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Student Organizations


There are tons of student organizations to join at CBS, and it might be overwhelming with all the possible options of extra curricular activities available. Therefore, we had a chat with some of our fellow IBP’ers to hear more about the student organizations they are a part of. Despite demanding IBP courses, work, socializing and everything else life encompasses Danny, Leila and Adrian devote time in respectively CBS Beer, CBS Art and CBS United Nations. Read on to hear more about their motivations and reasons for contributing to the development of different student organizations.



Year: 2ND YEAR

Student Organization: CBS BEER

Role in Organization: HEAD OF SOME

What is the goal and purpose of CBS Beer? What activities do you do? The purpose of CBS Beer or the events we create is to have a good time while enjoying beers. We do beer tastings, Beer Pong events, Bar Crawls etc.

What is your role as Head of SoMe?

As head of SoMe, my job before the events is to promote events, create different posters and catchy descriptions. During events, I’ll try to capture some good moments for the gram, if I’m still capable to do so.

How did you become involved in CBS Beer?

I got to know the founder and some of the other members of CBS Beer on the IB/IBP ski trip in 2022 and thought it would be a great opportunity to get to know others outside of IBP.

What does CBS Beer offer you? Why are you involved?

It offers some great time with some great people and a lot of beer drinking. In addition, you get student citizenship points which can be used when you’re applying for exchange.

How and why should other IBP’ers join CBS Beer?

Joining CBS Beer or joining our events are great ways to meet people outside of IBP. The beer events are usually very festive, so you’ll have a great time.


Year: 1ST YEAR

Student Organization: CBS ART

Role in Organization: SOME TEAM

What is the goal and purpose of CBS Art? What activities do you do?

The purpose of the organization is to bring out the creative side of CBS by spreading the interest in art among students and building bridges between business and art. The ambiguity of the term “art” allows the organization to explore all sorts of creative expressions in the activities we do together. We visit exhibitions and arrange art talks with artists and curators. Throughout the year, I’ve taken part in many cool events such as an art excursion to Malmö, gallery visits hosted by artists and the organization's spectacular 10 year anniversary that demonstrated the hidden potential of Dalgas Have as an incredible artspace (I really recommend checking out CBS art instagram for photos).

What is your role as part of the social media team?

The social media team of CBS Art is the channel of communication between the organization and the school via Instagram and Facebook. We create invitations to events, do Art Guides for Copenhagen and every now and then provide insights into artists or art movements. Overall, it's an overview of what is going on in the organization and the art world of Copenhagen.

How did you become involved in the CBS Art?

I found out about CBS Art on the student organization day last semester where I talked to some of the members. After that I applied to join and eventually became a member.

What does this CBS Art offer you? Why are you involved?

I’ve always been interested in art and the creative feel of Copenhagen was one of the main reasons I wanted to move here to study. When I eventually ended up at CBS, I wanted to make sure to stay in touch with my interest and by joining the organization, I really feel like I have an opportunity to do that. CBS can at times feel very black and white and being involved in an organization that reminds you of the creativity that lies within our school and in Copenhagen overall is really rewarding. It is also always interesting to hear passionate people speak about their works and processes. I always leave feeling inspired to keep a creative outlook on my own life and my role as a student in a program so intertwined with the wellbeing of society.

How and why should other IBP’ers join CBS Art?

I think other IBP’ers should join even if you have only the slightest interest in art. You will be surrounded by an inspiring team and help organize many cool happenings all over the city. If you don’t feel like being part of the organization “behind the scenes”, I really recommend coming to our events. Art is omnipresent in our society and is not a separate entity from what we study, it can be found in everything from business to politics. Therefore, I think everyone can benefit from CBS art as an organization and the events can provide inspiration in many unexpected ways.


Year: 3RD YEAR

Student Organization: CBS UNITED NATIONS

Role in Organization: HEAD OF ACADEMY

What is the goal and purpose of CBS UN?

What activities do you do?

I would say that the goal and purpose of the organization is to be a forum for students interested in international relations, politics, diplomacy and of course the UN itself. This includes both as a network and inspiration for students, but also an educational aspect in order to increase knowledge of the UN. In order to fulfill this role we therefore arrange network events, embassy visits, visits the UN city and much more. It is a great way for students to get insights into something they are passionate about, a potential future career area, while getting the chance to meet like-minded people.

What is your role as Head of Academy?

Last fall I got elected into the board as Head of Academy. It is perhaps not very straightforward what this means, so I will give a quick introduction. Every semester we have at least one trip where we go to a model United Nations conference, which is a simulation of real world practices of the United Nations. So far this year we have gone to NMUN in New York, HMUN at Harvard and will in the fall visit Oxford for OxfordMUN. These conferences, in order to be as realistic as possible, have a lot of procedures and rules which the delegates have to be aware of. On top of that, skills such as public speaking and debating are also required. CBS UN therefore arranges an academy for the students going. It is of course a chance to learn the formalities of the conference, but also a way to get to know new people. Additionally, during the sessions we have speakers from within areas of diplomacy and the UN giving us a broader understanding of the UN. My role is therefore, together with a team of three, to plan these sessions and make sure they are as educational as possible.

How did you become involved in CBS UN? I applied and got the chance to go to NMUN in New York in 2022. It was such a great experience and I met so many nice people and after that I just thought it would be great to stay and contribute to the organization and its purpose.

What does CBS UN offer you? Why are you involved?

I am in general very interested in diplomacy and the UN itself and CBS UN therefore offers a great opportunity to get closer to those interests. There are also some great people whoreally care about the organization and it is really evolving right now. We are for example arranging our first very own model in the spring of 2024 and it's great to see this progress first hand.

How and why should other IBP’ers join CBS UN?

There are multiple ways to join CBS UN. In October we have our annual general assembly, where the board is elected. After this, you can also apply for being part of some of the teams, for example the academy team, events team or the communications team. Next year, it will also be possible to apply for being a part of arranging our own model United Nations. Finally, you can always apply to one of our amazing trips, for example to Oxford in November. As an IBP’er, many of us have an interest in diplomacy and international relations. Joining CBS UN is a great way to build on these interests in another setting than through schoolwork. It is also an opportunity to gain professional contacts and can also help you figure out if this is what you want to work with in the future. Lastly, you will also meet some great people!

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