Polo by La Bocha 60

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Ellerstina revalida título en Hurlingham Ellerstina se proclamó por segundo año consecutivo ganador de El Abierto de Hurlingham, tras derrotar a Alegría por 16-14. La Zeta alzaba, así, la Ayrshire Cup, dejando para su contrincante la John Ravenscroft tras una final difícil de olvidar para ambos.

Ellerstina retains the title at Hurlingham Ellerstina was crowned two-time champion of the Hurlingham Open, after defeating Alegría 16-14. La Zeta thus lifted the Ayrshire Cup, leaving their opponent with the John Ravenscroft after a final that will be difficult to forget for both sides.

62 / POLO BY LA BOCHA / Hurlingham

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