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Keeping up with

“I am so happy that I chose to study IBP”. I have said this to myself multiple times these past two semesters, and I will continue to do so. The people, the courses, the events; so many things have contributed to me repeating this phrase in my head. I believe that one of my duties as president of the Union is to make sure as many people as possible get to say this to themselves during their time at IBP. I am therefore excited to continue the Union’s trends of great events, both academic and social, and great content through our various media channels. With new concepts for events, career fairs, and collaborations, the future of IBP is looking bright, and we are all incredibly excited to show you. New faces are coming to IBP this summer, and the Union is ready to show them why IBP is one of the best programs on CBS. You do not want to miss it! But, for now, summer is upon us, and it's time to let loose. Have a lovely summer break, and I will see you next semester, where the Union will be ready to welcome you back with open arms!

Vice President Amalie


The first half-year with the new board and as Vice President has truly been great. Settling into the role, I have gained a lot of knowledge along the way, and in collaboration with the rest of the board, the future is looking promising. You can really sense that every new board member is dedicated, ambitious, and full of ideas on how to make our union and the study life for IBP students even better. It has been a pleasure to witness everyone taking on their responsibilities in their new roles. During the first period, there has been a focus on maintaining existing partnerships and seeking out new ones for the union, so we are able to continue the stream of nice events. I know that the different branches are working new and exciting events, and I can’t wait to see them unfold. Our board meetings have been really productive, with discussions centered around the upcoming semester and creating an engaging social and academic environment for both current bachelor's and master's students, as well as welcoming the new IBP students this September. I am genui nely looking forward to this, but for now, it's time for everyone to enjoy a well-deserved summer vacation. I can't wait to have a fantastic time at our Roskilde camp, and if I don't see you there, I'll see you in September!

Becoming Head of Social has been an exciting and educational ex perience. Collaborating with a team of dedicated students to cre ate memorable events has been incredibly motivating! Throug hout this semester, we have enjoyed each other's company at Friday Bars, Spring Dinner, where we got to know each other in intimate groups before partying at La Boucherie, and the amazing Gala! I really hope that you all enjoyed the events. I am very excited for what lies ahead next semester, as well as our IBPoolParty camp at Roskilde Festival in just a few weeks, where we will continue to create fun and unforgettable memories together! I know that we, in Social, as well as the whole board, are doing our best to meet the needs of all IBP students. I am filled with anticipation for the new events and collaborations that await us!

This year has been filled to the brim with exciting academic endeavors. We learned about the return of the Taliban in Afghanistan, celebrated a momentous election, chilled with the French chamber of commerce, cracked cases at Ørsted, learned about female leadership at PWC, visited the UN, and kicked off our new Alumni Network. In March, I took over for Jella as Head of the branch. Although Academic is a super cool branch to be a part of, this has come with a lot of challenges. Two thirds of the branches’ members are second years, most of which are planning on going on exchange. This means we are only a handful left and are in need of a bit of a revamp, if we are to keep up with the workload. Over summer, therefore, I will do a bit of thinking and should come up with a plan as to how we keep the academic branch afloat. Its important to continue your academic journey outside of the lecture halls, because that is how we truly discover what interests us and which directions we want to go in. I know its hard to balance it all, but I encourage you all to attend as many events as possible next year and please do reach out if you have any ideas or academic dreams you want to see realized. No idea is a bad idea. Have a lovely summer break. Cheers!

Treasurer Frederik

Having been in the vice-treasurer position some months before being elected to the treasurer position in March didn’t mean I was questionless. Luckily, I was in good hands taking on the position from our former treasurer, Gregers Hjort, who helped and left the Union with a healthy economy. It has been a great experience continuing the former board’s impressive work in realizing our Union’s potential, and I have been impressed by the commitment and proactivity of my fellow board members. With a solid financial foundation, we are able to continue hosting awesome non-student-paid events and even dive into new and exciting ideas. Plus, we are constantly building on our strong relationships with sponsors and scouting for fresh opportunities to make the best of the Union for us students. Finally, money or not, what really makes our Union special is the collective engagement and participation of every student who invests their time in it.

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