The Kerusso | 2024 May May

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The Kerusso – May| 2024

Do We Treasure Our Ability to Assemble?

We Evangelical Methodists in the USA Conference are scattered about the country. To the West, we hail from San Diego, Los Angeles, Sacramento, Mount Shasta, the West Coast of Oregon, and the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State. To the East, we worship in New York, the panhandle of Maryland, the Chesapeake Bay and Albemarle Sound regions as well as Central Florida. We have a few churches just hours from the Great Lakes to the North, and several essentially on the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico. We are very scattered!

Because of that, many of us feel quite isolated, without much interaction with our brother and sister EMC’ers around the country. It is for that very reason that our Superintendents work so hard to hold assembly meetings in a variety of places so that we can see one another face-to-face at least occasionally. Our “Journey” meetings are not just a time to report, and learn, and worship. No, they are designed to create fellowship opportunities for encouragement and inspiration.

Our meeting in North Carolina – our third of four this year – was a marvelous gathering (pictured left). The preaching and teaching were delightful, but I wonder, do we truly treasure just the privilege of gathering?

The early Methodists took great delight in assembling, often singing Charles Wesley’s hymn, “And Are We Yet Alive?” John Wesley made it a fixture of their meetings. One of the song’s stanzas calls to mind the hardships often faced in ministry: “Whattroubleshaveweseen,whatconflictshavewe passed,fightingswithout,andfearswithin,sinceweassembledlast?”

I think we would do well to re-assess our golden opportunities. We too easily take for granted our freedoms, and our conveniences. The treasure of fellowship is a priceless joy in Christ’s kingdom. Let’s determine to avail ourselves of every opportunity to receive and give encouragement to our friends and co-laborers in the kingdom!

One more “Journey” meeting lays before us in Copperas Cove, Texas, on May 16-17. If you are registered to attend, I look forward to fellowshipping, worshipping, and celebrating together with you. If you have not registered, and have it in your power to attend, please consider making the trip. I know we dwell far from one another … all the more reason to spend time together in a holy place, drinking in some holy love.

Kerusso (Greek): “To publish, proclaim openly: something which has been done.”

One More Journey for 2024

Planning to Attend the Texas Journey? Registration and Payment are due May 2.

The JOURNEY REGISTRATION fee is $45 per person with a group rate of $40 per person for 5 or more attendees. Registration includes two suppers and one continental breakfast.

There is no registration fee for children under 18 years of age, but please provide their name(s) and age/grade on your registration form to help us plan for their attendance. Click Here for a detailed Journey schedule.

To register, please use this link for an online form: Journey 2024 Registration or email Karen Parsons ( for registration/payment assistance.

Refuge Ministries, Copperas Cove, TX

May 16 & 17

2602 South FM 116

Copperas Cove, TX 76522

Registration & Payment due May 2

Up Next: Camp Season! It's not too early to register your youth/church. For more information and registration: WEATHERFORD, TX - or email Samantha Wilson at SOUTHWEST FAMILY CAMP - Contact Pastor Debbie Miller @ INDIAN CAVE YOUTH CAMP - or contact Pastor Brian Gordon at The Kerusso - May | 2024 Page 2 Kerusso (Greek): “To publish, proclaim openly: something which has been done.”

Keeping in Touch with Our Global Partners

Ministry Moves Mightily in Myanmar

Submitted by, Rev. Bill Walker, GBWM Co-Chair

“I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18

Civil war continues in Myanmar, and circumstances have not improved for the people of that country. Nevertheless, our EMC brothers and sisters continue advancing the Kingdom of Heaven.

As Jesus said to Peter, “The gates of hell will not prevail against” the Church. Though Christians often suffer and endure hardship for the sake of Jesus Christ, the Church is not on the defensive in spiritual matters. We are on the offensive, and hell’s defenses (gates) can’t resist the Church filled with Holy Spirit power!

EMC Myanmar General Superintendent Rev. Lian Sailova just concluded a 12-day trip through the Chin State of western Myanmar. This is where most of our churches are located. One church, Lotharawn EMC just completed a new sanctuary. Rev. Sailova was present to officiate the dedication. It is just amazing these dear folks can somehow keep evangelizing and growing in such hard circumstances.

You may watch two video clips from the dedicatory worship service by clicking this link: Lotharawn Sanctuary Dedication Video.

Resurrection Offering Reminder!

We will continue to count gifts received for the Resurrection Offering through the end of this month. Keep in mind, an anonymous donor is offering to match the first $10,000 that is given, so this is a wonderful opportunity for your gift to be doubled! You can give through your local church or by sending your check directly to:

EMC Headquarters PO Box 17070 Indianapolis, IN 46217 or give online at

You may also scan the QR code on this flyer with your phone’s camera.

May God bless you as you give!

The Kerusso - May | 2024 Page 3 Kerusso (Greek): “To publish, proclaim openly: something which has been done.” EMC
Myanmar Conference

Excerpts from Pastor Bruce’s 2023 Ministry Report

Despite struggles along the way, our church has several positive things to report for the year We had a great Easter Week, including a Passover Seder with a full Lamb meal and all the accoutrements. It was followed the next evening by a Passion Week Bible Reading by candlelight. We also hosted a successful Egg Hunt and then had a Baptism service in which 9 people were baptized!

Our Sunday School classes and Senior ministry have remained strong. The food pantry ministry has been consistently reaching over a dozen families a month! I have been able to build good rapport with many folks through visitation/counseling ministry. I believe Joy Wham coming on as the youth pastor has been a very positive decision. We had several great youth events from fundraisers to outings, to Camp. In addition, we had our first on-site children's camp, which was a great success with 20 kids, some of whom were visitors. In fact, we've had several visitors to the church who have stayed.

We had a great time of worship for the Feast of Tabernacles where some food trucks provided an incredible meal and local worship leaders led us in outdoor praise. Following that, our youth roasted marshmallows over a fire and camped out. A few days later, our Trunk and Treat event was a great way to reach the community! Our Thanksgiving banquet was a breath of fresh air. We had 6 other churches join our potluck and 5 pastors shared both preaching and worship music with us in a dynamic evening service! Our Christmas banquet and Cantata were well-loved, and we even had a baptism service on Christmas Eve morning! We ended the year with a prayer time (and hot cider) where Joy and I laid hands on each person and prayed over them.

JerryMcNeill– Texas

Excerpts from Pastor Jerry’s 2023 Ministry Report

2023 saw three areas of great growth within the church. The ladies of the church have taken a great step forward in their spiritual walk. Whenever a lady goes to the altar for prayer, several ladies immediately rally around her, pray with her, and support her. That support continues forward as the ladies walk the journey with them.

A second area of excitement for the church happened with the start of children's church. We have a good group of children that bring life to the church. Because of children attending with their grandparents, a husband and wife have started coming to church. I am both humbled and challenged by the children. One of the little boys can't remember my name, so he calls me Jesus-man. I pray continually that I will always live up to that standard and am never a stumbling block.

The third area of growth has occurred through our Wednesday night Bible study. Members have taken what we've studied and witnessed to family members. The exciting part is that those that are witnessing, typically would not do such a thing. It is easy to wonder if your ministry makes a difference, then God wondrously and powerfully reveals Himself in so many ways to encourage you. One of Dr. Hamblen’s favorite phrases was "Press on!" With great faith in the God we serve, we ‘Press on’.

TonyWiley– Arizona

Excerpts from Pastor Tony’s 2023 Ministry Report

We thank God for those who have been faithful. We have lost two dear members this year who both loved the Lord and are waiting in Heaven for us. We rejoice to have new families attending. We thank God for the ladies who have done many projects. Hamblen Chapel had a VBS program this past July. It was small but rewarding. Marvin has been faithful in directing the VBS program and speaking on the first Sunday of the month. Nathan has been our faithful usher and maintenance man. We are trusting God that He has greater things for Hamblen Chapel in the future.

The Kerusso - May | 2024 Page 4 Kerusso (Greek): “To publish, proclaim openly: something which has been done.”

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