Tuesday Brief | 2024 April 9

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April 9, 2024

Those of you who have been regularly reading the Tuesday Brief know that I’ve been sharing a selection of thoughts - - that is, my admonitions, hopes, and/or concerns for the 21st-century church. Next week, I’ll share #7 of 7 as a wrap-up to that series. But as a quick diversion, I thought maybe I would write about yesterday’s solar eclipse.

A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes directly between the Earth and the Sun, and that happens about every 18 months somewhere on the face of the Earth. So why all the hubbub about this one?

It seems to have stirred a great deal of attention because around 32 million Americans live in the “path of totality” which means they will be centered in the Sun’s shadow and will witness a total blackout of the sun. And, because the path runs across the midsection of the US, all of the lower 48 states will be able to see a partial eclipse. Washington State will experience a 20% eclipse, while Florida’s view will be around a 50% eclipse.

But what is truly rare about solar eclipses is to be living in the path of totality. That only occurs once every 400 years, which is one reason why this year’s eclipse has stirred so much interest.

Solar Eclipse Across North America - April 8, 2024

But all of that ‘science’ about this year’s eclipse is somewhat overshadowed (forgive the intentional pun �) by the seemingly widespread spiritualizing of the event. I’ve been hearing that a significant number of people have been spreading prophecy-like rumors about this eclipse - - that it was going to accompany the rapture, or some other apocalyptic occurrence. Clearly, since April 8th passed without incident, and it is now April 9th, and the world is still turning, we can surmise that all that speculation was, once again, wasted focus.

Ever since the first-century disciples of Jesus asked HIM themselves about the end of the age, people have allowed themselves to be fascinated by the speculated timing of end-of-the-age events, rather than being focused on their READINESS of spirit. Jesus is coming back. He promised He would. Let’s each be sure that we are ready for His imminent return no matter what day and hour that is.

“You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected.” (Matthew 24:44)

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