HSU Freshers' Guide 2014

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F R E B S HS U O E N O R # 1 4 K

Welcome “Congratulations and welcome to you all! I am Alex Jozsa, YOUR President. I am here to serve your needs and make sure that Heythrop gives you the most enjoyable, stimulating and employable experience possible. I encourage all of you to make the most of London whilst you are here! We are in a great city, full of things to do and unique things to experience! Our societies should help you do that, but do explore on your own. Obviously, study hard and play harder – that’s what we do here, so get involved, be active with your Union and shape your time at University to be the best it can be. The Union is active at every level of college management so at Heythrop you are uniquely placed to shape the future and running of your institution. Congratulations on reaching University, and for choosing Heythrop – Lets make this the best year Heythrop has ever seen.” -Alex “Hello and welcome to all our incoming students. For the coming year I will be your Vice-President (as elected by your wise and esteemed future peers) and I would like to use this opportunity to encourage each and every one of you to get as fully involved in student life next year as possible. Your time here will be a fantastic experience but it will also fly by so make sure you get involved and make the most out of your time with us. Aside from the academic work there is a great deal going on within our students’ union, particularly considering our modest size, and from personal experience, getting involved is one of the best parts of student life.


We have a wide range of societies to get involved with - plus you have the ability to join the London Student Central services and Imperial societies. Also, anyone can set up a society and ask for funding so if you have a fantastic new idea we’d love to hear about it. Make the most out of our size; running a society or getting involved in different ways are fantastic CV boosters. The HSU Bar is also a project that myself and Alex want to improve upon. It has taken a year to get a full licence which gives greater scope for its opening. Alex and I both have events and bar experience and, whilst we cannot promise a 7 day a week bar, we will be ensuring greater regularity and quality in its provision, so get ready to enjoy yourselves down there!” - Matt


2-3 Welcome! 4 Your Union 5-9 Meet the Exec 10-11 Your Voice 12-13 Facilities 14-24 Societies 25-35 Welfare & Safety 36-51 Freshers’ events 52-54 Before you arrive...


The Union The Heythrop Students’ Union is your union. It exists to ensure that you are represented in College, that your needs are met, and that you have the most wonderful student experience that you could ever hope for. The Exec (more about them overleaf...) do the day-to-day work that allows the Union to function as a body. President and Vice-President roles are both fully-paid Sabbatical positions and bear the brunt of representing students and their interests, including sitting on all boards in College from Library Committee to Governing Body. The rest of the officers are volunteers who have been elected by the student body to help facilitate the running of the union - each with their own special interest and individual roles. If you have an issue that you’d like to discuss with a certain member of the Executive Committee, the best way to contact them is to e-mail or to hunt them down during their office hours. You can find these times advertised online (www.heythrop.su) and in the basement and they all have an Open Door policy - so pop in!


Meet The Executive The HSU Executive Committee consists of 11 Heythrop students who have taken on roles from full-time work, to welfare support, to events co-ordination, to web design to ensure that your students’ union and student experience is the best that it can be! Not only will they be the driving force behind your Freshers’ events, the exec’ll be your first port-of-call should you have any questions or concerns about any aspect of student life, and they’re here to help - you’ll be getting to know each of them across the first few weeks, but here’s a short intro to each of them and their jobs to get you started...


Alex Jozsa- President -HSUPresident@heythrop.ac.uk I am Alex Jozsa, your president. I have just finished my undergrad degree in Theology, thank God I got a 2:1. I am a London boy, never having left the city for more than a few weeks, so I know the ins and outs of the place quite well. I am very interested in fine wine and real ale, so you will always be able to find me drinking in our SU Bar – after office hours of course. I like to fill my weekends with galleries and museum trips. I enjoy shopping – to the detriment of my bank account – and fancy-ish restaurants. As your President I want you to know that I am here for your needs and have an umbilical link to my emails. Happy Heythroping! Follow me @HSUPresident

FACT: Went to Latin Camp. Yes, Latin Camp.

Matt Holland - Vice President - HSUVP@heythrop.ac.uk Hi, I’m Matt and for the coming year I will be your Vice-President. I’m 21 and I have just finished the Philosophy and Theology course. As Vice-President I help Alex when appropriate with representing you at various levels throughout the college however my role has a larger focus on student experience. I’ll be heading up the fantastic events team this year and also working closely with the activities officer to help societies flourish. During my time as a student I was part of the HSU as an Events Officer and won the President’s Award; I also ran the football team for two years. I managed to improve both things greatly and I’m looking forward to one more year of trying to make Heythrop the best it can be.

FACT: Wheeled his desk chair over 3 miles to the HSU Office

Erin Denny - Campaigns - campaigns@heythrop.su My name is Erin and I am your Campaigns Officer for the next year! I feel it is important to be as inclusive to everyone’s needs as possible, I have various ideas for campaigns from animal and human rights, to charity and environment. I want as many people involved in the campaigns this year as possible, so come and find me if you want to get involved or for more details! You can usually find me in a pub eating hummus or in Ranoush getting falafel. Have too much fun Freshies!


FACT: Wears a “laaaaat“ of wigs

Declan Barry - Events Team - events@heythrop.su Hello, my names Declan, I’m from the North, Bradford to be exact and it is likely you will hear me chanting Yorkshire at least once this year. My main interest is music, not that i’m talented enough to play any instruments but I listen to a lot and know a lot of useless facts about bands you’ll never need to know, so if that interests you, come and have a chat. Also I would say I have a GSOH and like long walks on the beach, look forward to meeting you all. Peace & Love.

FACT: Can’t bear to watch the end of the Snowman since guessing it (age 6)

Jacob Tong - Events Team - events@heythrop.su Hello I’m Jacob and I’m one half of your events team for next year. I along with Dec will be helping organising everything party or get-together wise, from club nights to pub quizzes. We also aim to keep you up to date with everything that is going to be happening in College. You can help us spread the word and stay clued in during freshers by following @DJevents2014 on Twitter.

FACT: Was in the top 0.1% for Angry Birds

Chris Page-Tickell - Student Activities - activities@heythrop.su Hi, my name is Christopher Page-Tickell, I’m a third year BA Philosophy student and I’ll be your Student Activities Officer for this year. Heythrop has a great range of societies on offer, covering a diversity of interests- showcased in this booklet. Membership to most of these are free of charge and all Heythrop students are welcome, so if you see something on offer that you already enjoy or that you think you might like to try by all means join up, (or found a society of your own!) In addition to these, a plethora of different societies are available from other University of London colleges, so whether at Heythrop or anywhere in London there’s a great range of activities available for you to try. Have a great year!

FACT: Can down a pint in two seconds. Is also an accomplished liar.


Hayley Clark - LGBT Officer - LGBT@heythrop.su Hello! I am Hayley and I’m Heythrop’s first ever LGBT officer. I’m a second year philosophy student totally excited for the next academic year to kick off! My role on the Union is all about fairly representing the student body and making sure equality is always present particularly in LGBTQ+ areas. I’ll be involved in lots of events and campaigns throughout the year and I’m looking forward to getting students involved too. It’s going to be a fun and exciting year and I can’t wait to meet you all in freshers’ week!

FACT: Will, upon request, do the worm as a party trick

Hannah Simpson - Welfare Team - welfare@heythrop.su Hello, my name is Hannah Simpson. I am the Female Welfare Officer and Acting Academic Affairs Officer. You can come to me whenever you need information, advice or help with any welfare or academic issues. My role as an officer is to help you with your concerns. If you’re feeling a little bit home sick, having trouble organising time to do your coursework or just need someone to talk to, I am your girl! You will easily be able to contact me by email, around College or during my office hours if you have a question or concerns.

FACT: Can tie knots in cherry stalks with her tongue

Sam Sutton - Welfare Team - welfare@heythrop.su Hi there, My name is Sam Sutton and I will be your Male Welfare Officer for this coming year. That basically means I’m here to help with any issues or problems you may have settling in and throughout the year. If you have any questions or worries about anything at all come to your welfare team. You will find me at all of the Union events and regularly about the campus so stop me and say hello! I’m in my second year here at Heythrop studying Philosophy and I can truly say it is a wonderful, unique place. I look forward meeting you all soon.


FACT: Has been known to both play triangle and clap professionally

Nori MacIntyre - Publicity - publicity@heythrop.su Hi! I’m Nori, Publicity Officer, BA Theology, London born&bred. In between adventures, I’m spending my summer playing about making posters and booklets and logos and things so you lovely people know just what’s going on while you’re having the best Freshers’ Week ever (and wearing the t-shirt too!). If there’s something you want to get the word out about in College, give me a shout. This is my second year on the Exec, so I’m more than happy to enlighten you not only on events but also about what’s going on - you’ll find me behind advertising and explainations ofAGMs, societies, RAG events, weird Heythrop goingson... do come have a chat if you’ve got questions! P.S. It’s a drink on me if you spot a spelling mistake...

FACT: Is secretly a morris dancer in disguise

Catherine Squibb - Web Development - webdev@heythrop.su Hey! I’m Catherine and I will be your Web Development Officer this year. I am a second year student at Heythrop, reading Philosophy. As your Web Development Officer I will be in charge of the online community; where you will find any information you need about the Union and what is going on. I will be maintaining the Heythrop Students’ Union’s; Twitter, Facebook and website. Please come to me if you would like anything posted online.I am not just your Web Development officer but a member of the executive Committee, so please come chat with me and feel free to ask any questions if you see me around. Hope to see you

FACT: Can fit her entire fist in her mouth

Find out more at heythrop.su/exec


Your Voice We at the HSU are keen to get as many people involved in our activities as possible. We also highly value feedback from our members on anything from quality of events to level of welfare support and any improvements we could make to our services and facilities. To that end, there are many opportunties for you to share your feedback and get involved... The General Meeting Held once a term, this is the biggest forum for you to have your say outside of elections. Anything you feel should come to the attention of the Students’ Union as a whole can be brought to the General Meeting and discussed. This is also the platform from which you, the members, can mandate your executive committee to carry out tasks that you feel are important. Previous General Meetings have led to such outcomes as the creation of the second sabbatical position and vending machines being put in the upstairs corridor. Votes passed at General Meetings really do lead to noticeable change throughout the College - so be there! Student Ambassadors Employed primarily through the marketing team, with the assistance of the Students’ Union, the Student Ambassadors work closely with both College and the Union to advertise Heythrop both internally and externally, at UCAS fairs, open days, and more! The Student Ambassadors are our first line of promotion, giving first-hand accounts of life as a Heythrop student and providing an invaluable service as far as feedback from those looking at going in to Higher Education is concerned. What’s more, they’re paid London Living Wage - so look out for openings!


Programme Reps If you are having an issue with your course, problems finding learning resources, or even just an issue you’re not comfortable discussing with your lecturer, then your first port of call will be your Programme Rep. One student from each programme in each year of study will be selected to represent your course by the Students’ Union, it is their role to work closely with the Academic Affairs Officer as well as programme convenors and senior staff responsible for quality of learning and teaching, on feeding back complaints and appraisal of their course. Two reps from each department (Philosophy, Theology, and Pastoral Studies) will be selected to sit on their departmental board and all reps will be invited to the Student-Staff Liason committee, the main forum for direct student feedback to the College. The Union If you have an issue that you’d like to discuss with a certain member of the Executive Committee, be sure to email them, catch them at an event, or drop in on their ‘Office Hours’ - this is their very own SU time to meet with students, sort out any queries you might have, and spend time dedicated to their union work. The Office doors are always open, so do stop by. The Executive Committee If you really feel that you could make a difference during your time at Heythrop and have a real passion for getting things done then a role on the HSU Executive Committee might interest you. Keep an eye on what the current Exec are up to, hold them accountable and spot their triumphs, and look out for the opening of nominations in March!


HSU Bar & Common Room

Lion Office


LIFT Lighthouse

HSU Exec Office


HSU Office

Recreation Room

Muslim Prayer Room



*not even nearly to scale

The Cave

The HSU Basement is the hub of the Union’s workings and activities - from hours in the office to society meetings to casual drinks in the bar, it’s all here! As a student you are welcome to use the basement as a home, it’s your space. The Bar & Common Room The hub of the basement - a well-equipped bar, table football, table tennis, air hockey, pool table, tv screens, comfy chairs and study tables make this the place to spend your three years. The Recreation Room Heythrop’s very own room of requirement - meeting place for societies, workshops, events, discussions, shows, and more! The Lighthouse A cosy computer room to check Facebook or rush that last essay in... HSU Offices You’ll find the Exec here during their office hours - our doors are always open! The Cave Smaller social space with chalkboard walls and a mounted TV - home of the Film Soc. Lion Office Home of the Editorial Team and papers fresh off the presses... Muslim Prayer Room Tailored to Islamic worship, this room is accessible whenever College is open.


Societies “One of the most exciting aspects of university life is the opportunity to explore your interests and develop new ones through involvement in societies. In the following pages you’ll find a run-down of the various societies which you may be interested in joining during your time at Heythrop, covering a diverse and exciting range of interests from table-top roleplaying to amateur dramatics. As well as these there is the University of London Student Centre, which boasts a great range of societies open to all University of London students, as well as facilities such as a swimming pool and a gym. Whether within Heythrop or without I would strongly encourage you to make the most of the opportunities available in the form of student societies – if you see a society for an interest you already have join up, and if you think you may like to try it by all means give it a go! Also bear in mind that you can always found a society of your own if you have an interest that is not catered for and you think r u o other might enjoy it also just y Start y t ie come speak to myself of one of our own Soc ! w o h Sabbatical officers.” - ask me Chris Page-Tickell, Student Activities Officer


Arts and Culture Society President: Ana Bailey-Jones Heythrop Arts and Culture Society aims to provide regular and varied experiences to the Heythrop student body. London is buzzing with arts and culture and we as a society want to enjoy and share in the best (and often hidden) bits! We invite you to become a member of our Arts and Culture society and to enjoy numerous experiences in art, theatre, music, food and drink. Join us in demolishing a curry on Brick lane, engaging in a performance at the National Theatre and dancing the night away in Soho. To find out more find us on Facebook or come meet us at the Freshers’ Fair.

Christian Union President: George Trevor White The Heythrop Christian Union is a community of people from a variety of backgrounds and traditions united by a passion for God and a hunger to see Him impact our university and our city. We meet on Tuesday lunchtimes at 1:30pm usually for an hour and spend time together worshipping, studying the bible and praying. We believe that God is love and we long for our lives to be a reflection of Jesus. We celebrate tradition but pursue the Kingdom. Come say hello to some Christians who will probably be significantly less weird than you think.


Debating Society President: Oliver Holdsworth Debating is an enjoyable activity which can be both rewarding and exhilarating. Rewarding, as you improve both your rhetoric and ability to dissect arguments; exhilarating, in a way truly particular to public speaking. London has a strong debating culture, and the newly founded Heythrop Debating Society works in collaboration with our well establish University of London Union parent organisation. Opportunities exist to compete nationally, but also internationally, discussing issues ranging from international relations, to science, to philosophy. Furthermore, the society looks forward to hosting public debates within Heythrop, through which members may apply their oratory skills in defence of pertinent social issues.

Donkey Club President: Joseph Walker The Donkey Club is Heythrop’s real ale society; we go to a pub or beer festival, find some quality beer and ales, and then just have a really good time. We’re one of the longest standing societies at the college, celebrating our 10th anniversary last year, so look out because there’s plenty of exciting things brewing!


Disabled Students’ Network President: Nori MacIntyre Disabled Students’ Network exists to bring together Heythrop students with disabilities and those who care about and support them - we’ll be sharing experiences at DisabliTEA, campaigning for change within&without College, and supporting each other throughout the year. DSN is for all - no matter what your dis/ability, from dyslexia to mental health to physical impairment to illness to none... you are welcome! Come and join us for a cuppa, at a workshop, or check out our facebook: HeythropDSN! You never know what you might discover...

D&D Society President: Iain Perkins Dungeons and Dragons society is a friendly group and a great way to make friends. We have various games planned on different days, including Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and classic D&D. We also run other board games on various nights. It doesn’t matter if you are a seasoned veteran or you’ve never played before we are welcoming and open to everyone.


Fairtrade Society President: Jordan Mant Towards the end of last year, a group of students were inspired to gain official Fairtrade University status for Heythrop - by reaching a variety of goals; from creating a steering group, to promoting the cause through events, working with staff and students to create joint agendas and ensuring the availability of Fairtrade produce around our college. We are very much at the start of this mission and we would love for you to get involved. Find out more through Heythrop Chaplaincy or find us at facebook.com/HeythropFairtrade

Football Society President: George Panayiotou We are the smallest university in London to have its own football team, regardless of this fact, we aim to achieve great success within our ability and strive to improve each year. We participate in two leagues, which take place on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, and also participate in multiple cup competitions. Last year we finished 4th and 5th respectively in each league and also reached a semi-final in one of the cup competitions; next year we aim to better this and hopefully win some silverware for the university. We also run a 6-a-side league on campus which takes place on Thursday nights where anyone and everyone is welcome.


Film Society President: Conor Muir-Cochrane Film Soc, possibly the greatest thing to ever have been started at Heythrop. Film Soc is a society for all as it requires no physical exertion, there will be a big mix of films to cater for all (from the blockbusters to the more arty stuff) and can even be done on a hangover. Come check it out.

Folk Society President: Nori MacIntyre Folk Society are here to celebrate folk tradition and talent in Heythrop - whether we’re chillin’ with tunes, celidhing the night away, or at one of our famous Open Mic nights, it’s sure to be great fun and fellowship for all. Join us for a folkin’ good time!

HeADS President: Sebastian Cooper Heythrop Amateur Dramatics Society (HeADS) is designed to give students the opportunity to act, direct, organize and even write our own plays, sketch shows and other performances. Entirely student-run, substantial artistic freedom has allowed us to produce several unique projects, including a version of Oscar Wilde’s “Lady Windermere’s Fan” set in the 1920s, “An Unwelcome Guest” (written by a Heythrop student), and a non-musical adaptation of “The Producers”. So whether you’re a seasoned thespian or have no experience at all, if you’re interested in acting, directing, writing or helping with sets/costumes/props, then check out our stall at the Freshers’ Fair.

Hockey Society President: Hannah Simpson This year we are very excited about our new partnership with Indian Gymkhana. Heythrop students will now be able to train every week as well as play social hockey. The club hosts many home games with many supporters cheering from the club house. With a great sense of community, the club house offers a great space for players to socialise after games and training sessions of a delicious curry! So if you are new to the game or seasoned player you’re welcome to come and enjoy the fun, as well as keep fit! We will be at the Fresher’s fair, so don’t be afraid to come say hello!

The Lion Newspaper Editor-in-Chief: Fergus Cronin-Coltsmann Welcome to the Heythrop Lion. We are a place for students to gain journalistic experience at University, as well as keeping an eye on the College and Union and reporting back back to the student body. Whether it be writing news stories about events in college, or opining on politics, philosophy, art and current events in the comment and culture sections, we want you to contribute to our newspaper in whatever capacity you can. We are a vital opportunity for any budding journalist and a fantastic experience for all. Come and see us at the Fresher’s Fair for more information.


Islamic Society (ISoc) President: Ishrat Shabbir Welcome to our very own Islamic society (ISoc) at Heythrop College. We aim to provide a concise understanding of the religion Islam which as muslims hold emerged forth over 14 thousand years ago. ISoc is open to everyone to join regardless of faith, gender and background. At Heythrop ISoc has shed light on the following areas and endeavours to explore them in much more detail alongside arranging events which would explore other matters relating to Islam: what is Islam? Who was Muhammad (peace be upon him) and what is his significance for muslims? How does Islam relate to Christianity and Judaism? How does science and Islam coincide? Moreover, marked by the stereotypical images in the media, ISoc at Heythrop college aims to bring an understanding of the true essence of the islamic faith. We have had many events in the past ranging from outings to exhibitions, dinners, fundraising events and lectures. This year we hope to cover a lot more so why not come along to see what ISoc has to offer you at the Freshers’ Fair. We hope to see you all very soon.

Law Society President: Megan Rimmer Created in 2014 and winners of the ‘Society of the Year’ award for 2014. Whether you’re interested in pursuing law, or haven’t even considered it, we can tell you what you need to know and help you along the path by introducing you to the right connections. We organize many different events to appeal to everyone; from trips to the courts to pub crawls and toga parties. Providing membership cards with discounts, HCLS is one of the best societies to get involved in. Find out more and get in contact by visiting @HeythropLawSoc or www.heythroplawsoc.co.uk


Literature Society President: Isobel Rahman “Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.” ― Mark Twain The Literary Society is a celebration of all literary art, through a diverse range of mediums, invariably including poetry slams and book groups, literary-themed events and excursions to some of the great experiences which London has to offer literature lovers. So whether you’re into Auden or Hemmingway, Gothic horror and red wine or drinking tea by the fire with Jane Austen, or if you simply want a chance to discover new worlds, we will provide - and hopefully throw a good old-fashioned Gatsby party into the deal for good measure!

Logic Society President: Oliver Holdsworth The Logic Society serves to enhance students’ understanding of symbolic logic. Not only will this help with reading comprehension, but students will also find themselves with a deeper understanding of contemporary takes on perennial philosophical problems. The use and development of formal logic has been a corner stone of analytic philosophy, and whilst the society refrains from explicitly studying the history of philosophy, those interested in the history of philosophy are incentivised to study logic. If nothing else, the society hopes to offer clear answers in a subject riddled with anything but.


Netball Society President: Hannah Simpson This year we are very excited to have a brand new netball team training regularly with matches every Monday in the BUCS league. We welcome everyone who wants to play the game to come and enjoy themselves. If you’re just starting out, or an exceptional player, we want you to enjoy being part of the Netball team. With regular games, training sessions and events, we plan to keep fit and have fun! We will be at the Freshers’ Fair, so don’t be afraid to say hello!

Philosophy Society President: Will Howard The Philosophy Society is a platform upon which to explore any and all philosophical questions and entice interest outside of lectures and private study. Our activities range from reading papers and discussing ideas, holding debates regarding various issues, linking philosophy to other aspects of thought, culture and film, being a support to encourage extra-curricular philosophy on top of upholding and helping to develop academic ability. The Philosophy Society is for philosophy discussed passionately late into the evening, whilst in the pub, organising workshops and writing papers.

LGBT+ Society President: Hayley Clark Heythrop Pride aims to create a safe space for LGBT+ concerned matters where discussions, campaigns, workshops and social events take place to work towards celebrating equality and pride for all students. All students are welcome so come along and get involved!

Running Society President: Jordan Mant The Heythrop Running Society, now in its second year, aims to encourage students to take up regular exercise and stay healthy. Whether you are an expert runner, enjoy a casual jog or just want to keep fit, we are for you! We meet every Saturday at 10am and run at various London locations. Members are also invited to partake in 10k and half marathon races which we enter throughout the year. This year we are excited to be trying out the cross-country running known as ‘hashing’ too! ‘Like’ us for updates at facebook.com/ heythroprunning and see you at the Freshers’ Fair!


“Hello! Our names are Hannah Simpson and Sam Sutton, together we make up the Welfare Team. Whenever you may have a problem, we are here to help you. If you’re worried about your essays, feeling homesick or need advice, we are here as one of your first ports of call. Even if we can’t help you directly, we can certainly point you in the right direction. During Freshers’ Week we will try our best to meet everyone at the HSU events, and we will be around college if you ever feel the need to talk to either of us. If you can’t find us in person around college, you can speak with us during our office hours or even send us an email. It is important to note that even though we are the ‘Female Welfare officer’ and ‘Male Welfare Officer’, you can approach either one of us if you need advice. In our roles we will be hosting many awareness events regarding sexual, mental and physical health, all for your benefit. Our aim is to make as much information as possible accessible to you so that you feel supported during your time at Heythrop. We hope to see you all in September and we will Here to be at the HSU Freshers’ Fair, so don’t be help! afraid to come say hello!” Hannah Simpson & Sam Sutton Welfare Team

Just ask


Your Welfare 25

Loving Heythrop College is often described as “an oasis of calm in the big city“ - and while we might have stolen the phrase from Student Ambassador training, it’s pretty much a true-to-life description of where we are. We enjoy all the benefits and delights of a small college environment and close-knit community, but step outside the door and there is a city at your feet! We’ll be checking out a lot of it by way of our variety of Freshers’ events, but be sure to make the most of this wonderful, vibrant area by taking yourself out to see the sights and experience it all first-hand! Visit the parks, go see a show, wander round streets and shops, climb world-famous monuments, take stupid photos in telephone boxes... it’s all there: for these years, London is yours. Up for a laugh? Check out our Heythrop Goes To London Challenge on our website and Facebook page - take yourself, a camera, and your newfound friends out in the city, and win a prize worth shouting about.


London London is one of the biggest, busiest, and most famous cities in the world, making it a phenomenal place to live and learn. We know it can be a bit daunting, too, especially if it’s your first time away from home or if it’s unfamiliar territory, so why not come check it out over the summer? Come check out Kensington, your halls or house if you’re not living on-campus, and life in the big city, and make yourself at home before it is your home! Check out heythrop.su for student deals, more info, and ideas for great ways to enjoy the city.



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FRESHERS' WRISTBAND your ticket to all our freshers' events

get yours at heythrop.su

Save 36% off ticket prices

FOLLOW US @Heythropsu facebook.com / heythropsu


The cheapest, easiest way to travel is by Oyster! Buy yours online or at any tube station - as a student you can enjoy a 1/3 discount, either apply for a student Oyster or put your 16-25 Railcard on at any station!


rt, I choose you! Heythrop has the pleasure of being in Central London (Zone 1!) so you’re gonna need to master the transport - particularly with our fab Freshers’ line-up! You’ll be wanting to get there as quick and easy as possible, and knowing your route home is probably one of the biggest safety tips we can give! Weigh up your options, know your routes, and stay safe!


*apologies to any Freshers not as in to pokemon as the Pubicity Officer - sorry!

tfl.gov.uk has a nifty journeyplanner to sort you out, and be sure to download the cabwise app!


Diversity The HSU are here to represent all Heythrop students; undergraduates, postgraduates, mature students, full-time students, part-time students, international students, erasmus students, home students... all students at Heythrop should feel able to talk to their Union and raise any concerns or issues to do with their College life and student experience. Heythrop is a small college, and there are plenty of opportunities for different portions of the student body to come together, so please do get involved if you can! We have societies to support a number of different communities and interest groups, including those of various religions and liberation strands - if you want to see something else, we’ll be happy to support you in making that happen! For the first time this year, we also have an elected LGBT Officer on the Exec, so inclusion is sure to be one of our number one priorities, and this means you!


Here to represent you!

Access In welcoming students from all walks of life, the HSU is committed to making sure that every student it represents can access facilities, events, meetings, and more! If you have an access need, be it related to disability, culture, or whatever else, be sure to let us know how we can best include and cater for you. It’s your Union! Examples of access requirements might be anything from step-free access to coloured papers to alcohol-free events to explanations of what to expect at a meeting. Anything that we can reasonably do to ensure your needs are met when it comes to being included in the life of the Union and getting the most out of it. You can find out more about accessing Heythop at heythrop.su/access


Safety London’s a big city, and like any busy place has the potential to be dangerous - thankfully, with a little care you shouldn’t need to worry! Think ahead, be sensible, remember what your parents told you when you were small, and have a safe and splendid time! There are lots of good techniques for keeping yourself safe, and many things to think about. A big one is how you’ll be getting home after a night out. Remember to plan your route home in advance (we’ll be around to help you!) and make sure you have a saved taxi number or London taxi app on your phone (don’t ever get unlicensed minicabs - it’s not worth the risk!) - check out tfl.gov.uk for the best companies. Lots of London safety is common sense - it’s tempting to drink away your Freshers’ week, but it’s your job to make sure it’s really a week you’ll remember (and with our line up, you’ll want to!) have a fantastic time, but remember that can come in lots of different ways. If you want to drink, remember to eat beforehand, drink plenty of water, and know your limits. Get creative with your precautions - novelty ways to carry emergency cash and accessorising with your keys are the way to go. Don’t ditch something you need for the sake of a small handbag - nothing could be a bigger faux pas. Remember: if you’re in any doubt about your safety, it’s always best to leave the situation before you find out. Have a safe, fun Freshers!


HSU Exec's Top Ten Tips If you’re going to drink, drink responsibly. Nothing ruins a night out like being “that guy“ and your new friends don’t want to be reintroduced to your last dinner - remember “Eatin ain’t cheatin” and drop in some pints of water as well. Your head’ll thank you in the morning. Make sure you triple check (especially if you go hard on the pre drinks) before you leave to go out that you have your entry/oyster cards, keys, ID, money, and your wits about you. Or at least what’s left of them...

Keep sex safe! Even if you don’t intend to be sexually active, it’s good to be prepared. Make sure you protect yourself, and remember: consent is sexy, and you can always say no! ALWAYS make sure you have emergency cash/money on your oyster/ imaginary overdraft money in the bank. It’s a long walk home. Always let someone you trust know where you are. Have a taxi number on speed dial - even with the best laid plans, night buses can be elusive creatures. Don’t be afraid to ask fresher parents! They are there to take you home, find a loo or just have fun with. Know where your drink has been. Don’t accept open drinks from strangers, make sure you don’t leave it unattended when nature calls. If in doubt, dont drink from it. Better safe than sorry. Never wander off on a night out, even if you think that is Cher walking a poodle in the distance... it’s not, and you will get lost.

Get all your flatmates’ numbers before you go out together on Freshers, so you can give someone a cheeky text if you get separated.


Where We Are Heythrop College is a 3 minute walk away from High Street Kensington tube station - a Zone 1 station on the Circle and District lines. Earl’s Court and Gloucester Road stations (District and Piccadilly lines) are both also within easy walking distance but harder to navigate if you are coming with luggage. Many buses serve High Street Kensington (notably the 27, 9, and 10 which serve major rail stations) which can be an easy way to travel with helpful drivers. If you are coming by car, you will need to come via the back gate on South End (off Ansdell Street) where there is limited parking on site.


Freshers’ Week

Key low alcohol

food available

free event

mature/ postgrad friendly

on campus

* this key is not exhaustive, each event can be made your own!

“Freshers’ Week is your introduction to life as a Heythrop student and we would like to strongly encourage you all to get involved with as much as you can during this week and a half period. This year is the first ever ‘week and a half’ which is very exciting for the Events Team. It gives us greater scope to provide a diverse range of activities with new and innovative additions; for example, look out for VIP Bowling until 3am and the first ever Freshers’ Ball! Freshers’ Week is a great opportunity to settle in to Heythrop life and hopefully make new friends that will last a lifetime. This year there will be more opportunities to discover what societies we have to offer and even try out some new activities. Your time at University is what YOU make of it so make sure you throw yourself in to the week and enjoy it because you won’t regret it! There is a range of events on throughout the week every night also an array of day activities. We try to provide some for free to make sure attendance is open to everyone. At most Universities there is a large cost for the events but here at Heythrop we pride ourselves on being as kind as possible to your pocket. With that being said, we offer a £25 wristband which covers entry to all Freshers’ events (excluding Brentford) at a saving of 36% compared to paying on the door.” - Events Team


Meet The Parents! Our Fresher Parent team will be headlining Freshers’ Week - they’re there to look out for you Freshers, make sure you get where you’re going, have a marvellous time, stay safe, and get to know each other and the College! They’ll be easily recognisable in red Freshers’ t-shirts, and you can approach any one of them if you have a problem, a worry, or are just having a fab time!

Howard Mensah (BA Philosophy) I am here to help. I’m funky, fresh, and fantastic.

Jessica Blatch (BA Philosophy, Religion & Ethics) Mine’s a gin, soda and lime if you’re buying!

Jordan Mant (BA Philosophy, Religion & Ethics) Oscar winner. Crufts runner-up. Hogwarts graduate. Time lord. Compulsive liar.

Domenico Aquilina (BA Theology) Likes long walks on the beach...

Tabitha Howes (BA Philosophy, Religion & Ethics) Looking forward to making sure you have a fabulous freshers!

Jenny Moran (BA Philosophy) Here to make your freshers week as enjoyable as possible.

Conor Muir-Cochrane (BA Philosophy) Let’s paint the town red!

Megan Rimmer (BA Philosophy) Fun-Amazing-Bubbly-Unbelievable-Likeable-Outgoing-Unforgettable-Smashing!

Megan Skingsley (BA Philosophy, Religion & Ethics) Here to help you have the best Fresher’s week ever.

Francisco Mota (BDivinity) Always fashionable & always at your service. A true lumberjack.


Know Your Way Home Check out www.heythrop.su/wayhome for easy routes back from every event.

Campus Tours When? 2.15-2.45 and 3.15-3.45 Your first day at Heythrop will be a joyous event, although geographically challenging. The HSU will be showing you around your College, so you have no excuse for missing a meeting with your tutor. We will then show you some of the more practically useful things around High Street Kensington, like the best places to shop, best cafĂŠs and restaurants and some of the delights of our location. HSU Bar Open: 4.30pm - 7.30pm

Pub Crawl When? 7pm Where? Local pubs How much? Free! This is the classic Heythrop night to get the Freshers’ spirit going. Living in one of the most desirable parts of London certainly has its perks and one of them is being spoiled for choice when it comes to pubs. We will spend the night taking you too all of the best watering holes in the Kensington and Notting Hill area. This event is truly a staple in the Heythrop calendar. Departure 7pm from HSU Bar


18th September



19th September


When? 12.15pm - 2pm Where? College Garden How much? Free! What’s not to love about free food! Come enjoy a burger and a drink with your fellow students in the Garden. It is a particularly beautiful Garden if we may say so!

Table Tennis and Air Hockey Sessions

When? 1.30pm-6pm Where? HSU Bar How much? Free! Come and try out our latest additions to your Common Room and, if you wish to, compete to be the HSU Champion (think of the prestige!)


When? 9pm-3am Where? Egg Club, Kings Cross How much? £5 entry This will be the first big London club night so what better way than to introduce you to London nightlife than by introducing you to one of its ‘superclubs’. Heythrop has exclusive use of the Apothecary and this stylish venue will show you what London has to offer in terms of unexpected club nights. With the party going on till 3am this will be a great night to paint the town red. Depature at 8 pm Drinks Deals: Vodka/Whisky & Spalsh: £4.00 Redstripe: £4.00 Smirnoff Ice: £4.00 Three Sambuca: £10.00 Three Jager Shots: £10.00


Societies Garden Party When? All day from 12pm Where? Heythrop College Gardens How much? Free! Student life is all about getting involved and this day-long event will give you a chance to try out some new activities and have a bit of fun! Featuring stalls and entertainment from our own superb societies all showcasing what they have to offer, it’s not to be missed! There will be a timetable of events in which you can choose to take part or you could make use of the CafÊ service in the HSU Bar (hot food will be available). There will also be some Sumo suit wrestling should you so wish. This will be a great way to get stuck straight into life at Heythrop. HSU Bar Open: 2pm - 10pm


20th September


Sunday The Heythrop Pub Day When? 12pm – 6pm Where? The Blue Anchor, Hammersmith How much? Free! We’ve booked out a pub on the river down in Hammersmith. What better way to enjoy a Sunday than sat on the Thames with a refreshing drink (and hopefully some glorious weather)? The pub will also be selling Sunday roasts should you be feeling peckish (normal London price is around £10 for those of you not in the know...) We have our own private area between midday and 6pm so you can come and go as you please and have a relaxing ‘lazy Sunday’.

HSU Events’ Handy London Price Guide Pint of Coke - £2 -£3 Pint Beer/Cider - £4 -£5 Bottle of beer £3.50 - £5.50 Wine 250ml - £6 -£7.50 Wine Bottle - £15 - £20 Spirit Mixer Single - £3.80- £5 Spirit Mixer Double - £7 - £8.50 Spirit Red Bull - £5 - £6.50 Cocktails - £8 -£12

21st September


When? 14.40 -16.30 How much? Free! Where? V&A museum (meet in the Recreation Room) The HSU is taking you to the Victoria and Albert Museum. This museum is free to enter and boasts a variety of both antique and modern wonders. Curios of all kinds to suit every taste. You will also get to see some of the most amazing parts of South Kensington and we will sign-post some other attractions en route.

Kensington Games

When? 14.40 -18.00 How much? Free! Where? Kensington Gardens (meet in the Common Room) One of the most beautiful Royal Parks in London shall be the venue for our seriously relaxed sportsmanship, consisting of frisbees, balls of all kinds and chilled basquing in the sun. Take them as seriously as you take yourself and everyone can enjoy what Kensington has offer outside the College quad.

Bar Soho

When? 6.30pm - 1am (meet 6.30pm HSU Bar) Where? Bar Soho, Old Compton Street How much? £4 entry This well-known cocktail bar in Soho is going to be a perfect night out. The bar is located smack bang in the middle of the famous Soho area; London’s entertainment centre. With a Happy Hour at early doors and some of the best cocktails you’ll ever have, this will be an event you will not want to leave. Happy Hour! 7-8pm


22nd September



23rd September


When? 1pm Where? HSU Bar Our first meeting of the year come along and have your say!

Table Football and Pool Sessions

When? 14.30 – 18.00 Relax in the Common Room and make use of the HSU Bar should you wish. There will be more hotly anticipated tournaments in both disciplines… do you have what it takes to be HSU Champion?!

Comedy Central Live When? 8pm Where? HSU Bar How much? £3 entry A comedy night in the HSU Bar will show you what a great night the student bar can be. With top comedians from Comedy Central Live, the evening will be full of laughs and drinks. With such a close intimate venue like ours, you will never get a better chance to see the best of London’s comedy in such a unique way. Live at the Apollo, QI and Stand Up For The Week star Sara Pascoe is our special guest for the evening and she’ll be headlining the show. HSU Bar Open: 4.30pm - 11pm


Heythrop Freshers' Fair When? 1pm-4pm Where? Loyola Hall How much? Free! The Freshers’ Fair is your official opportunity to see ALL the societies that the HSU has to offer as well as inviting in external charities, companies, organisations and guests to offer you their activities or services. So come along and find out what you can get involved with this year. HSU Bar Open: 4.30pm - 10pm

Club night @Lala When? 9pm - 1am £4 on selected drinks: house wine, Where? Lala, Hammersmith beer, vodka & mixer How much? £4 entry This newly renovated members only club in Hammersmith will be the setting for another club night. With exclusive access for one night only, you will be the members! Hammersmith is barely a stones throw away from Heythrop and as such continues your introduction to your local nightlife. With discounted drinks all night and a dress code to impress (smart casual).

Departure 9pm from HSU Bar


24th Sept.



25th September

College Eucharist You can attend the first eucharist of the College year in our Chapel at 13:00, then go to tea with the Chaplins. This is open to those of all faiths and none, especially the free tea and coffee in the HSU Bar afterwards...

Royalty and Culture When? 14.30 -17.30 (meet in the Common Room) We are taking you on a free whirlwind tour of London sights, through the National Gallery, Green Park, the Mall and view of Buckingham Palace. We promise to have you back in enough time to get ready for Blag Club, and a drink in the HSU Bar.

Cocktails in the Classroom When? 9pm - 2am Where? Blag Club, Holland Road How much? £4 entry Just down the road near Holland park we have a great local venue, with Asian inspired decor and cocktails flowing throughout the night, this will not be an event to miss. But don’t throw out your school uniforms just yet… they have one more outing to make! Grab your old shirts, blazers, ties, skirts, trousers, tops and whatever else you wore to school as it’s time for the blast in the past. Departure 9pm from HSU Bar Mix & Match cocktail offer: Any 2 of Sex on the Beach, Sea Breeze or Caipiroska for £8

HSU Bar Open: 4.30pm - 10pm

University of London Freshers' Fayre When? 12pm - 5pm Where? London Student Centre, Malet Street How much? Free! We’ll be checking out what there is on offer throughout the University of London at their Freshers’ Fayre - more societies to join, more opportunities for you, and more free stuff! We’ll be leaving from the HSU Bar in two cohorts: at 12.30pm and 3pm

Bloomsbury Lanes When? 7pm - 3am Where? Bloomsbury Lanes, Russell Square How much? £6 entry This sleek bowling alley located in the heart of London is trying to bring back a cool bowling crowd. For the night we have booked out the VIP Kingpin suite so all of the VIP lanes are ours for the whole night. With a bar and sofas to lounge around on, take this night to hang out with all of the other freshers you’ve met in the week as well as keep the freshers spirit alive with dancing, drinking and bowling. There are also arcade games, a pool table, table tennis, a motion sensor live cricket game and karaoke all on free play. What a winning combination there, sounds like a strike to me. Departures at 6.30pm and 8pm from HSU Bar


26th September



27th September

Brentford vs Leeds United When? 3pm (1.30pm meet in the Common Room) How much? £10 tickets (must be bought in advance through the HSU VP by 19th September) **this is not included in wristband price** In London there is a plethora of events, gigs and sport to go watch. The HSU has developed a relationship with newly promoted Championship side Brentford FC. With the price of football in the capital going through the roof in recent years it’s a great opportunity to see football at its best, at its core and for a good price! So if you’ve never been to a football match before or you’ve lost count, come along and enjoy the experience.

Live Music in the HSU Bar When? 7pm Where? HSU Bar How much? £3 entry Another fantastic night in the HSU Bar looks set to bring you live music and a relaxed, enjoyable evening. With a headline performance from Kaleidophone we hope you enjoy some high quality music and that it whets your appetite for the London gig scene. HSU Bar Open: 12pm-3pm (BT Sport: Liverpool vs Everton) 7pm-11pm


Freshers Ball When? 7pm - 1am Where? Knights Templar, Chancery Lane How much? £10 Dress code: Formal We have decided to go above and beyond for this year’s Freshers’ week with a ‘Freshers Ball’. This truly outstanding event will ensure that you finish the start to this year on a high with a classy blowout. With all of Heythrop able to attend it will be a great way to meet your fellow students, as well as see out the week in top form. We will also be visited by a special guest as we welcome Dev (Radio 1) to take to the decks and help you to dance ya socks off!


28th September




The Student Newspaper of Heythrop College, University of London Check us out online: theheythroplion.co.uk


On Your Way You literally could not be closer to joining the fabulous world of Heythrop, but before you jump in the car, dash for the train, or soar through the skies to reach us, here’s a few things you still need to consider... Reading List Shut up inside with your nose in a book might not be the most appealing way to spend your Freshers’ experience - but you are here to do yourself justice academically! Why not look up the reading lists for your courses online (see the College website) and come prepared - ready to wow your lecturers and newfound friends with your commitment to your beloved subject, and with plenty of time to spend enjoying the other fine aspects of university life... TFL Transport for London is the authority when it comes to getting about - so make sure you’re familiar with the tube map and routes home. It’ll be your saviour when you’re exploring the city (and after a night out!), we really can’t stress it enough! Plan Ahead Knowing what you plan to do is half the battle when it comes to not missing out - check out our website, highlight this book, find out your classes, read every bit of info you can get your hands on and get excited... we’ll see you soon for the best Freshers’ experience ever!


what to pack :)

top tes lap y no s d s u st book hoto p s t n pe sters ookle po ers’ b sh fre

s on add soc k faceboo



sh toothbru ry d laun powder o shampo cutlery plates mugs bottle opener cake


REMEMBER I.D. Computer Chargers Camera Fancy Dress Rubber Duck

nen bed li lls for ha ! room

Don’t know what to do? Contact HSU! The HSU emergency contact 54

phone is held by a sober first-aider at all of our Freshers’ Week events, ready to help you out.


HSU C ONTA CT E N O H P TELE call us: 077292 05908







Pub Crawl

Egg, Kings Cross

Societies’ Garden Party







Heythrop Pub Day


Bar Soho

Comedy Central Live






Club Night @ LALA

Blag Club

Bloomsbury Lanes


27th Live Music hsu Bar


28th Freshers’ Ball


FRESHERS' WRISTBAND at heythrop.su


Save 36% off ticket prices

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