I Love This Rock January 2016

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Round the Island Special Music Awards Honey Jazz Naniki Music Festival What’s On In January

January 2016 // Issue 3


The Race Is On! Editor’s Note

January 2016 Issue 3



2 Sport on this rock

The when and where of major sporting events.

6 NY Resolutions

Five that will obviously be broken and what you can do about it!

8 Sailing

The Mount Gay Round Barbados Race Series 2016 is upon us. Don’t miss out and be in the right place at the right time.

13 Pizza Showdown

The Mount Gay Round Barbados Race Series 2016 is upon us. Don’t miss out and be in the right place at the right time.

18 Naniki Music Festival Five days of crazy talent.

18 BMAs

Nominees and winners!

5 Tastebud Alert 12 Food in January 16 January at a Glance 20 The Last Word

What a year that was! Can we try again?!

So the radio stations had to stop playing the Christmas songs at some stage I suppose. The weather outside isn’t frightful, the fire isn’t delightful and I refuse to let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. Tax a sleigh just like a road-car fa-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la, Santa’s stuck at Customs pleading fa-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la. I would add that Santa Baby can’t hurry down the chimney tonight because chimneys aren’t something we specialise in... Except at the cement factory and we know how that will end. Lord! Can you see what an adverse effect all that Christmas music had on me? On Christmas day we were so fed up of it all we played deep house... Who does that?! 2016! Welcome! How are you? What a wonderful year you look like! Have a seat and a bribe so we can make this a better year for both us. The recession is coming to an end, hope is resurfacing and everyone is cheering up... Except for the lady next door. She thinks that being angry is a sport... And she’s winning. I can’t wait for the day when we can stop worrying about our future and start living more. Living today, in the now. When we look at kids, their greatest devastation comes from not getting that ice-cream. Because nothing else matters! Ice-cream. Now. So let’s go nuts and feel alive! Let’s go skinny-dipping (what was that Officer? No I meant metaphorically, of course!), let’s dance through the after-hours, sing louder and longer and remember that we can just be. The world is imposing enough and the headlines try to get our attention by screaming at us... Just like all of that Christmas music. So in the office we are turning down the volume of the world and we are going to concentrate on what makes us happy. We are working on two massive new projects that we should have up and running soon so prepare to be blown away. We will impress the rocks off you! Happy New Year

All rights reserved. Nothing from this publication may be reproduced, even in part, without prior written approval from I Love This Rock. All the information provided is correct to our best knowledge at the time of print.

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Want to reach every office in Barbados? Every hotel and restaurant? advertise@ilovethisrock.com Photo Credits: Airenti / Shutterstock.com (front cover), Lalita Vaswani. Lead Writer: Charlie Brown. Contributing Writer: Lalita Vaswani. Thank you to our friends and families for their endless support. Special thanks to Lalita Vaswani for being the official heart and soul of this publication. To those who have seen the potential in us, watch this space. To those who don’t believe in us... We know you’re secretly watching us anyway. Also just a small thank you to Charlie. You’re in every page.

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Sport on this rock

Polo 3rd January

Clifton Polo Charity Match

10th January

Polo at Clifton

17th January

USA Polo Tour at Lion Castle

20th January

Mount Gay Regatta Polo at Holders

21st January

USA Polo Tour at Lion Castle

24th January

USA Polo Tour/ Australian Tour at Lion Castle

26th January

Australian Tour at Apes Hill

30th January

Australian Tour at Apes Hill

31st January

Ladies Polo Tour at Holders

Golf 9th January

BGA New Year Hamper at Rockley Golf Course

13th January

Nine & Wine at Apes Hill Golf Club

17th January

USA Polo Tour at Lion Castle

20th January

Mount Gay Regatta Polo at Holders

21st January

USA Polo Tour at Lion Castle

Move Over Rudolph Music Month Has Arrived

When January 3rd strikes the Barbados Music Awards will once again take over the Caribbean. The whole world will be watching. Just a few years ago Cissy Houston performed live in honour of her late daughter, Whitney. Joseph Jackson sang a tribute to his brother, Michael, and just when you think your winning streak has to end, Larry King talks about the BMAs on CNN. 30th January Honey Jam presents Honey Jazz at Frank Collymore Hall. If you do your homework you will see that Honey Jam give female artists the tools, support and network to grow, well. Then there’s the Naniki Music Fesitval between 13th January and 17th... Music!

tastebud alert Sweet Chocolate and Coconut gelato at Dolce (dol-chay) in the Sheraton Mall. If you’re coconutty then definitely have it, it’s their best flavour. If you’re not, have any other flavour but have it because of the texture... and then have some more for the taste. It’s not even Barbados’s best kept secret because there’s nothing secret about it! The parlour is just sitting there in the food court and no one ever goes to it. We know you’ve never even tried yet it really is the only genuinely good ice cream on this rock. And we’ve looked. Far.

ilovethisrock.com/dolcegelato Sheraton Mall

Salty We went to Juju’s for some beach time and we weren’t supposed to eat but we’re so glad that we did. The crevalle was the best fish we had tasted in a long time. Super soft, so well seasoned. Take me to Mojos for the fries and I’m cooked. ilovethisrock.com/ju-jus Mount Standfast

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New Year’s Resolutions That Will Obviously Be Broken

Lose Weight

Could this be the New Year’s Resolution everybody in the developed world has tried? I say developed world because we have to realise what a privilege it is to eat as we eat. To be able to have leftovers that we can use the next day or to throw away as we do all too often. France has just tried to introduced a law that prevents supermarkets from disposing of unsold produce and instead makes them give it to charities. Are our politicians reading this? Could we spend a lot less money feeding those in need and get even better results? We think so. Advice We find that if you focus all of your attention on what you’re eating you become a little obsessed with eating... Which is how you became overweight in the first place. Focus on movement, sport, dancing or whatever you want but focus on moving. When meal-times arrive, just eat less. Not more.


Quit Smoking “Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I’ve done it thousands of times.”

Well we can’t argue with Mark Twain now, can we. It’s the hardest everyday habit to kick and we have all been exposed to people who have quit smoking without really quitting. So what’s missing? A purpose that you actually care about? Smoking, like any addiction, helps us feel better for that moment... At the expense of our own future. It’s the equivalent of dumping toxic chemicals in the reservoir that supplies your water. So the drinking water might taste a little funny, sip by sip, but at least we’re free of garbage. Who are we kidding?! Advice Start doing more sport so that you’re exposed to how badly your lungs are doing. Wish you could perform better and you will feel the need to stop.


Stop Using Facebook

Well obviously this isn’t going to work. If you think you’re allowed to escape our posts on what’s happening around Barbados you’re going to be left completely in the dark. So just by virtue of staying in touch with us, you’re not allowed to quit Facebook. And that’s just us! What about keeping in touch with friends and family?! What about the day you have a baby and you want the whole world to know? Frankly, Facebook these days is an endless forward email with cats and dogs. Even other people’s babies dressed-up in costumes so often you’ve thought of calling Social Services on your own friends. But my thumb needs exercise! I can’t stop! Advice Have a Facebook purge. Go through your list of friends and disconnect from the randoms. Keep your loved ones and filter the ENDLESS baby photos! You can’t make your baby into an elf! That doesn’t work! 6 Read more reviews and find out what’s on this month at ilovethisrock.com


Spend More Time with Family

When we say this it usually means one of two things. Either it’s that we’re going to spend more time with our parents/ grandparents or it means we’re going to spend more time with our kids. There’s a fundamental problem in making this promise. Instead of trying to find new activities and common grounds, you just force yourself back into the same patterns... Keeping them company, holding on as patiently as you can until you give up again. Advice So if we’re talking about parents/grandparents, have you thought about digging deeper than the stories of “When I was your age”? We went to a home for the elderly at Christmas and after all the gifts had been given and the conversations had been had... We... Started... Dancing. Isn’t music and dance what brings all of humanity together? It is. For your kids, instead of teaching them something, go experience something new, together.


Travel to New Places

Right! London, Paris, Rome, NYC and the Great Wall of China. What?! Go back to sleep! Think strategically. What holiday allowance have you got? Is your boss going to give it to you all in one go? What about that iPad you were supposed to get your betterhalf? What about that engagement ring?! Financially you didn’t think this through... Now check the flights online... A lot more expensive than the last time you checked? Pick one place and make it good. Nothing solidifies your confidence or the strength of a relationship like a successful holiday. Fact. Advice If you’re going somewhere you will need money. What if you’re going somewhere new without leaving Barbados? This magazine exists for that very reason! The website is designed to show you that you live in the most incredible place in the world and every month we will remind you that you never knew your country like you thought you did. Take a hike! Literally!

we’re hiring

be when you grow up? Is that straight line from education to work the only one you know? Did you ever wonder if you could make a career change today? When you wake up in the morning do you wish you had a spring in your step? Did they tell you to work hard to see your dreams come true? If you look deep in your soul, have you, perhaps, simply readjusted your dreams downwards? Is it possible that you chose the boring path because you think boring and stable are the same thing? Shouldn’t you believe that the world is your oyster? What do you want to

Ready to be challenged, confronted and reshaped? Stop Waiting. Contact Us. Now. careers@ilovethisrock.com Read more reviews and find out what’s on this month at ilovethisrock.com 7

8 Read more reviews and find out what’s on this month at ilovethisrock.com

round barbados

race series 2016 Its

full name is The Mount Gay Round Barbados Race and because it’s so long we are going to abbreviate it to TMGRBRQFUJKILWDKJWEKLMH. There are so many different angles to the race that we have taken it upon ourselves to break it down because it’s worth it. First, though, this is what you didn’t know! Barbados Tourism & Market Inc (it’s so long we’re going to abbreviate it as BTMIHENSDKHTLWPWIDNALT) teamed up with the Barbados Cruising Club and Mount Gay to add some real flavour to life in Barbados. The idea was that if they could create a truly international event, everyone in Barbados could benefit from it. So what happened is that sailor-man extraordinaire Peter Gilkes started scouring the planet for the best racing teams with the fastest vessels so that when race-day arrived it would be the best all-star line-up since someone thought that we could name a highway after more than one prime minister, which was then so long that it had to be abbreviated to the ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP highway.

Who’s Coming? This year is particularly well accomplished and the crown jewel of the BTMI’s work is in the shape of Concise 10. An entirely carbon-fibre MOD70 trimaran built like an F1 car (amazing when racing but agonisingly frustrating when travelling any slower than the speed of light), and she has been branded up as Ms Barbados. She

arrived in Barbados mid-January having raced from Lanzarote to Grenada for six solid days at average speeds between 25 and 35 knots (fast). In an exclusive interview, 14th December, the 8-strong crew explained how there was no real sleeping because either they were being battered by the sea or they were sardined-up inside tossing and turning. Carbon-fibre? It gets very hot, very quickly.

Now it’s held 21st January every year; Errol Barrow day. What few people know is that Errol Barrow was one of the founder members of the Cruising Club (which actually belongs to Barbados) and the bar inside is called Dippers, because that was his nickname. Fact!

Other yachts to look out for this year:

What’s quite unique about TMGRBRQFUJKILWDKJWEKLMH is that the vessels aren’t handicapped but instead they’re categorised. Traditionally, if you have a much faster boat, organisers will try to even-out the playing field by adding extra time to your laps. What we do here is split every type of boat (or windsurfer) into a category so that no one can say “Go race someone your own size”.

• • • •

Phaedo3 (another MOD70) Concise 8 (the Class 40 Ms Barbados) Adix (a 213ft long schooner, last on sale for USD 31.5million in 2011) Ruth, our own cherished schooner, built in Barbados.

How Did It Start? The first official race was in 1936 when schooners were used as fast cargo carriers and, as the competition hotted-up, the crews started racing around the island to prove that they were actually the best choice. It was the equivalent of DHL, UPS and FedEx having van-races to North Point to show just how ‘next-day-8am’ they really were. The first ever winner was Sea Fox and her captain Luke Kennedy who toured the island in twelve hours. Today the schooner record is 6 hours, 11 minutes and 19 seconds… Maybe these days it’s just much windier!?

It means we can all have BBQs at North Point as we watch the boats sail up from the West and tear down the East. Thank you Errol Barrow.

Get On Board - Get a Charter No lie, you can get on the boats for the races. It’s one thing to tell you to drive around the island for the best viewing angles (whilst simultaneously prepping the BBQ) but if you can abandon all hope of enjoying yourself with the family, get yourself a space on the boat just remember that there are so many going it would be rude not to. Don’t wait. It’s exactly what we’re doing! Right now there are 14 yachts offering spaces www.mountgayrumroundbarbadosrace.com Click on ENTER / CHARTER

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the mount gay race series Current Records: Multihull: Silverbullet (Supercat 30) in 4h 27m 27s Monohull: Monster Project (VO70) in 4h 42m 20s Classic: Elena (A-Class Racing 55m Schooner) in 6h 11m 19s Double-Handed Monohull: Hallucine (Pogo40) in 7h 29m 51s Single-Handed Multihull: Stiletto (46) in 7h 53m 55s Windsurfer: Mr Charles Hunte in 7h 59m 10s Single-Handed Monohull: Jabulani (J/24) in 9h 49m 58s

Silver Bullet


Monster Project


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January 17–19 Coastal Racing Every day racers travel to these points in this order Start: 09:30 1. Cruising Club 2. Beach House (Holetown) 3. Carlisle Bay 4. Tapas 5. Oistins 6. Carlisle Bay

January 21 Mount Gay Round The Island Race Racers will travel to these points in this order First Start: 07:00 1. Start in Carlisle Bay between the Barbados Cruising Club and the Committee Boat 2. West Coast 3. North Point (the place to be) - call Animal Flower Cave and book something! You never know! 4. East Coast Finish Line: 17:00 The Barbados Cruising Club NOTE: The start has been staggered specifically so that all the boats cross the finish line at roughly the same time. Get yourself to the south coast for an almighty finale!


17th Mount Gay Rum Red Cap Party at the Barbados Yacht Club

18th Mount Gay Rum Visitors’ Centre

19th Barbados Yacht Club

21st Barbados Yacht Club

22nd Prize Giving at The Beach House

23rd Farewell Party at the Barbados Cruising Club

12 Read more reviews and find out what’s on this month at ilovethisrock.com

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food in january Trini Doubles If you’ve tasted some Trini Doubles before this might be no news to you but if you haven’t then perk right up again. It’s like a roti… but better… and it’s from Trinidad. You don’t have much choice for fillings but choice isn’t what you want. What you’re looking for is to eat it there and then so that it doesn’t get wrapped up because you don’t want it wrapped up! The bara (fried flatbread) stays dryer and crispier. Lisa’s the young lady selling at the bottom of Rendezvous and she’s got more smiles than a toothpaste commercial. She overlaps two bara and adds the channa (curried chickpeas) and then hands it to you to eat like that because it’s easier and cleaner and better. When you get doubles to go they get rolled up and everything gets messy so stick around like everyone else and make friends with the other full-mouthed doubles-fans. It’s worth mentioning that they taste better before they get rolled up. This could be entirely psychological but if it tastes better psychologically then why wouldn’t we try?! You know that every Trini is going to tell you how they tasted better in Trinidad but even by Trini standards these aren’t bad at all. There are three locations but our favourite remains the one with Lisa because she’s just so peppy and exciting. ilovethisrock.com/trini-doubles

What is your favourite restaurant in Barbados? Is there a place that hasn’t been reviewed online?


Are we missing out? Get in touch. Let us know. All of our reviews are independent and anonymous.

Santi It hasn’t been open long at all but Santi has definitely declared its presence in Barbados. It’s one of the better beach-restaurants on the island with a good Euro-styled terrace and the customers to boot. It’s a great place to have a few bottles of rosé on ice whilst you poke and shake with a group of friends. The music is always good and the service isn’t bad but orders can seem more chaotic than they really are. Their rum punch is decent and their selection of drinks is wide enough for most. The beach side is brilliant and spacious with beautiful people everywhere but their beach menu isn’t the same as their restaurant menu (although it’s still served on plates). For some reason your options on the beach revolve around a lot of deep-fried stuff and if you think about it, beach people are the ones trying to look good. Hand them steamed kale on a bed of super-food nuts glazed with amino acids and other health-oriented madness… Or at least a normal menu from the kitchen. ilovethisrock.com/santi

14 Read more reviews and find out what’s on this month at ilovethisrock.com


pizza showdown

Two new culinary muscles have been flexed so we got stuck in Pepenero opened very recently and it’s actually a real pleasure to see them evolve every month. The new menus have arrived, the pizzas are getting better and it’s filling up quickly. Believe it or not it’s the new project by Saman Golesorkhi, the owner of Lemon Grass next door. This is his hood!

The Cliff Beach Club is The Cliff’s answer to people being scared of it. Their pricing isn’t really comparable to most places but it’s not as bad as you think. Their one and only pizza is great but comes under the starters category. Good ingredients, aren’t what’s missing.

Basil pesto, prosciutto, mozzarella & fresh tomatoes

Mascarpone & truffle, arugula & cherry tomatoes





















Rocks: Super-thin, crispy Knocks: Not a lot of character

Rocks: Crispy, different Knocks: Not a lot of character

Rocks: Original combinations, healthy, balanced Knocks: Limited options Rocks: Anti-pasti (starters) are fresh, healthy salads Knocks: Once you find your dish there isn’t more you want to try Rocks: Nice design Knocks: It’s in Limegrove so a bit sterile, not intimate Rocks: Great lunch-spot on a weekday Knocks: Not great for a date or cosy conversations

Have you had better? Hashtag the life out of it!

Rocks: The ingredients are amazing Knocks: Only one pizza to choose from Rocks: Most items on the menu just don’t exist elsewhere Knocks: Only one pizza to choose from Rocks: It’s perfect Knocks: People around you taking themselves too seriously Rocks: Super relaxed, slow, intimate Knocks: A pain if you’re not already dressed for it

#ilovethisrock Read more reviews and find out what’s on this month at ilovethisrock.com 15

january at a glanc 09

Susan & Asher Mains Susan is a self-taught Grenadian artist who has made a life for herself so representative of her passion that when asked what inspires her, Susan’s reply is “I don’t wait to get inspired. I work, and as I work, the expression, passion and love for these islands pours out.” Asher on the other hand has had an extensive artistic education over almost ten years and has stuck close to his roots. His art expresses that so clearly.

Like birds of a feather who flock together, Susan and Asher have been part of the Biennale in Venice and the Bienal in Rio this year. The talent is clear. artgallerycaribbean.com


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Eljodi Ceramic Sculptures

It’s what our earth is made of. It’s what we have in abundance and it’s what makes this rock so fertile. Dianne Walcott and Ellon Lewis run the Eljodi gallery. They are a duo who play with different mediums but sculpture is definitely up there in the list. The gallery will reflect what they’re currently working on as they keep making and keep turning pieces. In January you will see a lot of ceramic sculptures with a twist that continuously manifests Bajan inspiration. The clay? Bajan chalky mount, of course. It’s a piece of mother earth. eljodiigallery.yolasite.com


National Road Tennis Finals

Brilliant fun and entirely Bajan. What’s not to love? Andy Murray played when he last visited but let’s not talk about how easy he managed to make it look. All eleven parishes are competing and the quarter and semi finals will be rolled out throughout January to culminate on the 23rd at 6.30pm. It’s like table-tennis except it’s on the floor and it’s not table tennis. We are also willing to bet that it’s easier to run after a road-tennis ball than a table-tennis ball. #justsaying proroadtennis.com Antone Daniel in 2014


Honey Jazz 2016

For the past five years we have had Honey Jazz performances by Honey Jam. The organisation works to empower young ladies. It gives them the tools and the networking opportunities to grow in the music industry without going through the casting-couch abuse of the ‘90s. It makes alumni out of all the graduates and around this time every year we get to see that talent bloom. If you haven’t been before then make this your first, it will blow your mind. Voices like you’ve never heard and renditions you never believed possible. Best night out. Fact. honeyjambarbados.com

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naniki music festival Island In The Sun - Holders

13 14

If you’ve never heard of Irving Burgie you’re going to remember this article for the rest of your life because he was the man who wrote the national anthem for Barbados... And he’s going to be honoured by Dr Stefan Walcott’s 1688 Big Band and vocalist Nikita Browne. It starts at 7.30pm and the tickets are at ticketpal.com starting at $80. facebook.com/nanikimusicfestival ticketpal.com

Free! Sunset Jazz’n with Naniki - Frank Collymore Hall Trinidadian steel pan virtuoso Rudy Smith Quartet and the Mylon Clarke/Rhea Drakes Quartet will be working sundown. It starts at 6pm but do get there early enough for a good space. facebook.com/nanikimusicfestival ticketpal.com


Echoes of the Caribbean - Holders


West Coast Jazz - Holders


Fusion in the Hills - Naniki

Last year Maxi Priest brought down the house... This turned the Naniki Jazz Festival into the Naniki Music Festival. This year we have reggae legends, Aswad and Vanessa Lee on the reggae stage. Prep. Yourselves. facebook.com/nanikimusicfestival ticketpal.com

Grammy Award Winner, Roberta Flack, shows us what singing is supposed to sound like. Grammy Award Nominee, musician and producer, Nicholas Brancker, shows us what a tight set looks like with his orchestra. As the magazine goes to press tickets are still available at $100 and once they’re gone there will only be the VIP at $250. facebook.com/nanikimusicfestival ticketpal.com

Naniki Barbados Music Festival will close with “Fusion in the Hills” in the Naniki amphitheatre headlined by the seasoned soca star, Edwin Yearwood. Ras Isley will also make a rare appearance in tribute to Trinidadian arranger Leston Paul responsible for classics like “Hot, Hot, Hot”, “Groove Master”, “Nani Wine”, “Paul Yoh Mother” and “Pan in A Minor”. facebook.com/nanikimusicfestival ticketpal.com

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next month we explore valentines day - the fancy - the spicy - the saucy

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Dive like a fish. Like a GFish.

gfishbarbados.com +1 246-287-5289

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22 Read more reviews and find out what’s on this month at ilovethisrock.com

GiGi Ma’at - Photograph: Sheldon Marshall

the last word

the last word H

oney Jam is the developmental organisation that pushes and promotes young ladies in the music industry. It’s a talent incubator with vocal, performance, song-writing and music industry workshops. At the end of their two-month programme they become alumni and, of course, have the opportunity to go back and help the next generation. Nelly Furtado is the most obvious result of what Honey Jam does. She arrived as a young girl in 1997 and was able to break through the rank and file of the music industry to become the star that she is today. So does this make Honey Jam a music company? Actually no.

It’s knowledge. It’s know-how. What we fail to really value when we see stars rising is their fierce personal battle. It stops being about the music, the talent and the magic. We know it’s there and everyone works hard for a living but we turn a blind eye. What does creep in, though, is the chauvinism. We forget that, up until quite recently, the music industry was seriously dominated by men. Casting-couch abuse is something we associate with Hollywood superstars almost blindly. We talk about the differences between theatrical actresses and those who started as a waitress. How many were picked for their talents and how many did we just never hear about? The entertainment industry has something to do with talent but it’s actually about sales and we cannot ignore the pressure these girls are under to sell themselves. The singers we see are products to be marketed. They have to be made-up, photographed in endless shoots posing in ridiculous positions and out of nowhere their microwaved-sexuality is bringing in the cash. You look like that? Now live up to your own falsified reputation. What about the girls with a mind to stand up for themselves? Well they’re rarely signed to major labels because they can’t be moulded, shaped and reshaped. They’re too much work and too much of a hassle.

Enter Ebonnie Rowe A Bajan in the snow, she grew up in Canada and over five years three of her friends committed suicide. Ebonnie dropped out of university to start a mentoring programme for black students in Toronto: Each One Teach One. It led to the creation of Honey Jam, which is now twenty years old (Happy Birthday). Ebonnie went on to produce a radio show highlighting the lyrics and the degradation of young girls. It was in so much of the music that it felt normal. A national entertainment magazine editor listening to the show asked her to guest-edit an all-female issue and the wrap party was called Honey Jam. After wrap party she was constantly being asked about the next one, it was a hit. Ever since it has been an annual and this year is no exception - in both Barbados and Canada. Ebonnie was working as a legal assistant by day and was organising Honey

Jam by night. She was flying on adrenaline and if you meet her today you will see how slowing down is something she is immune to. It’s for other people. The Canadian government already has a reputation for subsidising and protecting local artists in a big way. Justin Bieber and Celine Dion are two examples amongst an endlessly surprising list. Google it. You will be amazed at how many US artists aren’t actually American. Honey Jam Barbados started five years ago and Honey Jazz is its offshoot. Every year the Honey Jammers (they’re not called that, I just made it up) are given the opportunity to perform at Frank Collymore Hall. It’s definitely going to be a female-dominated event (let’s remember why we’re supporting these young ladies) but there are definitely some guys joining in. Last year, the K9 Charity that we mentioned in the December issue of the magazine, held a concert where Honey Jammers had the chance to perform in front of Simon Cowell.

So How Can You Help? 1. Go to the Honey Jazz fundraising concert. Hear the talent yourself. 2. Buy a kid a ticket to Honey Jazz. Even if you don’t go yourself there are students who can’t afford to go and the best thing you can do is give them that experience. 3. Just Donate!

GET INVOLVED Tickets: ticketpal.com Donations: honeyjambarbados@gmail.com

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