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Summer plans

byAmanda Kierkegaard

Summer has arrived!! Finally, IBP students get a very well-deserved break from their books, and gain a bit more freedom to spend the summer doing whatever their hearts desire. Here you can get a sneak peak at the awesome summer plans for a handful of summer-ready IBP students!


Leo Berking, 2nd year

David Lincoln, 1st year

After our QM exam (which is hopefully an early date!!), I'll be heading to Roskilde Festival to listen to lots of live music, sleep in a tent, and drink lukewarm beer. Afterwards I will be spending a couple of weeks in Copenhagen which is amazing during the summer. Looking forward to swimming in the harbor and eating ice cream mostly. Then I'll be packing my bags and heading on an interrail trip through Europe with a couple of friends, ending at the Omegn festival in Houens Odde. Another week in Copenhagen and lastly a family trip to Hungary.

I hope to spend a summer full of spontaneous trips and vacays as much around all the Nordics as I possibly can! (As always) Some time in Germany with all my High-school friends going to some good old graduation parties! Some time in CPH finishing CPE and my job at HeyCaptain. Much more importantly though meeting all my fellow IBPers at Gala before everybody leaves for exchange. Some time in Sweden with my family at our summerhouse. There I will also be mentally preparing for my exchange in Gothenburg, which starts in mid-August already! And if I manage some time in Norway visiting friends from Højskole. However I am afraid that that will be tricky, as I will have to finish my summer by retaking Corporate finance in August… On a more positive note I just found myself a really nice road bike via ebay. I look so much forward to discovering this new sport for me over the summer, meeting a bunch of new people alongside! So if you’re up for a ride hit me up! (or add me on Strava @leoberking). Enjoy your summer and see ya around!

June 2023

Martha Johanna Schou, 1st year

My summer vacation this year will mostly be spent on preparing for and going to debate tournaments. As the assistant coach to the Danish high school debate national team, part of my job is to take them to the world championships. This year it is held in Hanoi, Vietnam, so I’ll be spending three weeks there coaching them and being a judge at the tournament. There are always some fun activities planned by the host nation so hopefully, I’ll also get to see a lot of Hanoi and the surrounding area. Later in the summer, I am going to the European University debate championships in Bulgaria as one of the representatives for the Denmark and Copenhagen debate society (a really cool society at CBS that you should definitely join ;-). My amazing debate partner Laura and I will be spending about two weeks in Sofia and Burgas, hopefully winning against a lot of other university teams and having fun in the sun.

Caroline Andersen, 2nd year

This summer, I will be mostly traveling and working. Right after the last exams, I am going to Iceland with my dad. It will be a lot colder than the amazing weather we have been having here, but I am hoping that the unique experiences will be worth it. I will be spending most of July working except for two days where I am going to London with my upcoming exchange roommate. Lastly, I am going to Portugal with my family and boyfriend for two weeks in August.

Line Borch, 1st year

So, I will leave for Spain for a handful of days in not too long, to relax after the exams! But apart from that I’ll probably spend most of July working and meeting up with friends. We are working on getting a trip to a summer house planned, but everyone has got so much to do that it’s hard to tell if it will happen yet:) What I am looking most forward to is though for the three weeks I’ll be spending in Japan with my family in August. We will travel around the country visiting cities like Kyoto, Osaka, Hiroshima and of course Tokyo. I can’t wait to get some really good food and see what Japan has to offer!

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