Loiste 2/2023 - News from port of HaminaKotka

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Photograph: Jarno Koivula

Construction work in D-area at Mussalo completed BPO Ystad Climate Declaration signed in September p. 3

Transport Committee of German-Finnish Chamber of Commerce discussing topical logistics issues p. 4–5


Photograph: Jarno Koivula

Construction work in D-area at Mussalo completed Since 2017, Port of HaminaKotka Ltd has been upgrading the D-area of the Mussalo Harbour to improve the service level and to enable the increasingly efficient handling of larger vessels and bigger cargo volumes. In the first phase of the project, areas of land operations were filled with material derived from the sea, basic infrastructure of the area was built, a harbour basin was dredged, a breakwater and noise barrier were built in the western part, and the first part of the quay and a rail connection were constructed. At the same time, port operator Steveco built a 20,000 m2 pulp warehouse in the area. In the second phase of the project that finished this autumn, the quay project was completed and additional rail connections were built. Steveco also built another warehouse terminal of 24,000 m2 in the area. The City of Kotka has also continued the filling of the background area of the D-area to become an industrial site, which will enable the additional construction of almost 50,000 m2 of warehouses in the northern part of the area.

Waste reclamation in the building of the area

The Port of HaminaKotka has a permit to utilise concrete and brick waste in designated areas and to use waste rock in port structures. Environmental considerations are important in port construction, and in the construction work of the D-area, they were taken into account by means such as utilising concrete and brick waste left over from demolished schools and bus station in the structures of the area. Rock material extracted from the sea during the dredging of the D-basin was used to build a 2

breakwater and some of it was moved to Palas­ lahti as backfill for the industrial area. “The project was implemented in less than 7 years in an area of approx. 50 hectares, with more than 2 million cubic metres of earth material shifted on land and sea. The total dredged volume was approx. 770,000 cubic metres. The project had no effects on the cloudiness of the sea area or changes in fish stocks, which were monitored in several observation points throughout the construction phase by an external party," says Jari Kontunen, Project Director of Port of HaminaKotka Ltd.

Significant investment

The project is a significant investment both for Port of HaminaKotka Ltd and many other parties involved in the project. Almost a total of 100 million euros have been invested in the construction and equipment of the area. The port company accounts for about 60 million euros of this. The water and quay construction in the D-area, the rail connections in the background area and the noise barrier have been partially financed by the European Union’s Connecting Europe instrument with a good 10 million euros. “The port company started to develop the D-area of Mussalo so that even larger ships and the goods flows they carry could be handled as efficiently as possible and so that containers and break bulk could be handled in the same location, also optimising rail transport. The D-area now completed provides a first-rate operating venue for the international transport of the Finnish wood-processing industry,” says Kimmo Naski, Port Counsellor (satamaneuvos) and CEO of Port of HaminaKotka Ltd.

D-area at Mussalo • Construction period 2017–2023 • Total area about 50 ha, of which the harbour basin, quays and breakwater account for about 20 ha • Depth of harbour basin 17.5 m, depth of Mussalo access channel 15.3 m • Total of 700 m of quays • 2.5 km of rail carriage access, unloading and loading tracks • Now 44,000 m² of warehouse buildings, possibility of additional capacity of about 50,000 m² • New rail and road transport connections • LNG refuelling option directly from a tanker truck to the ship (ATEX areas of the quays) • Freshwater points on the quays every 100 m • Cable route reservations for future shore-side electricity, area lighting with digitally controlled LED lamps


BPO Ystad Climate Declaration signed at the Baltic Ports Conference in September The annual General Assembly of the Baltic Ports Organization was held in Ystad, Sweden, on 6 to 8 September 2023. The event focused on the climate change and the climate targets related to the European Green Deal. The push towards a more environmentally friendly maritime transport is one of the defining factors shaping the future of the maritime transport sector. The Baltic Ports Organization Ystad Climate Declaration was signed in the event. In it, the members of the BPO declared their readiness to put forth the best efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from port operations, inspire environmental consciousness and co-operate with business partners and a wide range of stakeholders in order to protect the climate. The BPO Ystad Climate Declaration supports the plan formulated by the European Commission, and at the same time the signatories would like to emphasise the practical approach, combined with a transparent dialogue between the maritime industry and political decision-makers as key in making a carbon neutral Europe a reality. There must

be clearly outlined, achievable targets and the required financial and legislative support must be provided.

Customer satisfaction still at a good level Port of HaminaKotka Ltd conducts regular customer satisfaction surveys to develop its service quality and to get an idea of the customers’ wishes and needs. The most recent customer satisfaction survey was carried out in September this autumn in the form of telephone interviews by Innolink Oy. The survey indicated that customer satisfaction continues to be at a good level. When comparing the results to the results of the previous survey in 2021, most progress had been attained in the availability and suitability of the operation areas, providing information on the port and its services, and customer focus of operations. The port was assessed to have best success in it being a reliable partner to its customers. The invoicing service, availability of services that match the customers’ needs and the speed of responding to requests for contact were also rated as successes. On the other hand, there were issues requiring improvement especially in the functioning of weighbridge ser-

vices, and the port company has already taken steps to improve these. According to the survey, the customers thought that the preferred means of obtaining information were newsletters received by email, and the port’s website. In the 2021 survey, improvements were hoped in the supply of information, which is why this area has been developed, and it is now possible to subscribe to the newsletters published on the website of Port of HaminaKotka Ltd in Finnish directly to e-mail. The respondents thought that other preferred means of obtaining information include personal visits and contacts by telephone. The overall grade for the performance of Port of HaminaKotka Ltd had improved in the most recent survey from the previous one, and customer satisfaction is at a good level overall. Thank you all for providing valuable feedback in the survey. The product packages drawn among the respondents have been delivered to the lucky winners.

Shown on the left is Dr. Kimmo Naski, Port Counsellor (satamaneuvos), Chairperson of BPO and CEO of Port of HaminaKotka Ltd, and on the right Björn Boström, Managing Director of Port of Ystad. Photograph: Baltic Ports Organization.

Subscribe newsletters of the port to your email You can subscribe to the newsletters published in Finnish on the haminakotka. com website to be sent to your own email. The topics of the newsletters are divided into two categories, and you can choose whether to subscribe to the newsletters of both categories or just one of them. General newsletters include information on issues such as monthly statistics, news, and other general information. Infrastructure and maintenance newsletters contain mainly operative information, such as bulletins on extraordinary traffic arrangements and interruptions in data systems and electricity supply. You can subscribe to the newsletters through the link https://www. haminakotka.com/fi/tilaa-tiedotteetsahkopostiisi . Please note that the newsletters are published in Finnish.



Spring Forum of 2022 of the German-Finnish Chamber of Commerce (left to right): Dr. Jan Feller, Managing Director of German-Finnish Chamber of Commerce, Timo Harakka, Finnish Minister of Transport and Communications, Miriam Holstein, SVP - Head of Corporate Office of Bayer AG, and Dr. Kimmo Naski, Chairperson of the Transport Committee and CEO of Port of HaminaKotka Ltd. Photograph: German-Finnish Chamber of Commerce.

Transport Committee of GermanFinnish Chamber of Commerce discussing topical logistics issues The objective of the German-Finnish Chamber of Commerce is to promote financial relationships between Germany and Finland and to instigate new business between German and Finnish businesses by offering tailored services. The German-Finnish Chamber of Commerce has 650 member companies, and approx. 80 per cent of the exports from Finland to Germany go through these member companies. Germany has been Finland’s biggest trading partner for several years. The German-Finnish Chamber of Commerce employs 31 persons, 20 of whom work in international expansion services. The range of services includes market analyses and customer acquisition for enterprises that intend to embark on the German or Finnish market, as well as legal and HR services. “We also arrange trade fair trips and export promotion trips as well as many types of training related to issues such as exports and corporate culture,” says Dr. Jan Feller, Managing Director of German-Finnish Chamber of Commerce. The German-Finnish Chamber of Commerce is a registered association aiming to promote trade and economic relationships between Germany and Finland in both directions and to promote the business of its members. It is the biggest foreign chamber of 4

commerce and the only bilateral chamber of commerce in Finland. In addition to the general assembly serving as the supreme administrative body, the German-Finnish Chamber of Commerce is represented by its Board of Directors and Delegation. The Board of Directors specifies the guidelines of the operations of the Association, and the Delegation has an advisory role; i.e., the Delegation is involved in strategy work. The Chamber of Commerce also has a Transport Committee dealing with issues related to transport. The members of all of these bodies comprise representatives from businesses in both Germany and Finland.

Contribution by Transport Committee

The German-Finnish Chamber of Commerce was established in 1978, and its Transport Com-

mittee in 1995. At that time, the main objective of the Committee was to present Finland in Germany as a logistics hub to Russia and Eastern Europe. The themes and focal areas of the Transport Committee have changed over the years. As an example, the NOX directive was in focus in the 2010s. Other topics have included the competitiveness of Finnish ports, transit transport to Russia and the Far East via Finland, and the competitive situation of German ports. The global situation naturally has an impact on the themes of the operations. In recent times, the Committee has been dealing with issues such as digitalisation of supply chains, cyber security of seaports, and various digital innovations. There have been a number of highlights and major achievements in the operations of the Transport Committee of the German-­Finnish


Spring Forum of 2022 of the German-Finnish Chamber of Commerce: Timo Harakka, Finnish Minister of Transport and Communications, and Dr. Kimmo Naski, Chairperson of the Transport Committee and CEO of Port of HaminaKotka Ltd. Photograph: GermanFinnish Chamber of Commerce.

Chamber of Commerce. One significant event was the visit by Johannes Rau, President of Germany, in the meeting of the Committee in 2001. Other key events in the history of the Committee include the logistics forum arranged in Hamburg in 2008, gathering some 250 logistics experts from Finland and Germany. One of the foremost successes is the contribution that the Transport Committee has made in the consideration of winter shipping in the EU’s FIT for 55 climate package. Both Finland and Ger-

many have been concerned over the ice conditions in winter shipping and the consequent increase in fuel consumption on the Baltic Sea. This is why the Transport Committee together with the Chamber of Commerce of Lübeck drew up a joint opinion which was also presented at the European Parliament through contribution from a German member of Parliament. As a result of these efforts by the Committee, winter shipping was ultimately considered in the emissions trading of sea transport in terms of icereinforced vessels, and exceptions concerning special circumstances will be valid until the end of 2034. “The German-Finnish Chamber of Commerce is a significant contributor to the operating environment of trade between Germany and Finland, and its Transport Committee has the same role in improving logistics conditions in both countries. Under Managing Director Jan Feller, the Chamber of Commerce has risen to a whole new level. Whenever the media wish to make an interview of the current situation in German politics or trade, Jan Feller is the number 1 expert in Finland,” says Dr. Kimmo Naski, Port Counsellor (satamaneuvos) and Chairperson of the Transport Committee of the Chamber of Commerce.

Impacts of global situation on the Chamber of Commerce

in 2024 the Chamber of Commerce intends to focus even more on the supervision of interests and on reinforcing hydrogen co-operation between the two countries. The strategy will also be updated to respond to the changes in the operating environment. “The Chamber of Commerce has also undergone great changes over the years. As a result of this, startups have a bigger role than before. One example of this is the co-operation with the technology and startup event Slush, to which we will bring more than 150 startup businesses from Germany this year. The digital approach is a permanent topic for us alongside energy and cyber security,” Jan Feller says.

Chairpersons of the Transport Committee of the German-Finnish Chamber of Commerce: 1995–2000 Hartmut Zimmermann 2000–2007 Simo Airas 2007– Kimmo Naski

Geopolitics will crucially influence also trade and logistics in the near future, which is why

Logistics panel of the Spring Forum of 2023 of the German-Finnish Chamber of Commerce (from the left): Dr. Jan Feller, Managing Director of German-Finnish Chamber of Commerce, Patrick Dahlemann, Parliamentary State Secretary of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Dr. Gernot Tesch, Managing Director of Port of Rostock, and Dr. Kimmo Naski, Chairperson of the Transport Committee and CEO of Port of HaminaKotka Ltd. Photograph: German-Finnish Chamber of Commerce. 5


View from the cab of a work machine. Photograph: Arto Kauppila.

Event day of the occupational safety week of ports at Mussalo, Kotka A theme week in the occupational safety of ports was arranged this year from 2 to 6 October. From 2017 to 2021, the port industry has had an annual occupational safety day, but in 2022 it was decided to expand the theme day to a theme week so that all persons working at seaports would have a better opportunity to participate in the relevant events, irrespective of their work shifts and the peak hours of the company or the port. At the Port of HaminaKotka, the event day of the occupational safety week was 3 October 2023 and the venue was Mussalo. The theme of this year’s occupational safety week was work ergonomics, with a variety of events related to the topic arranged during the day. The physical load factors involved in port work include work positions, work movements, moving from place to place and the use of physical force. It is also important to be able to regulate sitting, standing and moving as well as ways of working in office work. Excessive physical burden is associated with musculoskeletal symptoms, which are often the cause of sick leave. 6

Many of the day’s events took place in office centre Merituuli, where the public could get to know issues such as work clothes, personal protection and fall protection, and workplace solutions that support work ergonomics, presented by Grolls, Tools, Würth and E. Kylmälä. Würth also had its own stand in its premises on Kotolahdentie. Ekami presented posture vests that improve work ergonomics, and a port crane simulator. The TLT project in the safe future of logistics organised a safety workshop. Their stand also offered the opportunity to learn about safety observations in a virtual 360 degree environment. Customs authorities also presented their operations during the day. Kotkan Työterveys Oy’s physiotherapists gave tips on good work ergonomics for office workers, and Pihlajalinna provided an ergonomics lecture where the topic was ergonomics in office work. Some of the events of the day were inside the port area, where VR Transpoint presented blind areas that cannot be seen from the locomotive cab, as well as ergonomics in the handling of railcars. As before, VR Transpoint also

VR Transpoint’s stand presented the safety equipment used in railway yard work. Photograph: Arto Kauppila.

offered coffee with buns to the visitors in the canteen. Steveco and Cargotec introduced visitors to the ergonomics of forklift drivers in the same area as VR Transpoint.

In the event day, the visitors were able to try out a crane simulator, among other things. Photograph: Hanna Rytkö-Alho.


Successful cruise season for Port of HaminaKotka In the cruise season of 2023, the Port of HaminaKotka was a port of call for both cruise ships that made their inaugural call and ones that have visited the port earlier. The international cruise season of the Port of HaminaKotka in the past summer was successful. A total of 13 ships called at the port, 2 of which anchored in the Eastern Gulf of Finland by the remote island of Ulko-Tammio. The total number of visitors was approx. 20,000. The passengers came mainly from the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, British Isles and Germany. The feedback received directly from the guests and from the cruise lines was good, and the calculated economical impact for the region was approx. 4 million euros. “The absolute highlights of the season were the visits by Silver Wind, the luxury cruiser of Silversea Expedition Cruises, at the island of Ulko-Tammio in early June. The visitors spent a day on the island, getting to know its beautiful natural environment and interesting fortification history. These visits also attracted considerable international attention,” says Petra Cranston, Project Manager, Cruise Business, of Port of HaminaKotka Ltd. The cruise guests were particularly delighted by the parks of Kotka, where nature meets an urban setting in a unique manner.

The Valkmusa National Park and the Langin­ koski Imperial Fishing Lodge are also of great interest among the cruise visitors. The River Kymijoki with its diverse activities provides the visitors unforgettable experiences, and the towns of Kotka and Hamina enchant travellers with their versatility and individual ambience, not forgetting Maritime Centre Vellamo or the magnificent archipelago. Even though the main destination of Baltic Sea cruises, St Petersburg, is no longer on the itinerary, the degree of occupancy rate on the vessels cruising on the Baltic Sea has grown to an average of almost 90 per cent this year. In 2022, the biggest cruise ships withdrew from the Baltic Sea to other markets, but they aim to return. This is also influenced by the political situation in other parts of the world. The active sales and marketing efforts by the port company are yielding results, and cruise lines have found the Port of HaminaKotka and the attractions in the region, but it takes time for the purchasing patterns of consumers to change. Expert estimates suggest that a better outlook in the Eastern Baltic cruise market segment can

be expected from 2026 onwards, and the port company is already working with a time span of almost 10 years ahead. “In the future, there will be an increase in new types of cruises utilising the archipelago, like the ones last summer to Ulko-Tammio. In this case, a cruise ship can offer visits both at a seaport and an island in the outer archipelago, hence giving the visitors an opportunity to whole new experiences. The year 2024 seems to be about the same as 2023. The focus will be on Kantasatama,” Petra Cranston says.

The Balmoral making its inaugural call at Kantasatama in Kotka on 18 May 2023. Photograph: Jarno Koivula.


Timo Rosendahl, Bachelor of Marine Technology, who earlier worked as Manager, Security and Rescue of Port of HaminaKotka Ltd, started in the position of Director, Traffic Operations, of Port of HaminaKotka Ltd on 19 May 2023.

Oskari Aarnio, Bachelor of Marine Technology and Master of Engineering, started as Operations Manager of Port of HaminaKotka Ltd on 19 May 2023. He shifted to the new position from the position of Port Officer.

Maria Kämäräinen, Master of Marine Technology, started in the position of Manager, Security and Rescue of Port of HaminaKotka Ltd on 2 October 2023. She moved to the port company from the position of team manager in the seafaring and port industry at Ekami, the Joint Authority of Education of Kotka-Hamina Region.

Vesa Silvennoinen, Bachelor of Marine Technology, started as Port Officer of Port of HaminaKotka Ltd on 16 October 2023. Vesa Silvennoinen previously worked at Port of HaminaKotka Ltd as Duty Officer.



Christmas donation of Port of HaminaKotka Ltd to Kakspy ry

Port of HaminaKotka involved in the Pink Ribbon campaign Port of HaminaKotka Ltd has again been involved this year in the Pink Ribbon campaign of Cancer Foundation Finland by giving a Pink Ribbon to all members of its personnel. The proceeds from the Pink Ribbons purchased from the local association are used for work to support cancer patients and their loved ones in the Kymenlaakso region.

This year, Port of HaminaKotka Ltd will donate the funds reserved for Christmas greetings to Kakspy ry, the Social Psychiatry Association of South-East Finland. The Association promotes mental well-being, equal opportunities and inclusion, and creates welfare solutions together with the users of service and their rela­ tives and networks. The Association conducts mental health work and intoxicant abuse prevention work from Western Uusimaa to South Karelia, but the primary region is the Kotka-Hamina region. The operations encompass work and day activi­ ties, treatment groups and rehabilitating work, among other things. The Association also offers meeting places open to all. As an example, the club houses in Kotka and Hamina are available to all free of charge, and they provide support to well-being, studies and employment. In recent years, the Association has also focused heavily on work with families and other people close to the clients. This includes issues such as groups for those abusing intoxicants, resource weekends and support offered by experts by experience. Kakspy ry also has international operations, and one of the things starting soon is an employment path project funded by the EU.

KAKSPY Hyvää mieltä

“The Christmas donation of Port of HaminaKotka Ltd will be used to promote a positive spirit among those involved in our operations. We share Christmas greetings, arrange cultural activities during the Christmas period and make purchases that the users can enjoy for a long period of time. We thank the port company for the vital support,” says Markku Kärmeniemi, Acting Executive Director.

According to Markku Kärmeniemi, Acting Executive Director of Kakspy ry, the Christmas donation of Port of HaminaKotka Ltd will be used to give a lot of happy Christmas spirit to those involved in the operations of the Association. Photograph: Port of HaminaKotka Ltd.

Season’s Greetings and a Happy New Year 2024! Port of HaminaKotka Ltd and Kotkan Satamatalot Oy

Port of HaminaKotka Ltd Merituulentie 424, FI-48310 Kotka, Finland • office@haminakotka.fi haminakotka.com • tel. +358 20 790 8800

Port of HaminaKotka

Cruise Port HaminaKotka

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