The Hillsboro Christian

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Volume 64 - JUNE 2024


Kaydence Bass

David Campbell

Bill Clouse

Evelyn Kisling


Janet Pence

Robin Pennisen

John Roark Sr.

Shalom Orphanage

Linda Smith

Kim Thompson

Don Watson

Jesse Weaver

Wayne Wiedenbein

Shut Ins:

Ruth Adams

Kim Adams

Eloise Ludwick

John Porter

Carol Setty

Sharon Webb


Barbara Ashley

Jeffrey Aurigema

Jeff Beam

Rob Butler

Vicki Butler

Jim Cook

Kari Crafton

Sally Kennedy

Madisen Link

Judy Roush

Mark Sears

Family Loss:

Ben Germann (David Webb’s stepfather)


The Brittons

The Millers

The Newmans

HCC Leadership:

Steve Allen

Megan Apgar

Brad Clouse

Roger Epley

Dan Fauber

Trevor Gleadle

Jeff Griffith

Micah Herrick

James Scott

Richard VanZant


Tyler Amos

Ryan Burns

Mark Conover

Thadeus Conover

Corey Hughes

Phillip Mycroft

Sidney Lankford (Joyce Naylor’s granddaughter) and her baby boy, Arthur, are home! Both continue to do well.

Evelyn Kisling has made it home! This is Brett and Katie Kislings’ daughter.

Jesse Weaver has been back to worship with us!

We have had 32 baptisms so far this year!! We are praying for 50 souls to be won to Christ.

Please continue to pray! As you can see, prayers have been answered.

Average attendance
406 Average weekly giving for
month of May is $12,632.00 Our weekly need is: $12,564.00
for the month of May is

In Matthew 25 Jesus tells two parables back to back letting those who are his disciples realize the urgency with which we must live. We have been entrusted with a beautiful and amazing gift in the Gospel. A gift that we are expected not simply to enjoy personally, but are expected to share with as many as we might be able.

“Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour” (Matthew 25:13 NIV).

There are those who are wise and do great things for the sake of the Gospel they please the master and bridegroom. There are also those who are careless they frustrate the master to the point of punishment and rejection. Let us be people who are prepared. Here are a few things to keep in mind to be prepared.

Know the Gospel

This might seems simple, but so many of us as christians learn to love Jesus without being able to articulate the simple truths of the Gospel. Here is the basic outline. All creation has been tainted by sin since the sin of Adam (Romans 5:12). Each of us individually are sinners and have rebelled against Heaven (3:23). The penalty for that sin is death (6:23) but God chooses to give us life through the sacrifice and conquering grace of Jesus (5:8). If we confess with our mouths (10:9) and have our old dead self buried with him in baptism (6:3) we are raised to new life (6:4), we are justified by faith (5:1) and we are no longer condemned by our dead sinful self (8:1). Praise be to God!


Before Jesus prepared to send his disciples out to spread the word of the kingdom of Heaven, he instructed them to “ask the Lord of the harvest…to send out workers into his harvest field” (Matthew 9:38). We have got to remember that the work that is done is not ever done through our power. The growth of the kingdom is always at the behest of the will and work of God. We are simply the mouthpieces that he works through. We need to be crying out to the Father on behalf of the lost as the royal priesthood and intercessors that we have been called to be. Pray!

Look for Persons of Peace

When Jesus continued his instruction to his disciples, they were told to seek out persons of peace (Luke 10:6).Persons of peace are those who are ready to receive the Gospel. Remember, salvation is the work of God, not the strength of your presentation. Even before you come to people, God will already have been at work within them, softening and preparing them to receive the Gospel. Be actively looking, but remember there are those who are already primed to hear that Gospel with you. Go to them!

Share the Word

“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12). “All Scripture is God -breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16). “As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:10-11). The single most powerful tool we have in this whole process is the Word of God. It is not some stodgy old book that we just like to reference. It is the life giving breath of God! If someone is a person of peace, there is nothing better for their soul than to begin to hear from God from his very own word. Sit down with them and read through a Gospel! Let them see Jesus for the first time in vivid reality. Be there with them to help turn the pages and show who Jesus really is!

It’s Time. Be Ready.

God has been doing some amazing things through the Hillsboro Church of Christ. As I write this 32 people have been baptized into new life with Jesus and more conversations are happening with those persons of peace that are ready to take the next big step. Each and every one of us is an ambassador for the kingdom of Heaven. No matter age or position, we should be telling people about Jesus. In the last year I have heard incredible stories from 9 year olds leading bible studies with friends on the playground to 84 year old grandmas excitedly looking for people to share the gospel with. None of us are particularly unqualified because none of us are worthy to begin with. Christ gives us his grace and with that grace comes all that we need to share the reason for the hope that we have in Christ Jesus. It’s time, be ready!

Grace and Peace,

6-01-24 Paint ball for the Outdoorsmen for Christ Saturday, June 1st, at Butler Springs Christian Camp. The cost is $40.00 which includes lunch, a paintball gun, and ammo. We are asking you to register for this event. Please go to and click on the paintball icon.

06-02-24 Love offering for Kamp Dovetail. Please come prepared to help support Kamp Dovetail.

06-13-24 Faith in Action will meet in the Connection Café at 6:00 p.m. (please note the date change)

06-16-24 Father’s Day

06-20-24 PB&J - Please come to help us make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for Kamp Dovetail. We start at 8:00 in the morning, but if you can only show up part of the time, we would appreciate your help.

06-27-24 MomConnect will meet in the Connection Café from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

07-04-24 The church office will be closed for July 4th

The Adult Men’s Small Group will meet in the Worship Center every Thursday evening from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.




Congratulations and welcome to the family of God!

As a church family, we have committed ourselves to praying for 50 souls to be saved this calendar year. We are excited for these three individuals! Please encourage them as they begin their next steps.

Briley Weiss Kirstin Hackworth and Aron Cox

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