Uexplore 2017 Spring Issue

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Uexplore – Travel without boundaries

Spring 2017


Sacred Journey from Chiang Rai to Chiang Mai


Snowy cherry blossoms all across East Asia

綠意盎然古城 - 鹿兒島

Minamikyushu City, Kagoshima

Spring 2017

Spring 2017



年伊始,就以一趟別開生面的旅程為自己充充電吧!為感謝您的支持,HK Express在 2016年宣佈了 8條新航線:石垣島、高松、鹿兒島、芽莊、清萊、花蓮、關島和塞班島,為您的旅程提供更多選擇!

Cover Photo | White Temple, Chiang Rai

除此以外 , HK Express 也致力完善各項服務,不斷從科技層面提升我們的服務質素。首架以香港為基地 的A320-NEO飛機已加盟我們,是 HK Express 重要的里程碑。飛機裝配新型高效引擎並配以「鯊鰭小翼」的設 計,加快機身爬升速度同時使其燃油消耗量比其他窄體飛機少約18%,減低炭排放量。選乘 HK Express 的 您也能在新一年起,為環保出一份力! 除了休閒旅客,我們亦希望向商務旅客帶來更多優質的體驗。我們隆重介紹,專為商務旅客所度身訂制的 U-biz計劃。免費登記成為U-biz 會員後,即可以優惠價格訂購機票,並享有一系列的禮遇,如三十公斤行 李託運額、優先辦理登機手續及登機、免費更改航班,以至雙倍 reward-U 積分等,務求讓您以低成本價 格,享受商務出遊的體驗,令旅程變得更方便。

HK Express 在 2016 年亦榮登香港 Google 搜尋器的旅遊品牌榜首,超越了許多成熟品牌,由此證明 HK Express 於本地市場深受大眾支持。再次感謝各位的喜愛,新一年 HK Express 會繼續努力,務求 令您的旅程更舒適。

To New Beginnings with HK Express!


ith a New Year comes a fresh start- this usually brings in waves of New Year resolutions, but let’s take a moment to reflect on what we have achieved in the year of 2016. Thanks to your unwavering support, we have accomplished quite a number of milestones thus far. In 2016 alone, we announced 8 exciting new routes- Ishigaki, Takamatsu, Kagoshima, Nha Trang, Chiang Rai, Hualien, Guam and Saipan! Amongst these new routes, Ishigaki, Takamatsu, Chiang Rai, Hualien and Nha Trang are currently exclusive to HK Express. Aside from launching new routes, we are committed to improving our services to better your booking and flying experience with us! Thus, we have welcomed a number of new aircraft in 2016; most notably the A320neo. The first of its kind to be based in Hong Kong, this is a huge step forward for us as the environmentallyfriendly A320-neo saves on average 18% of fuel as compared to other jetliners. Guests can now fly further for less while helping to reduce their carbon footprint - we consider this a win-win situation.


To effectively cater to our Guests traveling for business, we have recently launched U-Biz- a membership tailored exclusively for business travelers. Enjoy a Business class experience at low-fare airline prices from the moment you book your fares, to when you arrive at your destination. With benefits like priority check-in and boarding, flexible cancellation of flights, free seat selection and more- enjoy the increased flexibility and convenience with your U-Biz membership. Last but not least, we are proud to announce that HK Express was ranked as Hong Kong’s Number 1 Most-searched Travel Brand on Google Mobile in 2016. Surpassing many established travel brands, we are honored and humbled by the support of our loyal guests. As we welcome a New Year with new initiatives in place- stay tuned as we continue to clock major milestones to make travel affordable and enjoyable for U!


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探索泰北 — 從清萊到清邁


Explore Northern Thailand : Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai






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Snowy cherry blossoms all across East Asia


綠意盎然古城 — 鹿兒島 南九州市

40 62

布吉 — 海上天堂

Phuket in all its tropical charm

Minamikyushu City, Kagoshima


Hualien Taiwan


秘密花園 — 塞班島







Saipan, the secret garden Spirited Away in natural harmony Pagoda tours to explore Myanmar Discover Ningbo



大米與海鮮 芽莊美食



A parade of Nha Trang savouries Savour the ultimate Wagyu experience






“One Piece” Music Fountain


Angkor Night Market


Travel Tips


72 74 75 76 77 79

最新消息 Latest news 獎賞計劃 The loyalty program 團隊成員訪問 Meet the team 機艙服務 Inflight services 旅途安康 Health & safety 航線圖 Route map



探索泰北 — 從清萊到清邁 Explore Northern Thailand : Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai 清

邁在泰語的意思解作新城市,源於數百年前的蘭納王朝,對港人而言,這個歷史文化氣息濃厚 的城市亦是個新鮮地。與曼谷、布吉等地不同的是,這裏民風純樸,是西方遊客遊泰國的必到之處。

另一新鮮地是與清邁距離不足 200 公里的清萊,從清邁到清萊,僅需三個半小時巴士車程。清邁 及清萊皆曾是數百年前蘭納王朝的首都,清萊城區並不算大,但它的的清新簡單,當地人的真摯笑 臉,卻不會讓人聯想起任何商業鬧區,尤如置身歐國小鎮。新一年來臨,來一場說走就走的旅行, 展開一場與別不同的泰北深度遊。


hen people think about having a holiday in Thailand, the first places that come to mind are well-known destinations like Bangkok and Phuket. How about Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai? Despite being Northern Thailand’s largest city, the Lanna kingdom of Chiang Mai is still blissfully calm and laid-back. This is a place to relax and recharge by indulging in its unique, sumptuous street food, leisure walks around the historical old city and beautiful sights in and around the city! Only 3 hours away from Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai is a small delightful city that is often overlooked but definitely worth exploring. Founded in 1262 as part of the Lao - Thai Lanna kingdom, with good-value accommodation and mouthwatering local food, you will soon find yourself not wanting to leave. Its relaxed surroundings makes it the perfect place to unwind. Thus, surround yourself with the exciting culture and history of Northern Thailand’s many heritages. It is full of pleasant surprises for travellers wishing to discover the contrasting cultures of both the former Kingdom of Siam, and modern-day Thailand.

Spring 2017



4日清萊清邁推介行程 A 4 day itinerary in Northern Thailand DAY


從清萊機場出發前往黑廟,一座以死亡為題的博物館。連洗手間也 是暗黑系,感覺陰森恐怖。同樣有名的白廟以純白色為主,瑰麗堂皇 而饒富禪意。之後到達湄公河與金三角,了解此區由鴉片集散地蛻變 成泰、寮文化旅遊區的歷史。最後到種植茶葉的美斯樂村,在田間徜 徉,欣賞清萊壯麗的日落。 Begin your trip by driving from the Chiang Rai Airport to the Black Temple, a museum that displays various eerie artifacts about death. The next destination, White Temple is exquisitely constructed to showcase the traditional Thai Buddhist cultural values. It will leave you breathless with every visit! Up next, take a car ride to Maekong River and Golden Triangle to experience the exotic merge of Thai and Laos culture. End your day at Mae Salong to view the gorgeous sunset from one of many tea plantations.

清萊清邁三大關鍵Q&A! Q: 如何計劃清萊及清邁之旅? A: 從香港出發前往清萊,可以選擇乘搭HK Express的直 航,從清萊到清邁則可以選擇乘搭巴士、火車、自駕遊或飛 機,最後選擇由清邁回港。 Q: 如何同時購買兩張不同地點的機票? A: 搜索航班時可善用Multi-city功能,輕鬆計劃多航點之旅。 Q: 可以介紹清萊及清邁這兩個航點嗎? A: 從香港出發,不用三小時即能到達清萊國際機場及清邁國 際機場。清萊國際機場距離市中心只有八公里。





行程的第二天,來到有「瀑布天堂」美譽的杜郎國家公園。它由 四大瀑布主題園區組成,地貌豐富多變。其中更有高達九層的瀑 布景點,為清萊最壯觀的瀑布之一,大自然的鬼斧神工必能令您 嘆為觀止!若嫌不停步行太累,沿途更有不少水質清澈的小池, 讓人在當中戲水、稍作休息。 Visit Doi Luang National Park which is composed of 4 waterfall forest parks with extensive picnicking sites with gorgeous and complex geology. Among them, the staggering 9-level Poo Kang Waterfall is one of the biggest waterfalls in Chiang Rai. Don’t forget to take a dip into the crystal-clear pool!



第三天經過三個半小時的巴士車程,由清萊到達清邁。先到訪歷史 悠久的柴迪隆寺。它見證了泰國六百多年滄桑,當年雕欄玉砌仍隱 約可見。相反,旁邊的盼道寺外觀平實。它曾經是鑄佛場,出產不少 泰北寺廟的佛像。與其他華麗的寺廟大相逕庭,盼道寺外觀為沉實 的黑色,別樹一格。 Take a 3.5 hour bus trip from the National Park to Chiang Mai, a city surrounded by neighboring ancient towns with shimmering pagodas, waiting to be re-discovered. Wat Chedi Luang temple is one of the most remarkable temples with long history, enshrining a golden statue of the Buddha. Neighboring Wat Phan Tao temple was once a studio for constructing Buddhist statues. Contrary to other glamorous Thai temples, the Wat Phan Tao Temple employs a unique dark color tone in its architecture.



第四天在清邁舊城區蹓躂,到蘭納皇朝的五個古城牆遺址參觀,感 受這個昔日首都的氣勢。之後來到位處山上、由純金打造的雙龍寺, 參拜與欣賞其精緻造工,並在黃昏時份觀賞清邁美麗的夜景,為旅 途劃上完美句號。 Roam around the ancient town of Chiang Mai and visit the five ruins of the City Wall of Lan Na regime from the ancient times. After that, move towards the Wat Phra That Doi Suthep which is entirely made of gold. The extravagant interior decorations will surely impress you! To conclude the trip, hang around to enjoy the scenic night view from the temple.

Spring 2017



湄公河與金三角 Mekong River & Golden Triangle 泰

國鄰近寮國及緬甸,三國接壤的三角地帶俗稱金三角,可以沿世界聞名的湄公河坐船到達。湄公河 是世界第十二長的河流,流經西藏、雲南及五個東南亞國家。 金三角地帶曾經盛產鴉片,是毒梟雲集的地方,充滿神秘色彩。但當地政府近年積極打造這裏成為新興旅 遊區。從清萊市中心到金三角約一小時車程,河邊有面積不大的鴉片博物館及幾座寺廟,可以在河畔碼頭 登上遊覽船參加一天遊,遊覽湄公河及金三角風貌。 遊覽船會安排遊客登上一個寮國小島,感受異地風情,有膽量的人可一嘗當地特產罌粟籽餅乾及蛇酒、 蠍子酒。在金三角花上半天,即可初步了解泰、緬、寮文化,是不錯的深度遊行程之一。


he Mekong river is a transboundary river in Southeast Asia and is also the world’s 12th-longest river. From the Tibetan Plateau, the river runs through China’s Yunnan Province, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Today, over 10 million people live, work and play along the river. The Golden Triangle is located in Chiang Rai Province, situated in the far north of Thailand. This is the meeting area between Laos, Myanmar and Thailand. You can join a one-day local tour to visit both Mekong River and the Golden Triangle. Full of fascinating culture and breathtaking views, a trip to the Mekong River and Golden Triangle is truly an eye-opener for travellers keen to veer off the beaten path.



Spring 2017



清萊 - 美斯樂村 Chiang Rai - Doi Mae Salong 美

斯樂村是泰北的隱世聖境,素有「泰國春城」及「中國村」的美譽。當年的國共抗戰後,國民 黨殘部及其後裔撒退至此,及後以雙手堅毅地築起一個屬於自己的美麗家園。 高山上種滿高品質的茶葉,阿卡族及傈僳族族民穿着傳統服飾在四周活動,家家戶戶貼有揮春及 甚具中國特式的佈置。在市集上,各式的特產在售賣,例如茶葉、咖啡、水果及手製工藝等,還有別 具風味的雲南菜。景點不單止茶園,還有泰北義民文史館。這一切的另類文化使美斯樂村成為泰 北地區最具自然風光及人文景觀的旅遊勝地。晚上不妨在此留宿一夜,站在茶園內與日落揮別這 完美的一天。




oi Mae Salong is located in the northwestern region of Chiang Rai province, well-known for its tea plantations. The high mountain Oolong Tea is famous in Thailand. Visit the Queen Mother’s tomb and take in the endless fields of greenery accompanied by the captivating smells coming from the hilltop. Interestingly, the Doi Mae Salong was founded by the remaining Kuomintang (KMT) troops who fled Yunnan in the early 1960s. 泰北義民文史館 地址:Mae Fa Luang District, Mae Salong Nok, Chiang Rai 57110 開放時間:08:00-17:00

Spring 2017



地貌奇偉的瀑布天堂 — 杜郎國家公園 A Paradise of Waterfalls 杜

郎國 家公 園 得 享 泰 北 豐富 的天 然資源,地形複雜而風景優美,深受外 國登山客歡迎。千山萬壑,由北連綿至 南,最高點達海 拔 1,6 9 4 米,其中高達 九層的Poo Kang瀑布為行程的一大亮點。 沿 着 瀑 布 拾 級 而上,可 以一 邊 欣 賞 美 景,一邊細聽潺潺流水和陣陣鳥鳴。沿 園區西部起始的行山徑走,可飽覽一共 九個宏偉的瀑布!山徑起點位置大約於 清萊與潘縣邊界北部之間的公路旁。正 所謂「欲窮千里目,更上一層樓」,要完 成這條有挑戰性的登山徑,就要付出相 當體力。由於山路或許會有較濕滑和險 要處,旅客可到沿途兩個收費合理的行 李寄存點,卸下多餘行裝,以減輕體力 負擔。 地址:Amphoe Mae Suai, Amphoe Phan, Amphoe Wiang Pa Pao, Chiang Rai




orthern Thailand’s geography is made up of complex high-mountain topography which stretches from north to south, with the highest point being 1,694 meters in elevation. Yet instead of the high-rise mountains, the main attraction here are the waterfalls. The 9-level Poo Kang Waterfall is one not to miss! On your way up to the waterfall, not only can you enjoy the beautiful scenes, but also indulge in the sounds of the waterfall and embrace the nature, away from the bustle of the city. The set of nine waterfalls is accessible by a bush track leading from the western edge of the park. It starts at the western side of the highway just north of the provincial border between Chiang Rai and Phayao province. On the approach to the track, there are two places that offer to store your possessions, which may charge you a small fee. It is worth the investment as the track could be a little slippery and demanding on the way. Spring 2017



清邁 柴迪隆寺 Chiang Mai - Wat Chedi Luang

進清邁古城區,總有三五間寺廟在您附近。最具歷史價值的定是當地三大寺 廟之一的柴迪隆寺。寺廟門外還有一檔很有名的泰式奶茶攤,記得不要錯過。建於 1441年的柴迪隆寺在泰文解作大塔寺,直至二十世紀前仍是泰國最高的建築物。寺 廟曾經歷大地震及泰緬戰爭,約20年前才再次修繕。走到寺廟門外,仍舊是泰式寺 廟一貫的金碧輝煌,但這個歷盡滄桑的寺廟卻沒有沾上半分俗味。在寺廟的後方是 被炸掉一角的大佛塔,古蹟已被圍欄圍上作保護之用。受盡天災人禍的大佛塔損毀 嚴重,外牆雕刻輪廓已模糊、四面的大象石雕剩下寥寥數隻,而塔內的金色佛像仍 然完好屹立數百年。沒有親歷其境,絕不能深深感受當中的歷史痕跡。


ithin the old city of Chiang Mai lies many fascinating temples to explore, but the most iconic one you surely cannot miss is the famous Wat Chedi Luang. Erected in 1441, it once housed the Emerald Buddha, the holiest religious object in Thailand, before a strong earthquake in 1545 caused severe damage to the temple. Regardless of such destruction, Wat Chedi Luang still stands as the tallest structure in its area, guarded by stone structures of elephants and mythical snakes. Restoration never occured - instead, multiple temples were added in later years. A large temple next to the Wat Chedi Luang encompasses a standing Buddha, and nearby the entrance lies two protectors of Chiang Mai - the deeply respected Dipterocarp tree and the spiritual city pillar. Remember to pay Wat Chedi Luang a visit when in Chiang Mai.



雙龍寺 Wat Phra That Doi Suthep 未

去過雙龍寺,就等於未來過泰國清邁。全國最有名的雙 龍寺有600 多年歷史,據聞寺廟由純金打造,白天到訪能感受 到其莊嚴神聖並可拜佛祈福,而晚上亦有另一番獨特體會。雙 龍寺距離市區40 分鐘車程,到達後要爬上300多級樓梯,但亦 可選擇以車、纜車或自行租摩托車登頂。但要注意上山路段彎 道較多,自行駕車人士要留神。傍晚時分,整座寺廟發出閃閃 金光,更能在寺廟後方的露台一邊聽着誦經聲,一邊欣賞到清 邁美麗的夜景。


ancy a hike up to one of Northern Thailand’s most sacred temples? Wat Phra That Doi Suthep stands above a 306-step staircase, shimmering gold with 600 years of history. Flag down a tuk-tuk to save yourself from a 15km hike up Mount Suthep, and start your adventure by visiting the Emerald Buddha, historical murals and shrines. From the main temple, walk along the pathway towards the terrace, and you’ll be mesmerized by the breathtaking views of Chiang Mai. Next to the terrace is one of the world’s largest gongs, so don’t forget to experience producing the rich ‘gong’ sound before you leave!

Spring 2017



四月泰好玩 - 潑水節 Songkran Festival

國有 365 天吃不盡的美食及迷人的沙灘,更有人人嚮 往的潑水節(又稱宋干節,Songkran ),於每年 4月13 至15 日,大家會以互相潑水來慶祝。由於水象徵純淨,有洗去過去 一年的厄運及沾上福氣的寓意,故此大家均會以全身濕透來 迎接新一年。其中,以清萊、清邁及布吉的潑水節最受觸目。 泰國新年有不同的新年習俗及慶祝活動。泰北地區國民會到 寺廟堆砌沙塔,祈求五谷豐收,佛教徒們會前往寺廟祭拜祈福 及聆聽頌經,並為神聖的佛像灑上去邪淨水,而重頭戲是帕辛 佛像(Phra Buddha Sihing)的迎神儀式。南面的布吉,除在 街上潑水外,節日期間更有花車遊行、文藝表演、選美活動及 佈施法會等,務求人人投入在這個狂歡泰式新年派對。


ongkran festival celebrates New Year’s Day in Thailand. Similar to other New Year’s around the world, it spans across 3 days, from 13-15 April every year. What makes the Songkran festival so special is that nobody gets away without being splashed! While it is fun splashing around, this ritual has an elusive side to it. Symbolizing purity, water is known for cleansing oneself. The action of splashing water on one another embodies washing away misfortune from the previous year: in turn, wishing you a year filled with blessings. Water guns are allowed, so be sure to grab your little ones and celebrate Songkran in Thailand! Head over to Chiang Mai / Phuket for an exuberant celebration this year!



布吉 — 海上天堂 Phuket in all its tropical charm 如

果泰北是令人感到輕鬆自在的小清新,那它的另一端則是活力繽紛的海上天堂。最具代表 性的南部城市布吉是個令人流連忘返的天堂。布吉有接近300個大小島嶼,每天身在陽光與海灘 之中,令人無法離開這個被評為一生人一定要去一次的地方。皇帝島、珊瑚島等更是浮潛勝地。 除了海灘外,布吉的酒吧街及夜市亦是必去的地方。

皇帝島椰林樹影,水清沙幼,藍天白雲,是距離布吉僅12公里的世外桃源。想遠離曼谷的煩囂, 布吉的喧鬧,可以選擇坐船到這裏過上悠然一天,甚至以浮潛形式逃到水底,靜聽海水流動的動 人樂章。古時候泰國人來到此島度假,發現踏着柔軟無比的細沙、望着碧海藍天,猶如皇帝般享 受,因此命名為皇帝島。遊客如欲一嘗「土皇帝」的滋味,可報當地一天團,或直接找代理安排行 程。不少到皇帝島的遊客,正是看中這裏人流相對較少,未受污染。島上的珊瑚礁集中生長在較 淺水海域,故探頭一望已能看到三五成群魚兒及五彩十色的珊瑚群。順帶一提,浮潛時可攜帶防 水相機,隨手一拍,魚群處處,就連腳下游走的魚群亦無處可逃,盡收眼底之下。




ined with pristine beaches and filled with a paradiselike atmosphere, Phuket’s weather averages 28℃ all year round, making it the ideal place for an island getaway. While on the island, enjoy the countless adrenalinepacked activities available on land, air, and sea. You can also visit many night markets to sample delicious Thai seafood, or head over to Bangla Road for a night out on a small budget! Nearby Phuket, there are many islands for you to explore. From the Phi Phi islands to the Racha islands, get ready to immerse yourself in paradise! The Racha islands are best known for diving and snorkeling amongst schools of tropical fish. Try to spot the puffer fish, giant star fish and rainbow trout during your expedition! Free from pollution, the crystal-clear bays allow tourists to explore colorful corals- remember to bring a waterproof camera to capture these breathtaking scenes! Presented to the world by the movie “The Beach” starring Leonardo DiCaprio, the Phi Phi islands certainly live up to its fame. With a holiday atmosphere, and tranquil turquoise waters all around, this is the holiday you’ve been dreaming of! Spring 2017



日落崖 Promthep Cape sunset 海

角天涯,似是觸手不可及之處,然而天神卻賜予了布吉 一份最美的禮物。布吉島最南端有個譽為「上帝的海角」的日 落崖,是觀賞日落最佳地方。日落崖距離巴東海灘約三十分鐘 車程,建議乘搭巴士或篤篤前往。到達後會首先看到一個燈 塔、神殿、寺廟及觀景區,眼前就是一望無際的大海,陣陣海 風迎面吹拂,帶走三十多度高温下的炎熱感。等待觀賞日落 前,還可以到附近一間專門供奉大象的神殿走走,裏面有數以 百計的小象雕像。記得要留意當天日落時間及天氣狀況,幸運 的話更可以在日落前後約半小時,欣賞到 Magic Moment,隨 着天色不斷改變,構成一幅幅令人讚嘆的畫面,此刻值千金。


iterally translating to “God’s Cape”, this heavenly spot provides astonishing views from the southernmost point of Phuket. The best time to visit Promthep Cape is during sunset, when the sun projects an amazing gradient on the skyline which perfectly reflects upon the ocean. Even during the day, you can see unobstructed views of Nai Ham Beach and Koh Kaew Island. Nearby Promthep Cape lies a lighthouse commemorating the Golden Jubilee of King Rama IX. A little further in leads you to a small museum filled with historical martime artefacts, and a different viewpoint of the small islands nearby. If you’re driving to Promthep Cape (which is around 30 minutes away from Patong Beach), be sure to vist some shops selling local handicrafts and snacks.



考朗廟坐佛 Wat Khao Rang 這

個廟並不是傳統旅遊熱點之一,但卻十分值得參觀。 位於山上的考朗廟遊客稀少,主要是當地民眾參拜曾是布吉 第一大的金身坐佛Wat Khao Rang。 要到達考朗廟,首先要登上長長樓梯,少點體力也不行。寺廟 莊嚴清靜,門及屋頂刻有傳統泰國宗教色彩的雕像。不論遠 觀或是近距離抬頭觀望,都會對宏偉的坐佛肅然起敬。 考朗廟之所以吸引當地人參拜,是因為於 2013 年圓寂、享年 118歲的泰國高僧龍婆素帕曾居於此。他9歲起成為僧人,年輕 時從未固定居於任何一處,四出幫助民眾,惟卻選擇老年居於 考朗廟多年,可見寺廟靈氣之盛。


ften missed by many tourist books and websites, Wat Khao Rang is a hidden treasure that is definitely worth a visit. The largest Golden Sitting Buddha in Phuket, it is famous amongst many locals who visit and pray there during the weekends. SuPa, a late monk who founded Wat Khao Rang, devoted his life to monkhood at the age of nine, and is dearly loved by many due to his acts of kindness. Inspired by SuPa, you can commonly see many families donating fresh food and alms to monks in the morning. Rejuvenate yourself in this tranquil atmosphere - a step away from the bustling side of Phuket.

地址:Wichit Subdistrict, Phuket Town, Phuket, Thailand 開放時間:08:00-黃昏時段

Spring 2017



屬於亞洲的漫天花雪 Snowy cherry blossoms all across East Asia 櫻

花的花語是生命、熱烈、純潔和高尚,當櫻花凋落時不污不染、很乾脆,同時,亦是對愛情的 象徵和寓意。所以,不分國籍和地域的情侶都會在花開時節前往賞櫻,以一沾櫻花帶來的愛情與幸 福。就算單身的人也希望櫻花能夠為自己帶來愛的祝福! 日本於江戶時代已種植櫻花,而且主要種植於水岸旁的堤防上,通過來賞櫻的人潮把土地踏實,以 解決水利問題。日本人喜歡帶同美酒與親朋好友一起坐在櫻花樹下把酒言歡。相反,台灣和中國的 櫻花則多種於山上,這與櫻花適合種植於較寒冷的地方有關,亦與中國文化喜歡從上而下欣賞,先 賞其花後聞其味有關。


herry blossoms are well-known in Japan, China and Korea and are best viewed in these places. The depiction of cherry blossom reminds viewers that life is short and beautiful, just like the cherry blossom that falls from the tree after just a few days. Asian culture also has a belief that sakura exemplifies human life, time is limited and to live in the moment.





約在花見時的浴火重生 Time for Hanami parties 櫻

花在日本別具意義!當年廣島和長崎在二次世界大戰經歷重傷後,人民一蹶不振,冰清欲滴的櫻花 在寒風後冒出枝頭,在冰火交融後帶來重新出發的新希望,而現在櫻花成了每年全新開始的象徵。 廣島的宮島是百大賞櫻點之一,亦是日本三景之一,其中以巖島為最有名的賞櫻勝地,可以說是歷史與浪 漫交織的神之島。在宮島登船,隨着海浪的推進,飄來陣陣夾帶海洋氣息的花香,並慢慢地投入擁有千年 歷史的大鳥居懷抱,引頸以待的櫻花在大鳥居後沿山綻放,為巖島抹上一層胭脂。 幸運的話會看見一群乖巧的小鹿站在碼頭,引領遊人展開神聖的櫻花之旅。若不怕累,可以沿着櫻花道走 到嚴島神社上的多寶塔,一邊享受櫻花雨的祝福,一邊細看對面若隱若現的五重塔,或是俯視山下民居與 櫻花互相穿插的獨有美景。若想輕鬆點,可以到嚴島神社出口附近的大願寺走走,甚至在潮退時走到大鳥 居,傾聽歷史的聲音。







t is a Japanese tradition to hold Hanami, or flower viewing parties under the blossom trees to mark the arrival of spring. Miyajima, a small island outside Hiroshima, has a long established reputation for hosting Hanami parties. The island takes pride in its magnificent blossom spectacles and shares the top spot with Tokyo and Kyoto for its blossom views. The scenic swaying cherry blossoms along the walkway to Itsukushima shrine is particularly spectacular and breathtaking. 01. 蜿蜒的櫻花道自大鳥居一直向山上延伸,引領遊人賞櫻的同時亦不忘一覽嚴島神社及各個古蹟。 02. 具有和式及唐式設計風格的嚴島神社是神聖的代表,亦屬於世界文化遺產。從社內的五重 塔可清楚看到山下的民居及遍地櫻花。 03. 大願寺歷史悠久,古寺配櫻花,別具日本風情!

嚴島神社 開放時間:06:30-18:00(冬天只開放至17:00) 地址:〒739-0588 広島県廿日市市宮島町 本年預計花期:3月23日至3月30日

Spring 2017



三月只下櫻花雨 Blossom rain in Alishan forest 阿

里山的日出和雲海一向享負盛名,原來她的櫻花也是相當著名的。阿里山上 種植了四千多株櫻花,其中以吉野櫻和台灣山櫻花為主,每年吸引了各地人士紛紛 前往一睹風采。 到阿里山賞櫻的最佳方法非鐵路小火車莫屬!坐上舊式的鐵道小火車,隆!隆!隆! 一邊聽着小火車前進的聲音,伴隨着徐徐落下的櫻花,這恍如電視劇中的場景,真 是可遇不可求!


02 03




難得來到阿里山,不如起個早,坐上凌晨開往山頂的小火車, 以台灣最美的日出迎接新一天的來臨。趁太陽伯伯還在賴床 時,不忘一睹著名的雲海,那感覺讓人有如置身於仙境中。 太陽伯伯會不經意地發出一束束光芒劃破長空,為白色的雲 海賜上一身金褸衣,此時此刻定是畢生難忘。透過光芒,這時 觀景台上的櫻花樹也被遊人發現了,爭相與她們留下倩影。 若希望拍下更多與櫻花的合照,建議可搭乘小火車下山至沼平 車站下車。鐵道與櫻花這兩種互不相關的東西能完美地互相 呼應,為這裏帶來「鐵道櫻花」的美譽。而另一場別致的梅花 與櫻花秀卻在梅園上演着,為遊人帶來另一番風味!走着走着 便到了阿里山賓館,忙碌的遊人都在尋找着櫻王的蹤影。櫻王 因樹姿優美,且開花量是全區之冠,是可預知花況的指標樹而 得其名。粉紅的花瓣在藍天襯托下,顯得特別嬌媚,記得千萬 不要錯過跟她合照一番啊!


lishan Forest in Taiwan is another popular venue for Hanami followers. Over the years, the cherry blossoms in the forest have become a top attraction of the region. To start your Hanami tour, take the vintage sightseeing train up the mountain to see the sunrise and admire the sea view. After that, follow the railway track leading from Zhaoping Station to get the best views of the blossoms. If you are lucky enough, you can witness the occasional ‘blossom rain’ in which the wind shakes off the blossoms from the branches, blanketing the ground below in the process. Top off your outing with a visit to Alishan House in search for the king of cherry blossoms there.

01. 粉紅的櫻花在藍天襯托下顯得更嬌媚。 02. 櫻花在阿里山隨處可見,其中以沼平車站的「鐵道櫻 花」最引人入勝! 03. 除了櫻花外,著名的雲海更是阿里山五奇之一。 04. 舊式設計的鐵道小火車已 經是一大拍攝的景點,而透明的車窗設計令遊人可看到車外的阿里山美景及不經意出現的櫻花樹。

阿里山 地址:嘉義縣阿里山鄉中正村59號 本年預計花期:3月10日至4月10日

Spring 2017



迷失的花海 Lost in a sea of flowers 01

望超值、無語言障礙、又不太單調的櫻花之旅,相信只 有昆明能夠滿足。擁有「春城」之稱的昆明,同時也被稱為「高 原櫻花之城」,海棠、山茶、杜鵑、玉蘭紛紛與櫻花共譜一曲合 奏,每年均吸引數以萬人前往欣賞。 如果要充分體驗昆明櫻花的美,便要到圓通山了!廣闊的圓通 路兩旁早已見櫻花樹花枝招展,枝頭上的櫻花,纍纍碩果,充分 地展現出中國人的豪邁之情!當車從馬路中駛過時,地上的花 瓣隨風飄起,呈現了「漫天飛花」的意境。 圓通櫻潮被譽為「昆明十六景」之一,其中以昆明動物園內的最 為震撼。花不醉人人自醉,當看到滿山的櫻花輕壓枝頭,與海 棠、山茶等和春風一起舞動,恨不得把每一個畫面都拍下來。 若逛完了花海,更可到圓通寺走一走,那是建於唐朝的古剎, 唐式建築,氣勢磅礡,引人入勝,是不可多得的佳作!






ptly named Spring City, Kunming is home to over a thousand cherry trees. With each blooming season, visitors flock to the garden city to admire the blooming floral sea of cherry, azalea, camellia, amongst many others. The amazing natural mosaics signify the arrival of spring in this backyard region of China in the southwest. Yuantongshan Park in central Kunming is well worth a visit for viewing the beautiful cherry blossoms, blooming on either side of the main road to the park. Nearby Yuantong Temple is the largest temple as well as one of the oldest in Kunming. Tourists can drop in and savour the delicious vegetarian dishes served there.

昆明動物園 開放時間:08:00-18:00(大型動物館16:30關閉) 地址:昆明市五華區青年路92號 本年預計花期:3月中旬至4月上旬

01. 一朵朵櫻花高高地掛在枝頭,為春天拉開序幕。 02. 圓通寺是建於唐朝的古剎,水天一色,蔚為其觀。 03. 除了迷人的花海,小朋友還可以與動物園內的動物來個親密的接觸。

Spring 2017



躲不了的櫻花雨 Pretty in Pink in Busan 若

說在首爾躲不了的是化妝品店,那在釜山躲不了的便是櫻花雨!每年四月初舉辦的「鎮海軍港節」 期間,整個鎮海幾乎都被櫻花覆蓋着,白天一場場櫻花雨如同春雪一般,令人如癡如醉! 若要遊覽鎮海,可以先從余佐川開始。余佐川因韓劇「羅曼史」而聞名,是屬於鎮海最美麗的賞櫻景點。 櫻花倚傍在木步道兩旁呼喚着河床上的油菜花,一粉一黃,相映成趣,形成完美的構圖。而且,在不同的 路段中會分別以心形、單車、雨傘等作點綴,增添生色,吸引了不少遊人拍照! 01




「慶和站鐵道櫻花」則被 CNN GO 選為「韓國必遊的50個景點」 之一,比起余佐川,慶和站是能夠讓人輕鬆自在地欣賞和讚頌 櫻花之美的好地方。火車在櫻花樹的掩映中前行,在鐵道上 拍照的遊人要小心火車靠近!若走完了長長的鐵道還覺得不 滿足,可以轉往長福山。由山腳起是一條無限伸延的櫻花道, 途中更會經過雕刻公園,以櫻花配雕刻,又是另一種景致!當 到達山頂時,櫻花海與整個鎮海在腳下的感覺,又是多麼讓人 陶醉不已!

鎮海 地址:慶尚南道昌原市鎭海區通信洞 本年預計花期:3月30日至4月7日



ne of the main annual events in Jinhae-gu (Jinhae district) of Busan is the Jinhae Gunhangje (Jinhae Naval Port Festival) and usually held in early April coinciding with the cherry blossom season. During this period, the cherrystrewn Jungwon Rotary and the section of railroad from Gyeonghwa Station turn into a beautiful floral tunnel, with petals fluttering and dancing in the wind to paint a most fascinating picture to the delight of spectators. The concert held on the eve of the Festival helps in no small measure to ramp up your festive spirits too.

01, 03. 余佐川櫻花道是鎮海最美的賞櫻景點,不管是白天或晚上都各具特色! 02. 慶和站鐵道櫻花每年都為鎮海軍港節添上濃濃的櫻花色彩。

Spring 2017



鹿兒島櫻花大道 Cherry Blossom Avenue in Kagoshima 正

所謂一年之計在於春,又是時候計劃外遊第一擊:賞櫻。櫻花的滿開狀態通常為 開花後一周,所以建議先參考各地櫻花預報再作推算,便是賞櫻最佳時期。九州為日本 最溫暖地區,櫻花開得最早,所以不妨考慮前往九州鹿兒島縣賞櫻,約在 3月中便會開 花,比起關東關西地區稍早迎接春天,而賞櫻期亦頗長,直至四月初。 鹿兒島縣中,以北薩區伊佐市忠元公園的櫻花最為吸引,有着綿延兩公里的櫻花大道, 兩旁種植過千棵櫻花樹,是「日本賞櫻名所百選」之一。若適逢櫻花祭期間,更有過千個 燈籠懸掛,晚上點亮後,映照着櫻花隧道,另有一番情調。這樣便可從早到晚,一次過 欣賞日與夜兩種不同姿態的櫻花美景。 指宿市魚見岳

鹿兒島縣賞櫻地點 伊佐市忠元公園 規模:1,000棵 最佳賞櫻時期:3月中至4月上旬 交通:於中央站搭巴士去大口巴士中心, 再搭15分鐘巴士去忠元公園 霧島市丸岡公園 規模:6,000棵 最佳賞櫻時期:3月下旬至4月上旬 交通:從JR肥薩線大隅橫川站開車約10分鐘 指宿市魚見岳 規模:1,000棵 最佳賞櫻時期:3月中至4月上旬 交通:從JR指宿站開車到山頂約20分鐘 查詢:www.kagoshima-kankou.com






s the saying goes - a year’s plan starts with spring, it is time to plan ahead for a trip to see cherry blossoms! Instead of visiting the same place every year, you may want to consider Kagoshima Prefecture. Located in the southern tip of Japan, Kagoshima has an earlier spring than the Kanto and Kansai regions. The cherry blossom viewing period is quite long, running from March to early April. Tadamoto Park in Okuchi Harada, Isa-shi, is the most attractive viewing spot. There is the two kilometrelong Cherry Blossom Avenue with over 1,000 cherry trees on both sides. It is named one of Japan’s Top 100 Cherry Blossom Viewing Sites. During the Cherry Blossom Festival, over 1,000 lanterns are on display. The cherry blossom tunnel is lit up at night creating a special ambiance. The daytime view and nighttime view are different but equally beautiful. Spring 2017



綠意盎然古城 鹿兒島 南九州市 說 知覽武家屋敷庭園 這個地方被稱為「薩摩的小京都」,因為武家屋敷庭園不只保留了古時候的 庭園及建築群,連整個氣氛也彷似停留於 260 年前的古代一樣。時至今日, 屋內仍有人居住,令這裏充滿生機。走進園內,會發現這裏的人潮相對京都 少得多。遊人可以漫步於各個庭園,由門外的石塊到屋內的和式庭園逐一仔 細欣賞。到了日落時分,光景更是漂亮迷人,愛拍照的必定喜歡。

Chiran Samurai Residence Garden The garden features samurai residences with tidy rows of stonewalls and substantial gates. This beautiful town of traditional gardens is wellknown as “Little Kyoto in Satsuma”. Within the town, there is a preserved samurai district with houses and gardens that date back about 260 years, The street itself is very attractive, with rock walls and hedges of residences and forested hill in the distance that will leave you amazed with every visit.

地址:鹿児島県南九州市知覧町群13731-1 電話:+81-993-58-7878 網址:www.chiran-navi.com/ck_bukeyashiki 交通:JR平川站轉乘計程車約20分鐘

text & edit/ Bana CHIU Photo/ Wilson Special thanks/ Global Sales & Explorer、鹿児島各地観光局、鹿児島南さつま市観光局

到日本的古都,大多數人只會聯想到京 都,但 其實日本各地市民對保留古代文化 及 遺址不遺餘力。即使是沒有皇室居住過的小 村落,同樣被完好保留下來。在鹿兒島西南面 的南九州市,由由川邊郡川邊町、知覽町及揖 宿郡穎娃町組成,市內除了聞名全國的知覽茶 外,還有多個有趣的旅遊景點。來到鹿兒島, 必須抽1-2天到四周走走逛逛。


Minamikyushu City, Kagoshima


inamikyushu City, located at the southernmost tip of Japan’s main islands, is a place where Japanese tradition, culture, and history intersect. Minamikyushu City is full of story, culture and spectacular sights. Although Minamikyushu City may not be as prosperous as other cities, her rich history is demonstrated by her iconic sights. Whether you are looking for a cultural experience or a soul healing journey, Minamikyushu City would be a great stopover on your journey.

秋冬獨有景色大根棚 日本人吃飯時,最愛配以漬物,因此市場對漬物的需求十分大。 而鹿兒島的知覽町,因為天氣和地理的關係,盛產高質素的大 根漬物。但礙於收成與天氣的影響,只有秋冬時分才可以見到 漬物製作場面。

Takuan in Chiran Chiran is the home of the famous Takuan (pickled daikon radish), and travellers make a bee line there in Autumn and Winter to see how the pickled radish is processed.

聞名全國的茶葉 抹茶食品向來都廣受追捧,難得來到產量及品質都甚有保證 的抹茶出產地,當然要抽一點時間欣賞茶園及細味一下醇香 的知覽抹茶。知覽茶的茶味帶有淡香,用來配以和式料理或者 和菓子都非常適合,價錢亦相當合理,買回家做手信實為不錯 的選擇。

Kagoshima's green tea The vast green carpet of the tea plantations, is an example of typical Japanese rural scenery. The “Kagoshima tea” here has a unique flavor with refreshing fragrance, which has also been awarded the first prize many times at the National Tea Fair. It is a great souvenir to bring back and share with family and friends.

Spring 2017



知覧特攻平和會館-認識日本戰時歷史 二次世界大戰期間,日本曾經以鹿兒島以南的地區作為基地, 因此有很多戰爭的歷史痕跡遺留於此。知覧特攻平和會館是 其中一個展出詳細資料的地方。館外遍布櫻花樹,樹海的中間 是不同種類的飛機。所展出的內容,是廣為人知、兼曾被日本 多次翻拍成電影的「神風敢死隊」。為了令更多人知道當年的 故事及文化,館內除擺放了拍攝電影時用過的飛機及真實的 零式戰機外,還有一些照片及文章讓人對日本的歷史文化有 更深的認知。


Chiran Peace Museum for Kamikaze Pilots The Chiran Peace Museum for Kamikaze Pilots collects, preserves, and displays the belongings, final letters, and documents which were left behind by the members of the special attack corps, also known in English as “kamikaze pilots”. Each of those farewell notes and relics make us to realize the importance of peace, our lives, and family bonds.

地址:鹿兒島縣川邊郡知覧町郡17881 電話:+81-99-383 2525 營業時間:09:00-17:00 入場費:¥500/人 網址:www.chiran-tokkou.jp 交通:JR平川站轉乘計程車約32分鐘



台灣花蓮 Hualien Taiwan



花蓮位於台灣本島東部,西臨高聳的中央山脈、東臨浩瀚的太平洋,是台灣面積最大的縣級行政區。她保 留了珍貴的原住民文化,擁有豐富的語言體系:阿美族、太魯閣族、撒奇萊族⋯⋯花蓮受益於太平洋黑潮 流,海產資源十分豐富。而未受污染的環境令農民能夠種出無毒疏菜,造就了「無毒農業」。所以,來到花 蓮怎可不好好體會一下久違的原始美呢!


pring comes to Picturesque Hualien!

Located between the Pacific Ocean and the Central Mountain range, Hualien is regarded as one of the most elegant cities in Taiwan. Each year, this charming city draws in thousands of visitors to admire its scenic landscape and sample its tasty delicacies.



Spring 2017



甜蜜之旅 Hualien Tourism Sugar Factory 花

蓮糖廠始於日治時代1899 年,經過歷史變遷及糖業沒 落,現已改建成觀光景點,但糖廠內的大部分建築和設施仍被 保存下來。不妨參加糖廠安排的導賞團一起細味當年的面貌, 並了解糖的生產過程!曾用於運載甘蔗的五分車與糖廠一起被 保留下來,供遊人參觀及拍照留念。 來了糖廠不可不試著名的糖廠雪糕,三十多種款式,味道清甜 細膩!休息過後可到創意工坊逛逛,內有售賣各手工藝品,亦 有DIY教學課程,十分適合家長與小朋友一起參加。玩累了更可 選擇在糖廠留宿一晚,入住日式小房子,裏面有榻榻米、檜木浴 桶、木門,不論是大人或小朋友都會十分喜歡。在屋內一邊享受 天倫之樂,一邊體驗懷舊復古的日本歡樂時光,十分寫意!


ating back to 1899, the Hualien Tourism Sugar Factory is now converted into a museum. This former factory is a popular tourist attraction with guided tours taking visitors down the memory lane of the island’s sugar industry. Don’t forget to try the wide variety of in-house ice creams after the tour. In addition, the neat rows of Japanese style dormitories provide accommodation for visitors who opt to stay overnight.


冰品餐廳 地址:花蓮縣光復鄉大進村糖廠街19號 電話:+886-3-870-5881 營業時間:08:00-20:00 01. 代表糖廠的煙囪仍聳立着,靜靜地守護着糖廠的歷史。 02. 阿嬤照相館因電影「比賽開始」而聞名,是遊人必到的拍攝景點之一。 03,04. 復古的日式小房子,讓家人或朋友能夠一起感受日式生活。






Spring 2017



揮別塵囂的瞬間 Pacific Park Taiwan 太

平洋公園是將南北濱公園結合及重塑而成,北濱公園佔 地7公頃,以3D 彩繪打造成海濱戶外藝廊,其中以純手繪,直 徑達30米的「寰宇巨龍」最引人注目。還有多幅海洋彩繪及鏤 空拍立得相框不斷交錯出現,為遊人提供了如幻似真的立體拍 攝景點。情侶更可一起尋找隱藏在太平洋公園內的「愛戀裝置 藝術」,聽聞曾有情侶在「Marry Me」大聲公前求婚成功呢! 沿着海邊一直走,很快就會走到佔地 20 公頃的南濱公園,是 聽浪觀星的好地方。當登上「海洋之丘觀景台」,更可眺望南 濱公園的「洄瀾新灣」及蔚藍的太平洋。累了可選擇到羅馬拱 柱造型的中央廣場,或是海邊野餐。公園內的各項建築都充 滿浪漫氣息,十分適合情侶前往。

地址:花蓮縣花蓮市海濱路與和平路交叉口 01. 愛戀裝置藝術是每對情侶必到的景點。 02. 立體的鯉躍龍門是迎接每天第一道曙光的最佳位置。 03. 利用自行車暢遊太平洋公園是另一種寫意的體驗方式。




arly risers will be rewarded with the magnificent sunrise in Pacific Landscape Park. Located along the shorelines facing Pacific Ocean, this spacious park comprised of two sections is a prime choice for sunbathing and picnics. Sit back relax and admire the azure sky and the vast expanse of the turquoise blue Pacific Ocean in front of you.


01 03

Spring 2017




樂而忘返的天堂 Dong Da Men Night Market

02 01

蓮東大門夜市在 2015 年 7月開幕,這裏結合了花蓮的 四大夜市而成,包括:福町夜市、大陸各省一條街、原住民一 條街和自強夜市,內有400多家攤販,不用擔心找不到想吃的 東西。其中,有 20 多家被票選為東大門必吃的店家,例如第 一家烤肉串、林記烤玉米、蔣家花蓮創意官財板、宜蘭香炸螃 蟹、彩虹臭薯條、原醉和妙不可言果汁等,每天攤子外都必 定排滿了人龍。


東大門夜市除了小食攤外,還特設娛樂區,幸運的話可遇到 現場即席表演。想找吃的、玩的、聽的,只要到東大門夜市便 可以了!


an of night markets? With more than 400 stalls offering a wide variety of tasty fare ranging from fried crab and grilled corn to kebab dishes and fresh juices, you can easily find something at the Dong Da Men night market to satisfy your taste buds. There is also an entertainment area in the market where impromptu performances occasionally crop up to delight the spectators. Let the music complement your gastronomic pleasure for the perfect end to your day.

地址:花蓮縣花蓮市重慶路及中山路一帶 營業時間:17:30-23:30 01. 東大門觀光夜市劃分為四大主題區,每個主題夜市都各具特色。 02,03. 夜市內不但有形形色色的小食攤,更有玩樂及表演區。




秘密花園 — 塞班島 Saipan, the secret garden 塞

班島是個人傑地靈,山清水秀,廣被嚮往的旅遊勝地。她除了著名的海灣外,其獨特的山勢成為了 行山愛好者的挑戰地。由於塞班島十分大,故遊人均會以汽車代步至特定景點時才開始攀行。


aipan is the capital of the US Commonwealth in the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) situated in the Pacific Ocean. Arguably the most beautiful place in the region, this tropical pearl of the Pacific is a dream holiday destination.





Forbidden Island

禁斷島位於塞班島的東南面,是一個半離島,當潮漲時,在觀 景臺上可看到平頂的禁斷島與塞班島分開,在蔚藍的海洋中 獨領風騷。相傳禁斷島是當年祈雨的祭天場所,活生生的人被 成為祭品,導致很多人到現在也不敢前來,故此錯過了很多得 天獨厚的景致。若自問是勇敢的話,可沿着觀景台走下去,但 部分路段會較陡峭,須格外小心!走了大概一半路程時,可見 禁斷島已經近在咫尺。翠綠的山巒、碧綠的後海灣上飄着朵朵 白雲,映照得禁斷島無比耀眼!若是潮退時,可以走到島上, 會發現有一個天然游泳池,四周被珊瑚礁圍繞着,海水清澈見 底,珊瑚魚、小蝦等都在自由暢泳。喜歡水上運動的,更可趁 機舒展一下,游泳或浮潛都十分適合。若不想下水的,也可坐 在岩石上,聽着海浪拍打岩石的聲音,感受澎湃的海洋奏樂。

Once in Saipan, you will be treated to a host of exciting activities like swimming, snorkeling and trekking but hiking the Forbidden Island is a top item on the agenda of most visitors. Linked to the main island by a narrow land strip which becomes submerged at high tide, the Forbidden Island was once a venue for religious activities. Though not recommended for the faint-hearted, the island is hugely popular with hiking fans who take delight in the stunning picturesque sea views on the hike. There are also a couple of tide pools on the island bounded by coral reefs and teeming with small marine creatures - ideal for swimmers and snorkeling fans to show off their skills. Alternatively, you can just sit on a rock and enjoy the sounds of the crashing waves.

塞班島景色多元化,絕對是一個上山下海都十分適合的旅遊好 去處!

01. 平頂的禁斷島非常突出,在觀景台上已經能夠被清楚看到。在潮漲時更可看到禁斷島與塞班島分隔的獨有景象。02. 像真度極高的老人頭像 默默地守候着濱海老人這片屬地。03. 坦克海灘的沙子裏混有很多星砂,相傳若能夠找到八星形的會被祝福呢!



濱海老人 濱海老人是一個隱藏着的小海灘。要走下濱海老人的路段 較禁斷島的陡峭及濕滑,但卻較短。當穿過叢林後便到達海 邊,可以看到一個老人臉頰的岩石在海邊望向遙遙他方,而 海水不斷地為他洗刷着臉上的污垢。由於這裏海面平坦,沒 有任何阻擋,海浪肆意地拍打着岩石,形成疊疊千尺浪,當 陽光照射在海上更會閃閃生輝。遊人都愛站在右方的岩石 上,近距離地感受太平洋的魅力。

Old Man by the Sea Taking its name from a rock formation resembling the head of an old man looking out to the sea, this landmark figure can be accessed by a trail from Kagman village. The jungle trek takes about 30 minutes and the Old Man is there ready to greet you at the end of the trail. It is said that the right side of the beach is the best vantage point to view the splashing waves.

坦克海灘 離禁斷島不遠處有一坦克海灘,其沙並不幼細柔軟、海灘 也不是最漂亮,但卻十分有名氣。全因在二次世界大戰時, 美國坦克在此登陸,令其聞名於世。坦克海灘海岸線廣闊, 看着一朵朵水晶般的浪花從四方八面向岸邊推進,真的是只 能意會不能言傳。另外,這裏的沙子很特別,當中混合了很多 星砂,那是來自珊瑚的碎片,傳說能夠找到八角星形的會得 到祝福,因此,不少遊人都嘗試尋找。除了星砂外,寄居蟹也 是坦克海灘上的另一特色,小小的寄居蟹愛躲到貝殼內,在 沙灘上慢慢地移動着,十分惹人憐愛!

Tank Beach Its unique name is a reminder of the fierce Pacific Campaign in 1944 when US tanks landed on the beach to reclaim the island from the Japanese. The submerged tank is there for all to reminisce on the island hopping warfare. Now peaceful and relaxing, Tank Beach is a hot spot for beachgoers thanks to its clear, unpolluted water and fine sand. Visitors can spend a leisurely afternoon simply sunbathing, enjoying the refreshing sea breeze and watching hermit crabs roam through the star-shaped sand. Legend has it that the rare 8-shaped variant can bring good luck to people. Do keep a keen eye on this luck enhancing variety when strolling along the beach. Spring 2017



神隱少女 Spirited Away in natural harmony 「何

處景色勝五行,不遜仙景是蓬萊。山光彩石峰浴翠,古寺香霧繞雲岩。」若到峴港不可不拜會這座 曾經的海中島 — 五行山。五行山由五座數十米的石峰組成,分別配上中國五行的金、木、水、火、土命名。 另外,因當年盛產大理石而聞名,故又被稱為「大理石山」。

水山是五行山中最高及最有名的,在昔日占婆族時期是崇拜印度神祇的聖地,如今已被改建為鎮山廟宇。「不上 五行非好漢,上了五行一身汗」來了當然要當一回好漢了!沿着曲繞的石階和山路拾級而上,不久後,靈應 寺便映入眼簾。經過應真門向內走,會分別看到白玉佛像及多座佛塔,其中七層佛塔屬於最高級的佛塔。 向前行有一「望江臺」,可遠望韓江及多座山巒,相傳明命皇帝常在此欣賞疆土。從靈應寺出來後,沿途會經 過華嚴雲洞、靈岩洞、三台寺……可說是每三步一小窟,五步一大洞,其中玄空洞是最值得參觀的。

玄空洞是最大最壯觀的石灰洞穴,洞內供奉了一尊四公尺高的觀音,雕琢精細,栩栩如生;另外還有兩座 小廟。洞頂擁有五道裂縫,滲入日光,把洞內照亮,而光線最後會被反射到石壁上,把大理石深淺不一的 紋理都呈現出來,形成多層變幻!在大佛後有一條分岔路分別寫着:「上天堂」、「下地獄」,若選擇「上天 堂」便要徒手攀爬狹窄的雲通洞,到達「望海臺」,在那可把南中國海盡收眼簾。爬一趟五行山就有如把 越南的歷史讀了一部分!

01.七層佛塔屬於最高級的佛塔,是靈應寺內的代表建築。02.栩栩 如生的大佛守護着通往「望海臺」的雲通洞入口。03.日光從裂 縫中射進來,把洞內的一切照亮,連石壁也被反射出不同層次 的色彩。04.三台寺與前方安坐的彌勒佛。

地址:81 Huyen Tran Cong Chua Street, Danang 電話:+84-126-7135358 開放時間:07:00-17:00 門票:15,000 越南盾







ocated south of Danang, Marble Mountain is actually a cluster of five hills, each named after one of the five elements in traditional Chinese philosophy - metal, wood, water, fire and earth. A cut above others, Thuy Son or Water Hill is the main tourist attraction and a hot spot for hikers. A highly diverse array of pagodas, temples, Buddha statues and caves dot the approach to Thuy Son, with Huyen Khong Cave being the biggest grotto boasting the largest number of Buddha statues inside. The beautifully crafted Cham Buddha sitting under a natural shaft of light is a star attraction for visitors. The Vong Hai Dai pavilion greets well-exercised visitors after their long trek through the Van Thong Cave inside the grotto, regaling them with a panoramic view of the beautiful South China sea. Marble Mountain makes a good starting point of your sightseeing outing.




沙廉:細味緬甸歷史文化 Pagoda tours to explore Myanmar

廉位於緬甸仰光南部,與仰光隔河相望。仰光河彷彿把 市中心的繁囂過濾淨盡,剩下古老、原始的佛教文化面貌供後 世景仰。當中寺廟的規模雖然比大金寺小,但香火鼎盛且別具 特色。更有殖民時期建築遺址。抽出一天,到沙廉一睹緬甸有 血有淚的悠久歷史吧!

「浮廟」耶麗塔 親親小魚

Kyauktan Yele Pagoda

耶麗塔,位處仰光河支流的一個小島上,故又稱「浮廟」。從 對岸乘船前往約三分鐘,沿岸可飽覽英國殖民時期建築物與 緬甸風格的房屋。浮廟的一大特色,為佛教徒會在此放生飼 養魚。即使未能參與放生,遊客亦可在上船前購買爆谷,於抵 達寺廟後餵飼河中魚兒。它除了位置特別,歷史亦非常悠久, 由公元前三世紀的時王族建成,內藏大量精緻的緬甸佛教畫 作與雕刻。

The Kyaik Hmaw Wun Pagoda or Yele Pagoda contains richly decorated structures with fine wood carvings. It is found on a small island in the river, with boats as the only mean of transportation. Visitors may purchase popcorn before the ride, to feed the fish that surround this place. 地址:Kyanktan, Yangon, Myanmar

東西交匯 英、葡殖民遺跡 緬甸先後受過葡萄牙與英國的殖民統治,除了大小佛寺之外, 當然有其他特色景點!英國人在沙廉橋邊緬甸油公司建立總 部時,興建了一批紅磚木屋。建築群內,更有十八世紀葡萄牙 教堂遺址,裏面豎立兩位葡萄牙傳教士的墓碑,刻有拉丁文與 葡萄牙文字樣。該處沒有確切地址,可先詢問當地人或導遊。 若時間許可,有探險精神,可到這裏一遊!

Old Portuguese Church If you have spare time and are feeling adventurous, you may visit the old Portuguese Church in inside the old BOC officer’s quarter. Believed to have been built in 18 century, the church is now in ruins but the walls are still intact with two tomb stones of Portuguese missionaries.

丘上小廟 熱鬧廟會

Kyaik Khauk Pagoda

齋考佛塔至少有二千年歷史,供奉佛祖 的頭髮舍利子。它位於沙廉與皎丹之間 的一個小山崗上,可欣賞美麗的勃固河 及仰光市全景,朝聖或拍照都一流!零八 年特強颱風納吉斯吹襲緬甸時,此寺曾 擔當避難中心,在緬甸人民心目中的重 要地位可見一斑。值得一提的是,每年 農曆二月朔望,此處都會舉辦廟會,當中 有不少歌舞、相聲及木偶表演,趕快把 握機會趁墟吧!

Commanding stupendous views from its hilltop location, Kyaik-khauk Pagoda is a magnificent Mon-style pagoda. Besides taking pictures of the spectacular Yangon cityscape, you can also attend the annual pagoda festival held in the second lunar month to soak up the atmosphere of the gorgeous event. 地址:Thanlyin, Yangon, Myanmar



探索寧波 Discover Ningbo


Mount Putuo

位於寧波的普陀山是中國佛教四大名山之一,與山西五台山、 四川峨眉山、安徽九華山齊名。普陀山四面環海,遠離塵世 紛爭,在這裏可以感受到佛門的清幽氣息。亦因為普陀山座落 海中央,故有海天佛國的美譽。

This Buddhist holy place is one of the four sacred mountains of Buddhism in China - the other three being Mount Wutai, Mount Jinhua and Mount Emei. Located in the vicinity of Ningbo and rising in the middle of the sea, Mount Putuo is considered a seaside Buddhist oasis as well as a traditional enclave for highly venerable monks in the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment. The Puji Monastery, the Fayu Monastery and the Huiji Monastery at Mount Putuo are among the most famous monasteries in history. For devout Buddhists, don’t miss the Guanyin celebrations held on the nineteenth day of the second lunar month each year.

山上共有20多座寺廟,當中最大的有「前寺」普濟禪寺、「後寺」 法雨禪寺及「佛頂山」慧濟禪寺。三月春,晴雨多變的季節,亦是 農曆二月十九的觀音誕,是普陀山最熱鬧的日子之一。來自國內 外的信眾會聚集於此,通宵達旦地誦經禮佛,香火鼎盛。 不管是否信眾,亦可到廟內吃一頓齋飯,淨化身心;若不喜歡齋 飯,亦可一嘗有名的海鮮,山上的海鮮園集中了五十多間海鮮餐 館,新鮮美味的海鮮經常吸引慕名而來的遊客。 早於二千多年前,普陀山已是道人修煉之寶地,也是文人雅士隱 居或遊覽勝地。四周還有很多沙灘,最為人熟悉的是百步沙及千 步沙,在沙灘漫步時聽着禪音與浪聲交織,一海之隔,把塵世隔 於千里外。 地址:舟山市定海區

Non-buddhists can enjoy a delicious vegetarian meal at affordable prices at one of the temples. The impressive lineup of fifty plus seafood garden restaurants up the mountain also offer tasty menus for non-vegetarians. For the intending visitor, an overnight stay would be preferred, as sightseeing spots and scenic places abound at Mount Putuo are awaiting to be explored.



天一閣 老外灘 歷史悠久的天一閣建於明朝,是亞洲最古老的藏書閣,現位 於寧波市中心月湖公園旁。由於火是書卷的最大敵人,於是藏 書閣主人明朝兵部右侍郎范欽取其五行中「天一生水」的意 思,由於書忌火,而水能剋火,「天一閣」名稱因而得來。閣樓 的建築設計亦展現當年的民間防火智慧。 寧波人愛書如命,天一閣內裏藏書數萬卷,博物館展廳陳列 着范家走遍五湖四海收集而來的書籍,每天慕名而來的人多 不勝數。但根據族規,外姓人不得登閣閱書。相傳嘉慶年間有 一才女為登閣一睹數萬藏書,不惜嫁入范家,卻因婦女終生 不得登閣的族規而鬱鬱而終。 天一閣還有另一噱頭,便是有個麻將起源地陳列館,用以紀 念麻將發明者寧波人陳政鑰,並收藏着來自世界各國的珍稀 麻將牌組。 逛完了天一閣後往北走,經過江廈橋便到達老外灘,這裏自 唐宋起便是最繁華的港口之一,現主要為酒吧街、休聞娛樂 區。看着迷人外灘夜景,輕嘗進杯中物,沉澱這個新舊交融的 寧波吧。

TianYi Ge Square For avid readers, TianYi Ge in Ningbo is a treasure trove well worth exploring. Founded in the Ming dynasty, it is the oldest existing library in Asia with its name, TianYi, implying copious water in Chinese metaphysics. Folk wisdom has it that the ‘watery’ name can subdue any fire breaking out in the library and offer protection to the books it houses. The mahjong exhibition hall inside TianYi Ge is a must-see for fans of this square table game. It is an eye-opening experience to see the collection of rare sets of mahjong tiles on display there. The ancient library is now a landmark of Ningbo. Take a tour in its garden and learn how one private book collected during the Ming dynasty started it all. On the modern side of the city, neighbouring TianYi Square is a spacious multi-function megacomplex in downtown Ningbo with many shops, leisure, entertainment and cultural facilities including a host of restaurants serving a prolific range of cuisines. Have a pint or two in one of the pubs on the “Old Bund” (Laowaitan) before calling it a day. 天一閣 地址:寧波市海曙區天一街5號 開放時間:08:00-17:30(夏季) 08:00-17:00(冬季)

Spring 2017



大米與海鮮 芽莊美食 A parade of Nha Trang savouries

莊為越南中南部的旅遊重鎮、潛水勝地,是背包客最愛的越南城市之一。當地 海灣以水清沙幼見稱,並擁有豐富的海洋資源,亦有婆那加塔等珍貴的歷史遺蹟。 有此美景,又怎能缺少佳餚呢!今天就向海鮮和甜品的愛好者介紹幾款名字有趣的 特色菜餚:米線類Bánh Canh、Bún Chá、Bún Ca和燒餅Bánh Căn,以及各款大 牌檔美食和甜品,誓要將芽莊美食一網打盡!


ocated in Southern Vietnam and famous for its fine beaches, Nha Trang is a popular spot for diving fans and backpackers alike. As if to complement its beautiful views, rich marine resources and Po Nagar ruins, Nha Trang also boasts a fine array of mouthwatering savouries few palates can afford to miss. Let’s take a look at some local specialties with exotic names like Banh Canh, Bun Cha, Bun Ca and Banh Căn among others.

Spring 2017





1 濃湯米線 Bánh Canh 只要略懂越南文的人,都會知道 Bánh 指米線,而 Canh 則指 湯。Bánh Canh由米製麵條,與粗身、黏口的日本烏冬外形及 口感都非常類似,淋上比普通湯麵濃稠的湯底。Bánh Canh的配 料種類繁多,一般以肉與菇類為主,但最鮮甜美味的莫過於以 蟹作為配料的款式! Bánh Canh Bà Thừa 地址:55 Yersin, Phước Hòa, Tp. Nha Trang, Khánh Hòa 營業時間:07:00-22:00

2 炸魚米線 Bún Ca、烤肉米線 Bún Chá Bún Ca是指配以炸魚、炸魚餅的米線,而Bún Chá則是烤肉 米線。芽莊最受歡迎的鯖魚和生魚,一般會被用於製作生魚片 及魚肉,或者被製成香甜彈牙的魚餅,然後按個人喜好放入米 線之中。其中,被炸至金黃酥脆的魚餅或鮮魚肉,配搭中等粗 幼身的米線十分惹味可口!如果不喜歡魚的食客,可以選擇以 烤肉配米線,味道絕不遜色!甚至連前美國總統奧巴馬與拜登 到訪越南時,也特地品嘗了一碗 Bún Chá烤肉米線呢。

Bún Chả Quang Sang 地址:7 Hàn Thuyên, Tp. Nha Trang, Khánh Hòa 營業時間:07:00-22:00


3 芽莊煎餅 Bánh Căn



再來一道名字與以上三者相似的菜式--香脆的Bánh Căn煎餅。 這款越南中南部獨有的街頭小食,由米漿和雞蛋或鵪鶉蛋,以 及各種海鮮、芽菜、大葱製成。廚師會使用附有小圓蓋的特製 陶泥模烤製,新鮮製成的煎餅,外脆內軟,無論大人還是小孩 都一定愛吃。 Bánh Căn 51 - Tô Hiến Thành 地址:51 Tô Hiến Thành, Tp. Nha Trang, Khánh Hòa 營業時間:04:00-21:00

4 惹火的大牌檔

來到芽莊覓食,不能不到當地大牌檔。越南人愛把蝸牛清蒸、油 炸、快炒、炭燒等。小蝸牛口感順滑像生蠔,配以椰香咖喱、大 葱和洋葱,充滿南洋風格。花螺與港式煮法十分相似,廚師在 烹煮過程中加了辣椒、青檸汁和檸檬草提味,令整道菜的辣香 味提升,刺激食客的味蕾。溫馨提示:若想食得更精明,建議去 城北的Thap Ba Street 會比市中心便宜!


“Hai San” - Dong Xuan restaurant 地址:28 Tháp Bà, Vĩnh Thọ, Tp. Nha Trang, Khánh Hòa

5 芽莊夜市的豐盛甜品 吃過香辣的美食,當然要以甜品解一解辣。芽莊夜市裏有 多間可以品嘗重口味椰漿米糕Chè Đậu Trắng的店舖。除 此之外,還有售賣果味清甜的雜果雪糕涼粉Chè、解渴的 綠茶、越式咖啡等,一應倶全。外表七彩繽紛、美味清甜的 甜食完完全全霸佔整個口腔,帶來滿滿的幸福感! Nha Trang Night Market 地址:78 Tuệ Tĩnh, Lộc Thọ, Tân Lập, Khánh Hòa 650000 營業時間:09:00-00:00


Spring 2017




矜貴松阪和牛 Savour the ultimate Wagyu experience

客來港必吃點心和掃街,否則枉到 「美食天堂」。放諸日本三重縣,便演繹 為「不嘗過松阪頂級和牛的滋味,就不算 來過三重縣!」松阪牛與神戶牛、近江牛 並稱為日本三大和牛,是日本的國寶級和 牛,更被冠以「肉的藝術品」美稱。


燒烤鍋物 各具特色 和牛的常見煮法有壽喜燒和網燒。壽喜燒是把松阪牛與大葱、生菜、豆腐、芋絲等配 料,在濃郁的醬油與味醂湯中煮熟,最適合一家人在乍暖還寒的春季享用。至於網燒 是最能保留牛肉天然肉香的烹調方法。直接把肉架於明火上的鐵網烤熟,油花從肉間 滲出,外皮焦脆,內部保持生肉的嫩滑。之後蘸醬油和蒜蓉,提升味道的層次感。

o one would consider his or her Mieken trip complete without tasting Matsusaka wagyu beef. Best known for its excellent quality, it is considered one of the top three brands of Japanese beef, along with Kobe and Yonezawa beef. Japanese people regard Matsusaka beef as an “edible work of art ”.

Unique characteristics of different dishes Common cooking techniques of this premium beef include Sukiyaki and grilling. For Sukiyaki, the beef is boiled with vegetables and mushrooms, in an iron pot with a mixture of soy sauce and mirin. Enjoying with raw eggs is the best way to highlight its rich, salty-sweet flavour. If you prefer having beef that is lightly charred on the outside; juicy and tender inside, you will not go wrong with grilling. Don’t forget to dip it in soy sauce and minced garlic to spice it up! 01


精心飼養 品質保證 三重縣松阪牛是指那些於兵庫縣出生, 但從未生育的但馬黑毛小母牛。牠們在 松阪以嚴格的監控、特別的飼料及方法 飼養。基本的飼料包括豆腐渣和研磨小 麥。若牛隻缺乏胃口,農夫會餵牠們喝 啤酒及施以按摩,以確保其身體健康、 肉質 鮮 嫩。松 阪牛之 所以 深受 食 家歡 迎,全因其肉質細緻柔滑。脂肪呈網狀 霜降紋,入口即融。以「肉如柔荑,膚如 凝脂」來形容絕不為過。

Quality assurance

01. 以明火網燒松阪牛,絕對是惹味之選。02.「幻ミスジ」是松阪牛的內肩肉,軟滑而有嚼勁。

Matsusaka beef is produced from Tajima-ushi female cows chiefly born in Hyōgo Prefecture, Japan. They are fed nutritious soy pulp, ground wheat and receive massages to stimulate their appetite. These treatments contribute to the high fat-to-meat ratio and tender texture of the beef.


海賊王噴泉表演 “One Piece” Music Fountain 01





尾田栄一郎/集英社 フジテレビ 東映アニメーション

海賊王粉絲們有福了! 位於日本福岡博多的 Canal City,最近 推出全日本規模最大的 One Piece 主題3D立體光雕投影,共 20米高乘以65米闊!遊人只要於晚上6 時來到表演場地,即可 免費欣賞到大銀幕上的投影匯演,加上噴泉、燈光、音響等配 合出來的完美效果。而最值得大家注目的亮點,一定是專為匯 演度身訂造的全新冒險故事,特地前來的粉絲們,絕對不會失 望而回! 01,02. 海賊王的經典角色空群出動。粉絲們,尖叫吧! 03. 路飛在匯演中大展拳腳,絕對霸氣!姿勢頗像一拳超人呢。

Canal City Hakata in Fukuoka Prefecture has rolled out a One Piece-themed star attraction using a 3D projection mapping technology. One Piece Water Specter is the largest of its kind in Japan and run by state-of-the-art equipment. This stunning attraction begins daily at 6 pm to showcase the multi-sensory spectacle brought about by the seamless orchestration of light and sound effects together with water fountain shows alongside a gigantic silver screen. With the One Piece Jolly Roger boys now embarking on a newly scripted adventure, everyone, anime fan or not, will have a field day out there.

拉麵擂台 高手雲集 若屬拉麵愛好者,不能不拜訪Canal City 5 樓的「拉麵擂台」! 日本國內8 間頂尖拉麵名店濟濟一堂,務求讓旅客一次過品嘗 日本拉麵真正的魅力所在!店舖會不定期更替,遊人要趕快把 握機會大快朵頤了!

The Ramen Stadium Ramen Stadium on level 5 of Canal City is the venue where ramen masters from the top eight ramen shops across the country vie with each other to ply their noodle cooking skills. Ramen fans can feast on different ramen specialties all in one spot but remember to act fast as the shops may change from time to time. 地址:812-0018 福岡市博多區住吉1丁目2 營業時間:10:00-23:00

Spring 2017



玩盡吳哥夜市 Angkor Night Market 日

間飽覽柬埔寨名勝古蹟,夕陽西下仍覺意猶未盡?你可到位於暹粒市中心的吳哥夜市逛逛。它毗 鄰各大娛樂場所,交通非常方便。這始於 2007年的夜市有超過 200間不同店舖,正是滿足你蠢蠢欲動的 購買欲、以佳餚美食祭一祭五臟廟和享受按摩的最佳地點。


onveniently located in downtown Siem Reap City, this easily accessible night attraction boasts over two hundred souvenir vendors, restaurants and even massage therapy centres catering to sore-footed shoppers.

01,02. 手工絲織品和包包琳瑯滿目,而且平均價格比泰國還要便宜! 03. 包裝精美的香料,送禮自用皆宜。 04. 檀香木雕和傳統皮雕手工精細、充滿高棉藝術氣息,作為手信絕 不失禮。







高棉工藝 特色手信

美酒佳餚 按摩魚療

厭倦了普通的磁石貼、鎖匙扣當手信,想要買一些更有特色 的手信回家的話,或許可以把代表柬埔寨國粹-皮影戲的皮 雕畫帶回家,不但十分有特色,還可以帶起更多的話題。另 外,亦推介本地人引以為傲的高棉絲織圍巾、貴重的沉香木 雕、神秘的沙畫及大米藝術品等,均富有當地色彩。

看似雜亂無章的夜市中,不單有售傳統街頭小食,更有不少裝 潢精緻的酒吧餐廳,供應各款西餐和香辣地道菜式。經過一日 勞碌的旅程後,可光顧夜市內的按摩店,讓治療師以草藥及白 酒精華舒緩旅程帶來的疲勞。喜歡挑戰特色療程,可嘗試土耳 其魚療,魚兒會啄食死皮,令雙腳變得光滑,更可緩解疲勞。

Souvenirs that embody signature Khmer artwork and craftsmanship

Shop and dine spree topped off with a spa treat

The goodies on offer in the night market range from quality silk and cotton garments, hand bags, leather carvings to spices, precious wood and luxury jewellery. Done shopping and fancy a drink? You can treat yourself to a glass of fine wine at one of the well-furnished restaurants. For those of you opting for a more local dining experience, the many street side food stalls with their tempting Khmer delicacies will not fail your taste buds. Pubs and eateries serving western food are also around for your patronage.

Tired from the day’s activities? A good traditional Khmer massage with local herbs and oil essence will bring timely relief to your sore muscles and reinvigorate your spirits too. Are you bold enough to try a fish spa to polish your feet as well? It may be ticklish at first, but it is said that these ‘doctor fishes’ help to get rid of your dead skin! 地址:Angkor Night Market St, Stung Thmey Village, Sangkat Svay Dangkum, Siem Reap Town – Kingdom of Cambodia 營業時間:16:00-24:00 查詢網址:angkornightmarket.com

Spring 2017



旅遊資訊 Travel Tips

小豆島、女木島、金刀比羅宮 Shodoshima, Megijima , Kotohiragu

豆島的面積大,若想一天內完成行程,建議精選某幾個 景點觀光。由於地點分散,遊人可選擇自駕遊、乘坐巴士(班 次不多)或計程車服務。最推介參加定期觀光巴士,會途經多 個旅遊熱點,既省時又方便!另外要介紹的是女木島,景點主 要集中於大洞窟,由碼頭徒步約需40分鐘,要上斜及樓梯,需 要較大體力,可考慮租借電動單車代步。每年12月至2月,往 返大洞窟的巴士只限於周六日和假期行駛,遊人記得留意。最 後要介紹的是金刀比羅宮,參道兩旁有商店擺放「木杖」供遊 人使用。但不是所有都免費提供,有些要光顧才可使用,而且 回程時須放回原處,遊客使用時須留意!


hodoshima is the second largest island in Seto inland sea. Separating Honshiu, Shikoku and Kyushu - three of the four main islands of Japan, the Seto Inland Sea commonly known as Setouchi is where the contemporary art festival, Setouchi Triennale is held every three years. Due to the large size of the island, it is recommended for tourists to rent a car, take a taxi or tour bus to get around. Above all, a sight-seeing tour bus may be the easiest and most comfortable way to explore the island. Megijima Island is also a nice spot to travel. Although Megijima is small, its mountain is quite high to be explored on foot. An electric bike is recommended for accessing the cave as the road up the mountain is rather steep. To reach the Kotohiragu shrine in Kotohira, travellers can begin amongst a touristy shopping arcade filled with souvenir shops and from where it is, a 785 step climb up past a number of auxiliary shrine buildings and museums in to the main hall.


JNTO Yurutabi Girl & 東瀛吃買玩開心 share



淡路SA、明石大橋、道の駅、觀覧車 Awaji Service Area & Akashi Kaikyo Bridge

大阪開車出發前往四國時必經的休息站「淡路 SA」, 通過了明石大橋後就會見到有一台非常大的摩天輪,配搭藍 天與碧海實在是令人賞心悅目!明石大橋的石牌前設有了相 機自拍台,即使是一個人都不用擔心沒有人幫忙拍照。而且 大家可以預留時間在這裏 HIGH TEA,因為這裏有一家很大 的全海景 STARBUCKS,在這裏小休一下再繼續旅程,絕對 是充電最好的方法。


JNTO Yurutabi Girl

onveniently located along the way when driving from Osaka to Shikoku, Awaji Service Area hosts a ginormous Ferris wheel which won’t be missed once you pass through Akashi Kaikyo Bridge. Overlooking Osaka Bay with a finishing touch of the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge, the Ferris wheel recharges exhausted drivers with its breath-taking views. For those who prefer staying on the ground, you can pop in to the Starbucks there and enjoy the panoramic sea view with your cup of coffee! Before getting on board, don’t forget to visit the fresh vegetable stalls selling local Awaji produce - while they’re only open during weekends, their prices are much more attractive than those sold in supermarkets!

Spring 2017



最新消息 Latest news HK Express 與香港護鯊會合作, 命名全港首架A320-neo為鯊魚, 以宣傳鯊魚保育訊息 HK Express引入全港首架環保型A320-neo 客機,其中採用新引擎設計,以降低耗 油量、減少氣體排放量、增加客艙寧靜 度 及 空間,在 提 升旅客 的 舒 適 度同 時 也能為 環 保出一 份力。除此之外,H K Express 能夠與香港護鯊會合作,將首 架 A320-neo 命名為「鯊魚」,並以「對 魚翅說不」為標語,宣揚鯊魚保育訊息。

HK Express welcomes Hong Kong’s first A320-neo

HK Express is excited to welcome the first A320-neo aircraft to both Hong Kong and the North Asia region. Harnessing the latest in aviation technology, the A320-neo features reduced emissions, lower fuel burn, and a quieter engine — it’s the most advanced and efficient single-aisle aircraft in the market.

跟着新航點向世界出發 HK Express於最近分別新增芽莊、清萊、花蓮、關島及塞 班島的直航航班,務求貫徹以低廉的價格帶領旅客探索更 多新領地。 其中關島和塞班島是美國兩個美麗的度假天堂,每年均吸 引大批遊客前往參與水上活動。

Exotic destinations with HK Express

Our newest routes-Nha Trang, Chiang Rai, Hualien, Guam and Saipan have finally taken to the skies! Between these new routes, Nha Trang, Chiang Rai and Hualien are currently exclusive to HK Express. Guam and Saipan are our first destinations under the US territory. Fly with us to discover these unique destinations now!

U-Biz 商務新體驗

HK Express明白商務旅客需要不一樣的旅程體驗,故特意推出 U-Biz計劃,為各位尊貴的商務旅客帶來更多便利,包括:靈活 取消政策、延遲辦理登機手續、優先辦理登機手續和預先登機 服務、同日免費更改航班、免費預先選位、30公斤託運行李、機 上餐膳折扣額(價值港幣25元)、雙倍reward-U積分及額外手 提行李額等,為您帶來嶄新的低成本商務旅遊體驗。

U-Biz: low-fares, business class benefits

Newly launched U-Biz offers increased flexibility, convenience and value for money for business travelers. To effectively meet the needs of our guests flying for business, some of its benefits include - flexible cancellation, late check-in, priority check-in and pre-boarding, inflight meal credit ($25HKD), 2X reward-U points and more! U-Biz was designed with you in mind!



全新升級版Ufly-Pass優先購票證 Ufly-Pass優先購票證屬於特別訂閱服務,只需要成為Ufly-Pass優先購票證用戶 後可於各大型優惠中比大眾用戶提早最多6小時購票,更容易購得理想旅遊日子 的特價機票。 現在申請續會只需要港幣一百九十八或新會員只需要港幣三百八十八而已﹗

An enhanced Ufly-Pass

Your favorite Pass has just received an upgrade! A subscription service which allows pass-holders to access HK Express’ promotions up to 6 hours before non-subscribers, the Ufly-Pass now comes with more benefits then ever! Renew your pass now for only $198HKD or sign up now for only $388HKD!

HK Express首架U-FLY Alliance塗裝客機 全國首個低成本航空聯盟 - U-FLY Alliance由五間低成本航空公司組成,包括韓國易斯達航空、HK Express 、祥鵬航空、烏 魯木齊航空及西部航空。隨著U-FLY Alliance塗裝客機加入HK Express 機隊,標誌著聯盟將繼續為您擴大航點網路,及帶您 飛去探索更多熱門航點!

HK Express’ first U-FLY Alliance Livery

The world’s first alliance of lowcost carriers, the U-FLY Alliance is comprised of 5 LCCs-HK Express, Eastar Jet, Lucky Air, Urumqi Air and West Air. The alliance seeks to offer flexible and affordable travel for everyone, enabling access to previously hard-to-reach destinations across Asia.

「讚岐烏冬」全新造型 「讚岐烏冬」號客機剛於1月14日以全身造型與大家見面! 全新塗裝由日本香川縣贊助,以香川縣及高松市的名產及 著名景點作為設計主題。馬上訂票飛往高松,跟著「讚岐烏 冬」去探索這個烏冬王國吧!

‘Udon’ for you?

With a delicious fleet of aircraft named after iconic delicacies, our ‘Sanuki Udon’ aircraft in particular has just undergone a face-lift! Repainted to represent Kagawa Prefecture’s iconic symbolism-Sanuki Udon and Ritsurin Garden, the aircraft had its inaugural flight on the 14th of January taking off from Hong Kong to Takamatsu. Book your flights to Takamatsu with us now for your own ‘Udon’ encounter!

Spring 2017



HK Express 獎賞計劃 The loyalty program of HK Express reward-U為HK Express於2016年推出的獎賞計劃,給旅客嶄新的旅遊優惠服務,以答謝所有一直支持我們的旅客! reward-U is the loyalty program of HK Express launched in 2016, and sets itself apart from the pack with exciting features! The rationale behind this program is to reward and to engage our loyal guests for their support.

HKD1 = 10 reward-U積分

HKD1 = 10 reward-U points

除了搭乘HK Express的航班可賺取積分外,亦可透過 我們的合作伙伴助您更快賺取免費機票。我們最近與 知名的住宿供應商 一 agoda.com 和rocketmiles.com 合作,讓您以實惠的價格訂購酒店。於一站式旅遊套 票平台 一 uflyholidays.com購買套票,您也可賺取積 分,絕對是您的旅行好搭檔!

In addition to earning points when you fly on HK Express, we have a range of partners to help you achieve your free flights faster. We recently launched partnerships with agoda.com and rocketmiles.com. Both are well known accommodation providers who can give you excellent rates at hotels worldwide. You’ll also earn loads of points when you purchase a holiday package on uflyholidays.com, the perfect place to shop for your flight & hotel combined!


Flexible redemption

每消費港幣1元於機票票價及指定增值服務即可賺取 10 reward-U積分。

只要你有40,000積分及機位還在售賣中,就能以積分 兌換,更可以兌換給任何人! ●



有效的服務 機票票價 預訂行李託運 餐點預訂 優先辦理登機手續和預先登機服務 預先選擇座位 以短訊傳送行程單 預訂嬰兒票價 合作夥伴(如﹕金融及保險,等等)

For every eligible HKD1 spent on fares and selected services (except taxes and fees), you earn 10 points.

Never worry about blackout dates or not being able to find a seat to redeem. With our any available seat redemption, you can redeem your points at any time, once you have at least 40,000 points. You can also redeem flights for ANYONE! ● ●

Full redemption : Pay with points only Partial redemption : Pay with points + cash

Eligible item

Base fare Pre-booked baggage Pre-booked meals U-First Pre-booked seat selection SMS itinerary Infant

Partners (e.g. finance & insurance, etc)

可賺取 Earning V V V V V V V

可兌換 Redemption




Form a reward-U crew to speed up earning


Invite up to 5 friends together to pool your points and fly free faster!

團隊成員訪問 Meet the team Franziska Weber 副機師 Franziska 跟我們分享她的工作點滴。 HK Express First officer, Franziska tells us about her work.

Female pilots are now gaining more recognition in the skies and now in Asia. What was your motivation in choosing this path and what are some of the challenges that you may have faced as a female first officer ? I was fascinated as a child by the possibility of navigating the skies with an aircraft and overcoming oceans and impassable land, long before I actually thought of choosing to become a pilot. Looking back, living in Alaska as an exchange student for one year was a key moment in deciding my career path. Planes were omnipresent - I watched them take-off and land daily, and they served any type of means in everyday life. That’s when I decided that one day I wanted to be a pilot. During the course of my training, the technical aspects and being part of a larger picture of aviation - the pilot just being one piece of the puzzle - became much more important and interesting. This further strengthened my desire of being a pilot. I never experienced any extra challenges just for being a woman during any of my training or later on the job. Nonetheless, I know that there are many out there and admire all the women who faced and helped to overcome discrimination and gender bias. I trust in HK Express as a forward striving company it is, to soon have a lot more female pilots joining the team. With your busy and often uncertain schedule, how do you plan for your alone time and what do you like to do when you’re not flying? As a pilot, sometimes it’s a bit difficult to have my own personal time on such an irregular schedule. For instance, it’s almost impossible for me to join any sports team or other activities on a regular basis. On the other hand, I get to enjoy the off-peak season when on holiday and being able to visit places without the busy weekend crowds. I love to be out hiking on the many trails Hong Kong has to offer. Standing at the top of a peak or a ridge after a tiring hike and relaxing on a beach thereafter is a rewarding experience for me and a way for me to get away from it all. What drew you to work at HK Express? I can’t deny that coming from Switzerland, Hong Kong always seemed ‘magical’ to me- being this special, exotic and internationalized place. Thus, moving to Hong Kong for work was something I’ve always wanted to do, as I also wanted to broaden my working experience outside of Europe. Getting the chance to fly for HK Express is an amazing opportunity that I came across, especially with its exotic destinations and the network that it offers. I look forward to the future with HK Express as it continues to grow and expand.

一開始您是因為什麼原因投身航空界?作為女性副 駕駛,您有面對什麼挑戰嗎? 小時候的我認為飛行可以創造許多可能性,能橫跨海洋和無 法通行的土地,所以我在很久以前就已經夢想成為一個出色 的飛行員。多年前,當我在阿拉斯加做交流生的時候,發現到 飛機基本上是無處不在,每天看着飛機升降,有種特別的感 覺,這亦是使我之後踏上飛行員之路的關鍵。 而在學習的過程中,面對各種的課程,令我明白到飛行員的重 要性和有趣之處,同時加深了我成為飛行員的決心。 後來,進入了正式訓練與真正從事這個職業時,意外地,女性 的身份並沒有為我帶來任何額外的挑戰。我真的打從心底欣 賞女性們,縱然有不少工種歧視女性,但她們仍然努力面對難 關。我期待在未來的航空發展中,HK Express 能吸納到更多 女性飛行員的加入。

作為一名飛行員,工作時間相當不穩定,您是如何 安排自己的私人時間呢?在不用飛行的時候,您最想 做什麼? 因為不規律的工作時間表,有時的確很難安排私人時間,例 如我不能參加一些需要定期練習的團體運動或其他活動。不 過,我很高興自己的假期並非在周末或公眾假期中,因為這 樣令我在外出時可以避開人潮。 我喜歡在香港的小徑遠足。遠足後站在山上眺望或在海灘上 休息是很值得的體驗,令我感覺可以拋開一切,非常放鬆。

是什麼因素令您選擇在HK Express工作? 對於來自瑞士的我而言,香港是一個神奇的地方,這裏非常 國 際 化而且 充滿 異國風情。我 一向都 希望在香港工作,因 為我想把工作經驗擴展至歐洲以外的地方,因此選擇了 HK Express。能夠在這裏工作是很難得的機會,尤其是HK Express 提供多元化的航點和網絡。而我十分期待公司未來的發展, 期待能與公司共同成長。

Spring 2017



機艙服務 Inflight services 舒適空間座 透過HK Express網站訂票、於機場櫃台辦理登機手續或登機時,只需付出少 許額外費用,即可選擇舒適空間座,享受額外腿部空間。基於安全考慮,旅客 必須符合特定條件,才能選擇位於緊急出口處的舒適空間座。

Sweet Seats HK Express offers a number of seats with additional legroom, and for a small fee these premium seats may be purchased through our website, at the checkin desk or onboard. For “Sweet Seats” located on the exit rows, Guests must fulfill specific safety regulation requirements prior to purchase. 全新餐單 Utaste HK Express航班上的Inflight Menu - Utaste提供多種冷熱美食、零食、飲品及 酒精類飲品,價格大眾化。除傳統港式點心及素食佳餚外,我們早前已推出全 新餐單Utaste,提供更多精彩選擇。餐牌放置於座椅袋內。我們接受現金、八達 通、以及信用卡付款。

Utaste hits the spot with a brand new menu Utaste offers a wide selection of hot and cold meals, light snacks and drinks including alcoholic beverages - for purchase at competitive prices. We have just launched a brand new menu, with more tasty choices than ever before. You can find the latest onboard menu card in your seat pocket. we accept cash, Octopus cards and all major credit cards. 頂級空中購物體驗 如果您想選購禮物送給至親好友或自用,可參閱我們的機上免稅品雜誌《Uorder》。HK Express致力讓旅客獲得最優質 及效率卓越的機上購物體驗。全新的機上免稅品雜誌《Uorder》提供超過100個品牌,不同商品以顏色分類,方便客人快速 找到心儀商品。貨品種類琳琅滿目,更有只限透過《Uorder》獨家發售的HK Express品牌商品。

Superior shopping in the sky Looking for some last-minute gifts for your friends and family, or fancy treating yourself ? HK Express brings you the most exclusive, hassle-free shopping experience available. Check out our inflight duty-free shopping magazine, Uorder a fresh new publication featuring more than 100 premium brands, conveniently colour- coded by category so you can find whatever you want quickly. You’ll be amazed at the great selection, including HK Express’ own range of specially selected items, which are available only from Uorder. 獨家商品 品牌商品系列現以包括HK Express USB記憶棒、 便攜水壺套裝、Remove Before Flight 紀念鑰匙扣及飛機模型。 如欲購買,請向機艙服務員查詢。

Exclusive from HK Express Our branded items available for onboard purchase now includes a HK Express USB, Foldable Water Bottle Set, Remove Before Flight Keychain and aircraft models. Please check with our cabin crew. HK Express現已於機上發售香港機場快線、大阪南海電氣鐵路、JR九州周遊券、JR四國周遊券、 成田利木津機場快缐、箱根周遊券、羽田京急缐列車、平和島天然溫泉、近鐵旅客周遊車票、 JR南部九州鐵路周遊券及新幹線車票等特惠票券。 Hong Kong Airport Express, Osaka Nankai Railways, JR Kyushu Rail Pass, JR Shikoku Rail Pass, Narita Airport Limousine and Odakyu Hakone Free Pass, Keikyu Hanetoku and Heiwajima Natural, Hot Spring tickets, Kintetsu Travel & Rail Pass, JR Southern Kyushu Area Pass & Shinkansen Tickets are now available for purchase on board.



旅途安康 Health & safety HK Express 重視旅客的安全、健康和舒適 安全第一 • 請詳閲放置於每個座位椅背的安全指引卡,並在航機起 飛時注意機艙服務員的安全示範。 • 我們重視每一位旅客的安全和舒適,包括有嬰兒同行的 旅客。除非您為嬰兒購買額外機位,否則飛行期間嬰兒 必須安坐於成人的大腿上。飛機起飛及降落時,以及每 當機艙服務員作出特別指示時,嬰兒必須繫上嬰兒安全 帶,固定坐在成人的大腿上。 • 當安全帶指示燈亮起時,所有手提電腦、平板電腦和影 音器材都必須關閉。旅客不應使用遙控裝置或藍牙設 備,以免干擾飛機的通訊及導航系統。 • 飛機起飛與降落時,手袋或手提電腦等隨身物品都必須 存放於前方座椅下,或座位頂上的行李架內。 嚴禁吸煙 • HK Express所有航班均嚴禁吸煙。旅客必須知道於機 艙內任何位置吸煙,均屬違法。

健康與安全 • 於飛行期間,可嘗試在機艙內不時走動以促進血液循 環,減輕疲勞和肌肉緊張。 • 我們也建議旅客每隔一小時進行一些簡單伸展運動,如 屈曲腳趾,以及把雙膝緩緩地提高等。這些運動可降低 腿部血液凝塊的風險,預防深層靜脈血栓。 • 如旅客腿部容易血液循環不佳,可以嘗試穿着特別設計 的飛行襪或壓力襪,其效用極高。 • 我們建議旅客於機上盡量減少攝取咖啡因或酒精以減 輕身體不適,如頭痛、腹脹和脫水等情況。飲用清水和 果汁是維持身體適當水分的最佳選擇。

HK Express cares about our Guests’ health, safe and comfort onboard Safety first • Please read the safety instruction card in the back of each seat and pay special attention to our cabin crew during the safety demonstration at the beginning of each flight. • We value the comfort and safety of each of our Guests, including those with infants. All infants must be seated on the lap of an adult for the duration of the flight unless an additional seat has been purchased. Please be advised that your infant must however be strapped onto the adult’s lap with the infant seatbelt during takeoff and landing, and at any other time as instructed by the crew. • Laptops, Tablet and AV equipment must be switched off when the seatbelt sign is on. Guests are required not to use remote control or Bluetooth devices as they can interfere with the aircraft’s communications and navigation systems. • Loose items such as handbags or laptops must be stored underneath the seat in front or in the overhead lockers during take-off and landing.

No smoking • All HK Express flights are non-smoking. Please note that it is a criminal offence to smoke in any part of the aircraft. Your health & comfort • Try to walk around the cabin from time to time during your flight to encourage blood circulation, avoiding fatigue and muscle stiffness. • We would also recommend some simple stretching exercises every hour such as flexing your toes and raising your knees gently towards your chest. These exercises can potentially reduce the risks of blood clots in the legs, or deep vein thrombosis (DVT). • If you are prone to poor leg circulation, wearing specially designed flight socks or compression stockings can be extremely beneficial. • We recommend that our Guests try to minimise caffeine and alcohol consumption onboard to prevent health problems such as headaches, bloating and dehydration. Drinking water and fruit juices are the best options to keep your body suitably hydrated.

Spring 2017



航線圖 Route map









濟州 Jeju
























Chiang Rai Luang Prabang



石垣島 Ishigaki


Hong Kong 峴港



Da Nang

Chiang Mai






Siem Reap




Nha Trang

卡利博 Kalibo


Scheduled flight


Coming soon


Charter flight

Spring 2017

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