HEIMAT abroad - Spring 2018

Page 42


Traditional German

CABBAGE ROLLS Makes 4 Servings

PREPARE THE CABBAGE 1. Peel any old or discolored leaves from the outside of the head of cabbage. 2. Using a sharp knife, cut the strunk or stem out of the cabbage, leaving a cone-shaped hole. Place the cabbage head in a large pot and fill the pot with water to cover or almost cover the cabbage. Add a teaspoon or two of salt. 3. Bring the pot to a boil, remove from heat and let the cabbage sit for several minutes. Peel the outer leaves off, one by one and drain the water from them. If, after you remove several leaves, the rest are sticking together, put the rest of the cabbage back in the hot water for a few minutes and try again.


INGREDIENTS • 1 1/2 pound head cabbage • 1 to 2 teaspoons salt For the Filling: • 12 ounces ground beef (in Germany this is usually half pork, half beef) • 1 large egg • 1/3 cup bread crumbs • 1/2 teaspoon paprika • 1/2 teaspoons salt • 1/2 teaspoons marjoram (dried, or oregano) • Black pepper (freshly ground) to taste • 1 cup broth (beef) For the Sauce: • 1 tablespoon corn starch mixed • 1/4 cup water (cold)

1. Mix the chopped meat with the egg, breadcrumbs, paprika, salt, marjoram or oregano, and pepper until well incorporated. Do not overmix because the meat will toughen and become pasty. 2. Form 10 to 12 (2-inch-long) meat rolls using about 1/4 cup meat mixture for each roll. 3. Lay out a cabbage leaf and cut out the thickest vein (only 1/3 to 2/3 of the way up the leaf) as necessary so you can roll the leaf. Place a meat roll in the thinner, cupped portion of the leaf, and fold the roll on three sides, then roll to the thickest part (like a burrito). 4. Tie like a gift package with kitchen string.

COOK THE CABBAGE ROLLS 1. Brown the cabbage rolls in oil on two sides in a large saucepan or a Dutch oven. 2. Add 1/2 cup beef broth (or enough to cover the pan to a depth of 1/4 inch), cover the pan with a lid and simmer 40 to 50 minutes, adding more of the remaining beef broth as necessary to keep the cabbage rolls in 1/4 to 1/2 inch of broth.

MAKE THE SAUCE AND SERVE 1. Transfer the cabbage rolls to a warm serving dish and snip off the string. Add the cornstarch mixed with 1/4 cup water to the juices in the pot and bring to a boil, stirring constantly, until thickened. Pour over cabbage rolls. 2. Serve with boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes.

42 | HEIMAT abroad | SPRING 2018

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