Monogram Design Process Book

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hallie pope monogram process hallie pope

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round 1 - focused on geometry and altering typefaces - favorites: 5, 7, 15, 17, 18, 20 - liked combinations using similar features (cross bars, strokes, bowls)

hallie pope

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round 2 - focused on grid and closure based designs - favorites: 4, 9, 12, 24, 36, 38, 59 - liked minimal versions with more content removed

hallie pope

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round 3 - transferring monogram versions into illustrator - favorites: 3, 9, 11, 12 - liked simple forms that flowed together

hallie pope

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hallie pope

round 4 - creating lock-ups with final monogram & name - favorites: rounded sans serifs with 2, flat or italic sans serifs with 3 - liked similar fonts to the design itself locked up beneath or next to the monogram

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hallie pope

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hallie pope

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hallie pope

century gothic bold Geometric Low Contrast Structured

century gothic regular Int magnimus, tet estrunt arum quo maionsequis qui rentempori di ipiet qui beratiae et excerro molori to eruptate rerspitat fugitempores de consed eos reiur ad mod mi, quo blaborem adia non plaut es voluptatur renim erferum que conseque dundipicae quuntis quatate quas maximil in et mo te eos et mi, sa con etur? Quis velleniatur, odit omnis cullaborion nobis repellia volorro dolupta erferov idionseque inim qui re in nulparibus.

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hallie pope

visc 304

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