DJ is a tutor and editor. When Simon isn't writer and recording his own music he is busy in his studio recording and producing for everyone else. So when you take a step back you realise that spoken wordists work as wordsmiths and a musician works on other people's music it becomes even clearer that it's possible to make a living working in an industry which is reputed to be impossible to survive in financially. It's not the Banjo We opened being very open and honest with Iron Pipe... Let's face it, they were seatbelted into the back seat of a moving car... They didn't really have the choice. Why is it that when there is an open mic night you will always have some really fun people come up and perform some hilarious skits on a banjo before a 4-year old girl sings with the voice of an adult and then when a spoken artist comes on stage they make everything really depressing?! Well according to Adrian and DJ, spoken word is social commentary. For many it's their way of expressing themselves in a world where they may otherwise feel muted by all around them. They're able to be themselves in the spotlight, show their real influences and use this form of social activism as a type of self-therapy.

So it may seem depressing but, unlike music, it is pure word and has a lot of its roots in hip-hop and reggae. It's about race, religion, sex and politics (not necessarily in that order). It's an art form. It's accommodating and adaptable and it's poetic, which is the root of everything. So who should do spoken word? Everyone! They hold open mic nights so that you can come, hear for yourself and as inspiration starts awakinging your inner wordist you should come up and perform. Once you've watched, listened and learned there is nothing you should worry about except getting up on stage and trying your first moment in the spotlight. From there you grow, think deeper, harder and go further. Why the name Iron Pipe? We were persuaded it was a mish-mash between Iron Sharpen Iron (Adrian and DJ) and Pipe (Simon Pipe) but Adrian said: Iron Sharpen Iron (the lyrics) flow through the pipe (Simon's music). We were half right. Together they are in a position to take something as niche as spoken word and bring it to a bigger audience with music. Simon works with them to find a way to bring spoken word out without altering it and affecting its message. The rythmn isn't always constant, the emphases can be in the strangest places and the music has to flow (through the pipe). The trio want to make their style to represent Barbados as much as possible and they want to bring elements of spouge in. Good question. Spouge is a completely Bajan type of music that kicked off in the 60s that we think you can call a hybrid between calypso and reggae (or even ska). It's got such a good beat and is super uplifting. This puts Iron Pipe in a position where they are bringing a reviving genre to a quiet art form to create something entirely new. Both spoken word

and spouge can be brought into a modern space. When are we going to hear it? They won't let a lot out of the bag (or pipe) because it's still in the studio but they gave us a taste at Mahalia's corner and got a great response. One thing that was incredible was listening to the three tell us about how they're trying to crack the code. They're venturing into unchartered waters and want to bring it to the people in a way that we can digest. They want to show us something new but they don't want to scare us away. If you want to see what we're talking about, they sang an acapella for us in the Kia(r) and it was pretty damn awesome. Scan this QR code or search the ilovethisrock website to watch the video.

Simon wants to break new ground with a new sound but his focus is on making sure it feels right because getting music onto the radio is such a crucial part and there is a radio sound that music producers look for and he has the ear for it. Simon and his wife, Carly, have been building the studio over the years and today it's a commercial success so their sound engineering can carry on. So what does he do when he's not recording for musical heroes? He works at the prison a lot because music is part of rehabilitation. "Some people grow up with their parents telling them that they can be a musician but what about the other child that doesn't have parents like that? "This is why organisations like Operation Triple Threat are so important in our society." Get the kids believing in bigger, better, faster, stronger.

November 2016 ilovethisrock

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countries around the world are celebrating Global Entrepreneurship Week and this year the BYBT has brought GEW to Barbados for the ninth time. The Barbados Youth Business Trust was set up to foster entrepreneurship in Barbados's youth. They help with legal work, financial know-how, funding initiatives and most importantly a mentorship programme. GEW last year worked its way all the way down to through secondary school to primary school where kiddies were taught to make jam as their way of using resources to start a business. In fact one of the best things they worked on was finding a use for something that people would normally have thrown away. So the spirit of learning by doing is strong and there really is a chance for everyone join in.

ilovethisrock November 2016

Speed Mentoring is going to be the speed-dating of the business world where you have lots of small opportunities to ask business leaders for advice and guidance. Beehive networking is the other awesome event to look out for. Each group of eight takes turns being a queen bee. The rest of the group has to fly around the room looking for the right business cards to bring back from the other groups of eight. By the end of the event, everyone should have enough business cards to prop up a HiLux for a wheel change. GEW is a celebration of entrepreneurship as a real alternative to the nineto-fives that the rest of us get caught up in. It's role in the economy is monumental and we need to remind our young and budding that they are not alone and that there are so many organisations in Barbados willing to help.

Cave Hill School of Business Partners come together to make the official launch of the week explaining their roles and activities in GEW.

SmartChef Preliminarys



1:00 pm - 3:00 pm The Dining Club The SmartChef Cook-Off is a national competition to bring some fun back to the kitchen.

Morning Barbados


6:30 am - 7:00 am CBC Studios Local morning programme to introduce the public to the week


Church Service


9:00 am GEW begins with a church service.

Nursery to Boardroom

9:00 am Various Pre-Schools Partners and entrepreneurs interact with pre-schoolers about developing an entrepreneurial culture




9:00 am – 9:30 am Various Schools This fast-paced challenge is aimed at encouraging secondary school students to be innovative and entrepreneurial as well as promoting entrepreneurship as a viable career choice.

Entrepreneur’s Roundtable Discussion

12:00 pm-3:00 pm CBC Face to Face Entrepreneurship; entrepreneurs discuss the challenges they have in building their businesses.

10:30 am

Divas that Dazzle


16 16thth

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6:30 pm pm 6:30 Courtyard by the the Marriott Marriott Courtyard by A celebration for female A celebration for female entrepreneurs; entrepreneurs; Dynamic Dynamic Divas Divasshare share their journeys as empowerment through experience, their journeys as empowerment through experience,enterentertainment. tainment.

Symposium (Boost (Boost the Symposium the Youth) Youth) 9:00 am – 11:30 pm

th 17 17th

nOv nOv

9:00 am – 11:30 pm Frank Collymore Collymore Hall Hall -- Grand Salle Frank Grand Salle An event for tertiary level; An event for tertiary level; bringing bringing awareness awareness and and teaching teaching them of different avenues in the entrepreneurial them of different avenues in the entrepreneurial culture, culture, as as they aspire aspire to to move move to to the they the next next level level of of their their professional professional lives. lives.

Mini Business Business Labs Mini Labs 11:30 am - 2:00 pm

11:30 am - 2:00 pm Frank Collymore Hall Frank Collymore Hall Business Labs are experiential learning exercises where the Business Labs are experiential learning exercises where the tertiary level students gain entrepreneurial awareness and tertiary level students gain entrepreneurial awareness and skills so they take the first steps in starting a business. skills so they take the first steps in starting a business.

Speed Mentoring Mentoring Speed 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Trash to Treasure

Teachers’ Forum

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Barbados Chamber of Commerce This will be an interactive Teacher’s Session on how entrepreneurship can be incorporated into the syllabus for our schools

Beehive Networking

6:00 pm - 8:30 pm It is a business building activity that allows you to find exactly what you are looking for in a very short period of time.

5:00 pm - 8:00 pm BIDC BIDC The evening will feature a 90-minute networking segment The evening willhave feature a 90-minutetonetworking segment where you will the opportunity speak to ten entreprewhere you will have the opportunity to speak to ten entrepreneurs from the business community for 5-minutes each neurs from the business community for 5-minutes each followed by 90-minutes of mix and mingle. followed by 90-minutes of mix and mingle.

SmartChef Finals Finals SmartChef 3:00 - 5:00 pm

18thth 18 nOv

Vision Board Party


3:00 pm Arts Expo - LESC NIFCA- 5:00 Culinary NIFCA Culinary Expo Working to see Arts which chef- LESC can price up and budget their Working to see which chef can price up and budget their food accurately to turn a culinary art into a business. food accurately to turn a culinary art into a business.

9:00 & 10:00 am



Lime & Learn

5:00 PM BYBT Mentors, Partners & Sponsors come together and mingle in a relaxed environment.

People’s Business 7:30 p.m.




BSOs & an experienced entrepreneur presents avenues & experiences in making sustainable businesses live on CBC.

Business Over Breakfast

8:00 am - 10:00 am Savannah Hotel BoB is a professional business networking event which provide attendees with the opportunity for professional face-to-face, pressure free, yet structured business networking meeting November 2016 ilovethisrock


do This Go trail riding

Cleland Equestrian Club

Think you're fit?

Barbados Ninja Showdown Gymcoin has joined forces with Forever Fitness to present the country’s first ever Barbados Ninja Throwdown. The event combines themes from American Ninja Warrior and Sasuke (a Japanese sports event in which competitors try their best undertake a treacherous obstacle course). This is definitely for fitness buffs as some of the obstacles include a warped wall, a spider wall, stepping boards and some serious next-level monkey bars. This is not a play park.

Some of the obstacles look very doable. Some less so... The hard part is the same question tri-atheletes ask themselves: I can do them all independently... Can I do them all back to back? Ninjas will be competing for over $5000 in cash and prizes. Who will be the first Barbados Ninja Champion? 12th November, 4pm Featherbed Lane, St John $50 per person $25 for spectator tickets You must at least 18 years

Explore St Andrew's rugged Scotland District and Morgan Lewis Beach atop some real horsepower! Literally on horseback just so that we are clear. With trails of varying durations and kind horses, Cleland Equestrian Club caters to everyone from the complete beginner to the confident rider. Trails will take you through hills and countrysides and along the spectacular Morgan Lewis Beach allowing for picture stops and if the season is right, random mango tastings.

Riding a horse through the countryside is epic. Don't take our word for it, go. And when you do we highly recommend bringing a camera for the stunning views of the east coast and wearing sunblock and the recommended long pants to protect from sunburn and chafing. Located in Farley Hill just below the Barbados Wildlife Reserve and Farley Hill National Park, the Equestrian Club is easy to find. Bookings can be made by telephoning or stopping in.

If you think we need to talk about an awesome activity that you loved, send us an email magazine@ilovethisrock.com We thrive on new, different, freshness to play with. ilovethisrock November 2016

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Workout like you mean it

Pole Fitness Cardiovascular exercise! A strengthened core! A toned body! All benefits of pole dancing and all wonderful things, right? But let’s be honest here, there are other forms of exercise that offer similar benefits. What pole has is a free pass to slink sexily around the taboo pole sans judgment! You get sexy while getting sexy! YEAH! The welcoming and insanely ripped pole instructor, Chiara, has no problem embracing her sexy-side. Justin Timberlake may have brought sexy back in 2006 but this woman is on a mission to keep it here. One look at Move 2 More’s Facebook page will attest to this. You can find yourself awkwardly to mimic her sultry moves standing behind her as she does her thing in the mirror. Do not get discouraged if you are no Chiara right away. Pole is something best approached with humility, dedication and a sense of humour. Chiara is remarkable at helping you relax and have fun with the movements and as your repertoire of tricks grows she teaches you how to combine different movements into routines and BOOM... You are a rockstar! Things you should know about pole: Move 2 More’s pole studio is a meeting place for a group of pole enthusiasts that run the gamut. You will find accountants and teachers, students and housewives, short women, tall women, thick women and thin women all with varying levels of ability on the pole. You should wear clothes that allow you to get skin contact with the pole. Some of the more complicated movements especially require quite a lot of skin contact. It's much more fun done with a good friend so grab your bestie! Not in a Trump way... Just take her along. We absolutely recommend following Monday’s pole class with Chiara’s Art of Stretching class right after. We feel like it would be a set-up not to warn you that it's intense so heed our warning. The flexibility gains will make it so worth it. We should also address the elephant in your future pole dancing room, or perhaps we should say CAMEL! It happens. You can’t exactly do the “extended butterfly” with your knees crossed. The gym often offers good seasonal specials too and you should definitely take a look. move2more.com

Walk the Walk

Party on the Beach

Skin Deep

Christmas time


Seth Xcel, JusJay, Mac Fingall, Socbash Workout, Mokojumbies. Do you need us to name drop even more? It's a fun-run/walk so get some comfortable shoes on and use this opportunity to raise money for Diabetes whilst also doing the one thing that will keep diabetes away from you too. Exercise. The warm-up is so iconic it's actually worth going for that part alone. Get your hips flexed and move. 6th November Diabetes Centre, Warrens

Every holiday has that one day that never really ends. In November it's Skin Deep. Pirates Cove has been making waves since it opened and this could end up being an awesome day out. Drinks are free from 3pm-7pm and the DJ line-up is pretty damn good. Infamous & Lil Paul, MHK, RAS & Chasey are doing their set back-to-back. You don't want to come wearing too much. It's gonna get hot.

The official start for Christmas shopping is 24th December at 5pm. The shops obviously start selling for Christmas the second Halloween ends (although it feels like it's getting closer to Easter) and for everyone else it's November. The Bajan Christmas Craft Market doesn't last very long but it's a good first step towards stocking fillers at the very least.

If there is one place on this rock that is always changing with the times and experimenting everything there is to experiment, it's ArtSplash. In addition to their Saturday Farmer's Market, they are now launching a Sunday Funday. Brunch is served with crepes, avocados and waffles. The arts and crafts vendors will be coming en masse and the children's playground is being worked on for full-scale kiddy madness.

Fun Run/Walk

Skin is always in. 13th November Tickets: $75.00

Winter Market

$5 admission. All proceeds go to Breast Cancer Treatment. 13th November Winward Cricket Club

New Market

13th November Santa Neta, Hastings November 2016 ilovethisrock

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Hold hands

Human Chain One People One Barbados is planning to form a human chain around the entire island on November 28th. This means we have to cover 97km of coastline with as many people as we can. The first and only attempt at this feat was successfully held in 1972 with 92,000 people.

Organising something like this is going to be super challenging for so many reasons but if we can start with information we all stand a better chance of making it amazing.

Keep an eye on it and let's make sure that we make this a self-fulfilling prophecy. It will happen because enough of us are saying it will happen. Lord help us for everything else.

Go to facebook and search #chainlink246

Join the Weekend Water Warriors So this is a story about not waiting for ships to come in but going out and meeting them. On Good Friday 2016, David Davis was driven to do something about the seemingly never-ending water shortages in St Joseph. After growing disheartened at the plight of St Joseph residents, he started a Facebook group calling his friends and family to action. “It was definitely a family oriented initiative,” David says. The very first delivery of half of a truck of water was made by David and his family as well as his friends and their families and since the initiative has grown... A lot. The Weekend Water Warriors, as they are now called, have two flatbed trucks filled with cases of water, four SUVs as well as private vehicles all carrying bottled water. Some volunteers have even outfitted their trucks with 200-gallon water tanks and hoses to distribute water in a way similar to the Barbados water Authority trucks. ilovethisrock November 2016

Volunteers have also multiplied, with average citizens, families, sports groups all getting in on the act by purchasing, transporting or distributing water. The Warriors meet at 9am on Sundays at #1 Newton Industrial Estate where they pack the trucks with the water that they managed to collect in seven days. They then move on to Massy Warrens and Glacial Pure where they meet more volunteers and collect more water. They go on to distribute water to districts on information given to them by the Barbados Water Authority. They go through the neighbourhoods and determine the need. They are careful to give generously to households with amputees and elderly who generally have a more difficult time obtaining water from the BWA water trucks. The Water Warriors will sometimes work alongside the Barbados Water Authority Trucks by helping those less able to carry their water.

You can help the Weekend Water Warriors by simply turning up at any of the water collection points preferably with a case of water which has an average cost of about $23. Simply buying water from Glacial Pure (who offer discounts for water purchased for the drive) and leaving it there for collection is a massive help. Seriously, this water drive has to be one of the best things we’ve heard about. There will always be problems but doing something always beats doing nothing. To find them on Facebook, log in and then search for exactly this: www…HAH Initiative is doing the right things without being told. David Davis +1(246)234-8511

- Elbert Hubbard

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19 19

The Underwater Heritage Museum The Barbados Marine Trust is proposing to create an underwater heritage museum to coincide with the 50th anniversary of Barbados’ independence. The sculptures will be attached to cement blocks and sunk to the bottom of Carlisle Bay on Saturday 26th November. Well... That's the plan. The UN has funded the project, the artists have prepared the sculptures, the mechanics and logistics have been organised but can you guess where the project has come to a standstill? No lie, Town & Country Planning. You can't make this stuff up. We asked around and did some homework to find out what the possibilities were and we discovered that the sea falls under Town & Country Planning (three cheers) and that they were under no obligation to speed this process up. We asked if they understood the need to do it as part of the independence celebrations but they weren't so hot on answering. So definitely turn up one day in the future to watch the sinking of the sculptures! The statues were designed to depict the early settlers who first came to Barbados and they are built from materials that attract marine life. This in turn reduces our dependency on the growing reefs and spreads out the diversity of underwater life. Eventually the sculptures will be covered in all types of coral and the colours will come to life naturally. Now the important question is where it's going to be placed and we used their coordinates on Google Maps to find the spot. So assuming Town & Country Planning green-light this project in our lifetimes, the sculptures will be dropped in 20 feet of water, between the Berwyn and the Bajan Queen. This means we can swim out from Brownes Beach to snorkel around easily. Invariably we can expect every wateractivities company to add this to their snorkel spots between rum punch #8 and breakfast. Sinking scheduled for 26th November, 2pm, Carlisle Bay

Barbados Natural Hair, Health and Beauty Show Alison Biscette-Glasgow is the brains behind this third annual show and in addition to being an event producer Alison is a makeup artist, small business promoter and an encourager. She started the show to encourage other to be comfortable and confident with their natural hair; curly, coily, wavy or even straight. Alison being Alison, the event doesn't just focus on natural hair. She has tied in (pun intended) local designers and entrepreneurs so even if your hair is fried, died and laid to side, you should still go. As the models strut down the runway you will see a display of twists outs, braids outs, updos and cascading curls. Throughout the show they will also have segments with speakers who discuss empowerment, self love, motivating others and, of course, hair tips from certified stylists and locticians. What that means is that guys should be turning up too. Don’t be shy! On the sidelines, the venue will have vendors featuring local entrepreneurs. You can purchase anything from jewelry, to hand made soaps, locally made hair pomades and creams, hand-made cushions and hair accessories. It’s like Bridgetown market without the sun and without the massive crowds! The Barbados Natural Hair, Health and Beauty Show is an intimate setting of like-minded people who care about their natural hair and are willing to learn more. November 13th 2016

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The Lionfish Derby November 13th

Now in its third iteration, the Lionfish Derby is here to stay. It's one of the most important events in all of the smallest ways. Dealing with lionfish on our reefs is incredibly difficult and until the Barbados Lionfish Project started we had no organised way of protecting our native wildlife.

dive shops, restaurants, SlowFood Barbados and others have put their hands in their own pockets, scheduled time and allocated assets to ensure as many scuba divers, free divers, dive buddies and underwater photographers make it onto our local reefs to hunt as many Lionfish as possible.

There is virtually unanimous agreement that this is a brilliant initiative. This year so many members of the scuba diving industry and the restaurant industry have partnered up. The concept is simple. If we, scuba divers, catch loads of lionfish will you, restaurants, serve it on your menus. Resounding yes.

In 2014 we caught and served 222 lionfish.

It has grown from a government initiative to a multi-industry aiming to become the biggest and bestest in the Caribbean. The

ilovethisrock November 2016

In 2015 we caught and served 803 lionfish. Bring on 2016. Participants are awarded team prizes for participating and cash prizes for largest lionfish, smallest lionfish, most lionfish, underwater photography & freediving.


Lionfish Shindig

Fun Lionfish Facts #1 #2

They're delicious. Seriously. They have no natural predators in Barbados and they aren't picky eaters.

#3 They are ravaging our reefs, eating and destroying all other life.

The whole island will be lionfish hunting from 6am-3pm and once everyone is done there will be a scoring and weighing ceremony. All of the hunters and their fish will be measured up against one another to award the prizes. In 2015 there were ten teams with divers coming from Philadelphia, The Grenadines and Fort Lauderdale. Five major restaurants served up lionfish for the week and all excess donations go to the Barbados Sea Turtle Project. The awards will be presented at Pirate's Cove at 6pm and then they get the BBQs going for the massive lionfish cook-up. Last year was pretty phenomenal (or in the words of Benjai, phĂŠnomĂŠnale) and it will just keep on going. Reef.org has made this their end-of-year finale for the Caribbean Lionfish Derby. Lionfish Hunters, Dive Buddies, Spotters, Underwater Photographers/Videographers, Freedivers & anyone who wants to taste lionfish are welcome to come and help make this local event top the number one position in the Caribbean. November 13th barbadoslionfishderby.com barbados.scubadiving@gmail.com

Want to go Lionfish Hunting? All Sponsoring Dive Shops are offering services or if going on your own boat email them.

West Side Scuba Centre:


Reefers & Wreckers:


Hightide Watersports:


Eco Dive: +1(246)-426-3058 GFish Watersports:


Barbados Blue:


#4 A female lionfish can release between 10,000 and 30,000 unfertilised eggs every 4 days year around. That's 2million eggs per year. #5 Reefs around the world have been lost to lionfish and we are still in a position where we can do something about it. #6 They are in an invasive species. They never originated in Barbados and it is thought that they came over on cargo boats. #7 Lionfish are so predatory that they eat a really wide gamut of sea-life. As a result, when we eat lionfish, we are feeding ourselves with the biggest variance of omega-3 fatty acids. They're even low in mercury! Win! #8 Experts say that if you ever get stung by their flappy bits you don't need to go to hospital... We completely disagree. Go get morphine. A lot of morphine. We've seen grown men cry. In fact, if you suspect that there is a tiny fragment of fin left behind you should definitely go to hospital to have it removed. #9 The largest record lionfish measured a little over 47.7cm (19.5in) and was speared near Islamorada, Florida in the United States. #10 A single small lionfish can reduce the number of juvenile native fish on any given reef by approximately 79% in just 5 weeks.

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ilovethisrock November 2016

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Shrek, The Christmas Play Every two years St Winifreds School takes the term school play and runs with it. Far. From 19th November, the kids will be getting on stage and making magic. But it's only when you dig a little deeper that you really understand what has been going on for the last ten months. It's a gargantuan amount of work and as January lapses and the script emerges, parents start getting involved. Not helicopter-parent-invovled, but invovled-invovled. There will be 108 students in this year's production and all of them would have been rehearsing the whole way through August and as school started up in September, they continued each and every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It's not just about making 108 costumes... There are wardrobe changes! To make all of those costumes it's all hands on deck as the parents, full-time job or not, make stunning outfits for the kids. It's not like in the halcyon days when house-wives could dedicate so much of their time to school activities. So at weekends parents drop the kids off to rehearse and then start a BBQ right behind the entrance so that when the kids finish... Well... The parents would be very... Happy? The atmosphere around the preparation is a spectacle in its own right and everyone who helps build this production puts their back into it no matter how useful they can be. The first show was in 1969 and it was a pantomime organised by Anna Adamira with all the regalia that comes with a true pantomime. A man dressed as a woman, the lead role played as a girl, innuendo painted through the script and lots of audience participation. It has invariably evolved over time and become bigger and better as the years go by but one member of the team has been around for a while now. The current director is Anne-Marie McConney who was a child in one of the original shows. The seed had clearly been planted because when Anne-Marie finished school she knew she wanted to get involved in theatre and flew to Toronto to join the best possible drama school and learn everything there was to learn. She ploughed through McGill and UBC and eventually came home to Barbados as the drama teacher for St Winifred's. This is when, after many years of silence, the plays started up again... And she brought Anna back to help. Over four years they got the ball rolling again and now we are in AnneMarie's 28th year. The biggest compliment ever was last year. A dairy farmer couldn't get a ticket because it was fully booked but called until she got put on the waiting list. In fact, not a day went by before she got a call about an opening... But the reaction wasn't what anyone expected. The farmer couldn't come because she had to milk her cows that evening but what she proposed is that she change the milking schedule over the next week so that next weekend she would be able to make it. She milked her


cows a half hour every day and when more tickets were returned, she got another call and, that time, was able to come to the show. Then you have the people who come over from the UK where school resources are abundant and materials easy to acquire... And they say it's the best school performance they have ever been to. Professional choreographers come in to organise the dance routines and if the kids can't dance they're asked to sing and if they can't sing they're asked to speak. As long as they show a real desire to be in the play, AnneMarie tries everything she can to fit this jigsaw of kids into one big production. So at least we know why there are 108 children in this year's performance. The children are aged 7-15 and you can see them bloom over the years. One girl who was in a performance a few years back fell in love with dance and started classes. Now she has also developed her voice at Operation Triple Threat to the point where her talent is huge. So just like Anne-Marie got theatre-fever from her school days, watch every little human running around on stage because you might be looking at the next big talent from Barbados. There are 365 tickets per night and they go very fast. The show opens November 19th. Something wonderful that they do every year, they have a night for children from our orphanages and our rough and tough from the retirement homes which is entirely free. Don't miss it for anything in the world. Here are some pictures from The Grinch and Peter Pan... If it's going to be half as good as that, we're still winning. facebook.com/ShrekatStWinifredsSchool

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November 2016 ilovethisrock

efiL | SRAB | stnaruatser | stneve F !EER KAT EM E H !EMO

gniK abbuB neruaL deR mmiS noiL ratS notriK divaD pilihP nworB kriK xelA retserof droL omoJ snimmuc retsnimyhR eisroD dlanodcM naitsirhC sirroM einnoR seliM ecyoB niuqaoJ iahas naveK yrreT tnE SAF nostsreboR aramaT leinaD asehR ezadA ruhtrA nacixeM kciR liL sdniH nosilA ihsaK kkornuS llahsraM caM kraM droL eepuR yekiM doolB a t n a h S n o s l e N y n o h t n A l a r i m d A nuhsilaoC llagniF pilihP doowraeY niwdE atsiM majyenoH yelseW yffitS yajeT bocaJ gniK niwrehS CT gnortsmrA yboT 7 n a i r d A e l a D yduR rolyaT xaM nosyaL revoC maR reteP nayE JD neerg solisP syoB annahiR evirD suiraM snommiS drahciR eirI eiggiB hpesoJ C ociR etuotS orutrA ygguB rednallaC deR evoL yddE nippaT eneR lliH ydderF nairdA mralA eivraG tnarG n h o J a n a y A ekralC lliH eliM owT gnoP ybbatS senoJ egroeG BPR alasaM t t o c l a W y g g i Z R elbuoD JD eaJ ffeT e c I e v a W e u l B rekartS elimE nesnnahoJ attalP sdroceR nairaD sixA zyoB deR etiK ahtibaT miniM nivlA yeliaB hayfsorK akoS ecniV reteP nippoT enO erauqS ylliB letraK nippoC norI namzA SRC diacniK & selbbuB nhoJ epiP n o i Z c i s u M sesemaR natS & ecipS tteoR c i s u M s t o o R nylknarF naeS nalA oC noD riS ACFIN trikS ssarG drehpehS nairdA gniK hoJ ymmiT essoP nwotooM naI ekralC sednanreF ciV naimaD retsbeW salohciN enahS yavraM hajinodA rekcnarB nevetS eerF motnaF eelathaN nhguaverT nomiS nibuL i n a m I l a e d n u D suryC na'hC epiP tnerT noD leahciM ailahaM repooH kinnaY dragA elletnohS tnemetatS hcetybuR laH okciaJ dliweesreV ynoT yazerT atiV notniL yaR lecX acoR-B yeliaB lebeR srebmahC e g a C x i l A a j n a D sdnabsuH ooB -apyH ybbaG ythgiM n e l l a C h t i a F etuotS drahciR nadroJ divaD telracS fo sdaerhT sdnuos lamoihK rad enyaW enyellA ydneW 9531 notlE cnarF ivviL inardnI l e u R r i S l e u g i M yaRsnommiS looC yffuP JD rennyrG notrahW yrautcnaS eirI sirK atikiN yaJ suJ yddE JD lepO eikcaJ gnortsmrA tlaS xoF addaF eunevA dn2 dnabhsalpS & epipdaeL groG D gnuoY enyaW iciC eloM siddaS YARX JD namkcaJ nadroJ xelA dluowtfirD D 4 ygetartS inoT elpoeP lihP ellivroN yttocS rethcrA yrovI Z ehT nemyrreM srodabuorT 8 eussI | 6102 rebmevoN selbbepdnaS elimE luossarB rekartS

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