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Recap of Social Life at IBP

February 24th

Friday Bar


After the first few weeks of lectures, it was time to kick off the semester with the first Friday Bar. Gathered at Bootleggers, IBP reunited to enjoy some beers and catch up.

Spring Semester 2023

March 10th

General Assembly

Mid-semester, it was time for our old board to step down from their posts and vote for who would take their place. We got to hear some amazing speeches and enjoyed watching democracy take its course. What a great way to learn more about our new board members and their exciting visions of the Union and the individual branches! After the new board had been declared, we ended the night at Chateau Motel for a fun celebration!

June 2023

Spring Dinner

As the first signs of spring appeared, it was time for yet another IBP seasonal dinner. In true IBP-fashion, we split up to enjoy great food provided by amazing hosts all over the city. As the night went on, we eventually reunited at La Boucherie and continued the fun late into the night.

IB vs IBP Football Tournament

Finally, IB and IBP once again went headto-head in an all important football tournament to decide which programme would get the bragging rights for the upcoming school year. It was a great way to get to know some IB’ers and learn the football skills of your fellow IBP’ers. It was a fun, sunny day outdoors with some tight matches. Unfortunately, it was an IB team who could call themselves victors in the end. But don’t worry, we will get them next time!

March 15th

March 24th

Wine Tasting

On March 15th it was time to dig out your inner sommelier as IBP Social once again invited us all for an amazing wine tasting. This time, it took place at the Frederiksberg-located wine bar Cork. There, the attendees got to expand their knowledge on natural wines. All-in-all another successful IBP wine tasting, which we cannot wait to do all over again next year!

April 21st

May 18th

Friday Bar Quiz Night

Once again, it was time for a Friday bar at Bootleggers. This time, IBP had cooked up a quiz for us to show off our knowledge in all kinds of areas. After the winners were announced, we got to enjoy the last rays of sun at the nice courtyard.

June 6th


As always, this year’s IBP Gala was the perfect way to round off yet another spring semester. The beautiful setting combined with great weather, delicious food and quality time with friends proved to be just what was needed to dig up the last motivation for the final weeks of exams. The incredible atmosphere was characterized by laughter, sunshine and a whole lot of dancing! Is there a better way than that to kickstart summer? We don’t think so!

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