I Love This Rock January 2017

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events | music | BARS | food | Life January/february 2017 | Issue 10


Race guide history in the making hiking fish & Dragon taxis & rum shops honey jazz

“Had the most amazing first scuba diving experience! ”

“"Do you really like it .... really, really like it? Is it really wicked?"”

“Locally recommended”

“ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! I can't stress enough to everybody able to do this.. DO IT!!”

“Such an Adventure!”

“The only thing better than the scenery are the instructors”


five star service. would highly recommend!”

Jan/Feb 2017

+1(246)287-5289 -2-

v New year's resolutions Jan/Feb 2017 | Issue 10

Editor’s Note editor@ilovethisrock.com

Contents 4 History. today.

The gas station opens in Worthing after two long years... And it's amazing.

6 Things we learned

2016 has brought us a lot of things but we made some magical discoveries.

7 race guide

The Mount Gay Regatta broken down with viewing points and socials to make sure that you don't miss a thing.

13 Car Review

We took Don Trent in the new Mazda CX-3 Crossover. It was an awesome test drive that resulted in a massive singalong at the top of his lungs.

16 Try This

Everything from beaches to pastry and comedy. This month is a good month.

20 Live music

January is the crown month for Honey Jam and Honey Jazz. Also an exclusive interview with our new love, Ch'An.

22 #lifeinleggings

When two Bajan women come together because they're tired of being ostracised the whole world listens.

Every year we all embark on the impossible. It's the first day of 2017 and we go to the gym, quit smoking, take a month off the booze, work harder, visit parents and grandparents, care for the poor... Until the 4th January when it all falls apart and we go back to our usual selves. Ask regular gym-goers how much they hate January because the resolutioners arrive en mass. We have one resolution. Everything that we do will help make this beautiful rock a better place. When we're driving we'll let people cut in front of us because within seconds we will be that driver who needs to cut. When walking we will distribute free good-muuuuuurnens and look everyone in the eye with a smile. When we get home we will silence our phones and spend more time with our friends and families. We will buy local produce and only local produce to support our relentless farmers. When we make people angry we're not going to pretend we don't know what the problem is - we're going to openly apologise and save hours of passive-aggressive sulking. We're going to stop wondering why we've upset people and concentrate on what we can do to make things even better than they were to start with. We aren't going to litter at any point for any reason. We are going to hold ourselves accountable to our resolution without hoping for anything in return. Now let's imagine that you're not interested in that and that you just want to get health. To you we have one thing to say. You don't need a resolution. You need a revolution. I grew up obese until one day I had had enough and so I walked. I walked on a treadmill until I could walk uphill on a treadmill. After two weeks of walking every day for at least an hour I started jogging slowly on a treadmill. This continued for even longer until I could run. I promised myself that this was my new life and that there was no turning back. It wasn't a resolution, it was a new lifestyle. From there I realised that I naturally gravitated towards what my body needed as fuel and so my eating habits changed. But it all started with slow walking. That was in 2008 and today I'm still doing sport almost every day. Even if it means jumping in the sea for quick splash before I get home - I'm doing something that means I'm not sitting down. I'm now known for always carrying a rucksack 'just in case'. The bag has at least two pairs of swimming shorts, a towel, a fresh t-shirt, running shorts and running shoes... And almonds. Step 1. Always have what you need. If your sports clothes are in the wash you'll give yourself the perfect excuse to skip a day. Make sure you have more than one of everything. Step 2. Just keep moving.

Happy New Year Everyone.

proudly printed in Barbados All rights reserved. Nothing from this publication may be reproduced, even in part, without prior written approval from I Love This Rock. All the information provided is correct to our best knowledge at the time of print.

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Special thanks to you, the public, for reading and for your feedback. Thank you Joelle for your endless support and encouragement because without you this would have never happened. Mum & Dad, brothers and sisters whom I love very much, our pet Labrador who is dead but would have loved Barbados, Mr G for teaching me everything I know, Jason & Sarah from Paddle Barbados for your invaluable advice and encouragement, David Lewis for all those creams and ointments, Dr Batford for sewing my hand back up, Pub Quiz Master Terry for letting us play at the Golden Anchor with a 4-person team of 12-people for months, the girls at Raw Juice who make my day every day, that guy who told me that double glazing made him a millionaire, that couple who gave me a lift to Moontown one evening when I was really late, the really tall angry security guard at Accra who patrols at night wearing sunglasses to look extra cool even though it means he can’t see anything, Stephen Clarke for writing 1000 Years of Annoying the French, Alexandra for the silicon side-boob that I carry around in my rucksack, Mr Delicious Bar for scaring the cr*p out of me by tapping me on the shoulder in Sugar one night saying “Hey, it’s me, Mr Delicious”, the pilot on Caribbean Airlines who wouldn’t let me out when we made an emergency landing in Barbados but instead flew me to TnT so I could catch a connection back to Barbados again and laughed about it to the whole plane on the PA system and finally all my closest friends in Barbados... Especially all those people who added me on Facebook and then confronted me the next day for not having accepted their friend-request fast enough. I am positive I’ve forgotten someone so you too. Thank you.

Jan/Feb 2017


How long did it take the Worthing gas station to open? Two years?

t was worth the wait. The future has arrived and, so far, it's glitchfree. As much as we've driven past it a thousand times and although the first photos of its construction were from the Jurassic era, it's now open. There was even a stage where we thought it was open but it wasn't really... Yet the poor security guard sat there day and night trying to convince us that it wasn't a joke. It got worse because they then opened the gas pumps but the store remained closed! Why would they do that?! It's so unfair! Those fridges were stocked months ago and they still wouldn't let us in!


Frankly we're wondering when the ribbon-cutting ceremony will take place. It's a monumental piece of our every day. In fact it would be rude if the Prime Minister didn't cut the ribbon himself. It's everything we could have ever wanted (add pinch of salt). What we can't deny is that it's amazing. We couldn't stop laughing at how perfect it was and we think we want to review it as a restaurant.

Jan/Feb 2017

in the making

Of course you have the usual cakes and nuts and drinks but now they're serving food made on the spot... And it doesn't even take a year to serve. So check this out. You arrive and there is a self-service kiosk. You want a coffee? Tap Coffee then Specialty Coffee then Cappuccino then Large then Almond Milk then Flavours and THEN confirm. It may be the long-windedest (?!) process on Earth but it's faultless. Then you order a Chorizo Ciabatta sandwich and a Tandoori Chicken Pizza (don't judge, it's better than you think) before it prints off your receipt and you pay at the till.

ordered came out even faster and the coffee was good. And in this entire process nobody screwed up. At all!

Now we've seen technology before... And we've seen what we're like when we're given new technology at work... Everything goes wrong very quickly. We couldn't even moan about that because our orders came out in no time. They made the pizza and cooked it in their space oven in minutes. The sandwiches we

Ok so the food is like plastic and tasteless? Nooooo! Not even that! It's delicious! Do you have any idea how many times we repeated that we couldn’t believe this was all happening?! Imagine if you woke up one morning and all the potholes were gone. All of them. Then when you start thinking about it you


realise that all the roads had been completely resurfaced. IMPOSSIBLE! And that's exactly how we felt. Ok so we can get lunch. NO! It's open 24 hours and the kitchen doesn't close! This is madness! It's like we're in the wrong country. It's high time the government gets involved as they always do just to make sure no one can truly be successful at anything.

You’re Bajan but did you know

Rum was already the Bajans’ favourite drink in the 1640s. Its name derives from ‘rumbullion’, an old English word used to describe the sort of unruly behaviour that invariably followed a rum-drinking session. In 1651, somebody christened it ‘Kill-Divil – a hot, hellish and terrible liquor.’ Some of the expressions from that time have been passed down the generations; ‘rum-fit’ means feeling sick from over-imbibing while anyone with cuts to their face is asked if they have taken a ‘rum tumble’. In 1655, British Admiral Penn introduced a ‘grog’ ration for all his sailors and in 1755, during the Napoleonic Wars, rum replaced brandy as the official spirit ration of the British Navy. The advent of ‘Rum Brittania’ may partly explain why sailors became so synonymous with alcohol. ‘The sun is over the yardarm’ (it’s okay to have a drink now) and ‘he’s three sheets to the wind’ (drunk out of his mind) are old sayings that are still used today while everyone is familiar with the sea shanty, ‘What shall we do with the drunken sailor?’ Bajan seamen still drink rum out on the ocean wave and tourists swig it down with gusto on the famous pirate party ship, the Jolly Roger. Barbados’ ubiquitous national drink Rum Punch is hugely popular with visitors and is the welcome drink served at most hotels. There is a rhyme which neatly describes the recipe and its proportions; one-sour (lime juice), two-sweet (sugar syrup), three-strong (rum), four-weak (crushed ice). Add to this a splash of Angostura bitters and a little grated nutmeg and you have a decidedly deadly concoction. The ingredients of a rum cocktail are even simpler; rum, a little sugar syrup, a splash of bitters and lots of crushed ice. Shake this vigorously, serve in a shotglass, lie back and admire the sunset – or the inside of your eyelids!

“A dazzling reminder of why we all love Barbados!” BBC broadcaster Julian Armfield came to Barbados for ten days and stayed forever. Absolutely Barbados follows the author around the island as he explores and embraces every aspect of Barbados’ lifestyle, culture, heritage and people. In bookshops and Best of Barbados now!


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Four for the price of one It turns out that giraffes aren't one species but four... And nobody had noticed until last year. The genetic mutations between them are so strong that they're even further apart than polar bears are from brown bears. More than that there isn't any cross breeding between them. So now the four species are the Southern Giraffe, Masai Giraffe, Reticulated Giraffe and the Northern Giraffe. Take note.

Things we learned in


NFL Madness

Troy Haupt, a 47-year old nurse anaesthetist owns the only recording of the first ever Superbowl. Valued over $1million, the NFL doesn't want to buy the tapes and is threatening legal action if Mr Haupt tries to sell them. CBS and NBC both broadcast the first Superbowl fifty years ago and never kept copies.

Brains Over Brawn In The Pipeline

Halve Maan brewery in the Belgian town of Bruges has been getting itchy with the presence of all of these tourists in their town. Transporting the beer from the brewery in the city centre to the bottling plant on the outskirts of the city had become a nightmare. The cost and logistics of transporting millions of litres of beer across town had risen high enough. What they've just launched in a single â‚Ź4million pipeline that runs two miles underground from the brewery to the bottling plant. Without any trucks driving to-and-fro we can only hope that the beer starts tasting even better. The best bit? They raised funds by promising free beer for life to all donors. Hint hint Banks! We promise not to tap it, much. Jan/Feb 2017

We know exercise is good for us and it's natural to assume that the more exercise we do the better it is. Researchers in Finland conducted lab experiments on rats to break down what types of exercise have which effects. Long distance exercise yielded the highest level of brain cell production. Neurogenesis rates more than doubled after long-distance running and the longer they exercised the higher the production

Cool Beans

It turns out that despite all the greatest coffee-aficionado efforts, the best way to grind beans is to grind them cold. Most cafes go to extraordinary lengths to produce consistent, full-flavoured coffees but because of the temperature differences between each establishment the results will vary more than you expect. If you've trying very hard to produce smaller, perfectly shaped, evenly ground coffee, you might want to start with the big coffee tool you've always had - the fridge. -6-

rate of new brain cells in the hippocampus (the area of the brain associated with cognitive intelligence and memory). Rats that did highintensity training produced far lower levels of new brain cells but still more than rats that did no exercise at all. The hilarious part is that weight-training had the same impact as doing no sport. So although the weight-lifters grew muscle mass, their cerebral facilities hadn't gone very far. The next time you choose to stereotype muscular people as a little vacant... You might just be right.

Mr Sandman, Give Me Your Cash

We use more sand than any other natural resource except water or air. Sand mining has become a massive movement in the world because of our need for urban construction. It's how we make cement. It's a $70billion industry that can't use the sand in the desert because it's the wrong type. Typical. As much as we're deforesting and polluting, our beaches are going to be under threat soon. Today is a good day to have that swim.

rou n d&rou n d the island we go Errol Barrow can be thanked for many wonderful contributions to society but one of our favourites is his national holiday. So come Errol Barrow Day we will be parked up on a beach somewhere crucifying a black belly lamb for the meanest barbecue of the year. There are some brilliant spots around but the winning beaches are the ones you can catch the racing from. It's a stunning show of sail-boats who have come to parade their feathers in front of us from all over the world. It might not be an effective mating call (that's a lie, it's definitely an effective mating call)

but the way hundreds of them cross the horizon is something that stays with you for the rest of your life. For most of the year, Barbados's aqua-man ambassador, Peter Gilkes, travels around the globe pulling in the best racing teams and the momentum he has created is astonishing. Last year we saw an incredible step up in the world. Aquaman Gilkes brought in teams that race in MOD70 trimarans. If you were even remotely conscious last year you would have heard of Ms Barbados. A three-hulled monster made entirely from carbon fibre that crossed the Atlantic in under

six days. It's one thing for these yachts to sail around the island for a race... But how do they get here in the first place? Well they sail, don't they. Six wonderful days at sea over the Atlantic? No way. There is nothing about them that was built for comfort. The food they eat is in sachets and packets much like astronaut food and sleeping is close to impossible when your 'bed' is cracking through massive waves at 25knots. Carbon fibre may be awesome because it weighs nothing but when you reach warmer climes it absorbs incredible amounts of heat


and holds on to it. Hard. So the temperature inside is infernal and its impact resistance is so high that you allow yourself to sail in a way that no traditional hull could sustain. Now try sleeping in that. Suffice to say that the crew had a shower and a shave when they landed. With all the boats, organisations and people involved, look out for Alene Dolakia; she's the woman at the very centre of everything pivoting between everyone and pulling all the strings together to make it look like one, stunning event. Jan/Feb 2017

round barbados

race series 2017

Jan/Feb 2017


Mount Gay Round Barbados Race What you don't know The Mount Gay Round Barbados Race Series (catchy name) is actually a revival. New Year's Day 1936, five trading schooners raced around the island anti-clockwise (today we race it clockwise) to prove who could be fastest. It's as if DHL, UPS and FedEx all had a race to prove how next-day8am they truly were. Schooners were turbo-cargo boats that would sail as fast as they could and every vessel had a reputation of its own. In the original race an American schooner, Sea Fox, won the race in 10 hours 22 minutes and the prize was ten pounds sterling. The captain was a renowned smuggler, Lou Kennedy, and although he ended that day a richer man, the real bonus was in securing his new reputation as the fastest transporter money could fetch. Today's record time for a schooner is 6 hours 11 minutes... So it appears life just got much windier over the years.

There's more to the Barbados Cruising Club than meets the eye

But if it went bankrupt then why is it there today?

Founded in 1957 by Ian Gale of Barbados Advocate fame, it was the not-Yacht-Club of Barbados. With no restrictions on membership its goal was to make sailing accessible to all Barbadians. It grew very quickly over the decades with much of the who'swho of Barbados as committee members and became a massive sailing hangout. The treasurer at the time was The Right Excellent Errol Barrow and he then went on to secure independence from Great Britain before becoming Barbados's first Barbadian Prime Minister. Over time things at the BCC slowed down until 2006 when it had essentially become bankrupt.

Aha! That's the million-dollar question. And if you had answered it correctly we would have had a million dollars to spend on fixing potholes! But you didn't. Now we're blaming YOU for the conditions of the road. But back to the actual BCC, a steering committee was created to bring it back to life and by 2009 a massive renovation project had started. The BCC belongs to the people of Barbados and every month has seen its membership grow. The sailing community is getting stronger and most days you can go down and see the sailing club out and about with hilariously small sailors. We've asked to learn how to sail a bunch of times but when we realise that everyone else is 11 years old we tell them that we're going think about it - which everybody knows is lingo for "I hope you don't recognise me next time I come by".

Can I Join in? YES! Every year there are boat owners who need sailors and sailors who need boats and they find a happy middle ground. But better than that, every year there are random people who want to go for a sail and sail boats with space for randoms... And they too get together! So if you're up for a big day out or if you want to test your other half’s naval feet you have to get in touch and ask about spaces going on boats. Team USA is a group of happy people from the US Embassy who charter a boat every year to compete. Some of them have no sailing experience at all but it's a tradition that just keeps on going. Visit the longest website address ever and click on 'Charters' to find a space: mountgayrumroundbarbadosrace .com

Where you've got to be As much as the Mount Gay Round Barbados Race is on Errol Barrow day, the coastal races in the run up to January 21st are going to be peppered with socials and do's. 17th January - After party at the Yacht Club 18th January - After party at the Mount Gay Visitors Centre 19th January - After party at Copacabana 20th January - Lay Day. Massive polo booze-up at Holders 21st January - Post-race party at the Barbados Cruising Club 22nd January - Prize Giving Ceremony at The Beach Club


Jan/Feb 2017

When you're crossing the Atlantic Ocean at 25knots angled like this you can expect your face to be up against the hull pretty much the whole time you're trying to sleep.

Jan/Feb 2017

Multihull: Ms Barbados, MOD70 in 2h 37m 38s Monohull: Monster Project, Volvo 70 in 4h 42m 20s Classic: Elena, A-Class Racing 55m Schooner in 6h 11m 19s Double-Handed Monohull: Hallucine, Pogo40 in 7h 29m 51s Single-Handed Multihull: Stiletto, 46 in 7h 53m 55s Windsurfer: Trevor Hunte in 5h 34m 16s Single-Handed Monohull: Bunga Bunga, J/24 in 9h 46m 42s

Monster Project

Stiletto Elena

Trevor Hunte

Blue Peter

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Jan/Feb 2017




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car review: THE NEW MAZDA


took Don Trent for a drive to test Mazda's first ever crossover. Before we got to see it, we couldn't judge the actual size of the car because it's supposed to be a mix between a 4x4 and a city car. So nimble and light like a city car but big and sturdy like a pick-up... Or something in the middle. The crossover market has been growing faster than any other body type in the car industry and everyone has been jumping on board one way or another. This one? It looks good. Mazda have been throwing some big words around so we did some homework to figure out exactly what they're trying to say. The best piece of magic built into the CX3 is what they call SKYACTIV. We're not going to beat around the bush - it's a combination of factors that Mazda needed to master for the crossover to have the experience they wanted. It's a best-of-both worlds approach to building a car. The underbody is made using an uninterrupted straight-frame that connects directly to the front and rear suspension. Less joints, less space for mess. The chassis had to be rethought to work like a nimble car despite being bigger and then finally there's the engine. To speed up the gear-transmission they've put in dual-clutch transmission which adjusts the gear change ratios on the fly. So an automatic that moves like a manual. Crossover! - 13 -

What Trent tested - $112,770 4 Cylinder, 2.0L SKYACTIV-G Petrol Engine, 146 BHP Smart keyless entry system Push button start iStop Idling Engine Stop System for Traffic Traction Control MZD CONNECT Infotainment system 5.8� Touch Screen display Full Automatic Climate Control System Back-up monitor system Reverse Sensors Immobiliser System SKYACTIV Body Ring Structure, Drive, Chassis Front Airbags Electrically folding wing-mirrors with in-built indicators Multi-function Steering Wheel 16" Alloys Jan/Feb 2017



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The 5.8" screen is clear, bright and easy to read. It works everything from the radio to the bluetooth and the setup.

The speedo mimics an analogue dial with the RPM revs in big. You can edit and refresh the look on the fly.

The multifunction wheel has all the usual buttons for music to climate control and even the voice control. Go on. We dare you.

This is the equivalent of typing without looking at the keyboard. You can drive and mess with all the controls at the same time.

Good touch for the 2017 model. The weight savings that Mazda talks about is probably negligible but you can't say it doesn't look good.

Don Trent Says

I Love This Rock says


Really nice care and it sits on the road really well for me. I have a friend who has a Mazda 3 and it feels as good as that.

NICE AND FIRM. ACTUALLY A VERY SIMILAR RIDE TO THE MAZDA 2 OR 3 BUT JUST A BIT HEAVIER. This is the toughest challenge manufacturers have had and mazda got it right here.






It's definitely a modern car filled with fancy technology that doesn't confuse or get in the way. Back seats are more spacious than most airplane seats. Firm and comfortable too.

Sound System

THE Sound is good and the bluetooth pairs easily with phones. That made things simple.

The sound system is healthy even if it's not a bose or JBL setup. The size of the interior help keep the acoustics fresh. Super Easy bluetooth pairing.


I like how Mazda did their Skyactiv set up to lower emissions and safety is also important. It's also important to have a strong body for safety.

Our Mazda test-man extraordinaire loved talking about skyactiv which is a lot of bullet points to say that it's modern but we liked the central touch screen most.


The car is spacious and feels like a hyperbaric chamber

So nimble and easy to drive you feel as though you could drive it like a mini. then you realise it's a big, strong car that makes you feel safe.


Mazda is a great maker of cars. Comfort, elegance and safety balled into one gives you zoom zoom...

The price is fine for what it is and it's going to hold good value in Barbados. It's a peppy engine with some simple but good finishes.

Jan/Feb 2017

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Don Trent Singing Tomorrow Comes While Driving the Mazda CX3

he may have just finished singing at hennessy artistry but we were lucky enough to tie him down and hold him ransom for an interview. We packed our star into our car and learned a lot from trent. He's a clever character with a lot to say for himself. He has a particular philosophy on life and growth which made our day infinitely more interesting. We sang songs old and new and bounced around town while we got to know the Mazda better. Check out the video on ilovethisrock.com or scan this:

SPECIFICATIONS 70.6 mpg 105 g/km co2 0-60 in 8.1 secs, 120mph 1725 kg Verdict: Fun drive in a car that bridges the gap between 4x4s and small city cars. And they even did it without making it look bad.

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Jan/Feb 2017

#1 bajan bus What’s massive, multi-coloured and has people yelling, hanging over the sides and/or wukking up whilst making its way around the island? [Insert Jeopardy theme music] What is #1 Bajan Bus Ride? Correct! If it’s not the colours that catch your eye it will be the blazing music and the people hanging out, partying their lives away. #1 Bajan Bus ride has transformed the old public buses with the sides missing into party central. You can choose your pick-up location so that the bus can meet you there, carry you on an insane bus ride all over the island and bring you right back… Jolly. Jan/Feb 2017

The price includes drinks. By drinks we mean a case of beers, soft drinks and some lethal but some pretty good rum punch. You can bring your music if you’re really feeling confident otherwise the bus drivercome-DJ has got you covered. He also has a hype-man who helps serve the drinks and rev up the crowd if you’re not dibby enough. If you’re not wukking up or bubbling he WILL say something. This party bus is not for the bougie crowd. Take note. $55 per person

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try This

try this Mount Gay Rum Tours Barbados and Mount Gay Rum go waaaaaaaay back. About three hundred and ten years back. There are incredible things to learn on the Mount Gay Signature Rum Tour about the island’s history with rum. Mount Gay’s lasting ties to the sailing community and their unique rum making process are probably a good place to start. There are even more exciting things to taste. Amongst our favourites were the Mount Gay Rum Punch and the Mount Gay Extra Old Rum. Mount Gay Rum is world renowned because of the subtleties involved in its making and this very same attention to detail carries over into the tour. They start with a surprisingly moreish rum punch that they didn't want to explain to us but what we do know is that you can only find it at Mount Gay (well played Mount Gay, well played). It’s probably also no coincidence that you learn most of the interesting information before the rum tasting because things become quite blurry after the shots begin. It’s also nice that most of the tour takes place in air conditioned rooms to keep you comfortably cool while the rum-drinking warms you up and finally they serve lunch. And a good lunch we might add.

You’ll leave Mount Gay with a deep respect for the Mount Gay Rum Legacy and an ability to wow your friends with your new-found knowledge of “rum legs” and

Pirates Cove Pirates Cove has really become a name of its own even though it only opened a few months ago. It’s not super crowded or touristy and you can actually stick around after sundown and you know you'll be surrounded by other locals. As you come through the door you'll be offered a sun chair and parasol. On that note top marks for the parasols which are dried palm leaves being recycled. They’ve got food sorted too so no need to go on a scavenger hunt for lunch like on most beaches. The bar serves burgers, fries and other typical bar food so it's nothing to write home about. However, what you can write home about is their slushies. They have a red one and a white one. Tip? Mix them and add a shot of white rum. You're welcome.

If you go indoors you can get a solid Bajan meal. They usually have mac pie, rice and peas, baked chicken and then ice-cream. On the weekends, they usually have subtle background music but as it starts to get a little darker a DJ comes in and turns up the vibe a notch. The beach tends to get a little more crowded as the sun sets and the staff remove the lounge chairs. From 6pm it transforms into a beach lime. It’s definitely a great way to spend the weekend as you have everything right there in one place – food, drinks, shade, relaxing atmosphere and music. Boom.

correctly swilling rum around in a glass to pick out aromas. We need to give a special shout out to the most wonderful security

guard on the face of the Earth (this guy is ferociously friendly!) and to tour guide “RUM-al” who is a very cool cat. Be sure to ask him about "kisses and hugs."

Laff it off

Gold Coast

They are back even earlier this year. Instead of staring at your phone and laughing at cat videos or chubby babies, get out of the house and enjoy some good old belly-hurt laughs and laugh-till-you cry moments with the seasoned Laff It Off cast. This is not your typical slap stick humour, they mostly focus on current issues with a comedic twist so even if you don’t read the paper, you’ll be all caught up by the time you leave. They make scarily good impressions of our country’s leaders like Freundel Stuart, Mia Mottley and everything in between. There are also few hilarious skits which are not news-related and we almost guarantee you will see a man in heels.

Every Sunday you can spend a day at a mini beach with a mini beach bar at Blackwoods Screwdock. You’ll have a live DJ and the option to rent beach chairs and umbrellas. Grilled food and drinks will be available for sale. Blackwoods Screwdocks $10 For beach chair, umbrella and parking Every Sunday midday-6pm

Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre

$15, South Coast Road

January 21st $40

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Jan/Feb 2017

The Howling Cocktail Drinks at Gun Hill by Moonlight The Barbados National Trust is holding a cocktail drinks party at the Gun Hill Signal Station in St George. It's always held on the Saturday closest to the full moon between January and May. What is amazing is how you will be able to see both the south and west coast and as the sunshine reflects off the ocean you will remember that there is no better way to spend your evening. The signalling station was built in 1818 (so WhatsApp was still in beta) and using flags and lanterns it was used to send news across the island. Just below is a lion carved from coral-stone in 1868 by Captain Henry Wilkinson. In 1983 it was restored and is now protected by the Barbados National Trust. Tickets are between $30 and $40 but get there for 5.30pm because that's when the golden hour strikes and that's the best bit.

February 11th 2017 Start – 5:30pm until 8pm

Ladyfingers Pastry Shop Bacon. Just going to let that word simmer for a bit. #TeamBacon over here to you. Ladyfingers Pastry Shop won us over with their Bacon Berry Poppers. That flavour concoction is to die for. To some, it may be a shocking topping for a pastry but the saltiness of bacon really does compliment sweetness. Think of how good caramel goes with popcorn. The variety of cakes and pastries is just impressive. They also had coffee cream éclairs, Baileys cream puffs and of course red velvet on display, just to name a few. They also have savoury items such as a deep-dish ham quiche (we are also #TeamHam) which we are yet to try. There is always a weekly special so keep your eyes peeled for those. No dieters allowed. This pastry shop is strictly for indulging.

BNT Open Homes It’s one thing to sit and drool over amazing homes on HGTV or celebrity homes on E! but it’s another thing to view spectacular homes right here in Barbados in. For 30 years the Barbados National Trust has invited members of the public to tour private homes. Get your home decor inspiration from in-the-flesh visits rather than your endless Instagram feed. Run your hands along a granite counter top or soap stone kitchen island and be inspired first hand by various architecture and design elements. Light refreshments are usually served on the properties and sometimes local artists display their crafts for sale as well. It’s definitely a breath of fresh air and change of scenery for a nice day out.

Shak-Shak Complex, South Coast Road

Call the Barbados National Trust +1(246)426-2421 for venue locations. $25 Members $35 Non-Member Adults Kids 5-12 years half price $30 BARP Members January – March, Wednesdays and some Saturdays Open House Days in January are 18th and 25th Jan/Feb 2017

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trythis Fish & Dragon Festival The Central Bank of Barbados and the Chinese embassy have come together to fix potholes. Of course not that would be ridiculous (but very helpful #justsaying). They have come together to celebrate the fusion of our cultures - the land where fish (presumably flying fish) meet dragons. It's that unique moment when flying fish are in the air (because dragons can't swim) and dragons are swooping down to sea level because they're best friends and want to high-five each other becausethedragonknockeddownsamlordscastletobuildanewhotelforthefish. Jokes aside it's an event that brings some impressive talent forward every year. Of course there will be the traditional Chinese dances with dragons and drums as well as martial arts presentations and workshops but the Mosaic Steel Orchestra will also be performing. Operation Triple Threat, Paula Hinds and her trio and Dancing Africa will also be joining in. If you were here last year you would have seen the operatic performances that were breathtaking and the Hunan Provincial Acrobatics Theatre will be in town for some mesmerising performances. Now we all know that we're Bajan and if there's something that makes an event Bajan it's the availability of copious amounts of food. Yes. There will also be traditional Chinese food to be tasted. If that fails there will almost definitely be someone selling baked chicken and fish cakes. By the way, January 28th is the Chinese New Year and we will be leaving the year of the monkey to enter the year of the rooster! And if there's one thing we have a lot of... It's roosters. 4th February, 3pm Church Village Green Central Bank Complex ncf.bb/fish-dragon-festivalbarbados-2017

Girlfriend Expo

Bar 557

It's now in year 8! Last year’s theme was “The Asian Experience” and once again they are taking us on another world tour, this stop is Italy #LaDolceVita. As with their previous events, the expo aims to bring together mothers, daughters and girlfriends under one roof and take retail therapy to another level. Leave a bit of room in your handbag because whether you plan to shop or not, there will be product samples and giveaways. This includes food, AL-CO-HOL and also beauty products. So the fellas that may be dragged to this, you won’t be hungry or thirsty. There are countless things to do – why else would they have to split it into two days? From the time you step through those doors, you won’t even know where to look. Stalls line the hangar from top to bottom, there are vendors of all sorts, seminars, challenges, the infamous condom party and of course there is a massive runway in the middle for the designers and the models. This year they are bringing something new though. The details are still being finalized; however, we do know that in addition to the fashion show, there will be artist performances as well as a theatrical production. So start the first weekend of February off in style and surrounded by all things girly.

How many potholes does it take to force a taxi driver to open a rumshop? Well maybe it's a coincidence but just as our roads look more like an acne-riddled-teenage face there has been the sudden appearance of a bar named after the taxi's number plate. Z557.

Barbados Concorde Experience February 4th & 5th

Make sure you go on a Friday night when Elton will be swinging his guitar and wrapping you up in his silky voice. The pork is pretty damn good and very different from most other rum shops. Go! He switches the meter off when you eat. Lower Carter's Gap, Oistins

Mimosas at Mews

Did you know We review everything anonymously and pay for everything we do. We do no favours and no one can tell us what to say. Every day we are out and about testing and re-testing everything that we believe is amazing. We don't tell anyone we're coming and they don't know who we are.

Around this time of year, Mews announces brunch and bottomless mimosas. Guess what they've just done.

Our promise to you is that everything we write comes from knowledge, not information. We are well versed in everything we talk about and if we don't like it we won't talk about it.

Yes. The 3-course brunch is back at $115 and if you want the bottomless mimosas (and or bloody marys or margaritas) your brunch gets bumped up to $180.

No one can pay us to write what they want said. No one can pay us to write more favourably. No one can pay us to make them sound good.

Someone is very aware that the tourist season is upon us!

We say it as it is and we hope you enjoy reading as much as we enjoy trying.

Sunday, 19th February, 11am

- The Editor

Mews, 2nd Street - 19 -

Jan/Feb 2017

live Music The Honey Jazz Festival Honey Jazz has expanded in a wonderfully new way. For some time it has been a Honey Jazz concert and then the Honey Jam concert. This year it has new elements and the first one is the screening of the first major movie on Nina Simone's life: What Happened Miss Simone? It's a musical tribute to the woman who dealt with so much in her life right up until the very end. She lived in Barbados for several years and knew The Right Excellent Errol Barrow very well. It's a glam event so expect a red-carpet reception and musical performances. $100, 23rd January, Limegrove Cinemas

Ella Fitzgerald, A Tribute

Follow the Sheppard

Honey Jazz's second show in January is a free one that they are holding at the Hilton and this one is a lot more jazzy. Kellie Cadogan and the KC Quartet will be playing for A Tisket, A Tasket. Later on even Stevie Ray Vaughn pulled off a rendition of Mary Had A Little Lamb and still managed to reference Fitzgerald. We're guessing there's going to be more than children's rhymes but if you have any love for jazz there will be nowhere better to be.

Alan Sheppard is our homegrown pianoman that has been performing and winning awards since he was 14 years old. The only thing we've done since we were fourteen was drink. Don't get moral it was a joke! We started when we were 12. Alan is the surest bet on the rock when it comes to going to find some live music that you can sing along to and if he's not at Blakeys you'll find him at Zaccios or at the new Sugar Live.

Free, 6.30pm 26th January, Hilton Hotel

Honey Jazz Gala Concert The crown jewel of the HoneyJam movement, the gala concert every year is a hair raising, goosebump inducing performance that no one should ever miss. We know people that have been living here since birth and still haven't gone. It's a must and one of the best musical events of the year. The performers are outstanding and you never leave the same person you were when you arrived. 28th January, $75 at Ticketpal, Frank Collymore Hall

Zaccios on Thursdays, 6.30pm Sugar Live on Sundays, 10pm

Temple Yard It's easy to miss because it's so rare that anyone spends any time in Bridgetown anymore. The days of Baxter road are on their last legs and if you're in town on a Sunday night it's usually because you're passing through. Turn that around. Now. The Rasta community of Temple Yard is open, welcoming, encouraging and always wants to see new faces. Every Sunday there are performances of everything from spoken word to reggae and soul. Food and drink to boot.

6.30pm Red Carpet Reception, 8pm Concert followed by after jazz lime. Jan/Feb 2017

Most Sundays, 8-late, Temple Yard (opposite the Post Office)

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everything to get her house more points and it's not that she was fantastically good at everything but when all the points added up, her contribution to the house pushed it up through the rankings and they made her deputy house captain. It's often surprising how the little things add up. Ch'An did half a bachelor’s degree before quitting through the sheer anxiety of driving up that hill at UWI for class. All she knew was that she wanted to sing and yet she spent every day forcing herself to believe that UWI was what she had to do. She cried her way home and after a talk with her parents her father told her to go for it. That was her green light.

Ch'An There is a naivety in children that we love, laugh and joke about. We all had it once and it comes bundled with telling people they look old, wondering why Asian people have different eyes, asking why the sky is blue and realising that this whole time it was never called Spice Town. Most of us lose it and we become fact-checking-nay-saying-ruleobeying sheep because we fulfil the role we think we should be playing. I have my first job so it's time to act serious. I have been give more responsibility so now I'll mimic that angry person who is the boss of bosses... And then the moment our first grandchild is born we suddenly get tired early, dress ridiculously and find reasons to shout at young people from our porches because they're having too much fun. But that's most of us. The rest of us will stay young at heart forever. Confused by angry managers at work, young grandparents acting old and wondering why we're being shouted at for being happy. It all, in turn, makes the angry people even angrier because we just won't

conform! So here we are bouncing through life whilst with the knowledge, deep down inside, that we're making this planet a brighter place. Enter Mia Ch'An Cumberbatch. At the age of five she had her first solo because someone had to figure out what to do with this little ball of fire who refused to blend in with the rest of the choir. She wouldn't stick to her part for a ten second harmony! At football the boys would call her Kryptonite because she was so good at stealing the ball and today she's a 24-year-old who has been on a solo tour for four years. She is what she is and there is so much joy radiating from her that you can't help but love her. Just you even dare try to shout at her from your porch! The journey from getting stuck in trees to being a full-time solo artist was a long and winding one during which Ch'An had to abandon her studies and convince her parents that singing was what she actually wanted to do. At school she would participate in

Today Ch'An is the first person to say that you need to at least finish school. Even school-level literature has helped how she approaches writing and her education has become an asset when it comes to creating. Having an awareness of all major subjects at least allows you to accomplish your day-to-day as an artist and develop yourself as a human being. Know your history to know where you came from and with this you will know where you're going. You don't necessarily need a list of certificates but you do need to know how to become a wellrounded person. As much as we are privileged to meet such incredible artists on such a regular basis, we have consistently learnt that one of the hardest things to do is be an artist and still make a living from it. Barbados is a tough place to earn your bacon, let alone become an entrepreneur, so becoming a musician is no easy feat by any measure. A lot of Ch'An's musician-friends stay creative whether they're graphic designers or music teachers or even running production studios so that, when they get their spare time, their creativity is already flowing. If Ch'An didn't have the single-minded dedication that has made her the happiest person alive, she would be in a very different job today.

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So what's in store for Ch'An's career? Early on when she started working with managers they wanted to make her into a success and they had their own formula but when an artist is as charismatically single-minded as Ch'An there has to be a middle ground. I was working for people who said this is what you should do even if that's not what you're all about. Jazz isn't something that many 20-year-old girls do. They set me up to look super poppy but I would come on stage and sing my jazz. It didn't feel right. Her four years of solo touring has taken her through St Maarten, Trinidad, Curacao and even The Dominican Republic. They would always introduce her as Ch'An from Barbados... The home of Rihanna. Now if you have had the chance to see Ch'An perform at Mahalia's Corner (which is now so successful that it's not so much a corner anymore as it is the Lloyd Sandiford Centre) you will know what she is made of. When you see what she's made of you will quickly realise that she doesn't need to be introduced as the girl from where Rihanna came. She steals the show every single time she comes on stage. And she's not trying to do straight jazz anymore, she's evolving. When you're listening to the radio and hear an Amy Winehouse come Erykah Badu voice you'll know who you're listening to. I want my audience to move! A sitdown audience won't do. One of those outdoor concerts in fields where everyone can get up and dance. So from here Ch'An will continue touring the world and having an ice cream wherever she drops her hat. It's simply a matter of time before she's introduced as Ch'An from Barbados.

Jan/Feb 2017

#life in leggings

“When I was 6 years old I gave my first blow job”.


his is just one of thousands of #LifeInLeggings stories that have taken social media by storm.

Triggered by personal stories and aiming to create a safe space for women to speak up, #LifeInLeggings was born. Ronelle King and Allyson Benn, two Bajans, came together with a group of like-minded women and started the hashtag #LifeInLeggings. Women could use it to share their experiences and their daily harassment as well as hurtful abuse that women have faced in the past and every day. What the hashtag has grown to represent is an ongoing collection of stories from

Jan/Feb 2017

cat calling or public harassment to emotional, physical and sexual abuse. As recently as December 9th, at the Billboard's Women In Music 2016, Madonna spoke out bluntly on eerily similar issues. She was being honoured as Woman of the Year and while she was grateful for the first few seconds of her acceptance speech, she made it clear that she made it to this point in her career “in the face of blatant sexism and misogyny and constant bullying and relentless abuse”. The superstar continued with stories of how she made it in the industry from her first apartment in NY where she was raped to the endless barrage of trolling on social media.

No matter your background, age, career choice or where you stand in life, it is an ongoing battle women have to face and there is an urgent need for change. If you didn’t know things were this serious then it’s time to tune in. If you’re aware of it but didn’t understand the severity of the issue then it’s time to start stepping up your game. Male reactions have touched both ends of a spectrum. One Facebook user stated “#LifeInLeggings kind of getting tired scrolling through my timeline and seeing all these made up fake stories under this hashtag”. On the other hand, another man wrote “These #LifeInLeggings stories of horror are disturbing and heartbreaking. I don’t know or can never

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understand the pain you have been through and apologies on behalf of my species falls woefully short. But you ladies who have been and continue to face this abuse, rest assure you will always have my love protection compassion and support”. As with most things, there is a spectrum of just how obscured from society this daily abuse really is. How is it that some are so stubborn that they hardly have it in them to believe any of it is true? How is it that others know that it’s going on but have never understood the extent of the damage?

The last word

It starts at home Online blogger Kristina Kuzmic posted a long article on how much she hates the saying “Boys will be boys”. She stressed that it implies that “boys cannot help what they say, how they think or how they act. It also implies that they have no self-control”. It’s easily used as an excuse by women to other women rationalising men’s behaviour but since when was there ever a need to rationalise it? There is no excuse for men to be demeaning, degrading or offensive. None. Kuzmic goes on to explain the smallest changes that can have a positive impact. When raising your sons, “instead of asking [your] young boys if he thinks a girl in his class is cute, ask him if he thinks she is kind, funny or smart. Let’s not brainwash our boys from a young age to focus on just how a girl looks. [...] Make sure our kids never have to hear us judge another person based on looks”.


In a recent interview with The Morning Brew, Mandy Cummins, Secretary & Treasurer of #LifeInLeggings, expressed that she was not surprised or shocked by the speed at which this hashtag has taken off but, instead, what stunned her was the number of interactions one woman could go through yet still remain standing. Ronelle, Director of #LifeInLeggings, wasn’t shocked by the explosion of the trend either. She was confident that there would be many but she could never have predicted the sheer number of women willing to share. If we follow the journey, the hashtag started right here in Barbados in November. There was some buzz on Facebook and Twitter and within weeks it sparked a reaction from Independent Member of Parliament in Barbados, Dr. Maria Agard. She shared her own experiences and reached out to women on social media. Just a hop away, Minister of State in the Office of the Prime Minister, Ayanna WebsterRoy in Trinidad also joined the conversation. Tanya Stephens, the Jamaican artist, poured her heart out on her Facebook page and shared her tragic rape stories – yes there were more than one. By December, #LifeInLeggings jumped from regional to global. It reached the BBC who interviewed Allyson Benn, the Social Media Manager, before she started a campaign that tracked sexual harassment worldwide over 72 hours. Women from 43 cities, spanning 29 countries posted their experiences of sexual harassment via various social media platforms.


More people are aware now. The audience continues to expand. What can be done? What are the next steps?

Know your rights. You are protected by the law. Section: 2, F of the minor Offences Act of Barbados 1998. Disorderly behaviour: 2. Any person who... (f) in any street, highway or public place, including a beach, without lawful authority or excuse (the proof whereof shall lie on the person accused), accosts, molests, threatens or harasses any person or follows him about; "(2) For the purposes of this section ''harass" means to (a) use words, gestures and actions that annoy, alarm or abuse a person; (b) insult, taunt or challenge a person in a manner likely to offend; (c) use obscene and profane language to intimidate a person; or (d) disturb or irritate especially by continued and repeated acts." #LifeInLeggings encourages women to screenshot this and show this to any and everyone, even the police. Some law enforcements officials are not even aware of these basic rights.

In one of the stories shared, a young girl was beaten by a man she didn't know. When he asked her for her number, she said she had a boyfriend and things went downhill from there. He started to follow her then one day he physically assaulted her and when this matter was brought to the police, they insisted that this man HAD to be her boyfriend because “Nobody don’t just beat up somebody just so.” If you read the news at all you will certainly have read stories of people who have gone to the police to simply be inexcusably turned away. Do not allow the police to turn you away. Be prepared, know your rights. This movement continues to grow and the stories just keep pouring in. There is now an official Facebook page which has created a single space for sharing and interacting with each other. The Team Ronelle King, Director; Luci Hammans, Deputy director; Allyson Benn, Social media Manager; Nikita Goddard, Assistant Social Media Manager; Mandy Cummins, Secretary/ Treasurer; Makaida Worrell, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer; Risée Chaderton-Charles, Public Relations Officer; Alexine Jackman, Assistant public Relations Officer. Links/Sources Madonna - hollywoodreporter.com/news/billboards-womenmusic-madonna-reflects-sexism-misogyny-constant-abusemore-three-decade-career Loop - loopnewsbarbados.com/content/female-politiciansspeak-out-about-lifeinleggings BBC - bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-38236694 Boys Will be Boys (Kristina Kuzmic)- youtube.com/ watch?v=R517g72hNwo facebook.com/officiallifeinleggings

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Jan/Feb 2017

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