I Love This Rock March 2016

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Green Issue


Farming 2.0 Electric Tourism Himalayan Peaks Megapower in Action

March 2016 // Issue 5

The Green Issue Editor’s Note

March 2016 Issue 5



6 Test Zone

We were invited to check out Segway Barbados and see if it lives up to the hype.

8 Aquaponics

Farming 2.0. It exists today, it's affordable, it's available and it should be in everyone's back yard.

10 Himalayan Peaks

The new company in Barbados that delivers world class spices and teas.

12 Megapower

Why electric cars can exist in Barbados and why they're not the only electric alternative we can use.

18 Holders Season

We take a birds-eye view at Holders and where the magic will come from.

21 Caribbean Fine Art

The best talent in the Caribbean assembles for art, spoken word and talks given by some of our finest.

4 Sport on This Rock

If you don't, they won't. It's easy to talk about what should be done. In fact, we are all pros at everything when we need to be. Walking a mile in someone else's shoes seems to be losing its shine. Getting up and doing it yourself is also out of fashion so all we have left is complaining about everything and wondering why the government hasn't done anything. Allow me to tell you why. Because it's not the government's job. Businesses are popping up in so many different walks of Bajan life to address the country's problems. Why? Because no one else was doing it. In this issue we cover an Aquaponics farm that has decided that it's time to stop wasting water and how we should beef up our agricultural sector so much that we can become net exporters. The days of sugar cane might be dying but the land we have is incredible. We also look at Megapower, who are electrifying the car industry and Segway Barbados who have ditched massive diesel buses for electric personal carriers. The only thing that sets them apart is that they got up and did something about it. The chances are, they will be very wealthy very soon and yet we all knew it had to be done. We all could have done something about it but so long as we litter, our children will litter. For every day that we moan without action, we are encouraging those around us to do the same. Change is happening and it's happening now. All it needs is a few more doers and a lot less complainers. Be part of that change and make Barbados what you wish it was. Oh and there's a lot of polo this month! A lot, a lot!

14 March at a Glance 22 You're Bajan But... 23 The Last Word All rights reserved. Nothing from this publication may be reproduced, even in part, without prior written approval from I Love This Rock. All the information provided is correct to our best knowledge at the time of print.

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Photo Credits: Lalita Vaswani. Lead Writer: Charlie Brown. Contributing Writer: Lalita Vaswani. Thank you to our friends and families for their endless support. Special thanks to Lalita Vaswani for being the official heart and soul of this publication, for your brilliant ideas and boundless creativity. To those who have seen the potential in us, watch this space. To those who don’t believe in us... We know you’re secretly watching us anyway.

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Sport on this rock

Polo 3rd March

UNNA/ICBL Cheshire Tour (Lion Castle)

6th March

UNNA/ICBL Cheshire Tour FINAL (Holders)

8th March

Barbados Open (Apes Hill)

10th March

Barbados Open (Holders)

13th March

Barbados Open (Holders)

15th March

Barbados Open (Lion Castle)

17th March

Barbados Open (Apes Hill)

20th March

Barbados Open (Holders)

26th March

Realtors Canadian Tour (Holders)

26th March

Polo Under The Stars (Apes Hill)

29th March

John Bunn Tour (Apes Hill)

30th March

Realtors Canadian Tour (Holders)

31st March

John Bunn Tour (Apes Hill)

Not Polo! 5th March

Sandy Lane Gold Cup

26th March

Bushy Park Suzuki Challenge

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Test Zone We tried it. Now it's your turn.




And so we did something new. It started with a drive to St Lucy where we then followed a car to a beautiful house which was just a stone's throw from the sea. So nothing like we expected. In fact, it was brilliant fun and we could only have made it better by bringing all of our friends along and turning it into a booze cruise.

You get a practice run during which you think you're going to die (but you don't) and then you're all off. What's funny is that social awkwardness at the start when no one wants to be the one who can't control it but you get used to it so quickly

because it's just so natural.

They're genius machines. Everything you're thinking right now? No problem. They've designed it so that everything on a Segway that could have been a problem isn't a problem. In fact, they can cook you breakfast whilst singing and juggling the kids all at the same time (they can't). The whole thing lasted a few hours and we got to ride around the fields, between the houses and check out the beaches and vistas. The tyres are made for off-roading and that's just what they'll do. The guides were awesome and taught us about the flora and fauna of St Lucy. They chatted the whole way around and kept us very

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busy before the photo opportunities at the end. The best part of this whole affair is that one of our guides had never been to St Lucy until he was 22 years old... But when he did he made a career out of it. segwaybarbados.com

They make sure you look your best

So easy you can text and drive

This man. Is insane.

Aquaponics Farming 2.0 Could closed-circuit farms be the future of agriculture in Barbados?


e visited Archer's Organics because we knew that they were up to something but what we discovered was well beyond our expectations.

The fact that there have been shortages of fruit, vegetables or even eggs is something we can't wrap our heads around. More than organic, Archer's Organics has an Aquaponics farm that could make Barbados a much more food-independent nation. During WW2 it's said that we produced 90% of our own food because there were just no imports. All the ships had stopped transporting food and we certainly weren't getting deliveries. Today we're importing cheap chemical produce from America and we're ok with it because we don't have the choice. Even the central bank is affected because it spends its dollar reserves on importing food we could be producing ourselves - better and cheaper.

Left: Richard Archer himself. Below: Lifting the lid on Aquaponics to see the roots growing into the nutrient-rich water. Modern-day Aquaponics is pretty simple and anyone can do it with the right kit. It's the idea that plants need what fish produce and viceversa. Put them both together and they're feeding each other. Your job? Put the seeds in the water and don't forget to feed the fish!

Silver Bullet The idea is as old as the Mayan population over 2,000 years ago and it's embarrassing that it's taken us this long to get our act together. The Mayans would farm next to rivers to get better crop-yields. It worked so well they built rafts to farm in the river itself. 8 Read more reviews and find out what’s on this month at ilovethisrock.com

Because the water is constantly flowing under the plants (like a Mayan river), and the fish are recycling the plant's water, there is no waste. The only water you lose is from evaporation and even that's practically negligible. At Archer's Organics there were several rows of these troughs with different vegetables growing from each section. The water is so nutrient-rich that the plants grow in a week and, because it's so easy for the plants to develop, you can simply cut them without uprooting them... Which means you don't even need to replant anything!

What About Waste? Three quarters of an acre in Aquaponics is the equivalent to farming on 4-5 acres of land. The density of the plants is much higher and the yield is much stronger. Every 8x2 foot raft can hold 32 plants and, where other farming methods might lose 3/4 of a gallon of water to produce a lettuce head, Aquaponics would lose a teaspoon: again, evaporation. If you think back to how many water outages this green and rich country has every year one can only conclude that being careful with water still isn't enough. The first option is to water crops the traditional way but this means we wave goodbye to the water that seeps through the

How it works 1

The plants are in pots that sit in the water. This means you don’t need to water them because they’re constantly being fed from the roots.



The nutrient-rich water is pumped back to the plants to continue feeding them.


The constant flow leads the water to a fish tank away from the plants and towards the fish tank.

Keep the fish fed and they will recycle the water for you, regenerating all of the nitrates your plants

soil. The second is to spend some money buying Aquaponics equipment and then from there you just feed the fish to recycle the water.

farm-to-table produce that can always be traced back to an organic source, this certainly brings it all closer to home.

steadily and they believe that houses around Barbados can have their own set up. It's a matter of time before we all jump on board.

Water = Mosquitos. False.

At the moment Archer's Organics is growing


The water flow has fish in it like guppies that love eating mosquitos and larvae. So wherever you have Aquaponics systems, there is a significant drop in mosquito numbers. They just don't get the chance to get past the larva stage. You might get caterpillars but if there's one thing we know, it's that more caterpillars mean more butterflies... And who doesn't want more butterflies?! So what can you grow? Pretty much anything. Even tomatoes and cucumbers can grow in aquaponics systems. There are small modifications to make but it's all doable. There are countries around the world where aquaponics farms have been set up on the roofs of buildings so that even in larger cities the real estate can be used for local farming. Now if we imagine how the Slow Food movement is growing around the world and consumers are looking for Read more reviews and find out what’s on this month at ilovethisrock.com 9

Himalayan Peaks What does a chef do when he has worked at one of this rock's most successful restaurants for years and has developed so many ideas that he's going to burst? Easy: He makes a whole collection of spices and teas and then calls ilovethisrock to test them out.

Time for Tea We didn't know this but we do now. All the different types of tea we have heard of come from the same leaves. Green tea, Oolong, black, builder's tea... They're all tea leaves! What separates them is the process. Italian chef, Matteo Legnaro, explained how the oxidation process takes the leaves from being green (freshly picked) to darker (oxidation kicks in) and then 90% oxidation which is where you find your black teas. This is why Oolong tea is considered a blue tea - it's on the spectrum between green and black. So what producers do is macerate tea leaves until they get damaged and start to age like apples when they're cut open. The control of this process is the most important part because this is where the taste gets defined. If you ever visit a tea plantation you will see that their testing laboratory is a room with a kettle. Just imagine what they have in the break room!

flush is what is used in most commercial teas and ice-teas etc. It's when you get to the fourth flush that you start getting the white teas that have very delicate flavours. Himalayan Peaks only have loose tea leaves which means that they haven't been destroyed in the oxidation process and they retain so much more flavour than what we're used to in tea bags. This means you can reuse loose tea 3-4 by letting the leaves sit in the water a bit longer.

"The first flush is a like a green apple. It's a little acidic, super Spices tasty, citrussy. The second Matteo grew up in the kitchen with his mother and always loved adding to her recipes but growing flush is like a red apple. It has up in Italy says a lot about the way you cook and how you see ingredients. It's possibly the most a mellow taste, deeper colour" widely spread cuisine in the world but if there's Then there are the flushes and Darjeeling tea is a perfect example for this. It's grown on very difficult terrain. The Darjeeling leaves grown are unique to the Indian Himalayas and are picked in flushes. The first flush is the youngest and most tender growth picked between February and April. It's said to have the purest taste with more floral notes. The second flush is what's a bit muskier and is used in specialist teas whereas the third

one thing that they don't use, it's spices. We don't realise this but Italian cuisine is all about fresh ingredients - there was never really any space for anything dry or preserved. Imagine Matteo as he grew up and had the chance to start experimenting with completely different tastes. The possibilities were endless but he kept noticing that people were simply afraid of using spices properly. Everyone was using the same basic spices and no one was mixing them up or

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using them at the right time and this is where his brain-child was born. Matteo has put together well-known combinations using his personal touch so that when we use them, they're ready to go. They're so refreshingly different without being so different that you lose track of what you're eating. Just right. His stall is set up at Brighton's Farmer's Market and he has been there for a few weeks now. His reputation is being built and some people are nice and others interested but when we sat down to play around with his creations we all stopped and looked and looked at each other in silence. Jackpot. They're amazing. After playing around we called him and asked for some recipes. You're welcome. Brighton Farmer's Market

Moroccan Chickpea Salad with Ras el Hanout Spice

Ingredients 700g cooked chickpeas 220g carrots (1/2 cm slices) 150g sweet potatoes, peeled. Cut in 1cm cubes 25g raisins soaked in hot water 60g of sliced onions 5tsp of Himalayan Peak Ras el Hanout blend Olive oil, salt, mint, parsley. (Orange juice optional) Method 1.

Preheat the oven at 180C.


Toss the carrots and sweet potatoes in olive oil separately, add a pinch of salt and 2 tsp of Ras el Hanout blend.


Arrange the carrots in a tray and roast them in the oven. Do the same for the sweet potatoes. Try to make sure the carrots don't get too soft and the sweet potatoes are tender but not mashed.


Whilst that cooks, fry the onion with olive oil, until golden, in a wok or large pan. Add the raisins and stir for another minute.


With the fire still on, add the cooked chickpeas, the rest of Ras el Hanout blend and cook the chickpeas for another two minutes until the spices are well distributed.


Let everything cool down and put them in a bowl. Season the salad with olive oil, fresh mint, parsley and adjust with salt. If you like, squeeze half an orange into the dressing. Serves 4

Himalayan Peaks, Spices and Teas.

Megapower By the look of things at the moment, you’ve probably patted yourself on the back recently and said that there’s been no better time to own a car. Falling oil prices equals mega savings, right? Wrong. Firstly, surprisingly enough, prices don't seem to be come down with world prices... But they definitely go up (we’re still scratching our heads at that one). Secondly it's because Megapower exists. Now, for want of time, words and the need to maintain our sanity, we’ll just focus on the second reason.

out for it because you won't hear it for anything in the world. Megapower isn't only about cars, though. Intent on becoming an all-around energy efficient service provider, it’s also dabbling in stuff like solar-powered ports (a la new BWA building in Wildey), battery afterlife projects and a publicly accessible electric vehicle-charging network. They may have started off selling electric cars but have now gotten themselves into building wind turbines like the one they put up at the American Embassy. Fun fact: when fully operational, the charging

Megapower is the company responsible for the sexy Nissan Leafs that you’ve undoubtedly seen (and not heard because they’re disturbingly quiet) whizzing around the island. In its third year, the business is in the vanguard of the electric movement on the rock and we love it. Driving an Electric Vehicle will cost about 30% of what you would normally splash out for petrol. This might have you feeling much less guilty when you travel to St. Joseph or other nearby planets. The Leaf comes with all the bits and bobs that you would expect in your regular gas guzzler and it doesn’t compromise on speed. We would tell you how fast it goes but then we would be admitting to breaking some highway laws. And did we mention how quiet it is?! If the prospect of having a noiseless vehicle is a little scary to you, Megapower is happy to deck yours out in some ridiculously loud colours: there’s even a “DHL Yellow” one around… Look

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network will be compatible with any EV model - not just the ones Megapower distributes. You know that good feeling you get from knowing that your phone can get juice from any charger (unless you have an iPhone in which case you're stuck between old iPhone chargers and new iPhone chargers and they're broken anyway)? That any charger feeling for your car? Win! Megapower is talking of introducing more electric cars to our roads. Do you think they can make us a Rock-Red one? megapower365.com

Dive like a fish. Like a GFish.

gfishbarbados.com +1 246-287-5289

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at a glance


Sandy Lane Gold Cup

If there’s any doubt in your mind that this is the crown jewel of the Barbadian sports calendar, we dare you to try finding a parking spot within 1 kilometre of the Savannah on race day. The atmosphere will be electric, the bets astronomical and the fascinators ridiculous: what’s not to love?! The Gold Cup has become a staple in the local calendar since its inception in 1982 and continues to attract international talent (both equine and human) every year. So come early to catch the famous parade and warm-up races before the main event. Above all come early to ensure a good view of the track! Garrison Savannah Grand Stand: $75.00 adults/$25.00 children (5-12 years) Field & Chandler Stand: $50.00 adults/ $25.00 children 14 Read more reviews and find out what’s on this month at ilovethisrock.com

UNNA/ICBL Cheshire Tour Final Sunday is a real treat for you horse enthusiasts out there. Happening the day after the Gold Cup, the Cheshire Tour Final is a guaranteed way to continue the fun. The Brits will be out in full force in their red shirts supporting the boys from Cheshire as they go up against the Barbados Polo Club. Come for the match and stay for the Big Hat Polo Party afterwards. Popping some champagne sounds like the best way to celebrate those Gold Cup bet winnings… Also a pretty good way to drown those sorrows if you lose a lot of cash.


Barbados Open This is easily the most competitive tour on the island, which is understandable

given that the top Bajan and international professionals get involved. It’s a Round

Robin so which means loads of polo will be played. This is all to say that if you do come out, be sure you come to watch the matches and not just socialise. But if you do end up coming for the chat then do us a favour and talk about us as much as you can!

8th Apes Hill 10th Holders 13th Holders 15th Lion Castle 17th Apes Hill 20th Final at Holders Read more reviews and find out what’s on this month at ilovethisrock.com 15


at a glance


Sizzlin’ Speightstown If you ask any local what there is to do on a Saturday the chances are that they will tell you the South and West coasts are where it’s at. That being said, be wary of their concept of the "West Coast" because it probably doesn’t extend past Second Street! Anything further north is no-man’s land for most of us. That’s really unfortunate because we’ve discovered that there really is a lot to do further up along the coast than you know. That’s why we are so excited about Sizzlin’ Speightstown. It’s a great initiative put on by the BTPA to remind locals and tourists that Oistins and Holetown aren’t the only places that are buzzing on


the weekend. By day, Speightstown is a really quaint town with artisanal seaside restaurants and bars. It’s also a wonderfully romantic port town. By night… Well, it’s the Saturday night version of Oistins. Be prepared to demolish some great local fare and laugh at the toothless old guy belting out some classic tunes on the karaoke set. We also hear that some local talent will be performing. Just classic Barbados. On the penultimate Saturday of every month.

Laff It Off: Cat @$%$ and Peppah

Apparently, you’re only allowed entry if you know what was censored in the title. We’re kidding but with the warning “heavy dialect and may get raunchy in places”, this is as Bajan as it gets. For the uninitiated, Laff it Off is an annual show that groups together the best local comedic talent with the sole task of leaving you with a new set of abs by the end of the night. It’s a must on the Bajan calendar and is always attended by both

young and old…I mean, who doesn’t love a good joke? And whilst you’re brushing up on your Bajan vocab, it wouldn’t hurt to find out what’s been happening on the political scene over recent months-these guys are the best at social commentary. March 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th - Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre Tickets: CS Pharmacy, A&B Music Supplies, ticketpal.com

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26 & 30 Realtors Canadian Tour (Holders) No this isn’t a typo. And while we not have been the best at geography in school we are aware that the US and Canada aren’t the same place. So take this as your notice that the Canadians, not the usual Americans, are taking over Holders this year. Apparently there are much more of the former on the island, so it does make sense for the organisers to try something different

this year. And truth be told, we’d definitely recommend this one: not just because of the great polo that will be played but also because of the extra polite crowd. Doesn’t sound too bed, eh? OK, I think we’re reached our daily stereotype quota.

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march holders 2016 at a glance


arbados has always done things by international standards and we take it for granted. The travel through this island, the people that come and go... In fact, the people who come and stay... They all bring ideas and creativity that most countries could only dream of. When we think about it, has every country got a Sandy Lane Gold Cup? What about polo fields? What about Soca, rum, rhythm?

There is always someone who did it first and they did it here. The day Paddle Boarding came to Barbados or even when scuba diving or Kit Surfing arrived, it was always because someone had gone abroad and decided that this is what Barbados needs. Wendy Kidd, the brains behind the Holders Season, is definitely one of these people. British born, her foray into the Barbados arts scene was in 1993, when she organised an opera in the Holders Gardens. Soon after that, she met with Stewart Collins, a renowned West End performer and the two quickly

realised that with their combined creative juices, they could make something spectacular. Fast forward to 2016 and we have the Holders Season that we know and love. The two are extremely passionate about exposing local talent and just like fine wine, it just gets better with age. This year they have made sure that what you get is of an international standard and spare no effort nor expense in acquiring the best talent. As you read this article, the teams are most likely working around the clock setting up the stage, cleaning up the House and putting loads of booze and gourmet snacks in the divas’ dressing rooms. We kid, we kid… But seriously, it’s the type of performances that you’d see on the West End or on Broadway in a relaxed, open-air setting. What’s not to love? Chances are, you promise yourself every year that you’re going to make it to Holders but for some reason or the other, you end up missing it and kicking yourself. Or maybe that’s just us… Either way, skipping this year’s production is not an option. We’ve prepared a preview of each night just to whet your appetite a little.

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holders 2016 09

Blues and Gospel Night with the Campbell Brothers If there’s anything that the obligatory church Sundays during our youth have taught us, it’s that a good gospel performance requires an even better voice so that halfway through the song, you should find yourself tapping your foot, bobbing your head and shaking other parts that maybe aren’t 100% appropriate for gospel music. Well, we guarantee you that’s how the Campbell Brothers will leave you on the Season’s opening night. We have it under good authority that this is the night to go to- they were here in 2008 and they absolutely raised the roof. These guys are truly the best at their game… Do not miss them.

11 The Queen of New York’s Cabaret Rooms: Judy Carmichael The great thing about Holders is that it shines light on the more difficult, less performed types of music to showcase how awesome they are. Case in point: the cabaret night. I mean, have you ever seen someone play swing on the piano?! It has got to be one of the most physically and technically taxing genres to perform. That’s why Wendy and her team have brought in one of the best to show you how it’s done. Judy Carmichael is a Grammy-nominated pianist who’s played all over the world and before some pretty important people…Bill Clinton anyone?

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holders 12

Miles Davis Lives! Jazz Night with Keyon Harrold


Classical Night with Simon Mulligan (piano) and Amy Dickson (saxophone)


Comedy Night: Double Bill of Alex Edelman (USA) and Steve Ross (USA)


Theatre Night: Hemingway’s Havana by Toby Gough


Gala Night: Noah Stewart

Admittedly, I’m a little too young to have been around during his heyday, but my parents were very adamant that I be aware of Miles Davis’ immense talent from an early age. That’s why I’m always excited and a little nervous whenever someone’s about to play one of his tunes. After all, it takes a certain level of talent to do him

justice. Well, having done my due diligence, we can say for a fact that Keyon Harrold will do just that. He’s featured on nearly 100 albums and has toured, recorded and produced for the likes of Rihanna, Lauryn Hill and Beyoncé…in a nutshell, this guy’s is an animal. Reputed as one of the most sought after trumpeters in the world, he’ll make Miles (and my parents) some very happy campers on Saturday night.

Two critically-acclaimed musicians take the stage on Monday to really give the classical lovers a treat. Expect pieces that you know and love and others that you’ll hear and fall in love with instantly.

We know what you’re wondering: American wit takes some getting used to. And we’d probably agree with you and be sceptical too... If we hadn’t been told that these two acts were coming. Alex is one of USA’s fastest rising young stars on the comedy scene and has performed alongside household names like Louis CK, Chris Rock

and Jerry Seinfeld. That should give you a taste of how much of a knee-slapper this guy is. Steve “the Crown Prince of New York Cabaret” Ross is a seasoned professional who’s told (and sung) jokes all over the world. His performance on Tuesday will incorporate some of the funniest songs written in his much-admired “To Wit: Funny Songs throughout the Ages” show.

Hemingway’s love for the Cuban capital is evident in many of his books (the Old Man and the Sea, anyone?). Being big fans of his, it’s only natural that we’re more than keen to see this production. The Holders stage transforms into the El Floridita, Ernest’s Havana haunt

Truth be told, the Gala evening is the perfect formula: a headline performance followed by a fabulous supper break where everyone really gets a chance to mix and mingle and enjoy the Holders ambience? Yes, please! This year, decorated opera singer Noah Stewart will be taking the stage to give you a mix of Broadway, classical and

back in the day, with the barmen and drinks to boot. There will be lots of that famous Cuban music and dancing to recreate that 1950s vibe as well as tonnes of stories in Hemingway's (played by Canadian actor, Brian Gordon Sinclair) matter of fact style: expect tales of bull fighting, Marlin fishing and numerous secret affairs. Fun!

various film music and spirituals. Google this guy- he’s the real deal. With a doubt, the best way to end an action-packed season.

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Caribbean Fine Art Fair March 9th-13th Divi Southwinds As a loyal reader of I Love This Rock, you should have realised by now that the local art scene is really something to behold. But if for some really, really, really strange reason there’s still some uncertainty in your mind, head straight to the 6th annual Caribbean Fine Art Fair at Divi Southwinds Resort. Aimed at increasing awareness and appreciation of Caribbean culture through art, the organisers are upping the ante this year to commemorate the island’s upcoming Jubilee year of Independence. There’ll be spoken word, photography exhibitions, live painting sessions and tonnes of pieces by local and regional artists that will probably leave you scratching your head in confusion. Trust me, we know how these things go… And we’ve got the exhibition-induced scratched head to prove it. Loris Crawford and Dr Gloria Mark Gordon created The Caribbean Fine Art Fair in New York when they realised how under-represented our artists have been. They joined forces with Anderson Pilgrim in when he was a young, budding artist in Manhattan. Of all the Caribbean islands Barbados is the only one with such good travel connections and infrastructure, which is why the Caribbean Fine Arts Fair is held here every year. The next step is to have a National Art Gallery! Anderson has spent years working to promote the importance of Caribbean artists everywhere he travels because he believes that art is so important for a country's heart and soul. This year there will be a lot more Spoken Word and they want it to be younger and more Bajan than ever. For the first time they will also host a presentation on contemporary art. Wednesday 9th March: Gala Opening Thursday 10th March Fair & Caribbean Fashion Showcase Friday 11th March Fair & Spoken Word Saturday 12th March Fair & Caribbean Art Symposium Sunday 13th March Fair & Viewpoint cafafair.com Read more reviews and find out what’s on this month at ilovethisrock.com 21

you're bajan but did you know The Barbados ‘season’ runs from December to March when there are plenty of activities to keep the great and good (the ones who turn left on boarding a plane while the rest of us turn right) from becoming bored. The most sought-after event is the glittering Holders Season, which, for two weeks in March, brings leading actors and singers from around the globe to perform in the grounds of the home of Wendy Kidd, a leading light of British and Barbados society and mother of supermodel Jodie Kidd. In an enchanting tropical garden, bordered by explosively coloured frangipani, hibiscus and bougainvillea, becoming, at sunset, a festival of light as chandeliers hanging from tree branches burn brightly against the night sky, the audience sips wine and enjoys a Shakespeare play or a Kylie Minogue concert.

the fiercely curious author around the island as he explores and


Here we have the hub of West Coast social action during the winter months. The stylish Holders Hill polo field adjoins the Kidd’s home and gardens and is the oldest of the island’s four international polo venues. Thanks to the organisational skills of polo supremo Keith Authoricons and BBC Melville and the support of business likebroadcaster Sir Charles Williams Julianand Armfield came to world’s leading the sport has grown and prospered some of the Barbados for ten days, met and married a Bajan beauty, and stayed international sides are regular visitors. But it is the annual ‘Battle of forever. He quickly discovered that life on a vibrant Caribbean island the Sexes’ that attracts the biggest crowds and much to the ladies’ was going to be hugely different to that in a sleepy English village. credit, they have inflicted stinging defeats on the men on several occasions. Narrated in an infectious upbeat rhythm, Absolutely Barbados follows

One man’s mission to discover the heart and soul of a Caribbean paradise

Polo fields are very much the place toand beheritage, seen and they attract embraces every aspect of Barbados’ lifestyle, culture meetingyoung a host of things’ beguiling characters along the way. ‘bright from the international social circuit, whose interest in the game can sometimes appear secondary to that of Julian’s compelling story will enchant, amuse and enlighten anyone finding a suitable partner for the raucous after-match party, which who lives in long Barbados, Bajans andEven all those come to visit continues into theabroad night. thewho eccentric commentary by either on holiday or to work on this gem of the Caribbean Sea. the legendary Jonathan Simpson, delivered in his melodious Bajan lilt, sometimes focuses as much on the faces in the crowd as on the swirlingAlso movement andSeven riders on the field. Polo is a truly showcasingof Theponies Magnificent of Barbados – Attractions, Views, Wonders, Beachesand and scrumptious enjoyable experience in Barbados as with every other major Recipes. restaurants and watering sportingBajan event, theRecommended action doesn’t commence until after the singing holes are–featured throughout. of the national anthem another splendid old-fashioned Barbados custom.

USD 6.99 on Kindle Avaiilable at most bookshops in Barbados for BDS 45.00

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JULIAN ARMFIELD One man’s mission to discover the heart and soul of a Caribbean paradise

The Last Word Most of what you think about autism is as wrong as what we thought about autism. We were miles off. Natasha Heaselgrave from More 4 Kids enlightened us. The best way we have been able to explain it is this: Autism isn't an illness or a disease. It's the set of behaviours that result from a child missing one of the basic learning blocks in life. It's the idea that we are all predisposed to it but some children grow up with higher sensitivities. There are foods that create allergic reactions in kids and inhibit the language centres in their brains. You can imagine how they go through the formative years of their lives without anyone realising something is wrong with their diet. If you were a child and hadn't developed a language centre, how would you try to communicate? You would probably kick and scream and throw things around because you had no way to communicate. For younger children this is expected but when they get older and they're still throwing tantrums it's because there is a massive amount of internal frustration... And this is where we ask what is causing it. Natasha explained to us how there are so many training programmes that help kids with autism (or you could read autistic behaviour) and they all start by trying to identify the missing learning blocks so that those gaps can be filled. This might come as a surprise but the goal of More 4 Kids is to

educate and work with children so that they can go back into mainstream education. Let's phrase that differently. If we can identify autism early we can effectively teach kids so that they can just get on with life. Natasha was working with an organisation that would work on behavioural change and realised that one hour a week just wasn't enough. Addressing the problem meant facing up to the fact that families were spending $1000 just testing their children for autism so regularly paying for effective, regular sessions was unaffordable. This is when More 4 Kids was created. A charity designed to raise the funds to support four children per year.

4 Kids For Natasha and her team, no two autistic children are the same but with the right treatment, they can both make a sound contribution to society. It costs $55,000 for a year of full and effective education. Speech therapy is one of the major pillars of treatment and today there are iPad apps that we can use like Touch Chat. It's called Augmentative and Alternative Communication and it works wonders. Behavioural therapy is another major part and yet there are so many elements that come together. The results will always vary from child to child but what we have to remember is how the lives of the families change. To have a child that you understand better than ever and see the autistic behaviour subside so that one day your child can file back into mainstream education is amazing. It means the child won't grow up socially excluded.

Light It Up Blue April is Autism Awareness Month and this is when More 4 Kids signs up four new children for their annual programme. On April 2nd companies throughout Barbados light up their buildings in blue and people dress in blue to bring autism out of the shadows. If autistic children can grow up in a society that doesn't reject them because they've finally been understood, they have an even better chance at escaping social exclusion.

GET INVOLVED Donate Today I Love This Rock has over

15,000 readers $20 each = 4 children receiving a whole year's treatment. more4kidsbarbados@gmail.com +1(246)266-4492

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