IBP Magazine 9th Edition

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2 IBP Magazine In this issue EDITOR’S LETTER From IBP Communications KEEPING UP WITH THE UNION What plans are in store for the upcoming semester? HUMAN OF THE ISSUE Get to know our very own Jojo Veit PROFESSOR’S PAGE Meet Professor Katja Mann MANAGING EVERYTHING, ALL AT ONCE Student wellbeing at IBP, an opinion peace LIFE IN STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Learn about three IBP students' motivations and experiences of being part of a student organization 4 5 8 11 12 13

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Hear about what your fellow IBP'ers are up to this summer

HOW TO USE CHATGPT TO YOUR ADVANTAGE and IBP'ers guide on how to manage AI fairly and effectively


Find your next book to read or movie to watch


Hear about the exiting plans of your fellow IBP'ers


Take a trip down memory lane


Find out who won the nominations at IBP Gala

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Editor’s letter

Congratulations everyone! We have all powered through yet another school year, and what a year it has been. Our first year students are slowly beginning to learn the best ways to approach the study-work-life balance, however difficult that might be. In true IBP spirit, we want to do it all, but sadly, that is not always possible. There are always going to be priorities. Which is why I am so glad to see that our beloved IBP events continue to make the list! While traditions such as our famous season dinners, annual ski-trip, and IBP/IB football tournament are being upheld, I for one, am thrilled to see the Union also striving to create new ones. I do not think I am alone when I say that it feels like this semester just flew right by. But we did get to do some pretty amazing stuff here at IBP in the meantime!

Here in Communications, we have all been working very hard to bring you this semester’s edition of the IBP Magazine. With this being my first magazine as editor-in-chief, I am incredibly proud of what we have put out there, and I sincerely hope you will find it to be as insightful, fun, and thought-provoking as I did. For this issue, we have interviewed our very own Jojo Veit and got to hear about her amazing work for gender equality and her trip to the UN. Professor Katja Mann has been kind enough to take the time to cover this semester’s Professor’s Page and share her true opinions on teaching IBP students. Furthermore, if you are looking for just the right movie to put on your summer movienight watch list, or missing the ideal beach-read, do not worry, we got you covered! However, if you still haven’t quite figured outwhat to do with your summer break, you can get inspired by your fellow IBP’ers and hear about their exciting summer plans.

And, if you are like me, and slowly beginning to realize that AI might actually be something we will have to get used to sooner rather than later, I recommend you go read our IBP’ers guide to ChatGPT and learn how to use it to your advantage! Needless to say, we got a little something for everyone in this issue of the IBP Magazine.

Lastly, with exam season coming to an end, we can finally embrace the sweet summer air and look ahead to a long summer, hopefully full of new adventures. But first, we must applaud our third year bachelors and second year master students on finishing their theses - what an achievement! We cannot wait to see what you will do next.

Wishing you all a fantastic summer full of fun, love, and joy. See you all back on campus next semester!


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Keeping up with

“I am so happy that I chose to study IBP”. I have said this to myself multiple times these past two semesters, and I will continue to do so. The people, the courses, the events; so many things have contributed to me repeating this phrase in my head. I believe that one of my duties as president of the Union is to make sure as many people as possible get to say this to themselves during their time at IBP. I am therefore excited to continue the Union’s trends of great events, both academic and social, and great content through our various media channels. With new concepts for events, career fairs, and collaborations, the future of IBP is looking bright, and we are all incredibly excited to show you. New faces are coming to IBP this summer, and the Union is ready to show them why IBP is one of the best programs on CBS. You do not want to miss it! But, for now, summer is upon us, and it's time to let loose. Have a lovely summer break, and I will see you next semester, where the Union will be ready to welcome you back with open arms!

Vice President Amalie

The first half-year with the new board and as Vice President has truly been great. Settling into the role, I have gained a lot of knowledge along the way, and in collaboration with the rest of the board, the future is looking promising. You can really sense that every new board member is dedicated, ambitious, and full of ideas on how to make our union and the study life for IBP students even better. It has been a pleasure to witness everyone taking on their responsibilities in their new roles. During the first period, there has been a focus on maintaining existing partnerships and seeking out new ones for the union, so we are able to continue the stream of nice events. I know that the different branches are working new and exciting events, and I can’t wait to see them unfold. Our board meetings have been really productive, with discussions centered around the upcoming semester and creating an engaging social and academic environment for both current bachelor's and master's students, as well as welcoming the new IBP students this September. I am genui nely looking forward to this, but for now, it's time for everyone to enjoy a well-deserved summer vacation. I can't wait to have a fantastic time at our Roskilde camp, and if I don't see you there, I'll see you in September!

President Laurits

Becoming Head of Social has been an exciting and educational ex perience. Collaborating with a team of dedicated students to cre ate memorable events has been incredibly motivating! Throug hout this semester, we have enjoyed each other's company at Friday Bars, Spring Dinner, where we got to know each other in intimate groups before partying at La Boucherie, and the amazing Gala! I really hope that you all enjoyed the events. I am very excited for what lies ahead next semester, as well as our IBPoolParty camp at Roskilde Festival in just a few weeks, where we will continue to create fun and unforgettable memories together! I know that we, in Social, as well as the whole board, are doing our best to meet the needs of all IBP students. I am filled with anticipation for the new events and collaborations that await us!

This year has been filled to the brim with exciting academic endeavors. We learned about the return of the Taliban in Afghanistan, celebrated a momentous election, chilled with the French chamber of commerce, cracked cases at Ørsted, learned about female leadership at PWC, visited the UN, and kicked off our new Alumni Network. In March, I took over for Jella as Head of the branch. Although Academic is a super cool branch to be a part of, this has come with a lot of challenges. Two thirds of the branches’ members are second years, most of which are planning on going on exchange. This means we are only a handful left and are in need of a bit of a revamp, if we are to keep up with the workload. Over summer, therefore, I will do a bit of thinking and should come up with a plan as to how we keep the academic branch afloat. Its important to continue your academic journey outside of the lecture halls, because that is how we truly discover what interests us and which directions we want to go in. I know its hard to balance it all, but I encourage you all to attend as many events as possible next year and please do reach out if you have any ideas or academic dreams you want to see realized. No idea is a bad idea. Have a lovely summer break. Cheers!

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Head of Social Lærke Head of Academic Ida

Treasurer Frederik

Having been in the vice-treasurer position some months before being elected to the treasurer position in March didn’t mean I was questionless. Luckily, I was in good hands taking on the position from our former treasurer, Gregers Hjort, who helped and left the Union with a healthy economy. It has been a great experience continuing the former board’s impressive work in realizing our Union’s potential, and I have been impressed by the commitment and proactivity of my fellow board members. With a solid financial foundation, we are able to continue hosting awesome non-student-paid events and even dive into new and exciting ideas. Plus, we are constantly building on our strong relationships with sponsors and scouting for fresh opportunities to make the best of the Union for us students. Finally, money or not, what really makes our Union special is the collective engagement and participation of every student who invests their time in it.

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Human of the issue Jojo Veit

Meet Johanna Veit, but feel free to call her Jojo. She grew up in Munich, and moved to Copenhagen in August 2022 to study at CBS. At the age of 6, she joined her local Guide and Scout group, which has enabled her to pursue her passion of the great outdoors, helping others and leading while forming lifelong friendships. Through this passion, she was recently selected by the German Guides and Scouts to represent their NGO as a delegate at the UN’s Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), which is why she has been selected as this edition’s Human of the Issue. Jojo has been so kind to elaborate on this experience and as well as what the foreseeable future within gender equality advocacy might bring.

IBP Magazine

What is the World Association of Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) and why did you join the organization?

WAGGGS is a global voluntary organization dedicated to empowering girls and young women in the world. You all have probably heard of Guides or Scouts before in your life. Maybe you have even been one in your early ages. Every day I meet peers that have been engaged in the movement as a child. Well, I did too, and I never stopped.

What inspired you to become a gender advocate for WAGGGS?

As a member of the Guiding and Scouting community, I have seen how inspiration can transform individuals regardless of gender. WAGGGS is a beacon of hope in a world where gender inequality persists, providing a space for individuals to build a more just and equitable world for everyone. Witnessing the empowerment that comes from being in a room with confident women has inspired me to continue fighting for gender equality. Whether through Guiding and Scouting, activism, or treating others with respect, we can all make a difference and create a better world for ourselves and future generations.

How did you get the opportunity to attend the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) in New York, and what was your experience like?

Being endorsed by the German Guides and Scouts and getting chosen to represent our NGO at CSW in New York was a transformative experience for me. The opportunity to advocate for women's rights at such a global platform was both intimidating and exhilarating. It was intimidating because of the sheer size of the event with thousands of people, and the constant need to network and put oneself out there to engage with politicians and stakeholders. But it was also exhilarating because it was a unique opportunity for personal growth and development, where I had to step out of my comfort zone and be brave in advocating for gender equality.

In your opinion, what are some of the most pressing issues facing girls and young women today, and how can organizations like WAGGGS help address them?

Gender equality is integral to sustainable development, linking to all SDGs. E.g., SDG 4, “Quality Education,” and SDG 8, “Decent Work and Economic Growth,” are adversely affected by gender inequality. As students in a business school, we play a significant role in promoting gender equality. Gender inequality limits access to education, particularly for girls. Promoting gender equality can guarantee equal access to quality education for all children. Gender inequality also limits women's access to decent work and economic opportunities. By promoting gender equality, women can enjoy equal access to decent work and fully participate in the economy. Ultimately, promoting gender equality is critical in establishing a just, equitable, and sustainable world.

How has your experience with WAGGGS impacted your personal and professional goals for the future?

Advocating for gender equality not only helps me to work towards creating a better world, but it also provides me with valuable skills and qualities that I use in my everyday life. Through Guiding and Scouting, I have learned the importance of leadership, teamwork, and self-reflection.

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These qualities have helped me become a better version of myself and have allowed me to contribute more effectively towards creating positive change in the world. By constantly seeking feedback and reflecting on my actions, I can continue to improve and strive towards my goals.

How do you balance your advocacy work with your studies and other responsibilities?

Maintaining a balance between my advocacy work and studies requires a lot of organization and discipline. I rely heavily on to-do lists to keep track of my tasks and prioritize my responsibilities. While there are days when it feels overwhelming, I find that setting daily goals and objectives helps me stay focused and motivated. It's also important for me to surround myself with positive and supportive people who lift my spirits and energize me. Ultimately, finding a balance between advocacy and studies is an ongoing process that requires commitment and adaptability.

What are some of the challenges you have faced as a gender advocate, and how have you overcome them?

In the opening session of CSW, UN general secretary Antonia Guterres said, “Together let us push back on the push backs on women’s rights!”. We must persevere in advocating for gender equality and women's rights, even when faced with challenges and setbacks. Though it takes a lot of energy to push back against discrimination, every small achievement counts and must be celebrated. Advocacy work is a journey and setbacks are inevitable, but we must continue to move forward and empower each other to create a more just and equitable world. We all have the power to advocate for positive change, and it is up to us to use it.

What advice do you have for other students who are interested in becoming advocates for gender equality and women's empowerment? Just do it! As simple as it sounds. A cando spirit is the spirit that gets us where we want to be. Gender equality is my passion. Guiding and Scouting is my way of living. And my studies allow me to learn how to apply my interests in the world. That’s also one of the reasons why I chose to study IBP – for its interdisciplinary nature, combining economics and politics. With handson experience in the tax industry and a keen interest in politics, IBP is an ideal fit for me. All those factors combined and alongside many other young and inspiring people, especially women, we empower each other every day to achieve our goals and do what we love.

The editors of the IBP Magazine are thankful to Jojo for her contributions and honest answers.

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Katja Mann

When I look at you, I see my 15-year younger self. I studied something similar to IBP, a combination of political science and economics (naturally, I liked economics better). I was curious, ambitious and eager to learn, but at the same time constantly worried about not being good enough. Why? I can’t really say anymore and looking back my worries seem ridiculous, but then this is always easy to say in hindsight.

Talking to you is inspiring, energizing, and my favorite part of teaching. Having critical discussions about whether or not our models make sense, hearing your thoughts about what is happening out there in the real world, seeing you in my office hours asking about book recommendations or telling me that macro is your favorite subject (yes I know I am vain), male students choosing to work on feminist economics in their project group, and people being passionate about saving the planet and screw the stupid profit maximization maxim. But then comes the odd student who raises their hand only to ask a question about exam preparation. Most of you (not all!) shy away from presenting on the board and there seems to be a general fear of saying something wrong. Come on, you don’t always have to be brilliant! And then why are you so afraid of math? I never understood this. Math is great.

Being in the study board, I get yet another perspective on what you might call the IBP culture – and an occasional wonder about how much Danish student culture differs from other countries. I get to learn about your career paths, what interests you outside of my classroom, how the different disciplines fit together. And they really do, which is one of the best things about this program. Personally, I would not have wanted to miss a single one of my political science courses. (The teachers there were nicer, too.)

I hope I can inspire you. I hope I can teach you to think critically, to always, always question the assumptions we make while strolling through our simple little model world. I hope I can serve as the role model that I never had myself. I hope I can teach you how important macroeconomics is, and how much fun it is to spend your everyday life working on it. I hope that one day, some of you will do the same.

June 2023 11


opinion piece

Student well-being is an area that I see more and more students focusing on. Although most of us know the importance of our well-being we don’t always do much to change our current situation. Life at IBP can be great but it can also be tremendously challenging. The program's competitive nature can be overwhelmingly stressful when you have to have the best grades,job, and social life. It simply is impossible to accomplish everything and still have the ability to relax and take a moment for yourself. So why do we all push ourselves and each other into this stressful place? It just isn’t that simple. It is not only the students who create the competitive environment but the professors and employers who create this pressure. I am so tired of hearing how unique, talented, and smart we IBP students are, and because we got intoa program with such a high-grade point average they also expect a lot from us. Here we have the first misunderstanding.

A high grade-point average is not equal to the hardest study program. It is simply equal to the most competitive one. So why are we having such a stressful time if it is not supposed to be the hardest program? Because so much is expected of us. CBS is a very unique place in terms of the pressure for having a relevant student job. What happened to young people working in cafes and restaurants? While CBS places the pressure of a relevant student job on us, the IBP culture emphasizes that a relevant student job is not enough - you should have the ‘right’ relevant student job. You should work for a large corporation that makes your CV look good. No doubt people are stressed out if they feel that already so early on in their careers they have to work at some of the most prestigious and competitive companies. While IBP is great on paper and people are caring, friendly, and kind to each other, the environment in which it is embedded can at times be toxic.

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Student Organizations

There are tons of student organizations to join at CBS, and it might be overwhelming with all the possible options of extra curricular activities available. Therefore, we had a chat with some of our fellow IBP’ers to hear more about the student organizations they are a part of. Despite demanding IBP courses, work, socializing and everything else life encompasses Danny, Leila and Adrian devote time in respectively CBS Beer, CBS Art and CBS United Nations. Read on to hear more about their motivations and reasons for contributing to the development of different student organizations.


Year: 2ND YEAR

Student Organization: CBS BEER

Role in Organization: HEAD OF SOME

What is the goal and purpose of CBS Beer? What activities do you do? The purpose of CBS Beer or the events we create is to have a good time while enjoying beers. We do beer tastings, Beer Pong events, Bar Crawls etc.

What is your role as Head of SoMe?

As head of SoMe, my job before the events is to promote events, create different posters and catchy descriptions. During events, I’ll try to capture some good moments for the gram, if I’m still capable to do so.

How did you become involved in CBS Beer?

I got to know the founder and some of the other members of CBS Beer on the IB/IBP ski trip in 2022 and thought it would be a great opportunity to get to know others outside of IBP.

What does CBS Beer offer you? Why are you involved?

It offers some great time with some great people and a lot of beer drinking. In addition, you get student citizenship points which can be used when you’re applying for exchange.

How and why should other IBP’ers join CBS Beer?

Joining CBS Beer or joining our events are great ways to meet people outside of IBP. The beer events are usually very festive, so you’ll have a great time.

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Year: 1ST YEAR

Student Organization: CBS ART

Role in Organization: SOME TEAM

What is the goal and purpose of CBS Art? What activities do you do?

The purpose of the organization is to bring out the creative side of CBS by spreading the interest in art among students and building bridges between business and art. The ambiguity of the term “art” allows the organization to explore all sorts of creative expressions in the activities we do together. We visit exhibitions and arrange art talks with artists and curators. Throughout the year, I’ve taken part in many cool events such as an art excursion to Malmö, gallery visits hosted by artists and the organization's spectacular 10 year anniversary that demonstrated the hidden potential of Dalgas Have as an incredible artspace (I really recommend checking out CBS art instagram for photos).

What is your role as part of the social media team?

The social media team of CBS Art is the channel of communication between the organization and the school via Instagram and Facebook. We create invitations to events, do Art Guides for Copenhagen and every now and then provide insights into artists or art movements. Overall, it's an overview of what is going on in the organization and the art world of Copenhagen.

How did you become involved in the CBS Art?

I found out about CBS Art on the student organization day last semester where I talked to some of the members. After that I applied to join and eventually became a member.

What does this CBS Art offer you? Why are you involved?

I’ve always been interested in art and the creative feel of Copenhagen was one of the main reasons I wanted to move here to study. When I eventually ended up at CBS, I wanted to make sure to stay in touch with my interest and by joining the organization, I really feel like I have an opportunity to do that. CBS can at times feel very black and white and being involved in an organization that reminds you of the creativity that lies within our school and in Copenhagen overall is really rewarding. It is also always interesting to hear passionate people speak about their works and processes. I always leave feeling inspired to keep a creative outlook on my own life and my role as a student in a program so intertwined with the wellbeing of society.

How and why should other IBP’ers join CBS Art?

I think other IBP’ers should join even if you have only the slightest interest in art. You will be surrounded by an inspiring team and help organize many cool happenings all over the city. If you don’t feel like being part of the organization “behind the scenes”, I really recommend coming to our events. Art is omnipresent in our society and is not a separate entity from what we study, it can be found in everything from business to politics. Therefore, I think everyone can benefit from CBS art as an organization and the events can provide inspiration in many unexpected ways.

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Year: 3RD YEAR

Student Organization: CBS UNITED NATIONS

Role in Organization: HEAD OF ACADEMY

What is the goal and purpose of CBS UN?

What activities do you do?

I would say that the goal and purpose of the organization is to be a forum for students interested in international relations, politics, diplomacy and of course the UN itself. This includes both as a network and inspiration for students, but also an educational aspect in order to increase knowledge of the UN. In order to fulfill this role we therefore arrange network events, embassy visits, visits the UN city and much more. It is a great way for students to get insights into something they are passionate about, a potential future career area, while getting the chance to meet like-minded people.

What is your role as Head of Academy?

Last fall I got elected into the board as Head of Academy. It is perhaps not very straightforward what this means, so I will give a quick introduction. Every semester we have at least one trip where we go to a model United Nations conference, which is a simulation of real world practices of the United Nations. So far this year we have gone to NMUN in New York, HMUN at Harvard and will in the fall visit Oxford for OxfordMUN. These conferences, in order to be as realistic as possible, have a lot of procedures and rules which the delegates have to be aware of. On top of that, skills such as public speaking and debating are also required. CBS UN therefore arranges an academy for the students going. It is of course a chance to learn the formalities of the conference, but also a way to get to know new people. Additionally, during the sessions we have speakers from within areas of diplomacy and the UN giving us a broader understanding of the UN. My role is therefore, together with a team of three, to plan these sessions and make sure they are as educational as possible.

How did you become involved in CBS UN? I applied and got the chance to go to NMUN in New York in 2022. It was such a great experience and I met so many nice people and after that I just thought it would be great to stay and contribute to the organization and its purpose.

What does CBS UN offer you? Why are you involved?

I am in general very interested in diplomacy and the UN itself and CBS UN therefore offers a great opportunity to get closer to those interests. There are also some great people whoreally care about the organization and it is really evolving right now. We are for example arranging our first very own model in the spring of 2024 and it's great to see this progress first hand.

How and why should other IBP’ers join CBS UN?

There are multiple ways to join CBS UN. In October we have our annual general assembly, where the board is elected. After this, you can also apply for being part of some of the teams, for example the academy team, events team or the communications team. Next year, it will also be possible to apply for being a part of arranging our own model United Nations. Finally, you can always apply to one of our amazing trips, for example to Oxford in November. As an IBP’er, many of us have an interest in diplomacy and international relations. Joining CBS UN is a great way to build on these interests in another setting than through schoolwork. It is also an opportunity to gain professional contacts and can also help you figure out if this is what you want to work with in the future. Lastly, you will also meet some great people!

June 2023 15

Summer plans

Summer has arrived!! Finally, IBP students get a very well-deserved break from their books, and gain a bit more freedom to spend the summer doing whatever their hearts desire. Here you can get a sneak peak at the awesome summer plans for a handful of summer-ready IBP students!

Leo Berking, 2nd year

David Lincoln, 1st year

After our QM exam (which is hopefully an early date!!), I'll be heading to Roskilde Festival to listen to lots of live music, sleep in a tent, and drink lukewarm beer. Afterwards I will be spending a couple of weeks in Copenhagen which is amazing during the summer. Looking forward to swimming in the harbor and eating ice cream mostly. Then I'll be packing my bags and heading on an interrail trip through Europe with a couple of friends, ending at the Omegn festival in Houens Odde. Another week in Copenhagen and lastly a family trip to Hungary.

I hope to spend a summer full of spontaneous trips and vacays as much around all the Nordics as I possibly can! (As always) Some time in Germany with all my High-school friends going to some good old graduation parties! Some time in CPH finishing CPE and my job at HeyCaptain. Much more importantly though meeting all my fellow IBPers at Gala before everybody leaves for exchange. Some time in Sweden with my family at our summerhouse. There I will also be mentally preparing for my exchange in Gothenburg, which starts in mid-August already! And if I manage some time in Norway visiting friends from Højskole. However I am afraid that that will be tricky, as I will have to finish my summer by retaking Corporate finance in August… On a more positive note I just found myself a really nice road bike via ebay. I look so much forward to discovering this new sport for me over the summer, meeting a bunch of new people alongside! So if you’re up for a ride hit me up! (or add me on Strava @leoberking). Enjoy your summer and see ya around!

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This is me and Henning (the dog)
IBP Magazine
Brandgaard&ClaraMoiminiJø r g nesne

June 2023

Martha Johanna Schou, 1st year

My summer vacation this year will mostly be spent on preparing for and going to debate tournaments. As the assistant coach to the Danish high school debate national team, part of my job is to take them to the world championships. This year it is held in Hanoi, Vietnam, so I’ll be spending three weeks there coaching them and being a judge at the tournament. There are always some fun activities planned by the host nation so hopefully, I’ll also get to see a lot of Hanoi and the surrounding area. Later in the summer, I am going to the European University debate championships in Bulgaria as one of the representatives for the Denmark and Copenhagen debate society (a really cool society at CBS that you should definitely join ;-). My amazing debate partner Laura and I will be spending about two weeks in Sofia and Burgas, hopefully winning against a lot of other university teams and having fun in the sun.

Caroline Andersen, 2nd year

This summer, I will be mostly traveling and working. Right after the last exams, I am going to Iceland with my dad. It will be a lot colder than the amazing weather we have been having here, but I am hoping that the unique experiences will be worth it. I will be spending most of July working except for two days where I am going to London with my upcoming exchange roommate. Lastly, I am going to Portugal with my family and boyfriend for two weeks in August.

Line Borch, 1st year

So, I will leave for Spain for a handful of days in not too long, to relax after the exams! But apart from that I’ll probably spend most of July working and meeting up with friends. We are working on getting a trip to a summer house planned, but everyone has got so much to do that it’s hard to tell if it will happen yet:) What I am looking most forward to is though for the three weeks I’ll be spending in Japan with my family in August. We will travel around the country visiting cities like Kyoto, Osaka, Hiroshima and of course Tokyo. I can’t wait to get some really good food and see what Japan has to offer!



from an IBP perspective

The widespread use of ChatGPT may subtly suggest its operation is as straightforward as its interface implies. Indeed, for the most part, this holds true, yet its usage can also induce complacency. When ChatGPT was initially introduced around six months ago, an unexpected consequence was a decline in exam scores within Danish high schools. This pointed to a disheartening reality: ChatGPT, used without complementary critical thinking, is likely to fall short. Although it struggles with generating content from scratch, ChatGPT excels as an assistant when used effectively.In this article, we'll set aside the pernicious implications of these AI models for a government bent on justifying further education in the name of optimizing the workforce. Instead, we'll focus on some key tips for effective ChatGPT use from an IBP-perspective.

ChatGPT 3.5 | ChatGPT 4.0

As soon as ChatGPT 4.0 was released, the progress it represented was astounding. ChatGPT now excels rather than barely passing in exams testing complicated subject matter as the LSAT or AP tests. A similar experiment can be conducted on the type of exams we ourselves receive. Putting in a Financial Accounting midterm, GPT 3.5 went from around half of it being correct, barely passing, to 26/30 correct just edging in a 12 with the curve we were provided. As I hope the above examples illustrate, the 4.0 version is far better for all purposes. Its only two drawbacks are that the 4.0 version is behind a paywall and it’s slower. This holds especially true if you want to throw complicated reasoning problems at it, especially if you want to throw some advanced, say, li-

near algebra problems at it. More relevant for IBP, however, for subjects like International Economics and Macroeconomics that often require multi-step reasoning jumping between models, the likelihood of ChatGPT arriving at the right answer is much higher. For the questions of a more conceptual kind, this is where one ought to be vigilant in how one uses ChatGPT.

ChatGPT Needs Sufficient Context

On its own, without any aid, ChatGPT is terrible at generating text from the ground-up. Asking it for explanations of difficult concepts, is unlikely to yield any impressive results. The reason for this is simple: LLM’s don’t have any weighting function for “truth” of any kind, they don’t possess the same reasoning capacities as humans. A priori, it indiscriminately treats any two pieces of data likewise when updating the model. We have some kind of elementary capacity to reason that allows us to process the information we’re parsing. This is where the user becomes important in the prompts they create: we have to provide it with some kind of baseline it can work from. Concretely, this could be pasting in large sections of dense, academic papers providing a definition of the concept way past anyone’s level of understanding. This is fine, because ChatGPT is incredible at dumbing it down for us. As long as we’ve given it “good” information and ask it to base its responses off it, the likelihood for a fruitful answer is much greater and the risk of it hallucinating goes down. Obviously, it’s not always worth the hassle, but it’s a principle to preferably keep in mind when possible. With this in mind, there are some things that ChatGPT becomes an obvious candidate for:

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Exam Revision

Ask it questions, see how it would go about answering some problem. Here ChatGPT 4.0 has a significant edge so if pos sible, try to use the newer version. It can clarify conceptsGPT 4.0 especially can function like a hyper-powered search engine and provide you succinct answers you would otherwise search for far longer for. You can also paste in parts of the syllabus and get it to provide you mini-quizzes.

A lot of threads are left dangling throughout a course. Maybe some topic wasn’t delved as deep into asyou would have liked, here again ChatGPT can be pretty good. You can use it pasting in sections of difficult papers to check your understanding, or even asking it for important papers and their contributions. Also, if you have any pa sages you’ve written, it’s truly incredible how good it is at formulating it better sometimes and breaking down the passage’s level of complexity.

More Advanced Uses

OpenAI also provides an API service, though its limited to the 3.5 version and it costs a few fractions of a cent per usage. It can usually provide a good replacement to someone looking over it physically. (Using the API is edifying on its own just for the deeper insights into the parameters it takes in when responding to a request.) For example, if you use Notion for your notes, you can combine the Notion API and the one provided by OpenAI to get it to process through your notes and ask daily questions emailed on specific topics (or just however you wish to categorise it) to truly ingrain them. In using library-intensive languages like R and Python, pasting in the documentation for it can be incredibly helpful if the snippets of code it provides keep failing even when feeding it back the error messages. This is especially the case when the syntax one has to use constantly updates, which is common for API requests or newer, smaller libraries imported. By providing the relevant context we’re effectively circumventing its cutoff date constraint.


The overall conclusion I want to highlight is that ChatGPT, for all of its hype, one should be very wary of using it to generate information from scratch. ChatGPT 3.5 even, seems borderline unusable for any even slightly advanced uses. But what ChatGPT 4.0 is good for, is processing, treating and modifying good, pre-existing data. For all of its supposed impressiveness, when one asks it to write entire passages in the style of, say, Ernest Hemingway, the result is tawdry. While it contains the glamour of his style, upon closer inspection the writing appears shallow and the metaphors soulless. It is best used as an assistant, and a particularly effective one at that. It can synthesise, break down and expand what you give it, you're effectively assigning what's important to it, but in its moments of creation it still remains underwhelming. A competent user behind it, however, can create something better in conjunction with it.

June 2023 19




You might have heard of the Dostoyevsky classic Crime and Punishment but dismissed it as just some other classic from the 1800s, not worthy of your time. I hope that this review might convince you to give this extraordinary novel a shot, as it is without a doubt the best piece of literature I have ever read.

The story follows Raskolnikov, a former student, navigating a poverty stricken and chaotic life in St. Petersburg in the 1860s. Through utilitarian thought and a theory of his own making, which allows extraordinary people to transgress laws, Raskolnikov is able to justify murdering an unpleasant pawn broker named Alyona. Following his act, we get to experience the gradual psychological breakdown of Raskolnikov as well as the high stakes cat and mouse game he has to play to not get found out.

I was completely taken aback by the relatively fast pacing of the novel, as I am used to older literature feeling very slow in comparison to newer works. Dostoyevsky writes incredibly well, giving vivid descriptions of a quite depressing St Petersburg. The many storylines

and characters are all beautifully complex and perfectly flushed out, making the book a real page turner. The dialogue is especially impressive, as it is written in a way that completely draws the reader in and in some cases takes you to the edge of your seat, anxiously anticipating what will happen next. Beyond just being an incredibly well written and exciting novel, the work is also quite profound. It tackles deep philosophical dilemmas and steelman’s the arguments it is opposing rather than caricaturing them. Dostoyevsky thus does not merely manage to entertain and engage you, but also to make you think.

I do not have any real criticisms of the work, other than there being an epilog that seems quite out of place. To conclude, I give Crime and Punishment my highest recommendation and urge all of you to read it. I can promise you that you won’t regret it.

20 IBP Magazine


“Get out of my light,” Diogenes replied to Alexander when asked what he could offer him, so the apocryphal story goes. For moral personhood, no matter the squalor, the destitution it finds itself in, is inherently complete. It’s a beautiful vision of an indomitable human dignity that resides in perfect equality among all men, an idea of a kind of timeless resonance.

The Cosmopolitan Tradition is perhaps one of Nussbaum’s most ambitious works in scope yet, taking up so many of the threads of her prior works. For the tradition’s profundity and sheer beauty of vision, in many respects it needs reworking, it must correspond with the demands our modern world places on it. As the subtitle puts it, it’s a Noble But Flawed Ideal”. Taking outset from Diogenes and the Stoic tradition he spawned, it details the history and necessary modifications of this ideal throughout time.

It’s really brilliantly written and each chapter is a self-contained essay though it fits into a cohesive whole. Each essay on one thinker builds on the next all culminating in one final chapter that ties the entire bow together. All of it, in fact, reads like an extended discussion and critique of Diogenes and his direct successor in the form of the Stoic tradition. Her critique of Cicero provides the basis of her rebuttal canvassing the overall argument and setting forth a particularist vision of moral obligations that’s cosmopo-

litan in its edges. Covering Grotius, her account encompasses a vision of the relations between states. Here too, especially, some cracks start to form. Nussbaum appears too devoted to the nation-state and dismisses neo-medievalist visions nearly out-of-hand. Adam Smith is the last thinker to get a detailed critique, and one that’s a huge relief from all of the half-hearted engagements with his thought that never go beyond quoting the oft-cited “Invisible hand” and places him at a critical juncture in Stoic thought. The themes in the book slowly and incrementally flourish like a puzzle solved one piece at a time.

Nowhere is her interdisciplinary approach better described than in her own conclusion, “approaching the imperiled world of nature with scientific fact and philosophical imagination.” And towards the end, as a reader one is left with a far deeper and more nuanced understanding of what that famous “Kingdom of Ends” Kant described as she finally, deservingly, concludes the book, “the gates of the cosmic city must be open to all.” A more IBP book, a rich tapestry of different threads of the Social Sciences pulled together in one international in outlook par excellence, is seldom found.

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“Beware of Pity” by the Austrian writer, Stefan Zweig, is a powerful and emotionally gripping novel that delves deep into the complexities of human emotions, particularly the destructive force of pity. With its masterful storytelling, the book is a compelling exploration of the consequences that arise from misdirected empathy.

Set in the years leading up to World War I, the story centers around Anton Hofmiller, a young Austrian cavalry officer, who becomes entangled in a web of pity and disastrous repercussions. When invited to the castle of a wealthy and respected local family, Anton finds himself drawn to Edith, the daughter of the house, who is crippled and bound to a wheelchair. Filled with compassion and the desire to alleviate her suffering, Anton unknowingly embarks on a path that leads to tragedy, unveiling hidden dangers of misplaced emotions.

One of the most remarkable aspects of “Beware of Pity” is Zweig’s exceptional ability to dissect the intricacies of human psychology. Through his richly developed characters and their internal struggles, he vividly portrays the profound impact of pity on both the giver and the receiver. Anton’s journey is a cautionary tale, revealing how good intentions can be distorted, resulting in unfore-

seen consequences that shatter lives and expose the fragility of human relationships.

Beyond its exploration pity, this novel also touches upon broader themes such as honor, duty, and the complexities of human nature. Zweig’s characters are flawed, their actions driven by conflicting desires, societal pressures, and personal vulnerabilities. Their struggles and choices resonate with authenticity, making them relatable and engrossing.

The book from 1939 has just been adapted to the screen with the Danish title “Kysset”. If you are fast, you will be able to watch it in the cinema. Additionally, the movie “The Grand Budapest Hotel” is inspired by the work of Stefan Zweig. Wes Anderson, the creator of “The Grand Budapest Hotel, has underlined that the movie has elements that are stolen from Stefan Zweig.

Ultimately, the book is a real masterpiece, and I would recommend you exploring the authorship of Stefan Zweig.


22 IBP Magazine


“Am I one of the Elect?” was Weber’s portrayal of the question that served as the source of anguish for the Calvinists. That same question of self-legitimacy looms over us today, but it has been deprived of its theological undertones. Rather, we contextualise our own legitimacy within a much different frame than the Calvinists. The founding myth of today’s society, the source of legitimacy to which we may appeal is not divinity but meritocracy.

It’s a book with a remarkably simple premise and theme. Meritocracy, no matter the political allegiance today, is a belief subscribed to by nearly all. It’s a seemingly rewarding ideal, that appears as deeply intuitive for most. People should get what they deserve, they should be rewarded for the hard work they put in. Yet, “perfect Meritocracy,” Sandel writes, “banishes all sense of gift or grace.” Identification of one’s position as a reflection of merit is ill-conducive to any thought cast on the common good. Under meritocracy we may achieve fairness blazing down this path, but is it justice Sandel asks of us?

Nowhere are the destructive effects of meritocracy more apparent than the way they’ve been implemented in higher-educationthe “animating heart” of Meritocracy calls it. Here, it takes a toll on both the winners as well as losers. We can point to a specific

number score, a specific GPA cutoff-point to say just how much we deserved the place we now occupy, but to whose gain? In our search for legitimacy, the corrosive effects of meritocracy ensnares all, as one finds oneself in the same purgatory as before but chasing the shadow of new ambitions. All the while, the losers must come to the grips with their apparent “failure.”

Sandel’s “The Tyranny of Merit” right down to the title is a deeply uncomfortable read, but an important one where ones most foundational beliefs are challenged. It’s a text with the capacity to contextualise what may be called the moral externalities of neoliberalism and globalism. Especially for all first-year IBP’ers, a text that seems especially fruitful in providing a frame to understand so many of those texts we read in Management & Organisation, all texts where one of the central themes is the face-work performed to legitimate the position of a company and ones wages. Maybe, Sandel concludes, it’s not a good idea to base society solely on the aspiration of equality of opportunity, nor to base one’s entire life on being more meritorious than the next.

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The story revolves around the life of the protagonist, Piscine, better known as Pi – a reference to the mathematical constant. He finds himself stranded on a lifeboat in the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean after a devastating shipwreck, where he lost his family. However, he is not alone. Sharing the boat with him are an injured zebra, a fierce orangutan, and an enigmatic Bengal tiger named Richard Parker. The incredible bond that forms between the young man and the tiger becomes the heart and soul of the tale. Pi’s interactions with Richard Parker highlight the duality of human nature and the primal instincts within all of us. Pi realizes that in order to survive, he must establish a delicate balance between asserting his dominance over the tiger and recognizing their mutual vulnerability. Through patience, understanding, and the establishment of routines, Pi manages to coexist with Richard Parker, forging a unique companionship born out of necessity. In that way, the book portrays the coexistence of humans and animals, and it challenges the reader to reconsider the boundaries we impose on the animal world and the ways in which out choices impact the lives of other species.

At the same time, the book is dominated by a religious aspect. The protagonist, Pi, is a deep-

ly spiritual and curious individual who seeks to understand the divine and find meaning in his life. He is simultaneously drawn to three different religions: Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam. Rather than choosing one over the others, Pi embraces all three, seeing the value and truth in each of them. This pluralistic approach to spirituality reflects his belief in the universality of religious experience and the potential for different paths to lead to the same ultimate truth. Likewise, the novel explores the power of storytelling and the role it plays in shaping our understanding of reality. Pi tells two versions of his journey –one grounded in the brutal realities of survival between human beings and another fantastical tale that includes human-like animals as his fellow shipwreck survivors. The choice to present two narratives raises questions about the nature of truth, the role of imagination, and the ways in which stories can provide us with a lens through which we interpret our experience. Overall, the book is highly recommendable and if you are not into reading you could always watch the Oscar winning movie with the same plot.

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The Menu finds a group of interesting characters traveling to one of the world's most exclusive restaurants. Tyler and Margo are among the guests, and we shortly find out that Tyler brought Margo as a replacement for another date that stood him up. The island has an unnerving atmosphere to it, and the staff of the restaurant, led by the intimidating Chef Slowik, add to this feeling. As the evening unfolds the various courses start including increasingly sinister elements, and it becomes abundantly clear that the guests have a far more eventful night in store than they bargained for.

The acting performances in this movie are outstanding. Ralph Fiennes perfectly embodies the menacing Chef Slowik, while still letting there be enough glimpses into the humanity of the character, so as to not fully lose sympathy for his motivations. Anya Taylor Joy, playing Margo, is tasked with acting up against Fiennes, and despite the tall order of matching an actor of his stature, Anya proves more than worthy of the task. Nicholas Hoult should also be mentioned as his rendition of Tyler is well acted, and a couple of the scenes featuring him and Anya playing off each other are highlights of the movie. The rest of the cast also turn in compelling performances.

The cinematography and set design are two of the best aspects of The Menu. The majority of the movie is set inside the restaurant which is a completely open area – all the tables are in the same room and the kitchen is not fully separated from the dining room. The setting makes for some interesting shots that have great depth

to them. The amount of time spent in this one room also gives the viewer a nearly claustrophobic feeling as the night starts to spiral out of control. When other settings are used, they also feel well thought out and appropriate. The lighting and camera work are both very well done.

The writing is for the most part very good. The amount of time given to each table and character is particularly impressively distributed, as all the characters feel flushed out to the necessary degree. This is done stylishly, so there is no sense of it being forced or it just being something the audience is rushed through. The best writing is however featured in the intricate back and forth between Margo and Slowik, as well as occasionally between Margo and Tyler.

I do have a few noteworthy critiques of The Menu. You can get the feeling that the movie believes that its commentary is quite deep, but in reality, the overall message of the movie isn’t all that profound. Furthermore, some of the minor characters in the film do sometimes feel a bit flat.

All in all, you should watch The Menu expecting a thrilling movie that will have you on the edge of your seat and leave a strong impression. The movie will not change your outlook on life or tell you something you had never thought of, but it will certainly give you a great and entertaining time.

June 2023 25


We embark on a captivating journey into the lives of ambitious 5th semester students, as they unveil their exciting plans for the 5th semester, be they exchange, an internship or electives. The 5th semester is a pivotal point in the academic journey of students pursuing an IBP bachelor's degree. It presents a multitude of opportunities for personal growth, professional development, and the exploration of new horizons. From undertaking exchange programs in far-flung countries to engaging in internships that bridge the gap between theory and practice, and even choosing exciting electives right here in Denmark, the 5th semester opens doors to diverse

experiences that shape their future paths. In this article, we delve into the minds of four 5th semester students, capturing their aspirations, motivations, and strategies as they give insights into their decisions, practical processes and expectations regarding this semester. Through interviews with a diverse array of students, we aim to shed light on the decisions they make, the challenges they face, and the insights they gain during this critical period. Through their stories, we hope to inspire and inform our readers, providing a valuable resource for those who seek to make the most of their own 5th semester adventures.

26 IBP Magazine

JACOB UNO Exchange in Japan

What are you doing on your 5th semester?

I'm going on exchange to Rikkyo University in Tokyo. Hopefully my 5th semester will be filled with lots of food, experiences and good times and less exam anxiety.

Why have you chosen to do that instead of other possible options?

I really needed a break from the whole rat race of studying in Denmark and at CBS. Although it has been enjoyable for the most part, I'm starting to feel quite exhausted and I definitely need to recharge doing something entirely different. Studying at a University where everything is pass/fail and there is so much to experience will be the perfect remedy for my fatigue.

What are you looking most forward to on the 5th semester?

It's difficult to say just one thing, because Japan is a country with an abundance of opportunities. For starters I'm really looking forward to the culinary scene of Japan! Eating ramen, sushi, yakitori, and fried chicken every day is going to be unreal. The ones who know me knows that I'm a very keen skier, whose Instagram feed is filled with skiing content, so I can’t wait to ski the sweet sweet powder of Japan once again, nothing comes close to the quality of Japanese powder-snow. But most of all I'm just really looking forward to live (again) in a country with such a rich culture and history, that is entirely different to the one we know in the western society.

How did you decide on a location for exchange?

I spent 4 months of my first gap year living in Japan, teaching kids how to ski as well as skiing some of the best terrain there is, while eating Japanese food and drinking Japanese whiskey, basically just having the time of my life. Sadly, my roundtrip in Japan was cancelled due to Covid-19. I knew that I had to come back and instantly eyed that the exchange semester would be the perfect opportunity for me to continue my Japanese adventure. I never got to see Tokyo, and having the opportunity to live and study in the world’s largest metropolis was something I had to seize. I applied for every University in Tokyo and luckily, I got into Rikkyo.

What practical advice would you give someone who was about to apply for exchange?

My personal experience with applying for exchange did not provide me with a lot of insights and advice. I knew I wanted to go to Tokyo, so I just applied for every university in Tokyo, not caring about level of academics or stuff like that. It made it quite an easy process. So I guess my only advice is to put it all on red and hope for the best.

What should one be aware of when looking into applying and going on exchange?

I know a lot of people who are struggling with finding housing, I managed to secure my housing in the middle of march and that has really kept me sane. So I would recommend spending a lot of time in the beginning of the 4th semester looking for housing. Get that out of the way! I would also recommend just accepting the fact that exchange is madly expensive, and if you like me have a fragile economic foundation, apply for a lot of scholarships, and put some effort into the applications! I will re-enter Denmark broke as they come, but in a long life those money will matter little, so don’t stress to much about the financial aspects of exchange and don’t let it stop you from chasing a dream.



Exchange in Malaysia

SWhat are you doing on your 5th semester?

In the middle of July, I’m saying adios to CBS and Denmark and boarding a flight to Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, where I will be studying during my 5th semester! The university I am studying at is called Monash University Malaysia, which is an Australian university, explaining why the semester starts and ends early to keep up with the Australian long “summer” vacation from November to January. It is located just outside of Kuala Lumpur in a university town called Sunway. I will live at the one of the school’s dorms (where exchange students are guaranteed a spot), which has excellent facilities including a pool, gym, and tennis court and local food markets and shopping centers close by.

Why have you chosen to do that instead of other possible options?

I haven’t considered electives at CBS for the 5th semester, mainly because the semester for me is an amazing opportunity to explore potential career paths, foreign countries and cultures, and different ways of learning than what we are exposed to at IBP. I briefly considered doing an intership in Denmark with super cool company to boost my CV but the heart wanted otherwise. Graduating from high school during Covid, I never had the classic self-reinvention backpacking trip, and I have a deep desire to see the world before real adulthood hits me hard. Going on exchange is such an extraordinary chance to explore a different country (or multiple if you travel

while abroad), learn to live on your own for a lon er period of time and meet people who can change your perspective on life - while you’re in a safe space, guided by the school and won’t have to take half a year out of your life when you one day have a full time job, a family, etc.

What are you looking most forward to on the 5th semester?

Oh where to begin... I have reached a point in my studies where I look so much forward to some change academically, and the fact that grades from your exchange are merely transferred as passed/failed gives us a well-deserved break from stressing about formal academic achievements. Also, I have chosen some courses which I find truly interesting and look forward to experience whether my academic motivation improves given that courses are chosen 100% based on my own interests. From a personal perspective, I can’t wait to explore an entirely new country which I know practically nothing about, and probably would never have visited if I wasn’t doing my exchange here. I loooove the Asian kitchen, so eating my way through Asia for 10-20 DKK per meal won’t be so bad either! Finally, I am so excited to travel around Malaysia and other Asian countries and live my best life with a coconut in my hand and sand between the toes. I plan to do quite a lot of traveling during the semester and a whole lot more after the semester has ended - Vietnam, Thailand, Bali, the Philippines, Singapore, Laos and Cambodia are merely some of the bucket list destinations I hope to cross out during the semester.

28 IBP Magazine

How did you decide on a location for exchange?

I spent most of first year thinking that I would go on exchange to exotic Hawaii, but it is quite expensive, so my eyes opened for Malaysia when a fellow IBP’er had a takeover of the cbs exchange Instagram account (big shoutout if you want inspiration for exchange destinations!) where I was intrigued by the exotic nature, colorful culture and extremely cheap prices in Malaysia. I wanted to get far away from Denmark, experience a true culture shock and soke up some sunshine in beautiful surroundings without ruining my bank account, and Malaysia suddenly appeared as the perfect destination for me!

What practical advice would you give someone who was about to apply for exchange?

My number one advice when applying for exchange is to think extremely carefully about your list of priorities when applying. In the first round, you can list 4 partner universities in prioritized order, and depending on the popularity of your priorities, you can most likely not be sure that you are offered your first priority. Fun fact: I was actually accepted to my second priority in New York City, which I only later realized was a mistake after contacting the international office. While NYC would have been an amazing destination, I instantly regretted not listing other universities in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, etc. as my following priorities, since I really wanted to go to South East Asia, but took for granted that I was offered my first priority... So make sure that you would be (almost) equally thrilled to get accepted to your second, third and fourth priority as your first! If you’re not accepted in the first application round, don’t worry, there are loads of cool places still available in the second and third round - but if you snooze, you might miss outdoor on your dream destination. I also want to highlight the importance of student citizenship points for your exchange application. While your application is highly assessed based on your first year GPA, it would be a shame to underestimate the im-

portance of student citizenship points. Loads of students with high GPAs have experienced to “lose” a spot to other students with significantly lower GPAs but who instead did student citizenship generating activities. A rule of thumb is that your GPA will be deducted by 15%-points when you apply, e.g. if you have a GPA of 10, your application without student citizenship would basically say 8.5. You can do a maximum of three activities which each will make you “regain” 5 %-points of your GPA, so the impact of the points can be quite large. You can see at CBS’ portal which activities grant you student citizenship points - they include being part of our lovely IBP Union, being a study start guide, mentor, buddy, course representative, etc.

What should one be aware of when looking into applying and going on exchange?

I think a main concern of many students is the budget affiliated with exchange, and I definitely recognize that feeling. I have spent many hours applying for scholarships to limit the damage the exchange will do to my wallet, but of course you shouldn’t count on scholarships financing your entire stay, but it might indeed be worth the while to apply anyway. Most student rent out their rooms/apartments to limit the fixed costs back in Denmark, and if you go on exchange within Europe, you can get the +Erasmus scholarship, which will cover some of your expenses abroad. Not to mention that if you are eligible for SU in Denmark you of course take it with you as well. But if you are feeling dubious whether you want to spend all the money on exchange, remember how extraordinary an experience exchange will be for you as a person, perhaps a super high reward investment in your happiness, future studies and career even! When you are 40 years old, sitting on your balcony with your fat IBP paycheck;) I am absolutely sure that you will look back at your exchange thinking it was worth every single penny! Other people might refrain from applying to exchange because they are overwhelmed by the workload when applying. And honestly, it can be a lot.

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If you are accepted to go on exchange by CBS, the following application to the partner school, finding accommodation, insurance, visa, potentially scholarships, etc. is surely time consuming. But it’s part of the process and once we arrive to our exchange destinations and settle in, the fun begins and it will be worth it! But it’s definitely something to think about when planning your time throughout 4th semester. Finally, a part of the worries and overthinking for me has been the thought of being away from the safety net of living close by my friends and family in a honey jar like Denmark. Being a self-proclaimed security junkie, this is probably the most challenging part for me, and I probably didn’t make it easy for myself by choosing a destination so far away all by myself. But look at it like this - what’s the worst that can happen? You get super homesick, you go home, take summer school courses at CBS, and still get your degree. Not that bad, right? But what’s the BEST that can happen? You might end up having the journey of your life and come back a new person with completely refilled batteries, a newfound laissez faire mentality, and memories you can talk about for ages... I hope you will do yourself the favor and consider applying for exchange - I doubt you will regret it!


Electives at CBS

What are you doing on your 5th semester?

For my 5th semester I am taking a bunch of electives at CBS. I’m taking mainly poli-sci courses, business in China and the US, and marketing, mainly just to get a break from the very math heavy classes. I’m also doing an international finance course, I feel like it sounds interesting, might regret it, we’ll see.

Why have you chosen to do that instead of other possible options?

There are a couple reasons why I chose to stay. Firstly, I’ve already tried studying abroad, in the US specifically, and it just wasn’t for me, I find the culture shock difficult in combination with all the learning, I like to take things one at a time. Secondly, I have an awesome network of friends and family in Copenhagen that I love, so staying close for a while is very appealing to me. Lastly, there’s a bunch of practical stuff, I have a nice apartment and a nice job, so keeping those things will be great too. I think the academic internship option soundssuper interesting, but honestly it seems like a lot of work and I want to just focus on school for now.

What are you looking most forward to on the 5th semester?

I honestly just love Copenhagen, I think it’s one of the best cities in the world to be young in, so I’m looking forward to spending time with my favorite people in my favorite city. I’m planning on taking a trip with some friends to visit some people who are on exchange, so that’ll be great too. I’m very much a comfort person, so life “as-is” seems pretty good to me. Overall, I think it’s super important to remember all the options for the 5th semester. Sometimes, especially IBP’ers can get very dialed in on exchange, which for some is great, others not so much. Do whatever makes you happy, all the options are going to get you through.

30 IBP Magazine

Electives at CBS

What are you doing on your 5th semester?

On my fifth semester, I will be taking two electives at CBS and possibly two electives at KU. Though, I may decide to not take the two electives at KU, and instead use them for summer classes next year or an internship in the fall next year. Everything is all still a bit up in the air, and I will see where the wind takes me.

Why have you chosen to do that instead of other possible options? Well, I was actually supposed to go to Paris on exchange at Sciences Po in the fall. But I was unexpectedly called in for a job interview at the Danish Foreign Ministry as a student assistant, and I ended up getting the job. The job was simply an offer I could not refuse, so I accepted the position and let go of my spot at Sciences Po. It was the right decision for me and I cannot wait to learn about the work in my department of multilateral collaboration and development banks. I have found that work experience provides me with the idea and toolset of how our academic theory may be put into practise. It puts an action element into what I find to sometimes just be words. I have lived abroad before and am sure that I


will live abroad again. I am not in a rush to see everything and experience everything during my studies. At the moment I enjoy living in Copenhagen, and I wish to appreciate my time here with all of the incredible people in my life.

What are you looking most forward to on the 5th semester?

I look forward to slowing down. The past year has been incredibly busy and at times stressful for me. I wish to spend the next semester prioritising and pampering myself whilst indulging in my new job and my interesting electives at CBS. I wish to do more things that may seem unproductive or even useless just for the sake of it. This winter, I have not gone cold water swimming as much as I could have wanted. I want to prioritise little things like this that make me happy and feel grounded. I am also excited to spend time with those of my friends that will be staying in the city and cannot wait to visit my friends abroad.

June 2023 31

Recap of Social Life at IBP

February 24th

Friday Bar

After the first few weeks of lectures, it was time to kick off the semester with the first Friday Bar. Gathered at Bootleggers, IBP reunited to enjoy some beers and catch up.


March 10th

General Assembly

Mid-semester, it was time for our old board to step down from their posts and vote for who would take their place. We got to hear some amazing speeches and enjoyed watching democracy take its course. What a great way to learn more about our new board members and their exciting visions of the Union and the individual branches! After the new board had been declared, we ended the night at Chateau Motel for a fun celebration!

32 IBP Magazine

June 2023

Spring Dinner

As the first signs of spring appeared, it was time for yet another IBP seasonal dinner. In true IBP-fashion, we split up to enjoy great food provided by amazing hosts all over the city. As the night went on, we eventually reunited at La Boucherie and continued the fun late into the night.

IB vs IBP Football Tournament

Finally, IB and IBP once again went headto-head in an all important football tournament to decide which programme would get the bragging rights for the upcoming school year. It was a great way to get to know some IB’ers and learn the football skills of your fellow IBP’ers. It was a fun, sunny day outdoors with some tight matches. Unfortunately, it was an IB team who could call themselves victors in the end. But don’t worry, we will get them next time!

March 15th

March 24th

Wine Tasting

On March 15th it was time to dig out your inner sommelier as IBP Social once again invited us all for an amazing wine tasting. This time, it took place at the Frederiksberg-located wine bar Cork. There, the attendees got to expand their knowledge on natural wines. All-in-all another successful IBP wine tasting, which we cannot wait to do all over again next year!

April 21st

May 18th

Friday Bar Quiz Night

Once again, it was time for a Friday bar at Bootleggers. This time, IBP had cooked up a quiz for us to show off our knowledge in all kinds of areas. After the winners were announced, we got to enjoy the last rays of sun at the nice courtyard.


June 6th


As always, this year’s IBP Gala was the perfect way to round off yet another spring semester. The beautiful setting combined with great weather, delicious food and quality time with friends proved to be just what was needed to dig up the last motivation for the final weeks of exams. The incredible atmosphere was characterized by laughter, sunshine and a whole lot of dancing! Is there a better way than that to kickstart summer? We don’t think so!

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Gala 2023 WINNERS

During the gala we voted for nominated IBPers in four categories. Now its time to reveal the winners!

Cheers to a good semester, the bad coffee at the CBS SP canteen, and random conversations at the library!


A guy from Jutland and a Mexican girl meeting at IBP - who would have thought that love could be so inter- national?



June 2023 35
Jonna Schmude Caroline Morales & Boris Vetter MS IBP MR IBP
36 IBP Magazine

Credits & Contributors



Eline Kiirdal Ludvigsen and Leila Osvald



Amanda Kierkegaard Brandgaard, Clara Moimini Jørgensen, David Thomassen, Eline Kiirdal Ludvigsen, Emma Solgård Rasmussen, Heidi Elung Henningsen, Kari Grov and Oscar Julius Adserballe


Leila Osvald


Leila Osvald



Laurits Schaumburg-Müller, Amalie Holst, Lærke Haxholm, Ida Lind, Frederik Pommer, Jojo Veit, Katja Mann, Danny Le, Leila Osvald, Adrian Garpvall, David Lincoln, Leo Berking, Martha Johanna Schou, Line Borch, Caroline Andersen, Jacob Uno Joensen, Simone Bierkebæk Agger, Silas H Dille, Anna Raadshøj, Jonna Sophie Schmude, Caroline Morales and Boris Vetter.

June 2023 37

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