October 2022 Digital Edition

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Mid-South Horse Review2


Young Riders


Calendar of Events

On the Cover:

NIGHTWATCH® The world’s first smart halter™ is featured on the October cover.

The innovative NIGHTWATCH smart halter is an IoT-enabled, AI-driven, edge-computing, pre dictive-health wearable.

Photo courtesy of The Tech Equestrian & Nightwatch

Piavita and the Piavet Platform: Optimizes Time and Provides Accurate Results. Piavet platform enables efficient, objective analysis of medical data using non-invasive sensor technology that can monitor heart rate, ECG, RR intervals, body temperature, respiration rate and activity 24/7. Photo courtesy of The Tech Equestrian and Piavita Photography by Kim Boyd Vickrey-Jones
3October, 2022
Features: 4. Words from Winfrey 5. Meet the Mid-South Horse Review Team 14. COVER STORY: Consumer Tech Meets Horse Tech Departments Horse health: 7. Coughing in Colder Weather 8. Winter Readiness Checklist 9. Pharmaceutical Company Takes Steps Toward Sustainability People & Horses 10. Q&A with Sarah Jackson, WTHJA Show Manager
11. Mid-South Young Rider, Xavier Brown Greener Pastures 12. Soil Testing and Fertilizing Horse Pastures Competition
17. Brownland Farm Fall Series 18. Germantown’s EXel September Show 19. Independence Saddle Club, Septem ber 16th show 20. Volunteer Ranch Horse Association, Sept. 17th & 18th Show 22. JLJ Productions Dash4Cash, Septe mer 20th Barrel Races, Jonesboro, Ark. 23. Benton County Fair and Rodeo 24-25 Markeplace 26 October
P. 14

October 2022

Volume 34 | Number 2

Publisher & Owner

Lauren Pigford Abbott labbott@mshorsereview.com

901- 279- 4634

Office & Accounts Manager

Andrea Winfrey andrea@mshorsereview.com 901-867-1755

Advertising & Marketing Consultant

Alicia Johnson alicia@mshorsereview.com 901-337-7786

Social Media & Marketing Coordinator

Kinley Brady info@mshorsereview.com 901-275-7677

Contributing Writers & Photographers

Michele Harn Juliana Chapman Gary Cox Paul Nolte

Main Office: 6220 Greenlee St. Suite 4 Arlington, TN 38002 901-867-1755



Words from Winfrey

Celebrating 14 years with MSHR

Andrea Winfrey’s staying power and leadership

I remember the first time I laid eyes on a horse and realized, in that moment, I would make it the most important animal in my life. I was about 5 years old at the time. Growing up, I was always told that I was bitten by the “Horse Bug”. I now know it’s in my blood and I am actually a fifth generation horse owner. I grew up in Texas on the south side of the King Ranch, where we all know that real barbecue is actually Beef Brisket, Halle lujah!

I was 13 when I got my first horse job and my boss, Dave Morgan, was about 72 at the time. He was an old tough cowboy who owned Foundationbred Quarter Horses (The Invester 1969-2002). He told me the only real horse is the Quarter Horse, and if I ever owned anything else he would turn over in his grave. Well, I guess he’s turned over about four times now.

My first horse was an ex Barrel Racing Appaloo sa and she was hell on wheels, I loved her! She had a baby and I started her myself, with the help of my children being used as gunny sacks for small weight when she turned two. Later, I acquired my first Foundation Quarter Horse mare, Skipa King Bar (Doc Bar, Skipa Star, Two Eyed Jack- blood lines). She is a true beauty. Her babies came next and then a wild Arabian that I caught, tamed and trained. Last but not least, an off the track Thoroughbred, Mrs. Issues Galore. I worked with her and calmed her anxious temperament. She became my daughter’s gentle giant. For a span of over 25 years I started my own horses then schooled them in small town shows for practice for the West TN & MSQHB.

I always wanted some type of horse related job. I started working at the Horse Review in September of 2008. It is hard to believe it has been 14 years now. My first boss was Don Dowdle, whom I at tended church with for 15 years. I showed up to work at 6 am to drive him to his cancer treatments in Memphis. During our trips he would shove the Horse Review in my lap and tell me to contact folks about placing classifieds. I remember saying, “Don most folks aren’t even up yet!” He would then say, “that’s a crying shame, they are wasting daylight!” Our conversations would continue and I always said, “that’s impossible, it’s not even day light yet.” That’s how it always went with us, until he passed later in October of the same year.

The Brannon’s then bought the Horse Review and decided to move it from Somerville, Tenn. to Arlington, Tenn. where the office is now. After over a decade of expanding it to cover all disci plines they have now passed Don’s legacy onto Lauren Abbott, the Horse Review’s current owner and Publisher. I know she will add to Don and Tom and Nancy’s legacies and make it uniquely her own.

I worked with Lauren as a co- worker years ago, and I still remember how laser focused she was about her tasks. I always admired her and never dreamed she would one day become my boss. Not much has changed. She is still laser focused and a bit of a perfectionist so y’all are in good hands. That’s my story; my life with horses, and years with the Horse Review, and I’m sticking to it.

Photo by Tom Brannon
Mid-South Horse Review4
Ford Abbott Media, LLC To submit articles, artwork and press releases please email: info@mshorsereview.com We cannot guarantee publication or return of manuscripts or artwork. reproduction of editorial content, photographs or adver tising is strictly prohibited without written permission of the publisher.
Subscriptions are $45 annually for print and digital access. email: andrea@mshorsereview.com www.midsouthhorsereview.com

Meet the Mid-South Horse Review Team

5October, 2022
Mid-South Horse Review6

While most people and horses find relief in breathing the cool, crisp air in colder months, the change in temperature can also bring an in creased risk of respiratory disease in horses. No, it’s not the cold air itself that brings the risk, but rather changes in the way horses are man aged during the winter months. Es pecially for horses that are primarily kept outside during the summer but moved to stalls in the winter, this risk increases.

Air quality is directly linked to re spiratory problems in horses. Barn ventilation and adequate turnout are the two most important tools in reducing the incidence of prob lems. Horses should be moved out side during barn cleaning and left out until the dust settles. Ammonia is a strong irritant to lung tissue, so daily stall cleaning is a must. Bed ding and manure should be piled at a distance form the barn and pref erably down-wind to keep noxious

Horse Health

Coughing in Colder Weather

Should you be concerned?

orders, like ammonia, away from horses. Keeping your horse in a clean air environment helps to keep his lungs healthy.

Minimizing airborne irritants and allergens such as dust, mold, en dotoxins, and ammonia will also keep lung tissue healthy. Soaking hay for 30 minutes prior to feeding will cut down dust without strip ping too many nutrients out of the hay. It’s important to always feed horses from the ground so any dust falls down. Feeding from hay racks or hay nets increases dust entering the horses respiratory system. Stor ing hay in a separate building from stalls further reduces dust near hors es. Clean air equals happy lungs.

Nutrition plays a role in all animal health and even air quality. Excess protein in the diet leads to an in crease in the noxious gas ammonia in stalls. Horses who are low in zinc and Vitamins C & E can also be at a greater risk of respiratory disease.

These antioxidants may need to be supplemented to treat horses with breathing difficulties or respiratory disease. Your veterinarian or equine nutritionist can help evaluate your horse’s need for supplements. “A little bit extra” is not always a good thing, so ask a professional.

Just like people, horses with asth ma (recurrent airway obstruction) can find colder air triggers breath ing problems. For these horses it’s even more important to be aware of air quality in the barn or shed.

Additional management tools are biosecurity and preventative health. Washing hands and shared equipment frequently helps de crease virus transmission between horses. Sick horses should be im mediately isolated and returned to the herd after your vet gives the all clear. Horses that travel off the farm should ideally be kept separate from the herd, especially from the young and older horses who are more vul

nerable to respiratory disease. Reg ular vaccination can help reduce the incidence of the most common respiratory viral infections for hors es: EHV 1 & 4, Streptococcus Equi (Strangles), and Equine Influenza.

Knowing your horse’s “normal” is vital to finding any illness at the onset. Symptoms of respiratory dis ease included: increase in cough, nasal discharge, wheezing, difficul ty breathing, decreased ability to work, temperature, and increased or shallow breathing. A call to your veterinarian when you notice any of these signs is important to pre vent worsening of disease.

Excellent management of the horse’s environment is the very best way to prevent respiratory dis ease. While your veterinarian can treat disease, careful assessment of the horse’s environment is key to long-term success in treating and preventing respiratory disease in horses.

7October, 2022
Section Sponsored By:

Winter Readiness Checklist

The Mid-south has experienced some extreme winter weather the last two winters. Horses generally do well in cold weather, but there are things you can do now to get your horses and farm ready for “Old Man Winter’s” arrival. By follow ing the three H’s: Health, Hay, and Hooves, your horses will thrive this winter.

1. Health

Ask your vet about vaccination boosters, especially if your horse travels or is exposed to other horses that travel. Now is a good time to get a fecal sample and deworm as recommended based on the results. Dragging pastures or picking up ma nure will lead to decreased parasite exposure. And while you’re in the pasture check for toxic weeds, dead tree limbs that may fall in a storm, and fences that may need mend ing.

Older horses present a greater challenge as they may have fewer teeth, greater parasite load and de creased mobility compared to their younger years. A fall checkup with your vet will help your senior horse stay in good condition through the colder months.

2. Weather

Heavy rain, wind, and snow can cause downed tree limbs and fence lines. Bundle up and check the pas ture regularly and especially after a storm. Most horses do well un til Northern winds blow-in a wet storm. Wet winter hair looses its insulating value so providing runin sheds, a stall, or even a grove of trees can give protection from wind and rain.

3. Blankets

Here in the Mid-south most un clipped horses should do well with temps above 25 degrees. Partial, or full, body clipping is useful if your horse gets sweaty often during ex ercise or is competing, but have a blanket ready for cold nights. For clipped horses, or to keep winter coat to a minimum, blanketing should start when temps fall be low 45 degrees. Now is a great time to pull out and inspect your horse blankets. Several businesses in the region provide cleaning and repair services. A dirty blanket could cause irritation to your horse so get your them ready before they are need ed.

Regular grooming not only keeps your horse’s coat clean and bright, but the skin stimulation helps your horse feel good too. While groom ing your horse, assess his body con dition, both visually and manually. Use your hands to get familiar with

your horse’s normal body condition so when his thick winter hair comes in you can still feel your horse’s condition and weight.

4. Hay

Energy needs can increase up wards of 25% in really cold cli mates. Increasing hay meets this need not only through calories but by internal heat released as the horse digests the hay. Normal daily hay intake should be 1.5%-2.0% of body weight, so for a 1,100 pound horse that is 16.5 to 22 pounds of hay. Giving your horse extra hay will keep him toasty warm on cold nights. And though your horse may not sweat much in the winter, it is still recommended to keep free choice salt available.

5. water

Generally horses drink 10+ gal lons per day; even more when their primary roughage is hay. When water temperature is colder than 45

degrees horses tend to drink less. And, they often won’t break ice when it forms in their water trough. There have been plenty of frozen water troughs the past few years so check this at least twice a day when night temps fall below freezing. It may be cold, but regularly dumping and rinsing the tank during win ter months keeps their water fresh. A warm mash with added salt can be a good way to get water into your horse if he’s reluctant to drink during colder days. Remember, wa ter is the most important nutrient.

6. Turn out

Pasture’s can be used but with caution. Over grazing pastures now will cause decreased grass next spring and may even push horses to eat less desirable or toxic plants. Consider having a sacrifice area or dry lot to use in the winter months if you haven’t over seeded pastures with winter-growing grass species.

7. Hoof care

Hooves grow slower in the win ter months but regular care is im portant to your horse’s overall well being.Your farrier may adjust the time between trimmings based on growth and whether you keep shoes on during the winter. The occasion al snow and ice storm can be prob lematic with shod horses so watch the weather forecast.

Cooler weather is on the way and hopefully the Minnesota worthy winter will stay up north, but if it doesn’t, a little prep work now will make winter farm chores easier and your horse happier.

Mid-South Horse Review8
F a w c e t t L u m b e r C o m p a n Fy a w c e t t L u m b e r C o m p a n y 7 3 00 Hw y 1 8-S | Hickor y Valley, Tn 38 0 42 P ressure Treate d Lumbe r Large D imensional Timbers Ce dar Split Ra il Fenci ng Ca nnonball Tra ck System Complete Ha rdw are Supplies A gri cultural Draina ge Culv erts C all ahea d for pic k u p Bring a trai ler or bu y one here Ca ll: 7 31 76 4 2 58 2 7 31 76 4 2 84 7 Open 7 5 M F | S at 7 12 In Business 60 Years! © MSHR

AservoÆ EquiHalerÆ (cicle sonide inhalation spray) by Boehringer Ingelheim now able to be recycled through TerraCycleÆ across the U.S.

Pharmaceutical Company Takes Steps Toward Sustainability

HALER is the world’s first approved inhalant glucocorticoid therapy for horses suffering from severe equine asthma. This program will ensure the device will not contribute to the increasing problem of overcrowded landfills. As an additional incentive, for every ASERVO EQUIHALER de vice returned to TerraCycle, senders can earn points which can be donat ed to a non-profit, school or charita ble organization of their choice.

sons,” said Amanda McAvoy, Head of U.S. Equine Business. “It’s the first approved inhaled glucocorti coid treatment for horses with se vere equine asthma, it is made from up to 50% recycled materials and is now able to be recycled through this collaboration with TerraCycle. We’re proud to continue being part of the team that is devoted to equine health care.”

with this global commitment.”

In its continuing commitment to global sustainability, Boehringer Ingelheim has partnered with inter national recycling leader TerraCy cleÆ to create a recycling program for AservoÆ EquihalerÆ (ciclesonide inhalation spray). ASERVO EQUI

Participation in the program is free and simple. Veterinarians and horse owners sign up at: https://www.terra cycle.com/en-CA/brigades/equihal er, download the prepaid shipping label, affix the label to any box and ship the empty ASERVO EQUIHAL ER to TerraCycle. Once collected, the plastic material is melted down, pel letized and shaped into hard plastic to be used in creating new products such as shipping pallets and park benches.

The ASERVO EQUIHALER is de signed for single, 10-day usage, making it important to be part of a recycling process. “This product is bringing great innovation to the equine industry for multiple rea

ASERVO EQUIHALER IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: ASERVO EQUIHALER has not been evaluated in pregnant or lactating mares. In a large clinical field study, the most common adverse reactions report ed were coughing, nasal discharge, sneezing and nasal irritation/bleed ing. Not for use in humans. Keep this and all medications out of the reach of children.

“On the global level, Boehringer Ingelheim is committed to other sus tainability practices such as the BE GREEN – Future by Choice Program that encompasses water stewardship, use of renewable energies and over all reductions in energy usage,” said McAvoy. “We are excited that the equine team in the U.S. can align

“The ASERVO EQUIHALER Recy cling Program is a great example of a targeted waste stream that has huge potential to do great things both for animal health and sustainability in the veterinary industry,” said Tom Szaky, CEO and Founder of TerraCy cle. “TerraCycle’s partnership with Boehringer Ingelheim marks an ex citing opportunity to engage horse enthusiasts, animal lovers and veter inarians with sustainability in a way that hasn’t been done before.”

The ASERVO EQUIHALER Recylc ing Program is open to any interest ed individual horse owner or veteri nary practice.

ASERVO EQUIHALER IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: ASERVO EQUIHALER has not been evaluated in pregnant or lactating mares. In a large clinical field study, the most common adverse reactions report ed were coughing, nasal discharge, sneezing and nasal irritation/bleed ing. Not for use in humans. Keep this and all medications out of the reach of children.

9October, 2022
Section Sponsored By:

People & Horses

Q&A with Sarah Jackson, WTHJA Show Manager

What is your background with horses? I started riding at 12-years- old and I have been a professional since 18-years- old. I rode and taught riding lessons throughout college. I hung up my breeches for the management side of the busi ness. Now, that doesn’t mean you won’t see me helping in the warm-up area or occasionally flat ting a horse on a non-competition day.

Sarah Jackson is West Tennessee Hunter Jump er Associations’ Show Manager. She recently took on the position and has been serving as show manager for a year. WTHJA has approximately 400 members from the western region of Tennes see and surrounding states.

The “National” rated USEF/USHJA shows and schooling shows draw riders from Illinois, In diana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virgin ia, Wisconsin, Missouri, Arkansas, Alabama, and Tennessee.

In this Q&A, Sarah talks about how she became a show manager, the best things about being a manager, and the biggest challenges she faces.

Tell us a little about yourself: I grew up in Connecticut, went to college in Ohio. I have called Tennessee home on and off again for al most 15 years.

What made you decide to become a Horse Show Manager? I started by running an in-gates and doing office secretarial work for shows. I tried to learn as much from everyone as I could about actually producing the show, budget ing, staffing, scheduling. It seemed like a natural progression for me.

What is the best thing about being a show manager? I like to see smiles and hap py competitors. It’s always good to know if you do your job well while putting on a show. The exhibitors have fun, and I always like to watch a good horse/rider earn top ribbons, as well as the new-comers make it around and have fun while learning.

What is the most challenging part of your job? Trying to keep everyone happy, you can’t accommodate everyone’s needs in sched uling. You certainly cannot control the weather,

but you try to make the best decisions for the an imals and the exhibitors.

Best advice you have received from oth ers in your industry? You won’t make every one happy, but if you continue to do your best and wake up trying you will be successful.

Advice you would give to anyone consid ering becoming a show manager? Know the business, pay attention to industry changes, rules and regulations, and your clientele.

How many days/ weeks out of the year do you travel? I am on the road working horse shows somewhere between 38-42 weeks a year.

What do you look forward to in your down time? Finding the beach and being able to unplug some, and a chance to sleep past 5am!

Something that you always have with you while at horse shows? My dog!

What keeps you motivated? Knowing that everyday is a new day. I can choose to wake up ev eryday and realize I get to work outside (mostly, and hopefully in good weather) and I get to put together something I love and show others how to have fun with it as well.

Mid-South Horse Review10

Young Riders

Nothing is an Excuse

chores. “It’s not my pony,” Erin proudly explains.

All his efforts were rewarded recently when he was awarded the American Shetland Pony Club calculated National High Point “COOL” award. Conquering Obstacles and Overcoming Limita tions, or COOL, classes are offered throughout the country in a wide variety of events at ASPC shows. Xavier has shown in halter and several in-hand classes and hopes to add in-hand jump ing to that list next season. Perhaps the greatest award was being able to purchase a registered American Shetland pony after saving his money for two years. Erica’s Blue Moon, barn name Blue, and Xavier are currently learning to carriage drive with Maleigha.

When asked why parents should consider 4-H for their own children Maleigha says, “I don’t know of another organization that promotes well-roundedness of the child. With such a wide variety of growth-promoting experi ences and activities youth learn critical skills that help them throughout life.”

For more information on 4-H go your state’s Extension website and search for 4-H.

To learn more about Autism: www.autismspeaks.com

A few years ago the Brown family experienced what no family should: the sudden death of a hus band and father due to heart attack. Willie was a young, seemingly healthy man with a wife and four children; the youngest has Autism. Xavier is now 13 years old and thriving with the support of his family, therapy programs, and Craighead County, Arkansas 4-H club Little Hooves Horse Club. County 4-H agent Maleigha Cook praises club leader Leigh Ann Short for guiding Xavier through his many 4-H projects and activities, finding the right pony to show, preparing for public speaking, taking the club Petting Zoo into local schools, and discovering new recipes for his cooking project. Xavier found his way into 4-H after his mom, Erin, and Maleigha met and be came fast friends at a children’s therapy program.

People with Autism, also referred to as “being on the spectrum” and Autism Spectrum Disor der (ASD), experience a wide variety of physical, emotional, and social challenges. When he began 4-H, Xavier struggled with time management, conceptualizing time, large crowds, speaking to a group, and being easily over stimulated. His mom has frequently been heard saying, “Nothing is an excuse.” She gives her son the support, therapy, and experiences he needs to not just survive, but really thrive.

4-H has played an integral role in Xavier’s de velopment. Maleigha notes his growth in confi dence, speaking to groups, comfort in a crowd, and developing patience and time management. Xavier can now confidently follow multi-step in structions and patterns while showing in halter classes. He accompanies the club Petting Zoo to schools and teaches students about the animals and their care. At home Xavier does all the pony

11October, 2022
Section Sponsored By:

Greener Pastures

Soil testing and fertilizing horse pastures

Fall time is the best time of year to nourish your pastures. A multitude of things can lead to pas tures becoming stressed. Whether it was this sea son’s drought, one too many horses grazing in the pasture, or even an abundance of weed growth. Evaluating your pastures and taking action in the fall with fertilizer will help produce a robust and lush pasture in the spring and summer.

Studies show that fall fertilization of cool sea son grasses: orchardgrass, rye, fescue and blue grass, feeds the root system of these plants. Fer tilization will also increase tillering, and winter survival. The best step to take when looking to fertilize during the fall months is to have your soil tested. One must know what nutrient levels are present in the soil before selecting fertilizer. When testing your soil you will discover specific nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium levels. These levels will determine the fertilizer and lime need ed to help your pasture and soil thrive.

When testing pastures try to avoid areas with manure, fence lines, water, hay and mineral feed ers. These areas will have excess nutrient build up. It is best to walk in a random, zigzag pattern to get good samples. Once you have your test re

sults you can fertilize pastures to attain proper nutrient levels. A well maintained pasture, that is not overgrazed, should produce up to two to three tons per acre of forage annually. And one major benefit of soil testing is cost savings. Land and farm owners will save money by providing the exact needs to enhance fields without over spending on unnecessary fertilizers and lime.

The University of Tennessee Institute of Agri culture has information dedicated to soil test

Mid-South Horse Review12

ing and analysis. Their website: https:// soillab.tennessee.edu/field-soil-samples/ , has educational soil sampling videos available to watch. The website also has the steps needed to submit samples to their lab. There is a downloadable field soil submission sheet, shipping sampling tips, and where to pick up sample box es. Field owners can access their soil test results online by using an email provid ed when samples are submitted. After receiving results via email then one can create an online account to access cur rent and future soil samples taken in oth er fields or for future needs.

You can purchase fertilizers from a dealer or company. It is recommended to purchase a cone spreader and apply your own fertilizer. This gives you the advan tage of being able to apply the fertilizer at the correct time for optimum plant use. It is important to not allow horses to graze fertilized pastures until rain has thoroughly dissolved the fertilizer into the soil. Fertilizer should be applied af ter the horses have been removed from the pasture and the pasture has been mowed.

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13October, 2022
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Consumer Tech Meets

Horse Tech

Popular Consumer Apps and Online Experiences Help Spur Horse Tech Adoption

Mid-South Horse Review14

FitBit® for Horses = NIGHTWATCH® The world’s first smart halter™

Jeffrey R. Schab is Founder & CEO of Protequus®, a biomedical en gineering firm established in 2013 to protect the welfare of hors es through data science. Today, their flagship offering is the innovative NIGHT WATCH smart halter − an IoT-enabled, AI-driven, edge-computing, predic tive-health wearable.

A major challenge at launch in 2018 was introducing a bleeding-edge technology to a market steeped in tradition along with educating customers the value and importance of ‘getting ahead of’ versus ‘reacting to’ problems. Since the launch of FitBit in 2009 we have seen significant advance ments in wearable devices beyond activity tracking. “Popular human wearables and other consumer tech nologies have paved the way for broader adoption of equine technol ogies because horse owners can now draw upon comparisons that make it easier for them to understand the value proposition and select the solution that is best for them and their horses,” said Jeffrey.

Jeffrey’s background as a biomedical engineer and accomplished equestrian shaped the creation of the smart halter™ that monitors real-time biometric and be havior data on horses to alert caretakers to early signs of colic and other forms of dis tress. With more than one thousand smart halters deployed in the US alone, horse own ers can have peace of mind as their horse sleeps overnight knowing they will be alerted to early signs of a potential problem - a testament to the brand’s mis sion.

“We have only begun to scratch the surface with

NIGHTWATCH and are presently conducting market research to in form our follow-on Gen 2.0 portfolio of solutions to protect the wel fare of horses not just overnight, but also in transit, during exercise, and while pregnant,” said Jeffrey.

NIGHTWATCH is available as a recurring subscription service to horse owners in the US and Canada starting as low as $49/month, which includes a free smart halter™.

Airbnb for Horses = Staller

International equestrians and technology entrepreneurs, Pablo Jimenez Godoy and Arturo Ferrando are co-creators of the Staller app, a solution for equestrians to find either short-term or long-term sta bling and boasts features that are similar to the popular online lodging marketplace: Airbnb.

The Inspiration

Launched in December 2016, the Staller solution was designed to digitally manage the need for stable rentals and listings that feature an advanced search based on available inventory, location, and price. “Prior to the app, you had to go through a realtor, and they would add a 10%-15% margin, and it wasn’t a focus for them,” said Pablo. Given their frustration with the whole process they both saw the opportuni ty in Wellington, Florida. The adoption took off as equestrians realized the convenience and ease of its features.

Product Roadmap

“We have been experiencing a great level of expansion nationwide. Helping our customers streamline the entire booking process and bringing transparency and trust to the market is the main driver of our ongoing growth. Equestrians are more willing to book stalls online and we are leading the movement,” said Arturo proudly.

The next phase of the Staller product roadmap includes a solution that will allow barn owners the ability to monetize their barn by of fering marketing expertise and technology integration. This new en hancement which he calls “monetizing experiences” will allow own ers to customize offers, from promoting a summer camp to attracting riders for a training session via the app. “It’s important to give our customers a value-add.”

“Equestrians are a pragmatic, close knit community and working with them as fellow horse lovers and equestrians brings us a great amount of satisfaction. We are lucky to have an amazing staff and sup port team to help make the Staller evolution a reality,” shared Arturo.

15October, 2022 Innovations & Technology

Horse Match is an app that works like the pop ular dating app, Tinder - swipe right for ones you like, and swipe left for ones you don’t. “We want ed to provide our customers the ability to lever age user-friendly technology and offers robust features,” shared CEO and co-founder, Summer Gentry along with Michael Upchurch, COO and co-founder.

The app mirrors Tinder in not just functional ity, but in creating a profile that drives your per sonalized results. “You can create a profile to help drive the type of horses you are looking for and owners get more qualified buyers,” points out Summer. “We are always working on adding more horses to the site and we incorporated a ‘featured horse of the week’ to help drive engagement,” she said. Recent enhancements include a rolling pic ture carousel, video capabilities and more robust search features.

“We launched Horse Match in January 2021 us ing the latest technology and invested in cloud service providers for our applications and web site,” said Michael. Michael stressed the impor tance of making sure they have industry leading security in place. Currently the app is free, but the future model includes sellers buying ad space through a subscription in addition to bulk pric ing.

“Our solution also includes the addition of a

rating system – buyers can rate sellers and vice versa, to help build transparency in the process.”

Oura Ring for Horses = Piavita

Dorina Thiess, CEO and co-founder of Piavita –a name that combines PIA (Precise Invisible Ana lytics) + vita which means ‘life,’ - launched a solu tion in March 2016 with the mission of providing vets with better insights into the health of their equine patients. “What makes our equine com panions different than at-home pets is that hors es are relatively on their own most of the day – in a paddock or stall. Tech advancements are now changing the way we monitor, care and train our horses. Technology is a natural fit for the veteri nary industry, and I’m confident that our product can have a positive impact,” said Dorina.

The Piavet Platform: Optimizes Time and Provides Accurate Results

Similar to OURA, a wellness ring and app de signed for humans to monitor sleep, heart rate and more, the Piavet platform enables efficient, objective analysis of medical data using non-in vasive sensor technology that can monitor heart rate, ECG, RR intervals, body temperature, respi ration rate and activity 24/7. “If you think about a typical vet visit, your horse gets nervous natu rally – humans influence horses – so their heart rate increases, now think about those vitals in the absence of humans and you may get a complete ly different picture.” The goal with encouraging vets to use Piavita is to optimize their time and provide more insights 24/7,” Dorina explained. It is a cultural shift she added, but once they realize the benefits, it will be hard to turn back.

Unlimited Possibilities

As Piavita becomes more established in the marketplace and focuses on an industry that is

not known for innovation, Dorina is determined that their solution will become more accepted around the world. With offices in Berlin, Germa ny and Charlotte, NC the tech transformation will also come from owners and the economics of the care. “With employees across the globe and the product available in 8 countries including 60 clinics (20% of U.S. university clinics are using it) and backed by passionate investors, we are in this for the long run,” she said confidently.

Resources: Equo


App available on the App Store and Google Play

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Horse Match

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Piavet - App available on the App Store

Tinder for Horses = Horse Match
Mid-South Horse Review16
Innovations & Technology

Brownland Farm Fall Series


17October, 2022
Mid-South Horse Review18 © MSHR Bermuda square bales $8 Mixed Grass square bales $650 Rolls 4x5 net wrapped Bermuda $60 | Mixed $40 Experience Equestrian League - EXEL September Show

Award-Winning Author

19October, 2022 New from
STEPHENIA H. M “A spirited woman ahead of her time makes this well-paced novel in an extraordinary se ing shine. Rife with suspense and romance, of Emberwild is a horse lover’s dream! LAURA FRANTZ, Christy Award-winning author of www.Stepheni C GEE The Secrets ” A Heart Adri aMcGee.com Available wherever books and ebooks are sold. N September 16th Independence Saddle Club

Volunteer Ranch Horse Association, Sept. 17th

Mid-South Horse Review20
& 18th
21October, 2022
Mid-South Horse Review22 Gilliland Farms Top Qualit y Horse Hay • Guaranteed Nutrition • No Herbicides • Moisture Monitored • Deliver y Available All our hay is STORED IN OUR BARN. We have added 52,000 sq. f t. of barn space to preser ve the quality of our hay for our great, loyal customers. B e rm u d a S q u a re s : $ 1 2 B e r m u da R ol ls : 4 x 5 , 7 0 0- 80 0 l b s. $1 20 2 S t ri n g 50 - 60 lb s q. b a le s o f n e w c ro p A LFAL FA LOTS O F LE AV E S & G R E E N : $1 5 P E R B AL E AT OU R BA R N Pi n e & Ha rdw oo d S h av i n g s a v a i l a b l e M i ke G i ll i l an d : ( 90 1) 63 4- 3 91 2 m g i ll i l an d @ g i ll i l an d f a rm s. c om 43 00 Wat k i n s | M e m p h i s, T N 38 12 7 JLJ Productions Dash4Cash, Septemer 20th

Benton County Fair Rodeo

23October, 2022


Hillside Stables – Boarding with 2x daily feeding, stall cleaning and turnout. Retired/aged hors es welcomed. Wound care/rehab available. Riding lessons -English or western.

Includes covered arena, round pen and wonderful wooded trails. Full

Marketplace Classifieds & Business Cards

board $500.00. We are located, south of Collierville/German town, east of Olive Branch. www. HillsideStables.wordpress.com 901/857-7500

Premier Horse Boarding & Training. Full & pasture retirement board. Excellent care w/lots of amenities. Outdoor arena. Moscow, TN. 901331-3500 Dana

Boarding at beautiful WHITE OAK FARM: Located on 40 acres in northeast Shelby County at 10023 Rosemark Rd. Fullboard $400/ month. Board includes stall clean ing/shavings and morning/evening feedings.

Numerous amenities include large stalls with windows, stall fans, heated waterers, turnout pastures, lighted outdoor arena or inside barn riding, crosstie area with hot/ cold wash rack, fly spray system,

Bermuda hay grown and baled on site. Gated facility with owners and

farm manager living on property. Call Sammy 901-833-3075.


Caballos en venta: Quarter Horse weanlings, 2-year-olds, Blue Roans,Palominos & Buckskins Good conformation, easy movers: $850 & up.Foundation bred Stal lions at Stud. 662-292-7384 or 662-292-0368.


Horse gentling & training the correct way. 6 days/ wk training & desensitizing. Quality grain & hay. Must have current Coggins/vaccs. Michael 901-857-8060


Horse-drawn carriage drivers need ed in Downtown Memphis. We will train. No experience necessary. (901) 496-2128. uptowncarriages. com


SADDLE & TACK REPAIR: Van’s Leather Craft. In stock new and used saddles and horse health products. Off Hwy. 309, 1909 Bub ba Taylor Rd., Byhalia, MS. (662) 838-6269.


Reg. 6 wk. old English Pointers. Champion bloodlines. 5 females. Sire - Bonner’s Hot Rize. Dam- Mud dy Water Kate by Ransom. $800 call 336-888-8342.

Mid-South Horse Review24
25October, 2022 WE OWN AND SHOW HORSES TOO! WE KNOW THE MPORTANCE OF HAV NG QUALITY NSURANCE COVERAGE FOR YOUR ANIMALS! WE OFFER MORTAL TY NSURANCE MEDICAL COVERAGES & L VESTOCK TRANS T INSURANCE CALL US FOR A QUOTE TODAY &LET US HELP YOU PROTECT YOUR NVESTMENT tricia Wright, Producer 901 870 7733 cell insuranceequine@gmail com William cole, owner & Producer 662 578 8300 office colelivestockinsurance@gmail com 10955 Hw y 6 W • Batesville, MS 38606 WWW.coleagencyliveStock.coM Leigh Ann Carkeet 901 550 8892 leighanncarkeet@gmail com Speci alizin g in Equestrian Properties ©MSHR MICHAEL BRYAN BRokER/owNER 901.849.5185 CELL 60 Front St., Suite 3 Rossville , TN 38066 901.401.2208 Of fice Michael@BryanRG.com BryanRG com ©MSHR C r a f t B e e r S t a t i o n EXXON 870 E Commerce Hernando, MS (662) 469 4680 2260 Hwy 51 S. | Hernando, MS 38632 662 469 9055 www.louiesfamilyrx.com BOLIVAR , TN 38008 14840 HWY. 18 SOUTH 731 658 3931 HOURS: M F: 7:00AM 4PM Specializing in Trailer Repair & Trailer Brakes We handle all automotive needs©MSHR New Hope Saddles & Tack 750 New Hope Road Ripley, TN 38063 Cell: 731-697-3356 E m a i l : r l a n g l y @ b e l l s o u t h . n e Et m a i l : r l a n g l y @ b e l l s o u t h . n e t Saddles & Tack <> Saddle Repair Custom Leather Work RALEIGH FEED STORE FEED * SEED * FERTILIZER * BEDDING 4284 Fayette Rd. | Memphis, TN 38128 901-386-0923 Scott Lewis, owner Heather Lewis, mgr find us: We carry © MSHRdog food B Beerr m m u u d daa H Haa y y R R o o u u n n d d & & S S q q u uaarre e B B aal leess winter storage available M M ii cc h h aa ee ll A A n n d d ee rr ss o o n n 9 9 0 0 1 1 -- 2 2 7 7 7 7 -- 4 4 1 1 9 9 8 8 1 1 7 7 2 2 9 9 0 0 H H w w y y.. 7 7 6 6 • • S S o o m m ee rr v v ii ll ll ee ,, T T N N T Taappp p H H a a y y F Faarrm m R E L I A B L E hobby or backyard farm sitting service Fee based on your individual needs, number of animals and specific tasks Veteran owned and operated | References available 619-436-9884 © MSHR Charles Mercer, DVM • Chara Short, DVM Allison Parnell, DVM • Miranda Easom, DVM Phone: 6 6 2 • 8 9 3 • 2 5 4 6 6 7 4 0 C E N T E R H I L L R D • O L I V E B R A N C H , M S 3 8 6 5 4 Clinic Open: Monday Friday • 8:00 am 5:00 pm AKIN EQUINE VETERINARY SERVICES MARK A. AKIN , DVM Practice limited to Lameness and Performance Issues associated with the Equine Athlete By appointment only : 601 813 1128 cell 901 854 6773 (85 HORSE) MAkindvm86@gmail com©MSHR Akin Equine BC_Layout 1 6/17/2022 10:45 AM Page 1 THE ORIGINAL EQUINE PROTECTAVEST BLAZE ORANGE HORSEWEAR FOR HUNTING SEASON AND RIDING SAFETY & VISIBILITY WWW.PROTECTAVEST.COM

GERMANTOWN CHARITY ARENA www.gchs.org (901) 754-0009

OCT. 14-16: Nashoba Carriage Classic

TENNESSEE MILLER COLISEUM MTSU Murfreesboro, TN www.mtsu.edu/ tmc

OCT. 21-22: CHA International Con ference

NOV. 5-6: National Academy Cham pionship Horse Show

UT MARTIN AG PAVILLION & EQUESTRIAN www.utm.edu/departments/agnr/pa vilion.php (731)881-7221

OCT. 14-15: Booster Club Barrel Race

OCT. 26-29: Equestrian Team meet


Franklin, TN (615) 595-1227 www.williamsoncounty-tn.gov/in dex.aspx?NID=594

OCT. 14-16: Jx2 Team Roping Cham pionships

INTERCOLLEGIATE/INTERSCHOLASTIC HORSE SHOWS http://www.ihsazone5region1.com http://www.campusequestrian.com/ zone/5zone/5z2r/5z2r-index.html http://www.ihsainc.com/events/

OCT. 6: Columbus, OH. Quarter Horse Congress. IEA Western Horse Show. Info: www.rideiea.org

TENNESSEE HS RODEO ASSOCIATION (731) 658-5867 http://tnhsra.com

OCT. 1-2: Cookeville, TN OCT. 22-23: Liberty, KY

LITTLE BRITCHES RODEO www.nlbra.com, mslbra.org/schedule

OCT. 15-16: Brandon, MS #5-6


https://4h.tennessee.edu/Pages/de fault.aspx

https://extension.tennessee.edu/ western/Pages/default.aspx http://extension.msstate.edu/4-h https://ag.tennessee.edu/Animal Science/UTHorse/Pages/Shows.aspx


FIRST SUNDAY: Millington, TN. West Union Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 3099 West Union. Wood stock Ghost Riders 4-H Club. 3 pm. Info: Lydia Holland 901-282-9709; facebook: Woodstock Cuba Ghost Riders

COWBOY CHURCH Sarah, MS. 548 Bryant Lane. Bryant Lane Cowboy Church. Info: facebook Wynne, AR. CR 381. Three Trees Cow boy Church. Info: threetreescowboy church.com; facebook Collierville, TN. 1656 N. Col-Arl. Rd. Old West Special Trails. Sunday 10:30

October Calendar of Events


FIRST SATURDAY: Houston, MS. Tri ple E Livestock. Tack 10 am. Horses 2 pm. Info: A.J. Ellis 662-401-9760; 662266-2808

FOURTH SATURDAY: Holly Springs, MS. Marshall County Fairgrounds. Marshall Co. Livestock Exchange. 662-317-9021

FIRST, THIRD, FIFTH FRIDAY: Wood bury Livestock Market, 2403 McMin nville Hwy. Tack 5:30 p.m.; Horses 8 pm. Info: (423) 447-8119

FIRST SATURDAY: Hattiesburg, MS. T. Smith Livestock Sales. Tack 10:30 am. Horses 1:30 pm. Info: 601-583-0828

SECOND SATURDAY: Gleason, TN. West TN Auction Barn. 330 Fence Rd. Tack 5:30 pm. Horses 8 pm. Info: Chucky Greenway 731-571-8198

SECOND & FOURTH SATURDAY: Scotts Hill, TN. Scotts Hill Stockyard. Info: James Linville 731-549-3523. www.facebook.com/scottshillstock yard

SECOND & FOURTH SATURDAY: Carthage, MS. Farmers Livestock Mar keting. Tack 1 pm. Horses 5 pm. Info: 601-267-7884; 662-317-9021


OCT. 20: Oliver Springs, TN. UT Cum berland Forest. Woods and Wildlife Field Day. Info: Martin Schubert 423324-4925; mschuber@tennessee.edu OCT. 20-22: Murfreesboro, TN. MTSU. Certified Horsemanship As sociation International Conference. Info: https://cha.horse/internation al-conference/

APPALOOSA SHOWS https://www.appaloosa.com/showcal endar, http://www.tennesseeappaloo sa.org/ OCT. 22: Searcy, AR. AApHC Fall Showdown

BARREL RACING http://www.nbha.com; https://ibra. us/shows/US-TN-WEST OCT. 7-9: Texarkana, AR. Lucky Dog Barrel Races. Info: www.luckydograc es.com

DRESSAGE www.midsouthdressageacademy.org, www.TNDressage.com, www.tvdcta. org, kentuckydressageassociation. com, https://sites.google.com/view/ greystonedressage/home

OCT. 16: Virtual Greystone Dressage Show. Info: https://sites.google.com/ view/greystonedressage/home


OCT. 14-16: Germantown, TN. Germantown Charity Horse Show grounds. Nashoba Carriage Classic



OCT. 15: Wiggins, MS. Big Foot Trail,

Desoto National Forest. Hunting for Big Foot. Info: Eric@FleetFootFarm. com

EVENTING http://useventing.com; www.river-glen.com

OCT. 1: Olive Branch, MS. Southwind Stables. Combined Test. Info: face book

OCT. 8: Nashville, TN. Percy Warner Park. Middle Tennessee Pony Club HT

OCT. 22: Nesbit, MS. Panther Creek. Combined Test. Info: Facebook

HUNTER/JUMPER http://wthja.com, https://mhja.info, www.brownlandfarm.com, www. mthja.com, www.ethja.org www.gulfcoastclassiccompany.com

OCT. 8: Olive Branch, MS. Oak View Stables Schooling Show

OCT. 12-16: Franklin, TN. Brownland Farm. Autumn Challenge. Info: www. brownlandfarm.com

OCT. 19-23: Franklin, TN. Brownland Farm. Autumn Country. Info: www. brownlandfarm.com

OCT. 22: Lakeland, TN. Trinity Farms Schooling Show

OCT. 26-30: Franklin, TN. Brownland Farm. Autumn Classic. Info: www. brownlandfarm.com

OCT. 29-30: Knoxville, TN. 11904 Yar nell Rd. Sonny Brooke Stables Show. Info: (865)281-3099

PAINT/PINTO www.apha.com, www.missphc.com, tphconline11.homestead.com, www. volunteerstatepintoorg.com

OCT. 8: Brandon, MS. Rankin Co. Multipurpose. MPHC. Info: Wesley Allen 228-223-5990

QUARTER HORSE SHOWS www.tqha.org, www.mqha.org, www. wtqha.org, www.midsouthquar terhorse.com, facebook Mid-South Breeders

Oct. 14-16: Autumn Fest Lauderdale Co Agri Center Meridian, MS www. mqha.org

OCT. 28-30: Rainsville, AL. WTQHA Charles Tidmore Memorial Show. Info: www.tqha.org

RACING/STEEPLECHASING www.nationalsteeplechase.com, www.bloodhorse.com, https://www. oaklawn.com/racing/calendar/ OCT. 7-29: Lexington, KY. Keeneland Fall Meet. Info: https://keeneland. com

RANCH HORSE www.americanranchhorse.net, www. volrha.com

OCT. 9: Moscow, TN. Gould Arena. Ranch Horse Show. Info: Parker Brad ford (901) 651-1145

REINING tnreining.com, www.nrha1.com

OCT. 20-23: Memphis, TN. Show Place Arena. TNRHA Rock n’ Roll Classic

RODEOS & BULL RIDING www.ipra-rodeo.com, www.prorodeo. com, www.lonestarrodeocompany. com

OCT. 8: Holly Springs, MS. Knotty Bolden Memorial Arena. Jerry Bolden Memorial Rodeo. Info: 662-252-4634; 662-252-9214

OCT. 15: Houston, MS. Hayseed Cow boy Church Rodeo OCT. 21-22: Iuka, MS. Tishomingo Co. Fair Rodeo. Info: 662-252-4634; 662-252-9214

ROPING www.ustrc.com, www.jx2events.com

JUL. 9-10: McDonald, TN. Tri State Exhibition Center. USTRC Signature Series.

AUG. 12-14: Memphis, TN. Show Place Arena. USTRC Memphis Quali fier.

NOV. 4-5: Mulvane, Kan. Kansas Star Arena. National Finals Steer Roping NOV. 29-30: Las Vegas, NV. South Point Arena. Wrangler National Finals Breakaway Roping.

TUESDAY: Moscow, TN. Team Roping practice, Sonny Gould Arena, 1985 Poole Rd. 6-9 p.m. $25 Info: 901-4911678.

TUESDAY: Humboldt, TN. Goodrich Arena. Calf roping, Breakaway, Gym nastics. 5:30-8 PM. Info: 731-4262530


SEP. 3, 17: Holly Springs, MS. Marshall Co. Fairgrounds. Ingrams Mill Saddle Club Shows

OCT. 1,8,29: Holly Springs, MS. Mar shall Co. Fairgrounds. Ingrams Mill Saddle Club Shows

SUNDAYS: Memphis, TN. 4269 N. Watkins. Cook’s Lake Saddle Club. 2 pm. Start April 10. Info: Wes (901) 570-3595


www.americanstockhorse.org, https://www.mtsustockhorse.org/ events.html; www.tnsha.org

OCT. 15-16: McDonald, TN. Tri State Exhibition center. Info: www.tnsha. org

TEAM PENNING & RANCH SORTING www.ustpa.com, www.rsnc.us

OCT. 7-8: Moscow, TN. Gould Arena. Ranch Sorting. Info: 901-651-1145

Mid-South Horse Review26
27October, 2022
Mid-South Horse Review28

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