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TiHive brand identity brand redesign


we are a globally working branding agency

We are pleased to make you an offer for a re-

Identity is largely based on the perception of

branding and brand identity strategy in order to

expressions, behavior, patterns and impressions

position your company in the most relevant way

that can be condensed into an overall picture. The

possible and design an iconic brand with a lifestyle

same applies to the corporate design or the digital


appearance. It is only the uniformity of essential design elements that leads to a clear appearance.

Our aim is to further develop the brand appearance

Uniformity requires joint agreements, rules and

and the identity of the brand in such a way that this

guidelines, with regard to the basic elements of a

further development contributes to increasing the

branding and marketing strategy.

level of awareness, communicates the range of products in a comprehensible manner and creates a

We’re all about helping companies get to grips with

clear competitive differentiation.

their brand and fall in love with it.

Giving visitors the space to explore with their own

Ultimately, we want you to work with us and use

imaginations, we want to create the recognition and

our services, to help you deciding for the strategic

curiosity around your brand. We will be designing

next steps in company and brand development.

the most expected thing in the most unexpected way to earn attention and build brand fame and spark interest in your products. It must be ensured that the brand architecture and the visual appearance are prepared for current and possible future requirements. By means of a professional and consistent presentation, the company’s special competence can also be underlined in terms of communication.

what we do best

our heartbeat

how we work

what we believe

Strategic positioning


We work flexibly, quickly and with a holistic

We believe that social relevance has an

Naming and brand development

Product & Service Innovations


entrepreneurial value. It’s not a ‘nice to have’. We

Corporate identity and design development

Digital Innovations

Integrated communication campaigns

Cultural projects

We are tired of endless agency/client feedback

successful when they meet a need in society or

Marketing in print and online

Projects with a socially relevant focus

loops and therefore get to the point quickly. We

when their services help people to better achieve

Websites and online communication

work in close cooperation with you. At eye level.

their goals.

Packaging strategy and design

As partners, we do not see ourselves as service

Video / Infographics / Animations

providers. The more you involve us, the more you

Environmental design

benefit from us.

3D design and AR/VR

believe that companies and organisations are

We say when we find something wrong.

How we develop brands



A core value is a benchmark to which one is committed and

It is not the uniqueness of the core values that makes a brand

against which one can be measured.

special, but the willingness to be held accountable for them, by anyone.

We don’t think about what you can deliver to the market to please. We think about what is unique and special about your offer. The focus is on whether your offer simplifies people’s lives and work or helps solve an existing problem. We focus on the values of a company and its people. Because a successful brand is based on the following clear criteria:

criteria of branddevelopment



Much can be negotiable in the business world. Not so the core

The core values of your brand serve corporate orientation,

values. A brand increases the value of your company,

leadership, product development and customer loyalty.

retains employees, attracts the best talents and turns your customers into brand ambassadors.

We help you strengthen your brand at every

Our work process is not linked to a single brand

touchpoint and every level of communication,

model. We make use of various approaches. We

and help you realize your full business potential.

always go through five successive phases that

Whether start-up, market launch, relaunch or

include different work steps. Depending on the task

merger – we support you in positioning your brand

at hand and the client’s demands, these are applied

future-oriented for the digital transformation. We

in a modular manner.

always tell you honestly if we do not find something strategically meaningful.

why brand building is necessary

why your brand is important

In today’s world of mass disruption, branding


is more important than ever. People don’t have


relationships with products, they are loyal to brands.



A professional appearance is important in

Businesses that are well branded stand out:

In a movement strategy created by a creative

Why do we exist?

establishing credibility. Consumers may think twice

agency, brands have a purpose that people can get

Why are we doing this?

about doing business with a company that appears

behind. Brands can inspire millions of people to join

What is our process?

unpolished or illegitimate. Emotional reactions to

who they are and the audience they’re looking to

a community.

How are we dealing with clients?

the look and feel of a brand are hardwired into our


What’s the problem we are solving?

brains, and those reactions can heavily influence

Most people think branding is just the design of a

What is the unmet human need?

buying decisions.

nice logo. Branding is definitely much more. You

What’s our motivation?

need a strategy to achieve growth for your brand.

What’s the customer benefit?

This will make a strong brand.

What’s the brands’ promise?

What’s different to what’s already out there?

Businesses that have a strong understanding of

Businesses whose brand clearly communicate why they’re better or different from the competition

BRAND BUILDING CREATES CUSTOMER LOYALTY WHAT IS A STRONG BRAND? Consumers are attracted and loyal to brands that

Branding is fundamental. Branding is basic. Branding

share their beliefs. When developing your brand

It’s what you stand for.

is essential. Building brands builds incredible value

messaging, it’s important to communicate your

It’s the idea that you’re known for.

for companies and corporations.

values to help build that emotional connection with

It’s the identity that gets you recognized.

your target market. Allegiance to a brand can often

It’s the image that makes you memorable.

It is the way you define your business to yourself,

last a lifetime and is many times passed down to

It’s the concept that defines your services.

external audiences, and your employees. It embodies

children and grandchildren.

It’s the offer that makes you sought after.

It’s the belief that your customers buy into.

the core of what your business is and what you value. It’s your tagline, your advertising messaging,


It’s the business that your staff represent.

your store’s signage, your employees’ uniforms,


It’s the reputation that gets you talked about.

the way your customer service team interacts with

A strong brand will influence your current and

No branding, no differentiation. No differentiation,


prospective clients’ response to your products

no long-term profitability. It’s the marketing that

and services. It is essential your business’ logo and

drives your sales. It’s your brand that drives your

visual identity align with the attitudes, aspirations,


your packaging, the interior design of your office,

and needs of your target audience. Many elements of design — colors, shapes, patterns — evoke different emotions in different audiences. This is why customer research is a critical first step of any brand development!

It’s the most important thing to get right!

selected partner

we work globally locally MOSCOW BERLIN ISTANBUL





building a challenger brand THE SITUATION


TiHive is a vision systems provider for industrial

We develop a brand identity that functions as a

IoT. They help industries optimize and save raw

challenger brand and can compete with established

materials. The Company offers a plug and play

brands in the market. The brand should be younger

imaging system based on terahertz light,

and more playful, rebellious and innovative but also

combined with AI algorithms. Their solution offers

approachable and human. It should be perceived as

its clients a real-time quality check that ensure

innovative in the market and radiate flexibility,

product compliance and reduce raw material

creativity, seriousness and expertise.

waste. It includes a transmitter and receiver, which, reveal physical characteristics or quality

Building on this brand, we are developing a digital

indicators in products, that have previously been

company presentation that can be modified and

impossible to measure. It is benefiting consumers

expanded for further purposes in the future. For this

and the environment.

purpose, an image library and a corporate design including stationary (including newsletter template

The Grenoble-based company wants to start a

and presentation forms for trade fair appearances)

rebranding process, because their existing brand

will be created.

does no longer correspond to the market requirements and standards. The company is

Our work is divided into four successive work

looking for a creative agency that will create a re-

phases. Each phase contains different work steps,

branding and help them to become a trendsetting

which are modularly applied depending on the

company with a best-seller brand strategy

customer and the task.

focussing on the European market.

phase 1: analysis brand scan and brand mapping This phase is the start of every project. We want to understand your requirements and define common project goals. GOALS •

Get to know the company

Obtain requirements: Which target groups does the product / service serve?

Against whom does the product / service compete?

Understand the context, where the brand stands and where it should go.

Summarize the task



Desktop research of the brand from the point

Client compiles research, marketing and other

of view of the customer and from the point of

relevant material and sends it to the agency. The

view of the company

agency reviews the material and creates an agenda

Investigation of the current appearance of the

for the workshop and reviews the previous brand

brand across all channels, in terms of content


and form •

Kick-off workshop with the client

Description of the market situation and


industry trends

Evaluation of the findings, initial workshop, definition

Target group definition

of a clear briefing (tasks and specifications), a

Analysis of competition

common understanding and a common project plan.

Analysis of previous communication

Environment analysis and analysis of name




Review of the previous trademark idea and pre-check of the trademark protection options (DPMA & EUIPO)

Qualitative market research if necessary

Quantitative market research

Store checks


Client personas

2 weeks from project start

phase 2: positioning and brand architecture



Conducting interviews with members of

The client clarifies the availability of the participants

management, employees, customers and

and decision-makers of his team and ensures the

competitors. Usually we calculate with six face-

decision-making ability. The agency conducts

to-face interviews (optionally also via Skype).

individual discussions and summarises and presents

Examination of product promises, product

the results.

benefits, product history •

Formulation of a vision and a mission statement

Portfolio analysis: symbolic value, emotional


Creation of a brand positioning. Depending on the task, we use different brand models: the brand steering wheel by Esch, the holistic model by Henrion,

Ludlow, Schmidt, the diamond model by McKinsey, the pyramid model by Kampferer, Bates’ brand steering wheel, the golden circle model by Sinek or the brand model by Aaker. The following criteria form the basis of our brand development:

value, status value / prestige, added value

A confirmed brand strategy, positioning, personality,

Functional brand positioning: what does the

brand values. A recommendation for the brand

company do (what is offered)?

architecture, design briefing.

Emotional brand positioning: what does the company stand for in the industry and in the


minds of the target groups?


What makes the company unique and what associations result from it?

Competition: how does the company differ from other “market participants”?


Does the brand deliver what it promises? RELEVANCE

Target groups: who are the target groups and how are they addressed?

Definition of strengths and weaknesses

If necessary, trend analysis: Which trends give

Does the brand promise have any significance for the target group?

6 weeks after phase 1

What is the attitude of the company’s employees and founders?


the product / service a boost? •

Development of a core positioning of the brand


Definition of values and tonality

Is the brand promise different from that of other suppliers?

Formulation of a central communication idea

1st Presentation Date

phase 3: creative concept GOALS



In this phase we create the visual appearance of the brand so that it can be used

During production, we will finalize the selected CI

The client clarifies the specifications for the

and communicated in all relevant media. For this purpose, the basic elements of

route and create print-ready logo files in 1C and 4C

application and use of the brand. The agency

the visual identity are defined. The phase comprises the following steps:

(and possibly with spot color(s)), as positive and

ensures that the applications work in the required

negative versions, and acquire licenses and files for



fonts and images. RESULTS

Development of two different design concepts (presentation via


moodboards) •

Design elements for the brand

Evaluation of the concepts on the basis of the brand and design attributes

In this phase we summarize the work in a small

Exemplary applications

defined in advance

brand guide and inform about the correct / wrong

Visualization of the brand architecture

Selection of a concept

use of the logo, fonts, colors, visual language and

Digital Brand Manual

Further development in detail and development of:

graphic elements. The brand bible is produced as a digital version. All images are example visualizations

Logo or trademark

brand structure


Exemplary use of the design elements in 3 selected


applications, e.g:


design principles

Visualization of a landing page


Visualization of an advertising medium

photography style

Visualization of online advertising

Visualization of an HTML Newsletter

Visualization of a social media presence

Visualization of a presentation master slide

Visualization of a spacial presentation of the


with the exception of the logo files. 4-8 weeks after phase 2 Several face-to-face and presentation meetings with the client


phase 4: testing OPTIONAL SERVICES


Language testing in the target markets (external

The results are evaluated in the form of presentation


charts. As a rule, a slide with a diagram and a short

Title protection search

commentary is created for each question. Where

Stock brand verification

useful in terms of content, sub-group analyses of

Preliminary assessment under trademark law by

selected questions are also presented graphically.

trademark attorneys •

Title protection search



4-8 weeks

Brand name and brand testing

3rd Presentation Date


Panel-based online survey to test brand names and the brand

(CAWI = Computer Assisted Web Interviewing)

x countries and x language versions

Number of cases: x results per country

Data preparation and analysis includes a manual consistency and plausibility check.


cost estimate based on our current assumptions of the scope of the project. All phases are optional and can be ordered independently. Phase


Phase 1:

Current appearance of the brand across all channels


Kick-off workshop with the client (online)

Brand scan and

Challenging the target group definition

brand mapping

Analysis of competition

Costs 3.600 €



Phase 4:

Panel-based online survey to test brand names and the brand


(CAWI = Computer Assisted Web Interviewing)

Costs 11.450 €

1 country and 1 language version

Analysis of previous communication Environment analysis and analysis of industry trends


Review of the previous trademark idea and pre check of the trademark protection

10% Project Management

options (DPMA & EUIPO)



40.250 € 4.025 € 45.275 € excluding tax

Client personas POS Analysis Consumer/B2B Analysis Phase 5:

Concept roll-out, design and programming of the website

5.000 - 50.000 €


Layout, color and typography management, proofs. Data transfer + correspondence

(estimates around

with printing supplier Phase 2:

Six interviews


Examination of product promises, product benefits, product history

and brand

Formulation /challenge of the vision and a mission statement


Portfolio analysis: symbolic value, emotional value, status value / prestige, added value

8.600 €

Final art work and pre-press

Definition of strengths and weaknesses


Rights transfer, image licences

Development of a core positioning Challenging of values and tonality Formulation of a central communication idea

Our offer does not include external costs such as travel and accomodation, which we will pass through without surcharge. Additional change requests will be charged according to time, effort and hourly rate in consultation with the client. As far as possible, a cost estimate or an additional offer will be prepared.

Phase 3:

Design research, mood boards, core design elements. Development of two different design


concepts (presentation via moodboards). Evaluation of the concepts on the basis of the brand

All prices are excluding value added tax. Our General Terms and Conditions, available on our


and design attributes defined in advance development of: Logo or trademark, brand structure,

website or on request, shall apply.

colors, tonality, scripts, design principles, illustrations, picture style, typography, graphic elements, icon library, illustrations, Image tonality, basic website mockups. Defining a design language in a corporate design manual with guidelines.

20.000 €)

Design elements production (photography, illustration, ...)

16.600 €


our work examples

re-branding and re-positioning

nuvinci cycling before WE MOVE PEOPLE BETTER





For the repositioning of NuVinci Cycling, manufacturer of stepless bicycle gears, we developed a new name, restructured the product portfolio, and developed a new consumeroriented brand.

with our stepless and automatic shifting solutions






The new name comes from the company’s internal abbreviation

The German Design Council awarded our design as the 2018

for “NuVinci optimized” - NVO - and “velo”. The logo was derived

bicycle brand of the year.

from the gear technology of the product.

A smart-phone application is currently in development, which can be used to both set up the gear hub as well as a dashboard

All products were re-designed by choosing combinations of

to change gear ratios during the ride, with an animated steep hill

matte and reflective surfaces, incorporating the logo in a way that

illustrating the current setting visually.

it would not clash or compete with the OEM bicycle brands.



Starting from a logo specification of the company, we have we have defined the various possible uses for the international use defined


Brand book with golden circle

naming and user experience


Upday is the result of a strategic partnership that Axel Springer and Samung formed in 2015 in order to develop new digital media formats for users in Europe. In March 2016, Upday was launched in Germany, France, Great Britain and Poland pre-installed on the Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 edge smartphones. Today, Upday has established a total reach of more than eight million monthly unique users in a very short period of time. We guided the naming process of the application together with Axel Springer in Germany.

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Iconic GmbH Rudi-Dutschke-Str. 26 10969 Berlin sm@iconic-berlin.com +49 30 34 668 110 www.iconic-berlin.com

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